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M2SEC Measurement Materials & Sustainable Environment Center


Be part of the M2SEC! Always a leader, the University of Kansas School of Engineering is poised to create a new building that marries the latest green technologies with the school’s commitment to discovery, collaboration and excellence. Your leadership will inspire students and faculty for years to come.

For more information, contact : Dean Stuart R. Bell School of Engineering University of Kansas Eaton Hall, Room 1, 1520 W. 15th Street Lawrence, Kansas 66045 sbell@ku.edu | 785.864.2877



1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

M2SEC Facility Site Collaborative Work Environment Building Section Energy & Daylight Natural Ventilation Mechanical Ventilation High Performance Envelope

6 8 10 14 16 18 20 22

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

Building Program First Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Third Floor Plan

30 32 34 36

3.0 3.1

Proposed Schedule Proposed Cost

40 41



Through this new structure, additional opportunities for informal discussion will help ensure the best ideas are brought into the light and lead to new avenues of investigation and problem-solving. The KU School of Engineering (SOE) has eight departments and programs, and offers numerous undergraduate and advanced degrees in Engineering – Aerospace Engineering; Bioengineering; Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Engineering Management; Engineering Physics; and Mechanical Engineering. The school’s principal laboratory space, Learned Hall, dates from the 1960s and was built with little regard for energy efficiency or collaborative use common today. Moreover, migration of engineering undergraduate instruction to a single campus area has created additional strain. Graduate student enrollment has seen dramatic



growth in recent years with doctoral enrollment doubling since 2002. Total research expenditures, another key marker of activity, also has doubled. As a result, most research programs have grown substantially, requiring additional space for people and equipment. Competing demands for space have reached a critical level and threaten to decrease productivity and limit opportunities in areas where the School of Engineering has a leadership position nationally. The school’s activities are currently spread not only among buildings on the engineering complex but throughout other structures considerable distance from the main buildings and classrooms. Although interdisciplinary collaboration is the norm among faculty and students, lack of proximal shared space leads to time wasted in finding places to communicate and discuss, rather than actually communicating and discussing.

“The KU School of Engineering is a bridge to the future, pioneering new technologies and developing solutions to the problems facing the world. KU engineering and computer science faculty, students and staff are committed to answering the call for solid interdisciplinary collaboration and engineering education.� engr.ku.edu







1.0 m2sec Facility The SOE is proposing a new interdisciplinary facility that would permit its extensive activities in Energy / Transportation, Global Climate Change, Composite Materials / Technology and Sustainable Building Practices to be housed in a structure of approximately 35,000 GSF. The building program includes wet and dry laboratories, collaborative workspaces and administrative office space. The building is currently called “Measurement, Materials and Sustainable Environment Center,” or M2SEC, and will house programs in:

The new building will consolidate mutually related activities as it creates an environment that fosters interaction and discovery.

• Energy - Biofuels / Transportation as part of the SOE’s Feedstock to Tailpipe biofuels initiative • Global climate Change - Remote Sensing, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Capability (EMC) • Materials - Including Bioengineering, Composites and Fracture and Fatigue Testing • Sustainable Building Practices - Including energy efficiency, the testing of new materials and the monitoring and analysis of the completed facility In addition to supporting leading edge collaborations in the engineering sciences, the M2SEC will address global greenhouse gas emission issues throughout the complete life cycle of the building – from design, to construction to operation.


1.1 Site The M2SEC building, a stunning example for the rest of campus, will be sited within the Engineering quad due south of the largest building in the complex, Learned Hall. Built in multiple phases in the ’60s and ’70s, Learned Hall’s main section features four stories, and its additions provide a current total of 225,200 GSF. The M2SEC is located on the west side of the Engineering Complex, just east of Burt Hall. The new building is positioned to maximize open land for future use and provide adequate service access for the new building from the northwest. The building placement also respects existing popular pedestrian pathways, both into engineering buildings, as well as diagonally through the quad. The diagonal pathway is widely used and allows students to walk through the quad, past Spahr Engineering Library, then between Learned Hall and Eaton Hall, directly to the heart of campus. The site slopes from north to south approximately a full floor height, and the building – a threestory west wing and a two-story north wing – fits neatly into the hillside.



