Check out this space for events designed for homeschoolers!
1st Thursday of the Month | 1:30 - 3 p.m. March 5th, April 2nd, and May 7th We’ve had some great Show & Tell events, and now let’s make it more interesting. Each month will have a theme. Remember both elements of the program in your presentation: “ Show” (an object or prop) and “Tell” (talk about it). Themes provide structure to the program and increase the fun for everyone! March 5 - Books April 2 - STEAM May 7 - Nature
Tuesday, April 28th | 6 - 8 p.m. This spring event will complete the Backyard School series for homeschoolers. Nature projects for the whole family will be provided with an emphasis on popular topics for spring like flowers, birds, gardening and butterflies. Booklets with additional projects to try at home will also be available. Watch for a new homeschooling series coming for Fall! Books we recommend from the Library’s Collection:
Thursday, May 28th | 6 - 8 p.m. New to homeschooling or thinking about it for the next school year? Have questions on homeschooling in Texas and where to find resources? Librarian and longtime homeschool mom, Leah Flippin, presents this seminar each year for parents who are interested in starting or are in the early stages of teaching at home. Learning styles, teaching approaches, and helping students with learning differences are additional topics that will be discussed. 9