The Boca Raton Tribune ED85

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East /West Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Delray Beach, FL - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 • Year II • Number 085 - FREE


Community News

Boca Symphonia adds extra performances for music lovers

See page 3

Municipal News

Habitat for Humanity breaks ground for 21-home community in Boynton Beach

See page 13

Life & Arts

See page 7

Bob Lappin and The Palm Beach Pops . . . See page 15

BOCA RATON – Democracy isn’t dead in Palm Beach County. But it’s a little frailer than it was in 2008. Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher said about 35 percent of registered Republicans in Palm Beach County

Jesse Veliz reading the Tribune

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turned out for Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Primary that saw former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney recover from his recent loss in South Carolina to take the contest with 54.42 percent of the vote. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich got 27.88 percent of ballots cast; Rick Santorum captured 10.3 percent and Ron Paul got just under 7 percent. The overall tally was perhaps eclipsed by the speed the totals were completed. Everything, except for reviewing provisional ballots, was done by 11:30 p.m. Tuesday. Bucher said she plans to have modems in place for the August primaries to get the vote count done even faster. The elections boss said she was shooting for a total of 44.9 percent in Tuesday’s election – the same percentage that turned out for the 2008 presidential primary. She said she has not been fol-

lowing the races and could not pinpoint why the count was down. According to numbers in the election supervisor’s office, a total of 83,190 votes were cast in Palm Beach County. In all, there are 240,176 registered Republicans. Overall, 829,413 people are registered to vote – Republicans, Democrats and Independents – in the county. Some people were caught short at the polls Tuesday because they had not changed their voting status to Republican. Bucher said that matter should have been taken care of by Jan. 3. So as not to be caught again, here is the schedule for upcoming elections this year: 2012 election dates: Primary Election: August 14, 2012 General Election: November 6, 2012 2012 Qualifying Dates Judicial, State Attorney and Public Defender

Nearly 400,000 readers!

Noon, April 16, 2012 – Noon, April 20, 2012 Federal, Statewide, Multicounty, County, District and Political Party Executive Committee Noon, June 4, 2012 – Noon, June 8, 2012 Write-in candidates for President and Vice President

8 a.m. June 18, 2012 – Noon, June 26, 2012 2012 Registration Book Closing Dates: Primary Election: July 16, 2012 General Election: October 9, 2012

continued on pg. 7

Temple Beth Shira congregation is ‘wandering’ no more

See page 7


2 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune • East/West Boca Raton, FL


FAU, Chamber, plan events in Boca Raton

Marketing Director Chris Catoggio Account Executive

BOCA RATON – The fol- Christina Davis. Administration dent Union, FAU Boca Raton. Angelo Lima lowing events are being planned Building, Board of Trustees Free. 561-297-2623 Marguax Vickers Sunday, February 12, 4 p.m. in Boca Raton this coming week: Room, FAU Boca Raton. Free. Art Director AMBASSADORS at the 561-297-2553.Davis is the au- Lecture: “Seasons of DisconMarjorie Brandner Chamber. Friday, February 3 / thor of the poetry collection tent: Arab Spring, Israeli Summer, Palestinian Autumn and Forth a Raven. noon to 1:00 p.m. Graphic Design: Friday, February 3, 6:30 Winter?,” with Sam LehmanGOVERNMENT AFMaheli Jardim FAIRS COMMITTEE at the p.m. Lecture: Linda Nochlin Wilzig, Bar-Ilan university Matt Epperson Performing Arts Building, Chamber. Thursday, February 9 - Taking the Space: Gender and Photographers: the Figure in Contemporary room 101 Free, no reservations / 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nicole Vickers, Gabriela Heizer MEMBERSHIP BREAK- Art. Performing Arts Building, required 561-297-2979. BOCA RATON – A Barbara McCormick FAST FRIDAY, February 10 / Room 101, FAU Boca Raton. private memorial ser7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.Via Mizner Free. or Video Production vice is being planned Golf & Country Club ~ for- 561-297-2661 Director for Earl William NightPart of the Figured Spaces merly the Country Club at Boca Klaiton Silva ingale, 86, of Boca RaRaton ~ (6200 Boca Del Mar symposium. Sunday, February 5, The Boca RatonTribune ton, who died Dec. 30, Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33433) 4 p.m. Lecture: “A German Life: mailing address: Against All Odds Change is PosSponsored by: Delray Medical 2011. Arrangements P.O. Box 970593 Center.Speaker: Dr. Richard G. sible,” with Dr. Bernd Woolschare under the direction Boca Raton, FL 33497 Cartledge, M.D., F.A.C.S., Car- laeger. Performing Arts BuildOffice Address: 399 NW Boca Raton of the Kraeer Funeral diothoracic & Vascular Surgery ing, room 101, FAU Boca Raton. Blvd., Suite 212 - Boca Raton Fl, 33432 Home. NEW MEMBER ORIEN- Free, no reservations required. Born in Norfolk, TATION Tuesday, February 14 561-297-2979. For general information: Neb., he was a son of Thursday, February 9, 4 p.m. / 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Steve’s 561-290-1202 the late Earl T. and Wood Fired Pizza (9180 Glades Lecture: “The International Fax: 561-208-6008 He is survived by Context of Mass Political Road, Boca Raton) Laura J. (Murphy) Copyright 2011 by The Boca his four children, MiUnrest: North Africa and the ECONOMIC DEVELOPNightingale. He served Raton Tribune. All rights reserved MENT COMMITTEE at the Middle East in Comparative as a B-24 tail gunner in chael (Judy) and Noby The Boca Raton Tribune. All Perspective,” with Mark KramChamber. Wednesday, February the Army Air Corps elle, Elizabeth and submissions and published materials er, Harvard University House 15 / 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. are the propery of The Boca Raton during World War II. Neal, along with two SOUTH PALM BEACH Chambers, Student Union, FAU grandchildren, three Tribune. This publication may not be After the war, he gradCOUNTY CHAMBER PART- Boca Raton. Free. 561-297reproduced in whole or in part without g reat-g randchildren uated from New York NERSHIP miniEXPO - Boyn- 2623. express written consent from The Boca Thursday, February 9, 6 p.m. ton Beach EditionWednesday, University and had a and his former wife, Raton Tribune. The publishers reserve Nightingale. Opening Reception for the February 15 / 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 successful career in the Susan the right to edit all submissions and p.m. Courtyard by Marriott - Annual Juried Student Exhibito reject any advertising or copy they insurance industry in Photo courtesy of the Boynton Beach (1601 N. Con- tion, Ritter Gallery, FAU Boca Norfolk Daily News. regard as harmful to the publication´s New York before retirRaton. Free gress Avenue, Boynton Beach) good or deemed to be libelous. The ing to Florida. Information: 561-297-2966. Contact chamber@boynpublisher is not responsible for the Exhibition open through for details. articles written by its columnists. SUCCESSFUL WOMEN ruary 25. The publishers are not responsible Friday, February 10 – IN BUSINESS Thursday, Febfor typographical errors, omissions or copy or photos misrepresented ruary 16 / 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 Sunday, February 12 Reperby the advertiser. Liability shall not p.m. Boca Dunes Golf & Coun- tory Dance Theatre Ensemble, exceed the cost of the portion of space try Club (1400 Country Club University Theatre, FAU Boca occupied by such error or advertising Drive, Boca Raton) Topic: Giv- Raton.Tickets: $20, Faculty, items or information. All editorials are ing Back - Girl Power Speakers: staff and alumni $16. www. intended to reflect the position of the Jean Evans of B2B CFO and Di- publisher and not of any individual Friday, February 10, 2 ana Hileman, Esq. of Rutherford editorial writer. Signed columns, on p.m. Lecture: “Human Rights, Mulhall, P.A. the other hand, reflect the opinions PULSE Business Profession- International Relations and of the author and not necessarily als Under 40 AFTER-HOURS Europe: New Issues and Conthose of the publisher. The advertiser NETWORK Tuesday, February, flicts,” With nadia Boyadjieva, and/or the advertising agency is 21 / 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Uncle University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria responsible for all content and will Majestic Palm Room, StuJulio’s Fine Mexican Food (449 assume responsibility resulting from Plaza Real, Boca Raton) publication of said advertisement in Quote of the Week: DIAMOND AWARD The Boca Raton Tribune. When sudden calamity shall fall on you, and destruction, as a LUNCHEON Thursday, February 23 / 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 tempest, shall be at hand: when tribulation and distress shall come Proud Member of: p.m.. Boca Raton Marriott at upon you: 1. 27 Boca Center (5150 Town Center Circle, Boca Raton). Honoring Dr. Marta Rendon, Medical Director, of the Rendon Center Community News Page 07 Columnists Pgs 19,22,25 for Dermatology and Aesthetic Municipal News Page 13 Games Page 34 Medicine The following activities Food Review Page 22 Pet Society Page 34 are planned at Florida Atlantic Section B Page 15 Sports Page 37 University: The friendly community where friends do business with neighbors. Thursday, February 2, 2010-2011 Business Page 27 3:30 p.m. Poetry Reading with Support your community newspaper - Patronize The Boca Raton Tribune Advertisers. Let them know you saw their Ads in the Boca Tribune.

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Earl Nightingale, World War II vet, dies at 86


February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 3

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The Boca Raton Tribune • East/West Boca Raton, FL

Community News The Boca Raton Tribune

Palm Beach Opera has Red Carpet Gala Anniversary The Palm Beach Opera celebrated its 50th anniversary Golden Jubilee Concert and Gala with over 250 guests Jan. 20 at the Kravis Center for Performing Arts. The evening included a glamorous red carpet arrival leading guests to a pre-performance cocktail reception, followed by a VIP viewing of the 50th Anniversary concert and the gala, featuring dinner, dancing and mingling with the concert stars. Guest of honor, Jon Secada, was in attendance with his wife Mari. The concert featured scenes

from renowned and revered operas, including La Traviata, Die Fledermaus, La Bohème, Carmen and Aïda. General Director, Daniel Biaggi, hosted along with special guest emcees and a who’s who of artists for a spectacular celebration of the history of Palm Beach Opera, including special award presentations to founders and donors. The Gala paid homage to half-a-century of grand opera in high-style with a sumptuous four-course dinner catered by Special Impressions by the Breakers, dancing to live

music and the extraordinary opportunity to meet some of the biggest names in opera, from lasting legends to rising stars. Helen K. Persson was Honorary Chair of the Gala. The Anniversary Gala Council was comprised of Ronnie Isenberg, Frayda B. Lindemann, Mary M. Montgomery, Patrick Park, Thomas C. Quick and M. Mac Schwebel. The Golden Jubilee Gala Committee consisted of Board members Marjorie Alfus, Sanford Baklor and Arlene Kaufman, Hans and Sigrid Baumann, Gladys Benenson,

Elizabeth Bowden, Richard Cosnotti and Sharon Bledsoe, Rita Denerstein, John and Susan Domenico, Ann and Robert Fromer, Paul and Sandra Goldner, Arlette Gordon, Eugene Isenberg, Florence and Robert Kaufman, David and Ingrid Kosowsky, Howard and Patricia Lester, Jeffrey and Sara Mullens, Ari Rifkin, Muriel Shapiro, Reneé Silvester, Marc and Cathy Solomon, Dennis and Roseanne Williams, and Philip Whitacre. All proceeds benefit Palm Beach Opera.

continued on pg.18

Boca Symphonia adds extra performances for music lovers BOCA RATON -- The Boca Raton Symphonia is making symphonic music accessible to all ages with two upcoming concerts. On Saturday, February 4 at 8 p.m., the Symphonia will perform a special evening concert,

its second in this year’s new Saturday Series. The Saturday evening concert will feature Dulio Dobrin as Guest Conductor, and Areta Zhulla, a protégé of Itzhak Perlman, as violin soloist. It will take place at the Parent’s

Association Performing Arts Center at Pine Crest School, 2700 St. Andrew’s Boulevard, Boca Raton. On Sunday, February 5 at 3 p.m., the high intensity program will feature Ramon Tebar as Guest Conductor. The Sunday performance will be held at Roberts Theater, Saint Andrew’s School, 3900 Jog Road, Boca Raton. Pieces to be performed include HAYDN - Symphony No. 1 in D major, BARBER - Violin Concerto, op. 14 and

BEETHOVEN - Symphony No. 2 in D major, op.36. “This is only the second time that the Symphonia will have a Saturday evening concert, an opportunity to make a date with a great musician,” said Symphonia Board President, Steve Pomeranz. At the inaugural Saturday evening concert in January, adults of all ages were in attendance, and more than 400 guests attended. Ramon Tebar is quickly establishing himself as one of the most exciting Spanish conductors of his generation. He was appointed HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Florida Grand Opera’s Music Director in 2011, becoming the first Spanish conductor to lead a major American opera company. The Grand selected him as winner of the 2010 Henry C. Clark Conductor of the Year Award.

Areta Zhulla, violin soloist After he arrived from Spain in 2005, he joined the musical staff of the Palm Beach Opera and Cincinnati Opera, working on 30 opera productions, while maintaining a full schedule in Europe. Areta Zhulla, violin soloist for both performances, was personally chosen by Itzhak Perlman

to participate in these concerts. She has played at Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Kennedy Center. Tickets are $35-$62. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit w w w. b o c a s y m p h o n i a . org or call 561-376-3848.

