Marine & Maritime Gazette March 2023

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Commercial Marine & Renewables Worldwide INSIDE: ISSUE 97 MARCH 2023 9 22 34

Spring across the maritime world...

The maritime world opens up for an optimistic Spring and Summer.

Welcome to the March 2023 issue of Marine & Maritime


coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and waterbased renewables markets

With Spring now upon us, it’s time to look for ward to the exhibition season across the World I’m sure we will be running into a few old friends at Ocean Business in Southampton in just over a month - and then onto a busy Summer throughout the market

Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Navigation, Communication & Radar’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Deck Equipment, Lifting & Winching’ from page 28 There is also a quick look at ‘Windfarms, Renewable Crew Transpor t’ on page 34 and f page 42 we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘P & Quayside Facilities & Usage’

Anyway, we would like to wish you all best for a great maritime Springtime an of course, happy reading

If you have any news, reviews, produ launches or absolutely anything else interest across the whole marine marke

p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t o m e a info@- plus com for future consideratio in our for thcoming issues

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e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e
t t e t h
I N T R O D U C T I O N & W E L C O M E 3 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Editor MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables W ld de INSIDE: SSUE 97 MARCH 2023 9 22 34
Arthur Peaches - Editor

Cover stor y

Ad Hoc Marine Designs design new 13m SWATH Maritime Autonomous Ship System, vessel for Acua Ocean

Suction dredger

Damen Shipyards deliver new Cutter Suction Dredger to UAE-based MAR Marine

Spherical camera

Teledyne FLIR release new Ladybug6 360-degree spherical image camera

Suppor t vessel

Damen develop the FLOW-SV, a wind suppor t vessel designed to install ground tackles for of fshore turbine floaters

Herman Senior acquires ST Marine Suppor t

Netherlands-based tug & workboat company Herman Senior has acquired all shares of ST Mar ine Suppor t, a provider of quality mar itime and of f shore ser vices The acquisition includes S T’s t hree exis ting vessels and their upcoming newbuild, a Damen Multi Cat 3313SD, which is expected to be delivered at the end of March this year

With this agreement ST Marine Support becomes part of the Herman Senior group of companies, integrating both fleets Er win van Dodewaard, Commercial Manager and Co-owner of Herman Sr says: “We are proud to have been given the opportunity to acquire ST Marine Support by owners Vasco Tammes and Rienk Switijnk Knowing each other quite well, we got into informal talks about 13 months ago, over a beer Vasco and Rienk have built a great company over the years with three robust and strong Multi Cat workboats that operate at the top of their market segments, especially in Dredging They and their team have a lot of experience and their clear, no-nonsense way of handling projects aligns neatly with our own way of working We feel proud to continue their legacy under the Herman

Senior flag This acquisition is a big move for ward for our company and quite a special step for our family We look for ward to welcoming the new boats and their crew into our fleet and ser ving customers with them "

Vasco Tammes, Co-owner of ST Marine Support, adds: “When Er win and his brother Chris came to us with this idea, this possibility, it sparked a flame in us: the idea to, maybe, do something else after 16 years of being in the workboat business Of course, we love our company and the industr y, so we took our time to think it over The talks and collaboration with Herman Senior were good, with mutual understanding and respect Our companies are quite alike in scope and attitude So, with this agreement we know that two beautiful, carefully built, specialist companies become one greater entity; and in good hands We wish Herman Senior and the Van Dodewaard family all the best and safe voyages!”

This acquisition marks the expansion of Herman Senior’s fleet from 8 to 12 vessels, including the new Damen Multi Cat 3313SD currently under construction The expanded company will ser ve customers on three continents - South America, Europe and Asia - and these 4 extra workboats strengthen its presence both there and in the wider in the maritime industr y

Interestingly, Herman Sr continues to operate a 100% Damen fleet of Shoalbusters and Multicats, as ST Marine Support also had Damen workboats, i e the three Multi Cats Odin (Damen MC3013), Nero (Damen MC3013) and 35-metre Auxilia (Damen MC3515), all outfitted with strong cranes and winches

www hermansr com

EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches - Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters - Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield - Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company
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IMCA welco m e s workbo ats w it h n ew m embersh ip categ or y

The Int ernational Marine Contract ors Association (IMC A) has introduced a new member ship cat egor y enabling wor kboat owners and operat ors around the world t o join the organisation

The new categor y is uniquely for the owners and operators of small workboats - including crew transfer vessels, mooring assist vessels and sur vey vessels - which are less than 500 gross tonnage and with a load line length of less than 24 metres

Workboat membership will provide companies with full access to IMCA’s offering, including its extensive technical librar y and the oppor tunity to par ticipate in technical committees and specialist workgroups

Mark Ford, IMCA’s marine and quality manager commented: “The workboat community has strongly suppor ted our Marine Renewable Energy Committee for several years, and we are delighted to formally welcome them into the Association Membership will provide full access to our technical librar y of marine documents and formalise par ticipation across our technical committees

“With the substantial increase in both the number and sophistication of workboats operating in the offshore wind industr y, and the fact that they are not currently required to comply with the ISM or ISPS codes, it will be hugely beneficial for this growing segment of the industr y to be aligned with, and following, IMCA’s best practice ” Workboat operators interested in joining are encouraged to get in touch with IMCA at membership@imca-int com www imca-int com/membership/

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Mark Ford IMCA’s marine and quality manager

Major milestone in UK’s race to net zero maritime with £77 million boost

• Government funding to see new, zero-emission vessels sailing in UK waters by 2025, unlocking thousands of skilled jobs nationwide

• UK-first as government targets multi-million-pound investment on green shipping tech on the cusp of being rolled out on a commercial scale

• Call for UK universities to join forces and apply for separate funding pot to deliver vital scientific research in the science behind clean maritime solutions

Zero-emission ferries, cruises and cargo ships will set sail in UK waters within two years, creating thousands of new jobs, thanks to a £77 million government investment in clean maritime technology

This is the first time in UK histor y the Government is inter vening to specifically target this level of funding on green maritime tech which is already well developed The funding will take the tech from the factor y to the sea – identifying which projects will have a long-term impact in reducing emissions

Successful projects must be able to show they could use this money to work with major UK por ts and operators to launch a zero-emission vessel by 2025 at the latest Examples of such technology include batter y electric vessels, shoreside electrical power, ships running on low carbon fuels like hydrogen or ammonia, and wind-assisted ferries

Transpor t Secretar y Mark Harper said: “When it comes to tackling climate change, we are taking action on all transpor t modes, which is why we ’ re making sure our world-leading maritime sector has a greener future

“This multi-million-pound investment will help the latest tech ideas become reality and ensure UK waters will play host to green cargo ships, ferries and cruises in the next few years

“Our funding will suppor t a cleaner freight system, a more environmentally friendly tourism industr y, and a net-zero maritime sector ”

The multi-million-pound Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition - launched today, Monday 6th Februar y - will see innovative companies apply for the funding, which must be used to decarbonise technology both on board and shoreside

The investment demonstrates the Government’s commitment to a new green age for maritime travel which is free from emissions, in line with the 1 5-degree temperature target set by the Paris Agreement Defence Secretar y and Shipbuilding Tsar, Ben Wallace, said: “Our National Shipbuilding Strategy Refresh set ambitious plans to drive the green maritime revolution as a key step to reaching this Government’s net zero targets

“This investment is a clear statement that we are taking these plans seriously, helping to put the UK at the cutting edge of clean maritime technology while benefitting thousands of UK jobs ”

The competition will be overseen by Innovate UK, which has a record of delivering similar competitions across Government successfully

Innovate UK Executive Director for Net Zero Mike Biddle said: “This latest £77m investment in clean maritime innovation is another major milestone in the deliver y of the wider UK SHORE programme to accelerate the transition to Net Zero

“Innovate UK will work closely with the Depar tment for Transpor t in the deliver y of the Zero Emission Vessel and Infrastructure competition which will result in multi-year real world demonstrations of clean maritime technologies around the UK ”

The Government is also calling on universities across the UK to join forces to establish a new Clean Maritime Research Hub, with £7 4m funding from government and additional funding from academia and industr y

Research in the fundamental science behind clean maritime technologies will be delivered by the hub, building evidence and exper tise for the maritime sector It will also suppor t skills development across the industr y and generate knowledge for maritime decision-makers

