City of Fontana Water Conservation

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Mayor Mark N. Nuaimi Mayor Pro-Tem Acquanetta Warren Council Members John Roberts Janice Rutherford Frank Scaldone City Clerk Toni Lewis Treasurer Janet Koehler Brooks City Manager Kenneth Hunt Deputy City Manager Debbie Brazil Public Works Director Chuck Hayes Parks and Landscape Division Manager Dan West Utilities and Streets Division Manager Keith Kramer Support Services Division Manager Dan Chadwick

Table of Contents Introduction


Process Overview


Irrigation Principles


Planting Principles


Soil Principles


Water Conservation Opportunities


Sample Site: Shadow Park


Sample Site: irrigation


Sample Site: planting


Sample Site: soil


Sample Site: evaluation


Sample Site: water conservation plan


Sample Site: implementation


City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets




Internet Resources




Introduction Water conservation is often only thought of during times of drought and water restriction. Yet it is also considered when discussing water wise gardening, efficient infrastructure and delivery systems, efficient water use, and alternative water sources. In many cases, when we think about water conservation in landscapes, we think of a dry garden with gravel mulch and cactus. This is one means of reducing water use, with a high degree of water savings. Water conservation is also practiced on existing sites with more common landscapes of trees, shrubs and turf, where, much water may be conserved by increasing the efficiency of water application, reducing loss through evaporation from soils, and other practices. We are required to develop methods to conserve as water availability decreases (Laird, 2006). This manual will allow strategies in your plan for conservation to adapt to your goals.

Opportunity to optimize water use for sports field

What’s inside?

The following pages contain a methodology to gather information on the current status of a landscape, evaluate that information for water conservation opportunities, and finally devise a conservation plan. In addition, guidelines for new development areas will help you design low water use landscapes, or retrofit existing landscapes. Included are summaries of the factors that determine water use, practices that may reduce water use, and resources for additional information.

How to Use This Document

The Manual is divided into two content sections. If working on an existing landscape, begin with Section I, which will guide you through preparing a conservation plan. If working on the design of a new landscape, move on to Section II, which provides guidelines to design with conservation in mind. The Appendix provides methodology worksheets, plant lists, and citations for additional resources.

Conservation opportunities for street medians

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Process Overview For the purposes of this document, water conservation may be thought of as being comprised of four (4) major components: irrigation, planting, soils, and maintenance. As we discuss each component, it may be helpful to continually think of each separate part as belonging to the larger system and any change or modification in one area may have noticeable effects on the efficiency of other parts.

This manual is designed to guide you through the steps to create a water conservation strategy for your management area. There are three phases in the process. In the first you will learn about site characteristics. Worksheets list the information to collect to describe the current conditions of your work area.

In the second phase, you will identify which areas of the landscape are potential targets of conservation strateNote these icons, they will be use throughout the doc- gies. The directions in this phase will help you decide ument to highlight when the topic being discussed re- which areas of irrigation, planting and soils may be imlates to one or all. proved to reduce water use. The third phase directs you through the process of collecting these areas of potential savings, assessing the impact and costs, and finally Irrigation refers to the physical system that is deciding on the strategies that will meet your water used for the delivery of water in the landscape conservation goals. and is generally comprised of pipes, valves, controllers, environmental sensors, and emitters. Planting refers to the types of plant material found in the landscape. This plant material can be in the form of trees, shrubs, and ground cover such as turf.


Soils refer to the planting medium of all plant material. In this respect concern is placed on the quality of the soil in relation to it meeting the water requirements of the plant material. Maintenance refers to the upkeep of not only the physical irrigation system but also to the plant material and soils. Maintenance can almost be conceptualized as a subset of the other components because in order for each element to work efficiently and in harmony with each other they will require some measure of altera- tion and observation.




inventory site


identify water conservation opportunities


create water conservation plan

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Irrigation Principles System Function

The function of an irrigation system is one of the first things to look at when studying ways to conserve water within an irrigated landscape. The irrigation system may have been appropriately designed for the plantings installed, however, if components are no longer functional, there may be a significant loss of water as well as additional damage to the system. Water spraying from irrigation heads onto the street or sidewalk is so commonplace that we don’t view it as a problem but rather a normal occurance. Yet it is the adjustment of overspray, leaking spray heads, line leaks and other general maintenance attention that may reap the greatest benefit with the least amount of additional cost. Optimization of an irrigation system can save 20-40% of water used (Pittenger, 2007).

