Welcome to the Februar y/March edition of Bexley Life Magazine the bi-monthly lifestyle magazine for Bexley Borough and the surrounding areas
With Spring just around the corner and all that it brings to the area, we take a look at what to expect for ever yone
Inside you will find stories and ar ticles for the season, many of the type you’d expect plus some others maybe wouldn’t
If you have any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest across the loc m a r k e t , p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t o m e info@bljournals plus com for future consideration our for thcoming issues
Arthur Peaches - Editor
NG CLASSES (Maidstone - Tyland Barn)
ay 6 30-8 30pm
ply and booking essential
n how to confidently identify and record plants and hen necessar y They will identify plants in families
e of keys, specimens and descriptions
NG CLASSES (Canterbur y)
ay 6-8pm
ply and booking essential
n how to confidently identify and record plants and hen necessar y They will identify plants in families
e of keys, specimens and descriptions
0 am – 4 30pm ply and booking essential
of the geology of the Kentish landscape from the ungest sediments
4th March 2-8pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
Tyland Barn and Vinters Valley Nature Reser ve
Understand the importance of habitats to different amphibians Recognise the key species and be part of a torchlight sur vey
8th March to 12th April 7 30 – 9 00pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
A series of fun and interactive evening online classes Learn how to confidently identify a wide range of Britain’s birds from Waterbirds, Gulls & Terns to Waders, Gamebirds & Raptors and Little Brown Jobs
10th March 9 00am – 4 00pm
18th March 9 00am – 4 00pm
F e e s o r d o n a t i o n s a p p l y a n d b o o k i n g
Canterbur y
Explore the world of European beavers in the UK and put into practice what you have learned in an outdoor beaver sur vey
ALL ABOUT EELS: European eel ecology, conser vation and monitoring
29th March 10 00am -4pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
The European Eel is the most heavily trafficked species in the world A day-long introduction to E u r o p e a n e e l e c o l o g y, o v e r v i e w o f e e l conser vation actions on the north Kent marshes, and training in glass eel monitoring
31st March 8am-1pm
F e e s o r d o n a t i o n s a p p l y a n d b o o k i n g
Thornden Wood, Blean and South Swale Local
Nature Reser ves
Have you ever wondered why birds sing?
Most species have unique songs This day will help you identify or recognise birds by sound
Discover the purpose behind their distinctive songs and calls
www kentwildlifetrust org uk
Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Bexley Life and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility
If you are a parent or carer, the recent freezing weather may have lead you to consider sleeping with your baby, but this creates serious risks.
Sleeping on a sofa with your baby or co-sleeping, for example, increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by up to 50 times Following the advice and guidance on safer sleeping can reduce your baby’s risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), commonly known as cot death
Your Health Visitor, GP or Midwife can advise you on safer sleep, including the correct positioning of your baby, room temperature, coverings such as blankets and co-sleeping
Coping with a cr ying baby can be upsetting and frustrating, especially when combined with other emotions you may be feeling and lack of sleep - all things associated with having a new baby It is normal to find this difficult and it’s a good idea to seek suppor t of a professional, family member, friend or another parent or carer There is a lot of information available for parents and this can sometimes feel over whelming Visit the Bexley Safeguarding Par tnership’s website for practical advice and contacts
If you have any immediate concerns about your baby or your own mental or emotional wellbeing please contact your GP, Health Visitor or attend A&E in an emergency www bexley gov uk Simply
Papadom, any one star ter, any one main dish (except King Prawn) any one side dish, any one rice dish or naan bread
(No fur ther discount on takeaway)
Hospices in the south, including Demelza Hospice Care for Children, are t o benefit from more than £32,000 thanks t o a special fundraising campaign by Covers Timber & Builders Merc hants.