The hub will be delivered in par tnership with, and co-funded by, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), par t of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

The ZEVI fund and Clean Maritime Research Hub are par t of the UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK SHORE) programme which was launched in March 2022 with £206 million in funding UK SHORE aims to tackle shipping emissions and advance the UK towards a sustainable shipping future


supplies motor

for world’s most power ful test rig


WEG are suppling two drive motors for the world’s most power ful test rig This test rig is being developed by Danish wind turbine test specialist, R&D Test Systems, a co m p a ny t h a t d eve l o p s p ro j e ct s a n d validates new technology with turnkey test systems With two 30 MW motors from WEG, the test rig will be the world’s most power ful power train and gearbox test bench and, at 60 metres long, will also be the largest

ZF Wind Power, an international technology group a n d m a r k e t l e a d e r i n d r i v e l i n e a n d c h a s s i s technology, is the final user of this test rig This 30 MW powertrain and gearbox test bench will be housed in ZF Wind Powers’s Test and Prototype Center in Lommel, Belgium The test rig is capable of simulating the multiplicity of wind loads that a nacelle powertrain might experience in its lifetime, helping to improve product reliability and shorten time to market

The test rig sees two nacelle components, for example two power trains or two gearboxes, tested simultaneously The two 30 MW motors are positioned on each end of the nacelle components under test, with an additional load unit located

between the two components that simulates wind l o a d s c o m p a r a b l e t o r e a l - w o r l d c o n d i t i o n s Together, the motors and load unit can stimulate not only harsh wind loads, but also the effect of wind coming from different directions Marek Lukaszczyk, Europe and Middle East marketing manager for WEG, commented on the announcement: “WEG has extensive experience in supplying motors for renewable projects, so we are confident that our motors will help to ensure that this test rig operates at peak performance "Rigorously testing new technologies for renewable energy generation is essential for our planet's future The two motors from WEG will be delivered in October 2023, and the system will ultimately be delivered to ZF Wind Power in 2024 ”

Explaining the need for such a powerful system, Ralf Nieschler, Key Account Manager, R&D Test Systems said in the press release from R&D Test Systems, “The wind loads and directions can var y greatly, and each change creates loading on the nacelle powertrain This new test rig must be much m o r e p o w e r f u l t h a n t h e p o w e r t r a i n i t t e s t s , providing proof that the next generation of offshore turbines are capable of operating reliably in extreme offshore conditions over the defined lifetime

“The force of gusts of wind can push the blade a r o u n d T h i s t w i s t i n g a n d b e n d i n g o f t h e powertrain in all possible directions in the test rig will simulate the effect of 20 years of wind conditions, in just a few m o n t h s , ” c o n c l u d e d


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Hag land lau nch hybr i d bu lk car r ier

Nor way -based Hagland Shipping has launched the second in a series of three new batt er y -hybrid bulker carriers being built by Dutch shipbuilding company Royal Bodewes.

Hagland initially signed a contract with the Dutch shipbuilder for two batter y-hybrid vessels however, the firm decided to purchase one additional 5,000 dwt bulk carrier in 2022

The company picked EST-Floattech’s batter y system which will enable the 5,000 dwt self-discharging bulker to make zero-emission por t calls

This batter y system enables the 5,000 dwt self-discharging bulker to action zeroemission por t calls

The vessel will also sail in full-electric mode thus being ready for environmentally sensitive environments such as in fjords or near-coastal communities When there is no shore connection available the batter y system also allows for zero-emission discharging of the transpor ted bulk cargo

The newbuild will not only sail in zero-emission mode in por t, but it will also reduce noise and emissions during sailing

These new coasters will reduce CO2 emissions by 40% and NOx emissions by about 90%, compared to older vessels in their fleet, which will be replaced and, with ESTFloattech’s batter y-hybrid system, the ship complies with IMO TIER III requirements Hagland’s new vessel programme is suppor ted by ENOVA SF (the Nor wegian Ministr y of Climate and Environment’s organisation aiming to reduce emissions and develop energy and climate technology) and the Green Shipping Programme for fleet renewal

The company claims that the new vessels will make the company ’ s fleet the most environmentally friendly in the sector

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MAR Mar in e exte nd s dre dg ing capabil i tie s w i t

h a n ew Dam e n

CSD50 0

Damen Shipyards Group has delivered a C u t t e r S u c t i o n D re d g e r C S D 5 0 0 t o M A R Marine & Building Contract or L.L.C., a UAEb a s e d c o n t ra c t o r. T h e d re d g e r h a s b e e n s h i p p e d f r o m D a m e n D r e d g i n g i n t h e Netherlands t o Dubai. For its firs t project, the dredger will be utilised at the Al Hamriyah

Por t expansion project

The CSD500 has been named MAR 22 Upon its deliver y in Dubai, Damen’s client, a leading contractor in the region, played a vital role in the reassembly of the modular dredger “We are happy to welcome the MAR 22 to our marine equipment fleet,” Mr Paul Abou Rjaili, O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e r a t M A R M a r i n e s t a t e s : “ We a r e f u r t h e r reinforcing our dredging equipment and capabilities, and this customised dredge exactly matches our requirements for the upcoming Al Hamriyah Por t Expansion project.”

Cu s to mise d s tandard s tock dre dger

The standard dredger has been fitted out with additions boosting its dredging efficiency such as anchor booms, a spud carriage system, as well as the possibility to both enlarge and decrease the cutter depth Moreover, practical additions include an accommodation unit located underneath the operating cabin, plus a navigation and communication package

After assembly afloat alongside quay the CSD500 is ready to star t its maiden dredging job at the Al Hamriyah Por t expansion project, where it will remove 650,000 m3 of soil With plenty of other marine works planned in the region for the coming years, this is just the star t of things to come “ T h i s d r e d g e r d e m o n s t r a t e s c l e a r l y t h e b e n e f i t s o f D a m e n ’ s

standardised shipbuilding philosophy,” says Pascal Slingerland, Damen Shipyards Sales Director “Although built in series, which offers rapid access to proven technology, the dredger has been customised significantly in order to meet the requirements of MAR Marine & Building Contractor L L C’s requirements ”

I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 8 www marineandmaritimegazette

ABP be co m e s p o rt se cto r ’ s appro ve d train in g pro vi de r

A s s o c i a t e d B r i t i s h Po r t s ( A B P ) h a s become the firs t por ts group in the world t o be approved by the Ins titut e of Environment al Management and Assessment (IEMA) t o act as a training provider for IEMA courses.

From the star t of this year, ABP employees have begun to take advantage of the IEMA-accredited course ‘Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce’

The IEMA is the global professional body for individuals and o

environment and sustainability

The training, delivered by ABP Academy, the company ’ s inhouse training provider, focuses on providing fundamental awareness of environment and sustainability issues

Kerr y Thompson, ABP Group Head of Academy, stated: “This concentrated one-day course provides a practical introduction to environmental sustainability, equipping our workforce with the knowledge, understanding and motivation to make a positive difference within their role at ABP ”

“It’s crucial that we equip our workforces with the skills and training needed to embed environmental and sustainable practice across all job roles, in order to meet our net zero goals,” CEO of IEMA, Sarah Mukherjee, added This announcement comes months after ABP signed a contract for a five-year framework agreement to digitalise por t operations with Wär tsilä Voyage, par t of the technology group Wär tsilä.

www abpor ts co uk

Adaptable Vessel for Hire for Marine Support Services

DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform

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ILV GRANUALIE for enquiries
r g a n i s a t i o n s w o r k i n g , s t u d y i n g , o r i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e

METS Technology chooses EST-Floattech Batter y System for the refit of a Swedish vessel

Swedish syst em int egrat or METS Technology has, t ogether with main contract or Ö-VARVET AB, decided on ES T-Floatt ech’s new Oct opus Series batt er y syst em for the retrofitting of the MS ‘Hamnen’. METS Technology f o c u s e s o n d eve l o p i n g e n e rg y - e f f i c i e n t a n d e nv i ro n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y solutions for dif ferent ships or of fshore inst allations, and we are proud t o be par t of their new project. The MS ‘Hamnen’ is a Gothenburg Por t Security vessel, built in 1979, that will be retrofitt ed t o become more future-proof. Shipyard Ö-VARVET will conduct a major rebuild, as the diesel engine will be replaced by a parallel hybrid syst em with Power Take Of f/Power Take Inn functionality.

