BodyMind Living Magazine :: Navigating Change :: June 2021

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I S S U E N o 7 : : N a v i g a t i n g C H A N G E : : J U N E 2021

The self help revolution... Navigated.

WELCOME..........................................3 DANCING WITH CHANGE.............4 LAURA WIECK


BODYMIND INVITATION.............19 KNOWING CHANGE.....................20 LORI HOFER






AMBASSADOR DIRECTORY........58 CERTIFIED COACH DIRECTORY......................................60 CLOSING THOUGHTS..................65



Come on inside...

Welcome everybody to the second season of BodyMind Living Magazine.

I am the creator, Laura Wieck. And this month, we have a new group of amazing BodyMind Ambassadors to start to play and get curious and examine another chapter of what we’re calling The Navigating Series. Over the next few months, we’re going to be looking and assessing and diving deep to moments in our lives where we had to navigate certain things. This month we’re navigating change. Right? Change. It’s one of those things in life, we know it is constant. It is also a thing that we resist. Change is an energy that we dance with. And I don’t know about you but there’ve been moments in my life where I definitely enter that dance very gracefully and moments in my life where I resist the crap out of change. So I’ve invited our ambassadors to look inward, to discover, to question. How do we navigate change? What does this look like? What are ways that we can start to bring this BodyMind into navigating change in our lives? Y’all we got some powerful, powerful writers this season for the magazine. So grab your favorite beverage. Go find a comfy spot. Get a journal and let’s dive in together.






MY EYES softly opened as the sun began to peek through the shades. The birds were chirping in the background and the smell of the musty cabin filled my nostrils. I stretched out my legs and felt my right knee pop like it does every morning. As I rolled onto my side and pushed myself up to a seated position, it dawned on me what I wasn’t noticing for the first time in months. The buzzing. For the past year, construction workers had been building a new school next to our house. I had gotten used to the trucks rolling down our streets, the occasional power outages that interrupted my Zoom calls, and the clanging that started at exactly 8am each morning. But when they removed the construction fencing in the early spring to reveal that the onceopen field that made our back 4

yard feel extra spacious had been turned into a parking lot, well, we were surprised. And on the edge of that parking lot, right next to the school, was a massive HVAC unit that buzzed all day and all night. For months, all I heard was a high pitched buzzzzzzzzzzzzz echoing through my windows. I heard it while I was doing the dishes. I heard it while I worked in my office. I heard it while I rocked my son to sleep. At first, it was annoying. Then, I started getting headaches. Then, I started getting dizzy. My fuse was short, and I started to snap at my husband. Work tasks became frustrating because I couldn’t think. My home had always been my sacred space, and now everything around it had changed and I felt like I had been invaded. Our annual family trip up to Michigan couldn’t arrive soon enough. After months of enduring that buzzing, we were finally here. I had never been so excited for some literal peace and quiet. As my feet hit the floor of the cabin, I could feel my body recalibrating. I had been on edge for so long that my senses were recalibrating. I breathed in the lake air, put my hands over my heart, I listened to the birds chirping in the breeze… and then I felt a familiar 5

Laura Wieck :: DANCING WITH CHANGE feeling of my intuition rise up from my pelvic bowl, expand through my heart, and echo in my mind.

It’s time to move. ... ... ... ... ... My husband, Casey, and I loved our house. It was the first house either of us owned and I had plans for that glorious, little blue, split level house. We welcomed our son, James, home to that house. BodyMind was birthed in that house. So many wonderful memories, especially memories with Casey’s dad, happened in that house. How could we let it go? But as the week at the lake went on, my intuition only grew stronger. Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been moving along in life and something that used to be so perfect and aligned no longer fit? The job you loved no longer worked? The person you loved was no longer the right partner? The path you were on was no longer yours? There’s a moment when change shows up and whispers in your ear… it’s time.


The pull to stay where we were in that house and suck it up felt so much easier than changing. I had plans for that house. I saw James growing up in that house. Letting the house go also meant letting go of the hopes and dreams that came with it. On our final full day of vacation, I went for a walk to have a conversation with God (please tell me you do that too!). I let my tears and anger flow. My body was already starting to brace itself for the return back to the buzzing while my mind was holding onto the memories, the hopes and the dreams. I was fighting the change so hard when I heard the voice again. Laura, the voice whispered, it’s time for your next step. Trust me. Deep down, I knew that this change was about so much more than the house.

