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10.12.15 9th Edition

WAKE UP!!!!!


WAKE UP!!!!!

Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. - Malcolm X

10.12.15 9th Edition

WAKE UP!!!!!

THE LEADER WITHIN First off, some people are not interested in changing anything in the black community, they are satisfied with the way things are and don’t care about what’s going on with their people. Black people who are still sleep in 2015 must decide to wake up on their own and there is nothing we can do about that. Unfortunately, those who are beginning to wake up and are seeking real solutions for the miserable conditions we are in as a people are often led astray by false rhetoric from politicians, preachers and opportunists who are using the suffrage of black people solely for the advancement of self. At a time like this, the black community needs real leaders who aren’t afraid to get out there and do the work! We need leaders who are not trying to be on camera every time they make a speech or protest but we need more leaders like Ella Baker who does not care about being in the spotlight. Nowadays we have people who are more concerned with notoriety than actually setting up legitimate programs to fight against major issues in the community like police brutality, poverty, ignorance, gentrification and other ills that plague the black community. The black community cannot afford another false leader like Quanell X who constantly argues with white people on fox news but undercover he’s stealing money from other activists, setting up black people up to go to jail, and promising people that he will do certain

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things for them that he did not do and falsely calling himself a Muslim. This is a time where we must stop looking for changes from any particular leader, especially in today’s society and become a leader ourselves. A true leader empowers the people. When Jesus spoke to his disciples in John 14: 12, he reminded them of their greatness, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Jesus reminded his followers that they were capable of doing even greater works than him and he equipped his followers with selfempowerment by reminding them of their greatness, not bragging about his. The nature of revolution is for all people to be empowered and to recognize their greatness and the best leaders are the ones who empowered the people. The Panthers said, “All Power to the people” and proceeded to set up self-education programs, free breakfast programs, self-defense classes, dealt with police brutality head on and much more. The Panthers were great because they served the people and actually had evidence of their great works. Black people as a collective must first wake up, educate ourselves and pick a positive form of activism, no matter how small and do that! We cannot afford to follow people who are using black pain to advance themselves. Each and every one of us have a light within us capable of

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changing the world and we must look within to create true change or go without.

DRAPETOMANIA THE WHITE MAN’S FEAR Drapetomaniawas a term described by racist medical doctor Dr.Cartwright as, “the disease causing Negroes to run away.” Dr.Cartwright said that there are two causes of this disease, the first one, he said is the slave master’s failure to keep the black man in servitude, and the second cause of “drapetomania” Cartwright said was the slave master treating the slave too harshly, “If the white man attempts to oppose the Deity's will, by trying to make the negro anything else than "the submissive knee-bender," (which the Almighty declared he should be,) by trying to raise him to a level with himself, or by putting himself on an equality with the negro; or if he abuses the power which God has given him over his fellow-man, by being cruel to him, or punishing him in anger…or by denying him the usual comforts and necessaries of life, the negro will run away;…”1Cartwright said that Black people were running away from the plantation because the white slave master put him on an equal status with himself and the second reason why black people ran away is because the white man treated black people too harshly. Dr.Cartwright’s solution was to keep black people ultimately submissive under white people while he gave black people just enough comfort to enjoy their 1

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servitude, “…but if he keeps him in the position that we learn from the Scriptures he was intended to occupy, that is, the position of submission; and if his master or overseer be kind and gracious in his hearing towards him, without condescension, and at the same time ministers to his physical wants, and protects him from abuses, the negro is spell-bound, and cannot run away.”2 In order to keep Black people from freeing themselves, white people were advised to always treat Black people as if they were less than himself and would never be on equal status to the white man. Racial equality was forbidden for white people to practice so the white slave master adopted racist tactics by going as far asto even say that God said Black people were supposed to be under white people. Dr. Cartwright also devised a deceptive plan to give Black people just enough comfort so they would be satisfied with their degraded position as slaves and never leave the plantation. Most Black people do not realize that Dr.Cartwright’s racist devices are still in play in 2015. Black people are still given the lesser of everything and the white man keeps us drinking the kool-aid by telling us how good we got it by giving us jobs, TV and gmo foods to keep us docile while they commit genocide on us in massive numbers. By giving us just enough comfort but never treating us as equals they fool us into becoming a permanent slave class and never leaving the plantation. In fact, the plantations are America’s prisons which are number one in the world.



10.12.15 9th Edition

WAKE UP!!!!!

THE TRIFILING TRUMP!!!! GOP front runner Donald Trump and the run for 2016 Presidential seat Donald Trump is a businessman turned politician in his attempt to win the GOP presidential bid for presidency. The man himself seems to simulations represent everything the American population has come to love and hate about the Republican Party. Seen as the party for rich white men Donald Trump fits into every stereotype that can be mustered about the party.However with a declared worth of 9 Billion dollars he already has the financial backing to give himself a cool head start against his fellow GOP contenders. This was made clear by the tension on Fox's GOP Debate in early August 2015. It seemed that almost every candidate wanted to take out a piece of Trumps momentum. Even the Fox news correspondents moderating the debate got in on the action, asking all the GOP candidates to take a vow to now run as a third party independent if they were unable to win the GOP nomination. Trump himself said he would be unable to support a statement like that until it was clear who the GOP candidate would be. This brought him some backlash immediately after but Trump has continued to lead in all the GOP polls since then. The media seems addicted to Trump in his campaign as he seems to have no brain to mouth filter, and the outrageous manner of his political, economic and social stances have continued to bring him controversy. Trump has called out immigrants in the country as thieves and rapists in some of his most controversial comments winning him a large spotlight from an American public that is more than overjoyed to run to his tones of racism and white supremacy. His stance is

