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Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13



On April 2015, Florida, The American people came together and spoke out about violence against Black Men in the justice system!!!!!!!

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


I felt a challenge to plan, and build, an

organization that could help cure the black man

in North America of the Sickness which had kept [him] under the white man’s heel...Twenty- two million black men! They have given America

four hundred years of toil; they have bled and died in every battle since the Revolution; they

were in America before the Pilgrims, and long

before the mass immigrations and they are still today at the bottom of everything! - Malcolm X



Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


IN 2015, ACTIVISTS ARE STILL DYING FOR FREEDOM and millions of Americans remain sleep... Activists who speaks out against the injustices of today have been harassed by the police, arrested, family arrested, trumped with false charges, imprisoned, tortured, poisoned and sometimes even killed. After hearing about the modern day lynching of activists, most people have decided to give up fighting all along. How long will the fear of what man can do cripple us? Do we not believe in the higher power? Do we not believe in truth and unity anymore? We are the most religious but the most faithless! If every one of us decides to no longer accept our oppression and fight back, it wouldn’t be so easy for activists in America to be tortured or even killed. Almost every leader we have ever had have been imprisoned or were murdered exposing this system and the masses of people remain sleep. Is it too late for us? Will we wait until our conditions are like our brothers and sisters in West Papua, who are murdered in massive amounts for peaceful protests? The horrific massacre of Black people in this so called justice system remains unsolved and unnoticed. It is too easy for people to be murdered for speaking out against oppression. Shouldn’t we as a community at least support those people who are putting their life on the line everyday fighting this cause? Shouldn’t we donate to activist organizations and groups? Shouldn’t we sit in courtrooms when these activists are trumped with charges and forced into an unfair trial? Shouldn’t we provide security for these people who speak

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


truth, black and white alike? Police Brutality against Black people is not a RACE thing, it is a HUMAN thing! No human being deserves to be murdered because of the color of their skin. We all love to enjoy the spoils of our perceived freedoms but no one wants to support those who literally gives up their life for the freedom of all. Jesus Christ was a revolutionary and in the end he was hung on the cross and brutally tortured for challenging the system of his time, all of his men left his side and he was left to die, alone and betrayed, just like Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, who were murdered within America’s own borders. Conditions have gotten worse for all of us and the American people have to come together and support activists who are speaking out directly against these injustices and not casting a shadow over the truth or beating around the bush. Life does not “beat around the bush”, life happens. Police brutality against anyone is a violation of human rights. How many young black boys will have to leave this earth with their brains blown out before anyone notices that we exist? 13 yr. old’s have been murdered! Citizens who film police brutality lives are under attack! Black men are being targeted by the KKK in 2015 and yet everyone remains sleep! HAVE EVERYTHING WE EVER BELIEVED IN, IN VAIN? WHAT IF JUSTICE DOESN’T REALLY EXIST? WHAT IF SLAVERY IS NOW BUT IN 2015, JUST A NEW AND IMPROVED VERSION.... CHECK OUT !!!!! Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13

HIP HOP UNION Hip Hop Union is a independent artists networking company recruiting artists seeking exposure and economic opportunity. - G.P. Jones, Founder of Hip Hop Union Conscious Song List 1.) American Terrorist by Lupe Fiasco / Album, Food and Liquor 2.) Love Yours by J.Cole / Album, Forrest Hills 2014 3.) New National Anthem by T.I. / Album, Paperwork 4.) America by 8 Ball / Album, Memphis All-Stars 5.) The 3rd World by Immortal Technique / Album, The 3rd World 6.) The Blacker The Berry by Kendrick Lamar / Album, The Blacker The Berry 7.) Thank You by Monique Searls / Album, The Beginning 8.) Rap Speaks Through Me by Neezy The Trill/ Album, Bet That's Live Tho FEATURED INTERNATIONAL ARTIST 9.) Alpheus Meagre, West Papuan artist and activist Alpheus Meage is a West Papuan artist and activist. He recently performed at the West Papuan Fund Raiser, April 26th, 2015 FEATURED 90’z Hip-Hop group


Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


10.) Fugees/ Album, The Score POLICE BRUTALITY

In our previous issues we discussed police violence against Black people in America and then we discussed the Houston Police department and its devastating affects upon Black and Hispanic people. Most Black people feel dis empowered and hopeless about the justice system and have gave up fighting all along. Our Black leaders have not united and found any workable solution to police brutality. So, what are the solutions to police brutality in 2015? Is wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt our final solution? Have we taken our disgruntles beyond a Facebook or YouTube account? Should we have another march chanting no justice no peace as we contradictory march peacefully down the byways and highways? It is clear that the countless marches, Black lives matter t-shirts and social media rants have not gotten the job done. With the many deaths, there have got to be more active and practical solutions available to the public. THE BALTIMORE RIOT, 2015

Recently, the mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlins -Blake called the rioters in Baltimore thugs and said that these thugs were destroying the city. Keep in mind that the Black people in Baltimore have had countless peaceful protests before the riots and they suffer extreme poverty, so whose city were these “thugs� tearing down? According to the website, ( ty-inequality-baltimore-berube-mcdearman) 11.3% of Black people suffered unemployment and 41.6 % of Black children suffered extreme poverty compared to White children whose numbers are 13.7%. Though poverty in any form or fashion is