The company, which has a depot on Upland Road, Bexleyheath, gave £5 for ever y purchase during its annual Help for Hospices charity week, which took place from 12th to 16th September, and donated a total of £32,155. Covers’ chairman Ruper t Green commented: "Thank you to ever yone who suppor ted our Help for Hospices week this year and helped us to provide an incredible amount of money It means that since we launched the initiative in 2015, our customers have helped us to raise more than £217,000 for hospices across the south east.
"Charities rely on donations and the money raised will help hospices continue to provide vital ser vices to the communities they ser ve ”
Demelza provides specialist care and emotional suppor t for over 600 children with serious or terminal conditions and their families throughout South East London, Kent and East Sussex. Ser vices include family and practical suppor t, music and ar t therapies, shor t breaks, clinical care, symptom and medication management, end of life care and bereavement suppor t
Among 10 other hospices being suppor ted by Covers are St Wilfrid’s Hospice in Bosham, Naomi House & Jacksplace in Winchester and Mountbatten Hospice in Southampton.
The family-run company, which opened its first depot in Chichester, is celebrating its 175th anniversar y this year It has 14 depots spread across Hampshire, Sussex and Kent, supplying specialist timber ser vices and products to the building trade and for home DIY Mr Green said Covers is proud of its heritage and its close connection with the communities it ser ves.
www demelza org uk
www coversmerchants co uk
The Sparkle café opened its doors with various homecooked cakes, savouries, and a vast selection of hot and cold drinks
Staff and residents have been working on the cafe behind the scenes for several months, designing new signage, writing new menus, and recruiting staff and residents to help run the cafe.
Avante Care & Suppor ts Managing Director, Stuar t Cross, attended the opening day and cut the ribbon to officially open the Sparkle café. Stuar t, thanked staff for their notable team effor t and hard work and thanked residents Roger, Bill and Myra, who have all expressed an interest in helping run the café with staff
The Sparkle café is open to all, Monday to Friday, 10 am – 3 pm, and can cater to all occasions, including a quick snack on the go or a leisurely lunch with friends
The cafe has also teamed up with the 'Warm Welcome' campaign to provide a warm, safe place for those affected by the cost of living crisis
Among 3000 other registered organisations, the Sparkle café is offering a free, warm, welcoming space for the public this winter across the UK
The 'Warm Welcome' campaign was launched by the ChurchWorks Commission, working with several other key par tners to suppor t and champion the community response to the costof-living crisis
If you would like to know more about Riverdale Cour ts Sparkle
a f é , p l e a s e c a l l R i v e r d a l e Cour t on 0208 3179067 or for more information on the 'Warm Welcome' campaign,
This year, ever yone at the Bob H o p e T h e a t r e , Wy t h f i e l d Road, Eltham is celebrating our 80th Anniversar y. 80 y e a r s s i n c e , E l t h a m L i t t l e Theatre, as we were initially c a l l e d , b e c a m e a n e n t i t y. F o u n d e d i n 194 3 E LT wa s formed t o promot e drama, music and allied ar ts in Eltham and its immediat e vicinity.
We celebrate by continuing this tradition of spotlighting the many talented local per formers in our varied programme of events.
Following on from our own incredibly successful annual pantomime (Red Riding Hood & the Eternal Winter) throughout Januar y, we are hosting a number of guest and home productions We star t off Februar y with Academy Per forming Ar ts production of Guilty Pleasure Playlist (3rd – 4th) We then welcome Ar tform who will be per forming Stephen Sondheim’s Company (8th – 11th) The Swing Commanders arrive on the 12th with their ever-popular blend of intricate arrangements, and sophisticated vocals
March brings our own BHT Actors’ Company’s production of John Godber’s award-winning comedy Up ‘ n ’ Under, in which we find Pub team ‘The Cobbler's Arms' who have produced the best and most feared amateur Rugby League side in South-East London for the past decade After some goading, Ar thur, a slightly depressed former Rugby Professional, rashly bets his house that he could train a small bunch of underdog players from ’The Rusty Bucket’ of Eltham to defeat the 'Cobblers' in a local rugby tournament. Unfor tunately, he finds them more interested in drinking than playing; but the clock is ticking and Ar thur has just a few weeks to get them out of the pub and into shape The stakes are high: their team pride and reputation and his house. How can he possibly do it? . (15th – 18th).