“We are proud to deliver our new Octopus Series product to METS Technology and contribute again to the transition to zero-emission shipping and Gothenburg’s goals of emission-free sailing,” says Walter van der Pennen, CCO EST-Floattech will deliver the Octopus High Energy Batter y System, tailored to the space available on the MS Hamnen and the energy requirements Shipyard Ö-VARVET has designed a batter y compar tment in collaboration with METS and is enthusiastic about the installation of the EST-Floattech modules The batter y system provides flexibility, and there is space reser ved for an additional batter y pack if the shipowner is looking to expand the batter y capacity in the future The batteries will provide enough power for the vessel to sail for at least 4 hours at 6 knots, and will also provide energy for the vessel’s hotel load and the bow thruster “Fitting a batter y system is often about weight and dimensions Especially when it comes to a refit, the available space is limited However, the Octopus system offers great flexibility to make optimal use of the available space, ” says Jelle Meinder tsma, Sales Manager The Octopus System is developed based on our ‘safe by design’ mentality and will soon meet the DNV type approval requirements This batter y system has a high energy density and is built to be robust and reliable www est-floattech com

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announce two-year FCS

7011 contract in Brazil

Damen Shipyards Group and Compagnie Maritime Monégasque (CMM) have recently announced a two-year of fshore suppor t contract for Damen Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 7011 Aqua Helix The vessel will transpor t personnel t o and from of fshore platforms in suppor t of an oil & gas decommissioning project. Aqua Helix arrived in Brazil on 26th Januar y, where she was welcomed with a ceremony at Pier Mauá in Rio de Janeiro.

Robin Segaar, Sales Manager at Damen said, “During the design phase of the FCS 7011, we considered the Brazilian market a strong fit for this vessel, due to its geography and concentration of offshore assets We’re ver y pleased, therefore, to have this oppor tunity to demonstrate the potential of Aqua Helix in this prime location of offshore activity ”

CMM is a market leader in Fast Offshore Suppor t vessels and operates a fleet of Damen Sea Axe fast oil spill response vessels in Brazil This has given the company confidence in the suitability of the FCS 7011 vessel’s Sea Axe bow for operations in the region Christophe Vancauwenbergh, CEO at CMM said, “We are ver y pleased with the Sea Axe’s per formance in Brazilian waters It has proven to reduce slamming and fuel consumption significantly at high speeds, while increasing safety and comfor t onboard ”

Both Damen and CMM are committed to providing safe, reliable and sustainable offshore logistics solutions An essential component in Aqua Helix’s arsenal is her Ampelmann S-type motion compensated walkway This energy-efficient system, designed specifically for lightweight vessels such as the FCS 7011, allows a continual flow of personnel to and from the offshore platform in safety and comfor t, making transfer as easy as crossing the street Aqua Helix also features a VEEM Gyrostabilizer which reduces roll motions up to 70%, working alongside the vessel’s (retractable) bow thrusters, ensures outstanding DP per formance

The vessel offers a viable and safe alternative to sur fer and helicopter transfers Her ability to transpor t up to 122 passengers at a time over greater distances offers optimal cost-efficiency

As may be expected, the vessel is fast, too Thanks in par t to her lightweight, aluminium construction, she can sail at speeds of up to 40 knots

Aqua Helix is anticipated to commence work in the coming weeks

www damen com

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Electro signs co ntract w it h Uls tein Shipyard

Vard Electro has signed a contract with Ulst ein S h i pya r d f o r t h e d e l i ve r y o f i t s S e a Q Communication syst em onboard two ‘construction s e r v i c e o p e r a t i o n ve s s e l s ’ ( C S OV s ) T h e e n d cust omer is Olympic with planned deliver y in the first half of 2024

Vard Electro brings a wealth of experience and exper tise to the project, having delivered high-quality solutions to the maritime industr y for many years The company ’ s extensive knowledge of the industr y and its stringent requirements for communication, welfare, and security will ensure that the SeaQ Communication meets and exceeds the high standards of the offshore wind sector

“We are excited to have been selected as the supplier of advanced information and communication technology (ICT) onboard the two vessels With our vast experience from the industr y, we will deliver a top-quality ICT solution to Olympic, ensuring a safe, efficient, and comfor table working environment for the crew members on board the vessels”, says Svein Arne Langva, Sales Manager at Vard Electro

The SeaQ Communication, a comprehensive ICT system package, will provide the vessels with a robust infrastructure and enhance the crew ’ s efficiency and safety while at sea The set of systems are designed and integrated to meet the demanding conditions of maritime operations and provides crew members with added comfor t through infotainment features

The SeaQ Communication package includes systems for communication, welfare, and security, along with IT racks and integration ser vices

This project showcases the exper tise and resources available within the maritime cluster in Sunnmore, Nor way The shipyard, shipowner, designer, and supplier all have strong ties to the local maritime community and are working together to bring innovative solutions to the maritime industr y.

www vard com

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Land & Wat er Group, has upgraded Ber th 3 at Coldharbour Jetty, on the R i v e r T h a m e s , t o a c c o m m o d a t e coas t er vessels, used for shor t sea shipping, as par t of a landmark development for the company.

It is the first time in the Jetty’s histor y that this type of vessel has been ber thed and loaded as par t of an ongoing commitment towards suppor ting cargo deliveries in and out of London. The modifications to the ber th were designed by Hewson Consulting and works were under taken by Land & Water Ser vices The jetty w i l l b e o p e r a t e d b y L a n d & Wa t e r R e m e d i a t i o n , t h e environmental ser vices division of Land & Water Group

Tom Melhuish, Director of Land & Water Remediation, comments, “This is an incredible achievement and one that we are immensely proud of here at Land & Water The ber th upgrade will unlock future supply chains into London whilst harnessing the River Thames as a sustainable transpor t system

“Land & Water is passionate about delivering innovative and sustainable logistical solutions that benefit the environment as well as the UK’s infrastructure I want to thank the Por t of London Authority, Hewson Consulting Engineers and M4S Maritime for helping to bring the ber th into operation ”

David Allsop, Deputy Harbour Master at the Por t of London Authority (PLA), said: “It’s exciting to see the Thames’ potential being utilised to introduce a new expor t ser vice This project is another boost for the Thames Vision 2050, which we launched last year, with the aim of maximising the long-term economic, environmental and social potential of the river from Teddington in south west London to the Nor th Sea ”

Coldharbour Jetty is a marine logistics centre for shipping and barging operations, acting as an intermodal transpor t hub for materials and cargo ’ s to be impor ted and expor ted It also handles waste spoils from construction works in central London destined for reuse at Land & Water’s Habitat Creation Scheme at Rainham Marshes The scheme, which Land & Water will be operating until 2040, will see up to eight million tonnes of wet and dr y spoil material being used to create an oasis for birds and wildlife whilst encouraging greater areas of greener y along the Thames corridor

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Fugro’s QuickVision® allows Heerema to accurately position wind turbines

Fugro’s innovative QuickVision® camera t echnology is suppor ting Heerema Marine Contract ors as they inst all 27 wind turbines for Parkwind’s Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm locat ed in the Baltic Sea of f the German coast. Using a novel floating Rot or-Nacelle Assembly (RNA) inst allation method, Heerema is inst alling wind turbines with the blades already pre-assembled on deck , ont o the t ower fixed on the foundation. Fugro’s QuickVision® t echnology allows Heerema t o position the RNA remot ely and ef ficiently within strict t olerances, whilst reducing personnel risks traditionally associat ed with of fshore inst allation operations.

“The QuickVision® system gives us that extra cer tainty required to install the RNA on the tower whilst removing the need to have engineers visually obser ving under the load,” says Sándor Hötte, Senior Installation Engineer at Heerema

The largest technical challenge for Heerema when using a floating installation vessel is managing the relative motion between the suspended load in the vessel’s heavy lift crane and the top of the fixed foundation tower Fugro’s QuickVision® technology provides real-time information from the camera system ensuring precise monitoring of the lifting, positioning, and lowering phases of the installation process, allowing Heerema to position the RNA with an accuracy of less than 2 cm.

