‘Bradford’, the first Callery pear (a tree native to China and Vietnam) cultivar, was released as a sterile, ornamental tree by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1964. Communities soon learned that the Bradford pear, although it had glossy, green leaves and an attractive shape, also had weak branches that tended to break apart in windstorms and under heavy snow loads. By the 1980s, more than 20 cultivars of the Callery pear had been developed in an attempt to increase the tree’s lifespan, improve the branching pattern, or build resistance to different diseases. The multiple, new cultivars gave the trees the chance to cross-pollinate, and to escape the confines of sterility.
When the Callery pear was able to cross-pollinate, it began producing fertile, fruiting seeds, and escaped cultivation. Today, Callery pear trees can be seen taking over forest edges and abandoned fields. As they grow, these trees create a blanketing effect that chokes out native plant life. Desirable, native plants provide a variety of early spring food to pollinators like bees and butterflies; Callery pear’s glossy leaves and stinky white flowers repel insect-eating birds. Birds that consume the small, soft fruit during the winter months suffer from nutritional deficiency when the Callery pear fruits are all they consume, plus the birds defecate the seeds as they fly or roost in trees or along power lines, thereby spreading the Callery pear into new areas.
The majority of Callery pear trees in Bloomington were planted in the 1980s. Nearly every storm that rolls through Bloomington causes at least one Callery pear limb failure, resulting in the expenditure of Bloomington’s urban forestry resources on tree and limb cleanup and removal. The City has moved away from planting non-native cultivars on public land along city streets, and is replacing Callery pears on public land in a systematic way.
For more information about plans to address invasive Callery pears in Bloomington’s urban forest, contact urban forester Haskell Smith by email at smithh@bloomington.in.gov. To learn more about what you can do about Callery pears on privately owned land, contact Monroe County Identify and Reduce Invasive Species, or MC-IRIS, at mc-iris.org.
We equitably enrich community well-being by providing quality parks, trails, facilities, programs and services, and through the stewardship of natural spaces.
City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department
City Hall, 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250
Phone: 349-3700
Fax: 349-3705
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Closings (entire City Hall is closed):
Spring Holiday Friday, April 7
Primary Election Day Tuesday, May 2
Memorial Day
Monday, May 29
Juneteenth Monday, June 19
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4
Services offered: Program/event registration, scholarship and fee waiver applications, shelter rentals, ballfield rentals, maps, brochures, sponsorship inquiries (see pg. 39), and community relations.
Parking: Designated visitor spaces available in lot on north end of City Hall. Metered parking on Morton Street and in the Morton Street parking garage located at Seventh and Morton Streets (entrance on Morton Street).
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in North and South lots, ramp/sidewalk access from parking lots, automatic doors at south entrance, elevator located inside main entrance, restrooms available on ground and second floor level.
Mayor of Bloomington
John Hamilton
Paula McDevitt
All phone numbers for Bloomington Parks and Recreation staff and facilities are in the 812 area code.
Community Events
Movies in the Parks
Performing Arts Series
Peoples Park Concerts
Outdoor Sports (Tennis, Softball, etc.)
Aquatics—Bryan Park and Mills
Pool and Community Foundation
Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad (May–September)
Frank Southern Ice Arena (October–March)
Additional numbers
Maintenance Headquarters
Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries
Inclusive Recreation Services
Board of Park Commissioners
Kathleen Mills—President
Israel Herrera
Ellen Rodkey
Jim Whitlatch
The Board of Park Commissioners holds regular meetings the fourth Tuesday of every month, which are open to the public. Meetings begin at 4 p.m. Citizens of Bloomington are invited to visit the Board of Park Commissioners meetings either in person or online via Zoom, with questions or concerns regarding city parks and recreation programs, events, and facilities.
For more information visit bloomington.in.gov/boards/park-commissioners.
Equal Opportunity
This program receives federal funds from the National Park Service. Regulations of the U.S. Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility operated by a recipient of federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, P.O. Box 37127, Washington D.C. 20013-7127
Look for the volunteer symbol throughout the program guide.
To register for volunteer opportunities, visit bloomington.in.gov/parksvol.
Parks and Recreation volunteers provide valuable services to the community by assisting with events and programs in a variety of ways. There are many opportunities for individuals and groups to choose from.
For additional information regarding volunteer opportunities, email parksvol@bloomington.in.gov.
Urban Forestry
To receive the program guide, or if you do not wish to receive the program guide, call 349-3700 and ask to be added to or removed from the mailing list.
Parks and Recreation staff may videotape or take photos of participants in programs and at special events or of people in parks or on park properties. These photos may be used in future program guides, brochures, social media, or other materials used to promote Parks and Recreation.
No refunds are provided after the first day of a program. All refunds are subject to a $2 administrative fee. If the $2 charge does not cover costs incurred by the Department, the refund may be pro-rated in addition to the $2 charge. There are no refunds on season passes or punch passes. Full refunds are given for all classes cancelled by Parks and Recreation. Allow four weeks for refund requests to be processed.
For more information about how to apply for a scholarship for any Parks and Recreation program, contact the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office at 812-349-3700. Apply online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/scholarships. Applications must be received two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
Most programs have limited space available as well as registration deadlines. After the registration deadline please call for space availability. Register online at bloomington.in.gov/parks, or by sending in the enrollment form in this guide, or in person from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.
A Park Special Use Permit is required to hold a large-scale event in Bloomington’s beautiful city parks. A Park Special Use Permit is also required to hold a race, walk, run, or other event on the B-Line Trail, Clear Creek Trail, Jackson Creek Trail, or any other trail managed by the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department. For more information, contact Hsiung Marler, Switchyard Park General Manager, at marlerh@bloomington.in.gov.
Mobile Stage Rental: Groups may apply to rent Bloomington Parks and Recreation’s mobile stage for performances within the City of Bloomington city limits. A refundable deposit is required. For more information, call Crystal Ritter, Community Events Coordinator at 349-3725.
Hourly Park Use Permit: Instructors of classes or personal trainers who charge clients a fee for their activities must obtain a special use permit to hold classes in City Parks. The Hourly Park Use Permit provides guidance for hourly use of parks spaces for various groups. The Hourly Park Use Permit accommodates fitness, art, and music classes, as well as sport practices/clubs or sport specialized coaching. For information on applying for a permit, contact the Health & Wellness Coordinator, at 349-3771.
Approval for Alcohol Sales: Groups may request to serve beer and/or wine at an event, once the group has successfully applied for a Park Special Use Permit. Beer and/or wine ONLY may be served in city-owned parks, trails, and facilities, and ONLY with approval.
Noise Permits: Bloomington Municipal Code 14.09.140 provides specific information about the city’s Noise Ordinance. Depending on the nature of an event, a Noise Permit may be required. The Parks and Recreation Department is authorized to review and approve Noise Permits for events that take place on Parks properties. For more information about applying for a Noise Permit, contact Hsiung Marler, Switchyard Park General Manager, at marlerh@bloomington.in.gov.
Permits for Filming: For more information about obtaining a free permit for commercial filming in city parks, contact Julie Ramey, Community Relations Manager, at 349-3719. Detailed information and forms are available online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/rentals/mobile-stages.
Parks and Recreation reserves the right to use substitute instructors and alternate facilities when necessary.
For more information, contact Amy Shrake, a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, at 349-3747 or shrakea@bloomington.in.gov.
Bloomington Parks and Recreation is committed to an inclusive approach to recreation. Inclusion is individuals with and without disabilities participating in recreation activities together. Reasonable accommodations are individualized techniques and resources used to enhance program participation without fundamentally altering a program.
1. When you register, mark “yes” in the inclusive service request section. At least two weeks notification prior to the registration deadline for each program is required. In some cases reasonable accommodation may take longer.
2. Request and complete an inclusion questionnaire.
3. Inclusive Recreation Coordinator will contact participant to establish an individualized inclusion plan. bloomington.in.gov/parks/inclusion
The Leisure Companion Program is a service in which participants with disabilities are partnered with a volunteer companion who provides additional support during participation in inclusive activities. The level of support varies according to the specific needs of each individual. Leisure Companions are also needed to assist participants in Inclusive Recreation programs.
For more information on The Leisure Companion Program, contact the Inclusive Recreation Specialist at 349-3747. To be partnered with a Leisure Companion, register for activities of interest and request a reasonable accommodation. Leisure Companion volunteer hours are supervised by a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
For more information about full-time positions, visit bloomington.in.gov/departments/hr/jobs
For seasonal opportunities, visit bloomington.in.gov/parks/employment
Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs for all ages and interests. If you are trying to reach youth, families, young adults, or adults over age 50 yrs., we have the medium to promote your product or service. If your business believes in supporting the community, quality of life, and environment, we have many sponsorship options to choose from. For more information, see pg. 39.
Hours: Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for facility hours and times for scheduled programs.
Coordinator: Amy Shrake, CTRS
Bus Line: #1 South
Facility information: Two large activity rooms, restrooms, and a full kitchen are available for rent. Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for reservation and availability.
Closings: May 22–Aug. 6 (reserved for Kid City Summer Camp)
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in rear/southeast side of building, accessible restrooms.
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday • 11 a.m.–3 p.m. For more information, call 812-272-4808.
Endwright East Active Living Community Center is a pilot program supported by the City of Bloomington’s Jack Hopkins Social Service Fund. Membership is free throughout the pilot period, however certain classes have a nominal fee. Programming focuses on health, wellness, and social well-being. Fee waivers are available to those who qualify.
Ten tables and 50 chairs are available for use. Twenty-two free parking spaces, and three free accessible parking spaces, are available behind the building. Available for rent daily between 8 a.m.–11 p.m. Call 349-3731 or email shrakea@bloomington.in.gov for reservation and availability. All room rentals require a 50% deposit.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
11 a.m.–2 p.m. • By appointment only. Need help with Zoom? Having trouble sharing photos you’ve taken on your phone? Have a new iPad that you never set up? Have some other technology concern? Make an appointment to get some help. Thanks to Smithville Charitable Foundation and the City of Bloomington’s Digital Equity Grant for making this program possible.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Socialize with friends while enjoying a meal and participate in games or other programs. A $2.50 donation for each meal is requested, but not required, of participants over 60 years of age. Donations go directly back into the meal program and help us provide meals for more people.
Endwright East is a partnership with: Area 10 Agency on Aging, City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, Commission on Aging, and IU Health Bloomington Alzheimer’s Resource Services.
See pgs. 26–27.
BCT Management, Inc. 114 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47408 812-323-3020 • boxoffice@buskirkchumley.org buskirkchumley.org
A 600-seat, historic theater in downtown Bloomington, the theater is managed by a private non-profit organization, BCT Management, Inc. The theater is a valued community resource, available for public or private events. For more information, contact the theater at 812-323-3020 or email director@buskirkchumley.org.
930 W. Seventh St. • 349-3735
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
Closings: May 29 (Memorial Day)
June 19 (Juneteenth)
July 4 (Independence Day)
Coordinator: Kevin Terrell
Email: banneker@bloomington.in.gov
Bus Line: #3 drops at Fifth and Elm Streets
Ages: All ages are welcome. Children under age 10 yrs. must be accompanied when in the facility by a responsible caregiver age 18 yrs. and up.
Facility information: Gymnasium, restrooms, commercial kitchen, library, third floor activity room
Accessibility: Designated parking space on west side of building, ramp and elevator on ground floor, gym entrance is accessible.
The variety of spaces in the Banneker Community Center fit the needs of youth, families, and adults! Drop in during our open hours and check out the new twist on our historic building. We are available for public events, and private rentals. Please call or email for details, pricing, and availability.
The newly renamed Benjamin Banneker Urban Farm continues to transform and we look forward to involving our community in the process. Be on the lookout for ways you can grow with us in 2023.
Banneker celebrates summer camp participants and their families, and you’re invited! This spread-out affair on Elm Street features food, carnival games, and more!
F 7/21 • 5:30–8:30 p.m.
FREE • For all ages.
Weekly full-court basketball games for cis women, transgender women, transgender men, non-binary people, and those who are otherwise underrepresented. All skill levels are welcome for an hour of fun and fitness.
W 5/3–8/30 • 5:30–6:30 p.m.
$5/person, cash only
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
The Banneker Community Center is proud to host the Evans-Porter Memorial Library. The library offers fiction and nonfiction books for adults, teens, and children. Recent encyclopedias and other reference materials are available to help with homework. A focus on Black history and culture reflects the library’s location in a historically significant building and neighborhood.
Located on the third floor, this is a place where families can gather information, network with others, build a support system, and enjoy their children in a fun, safe space.
