BodyMind Living Magazine :: Purpose, Redefined :: February 2021

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I S S U E N o 5 : : Redef ining PURPOSE : : FEBRUARY 2021

The self help revolution... Redefined.


WELCOME..........................................3 THE WEIGHT OF HEAVY QUESTIONS.......................................4 HEIDI METRO

MY PAIN GAVE ME PURPOSE..........................................12 FIDEL FORDE

AN INVITATION TO BODYMIND.....................................19 HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT............20 MELISSA KELLEY

REDEFINING YOUR PURPOSE..........................................28 CARLY CLARK ZIMMER


WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE A BODYMIND COACH?................41 SYNCHRONICITY & SERENDIPITY .................................42 LAURA WIECK






Purpose has been a driving factor in my journey. So many people come into the personal growth and wellness space because of a desire for purpose. So, what is that? What does it look like? What does it mean? In this month’s issue of BodyMind Living magazine, we’re exploring this topic more fully. How has purpose shown up for us? How has it driven us? How has it guided us? How has it opened up and exposed things for us? As always, I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite beverage, find a quiet spot, take this time to explore and look inward. I invite you think about what purpose means for you. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. Here’s where to join our community. Let’s go. With love, Laura

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o you remember being a kid and having someone ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? These well-meaning adults would usually use a sing-song tone and wait expectantly for you to wow them with a noble (and expected) answer like a teacher or a firefighter. Right? Ugh. I hated that question for lots of reasons. Mostly because my choices made people react in an awkward way. Being a priest or a truck driver are uncommon choices for a 6 year old girl. “Oh, well, isn’t that interesting.” Or if you’re from the Midwest, “Well... that’s different.” I truly just wanted to climb trees and play outside while I ate popsicles. Lay off Gary, I’m a kid. I’ll get to work later. The “heavy” questions don’t stop there. They only shift. And often make us squirm. Here are some status quo questions I was asked that just seem to ooze with veiled guidance about how I should live my life: “You’re not going to date him, are you?” (I guess I better date him! :) )



“Where are you going to college?” (I guess I’m going, I better pick.) “What are you majoring in?” (I’m 18 and have no idea.) “When are you getting married?” (I will do that. Hey Mike, let’s do that.) “When are you having kids?” (I have been married for 45 minutes. Just wait. And I guess we should do that?) “Are you going to try for a girl?” (You know, after 2 sons, that’s what you should do.) “What is your purpose?” (Um... in college I learned a lot but I didn’t declare my purpose.)

Holy hell. Okay let’s just pause for a hot second and take a deep breath. No seriously. Inhale... hold... exhale…

Ahh... okay. If you’ve been in the BodyMind space for any amount of time, you know that questions are the tools we use to discover the answers that you already have. I personally call it Leading From Within. I’ve learned over time that asking better questions allows for that inner leadership to truly root and blossom. So let’s begin answering the purpose question with a better question. Cool? Okay, here goes: What is purpose NOT? I know, I know. Don’t worry about the word “not.” It’s only the first step.






Heidi Metro :: THE WEIGHT OF HEAVY QUESTIONS Here’s what purpose is NOT: * A calling that you have to prove/ chase for the rest of your life * A fixed point that you have to find * What your parents told you you had to be when you grew up * What society expects from you * To get a job, pay the bills, resent the taxes and die * To over-give and over-function so you don’t remember who you are anymore * To make others happy * To be happy All of these definitions make purpose the destination and perpetually out of reach because you must base it on what is outside of you. And most of that list ain’t about you! It’s pure dysfunction! Oh friend, as you get more and more comfortable living BodyMind aligned, you’ll remember that it’s how you BEGIN that will determine where you end up. And so, let’s begin where purpose actually belongs... at the very, very, very beginning. Here is my definition of Soul Purpose: The awareness of where your humanity and divinity intersect.



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Your gloriously complex, intricate and limited humanity along with your ever-expansive and fully connected and dripping with love DIVINITY. The communion of them. The space in between them. The alchemy of them. Sweetheart, you ARE in fact purpose ITSELF living out an expression of the Ultimate Creativity. God herself. God himself. This is where we begin.

You ARE purpose. Isn’t that a relief!!!? Breathe... And so it becomes more about the awareness and the DISCOVERY of our hybrid nature and how we interact with our animation of it that really becomes the true definition of purpose. You are the EXPRESSION of purpose. Your purpose is to be who you are as you. Your likes. Your dislikes. Your talents and challenges. Your taste in furniture and comic books. Your preferences for dogs and seafood. Your inability to carry a tune. In the quiet recesses of your heart and gut, you as you is purpose-filled because you DO know so much about the one and only you!


Heidi Metro :: THE WEIGHT OF HEAVY QUESTIONS Breaks your heart Pisses you off Grates on your nerves Sings to you Calls to you in dreams Reveals itself in your journal Annoys you about other people Comes through in messages in music and books

You ARE purpose.

Heidi shares her sometimes elusive search for purpose. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY.)

The challenge is that what is obvious to us about ourselves is often thought to be lackluster. Boring. Normal. Sometimes even wrong. We forget that we are a part of this incredibly unique and creative unfolding and so we get busy. And disconnected. And we look everywhere for our purpose when it is in fact coursing through our very veins. Purpose is also having reverence for your holy nature. For real! You are so sacred. You are so unique. Your gift, your message, your voice IS purpose. 10

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You know what:

Your purpose is not meant to be found. It’s meant to be unwrapped. Discovered. It’s not outside of you. You can’t Google it. You can’t drive to it. And you’ll likely go through a few phases. I call it the “Cover Series.” First you’ll UNCOVER a whole bunch of shit that you’re NOT. You’ll begin the journey within with a whole lotta contrast. What you don’t like. What doesn’t work. What pisses you off. What scares the shit out of you. What breaks you into pieces. Then you’ll DISCOVER who you are. At your core. The secret spaces of you. A one-of-a-kind original that was MEANT to be here. You’ll make choices out of preference and direction. You’ll still go through cycles, but you won’t feel so lost all the time. And of course during this time you’ll RECOVER who you were before the world told you who you “should” be. You’ll grant yourself more leeway. You’ll have boundaries. And uphold them. You’ll replenish the stores of energy that you gave away. You’ll care for that 10 gorgeous small/child self and love him/her wholly, thus engaging in a truly beautiful gift to all of us: Self-love. So please dear, when someone asks you what your purpose is, you say,

“I am purpose.”