Change was asking me to become a fuller, embodied version of myself.



As a man of few words, he simply nodded with approval. Now that we had accepted change’s invitation, it was on. ... ... ... ... They say that moving is one of the most stressful experiences a couple can endure. Having been through seven moves together prior to this one, I can say that history definitely proved that to be true. But this move was different. When we accepted the invitation to change, we also decided to trust that it would all work out. So when we found a home that felt like it was made for us, we trusted. When we crammed eight years of house projects into three weeks to get our house listed, we trusted it would all get done. When paperwork was delayed and loans needed approval, we trusted that everything would come through. When we packed a lifetimes of memories into boxes, we trusted that it would all work out. 8

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As I walked back to the cabin, I saw Casey outside playing with James. James smiled as he saw me approaching. I scooped him up and gave him a kiss on his chubby little cheeks. Then I turned to Casey and said, “I think it’s time to move.”

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Yes, we were tired. Yes, we were sore. Yes, we crashed at the end of every day. But every time someone commented on how ‘stressed out’ we must be, I would take a deep breath, connect back into my body, and feel that inner knowing. This was happening for us. I have to admit, this was the first time in my entire life that I have fully embodied a change in this manner. I’ve been teaching this work for over a decade now, so it was the ultimate test of practicing what I preach. Less than three months after making the decision, we stepped into our new home and started the next chapter of our lives. ………….. I’m curious: if instead of adding layers of worry and stress onto the calling that change is inviting you into, what if you trusted the change? What might shift? What if change was asking to be your partner, not your enemy? What if you stopped resisting it and started dancing with it? We’ve all heard it before — the only constant in life is change. When I look around at the world today, it is obvious that we are going through a collective change. I know this year has not been easy for any of us. I also know that this past year has been especially trying for marginalized 9


And… I feel like the energy of change is upon all of us. We can either fight it or we can dance with it. I say dance intentionally. Dancing is not passive. Dancing with change is about having a healthy tension of surrender and strength, of openness and groundedness. Dancing is a partnership where you are actively creating in real time. As I write this article, I am still wrestling with who change is asking me to be and to become as a white woman raising a black son. I am constantly asking who change is asking me to be and to become as a wife, mother, and business owner. I share this story of our move because it is the one time in my life when I fully embraced change and trusted it. Now I have a palpable experience in my bones to help me navigate future changes in my life.

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communities. I recognize my privilege in sharing my story and being a white, cis-gendered woman who could afford to move in the middle of a pandemic.

Where is there a place in your life where you feel the pull of change? Take a moment and ask yourself…

Who is change asking me to be? Who is change asking me to BECOME? Connect to your inner knowing… and dance.

As I was writing my article, a little story floated up that I wanted to share with y’all today. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)

There’s a moment when change shows up 10


Laura Wieck, LMT Master Coach, Creator & Founder of BodyMind Living™ Founder of BodyMind Coaching, Co-Founder of BodyMind Sales After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, Laura noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life. Laura also created the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck™ which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work. BodyMind Sales brings an embodied approach to sales conversations and focuses on an aligned Yes for your clients’ transformation. She holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, young son, and two well-loved pups.

and whispers in your ear… it’s time. #evolvingtowardslove #dancewithlife #navigatingchange



I woke up to severely matted hair. I had always had thick, long hair since the age of 4. I was voted best hair on many occasions, celebrated in my youth and high school years. It was natural, long and thick and it became a part of how people recognized me or identified me. My hair was my identity. I received many compliments about my long locks from teachers, coworkers, friends, and family. This Sunday in October, after my 5th chemotherapy treatment, my hair was falling out rapidly. Giant clumps of hair fell into the sink as I tried to brush it free. I had been dreading this day, and it scared me to think that after losing my hair I would be looking in the 12

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ONE SUNDAY morning in the middle of late October 2019,

mirror at someone I wouldn’t recognize and didn’t know. When the last of the hair fell out that week, I’d lost the identity that I’d proudly worn since I was 4 years old. Without the hair, the eyebrows, and the eyelashes who was I and how would people recognize me? I felt lost. I couldn’t bear to look at myself in the mirror. I did not recognize who was looking back at me, and I feared that I had lost myself and the comfort and confidence of what made me feel and look like me. I found it difficult to accept the person whose reflection looked back at me. I thought, How can I pursue my purpose to help others when I can’t help myself? “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” —The Serenity Prayer, Reinhold Niebuhr Someone once told me that facing and coming to terms with “what is” is a beneficial act. Acceptance brings peace. It is frequently the turning point for change. However, this is also way easier said than done. Navigating change is the art of acceptance. In 2017, before my cancer journey, I enrolled to become a BodyMind Coach. BodyMind coaching and living not only gave me the skills to coach others, but also influenced me with an empowered process to coach myself. I quietly started to

