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Blacker The Berry News FREEDOM EDITION

We have nothing to lose but our chains. - Bree Newsome



United WE Stand, Divided WE Fall, A Look at the Current State of America and the Awakening of the American People... This is a perilous time for many American’s during this particular hour. Most of us are suffering financially, physically, psychologically and most important, spiritually. Though there exist no magical cures that will alleviate us from our problems, maybe our afflictions are trying to tell us something. Every day we turn on the TV, visit social media and simply look out our window, we can see the horrific effects the system of white supremacy has had upon our lives and those around us. All of the major institutions are corrupt and people are worse off than ever before. The American people remains divided as the U.S. Government continues to commit horrible atrocities against human beings and mother earth with sacrilegious practices such as fracking, gmo crops, haarp and other governmental elf wave technologies. It is easy for us to overlook or disregard the pain of another living being when the ruling elites see our universe as a board game where everything must be conquered, controlled and even killed for the love of power. Every American have been devalued under the system of white supremacy, even white people! Millions of Black people were enslaved, tortured, starved, raped, lynched and crucified right here in America and sadly in 2015, dehumanization against black people continues. Many white people will not acknowledge their racist past or practices and they either choose to ignore the issue all together or continue to perpetuate another sick and twisted white supremacist state of mind. Congress have sold out the American people, police officers are murderers, judges convict the innocent, the pharmaceutical company push harmful drugs instead of cures and pastors are leading their congregation astray. How can Americans blindly follow this government when it operates off the forces of evil? Fear, doubt, lack and limitation have crippled us as a people and until we dis-cover our inner hero, we will constantly sell our souls for an



illusion of freedom. If the American people don’t put aside their differences right now and wake up to the source of this evil, which is the U.S. Government, The American population will be exterminated or become permanent slaves to the ruling elites. In the words of schoolteacher and activist Bree Newsome, “We have nothing to lose but our chains.” We must break our individual chains and see the world not as something to be controlled and conquered but through togetherness and unity. Only when the American people love truth more than lies, then we can evolve as a collective, until then we will be led astray into government institutions that were never meant to grant us in 2015, we must ask ourselves...what is the price we must pay for our freedom? Then we must ask ourselves, are we willing to pay that price? The man who accepts this challenge is a blessed man and will certainly find a treasure at the bottom of the ocean, only if he realizes where his treasure truly lies.

You don’t have to be Black to be a slave...ignorance is the greatest slavery of all!



Over 40,000 People Suffering In Prison Behind False Testing, Perjury and Tampered Evidence.... For nine years Boston chemist Annie Dookham had been tampering with drug tests, paperwork and lying in court as an expert witness all because she wanted to make more money. Because of Dookhan’s actions, over 40,000 innocent people were falsely accused of crimes they didn't commit and were thrown into prison. According to the Boston globe, “Dookhan admitted to filing false test results and mixing drug samples, and to later lying under oath about her job qualifications, but she said it was only to boost her work performance.”1 Because of her love for money, Dookhan destroyed the lives of thousands of people, mostly Black and Brown by tampering with more than 40,000 cases from 2003-2012. The positive things that came out of this case were the hundreds of people that were released from prison and the exposure of how crooked this criminal justice system is. In fact, the lab where she worked at, Hinton laboratory, was closed in 2012 and they are now under investigation for allegedly failing to comply with their own policy and that’s if their policy even meets national standards. According to the Boston Globe, “...a Globe review of court records showed that more than 600 defendants had convictions against them erased or temporarily set aside, or they have been released on bail pending new trials.” Annie Dookhan only got 3-5 years in prison.

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For more info on this story, simply Google Annie Dookhan; this case is an ongoing investigation and other chemists have been arrested. Minister Louis Farrakhan calls for Justice or Else March!!! The American People Demand Justice or ELSE!!!! Who: The 99% When: 10-10-15 Where: Washington, D.C.

IN 2015, THE U.S. POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS PLUMMENTED TO AN EMBARRASING NEW LOW... The police is supposedly set up to govern and protect the people but in 2015, the American people are forced to protect themselves from the police. Every year hundreds of cases about police violence remains ignored or overlooked. In the African American community over 304 Black people were murdered by the police in 2014 alone. According to the article Think, “At least 550 peoplemany of whom were unarmed and/or mentally ill-have been killed by police in the first six months of the year...Caucasians have been killed more than any other race or ethnic group this year, but blacks and Latinos have been killed at higher rates.� Just seven months into 2015 and over 550 people have lost their lives by the hands of a police officer; Keep in mind that in most cases the victim had a mental problem or the victim was unarmed. Why so much violence against