Irrigation Analysis Criteria

• System function • Irrigation efficiency • Water required vs. water applied

Irrigation Efficiency

Irrigation efficiency is defined by the Irrigation Association as the ratio between the amount of water beneficial to plants and the actual amount of water applied. It is directly influenced by the condition and function of the irrigation system. Irrigation efficiency varies between type of irrigation. Estimated efficiencies of spray, drip and subsurface irrigation have been established through field testing. In general, these are understood to define drip and subsurface as the most efficient (80-90% of water applied to root area), and spray as significantly less efficient at about 65% at its greatest efficiency. These are helpful estimates of irrigation efficiencies, however, they may change depending on how a system has been designed, installed and maintained. A spray system that is designed at 60% efficiency may drop to 55% when not installed as planned, and in a couple of years drop to 40% or less as components break down, clog or leaks occur. Irrigation efficiency is commonly determined by performing an irrigation audit. If an audit is not available immediately, the above estimations may be used to evaluate the system in a more gen-

Ponding water

eral way until an audit may be performed. Assessing plant health is another important indicator of efficiency. Growth patterns in turf grass often reflect irrigation patterns. The presence of fungus may indicate an area of water pooling. Similarly, areas where soil erosion occurs can identify where water runoff may be occurring. If an audit is available, much more information may be used in the overall assessment of site water use. Distribution uniformity, a measure of irrigation head coverage, will tell you how consistently water is applied. Precipitation rate is also important to determine scheduling for the system. These are two key pieces of information that can greatly improve irrigation management and water savings (Utah Division of Water Resources, 2008).

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Water Required vs. Water Applied

The quantity of water needed to maintain a landscape is often very different from the actual amount of water used. Overapplication of water may be due to leaks, inefficient irrigation systems, or controllers that are programmed improperly (MWD, 2008). Application rates for existing landscapes may be determined by using calculations required for new landscapes. In 1992, Assembly Bill 325, ‘The Water Conservation in Landscaping Act’ was passed to require the use of water conservation practices on new and existing landscapes. In 2006, an amendment was passed to further regulate landscape water use. This amendment will require additional management of existing landscapes by cities. It uses the calculation that estimates the Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) in order to determine whether a landscape is being over watered. The type of plant material, evapotranspiration and irrigation efficiency factor into this calculation. The MAWA can then be compared with meter readings to determine if too much water is being applied. If the MAWA is exceeded due to inefficiency or system function, then repairs may be made in those areas (Laird, 1992, 2006).

As plants grow, their water requirements may change but often the water that is applied remains the same. Water needs also change seasonally, decreasing in the Fall and Winter with the arrival of lower temperatures and rain, then increasing again in the Spring and Summer. Adjustments should be made to account for these changing needs by adjusting the automatic controller schedule. Weather-based controllers and soil sensors may also be used to adjust irrigation as plant water needs change seasonally (DWR, 2008). Although these new technologies are very beneficial to water conservation, an may seem to be a quick fix, they will not solve problems resulting from broken or leaking components.

Additional Resources:

California Office of Water Use Efficiency (OWUE), Updated Model Ordinance

Irrigation Association htm&id=233

Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA)

Metropolitan Water District (MWD)

Missing and leaking spray heads

Source: MWD

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Planting Principles Plant Selection

Plant selection significantly influences the water requirements of a landscape. Creating a landscape that has many types of plants creates interest, microclimate, and areas for recreation. The concept of xeriscape balances these varied uses with a focus on water conservation. In existing landscapes, we can determine what plants are currently in the landscape, and what their water needs are in order to plan for future reductions in water use. Utilizing the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) you can assess existing landscapes water needs (UCCE, DWR, 2000). This comes into play with the Maximum Applied Water Allowed (MAWA) and Estimated Water Use (EWU) calculations. These calculations summarize water needs for each hydrozone, as well as the total needs for an entire site. This may identify planting areas that are suitable for replacement with a low water use plant or with artificial turf. Water providers, including the Metropolitan Water District, provide rebates to public customers from time to time for turf replacement (MWD, 2008). This may be a viable option when water conservation goals require a greater investment of funds.

Planting Analysis Criteria • • • •

Plant Selection Placement Age Plant Maintenance

Narrow strips of turf


Placement of planting material in the landscape can also have a significant impact on the application and use of water. Grouping plants into hydrozones is required in irrigation design. They are groupings of plants with similar water needs, such as trees, shrubs, shady areas and sunny areas. The closer the water needs of the plants within a hydrozone, the more accurately water may be applied (City of Santa Monica, 2008). Use of turf or shrubs in narrow strips near hardscape may result in over watering. Turf is normally watered with spray irrigation, and in narrow areas, overspray is common on both sides of the planting area. Limiting this type of area to drip or subsurface irrigation will reduce water loss and damage to hardscape by water flow

Use of hydrozones and turf restricted to flat areas

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

(Texas Cooperative Extension, 2008). Dense planting may also pose problems in spray irrigated planting beds. As plants mature they may block spray heads, requiring cutting back of plants or modifying the irrigation. This is both a maintenance and a design concern, as the density at install may incur later maintenance. By checking placement of planting and irrigation efficiency in those areas, it can be determined if the plantings are appropriate for that location.

may block spray heads and reduce irrigation efficiency. If this is already an issue at a given site, plants must be cut back to allow water spray to move, or the irrigation must be adjusted with risers to move the spray beyond the plants. Plants may also be thinned to remove some of the density, or the type of irrigation may be changed, such as from a sprayhead to subsurface.

If thatch is present in a turf area, it may reduce water infiltration. Removing thatch allows water to reach grass roots, better utilizing the water applied (Rainbird, Age The age of a landscape will influence water conservation 2008). decision making. As water availability decreases, mature plantings will be valuable for their lower water requirements. This is mostly evidenced in long lived plants such as trees and shrubs, which are important to preserve unless replacement becomes necessary. Shorter lived groundcovers and shrubs that require higher amounts of water may be identified for replacement with an alternative planting. This can be seen in many areas already in southern California, as non-recreational turf grass is replaced with alternative shrub and groundcovers, while retaining the overall design and mature plantings on site.