1 2 3 4

Greenhouse and Algae Tanks (Future Installation) Green Roof Penthouse Generator

parking/ service access




100 ft

learned hall

Spahr Engineering library

4 3


eaton hall

Naismith Drive

m2sec 2

burt hall

15th Street

1.2 Collaborative Work Environment There is a growing number of cross-disciplinary appointments and projects among the faculty members and graduate students in the School of Engineering. Not only do they work with colleagues from other disciplines on campus, but they interact with counterparts in industry and government. An important goal of the M2SEC is to provide a facility that allows those engaged in interdisciplinary projects to interact and collaborate more easily. The L-shaped building is organized with laboratories and collaborative workspaces located in both wings. The central circulation spine links laboratory spaces on one side of the building with collaborative workspace on the other side of the building.



Collaborative Work Environment

The collaboration spaces are placed at group intersections and near laboratories to foster interaction. Floors and entrances are designed to permit rapid movement of materials into and out of the labs. Graduate students are provided space in the laboratories; collaborative team space is provided in nearby open office areas, and administrative spaces are open, fostering teamwork and shared tasking.


M2SEC 12


1.3 Building Section The central circulation spine is the key organizing element and acts as an incidental meeting space to enhance the activities of the interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary teams working in the building. The building was designed with an emphasis on creating a compact building that capitalizes on both horizontal and vertical connections that optimize daylight and spatial connectivity for users. Glass partitions connect collaborative workspaces and offices with the central spine, which is day lit from a series of light monitors at the building roof level. The central circulation spine includes an open stairway in each wing, allowing easy travel between floors and audible and visual connections from floor to floor. The building section shown is taken through the west wing. The two-story north wing is organized similarly.




Incidental Meeting Space

Collaborative Workspace M2SEC West Wing

1.4 Energy & Daylight Minimizing energy use was a fundamental concern. The building design includes a combination of strategies to minimize energy consumption based on the climate conditions, building type and specific site orientation. Passive systems, such as operable windows and daylight, are used wherever possible. The building envelope maximizes day-lighting design using several strategies: • A series of rooftop light monitors located above the central circulation spine transfer daylight deep into the building center. • Sunshading on the exterior façade blocks unwanted heat gain and interior light shelves reflect daylight deep into interior spaces. • Where natural day-lighting is desirable but not possible, solar-fiber optic collectors will be installed in the future. This lighting incorporates solar collectors on the roof that reflect daylight into fiber optic bundles. The light is then delivered down into the building.



By utilizing a variety of energy efficient measures — such as selecting appropriate glazing types, optimizing exterior wall thermal resistance, using external shading elements and planting a green roof — designers were able to reduce building conditioning loads.



3 4

1 2 3 4

Solar / Fiber Optic collectors (future installation) Photovoltaic Panels (future installation) Fiber Optic Bundle (future) Hybrid Lighting (future) M2SEC West Wing

1.5 Natural Ventilation The design features integrated strategies to allow effective passive ventilation: • Operable windows are located in the collaborative workspaces and offices in order to provide natural ventilation to spaces. The central circulation zone acts as a convection chimney when the windows are open. • Light monitors located above the central spine allow hot air to escape through vents to the outside. The stack effect pulls cooler air up through the building and increases the rate at which fresh air enters through the operable windows.








1 2 3 4

Ventilating Light Monitors Convection Chimney Operable Windows Vertical Stack Effect

Vertical Stack Effect M2SEC West Wing

1.6 Mechanical Ventilation Design strategies make the most of the latest ventilation technologies as they address the needs of researchers. • The collaborative workspaces and offices utilize an under-floor displacement air distribution system. This system allows air to be delivered at the floor level in lieu of being supplied by overhead ducts. In this system, air is delivered where it is needed and at higher temperatures, thereby creating a more comfortable environment and a more energy efficient mechanical system. • Lab areas use an efficient overhead supply system in conjunction with low flow fume hood exhaust.



1 2



6 3 5



1 2 3 4 5 6

Exhaust From Labs Through Heat Exchanger Fresh Air Intake Overhead Distribution to Labs Low Flow Fume Hood Exhaust in Labs On Floor Air Handling Under Floor Displacement Air Distribution M2SEC West Wing

M2SEC 22

1.7 High Performance Envelope Rooftop Daylight Monitors Monitors are designed to capture daylight and direct it downward through the central core. They will provide lighting for the central corridor, stairwells, adjacent laboratories, collaborative workspaces and offices on a typical day. Planted Green Roof Systems The green roof systems help to abate storm water runoff and provide a thermal barrier between the roof structure and the outdoors. Various groups, such as students studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, can participate in plant selection and monitor overall performance of the green roof systems. Bio Green Wall System The green wall system enhances the building envelope’s thermal

performance and is an obvious investment in “green.” The system utilizes a steel screen and plant material to shade the building skin from the summer sun. It is planned that the system will be monitored to determine its effect on building envelope performance. Rain Screen Enclosure This exterior wall system helps to both dissipate heat and provide a thermal break between outside exposure and building structure. It also is a building system whose performance will be measured year round. Exterior Sun Shading Devices A framework of metal shading devices will reduce direct sun and reflect indirect sunlight into labs, offices and collaborative spaces. Performance will be dictated by exterior exposure, seasonal characteristics of daylight and design details.