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4 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 5

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6 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 7

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The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Temple Beth Shira congregation is ‘wandering’ no more By Dale M. King BOCA RATON – Rick Alovis, who, with his wife, Nancy, founded Temple Beth Shira in West Boca Raton nine years ago, likened the congregation to the “wandering Jews’ of old. For nearly a decade, it has had to ‘wander’ from one site to another to conduct services, meetings and events. But not any more. Starting Friday, Feb. 3, the congregation that has grown to 120 families, will conduct services at the Conservative synagogue Temple Beth Shalom in Century Village. Officials at the Reform Temple Beth Shira have signed a rental agreement with the Conservative temple which holds its services on Saturday. Temple Beth Shira will continue to use Sunrise Park

Beautiful walls of the sanctuary Boca Raton decided it would be nice to “have something more holy, more spiritual,” Alovis said. So he and Temple Beth Shira president Marc Shapiro contacted Howard Rosenhouse, president of Temple Beth Shalom. Alovis and

From left are Rick Alovis, Cantor Ellen Stettner and Temple Beth Shira President Marc Shapiro. Elementary School for its religious classes, Alovis said. During the past nine years, the co-founder said, “We have met in homes, clubhouses and in elementary schools. The last four years, we have been meeting at West Boca Community High School. To compensate for the lack of a permanent location, Alovis said the congregation “became more involved in the community. It didn’t matter that we didn’t have a building. It was not about an edifice.” But after nearly 10 years “on the road,” leaders of the only Reform temple west of

Shapiro felt it would work out well, with one house of worship meeting Fridays and the other on Saturdays. The visiting synagogue leaders got a tour of the facility, attended a Saturday Shabbat service and met with temple members afterward. “Everyone came over to us. They couldn’t have been more gracious.” After a series of meetings, Alovis and Shapiro took the proposal to the Temple Beth Shira Board of Trustees. They worked out a deal. It looks like it will work.” Alovis said his temple is

moving its offices into Temple Beth Shalom and will conduct meetings, services and events at the building inside Century Village. “We are very excited about it. This is not a temporary thing; we are looking to be here for a long time.” Cantor Ellen Stettner pointed out that the “parashat Beshalach will be read during our first worship service in OUR NEW HOME! We rejoice as a synagogue community as the proverbial waters part and we emerge from the confines of a public high school cafeteria to our rebirth in a magnificent synagogue sanctuary.” ‘Celebrating erev Shabbat together in a beautiful and holy space will certainly add to the depth and meaning of Shabbat worship. But a physical location is nothing without those of you who bring it to life with your presence and your souls.” At 7:30 p.m., Friday, “Together we will simultaneously burst forth into a song of praise to God. May Temple Beth Shira go from strength to strength as our story continues to grow, expand and enrich our lives.” She also thanked West Boca Community High School and its staff “for years of gracious hospitality. We experienced many unforgettable moments there and we will always be grateful.” Another upcoming event for Temple Beth Shira is an open house scheduled Feb. 17.

more pics pg.18

continued from pg. 1

Is Democracy Dead?

BALLOTING IN BOCA RATON Voters who’ve been watching the presidential hopefuls go at it this year should be reminded that the city of Boca Raton is having its own election March 13. Those who have not yet registered to vote can do so at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall through Monday, Feb. 13. Since Boca Raton elections are not partisan, it is not necessary to designate Republican or Democrat. Boca Raton recorded a pretty dismal turnout in 2011, with only 7.77 percent of voters casting ballots, officials said. Based on that, some changes are being made in voting spots. These will be published at a later time in the Boca Raton Tribune. Only one contest is on the ballot this year. Incumbent Anthony Majhess is being challenged by Frank Chapman. Incumbent Constance Scott had a challenger, Bill Trinka, but he has since withdrawn from the race. There are no other items on the ballot – no charter changes or referendum questions. HERE’S HOW TO REGISTER If you are 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, and legal resident of Florida you may register to vote. If you are 16 years old you may pre-register and receive your card in the mail after your 18th birthday. You are NOT entitled to register to vote if you have been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with regard to voting in this or any other state and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law, or, if you have been convicted of any felony by any court of record and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law. If you meet the above requirements, you may register to vote in Palm Beach County either online or in person at City Hall. After completing the voter registration application, it can be mailed or delivered to the Supervisor of Elections office. A voter identification card will be mailed to the applicant ap-

proximately 2-3 weeks after the application is processed. NEWT VISITED DELRAY BEACH During the campaign prior to Tuesday’s Presidential Preference Primary, only candidate Newt Gingrich came to the South County area, speaking at the Civic Center in Delray Beach. Mitt Romney offered some comments at a meeting in Pompano Beach. Gingrich offered strong support for Israel during a speech before 700 people at the Civic Center in Delray Beach, sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition. With his wife, Callista, and other supporters seated behind him, the former House Speaker promised that if elected, “one of the first things I will do is instruct the State Department to open the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem,” moving it from Tel Aviv. He also said that “two hours after I give my inaugural address, I will abolish all White House czars.” Dr. Jeffery Feingold, the RJC member that introduced Gingrich set the tone for much of the speech by saying Obama “has destroyed our special relationship with Israel.” He described Gingrich as

“an essential part of the Reagan Revolution. His will, tenacity and creativity took a minority party sitting on the back benches to a majority.”

Gingrich came out swinging, slamming Obama for doing “just the opposite” of what needs to be done to rectify America’s problems. He singled out the president’s rejection of the Keystone Pipeline, forcing Canada to work a deal with China instead of creating jobs in the US. The GOP presidential contender talked of terrorism and the Middle East, with emphasis on Iran’s potential nuclear capacity. “Three nukes strategically fired into Israel would be another Holocaust. We had better act before it happens, not after.” “There is no question about the right of Jews to be in the Middle East. They were promised it,” he said, adding that there will be no peace until Palestinians “give up all right of return, stop teaching terrorism and accept Israel.” Citing Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia, Gingrich noted, “Never again should a president bow to a Saudi king. We need a profoundly new approach to the Middle East.”

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8 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune EDITORIALS/LETTERS East/West Boca Raton, FL

The Boca Raton Tribune Founded January 15, 2010

DOUGLAS HEIZER, Publisher Editorial DALE M. KING: Managing Editor PEDRO HEIZER: Associate Editor






Online Edition PEDRO HEIZER: Editor ANDRE HEIZER: Social Media ANDERSON MANCEBO: Software Engineer

Letter Guidelines


‘The day the music died’ I’m fascinated by the life of singer Buddy Holly. And I feel very sad when I think about his untimely death in a plane crash when he was in his mid-20s. His career was about to soar, and I know he would have been a great success. Actually, he has been a fantastic posthumous success, and his music is still played to this day. Buddy Holly’s life and death come into focus at this time of year. Holly lost his life in a plane crash, along with singer Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson, while en route from Clear Lake, Iowa, to Moorhead, Minn., to continue a concert tour. The date was Feb. 3, 1959. I was just 10 years old on that fateful day, and knew Holly from some of his hit songs I had heard on the radio – “That’ll be the Day” and “Peggy Sue” among them. But I knew nothing of his legend which would grow as time passed. And I never knew that I would meet two people who had a vivid interest in Holly and his career – one of

whom who knew the man personally. Actually, my interest in Buddy Holly peaked in the early 1970s after a singer named Don McLean released a tremendously successful song called “America Pie.” That tune told the cryptic tale of “the day the music died” – referring to Holly and his tragic end. But when McLean was at the height of his career, he utterly refused to discuss the meaning of that song. That much I heard from the man himself. In 1980, I was a member of a volunteer group that booked summer entertainment programs in my home town, and during the off-season, we raised money to pay for them. We contacted Don McLean, who had just revived his career with a cover of the Roy Orbison tune, “Cryin.’” He agreed to do a show for us at the local high school auditorium. In advance of the show, I did a phone interview with him about the song. He told me he would not talk about the meaning. I tried to avoid asking him.

But he referred to the line, “But February made me shiver/ With every paper I’d deliver.” “You mean you were that newspaper delivery boy in the song?” I said. To which he snapped, “I told you, I’m not going to talk about it.” It’s obvious that “America Pie” told mystical things about a lot of people: the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Janis Joplin and – of course, Buddy Holly. (It’s often said the Beatles created their name as a tribune to Buddy Holly’s band, the Crickets.) By this time, I had begun to collect Buddy Holly albums – nothing original, rather, remixed and re-releases of his tunes. Unfortunately, my album collection was tossed out when we moved south. But I have managed to find a couple of CDs of Holly’s music – including one that features his original tracks backed by a group called The Picks. Anyway, about eight years ago, I arranged to interview Dion DiMucci, who lives in Boca Raton, and who I knew from his


tunes with his backup group, the Belmonts, and later, on his own in the 1960s. I was sitting with Dion in one of the offices at St. Jude Church, where he is an active congregant. He was strumming his guitar and picking out some tunes that sounded very familiar – like “The Wanderer” and “Runaround Sue.” I don’t know how it happened, but suddenly we were talking about Buddy Holly. Dion said he was one of the singers on that Midwest concert trip that ended with the fatal plane crash. Dion said he actually turned down a seat on the plane because the ticket cost too much – and he said his mother would never have abided him paying the price (the cost was about $35.) Suddenly, I was whisked back to the day the music died, to Don McLean and his legendary song. And if you looked at the Internet this week, you might have seen Dion’s story printed online as we mark the anniversary of that tragic day.

Letters must be signed with name clearly legible along with a phone number and complete address. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be considered for publication. The Boca Raton Tribune reserves the right to edit the letters for

spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and available space. Letters from the same author will not be published more often than every 60 days. E-mails to columnists may be used as letters to the editor.

All letters to the editor should be sent to: The Boca Raton Tribune, P.O. Box 970593 - Boca Raton, FL 33497

To the editor:

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for your ongoing articles about pets available for adoption at the Tri County Humane Society shelter. Sincerely, Pam D’Addio, Writer Dog Rescue/Sheltering column To the editor: Thank you for the publicity about multi-media artist Yaacov Heller’s fundraising event, “Love is…” to benefit the Tri County Humane Society. It will be held Monday, February 6 at his Gallery 22 in Royal Palm Place. From 5:30 – 7:30 pm, guests are invited to enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in Gallery 22’s studio and sculpture garden, and view Heller’s extensive display of sculpture, painting and jewelry. Sincerely, Janice Olson Director of Development and Activities, Tri County Humane Society Dear Dale, Thank you for writing such a beautiful article about Barbara Schmidt and the Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life program in the Boca Raton Tribune. I have provided her with a link and we would like to get extra print copies. Sincerely, Polly Burks Coordinator of Public Relations School of the Arts and Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters Support your community newspaper - Patronize The Boca Raton Tribune Advertisers. Let them know you saw their Ads in the Boca Tribune.

February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 9

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The Boca Raton Tribune EDITORIALS & LETTERS East/West Boca Raton, FL


Steve Jobs, Rules Of Success, And The Bible By: Robert J. Tamasy When Steve Jobs died in 2011, he left a legacy of achievements that dramatically changed our way of life. As cofounder of Apple, Inc., he was a central figure in the personal computer revolution. Apple’s Macintosh, introduced in the early 1980s, transformed how we thought about and used computers. Jobs also co-founded Pixar Animation Studios, which blazed new trails for computerized film animation. Before his death, Apple’s iPads, iPhones and iPods helped open unimagined communication and entertainment horizons. Jobs’ life and work touched virtually every business and professional person. Jobs was one-of-akind as a visionary, pioneer and innovator, but we can all benefit from principles that guided his success. Recently published an article describing Jobs’ “seven rules of success.” Although Jobs was not known to be an adherent of Christianity, each of his rules of success aligns with biblical principles established thousands of years ago. Let’s look at them: 1. Do what you love. Jobs stated, “People with passion can change

the world for the better.” The idea of having passion and purpose in our everyday pursuits is summarized in Colossians 3: 23-24: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward….” 2. Put a dent in the universe. Jobs once asked the CEO of a major beverage company, “Do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?” He advocated a strong, compelling vision. Proverbs 29:18 offers a similar idea: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” 3. Make connections. Jobs’ thought was to become rich in varied experiences and connect ideas from different fields. This idea of connections is supported in Romans 8:28, which states, “And we know that God works all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 4. Say no to 1,000 things. Keeping a welldefined focus was important for Apple, as Jobs steered away from promising products that could have undermined his company’s

expertise and success. In the Bible’s Old Testament, Proverbs 4:27 states, “Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” 5. Create insanely different experiences. In developing Apple’s retail stores, Jobs wanted customers to have a profound, enriching experience. Jesus espoused a similar, “others first” attitude when he taught, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). 6. Master the message. Even the best ideas, if not communicated effectively, are of little value, Jobs realized. For a similar reason, the apostle Paul wrote, “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders…. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how to respond to each person” (Colossians 4:5-6). 7. Sell dreams, not products. Jobs understood the importance of appealing to people’s desires, hopes and ambitions. Jesus offered similar motivation to his followers: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

POSITIVE LIVING By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

Be Tactful While Being Truthful! Dealing with truth anywhere, anytime, with anyone, even in defending principles, does not give any individual the right to diminish an opponent. It’s imperative that any conversation, even a debate with the intention of establishing an issue in a truthful manner, be conducted with dignity and respect for one or more opponents. An ancient author addressed this issue in his own time, nearly two thousand years ago, when he insisted on the necessity of persons “speaking the truth in love.” This is a sorely lost dimension in human relationships which needs to be fully recaptured! Not only in issues of faith, but in matters of morality, with regard to political postures, or in mere practical exchanges between two persons, far greater effectiveness and success shall be attained once people observe this significant, biblical man-

date. While all persons should hold truth uppermost in all their considerations, any discordant note coming from somebody else should not be cause for diminishing that individual. In spite of grave consequences to anyone who disdains truth, or does not consider it as one must, the winning attitude always requires for one to be tactful while being truthful! In many public debates, unfortunately, it often appears that the prevailing aim of each involved in proving his or her point, is more to tear the opponent to shreds than cogently and convincingly to present the truth. In such instances, there are no winners and truth, itself, is not affirmed! Actually, the only legitimate winner in such instances should be truth alone, regardless of the human channel who attempts effectively to present it in its full splendor and convincing power!

Truth is never honored, nor well-served, when those who claim to be its defenders, in whatever field of knowledge or in practical issues, think more of themselves and the position they have taken, than of truth itself. Although the very idea of truth is now being discarded by many ideologues, I am persuaded that truth continues to exist, and it shall never cease; it remains a necessary, practical tool in decision-making and in the affirmation of vital issues affecting life in the world! You can accept things confidently, deal with others comfortably, move on in life courageously only on the basis of holding on to truth regarding all the issues associated with those activities. Avoid any counterfeits when you can embrace and hold on to truth in all its glory and power, as it takes root within your life for all the benefits it shall continually furnish you!

Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr. is a Florida resident who, for many years, was a professor at the post-graduate level. He is a writer, a sought-after conference speaker, a man who lived in five continents of the world, having received his education in four of them. When he resided in southern California, he wrote a weekly column for the daily “Anaheim Bulletin,” which was carried for about six years, until he moved to south Florida.


