Bodh-e-Verse June 2008 Beta Issue

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Bodh-everse An ezine every fortnight

When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong. R. Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983)

June 2008 beta issue

Cover story

Some Last Minute Suggestions!!! Q For Quiz Sports Buff Friday The 13th Magic Revealed Apple facts Discovery News Geeky Gadgets Love is in the air Who was Pancho Villa? Ambigrams Must watch July We invite original contents from all our readers. Contents may vary from stories, articles, images, quotes, jokes, movie-review, book-review and anything covered in this issue. And if you have something good which doesn't conform to any of our existing sections, then also don't hesitate to send it over. We might create the section!!!!! Send all your original contents to with a subject "submit".

It’s a Thought The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. -Frank Lloyd Wright Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at


The Official resume of Steve Jobs Personal Information

1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 996-1010 (408) 996-1010 (408) 996-1010 (408) 996-1010

Objective I'm looking for a fixerupper with a solid foundation. Am willing to tear down walls, build bridges, and light fires. I have great experience, lots of energy, a bit of that "vision thing" and I'm not afraid to start from the beginning. Work Experience Apple Computer, Inc. 1997-Present Helped company to once again create phenomenal products such as iMac, iBook, G4, PowerBook, iTools, iMovie, Mac OS X, iTunes, iPod, iPhoto, etc... Part of the team that positioned company to trailblaze (once again) onto the Internet,

into 2002 and beyond. We create computers that are fun, powerful, and easy to use. Pixar Animation Studios 1986-Present Discovered a little animation company that needed a vision. Liked the product so much I bought the company. Pixar is now "the" digital animation studio. We have created and produced half of the top grossing animated films of all time, including: Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, and Monsters, Inc. NeXT Software Inc. 1986-1997 Founded NeXT Software Inc., which created really cool hardware that exploited the full potential of Object Oriented technologies. NeXT technologies made programmers' (and users') lives a whole lot easier, thus giving them more leisure time to go catch the latest Pixar release. Sold NeXT to Apple in 1997. Education

Reed College, Portland, Oregon Studied Physics, Literature, Poetry...

Skills That "vision thing", public speaking, motivating teams, and helping to create really amazing products.


Bits From NatGeo

Bathrooms in Singapore are so small, that u cant even 'change' ur mind ! !

We think you should be knowing this

Snug outpost, Old Harbor—population 298—nestles beneath sheltering peaks. On Kodiakslan] nearly everyone fishes, including the island's huge brown bears, which roam a renowned wildlife refuge. —From "Kodiak: Alaska's Island Refuge," November 1993, National Geographic

Government of India is trying to introduce first ever genetically engineered Bringal (BT bringal) all across India. This is the first ever genetically engineered crop in India. This is done to have the vegetables a longer crop life, pest resistance and higher nutritional values. But the NGOs working In this field including greenpeace and WHO says it is like an untested new drug which might be having many side effects. And once in market consumers won’t have any choice in selecting between a natural bringal and a BT bringal.

©2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at





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A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half feet. The doctor asked patient number 1 what he was doing. The patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing Crazy people talk Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his this piece of wood in half?" The doctor inquired of Patient #1 what Patient #2 was doing. Patient #1 replied, "Oh. He's my friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a lightbulb." The doctor looks up and notices Patient #2's face is going all red. The doctor asks Patient #1, "If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself" Patient #1 replies, "What? And work in the dark?"

1. X is successful businessman who controls a 4000 crore enterprise. Amongst his various interests he is the owner of Fashion TV (FTV) in India. He also sits on the board of Godfrey Phillips, a tobacco company. However he has quite a controversial background and amongst other things he has been accused of drug traffiking and other offences in the US. Currently he is one of the most powerful persons in India. Identify him. Hint you hear about him (and see him too) almost everyday for the past month or so. 2. The character of ghost rider is based on this dare devil. He also holds the record for having the maximum number of broken bones (40) throughout his life. He held various jobs including working in copper mines, insurance salesman, opening a motorcycle dealership etc. before becoming famous (or should i say infamous) in his current line of work. He took to his famous screen name when he was once put in jail and his cellmate was called "Awful Knofel" (awful rhyming with Knofel) so the jailer referred to him as X. His original name is Robert. Identify him.

