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A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

Blacker The Berry News A LEGACY OF GREATNESS

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. ” - Marianne Williamson



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

Greatness Within Some people feel as though their greatness lies within treasures stored up on this earth and from recognition from Man. What most people fail to realize is that greatness comes from within. Every person has the ability to be great once they find their particular purpose. Chasing recognition and likes on facebook and instagram is only a temporary happiness to the real joy one will find when he searches deep within himself and unlock the key to his destiny. It is not easy to accomplish everything we may want in life overnight. To accomplish our dreams there will be many naysayers and obstacles along the path. What if Marcus Garvey gave up on his movement during his first letdown or what if Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Huey P. Newton and many more activists decided to give up on their dreams at the slightest sight of opposition. Because of your destiny, the enemy will always try to detour you. People will always speak negatively of you, back-stab you or even rob you of great opportunities. Do we wait on man or do we trust in the higher power? God will never let his people down and true champions never quit. Fredrick Douglass said, “without struggle there can be no progress”. Struggle is natural, struggle is human and it makes us who we are. Bruce Lee said to not pray for an easy life but the strength to endure a difficult one. Life will never be easy but every obstacle is meant to teach us a lesson and propel us towards self-evolution. People need not sit around and wait for or expect anyone to give them anything but to go out and get it themselves. Man will always disappoint you but the greatest disappointment is giving up. It is time for mankind to awaken to their true selves and true purpose and follow that. Purpose is whatever you will do for free, it’s whatever makes you happy. Not everyone is put on earth to do the same thing. We all have many different skills and talents and desires. With a willing heart there is nothing you can’t achieve in this lifetime. Creating a legacy of greatness begins by following your passion, overcoming obstacles and continuing to persevere through the darkest times. It is not enough to say what you wish to but there must be action attached to whatever desire you may have. What we choose to do right here and right now will one day be part of our history which will ultimately determine our future!



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

“Fire Born From Fire” Daughter of Malcolm X Inspires Hundreds at Texas Southern University Noted author, lecturer and human rights activist Ilyasah Shabazz spoke at the campus of Texas Southern University on October 30th, 2015. Shabazz is also the daughter of activists Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz. She spoke on the importance of education, compassion, and black history. She reminded students that African American’s must tell their own history because no one is going to tell their stories for them. Shabazz also spoke on knowledge, and the importance of individuals to become effective leaders in their personal lives and abroad; “...Knowledge of accurate historical information prepares us for leadership in our homes and prepares us for leadership in our communities and around the world...”. Without correct knowledge, leadership is an impossible task. Shabazz asserts that the sole duty of all African Americans is to learn their history and never forget the shoulders upon which they stand. Reminiscent of her father’s straightforwardness and “make it plain” philosophy, Shabazz spoke extensively on the failing justice system for people or color, as the incarceration rates are on a steady incline. Shabazz contends, “Statistics show that times for us are worsening. According to statistics, in the 1970’s thirty thousand blacks were incarcerated. Today more than 2.3 million of our black and brown brothers and sisters are incarcerated, locked up behind bars”. Given the devastating reality African Americans are faced with in America, Shabazz made it clear that the Black community, more than ever, needs to truly understand and internalize the importance of black history, cultural pride, self-reliance and unity. She asked if anybody truly cared about the ills that plague Black America and stressed the need for African Americans to go beyond social media and truly make their voices known through various forms of activism. “Creating a Black lives matter hash-tag is not enough”, said Shabazz. The black community must go further than social media; the black community must mobilize itself and bring about the magnitude of change that so many people in the world wish to see. African Americans may start by honoring their ancestors through stories and various forms of art. Shabazz states, “Become the authors, producers, directors, songwriters, whatever it takes...”. She also stated that the solution lies within us, and it not only takes one person, but all Black people to come together to demand change. She said that this is the perfect time for African people to network, unify and organize among themselves with people of like minds and begin to set specific goals. Finally, Shabazz spoke not only spoke of her activism, but of her parents’ legacy. She spoke of her mother being left alone after her husband, Malcolm X, was murdered in front of his family. Betty Shabazz had to raise all six of her children by herself while