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10 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85


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Edition 85

February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 11

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The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

FAU picks “Holocaust Teachers of Year” BOCA RATON – Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education has selected four South Florida teachers to receive the Gutterman Family Outstanding Holocaust Educator Award. Recipients were announced at the Center’s third annual Teacher Appreciation Dinner Jan. 25 at the Lakeside Terrace and Banquet Center in Boca Raton. “As women and men committed to engaging students with the history of the Holocaust and the contemporary struggle for justice, this year’s award recipients are truly extraordinary,” said Rosanna Gatens, Ph.D., director of the center. “Their lessons reflect a broad range of cognitive and service learning activities as well as the global reach of Holocaust study as it is implemented here in South Florida. Their knowledge, skill and creativity as teachers are clearly evident in their Holocaust instruction.” The 2012 awardees are: Toshimi Abe-Janiga, a teacher of language arts to sixth through 12 graders at Riviera Beach Preparatory and Achievement Academy, a public alternative high school in Palm

Beach County. Abe-Janiga organized a school-wide Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration event, including a visit with a Holocaust survivor. As a result of Abe-Janiga’s focus and her colleagues’ efforts to implement a cross-curricular approach, students are now able to take Holocaust studies as an elective. Rosemelda Ibalarrosa, a middle school teacher and U.S. history coordinator at Omni Middle School in Boca Raton. Ibalarrosa initiated and organized a forum for students to listen to and learn from stories of Holocaust survival as presented by survivors themselves. She collaborated with the school’s art teacher to teach students about peace and tolerance and guided students to create a peace quilt. Lila Kimbar, a fifth grade teacher at Somerset Academy Elementary, a Pembroke Pines charter school. After taking several courses, looking at her own family history, and speaking to colleagues and students, Kimbar decided to expand her Holocaust teachings beyond the mandated curriculum. She teaches elementary students the importance of tolerance and human

rights by presenting lessons on diversity, prejudice and hatred. Bruce Klansner, an instructor in the department of social studies at Everglades High School in Miramar. The son of a Holocaust survivor, he teaches an elective “History of the Holocaust” class and is the founder and advisor of Students for Tolerance and Acceptance through Knowledge and Education (S.T.A.K.E.), which created a Tolerance Museum at Everglades High School and workshops and programs on anti-bullying. The Gutterman Family Outstanding Holocaust Educator Award enables recipients to participate in a three-week, all-expenses-paid study tour to Holocaust-related sites in Poland, Germany and Israel, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The award is funded by Arthur Gutterman, an FAU benefactor whose contributions help sustain the center and its programs. The center was established in 1996 by the Florida Department of Education to support teachers implementing the state’s mandate for Holocaust education.

Boca Raton Historical Society tweeting the Chesebro Diaries

BOCA RATON -- The Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum is sharing one of its historical treasures: the diaries of pioneer Frank Chesebro. Frank Howard Chesebro came to Boca Raton with his family in 1903 to escape the cold Michigan winters. A fruit grower and nurseryman, he decided to try his hand at pineapple raising. He built a homestead near today’s Dixie Highway south of Camino Real. Accompanying Frank were his wife Nettie, son Harry, and daughters Ruth and Esther. Harry was already 21, and the girls were teenagers when they arrived. Son Allen stayed behind in Michigan to run the family property. Chesebro was the principal employer in the town’s earliest era. Two of his main crops were pineapples (pines) and tomatoes, but he grew many others as well since farming was literally a full time job in South Florida.

Museum. They represent a significant documentation of Boca Raton’s earliest days and a look at what life was like in early 20th century South Florida, a time and place few can imagine today. They also provide one of the few resources available on our earliest pioneers,

Chesebro’s homestead located east of Dixie Highway and south of Camino Real, circa 1905 Frank Chesebro took an including African American active role in shaping the and Japanese American resicommunity, which became dents (at the Yamato ColoBoca Raton. He kept a me- ny). ticulous diary of daily acSince September of tivities, primarily farming, 2011, the Boca Raton Hisfrom his arrival in 1903 un- torical Society & Museum til his death in 1936. has been sharing Frank These diaries are now in Chesebro’s diary entries the collection of the Boca from 100 years ago on a daiRaton Historical Society & ly basis. Frank’s daily blogs,

Frank Chesebro circa 1905 written for himself, are full of abbreviations, shorthand, and old fashioned terms which bring to mind modern twitter style text-speak. In addition, Frank’s tweets are accompanied by a glossary and who’s who available through a page on the BRHSM website, www. To enjoy Frank’s daily tweets, just go to “” \t “_blank”\bocahistory or go to the home page and check out the links. Some recent examples: Tues, Oct. 31, 1911: Shipped pines 19 crates. Plowed. Men fertilized & hoed egg plant. H. dug ditch. 1 new man Wm Demery. [H=Harry Chesebro; Will Demery first came to Boca Raton in 1912; one of the town’s first African American residents] Tues, Nov. 7, 1911: plowed east of cassava & planted buckwheat. Set out more peppers in P.M. Old man Raulerson died. Went to funeral at Longs old house. [Raulersons and Longs –two pioneer families].

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12 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

JARC to host ‘A Taste of Kosher Boca’ Feb. 12 BOCA RATON – The Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) will host a “Taste of Kosher Boca on Sunday, February 12. This unique culinary event will take place where Soho meets Boca at “The Loft at Congress” from 6-8 p.m. Guests can nosh and “shmooze” while sampling drinks and delicious treats from local kosher restaurants. Event proceeds will benefit both JARC and Yachad. JARC is a nonsectarian organization which provides group homes, apartments and vocational training for adults with development disabilities. The mission in partnership with the families of the clients is to promote independence, dignity and self-respect in order to create more fulfilling lives.

The Loft on Congress Yachad is an organization dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their participation in the full spectrum of Jewish life. Tickets for this special culinary experience are priced at $18 per person. The Loft is located off Congress Av-

enue (just south of the I-95 Congress Avenue exit) at 530 NW 77th Street in Boca Raton. For more information, contact Dr. Michelle LaRocque at 561-852-3175/ email “mailto:michellel@” or contact Tzippi Rosen at Yachad at 347-239-5703.

Boca Museum of Art sets Visionaries Ball for Feb. 18

BOCA RATON -- A highlight of the cultural social season, the Boca Raton Museum of Art’s Visionaries Ball, will take place Feb. 18 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. Dr. Karen Mashkin chairs the evening’s festivities that will include recognition of the Ball’s honorary chairs, Dr. William and Acey Wolgin, long-time Museum supporters. In addition, Dani Sonnenblick will receive the Museum’s Jean Spence Award – presented to patrons who have demonstrated extraordinary generosity and tireless efforts on behalf of the Museum. The Ball raises crucial funds, not only for the exhibitions and Museum outreach programs, but also for The Art School classes that

cultivate talents of all ages and instills in the next generation an appreciation of art. The Visionaries Ball will feature the creations of The Art School’s fashion design class students. The Ball’s presenting sponsor is the Mashkin Family Foundation. Other major supporters include Sara Jo Kobacker; Acey and Bill Wolgin; Jacqueline Wolgin; Schmidt Family Foundation; Lee and Donald Geller; Dalia and Duane Stiller; Terry and Sheldon Adelman; Gail and Adam Bankier; Marilyn and Stanley Barry; Minette Hoffheimer; Andrea Kline; Kaufman Lynn Construction; Edith Peiser; Publix Super Market Charities; Jan and Larry Ruben; Phyllis and Jerry Rubin; June and Ira Gelb; Marilyn and Lou Glickfield; Jody and Martin

Dr. Karen Mashkin, event chair Grass; Peg and Lee Greenspon; Robin and Walter May; Beatrice Mayer; Myrna and Norman Ricken; Linda and Jay Rosenkranz and Jan Silverman. Tickets are $350 per person. Call Kisbel De La Rosa at 561.392.2500, ext. 208.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 13

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Municipal News The Boca Raton Tribune

Briefs from Jan. 24 meeting of Palm Beach County Commissioners

WEST PALM BEACH -- At the January 24 meeting of the Palm Beach County Commissioners, the board took the following action: Glades Utility Authority – approved a series of negotiated conditions for absorption of the financially troubled Glades Utility Authority (GUA) as agreed to by the county and the cities of Belle Glade and Pahokee,

and set a Feb. 15 deadline for the city of South Bay to agree to the conditions with no additional requirements. District boundaries – received and filed proof of publication of the advertisement of the adopted ordinance reflecting new County Commission district boundaries. The ads appeared on Dec. 31, 2011 and Jan. 7, 2012. The revised district boundaries

have been forwarded to the state for adoption. Non-discrimination – adopted a resolution updating the county’s policy on non-discrimination in contracting so that the classes are consistent with the protected classes in the Palm Beach County Equal Employment Ordinance. Health Department – approved a memorandum of agreement with the Health Department to

delegate the duties of the Environmental Control Officer to the department’s local legal office. Boynton Beach CRA – postponed for 30 days a request by the Boynton Beach CRA to amend grant conditions allowing for demolition of a building within the Boynton Beach Marina as part of redevelopment of the property. Palm Tran – approved

the filing of the FY-2011 Section 5307 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant application in the amount of $14.5 million and approved the FTA master agreement. Section 5307 grants provide funding for public transportation capital, operating assistance, and public transit-related planning. MSTUs – amended the county’s municipal services taxing unit (MSTU) or-

dinance to allow for assessments and collections at a percentage rate less than 100 percent when directed by the County Commissioners, but the rate can be no less than 50 percent. This is to account for some remaining MSTU projects that were petitioned at the previous 50 percent rate. Paving and drainage projects were then approved for eight roads at the 50 percent rate.

Southeast Florida animal shelters partner to spay/neuter effort In an effort to help reduce the pet overpopulation problem in the Southeast Florida region, six animal shelters have joined forces and formed the Southeast Florida Region Spay/Neuter Coalition. The Coalition’s first project is called “Beat the Heat Spay/Neuter Week” and will take place Feb. 21

through 25. This spay/ neuter event is for felines 8 weeks of age or older that are free-roaming, feral or lucky enough to have a home. The goal of the group is to collectively sterilize 1,650 cats during this time frame. The cost will be just $15 per cat and include rabies vaccination, FVRCP

and a microchip. The six organizations that formed the coalition are: Broward County Animal Care & Adoption, Humane Society of Broward County, Humane Society of Greater Miami, MiamiDade Animal Services, Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control, and Peggy Adams Animal Res-

cue League. Based on the Contact the shelter near Humane Society of success of “Beat the Heat you to take advantage of Broward County: tel:954Spay/Neuter Week,” the this offer as space is limited: 895-3605. Humane Society coalition hopes to facilitate Palm Beach County of Greater Miami: tel:305additional spay/neuter pro- Animal Care & Control: 696-0800. Miami-Dade grams in the near future for tel:561-233-1261. Animal Services: 311 at-risk animals in the reP e g g y A d Each shelter is indepengion. ams Animal Rescue dent and not affiliated with Appointments are nec- League:tel:561-686-3663 the others, however, they essary, and you must be a Broward County Ani- are coming together to help resident of one of these mal Care & Adoption: promote this message. counties to participate. tel:954-359-1313 ext. 9271

Habitat for Humanity breaks ground for 21-home community in Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH -Community members, elected officials, and partners joined Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County Jan. 6 to celebrate the groundbreaking for Ocean Breeze West, a development of 21single-family homes on Seacrest Boulevard in the heart of Boynton Beach. Habitat SPBC is partnering with the Boynton faith-based Community Development Corporation to construct Ocean Breeze West on land donated by the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The land was formerly the site of Boynton Terrace, a Section 108 housing project rendered uninhabitable by the hurricanes

of 2004. The parcel, located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard between NE 6th and NE 8th avenues, will become an income-diverse

percent of the area median) to moderate (20 percent above the area median). The houses will be of a similar design to ensure a cohesive community. The project

from left are Kelly Kinsell - SVP, senior community development officer at Wells Fargo, Yanneth Villarreal, Michael Campbell, Linda Gove. neighborhood for families with household incomes ranging from very low (30

will cost an estimated $2.6 million and take two years to complete

Habitat SPBC will construct 11 of the homes, with the Boynton Community Development Corporation responsible for the remaining 10. Land for the Habitat homes will be placed in a Community Land Trust to ensure the homes remain in the stock of affordable housing. “This is a fantastic opportunity for the city of Boynton Beach and Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County to provide a community of Habitat homes that will be forever affordable,” commented Mike Campbell, executive director of Habitat SPBC. Habitat SPBC has been serving the communities of Boynton Beach, Delray

The emcee, WPTV News channel 5’s Mike Trim, with Linda Gove, development director for Habitat for Humanity SPBC Beach, and Boca Raton since an important step in revital1991, and has to date com- izing the heart of Boynton pleted 93 homes, compris- Beach,” noted Mike Wiling housing for over 300 liams, associate executive families. The Ocean Breeze director and head of Family West project marks the first Services at Habitat SPBC. To learn more about multi-house development the organization will con- Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach, visit struct. “Bringing 21 new fami- www.habitatsouthpalmlies into the community is

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14 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune MUNICIPAL East/West Boca Raton, FL

Lynn University Installing New Front, Rear Entrances Boca Police Safety Tip Q. What should a driver do when approaching an intersection in which traffic lights are not working? A. According to FSS 316.1235, the driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection in which the traffic lights are inoperative shall stop. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another highway, or which is approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when the driver is moving across or within the intersection. Crime and safety questions are answered by officers from the Boca Raton Police Crime Prevention Unit. For more information, visit

Boca Raton Police Blotter

THEFT OF AUTO PARTS 01/28/2012 17:40 5200 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE On 01/18/12, between 1545hrs and 1740hrs, unknown individual(s) removed 4 wheels and tires from a Nissan Skyline. FRAUD 13:26 2001 NW 2ND AVENUE On 01/27/12 at about 1326hrs officer responded to Swifty`s Market on NW 2nd Ave re: a fraud investigation. The complainant advised a known suspect had cashed two checks after placing a stop payment on them. THEFT 01/25/2012 11:55 2631 NW 1ST AVE Unknown subjects in a light colored work van cut the wires to two surveillance cameras, cut the lock to the gate and stole a 2005 silver, Yamaha 225 outboard motor, from a 24-ft Everglades 243 boat, located in the boat yard. SHOPLIFTING/ RETAIL THEFT 01/26/2012 520 S FEDERAL HWY Andre Como, 34, was arrested for walking out of CVS with a pair of sunglasses worth $17.99 without paying. Issued a notice to appear in court and released. THEFT FROM BUILDING 01/26/2012 5100 TOWN CENTER CIRCLE Victim reported that a Dupont Gatsby lighter with cigar cutter, valued at $3,000, was taken from the desk in his office.

