LQM - 4th July

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Balancing Mind, Body and Lifestyle

July 4th 2021 | £1.99

Living Quietly


Ways to Regain Your Sexual Energy

Stress Busters

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Dr Simone Laubscher and The Seven Pillars of Wellness

20 Signs that your body is lacking specific vitamins 1



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Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Contents 6. No Excuses: Do we really want to return to pre Covid life?

7. Dr Simone Laubscher and The Seven Pillars of Wellness

9. THE GOLDEN RULE OF THE EXPERT: How To Get A Healthy Summer Tan

11. !0 Stress Busters

16. Meet Myriam, she has lost 9 dress sizes

20. Leeds International Festival of Ideas announces full 2021 festival programme

23. Music Therapy: For mind, body and soul

27. 20 Sighns that you body lacks specific vitamins

32. Raw detoc, broccoli and spinach soup

33. Why finding your sexual energy midlife can give you a new lease of life

35. 5 Ways to Regain Your Sexual Energy

38. Take a breath with Laura Tapper

42. 9 Easy Switches for Plastic-Free July

44. Exploring the Benefits of Increasing the Wildlife in your Garden

Here at LQM we do not take paid advertising, we prefer to feature brands that we like and can believe in. That being said we need to earn a living, so we use affiliate links. Most of our links are directed to Amazon. I know that Amazon as a company is controversial, but there are many independent, ethical and sustainable sellers using the platform and those are the people that we are supporting by posting the links. Publisher: Blooming Fabulous Media www.bloomingfabulousmedia.com Email: bfmedialtd@gmail.com Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


From the Desk of the Editor So, it is 5 years since I had my stroke. I after a long period of recovery, I am in better shape, physically and mentally than I have ever been. And I am more than ready to continue into middle age with a bang.

Last night not only did I go to a comedy club but I also got on the stage and proved to anyone who doubted it (my children) that I am very funny. Of course, I embarrass my children just by breathing, so they weren’t there, but I have video evidence of the audience laughing.

My Product of the week Tamanu balm is quite literally a miracle

product - I use it for everything from getting rid of a spot, providing a healing barrier for cuts, to sorting out cracked skin and even as a makeup primer on the days when my skin is a little sensitive. I have a pot in every handbag, just in case.

It was something that I was going to do once just to say that I had. However, I loved every minute of writing the material and performing it, so I shall definitely be doing it again.

Have a lovely week


https://www.instagram.com/ bloomingfabulousmedia/ @bloomingfabulousmedia bfmedialltd@gmail.com

Cover photo: https://www.ussamaazam.me Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Still my product of the week!

https://amzn.to/3ghBpnH 4

The Four Cornerstones of Living Quietly

Consciously choosing how to spend your energy and resources

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

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No Excuses Laura Tapper

Whenever we turn on the television or the radio, people are counting down to the day when we all get our freedom back. If there’s one thing Coronavirus has taught us, it’s how much we value being able to get out and about, choosing how and when we meet up with friends and family. Many of us have also missed our usual work routines, leisure activities, volunteering roles and cultural events, not to mention travel opportunities. That said, I can’t be the only one who’s wondering, after fifteen months of restrictions, quite how I used to fit everything in.

Many times, I've heard people talk about the way the change of pace has affected them. While loneliness has definitely been an issue for some, and most have certainly missed their loved ones, many have found that some aspects of lockdown life, with more time to reflect and indulge in their own personal interests, have suited them. Whether they've gone for regular walks, read more or taken up a new hobby, a bit more ‘me time’ and the power to make their own timetable, has been quite a pleasure for many women, albeit one they'd feel rather guilty to shout about.

to signal that the working day is done. Now that socialising is becoming possible, it’s important not to feel pressured into catching up on a year’s worth in the space of a few weeks. If you’re uncomfortable with the pace that others are taking, have too much to do or simply value some quieter time, it’s okay to say so. Anyone who has a long-term health condition, money worries or caring responsibilities knows how awkward it can sometimes feel to say no to social invitations, but it’s a mistake to start making rambling excuses: that only risks confusion and hurt feelings later on. Owning your own needs and wishes with gentle honesty works better and true friends will always try to find alternative ways to meet up with you.

Our pre-Covid leisure time may have been crammed with things we loved to do, but lockdown has offered us a chance to reevaluate. It may be that, if we cut back on a couple of the activities, those we value the most will become even more enjoyable. As we move into the next stage, it’s up to us to carefully choose how we spend our precious time - no excuses required.

So why do we often find ourselves unable to carve out time for our own projects or, even more controversially, do nothing? Each of us will have our own combination of pressures which leads us into spreading ourselves too thinly, while putting our own wellbeing at the bottom of the list.

As we go back to more usual working patterns, or a new post-Covid arrangement, it’s important to make sure that we maintain some separation between the office and home, whether that’s switching off the email alerts or going for a walk around the block Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Dr Simone Laubscher and The Seven Pillars of Wellness

There are seven pillars of wellness, and balancing these pillars are crucial for you to have a healthy immune system, says nutritionist and formulator of WelleCo’s revolutionary greens supplement The Super Elixir™, Dr Simone Laubscher. They need to be reviewed in order to remove your toxic load, rebuild your health, and move you into restored health and wellness.

Dr Simone Laubscher, who is also the founder of Rejuv Wellness, identifies the seven pillars of wellness, and provides an overview of the important role that each pillar plays:

Sleep – The First Pillar of Wellness Poor quality or a limited amount of sleep on a regular basis is linked to poor immune function. If you go through a short period of reduced sleep due to work and life demands but have a healthy immune system, then this will not be a problem. However, poor quality and/or a limited amount of sleep over months and years is something that needs to be addressed to support this wellness pillar.

Movement – The Second Pillar of Wellness Regular movement and exercise are not only great for your heart, but they’re great for your immune system too. Balance is key

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

here, for too little or too much exercise can actually reduce your immune system due to free radical damage.

Environment – The Third Pillar of Wellness This pillar is more important than ever given the current pandemic. The air we breathe, the water we drink, our personal hygiene, the quality of our food, WIFI and chemicals we may be putting on our skin due to nonorganic skincare…all such toxins have a huge impact on our immune system.

Nutrition – The Fourth Pillar of Wellness Now, more than ever in our current environment, it is key to use food as medicine to support all of our 11 body systems, including our immune system. Our bodies need whole-food nutrition and clean water, married in with herbs, spices and herbal teas – WelleCo’s Sleep Welle Calming Tea is a great place to start, with the effects of hops, valerian, lemon balm, passionflower and skullcap united to help calm and relax.

Mindfulness – The Fifth Pillar of Wellness Fear and stress tend to shut the immune system down, and the body goes into fight or flight mode, thinking that real, physical danger is right in front of you. This primal reaction is great if you do indeed have a tiger in front of you, but it’s not so great if it’s emotional stress like most people are experiencing at the moment. I really suggest gifting yourself five or ten minutes every morning just to be still, to set the intention of your day, and then choosing whichever mindfulness techniques work for you and enrich your life.


Body Balance – The Sixth Pillar of Wellness Our skeletal and muscular systems are pivotal to our health. Like the scaffolding of a house, they need to be built on rock, and not sand, to weather the storms of life. Your posture and skeletal systems have to be in order to allow enough space for your organs to work effectively, thus supporting your overall health and immune system. Regular visits to specialists such as Dr Simone Laubscher has a BSc MSc osteopaths, physical therapists, and PhD of Science, Nutrition and Toxicology, reflexologists can help can help to ensure and has treated patients for over 20 that your skeletal system is strong, while a years. In 2014, Dr Simone Laubscher targeted product like WelleCo’s Super Booster Bone Strength and Joint Health helped formulate WelleCo’s The Super has active ingredients that support joint Elixir daily greens powder. Today, Simone health, bone strength and calcium advises on the wider WelleCo product absorption in bones.

collection with founder, Elle Macpherson, and the rest of the WelleCo team. For more information, please visit WelleCo.co.uk or follow on Instagram @welleco.