3. This word was introduced by the 1960 film La dolce vita directed by Federico Fellini. One of the characters in the film is a news photgrapher named ______.Fellini took the name from an Italian dialect word for a particularly noisy,buzzing mosquito. Many people consider them to be a nuisance and many celebrites share a love-hate relationship with them. 4.He was one of the nominees for the Best Beard of the Year? in 2006. The award was eventually won by Monty Panesar.He had earlier made his fortune by launching an adult site called BOMIS in 1996. The money earned thus helped him set up his pet project. That project is a household name today. Who are we talking about/what is this project? To know the correct answers send a mail to

Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at


It’s Beautiful

Word meaninig - The Bodhi Way Mosquito, n., an insect that makes you like flies better.


What to do Knowing this? "Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

Star-Birth Clouds in M16: Stellar "Eggs" Emerge from Molecular Cloud

Calvin, of the "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip, was patterned after President Calvin Coolidge, who had a pet tiger as a boy.

Gregory Dunham (USA) has constructed a rideable motorcycle that is 3.429 m (11 ft 3 in) tall to the top of handlebars, 6.187 m (20 ft 4 in) long and weighs 2.948 tonnes (6,500 lb). It is powered by a 8.2 litre (502 cu in) V8 engine and has tyres that are 1.88 m (74 in) tall.

Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at

Magny-Cours Circuit France

Sporty bumps

Weird sports #1

ICC test ratings

Last American in Paris

Almost a hundred years ago France was the location for the first automobile race to be called a Grand Prix. On 26th June 1906 32 cars set-off at 90 second intervals on the circuit, which was formed of public roads. The race lasted for two days over a distance of 1,238 km. The race, which was staged near Le Mans, was won two years later by Christian Lautenschlager, clinching the first Mercedes victory in the event. On March 11, the Nighthawks started the meet Chessboxing, a pointless sports. It's what one might imagine — wherein opponents tallest lineup in s professional basketball square off in alternate rounds of boxing and t n a history, according to the chess. Played exclusively in Europe, the sport Gi is organized to the point where there's a he , Guinness Book of World world champion, and devotees claim that it's T A Records: Sun Ming Ming headed to the U.S. NB d Of n (7-foot-9), former La Washington Bullet "Last American in Paris" could be the title of a summer Gheorghe Muresan (7-6), blockbuster movie. The star? Robby Ginepri, the sole Ayo Adigun (7-1), Deng Rank Team Points D'Awol (7-0), and Barry American survivor in both the men's and women's 1 Australia 141 Mitchell (6-8). If stacked on singles events till fourth round at the 2008 French 2 India 111 top of each other, they Open. Ginepri would have been an unlikely candidate 3 South Africa 109 stand 36 feet tall, and yet for this particular casting after entering this year's 4 England 108 the Nighthawks finished French Open with a career 0-5 mark at Roland 5 Sri Lanka 106 with a losing record this Garros. season .

Friday The Thirteenth Does anybody believe that Friday the 13th is necessarily a bad luck day anymore? Get over it. Superstitions make great copy and distill fear, the key element in our reality upon which most storylines are based. They control those who would allow themselves to be controlled, or more to the point, are programmed to that end and need to awaken and move beyond conditioning. In the 21st (3) century, for most adults ... it's just another day in the life.The number 13 is probably the most common of all superstitions, considered a bad luck day . So what the fear is called? The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia,

a word derived from the concatenation of the Greek words Paraskeví (meaning Friday), and dekatreís (meaning thirteen), attached to phobía (meaning fear). The term is a specialized

13 form of triskaidekaphobia, a simple phobia (fear) of the number thirteen appearing in any case.

cover story

What the story goes? According to one interpretation, the number 13 is unlucky because it is the number of full moons in a contemporary year, but two full moons in a single calendar month (mistakenly referred to as a blue moon in a magazine article of the 1940s) only happens about every 5 years. The last Grand Master of the oncepowerful Order of Knights Templar, Jacques DeMolay, suffered his betrayal into the hands of the Church on Friday 13,

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October 1307. He was imprisoned and later executed by King Phillip the Fair, the French king who had conspired with the Vatican to remove DeMolay. Phillip and Pope Clement V had concluded that the Templars had become altogether too powerful. Jacques DeMolay suffered betrayal on Friday October 13 and according to the Mayan Calendar, the end of the Age will come on Friday October 13,

but happily not until the year 4772. In numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve recognized signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apostles of Jesus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular, transgressing this completeness Friday the 13th superstitions originated in a Norse myth about twelve gods having a feast in Valhalla. The mischievous Loki crashed the party as an uninvited 13th guest and arranged for Hod, the blind god of darkness, to shoot Baldur, the god of joy with mistletoe-tipped arrow.