innocent people and not against the real criminals? According to a global international human rights group Amnesty International, “In 13 states, there are “laws” which don’t even meet the basic requirements of the United States Constitution...However, the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and countless others across the United States has highlighted a widespread pattern of racially discriminatory treatment by law enforcement officers and an alarming use of lethal force nationwide.”2 With the militarization of the police and the actual military coming into the states of Texas, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico, It should be clear that all Americans are currently under attack by the U.S. Government. This operation that I am talking about is called ‘Jade Helm 15’ and it was put in place by Governor Abbott. Abbot said the military would train out in the open so the civilians can get used to operating safely around the military. My question is why? Why do the American people have to know how to operate with the military unless they are planning to do something with the military? Another thing that doesn’t make since is that Abbot said he was bringing the military around the American people to get the military better prepared. Again, what does the military have to prepare for? Here is what’s going on, The U.S. Government is planning on instilling martial law soon and all they need is a civil unrest and with what the police are doing to people, there will be riots. The U.S. will declare a state of emergency and ultimately try to put all of the American citizens under martial law. I understand that everyone believes in non-violence but only through our willingness to fight back physically against the police and military will we began to put an end to this increasing oppression but it takes every one of us. No one is telling you to go blow up the police station or randomly murder police officers but when these officers try and brutalize you or any American, stand up and fight! As Dr. Martin Luther King so 2



eloquently stated, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.� Congress have already put into place and signed off by Obama an executive order that allows the government to ultimately restrict all Americans of their natural rights and put us under martial law (google National Defense Resources Preparedness).While the white man was murdering Indians and Black people, their own government was planning a way to get rid of them as well. In 2015, White people are currently leading in police murders. The target now is not only on that young black or Hispanic teen but on white people as well.



Black Truth in an Age of Lies...Lies... Lies… You ever notice how Black Consciousness is always attacked as being angry when those “angry black folks” are telling the truth? I mean, isn’t that crazy, it’s just really wild how America wild to the fact that most Negros rather watch TV than get up and participate and move in their own reality. Look Black folks we can’t go to sleep cause they got mase and pepper spray, we better fight back at crooked police....



AN ACT OF HEROISM FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!! MELBOURNE, Fla. — Authorities say a hostile crowd assaulted a Florida police officer while he was trying to arrest a combative man. Melbourne Police say the officer was arresting 22-year-old Phoenix Low of Melbourne early Saturday on a city ordinance violation of carrying an open container of alcohol. A police statement says Low became combative and attempted to run before the officer wrestled him to the ground. Cmdr. Vince Pryce says a crowd gathered and began striking and pulling at the officer, who took out his Taser and told “the aggressive advancing crowd” to get back. Pryce says the officer suffered cuts and bruises. Along with the ordinance violation, Low was charged with resisting an officer and battery on a law enforcement officer. He was released late Sunday from the Brevard County jail.


BAN FRACKING AND IT’S THE HARMFUL EFFECTS UPON MOTHER EARTH!!!!! Renewable energy has been trumped as the next big market for investors around the world. The natural gas industry is being characterized as the savior we have all been waiting for to move us away from relying on the our gas to flow in from the middle east. This, however, is simply not true. The natural oil and gas industry has not been telling the American people the truth on where natural gas comes from and that relationship relies heavily



on the fracking techniques being deployed not only here in the United States but around the world. For instance, most American believes that natural gas extractions are safe and are not harmful to the environment. Fracking or “hydraulic fracking� essentially is the vertical and horizontal drilling which is used to release natural gas from the earth’s crust. Once drilled, charges are set off to release the gases often trapped in shale and other materials and bring them to the surface. The water table, which supplies many Americans with fresh drinking water, is not as far from the surface as the gas that is being extracted. However the controversy comes from this water table being contaminated from the gasses and materials used to extract this gas. Additionally there have been numerous reports of earthquakes in areas where fracking projects are taking place. If fracking was as safe as the U.S. government would wish us to believe it to be, then why does the fracking industry not have to follow the same environmental standards and regulations as numerous other industries? In 2005 the Energy Policy Act was passed and within this bill exempted the fracking industry from: The clean water act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Natural Environmental Policy Act, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and others. Additionally numerous individuals who have spoken out against fracking and the natural gas industry have been served defamation of character suits to silence their decent against the industry. The majority of these bills and regulations were passed during the Bush administration and with the strong ties to companies like Halliburton through the former Vice President Dick



Cheney, who was once chairman and CEO from 95’ - 2000, made it possible for regulations like this to be circumvented. Essentially the American people continue to be sold out by their government for the interest of big business. There is no concern from the government about real human rights issues, unless they interfere with the business relationships of the government. To put a real stop to this government would have to pass legislation to take out the large corporate influence on government through: lobbyists, corporate donors, the numerous kickbacks and under the table deals the government engages in on a daily basis. - Chad Mossman Peace of Mind Savings PlanFREE DOCTOR’S VISIT - 50% Off Dental Work! -Prescriptions! -Vision Coverage Sdssasasasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Only $29.95 Monthly for Entire Family. 30 Days Guarantee Contact Russell Jones at 82832832-771-8354




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- Nikki Luellen, chief editor of B.T.B News * If you have a story about police brutality or any story

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