“With this project for Heerema, we have taken the next step in offshore wind installation suppor t, adding RNA installations to our sur vey capabilities and expanding the applications for QuickVision® , ” says Sjoerd Butter, Product Owner Vision Technologies at Fugro

The Arcadis Ost 1 is a 257 MW wind farm and will generate enough green energy to power the equivalent of up to 290,000 households The installation campaign star ted in October 2022 and final commissioning is planned in 2023

www fugro com

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Project includes UK-designed full-electric CT Vs

New UK business model oppor tunities from offshore wind ser vicing proposal

Recently a coalition of UK based t echnology developers, naval archit ects and aut onomy exper ts joined forces with Shif t t o develop a batt er y -hybrid of fshore charging vessel concept. The vessel, which could be based on a conver t ed of fshore ser vice vessel, is designed t o act as mothership for up t o six crew transfer vessels ser vicing of fshore wind fields in the Nor th Sea or elsewhere in the UK’s wat ers. While none of the technological elements included in the proposal, which range from the use of offshore charging through to batter y swapping, is completely new, they have not been combined previously However, the elements have not been combined with the digitalisation aspects of the proposals before, as far as Dr Peter Collinson of autonomous vessel consultancy Dendrityca is aware, he told The Motorship in an exclusive inter view A Japanese project is examining the possibility of offshore charging from electricity, he understands, but is not including full-electric CTVs in the project The UK proposed project specifies full-electric 15m Faraday Class SWATH e PTV by Ad Hoc Marine Designs Ltd (AHMD) The CTV design is par ticularly well suited to operating in the Nor th Sea, as its hull form is naturally heave damped, with low motions eliminating the need for gangways

Batter y hub supplying energy for CT Vs

The concept is expected to connect with a batter y recharging and recycling hub established at the por t, and would rely on the batter y-electric ser vice vessels replacing discharged batteries with fresh batteries (using a swappable batter y basis) The onshore hub would also feature a batter y container charging point “The advantage of this approach is that the offshore wind farm will be ser viced by vessels potentially operating on energy generated at the windfarm, without requiring it to be conver ted to hydrogen or hydrogen vectors, such as ammonia”

The design also anticipates that the larger mothership vessel will operate on electricity drawn from a designated charging point installed offshore at the wind farm The mothership concept is also expected to shor ten crew transfer times travelling from por t to the offshore wind farm assets, which will become an increasingly time-consuming element as offshore wind assets are built fur ther offshore

OSV for use as mothership for CT Vs

One of the interesting aspects of the proposal was that the batter y integrator in the project, Shift, proposed to offer swappable batteries for the CTVs based on a Power-as-a-Ser vice (PaaS) model. As par t of the this model, Shift would supply, operate and own the energy storage systems (ESS), the charging infrastructure and the ser vice vessels using PwrSwap

The proposal envisages developing a swappable batter y hub to supply energy to the CTVs based on a Power-as-a-Ser vice (PaaS) model Such hubs are expected to offer oppor tunities for batter y recycling as a future step

The ESS themselves would be fitted on a modular basis and provided on a subscription basis, allowing them to be easily replaced if necessar y The swappable batter y system will include Shift’s liquid-cooled IP67/A60

The PaaS system would be suppor ted by a digitalisation tool monitoring the operational per formance of the Shift system While the system will also help to optimise the deliver y of speeds, loads and navigation routes, it will also be integral to the pay-as-you-go model

Just as one contract for fleet auxiliaries does not signify a renaissance in UK shipbuilding, there is no reason that the UK should maintain its current position as a leading developer of offshore wind power assets. Both the US and the European Union have made expanding their offshore wind generation capacity by 2035 par t of their decarbonisation packets

Breaking the Autonomous Design Mould for Extend Operations

In addition to the electrification of the Windfarm CTV ser vice sector, Ad Hoc Marine Designs Ltd (AHMD) has designed a brand new 13m SWATH Maritime Autonomous Ship System, (MASS) vessel for Acua Ocean, with grant funding from Innovate UK With over 30 years of multihull and SWATH designs behind them, it was natural to focus on the superior safekeeping of a SWATH hull form, for such a small vessel, for offshore operations The objective is to use clean H2 energy and batteries to power the MASS to be self-sufficient for up to 60 days in offshore sea conditions Acua Ocean has designed the system architecture for the power and control side, and AHMD has designed this unique vessel around their system, with the given requirements The 13m vessel is classed by LR SSC rules and satisfies the MCA’s Workboat code Being of SWATH hull form, this small 13m vessel will exhibit the same motions and seakeeping of a monohull vessel of approximately 300 tonne As such this shall extend the endurance and range of the 13m MASS to operate in Hs=3 0m with minimal motions, which is far beyond existing MASS vessels This extended weather/sea window opens up the possibility of many applications for this unique design, from fisher y sur veying to bathymetric sur veying to naval array deployments etc from the moon-pool The vessel has been designed to be modular so the 13m SWATH MASS vessel can be transpor ted by 2 x ISO containers by road or air freight to anywhere in the world This opens up the other operational aspect of a MASS, location of deployment www adhocmarinedesigns co uk

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From concept to build to delivery

Proven designers of: High Speed Passenger Ferries, Patrol Boats, SAR and Crew Transfer Vessels

To satisfy any requirement In monohul, catamaran, trimaran and SWATH hull forms

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software and hardware

helps HydroSur v provide accessible and scalable USV solutions

“USV t echnology has yet t o achieve the widespread adoption it deser ves – given the benefits include low fuel costs and carbon emissions. As an emerging t echnology, USVs are inaccessible t o many, and we work t o overcome this through our solutions.” – David Hull, HydroSur v

In 2020, HydroSur v was looking for an industr y par tner that could help them expand globally by delivering autopilots for their USVs at a large scale When they chose to work with EIVA, the two companies collaborated in fur ther developing EIVA’s optimised autopilot hardware and software solution, NaviSuite Kuda – Autopilot

By leveraging EIVA’s existing resources, such as the well-established NaviSuite software, USV manufacturers like HydroSur v can provide a solution that helps to overcome challenges to USV accessibility like:

• Getting star ted with a new technology, for example training users

• Adapting to different project requirements

With the help of HydroSur v ’ s input, EIVA’s development team improved and sailed out NaviSuite Kuda – Autopilot onto the market last year

Easy to get star ted: Sur veyors meet a familiar (inter)face

Before this autopilot was even a twinkle in EIVA’s eye, NaviSuite Kuda sur vey software was sailing the seas, providing sur veyors with real-time QC

The offshore sur veyors in HydroSur v ’ s team were familiar with EIVA’s NaviSuite software from their experience at sea – and they’re not alone with this By choosing to use an autopilot that seamlessly works together with a software suite many sur veyors already have training in, HydroSur v made it easier for new users of their USVs to get star ted sur veying

“One of the challenges that face emerging technology is the difficulty and expense of training new users We decided to equip our USVs with EIVA’s NaviSuite sur vey software, which is an inter face already familiar to many sur veyors, so they can save on the cost of training”commented David Hull, HydroSur v

In addition to having an existing user base familiar with the software, as a longtime key player in bathymetric sur vey solutions, EIVA offers many training oppor tunities, such as eLearning and vir tual or classroom training courses This all makes it ideal for helping new users get star ted with HydroSur v ’ s USV

A 360 total solution: Leveraging the teamwork between sister companies

To provide a ready sur vey tool, HydroSur v chose EIVA as provider of not only sur vey software and control inter face, but also provider of the autopilot By fur ther developing EIVA’s autopilot in cooperation, the teams collaborated to ensure that the software and hardware work together optimally for safe autopilot sur veys

Another way HydroSur v could ensure streamlined integration between par ts in their USV was by par tnering with several companies in Covelya Group, which EIVA is par t of

‘In order to best provide 360 solutions, we decided to work with several Covelya Group companies We star ted out with positioning equipment from Sonardyne, then sur vey software and autopilot from EIVA, and recently we ’ ve been working with Voyis, who provides laser and optical payloads’ he added www eiva com

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Tele dyn e ’ s n ew La dybug6


360° sphe r ical imag e

captu re is available n o w

Teledyne FLIR recently announced its all new Ladybug6 360-degree camera is now in full production.