Plant Maintenance

Landscape water use is also influenced by the way the landscape is maintained. The frequency and season of tree and shrub pruning can increase water needs of plants. The amount of material removed, however, can have a big impact on the water needs of the plants. Conversely, the amount of water applied can also affect the amount of growth that occurs and then the need for pruning may increase. Reducing water application as plants mature will also lessen the need for maintenance including fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide applications, and pruning, mowing and shearing (City of San Diego, 2004). As mentioned before, the spacing and density of planting

Established Plantings

Additional Resources:

Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS)

California Integrated Waste Management Board

Riverside County Guide to California Friendly Landscapeing landscpe/guidelines.pdf

∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Soil Principles Soil Texture

Another factor that dramatically influences the potential success for water conservation is the type of soil present. Plant material primarily absorbs nutrition and moisture through their root systems. Soil characteristics determine the rate at which water can be replaced through the roots. For example, clay soils are typically slow to accept and release water back to plant material resulting in the need for shorter, frequent watering. In contrast, if the soil is well drained, such as sand or gravel, the water will drain past the roots thus requiring longer, less frequent watering. In each of these two cases the plant material will require the same amount of replacement water to thrive, but the programming of the irrigation controller will be different (USDA, NRCS, 2005). Soils are formed as the parent material is weathered by wind and rain. This process is continually changing, leaving soil texture variable on any one site (USDA, NRCS, 2005). For this reason, soil sampling should be performed at multiple locations within a site.

Soil Organic Matter

Clay, sand and silt particles form the basis for all soils. Other materials are bound within the soil structure, changing the characteristics, including its ability to hold water. Organic matter is one of the greatest influences on a soil’s water holding capacity. It is introduced to soils by degrading plant and animal materials. Tree logs, leaves and manure become the organic fraction of a soil. Soil organic matter can be increased through mulching leaves, plant trimmings, and mown grass, as well as through applications of compost and composted manures. Soils with increased organic matter also have higher water holding capacity and improved structure for water infiltration (USDA, NRCS, 2005).

Urban Soils

Soil Considerations • Soil Texture • Soil Organic Matter • Urban Soils • Amendments • Aeration

Composted mulch

particles. This results in soil compaction, a situation that reduces water infiltration and the water holding capacity of the soil. Soil compaction is seen in high traffic areas such as sports fields and along paths of travel, much in the way a carpet is worn down. It is also common in recently constructed areas from grading and site preparation with heavy equipment. Compacted soils prevent water from reaching the root systems of plant material in addition to increasing water run off and soil erosion (USDA, NRCS, 2005).


Soil conditions may be improved by amendment apUrban soils are altered by human processes such as grad- plication. Soil amendments differ from fertilizer in that ing, foot traffic, and vehicular traffic which compact soil they are incorporated into the soil to improve physical

10 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

properties such as water retention, permeability, drainage and structure; where fertilizers are applied to increase the availability of important nutrients in the soil. Amendments are categorized as either inorganic (mined or man made) or organic (product of a living organism). Inorganic materials include gravel, vermiculite, perlite, sand and recycled materials. Organic materials can be plant material, animal manures, fish remnants and nutrient blends that are derived from these materials. Organic amendments can also act as fertilizers, introducing nutrients into the soil (Davis, 2005). The choice of amendment depends on the needs of the plants. Organic materials will increase soil organic matter and improve soil texture. Both may be achieved by simply mulching mown grass and leaving it in place, using compost as mulch in planter areas, and amending with additional materials as needed. In some cases the use of compost and mulching grass will nearly eliminate the need for additional soil amendments. Leaving fallen leaves in planting areas also improves soils while reducing maintenance needs (City of Elgin, 2008).

Worn footpath

Additional Resources: Urban Soil Primer: USDA, NRCS

11 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Water Conservation Opportunities Water conservation has been important in southern California for many years, as successive droughts heighten public awareness. New state requirements to reduce wasted water on new landscapes and building design, as well as existing sites, is prompting water districts and local authorities to develop comprehensive strategies for water management. Much of the focus has been, and continues to be, on irrigation auditing as a means to identify areas of inefficiency in irrigation systems. The availability of free irrigation audits through water agencies has provided a much needed service. The following procedures for site assessment include information that may be provided through an irrigation audit, but also include site factors that are important to water conservation such as inventories of plant material and soils, as well as related maintenance practices. The emphasis is on regular site observation supplemented by detailed audits and soil surveys. The initial assessment will serve as baseline information to understand future changes. The water conservation plan that is established for each site will identify these observation practices, incorporating them into regular maintenance. Opportunities are available in stages beginning with maintenance and repair of the existing system. If the water conserved does not reach the target amount, additional upgrades and maintenance practices may be employed. Finally, renovation of the irrigation, planting material, or soils may be required to drastically improve water use efficiency.