Supplementation – The Seventh Pillar of Wellness Over-farming has decreased the nutritional value of the food that we eat. Historically, farms and farmlands would have more space and the soil would be given a rest every six or seven years; crops would alternate, and the soil would have time to rest and increase the nutritional value it could add to the particular crop. Supplementation gives you the nutritional support that you might be missing – WelleCo’s The Super Elixir™ combines over 45 naturally derived ingredients including wholefoods, herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals and probiotics that nourish the body right down at a cellular level.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021



How To Get A Healthy Summer Tan

Beauty means harmony, balance, perfection. Excessively tanned skin is not in harmony. Actually getting a tan is a protective reaction of the skin. The dark pigment of the skin “emerges” to protect the body from the harmful UV rays.

This is its "overprotection" mode. Instead of getting a vital dose of light and recharging, the skin works in "SOS" mode throughout the summer holidays. It is not recommended to be exposed to sunlight for more than two hours a day.

Too often people say they need a vacation after their vacation. Many of the people returning from a sea holiday suggest they got the “summer flu”. Actually these conditions speak of an overheating. To be beneficial to the body, solar energy must be used in the right dose. Any overdose has negative consequences.

Sun protection should be used all year round, but from March-April the factor should become higher.

The sun can cause damage and burns not only when a person is exposed directly to its rays. When driving the car, working indoors near a window or under the shade of an umbrella on the beach, the skin must be reliably protected .

Burn can also occur during a short stay outdoors with friends "for a coffee”. In order for the skin to be well protected, it is necessary to apply the product with UV protection 20 minutes before sun exposure.

If the skin burns during the sea holiday, do not be deceived that with the "peeling" of the burnt skin everything will be over. Some rays affect the deep layers of the skin and their destructive action continues for a long time after exposure. Their harmful effects begin to show 10-12 years later.

In order not to turn the sun into an enemy, you need to follow a few basic rules:

When you climb the mountain, every 1000 meters the intensity of the sun rays increases by 20%. The higher you climb, the greater the sun protection factor you must use.

In the hours between 13:00 and 16:00 the sun is the strongest. Vertically falling sun rays can cause severe burns, even in the city.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Galina Assenova is a professional beautician with 20 years of experience, owner of a cosmetic studio in Portsmouth.

Facebook page:

9 Gal Beauty Therapist


Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


10 STRESS BUSTERS Professor Sir Cary Lynn Cooper is an American-born British psychologist and 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He is the author/editor of over 250 books, over 450 scholarly articles and a regular contributor to radio and TV. He was knighted by the Queen in 2014 for his contribution to the social sciences. "In life, there's always a solution to a problem. Not taking control of the situation and doing nothing will only make your problems worse.", says Professor Cooper, cited by the NHS. According to him, the keys to good stress management are building emotional strength, being in control of your situation, having a good social network, and adopting a positive outlook. If you're stressed, whether by your job or something more personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify the cause. The most unhelpful thing you can do is turn to something unhealthy to help you cope, such as smoking or drinking. What you can do to address stress? These are Professor Cooper's top 10 stress-busting suggestions: Be active Exercise won't make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you're feeling, clearing your thoughts and letting you deal with your problems more calmly. Take control There's a solution to any problem. "If you remain passive, thinking, 'I can't do anything about my problem', your stress will get worse," says Professor Cooper.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

"That feeling of loss of control is one of the main causes of stress and lack of wellbeing." The act of taking control is in itself empowering, and it's a crucial part of finding a solution that satisfies you and not someone else. Connect with people A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease your work troubles and help you see things in a different way. "If you don't connect with people, you won't have support to turn to when you need help," says Professor Cooper. The activities we do with friends help us relax. We often have a good laugh with them, which is an excellent stress reliever. "Talking things through with a friend will also help you find solutions to your problems," says Professor Cooper. Have some 'me time' Here in the UK, we work the longest hours in Europe, meaning we often don't spend enough time doing things we really enjoy. "We all need to take some time for socialising, relaxation or exercise," says Professor Cooper. He recommends setting aside a couple of nights a week for some quality "me time" away from work. "By earmarking those 2 days, it means you won't be tempted to work overtime," he says. Challenge yourself Setting yourself goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a new language or a new sport, helps build confidence. This will help you deal with stress. "By continuing to learn, you become more emotionally resilient as a person," says Professor Cooper. "It arms you with knowledge and makes you want to do things rather than be passive, such as watching TV all the time.”


Avoid unhealthy habits Don't rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping. "Men more than women are likely to do this. We call this avoidance behaviour," says Professor Cooper. "Women are better at seeking support from their social circle." In the long term, these crutches won't solve your problems. They'll just create new ones. "It's like putting your head in the sand," says Professor Cooper. "It might provide temporary relief, but it won't make the problems disappear. You need to tackle the cause of your stress.” Help other people Professor Cooper says evidence shows that people who help others, through activities such as volunteering or community work, become more resilient. "Helping people who are often in situations worse than yours will help you put your problems into perspective," says Professor Cooper. "The more you give, the more resilient and happy you feel." If you don't have time to volunteer, try to do someone a favour every day. It can be something as small as helping someone cross the road or going on a coffee run for colleagues.

Work smarter, not harder Working smarter means prioritising your work, concentrating on the tasks that'll make a real difference. "Leave the least important tasks to last," says Cooper. "Accept that your in-tray will always be full. Don't expect it to be empty at the end of the day." Try to be positive Look for the positives in life, and things for which you're grateful. "People don't always appreciate what they have," says Professor Cooper. "Try to be glass half full instead of glass half empty," he says. Try writing down 3 things that went well, or for which you're grateful, at the end of every day. Accept the things you can't change Changing a difficult situation isn't always possible. Try to concentrate on the things you do have control over. "If your company is going under and is making redundancies, for example, there's nothing you can do about it," says Professor Cooper. "In a situation like that, you need to focus on the things that you can control, such as looking for a new job.” Check out our next article about some stressbusting apps suggested by the NHS! info: NHS University of Cumbria

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


The NHS recommends: Stress-busting apps


mood and lets you add notes on how you're feeling or what you're doing. You can use the mood diary to see patterns and identify triggers. The app offers a personalised set of activities designed to reduce distress including a music library, photo library, physical activities, relaxation and mindfulness exercises, and spotting and challenging negative thoughts. If you want to talk, the app allows you to click on one of three options to either talk to a selected person in your phone contacts, ChildLine or 111. BlueIce is a prescribed app designed to be used alongside face to face care provided by mental health services.

Calm Harm

harm. Calm Harm is based on the principles of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). DBT is a type of talking therapy that's often effective in people with mood disorders. The app provides tasks that encourage users to distract themselves from urges to self-harm and help manage their "emotional mind" in a more positive way. Please note that the app is an aid to treatment, but doesn't replace it. It is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.

BlueIce is an evidenced-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, a toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue. BlueIce is suitable for young people attending mental health services who are selfharming. It has a mood wheel to track your

Calm Harm is an app designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. It's private and password protected. Calm Harm is designed for people who are trying to manage urges to self-

Chill Panda Learn to relax, manage your worries and improve your wellbeing with Chill Panda. The app measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your state of mind. Tasks include simple breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries. Chill Panda is for children and adults who want to learn how to manage stress and worry and feel better. It uses the camera on a Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

smartphone or other mobile device to capture your heart rate.The app uses your device's LED light to measure the volume of blood flowing through your fingertip as your heart beats. Chill Panda asks you to rate your mood to work out your current emotional state. You are then encouraged to take part in a variety of playful tasks and activities, including breathing and light exercise. Chill Panda is not a medical device and heart rate measurements are shown for guidance only. The app is free to download from the App Store and Google Play. It works with mobile devices that have a camera.



wants to express through music what they might struggle to say with words. It is like a mood journal, except instead of using words to express how you feel, you use music. To create music, choose from six different moods – calm, struggling, longing, playful, clouded and gentle. Once you've selected your mood, you can easily add and remove different musical effects. Store your music in a private journal to revisit at any time. Add some personal thoughts and tags. Cove is free to download from the App Store.

Feeling Good: positive mindset

help improve positive feelings, self-esteem and self-confidence. To get you going, the app offers 4 free audio tracks combining soothing music with gentle coaching. The main offering is the 12-track Positive Mental Training audio programme, which is available as an in-app purchase. This programme has been used by the NHS in Edinburgh for the last 12 years to help recovery from stress, anxiety and depression. The app allows you to set reminders to listen to the tracks, as repeated listening is believed to build resilience and help reinforce the skills learned in the programme. Feeling Good is available on the App Store and Google Play.