coach myself in my personal and business life, through my fears, anxieties, and challenges. During times of change, I got curious about how I was feeling and how I wanted to feel. After my hair was gone, I wrote a note to myself in my journal as a self-coaching tool… What is most special about you? Other than your hair? When people look at you, sure they notice your hair, your health and your fit lean body, but they notice something about you that is different. It’s the way you carry yourself and the way you care for people. It’s about your strength, confidence and dignity mixed with your ferocity. It’s about your particular beauty that stands in stark contrast to the manufactured beauty that some women have been sold. It’s about how you stand, walk, talk and treat others... it’s only a little bit about your hair. You are a strong, fierce force with a little rebellion, a little crazy that leads and offers others the path to revolutionize their lives and businesses despite pain, disease, and experiences. The magic your clients say you have is not in your hair. It’s inside you. The magic is inside you. You have lost nothing, but your hair. You still have your magic inside you.

supporting others through my coaching and bodywork. I recognized that whether I had hair or not didn’t change how I could continue to facilitate a wonderful life for my family, friends and clients. As you are navigating change, what might you write to yourself? What acceptance is needed to keep you empowered to continue in your purpose? Five months post cancer treatment, I was just feeling my strength and resolve return as my body endurance and strength was navigating its way back to my confident athletic self. Then, a beautiful day on a family bike ride ended abruptly. As I laid sprawled out on the pavement after crashing on my bike, I could feel the blood dripping from body parts and immense pain coursing through me, a pain I have never ever experienced before. I immediately began assessing my situation... a full body check in. Something has happened... again, I thought. We have a problem. Things are different. I have deep pain.

This acceptance empowered me to show up anyway without all the hair. I tapped back into my wisdom and magic, and I went back to work helping and

Things have changed. I am losing something... again, I thought.


Dena Halle :: NAVIGATING CHANGE THROUGH ACCEPTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In this moment, I realized the present circumstance I felt after surviving cancer was no longer as comfortable as it was. The fun was over, the wind in my newly grown hair gone, blood on my body, the remaining plans for vacation over. Circumstances had changed, just like it did during my cancer journey, and I had a new situation to accept.

I am broken... again, I thought. My foundation, my pelvis, had been shaken, fragmented, interrupted, shifted and, yes, fractured. My left elbow also had fractured. My hip severely contused and my skin abraded in multiple places. Another opportunity to accept change presented itself.

Join Dena as she rides her bike along Pacific Coast Highway. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE AUDIO.)


Becoming a BodyMind coach and living BodyMind has given me an even greater depth of assessment skills that have shown me how to tap into my body’s wisdom, my knowing, connect with my internal compass and lean into change. The foundation of my living BodyMind aligned has been about getting curious and asking myself even better questions...

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What happened? How did it happen? Where does it hurt? What does it feel like? What did you feel? Did you hear anything? Can you move? Assessment is ingrained in you as an Athletic Trainer and first responder to all athletic injuries. My sports medicine program in college taught me all about assessment while responding to athletic injuries and determining how to manage injuries. As students we were educated to go through the history of events that led up to the injury. This is because doing so gives you a plan on how to move forward. It became a skill that I have used in all areas of my life.

What is happening? What does this change feel like? How do I want to feel? What do I get to receive? How is this change going to impact me? How can I take action and move forward? Who can I ask for help and support? Why me? Why not me? These questions help me to gain clarity as I navigate accepting the new reality of “what is,” what’s changed, and my plan to take action emerges, allowing me to move forward without feeling stuck. I have learned that acceptance during change allows me to receive so much more than pain and inconvenience. Acceptance has allowed me to receive so much kindness, new experiences, new friends, new knowledge, generosity, support, and a richer life. My acceptance to change is not the surrender to the circumstances and giving up! The desired outcome of my acceptance includes my ability or willingness to work towards the goal even though the process may not be fun… or rewarding… or enjoyable. We all know the saying, that cliche, ”change is hard.” But does it have to be? Or do we make it that way?