Blood pressure, lipid panels, and hemoglobin (blood sugarA1C) screenings help determine whether levels in each area are in a healthy range. Head off a potential health condition with a free, convenient Well Check by IU Health. Flu and COVID vaccinations are also available. No appointment is needed, but you need to fast for 12 hours to get an accurate cholesterol level. For more information about the Well Check, call 812-353-3244.
Th 5/18 • 8–11 a.m.
FREE • For all ages.
3550 N. Kinser Pk. • 349-3764
Call for seasonal hours.
Visit us online to reserve a tee time! bloomington.in.gov/cascades
Cascades Golf Course @Cascadesgc
Accessibility: Designated parking spaces in lot. Restrooms and main entrance all accessible.
Cascades Golf Course consists of three nine-hole courses, which can be combined to create three separate 18-hole configurations. The Quarry Course is a par-35, playing a maximum of 2,995 yards. The Pine Course was constructed in 1931 and is a par-36, playing a maximum of 3,135 yards. The Ridge Course is the newest course, opened in 2000. The Ridge Course is a par-36 which plays a maximum of 3,086 yards. Individual or group golf lessons may be scheduled with our on-site golf pro by calling 349-3764. Beer and soft drinks are available for purchase from Cascades concessions. Individuals may not bring their own alcoholic beverages onto the golf course.
Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course
Senior spouse (62 yrs. and up) $250 $275
18 holes green fees $24
9 holes green fees $16
Senior green fees (ages 62+, M–Th) $22
Student green fees (with student ID, M–Th) $22
Be a part of a Bloomington tradition, and play in the longestrunning Match Play tournament in the state!
Registration Deadlines: Championship Flights: June 20
Regular, Juniors, and Women’s Divisions: July 2
Qualifying Dates: Men’s & Senior Championship and Super
Senior Championship: June 24–25
Regular, Juniors, and Women’s Divisions: May 29–July 2
Regular Divisions need one qualifying score and must use scorecard provided by Cascades Golf Course.
City Tournament Dates: Opening Weekend: July 8–9
Championship Weekend: July 15–16
Tournament will be played on Quarry & Pine courses
Entry Fees: All Championship Flights: $25
Regular and Women’s Divisions: $15
Juniors: FREE
Registration opens May 29. To register, call Cascades Golf Course at 349-3764.
The Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course boasts a towering ceiling and a 47' × 33' room surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the driving range, putting green, and rolling hills of Cascades! Overhead doors on the southeast wall can be opened onto the attached patio (47' × 19') in nice weather. A restroom and a warming kitchen are both located inside the Clubhouse. For more information about renting the Clubhouse at Cascades Golf Course, or to check availability, contact Megan Stark at 349-3770 or starme@bloomington.in.gov.
Banquet Room
$500/day • $75/hour • $125/golf outing
Conference Room
$150/day • $25/hour
Couples play other couples in a round robin, alternate-shot format in this 9-hole league. Optional weekly game fees may be paid toward Closest to Pins and Stableford points. To register, contact Jason Sims at simsja@bloomington.in.gov or 349-3764.
Th 4/20–10/5 • 5:45–7:45 p.m., shotgun start $15 + $15 cart fee/couple • For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Week-long, half-day golf camps. See pg. 25.
See pg. 28.
Community gardens are a place for all levels of gardener, from aspiring to master gardener. Join us and reap all of the benefits that community gardens offer. Access to delicious, nutritious, fresh food is just the beginning. Garden plots are available to rent throughout the season or until all plots are rented.
• experience physical and mental health benefits
• enjoy the sights and sounds of nature
• meet people with a shared interest
• carry out their own food culture
• engage children in experiential learning
• help their families develop healthy eating habits
• learn tips from gardening experts in our classes
• join us at community events
We provide:
• fencing to keep deer and other animals out of the garden
• access to water
• communal tools
• composting
• knowledgeable garden staff who are ready to help you
• a monthly garden newsletter
Visit bloomington.in.gov/communitygardening or contact communitygardens@bloomington.in.gov for more information.
Located at Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park at the intersection of West Ninth and North John Streets. Code
32 sq. ft)
Located at the north end of Switchyard Park, accessible by the B-Line Trail or the Grimes Lane parking lot.
Code Annual cost Description
165203-A $45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Raised Bed (approx. 24–32 sq. ft)
Located in Winslow Woods Park on South Highland Avenue.
Code Annual cost Description
165202-A $80/in-city, $92/non-city Organic Large Plot (200 sq. ft)
165202-B $45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Small Plot (100 sq. ft)
165202-C $45/in-city, $52/non-city Organic Raised Bed (32 sq. ft)
For more information, contact Sarah Mullin at 349-3704 or mullins@bloomington.in.gov. For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Healthy soil is a vital living ecosystem that is the foundation of a healthy garden. Join us to learn about the importance of healthy soils, methods that improve soil health, and how to test your garden soil to better understand its composition and needs.
Instructor: Hannah Martin, Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District
W 5/10 • 5:30–7 p.m. • Register by 5/7 • 265203-A
$10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages.
Butler Community Park Gardens
Dive into the basics of composting in the peak of garden season. Composting is an easy way to make your household more eco-friendly. Learn how to use compost in your gardens and how to incorporate composting at home regardless of your space restrictions.
Instructor: Brandon Olson
Su 6/4 • 2:30–3:30 p.m. • Register by 6/2 • 265202-A
$10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages.
Willie Streeter Community Gardens
Join a Natural Resources Educator to discover the insects that call our gardens home… or food. Together we will look at what insects use our gardens and identify which insects are friends and which are foes. We will also discuss how to attract beneficial insects and reduce harmful ones in our gardens.
Instructor: Brandon Olson
Sa 6/24 • 5–6:30 p.m.
• Register by 6/22
$10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages.
Butler Park Community Gardens
• 265201-A
The Orchard is a public food forest for all to enjoy, and the harvest is available to everyone. We welcome volunteers to help us cultivate the Orchard, while developing their own hands-on orcharding skills. All are welcome, and no experience is needed – we provide the tools and show you what to do!
April–May: Saturdays, 1–4 p.m.
June–August: Wednesdays, 5–8 p.m.
September–November: Saturdays, 1–4 p.m.
Bloomington Community Orchard, 2120 S. Highland Ave., (across from the south side YMCA)
Shelter house reservations may be made online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/rentals/shelters or in person at the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office, Monday–Friday, from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Shelters are available for rental April 1 through Oct. 31. Reservations are accepted year round on a first-come, first-served basis. Weekdays are Monday–Thursday, and weekends are Friday–Sunday.
Bryan Park—Henderson Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
This shelter is near Henderson St. and has a grill and water. Maximum 30 people.
Bryan Park—North Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
This shelter is located near the north side of the park and has a grill, water, and electrical outlets. Maximum 30 people.
Bryan Park—Woodlawn Group Shelter
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This shelter is near Woodlawn Ave., is wheelchair accessible, and has 2 grills, electrical outlets, lights, water, and a drinking fountain. Maximum 72 people.
Building Trades Park Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
Between Howe and Second St. It is wheelchair accessible, and has a grill. Maximum 30 people.
Lower Cascades Park—Sycamore Shelter
$82 weekdays/$97 weekends and holidays
Located in the lower portion of Cascades Park. Bathrooms (open seasonally) are a part of the building, and the shelter has a large grill, electrical outlets, lights, fireplace, water, drinking fountain, playground access, and a large parking lot. It is wheelchair accessible. Maximum 75 people.
Lower Cascades Park—Waterfall Shelter
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
Located in the lower portion of Cascades Park. This shelter houses approximately 75 people. It has electrical outlets, lights, fireplace, playground access, large grill, drinking fountain, and a volleyball court nearby.
Olcott Park—Young Pavilion
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This round pavilion is wheelchair accessible, has picnic tables, a group grill, and electrical outlets. Maximum 60 people.
RCA Community Park—Small Shelter
$59 weekdays/$62 weekends and holidays
Located off Rockport Rd./Countryside Ln. on RCA Park Dr., this accessible shelter has a grill and large playground nearby.
Maximum 30 people.
Upper Cascades Park—Lions Den Shelter
$72 weekdays/$87 weekends and holidays
This accessible shelter has an accessible playground, with adult and children’s picnic tables, electrical outlets, lights, two grills, and a drinking fountain located at the shelter.
Maximum 99 people.
Winslow Woods Park Shelter
$67 weekdays/$77 weekends and holidays
Located off S. Highland Ave., this accessible shelter has two grills and an accessible playground, electrical outlets, lights, and a drinking fountain. Maximum 99 people.
Bryan Park Fields 1 and 2
Bryan Park ballfields 1 and 2 are available for rent Saturdays and Sundays for baseball and softball practices. These fields are unlighted and rent for $10/hr. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Bryan Park Field 3
Bryan Park ballfield 3 is available for rent seven days a week for baseball or softball practices. The field is unlighted and rents for $10/hr. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Butler Park Field
Butler Park ballfield is available for rent seven days a week. Butler has a 200' fence. The field is unlighted and rents for $10/hr. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Lower Cascades Park
Lower Cascades Park has two 200' fenced fields with lights. Lower Cascades ballfields are located at 3601 N. Old State Road 37. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Olcott Park
Olcott Park has two multi-purpose fields that can be used for a variety of activities including soccer and football. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Twin Lakes Sports Park
Twin Lakes has four 300' fenced fields with lights. For reservation information contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Winslow Sports Complex
Winslow Sports Complex has four 200' fenced fields with lights and one senior baseball field with lights. For reservation information, contact Scott Pedersen at 349-3774 or pederses@bloomington.in.gov.
Discover new places, navigate scenic trails and make the most of your time by finding City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation on the OuterSpatial mobile app. Ready to begin your adventure?
Boathouse, 3400 N. Headley Rd.
Scenic woodlands teeming with wild flora and fauna surround the 109-acre Griffy Lake at this 1,220-acre nature preserve. Swimming is prohibited. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has stocked the lake with bluegill, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, channel catfish, and crappie. Kayak, canoe, and stand up paddleboard rentals are available seasonally at Griffy Lake boathouse. To protect wildlife and visitors, all dogs must remain leashed while in the preserve. Nearby Ferguson Dog Park (4300 N. Stone Mill Rd.) accommodates dogs off-leash. For more information, call 349-3700.
See pgs. 29–31.
Canoe/Kayak/SUP Rental (Two-hour limit on holidays/weekends) ...................................................... $9/hour 10-Rental Pass .............................................................................. $80 Available for purchase at the boathouse during regular business hours.
Groups (10+) wishing to make watercraft rental reservations Monday through Friday may do so by emailing Rebecca Swift at rebecca.swift@bloomington.in.gov. Rented watercraft returned to the boathouse after closing are subject to a minimum $20 late fee. A minimum $50 replacement fee is charged for lost, stolen, or damaged rental items.
Privately owned boat launch fees: $90/season, $9/day Boat motors are limited to electric trolling motors only.
Boathouse hours:
April and October: Saturday and Sunday only, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
May–August: Daily, 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
September: Daily, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
November–March: Closed
Boathouse phone: 349-3732
Boathouse email: griffy.boathouse@bloomington.in.gov
Griffy Lake Trails: Trail guides are available at the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office and the Griffy Lake boathouse. Please respect this fragile environment by remaining on the marked trails. Mountain biking, horseback riding, and off-road vehicles are strictly prohibited.
AMENITIES: Seasonal restrooms and picnic tables next to boathouse
PARKING: Available by the boathouse
TRAILS: 10+ miles total, natural surface
Wetlands Trail .2 miles, Nature Trail .5 miles (loop), Griffy Creek Trail 1.5 miles, Hiking Trail 1.7 miles (loop)
Lanam Trail .6 miles, West North Shore Loop 1 mile, East North Shore Loop .5 miles
ACCESSIBILITY: Accessible .3 mile pathway along Griffy Lake includes five fishing access points and connects users to the north and south shore hiking trails. Accessible canoe and kayak launch fishing pier, and pathway along Griffy Lake.
Eco Outpost: Looking for a fun way to interact with the great outdoors? Visit the Eco Outpost to check out our display of natural objects like fossils, pine cones, seashells, and more. Borrow an Explorer Backpack and take a funfilled trek through the woods or your own backyard. The Eco Outpost is open during boathouse hours.
Switchyard Park is a 65-acre park located on the city’s south side established in 2019. The park is designed with multiple green initiatives including solar power, rain water recapture, and permeable pavers. The park straddles the B-Line Trail, a former railroad corridor that connects Switchyard Park to the surrounding neighbors and business as well as the downtown area and other trail systems to the south. Switchyard Park hosts a variety of indoor and outdoor activities including concerts, farmers markets, weddings, gala dinners, fitness classes, food truck events, seasonal events, and more.