With MeeTwo, you can post messages about any issue you're struggling to cope with. You'll receive supportive responses from other teenagers and guidance from MeeTwo experts designed to build confidence, increase wellbeing and improve emotional resilience. Every post and reply is moderated to make sure only positive feedback is published. The app contains advice and information on a variety of subjects, as well as a directory of specialist support groups that can offer further help. MeeTwo is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.


anyone wanting help and support to take better control of their emotions. Learn relaxation techniques like meditation and deep-breathing to help you cope better with stressful situations and manage negative thoughts. The app's Mood Meter lets you track your mood, the emotions you feel and the situation you were in at the time. The app can be downloaded free from the App Store, Google Play or the developer's website, but requires an access code to start using it.

Create music to capture your mood and express how you feel with the Cove app. Instead of words, create music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness, calm and anger. You can store your music in a personal journal, or send them to someone and let the music do the talking. Cove is for anyone who

Relax your body and mind with a series of audio tracks designed to help you build confidence, energy and a positive mindset. It is suitable for anyone aged 18 or over who feels worried or stressed, and those who want to improve their mental wellbeing, concentration and confidence in all walks of life. Feeling Good uses relaxation, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and resilience building techniques from sport to

This app provides a safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives.You can anonymously get advice from experts or other teenagers going through similar experiences in areas such as mental health, self-harming, relationships and friendships. Teenagers facing issues they'd like to discuss with experts or other teenagers.

It helps you prevent and manage stress, anxiety and related conditions. The game based app can be used to relax before a stressful situation or on a more regular basis to help you live a happier, more stress-free life. It is for

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Ivory Gloss is the new celestial subscription box based around current planetary energies with tips & meditations for the upcoming moon cycle, essential oils, teas, crystals, candles, self-care, snacks, smudge & other celestial delights.

Launched in 2020, Ivory Gloss now has 300 monthly subscribers. There are currently three boxes to choose from, pink (£14.50), blue (£28.50) and the gold gift boxes (£25 and £37).

Each box contains an astrology forecast for the month ahead with two meditations for the new & full moon, a guide to the upcoming astrological transits, a space to write your

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

new moon intentions and the latest self-care products & celestial tools to accompany it.

With the stress of living at an all time high, more and more people are turning to crystal healing, reiki and meditation to help improve wellbeing. Astrology in particular is experiencing a boom amongst millennial women looking to the stars to give their lives meaning.

For a video of the latest box please see our YouTube channel. If you'd like to review one we have a limited number of press boxes available this month and can get them sent over to you this week.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCAGakX18Obd8WpjzKreQYNQ


Myriam has lost 9 dress sizes

From a size 28 to a size 10 With the support of GetSlim

After seeing photos of herself at a wedding, Myriam Rickenbach decided that she had to make drastic changes.

Fact File Name: Myriam Rickenbach Age: 50 Height: 5ft 8in (172cm) Weight before: 18 stone (114kg) Weight now: 10st 7lbs (67kg) Clothes size before: 28 Clothes size now: 8/10 Total weight loss: 7st 7lb (47kg) For Myriam Rickenbach, her weight loss means one thing. “Total freedom!” she laughs. “Life is so good now. I love it. It’s freedom!”

Over 17 months, from April 2019 to September 2020, Myriam lost an amazing 7st 7lb. “I was very skinny as a child and a normal weight as a teenager and into early adulthood,” she remembers. “My weight gain started around my mid-20s. I loved to eat, go out with friends to the pub, or for dinner and drinks. I also ate non-stop at home.” Myriam’s weight slowly began to pile up, and as she got bigger she began to eat out of depression, not just from a love of food and socialising. “I felt bad because of my size, so I ate more. It was a vicious circle,” she explains.

stone, then put it all and move on.” Unfortunately, Myriam again ended up gaining weight, so was far bigger than she wanted to be for her friend’s wedding. “It was disastrous! I had to go to the U.S. and find something to wear there. My legs swelled up so badly on the flight that I couldn’t fit into my shoes and I had to wear trainers to the wedding!”

When she saw photos of herself at the wedding, Myriam was horrified. “I was so shocked,” she recalls. “I had looked so hard to find a dress that wasn’t black or ugly. I finally found one I liked and thought I looked slim – I felt confident in it. When you’ve been overweight for a long time you get used to it; you think it’s OK and you’re not so big. People tell you that too and it’s easy to believe. But I saw the photos and I knew I had to do something.”

As well as unhappiness, Myriam’s weight was also causing her health problems. Painful joints, swollen legs and bad knees were now part of everyday life for her. She felt ashamed of her size too. “I tried to cover myself up with

“I saw the photos and I knew I had to do something.”

The turning point came for Myriam when she was invited to a friend’s wedding in Chicago. It was nine months away, so she was determined to lose three stone for the big day. “I’d always wanted to lose this weight,” she says. “I would start, lose one-and-a-half stone, then put it all back on. I’d try again, lose three

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scarves when I went out, at work or amongst people.”

“The GetSlim programme is so good”

When Myriam returned from her friend’s wedding, she decided to take action. She reactivated her GetSlim membership, which she had previously joined but never used properly. “I started the programme and was absolutely determined not to get any bigger. I was determined to lose weight every week – even if it was just 100g!” She followed the Amazing Inch Loss Plan, although she did occasionally switch to other programmes too. “The great thing is all the diet plans work equally well and you can lose weight with all of them,” she enthuses.

“The GetSlim programme is so good. It’s not difficult to follow at all. You can still eat nice things. There’s no deprivation. Of course, I was hungry to start with. But I looked at it like this: if I’m hungry, I’m losing weight. The next meal is not far off – it’s not as if I’m going to starve. You have to think positive: that you are losing weight.”

Myriam immersed herself in GetSlim and spent lots of time on the website. “It is really excellent. You can find all sorts of recipes to cook, and articles to read. If I was ever bored or hungry, I’d read through them and choose a recipe to make next. There are so many options to choose from – there’s something to keep everyone going.”

Initially, Myriam found the afternoons tough, a time she would often spend munching on biscuits or cake. Instead, she made GetSlim’s oat, banana and cinnamon breakfast cookies. “I had one in the afternoon with a cup of Horlicks Light and that kept me going,” she explains. “The evenings were also a bad time for me when it came to food. So after dinner, I started to have a cup of cinnamon or chai tea, and that stopped me wanting something sweet.”

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Myriam’s hard work and determination quickly began to pay off. “I lost about 1kg every week and that was a really big motivation to keep going. I wanted to see my next weight loss at every weigh-in.”

“I may not enjoy working out, but I love the results”

Myriam admits that exercise was not a big part of her life before joining GetSlim. She attended a Zumba class once a week, but beyond that, her activity levels were low. As well as transforming her eating habits, she also began going to the gym five or six times a week. “I worked out, went to Legs, Bums and Tums classes, and did Pilates once a week.” As with her eating, Myriam committed herself to this new lifestyle. “I went religiously! If the weather was bad, I went. If my joints were sore or I had a headache, I went. If I was busy, I made time to go.” As she admits, she didn’t particular enjoy exercising. “I approached it like going to work or brushing my teeth,” she explains. “You don’t think about whether you are going to do it, you just get on and do it. If you start to think about it, there are always reasons not to go. I may not enjoy working out, but I love the results.”

At first, Myriam found going to the gym intimidating. “Everyone was slim, and people stared at me. They looked at me in disgust. Also, I couldn’t do a lot of the exercises to start with because of my bad knees or because my belly was too big. It was upsetting but I told myself it would be better the next time and kept going. I said that every time I went, I was getting slimmer.”

As she got slimmer, Myriam did find exercising easier. She remembers the moment when she could finally hold the plank position: “It was a revelation! I was so happy! I couldn’t do it for months because I was too heavy. It felt really great. I would say to anyone, if you’re struggling, keep going. It will get better each


“I was always so afraid of flying. It was hard to fasten the safety belt, then very uncomfortable. I was too ashamed to ask for an extension. I couldn’t put the table down properly because it rested on my belly. It was so horrible. I could have screamed with happiness when I got on a plane and there was a gap between the table and my body!

time you go back.” She also found that her fellow gym-goers changed towards her as she slimmed down. “I would always say hello, but now they talked to me and commented on my weight loss.”