Maintenance of Existing System • fix broken components • adjust pressure • fix leaks • move misaligned heads • adjust scheduling

Retrofit Components of Existing System • install weather based control system • change irrigation heads out for more efficient models • install mulch where not present • change turf mowing practices if neccesary • dethatch turf areas when needed

Landscape Renovation • retrofit irrigation to a more efficient system such as drip • remove high water use plants and replace with medium or low water use plants • grade portions of site to allow for stormwater reuse and to reduce soil erosion

12 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

13 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: Shadow Park This process will utilize water calculations, observation and soil testing to understand the relevant landscape components of the site. The following worksheets will have you take a walk through your site, so that you may observe the condition of the irrigation, planting and soil. Water use calculations and soil tests will also be used. These tasks enable a quick appraisal of the landscape so that you may prioritize areas of potential water conservation. This sample site works through the landscape evaluation process for a small park. The site is evaluated through an estimated water use calculation and through the information entered in the site observation worksheets.

Shadow Park

Additional space is given to make notes and to elaborate on some of the questions. This will provide added detail to record current conditions for each site or maintenance area. In some cases a water audit may have been performed, and this information should be included in the irrigation section. The sample site is 6.4 acres in size. The park is planted with turf grass to provide sports fields and recreation areas. Trees dot the site providing shade. The park has one baseball field. There are also tennis courts, playground areas and picnic tables. For the purposes of water use calculations, a high water use plant factor of 0.8 for the turf grass will be used for all of the landscaped area.

Source: Google Earth

14 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

The park is spray irrigated and controlled by a Toro 640 automatic controller. There is one hydrozone, or irrigation condition, consisting of turf in the sun. Each station is set for the same schedule. Much of the irrigation was not functioning at the time of a GPS irrigation audit, with some valves not turning on, and some broken, missing or misaligned heads. The first part of the inventory considers estimated water use versus actual water use. Calculate Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) to compare with the actual meter readings for the year. MAWA is a calculation required in the design of new landscapes, providing a maximum amount of water that may applied per year. The MAWA is calculated to determine the total amount of water required annually to replace the water lost to evapotranspiration (ETo). This estimate is based on a variety of factors including local data, the area of the landscape, the types of plant material used in the landscape, and the average efficiency of the irrigation systems. This number provides a target to aim for when establishing water use goals. In parks where there is a large quantity of turf for sports and other recreation, it may be difficult to reach this goal as the calculations are used to conserve water and turf is a high water use plant. However, it still presents a target to direct conservation efforts towards.

Calculating the Maximum Applied Water Allowance MAWA = (Eto)(0.8)(LA)(0.62) Where: MAWA = Maximum Applied Water Allowance (gallons per year) ETo= reference evapotranspiration (inches per year, 56.5 for Fontana) 0.8= ET Adjustment Factor LA = landscaped area (square feet) 0.62 = conversion factor (used to convert inches of water to gallons) The reference evapotranspiration for Fontana may be found at the CIMIS website (http://wwwcimis.

Sample Site

MAWA = (Eto)(0.8)(LA)(0.62)

= (56.5)(0.8)(278,952)(0.62) = 7,817,351 gallons

15 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: irrigation The next section consists of worksheets that will inventory existing irrigation, planting and soils. The first worksheet takes you through irrigation considerations on your site. The purpose of this portion of the inventory is to gather detailed information on the current function of the irrigation system. You will be collecting information on overall plant health and vigor to make a general note of how well the irrigation system is supporting the landscape. You will begin to ascertain whether too much, too little or just the right amount of water is being applied. Though there is a worksheet that will catalogue soil properties, with this sheet you will determine what impact irrigation is having on soils. Soil may be moved with the runoff of excess water. The presence of soil on sidewalks or collecting at low points in the landscape may indicate over application or lack of infiltration. The status of an irrigation system may often be understood by watching it in action. Finding sprayheads that are broken or clogged is a quick process when observing the system. Where the water is actually hitting is easy to see as well. You can check coverage of spray irrigation and function of drip emitters with a cycle on. It is more difficult to determine whether or not subsurface irrigation is functioning, but you may quickly see when there is a problem by gauging plant health. While the system is on, check any slope areas for runoff and infiltration. These areas may look healthy because they are receiving ample water, but they may also be losing a significant amount due to runoff.

The timing of water application is also important to water conservation. Check watering schedules and note the cycles and run times. Early morning or late evening are the best times of day to reduce water loss through evapotranspiration. Some also say that irrigation in the early morning is better than at night, as there will be time enough for absorption but not excess time in which water will be on the surface of plants. In addition, cycles that are run by weather based controllers, or soil moisture sensing controllers will reduce excess application by limiting or eliminating water that is applied during storms or when soils are wet.

Riverside County Waste Management District drip irrigation conversion Image: Rain Bird

The water pressure moving into a system is influential to its function and efficiency. The correct pressure allows sprayheads and drip emitters to apply the correct amount of water. High pressures that exceed the limits of the components may result in breakage and inefficient application. Use of a pressure regulator on the system is a possible measure to solve this problem.