Heidi Metro is a total hybrid: Obsessed with practical systems and totally woo. You’ll find her creating in her coaching studio, saging her crystals, and designing Systems with Soul for her incredible clients. After 12 years in a successful massage practice, Heidi now combines her degrees in philosophy and massage therapy, along with her BodyMind Coaching training to coach full time within her company, The New Next Level — BodyMind Coaching. The New Next Level is about empowering womxn to Lead From Within by aligning their purpose, values, and boundaries. When women lead, we change the world. When Heidi isn’t collaborating with clients, you’ll find her with her hubby, three kiddos, and two pooches in their sweet Midwestern town. She loves to hike, build bonfires, and get lost in books. IG: @heidimetro FB: Heidi Metro FB: The New Next Level

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What does this piece go to? It just doesn’t fit. Why did that situation happen to me? What am I supposed to do with this? It’s so frustrating wondering, second guessing, working toward something, and having no idea to what end. Discovering your purpose is somehow expected to be this enlightening, passion-fulfilling experience. The clouds part, a beam of light comes out of the sky, and you hear this voice that says, “This is your purpose.” And everyday from that point on you live out your purpose because you finally know what it is…. HA! Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that simple? 12

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o how did I find my purpose? I never did. It revealed itself to me like a puzzle being put together from a box with no picture. Leave it up to purpose to cause you to question how all the pieces of your life come together.

Instead, my purpose in life was disguised in my pain, buried deep in my past, revealed in my strengths, and ignited through my passions. My passion for fathering came from the pain and childhood sadness of having an absent father. Not being able to recall being hugged or hearing the words “I love you” from my father... I still cannot even think about this without getting teary-eyed. But this experience birthed in me a desire to be the dad that I wished I had and to break the generational cycle of scattered families and fatherless children. I HAD TO CHOOSE over and over again to make this a reality. And I still have to choose every day and decide that this is who I am. When my son runs into my arms just to tell me he loves me and I squeeze him tight, there are simply no words. So Dad, I just want to say thank you! For the example that you didn’t know how to set, because it wasn’t given to 12 you, actually ended up bringing out the best in me. Purpose also found me after I lost my dream job in corporate America. With this, I lost more than my position and salary, I lost my identity and value of being able to provide as a ‘man.’ The stress, overwhelm and pain of losing my job, having a family, and being uprooted constantly

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Although I couldn’t see it at the time, when I look back I can see the picture. And it all turned out to be a blessing. My own struggles made me more sensitive to recognizing the struggles of others, which has equipped me to be more impactful in my current work.

Losing it all didn’t define me, it refined me.

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as a military spouse rocked me at my core. There was no picture on my puzzle box of what to do with these pieces that were given to me or how to handle the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual stress of it all, not to mention how to adapt to saying goodbye to the goals and dreams of what I thought life would be.

That job loss opened the door for me to discover my passion as a speaker, coach, massage therapist, and yoga instructor. It opened me to empowering others to be limitless in body, mind, and life. It put me on a path of training, deeper inner work and experience, allowing me to take control over my life, shift my relationship with stress and learn to let my heart lead me forward deeply. It was another piece that fell into place toward a more aligned life of encouraging, equipping, and empowering others... something I continually do for myself. This was just one piece of the puzzle. This is what John C. Maxwell, the father of leadership, has to say about purpose:


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Fidel adds to his story in this heartfelt video. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY.)

So when you are living out life in your strength zone, you will inevitably find purpose... and joy in that purpose... living an aligned life of impact. Here is the point: Purpose reveals itself in those defining moments. Purpose is where your past, present, and future meet. Purpose sparks the moment your misery becomes your ministry, your test becomes your testimony.

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“Whenever I mentor people and help them discover their purpose, I always encourage them to start the process by discovering their strengths, not exploring their shortcomings. Why? Because people’s purpose in life is always connected to their giftedness. It always works that way. You are not called to do something that you have no talent for. You will discover your purpose by finding and remaining in your strength zone.”

What desires do you have that you can’t run from? What is it that continues to give you butterflies and lights a fire in your belly? What is it that no matter where you go people (even strangers) share the same inspiring truth about who you are? If you start to look at the pain of your past and the desires of your future, it will give you insight into how to pursue your purpose in your present.

What is my purpose? It is to live everyday intentionally, growing deeper into the person I’m meant to become, demonstrating what’s possible, and helping others do the same. I’d love to hear your story. Share it with me. I bet we could see how all the puzzle pieces fit together and create the beautiful, unique picture that is you. 17


Fidel Forde is a BodyMind & Empowerment Coach, Motivational Speaker, Business Mentor, Retreat Leader, Massage Therapist, and International Yoga Instructor — aka a renaissance man and entrepreneur. He is a proud military spouse of a Navy psychologist and a father of three daughters and one son. He is on a mission to ignite the spark in others — empowering them to live the life they are capable of living and create more time, more impact, more joy, more energy and sustainable success without burnout. He is passionate about this work because in 2011 his world was turned upside down. He lost his corporate executive position, struggled to adapt to the multiple relocations and the lifestyle of a military family, and realized that he had no idea how to manage his stress. That is what drove him to the path of becoming a holistic practitioner. He uncovered the power of the body-mind connection, which allowed him to embody his true purpose and gifts of healing, encouraging and empowering others. Today Fidel teaches heart-centered and impact-driven men, women, 18 entrepreneurs and leaders how to come back home to their bodies, create balance, movement, and hustle with grace. His location-independent business model allows him to travel and work with clients around the world, in person and virtually. Fidel creates one of a kind embodiment retreats for groups and individuals to kick stress to the curb and tap into their personal power. What Fidel is most proud about is redefining what it means to dad, to be present, and to let it be messy. To connect with Fidel and fuel your spark check him out at: IG: @fidelforde 18

I was talking to an amazing Massage Therapist recently. She has been practicing for nearly 15 years and has a schedule that is booked solid with amazing clients. By industry standards, she is definitely ‘successful’.