After this we say hello to DJMJ Dance School’s production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr (24th
25th) followed by Eldorado Musical Productions’ staging of The Addams Family Musical (29th March – 1st April.)
For the rest of April Bromley Players are per forming Grease the Musical (19th – 23rd), May brings Ferrier Operatic Society staging Gilber t and Sullivan’s classic Princess Ida (25th – 27th) and in June BHT Actors’ Company are back on stage with Alan Ayckbourn’s comedy Round and Round the Garden in which Sarah's desperate attempts to have a nice, civilized weekend culminate, not surprisingly, in disaster Ruth, Norman's wife, is summoned but Norman still contrives to cause havoc involving, finally, all three women Matters are not helped by such events as the slow thinking Tom mistaking Ruth's intentions during a conversation they have together. Eventually the horrific week end draws to a close. All of this plus our popular Music Nights in the BHT Bar, Coffee and Craft Mornings, Classical Concer ts and a host of other exciting events. It’s safe to say that after 80 Glorious Years we ’ re still going strong! Why not come along and be sure of a warm welcome!
As par t of South East London’s amateur network of ar tistic organisations and theatres, we are committed to creating a welcoming and nur turing environment that is accessible to the broad diversity of our local community and beyond Our aim is to deliver a productive and suppor tive atmosphere that provides equal oppor tunities for all.
www bobhopetheatre co uk
The Bohemians take you on a high energy roller coaster ride of a concer t, featuring the back catalogue of one of the world’s most popular and iconic rock acts of all time
Right from the beginning you will be gripped by a bombastic, authentic audiovisual representation of Queen’s iconic Wembley ‘86 per formance as the Bohemians burst onto the stage to the strains of One Vision and A Kind of Magic So many fabulous hits to be covered but they’re all here, from the early piano and harmony heavy wonders of Killer Queen and Don’t Stop Me Now, to the later, catchy pop anthems of the eighties
The second hour concentrates on the later hits and once again there are so many to choose from
The stunning, Breakthru provides both the introduction and the costume presentation for this par t of the set which includes a new feature of the Bohemians stage show, a slick rendering of classics from the late eighties and early nineties era I Want it all, The Show must go on and the haunting, Days of our Lives are just some of those featured
Next up it’s the sights and sounds of the famous Live Aid per formance and of course, the awesome Bohemian Rhapsody
Then it’s back to Wembley ‘86 for a suitably rousing finale when The Bohemians will have you on your feet, singing, dancing and clapping along to the likes of We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions The appropriate climax to a truly memorable live re-enactment of the world’s greatest Rock Band
Tickets: £19.00/£22.00 on the door (as long as they are not sold out!).
Doors open at 7.30pm (please do not arrive earlier)
The band usually goes on st age at around 8.15/8.30 pm.
www thebeaver wood com
Februar y 6 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
C o d e N a m e : S a n t a F e
The passionate curator will take you around the historic house exploring how the rooms were used over 70 years ago to carr y out top-secret work as par t of Operation Ultra
Discover how American soldiers stationed at Hall Place - code name Santa Fe - intercepted encoded messages sent by the Germans You will have time after the tour to visit our exhibition d i s p l a y i n g G I v e t e r a n s ’ m e m o r i e s a n d declassified files that reveal the impor tance of their round-the-clock, top-secret work, which helped defeat the Nazis
Entr y - £8 per person - Advance booking required
Februar y 10 @ 10:00 am - March 14 @ 5:00 pm
Ar t exhibition located in the Stables Ar t Galler y and Shop in the Visitor Centre
Entr y - FREE
20 Februar y @ 11am (doors open at 10:45pm)
The guides will take you around the historic house exploring how the house has evolved and changed with each owner since the 16th centur y There might be a few secrets revealed too!