Public Restrooms
• Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad restrooms open seasonally, April–October.
• Bloomington Police Department at Grimes Lane public restrooms open year ‘round.
Tuesday Market pg. 18.
Bloomington Trivia pg. 19.
Children’s Expo pg. 19.
Art of Giving pg. 19.
50+ Expo pg. 20.
Happy Hours pg. 20.
Switchyard Park Concerts pg. 21.
Movies in the Park pg. 22.
Summer Solstice Celebration pg. 23.
Teen Art Lab pg. 23.
Adult Field Day pg. 24.
Junk in the Trunk pg. 24.
Get Outdoors Day pg. 30.
Switchyard Park Fitness Classes pg. 36.
Pavilion—11,000 sq. ft., available for rental 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Rental—four-hour min. (weekdays M–Th) $65/hr.
Rental—six-hour min. (weekends and holidays) $80/hr.
Pavilion Attached Patio (per day) $100
Pavilion AV/General Serup (per event)
Riser Stage $100
Projector/screen use, per day $50
Pipe and Drape $100
Pavilion Alcohol Service Fees
Pavilion Service and Consumption $50
Patio Consumption (no service) $100
Pavilion Closed Contaner Sale (no consumption) $50
Pavilion Lawn (per day) 17,586 sq. ft.
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
North Activity Lawn (per day) 29,795 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
South Activity Lawn (per day) 30,301 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Pavilian Lawn Rental $120
Main Stage and Performance Lawn (per day)
Lawn: 30,301 sq. ft. Stage: 60' x 40'
Hourly practice use (per hour) $50/hr.
Non-profit—without theatrical lighting + $125 deposit $250
For-profit—without theatrical lighting + $200 deposit $400
Secondary Performance Lawn (per day) 123,840 sq. ft.
Rental (weekdays M–Th) $90
Rental (weekends and holidays) $120
Memorial Day–Labor Day: Open daily, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Sept. 30 (Labor Day): Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Admission is free. Spray pad operating hours are subject to change. For updates, call the Aquatics Hotline at 349-3741.
For a complete list of rules guiding use of the spray pad, visit switchyardpark.com.
For details about Parks and Recreation Department events scheduled in Switchyard Park, see pgs. 18–24.
B-Line Trail
Basketball Cour t
Pickleball Cour ts
Bocce Ball Cour ts
Fitness Circuit
Community Gardens
Nor th Ac tivity Lawn
Grimes Lane entrance and parking
Bloomington Police Depar tment Public Restrooms Parking
Water Tower
South Rogers Street entrance and parking
Amenities include:
• basketball court
• 4 pickleball courts
• 3 bocce ball courts
• street style skate park
• fitness stations
• community gardens with 39 raised beds
• open greenspace
• stream and wetland
• Pavilion indoor event space
• picnic shelter
• shaded bosque seating
Bic ycle/skateboard repair station
South Ac tivity Lawn Skate Park
Pavilion Lawn
South Walnut Street entrance and parking
Main Stage
Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad
Parking Pavilion
• performance stage with lawn seating for 5,000
• Community Foundation Switchyard Plaza Spray Pad
• paved, accessible trails around and through the park
• paved, accessible B-Line Trail through the park
Shelter Playground
Performance Lawn Secondar y Performance Lawn
Large Dog Park
Small Dog Park
B-Line Trail
• 4.7-acre dog park with fenced areas for large and small dogs
• vehicle parking lots at Rogers Street, Grimes Lane, and Walnut Street offer a total of 400+ spaces
Trail continues to Countr y Club Drive. Additional park ing across Countr y Club Drive.
Operating hours are subject to change based on weather conditions or attendance. The pools will close for thunder, lightning, and extremely cool temperatures, but will open in the rain.
Accessibility: Designated parking is available. Accessible toilet and shower in the men’s and women’s bathhouse. Accessible chair lift for persons needing assistance entering pool.
Supervision: All children under age 14 yrs. must be supervised by an adult age 18 yrs. and up at all times.
Refund policy: Admission fees, economy punch passes, and season passes are non-refundable. The pool, or portions of the pool, may close due to lifeguard shortages, low attendance, or threatening weather. No refunds for closings due to emergencies, contamination, or weather conditions. No refunds are provided for swim lessons after the first day of lessons.
Fee waivers: Apply for a pool admission fee waiver at the Parks and Recreation office in City Hall. Call 349-3700 or visit bloomington.in.gov/parks/pools for more information.
Bryan Park Pool • 1020 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Open May 27–Aug. 1 • 11 a.m.–7 p.m. daily
Open weekends only Aug. 5–Sept. 4.
Pool is open Monday, Sept. 4 (Labor Day)
Zero-depth activity pool for children under age 10 yrs., two waterslides, 17' drop slide, and concession area. Outside food and drink not permitted.
Ages 3 yrs. and younger admitted free.
Mills Pool • 1100 W. 14th St.
Open May 27–July 30 • 11 a.m.–7 p.m. daily
Zero-depth activity pool for children under age 10 yrs., water basketball, diving board, and waterslide. Outside food and drink may be brought into Mills Pool. No glass containers or alcoholic beverages.
Ages 3 yrs. and younger admitted free.
Season Pass • $70
Good for admission for one person to both Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool during the 2023 season. Passes may be purchased with a check, cash, or debit/credit card. Season passes are for sale only at Bryan Park Pool.
Economy 20-Punch Pass • $90
Valid for a total of 20 admissions to both Bryan Park and Mills Pools. For sale at Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool.
Admission to Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool is free on July 4 courtesy of the Bloomington Parks Foundation.
This class introduces lifesaving skills and includes an interactive session that does not take place in the pool. An outline of the types of skills needed for a lifeguarding position will be introduced, and participants will learn the importance of mastering fundamental skills required to be a lifeguard. Learn techniques for solving problems in emergency and high-stress situations.
• Swim the front crawl for 25 yards.
• Swim the breaststroke for 25 yards.
• Tread water for 5 minutes with arms and legs.
• Swim on the back for 25 yards.
• Submerge and swim a distance of 10 feet underwater. Sa 6/3–6/24 • 10–11:30 a.m.
Register by 5/30 • 220108-A
$110/person • For ages 11–14 yrs.
Bryan Park Pool
For specific availability, contact the Parks and Recreation office at 349-3700. Pool reservations can be made in person at the Parks and Recreation office in City Hall or online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/rentals/pools. Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pools are perfect locations for your summertime event. Rental rates include lifeguards and customer service staff. Food and drink may be brought in, but must remain in designated concession areas; alcoholic beverages, smoking and vaping are not permitted. Bryan Park Pool and Mills Pool are available for rent typically between the hours of 7:15–9 p.m.
Entire Pool Facility ... $350/hr
Main Pool $300/hr
(excludes Limestone Lagoon)
Entire Pool Facility ...... $225/hr
Swim lesson registration does not include admission to the pool prior to or after the lesson.
June 5–15
Guardian and Toddler Designed to help young children become comfortable in and around the water. Must need constant support in the water. Children must wear swim diapers if not toilet trained.
Level I
For ages 6–14 yrs. Helps swimmers of varying ages and abilities develop water safety, survival, and swim skills. Child must be comfortable putting face and head under water. Child is able to get into the water without constant support.
For ages 6–14 yrs. Focus on building proper body position; coordinating arms/legs to perform various strokes; rotary breathing; and treading water. Child can put head under the water, float and swim front stroke/crawl with support.
For ages 6–14 yrs. Focus on breathing to the side while swimming front crawl; learn various other kicks. Child can swim on their own and roll in the water without support. Can float for 2 seconds without assistance.
For ages 6–14 yrs. Practice previously learned swimming skills. Child must be able to swim different strokes for 15 yards and is able to jump into the water without assistance. Can tread water for 20 seconds.
• Adults ages 18–59 yrs.: $8
• Youth ages 7–17 yrs. and adults ages 60 yrs. and up: $7
• Youth ages 6 yrs. and younger admitted FREE with adult 18 yrs. and up.
HOURS Sept. 1–May 31:
Monday–Friday: 6 a.m.–10 p.m.
Saturday–Sunday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
May 29 (Memorial Day): 7 a.m.–1 p.m.
April 9 (Easter): Closed
SUMMER HOURS June 1–Aug. 31:
Monday–Friday: 6 a.m.–9 p.m.
Saturday–Sunday: 7 a.m.–9 p.m.
June 19 (Juneteenth): 6 a.m.–9 p.m.
July 4 (Independence Day): 7 a.m.–1 p.m.
The Twin Lakes Recreation Center provides members with many choices to create a wellness plan that offers variety and challenge. Stop by and see how the TLRC can be a part of your fitness goals.
• Indoor 1/5-mile rubberized track
• Five basketball courts
• Indoor turf field
• Expanded weight room
• Cardio studio
• Two group exercise studios
• FREE group exercise for members
• Discounted personal training packages
*There is a one-time capital fee of $20 for each new member.
**Automatic Monthly Debit requires a 12-month commitment. Cancelling before the 12-month commitment is reached will result in a $20 early termination fee.
***Automatic Monthly Debit, six-month and 12-month memberships can be put on freeze for up to three months in a 12-month period
Party Room
Program Room
Studio A $65
Studio B $60
Full court volleyball w/setup $35/per court/per hour
Basketball practice/court $30/hour
Basketball competition/tournament $40/per court/per hour
Turf field non-prime (April–September)
As the cost of health care continues to grow, companies are exploring ways to prevent illness and reduce health risks for their employees while realizing the overall benefits of a healthy workforce. From a healthy lifestyle to a healthy workplace, the TLRC staff is here to help you customize a wellness program that fits your company’s goals and health care mission. For more information, contact our Membership Coordinator, Megan Stark, at 349-3770 or starme@bloomington.in.gov.
Turf field prime (October–March) $100/hour Entire Lower Level $155/hour
Party Room rental includes tables and chairs. Decorating, setup, and cleanup must be done during the rental time, or additional time can be added. Renters are responsible for their own decorations, party supplies, tableware, food service utensils, and equipment (e.g. basketballs, footballs, and soccer balls).
$45/hour for use of the party room only
$70/hour includes use of one basketball court
$80/hour includes use of Studio A or B
$105/hour includes use of the turf (April–September)
$130/hour includes use of the turf (October–March)
The studios offer wood floors and full-length mirrors. Court, turf, and studio room rental time runs simultaneously with the party room rental time. For more information on booking a party, contact Daren Eads at eadsd@bloomington.in.gov or call 349-3772. Rental fees MUST be paid in full at the time of the reservation to secure the date.
Drop-in, Pickup Volleyball takes place every Thursday from 7–10 p.m. Participation fee is $8 per player per night. Informal teams and games are organized by volleyball participants each night. A second court is added when possible.
Give a gift that will make a difference in someone’s life. A gift certificate to the Twin Lakes Recreation Center opens the door to fitness and fun! With a full fitness center, group exercise classes such as ZUMBA and Boot Camp, five basketball courts, an indoor 1/5-mile track and indoor turf field, your special someone will have access to a whole world of wellness. Gift certificates are valid for 90 days from the date of purchase. To purchase a TLRC gift certificate, stop by the Twin Lakes Recreation Center.
See pg. 32.
Admission $8 per day; participation is free with Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership. Occasionally, alternate programs are scheduled in the space ordinarily reserved for pickleball. Contact the Twin Lakes Recreation Center at 349-3720 or stop by the front desk for updates on pickleball schedule changes.
M, W, F and Tu, Th (when available)
9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center—Court 4
Outdoor pickleball courts are also available at Park Ridge East Park, RCA Community Park, and Switchyard Park. Outdoor courts are available for use on a first-come, firstserved basis.
TRAILS (many parks below also have trails) PARKS
April–September • 8 a.m.–1 p.m.
October–November • 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Showers Common
June–September • 4–7 p.m.
Switchyard Park
Nestled in picturesque downtown charm, the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market is a vital part of the local food culture. Market-goers can expect to find a wide assortment of goods from the farm and field, including fruits and vegetables, eggs, meats and cheeses, honey, seasonal flowers, and annual and perennial plants. Food and beverage artisans provide a tasteful variety of satisfying breads, drinks, pastries, and savory dishes. This weekly gathering provides individuals the opportunity to connect with their community in meaningful ways while supporting small farmers and businesses.
