Fishing Beach Gutters Paul Burt
gutter. Man, was that fun or what! And at the end of the day, we would be stoked bringing in an esky full of quality greenbacks.
Paul Burt aboard his Surtees Game Fisher
here’s something about fishing the beach gutters that sets the heart racing. But try fishing the beach gutters from a boat, and go that extra level and get that adrenaline rush. As a young fella, I was always out with friends on our tinnies, f ishing the coast. We would drive in over the back bank, before quickly swinging the nose out to sea to take on the waves while the designated f isher cast his lure into the surf gutter behind the engine. At times, when the sets rolled in, the only way out was to head west; unfortunately, that meant up the beach. We would quickly accelerate and flick the boat around in knee-deep water, jump out and hold the sides of the tinnie to brace against the impact of the white wash rolling in. Once the sets had gone, we would jump back into the tinnie, head out and cast the next
Today, fishing this way is a much more common scene, especially on a calm day when the westerlies are blowing, the seas are small, and the fish are biting. In fact, it is not uncommon to see a dozen boats or more working the beach gutters along South and North Stradbroke Island targeting the annual run of tailor. You just don’t see the beaching of the boats at all these days as the boats are generally much bigger. You see, we still fish this way, but nowadays, it is out of a 7-metre Surtees Game Fisher powered by a 250hp Yamaha four-stroke, not a 3.3m tinnie powered by a 15hp Johnno. The larger boat still gives you the adrenaline rush that this style of fishing injects into you. However, you become more aware of the risks around you, as there is no way you would be beaching a boat that weighs well over a tonne.
Nice one Tim Harris!
With the addition of the Yamaha Helm Master station, you can sit exactly where you want to be and cast the gutters whether you are the skipper or a mate joining in on the action. You see, the place to be is where the gutter runs out between the two back banks where the waves break and roll in. It sounds as if you are in the thick of the action, and to be honest, you are.
The Helm Master allows you to spot lock using the main outboard engine. Therefore, you can hold the boat via GPS, and have the bow facing out towards the incoming swell. Common sense must be used here, for if the swell is over a metre and it is a run-out tide, then there is no way on this planet you would be out there as that is really asking for a problem. Being out there in less than a one-metre swell, a calming westerly wind and a near on high tide, is ideal. The gutter to be in should start at around 2 metres-plus deep.
The two side banks where the waves will break is generally less than a one-metre, and that is a place you definitely do not want to be. Once you are in the gutter, simply cast out a metal lure towards the beach, and often right up onto the sand. Then start retrieving. The beach gutter should be around 2 to 3 metres deep. You really
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