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

successfully obtaining a PhD. Betty Shabazz instilled in her children racial pride, correct knowledge and compassion, all of which their father based his ideal and principles upon. Shabazz notes that because each of these principles are fundamental in our communities, she will never forget them. At the close of her lecture, she reminded the audience of their greatness and how they can accomplish anything. Shabazz declared,“There are absolutely no excuses...Young people you are brilliant, bold and compassionate...This is your time!� Shabazz reminds African Americans that they can achieve anything with knowledge, compassion, respect, and unity. - Nikki Luellen

Special thanks to COLABS and the TSU History Department for making this event possible!

Student servers and History teacher welcomes Ilyasah Shabazz

For more information about Ilyasah Shabazz you can follow her on instagram and facebook at #IlyasahShabazz and also her website To view Ilyasah Shabazz speech online visit



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

SAD CASES & SAD FACES While False Leadership Still Prevails How many times will we say that Black Lives Matter before black people decide to truly unite and make a stand for change? According to the website mappingpoliceviolence.org1, “At least 257 black people have been killed by police in the U.S. In 2015.” Last year this same website counted a total of at least 304 Black people who were brutally murdered by the police. We are in the 11th month of the year and already numbers are steadily increasing. It is time for the black community to wake up! No black person is safe in America and never have been. With disunity and petty division, black people are preoccupied while we are being mercilessly killed off by these crooked police officers. In previous editions we gave effective solutions to deal with the issue of police brutality but with the lack of support of black businesses, entrepreneurship, black on black crime in any form or fashion, opportunism from so called black leadership, cowardice, apathy, miseducation, greed, materialism and the culture of cooning, we will never effectively end police terrorism against Black people in America until we end the injustices against one another!

Support The Movement and get your (Black and Purple) Straight Outta Justice T-Shirt today!!!! ONLY $10!!! Order DVD’s * Serial Killers; The Historical Crucifixion of the Black Man In America * Diary Of A Bastard Child *Inner City Blues 1

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A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

Blacker The Berry Entertainment Putting The Art In Activism “Some say the Blacker The Berry The Sweeter The juice. I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the root.” - 2Pac

Blacker The Berry Entertainment is a production company that produces various forms of conscious art with our specialty being theater! B.T.B was founded August 2012 by Nikki Luellen. In our plays we have dealt with Black on Black crime, Police Terrorism, Prostitution, Drug Abuse, Rape, Schizophrenia, Domestic Violence, Racism etc. There is no other theater company that writes, directs and produces street plays that most people in the Black community can relate to. We are currently working on a documentary about police terrorism in the Black Community titled, “Freedom Now” which will make its debut at our upcoming event in November. We have also put together an official list of Black Businesses in the community called, “H-Town’z Black Wallstreet”. We offer FREE REPRESENTATION of any Black owned Business in Houston, TX. We are proud of all of our community efforts and if you are looking to join our activism team please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking for actors, contributing writers to our Blacker The Berry Newspaper, Vendors etc.

FREE ADVERTISING!!!!! If you a Black business owner or know someone who is, email us the name of your company, type of company and contact information!!!!



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition



A Legacy of Greatness

11 th Edition

Thank you for your contribution to Blacker The Berry News!!! We ask for a $2 fee to help with the continuation of our theatre, media and research team. Support Blacker The Berry News so we can continue to put out truth! - Nikki Luellen, chief editor of B.T.B News Any Donation will be gladly received!!!! Thank you * If you have a story about police brutality or any story you would like to share with the public, lets us help you get your story out! * To place an ad in our newspaper is only $5 for a week and the fee is only $10 to run your ad for an entire month! * If you are interested in being a part of our research team, or want to be a contributing writer, email us. You will be contacted promptly! Email: Visit us online: Facebook & Instagram: #Blackertheberryentertainment UPCOMING PROJECTS: Watch trailer for police brutality documentary

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