Visit and support local farmers and small businesses at the Tuesday Market, held every Tuesday, June through September, at Switchyard Park. Park in the Rogers Street parking lot (bike racks as well as vehicle parking) at Switchyard Park for the closest access to the Tuesday Market. Market-goers can enjoy all the amenities of Switchyard Park and the B-Line Trail while shopping for fresh, nutritious, local farm products and artisanal foods.
Use your Hoosier Works Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card to exchange Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for Market Bucks. We double the value of your EBT/SNAP purchase at both Tuesday and Saturday Markets. Spend up to $27 with your EBT card and get up to $54 of fresh food per visit. Market Bucks are available in $3 increments inside City Hall during Saturday Market hours and at the info tent during Tuesday Market hours. Market Bucks can be used like cash to purchase eligible items including fruits, vegetables, eggs, breads, honey, maple syrup, meat, cheese, dairy products, and food producing plants from participating Market vendors.
Can’t find a gift for your freshest friend? Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market has you covered. Farmers’ Market gift certificates are redeemable with most Market vendors. Purchase gift certificates at the Info Tent during both Saturday and Tuesday Market hours, or weekdays in City Hall, 401 N. Morton St.
The Farmers’ Market Advisory Council consists of 11 members representing Market customers, farm vendors, and food and beverage artisans. The Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Park Commissioners and Market staff on policy matters relating to the Farmers’ Market. Meetings are usually held at 5:30 p.m. the third Monday of each month and are open to the public. For more information about the FMAC, or for virtual meeting login information, contact farmersmarket@bloomington.in.gov.
Visit one of our naturalists at the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market on the first and third Saturdays of each month of the Market season. We cover a variety of topics and have information and activities for all ages. Stop by to ask a question, observe a critter, or gather information. Our Roving Naturalists are also available for private natural resources programs.
It’s youth day at the Farmers’ Market!
Young farmers, artists, growers and entrepreneurs get their own 9’ x 6’ booth space during this special day for kids at the Market. Youth will keep all their profits as they experience a day of running their own stands. The Market is hosting other youth-oriented activities and youth-led entertainment too! For more information about a youth vendor stand to sell fruits, vegetables, or baked goods, contact Clarence Boone at 349-3738. For more information about a youth artist stand, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725.
Sa 7/1 • 8 a.m.–1 p.m.
Reserve a youth stand space by June 23.
For ages 6–17 yrs.
Reconnect to the land and celebrate the hardworking hands that feed us.
Connect to the origins of your food at this dinner that celebrates local food and the hardworking people who grow and prepare it! Dinner will be served family style in tables of eight. Menu and cooking services provided by Chef Corbin Morwick from One World Catering. Corbin is an award-winning, self-taught chef who strives to provide the freshest, most innovative menus utilizing locally sourced ingredients. Dinner ingredients will be sourced from Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market vendors.
Sa 8/19 • 6–8 p.m. • Register by 8/11 • 265301-A
$75/person • For all ages.
Switchyard Park
Listen to the sounds of music with the backdrop of the burbling, gurgling, splashing, and whooshing of Clear Creek while learning about the importance of our watersheds.
Eric is a handpan player that specializes in natural and ambient music. The handpan is a type of steel drum that originated in Switzerland during the early 2000s. Unlike many other drums, the handpan has a uniquely warm tone which allows it to calmly blend into the surrounding environment.
Friday, April 28 • 6:30–7:30 p.m. Clear Creek Trail Church Lane Trailhead
FREE • For all ages
Bring your own seating.
For more information, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725 or ritterc@bloomington.in.gov.
For weather-related updates, call the Community Events Hotline at 349-3754.
Saturday, April 29 • 1–4 p.m.
Title Sponsor:
Visit the annual Children’s Expo to find Bloomington’s best resources, services and programs just for children and families! The Expo features dozens of exhibitor booths, free wellness screenings, active fun for elementary school-age children, and more!
For more information contact Amy Shrake at shrakea@bloomington.in.gov
April 28 ● July 7 ● Sept. 22 ● Nov. 3
Dec. 8—invitation only
Prizes will be awarded each night to the top three teams. Register a team of six or fewer by the registration deadline. Pre-registration is required.
The Cabin Restaurant and Lounge will be on-site with food, soda, beer, and wine available for purchase.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Trivia starts at 7 p.m.
The Pavilion at Switchyard Park 7 p.m.
Sponsored by:
Show kids the importance of exploring gratitude and expressing themselves through heartfelt crafts, handmade cards, and more. This family-friendly event will show grade school kids what gratitude means and help them recognize the many opportunities they have to express it toward someone, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, thank yous, get well wishes, holidays, or simply “just because”.
Sa 5/6 • 1–3 p.m.
$5 • For ages 3–12 w/parent Switchyard Park, Pavilion
Hotline: 349-3754
The 50+ Expo is the community’s premier showcase of businesses and organizations whose products and services are geared toward Baby Boomers, seniors, caregivers, and their friends and families. The event includes:
• A large expo filled with a variety of exhibitors
• Free health screenings by local health care professionals
Rain date: Thursday, May 11 • 3–6 p.m.
For more information about the 50+ Expo, contact Bill Ream at 349-3748 or reamw@bloomington.in.gov.
Title sponsor:
Beautifully handmade. Regionally crafted. Totally unique.
Shop for art and fine crafts hand made by local and regional artists.
Second Saturdays • Showers Common May 13, June 10, July 8, Aug. 12, Sept. 9 from 8 a.m.–1 p.m. and Oct. 14 from 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Bloomington Parks and Recreation hosts a celebration of art and community with the sales, demonstrations, and displays of arts and fine crafts by local and regional artists.
Bring a lawn chair, blanket, and picnic dinner and delight in the sounds of local musicians with the Performing Arts Series!
Hotline: 349-3754
Sunday, April 23 • 2–3 p.m. Waldron, Hill, and Buskirk Park Monroe County Civic Theater will celebrate National Talk Like Shakespeare Day. We’ll help people talk like Shakespeare and leave you with a poem.
Thursdays • 4:30–6 p.m.
Enjoy free, live performances from local and regional musicians.
Rain dates: Sept. 7 and Sept. 14
May 18 Sofia Crespo traditional dance from Spain
May 25 Rearview Rhonda local indie rock/punk band
June 1 Limestone Nomad modern bluegrass/folk trio
June 8 nomás unique Spanish/English covers
June 15 Zillafyde country to folk to hard rock
June 22 PDVNCH spoken wordsmith
June 29 The Bazargan Mystics Hoosier surf klezmer
July 6 Lexi Lynn honky tonk/heartbreaker country
July 13 Dan Kusaya world music, dance
July 20 Lennon Beasley indie & rock
July 27
Aug. 3 Joe Donnelly
Plessinger with Devin Brown Americana singer-songwriter multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter
Aug. 10 Vuko cocktail of classic & alternative rock
Aug. 17 Matthew Marcelle acoustic folk songwriter
Aug. 24 Kevin Shima acoustic rock
Aug. 31 Kade Puckett funky fingerstyle guitarist
Thursday–Saturday • June 1–3 • 7 p.m.
Sunday, June 4 • 2 p.m.
Waldron, Hill and Buskirk Park
Monroe County Civic Theater presents Richard III.
For more information about A Fair of the Arts, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725 or ritterc@bloomington.in.gov or visit bloomington.in.gov/afair.
Thursday, June 8 • 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Switchyard Park
Held in conjunction with the Boys & Girls Club Auxiliary’s Strawberry Shortcake Festival. Music from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Matixando Original Latin fusion from Costa Rica
Fridays • 6–8:30 p.m.
Switchyard Park, Pavilion Lawn
June 9
SoundR LampN quirky rock and roll
July 14
Kyle Billman & The Algoriddims
Aug. 11
Latin, Caribbean, reggae, & funk rock
Joe Baughman + The Righteous Few variety show folk rock
Switchyard Park Thursday Night Concert Series
June 15
Makaya McCraven
July 20
Shannon & The Clams
Aug. 24
In partnership with: Thursdays 6-10 p.m.
6 p.m. opener • 7:15 p.m. main act
Switchyard Park, Main Stage
June 16
Rearview Rhonda local indie rock/punk rock band
Wife Patrol alternative rock
July 21
Joe Donnelly Multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter
The Dynamics classic R&B/funk band
Aug. 18
A celebration of Janiece's life through music
Special musical tribute concert honoring the life and legacy of Janiece Jaffe.
Janiece's closest musical collaborators come together to celebrate the wide range of genres that spanned her career, from jazz to singer-songwriter to vocal improvisation, and more.
Sept. 8
Otto & the Moaners cosmic folk rock
No Fences Garth Brooks cover band
July 2
Back-to-back shows each evening! 5:30–8:30 p.m.
Jan Bell Americana country folk
The Amanda Webb Band blues rock
July 16
Sam Finley Trio instrumental funk, blues and jazz
The Movin' Hips classic blues, R&B, soul
July 30
The Top Hat Blues Revue blues jazz rock and originals
Straight Up Chumps relevant upbeat funk-jam
Aug. 13
Tom Roznowski original American Tango with Winnie Argentine tango for everyone
Evening with the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, Aug. 27 • 7 p.m.
Switchyard Park, Main Stage
Evening with the Bloomington Community Band
Sunday, Sept. 17 • 6 p.m.
Switchyard Park, Main Stage
Diamond Record:
Gold Record:
Dr. Lisa J. Baker, DDS
Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering Services
ISU The May Agency
Dr. Aaron Mobley, Indiana Chiropractic & Rehab
Scenic Construction Services
Silver Record:
Bartlett Tree Experts
Bunger & Robertson
E&B Paving
Hayden Flats
Regional Land Title Company
Ruoff Mortgage Smile Promotions
Start your summer off right with a party in Bryan Park!
Saturday, May 20 3-6 p.m. at Bryan Park
A sample of programs, events, and activities hosted by Bloomington Parks and Recreation this summer. FREE for all ages.
The Princess Diaries
2001 • G • 1 hr 55 min
Saturday, June 3 • 9:30 p.m. Bryan Park
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On 2021 • PG • 1 hr 30 min
Friday, Sept. 1 • 8:45 p.m. Switchyard Park
Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train
1951 • PG • 1 hr 41 min
Saturday, Sept. 9 • 8:30 p.m. Bryan Park
2021 • PG • 1 hr 35 min
Friday, Sept. 15 • 8:30 p.m. Bryan Park
Alice warned you about following the White Rabbit... but your curiosity got the better of you, and now you are stuck in Wonderland. Work together to solve the mysteries, riddles, and puzzles of Wonderland in order to escape! Register a team of three to six people for a selected day and time at this outdoor adventure!
Sa, 6/3 • Su, 6/4 • Sa, 6/10
Departures every 30 minutes • 1–7 p.m.
Pre-registration required. • Register by 6/1.
$60/team • For all ages.
Lower Cascades Park, Waterfall Shelter
Event Partner:
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month with the Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs.
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022 • PG-13 • 2 hr 41 min
Saturday, Sept. 23 • 8:15 p.m. Bryan Park
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1977 • PG • 1 hr 45 min
Friday, Oct. 6 • 7:45 p.m.
Switchyard Park
Bloomington Parks and Recreation and the Ryder Film Series present free movies on the big screen in city parks. Movies begin at dusk; see estimated start times. Please be aware that some of the movies have a rating of PG and PG-13. We request your assistance in determining if a particular movie is appropriate for your family. Rain dates: Sept. 10 and Oct 7.
Amethyst House • Dr. Lisa J. Baker, DDS
The May Agency
Bluestone Tree
• IU Arts & Humanitites Council
City of Bloomington, INParks and Recreation
Find us on OuterSpatial.
IU Credit Union • The Niese Agency—State Farm Office Easel Promotions
• Rapid Reproductions
Wednesday, June 7 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Winslow Sports Complex
Tiny drivers have the green light to view every type of vehicle imaginable! Check out fire trucks, ambulances, buses, bucket trucks, tractors, and more!
Sponsored by:
Geared toward ages 1–10 yrs. Rain date: June 8 • 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Summer Solstice Celebration
Saturday, June 24 • 1-4 p.m.
FREE • For all ages
Switchyard Park, Pavilion Lawn
As the sun reaches its peak on the longest day of the year, take part in nature- and sun-related activities, games, and arts and crafts for the entire family. Make lasting memories under the sun and celebrate the start of summer!
Sponsored by:
For more information, visit bloomington.in.gov/parks.
Get ready to rev your engines! Touch a Truck is coming to the Monroe County Fair • Get up close with fire trucks, ambulances, buses, bucket trucks, tractors, and more!