16 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Irrigation Worksheet Description Calculated MAWA: Year’s total Meter Reading: Is the grass healthy? Are the shrubs healthy? Do the plants look dry? Is there soil erosion? Are there areas of water ponding? With the irrigation on: Are there leaks in the system? Are any heads:

(note on plan if so and explain below)

Broken? Clogged? Misaligned? Sunken? Deflected by plants? Missing? Are there sloped areas over 5%? What percent? If using drip, are any emitters or microsprays:

(note on plan if so and explain below)

Broken? Clogged? What is the estimated age of the system (years)? Is the area coverage as expected? Is there overspray onto hardscape? Is air releasing from the heads when turned on? What is the measured pressure? What are the current on times?








What is the duration of application (min)? Are adjustments made for changes in climate?

17 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: planting Turf grass is a high water consuming plant material in the landscape. The proportion of area that is turf will influence water needs on the site. The type of grass will also have an impact on how much water is required to retain quality, health and vigor. Warm season species such, as Bermudagrass, use less water than cool season species, such as Kentucky Blue Grass. Yet, turf grass is also important to the community, fulfilling many recreation needs. If the turf is a marginal piece of the landscape, such as in a median or parkway strip, then it may be more viable to change to another plant type to meet water conservation goals. Defining areas of landscape areas based on their water needs reduces the amount of excess irrigation that is applied. When high water use plants are irrigated with medium or low water use plants, these plants are often over irrigated to compensate. Maintaining hydrozones limits this type of overuse.

flooding these areas with excess water rather than clearing the material. The age of the landscape will be important to note since water requirements change as plants mature. After plants are established, their extensive root systems are able to draw more water from soils. The water that is needed at installation may be reduced in the coming years depending on the plant material. Strategies for water conservation should consider the timing for renovation. Much of the information collected in the planting worksheet does not have an evaluation component. This is because the data is not necessarily an indicator of high water use. The information is valuable in making water conservation decisions and in the creation of the final water conservation plan.

Utilizing a system of plant water requirements, such as WUCOLS, allows for this greater level of specificity in designating your hydrozones. For example, if you have a planting area with hydrangeas (high) and pittosporum (low) and determine water needs based on the WUCOLS chart, you will find that there is a difference. Unifying these planter areas by water needs, replacing planting material that is of a higher water requirement, will allow for more precise scheduling and a reduction of over watering some plants. Maintenance of planting areas also plays a part in the amount of water plants need. Mowing grass to the appropriate height for the species will reduce water loss through cut stems, as well as water needed to prevent stress from mowing. In a similar way, excessive shearing or pruning of shrubs may increase water needs. On the other side of the spectrum, a lack of maintenance may increase water use if spray heads are obscured by vegetation. This situation is sometimes compensated by

City of Azusa grasscycling demonstration

18 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Planting Worksheet Description Turf Area What area (approx. sq.ft.) is turfgrass? What species is installed? Is it a warm or cool season species? Groundcover and Shrub Area What area (sq.ft.) is planted with groundcover and shrubs? Do all plants in a hydrozone have the same WUCOLS coefficient? Maintenance How often are the trees pruned (times per year)? What percent of material is removed? How often is the grass mowed? At what height? Are plants pruned to maintain clear irrigation stream? Where thatch is present in turf areas, is the thatch removed? How frequently? Age How long has the landscape been installed (years)? Have maintenance practices changed in this time frame?

19 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: soil This final data section checks existing soil conditions. Perform a soils test at multiple locations to understand the soils and areas of potential improvement throughout the site. Soil properties such as texture, pH, percent soil organic matter, and infiltration rate are important characteristics that change the nature of soil and water relationships. Enter in the information required, making sure to identify where the samples were taken. Maintaining the soils as a site resource will also help reduce water consumption and loss. Preventing erosion

by proper irrigation control and by mulching will help increase and preserve existing soil organic matter which is important for water retention and infiltration. The amount and type of soil amendment applied can change the water holding capacity of the soil. Using mulch in the planting bed and mulching grass clippings helps retain soil moisture longer and can reduce water needs significantly.

Soil Worksheet Soil Properties Sample Number





What soil texture is present? How much organic matter is present? Are all areas well drained during irrigation or rain? Maintenance Are soil amendments applied? Type? How often are amendments applied? Is mulch used? Are grass clippings mulched into turf?

20 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: evaluation Using this page, highlight the answers on your worksheet that are the same as those in the evaluation columns below.

Planting Worksheet Evaluation Turf Area

Irrigation Worksheet Evaluation Calculated MAWA:


Year’s total Meter Reading:

What area (approx. sq.ft.) is turfgrass?


What species is installed?


Is it a warm or cool season species?

Cool season


Is the grass healthy?


Groundcover and Shrub Area

Are the shrubs healthy?


What area (sqft) is planted with groundcover and shrubs?


Do the plants look dry?



Is there soil erosion?


Do all plants in hydrozone have the same WUCOLS coefficient?

Are there areas of water ponding?


How often are the trees pruned (times per year)?

With the irrigation on: Are there leaks in the system? Are any heads:



(note on plan if so and explain below)

What percent of material is removed?

>1 >20%

How often is the grass mowed? At what height?


Are plants pruned to maintain clear irrigation stream?


Where thatch is present in turf areas, is the thatch removed? How frequently?











Deflected by plants?


How long has the landscape been installed (years)?




Have maintenance practices changed in this time frame?