“We are excited to announce that our newest Ladybug camera is in production now and units are shipping immediately The interest expressed by so many of our long-term customers has been astounding with order commitments made months in advance,” said Mike Lee, Senior Product Manager at Teledyne FLIR

“For applications that require high accuracy imaging like high-definition mapping, road sur veying, and asset inspection, the Ladybug6 gives users precision trigger control and resolution in a field-proven format unmatched by other manufacturers ”

Ladybug6 is the industr y ’ s leading high-resolution camera designed to capture 360degree spherical images from moving platforms in all weather conditions Its industrialgrade design and out-of-the-box factor y calibration produce 72 Megapixel (MP) images with pixel values that are spatially accurate within +/- 2 mm at a 10-metre distance.

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e ra fo r h ig h accu racy

Navigatio n buo ys fo r the most deman din g co n ditio ns

With over 35 years of experience manufacturing innovative products, JFC Marine manufactures and supplies an ext ensive range of navigation buoys complet e with At on (Aids t o Navigation) syst ems Designed t o endure of fshore conditions, JFC Marine’s modular-designed buoys are setting a new st andard in floating aids t o navigation thanks t o its award-winning Seagull and Gannet navigation buoy range.

With the increase in renewable energies and growth in the installation of offshore wind farms, JFC Marine offers a comprehensive range of Aton suitable for the safe guidance of vessels during the construction phases of wind farm projects Designed to offer easy installation and provide a low maintenance cost solution to marine navigation, JFC Marines navigation buoys range from Ø600mm to Ø3000mm in diameter By addressing key design criteria, the safe access for maintenance personnel and ease of operation has been prioritised, as have all deployment, mooring, and retrieval requirements

JFC’s extensive range of Aton equipment includes:

• Navigation buoys

• Data buoys

• Lanterns

• AIS systems

• Batter y and Solar powered solutions

JFC Marines navigation buoys are designed and manufactured for the most demanding conditions using superior-quality materials They boast excellent stability characteristics, power system versatility, and environmental credentials The extra strength mooring and lifting eyes, along with the steel centre core increase mooring flexibility and ser vice life of the buoys

JFC Marines buoy design combined with advances in technology has enabled JFC Marine to add new technologies and sensors to their buoys to provide real-time information to pilots at sea Including information such as wave height, wind speed, and water currents

JFC Marine is a member of IALA (Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities), IHMA & UKHMA. JFC Marine’s buoys and lanterns are available in a wide range of IALA recommended colours and configurations

www jfcmarine com/aids-to-navigation

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Overthirty years of specialist service

With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.

Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year. “The

Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings ur partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings
Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists”

Furetank turns former office into advanced ship simulator training centre

Furet ank has turned a former of fice building int o a maritime educational centre on Donsö outside Gothenburg. It is a st at e-of-the-ar t ship simulat or complex for training, assessment and cer tification and, from summer 2023, it will be available for the entire shipping clust er on Donsö as well as ext ernal users.

The rapid development in the shipping industr y demands constant updates of on-board routines and seafarer skills Greener shipping and the adoption of newer and smar ter technologies pose a huge skilling challenge to shipping companies In tanker shipping, the upcoming launch of an updated ship inspection repor t program, SIRE 2 0, will increase demand even fur ther for company-specific courses and skills development

When moving into new and larger of fices, Furetank saw the oppor tunity to turn the old building into a training centre on the island of Donsö outside Gothenburg A simulator complex equipped with the most sophisticated technology available will ser vice all the shipping companies operating from the island, as well as other external par ties

“Furetank has ordered a large range of new-built vessels to be delivered in the coming years, and manning these ships is a great challenge The situation is the same for many of our fellow shipping companies on Donsö The lack of access to simulator environments has been a bottleneck for us This easily accessible training centre will be a positive contribution to Swedish shipping” commented Jonas Gunnarsson, personnel manager at Furetank.

The simulator complex has been designed by Wär tsilä, one of the world's leading maritime simulator manufacturers It holds 14 students at a time Physical simulation bridges are combined with vir tual, augmented and mixed reality applications Together they create highly realistic learning environments for navigation, manoeuvring, eco driving, docking, cargo handling, safety procedures as well as proper use of new ship technology like shore-power connection or LNG/PBG bunkering. The equipment includes a full size class A navigational bridge simulator using eleven por trait-mounted 75” displays, giving a 240 degrees horizontal field of view and good ver tical height In addition, there will be a vir tual reality bridge/bridge wing and TUG simulator as well as an engine room simulator including a vir tual machiner y space

A multi-player feature allows interaction between captain/pilot, bridge/engine room etc, for training in communications skills required in real-life scenarios An award-winning cloud simulation solution allows connecting to other training centres and per forming remote joint exercises

“We can simulate 50 ship models ranging from pilot boats and cruise ships to tankers and towboats You can navigate several fair ways, going into the por ts of Gothenburg, Rotterdam, the Oslo Fjord etc We can also simulate moving through ice or rough sea Only our imagination sets the limits for what shipping companies can do in this simulator” added Gunnarsson

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Damen Marine Components supplies smar t dock winches

E v i d e n c e o f t h e c o r r e c t f u n c t i o n i n g o f t h e innovative dock winches developed by Damen Marine Components (DMC) was provided during the controlled t owage of the huge cruise ship

E m e r a l d P r i n c e s s i n t h e d o c k o f D a m e n Shiprepair Rott erdam on 11t h Oct ober The winches were specially developed for this 405 metre-long and 90 metre-wide ship dock A ver y smar t int erplay of four winches ensures a ship is pulled in smoothly and in a controlled manner under all circumst ances.

The four winches provide 40 tons of pulling power per winch There is a winch at each corner of the dock. Two winches pull a ship in and the two others at the ‘entrance’ of the dock control the speed and position of the ship by providing the exact amount of counter force required The winch system is controlled by a central computer. This winch system is power ful enough to pull any floating object into a dock Floating objects require relatively little force to be towed, but a tall ship such as the Emerald Princess can catch a lot of wind and create large forces that must be controlled by the winches

DMC’s winch system continuously measures the force applied to the ropes and automatically regulates a constant tension While two winches pull the ship in, the other two ensure this is done in a controlled manner and that the ship cannot move sideways or drift in too quickly As these winches slowly spin, energy is recovered and then utilised by the towing winches The winches can place a ship or another maritime object in the dock under their own power or do this in combination with tugboats

The Emerald Princess is 290 metres long and 36 metres wide The first real operation of the dock winches developed by DMC went beyond expectations Electrical engineers from DMC Dynamics and the engineering depar tment that develops the physical construction of the winches worked closely together

DMC supplies a wide range of ship systems such as rudders, steering gear, nozzles, plus advanced winches such as anchor and towing winches For specific projects, winches are developed completely according to the customer’s wishes DMC Dynamics provides sophisticated software for controlling the electrical systems, for the systems that are developed within Damen Shipyards Group, but also for external customers With an experienced engineering depar tment in the Netherlands and two production locations in Poland and China, DMC takes care of the complete production process.

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MacGregor has been select ed t o supply RoRo equipment for two 8000 LM RoRo vessels built by Hyundai Mipo Doc kyard (HMD) in South Korea for Cobelfret CLdN , Luxembourg.

The order is booked into Cargotec’s first quar ter 2023 orders received The first vessel is scheduled to be delivered to the owner by the end of the four th quar ter of 2024, and the second vessel in the second quar ter of 2025

Coberlfret CLdN’s new RoRo vessels are designed for shor tsea connections and will operate in Nor thern and Western Europe routes The order consists of design and complete hardware including stern ramps, ramp covers and hoistable car decks, access ramps, and rampway doors In addition, MacGregor engineers will provide suppor t and super vision during the installation

The order was trusted to MacGregor thanks to its long-term relationships with Cobelfret CLdN and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Another impor tant reason for the customer to choose MacGregor as the supplier was its strong local presence in South Korea enabling effective and professional capabilities of solving challenges during the project contracting period Also, MacGregor’s aftersales strong offering was a positive factor in customers’ decisionmaking

Gar y Walker, COO Shipping at CLdN, commented: “We are pleased to continue our collaboration with MacGregor for our latest new building projects at HMD We chose MacGregor as the supplier for the RoRo equipment due to the quality of their products, their extensive experience, and their track record of successfully delivering projects Together we have been able to design an efficient and flexible cargo layout that will assist CLdN in fulfilling our ambitions as one of the leading shor t sea RoRo operators in Nor thern and Western Europe ”

Magnus Sjöberg, Senior Vice President, Merchant Solutions, MacGregor added: “I am ver y proud of the relationship that we have established with both CLdN and HMD and of our team succeeding in delivering previous and ongoing projects Due to those successes, we were able to secure yet another order We are determined to be a reliable par tner with our deliver y process and build our relationship even fur ther We are ver y glad to suppor t CLdN’s sustainable and reliable shor t-sea operations with our RoRo equipment ”

www macgregor com

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29 D E C K E Q U I P M E N T , L I F T I N G & W I N C H I N G
MacGregor secures significant order for RoRo equipment for two vessels

LEEA release s #GLAD2023

m issio n s tatem ent

‘ We promot e safe lif ting, so we suppor t GL AD’ is t h e ra ll y i n g ca ll of t h i s ye a r ’ s Glob a l Li f t i n g Awareness Day #GL AD2023 on 13 July.