Wednesday, July 5 Noon–3 p.m. Monroe County Fairgrounds
Geared toward ages 1–10 yrs.
Unleash creativity and explore different art mediums during a two-day workshop!
Teens complete multiple art projects and learn about possibilities available for creatives. Connect and create with other young artists!
T, W 7/18–7/19 • 5–7 p.m. Register by 6/23 • 265002-A
$25 • For ages 13–17 yrs. Switchyard Park, Pavilion
Tuesday, July 4
9 a.m. Bloomington Community Band 10 a.m. Fourth of July Parade
Entries are accepted through June 15 or until the maximum number of parade entries is received, whichever comes first. Entry fee is $30.
Be a part of one of Bloomington’s favorite annual events! Individuals, organizations, groups, and local businesses are invited to showcase their patriotism and love of the Bloomington community with an entry in the parade. For parade information or to request an application, contact Bill Ream at 349-3748 or reamw@bloomington.in.gov.
Event partner:
Event Title Sponsor:
Friday, July 28
6–9 p.m. ‹ $8/person
Switchyard Park, Main Stage lawn
For ages 21 yrs. and up.
Identification is required for admission.
Get ready for a blast from the past at our ultimate adult playground event! Enjoy nostalgic games like dodgeball, musical chairs, giant lawn games, and test your skills on the IU Outdoor Adventures Rock Wall. Groove to the beats of the 80s, 90s, and 00s while sipping on beer and wine available for purchase. Strike a pose at our photo booth and capture all the fun memories. Don’t miss out on the ultimate throwback experience!
For more information, contact Crystal Ritter at 349-3725 or ritterc@bloomington.in.gov.
Saturday, Aug. 19
8 a.m.–1 p.m.
Switchyard Park, Pavilion
The Junk in the Trunk community rummage sale is recycling and treasure hunting at the same time! There is plenty of room both inside and outside the Switchyard Park Pavilion for yard sale vendors to set up and sell furniture, books, clothing, toys, household goods, and more.
Shopping is FREE. Event takes place rain or shine.
Junk in the Trunk vendors:
Outdoor spaces are located along the side of the Pavilion and in the adjacent picnic area. All spaces are 10' x 10' and $25/space Register early to reserve your spot—indoor space is limited. Reserve vendor spaces online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/events, or call 349-3773 for a link to the online reservation form. Vendor space reservations will be accepted through Aug. 16, or until all spaces are filled, whichever comes first.
Event Partner:
Wednesday, Aug. 2
Thursday, Aug. 3
5–8 p.m. • Mills Pool
Maximum one dog/person.
Calling all pups to a pool paw-ty! Come get your paws wet and play with tennis balls and chew toys and compete in fun contests both nights to win prizes! Various pet-related businesses and organizations will be on hand both nights to share information with dog owners.
• Dogs must be spayed or neutered.
• All leashed, non-aggressive, well-behaved dogs are welcome.
• Humans are not allowed in the pool during Drool in the Pool.
• Help us keep the water clean. Prior to the event engage your dog in a high-energy activity to avoid feces in the water.
• Dogs are required to be at least six months of age.
• No retractable leads.
• We reserve the right to dismiss any dog for unruly activity and/or aggressive behavior.
Sponsors: The Niese Agency
OWNERS MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN PROOF FROM A VETERINARIAN SHOWING THEIR DOG'S CURRENT RABIES VACCINATION TO ATTEND. Indiana law requires that the rabies vaccination tag be worn at all times. All dogs will be checked on-site by City of Bloomington Animal Control. Dogs without written proof of current rabies vaccination will not be allowed in the event. A rabies tag alone is not sufficient!
Co-sponsored by Bloomington Parks and Recreation and the Lake Monroe Sailing Association, these camps teach safe sailing skills to participants who can swim. No previous sailing experience is required. Age ranges given are guides only; special arrangements may be made depending on experience and class availability. For sailing details, email lmsayouthsailing@gmail.com For registration information, call 349-3700. All cancelled registrations will incur a $10 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after the start of the session.
$225 • For ages 9–16 yrs.
Register at bloomington.in.gov/parks/registration.
B-Town Ballers and Coach Frank are back for another summer of basketball in Bloomington. Youth players learn basic basketball skills plus life lessons that will serve them well both on and off the court. Registration fee includes T-shirt, shorts, Gatorade, and water during camp. Please indicate T-shirt size (youth or adult) on registration form. Instructor: Andrew Frank
Tuesday–Friday, July 11–14
$75 • Register by 6/28.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Grades K–1
9 a.m.–noon • 250301-A
Grades 2–3
9 a.m.–noon • 250301-B
Grades 4–5
1–4 p.m. • 250301-C
Grades 6–8
1–4 p.m. • 250301-D
For more information, call 349-3774.
Through the First Tee curriculum, campers learn the fundamentals of the golf swing, as well as techniques for putting, chipping, and the uses of irons and drivers. Golf rules and etiquette are also included in each day’s camp. Junior golfers play games, take part in fun competitions, and answer trivia questions about golf rules. There are opportunities to purchase treats from the pro shop snack bar during breaks. Camp week ends Friday with playing a few holes on the golf course.
For more information about how to apply for a scholarship for any Parks and Recreation program, contact the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office at 812-349-3700. Apply online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/scholarships. Applications must be received two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
For ages 6–13 yrs.
Cascades Golf Course—Please meet at the green picnic tables on the west side of the clubhouse.
Allison-Jukebox Community Center
Hours 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. • For grades K–7. bloomington.in.gov/kidcity
* Sessions A, D, and F: No camp May 29, June 19 or July 3-4. The cost for these sessions are prorated.
• For all camps, a non-refundable, non-transferable administration fee of $40 per session per child is included in registration. Download health and registration forms, and register online at bloomington.in.gov/kidcity.
• Cancellations must be completed prior to the registration deadline in order to be eligible for refund.
• All late registrations require a $40 administration fee in addition to the registration fee.
For more information about how to apply for a scholarship for any Parks and Recreation program, contact the Bloomington Parks and Recreation office at 812-349-3700. Apply online at bloomington.in.gov/parks/scholarships. Applications must be received two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
Campers explore the world around them with field trips and special events. Daily programs give campers the chance to try specialized activities in the areas of nature and the outdoors, sports and games, and arts and media. We give every child a summer to remember. Staff-tocamper ratio is 1:6 for grade K. Staff-to-camper ratio is 1:8 for grades 1–4.*
In order to support the success and safety of all individuals registered and participating in Kid City summer camps, it is important that participants are indeed “camp ready.” To assist in determining if your child is “camp ready,” the following criteria have been developed:
• Participant is able to participate in the camp program independently or with reasonable accommodations.
• Participant is age appropriate (ages 5–12 yrs.) Participants may be aged up or down one grade level with director approval.
• Participant is able to use the restroom independently or with minimal verbal prompting.
• Participant is comfortable with, and able to interact in, a group environment.
• Participant interacts and participates in camp in a manner that is physically and emotionally safe for themselves and others.
Our camps are inclusive, serving children with and without disabilities. Inclusion services are available for accommodation needs and support options for your child. Reasonable accommodation requests and registration must be made at least two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
For more information, contact the Inclusive Recreation Coordinator, Amy Shrake, Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, at 349-3747 or shrakea@bloomington.in.gov.
Our camp staff are enthusiastic, well-trained adults. All staff are CPR and First Aid certified and adhere to the highest professional standards set forth by the American Camp Association and the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department. We recommend providing your camper with a durable backpack to carry these items. Do not bring money, toys, or cell phones.
Youth in grades 5–7 want a different kind of camp experience, and they get it in Kid City Quest! Quest campers are actively engaged in activities separate from younger Kid City Original campers. Space is dedicated to Questers where they can hang out with their friends and be themselves. Camp offers a break from technology, replacing it with participation in the community. Kid City Quest also keeps campers involved in traditional camp favorites such as swimming, crafts, library time, games and field trips! Staff-to-camper ratio is 1:10.
Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from camp each day. Once at camp, city buses and passenger vans are used to transport campers to and from field trips that are not within walking distance. Only trained, licensed drivers transport campers. Please bring: a sack lunch and water bottle, a swimsuit and towel, and any special sunscreen, bug spray or medications.
*Denotes maximum staff-to-camper ratio in accordance with the American Camp Association National Standards.
All Kid City Original and Quest programs are proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association. This nationally recognized accreditation focuses on program quality, health and safety issues, and requires us to review every facet of our operation. Kid City has voluntarily submitted to this independent appraisal done by camp experts and has earned this mark of distinction.
The Banneker backyard becomes the neighborhood super sunny beach! Preschoolers can make a castle in the sand, keep cool in the sprinkler, and have fun with beach toys.
Every Friday, June 2–July 28 10:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. • FREE
Banneker Community Center
For ages 5 yrs. and under w/parent. No reservations required, walk up and enjoy!
The indoor turf field at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center provides you and your young child with ample space to run, play, and practice ball throwing, catching and kicking skills. This free-time play is parent or caretaker supervised physical play. TLRC staff does not supervise this area during the program and children cannot be dropped off without supervision. For more information, contact the TLRC at 349-3720.
Tu, Th • 9:30–10:30 a.m.
$5, FREE for TLRC members • For ages 1–6 yrs. w/parent. Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Banneker presents eight weeks of diverse programming for teens who want to try new things, do more, reach more and experience more! This program includes swimming, field trips, opportunities for community service, positive influences, active games, and socialization for youth in grades 7-12.
M-F 5/30–7/21 • 2–7 p.m.
FREE • For ages 13–17 yrs.
Registration required. For more information visit bloomington.in.gov/banneker or call 348-3735.
See pg. 35.
See pg. 25.
Week-long, half-day golf camps.
See pg. 25.
Public play on tennis courts at Winslow Sports Complex, Park Ridge East Park, Bryan Park, Southeast Park, Sherwood Oaks Park, and RCA Community Park; and public play on pickleball courts at RCA Community Park, Park Ridge East Park, and Switchyard Park is permitted whenever the courts are not being used by Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Available hours are posted at each site.
The Bloomington Junior League Baseball Association (BJLBA, ages 5–12 yrs.) and the Monroe County Senior League Baseball Association (MCSLBA, ages 13–18 yrs.), in partnership with Bloomington Parks and Recreation, announces the opening of baseball league registration for players of all skill levels. Regular season practices and games take place at the Winslow Sports Complex. Registration for Buddy Ball, BJLBA’s inclusive recreational baseball program, is also open. To register for any BJLBA or MCSLBA program, visit bjlba.org or mcslba.org/seasons/spring. The websites will be updated with registration dates and costs for each program. For more information about managing a team, contact coachescorner@bjlba.org or coachescorner@mcslba.org.
Cascades Golf Course staff gives youngsters the background they need to enjoy the game of golf throughout their lives! Our two-hour clinic introduces the fundamentals, such as putting and chipping, and uses of irons and drivers.
Register by
For ages 6–13 yrs.
Cascades Golf Course—Meet at the green picnic tables on the west side of the clubhouse.
This class focuses on coordination, discipline and self-confidence in a fun and safe environment. Excel TKD is taught by Master Emeline O’Connor, a 4th-degree black belt with more than 20 years of experience. Some of her achievements include multiple National and Junior Olympic Championships in the AAU and USSSA organizations, AAU and USSSA National team member, and the first woman to be inducted in the USSSA Hall of Fame. The ultimate goal at Excel TKD is to mold future black belts into the best martial artists they can be.
Instructors: Emeline O’Connor, Neumiro Dasilva, Gustavus McLeod and Alice Day
Beginner—Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m. 5/2–6/15
Register by 4/30
Register by 6/25
Advanced—Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45 p.m. and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
$75 • For ages 5 yrs. and up.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
For all Nature and the Outdoors programs: Price is per person. Children under age 12 yrs. must be accompanied by a registered adult. Activities may be both inside and outside, so please dress for the weather.
See pg. 9.
Discover new places, navigate scenic trails and make the most of your time by finding City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation on the OuterSpatial mobile app. Ready to begin your adventure?
Enjoy the view of Bloomington’s sunset from Griffy Lake. Watercraft, paddles and life jackets are provided. Children age 14 yrs. and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. Bring a flashlight to help you navigate back to your vehicle once you return to dry land.
Th 8/17 • 8–9:30 p.m.
Th 9/14 • 7:30–9 p.m.
Th 10/19 • 6:30–8 p.m.
Register by 7/6 • 240001-D
Register by 8/10 • 240001-E
Register by 9/7 • 240001-F
Register by 10/12 • 240001-G
$12/in-city, $15/non-city
For all ages.
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse.