Are there sloped areas over 5%? What percent?


If using drip, are any emitters or microsprays: plan if so and explain below)

(note on





What is the estimated age of the system (years)?


Is the area coverage as expected? Is there overspray onto hardscape?


Is air releasing from the heads when turned on?


What is the measured pressure?

<60psi for spray, <40 psi for drip

What are the current on times? before 10pm, after 6am What is the duration of application (min)? Are adjustments made for changes in climate?

>10 min

Soil Worksheet Soil Properties


Sample Number


What soil texture is present?


How much organic matter is present? Are all areas well drained?

<2% No

Maintenance Are soil amendments applied? Type?


How often are amendments applied?


Is mulch used?


Are grass clippings mulched into turf?



21 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: evaluation The highlighted items on your worksheets identify the areas of potential water conservation. This is the first part of the water conservation plan, organized by the three categories you have been working in: irrigation, planting and soils. These are the topics for which you will target water conservation strategies.

proximation of the cost of implementing the strategy is listed along with the return on investment factor in the final column. These are estimates to aid decision making, but there are many variables in each situation that may require additional research to determine costs and benefits.

Below is a list of water conservation strategies and corresponding estimates of percent water savings. If you have a target goal of 20, 40 or 60% reduction in water use, this table will help you choose strategies that apply to your areas of potential savings. Additionally, an ap-

After reviewing the table, you may begin to evaluate which strategies will attain your water conservation goals. Select the strategies that are most appropriate for your site, taking into consideration both savings in water use and cost of implementation.

Water Conservation Strategies Irrigation Optimize irrigation ET controller Soil Meter added to existing controller Convert sprayheads to rotary nozzles where appropriate Convert large rotary sprayheads to high efficiency nozzles Convert spray to drip irrigation Convert turf areas to wick or subsurface irrigation Planting Replace turf with synthetic Change turf species Remove thatch Replace turf with med Replace turf with low Replace turf with v.low Replace high use shrub with med,low, v.low Mow at appropriate height for turf species Remove obstructing plants from irrigation paths Soils Add 3" layer of mulch Incoroporate organic matter Mulch grass clippings

% Estimated water savings for area Source of Savings Estimate Cost (based on install, rebates applied in (low end) may be available) 20 20 20 20

Pittenger U.S. Dept. of the Interior U.S. Dept. of the Interior MWD



20-50 50-60

EPA Water Sense California Parks and Recreation Society

80 20 NQ 37.5 75 87.5 same as turf replacement calculations for med, low, v. low NQ

BAXTER Pittenger EPA Water Sense Calculated from WUCOLS Calculated from WUCOLS Calculated from WUCOLS Calculated from WUCOLS

$20/sqft $1.50/sqft $0.30/sqft $0.50/sqft $0.50/sqft $0.50/sqft $1.10/sqft if 5’ o.c.

EPA Water Sense


EPA Water Sense

dollar savings based on maintenance costs cost of maintenance labor


EPA Water Sense NRCS The City of Santa Barbara

$0.53/sqft depends on source of material new equipment

Water Source Water harvesting variable Waterfall Reclaimed water retrofit 100% potable water IEUA NQ = not yet quantified, but established as water conservation method

depends on area and needs $300-4000/controller- varied $200-4000/controller $0.33/sqft, $0.07/sqft with rebate $0.33/sqft, $0.07/sqft with rebate $2.50/sqft $1-2.50/sqft

depends on size and design depends on size

22 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: water conservation plan Water Conservation Plan Date:01-10-09 Existing Conditions-potential water conservation areas

Details of problem




Conservation Goal: 40% reduction of current water use +17% (meter overage) =57% **reduction from EWU, if meter read higher that is additional amount to reduce

Selected Water Conservation Strategies


Resources Needed

Materials Cost (include model)




23 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sample Site: implementation The existing conditions and selected strategies were entered in previous sections. Now you will focus on the implementation of the strategies. List the materials needed such as irrigation components, mulch, and plant material. Think about when and how the work will be completed. If you will be repairing and optimizing an existing system, that type of work may begin almost immediately. If making larger changes, it may be necessary to distribute the work over a long period of time.

The table also provides an area to plan for long term maintenance. The needs of each site may differ, so consider carefully the information just gathered. How often should the irrigation system be checked? How often should mowing and pruning maintenance be scheduled? If mulch is used, an annual replenishment may be necessary depending on the material used. After entering this information, the Water Conservation Plan for this site will be complete. After reviewing all sites within the maintenance district, you can create a management plan that addresses specific water conservation needs and still coordinates the entire area.

Water Conservation Plan, pg. 2 Date: Implementation Schedule


Year One Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Nov Dec Continued Maintenance Annually Irrigation audit


24 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets

Irrigation Description Calculated MAWA: Calculated EWU: Year’s total ; Meter Reading: Is the grass healthy? Are the shrubs healthy? Do the plants look dry? Is there soil erosion? Are there areas of water ponding? With the irrigation on: Are there leaks in the system? Are any heads:

(note on plan if so and explain below)

Broken? Clogged? Misaligned? Sunken? Deflected by plants? Missing? Are there sloped areas over 5%? What percent? If using drip, are any emitters or microsprays:

(note on plan if so and explain below)

Broken? Clogged? What is the estimated age of the system (years)? Is the area coverage as expected? Is there overspray? Is air releasing from the heads when turned on? What is the measured pressure? What are the current on times?