M2SEC 24


Additional high-performance building elements include:

• Water-use reduction attributed to low flow toilet fixtures, waterless urinals and sinks with sensing controls • Maximize material resources by selecting those with high recycled content, from local and regional sources • Selection of building materials such as interior finishes, paints, coatings, sealants, adhesives, furniture and fabrics with zero or low levels of off-gassing VOCs to minimize indoor air pollutants. In addition, structural materials will be used as finish materials, and materials will be specified with lower embodied energy and reduced carbon emissions. Examples include using a substitute for Portland cement in the concrete mix and utilizing local and regional materials (within 500 miles of the project site) • Minimize construction waste that would normally be taken to the landfill • Provisions for alternative energy applications, including rough-in for photovoltaic panels on roof monitors and south-facing shading devices • Efficient electric lighting to reduce heat loads and cooling demands includes energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixture design, sensor controls for occupancy and day-lighting



• Glazing with improved high performance through low-E coatings, improved insulation, light transmittance and thermally-broken framing systems • Increased outdoor-air ventilation rates to provide fresh, filtered air for improved indoor-air quality • Natural ventilation utilizing operable window units to offset conditioning needs and conserve energy • Systems commissioning of building systems to optimize ongoing performance • A natural storm-water management approach to the site that utilizes rain gardens and filtering basins / wetlands that naturally cleanse and manage surface water • Use of drought-tolerant / native plants to reduce irrigation needs • Waste-heat recovery for fresh-air tempering and the reuse of conditioned air from office to lab space


1 5

2 3






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rooftop Daylight Monitors Planted Green Roof System Bio-Green Wall System Penthouse Rooftop Greenhouse (future installation) Rainscreen Enclosure Exterior Sun Shading M2SEC East Elevation

M2SEC 28


first level

Room no

lab type sf

EMI/EMC Anechoic Chamber 101 Dry Reverberation Chamber #1 102 Dry Reverberation Chamber #2 103 Dry EMI/EMC Control and Support Room 104 Dry Server Room 110 387 Surface Characterization Laboratory 111 Dry Collaborative Workspace 112 Building Monitoring Laboratory 113 Dry Subtotal ASF Unassignable SF (Circulation, Core Services, Wall Thickness) Subtotal - GSF


560 320 192 620 16 345 157 2,997 5,029 8,026


second level Multi-Use Laboratory 201 Wet Biofuel Research & Production Laboratory 202 Wet Meeting Area 203 ASTM Fuel Testing Laboratory 204 Wet Engine Testing Control Room 205 Dry Dynamometer 206 Dry Materials Characterization Laboratory 208 Dry Meeting Area 209 Fracture & Fatigue Testing Laboratory 210 Dry Lounge 211 TRI Office 212 TRI Reception 213 TRI Office 214 TRI Office 215 TRI Office 216 TRI Office 217 Subtotal ASF Unassignable SF (Circulation, Core Services, Wall Thickness) Subtotal - GSF

Third Level

687 1,099 221 658 340 320 1,988 221 1,295 234 195 249 160 157 160 162 8,146 5,186 13,332

Bioengineering Laboratory 301 Wet Engine Testing Support Space 302 Dry Composite Materials Testing Laboratory 304 Dry Meeting Area 305 Collaborative Workspace 306 Trans-disciplinary Laboratory 307 Dry Collaborative Workspace 308 Subtotal ASF 30 Unassignable SF (Circulation, Core Services, Wall Thickness) Subtotal - GSF

2,611 680 1,988 217 1,371 385 991 8,243 5,089 13,332

Total GSF & Total Personnel



1 2 1 1 1 1

36 8 28


2.0 Building Program The new building will fill an essential role by providing needed laboratory and associated support space for engineering and materials research activities. This applied research taking place in the building identifies requirements for new materials and devices; develops the materials and devices; and conducts the study and application of new, novel, uncharacterized materials. Faculty members and graduate students are grouped by primary research focus. Collaboration spaces are placed at group intersections and at the entrances to laboratories to foster interaction. This organizational concept puts researchers who might benefit from crossdisciplinary collaboration near one another and promotes opportunities for discussion and discovery. Research labs are highly flexible and organized to provide the researchers with the best possible work environment.