Baldur was killed and the Earth was plunged into darkness and mourning as a result Accord ing to some, the sinist er, ominous date combination is related to the Bible - Jesus Christ

has been crucified on Friday, while Judas - the alleged Christ betrayer is

Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at

the 13th Apostle.


Friday the thirteenth in old Literature: In ancient literature many a time reference to the fear of friday the thirteenth has been found.Some are listed here. Now Friday came, you old wives say, Of all the week's the unluckiest day." (1656 A.D) Practical Impact: According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Ashevellie,North Carolina an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day. Some people

are so paralyzed by fear that they avoid their normal routines in doing business, taking flights or even getting out of bed. "It's been estimated that US$800 or $900 million is lost in business on this day". Friday the Thirteenth a Lucky Day? If you were born on Friday the thirteenth then it is allegedly your lucky day. Some people win large amounts of money through the lottery or buy lucky lottery tickets on Friday 13. According to, one British couple bought their winning ticket on Friday 13 shortly after a mirror at their home fell off the living room wall

and smashed. The lucky couple won $17 million. But what do we do? You really cannot do anything. Every month that starts on Sunday will have a Friday the 13th. Really you cannot do anything. If you do not hold the superstition you can go out for work. And if you are too superstitious to go out on Friday the 13th then we suggest you to sit and home and watch “Friday the thirteenth� movie and it's sequels!!!.

FRIday 13th


hook which clipped onto a harness attached to his belt and a member of the crew would have pushed down on the other side of the bar lifting David up in the air. The camera angle would have hidden the props.This film would have been mixed in with the audience clips in the studios later.

Apple Inc. The "forgotten founder" Apple Ron Wayne illustrated the first Apple logo and wrote the Apple I manual. He also wrote their partnership agreement.

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Effect : The magician raises his arms up by his sides and slowly appears to rise a few inches off the ground for a little while before returning to earth quickly. Balducci Method : The Balducci method involves positioning audience about 8 to 10 feet away at a 45 degree angle.. The Balducci levitation involves pretending to float off the ground by going on to your tip toes on just one foot ( the one furthest from their view ) while the nearest foot is raised a little off tthe ground. The picture here shows the beginning on the left and the climax of the trick on the right. David Blaine Version : David Blaine used various camera shots in his TV special with the audience reaction being filmed close up and linked to other clips of him in mid air with some of the angles showing the Balducci levitation .The view that shows him rise a good few inches in the air and does not show the audience and would have been done with a bar attached to a pivot like a seesaw. The end of the pivot would have had a


agic Revealed

M David Blaine and Balducci Levitation

Its God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organizations such as Jaish, Lashkar etc. Its our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and god." ------ Indian Armed Forces

Named after the McIntosh apple, the original Macintosh was released on January 24, 1984. It was the first commercially successful personal computer to use a graphical user interface (GUI) and mouse instead of the then-standard command line interface. Apple wasn’t started in a garage, it was started in a bedroom at 11161 Crist Drive in Los Altos.

Discovery News





Now this is from ThinkGeek Tthanks to the ingenious ThinkGeek robot monkeys you can display the current wi-fi signal strength to yourself and everyone around you with this stylish Wi-Fi Detector Shirt. The glowing bars on the front of the shirt dynamically change as the surrounding wi-fi signal strength fluctuates. Finally you can get the attention you deserve as others bow to you as their reverential wi-fi god, while geeky chicks swoon at your presence. .




Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at


Product Features * Glowing animated shirt dynamically displays the current wi-fi signal strength. * Shows signal strength for 802.11b or 802.11g * Black 100% Cotton T-Shirt * Animated Decal is Removable (with hook and loop fasteners) for Easy Washing * Battery Pack is Concealed in a Small Pocket Sewn Inside the Shirt * Runs for hours off three AAA Batteries (not included)



“The impressions of the hand were much wider than long and were U-shaped in outline, suggesting that the hand bones were arranged into an arcshape, which is a feature observed in the group of sauropod dinosaurs known as the Neosauropoda."


dinosaurs that walked or at least ran on two legs and as based both on the shape of the hand prints, and by the spacing of the foot prints," explains coauthor Nancy Stevens of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