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


not acceptable, Black children in Baltimore poverty numbers triples that of whites! Not to mention the lack of educational opportunity, 0n 2013, 49% of whites got their bachelor’s degree compared to only 13.7% of Black people. Suffering extreme poverty, little to no educational opportunities and not to mention the excessive police violence, poor black people were fed up! These Black people didn’t say, “No justice, no peace”. Black people in Baltimore knew their justice would never come. Poor Black people are tired of letting things go, we are tired of being dehumanized and voiceless. Martin Luther King said rioting is the language of the unheard and poor Black people in Baltimore spoke out. If the Black community or any community for that matter does not like what it sees or does not “approve” of their “ghetto” and “violent” behavior, then you yourself are a hypocrite! How can you be embarrassed by Black people who are speaking out against their oppression and letting the world know they are suffering yet it doesn’t bother you that Black children in Baltimore are suffering extreme poverty and there are little to no educational opportunities, which means little to no chance of ever escaping their detrimental conditions. In their minds, Black people in Baltimore were not having it anymore and after the horrific lynching of Freddie Gray, on April 12th, 2015, they took it to the streets. Though some Black leaders call rioters “thugs” and “criminals”, no one talks about the thugs and criminals who shot and killed Freddie Gray or the countless innocent Black people who have been murdered by the hands of crooked police officers. Why is it that every time poor Black people fight back, they are negatively labeled as ghetto and violent? You ever notice how Black leaders in government speak against rioting but continue to fall short on any real solutions to police brutality? Rioting is a final straw and with the increasing cases

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


of police brutality, there will be more riots. These riots will increase in number and become even more violent. If rioting is the language of the unheard, the more poor Blacks are ignored, the louder their outcry will be. The Black community suffers from a lack of educational opportunities, no black businesses, homelessness, extreme poverty, police brutality, drug abuse, the rising rates of suicide among Black children, and yet, our biggest contributions to these problems have been speeches with empty promises. Making speeches at every tragedy has not and will not get the job done. So called Black leaders in government have no room to say anything about the poor Black community when you yourself have not cared about the poor Black people in Baltimore in the first place!

Solutions to Police Brutality With the increasing cases of police violence, some Black folks have decided to take it to the streets! We will mention everyday solutions you can do to help towards Black economic freedom which puts us in a position to fight police brutality and many other issues. We must also keep in mind that the first step toward any workable system is for the people to wake up! We have got to know who we are and where we came from. We have got to be clear that we are working towards BLACK EMPOWERMENT, we do not promote hatred against any race. We promote KNOWLEDGE and LOVE OF SELF.

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


It is up to you to decide what solution works best for YOU We have come up with everyday solutions to generate income, and enlightenment throughout the Black community. * Support Black businesses!!!! *Videotape the police *Form community resistance groups! *Raise awareness about issues that affects the Black Community through social media, word of mouth, community events, etc. * Don’t be afraid to speak the truth about Black History * READ!!!!! READ!!! READ!!!!! * LOVE, tell your family you love them. * Pay attention to the shows you look at on t.v.... * When you turn on the radio, what messages are they saying, what are they talking about? * Support Black Independent conscious music, media and art! * Consider alternative views... * Love Yourz

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


WE SALUTE YOU We dedicate this issue to Ida B. Wells who was an activist and journalist. Ida B. Wells was born in Holly Springs, Mississippi on July 16, 1862 and later moved to Memphis, Tn. She was famous for her anti-lynching crusade in the 1890’s. Wells put her own life at risk and spent two months traveling throughout the South, collecting information on other lynching incidents. In 1985 she published her book, The Red Record, which was the first documented statistical report on lynching. Using the power of the pen, Ida B. Wells, was able to expose the lynching culture which plagued many African American men who were wrongfully convicted of raping white women. WE SALUTE YOU MS. IDA B. WELLS. Your spirit continues to lives on!!! July 16, 1862- March 25, 1931

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS Support Kevin Moore who documented the horrific murder of Freddie Gray! Did you know that after releasing that video, Kevin Moore faced harassment and intimidation by police officers? The police showed up to his home with assault weapons, rifles, a tank and two choppers. The authorities arrested Moore and two other unnamed activists. Support Ramsey Orta who was targeted by the police after

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


filming the murder of Eric Garner whose painful outcry, “I Can’t Breathe” touched the hearts of many Black people who feel suffocated under this oppressive government. Orta was arrested and jailed on an unrelated drug charge, and later he was trumped with a drug charge. Orta’s food was poisoned and his life was threatened and members in his family were also incarcerated. * If you have a story about police brutality or any story you

would like to share with the public, lets us help you get your story out! * To place an ad in our newspaper is only $5 for a week and the fee is only $10 to run your ad for an entire month! * If you are interested in being a part of our research team, or want to be a contributing writer, email us. You will be contacted promptly! Email: Or Visit us online: Like us on facebook: #Blackertheberryentertainment R.I.P. Ed, a Houston Legend, your memory lives on.

Blacker The Berry News, Issue #3, JUNETEENTH Edition

$2.00 6-8-13


Thank you for your contribution to Blacker The Berry News!!! All proceeds are used for the continuation of our Black Theater program, this newspaper and the materials needed to work on the issue of Police Brutality in Houston, TX. Supporting Black businesses are always important but supporting Black Businesses that give back is key. - Nikki Luellen, chief editor of B.T.B News

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