2.1 First Floor Plan The first floor is the entry level from 15th Street on the south. This level will have a floor dampening system to allow for vibration sensitive research. The two laboratories on this level - Surface Characterization and the EMI/EMC Anechoic Chamber and Control Room - will be shared among the building users. The building monitoring room is located directly next to the 15th Street entrance and will be visible to all who use this entry. This level fits into the sloping hillside, and the service spaces at the north end of the plan are below grade.







5 first FLOOR PLAN 0


20 ft

4 Building Performance Materials Characterization


3 1 EMI/EMC Control Room 2 EMI/EMC Anechoic Chamber 3 Collaborative Workspace 4 Surface Characterization 5 Server Room 6 Mechanical Room 7 Electrical Room 8 Fire Protection Room

2.2 Second Floor Plan The second floor is the entry level on the north from Learned Hall; there is an additional entry on the east. This level includes fuel testing as well as materials characterization and fracture and fatigue testing. Locating the biofuel laboratory and engine testing facility in proximity to each other emphasizes the SOE’s “Feedstock to Tailpipe” focus. Those involved in the study and production of biofuels can document and characterize fuels and then test their performance within the engine test cell. This laboratory organization allows for more collaboration and interaction to enable more productive project work. The M2SEC will also provide the State of Kansas with an ASTM certified testing lab that can be contracted out for fuel testing. The second floor of the north wing houses the nano-to-macro Materials Characterization Lab and Fracture & Fatigue Testing Facility. This facility will allow new materials at all scales to be produced, tested and characterized.



6 7 1


8 3






20 ft

Infrastructure Laboratory Materials Characterization Shared Space


Vehicle and Fuels Technology 1 Dynamometer 2 Fuel Testing Laboratory 7

3 Fracture and Fatigue Testing 4 Lounge 5 Offices 6 Mechanical Room 7 Solar Shades


8 Bio Green Wall System

2.3 Third Floor Plan The third floor of the west wing includes a large, flexible laboratory space to accommodate a range of Bioengineering Research, process steps and analytical equipment. The range of activities and labs includes two cell culture labs. The third floor of the north wing includes a Composite Materials design studio and fabrication lab that accommodates a multi-stage process of design and fabrication of forms and molds, including areas to fabricate materials, create laminates, cleanup of molded components and the testing of these components.





2 1







20 ft

Materials Characterization Shared Space 5

Vehicle and Fuels Technology 1 Engine Testing Support Space


2 Composite Materials 7

3 Collaborative Work Space 4 Transdisciplinary Laboratory 5 Bioengineering Laboratory

7 8

6 Mechanical Room 7 Solar Shades 8 Biogreen Wall System

M2SEC 38


3.0 Proposed Schedule 29 month project timeline

nist notification

May 2010 select Design team & CM

5m schematic design

2m design

design development

2m construction documents

5m fast-track bid packages


2m building construction


15 m furniture, Equipment & commissioning

4m occupancy

Aug. 2012

year 1

year 2 year 3 year 4

3.1 Proposed Cost FEES A-E / Special Consultants / Management / Support Survey / Geotech. / Borings / Printing / Travel / Research General General Conditions / Clean up / Bonds / CM Fee Construction Contingency Site work Steam Service / Campus Data Extensions & Utilities Site work / Site Demolition Site Concrete / Drilled Piers / Site Improvements Green Screening

2,750,000 113,000

913,510 669,300

823,222 167,827 799,461 76,158

structure Foundations & Flatwork Masonry / Steel / Railings / Carpentry & Millwork Roofing / Sheet Metal / Rainscreen / Sealants Glass, Windows, Doors & Hardware

661,456 673,707 1,121,020 913,208

finishes & Special Construction Flooring / Tile / Raised Flooring / Specialties Drywall / Ceilings / Wall Finishes / Int. & Ext. Signage Lab Casework / Dyno / Acoustics Chamber Shell

437,092 923,159 936,600

systems Fire Protection & Plumbing Plumbing HVAC Electrical / V&D (KU-IT) / Building Monitoring

181,372 920,287 41 2,152,418 2,252,596

cost of the work (2009)

$ 19,950,000

credits Project Team KU School of Engineering KU Design and Construction Management Architect - BNIM Construction – McCown Gordon Construction imagery KU University Relations: pages 3, 12, 13, 29 / bnim: all others



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