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that,� illegals have come to the U.S. and are taking our jobs and filling our jails.� Never has he provided specific data showing these to be facts and more than straw-men. Trump has said little to nothing showing that social problems such a Police brutality and the growing income gap are areas of concern for his campaign. He called out Bernie Sanders and Martin O' Malley as weak for apologizing to Black lives matter protesters for their comments that "all lives matters" completely missing the purpose of the movement altogether. If all lives matters is the status quo and black lives are being marginalized and dehumanized than it should be obvious that "all lives matters" is simply not true. Trumps only argument to any of these questions is that the political correct media wants to punish him and that he is not running for president as the political correctness president. On all political topics it is becoming clear that Trump is the Presidential candidate for the "white man" and he has no time for anyone who does not agree with his world views. It is not surprising in a country with such a strong history of white power, and white supremacy that he is making such progress with leaps and bounds with his white constituency the United States and is continuing to backslide into its old habits of marginalizing the minority populations in America. America needs to wake up or risk the white house becoming the Trump Tower. - Chad Mossman

10.12.15 9th Edition

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History of the Black Cop How a black man’s life became blue We stated in our second issue that the Houston Police Department is a racist and criminal institution, “it is clear that the Houston Police Department is racist, irresponsible and apathetic.” 3 We also went into the history of the Houston Police Department and using the evidence we found, concluded that the Houston Police Department is still inherently racist and that conditions for black people under this oppressive system have gotten worse. In that same article we mentioned the history of the black cop and stated that we were not sure which role Black cops played back then but now we have the evidence to show what these Black officers went through dealing with the racist police department in Houston. Recently an article by Alice Barr of Khou News was released about the history of the first Black officer, Mr. Edward Thomas, who is also HPD’s longest serving officer. Reading the history about the first black officer is sickening. Seeing the treatment of this Black man makes me wonder what were the officer’s feelings about himself and why did he allow himself to be ridiculed and why didn’t he choose another profession. According to Khou News article,"Mr. Thomas was not allowed to attend role call with his white counterparts,"…"He was not allowed to eat in the cafeteria, and he was not allowed to drive a car. He was not allowed to arrest a white person.”…"If he made an arrest, he got on a city bus and the bus took the prisoner and himself to the police station."4 Can you believe that? A black man who is a police officer cannot arrest white people, did not have a police 3


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car and couldn’t eat with the white people at a job that he worked at. Imagine Officer Thomas, a black man, arresting another black man because he couldn’t arrest whites, paying to get on the bus with his officer uniform on with a black person handcuffed right beside him. There is no honor and no great legacy in degrading yourself and your people. To be in the white man’s society black peoplesubject themselves to all kinds of humiliation. I do not believe stories like these are honorable but should be retold over and over again to remind us of black people’s miserable plight here in America, even the black cop. So the next time a black officer calls black people thugs and criminals, he should reflect back on the history of the true thugs and criminals in his own department.

9.11 END POLICE TERRORISM NOW!!!!! Recently Monique Searls and Nikki Luellen performed the revolutionary stage play, “Serial Killers, The Historical Crucifixion of the Black Man in America” on Sept. 11, 2015. This play was written and directed by Nikki Luellen and took place at black owned Do Jo, Five Element Kung-Fu Wu-Su. Serial Killers, is about white group violence against Black people throughout time and how policing is the new form of government terrorism against the black community. This play highlighted important key figures in the black movement like Nat Turner, Fred Hampton, and Gabriel Prosser. Throughout the entire play Gabriel is trying to wake up the Sleepin Negro’ but he is not successful. All Sleepin Negro wants to do is to get drunk and complain. Sleepin’ Negro does not care about what’s going on in the black community until it’s too late. This play also gives true accounts of what happened to black people throughout history with gripping tales such as the story of Emmitt Till, the period after reconstruction with the citizen’s council and the KKK and this play also mentions the tragedy on Dec. 4, 1969 when 21 year old revolutionary Fred Hampton and Mark Clark were murdered by the Chicago police while they were sleep. Towards the end of the play, names of unarmed black victims were mentioned and the play urges Black people to WAKE UP!!! Food and services were prepared by Janai Williams who is also the costume designer for Blacker The Berry Entertainment. The next play Blacker The Berry will produce be in November at Texas Southern University and we urge everyone to come out and learn the truth about white group terrorism against black people throughout time.

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To watch one of Blacker The Berry’s plays visit the link online TRAPPED (TSU) Featuring other powerful performances by Kendra, Adriana Body, Joshua Kaskin, & Ren White

Thank you for your contribution to Blacker The Berry News!!! We ask for a $2 fee to help with the continuation of our theatre, media and research team. Support Blacker The Berry News so we can continue to put out truth! - Nikki Luellen, chief editor of B.T.B News Any Donation will be gladly received!!!! Thank you * If you have a story about police brutality or any story you would like to share with the public, lets us help you get your story out! * To place an ad in our newspaper is only $5 for a week and the fee is only $10 to run your ad for an entire month! * If you are interested in being a part of our research team, or want to be a contributing writer, email us. You will be contacted promptly! Email: Visit us online: Facebook & Instagram: #Blackertheberryentertainment UPCOMING PROJECTS: We have an upcoming documentary about police brutality in the black community. If you would like to participate in this project in any way call us at (713) 305-3811

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WAKE UP!!!!!

If you would like to help out in our stage play in November in any way, Call us at 713-308-3811 Special Thank you to Chad Mossman and Mignon Zezqueaux for being avid supporters of this newspaper!!! Follow Mignon’s work at

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