BOCA RATON -Lynn University officials have started work on a key element of the school’s “Lynn University’s comprehensive master plan recently approved by the City of Boca Raton” approved master plan, new front and rear entrances. The renovation and upgrade of the university’s main entrance on Military Trail will include a traffic light and five lanes for better traffic flow. The school plans to complete both entrances before it hosts the http:// final 2012 presidential debate on Oct. 22. To accommodate this expansion, three oak trees were relocated on campus over winter break, and 15 trees (pine, live oak and black olive) were removed.

In accordance with standards set by the city of Boca Raton, 62 new mature trees are being planted to replace every inch of tree trunk removed. The new trees include 42 pine trees ranging from 12’ to 16’ in height, 13 live oak trees 18’ in height, and seven bald cypress trees ranging from 8’ to 12’ height. Not only will these trees add to the beauty of Lynn’s campus, but they will also provide shade along many of the walkways and homes to many of the birds and wildlife that call the university home. Robert Sheetz of Boca Raton, Fla., pledged $1 million to make Lynn’s new front entrance a reality. “This will be the first impression that potential students and their fami-

Lynn University lies have of our campus,” said President Kevin M. Ross. The new entrance to the university on Potomac Road will also include a new back perimeter road that will involve the relocation of the existing nature preserve to the western edge of campus. Relocation of the preserve and a new entrance, roadway and guard shack are required before continuing construction for the campus’ master plan development. Longtime friend of

Lynn, Benjamin Olewine III of Harrisburg, Pa., and Boca Raton, has pledged $1 million to create this new entrance. The newlynamed Benjamin Olewine III Preserve, home to Florida scrub – the oldest plant community in Florida – will provide a living laboratory for the study of this ecosystem (considered an imperiled plant community by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory), including seven animal species and 40 plants listed as rare, threatened or endangered.

Interviews, ‘Meet and Greet’ Sessions Set for Superintendent Hopefuls The School Board of Palm Beach County has scheduled informal and formal interviews and two “Meet and Greet” events with the four finalists for school superintendent. Informal interviews will be conducted by board members who will meet individually with each of the applicants from Monday, February 6 through Wednesday, February 8 at District Headquarters. The public is invited to meet the four finalists at a “Meet and Greet” on Monday, February 6 in the School District’s Board Room from 6-8 p.m. A second “Meet and Greet” co-sponsored by the School District of Palm

Beach County and the Glades Tri-Cities Coalition is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7 at Glades Central High School, 1001 SW Ave. M, Belle Glade, from 5 to 7 p.m. The formal interviews will be held in the School District’s Board Room on Wednesday February 8, and are open to the public. 12:30-1:55 p.m. for Tom Watkins 2-3:25 p.m. for Constance Jones, Ph.D. 3:30-4:55 p.m. for James Browder, Ed.D. 5-6:25 p.m. for Janis Andrews, Ed.D. The School District of Palm Beach County is located at 3300 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm Beach. For more

information, contact Frieda Proctor at (561) 434-8953. The School Board expects to appoint the new superintendent March 1, and he or she will begin June 1. From an initial 23 candidates, board members on Jan. 18 named Constance Jones, Tom Watkins, Janis Andrews and James Browder as finalists for the top School District position. Andrews currently serves as the county’s assistant superintendent of Curriculum and Learning Support. Jones has experience as the Lee County School District’s chief executive officer. Browder’s experience includes serving as Lee

County Schools superintendent from 2003 to 2010. He also has taught high school, has been a university adjunct professor, a principal, assistant superintendent for district operations and a college administrator. Watkins, a Michiganbased education and business consultant, once served as executive director of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County. The new school chief replaces Interim Superintendent Bill Malone, who recently resigned for health reasons. Malone was chosen to replace Dr. Art Johnson, who was let go as schools superintendent last year.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 15


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BOCA LIFE & ARTS The Boca Raton Tribune

February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 • Year II • Number 085

Bob Lappin and The Palm Beach Pops Honor the Legacy of Louis Armstrong This February Rousing Tribute to Include Performances by Tony Award Winner Lillias White and Virtuoso Trumpeter Longineu Parsons Bob Lappin & The Palm Beach Pops celebrate the great Louis Armstrong with Tony Award Winner Lillias White and renowned trumpeter and vocalist Longineu Parsons to honor the legacy of this legendary musician. With a six-night South Florida engagement entitled “Wonderful World: A Salute to Louis Armstrong,” the concert series will run February 6 & 7 at the Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, February 8, 10 & 11 at The Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium at FAU, Boca Raton and February 12 at the Eissey Campus Theatre at Palm Beach State College in Palm Beach Gardens. Fans will swing to the sounds of classic Armstrong standards such as “Hello Dolly,” “Mack the Knife,” and “Wonderful World,” among many other favorites. Lillias White Lillias White, the Brooklyn, New York native made her Broadway debut in Barnum in 1981. White earned a Tony Award for The Life and an additional nomination for Fela! White’s other Broadway credits include How

to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Cats and Once on This Island. She also received an Emmy Award for her portrayal of Lillian Edwards on Sesame Street. Lillias White joined the cast of Love, Loss and What I Wore on January

4, 2012 at off-Broadway’s Westside Theatre and will appear in the show through January 29th. Longineu Parsons Longineu Parsons has been hailed by critics internationally as one of the world’s finest trumpet players. He is also a master of recorders, flute, percussion, and sings the blues. His music crosses genres and defies classification. It’s jazz, it’s funk, it’s blues, it’s classic, it’s

urban, it’s world fusion, it’s good. His music serves as a metaphor for crossing restrictive boundaries that separate people and confine human potential. Over his 25-year career, Longineu has performed in some thirty countries and has shared the stage

and recording studio with Cab Calloway, Nat Adderley, Cecil Taylor, Nancy Wilson, Joe Williams, Herbie Mann, Frank Foster, Wycliff Gordon and many others. About Louis Armstrong Recognized as a founding father of jazz, Louis Armstrong made a profound impact on popular culture as one of the first great celebrities of the twentieth century. His legacy lives on to this day


the world over as many musicians seek to imitate his exciting, innovative style. Armstrong’s easy, unassuming manner, great sense of humor and upbeat

more than thirty films. Tickets February 6 & 7 at 8:00p.m. – Kravis Center, West Palm Beach February 8, 10 & 11 at

outlook endeared him to everyone he encountered. He recorded hit songs for five decades, performed an average of 300 concerts each year, and appeared in

8:00 p.m. – Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium at FAU, Boca Raton February 12 at 8:00 p.m.

Black Flying Heroes Known by Their “Red Tails”

continued on pg.16

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See page 22


See page 22

16 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL continued from pg.15

Bob Lappin and The Palm Beach Pops Honor the Legacy of Louis Armstrong February 6-8 & 10-12, 2012 – Eissey Campus Theatre, Palm Beach Gardens Tickets $29-$89; Call 561-832-7677 or visit About Bob Lappin and The Palm Beach Pops Founded in 1991 by Music Director and Conductor, Bob Lappin, The Palm Beach Pops quickly distinguished itself as a

world-class pops orchestra with a debut concert in 1992. In collaboration with the best musicians and guest artists on the international music scene, The Palm Beach Pops performs over 36 subscription concerts a year in South Florida at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West

Palm Beach, The Carole and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Eissey Campus Theatre at Palm Beach Community College in Palm Beach Gardens as well as other national venues. The Palm Beach Pops’ comprehensive education and com-

munity outreach program has engaged over 85,000 students since its inception in 1998. Their dedication to the preservation of the American Songbook continues to allow the orchestra to garner national and international acclaim as a premier pops orchestra. Bob Lappin and the

Palm Beach Pops is a notfor-profit 501(c)(3) organization. For information about the Palm Beach Pops In-School Youth Music Education Program, Tickets for Children & Families Program, volunteer opportunities and www.palmbeachpops. org., tax-deductible dona-

tions, call 561-832-POPS or go to Dates, prices, artists and programs are subject to change. The Palm Beach Pops is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely through the generosity of individual donations, institutional grants, and concert income.

Regis Philbin to speak at YMCA’s annual prayer breakfast

BOCA RATON – Longtime talk show host and veteran TV personality Regis Philbin wioll be the guest speaker at the YMCA of South Palm

Beach County’s 10th Annual Prayer Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. February 9 at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. The Prayer Breakfast is the largest annual fundraiser for the YMCA of South Palm Beach County, seeing upwards of 500 guests and featuring impactful and inspiring keynote speakers. Past speakers included Tim Tebow’s parents, Bob and Pam; FAU football coach, Howard Schnellenberger; for-

mer Florida State University football coach Bobby Bowden; Wally “Famous” Amos and Amway cofounder and Orlando Magic owner Rich DeVos, among others. “I want to give special thanks this year to Yvonne S. Boice and recognize the exemplary efforts she has made over the years to establish the Prayer Breakfast as one of Palm Beach County’s premier community events,” said Dick

Pollock, CEO, YMCA of South Palm Beach County. “I’d also like to show sincere appreciation to our newest trustee, Marv Russell. Without his help, we would not have been able to secure our spectacular mystery speaker,” Pollock said. ‘It has been a tremendous honor to serve as the Chair of the Y’s Prayer Breakfast,” said Boice. “As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we can take

pride in having developed a significant event that unites the community, and attracts stellar nationally recognized speakers. I am especially delighted by this year’s legendary guest, and know it will be a breakfast to remember.” Tickets for the Prayer Breakfast are $75 and additional sponsorship opportunities are available. For details on how to sponsor this event, to purchase tickets and for more infor-

mation, please visit www. or contact Georgia Rose by calling 561.237.0944. The event benefits the YMCA of South Palm Beach County’s Financial Assistance Program, which ensures that no one is turned away due to the inability to pay and gives families in need the opportunity to take part in all the Y has to offer, from preschool and sports to aftercare.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 17


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18 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

continued from pg. 7

The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Temple Beth Shira congregation is ‘wandering’ no more

Temple Beth Shira Spiritual Leader, Cantor Ellen Stettner, and Temple Beth Shalom President Howard Rosenhouse

Nancy and Past President Rick Alovis

Veronica Block and Karyn Shapiro

From left, Lisa Etzi, Robin Oberman, David Marcus, Stephanie Aghassi, Dan Goldwasser, Gail Tarzy, Stephen Etzi, and Roxana Aghassi (or just say Temple Beth Shira Members)

From left, Nisa Gelwasser, Ruth Kalish, Tamah Portman, and Judy Fiestal

Temple Beth Shira Board of Directors, from left, Joel Dalva, Cliff Gross, Dr. David Clayman, Joel Tepper, Rick Alovis, Dan Goldwasser, Ruth Kalish,- Marc Shapiro, David Marcus, Cantor Ellen Stettner (Photo by Karyn Shapiro) (not present but very much missed, Steve & Beverly Sanders, and Lisa Haber)

continued from pg. 3

Palm Beach Opera has Red Carpet Gala Anniversary

Alvaro Martinez-Fonts, Hillary Matchett, Jonathan Diamond & Brad Deflin

Mac Schwebel with John & Zelda Schwebel

Zach Solomon with Cathy & Marc Solomon

Sigrid & Hans Bauman

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 19

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20 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL SPOTLIGHT

Salt Suite Grand Opening The Salt Suite, a 2,000 square foot healing and relaxation mecca celebrated their official Grand Opening last Wednesday evening, and their supporters were out in full force! Dozens packed the place as Jessica and Elliot Helmer, the husband and wife owner team wielded the ever-popular giant scissors and took part in the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce’s ribbon cut-

ting ceremony, officially signifying that they were open and ready for business. Guests who attended the event were treated to delicious bites from area restaurants including Lemongrass, Nature’s Way Café, and Sophie N Me, sipped wine, and swayed to the soothing sounds of local musician Andre Heizer. Each guest also had the privilege of participating in

Co-Owners Elliot and Jessica Helmer speak to the crowd at the Grand Opening of The Salt Suite

a complimentary halotherapy session, a relaxing treatment in which one reclines in a zero-gravity chair in a dimly lit room. Designed to mimic ancient European salt caves, Dead Sea salt covers the floors and lines the walls of the room. Meanwhile, Dead Sea salt is being pumped through the air via a halogenerator, which is where the real healing action comes in to play. When

the air is inhaled, the salt particles break down and stimulate the respiratory tract, providing a 100% natural alternative to find relief from skin conditions, stress, and respiratory. After their treatment, guests were treated to a take-home gift bag of the Dead Sea Salts which can be used in a soothing bath or as a luxurious salt scrub.

Michael Malone, President of the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce, Jessica and Elliot Helmer, and Kimberly Carnerjo, Chairwoman od the board of the Greater Delray Chamber of Commerce.

Children enjoying the Kids Salt Room

One of the guests enjoys the Salt Suite during the grand opening.

Dr. S. Benjamin Roldan - D.M.D. - M.S. - P.A. and Associates

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 21

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The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL SPOTLIGHT

Spady Museum Overflows With Guests and Gifts prayer, poetry recitals, and a musical performance of Negro spirituals by the Pasco Baker Concert Choir. Students Grace Sauers and Molly Ramsey, winners of the Palm Beach Poetry Festival contest, presented their works recognizing the contributions of the slain civil rights leaders, and then lit the unity candle.

The Pasco Baker Concert Choir performing at the breakfast.