Experience an evening of peace and serenity on Griffy Lake during the full moon. Watercraft, paddles and life jackets are provided. Children age 14 yrs. and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. Bring a flashlight to help you navigate back to your vehicle once you return to dry land.
F 5/5 • 8:30–10 p.m.
Sa 6/3 • 9–10:30 p.m.
M 7/3 • 9–10:30 p.m.
Tu 8/1 • 9–10:30 p.m.
W 8/30 • 8:30–10 p.m.
F 9/29 • 7:30–9 p.m.
Roving Naturalists are available for private natural resource programs. To schedule a visit with one of our Roving Naturalists, email rebecca.swift@bloomington.in.gov.
Women in Nature Gaining Skills (W.I.N.G.S.) encourages and empowers women through teaching skills needed to partake in outdoor recreation activities in south central Indiana. Each W.I.N.G.S. event features woman-led, hands-on training, with the goal of building a community of women interested in the outdoors. W.I.N.G.S. events take place the third Sunday of each month and are open to ages 16 yrs. and up. For more information on how to join, visit SCINWINGS on Facebook.
Register by 4/28
Register by 5/26
Register by 6/27 • 240002-C
Register by 7/25 • 240002-D
Register by 8/23 • 240002-E
Register by 9/22 • 240002-F
Sa 10/28 • 7–8:30 p.m.
Register by 10/20 • 240002-G
$12/in-city, $15/non-city • For all ages.
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse.
Come learn about the hobby of birding with a Roving Naturalist! Birdwatching is a low-cost, relaxing, and fun way to get into the outdoors. We will go on a hike and make several stops where we will look out for some of the many birds that are in our local ecosystems. Binoculars and field guides are provided. Wear comfortable hiking or walking shoes and bring water. Instructor: Zach Ryan
Sa 5/20 • 7:30–9:30 a.m. • Register by 5/16 • 240003-A
$3/in-city, $5/non-city • For all ages.
Leonard Springs Nature Park—Meet in parking lot.
Join our Roving Naturalist as we learn about how functioning ecosystems work from water ecology to small microbes. During this program, participants will create small terrariums in glass jars to take home and enjoy!
Instructor: Brandon Olson
F 5/26 • 5–7 p.m. • Register by 5/19 • 240004-A
$10/in-city, $12/non-city • For all ages
Lower Cascades Park—Meet at Sycamore Shelter.
Tag along on a hike through Griffy Lake Nature Preserve as we look at native species of amphibians and reptiles. From frogs, snakes, and salamanders learn all about how to find them and their role in the ecosystem. Come prepared for moderate hiking with drinking water and comfortable foot wear.
Instructor: Brandon Olson
F 6/2 • 6–8 p.m. • Register by 5/26 • 240005-A
$5/in-city, $6/non-city • For all ages
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse.
To the untrained eye, the plants around us may not seem like anything special, and some may even be considered invasive. Yet, once you know the benefits of these plants surrounding us, you will quickly discover that nature truly provides us with everything we need. Edible plants found in the forest can enhance your usual dishes, like mustard greens for your pasta or beautiful flowers for your salads. We will discuss safe practices and useful identification techniques while on a guided hike that will allow you to become more comfortable foraging on your own. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Emily Gardner
Su 6/4 • noon–2 p.m. • Register by 5/30 • 240006-A
$8/in-city, $10/non-city • For ages 12 yrs. and up. RCA Community Park—Meet at small shelter.
What walked/crawled/swam where you are standing, millions of years ago? Join us in a hunt for the fossils of Indiana. Expect a short introduction on what to look for, followed by a half-mile hike to Griffy Creek to scour the fossil beds. Bring drinking water and wear comfortable, water-resistant footwear.
Instructor: Zach Ryan
Sa 6/24 • 5–7 p.m. • Register by 6/20 • 240007-A $5/in-city, $7/non-city • For all ages.
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse.
Get Outdoors Day is a free, open-house styled event where people can come to learn about local outdoor opportunities. Stop by to try a new outdoor activity or introduce your family to favorites like hiking, paddling, and birdwatching. Spend some time outside planning for your next outdoor adventure! For updated information on Get Outdoors Day, visit the Parks and Recreation website and follow City of Bloomington, INParks and Recreation on Facebook.
Share your photos on social media using #GetOutdoorsDay2023!
Sa 6/10 • 10 a.m.–1 p.m. • FREE Switchyard Park, Pavilion Lawn
Everyone can benefit from learning how to make water safe for ingestion. There are many variables when it comes to finding safe drinking water in the back country. Waterborne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa are present in many outdoor water sources. Join a Naturalist to discuss some of the negative effects of ingesting untreated water, go on a short hike to find an appropriate water source, and then learn how to filter and treat the water via different purification/filtration techniques. Please wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to hike a mile around Leonard Springs Nature Park.
Instructor: Jake Wood
Sa 7/8 • 10 a.m.–noon • Register by 6/30 • 240009-A
$8/in-city, $10/non-city • For ages 10 yrs. and up w/parent Leonard Springs Nature Park—Meet in parking lot.
Join us as we sit under the stars and watch insects come to our glowing canvas. As moths, beetles and more are attracted to the light, we will discuss the science behind black lighting and how to identify all the species that we can see. Please be advised that participants could be exposed to stinging insects such as bees and wasps. Instructor: Brandon Olson
Sa 7/8 • 8–9:30 p.m. • Register by 6/30 • 240008-A
$5/in-city, $6/non-city • For all ages
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse
Whether it's the colors of a sunset or the intricacy of a beetle’s wing, it is easy to be inspired by your surroundings. During this program, you will have the opportunity to use locally foraged materials to create an art piece that you will be able to take home. All craft materials will be provided.
Instructor: Emily Gardner
Su 7/9 • noon–2 p.m. • Register by 7/4 • 240010-A
$8/in-city, $10/non-city • For all ages.
Winslow Woods Park—Meet at shelter.
Explore Griffy Lake under the stars with the added effect of glow sticks to illuminate your boats and paddle! Paddle on your own, or float alongside a naturalist to discuss local nocturnal wildlife. Each participant must register. Prior canoe experience is recommended (even one time paddling is enough!).
Watercraft, paddles and life jackets are provided. Children age 14 yrs. and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. Bring a flashlight to help you navigate back to your vehicle once you return to dry land. Instructor: Zach Ryan
Sa 7/15 • 9:30–11 p.m. • Register by 7/7 • 240011-A
$10/in-city, $12/non-city • For ages 12 yrs. and up w/parent. Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse
Magic comes alive in the woods under the moonlight at night! Join us for a night hike where we will rely on the light of the moon to guide us along the trails of scenic Leonard Springs Nature Park. Should the skies be clear, we will also have a beautiful view of a blanket of stars! Be prepared for moderate hiking. Instructor: Emily Gardner
W 8/30 • 8:30–10 p.m. • Register by 8/23 • 240012-A
$5/in-city, $6/non-city • For all ages.
Leonard Springs Nature Park—Meet in parking lot.
Classes start with a short land lesson reviewing simple safety tips and practical information for success on the water. You will be supported and coached on how to enter and exit the board from the dock, how to paddle from various positions (including kneeling and sitting), how to paddle for power and speed, simple turns and how to return to your board from the water.
(Swimming is prohibited, but occasionally someone falls off the board, typically when they are feeling confident and trying more challenging skills).
Participants age 14 yrs. and younger must be accompanied by a registered adult. Participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle. Life jackets, paddles, and boards are provided.
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve—Meet at boathouse. $20/in-city, $25/non-city • Instructor: Tyler Ferguson
This introductory class is for those who want to learn to stand up paddle (SUP). You don’t HAVE to stand; it is possible to sit or kneel! We’ll paddle to a quiet spot on the lake and then sit or recline on our boards for a few stretches and some quiet meditation taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
Sa 5/27 • 10–11:30 a.m. • Register by 5/26 • 240015-A
Sa 5/27 • noon–1:30 p.m. • Register by 5/26 • 240015-B
Sa 5/27 • 2–3:30 p.m. • Register by 5/26 • 240015-C
Sa 5/27 • 4–5:30 p.m. • Register by 5/26 • 240015-D
W 6/7 • 10:30–noon • Register by 6/6 • 240015-E
Sa 6/17 • 8:30–10 a.m. • Register by 6/16 • 240015-F
W 6/21 • 10:30 a.m.–noon • Register by 06/20 • 240015-G
Su 8/27 • 9–10:30 a.m. • Register by 8/25 • 240015-H
Su 8/27 • 11–12:30 p.m. • Register by 8/25 • 240015-I
For ages 8 yrs. and up.
This class is perfect for kids interested in learning how to stand up paddle (SUP) and the adult(s) who wish to learn alongside them. You don’t have to STAND on a paddleboard; there are paddling options for those who would rather kneel or sit. We’ll refine our paddling techniques on the lake while looking for wildlife from this fun perspective.
W 6/14 • 6–7:30 p.m. • Register by 6/13 • 240017-A
Sa 6/17 • 12:30–2 p.m. • Register by 6/16 • 240017-B
W 6/28 • 6–7:30 p.m. • Register by 6/27 • 240017-C
For ages 8 yrs. ad up w/parent.
This Learn to Paddle class is specifically for those over age 50 yrs. We’ll paddle to a quiet spot on the water, refining our paddling technique, looking for wildlife from this fun perspective. We’ll find a quiet spot for a rest and meditation in a comfortable seated or reclined position while enjoying nature’s soundtrack.
W 6/14 • 10:30 a.m.–noon
S 6/17 • 10:30 a.m.–noon
W 6/28 • 10:30 a.m.–noon
For ages 50 yrs. and up.
Register by 6/13
Register by 6/16
Register by 6/27
Take advantage of the longest day of the year with a juicy, slow, hatha-style yoga class on the water while the sun sets in the background. The added instability of the paddleboard asks even the most experienced yogi to engage their small, stabilizing muscles while navigating asana on the SUP. Deepen your awareness with the sweet sounds of wildlife and the feel of the breeze on your skin. This experience is best for those with previous SUP and yoga familiarity.
W 6/21 • 8–9:30 p.m. • Register by 6/20 • 240019-A
For ages 15 yrs. and up.
Refine your turns, paddle around obstacles, and learn new turns during this advanced paddle class. This class is for those who have successfully completed the SUP Learn to Paddle class and are looking for additional challenges.
W 7/19
Register by 7/3
Register by 7/18
For ages 8 yrs. and up w/parent.
This beginner-level class is best for those who have already taken the Learn to Paddle class or who are comfortable navigating a SUP. No yoga experience is necessary. The poses we’ll visit will be low and close to the board with lots of points of contact. Plan on visiting shapes while seated, reclined on your back, in table-top (hands and knees) and on your belly. There will be plenty of cuing to keep you present and connected to the experience.
W 7/12
W 7/26
10:30 a.m.–noon
10:30 a.m.–noon
For ages 15 yrs. and up.
Register by 7/11
Register by 7/25
The TLRC’s personal trainers design programs that are individualized for your age, body, lifestyle and goals. TLRC personal trainers are certified, experienced, and educated. A 30-minute wellness consultation is included as a part of each personal training package. All personal training sessions are non-transferable and nonrefundable, and must be used within six months of purchase.
For more information, contact Mark Sterner at 349-3768 or sternerm@bloomington.in.gov.
Meet our personal trainers at twinlakesrecreation.com.
The data collected from a fitness assessment gives you a starting point, and provides a baseline to compare to as you make progress toward your fitness goals. Contact Megan Stark at 349-3770 or starme@bloomington.in.gov to learn more about body composition tests, or to schedule a fitness assessment. Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership is not required to have a fitness assessment.
Fitness assessments include:
• Free recording of your resting heart rate and blood pressure.
• Optional tests for estimates of body composition, in particular body fat:
—Skinfold analysis: $25
—Bioimpedance analysis: $5
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
By appointment only • For all ages.
Lower Level (unless otherwise noted)
The lower level is open Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–3 p.m. The lower level is closed on weekends except for reservations and scheduled activities. TLRC membership is not required to participate. Please call to check availability.
For more information about the programs, call 349-3720.
Tu • 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Tai Chi Qigong
Th • 10–11 a.m.
See pg. 4.
The TLRC is an Active&Fit participating facility. Active&Fit is an exercise and fitness program designed to help you achieve better health through regular exercise. The Active&Fit program includes no- or low-cost membership at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center, website resources and support from Active&Fit’s toll-free member services hotline. If your health plan offers Active&Fit and you would like more information about the TLRC, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720.
You may also visit Active&Fit at ActiveandFit.com.