And that’s when she said it: “I feel stuck. I’ve been doing the same thing, day in and day out for years with my clients. And while I love every single one of them, it’s starting to wear on me.” “I mean, I got into this business to help people heal and I’ve taken loads of CE classes to refine my skills. But it just feels like I’ve hit this invisible ceiling in my business where my income is capped, my time is capped, and my clients keep complaining about the same stuff.” This was the kicker…“You know the worst part — even though I know I’m amazing at what I do, I still feel like I have to justify myself and my rates to compete with new therapists and the franchises. I’ve done everything I can to be successful and I feel like I’ve ‘made it’. But inside, I KNOW there is a better way and I just can’t seem to figure it out for myself.” Can you relate? I know I can — that is exactly where I was just a few years back. Maxed out. On the brink of burn out. And starting to wonder… how I could continue to do the work I love without working myself to the ground?

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An invitation to you...

I knew there was a better way to work, but I had to charter a new path to find it. I made a commitment to myself that I would figure out how to work smarter, not harder (which, as a Massage Therapist, that was no small feat!). I consciously structured my business to honor me so that I could bring my BEST self into my work. The results were clear: — Within 6 months, I doubled my income and had my first 6-figure year. — I CUT BACK the number of clients I worked on (from 25 per week to 12 per week). — My clients took empowered action between appointments (i.e. all the advice I had been giving them for years, they finally followed through) and were getting amazing results. — I felt a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in my work that had been missing for years. I believe it is time for a *NEW ERA* of bodyworkers. My mission is to support hands-on and heart-centered practitioners to honor themselves, serve their clients and build their businesses in a healthy way. ~


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urpose is often painted as this mysterious enigma.

I suppose, in some ways that may be true. In other ways, it seems to me that our purpose is actually hidden in plain sight. For those of us that feel inspired to pursue the path of purpose, finding “it” is simply a matter of tracking the clues we’ve left for ourselves along the way. As a kid, I was forever pondering the meaning of things. I remember thinking often — what is this gig (life)? What is this all about? What are we all DOING here, anyway? What’s MY part? What am I here to DO? Figure out what I’m here to do, and get on with the business of doing it.



That has been my jam since day one. I am reminded of this by a story my father often tells. “You had to learn to walk three times...” This is always his lead into the story. He frames it this way on purpose, to remind me that whatever I’m navigating, I’ve got the tools to get there. When I first began walking, it became evident I required casts and braces on my feet and ankles for my bone structure to develop properly. Having mastered the process once already, my father was concerned that my mobility would be hindered by the acquisition of my new hardware. To his surprise, I sat with curiosity and studied intently the details of my situation. After an extended period of contemplation, I hoisted myself up, and though wobbly at first, I adapted my process and reclaimed my mobility. He marveled at my sheer will and determination. I spent the next year unhindered and continuing to confound my parents. I scaled the confines of my crib daily, using the top rail to hoist myself out of containment. It seems I also developed a talent for loosening the bolts that held my braces in place. My father still scratches his head in bewilderment as he admits to peeking his head around doorways, hoping to see how it was that I could loosen the bolts he strategically tightened with a crescent wrench. On the other side of a year’s time, my hardware and casts


Melissa Kelley :: HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT On the other side of a year, my casts and braces were removed and I had to learn to walk again. I didn’t miss a beat. If you know me, you’re probably smiling as you read this, or maybe even laughing out loud. Because you can totally see it. And that’s my point. After 40+ trips around the sun what I’ve come to learn about myself my dad says he saw in me from the very beginning. That even during the times he’s witnessed me struggle, he never worried because he knows I’m tenacious, determined. I am wired to innovate, to figure it out and glean some wisdom along the way. It just so happens these are some of the core qualities I lean on in my own inner work as well as the work I do with my clients. Another story to share... My daughter was speaking in sentences before she turned a year old. From the moment she arrived in this world she was completely fascinated by the sound of her own voice. Throughout her infancy, it was clear that she had an innate determination to master language. It was my turn to marvel as she worked with intention to create sounds, capturing the attention of an entire room, grocery store or shopping mall with her powerful voice. As a



toddler and a little girl, it was her personal mission to inform us of all the things. One of her favorite toys was a microphone. Fifteen years later, I hold the deep knowing for her that my father held for me. As an adolescent, she struggles and waivers a bit in her confidence. That is part of the journey. Yet, when she is impassioned, her gift of communication is absolutely captivating. She is an activist, a change maker. She uses her voice to illuminate some of darkest problems we are facing as a society. She is a born mediator and humanitarian, and through conversation, I have witnessed her innate ability to unify the most divided points of view. I share these stories as examples because I know them intimately. These are the threads, I believe, that if we follow them, point to and support us in recognizing and living our purpose. We all have our own landscape of experiences to draw from. We have innate qualities that we brought with us, we have challenges and complications that we’ve faced. Defining moments in our lives where we awakened to or were called upon to develop a specific skill set to see us through to the next chapter of our journey. We are hard wired for purpose.




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Do you remember what you loved to do as a child? What was your favorite way to pass the time? Who were you before you learned to shield yourself from the opinions of others? What did you want to do/be before you learned about what you’re supposed to do or who you’re supposed to be? My work is rooted in the premise of purpose. That we are all here to remember who we really are, and what we came here to do. I believe that purpose is a grace within each of us, that we are being asked to cultivate, to hone, to feed, to nourish, and to utilize as a source of contribution to the whole. The whole equals all of us. Humans working together to contribute to the well-being of humanity. Questions I ask myself regularly:


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If you find yourself contemplating purpose, I invite you to consider retracing your steps. What are the clues that you have been leaving for yourself along the way?

Where/How can I commit my energy to something bigger than me/myself? Where/How am I uniquely qualified to serve/contribute? Purpose is about action with intention. It’s about showing up. Showing up with integrity for ourselves so that we have something of integrity to offer others. For me, purpose is my commitment to sacred service. We all have within us the capacity to contribute something that makes a difference.

Imagine the impact that would be

possible if we all

decided to dance with purpose.


The ripple effect would be profound.