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May 21, 2008 -- Herds of dinosaurs once wandered Arabia and have left behind some footprints in what's being called the first set of trackways discovered on the Arabian Peninsula. The approximately 165 million-year-old tracks in Yemen appear to have been made by at least two types of dinosaurs, with young and old dinos traveling together along what was once a coastal mud flat. grazed in all fours. No less than 11 parallel tracks of adult and juvenile sauropod dinosaurs were identified, plus some lone and scattered footprints from ornithopods and some other sauropod dinos. Sauropods are those four-footed, long-necked plant-eating behemoths of the dinosaur world. Ornithopods were generally smaller plant-eating


Shikva nahi khuda se koi, bas shikayat hai to us yaar se, kuch bhi na kaha,kuch bhi na suna, nazro se kah gaya vo kuch pyaar se, andaz-e-bayan is kadar tha unka, ki soye nahi ham,na jane kitni raat se, dua hai ab yahi,ki mil jaaye vo kahi, aur ishq shuru ho kisi meethi takrar se....


Would you walk with me in magical rains.. Would you smile with me seeing pigeons to race..

Lov e is

Would you come hand in hand to see musical moonlight.. would you allow me to see stars shining in your sparking eyes...

in th air e

Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. -Saint Augustine

Would you see my dreams with your eyes.. Would you try to find out the reason for my cries... Would you hear unuttered words beneath the silence.. Would you pray with me with uncaught tears rolling once or twice... Would you continue to love me without any reason... Would you not allow your heart to change with the color of the season... words and painting by -Pragya,Mysore

Š2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at


crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion he slips and falls. The mime is terrified. The lion gathers itself and prepares to One day an out of work mime is visiting the zoo and pounce. The mime is so scared that he begins to run attempts to earn some money as a street performer. As round and round the cage with the lion close behind. soon as he starts to draw a crowd, a zoo keeper grabs him Finally, the mime starts screaming and yelling, "Help me, and drags him into his office. The zoo keeper explains to the help me!", but the lion is quick and pounces. The mime that the zoo's most popular attraction, a gorilla, has mime soon finds himself flat on his back looking died suddenly and the keeper fears that attendance at the up at the angry lion and the lion says, zoo will fall off. "Shut up you idiot! Do He offers the mime a job to dress up as the gorilla until you want to get us both they can get another one. The mime accepts. So the next morning the mime puts on the gorilla suit fired?" and enters the cage before the crowd comes. He discovers that it's a great job. He can sleep all he wants, play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mime. However, eventually the crowds tire of him and he tires of just swinging on tires. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience, he climbs to the top of his cage, crawls across a partition, and dangles from the top to the lion's cage. Of course, this makes the lion furious, but the crowd loves it. At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction. Well, this goes on for some time, the mime keeps taunting the lion, the

Zoo Job

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Pancho Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and wanted agrarian reform. Though he was a killer, a bandit, and a revolutionary leader, many remember him as a folk hero. Pancho Villa was also responsible for a raid on Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, which was the first attack on U.S. soil since 1812.

General Villa, a Mexican bandit. (Circa 1913) Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.


Whats in a name?

Fog Lit night of Hong kong

Apple Inc.

It was the favorite fruit of founder Steve Jobs. He was three months late in filing a name for the business, and he threatened to call his company Apple Computers if the other colleagues didn't suggest a better name by 5 O'clock..

Book Shelf A mysterious ceremony in an unknown location has unraveled their work and triggered a catastrophic countdown that will climax in no less than the end of all life on Earth. But there is one last hope. If Jack and his team can find and rebuild a legendary ancient device known only as the "Machine," they might be able to ward off the coming armageddon. The only clues to locating this Machine, however, are held within the fabled Six Sacred Stones, long lost in the fog of history. And so the hunt begins for the Six Sacred Stones and the all-important knowledge they possess, but in the course of this wild

The 6 Sacred Stones -- by Matthew Reilly Publisher Category Format Pages List Price

Pocket Books Fiction Paperback 578 Rs. 256/-

Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational Word meanings asked it’s readers to add, subtract any word taken from dictionary and create a new word

Abdicate, v. to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

adventure Jack and his team will discover that they are not the only ones seeking the Stones and that there might just be other players out there who don't want to see the world saved at all. From Stonehenge in England to the deserts of Egypt to the spectacular Three Gorges region of China, The 6 Sacred Stones will take you on a nonstop rollercoaster ride through ancient history, modern military hardware, and some of the fastest and most mind-blowing action you will ever read.