“It was a total lifestyle change”

Myriam enjoyed the support of those closest to her on her journey. “My partner is very supportive and enjoys the GetSlim recipes, which makes it easier. We make one, I take my serving with a Portion Pot and he eats the rest!” She liked reading the GetSlim online chats, although she didn’t join in with the conversation herself. “I don’t really chat online, but I read some of the discussions, and people were very nice and supportive. The coaches were really encouraging too – they congratulated me every week, which was more motivation. They also follow up on how you’re doing and are very responsive, so you never feel like you’re on your own.”

Since reaching her weight of 10st 7lb, everyday life has changed hugely for Myriam. “Literally a huge weight fell off me!” she laughs. “It meant total freedom in everything. On public transport, people sat near me again. I can go into any clothes shop now and staff greet me. When you’re overweight, staff ignore you. I always used to go into shops to see what was there, and I was ignored.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

“People treat me differently and speak to me differently. I really noticed that when I changed jobs part of the way through my weight loss. It means freedom in every aspect of life.” She recalls times when her weight caused her problems, and how liberating it is not to have to worry about that now. “I had a job interview in the summer of 2019. It was very hot, my clothes were black and too tight, so I felt very uncomfortable. I had to walk quickly with the recruiter to another building and I couldn’t keep up with her. We had to go up some stairs, and I couldn’t maintain a conversation with her.

“When I sat down for the interview I was pouring with sweat. I felt horrible and couldn’t concentrate. Unsurprisingly I didn’t get the job – I wouldn’t have employed me either!” Myriam contrasts this experience with how she lives now, free from worrying about her size. “I can do anything now. We rented kayaks on holiday last year and I was quite happy to get in one in front of lots of people. I was able to hop in and out and have lots of fun; I didn’t have to think about it. I wouldn’t have been able to do that before.”

Myriam admits that losing so much weight was hard work. “But I had my goal in front of me and just wanted to get there. I didn’t want to live the rest of my life in this body shape and full of shame. It was a total lifestyle change. This is how I will live my life from now on, and it’s not difficult. There are so many little things that I can enjoy every day now. Everything is possible!”

Myriam did it, so can YOU!




Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Leeds International Festival of Ideas announces full 2021 festival programme - Sir Lenny Henry, Katherine Ryan, Evan Davis, Gina Martin, Grace Dent, Deborah Frances-White & more

September 2021 will see a stellar line-up in the city as Leeds International Festival of Ideas presents its ambitious programme as a platform for exploring new ideas and innovation.

The festival, formerly Leeds International Festival, presents five thought-provoking panel debates running alongside four inspirational keynote speeches exploring and challenging key issues and viewpoints - all impacted on during the last extraordinary 18 months.

Announcing the panels along with nearly 30 speakers, the festival will discuss and debate the questions; Can we ever be who we want to be? Does the future have enough food? Are we more lonely? Is the UK media broken

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

and finally Green or Growth? It will run across three landmark venues in Leeds. The historic Leeds Corn Exchange, legendary City Varieties Music Hall and the centrepiece Leeds Town Hall.

Names for the panels include; BBC Media Editor Amol Rajan, the award-winning author, queer performer and script writer of big and small screens Amrou Al-Kadhi, “Romcomoisseur” Bolu Babalola is a writer for TV and film, and TV & Culture columnist for Dazed. Caroline Criado Perez is the author behind Invisible Women and campaigned to feature the first woman on British bank notes, the stand-up comedian, writer, presenter and coach Deborah Frances-White, the soughtafter Scandi TedX keynote speaker, cultural sociologist and bestselling author Emilia Van Hauen, and on the media panel is multiaward winning Parliamentary sketch writer Matthew Parris who writes on politics for renowned national publications such as The Times. Also joining is popular wildlife TV presenter Michaela Strachan, a key presenter of the BBC Springwatch series, who has been gracing our screens for 30 years.


Leading the line-up are four famous figures – actor, comedian and campaigner Sir Lenny Henry CBE, comedian and presenter Katherine Ryan, architect and campaigner George Clarke and founder of the MOBO organisation Kanya King CBE - alongside economic expert and BBC presenter Evan Davis, award-winning writer and broadcaster Alix Fox, Tony Blair’s former Communications Strategist and Chief Spokesman Alastair Campbell, campaigner, speaker and writer Gina Martin, Masterchef Judge, Guardian food critic and Author Grace Dent.

Leeds International Festival of Ideas runs over a two-week period from Monday 13th until Monday 27th September. The aims of the festival are to provide a platform for the exploration of new ideas and innovation

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

while confronting the challenges of our time and discussing the world of tomorrow.

Tickets for Leeds International Festival of Ideas and the full programme will go live and on sale at 9am on Friday 2nd July 2021 www.leedsintfest.com

LeedsBID is working alongside key partners including Leeds Corn Exchange, Leeds Heritage Theatre, Leeds City Council, Weightmans, Dakota and Bruntwood - to bring Leeds International Festival of Ideas to the city.


Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Music therapy

for your mind, body and soul

Music Therapy is an established psychological clinical intervention, delivered by HCPC registered music therapists to help people whose lives have been affected by injury, illness or disability through supporting their psychological, emotional, cognitive, physical, communicative and social needs. Music Therapists draw upon the innate qualities of music to support people of all ages and abilities and at all stages of life; from helping new born babies develop healthy bonds with their parents, to offering vital, sensitive and compassionate palliative care at the end of life. Central to how Music Therapy works is the therapeutic relationship that is established and developed, through engagement in live musical interaction and play between a therapist and client. A wide range of musical styles and instruments can be used, including the voice, and the music is often improvised. Using music in this way enables clients to create their own unique

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

musical language in which to explore and connect with the world and express themselves. Because musical participation and response does not depend solely on the ability to speak, Music Therapy is a particularly effective clinical intervention for people who have difficulty communicating verbally. For people affected by disability, illness or injury, working with music therapists can be life-changing. Children with autism can develop emotional, social and communication skills. Someone with an acquired brain injury as the result of an accident can be helped to regain their speech. An older person frightened by the isolation and confusion brought on by dementia can, through the powerfully evocative nature of music, connect with these memories again and share these with others. Music Therapists are Allied Health Professionals, and frequently work as members of multi-disciplinary teams in


health, education or social care - or in private practice. There are currently Music Therapists throughout the UK working in settings with:

• Children and young people (including • • • • •

mainstream, SEN education, PRUs and looked after children/young people) Adults with Learning Disabilities Autistic Spectrum conditions Children, Adolescents and Adults in Mental Health settings Older people Neuro disability

Everyone has the ability to respond to music, and Music Therapy uses this connection to facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing and communication through the engagement in live musical interaction between client and therapist. It can help develop and facilitate communication skills, improve selfconfidence and independence, enhance self-awareness and awareness of others, improve concentration and attention skills.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Music therapists work across a range of health, social care and educational settings, including: • Hospitals (NHS and private) • Mainstream schools, special schools and pupil referral units • Child Development Centres • Children's Centres • Day centres • Hospices • Residential settings including care homes • Prisons and forensic settings • Acute and post acute rehabilitation centres • Specialist music therapy centres • Community spaces • In people's homes If you would like to find out more about music therapy, contact the British Association for Music Therapy: • 020 7837 6100 • info@bamt.org • www.bamt.org


The Four Cornerstones

of Living Quietly

Being gentle to yourself and in your environment

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

2 25

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Most people catch Covid-19 from those they spend most time with, like family. You can now easily get free rapid tests twice a week, if you don’t have symptoms.

Let’s take this next step safely.

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20 signs your body lacks specific vitamins

Do you feel like you are constantly lacking in energy, you are very exhausted, your thoughts are slowed down? Before you start making startling diagnoses yourself and taking various medications, you can check if you are suffering from a lack of vitamins.