Melissa Kelley is the creator and founder of Sacred She™. She also serves as the Associate Coach Coordinator for the BodyMind Coaching Community. Melissa has been devoted to the study of the healing arts and exploring the nuances of personal growth & transformation through the BodyMind Connection for over 20 years. She believes that the greatest path to fulfillment comes from within, and that when you discover who you really are and what you came here to do, everything changes. She is dedicated to helping conscious, creative women bring their vision to life. Melissa’s coaching style is rooted in deep inner work, integrative practices and feminine wisdom traditions. 27



any years ago I was at a workshop and the retreat leader asked us to go around the room and share what our purpose was. At the time, this type of exercise was my worst nightmare. I cringed and started to sweat. My face turned bright red and my thoughts started to race “What am I going to say? What if it’s not good enough? I don’t know what my purpose is yet… Maybe I don’t have one. I’m going to look stupid...” Somehow I fumbled my way through that moment. I don’t recall what I said, but I do remember feeling ashamed. I didn’t know what my purpose was and I felt like I didn’t deserve to be in the room. A few days after the workshop while out for a walk, I had a lightbulb moment. Wasn’t me just being a person



good enough? I would never assume that someone didn’t have a purpose no matter what their life looked like, so why was I putting all of this pressure on myself? From that moment on I get annoyed when I hear your “life’s purpose” thrown around in the personal development world, and I think we need to be really intentional when having conversations around purpose. We have a responsibility as leaders to make sure everyone knows that you have a purpose...

and that purpose is to BE YOU! It took me a long time to come to this realization. When I was a teenager, my brothers and I were left to our own devices in the afternoon as my mom finished up her school bus run. This was when I discovered the magical world of Oprah Winfrey! She would interview amazing guests that would move me to tears with their powerful stories of how they were helping others around the world. Something deep inside me connected with this energy, and I knew I was here to do something… but I didn’t yet know what that was. But who was I to have this dream? Who was I to think I could make an impact? That’s not what happened to people in my small town. At least that’s what it seemed like coming from a teenager’s perspective. 29






The message I picked up on subconsciously was that if we are not impacting hundreds or millions of people, then we don’t have a purpose. Let’s play with this question: “Do you have to make a big impact to have a purpose?” Of course not! Think about a new born baby or a toddler… would you ever question that they have a purpose other than to just be themselves?

Why then do so many of us feel like we have to go searching for our purpose? I believe the answer to this question lies within a slight shift in language. What we are looking for as we become adults is a connection to our soul and how your soul is calling you to live your life. Some people might call this meaning. We want our lives to mean something and we want to feel fufilled. If we are disconnected from our soul, it can leave us feeling empty inside causing us to go outside of ourselves searching for our purpose, when what we are actually looking for is right inside of us all along.


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I had this burning desire to find my purpose and get out of that small town. But the more I watched people on TV making a big impact, the smaller I felt.


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In order to feel connected to our purpose, we must be connected to our soul. And this is where the process of BodyMind has been so powerful for me. My soul knew what it was here to do: help people make positive changes in their lives so they could be happier and more fulfilled. But my mind had talked myself out of it for years. My mind-chatter was constantly telling me I wasn’t good enough or smart enough. It was through the process of reconnecting to my body’s deep internal wisdom and intuition that I allowed myself to express the fullest version of myself out in the world. From a young age, we are told to be quiet, sit down, don’t make a scene, don’t be too loud or in my case, too shy. We quickly get put into boxes that we have not necessarily chosen. We might even start looking for the acceptable boxes to put ourselves in because they are the social norm. We begin to seek approval from others, which can create a separation from our soul and the true expression of ourselves. For many people, the wake-up call to reconnect to their purpose comes in the form of a drastic life event like losing a job, or a loved one, or a difficult health challenge. It’s often in those moments that we have slowed down enough to hear our soul calling, reconnecting to purpose — to be you. If you’ve ever felt disconnected from your purpose, here are a few questions to ponder and help spark the reconnection: 33


What would you change in your life to express yourself more authentically? What would you say or do — or not do — anymore? What might be possible if you took this concept and started living it to the fullest? “Today I will live the fullest expression of myself.” Write that down on a sticky note and put it on your bathroom mirror! The process of fully expressing myself took a number of years and I do believe I am still in that process and may be for many years to come. There is more of my inner child that wants to come out and play and my adult self is still testing the waters to make sure it’s safe.

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What would it look like for you to be the fullest expressioon of yourself?

Our bodies are wise, so if you’ve had difficult experiences especially early on in life, the body does what it needs to in order to protect itself and feel safe. We may have had to build up a strong armor around the fullest expression of ourselves because there may have been a time in our life where it was not safe to be who we are. As adults we can consciously bring in a ton of self-compassion for the little person we were, doing the very best we could in the situation we were in. Only then can we take small steps to heal and start to feel safe enough to express the full version of who we are now. Decades later, I think back to the small town I grew up in and know that every single person in that town has a divine purpose — to be themselves. And to be the fullest expression of themselves whatever that might look like!


Carly talks about the sometimes paralyzing shock of being seen and heard. (CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY.)


Carly Clark Zimmer is a Certified BodyMind Coach & Consultant for heart-centered business owners. Through her own BodyMind coaching journey, Carly uncovered her knack for helping coaches simplify and streamline their business while bringing their vision and desire to make an impact to life! Carly transitioned to coaching after spending 12 years as a healer and holistic massage therapist. She saw how stress and pain affected the quality of life of her clients and found BodyMind coaching to be THE TOOL to release stored energy and emotions. She quickly realized it also meant she needed to learn how to be a CEO... and she had the tools from BodyMind to do it on her terms. Now she loves to help other coaches and creatives build profitable, aligned businesses by combining smart business tactics with the body-mind connection. Carly is also the Embodied Tech Expert for the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program, and loves helping the members simplify their business systems so they can focus on the powerful work of serving their clients! When she’s not wearing her coaching hat, she’s hiking the emerald green countryside and enjoying the salty sea air of Galway Ireland, where she lives with her husband Devin. First 5 ( @carlyclarkzimmer FB: Carly Clark Zimmer FB: The Heart Centered Coach Club IG:


Michelle Rockwood :: SHOWING UP ON PURPOSE

I’m up for several reasons: One, I’m not great with the altitude, and we’re up high — almost 10,000 feet — and two, because it feels like our country is in turmoil, and frankly, I’m stressed. This happens to me often... bouts of insomnia and stress. More often in the last year (you too?). One of the many things I am stressing about this (early) morning is purpose. What the heck is my purpose? Why do I need to have such a thing, and why can’t I just be happy as I am?