Active&Fit is a federally registered trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
A fitness program to help you live your best life. Renew Active from UnitedHealthcare is available with select Medicare Advantage plans. Designed around you and your goals, Renew Active offers access to the Twin Lakes Recreation Center as well as online brain exercises to help keep both your body and your mind active—all at no additional cost. For more information, visit myrenewactive.com.
The Twin Lakes Recreation Center is a Silver&Fit participating fitness facility! Silver&Fit is designed specifically to help older adults achieve better health through regular exercise and health education. Silver&Fit provides eligible members with no-cost or low-cost fitness plans. Silver&Fit is provided by American Specialty Health Incorporated. If your health plan offers Silver&Fit and you would like more information about the TLRC, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720. You may also visit Silver&Fit at SilverandFit.com. Silver&Fit is a federally registered trademark of American Specialty Health Incorporated.
One Pass™ is a single membership that gives you access to a nationwide network of fitness locations. No matter what your fitness goals are, One Pass is designed with flexibility in mind to help meet your needs. One Pass is available to eligible members as part of their Rally® experience. Sign in to your myuhc.com® account to access One Pass.
For more information, please ask at the front desk or call 349-3720.
The SilverSneakers program is the nation’s leading exercise program designed exclusively for older adults. The program offers physical activity, health education, and social events for Medicare-eligible and Group Retiree members. If you qualify, your Twin Lakes Recreation Center membership is free! Inquire at the front desk to check your eligibility or to sign up.
SilverSneakers Circuit
Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout.
SilverSneakers Classic
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living.
SilverSneakers Yoga
Move your whole body through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses.
Session III: May 1–June 18 • Register by 4/30.
Classes do not meet May 29.
Session IV: June 26–Aug. 13 • Register by 6/25.
Classes do not meet July 4.
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Group exercise classes are FREE to members!
Members must register at the TLRC front desk. Classes that do not meet the minimum registration requirements after the registration deadline will be cancelled for that session.
Full refunds are given for all classes cancelled by the Twin Lakes Recreation Center. Refund requests for any other reason must be submitted prior to the first day of class, and are subject to approval according to State Board of Accounts claim procedures. Allow four weeks for refund requests to be processed.
Use these thermometers to help you choose the group exercise class with the right intensity level for you.
This class focuses on posture alignment, freeing the shoulder girdle and pelvis, and synchronizing movement and breathing through basic yoga poses. Gain a simple foundation practice that can be useful every day and serve as a springboard to explore any style of yoga. Feel at home in your body, enjoy good health, move freely, and reduce stress.
Located at Switchyard Park (Main Stage)
Instructor: Rivkah Moore
F 5/5–6/16 • noon–1 p.m. • 250201-A
F 6/30–8/11 • noon–1 p.m. • 250201-B
FREE/member, $55/non-member
Are you ready for a challenge? Take your body to the next level with this intense yet fun, fat-burning class! Combine weights, interval training and plyometrics to increase cardiovascular efficiency and overall strength. Get in and get fit!
Instructor: Paetyn Denson
Tu, Th 5/2–6/15 • 6–7 a.m. • 250202-A
Tu, Th 6/27–8/10 • 6–7 a.m. • 250202-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
The word hatha symbolizes a system of physical techniques integrating body, mind and spirit. This multi-level hatha class uses asanas to make the spine supple, core strong and to promote circulation in the organs, glands and tissues. Class finishes with sweet savasana to help release stress and relax body and mind. Great for those with arthritis.
Instructors: Rivkah Moore
M, W 5/1–6/15 • noon–1 p.m. • 250204-A
M, W 6/26–8/10 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 250204-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
H.I.I.T. stands for high intensity interval training. By using rigorous intervals of maximum effort and short bouts of active recovery, you can smash your goals faster! Build cardiovascular fitness while improving strength and maximizing calorie burn. You’ll be pushed to your limits and walk out feeling strong and empowered!
Instructor: Paetyn Denson
M, W 5/1–6/14 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 250205-A
M, W 6/26–8/09 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 250205-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
This class is accessible and needed by all: athletes, advanced practitioners, weekend warriors, first-time yoga students and everyone in between. Flexibility and strength are fostered through a vinyasa practice that connects breath with movement. Modifications using blocks, straps, or alternative poses encourage and challenge students to find their best practice in a supportive environment. The class opens with gentle warm-up movements, and ends with relaxation.
Instructor: Emily Tally
Tu, Th 5/2–6/15 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 250210-A
Tu, Th 6/27–8/10 • 5:30–6:30 p.m. • 250210-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what ZUMBA is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness party that is moving millions of people toward joy and health.
Instructor: Morgan Banks
M, Th 5/1–6/15 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 250211-A
M, Th 6/26–8/10 • 6:45–7:45 p.m. • 250211-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
ZUMBA Gold is a class of Latin-inspired dance aerobics for seniors and those new to ZUMBA. ZUMBA Gold goes at a slower pace, with more breaks and more instruction, but uses the same zesty ZUMBA music. You can’t help but move in this class, and whether you choose a low-intensity or high-intensity option, it’s a great workout! Can’t stand for the whole program? Seated participants are welcome!
Instructor: Morgan Banks
Tu, Th 5/2–6/15 • noon–1 p.m. • 250212-A
Tu, Th 6/27–8/10 • noon–1 p.m. • 250212-B
FREE/member, $85/non-member
This class focuses on coordination, discipline and self-confidence in a fun and safe environment. Excel TKD is taught by Master Emeline O’Connor, a 4th-degree black belt with more than 20 years of experience. Some of her achievements include multiple National and Junior Olympic Championships in the AAU and USSSA organizations, AAU and USSSA National team member, and the first woman to be inducted in the USSSA Hall of Fame. The ultimate goal at Excel TKD is to mold future black belts into the best martial artists they can be.
Instructors: Emeline O’Connor, Neumiro Dasilva, Gustavus McLeod and Alice Day
Beginner—Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
5/2–6/15 • Register by 4/30 • 250213-A
6/27–8/10 • Register by 6/25 • 250213-B
Advanced—Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45 p.m. and Thursdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
5/2–6/15 • Register by 4/30 • 250213-C
6/27–8/10 • Register by 6/25 • 250213-D
$75 • For ages 5 yrs. and up.
Twin Lakes Recreation Center
Special Olympics Indiana—Monroe County offers year-round sports training and athletic competition for children (ages 8 yrs. and up) and adults with intellectual, cognitive, and learning disabilities. To find out if you or a family member are eligible to participate, call 812-325-1548 or email soimc.cc@gmail.com or write to 6180 N. Bottom Rd., Bloomington, IN 47404.
Sailing Lessons at Lake Monroe Sailing Association, 7600 S. Shields Ridge Rd.
Register at bloomington.in.gov/parks/registration. Email LMSAlessons@gmail.com to schedule.
No refunds are provided after the first day of a program. All refunds are subject to a $10 administrative fee.
Bloomington Parks and Recreation and the Lake Monroe Sailing Association offer two types of sailing experiences: keel boat and small boat. Schedules are flexible and include a two-day class for $350 or a three-day class that includes American Sailing Association (ASA) certification.
Small Boat: This class offers a simple way to get started in sailing! Plan to be wet and in the water!
Sa, Su 5/6–9/24
$300/two-day class • 245004-A
F–Su 5/5–9/25 • 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Email LMSAlessons@gmail.com to schedule
$500/3–day class plus certification • 245004-B
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Keel Boat: No previous experience is required. This course covers rigging, sailing and docking boats approximately 25' long, and is the first step for those dreaming of owning a keel boat or cruising. It is also appropriate for those with limitations that make handling small boats difficult.
Sa, Su 5/6–9/24
$350/two-day class • 245003-A
F–Su 5/5–9/25• 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Email LMSAlessons@gmail.com to schedule
$600/3–day class plus certification • 245003-B
For ages 18 yrs. and up.
Experience the exhilaration of gliding across Lake Monroe in a sailboat skippered by a skilled sailor. Bald eagle and other wildlife sightings are frequent highlights! Outings available for groups of 2 to 4 people/boat. Register for an outing, then email LMSAlessons@gmail.com to schedule a personalized outing.
5/12–9/10 • 6–9 p.m. • 245005-A
$150 • For all ages.
Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers USA Softball Association-sanctioned leagues designed to accommodate all levels of play. USA Softball rules apply with local modifications as stated in the Adult Softball League Handbook. The Adult Softball League Handbook and other valuable information can be found at bloomington.in.gov/softball.
Co-Rec, Men’s, and Women’s leagues: $675 for 10 games Games are played at Twin Lakes Sports Park. June 12–July 12: Managers register their teams online.
For weather related cancellations, call the weather hotline at 349-3610 Option 1. Rain makeups will be done on Monday evenings if necessary.
Go to bloomington.in.gov/softball and click on the “Register a Team” link. Choose day and league (see below). Staff reserves the right to adjust league placement if necessary. Final roster due date and master game schedule links will be sent via email.
League play begins the week of July 31. Co-Rec begins Aug. 6. For more information about adult softball leagues, contact Scott Pedersen at pederses@bloomington.in.gov or 349-3774.
Su 5:10–10:30 p.m. • CoRec Comp 3 HR • 270001-A
Su 5:10–10:30 p.m. • CoRec Rec 0 HR • 270001-B
Tu 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec A 0 HR • 270001-C
Tu 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec B 0 HR • 270001-D
W 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec A 0 HR • 270001-E
W 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Rec B 0 HR • 270001-F
Th 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Comp 0 HR • 270001-G
Th 6:15–10:30 p.m. • Women’s 0HR • 270001-H
Visit bloomington.in.gov/recreation/fitness or follow us on Facebook for updates on this summer’s class schedule!
• Teams playing in Co-Rec Rec or Mens Rec leagues are allowed no more than two male players with a USA Softball player classification of D or higher on the roster.
• Women’s league will use a weighted schedule (higher level teams will play each other more often.
Public play on tennis courts at Winslow Sports Complex, Park Ridge East Park, Bryan Park, Southeast Park, Sherwood Oaks Park, and RCA Community Park; and public play on pickleball courts at RCA Community Park, Park Ridge East Park, and Switchyard Park, is permitted whenever the courts are not being used by Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Available hours are posted at each site.
and Recreation
See pg. 5.
The Bloomington Pickleball Club invites you to join in on the fun! With weekly events to choose from, the BPC has something for everyone. Whether you’re an experienced player or just beginning, come give the BPC a try. Check out our website to learn more about each event (including rules and terms!): BloomingtonPickleballClub.com.
Look for the volunteer symbol throughout the program guide.
To register for volunteer opportunities, visit bloomington.in.gov/parksvol.
Parks and Recreation volunteers provide valuable services to the community by assisting with events and programs in a variety of ways. There are many opportunities for individuals and groups to choose from. For additional information regarding volunteer opportunities, email parksvol@bloomington.in.gov
Children’s Expo
Saturday, April 29 | Switchyard Park Pavilion
The Children’s Expo is a treasure trove for informational, educational, and recreational resources for school-age children!
Duties: Help with event setup, supervising game and craft areas, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Shift #2, 1:30–5 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 5 per shift
The Art of Giving
Saturday, May 6 | Switchyard Park Pavilion
Create meaningful gifts for the people you love!
Duties: Help with event setup, supervising craft areas, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Saturday, 12:30–3:30 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 6
50+ Expo
Wednesday, May 10 | Switchyard Park Pavilion
The 50+ Expo is the community’s premier showcase of businesses and organizations whose products and services are geared towards Baby Boomers, seniors, and caregivers. Duties: Help with event setup, exhibitor check-in, greeting attendees, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Shift #2, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Shift #3, 4–5:30 p.m., Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 6 for Shift #1, 2 for Shifts #2 and #3
Summer Launch Party
Saturday, May 20 | Bryan Park
Start your summer off right with a party in Bryan Park! Start the evening with outdoor games and challenges, and get a hands-on sample of what’s going on with Bloomington Parks and Recreation this summer.
Duties: Help with event setup, supervising game and craft areas, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 2–4:30 p.m., Shift #2, 4–6:30 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 6 per shift
Saturday, June 3; Sunday, June 4; and Saturday, June 10 |
Sycamore Shelter at Lower Cascades Park
Alice warned you about following the White Rabbit, but your curiosity got the best of you and now you and your friends are stuck in Wonderland. Join together to solve the mysteries, riddles, and puzzles of Wonderland in order to escape!
Duties: Assist with event setup, group check-in, general event support, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): All dates—Shift #1, noon–3 p.m., Shift #2, 2:30–5:30 p.m., Shift #3, 5–8 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 3 per shift
Touch a Truck
Wednesday, June 7 | Winslow Sports Complex
Get up close and personal with the trucks and vehicles you see on the road every day.