You will have time after the tour to visit our exhibition galleries showcasing objects from the Bexley Museum Collection dating back to pre-historic and Roman times, as well as immersing yourself in WW2 Hall Place
Entr y - £8 per person - Advance booking required
Back in 2007 at Greenwich Theatre we launched the Greenwich Children’s Theatre Festival It was probably the first major initiative that I implement ed af t er being appoint ed as direct or, and in that first year with financial suppor t from Docklands Light Railway we programmed six dif ferent productions The festival was designed t o be just one of several bridging points for families through the year, so that our pant omime audience - which was transit or y then - could st ay connect ed t o the venue through the year. Until that time, it seemed that audiences moved between local pant omimes - Greenwich, Bromley, Dar tford, Stratford, Hackney - but we were keen t o build a loyal audience that would feel connect ed t o the venue and come year af t er year. That ’ s ver y dif ficult t o achieve if you only see people once ever y twelve months.
One thing is clear - the strategy worked. Our annual pantomime audience is now a regular loyal audience that returns each Christmas, we ’ re now building a regular family summer show - and the festival has continued to grow and grow
Among the nearly 30 per formances, some of the bigger shows this year include a stage version of Fireman Sam and a Greenwich debut for the Ministr y of Science Looking at the scientists, engineers and inventors who have shaped the modern world, with a few loud bangs along the way, this utterly enter taining show will prove that ever yone in the audience, however young, has the ability to change the world. Other shows that will share some amazing facts with our young audiences include Curious Investigators, developed in collaboration with engineering exper ts from Lancaster University and following the for tunes of Scribble and Clipboard as they find a mysterious egg hidden amongst the recycling Meanwhile, the rock ‘ n ’ roll infused Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish is an imaginative adaptation of Michael Foreman’s environmental tale with dancing
dinosaurs, while Animals is an interactive show full of original songs which celebrates the amazing wildlife around us and makes big things feel possible
A series of well-known stories also feature, including The Little Mermaid over the Easter weekend itself, Tales from A Thousand and One Nights, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and The King of Nothing – a new puppet musical based on The Emperor’s New Clothes
The festival has always aimed to offer something for young people of all ages, so I am also delighted that SheWolves, named by The Stage Newspaper in their list of the best Edinburgh Fringe shows from last year, is now confirmed to play on the final night The show, which is ideal for teenagers and i s d e s c r i b e d a s “ s o m e w h e r e b e t w e e n Booksmar t, Little Miss Sunshine and Thelma & Louise”, is an uplifting and empowering play about the power of hope and forging friendships when you ’ re a bit weird. A d d i n a s e r i e s o f w o r k s h o p s a n d p a r t i c i p a t o r y a c t i v i t i e s , p l u s p u p p e t r y productions of Pinocchio, The Nosy Little Troll, and the beautiful ecological Breathe, told from the perspective of an acorn, and we should be all set for a stunning for tnight of theatre.