I’m not kidding; this is why I am up.


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t’s 3 am, and I can’t sleep. I’m hiding in the bathroom, sitting on a pile of dirty towels and leaning against the tub. I’m trying not to type too loudly and wake my three boys, while they slumber here in the ski town of Breckenridge, Colorado.


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I can hear my husband sleeping away and snoring (it’s an altitude thing) in the next room, clearly not obsessed with his happiness, at least not at this moment. As I try to ground myself and get some shuteye, I am reminded of a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” I love this quote because I know that happiness and inner peace is achieved through seeking purpose and being useful; it does not just suddenly magically appear because we wish it or read a flowery quote from Oprah (although I do love Oprah!). When have you felt the most purpose in your life? For me, it was when I was all-consumed. For example, when my first baby was born, there was nothing else I could think of but his care. My purpose was clear, and everything else just fell away. Today, I also feel a profound sense of purpose when I am coaching women. They hang up the phone with me or jump off a group coaching call and with a renewed sense of their purpose, their flow and impact. They share their wins with me and we celebrate together. I feel useful and fulfilled. When I am all consumed with my craft I feel purposeful. But the words of Oprah or others floating around the web, podcasts, even on t-shirts often ring through my head on nights (mornings) like this: Typically the quote goes something like, 37

Michelle Rockwood :: SHOWING UP ON PURPOSE “you’re perfect and whole just as you are.” Is this really true? Are humans born perfectly whole just as they are? Purpose for each of us is as essential as the breath we breathe, sometimes more. Sometimes we are willing to give our life, literally, to fulfill what we believe to be our purpose. This has often driven men unapologetically through history. I routinely struggle with thoughts that sound something like this: “I should be content and happy just as I am.” Up until now this has been a mantra I have desperately tried to embody. My kids should fulfill me, my home, my hobbies... this should be enough. But it’s not, they’re not. I need more. I need to make money, to be recognized for my gifts, to make an impact on the lives of others in a big way. It’s how I am wired, it’s who I am and no mantra will ever silence this voice inside... and that’s okay. Today, the noise of the world and others’ needs shatter the clarity of my purpose, and it’s unsettling. Pulled in so many directions, the tunnel of clarity I once had for my purpose is harder to find. I have to listen in, plan, and purposely be “selfish” as I work away towards my current vision, my purpose. So, how do we begin to find purpose in our lives? How do we find meaning in this one and only life? I don’t have a step-by-step guide or a shortcut to finding purpose. But what I do know is that when we stop seeking it, we die. We succumb, and we start to shut down, we become angry and isolated... 38


we become depressed. In case your purpose is eluding you, I do have a “cheat” to get started: find someone else with it. Find someone with incredible purpose and drive and stand next to her. Seriously, just hang out. Work with her, volunteer with her, do whatever you can to be next to someone with great purpose. You’ll find they rub off on you in amazing ways. Do what they do day-to-day and take their passion on as if it was your own. You might just stumble upon your own purpose and passion in the process, and you’ll be prepared to put on the blinders and act accordingly. This is what has worked for me when I was rudderless in life — I surrounded myself with folks who had big dreams and purpose. They seemed so bizarre to me at the time, but this passion was what attracted me to them and I now realize it’s because purpose and passion are within us all and vital to a “life well lived.” Still... I am up at night wondering the meaning of it all and where I fit in. I fear this wanderlust will never end and I will continue to seek out passion, purpose, flow and the meaning of it all. I know this feeling will pass and I will eventually fall asleep, but I will continue to seek my purpose and I hope you will too. Reach out and let me know how you’ve found purpose in this only life, and if you’re out seeking it and fumbling around like the rest of us, share that too. What is important is that we don’t stop seeking purpose and meaning. Our lives, our happiness depend on it. 39

Michelle Rockwood :: SHOWING UP ON PURPOSE

Michelle Rockwood BodyMind Enrollment Coach Michelle Rockwood is a fierce and loving Heart-Centered Sales expert for BodyMind Coaching’s 9-month Certification program. She teaches clients the most joyful way to master the sales conversation so they can sell their coaching programs with love, ease and grace. Michelle also runs a program called Sisterhood Rising, it’s designed for badass women ready to reclaim their brilliance. She loves her work and cares deeply for her clients, her family and the world. Michelle is a former yoga teacher with a background in non-profit development and sales. She has lived and worked all over the world and now resides in Denver, Colorado, and (of course) loves to ski. When Michelle isn’t working, she’s chasing her three wild boys or playing with her dog Tigo and her new puppy Ruby. You can connect with Michelle at:



What is it like to become a BodyMind Coach?

As a master coach and Licensed Massage Therapist with over 12 years experience, I know there’s a better way to work. How? Because I transformed my heart-centered, hands-on business myself.

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It’s my mission to give heart-centered therapists like you the tools to serve your clients and help them achieve lasting results, without you burning yourself out in the process.

Not so many years ago, I was where you might be right now: overworked, exhausted and on the brink of burnout. At the time I was working as a successful massage therapist. I had great retention rates, clients regularly referred their friends, and consequently, I was always booked solid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When clients came in and lay on my table, I found many opened up and shared their stories. They’d talk about their stresses and frustrations, as well as their hopes and desires. Even when they weren’t actually talking, their bodies would also share stories of what they were ready to release and the dreams they were ready to fulfill. And when their hour was up, I’d spent around 30–45 minutes talking through the self-care steps they should take themselves at home before our next session.

IS THIS YOU? I knew my clients wouldn’t get lasting results unless I challenged them to address the habits, behavioral patterns, and limiting beliefs that created their stress in the first place and kept them coming back, session after session. The realization that massage could only really treat the symptoms of my clients’ stress and not the cause, led me to incorporate coaching conversations into my sessions. Once my clients realized the connection between their emotional wellbeing and their physical pain, everything changed. Instead of showing up for sessions having ignored all the aftercare advice I gave them the previous week, they actually began to implement it — willingly! I’ve since coached hundreds of clients using BodyMind Coaching, and now I want to show you how you can use this powerful coaching conversation strategy to transform your business and accelerate your clients’ results, too. — Laura Wieck

Interested in becoming a BodyMind Coach? Click here for more information.