Delray Beach Assistant City Manager Bob Barcinski, left, with Delray Beach City Manager David T. Harden

Blaise Allen, PhD, left, and Lauren Hornicker-Gabay of the Palm Beach Poetry Festival

Palm Beach Poetry Festival student winners and presenters Molly Ramsay, left, and Grace Sauers

Representatives of the Palm Beach Provisional Group of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

Spady Museum Assistant Chudnei Bennett, left, with Museum Administrator Charlene Jones

Charlene Jones, Elrika Richards, with daughters Rayna Richards and Rayven Richards, with Whitney Green, Quincy Green and Vera Farrington

DELRAY BEACH -The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum received a special gift from the Palm Beach Provisional Group of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. as more than 170 guests looked on at its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast Jan. 16 at the Delray Beach Golf Club. The board and staff of the museum accepted

a bookcase and children’s books from Group President Elrika Richards and Group Program Director Whitney Green. The gift will be added to the Kids’ Clubhouse, which recently opened to the public and is the newest addition to the Spady complex on NW Fifth Avenue in Delray Beach. Staff plans for the Clubhouse to be a hub of intergenerational

programs and cultural creativity for its youngest members. “Thank you for thinking of the Spady Museum with this thoughtful and generous donation,” said Museum Administrator Charlene Jones. “We will put it to good use, serving our children.” The program also celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. King with

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22 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

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By Denise Righetti

By Skip Sheffield

Black Flying Heroes Known by Their “Red Tails”

Most Americans have not heard of the Tuskegee Airmen. Perhaps “Red Tails” will correct that oversight and add some real-life black heroes for African-American children. Founded in 1881, Tuskegee Institute is a historically black university in Alabama where some of the most celebrated African-American scholars have studied and taught. When the United States entered World War II, Tuskegee Institute recruited a group of young men to be trained as combat pilots. The men were duly trained, but there was a major problem: the U.S. Armed Forces were segregated. Furthermore, a now-discredited Army study in 1925 alleged that blacks were mentally inferior and unable to cope with complicated machinery such as airplanes. The Tuskegee Airmen, formally known as the 332nd Fighter Group, were deployed to Europe, but as of 1944 they had not seen actual combat. They were equipped with wellworn, obsolete P-40 fighter planes and had to be content with just doing practice drills. A long-gestating project by George Lucas, “Red Tails” recounts the turning point, when not only did the Tuskegee Airmen prove them-

Scene from the George Lucas film, “Red Tails”

selves; they performed above and beyond the call of duty. Lucas had a challenge financing the project because its principal cast is all African-American. The two box office names are Terrence Howard as Col. A.J. Bullard and Cuba Gooding, Jr. as Major Emmanuelle Stance. The year is 1944 in Sicily, Italy. Back in Washington, Col. Bullard is pleading the case for his men. Finally the Tuskegee Airmen are given a chance to prove themselves in the extremely dangerous assignment of providing escorts for bombers. “Red Tails” is an oldfashioned film that is a lot like any other war movie. The difference is the race of the characters and the additional obstacles they must overcome. There is the harddrinking squadron leader Marty “Easy” Julian (Nate Parker); fearless flying ace Joe “Light-

ning” Little (David Oyelowo); runty Ray “Junior” Gannon and flippant Samuel “Joker” George (Elijah Kelly), under the command of taciturn, pipe-smoking Maj. Stance (Gooding). Director Anthony Hemingway and screen writer John Ridley show us pointed examples of discrimination and bigotry, but they also show the grudging, growing admiration of white bomber pilots, who came to specifically request the brave pilots of the 322nd as escorts. The computer-enhanced air battles are much more convincing than war films of yore. There is even a token romance between Lightning Joe (Oyelowo) and Sofia (Daniela Rush) a beautiful Italian woman. “Red Tails” is a bit corny, clichéd and rahrah, but in a good way that makes anyone, black or white, proud to be an American Three stars

Andrew‘s Restaurant My friend Tracy and I headed over to Andrew’s last week to have dinner. Tracy had been to Andrew’s just once before for happy hour and had only been to the bar. Upon arriving, we noticed some people gathering on the patio. It appeared there was some sort of networking event going on which drew a nice crowd of people. We arrived a little after 7:30pm on Thursday night and as we stepped inside the restaurant, we were warmly greeted and shown to a nice table with a booth towards the back. The buzz of people chatting, laughter and the sound of glasses clinking contributed to a vibrant ambiance; the place was busy and the live entertainment was a nice touch. Our waiter, Aaron, arrived shortly after we were seated and introduced himself to us. He informed us that he had recently been promoted to waiter and we could tell he was both proud and a little bit nervous of this fact. He asked if we would like to order some wine and when we expressed interest in hearing his recommendation for wines by the glass, he was quick to recommend the Andeluna Malbec ($8) and the J. Lohr Seven Oaks Cab ($10). We went with his recommendation and were both pleased with our selections. The waiter’s assistant came over to the table next and was very sweet and made small talk with us as he filled our beautiful cobalt glasses with water and delivered a basket of warm, thinly

sliced ciabatta bread. The bread came with a side of olive tapenade. Not a big fan of olives, but a lover of olive oil, I asked if it would be possible to get a side of olive oil and grated parmesan cheese. My request was happily accommodated. Aaron then returned with our wines and offered to tell us about the specials. After examining the menu, we decided on the following: Andrew’s Salad ($13), Mixed Greens, Tomatoes, Walnuts, Dried Cranberries, and Feta Cheese, with a Balsamic Tarragon Dressing. We appreciated that Aaron asked if we’d like that split in the back. This salad was quite large, so it made for a great choice for sharing. I like this salad and despite it being packed with toppings, they all co-exist very nicely and the dressing has just the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. The next thing we tried was the Stuffed Portobello ($14). The Portobello mushroom was stuffed with Baby Spinach, Mascarpone Cheese, Artichoke Hearts, Parmesan, and then drizzled with aged Balsamic Reduction. This was a really unique dish and something we both agreed was a two thumbs up! For our entree, we tried the Filet Mignon ($32), an 8 Oz Filet Mignon grilled to perfection and served with Baby Carrots, Roasted Garlic Smashed Potatoes and topped with Gorgonzola Butter and Mushroom Bordelaise Sauce. The steak was absolutely perfect. Perfectly

seasoned, perfectly cooked and the mushroom bordelaise sauce was off the charts. Both Tracy and I both agreed that this steak rivaled any that you’d find served at the best steak houses in the country. For dessert, we shared the Chocolate Marquise ($8), a royal treat featuring a decadent dark truffle mousse, with a hint of hazelnut, garnished with a mini chocolate bar, and hazelnut. Andrew’s offers live entertainment every Wednesday through Saturday. Dine al fresco on their spacious outdoor patio, which is pet-friendly and be sure to check out their Happy Hour every Monday through Friday from 4 – 7pm featuring a full bar menu and half priced drinks. “LIKE” Andrew’s on facebook to receive updates and specials: Andrew’s is a little difficult to find. The address is 99 SE Mizner Blvd, although you’ll never find it if you are relying strictly on the address to get you there. They are located on the first floor of Palmetto Place condos; The entrance to the condos face SE Mizner Blvd and Andrew’s is on the west side of the building. If you are heading east on Palmetto Park Rd, take the very first right east of Federal Highway. Look for the ground sign with Andrew’s name on it and turn onto a cobble stone street and go past the fountain and Andrew’s will be on your left. 561-391-7939.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 23

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24 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 25

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Travel Tips and Trends for 2012 If you are planning a vacation this year, then you won’t want to miss this fun, free and informative event being held at Bloomingdale’s, Boca Raton February 16 at 6 p.m., Designer Level 2. Travel Tips and Trends for 2012 will be a fast-paced journey through the ins and outs of choosing a destination, booking flights and cruises, understanding new government regulations and so much more. Yvonne S. Boice, the owner of Fugazy International Travel, and a renowned globe-trotter with over 140 countries logged on her passport, will share her savvy insights and then introduce an array of other segments including the fashion forecast, suitcase smarts and so much more. Guests who attend this event will receive a complimentary cocktail and internationally-inspired appetizers. Plus, Bloomingdale’s is pleased to donate 10 percent of tracked sales from the event to the Center for the Arts and the Palm Beach International Film Festival. “People are excited about planning vacations again,” said Boice. “But you want to travel smart. Knowing the latest information can save you time and money. The key to a great vacation is enjoying yourself and this event should be your first destination!” While Boice will touch on a variety of important topics that will educate with both novice and seasoned travelers, one of the most significant areas she

From left are Paula Pianta, Yvonne Boice and Kelli-Ann Bloechinger. will discuss is how to obThe fashion forecast tain Global Entry qualifi- and suitcase smarts will be cation when you return to two other outstanding segthe US. There is big buzz ments during this event. in the industry about this As we all know traveling program and getting this light is more cost effective, expedited clearance can but we still want to be susave you lots of hassles and per stylish. So what’s a chic time! traveler to do? Bloomies’ “We are so excited to gurus will show us some be working with Yvonne fashionable choices that on this event,” said Paula pack well, and we will learn Pianta, General Manager some secrets to getting of Bloomingdale’s Boca everything we need into Raton. “To compliment her our suitcases...while havinsights, we are going to ing them still shut!! be featuring the best travel Another added bonus fashions and showcasing will be a presentation by Lethe latest suitcases and dia Cano, the District Sales proper packing procedures. Manager Southeast Region We hope guests will then of Celebrity Cruises. be inspired to go shop This will be such a fun ping, as we are delighted evening!! Book your seat to be donating 10 percent now!! of tracked sales to these To RSVP to this comoutstanding cultural insti- plimentary event please call tutions that bring so much 561-394-2228. to our community.”

‘Divorce Party the Musical’ continues at Kravis WEST PALM BEACH – “Divorce Party the Musical” continues through Feb. 19 in the Rinker Playhouse at the Kravis Center. The performance is the world premiere of the new musical from the producer of the off-Broadway hit, “Menopause the Musical.” In this show, Linda (Janna Cardia), still reeling from her divorce, is rescued by her three friends (Felicia Finley, Soara-Joye Ross and Janet Dickenson) who have come to turn her despair into a weekend of hilarity. Using popular songs

The cast of “Divorce Party the Musical” includes, from left, Janet Dickenson, Soara-Joye Ross, Janna Cardia and Felicia Finley.

with clever new lyrics, the ladies sing and dance their way through a wild divorce party. It’s the ultimate Girls’ Night Out, coupled with a healthy dose of comic mayhem and a touch of “naughty.” Also appearing is Scott

Ahearn, who plays all the male roles. The performance is for adult audiences. Tickets start at $25 and are available by calling 561-6514312 or visiting Photo courtesy of The Republic.

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26 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85



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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 27

The Boca Raton Tribune

Boca, Delray hospitals earn top HealthGrades rankings Delray Beach Medical Center and Boca Raton Regional Hospital announced that HealthGrades, the nation’s leading independent healthcare ratings organization, has named them as Distinguished Hospitals for Clinical Excellence™ for the eighth year in a row. This distinction places them among the top 5 percent of hospitals nationwide for clinical performance.

This latest accolade for Boca Raton Regional Hospital adds to a growing list of honors. In addition to the 2012 Distinguished Hospital Award, the hospital is also the recipient of HealthGrades 2012 Best 100 Hospitals in the Nation for: Cardiac Care, Stroke Care, Gastrointestinal Care, General Surgery and Prostatectomy in an analysis of patient outcomes at each of the

nation’s 5,000 nonfederal hospitals. Overall, Boca Regional achieved 20 five-star ratings, nine Specialty Excellence Awards and #1 in state rankings for Gastrointestinal Medical Treatment and Overall Gastrointestinal Treatment for 2012. “This most recent study marks the eighth year in a row that Boca Raton Regional Hospital has

Ernst & Young opens nominations for Entrepreneur Of The Year® Ernst & Young LLP is calling for nominations for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 Awards, recognized as one of the most prestigious business award programs in the country. The deadline for applications is March 9, with the Florida Awards ceremony scheduled for Thursday, June 14 in Orlando. Now in its 26th year, the program has honored the inspirational leadership of such entrepreneurs as Jeff Bezos of, Michael Dell of Dell Inc., Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, Fred Smith of FedEx, Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google, Richard Schulze of Best Buy, Andrew Mason of Groupon, Reid Hoffman

and Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn, and many more. Closer to home, Florida award recipients have included Wayne Huizenga of Huizenga Holdings and Mindy Grossman of HSN, Inc. “Entrepreneurs are the key to the innovation, economic growth and job creation that we need so desperately in America right now,” said Patrick Gramling, Ernst & Young partner and Entrepreneur of the Year Florida Program Host. “Our Entrepreneur of the Year Program celebrates the stories of these men and women whose confidence, tenacity and drive to be the next business leaders are already impacting the way we live and

work as well as the revitalization of our economy.” Last year, 13 entrepreneurs in 11 categories from Florida were selected as Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. It included James Patrick of National Healing Corporation, Boca Raton, in the health care category. The Entrepreneur of the Year Program honors entrepreneurs regionally in June. All regional honorees are then invited to the national Entrepreneur of the Year gala, hosted by Jay Leno, on Nov. 17 in Palm Springs, Calif. For information on the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in Florida, visit http://cts.

received the Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence award,” said Jerry J. Fedele, president and CEO of Boca Regional. “We are proud of the contributions of our physicians, nurses and staff in achieving outstanding patient care. These designations are a testament to the commitment to clinical excellence in patient care we strive to provide day in and day out.”

As to Delray Medical Center, Kristin Reed, MPH, HealthGrades vice president of hospital rankings and author of the study, said the facility “can be proud of the contributions of its physicians, nurses and staff in achieving outstanding patient care. The Delray Beach community is fortunate to have access to some of the highest quality hospital care in the na-

tion.” “This is a major achievement for Delray Medical Center, as it confirms our patient outcomes are some of the best in the country,” said Mark Bryan, CEO. “This is a direct reflection of our experienced and dedicated clinical staff, who have worked above and beyond to help Delray achieve this prestigious distinction.”

New Business In Boca That You Can Trust Started by a local father-son team, (MVP), which soft launched earlier this month, was created to help consumers feel confident when searching for a service professional. Rather than blindly searching for a professional through the Internet, the consumer can search through MVP’s database and know that the professional that they have chosen is competent and comes with a clean record. In order to be included in MVP’s database, all candidates must pass an in-depth background check that includes a criminal and

sex offender registry check, plus go through a process that verifies whether the professional does indeed have the necessary licenses, training, education and background that they claim to have. “Consumers want to know that the person they are inviting into their home does not have any past indiscretions, or a laundry list of complaints,” says the company’s co-founder, David Fredrickson. MVP stands apart from other ‘lookup’ sites out there in that it is completely free to the consumer (ahem, Angie’s List!) and provides a full background

check (looking at you, BeenVerified!). MVP will launch initially in South Florida over a three month period, and then expand nationally. “You hear daily, horror stories of individuals being taken advantage of by someone who wasn’t who they claimed to be, or worse yet, violent crimes committed when a client is in a vulnerable position,” said Fredrickson. Please let me know if you’d be interested in speaking with the local entrepreneur team who has their sights set on changing the ‘Yellow Page’ industry as we know it.

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28 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune BUSINESS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Broken Sound club earns state DEP honors for recycling BOCA RATON – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has honored the www.brokensoundclub. org, Broken Sound Club golf and country club community for its outstanding recycling efforts. It is the latest recognition for the Club’s deep commitment to the environment. John Crean, general manager of Broken Sound Club, accepted

the commendation for achieving a municipal solid waste recycling rate of 92 percent at the community. Broken Sound, which employs 350 people and is home to nearly 1,600 families, has woven environmental stewardship into every aspect of its operations. Broken Sound Club is only the second golf facility in the U.S. to be www.golfenvironment. org/clubs/brokensound.