Maintaining a balanced diet high in nutrients is essential for good health. Although today it seems like a marketing ploy to sell supplements, only about 100 years ago people lost their lives because of their lack.

In the 19th century, scientists realized that there were proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. However, there was a clear lack of substances, and their deficiency led to various diseases, some of which were fatal in a few days. Thus, in the twentieth century, the discovery of vitamins began.

In 1880, Russian scientist Nikolai Lunin conducted laboratory tests with mice. He came to the conclusion that in addition to proteins, fats, salts, milk sugar, there are other substances in milk. His idea was not recognized, and the experiment was almost forgotten.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

The name "vitamin" is due to the PolishAmerican biochemist Casimir Funk, who first used it in 1912. From rice husks he isolated a substance known today as vitamin B1 (thiamine), which cures beriberi. It is distributed mainly in the countries of East, Southeast and South Asia, where the population eats mainly milled rice. It is characterized by damage to the peripheral nerves of the limbs, disorders of the cardiovascular system and edema caused by the accumulation of lactic and pyruvic acid in the body. Nerve disorders in beriberi can lead to paralysis. Patients do not step on the heels, but only on the toes and on the outside of the foot. They use crutches because they feel weak. The heart beats and the heart rate increases. Constipation occurs and appetite decreases. In 1936, the scientist determined the molecular structure of the newly discovered vitamin B1 and isolated nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) for the first time.

Year after year in the 20th century, the discovery of new vitamins began. Thus, in 1929, it was decided to award their discoverers the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.


You probably remember the long voyages to discover new lands. Then, due to lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, sailors developed scurvy. The disease began with bare gums, muscle aches. Later, if you do not take enough vitamin C, the outcome is fatal. In

fact, many more men died from this than from battles with natives. Vitamin C was discovered in 1934, and a year earlier - vitamin B12 (cobalamin). More vitamins were discovered in the 20th century, and scientists were awarded Nobel Prizes.

Here are some of the symptoms that indicate a lack of vitamins: Weak nails and hair The appearance of the nails can determine the overall health of a person. Healthy nails look smooth and even in colour. As people get older, vertical lines often appear or nails become more fragile. It is harmless and not a symptom of a disease. Spots that are caused by injury grow with the nail. Nails are only a small part of the puzzle of the human body. Their appearance is never enough to make a specific diagnosis, but it can be beneficial to doctors, who, along with other symptoms, physical examination and various tests can clarify the disease. Pale nails, for example, are common in iron deficiency anemia, whites are due to liver disease, yellows are associated with a fungal infection, bluish ones indicate a lack of oxygen, transverse white lines appear in arsenic poisoning, and so on.

Cracks in the corner of the mouth They are caused by a lack of iron, vitamins B1 and B3. Diversify your menu with more green leafy vegetables and poultry. Vitamin C is known for its benefits to the skin.

Bleeding gums Before you start buying specialized toothpastes and mouthwashes, see if this is due to a lack of vitamin C. This is the first sign of scurvy. In fact, the gums are a type of connective tissue made up of gingival collagen fibers, and the lack of vitamin C stops the synthesis of new collagen and therefore the teeth begin to wobble. Bacteria accumulate in the gingival pockets, leading to the development of gingival caries. Keep in mind that smoking requires more vitamin C and can also cause gum problems.

Weakening of sight It can also be due to a lack of vitamins. Lack of vitamin A leads to night blindness, in which a person has difficulty distinguishing objects after dusk. On the other hand, once in the eye, the signals are transmitted to the brain via an optic nerve. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

damage to the myelin sheath of this nerve and optic neuropathy with blurred vision.

Early graying of hair As skin color is different for different races and ethnicities, there is a difference in the years when hair begins to turn white. We talk about early whitening in Europeans and people with white skin under 30, in Asians under 40 and in African Americans under 50. Sometimes this is due to genetic factors and smoking. Hair follicles are formed during human embryonic development. They are located in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Research shows that a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to hair discoloration even in 3-year-olds as well as teenagers.

Hair loss A person has between 100 and 150,000 hairs on the scalp. We have the right to worry when more than 100 hairs fall out daily. This may be due to a lack of vitamins B3 and B6.

Difficult wound healing

With a deeper injury to the skin, in which bleeding is observed, tissue is lost. Regeneration processes follow. Collagen is the body's glue that sticks and restores the previous appearance of the skin. As we said, vitamin C plays a particularly important role in the synthesis of new collagen. And how the wounds will heal depends on special topographic lines on the body, called Langer lines. In planned and plastic surgeries, surgeons take them into account. Research shows that in such situations, smoking, which depletes the body of vitamins, should be stopped a few weeks before the planned operation. In diabetes, skin collagen binds to glucose and this makes wound healing difficult for diabetics in the long run.

Chronic aphthae (aphthous stomatitis)

In this case, the canker sores are not caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Various changes in the mouth and on the inside of the cheeks


indicate that it may also be a symptom of vitamin B deficiency.

Tongue changes

Pale tongue - there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood. Note if it is too smooth. If you feel tired and prone to lethargy, increase your intake of foods rich in iron and vitamins.

Bright red tongue - one of the possible causes is inflammation. It may be due to a deficiency of B vitamins such as B3, B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin).

Purple tongue - a possibility of high cholesterol levels, low oxygen levels in the blood and poor blood supply. All this leads to stagnation of blood in the tongue. It is possible that the color has changed under the influence of medications as well as aggressive food colors.

White tongue - a sign of dehydration. It may be due to smoking or alcohol. White plaque is a sign of a fungal infection and is treated topically. It is common among newborns (thrush).

Black tongue - overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria. It occurs after long-term use of antibiotics. It is often enough to scrape the bacterial plaque or use mouthwash. Probiotics, which are mainly used to improve the intestinal flora, can also help. The texture of the healthy tongue is smooth with visible taste buds.

High blood pressure It can be caused by a lack of vitamin D. In addition to sunlight, you can get it from foods such as wild salmon, tuna, beef liver, egg yolk.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Fatigue, muscle weakness, rapid and irregular heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling cold - these are signs of anemia. In addition to iron from food or medication, you can also take water-soluble B vitamins.

Vitamin B9 is better known as folic acid and is often prescribed during pregnancy. Anemia can also be malignant, caused by a lack of intrinsic factors to help absorb vitamin B12. The story of the discovery of vitamin B12 is again linked to disease.

In the distant 1824 a deadly form of anemia associated with gastric degeneration was described by J.S. Combe in Edinburgh in the article "History of a Case of Anemia". Similar reports of such a fatal disease were described in 1849. By 1872, there was already talk of malignant anemia, the end of which was inevitably fatal. Years later, after testing on dogs with anemia, a raw liver diet was developed. Thus in 1934 came the Nobel Prize for George Hoyt Whipple, George Richards Minot, William Parry Murphy. In 1948, two scientific teams working independently in the United States and Great Britain succeeded in isolating its crystalline form and called it B12. In 1955, Dorothy Hodgkin (1910-1994), a British chemist, was able to study the complex chemical structure of this large molecule using X-ray crystallography. She is the third female chemist to receive the Nobel Prize. In 1964 she was awarded both for B12 and for determining the structure of penicillin.

Excessive sweating There are many reasons for this condition, including thyroid problems. However, sometimes this can be due to a deficiency of vitamin D. In such situations, sweat droplets may appear even when sitting in front of your laptop.

Changes in gait, staggering, dizziness, dragging legs All this happens not only to people who drink too much alcohol. This is commonly called Ataxia and also includes speech disorders, handwriting distortion, and so on.

In addition to touching your nose with your index finger, you should also touch the tip of the neurologist's (or your friend's or relative's) index finger as quickly as possible, as he or she can displace it.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Another method of determination is by specific clapping of hands. The patient should strike one hand with the other, turning it palmback-palm-back). Sufferers of dynamic ataxia lose rhythm and fail to cope.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of such conditions is again the deficiency of vitamin B12.

Fragile and brittle bones In addition to the familiar calcium and vitamin D, you can speed up their healing with a proper diet.

Occurrence of hernias In fact, they are a weakness of the connective tissue. Again, we can help with vitamin C intake, avoid smoking, more protein foods, collagen intake.