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I was exhausted. I had just finished my fifth 90-minute massage session of the day and noticed how all the common complaints my clients had come in with — sore back, neck pain, stress — had somehow ended up in my body. I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and invited all the energy that wasn’t mine to leave my body and be returned to the earth to be cleansed. I sent love and gratitude to all my amazing clients because I knew I was so fortunate to have a full massage practice. Normally, this short ritual was enough for me to feel more grounded. But not today. Today a voice came rumbling up through my core and whispered in my heart, “Laura… there is more to your purpose than this.” 42

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ee you in two weeks, Cathy!” I gave one final wave to my client and closed the door behind me.

Have you ever had a moment where truth resonated through you?

Well… that was this moment for me. For years, I thought being a massage therapist was my purpose. I thought the way I was supposed to express this purpose was to build a booked-solid practice. The truth was, I was burning out. I didn’t know how much more I had to give. But if this wasn’t my purpose, what was? After one more deep breath, I opened my eyes, grabbed my laptop and cuddled up on the couch with my dogs, Porky and Daisy, flanking each side. Without thinking, I opened Facebook and began my post-client, zone-out and scroll time. Apparently, God wasn’t done talking to me because a few seconds into my scrolling, a video caught my attention. Alarm clock going off —> Shower turning on —> Coffee pot percolating —> Traffic and horns on the way to work —> Endless emails —> Traffic and more horns on the way home —> Stress eating at the end of the day—> Crashing on the couch watching netflix —> Alarm clock going off...




And then a male voice chimed in, “You know there has to be more to life than this. You know that you are here for a purpose… but what is your purpose?” It was like this guy was in my head. The video continued. “It’s hard to find your purpose when you’re stuck in the daily routine of your life,” I was nodding along. Then, the cycle broke and scenes of lush palm trees and beautiful beaches where the narrator, who I had seen on an episode of Oprah was standing. He looked straight into the camera and said, “What you need is a pattern interrupt.”

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Then the images started to repeat, getting faster and faster.

In that serendipitous moment, it felt like God had answered a prayer. A pattern interrupt was exactly what I needed. Before I had time to question what the hell I was doing (or how the hell I would be able to afford a week-long retreat in Maui without my husband), I clicked the link and filled out the application. Somehow, I made it through the interview and was selected to join 20 other people from around the world to connect back to our hearts and discover our purpose. .......................

Six months later, I walked off the plane into an open-air terminal. Birds were chirping in the railings above, the smell of the tropical island filled my lungs, and the



I always knew Maui would be beautiful. What they don’t tell you is how wonderful Maui smells — thick humid air combined with a fruity floral fragrance that dances with your senses.

I was finally here. After a quick stop to the bathroom I picked up my checked bag and headed outside to wait for Sue. An hour later, she walked out carrying a massive bag that held her windsurfing gear. “Well, hello stranger! Fancy meeting you here!” Sue’s warm smile made me feel more comfortable being so far from home, “I can’t believe our flights landed so close

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breeze hugged me as if to say, ‘Welcome to Maui!’

to each other. Who would have guessed that two Ohio girls would be hanging out in Maui!” I had met Sue a handful of times through my acupuncturist friend back in Ohio. She was one of those people who never met a stranger. She had a way to make anyone feel comfortable and at home in her presence. “That’s the power of social media!” I said as I gave her a hug. The only reason we figured out we were both coming to Maui was because of Facebook. Honestly, I was relieved when I saw her post and we connected. I had jumped on the opportunity to come to the retreat and purchased the cheapest ticket possible without thinking how I would afford two additional days on the island.



Plus, Sue was always up for an adventure…

and I had just the place in mind! The next morning, after we figured out how to use a french press coffee maker for the first time, we hopped into her two-door sedan, rolled down the windows, turned on some Jack Johnson music and headed east towards the Road to Hana. The Road To Hana is the classic tourist attraction on Maui. The twisting, curving road takes you through the rain forest, along the coast to a quiet little village on the far east side of the island. Along the way, there are thick bamboo forests, rainbow eucalyptus trees, black sand beaches, dozens of waterfalls and whales breaching in the ocean. “So what’s in Hana that you wanted to find?” Sue asked “My grandpa preached at a church in Hana and I want to go find it,” I said as I took a sip of my coffee. “My grandparents loved to travel and see the world. But with my grandpa being a preacher, they had to find a way to travel on a budget. So he would do these ‘church swaps’ where he would trade churches with another preacher.” 46

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The synchronicity and serendipity of our paths crossing meant that I had a couch to crash on and transportation to explore the island.

“It’s kind of like my travel nursing program,” Sue interjected, “just with preachin’ the good word!” I laughed. “Exactly!” Three hours later, we pulled up to Wananalua Church. Bells were ringing as the last service was just letting out. Our timing was perfect.

Synchronicity and serendipity again. Sue pulled off the road and parked next to the wood fence on the edge of the church property. Lush green grass surrounded the church with huge palm trees around the edge of the property. On the far side of the church was a cemetery shaded by a massive banyan tree. Something about the place drew me in. It was stately, yet inviting, powerful, yet humbling. My soul knew this place as if it was always a part of me. As soon as my foot stepped onto the property, a tingling sensation rose up through my legs, filled my torso, and fluttered in my heart. An energy drew me across the grass, up the stairs, and into the46 sanctuary of the island church. Mahogany beams lined the ceiling and the altar was filled with fresh tropical flowers. My fingers gently floated across the top of the pews, and it felt like every soul who had ever sat on those benches and prayed were intertwining their energy with me.