The Club also launched the operation of an environmental composter/digester to reduce green and food waste and produce refined compost and is host to the “http:// allianzchampionship. com PGA Tour Allianz Championship, Feb 6-12, which will be among the nation’s first zero waste golf tournaments. Named a Five Star Platinum Club of America by the Club Man-

ager’s Association of America - a distinction held by fewer than 3 percent of the nation’s 6,000 private clubs Broken Sound spans approximately 1,000 acres. The community provides a multi-faceted social and recreational hub with two golf courses, a 23-court tennis center and 27 residential villages, ranging from custom estate homes to patio homes, villas and townhomes.

DEP Southeast Assistant Director, Kevin Claridge (left), presents award to John Crean, general manager (right) and Joseph Hubbard, golf course superintendent.

Commission Gets the OK for Job Growth Incentive Grant BOCA RATON -- At its regular meeting January 24, the Board of County Commissioners conceptually approved a Job Growth Incentive Grant of $75,000, to be matched by the city of Boca Raton, for Digital Risk, LLC.

A business and financial services firm specializing in mortgage underwriting services, Digital Risk is considering leasing 25,000 square feet of office space in Boca Raton and plans to create 150 full-time jobs within three (3) years at an average an-

nual salary of $48,048, excluding benefits. Through the efforts of Palm Beach County, the city of Boca Raton, the Business Development Board and Workforce Alliance, the company has secured a $750,000 Qualified Target Industry tax

refund from the state of Florida, which requires a $150,000 local match. Workforce Alliance responded to the company’s needs for a specific skill set in hiring local employees by conducting a job and recruitment fair in our community, which

resulted in identifying at least 60 screened candidates meeting the company’s qualifications. According to an analysis by the county’s Economic Development Office, this project would have a $130 million economic impact over a five-

year period, generating $6.7 million in state and local taxes. Digital Risk, LLC has some 1,000 employees in other areas of Florida and has additional offices in New York, Texas and Colorado.

Boca Hospital Now Offers Advanced Radiation Therapy for Cancer BOCA RATON – Boca Raton Regional Hospital is partnering with ProCure Treatment Centers Inc. to offer proton radiation therapy, an advanced treatment for many cancers. It should be available by 2015. BRRH officials said the facility will be only the 11th proton therapy treatment center in the United States and will join a prestigious list of institutions that offer the technology, including the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Loma Linda University, Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania. “The addition of proton therapy expands our capabilities in radiation oncology exponentially,” said Tim Williams, MD, medical director of Radiation Oncology at Boca Regional’s Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer

Institute. “By bringing the most advanced radiation treatment machine in the world to Boca Raton, we will greatly enhance our Cancer Institute’s reputation as a destination program for cancer patients.” Dr. Williams said proton therapy is a form of radiation treatment without many of the short and long-term side effects often experienced with standard radiation therapy and is the most advanced cancer treatment for many types of tumors. Studies have shown proton therapy to be effective in treating brain, head and neck, central nervous system, lung, pediatric and prostate tumors, as well as cancers that cannot be removed completely by surgery. Unlike standard radiation therapy (which uses Xrays), proton therapy is much

more precise, killing cancer cells and reducing the risk of damage to nearby structures. The difference between the two therapies is that protons deposit almost all of their energy (radiation) directly in the tumor, allowing patients to receive higher, more effective doses, and reducing damage to healthy tissue near the tumor. Research shows proton therapy can cause fewer short and long-term side effects than standard radiation therapy, reduce the occurrence of secondary tumors and improve patients’ quality of life. Proton therapy is safe, non-invasive and painless for most patients. It does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. Depending on the type of tumor, treatments can be given in a day or may take up to eight weeks. The total number of treatments

needed depends on the location, size, and type of the tumor. Actual time under beam is several minutes but total daily treatment sessions typically range from 15 to 30 minutes due to the time spent positioning the patient for this precise treatment. “Unlike X-ray radiation, the inherent advantages of proton therapy allow higher doses to be used, and it can be used with chemotherapy or other biological therapies because it generally affects less bone marrow or other normal tissue near the target,” said Dr. Williams. The Center’s 50,000 square foot facility will house a superconducting cyclotron that generates the proton beam and weighs over 200,000 pounds. It feeds the ultra-high energy particle beam into massive three-story gantries and then into

individual treatment rooms where they are precisely targeted into a patient’s tumor. Hospital officials said it will be the perfect complement to the recently announced Marcus Neuroscience Institute, where cutting-edge treatments and world-class research will be conducted on all aspects of the neurosciences, including neuro-oncology. The combination of the two centers will make Boca Raton Regional Hospital one of the leading centers in the entire world for the treatment of brain tumors. The proton center will also be affiliated with the Physics Department at Florida Atlantic University, whose graduate students will come for education and training. And it will bring dozens of skilled, high technology jobs to the local area.

The center will be operated by ProCure, the country’s leading provider of proton therapy. “ProCure is excited to bring proton therapy to Boca Raton Regional Hospital and patients with cancer in south Florida. We look forward to moving ahead with this project and making treatment available for patients,” said Chris Chandler, senior vice president for ProCure. Hadley Ford, CEO of ProCure, added. And Jerry Fedele, president and CEO of Boca Raton Regional Hospital, said: “The creation of a ProCure Center on the campus of Boca Regional is indicative of our cancer program’s mission to provide the most advanced, sophisticated and effective therapies for our patients with cancer.”

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 29

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The Boca Raton Tribune BUSINESS East/West Boca Raton, FL


What are three important steps one can take to prepare for retirement? 60% of Americans approaching retirement do not have any financial strategy in place. Nearly 42% of workers and retirees just guess, when asked how much money they will need for retirement. These guesses are typically wrong. Here are three steps an investor can take to better prepare for retirement, since there is no better time to prepare, then the present. • Formulate a Budget: As simplistic as this may seem, you need to know how much it costs you to live each month. It is crucial to know where you stand presently, in order to maintain your lifestyle during your retirement years. • Review your Portfolio: Are your current investments appropriate your lifestyle and needs? Could it be time to move over to fixed income invest-

ments and start receiving monthly cash flow? Are you pulling money from your principle to live on each month? • Acknowledge that an investment is not performing as expected: Perhaps you need to take initiative and sell positions that are underperforming? Holding on to underperforming investments could be detrimental to a retirement plan. Accepting that you may have made an error in judgment regarding an investment, and moving out of it, is extremely important for maintaining your principal. There is no time to waste when you are building your retirement funds. Kathryn Mayer (2011). Study: Most Americans have no financial plan for the unexpected, August 2011, Benefits Selling Magazine; http://www.benefitspro. com/2011/08/01/study-

most-americans-have-nofinancial-plan-for-th. Michelle Singletary (2011). 42% guessing how much money they’ll need in retirement, March 2011, The Washington Post with Bloomkberg; economy/42percentguessing-how-muchmoney-theyll-need-inretirement/2011/03/15/ ABPDQ5g_story.html Securities offered through vFinance Investments, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Child Group Wealth Management (CGWM) advisors are registered with National Asset Management, Inc., a SEC Registered Investment Advisor and affiliate of vFin. Accounts are carried by National Financial Services LLC, Member NYSE/SIPC, a Fidelity Investments company. NAM and vFin are not affiliated with CGWM.

Bobbin for Dollars and Sense is written by Robert Child, President of Boca Raton-based financial company, Child Group Wealth Management. Bob is known for his common sense perspective. He understands how to think and act during critical times. Few of today’s active financial advisors have lived through the NYC Bankruptcy Crisis of 1975 or the Washington Public Power Supply System debacle of 1983. Bob believes both financial catastrophes have strong similarities to today’s economic quagmire. When economic times and financial markets were tough, Bob was there and learned from those financial tragedies, first-hand. Advising clients for almost 40 years, Bob has a team of seasoned and disciplined professionals working aside him servicing retirees and soon-to-be retirees, for over eight decades, combined, by carefully assessing the personal needs and financial goals of their clients.


BUSINESS BITS BOCA RATON -- Banyan Rail Services Inc. announced that Jon D. Ryan has been named president of its wholly-owned subsidiary, The Wood Energy Group, Inc. Ryan, who also serves as Banyan Rail’s chief financial officer, has over 14 years of major accounting firm experience, including as a senior assurance manager at both Ernst & Young in Fort Lauderdale and Smoak, Davis & Nixon LLP in Jacksonville. Ryan, a CPA, holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of North Florida. He succeeds Greg Smith, who resigned from Wood Energy to pursue other interests. Wood Energy is one of the nation’s largest railroad tie reclamation and disposal companies. BOCA RATON -- Coverall Health-Based Cleaning System®, a leading franchisor of commercial cleaning businesses, has appointed Laura J. Hendricks as its president and Chief Executive Officer. Hendricks has more than 25 years of leadership experience in operations and management, including executive positions with prominent franchise organizations. “We are pleased that Laura has joined the Coverall Team. Her experience, leadership style and history of successes are a great fit for Coverall as we grow and expand the business,” said Dave Kreilein, director of Coverall North America, Inc. BOCA RATON -- First Capital, a specialized commercial finance company, announced that Gerard Hanabergh has joined the company as executive vice president and chief credit officer. Hanabergh has over 25 years experience in the loan and finance industry in compliance, credit structuring and underwriting, client relationship management, marketing and general management. “We are very pleased to have Gerard joining our team,” said Lee Wilson, Chairman, President and CEO of First Capital. “His experience in loan structure, underwriting and credit risk management will play a considerable role in supporting our profitable growth strategy. BOCA RATON -- Imperial Holdings, Inc., a specialty finance company with a focus on providing liquidity solutions on individual life insurance policies and purchasing structured settlement payments, announced that its president and chief operating officer, Jonathan Neuman, has voluntarily taken a four-month leave of absence from Imperial, effective January 27. Neuman’s leave does not affect his status as a member of Imperial’s Board of Directors. During Neuman’s leave, Antony Mitchell, chairman and chief executive officer of Imperial, will assume his duties. Email your Business News, promotions and acknowledgements to Chris Catoggio at: chris@

Commissioner meets the King DELRAY BEACH – District 4 Palm Beach County Commissioner Steven Abrams recently joined Larry King, legendary television personality, in the grand opening of the Original Brooklyn Water Coffee Company at 14451 S. Military Trail in Delray Beach. “It was a pleasure to meet Mr. King and join him in welcoming new businesses such as the Original

Larry King and Commissioner Steven Abrams

Brooklyn Water Coffee Company to Palm

Beach County,” said Abrams.

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30 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

Columnists The Boca Raton Tribune

FAITH By Rick Warren

We All Were Created To Serve Others God formed every creature on this planet with a special area of expertise. How do we know this? In the Old Testament of the Bible, we are told, “Your hands shaped me and made me” (Job 10:8). Some animals run, some hop, some swim, some burrow, and some fly. They all have a particular role to play, based on how they were shaped by God. The same is true with humans. Each of us was uniquely designed, or “shaped” to do certain things. Before architects design any new building they first ask, “What will be its purpose? How will it be used?” The intended function always determines the form of the building. Form follows function, as they say. Before God created you, He decided what role He wanted you to play on earth. He planned exactly how He wanted you to serve Him, and then He shaped you for those tasks. You are the way you are because you were made for a specific purpose, whether in the workplace, your home, or your community. The Bible also says, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works” (Ephesians 2:10). The English word “poem”

comes from this Greek word which is translated, “workmanship.” You are God’s handcrafted work of art. You are not an assembly-line product, mass-produced without thought. You are customdesigned, a one-of-a kind, original masterpiece. God deliberately shaped and formed you to serve Him in a way that makes your work – and service to others – unique. He carefully combined your genes, the DNA recipe that formed you. David praised God for this incredible personal attention to detail that God gave in designing each of us: “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous” (Psalm 139:13-14). Not only did God shape you before your birth, but He also planned every day of your life to support His shaping process. David continues, “Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed” (Psalm 139:16, NLT). This means nothing that occurs in your life is insignificant. God uses

all of it to mold you for your ministry to others, and shape you for your service to Him. God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality, and life experiences unless He intended to use them for His glory. By identifying and understanding these factors, you can discover God’s will for your life. The Bible says you are “wonderfully complex.” You are a combination of many different factors: “The people I have shaped for myself will broadcast my praises” (Isaiah 43:21). ©2009, Purpose Driven Life. All rights reserved. Adapted from a column by Dr. Rick Warren, the author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed, The Purpose-Drive Life, which has been translated into many languages and sold throughout the world. It affirms the importance of having a carefully considered, clearly expressed purpose to guide everyday life. It has been named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th Century. He also has written The Purpose-Driven Church and The Purpose of Christmas.


War on Women The Florida Legislature is engaging in a “War on Women”. A process has been begun by State Senator Diaz de la Portilla and State Representative Ritch Workman to re-write the Florida Laws on alimony intended to destroy alimony rights. As an attorney, I represent both men and women, and have never met a man who liked the concept of alimony while going through a divorce (including myself 35 years ago). The current system of alimony, while never perfect, has evolved over the years through well thought out appellate decisions of the Florida Supreme Court, and District Courts, and later codified by the Florida Legislature. While mostly for the benefit of women, the Florida alimony laws give equal opportunity for men entitled to alimony in situations where they have need of support and their wives have an ability to pay those needs. The percentage of men receiving alimony grows each year as women reach equality of pay for like work, and some men become house husbands or lose their high paying jobs due to the country’s economic woes. The proposed stat-

ute would eliminate permanent alimony, make it virtually impossible to require life insurance to secure alimony, limit the amounts and terms of many of the different types of alimony available, lengthen the period of a marriage required before considering alimony, limit the fee responsibility to a nominal amount making it virtually impossible for a woman to have competent counsel if all of the funds were in the name of the husband. A final provision which would enable payers of alimony to re-open their cases and retroactively adjust their payments under the new statute would be a financial windfall to all divorce lawyers in the state of Florida until the Florida courts had the opportunity to declare that provision unconstitutional. One can only imagine the terrible luck that Senator Portilla and representative Workman must have had with women though the years for them to conjure up a menu of poison pills to distribute to Florida wives of the present and generations yet unborn. The basic premise of Florida divorce law is that both parties to all marriages are equal partners

notwithstanding who brings home the bacon and who fries it up in a pan; that bearing children and raising them while the husband focuses on his career or job are of equal value. The new legislation is designed to destroy this concept of marriage. Clearly this change will not hurt the pockets of lawyers, so do not believe that loss of fees drives our objections to the systemic debacle. The money that extra litigation that such a new adventure would cost men and women would effectively be a tax on everyone in the short term, further harming a financially distressed legal system. The Family Law Section of the Florida Bar and the Florida Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys are circulating a petition through their websites directed at drumming some sense into the beleaguered brains of the Florida Legislators and I recommend that women and men everywhere sign up to oppose the new legislation. Although I have made it a personal practice not to sign petitions, I had no problem adding my name to this cause; not for the sake of women clients over men but for the benefit of all present and future sons and daughters alike.