www greenwichtheatre org uk
This feature was first published in the South London Press
Friday 24th Februar y
An undisputed king of the Black British comedy circuit, Slim is a stand up comedian with a storied and award-winning career and was the first Black British act to per form at the Hollywood Comedy Store
With several sold out shows, including the prestigious Hackney Empire, he has toured the world extensively, including cities throughout Europe, Barbados, Jamaica, Qatar, the Falkland Islands and Dubai
Slim’s TV appearances include Black, British and Funny (Channel 4), the Russell Howard Hour (Sky One) and The Steph Show (Channel 4)
“One of this countr y ’ s best comedians” - HUFFINGTON POST
Friday 31st March
At the age of 15, Christian Reilly joined a band to get laid The Salvation Army had different ideas!¶
As a former integral par t of the Perrier award-winning show Otis Lee Crenshaw and the Black Liars, with comic/songster Rich Hall, Christian’s career has taken him around the world three times On his way, he received accolades at international festivals and numerous network TV credits in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Britain
Now a solo stand-up per former and playing all the major comedy venues in his own right, Christian uses his dynamic guitar and vocal skills to target histrionic rock bands, musical theatre and morose indie musicians He recently wrote and per formed for ‘That Was Then This Is Now’ (BBC Radio 2) as musical counterpar t to Richard Herring and Emma Kennedy, as well as giving his improvisation skills an outing on Radio 2’s ‘Jammin’
Christian’s comic songs, improvisations, sharp wit and youthful energy have delighted audiences wherever he per forms
“This genuine, trendy, confident comedian has a natural talent for risky jokes, songs and quips which you can’t help laughing at! If you get the chance to see Reilly live, do so He is not to be missed!” - Funny co uk
As always there’s a great suppor ting lineup direct from the London Comedy Circuit.
Book Early - Limit ed Availability!
For more information visit www houseofstandup co uk/dar tford/
Sonia and her husband, Fatt a est ablished the Home Inst ead franchise of fice in Greenwich & Bexley in 2015. The company, based in Welling, specialises in delivering personal care of the highest st andard t o the elderly. Most impor t antly, it also ensures that clients’ other social needs were met through companionship ser vices.
But this was just the star t of the caring couple’s journey Before long Sonia realised that it wasn’t just the elderly who needed suppor t – we all need some TLC! Through her work in her local community, Sonia was introduced to a single mum and her two children by community leaders Sarah (name changed to protect privacy) who was homeless, had no income; English was her second language Sonia took Sarah under her wing, ensuring she had a roof over her head and offering her a role at Home Instead Sarah under went Care Professional training and was a natural with a caring and compassionate nature
This was the star t of the Girl Power Employee Club in 2015 The Club aims to improve the health and wellbeing team members as well as clients, their families and the wider community
Recognising that, through empowerment, she could really change women ’ s lives, Sonia has gone on to suppor t war widows, single mums as well as other homeless individuals Some have gone on to work in care with a meaningful role that allows them to give back to others
Speaking about the Club, Sonia said, “I realised that we had the oppor tunity as a team to change people’s lives for the better In doing so, we are also helping the care sector as we are encouraging people into the sector
“What we have seen in Sarah and others who we have helped, they become fantastic advocates for our business and care work in general
“A real bonus is that Sarah has gone on to suppor t others and she is now a mentor within our business ”
One of Home Instead’s longest-standing Care Professionals joined the company through the Club which is now also suppor ting her daughter to take up a place at War wick University The Club held a fundraiser to allow her to buy essentials, from bedding to small electricals
The Club is truly unique and now well known in the community It is often approached to spread magic in making a difference To date the Club has raised over £16,000 for various community projects and has set up its own charity
Members of the Club recognised that there were many older people who would benefit from suppor t to prevent isolation and loneliness – people who were unable to access Home Instead’s home care ser vice
From this the Sunday Volunteer Hub for older people was created This is run by Home Instead ever y Sunday as par t of the Charlton Athletic Community Trust and takes place at the Football Club
The Girls Power team runs cooking and baking classes Other activities include knitting, sewing and music and dance classes are a favourite
There is also an allotment project which ran throughout the pandemic Older people were given their own plot where they were suppor ted to ‘ grow your own ’
Sonia continued, “Home Instead’s mission is to expand the world’s capacity to care. I think that’s exactly what we are doing here in Greenwich, Bexley and surrounding areas.
“The impor tant thing about our projects is that they empower people; ever yone gets involved and is hands on and I just love that.”
The Girls Power Employee Club, registered charity Skills and Care Greenwich has been awarded an MBE Voluntar y Sector for Older People in recognition for its work.
To find out more about Home Instead Greenwich & Bexley visit www homeinstead co uk/greenwich-bexley/