Insufficient muscle mass Vitamin D and the advice of professional fitness instructors come to the rescue.

Vitamin C overdose We are aware of the benefits of vitamin C. It can be purchased without a prescription. It is part of many multivitamins. But in some cases, more doesn't mean better. Scientific studies show that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) changes the pH and leads to the cleavage of the metal ion of vitamin B12. Therefore, it is recommended that you take these 2 vitamins separately.

Seasonal affective disorder (common with changing seasons), suicidal thoughts, sadness, melancholy, panic attacks Before you think about a psychiatrist, you can do a specialized test for vitamin D, folic acid (vitamin B9), cobalamin (vitamin B12), niacin (vitamin B3). RDW and MCV values can tell if you are deficient in these vitamins.

Cracked lips may indicate a lack of vitamin B2.

Look carefully at the inside of your eyelids. The color is usually pink. Excessive pallor is a signal of anemia caused by a lack of iron and folic acid. Excessive red color indicates circulatory disorders or damage to the digestive system.


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Call 0808 196 3646 or visit nhsvolunteerresponders.org.uk Help is available if you have a medical condition which makes you vulnerable to COVID-19, especially if you are over 70. You also qualify if you are pregnant or have a disability. Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Royal Voluntary Service is a registered charity 1015988 (England and Wales) & SC038924 (Scotland).

Raw detox broccoli and spinach soup

"Detox soup for a slim waist and perfect tone" Products: • broccoli - 1 pc. • spinach - 150 g • mint - ½ bunch • water - 1 tsp. • coconut milk - 1 tsp. • nutmeg - grated for sprinkling • garlic - 1 clove • chia - for sprinkling • salt to taste • cumin - a pinch at will This raw detox broccoli and spinach soup is very suitable in the summer heat, providing us with the necessary minerals and salts.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

Wash the broccoli well and blanch it in salted boiling water for about 5 minutes. Clean the spinach and wash it under running water. Chop the leaves and, together with the broccoli, mint, garlic, salt and liquid, puree until a smooth creamy mixture. Taste if necessary. Serve the soup with grated nutmeg, sprinkle with chia and arrange with a sprig of mint. Consume the detox dish immediately.


Why finding your sexual energy midlife can give you a new lease of life by Stephanie C Starla

When thinking of sexual energy, most people may think about themselves in their 20's, that zest for life where nothing will stop you. Truly living it to the fullest, falling in and out of love and sometimes in and out of bed with lovers. It has an intense wildness about it that can often diminish 20 years or more on.

As we grow and mature, so too does our sexual energy. The way we experience it and work with it begins to shift. Not dissimilar to how it transformed when many of us moved into Motherhood. That kind of creative energy was immense! Perhaps it is where the belief comes from that it will dissipate after such a surge! However, it is still there, calling for us to continue to co-create with us. Our baby making days may be over; however, the creation process within us is in full flow.

Many women have resigned to the fact that their energy isn't the same as it once was. That it was great while it lasted, but 'nothing lasts forever'. Although longing to experience the potency they once had, the belief that level of wildness has passed them by and they 'should' feel lucky they got to experience it at all, often keeps them stuck.

When you realise you can utilise this energy to create and birth ANYTHING you desire, you will start to feel its flow once more. So, what is that for you? Is it a new career or business? Perhaps that book you have always wanted to write? It could be a new lover you would like to experiment with or rekindle the passion in your existing relationship. 
 What if you realised that you could literally be breathing life into yourself right now! The energy may not re-create the life you had when you were in your 20's, and let's be honest, would you really want it to? The life experience and wisdom you have now means you could create something quite extraordinary when you tap in!

It's usually after a decade or so of this thinking that women reach out to me stating that they feel lacklustre, lost, unsure of who they truly are and what they are here for. That lack of purpose and passion depletes them of any energy. They don't know what they can do – an irritation within them to surrender to their fate usually has them reaching out in the hope that there is something they could do to feel even a tiny bit more alive.

Our sexual energy is our life force. When we affirm to ourselves that it is no longer with us or that it was only available to us in our youth, we literally give that power away. If you are reading this and thinking, 'Yip! That's me!' and find yourself reminiscing about the past with a longing within to experience it again – then you are in for a treat!

Your sexual energy is still alive and kicking inside of you right now! The issue may be that you have neglected it and come out of alignment. Which is an easy enough fix!

It is available to you right now. In fact, it is calling you! If you are ready to feel alive and let your love for life become unleashed – then connect back in. Stop believing that it isn't available to you and embrace it with both hands! The time is now!

Stephanie C Starla is a sexual energy life and business coach and author. Stephanie helps you to become successful, independent and abundant, knowing you are safe to raise your feminine, sexual energy to feel truly powerful and attractive. It’s your time!

Stephanie has created a sacred coaching space – The Creatrix Matrix – to facilitate these changes and to help us unleash our passion for life.

Stephanie has launched ‘The Passion Priestess’, a romance novella and upcoming is ‘Priestess in the Boardroom’, a non-fiction book helping you to power up your business and career with the help of your own inner Priestess. Both books have corresponding coaching courses.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Available on Amazon


Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


5 Ways to Regain Your

Sexual Energy Margaret Bligdon-Boyt

I am not going to go so far as to say that if you are not getting screaming orgasms at home, then go elsewhere. But I am going to suggest a few things you can do to help you to achieve the orgasm that you deserve.

Change Your Mindset

Sex isn’t something that you do for anyone else. Allowing your partner to have sex is not the same as having satisfying sex yourself. The energy and health benefits that come from a jolly good orgasm, are for you. You deserve them.

Give Your Body What It Needs

As we get older our dietary and medicinal needs change drastically. For instance too much sugar can magnify every little ache and pain as well as disrupting the digestive system.

Hormone levels are also something that you need to think about.

Do your research, bother your doctor and don’t be fobbed off. Especially do not be fobbed off with antidepressants.

It is likely that if your sex drive does not improve, you may need to consider taking testosterone supplements as well as the regular female hormones.

HT is very much safer than it used to be and the health benefits far outweigh the negative responses that you may get from your doctor.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

In the first instance many of the high street chemists have a hormone testing service and can even dispense basic hormone replacements for you.

Also, specialist menopause Doctors are not as expensive as you would imagine.


Get the blood flowing and trigger the happy hormones. I know that everyone is shouting about the virtues of exercise for everything from Depression to Weight Loss, but there is a reason for that. Exercise is the best medicine/boost/healing that you can give yourself. Walking is a great way to clear the mind and tone the body.

Learn To Please Yourself

This is really important and something that women are made to feel shameful about. Masturbation is not shameful and for many women it is as essential as brushing their teeth in the morning. I cannot stress enough the benefits of orgasm for a woman. (see previous issue). Use toys, fingers (your own or someone else’s). Find out what you like and do it often.

Just Be Sexy

Do all the things that you imagine sexy people do! I don’t mean pouting at strangers or wearing thigh high boots to work.

Have you ever looked at a celebrity and thought ‘of course she looks good, she can afford to’? Well, here is the thing, you can do those things too. Basic inexpensive skin care, new clothes or even just wearing your best clothes everyday. Nice underwear doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or expensive. Taking time out for yourself is achievable.

Treat yourself like a movie star. If you feel good on the inside it radiates out into all areas of your life .


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Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


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Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


Take a Breath Laura Tapper

If there’s one word we’ve heard a lot over the last few years it’s mindfulness. Held up as the potential solution to countless problems from insomnia and stress through chronic pain to overeating, exponents would have us believe it holds the key to a calmer, more productive life, but what is it and how do we achieve it? The shelves of libraries and bookshops are stocked with volumes on the subject and there are apps to download or classes we can attend, but is there something we can do for ourselves and begin today?

and now. For others, mindfulness through movement works best. Tai Chi, yoga or dance classes are all effective, but a simple walk in the outdoors, paying attention to the sounds and smells around you, might do just as well. Handicrafts, such as knitting, crochet or cross stitch, can be another route into mindfulness: their repetitive rhythms are calming and they require sufficient focus to keep you in the present, while the tactile sensations of the yarns and fabrics in your hands offer sensory feedback, too.