I felt my grandfather’s presence sitting in that chair and preaching from that pulpit as if he were standing there with me. I could hear his voice echoing through the sanctuary as he worshiped. I could feel his arms holding the hymnal close to his heart, with his head bowed and eyes closed as he prayed. While I was falling deeper and deeper into the moment, Sue was doing what she does best — making friends. “Laura,” you could tell Sue loved the treasure hunt that was unfolding, “This is Carol. She’s the church secretary.” I flashed a smile and nod to Carol. I was so in the moment that I couldn’t form words. “When was your grandfather here?” Carol asked with a warm, welcoming smile on her face. I liked her immediately. “October, 1979.” I responded without hesitating. “Wow! That’s specific. I’m impressed you know the exact date.” “I should. It was the month I was born.” They both leaned in so I continued. “My parents were actually supposed to be here that month

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Behind the wood-carved pulpit was a simple chair lined with a soft blue velvet fabric. While it had obviously been reupholstered over the years, the frame itself looked to be at least 50 years old.

with them. But… they had to miss it because… well… I showed up!” “So your parents missed a trip to Hawaii because you were born?” Sue said in a tone that was half question, half joke. “Yup. I was a ‘whoops-a-baby!’ and my grandparents were here in Hana when I was born.” “You know,” the secretary chimed in, “we have church newsletters that go back decades. I wonder if we have any from when your grandfather was…’ she was already walking down the aisle before she finished the sentence. Somehow I knew this was more than just a happy accident. The energy that drew me into the church seemed to be guiding the unfolding moments of synchronicity and serendipity. After a few minutes rifling through papers in the office, Carol came back with a huge smile on her face and a few pieces of paper in her hands. “Look at this,” she said, bursting with excitement. There in front of me were four church newsletters, each with my grandfather’s name, the title of his sermon, the Bible verses he quoted, and a summary of what he said. There was even a note at the bottom of the last newsletter with an announcement of my birth. Suddenly, the past, present and future collided in this moment. 47



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It existed within the walls of this church. It existed within each cell of my body. It existed within the infinite expanse of space and time. It connected generations. It guided all of us. It wove a greater vision than any one person could ever see in their lifetime.

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The vastness of the universe seemed to focus in, as if to say the purpose I was seeking had always existed.

Life felt so big and so small all at once, and in the middle of it was me, my grandfather, and this moment, all woven together through a simple desire to live a life of purpose. .......................

I spent the following week immersed in a powerful process that brought my purpose into focus even more clearly. I saw the moments in my life where my purpose was nudging me forward and guiding my path. I uncovered the places where I was blocking myself and letting fear stop me. I realized that my purpose was more than just my job. My purpose was about living fully and authentically as myself and sharing that with others. Most importantly, I learned that purpose is an embodied experience. It is a deep knowing that is

Seeking purpose and meaning is what brought Laura to coaching. (CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO PLAY.) 50


Purpose drives us. Purpose inspires us. Purpose wakes us up. Purpose connects us. Purpose humbles us. Purpose frees us. Purpose lives through us. .......................

My grandmother always told me that the moments of synchronicity and serendipity are where you see God directing your life. The moment I had made the commitment to my purpose, things seemed to magically align through moments of synchronicity and serendipity. It was the feeling that guided me the whole way. I believe that who you are — as you are — is a gift to this world. Committing to your purpose is

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felt within our core. The moment you try and capture your ‘purpose’ into a stagnant point is the moment you lose the essence of purpose itself.

about committing to showing up fully in your life and sharing your brilliance with the world. When you do, make sure to keep your eyes open for moments of synchronicity and serendipity as they guide you on your path. .......................

One more thing… On the way out of the church, there were postcards for sale that had a painting of the church on the front. I put $20 in the offering basket and grabbed two of them — one for me and one for my grandmother. When I returned home the next week, I got a call from my grandmother who told me that she knew the artist who drew the painting and was good friends with her for years after their trip.

Synchronicity and serendipity again.



Laura Wieck Master Coach and Founder of BodyMind Coaching, LMT Laura is the creator and founder of BodyMind Living© as well as the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck™ which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work. After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, she noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life. 52 Laura holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, young son, and two well-loved pups.

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An interview with Laura Wieck and Michelle Rockwood...



hat does if feel like when you are living BodyMind?” —Laura Wieck

“BodyMind Living is all of these gifts that allow me to have more choice, to be more free. It’s home and a place that no matter what’s happening, I can always go back to. How do I define something that has been so significant in my life? It’s changed my relationships, that’s changed my finances, that’s changed the way I think about business. It’s a lifestyle, and the word choice keeps coming back to me. Because I now have the ability to choose how I respond and how I move forward. Before I was steered by society, by my spouse, by my kids. I was giving away this choice. Now I’m grounded with BodyMind coaching tools. I use them with my clients and myself to take a deep breath, to pause, and to respond with love. I respond more often with love.” —Michelle Rockwood 13 minute interview. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)



When she’s not working with clients, you will likely find her hanging out with her boys (husband and dog Amos) or taking a dance class. 54

Dannielle Arceneaux, LMT BodyMind Coach, RYT-200 How would it feel to know that no matter what happens you have a place where you can always go to get the best guidance? I work with ambitious men and women who are ready to discover how embodiment of their true values brings their personal purpose alive in how they live, work and love. You are invited to set down what’s been swirling around in your head, become present in your body, and fully engaged with your natural inner source of wisdom. You have all your answers inside of you. I simply offer the sacred space along with tools and support that will bring YOUR brilliance to the surface so you can run with it! Dannielle@ IG: tribody_wellness 302.290.2235 FB: The Rebel Girl Village A Safe Space for Divorcing and Single Mothers

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Helen is a lover of movement and is fascinated by all things body-mind-soul. As a professional dancer, she learned first-hand how the body and mind must work together to create true strength and resilience. Her understanding of the body was amplified by practicing as a massage therapist for the last 17 years. Over the last five years, a growing desire to give her clients more autonomy over how they feel led to adding the Franklin Method and BodyMind Coaching into the mix. Both of these modalities invite the client to embody how they desire to feel, and take practical steps to get there.

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Helen Marie Carruthers, RMP

Adriana Morales, LMT BodyMind Coach She started the wellness journey in 2013 by attending massage school and soon found out that helping people connect to their bodies was her passion. She then opened up her own business, Transcend Relaxation, specializing in the emotional aspect of chronic pain. In the pursuit of providing integrative support to her clients, she found the BodyMind Coaching method and now she helps women make positive changes in their lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually. 54

Adrianamoralescoach@ 909-263-6598


TheHappyandHealthyPlace. com halinka@thehappyand

Araina Linton BodyMind Master Coach Araina helps overwhelmed women entrepreneurs reduce stress and create the perfect balance between work and life. She is known for a simple step-by-step process that guides women back to their passion to avoid burnout, feel better, have more time, and build their businesses with ease. Finding a balance between work and life is tough. Sometimes despite your ambition, your dreams can feel a bit out of reach, and it can start to cause stress, frustration, and pain. It can be enough to make you want to give up your business. But, there is a better way! If you’re thinking about closing the doors to your business, please reconsider — introduce some healthy habits into your hustle! FB: MassageArtistryNYC IG: arainalinton

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Halinka Van Minnen works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them to align with possibility so that they can live happy and healthy on purpose. Through BodyMind Coaching you’ll discover that you don’t have to live as if your body is hijacked by a terrorist or live in a constant state of chaos. Instead you’ll learn to treat your body as an ally learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress, decrease pain and allow you to be fully present in your life.