What is the duration of application (min)? Are adjustments made for changes in climate?

25 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets

Planting Description Turf Area What area (approx. sq.ft.) is turfgrass? What species is installed? Is it a warm or cool season species? Groundcover and Shrub Area What area (sqft) is planted with groundcover and shrubs? Do all plants in each hydrozone have the same WUCOLS coefficient? Maintenance How often are the trees pruned? What percent of material is removed? How often are the shrubs pruned or sheared? What percent of material is removed? How often is the grass mowed? At what height? Are plants pruned to maintain clear irrigation paths? Where thatch is present in turf areas, is the thatch removed? How frequently? Age How long has the landscape been installed (years)? Have maintenance practices changed in this time frame?

26 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets

Soil Soil Properties Sample Number





What soil texture is present? How much organic matter is present? Are all areas well drained during irrigation or rain? Maintenance Are soil amendments applied? Type? How often are amendments applied? Is mulch used? Are grass clippings mulched into turf?

27 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets Water Conservation Plan Date: Existing Conditions-potential water conservation areas

Details of problem

Irrigation meter reading shrubs healthy plants dry water ponding broken heads clogged heads deflected by plants area coverage duration of application changes in climate Planting thatch removed same WUCOLS grass mowed obstructing irrigation

Soils organic matter well drained mulch used grass clippings mulched

Conservation Goal:

**reduction from EWU = quantity meter read exceeds EWU by

Selected Water Conservation Strategies


Resources Needed

Materials Cost (include model)




28 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

City of Fontana Water Conservation Worksheets Water Conservation Plan, pg. 2 Date: Implementation Schedule


Year One Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Nov Dec Continued Maintenance Annually


29 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Terms California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) - A program in the Office of Water Use Efficiency, California Department of Water Resources (DWR) that manages a network of over 120 automated weather stations in the state of California. Clay - As a soil separate, the mineral soil particles less than 0.002 millimeter in diameter. As a soil textural class, soil material that is 40 percent or more clay, lessthan 45 percent sand, and less than 40 percent silt (USDA, NRCS). Compaction - Creation of dense soil layers when the soil is subject to the heavyweight of machinery or foot traffic, especially during wet periods (USDA, NRCS). Composting - Managing the decomposition of organic materials, such as leaves, grass, and garden waste (USDA, NRCS). Erosion - The wearing away of the land surface by water, wind, ice, or other geologicagents and by such processes as gravitational creep. Erosion (geologic) - Erosion caused by geologic processes acting over long geologic periods and resulting in the wearing away of mountains and the building up of such landscape features as flood plains and coastal plains. Synonym: natural erosion. Erosion (accelerated) - Erosion much more rapid than geologic erosion, mainly as a result of human or animal activities or of a catastrophe in nature, such as a fire, that exposes the surface. (USDA, NRCS) Dethatching - Practice of vertically cutting into or removing plugs from turfgrass in order to remove thatch and increase water infiltration. Estimated Water Use (EWU) - A calculation to determine expected water use for a landscape; incorporates WUCOLS plant factors and irrigation efficiency. Evapotranspiration - The sum of evaporation, water released from soils and transpiration, water released from plants (USGS). High Efficiency Nozzles - Retrofit for Large Rotary Sprinkler heads, increasing distribution uniformity and reducing wear. The metal nozzles save water, energy and maintenance costs (MWD). Hydrozone - Grouping of plants with similar water requirements so that they can be irrigated with a common zone (Irrigation Association). Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) - Regional provider of water, recycled water, and wastewater treatment. Promotes water conservation, providing incentives and rebates for conservation efforts.

30 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Irrigation Audit - Evaluation of irrigation system, mostly associated with spray irrigation. Standardized by the Irrigation Association. Irrigation Efficiency - The ratio between the amount of water beneficial to plants and the acutal amount of water applied (Irrigation Association). The Water Conservation in Landscaping Act (AB 325, AB 1881) - California State Assembly Bill directing local agencies to create or adopt water conservation ordinances that direct water conservation for new and existing landscapes. Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) - A calculation to determine the maximum amount of water that may be used to maintain a landscape; may be used to assess current water use and limit exessive application. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) - Umbrella agency coordinating water resource management for Southern California, provides incentives and rebates for water conservation. Mulch - Mulch is a protective layer of a material that is spread on top of the soil. Mulches can either be organic such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips, and similar materials; or inorganic such as stones, brick chips, and plastic. Both organic and inorganic mulches have numerous benefits (NRCS). Permeability - The quality of the soil that enables water or air to move downward through the profile. The rate at which a saturated soil transmits water is accepted as a measure of this quality. In soil physics, the rate is referred to as “saturated hydraulic conductivity” (USDA, NRCS). Precipitation Rate - Rate at which water is applied from an irrigation system (Irrigation Association). Recycled Water - Wastewater that has been purified through a high level of treatment, including sedimentation, organic consumption, natural filtration, and disinfection. The water is monitored for quality standards set by the California Department of Health Services (IEUA). Rotating Spray Nozzles - Retrofit for pop up spray heads, these nozzles can save up to 20% by applying water more slowly and uniformly; the spray is more resistant to wind, misting is reduced and runoff is almost eliminated (MWD). Runoff - The precipitation discharged into stream channels from an area. The water that flows off the surface of the land without sinking into the soil is called surface runoff. Water that enters the soil before reaching surface streams is called ground-water runoff or seepage flow from ground water (USDA, NRCS).