To put it simply, mindfulness is about being present and living each moment as it arrives. The trouble is, our brains are often either rushing off, planning out our ‘to do list’, or ruminating over the past. So can we turn all that chatter off? The truth is, thoughts will always come into our heads, but we can learn to choose whether to wear ourselves out with them or to let them drift on through. The trick is to keep that monkey mind occupied, so that we have a chance to take a breath and appreciate the sensation of being alive in the moment we're in.

Something artistic can work well but to draw or paint on a blank page might be too challenging, which helps to explain the rise in popularity of colouring books for grown-ups. Choosing colours, varying pencil pressure and keeping within the lines requires enough concentration to keep you in the here

The concept of taking time out for a brain break is nothing new. When I worked in an office many years ago, a well-timed filing break gave me a few minutes away from my desk shuffling things into alphabetical order, before returning to my other tasks, refreshed. Equally, many early morning dog walkers rely on that bit of headspace to start their day. And, on family occasions, there's a good reason why some people volunteer to clear up the kitchen: even the washing-up can be a route into mindfulness if you notice the warmth of the water on your skin and take pleasure in making those dishes sparkle, bringing order to the chaos. From smoothing on body lotion, enjoying the sensations and smells, to sitting for a few minutes in the garden listening to the birds, a mindful moment is there for you to discover when you need it. Whatever you do today, take a little time just to breathe and be present – you deserve it.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


COMING UP ROSÉ AT THE WINE SOCIETY Rosé wines are a star of the show at this year’s Wine Champions competition. The Wine Society, which is a notfor-profit, mutually-run company owned by its members and the world’s oldest wine club, holds its rigorous Wine Champions every summer.

The Society boasts some of the most talented buyers in the business, who (in normal times), travel the globe to find the best value, most interesting wines to be bought at the best possible prices by members. The eight-strong team tasted over 700 wines, hailing from all over the world and ranging from £6.75 to about £50 a bottle.

The wines are all tasted blind. This is when each bottle is covered to hide its identity, so that the tasters judge the wine purely on its own merit, without knowing where it comes from, who the producer is, what the grape variety is and so on. This is the most equitable way to judge wines as it strips away any preconceptions about individual wines and puts them all on a level playing field.

From the 700 wines tasted, 124 Wine Champions were selected. The decision to make a wine a Champion doesn’t come lightly – this is when “very good” does not necessarily mean it makes the grade. The wine has to be exceptional and the decision has to be unanimous.

Rosé wines had a particularly high hit rate in the 2021 Wine Champions, with a record eight Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

wines being selected. Rosé wine has long been soaring in popularity as wine lovers embrace it all year round – a rosé is not just for summer! Wine drinkers are exploring pinks from various different countries, and in a variety of hues, from the palest baby pink, to flamingo, to fuscia, to very nearly red. The colour is a general indicator of the style – the lighter the colour, the more delicate the wine, while the deeper pinks will have more pronounced flavours.

Would you be interested in tasting two of The Wine Society’s newly elected Wine Champions?

Señorio de Sarría Rosado, Navarra 2020

This generous Spanish rosado first struck us with its colour(the deepest and darkest in our entire rosé tasting) before its ripe raspberry-fruit perfume leapt out of the glass. Generous and fruity but not sweet, it’s an easy-drinking and excellent-value wine. 14% Ref SP16631 £6.95

Rui Madeira Beyra Rosé, Beira Interior 2020

Pink Portuguese prowess here, in the form of an accomplished, serious wine, built for food and delivering both pretty red fruit and a slightly salty savoury tang on the finish. An arrestingly assured rosé and fantastic value. 13% Ref PW8581 £9.95



The Four Cornerstones of Living Quietly


Creating a supportive space for yourself both mentally and physically

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


In shock we all fell silent, and the Earth could take a breath Without so many noxious fumes to choke her half to death, Dolphins played in Venice, while goats strolled British streets And polyphonic songs of birds fuelled everybody's tweets. Connection mattered more to us and suddenly we cared That none should be left isolated, hungry, sick or scared. We recognised our heroes, applauding all the brave Who often work invisibly, ignored and underpaid. We have an opportunity, though painful and hard won, To heed the lessons we have learned, undo the harm we’ve done. Laura Tapper

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021



9 Easy Switches for Plastic-Free July! It's that time of year again! Plastic-Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution - so we can have cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities. You can set your own goals such as avoiding the Big 4 (bags, bottles straws and coffee cups), ditching single-use plastic packaging or going completely plastic-free.

To get you started, here are a few handy switches you can make: 1. Zero Waste On-The-Go Kit Our on the go hamper is the perfect gift for someone who is always on the go! Be it travelling for work, weekend adventures or just journeys in the car. We always have these items to hand when we're out and about. Included in the on the go hamper: •1 x Reusable Coffee Cup •1 x Travel Cutlery Set •1 x Crochet Cotton Tote Bag

2. Bamboo Dish Brush
 Ditch that ugly plastic dish brush! This bamboo dish brush is an eco-friendly alternative that will biodegrade naturally. Unlike many of the other brushes on the market, this one has natural, sisal bristles that won't send microplastics down the drain. 3. Stainless Steel Cups These 350 ml stainless steel cups are a great size for everyday use. Made from 100% food grade stainless steel, these lightweight durable cups can be used anywhere; kids parties, around the house, picnics, camping, festivals; you name it! These metal stainless steel cups don't impart or carry flavours, giving you a clean tasting drink every time.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


4. Hydrating Shampoo Bar Zero plastic, shine enhancing solid shampoo bar for normal, dry, curly and coloured hair. Not just plastic free, these shampoo bars are also vegan, soap free, sulphate free, pH balanced and formulated to leave your hair soft, shiny and smooth. Some shampoo bars can leave your hair with waxy residue, but not these ones. We've tried these bars ourselves and can attest they really work, even in hard water! 5. Solid Conditioner Bar Get your shine on with this solid conditioner bar, and ditch the plastic bottles! Not only is it plastic-free, it’s also vegan and silicone free. The unique pH balanced formula also makes it perfect for hard water areas. The powers of coconut and cocoa butter, argan, macadamia and shea oils work together to restore and nourish your hair, while leaving a fresh, woody and subtly floral fragrance. 6. Bamboo Cutlery Set This reusable bamboo cutlery set is wrapped in a beautiful cloth bag and comes with a handy, detachable carabiner clip. Each bamboo cutlery set contains 1 fork, 1 knife, 1 spoon, 1 pair of chopsticks, 1 straw and 1 brush with 1 cloth carrying/storage bag to keep your set tidy. 7. Organic Cotton Mesh Bags
 Ditch the plastic from your weekly grocery shopping! These organic cotton mesh bags are stretchy, lightweight and durable. Perfect for the farmer’s market or the plasticfree aisle of your supermarket. Other shoppers will take notice and be inspired when seeing these organic cotton mesh bags - and you’ll be spreading the word on the 5 R’s! 8. Stainless Steel Water Bottle This 750ml stainless steel water bottle has an uncomplicated and classic design, and will become your perfect companion for hikes, sports or just staying hydrated at your desk. Made from 304 grade stainless steel, this bottle is easy to clean and won't retain or impart flavours - giving you a fresh tasting drink every time! The wide mouth makes for easy filling and drinking.

9. Cork Coffee Cup
 This beautiful cork coffee cup is a stainless steel reusable cup with a silicone lid. We took the disposable takeaway cup and replaced all the throw away parts with reusable things to make the simplest, no-nonsense to-go cork coffee cup. You'll never have to use a takeaway cup again :)

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Exploring the Benefits of Increasing the Wildlife in your Garden with Gardenesque We all love spending time in our gardens, and enjoying the wildlife it brings to them. Research has revealed that engaging with wildlife can lower stress and lead to better overall mental health. Encouraging biodiversity is good for the ecological balance in the garden. The wildlife you attract will also be carrying out a useful function in keeping your garden healthy – whether that’s by pollinating plants or by eating pesky plant pests.

Some of these most recognisable British animals and insects are in decline and so anything we can do to help them is very important. Our gardens can be safe habitats for wildlife and even small steps, like introducing homes create shelter and food can make a big difference. Here we explore how you can take steps to make even the smallest of gardens into a wildlifefriendly zone.