©2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at



Ads Mads

-By Sunny P.

3M recently completed an amazing posterstunt in Vancouver, Canada. They prepped a bus shelter ad with a 3M product called Scotchshield, a see-through film that you can apply to glass which makes it near bulletproof, and filled the postersite with lots of play money, and 500 real Canadian dollars for good measure. After that they could just sit back and watch the mayhem....


An ambigram is a form of wordplay where in the written word appears the same/different word when viewed from a different viewpoint. These are classified broadly as Asymmetric and Symmetric ambigrams. Asymmetric ambigrams are those which appear as different words when seen from the other viewpoint. Symmetric ambigrams are those which appear as the same word when seen from a different viewpoint. Based on the viewpoint the ambigrams are classified into Rotational / Mirrored. Example of Symmetric rotational Ambigram. (180º rotation)

This one reads Manali even when you turn it upside down (rotate it 180º). An example of Asymmetric rotational Ambigram. (180º rotation.)

©2008 bodhiverse Bodh-e-verse June 2008 beta issue. Rush your original ideas, articles,images,jokes etc at


Amazing History STONEHENGE The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. Many of the original stones have fallen or been removed by previous generations for home construction or road repair. There has been serious damage to some of the smaller bluestones resulting from close visitor contact (prohibited since 1978) and the prehistoric carvings on the larger sarsen stones show signs of significant wear. Construction of the Henge In its day, the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat, requiring commitment, time and vast amounts of manual labor. In its first phase, Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the ditch was dug with tools made from

the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. The underlying chalk was loosened with picks and shoveled with the shoulderblades of cattle. It was then loaded into baskets and carried away. Modern experiments have shown that these tools were more than equal to the great task of earth digging and moving. The Bluestones About 2,000 BC, the first stone circle (which is now the inner circle), comprised of small bluestones, was set up, but abandoned before completion. The stones used in that first circle are believed to be from the Prescelly Mountains, located roughly 240 miles away, at the southwestern tip of Wales. The bluestones weigh up to 4 tons each and about 80 stones were used, in all. Given the distance they had to travel, this presented quite a transportation problem.

Modern theories speculate that the stones were dragged by roller and sledge from the inland mountains to the headwaters of Milford Haven. There they were loaded onto rafts, barges or boats and sailed along the south coast of Wales, then up the Rivers Avon and Frome to a point near present-day Frome in Somerset. From this point, so the theory goes, the stones were hauled overland, again, to a place near Warminster in Wiltshire, approximately 6 miles away. From there, it's back into the pool for a slow float down the River Wylye to Salisbury, then up the Salisbury Avon to West Amesbury, leaving only a short 2 mile drag from West Amesbury to the Stonehenge site.

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Amazing Engineering Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok opened on July 6, 1998. Ultimate design capacity will be 87 million passengers and 9 million tons of cargo, making it one of the busiest airports in the world. About 75 percent of the 1,248-hectare airport island was reclaimed from the sea. About 347 million cubic meters of material - roughly 10 tons a second - was moved during the 31 months of site preparation. In 2007, HKIA handled 47 million passengers and 3.7 million tonnes of cargo



In Theatres July 2

Director: Peter Berg Written By: Vincent Ngo & Vince Gilligan Cast: Will Smith, Jason Bateman, Charlize Theron Genre:Action | Comedy | Drama | Fantasy Plot:There are heroes… there are superheroes… and then there’s Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility – everyone knows that – everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done..A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image.

Meet Dave In Theatres July 11

Directed by: Brian Robbins Written by: Bill Corbett and Rob Greenberg Cast: Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, Ed Helms, Elizabeth Banks Genre: Comedy Official Site: Plot:Dave Ming Chang (Eddie Murphy),

newly arrived in New York City, may be the ultimate fish out of water. There's something about him that's not quite right – for starters, he seems remarkably out of place and uncomfortable in his own body. And for good reason: Dave is not a man at all, but a ship made in the image of its miniature-sized captain. It's Eddie Murphy in Meet Dave.

A speech by Steeve Jobs At Stanford This is the very inspirational speech given by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, to the graduating class of Stanford University on June 12, 2005. I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a

girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first


Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Thank you all very much. -- Steve Jobs **This is an excerpt. you can read the full speech by clicking here Stanford speech-by Steeve Jobs

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