Michael H. Gora has been certified by the Board of Specialization and Education of The Florida Bar as a specialist in family and matrimonial law, and is a partner with Shapiro Blasi Wasserman & Gora P.A. in Boca Raton. Mr. Gora may be reached by e-mail at

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 31

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The Boca Raton Tribune COLUMNISTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

WEST SIDE by Margi Helschien

The Great American Love Story Abigail and John Adams are our greatest love story, separated more then they were together. History knows them as Abigail, the wife of Founding Father and President John Adams. They shared a bond that was built on their friendship, and not just with each other, but for the love of their country. And as a couple, the two were the closest presidential couple we have ever seen in our history. Abigail and John were life-long partners. They had five children together and knew each other for 59 years. She was his confidant in life. Abigail was always there for John, supporting his ideas and goals. Even when John was President and the rest of the cabinet would not speak to him, Abigail was the one to listen to John. It was Abigail who would listen to John’s rants, and it was Abigail who would freely and wisely offer her advice. It

was also Abigail who brought the strength and support to their marriage and to John’s successful career. Perhaps that is where we get the saying “behind every successful man is a woman.” Abigail was John’s “dearest friend.” John depended on his Abigail. He also allowed Abigail to voice her strong opinions, which was not common at that time. When John and Abigail were separated by distance, it was John who cried out to his Abigail, “I can do nothing without you!” (from the book First Family by Joseph Ellis). Abigail and John were so close that Abigail would worry about John when they were not together. On hearing about John’s difficulties with a campaign being waged against her husband in the Congress in 1780, Abigail painfully exclaimed, “When he is wounded, I bleed.” Separated by al-

“THE CORNER OFFICE” By Mayor Bernard Featherman

Live like Johnny and ‘never, ever give up’

Let me tell you a story about a 7-year-old boy named Johnny who had a most five years with lot of courage and lived distance, due to John’s by the motto, “Never, political appoint- ever give up.” His comments, together John mitment helped me to and Abigail wrote live by that rule and over 1,200 letters to perhaps you can benefit each other. These let- from that story, too. ters are filled with You see, although day-to-day life, prob- Johnny was physically lems, milestones, and challenged he learned joyful moments. How- early on that to be a ever, they also are friend, you have to treat filled with the close others with respect. You communication that have to care about one John and Abigail had another and do to others together, even though as you would want them they were miles, and to do to you. sometimes oceans People used to stare apart. at Johnny wherever he John was at Abi- went, in school, at social gail’s bedside when events or just traveling she died. “I wish I to places. They noticed could lie down besides he had a metal breathher and die too,” John ing tube in this throat, said in tears (from caused by a horse acciFirst Family). John dent when he was seven missed their daily ex- years old. This resulted changes, he missed his in Johnny being unable to Abigail, and he came breathe through his nose to regard heaven as a or mouth. A few parents place where Abigail at his public elementary was waiting for him. school even refused to And so this Val- allow their children in entines Day, we take the same class as Johnheart that our own ny because of his metal John and Abigail Ad- breathing tube. They ams are our coun- were prejudiced against try’s original and best someone who looked so American love story! different being around Happy Valentines their child. How sad, for Day John and Abigail! all concerned. People can be cruel

Margi Helschien is a resident of West Boca since 1986 and is mom to 2 sons, 2 dogs, and 2 large lizzards. She is currently the Palm Beach County Vice Chair of the Republican Party. Active in the Junior League of Boca Raton, the Advisory board of the American Red Cross, and author of several children’s books.

and mean spirited, not only children, but adults, too, without even realizing what they say or do can cause another person’s feelings to be hurt. Johnny knew why people looked at him so strangely. He was different because of the metal tube in his throat. But he was determined to overcome this challenge. He set a goal to be the best person he could be; to excel at whatever he did, and to lead a normal life in the future. Which he did. He learned to talk and sing songs by holding his finger over the breathing hole in the tube. He studied hard in school and learned well because he was self-driven. Education and friends were important to him. Johnny took over chores with a strong sense of responsibility, just like each of you has probably done. Then 3 years later, Johnny’s dream of living a life unencumbered by the breathing tube came true. He was cured by a surgeon using a new type of laser beam procedure on his throat. Today, Johnny is able to breathe and speak normally. The steel tube is gone. After college and graduate school, Johnny

went on to be a television commentator on UPN TV station Channel 57 and became a leading expert in the field of privacy. He worked for a company on the New York Stock Exchange. Currently, Johnny lectures at Temple University in Philadelphia, engages in real estate for a living and is running this spring as a candidate for U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania. Johnny’s story taught me that the world is an exciting place to live in, even when you are physically challenged. He taught me that it’s always too early to quit and to never, ever give up. Everyone can benefit from this message. You can succeed at anything if you make up your mind to do it. It will motivate you to do the best in whatever you set out to do. One day you will look back and remember not only your accomplishments but the wonderful times and good friends you made both at work and later, in your retirement. Great satisfaction comes in doing what people have said you cannot do. Do it, like Johnny did. I know, because Johnny is my son.

Copyright 2011Bernard Featherman. Bernard Featherman is a columnist for the Boca Raton Tribune and is also the mayor of Highland Beach.

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32 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

BOCA RATON TRIBUNE WORShIP DIRECTORy Advent Lutheran Church 300 East Yamato Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-395-3632 First Church Of Christ, Scientist 566 W Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-391-7689 Affirmation Lutheran Church 9465 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-483-6004 First United Methodist Church 625 NE Mizner Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-1244 Ascension Catholic Church 7250 N Federal Hwy Boca Raton, FL 33487 561-997-5486 Friendship Baptist Church 1422 NE 2nd Court Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-6871 Assembly of God Hispanic Church Centro Cristiano Familiar 21121 Oriole Country Rd Boca Raton, FL 33433 561-746-8626 Frontline Christian Center Olympic Heights High Schl 20101 Lyons Rd Boca Raton FL 33434 561-826-0404 Ayts Chayim Messianic Synagogue Glades Presbyterian Church 21121 Oriole Country Rd Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-487-3839 Glades Presbyterian Church 21121 Oriole Country Rd Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-477-4898 Beth Ami Congregation 1401 NW 4 Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-347-0031 Gold Coast Christian Cathedral 3200 N Federal Hwy Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-750-5235

Beth Sar Shalom Camino Real Community Church 1551 West Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33486 561-499-4893 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 6301 SW 18 Street Boca Raton, FL 33433 561-393-7007 B'Nai Torah Congregation 6261 SW 18 Street Boca Raton, FL 33433 561-392-8566 Grace Community Church 600 W Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33486 561-395-2811 Boca Glades Baptist Church 10101 Oriole Country Road Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-483-4228 Iglesia Bautista Hispana 2350 NW 51st St Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-998-8360 Boca Raton Bible Chapel 3900 NW 3rd Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-391-9319 Islamic Center of Boca Raton 141 NW 20th St., Ste. #A-7 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-395-7221 Boca Raton Church Of Christ 5099 NW 5th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-395-0738 Jehovah's Witnesses 19230 State Road 7 Boca Raton, FL 33498 561-479-0956 St. Paul Lutheran Church and School 701 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL – 33486 561-395-0433

Journey Church (The) The Kathyrn Lindgren Theater B.R. Community High Schl 1501 NW 15 Court Boca Raton, FL 561-420-0606 Boca Raton Synagogue Hahn Judaic Campus 7900 Montoya Circle Boca Raton, FL 33433 (561) 394-5732 Kabbalah Learning Centre 8411 W Palmetto Park Rd Boca Raton, FL 33433 561-488-8826 Boca Raton Synagogue-West 21101 95th Ave. South Boca Raton, FL 33428 Kol Ami of Boca Raton Reconstructionist 71 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-392-0696 Boca West Community United Methodist Church 9087 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 561-482-7335 The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton 2601 St. Andrews Blvd. Boca Raton, FL – 33434 561-482-2001

Boca Raton Community Church 470 NW 4th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-395-2400

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 33

BOCA RATON TRIBUNE BUsINEss DIRECTORy ART GALLERy & JEWELRy Bijou Bijou ....................................................................................... 561-451-8290 Harold’s Jewelers.......................................................................... 561-392-0507 yaacov Heller Gallery 22 ........................................................... 561-347-1677 AUTO sERVICEs save On Tire .................................................................................... 954-786-3306 superior Tint................................................................................... 561-338-7711 Tires 4U2........................................................................................... 561-272-2226 BARBER sHOP Bocaray Barber shop.................................................................. 561-498-8166 Ruben’s Barber shop Inc........................................................... 561-487-2152 BEAUTy & HEALTH Age In Place Management ....................................................... 561-929-1195 Ageless Energetics....................................................................... 561-394-5160 Bells Lifestyle ................................................................................. 800-333-7995 Glades Medical Group ............................................................... 561-394-3088 Green Wave Waxing Boca Raton ..................................................................................... 561-367-7323 Weston ............................................................................................ 954-659-0033 Helena’s Beauty ............................................................................ 561-487-3292 Herbalife........................................................................................... 754-581-3511 Oasis Day spa................................................................................. 561-393-3185 Vitality Laser spa ......................................................................... 561-470-7961 CHURCH Boca Glades Baptist Church .................................................... 561-483-4228 see Boca Raton Worshop Directory for more Churches. DENTIsT Nova Dental Pompano Beach ........................................................................... 954-788-2388 Boca Raton ..................................................................................... 561-488-5088 DRyCLEANING Bernie’s Cleaners Boca Raton ..................................................................................... 561-338-7843 North Lauderdle .......................................................................... 954-726-5530 ENTERTAINMENT Boca Raton Museum Of Arts ................................................... 561-392-2500 Boca Raton Wine & Food Festival ......................................... 561-338-7594 Bridge Hotel.................................................................................... 561-886-4570 Caricatures by Ray Russotto ................................................... 954-570-9256 Cole Bros. Circus of the stars .................................................. 800-796-5672 Delray Beach Tennis Center & Boca Raton Resort and Club............................................................... 561-394-2400 Miami City Ballet .......................................................................... 877-929-7010

Music For all Occasions ............................................................. 561-483-7030 symphony Of The Americas .................................................... 954-335-7002 GOLF Osprey Point Golf Course ......................................................... 561-482-2868 HOME sERVICEs, DEsIGN & REPAIRs ABC Construction Building, Inc. ............................................ 561-998-5776 Design Matters .............................................................................. 561-361-0375 Handyman ....................................................................................... 954-345-5565 J.D. Michaels Interior .................................................................. 561-391-8333 Plumbing Expert, Inc. ................................................................. 561-368-5111 Zicaro’s Plumbing ........................................................................ 561-547-1600 INTERNET & PHONE sERVICEs Wasp Mobile ................................................................................... 561-210-5520 Windstream .................................................................................... 954-218-0116 PUBLIC RELATIONs Reagan Communications Group (Barry R. Epstein) APR 561-852-0000 REAL EsTATE I Buy / Timothy McCarthy ......................................................... 954-439-1442 REsTAURANT Caruso Ristorante ........................................................................ 561-367-7488 Ovenella Italian Classics ........................................................... 561-672-7553 Picanha Brazil ................................................................................ 561-488-5737 sHOE REPAIR Cobble Twelve shoe Repair .................................................... 954-426-1930 sHIPPING & PRINT Eagle shipping Center ............................................................... 561-393-8553 GB Printing ...................................................................................... 954-783-5161 Total Ink Recycle Corp Delray Beach ................................................................................. 561-865-1323 Oakland Park ................................................................................. 954-491-8755 TRAVEL Boca Raton Travel & Cruises.................................................... 561-395-1414 TV REPAIR Gil The Thrill TV ............................................................................. 954-937-1301

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34 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

Games The Boca Raton Tribune

Pet Society The Boca Raton Tribune PET OF THE WEEK

Hail, Caesar! He’s taking a stab at finding a home to call his own Story, photo by Pam D’Addio BOCA RATON – Hi, there, Caesar here. Check out the blue eyes! I’m a handsome Weimaraner who’s 2 years old, neutered and housebroken. I’m a very energetic boy who needs an active family without cats. I love to play and know how to ‘sit’ when you ask (if you have a treat close by!). Stop in and meet this cool dog! I’m available for adoption at Tri-County Humane Society, a no-kill animal shelter located at 21287 Boca Rio Road in Boca Raton. The shelter is open for adoptions Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Adoption fees for companion animals are $110 and up. Animals are heartwormtested and up-to-date on vaccinations. Included in the adoption fee is one year of free office visits to I’m available for adoption at TriCounty Humane Society, a no-kill animal shelter located at 21287 Boca Rio Road in Boca Raton. The shelter is open

for adoptions Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Adoption fees for companion animals are $110 and up. Animals are heartworm-tested and up-todate on vaccinations. Included in the adoption fee is one year of free office visits to Regency Veterinary Clinic. Please visit us to find

a lost pet or to consider adding a shelter dog or cat to your family. We have puppies and kittens, too! Call (561) 482-8110 or view many of our available animals and volunteer opportunities at: www.tricountyhumane. org. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter at ‘TriCounty Humane’.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 35

The Boca Raton Tribune

Women’s Professional Soccer suspends 2012 Season Amid Legal Dispute By: Pedro Heizer Women’s Professional Soccer won’t play the 2012 season amid a legal dispute with ousted owner Dan Borislow. The league’s Board of Governors voted Monday to suspend the season with hopes of resuming in 2013, the WPS announced. In October, WPS terminated the magicJack, its South Florida franchise based in Boca Raton after clashing with owner Dan Borislow all season. Earlier this month, a Florida judge ruled that the league failed to follow its own dispute procedures when it terminated the franchise, and another court hearing is set for Wednesday. WPS CEO Jennifer O’Sullivan said owners chose to cancel the season over possibly working with Borislow in the league again. “We have diverted so many

resources into litigation,” she said. “This is something that needs to be resolved before we can move forward with play.” Borislow purchased the former Washington Freedom before last season and moved the club to South Florida, re-

dards. In August, after Borislow filed suit against the WPS, the league released a statement accusing him of violations ranging from “unprofessional and disparaging treatment of his players to failure to pay his bills.”