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Halinka VanMinnen, RMT The Happy & Healthy Place Chatham, Ontario, Canada BodyMind Coach Robbins-Madanes Life Coach Yoga Instructor (200hr YTT) Bachelor of Health Science

Karyn Claflin BodyMind Coach If you’re amazing at taking care of everyone else — but are starting to feel over-committed and like something’s just not quite right in your life — you should meet Karyn! Karyn Claflin is a Master BodyMind Coach with a background in massage, meditation, and yoga who helps folks who have big dreams but the stressful demands of daily life keep getting in the way. If that sounds like you, Karyn can help you focus on the right things, so you can free up space and energy to do the work you know you’re here to do! IG: balancechampaign




Melissa is the creator and founder of Sacred She™. She also serves as the Associate Coach Coordinator for the BodyMind Coaching Community. Melissa has been devoted to the study of the healing arts and exploring the nuances of personal growth and transformation through the BodyMind Connection for over 20 years. She believes that the greatest path to fulfillment comes from within, and that when you discover who you really are and what you came here to do, everything changes. She is dedicated to helping conscious, creative women bring their vision to life. Melissa’s coaching style is rooted in deep inner work, integrative practices and feminine wisdom traditions.

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Fidel is a renaissance man and entrepreneur. He is a proud military spouse to a Navy psychologist and a father of four. He is on a mission to ignite the spark in others — empowering them to live the life they are capable of living and create more time, more impact, more joy, more energy and sustainable success without burnout. Today Fidel teaches heart-centered and impact-driven men, women, entrepreneurs and leaders how to come back home to their bodies, create balance, movement, hustle with grace and tap in to their personal power.

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FIDEL FORDE BodyMind Coach Motivational Speaker Massage Therapist Yoga Instructor Retreat Leader

MELISSA KELLEY BodyMind Coach Massage Therapist BodyMind Coaching Associate Coach Coordinator

HEIDI METRO BodyMind Coach Massage Therapist Heidi Metro is a total hybrid: Obsessed with practical systems and totally woo. You’ll find her creating in her coaching studio, saging her crystals, and designing Systems with Soul for her incredible clients. After 12 years in a successful massage practice, Heidi now combines her degrees in philosophy and massage therapy, along with her BodyMind Coaching training to coach full time within her company, The New Next Level — BodyMind Coaching. The New Next Level is about empowering 56 womxn to Lead From Within by aligning their purpose, values and boundaries. When women lead, we change the world. IG: @heidimetro FB: Heidi Metro FB: The New Next Level

Michelle Rockwood is a fierce and loving Heart-Centered Sales expert for BodyMind Coaching’s 9-month Certification program. She teaches clients the most joyful way to master the sales conversation so they can sell their coaching programs with love, ease and grace. Michelle also runs a program called Sisterhood Rising, it’s designed for badass women ready to reclaim their brilliance. She loves her work and cares deeply for her clients, her family and the world. Michelle is a former yoga teacher with a background in non-profit development and sales. She has lived and worked all over the world and now resides in Denver, Colorado, and (of course) loves to ski. When Michelle isn’t working, she’s chasing her three wild boys or playing with her dog Tigo and her new puppy Ruby.

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MICHELLE ROCKWOOD BodyMind Enrollment Coach

CARLY CLARK ZIMMER BodyMind Coach BodyMind Embodied Tech Expert Through her own BodyMind coaching journey, Carly uncovered her knack for helping coaches simplify and streamline their business while bringing their vision and desire to make an impact to life! She helps other coaches and creatives build profitable, aligned businesses by combining smart business tactics with the bodymind connection. When she’s not wearing her coaching hat, she’s hiking the emerald green countryside and enjoying the salty sea air of Galway Ireland, where she lives with her husband Devin. IG: @carlyclarkzimmer FB: Carly Clark Zimmer BodyMind Coaching and Consulting

LAURA WIECK Certified Master Coach & Mentor Licensed Massage Therapist Laura is the creator and founder of BodyMind Living© as well as the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck™ which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work. After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, she noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life. Laura holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and two well-loved pups. FB: LauraWieck IG: @LauraWieck


Laura Wieck LLC EDITOR Laura Wieck ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Sandy Bassett DISTRIBUTION Subscriptions questions: To renew or change address: To subscribe visit For additional assistance: MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 21712 Columbus, OH 43221-0712 Reproduction of editorial or advertising content without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. ©2020 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BodyMind Living Magazine, PO Box 21712, Columbus, OH 43221-0712 FEB 2021..............Issue No 5 BodyMind Living Magazine is published 10 times/year by Laura Wieck LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio and additional mailing offices.


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IMAGE CREDITS With the stunning images from photographers around the world who contribute to Unsplash, BodyMind Living Magazine benefits greatly and we would like to honor and thank them. Nathan Lindal (pages 8/9) Kelly Sikkema (page 19) Caroline Hernandez (pages 20/21) Thom Bradley (pages 22/23) Mohamed Nohassi (pages 24/25) Bastien Herve (page 26) Yohann Libot (page 36) Josep Castells (pages 38/39) Jacalyn Beales (page 40) Luca Discenza (page 42) Peter Fogden (page 46) Rich Hay (page 48) Anvesh (page 52) Prokhor Minin www (back cover)

Photographs supplied to us by our team and Ambassadors. Fidel Forde Melissa Kelley Heidi Metro Michelle Rockwood Laura Wieck Carly Clark Zimmer


the redefining purpose issue

Now it’s your turn...

All right. So what showed up for you through reading and watching the stories in this month’s issue of BodyMind Living Magazine, Redefining Purpose? What does purpose mean for you? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How has it shown up and guided you? The BodyMind Ambassadors and myself continually contribute to the community and we’d love to hear your insights. I know the real work starts when you take what you learn by showing up and you implement through action. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I look forward to seeing you there. 59 59


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