Once again, this is not how I expected to release another BODE issue. Another day in isolation and I was asking myself, “how do I assemble a magazine during this time?” Bode Magazine obeyed the laws of distance while honing in on and mastering the underground movement of creating "face-to-face", while apart. Enlisting the iconic faces of our time, enter young beauty and media sensation Meredith Mickelson, for the first time in history, we have successfully created a cover story in two places at once. From Australia to Los Angeles, we took a blank slate issue and created magic staying authentic and true to this moment in time, a time no one will soon forget. Producing a magazine in this uncertain time came down to inventiveness, and rather than daunting, it was motivating. It was not about the perfect pretty picture taking hours for one shot, it was about us — as a collective — reflecting the world as it is, participating in it, and doing our part to add a glimmer of light in the darkness.