WPS CEO Jennifer O’Sullivan said owners chose to cancel the season over possibly working with Dan Borislow (pictured above) in the league again. naming it for a telephone call device he invented. The magicJack franchise was repeatedly disciplined during the season for not meeting league stan-

Even amid all the legal problems, the magicJack finished the season with a 9-7-2 record and were the third seed in the playoffs. The magicJack

The magicJack had an all-star type team with players like Christie Rampone, Shannon Boxx, Abby Wambach, and Hope Solo. had an all-star type team with players like Christie Rampone, Shannon Boxx, Abby Wambach, and Hope Solo. WPS has played three season but has struggled to get

the league to stay. Just last year, WPS needed a waiver from the U.S. Soccer Federation to be sanctioned as a first-division league in 2012 with only five teams, below the required eight.

In the deal with the governing body in December, WPS agreed to increase the number of teams to a minimum of six for 2013 and at least eight for 2014.

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36 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune SPORTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Fort Lauderdale Strikers Sign Forward Herron

After staying a few months quiet, the Strikers are finally making some noise in the offseason. Last week, the Strikers announced the signing of forward Andy Herron, pending international clearances. The 33-year-old from Costa Rica was an integral part of the Chicago Fire back in 2006 when they defeated the Los Angeles Galaxy to win the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. Herron even scored the game-winning goal. Herron played with the


Fire from 2004-2006 and again in 2008. “It’s a pleasure to join a team with a rich history like the Strikers,” said Herron. “I know Daryl (Shore) very well from my time with the Fire. He likes to work hard and so do I. We can always be up front with each other.” Prior to joining the MLS, Herron played for Club Sport Herediano in Costa Rica where he led them to the country’s championship in 2004. Herron had his best season for the Chicago

Fire in 2006 when he led the team in goals with nine and was named the team’s MVP. “We’re excited to add a player of Andy’s experience the goal-scoring ability to our team,”

said Strikers head coach Daryl Shore. “He gives us the type of scoring potential you need to win games in this league and will be a valuable addition to the organization.”


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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 37

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38 - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85

The Boca Raton Tribune SPORTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Kovacs, Richardson named FAU Student-Athletes of the Week

Florida Atlantic University has named men’s basketball player Shavar Richardson and Anett Kovacs of women’s swimming as this week’s “Student-Athletes of the Week.” Richardson scored a season-high 25 points in FAU’s 67-66 win over Western Kentucky University on January 26. The senior, from Brooklyn, New York, scored the Owls’ first

nine points of the game and his 15 first half points were his highest point total of the season for an entire game to that point. It was Richardson’s third doubledigit performance in the last four games. It was the fifth 20-point game of his career. Men’s basketball is back in action on Thursday, February 2 when they travel to Mobile, Alabama, to take on the University

of South Alabama, at 8:05 p.m. The women’s team is also on the road against South Alabama, Wednesday, February 1, with a 12:30 pm afternoon tipoff. Both teams will host FIU at the FAU Arena on Saturday, February 4, with the women playing at 3 p.m. and the men at 7 p.m. Kovacs swam the anchor leg of the winning 800-yard freestyle relay team, who finished in a

time of 7:45.69, nearly nine seconds ahead of the second-place finishers. The freshman, a native of Budapest, Hungary, also won individual races in the 200yard freestyle (1:53.01), the 200-yard butterfly (2:03.33) and the 100-yard butterfly (57.87). The swimming and diving teams will have Senior Day on Saturday, February 4, with ceremonies prior to the tri-meet, beginning at

11 a.m. at the FAU Aquatic Center against FIU and Daytona State College. Also in action over the weekend are the men’s and women’s tennis teams. The men will host Georgia SouthernUniversity on Friday, February 3 at 3 p.m., and against Wofford College on Saturday, February 4 at 2 p.m., with both matches taking place at Patch Reef Park The women’s squad travels to

Fort Myers to face Florida Gulf Coast University, also on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Women’s golf will tee off their spring season beginning on Sunday, February 5, and continuing through Tuesday, February 7, at the Marsh Landing Intercollegiate tournament, held at the Marsh Landing Country Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

2012 Lynn Baseball Preview The 2012 Lynn University baseball season is upon us and the Fighting Knights are looking forward to making headway in the toughest region in the country. Making a 10-win improvement in 2011, Lynn returns seven field starters but has the daunting task of rebuilding its entire starting pitching staff. There could be a few twists and turns to the start of the year that begins at Roger Dean Stadium on February 2, against Palm Beach Atlantic but, in the end, the Blue & White look to make it all the way to Cary, N.C., for the NCAA Division II World Series. Speed in the outfield appears to be consistent from left to right fields with Alex Bello, Phil Mannelly, Austin Smith, Paul Stortini and Kamm Washington patrolling the spacious McCusker Sports Complex. Bello, Mannelly and Smith all started for LU with Smith earning All-Sunshine State Conference and All-South Region accolades. Competition has heated up, though, with the additions of NCAA Division I transfer Washington and Stortini. Both newcomers bring power and speed to a lineup that finished near the bottom of the SSC in both categories. All four infielders (Eric Herrera, Kyle Radzewski, Mike Diorio and Anthony Boza) return after posting the secondbest fielding percentage in program history. But with head coach Rudy Garbalosa looking to improve the team’s offense, some positions have been put

up for grabs. Radzewski and Diorio have locked down shortstop and second base to form one of the most dynamic middle infields in the country. Radzewski’s bat heated up towards the end of the season while Diorio led LU with a .366 batting average. Herrera has been going head-to-head with Cory Elasik all of preseason for the starting nod at third base. The incumbent Herrera has the edge defensively but Elasik brings much needed power to the plate. Although displaced at first base by Jason Matusik, the Florida junior college home run leader for 2011, Boza’s bat will remain in the lineup. The senior out of Miami, Fla., should see time as the designated hitter or behind the plate as catcher. The loss of team captain and catcher Dane Derstine could be offset with the addition of Joe Sharkey. The switch-hitter brings versatility to the plate while his defensive skills have been applauded by the coaching staff. Sharkey has all but locked down the starting catcher job but will get time off with Boza and Elasik sharing back-up duties. Key reserves on the offensive end will be three-year letterwinner Leo Carrillo, Chris Piperno, Stephen Fernandez, Ryan Marrow and Alex Reiner. Carrillo has proven to be a super-utility player and could see action at any of the outfield or infield positions. The Fighting Knights mound presence could be the key to a successful season.

All three starters, led by 12th son in saves with four and, after round draft pick Andrew Vir- a bumpy start, closed out the gili, have departed but the in- year with a 2.50 ERA. Colon coming crop of pitchers could arrives in Boca after a two-year be even more impressive col- stint at St. Thomas (Fla.) where lectively. he posted better than a strikeJerad Harvey could be the out per inning in his career. anchor to the staff followPlaying in the vaunted Suning an All-American season at shine State Conference, Lynn Feather River Junior College. will face anywhere from 2-5 Joining him in the rotation nationally-ranked teams. In adis a pair of tall, powerful and dition to a brutal league schedimposing right-handers. Ryan ule, the Fighting Knights will Gabbard, a 6-4 junior out of take on a pair of teams from Loxahatchee, has shown good the revamped Gulf South Concommand of three pitches in ference. Alabama-Huntsville, a the preseason while Shawn 27-win team from a year ago, Kale, a 6-4 senior, was one of will visit the McCusker Sports the top all-around pitchers in Complex Baseball Field while the SSC last season with a 4-2 the Fighting Knights will travrecord and team-leading 2.35 el to Delta State, which opens earned run average. the season No. 32 in College Other starters who have Baseball’s Top-40 poll. impressed early on and should Lynn also has the opporpush for significant starts are tunity to host several ranked Kentrail Pierce, Joe Perrotta northern teams as Mercyand Austin Bailey. hurst (No. 17), Winona State The back-end of the Fight- (No. 14), Southern Connectiing Knights’ pitching staff cut State (No. 9) and Franklin could be downright nasty. Pierce (No. 13) will square-off Fifth-year senior Ted Quinn against the Fighting Knights. returns as a left-handed speOther non-conference cialist and will be joined in games scheduled are Palm the bullpen by Jason Whelan, Beach Atlantic, Tuskegee, St. Andre Colon, Eric Pfefer, Din Thomas (Fla.), Southern New Piturro and AJ Falleta. Hampshire, Adelphi and MolWhalen led Lynn last sea- loy.

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February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 - Edition 85 - 39

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FAU Women’s Basketball Traveling to South Alabama for Wednesday Matinee Boca Raton, FL

The Florida Atlantic University women’s basketball team will have an early wake-up call on Wednesday, February 1, at 12:30 p.m. when the team puts its three-game winning streak on the line at University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. The Owls are second in the East Division with a 6-2 league mark, while being 11-8 overall. Those 11 wins are four more than the team had last season and the six league wins have eclipsed last year’s total SBC victories. The current three-game winning streak matches the team’s longest of the season. FAU is coming off a 6058 home-court victory over Western Kentucky University on January 25. Senior forward April Goins made two free throws with 6.9 seconds remaining to break a 58-58 tie. Sophomore post player Chenise Millermatched her career highs with 18 points and 12 rebounds against the Hilltoppers. The Oak Park, Michigan native is averaging a team-high 10.4 points and 7.8 rebounds a game, the fourth-best mark in the conference. Goins has been a doublefigure scorer in the past four games and six of the last

seven contests - a stretch in which the Owls have won five games, including three on the road. She is scoring 8.3 points per outing on the season. Balanced scoring has been the key to FAU’s success this winter. The team has one double-digit scorer (Miller), while senior guard Teri Stamps and sophomore guard Latavia Dempseyare both averaging 8.4 points a game, and Goins follows closely at 8.3 points per contest. Dempsey does her scoring while coming off the bench in all 19 games this season. Stamps leads the team with 25 steals. Senior guard DaLita Scott is shooting 46 percent from the floor and scoring six points a game. Sophomore guard Takia Brooks leads the team with 48 assists, and sophomore guard Kimberly Smithhas made 22 threepoint field goals while shooting 33 percent from beyond the distance shooting circle. “Right from the start of the season, our success has centered on the team’s success. Everybody has bought into the team concept. As a coach, that’s been a pleasure to see,” said Chancellor Dugan, FAU women’s basketball coach. “Chenise has

been a consistent force for us on offense (scoring) and defense (rebounding); January was a key month in April’s development as a player and teammate; and Latavia continues to do her thing as a key contributor off the bench. And, that’s not all, the entire roster has contributed when called upon in starting and reserve roles. We hope that continues as we prepare to turn the corner into February, the most important month on our schedule.” South Alabama is coming off a commanding 63-26 win on January 29, over instate rival Troy University. The Jaguars are 12-9 on the season and stand third in the East Division with a 5-4 in league record. The team has won eight of its 10 home games this season. Junior guard Mansa El leads a balanced scoring attack at 11.4 points a game, while senior guard Sarda Peterson follows closely at 10 points per outing. Peterson scored a team-high 17 points against Troy. The Jaguars also have three players averaging between 7.4 and 8.6 points a game. Taylor Ammons, a 6-foot-1 senior forward, leads the team at 8.8 rebounds per contest.

Youthful Movement with the 2012 Lynn Women’s Tennis Team By Lance Thomas BOCA RATON, Fla.–Entering the 2012 season as the top-ranked team, Lynn University’s women’s tennis team and head coach Michael Perez have high hopes for this upcoming season starting February 2, against St. Thomas University. For the eighth time in the last 15 years, the Blue & White reached the national championship match last year. The Blue & White faced arch-rival Barry University for the third time that season in the 2011 NCAA National Championship match, but fell short of the programs quests for a seventh title with a 5-3 loss. For the 11th time in program history, Lynn finished the season perfect in Sunshine State Conference play and 27-3 overall. The Knights lost their top three singles player from 2011 but return a core of young but experienced players. Ioana Ivan headlines the LU returners. Ivan played mostly in the number four position for the Fighting Knights and posted a 20-3 singles record and a 25-4 doubles mark in her freshman campaign. She completed the season as the No. 32 player in the nation and a doubles All-American with partner Elenora Ianozzi. The team closed out 2011 as the No. 3 doubles pair. Andrea Berkova follows Ivan as another returner from the national runner-up team

expected to make an impact. Berkova posted an 11-1 record at number six singles and a combined singles mark of 163. In doubles, the Czech Republic native went 24-3 overall and an impressive 19-1 from the third flight. Roxana Alexandru and Aleks Vukadinovic represent the final returners from last season. Alexandru played a total of seven matches and tallied a 3-1 mark in singles and a 4-1 clip in doubles. Vukadinovic also went 4-1 in doubles for the Fighting Knights in 2011 with a 12-2 singles record. Coach Perez added three new players to the mix for 2012. Sabine Krause transferred to Lynn from German Sportsuniversity in Colgne, Germany. In the fall, Krause claimed the Intercollegiate Tennis Association South Region doubles championship with partner Ivan. In singles play at the ITA regional, Krause advanced to the round of 16 with wins over players from Florida Southern and Saint Leo. The Krause-

Ivan combo will likely work together as one of Lynn’s top doubles teams this season. Ana Kriz and Kimberly Prezlowski mark the final additions to the women’s tennis team. Kriz defeated Florida Southern’s Joalis Dominquez 7-6, 7-5 and then Saint Leo’s Jeannette McDonald 6-1, 6-4 to also advance to the ITA Regional round of 16 this past fall. Prezlowski started with the team this spring and should battle for a spot in the top-six singles. The Fighting Knights start regular season play on February 2, at 4 p.m. against the St. Thomas Bobcats with SSC competition starting the second match of the season versus the No. 9 Rollins College Tars in Winter Park, Fla. on February 11. Other prominent opponents for the Knights include No. 3 Armstrong Atlantic on March 2, No. 7 Clayton State on March 3, No. 8 West Florida on March 20, and No. 4 Barry on March 24.

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Edition 85

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East /West Boca Raton, Highland Beach, Delray Beach, FL - February 3, 2012 through February 9, 2012 • Year II • Number 085





2012 Lynn Baseball Preview

2012 Lynn Women’s Tennis Team

FAU Women’s Basketball . . .

See page 38

See page 39

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