Bumblebees are by far are the most wellknown pollinators and without these little buzzing creatures there would be far fewer flowers, fruits and vegetables growing around us. According to a BBC report, bees pollinate approximately 70 of 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world, with honey bees alone being responsible for $30billion a year worth of food.

However, research by Friends of the Earth has revealed that nearly one in 10 of Europe’s wild Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

bee species are facing extinction while 13 species of bee have been lost since 1900 due to having lost much of their natural habitat due to urban development, change of land use and intensive farming. Wildlife gardening has now become high on our agenda with people placing wildlife-friendly products and plants in their gardens and spreading the word about just how important it is to help save Britain’s bees.

Gardenesque has launched a new range of insect hotels to help bees thrive in our gardens and outdoor spaces. Bee hotels are a great way to help our solitary bees, such as mason bees and leaf cutter bees by providing much-needed shelter unlike bumblebees and honey bees, who live in colonies.

Our Diamond Wooden Insect Hotel (RRP £34.99) provides a safe haven for the bees in your garden and allows them to “check in” to the bamboo tubes and wooden block tunnels. The tubes or reeds are will allow solitary bees to lay their eggs safely and will be protected from predators by a wire mesh. The young bees will emerge the following year.

If you have a smaller garden or balcony, our Three Floor Wooden Insect House with Metal Roof (RRP £29.99) is ideal to fix to a wall or post so bees can rest, build nests and lay eggs in the tunnels.


We recommend you place your bee hotel in a sunny spot, preferably south or south-east facing and hung securely from a wall or fence using a nail or screw. You can encourage the bees to your hotel by planting bee-friendly flowers from March to September underneath to give them a nearby food source.

Your hotel will need to cleaned at the end of the summer months with a pipe-cleaner, a small brush to ensure no fungus or mould has built up and making the hotel ready for next Spring.


Butterflies are one of nature’s most enchanting and delicate insects and an important pollinator in our gardens. There are about 60 types of butterflies in the UK but they are declining more rapidly in urban areas. A major scientific report from Butterfly Conservation shows that almost three quarters of the UK’s butterfly species in the UK have suffered population declines over the last 10 years. A loss of habitat is cited as a major factor, as well the combined intensification of land use and climate change.

For those that want to help the plight of the UK’s butterfly population, you can support many species of butterfly by encouraging them into your garden with our highly decorative Wooden Butterfly Hotel (RRP £34.99). With three vertical openings at the front, the butterflies can easily access and their home. Hang near nectar-rich flowers or place a sugar solution-soaked sponge inside the butterfly house which will act as a good food source for visitors.

Aside from planting butterfly plants in your garden, if you have fruit trees or old fruit in your house, you could help feed butterflies by placing on a plate on the ground or table. Provide them with a safe and relaxing space to drink too by filling a saucer with water and place some stones at the bottom for them to rest their weary wings. They also like someone to perch so planting a container and placing on a balcony or patio in a sunny position will help them greatly.

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


There are a number of other insects that play a vital role in helping your healthy garden thrive. Ladybirds are one of the popular amongst the UK gardener and can consume up to around 50 aphids a day, meaning that are not only just attractive, but a biological pest control method. Hoverflies are often mistaken for wasps or bees due to their similar appearance. They help with the fight against aphids, thrips and caterpillars so are a welcome sight in the garden.

Lacewings are also loved by gardeners due to their consumption of aphids and their larvae that can damage ornamental plants and allotment produce. Creepy crawlies such as beetles can also be beneficial to the garden, are predatory and will feed at ground level and will rid of your garden of pests like slugs and snails.

Both our Natural Insect House with Bark Roof (RRP £34.99) and Five Floor Wooden Insect House with Metal Roof (RRP £36.99) offer multiple chambers for different kinds of insects. Made up of different materials such as bamboo hollow tubes, fir wood, pine cones and wood shavings, the hotels provide the perfect accommodation to various insects from lacewings to ladybirds and bees and butterflies.


Attracting garden birds to your outdoor space is both hugely enjoyable and very rewarding. Just watching them flit from tree to tree and feed helps to regulate our moods and behaviour, perfect for when life is stressful and busy as it helps us reconnect with nature.

Birds are also a natural way to control pests in our gardens as they eat slugs, snails and other unwanted critters. According to the most recent RSPB garden bird survey, a number of common species are in a steady decline but there are ways in which you can help them. The past year has either started or reignited a love of nature for many people, right on their doorsteps and our new range of bird boxes and feeders will help our wild birds by providing some food and shelter all year round.


The most obvious thing you can is provide food and our Hanging Wooden Bird Feeder (RRP £34.99) is designed to make watching your favourite garden birds both easy and enjoyable. With a highly ornamental design, this feeder can be filled with seeds or seed mixes with an opening roof to enable easy re-filling and cleaning. The acrylic windows allow the birds to be offered a constant amount of feed as it flows into the bottom tray.

A traditional high bird feeder like our Natural Standing Wooden Bird Feeding Table (RRP £54.99) will be popular, allowing multiple birds to feed at once away from predators and sheltered from bad weather.

Birds are also susceptible to cold weather exposure so ensuring they have somewhere warm to next is vital. Our Colourful Bird House (RRP £34.99) and Wooden Bird House (RRP £29.99) can be hung in trees or on walls and lined with leaves, grass, bark, twigs or wood chippings to create a cosy home through winter.


These prickly mammals are a firm favourite and evoke images of woodland and the British

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

countryside. One of the greatest challenges facing hedgehogs is a lack of connected habitat and unfortunately, numbers in the UK have fallen by around 50% since the start of the century, due to intensive farming disturbing their natural resting and nesting sites, such as hedgerows and field margins.

And with awareness of our spiky friends’ plight growing, there's no better time to do our bit to make sure our gardens are hedgehog-friendly. They like to eat beetles, caterpillars, worms, slugs and snails so creating a friendly and accessible outdoor space will give a hog a home.

Our hedgehog houses provide shelter and food and can also act as a lovely design feature and focal point in your garden. The Wooden Hedgehog House (RRP £49.99) or Wooden Hedgehog House with Bark Roof (RRP £39.99) will help to create a safe habitat for them, whilst giving a helping hand to hibernate during the long, cold winter months. Designed with a small entrance tunnel, the house also has a slanted waterproof asphalt roof to protect against the elements and allow water runoff.

Gardens are crucial for hedgehogs and other ways you can help include leaving part of your lawn to grow wild as they love hiding in long


grass, as well as making a hole in your fence or hedging so they can travel between gardens at night.

Planting for Wildlife

Plants are important to wildlife and our advice is to grow a wide range of plants that offer nectar, food and shelter.

Make sure you add bee-friendly flowers to your patch to create a garden buzzing with activity all summer long. Why not plant rich blooms to help bees find the food they need and create a “nectar café”?

We recommend primroses crocus, bluebells, lavender, sunflowers, foxgloves, echinacea, salvia, chives, rosemary to provide nectar all through the seasons. For butterflies, we recommend large groups of nectar-rich varieties which flower at the same time in vivid colours such red, orange, purple, pink and yellow flowers with short flower tubes or flat tops.

Ladybirds will feed on plants they like pollen rich plants and golden flowered plants that include angelica, calendula, caraway, marigolds and

Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021

sweet alyssum to name a few! Plants that attract aphids include nasturtiums, lavender, chamomile and geraniums so plant these nearby to attract lacewings, beetles and hoverflies.

birds love pyracantha which is a thorny evergreen shrub that flowers in June and produces red or orange berries in autumn. Plant roses in your garden also as not only do the rosehips provide a good source of food, the thorns protect from predators such as cats and birds of prey

A hedgehog’s favourite foods are beetles and caterpillars so growing plants to attract these insects will help them. Recommended garden plants for include ornamental grasses erigeron, sedum, salvia and herbs.

And what garden is complete without a sunflower, which not only provides a nectar rich feast for pollinating insects, but fresh seeds to give your garden birds a nutritious treat.

Our new wildlife range brings you exciting new products so you can feed and care for your friendly garden visitors. From bird tables, baths and boxes to hedgehog houses and insect hotels, we've got a wide portfolio of products to help you get closer to nature.



Living Quietly Magazine July 4th 2021


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