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has revealed the mission statement as suppor ters unite in preparation for a day where manufacturers, suppliers, and end users share material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting

Ross Moloney, CEO at LEEA, said: “Lifting is a Cinderella industr y and to change its image globally we need to raise awareness, hence #GLAD2023 ”

Moloney has invited stakeholders to show suppor t in two simple ways: par ticipate on social media; and hold events that ser ve as hubs from which the concept can grow in future years

He explained: “The hashtag #GLAD2023 logo and suppor ting imager y ser ve as signposts to content and activity that says, ‘We promote safe lifting, so we suppor t GLAD’ But this isn’t an event only hosted by LEEA that we ’ re inviting people to come along to; we want others to hold vir tual and in-person events that energise the cause too

“As a minimum,” Moloney continued, “We want manufacturers, suppliers, end users, etc to be visible in suppor t of the mission statement across social media platforms Remember that LEEA exists to eliminate lifting accidents, injuries, and fatalities; and educate, influence, and enable so that best practice is ever yday action. GLAD is how we celebrate buy-in, and evidence movement of the dial towards prioritising safety over cutting costs.”

As outlined in #GLAD2023 launch messages, fighting gravity is inherently dangerous and getting it wrong can lead to accident, injur y, and even fatality. That makes lifting an extremely impor tant, challenging, and rewarding sector to work in Social media posts, videos, ar ticles, and in-person activity will again be bound together by the hashtag, #GLAD2023 Industr y stakeholders are also invited to share their content so LEEA can add it to the newly updated website www globalliftingawarenessday com where information about

technology has been posted during previous years

Moloney added: “Put your hand up Make the case for professionalisation and standards Highlight that we do impor tant and complicated work Tell younger generations why this would be a great industr y to work in ”

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a p p r e n t i c e s h i p s , m i l i t a r y r e c r u i t m e n t , d i v e r s i t y, s u s t a i n a b i l i t y, a n d
D E C K E Q U I P M E N T , L I F T I N G & W I N C H I N G 32

F i r s t W e l s h

w i n d f a r m ‘ E r e b u s ’ g e t s l i c e n c e

B l u e G e m W i n d h a s b e e n g r a n t e d a m a r i n e l i c e n s e f o r t h e f l o a t i n g w i n d p r o j e c t ‘ E r e b u s ’ , t o b e l o c a t e d a p p r ox i m a t e l y 4 0 k i l o m e t r e s o f f t h e Pe m b r o ke s h i r e c o a s t l i n e . E r e b u s i s Wa l e s ’ f i r s t p l a n n e d f l o a t i n g w i n d f a r m T h e p r o j e c t w i l l f e a t u r e s e v e n n e x t - g e n e r a t i o n 1 4 M W t u r b i n e s o n Wi n d F l o a t f l o a t i n g p l a t f o r m s , p r o v i d i n g e n o u g h r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y t o p o w e r 9 3 , 0 0 0 h o m e s . “ We h a v e b e e n w o r k i n g w i t h N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s Wa l e s a n d o t h e r k e y s t a k e h o l d e r s s i n c e 2 0 1 9 t o d e v e l o p a t e s t & d e m o n s t r a t i o n s c a l e p r o j e c t t h a t b a l a n c e s t h e n e e d f o r l o w c a r b o n e n e r g y w i t h t h a t o f t h e n a t u r a l e n v i r o n m e n t , a n d m i n i m i s e s i m p a c t s t o l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s a n d s t a k e h o l d e r s ” , s a i d S e a n E v a n s , C o n s e n t i n g M a n a g e r o f B l u e G e m Wi n d . E r e b u s f l o a t i n g o f f s h o r e w i n d p r o j e c t i s p l a n n e d t o b e c o m m i s s i o n e d i n 2 0 2 6 a n d m a r k s t h e s t a r t o f B l u e G e m Wi n d ’ s s t e p p i n g s t o n e a p p r o a c h t o f l o a t i n g w i n d d e v e l o p m e n t i n t h e C e l t i c S e a A t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f l a s t y e a r, t h e j o i n t v e n t u r e s e l e c t e d B u r e a u Ve r i t a s t o u n d e r t a k e t h e p r o j e c t c e r t i f i c a t i o n o f E r e b u s w w w. b l u e g e m w i n d . c o m

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Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710

Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713



F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale

Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units.


New funding bolsters confidence in FastRig development

Smar t Green Shipping’s Fas tRigs is one of 19 projects select ed t o receive funding from the UK Government ’ s £60 million initiative t o superc harge the development of clean maritime solutions.

Smar t Green Shipping’s (SGS) ‘Winds of Change’ project to develop its ground-breaking FastRig technology has been selected as one of the recipients of £60 million in funding from the third round of the UK Government’s Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC3) The funds will be used to develop a new UK-designed-and-built wing sail, a 20 metre high ‘FastRig’ installed on board a vessel, bringing the maritime industr y closer to efficiently harnessing wind power for propulsion

This latest funding displays growing suppor t for the FastRigs technology, which recently secured a £1 35 million investment from MOL Dr ybulk Ltd (MOLDB) and Scottish Enterprise, building on the £1 8million grant from Scottish Enterprise last year with £3 2million match-funded by the private sector “I’m thrilled that the UK is demonstrating ongoing faith in our FastRig technology, which holds the key to rapidly reducing emissions from shipping,” said SGS CEO, Diane Gilpin “Climate science is clear that shipping must rapidly reduce emissions in the shor t term Wind power, harnessed using sophisticated digital software and well-engineered equipment, is at present the fastest way for the sector to reduce fuel consumption and related emissions ”

The CMDC3 was announced in September 2022, funded by the Depar tment for Transpor t and delivered in par tnership with Innovate UK As par t of the CMDC3, the Depar tment allocated £60m to 19 flagship projects suppor ted by 92 UK organisations to deliver real world demonstration R&D projects in clean maritime solutions Projects will take place in multiple locations around the UK from as far nor th as the Shetland Isles and as far south as Cornwall

The CMDC3 is par t of the UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions’ (UK SHORE) flagship multi-year CMDC programme In March 2022, the Depar tment announced the biggest government investment ever in our UK commercial maritime sector, allocating £206m to UK SHORE, a new division within the Depar tment for Transpor t focused on decarbonising the maritime sector UK SHORE is delivering a suite of inter ventions throughout 2022-2025 aimed at accelerating the design, manufacture and operation of UK-made clean maritime technologies and unlocking an industr y-led transition to Net Zero

FastRig is an innovative retractable, recyclable rigid wing sail designed to be easily retrofitted to existing commercial vessels with available deck space Depar tment for Transpor t analysis calculates that more than 40,000 vesselspar ticularly bulkers and tankers - are currently suitable for installations of wind technologies such as FastRig Fuel and GHG emissions savings verified during an earlier InnovateUK funded feasibility study point to a minimum of 20% reduction per annum in emissions through use of the FastRig technology and TradeWind smar t analysis tool

“Collaboration is essential for new technology to accelerate at the speed we need to address climate change, which is why we are developing FastRig together with a group of industr y exper ts from all areas of the shipping

, commercial and ship operating knowledge to the table ” Gilpin continues, “Our Winds of Change project is being delivered with The University of Southampton, and project par tners include Humphreys Yacht Design, Houlder, Malin Group, Caley Ocean Systems, Argo Engineering, Lloyd’s Register, MOL Dr yBulk (par t of Mitsui O S K Lines) and Drax ”