31 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Sand - As a soil separate, individual rock or mineral fragments from 0.05 millimeter to 2.0 millimeters in diameter. Most sand grains consist of quartz. As a soil textural class, a soil that is 85 percent or more sand and not more than 10 percent clay (USDA, NRCS). Silt - As a soil separate, individual mineral particles that range in diameter from the upper limit of clay (0.002 millimeter) to the lower limit of very fine sand (0.05 millimeter). As a soil textural class, soil that is 80 percent or more silt and less than 12 percent clay (USDA, NRCS). Soil Amendment - A soil amendment is any material added to a soil to improve its physical properties, such as water retention, permeability, water infiltration, drainage, aeration and structure (Colorado SU Extension). Soil Moisture Sensor - Monitors soil moisture content before an irrigation and will prevent watering when not required by the plant (Irrometer). Soil Texture - The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in a mass of soil. The basic textural classes, in order of increasing proportion of fine particles, are sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, and clay. The sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam classes may be further divided by specifying “coarse,” “fine,” or “very fine” (USDA, NRCS). WUCOLS - Water Use Classification of Landscape Species; a system developed to categorize plant material and determine water needs of a landscape, developed as a collaboration between the California Department of Water Resources and the University of California Cooperative Extension. Weather Based Irrigation Controller - Irrigation controllers that provide the appropriate watering schedule, adjust for weather changes and irrigate based on the needs of the landscape; they use evapotranspiration and weather data that is either historic, gathered on-site, or disseminated through the internet (MWD). Xeriscape - Water conservation planting strategy developed by the Denver Water Department. Uses zones that group plants into areas of similar water need, incorporating seven principles that include planning and maintenance considerations (Colorado Springs Utilities).

32 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

Internet Resources Irrigation Technology California Office of Water Use Efficiency and Transfers cfm

Stormwater Management International Stormwater BMP Database California Stormwater Handbooks

US Bureau of Reclamation Irrigation Upgrade Rebates and Utility Information MWD of Southern California Pacific Institute

Fontana Water Company UMass Extension water_cons_info_06.htm Inland Empire Utilities Agency Commercial Rebates California Irrigation Management Information System dvce=8 Metropolitan Water District

Rotating Nozzles dvce=13

Irrigation Association Weather Based Irrigation Controller htm&id=233 dvce=8 Xeriscape and Drought Tolerant Planting Design California Waste Management Board Turfgrass National Arboretum Soils Management html Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Colorado State University Extension

33 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

References California Department of Water Resources. ET Irrigation Controllers. contech/contech.cfm. California Parks and Recreation Society. Turning the Irrigation World Upside Down. City of San Diego. Water Use Efficiency Grant Proposal Pressure Regulator Incentive Pilot Program, City of San Diego, 2004. City of Santa Monica, Office of Sustainability and the Environment. Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Water-Efficient Irrigation Systems in the City of Santa Monica. City of Santa Monica, 2008. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Using Water Efficiently: Ideas for Communities. WaterSense/pubs/community.htm. Davis, J.G., Wilson, C.R. 2005. Choosing a Soil Amendment. Denver: Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. Laird, John. 2006. California State Assembly Bill 1881. Sacramento: California State Assembly. Metropolitan Water District. Save Water/Save a Buck-Artificial Turf Rebates. devices_01.php?id_dvce=12. Metropolitan Water District. Water Saving Tips. New Mexico Office of the State Engineer. 1999. A Water Conservation Guide for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Users. Santa Fe: New Mexico Office of the State Engineer. Pittenger, Dennis. Water Use Faces Uphill Challenges Across California. http://www.californiagreensolutions. com/cgi-bin/gt/tpl.h,content=295. Rainbird Corporation. Rain Bird I-Tip: Getting the Thatch Out. htm. Texas Cooperative Extension. Texas Urban Landscape Guide. html. The City of Santa Barbara. Grasscycle: A Landscaper’s Guide to Grasscycling. Recycling-Trash/pdf/Grasscycling.pdf. University of California Cooperative Extension, and California Department of Water Resources. 2000. A Guide to Estimating Irrigation Water Needs of Landscape Plantings in California. Sacramento: California Department of Water Resources.

34 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

USDA, NRCS. Urban Soil Primer: For homeowners and renters, local planning boards, property managers, students, and educators. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Southern California Area Office. 2007. Weather and Soil Moisture Based Irrigation Scheduling Devices. Temecula, CA: Bureau of Reclamation. Utah Division of Water Resources. Sprinkler System Design. SprinklerSystem/#Application. Waterfall, Patricia H. Harvesting Rainwater for Landscape Use.

35 ∙ Fontana Water Conservation Manual

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