Duties: Assist with setup, exhibitor check-in, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 8 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Shift #2, noon–3 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 5 for Shift #1 and 3 for Shift #2
Summer Solstice Celebration
Saturday, June 24 | Switchyard Park
Spend an afternoon celebrating the start of the summer season with live entertainment, crafts, and food from local vendors.
Duties: Shift #1 assists with setup of the event and crafts and Shift #2 assists with crafts and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Shift #2, 1:30–5 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 6 per shift
Teen Art Lab
Tuesday–Wednesday, July 18–19 | Switchyard Park Pavilion
Teenagers unleash their creativity and explore different art mediums during a two-day workshop!
Duties: Assist with setup, creation of crafts and projects, and teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Wednesday and Thursday, 4–8 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 5 per day
Adult Field Day
Friday, July 28 | Switchyard Park
Come out and play with Bloomington Parks and Recreation!
Duties: Shift #1 assists with setup of the event and activity areas and Shift #2 assists with activity areas and teardown. Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 4:30–7:30 p.m., Shift #2, 7–10 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 21 yrs. and up, ID check required
Number of Volunteers: 8 per shift
Drool in the Pool
Wednesday–Thursday, Aug. 2–3 | Mills Pool Mills Pool is closed for humans but is open for two more days for swimming for your canine friends.
Duties: Help monitor pool and dogs. Assist with dog check-in. Volunteer Shift(s): Wednesday and Thursday, 4:30–8:30 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 5 per day
Junk in the Trunk
Saturday, Aug. 19 | Switchyard Park—Pavilion
Discover treasures at this indoor/outdoor, multi-seller garage sale!
Duties: Help vendors set up, provide shift relief for vendors, and clean up event.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 6:30–10:30 a.m., Shift #2, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs and up.
Number of Volunteers: 4 for Shift #1 and 2 for Shift #2
Volunteer to Maintain our Natural Spaces
Many volunteer projects are available for individuals and groups to help maintain and restore some of Bloomington’s most scenic natural areas. Help is needed in a variety of parks, including Griffy Lake Nature Preserve and Latimer Woods. Contact the Special Services Coordinator at 349-3739 to find out how you can get involved.
Get Outdoors Day
Saturday, June 10 | Switchyard Park
Get Outdoors Day is a free, open-house style event where people come to learn about local outdoor opportunities.
Duties: Shift #1 assists with setup of the event and Shift #2 assists with teardown.
Volunteer Shift(s): Shift #1, 9 a.m.–noon, Shift #2, noon–3 p.m.
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: 2 per shift
Weed Wrangles - Invasive Plant Awareness Days
January–December 2023 | Location varies
Our Weed Wrangles are weekly volunteer opportunities to learn about invasive plant species affecting Bloomington’s greenspaces, why we care, how to properly remove and dispose of them and how to put that knowledge into action.
Duties: Help control invasive plant species in our urban greenspaces during weekly events. Enjoy spending time in nature learning from experts in the field while helping create healthier wildlife habitats.
Volunteer shift(s): times vary
Age of Volunteers: 16 yrs. and up
Number of Volunteers: Varies
Special thanks to our Parks Partners! So many of our programs and events are enhanced through the sponsorship of local businesses and organizations. We’d like to thank the following sponsors for their involvement this past program season.
Amethyst House
AMI Roofing Contractors
Bartlett Tree Experts
Baugh Fine Print & Mailing
Bloomington Regional Rehabilitation Hospital
Bluestone Tree
Brickyard Bloomington
Bunger and Robertson
Castle HealthCare
CFC Properties
Commercial Service
Davis Academy of Music
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Dr. Lisa Baker, DDS
Dr. Mark Sutor
E&B Paving
Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering
Evergreen Village at Bloomington
First Financial Bank
Freitag and Martoglio, PC
fx church
German American Bank
H. Michelle Gregory
Hayden Flats
Hickory Audiology
Indiana Chiropractic and Rehab
ISU The May Agency
IU Arts & Humanities Council
IU Credit Union
IU Health
IU School of Optometry
J.R. Ellington Tree Experts
Marshall Security and Investigations
Monroe County Community School Corporation
Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office
Office Easel Promotions
Old National Bank
Paragon Wellness Center
Peterman Brothers
Raising Cane's
Rapid Reproductions
Regional Land Title Company
Roto-Rooter Plumbing and Drain Services
Rundell Ernstberger Associates
Ruoff Mortgage
Sarkes Tarzian Rock 96.1
Scenic Construction Services
Scout’s Honor
Smile Promotions
South Central Community Action Program
State Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
Sterling Real Estate
Steven Fortune - Edward Jones
Stone Belt
Sylvan Learning Center
T&T Pet Food and Supply
The Dog House
The Niese Agency–State Farm
U.S. Air Force
VET Environmental Engineering
Williams Brothers Healthcare Pharmacy
World Wide Automotive
Youth Services Bureau/Safe Place
Reach your target market at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center, our multi-purpose facility offering programs and services that help make Bloomington a healthy, active community. This 100,000 sq. ft. sports, fitness and recreation complex serves thousands of diverse customers each year, from elite youth basketball teams to preschool soccer players. It is the perfect place for you to share your company’s message and reach your target audience. Reach these target markets
• 300,000 annual visits
• 1,200+ active adult members
• more than 800 SilverSneakers members (ages 55 yrs. and up)
• 400+ Bloomington Youth Basketball players
• local and regional basketball and other sports tournaments
Custom opportunities to connect with your market
• Our custom advertising packages can give you more than just signs!
• Set up a display at the TLRC during tournaments or peak visitation.
• Place coupons, menus, or brochures in our literature display areas.
• Run a custom TV spot on our four closed-circuit TV screens all day, every day.
• … and more!
Price points for 96" × 48" banners (per year)
Court 1: $1,200
Courts 2–5: $1,000
For more information, contact Julie Ramey at 349-3719 or rameyj@bloomington.in.gov.
Thanks to Summer Star Foundation for Nature, Art and Humanity for supporting outdoor learning opportunities
Target Market: Families with children ages 13 and younger
Sponsor Levels: $300 Shooting Star Sponsor, $500 Shining Sun Sponsor, $1,000 Endless Summer Sponsor
Sponsor Deadline: May 14
Adult Field Day
Target Market: Active adults ages 21-49
Sponsor Levels: $300 Event Sponsor
Sponsor Deadline: June 9
For a complete list of sponsorship opportunities along with marketing benefits, contact Community Relations Coordinator Emily Buuck at 349-3739 or emily.buuck@bloomington.in.gov.
Align your business with Bloomington Parks and Recreation facilities, trails, programs, and events.
Proud supporter of Parks and Recreation Health and Wellness initiatives.
Online registration available 24-7. bloomington.in.gov/parks
Secured for credit card payment.
Complete the registration form and send it to Bloomington Parks and Recreation
401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250 Bloomington, IN 47404
Registrations must be received before the deadline.
Walk in
Register in person by coming to the atrium of City Hall at 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 250, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, CASH, CHECK, or MONEY ORDER
A convenient drop box is located outside City Hall, at the “401” address doors. Drop off your registration after hours or whenever it’s convenient for you. Make sure you drop off before the registration date.
For information about resident status, fees and charges, liability waivers, registration, and refunds, visit: bloomington.in.gov/parks/registration
(parent/guardian if participant is under 18 or under legal guardianship)
Street Address City State Zip City of Bloomington Resident? Yes No
(If you are unsure of your residency status, please call 812-349-3700)
How did you hear of this program?
Home Phone
Work Phone
Emergency Contact
E-mail Address
participate in above program(s) related to specific needs associated with a disability. (circle one)
If YES, please complete an Inclusion Assessment and the Inclusive Recreation Coordinator will contact you. We request at least two weeks notification for reasonable accommodations requests. In some cases reasonable accommodations may take longer.
Parks and Recreation Program Waiver Statement
The undersigned is the adult program participant, or is the parent or legal guardian of the program participant. The undersigned hereby states that s/he understands the activities that will take place in this program, and that the program participant is physically and mentally able to participate in this program. The undersigned recognizes, as with any activity, there is risk of injury. In the event that the program participant sustains an injury in the course of the program, and the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is unable to contact the appropriate person(s) to obtain consent for treatment, the Department and/or its employees or volunteers are authorized to take reasonable steps to obtain appropriate medical treatment. The program participant and/or his/her parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for the cost of such treatment. The undersigned now releases the City of Bloomington, the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, its employees, agents, and assigns, from any claims including, but not limited to, personal injuries or damage to property caused by or having any relation to this activity. It is understood that the release applies to any present or future injuries and that it binds the undersigned, undersigned’s spouse, heirs, executors and administrators. The Program Participant may be photographed and videotaped while participating in Parks and Recreation activities and while attending Parks and Recreation events, and consent is given for the reproduction of such photos or videos for advertising and publicity.
Method Include Your Voluntary Donation to the Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department Community Garden Fund Bloomington Tree Fund Greatest need Total Enclosed
Program Guide Social Media Newspaper Flier Friend Email Website Previous Participant Other ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian Name of Child
Cash $1 $3 $5 Other $ $
Ryan Rhodes Sanitation/Grounds Laborer ryan.rhodes@bloomington.in.gov
Anthony Robertson Equipment Maintenance Mechanic robertsa@bloomington.in.gov
Jim Salisbury ...................................................................................Facilities Laborer II salisburj@bloomington.in.gov
Haskell Smith Urban Forester smithh@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3716
Joanna Sparks Urban Greenspace Manager sparkj@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3497
Paula McDevitt Administrator mcdevitp@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3711
Emily Buuck Community Relations Coordinator emily.buuck@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3739
Ace Chestnut Graphic Designer ace.chestnut@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3799
Kim Clapp Office Manager clappk@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3710
Missy Grabowski Customer Service Representative grabowsm@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3700
Tiffany Hall Customer Service Representative halti@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3702
Ethan Philbeck Customer Service Representative philbece@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3701
Julie Ramey Community Relations Manager rameyj@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3719
Michele Wilson Customer Service Representative michele.wilson@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3757
Tim Street ........................ Operations and Development Division Director tim.street@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3706
John Barnes MMEO barnesj@bloomington.in.gov
Jon Behrman Natural Areas Working Foreperson behrmanj@bloomington.in.gov
Steve Cotter Natural Resources Manager cotters@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3736
Barb Dunbar Operations Division Coordinator dunbarb@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3498
Allen Edwards Urban Greenspace Vegetation Management Laborer II edwards.allen@bloomington.in.gov
Landon Ellis Urban Forestry Laborer landon.ellis@bloomington.in.gov
Don Foddrill Facilities Working Foreperson foddrild@bloomington.in.gov
Curtis Gilstrap ..........................Cemeteries/Landscaping Working Foreperson gilstrap@bloomington.in.gov
Bob Grubb..................................................... Urban Forestry Working Foreperson robert.grubb@bloomington.in.gov
Jeff Hazel Laborer II jeff.hazel@bloomington.in.gov
Mike Hollingsworth .......................................... Facilities Maintenance Mechanic hollingm@bloomington.in.gov
Kyle Hudson Sanitation/Grounds Working Foreperson kyle.hudson@bloomington.in.gov • 327-6119
Tina Luallen Urban Greenspace Landscaping Laborer II tina.luallen@bloomington.in.gov
Mark Marotz Operations Superintendent marotzm@bloomington.in.gov • 327-6119
Phil Paris MMEO phil.paris@bloomington.in.gov
Scot Sturrock Urban Greenspace Working Foreperson scot.sturrock@bloomington.in.gov
Rebecca Swift Natural Resources Coordinator rebecca.swift@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3759
Rob Turpin Operations Crew Leader turpinr@bloomington.in.gov
Becky Higgins Recreation Services Division Director barrickb@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3713
Clarence Boone Community Events Coordinator clarence.boone@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3738
Leslie Brinson Community Events Manager brinsonl@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3715
Tara Brooke Community Events Program Specialist tara.brooke@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3773
Shelby Drake......................................................Health and Wellness Coordinator 349-3771
Josh Hinton Switchyard Park Working Foreperson josh.hinton@bloomington.in.gov
Hsiung Marler General Manager Switchyard Park marlerh@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3961
Sarah Mullin Community Events Program Specialist mullins@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3704
Bill Ream Community Events Coordinator reamw@bloomington.in.gov • 349-3748
Crystal Ritter Community Events Coordinator ritterc@bloomington.in.gov