“We are currently rigorously testing our equipment and software on land, ahead of the ship installation, to give users confidence in the safety, per formance and economics of 21st centur y wind-assist technology,” Gilpin added

c o s y s t e m , b r i n g i n g e x e m p l a r y, w o r l d - l e a d i n g d e s i g n , e n g i n e e r i n g
www smar
com www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
W I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E R 36

Italian offshore flo ating

w ind far m

Pan-European renewable energy developer Galileo and Hope Group have formed a joint venture t o develop a 1,100 MW floating of fshore wind project in the Adriatic Sea

The Barium Bay floating wind farm, which is the name of the project and the JV, will be located over 40 kilometres from shore, to the nor th of Barletta

The Barium Bay project will have 74 15 MW wind turbines that will be able to capture speeds sufficient to produce over 3 billion kilowatt hours, which represents the annual electricity demand of over one million Italian households

The Joint Venture is currently completing all the necessar y environmental and technical studies and will file its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) application within the summer

The project will also begin a 24-month wind measurement campaign at sea together with Spain’s Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions

“Barium Bay is a landmark project thanks to both its scale and potential contribution to Italy’s energy transition using exclusively local energy sources The Adriatic Sea offers a winning combination of key factors that make floating offshore wind projects highly attractive for Italy: good wind speeds, vast areas, and suitable connection solutions to the national grid”, commented Ingmar Wilhelm, Galileo’s CEO

The Barium Bay project fur ther consolidates Galileo and Hope Group’s par tnership, which star ted with Lupiae Maris, the joint venture for the development of a 525 MW wind farm with the same technology in Apulia, Italy, off the Brindisi and Lecce coasts

“We are enthusiastic and satisfied for having strengthened our par tnership with Galileo This confirms the validity of our collaboration and the synergies arising from it, thanks to which we developed competencies making us a reference in the growing Italian offshore wind market”, said Michele Scoppio, CEO of Hope Group

Italy currently has one offshore wind farm in its national waters, the 30 MW Taranto project, developed by Renexia and inaugurated in April last year

https://galileo energy

37 W I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E R

Damen presents Floating Offshore Wind Support Vessel

Anticipating upcoming large-scale floating windfarm installation, Damen has developed the FLOW-SV vessel concept that can accelerate the development of this new maritime segment. The Damen FLOW-SV is specially designed to install ground tackles for of fshore turbine floaters.

The vessel can load the immense lengths of chain needed to install and secure 9 anchors or suction piles Instead of mooring 1 floating windmill in a mission, three can be secured It also applies sufficient proof loading on the anchors to make the installation more efficient

“With the FLOW-SV, we have developed a vessel which covers the entire process of attaching mooring lines This vessel, combining the supply, installation, securing and inspection of the ground tackles for floating turbines in one vessel, introduces a big step for ward towards large scale installation of floating windfarms The concept reflects our expertise in operational demands and efficiency,” says Wijtze van der Leij – Sales Manager “At the moment, we are still in the concept phase But we are now entering a stage where we would like to partner up to refine and customise this concept Together with a launching customer, we aspire to accelerate the floating offshore windfarm installation industr y ” Measuring approximately 150 metres in length and a 32-metre beam, the FLOW-SV is a big ship The size and weight of anchors and chains needed for installing offshore floating wind turbines are so big that a larger vessel is needed than any anchor handling vessel before As the FLOW-SV will be able to take all the materials and equipment needed to install 3 floaters, the vessel saves time on transits and loading Secured at all three corners, a floater needs three ground tackles

When Damen engineers defined the amounts of gear that the FLOW-SV needs to take onboard to be able to install three floaters in a base case of 100 metres water depth, their calculations added up to five kilometres of chain (chain links of 152 mm diameter) 4 5 kilometres of fibre rope of 112 mm diameter, 9 anchors each weighing 15 tons and almost 100 clump weights of 10 tons each, Dshackles, tensioners, as well as steel cable Getting the gear to the place of operation means the vessel carries a load in excess of 4,000 tons Depending on seabed conditions, depth and windfarm operator requirements, anchors can be replaced with suction piles to provide a secure ground tackle When deploying the anchors at sea, the chain is guided to large winches on the for ward end of the large open aft deck, from where it leads over the deck to the stern where it is deployed into the water

A 250-ton crane (at 12 5 m reach) with active heave compensation is installed along the aft deck's starboard side while two smaller cargo rail cranes are available for handling gear on deck A triple drum anchor winch can deploy 600 tons pulling force

A unique feature of the FLOW-SV is the combination of bollard pull generated by the thrusters and added pulling force from the bow reaction anchor winch This adds up to 1,000 tons of proof load

The FLOW-SV deploys the bow anchor and embeds it by reversed bollard pull She then moves to the spot where the anchor for the floater needs to be installed After letting out enough chain length, the anchor for the floater needs to be proof loaded, ensuring a secure seabed connection Using the four thrusters, FLOW-SV has 400 tons of bollard pull Pulling strength is enhanced by the for ward anchor handling winch, that generates another 600 tons At that moment, approximately 1,000 tons of proofload is acting on the turbine floater anchor

Two fixed propellers in nozzles and two azimuthing thrusters at the stern propel the FLOW-SV and provide for ward bollard pull These propellers in nozzles turn 180 degrees to provide ample reverse bollard pull when the bow anchor is set The azimuthing thrusters are also engaged for dynamic positioning, together with the retractable azimuthing thruster and tunnel thrusters in the bow section of the vessel

Sea bottom inspection is needed to determine the best spot to install the anchor FLOW-SV has two working class ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicle) (remote operated vehicle) with two separate control rooms next to a moonpool (an opening to launch submarine vehicles in the middle of the vessel) After installing the anchors for the turbine floater, the ROVs can be deployed through the moonpool for inspection of the anchor and to see if it has dug in to provide secure ground connection

In line with the purpose of installing renewable energy supply, the FLOW-SV is laid out for using the renewable fuel Methanol Tanks and piping are in place according to safety regulations for this future fuel Six generators feed the electric thrusters When the floater anchors are being secured and maximum bollard pull is required, the two fixed 5 5 metres propellers in nozzles are engaged At transit journeys between harbours and windfarm sites, the azimuthing 4 5-metre propeller size thrusters propel the vessel This eliminates the need for rudders All propulsion units are positioned to have the least possible interference with anchor chains

Analysis of planned installation of floating wind turbines offshore, indicates that this new type of installation vessel is needed Large anchor handling vessels available today have limited carr ying capacity and are booked in long-time charters or in other maritime operations Planned windfarm installation would require some 100 vessels of the FLOW-SV type That is why Damen started the development of FLOW-SV with valuable input from industr y experts like Temporar y Works Design (TWD), First Marine Solutions (FMS) and Intermoor Knowledge about critical mission equipment specifications was provided by Kongsberg and McGregor Besides developing this new type of vessel, Damen can also supply the chains, floaters, and the vessels for towing Damen is the one stop shop for floating windfarm installation operations We can assist in finance constructions as well www damen com

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Damen’s new Offshore Construction capability reveals two projects already under way

Damen Shipyards Group is leveraging its resources and shipbuilding exper tise t o become a major force in of fshore construction. It sees exciting oppor tunities in of fshore wind, in par ticular the emerging floating wind sect or, but also recognises the pot ential in other s e g m e n t s o f t h e o f f s h o r e e n e rg y s e c t o r a n d aquaculture. Damen is now of f er ing a complet e construction ser vice including deliver y, working t o clients’ designs and providing fabrication engineering exper tise.

Damen Shipyards Mangalia (DSMa), Romania, the group ’ s largest facility, will play a significant role Capable of handling ver y large structures, it is also equipped with a semi-automated panel line, modern blasting and painting cells, a 1,000 tonne gantr y crane and other equipment that make it highly efficient operationally, as well as economically.

The company is currently delivering two HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) offshore transmission projects at DSMa, both of which are being constructed under contracts with Aker Solutions as the main EPCI contractor Work began last year and, with assembly and outfitting commenced, the first is due for deliver y in the first half of 2023 and the second will be delivered in Q1 2024 Once complete, the HVDC topsides will set sail for Aker Solutions’ yard in Stord, Nor way, where the HVDC equipment will be installed and commissioned before they depar t for their final destinations

Damen is under taking the structural fabrication, sur face protection, outfitting including insulation, lighting, ducting, local cabling and more, as well as the fabrication of the transpor t grillages The structural design by Aker Solution incorporates construction friendly design principles, which enables an efficient fabrication process when combined with the facilities available at DSMa. Damen’s long experience in shipbuilding together with Damen Shipyard Mangalia’s facilities ensures the highest quality in executing current and future projects

Arne Engevik, HVDC director at Aker Solutions, said: “Damen Shipyards Group is a key par tner for us in offshore wind Their facilities are well suited for fabricating these types of structures, and the company shares our passion for delivering large, complex projects safely and sustainably We have built a ver y strong relationship with the company over the past years and consider Damen as an integral par t in successfully delivering our HVDC por tfolio ”

Wouter Henstra, Commercial Manager Damen Offshore Construction, added: “We are ver y pleased that Aker Solutions, a leading supplier of integrated solutions, products and ser vices to the global energy industr y, has chosen Damen Shipyards for these projects We are confident that the HVDC topsides will fulfil their roles for many years to come and we are delighted to be expanding the contribution that we already make to the roll-out of much-needed offshore wind generation capacity ”

www damen com

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HVDC-platform rendering Cour tesy - Aker Solutions

Electric overhaul for vessel at Por t of Gothenburg

The Por t of Gothenburg Authority recently announced that after considering replacing M/S Hamnen, an inspection vessel that has been in ser vice at Sweden’s biggest por t since 1979, the decision has now been reached to conver t it to run on electric power and ensure it remains in por t ser vice for many years to come

At present, the vessel is in operation for around 1,200 hours a year, consuming approximately 25,000 litres of diesel This represents 67 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions

“Hamnen is in really good condition, and there’s no other vessel that’s better suited to its assignment By conver ting it rather than replacing it, we fur ther reduce emissions, as the vessel will then not be taken into use by a new owner, ” commented David Falk, M/S Hamnen's skipper

The 60-foot-long vessel will be taken to the Ö-var vet shipyard on the island of Öckerö in the Gothenburg archipelago later in the year for the engine overhaul, a project expected to cost $1 6 million The vessel will be back in ser vice in the second quar ter of 2024

At the shipyard, the vessel’s engine room is expected to undergo a total transformation, with the existing diesel engine being replaced by a new electric motor with an output of 250 kW A four to five-tonne bank of batteries with 520 kWh of storage capacity will also be installed, which can be supplemented by additional batter y capacity in the future if required

While the goal of the conversion is to ensure the workhorse vessel runs on batter y power for 90 percent of the time, an auxiliar y diesel engine that runs on hydrotreated vegetable oil will be installed to cater for exceptional cases, special call-outs, unforeseen events or extreme weather conditions

“The strength of Hamnen is its versatility, and the fact that we ’ re always at hand when things happen The vessel has many different duties, but essentially it’s there to represent the por t authority and to make sure that the rules set out in the por t regulations are obser ved,” added Falk

Hamnen’s regular ber th position in the por t of Gothenburg will also be fitted with a 63 amp charger, which is sufficient for charging between regular assignments

While Hamnen is at the shipyard, the vessel’s crew will be using a smaller replacement boat to per form their inspection assignment at Sweden’s busiest seapor t Last year, the por t handled a total of 885,000 TEUs, an increase of seven percent The electrification of Hamnen is another step in the quest to achieve the por t’s climate goal of a 70 percent reduction in por t-related emissions by 2030 The por t is implementing numerous green transformation projects, including joining the Green Corridor initiative, to ensure it remains sustainable www por tofgothenburg com

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A much used inspection vessel that has been in ser vice at the por t of Gothenburg, Sweden for over for ty years will remain in operations for years t o come thanks t o the Por t ’ s plans t o conver t it t o run on electrical power.
P O R T & Q U A Y S I D E F A C I L I T I E S & U S A G E 42

APM Terminals invests in Peruvian terminal infrastructure

APM Terminals Callao recently had a boost t o operational structure with a new electric Panamax ship-t o-shore crane and two Electrified Rubber Tyred Gantr y Cranes (ERTGs).

This latest $25 million investment will accelerate and enhance container operations around the terminal

The terminal, which is the largest multipurpose terminal in Peru, now operates five Super Post Panamax cranes, two Panamax cranes and 15 ERTGs

APM Terminals Callao also has plans to add two free-flow grain loaders and build a grain handling system with 12 silos and a capacity of 60,000 tonnes.

There are also plans to acquire three additional ship-to-shore cranes, nine ERTGs and 24 additional terminal tractors, as well as general cargo equipment In the final stage of the expansion, the terminal will incorporate an additional four ship-to-shore cranes, 12 ERTGs and 24 terminal tractors

Back in May 2011, APM Terminals Callao signed a 30-year concession contract with the Peruvian State to be the operator of the Multipurpose Nor th Terminal of the Por t of Callao

This was followed in November last year, by an addendum to the concession contract, committing to an investment of more than $1 2 billion APM Terminals state that, to date, more than $500 million has already been invested

With container volumes continuing to increase, Javier Vidal, Head of Operations at APM Terminals Callao, commented that the new equipment is prospected to fur ther enhance the terminal’s handling operations.

“In future stages of our concession master plan we have planned an increase in our fleet of terminal equipment and infrastructure to adequately meet the future demand of Peruvian foreign trade,” Vidal added

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Port of M o ntreal inf ras tr uctu re inve s t m ent plan

The Por t of Montreal’s new five year investment planwill consist of a $335 million budget for its infrastructure on the Island of Montreal.

These investments are deemed necessar y to consolidate the Por t of Montreal’s status as a trading platform at the hear t of the strategic St Lawrence corridor and suppor t the energy transition The investment announcement was made recently by Mar tin Imbleau, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Montreal Por t Authority (MPA) during a speech at the Transpor t and Logistics Forum organized by the Chambre de commerce de l’Est de Montréal (CCEM)

Mar tin Imbleau outlined the Por t of Montreal’s role and scope in the city’s east end from a long-term perspective Now that the Por t of Montreal is approaching its full container handling capacity, it wants to invest heavily in its infrastructure on the island

The investment is geared to achieve four main ongoing objectives:

• To sustainably develop and maintain por t infrastructure to accommodate trade growth for the benefit of expor ting and impor ting companies

• To continue to strengthen the Greater Montreal supply chain where the countr y ’ s supply chains have been weakened over the past two years by factors such as the labour shor tage, inflation, and issues with procurement and storage

• To accelerate the decarbonization of por t activities and the energy transition To this end, the MPA has already implemented major initiatives, including the installation of shore power for wintering ships and cruise ships and the electrification of its fleet of ser vice vehicles Future plans include larger-scale rollouts of electric power systems and developing green fuels

• To improve the city-por t inter face by creating a landscaped embankment on Notre Dame to minimize any visual and noise impacts of por t activities and planting 2,000 trees The Por t of Montreal aims to invest $10 million in this

Key projects planned for the next five years in Montreal include: optimizing substations, which will make it possible for the Por t to meet the growing demand for electrical energy; optimizing rail capacity by adding more tracks, which will improve the fluidity of rail traffic and storage; and whar f modernization to safely accommodate vessels

www por t-montreal com

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Fug ro expan ds g eote chn ical fleet w ith pu rcha se of two ve ssels

Fugro has reached agreement to acquire two platform supply vessels, Topaz Endurance and Topaz Energy, both built in 2015, which will be repurposed to geotechnical vessels The of fshore renewable energy market continues to grow rapidly, leading to high demand for Fugro’s ser vices and strong backlog growth For Fugro’s market leading position, geotechnical vessels are key strategic assets For the foreseeable future, marine geotechnical ser vices will not be executed with uncrewed platforms. Fugro maintains its uncrewed vessel strategy and net zero emissions roadmap.

Securing long-term capacity is critical in order to capture the growth, in par ticular in the global offshore wind market Char ter rates have been increasing and the vessel market is expected to remain tight With the purchase of these strategic assets Fugro will maintain a balanced vessel por tfolio while keeping flexibility towards the future

The purchase of these core strategic assets also suppor ts Fugro’s net zero 2035 roadmap, as the vessels are significantly more energy efficient than Fugro’s current fleet and offer options for hybrid conversions and/or alternative marine fuels in the future Fugro continues to invest in remote and digital solutions and will fur ther grow its fleet of uncrewed sur face vessels as par t of its net zero 2035 roadmap

www fugro com

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