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I love change. I thrive on it and in it. I accept it. I love to seek out new challenges and adventures for change, but usually not those that require illness or broken bones. (Who does, right?) Unfortunately, I don’t have the power to choose all the adventures this life has to offer me. I didn’t choose cancer. I didn’t choose a broken pelvis and elbow. But, I do know that accepting what has been given me and

receiving support for the courage to face it has made the journey far more bearable. What challenges and changes are you facing that need acceptance? What acceptance needs to happen in your life so that you can stop feeling stuck?



DENA HALLE, LMT, ACT/L BodyMind Coach, BA Sports Medicine, Licensed Athletic Trainer

Dena is a cancer survivor that is passionate about closing the gap between surviving vs thriving in life, wellness, and business. She guides clients, cancer survivors, wellness professionals and creative entrepreneurs in navigating and revolutionizing their life and business so that they can stop the overwhelm, create ease and build real tangible health and wealth. Dena is a multi-faceted life coach, business mentor and consultant. She combines her knowledge and certifications to create transformational outcomes for her clients. When not working, she travels the world to assist elite athletes and professionals in performing their best from both body and mind. She loves intentional time for exercise, family, friends, hiking, cycling, paddling and floating in the water at her river home and in Maui. FB: Dena Halle Massage Wenatchee IG: @StopFeelingStuck

what challenges need acceptance? 18

#acceptance #challenges #navigatingchange

I was talking to an amazing Massage Therapist recently. She has been practicing for nearly 15 years and has a schedule that is booked solid with amazing clients. By industry standards, she is definitely ‘successful’.

And that’s when she said it: “I feel stuck. I’ve been doing the same thing, day in and day out for years with my clients. And while I love every single one of them, it’s starting to wear on me.” “I mean, I got into this business to help people heal and I’ve taken loads of CE classes to refine my skills. But it just feels like I’ve hit this invisible ceiling in my business where my income is capped, my time is capped, and my clients keep complaining about the same stuff.” This was the kicker…“You know the worst part — even though I know I’m amazing at what I do, I still feel like I have to justify myself and my rates to compete with new therapists and the franchises. I’ve done everything I can to be successful and I feel like I’ve ‘made it’. But inside, I KNOW there is a better way and I just can’t seem to figure it out for myself.” Can you relate? I know I can — that is exactly where I was just a few years back. Maxed out. On the brink of burn out. And starting to wonder… how I could continue to do the work I love without working myself to the ground?

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An invitation to you...

I knew there was a better way to work, but I had to charter a new path to find it. I made a commitment to myself that I would figure out how to work smarter, not harder (which, as a Massage Therapist, was no small feat!). I consciously structured my business to honor me so that I could bring my BEST self into my work. The results were clear: — Within 6 months, I doubled my income and had my first 6-figure year. — I CUT BACK the number of clients I worked on (from 25 per week to 12 per week). — My clients took empowered action between appointments (i.e. all the advice I had been giving them for years, they finally followed through) and were getting amazing results. — I felt a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in my work that had been missing for years. I believe it is time for a *NEW ERA* of bodyworkers. My mission is to support hands-on and heart-centered practitioners to honor themselves, serve their clients and build their businesses in a healthy way. ~


Join us...

Spaces are limited... Click here to join this important conversation today! 19

Lori Hoffer :: KNOWING CHANGE Do you ever just know things? Get these nudges, or maybe a giant push, that you have to do something now? No hesitancy. No worries what others may think. It’s plainly clear that now is the time. Or perhaps there’s a plot twist thrust upon you and you simply know what needs to happen next. Things fall into your awareness and you feel “Yes, that’s the next step,” as big or small as it may be. I do. I have my entire life. In fact, it’s so ingrained in my experience that it didn’t occur to me until sometime in my late 20s that this isn’t how everyone experiences the world. And, that not everyone has access to this tool.

I call it my “knowing.” It acts as my compass in navigating change. I don’t talk about it much as I recognize how strange it can sound to others. The idea that someone simply knows something without doing research or asking for opinions can feel foreign and scary. Even for me. And yet it shows up again and again. It was there when we chose to move to Utah not knowing a soul, no jobs lined up, and having just bought a house there. It was there when we moved back to the DC area nine years later based purely on this nudge that all would be okay. 20

It was there when I sat in a classroom of about 40 people at my college orientation, looked around, and said, “One of these people will be my roommate.” And one of them was indeed randomly assigned as my roommate my freshman year. We lived together for four years, and we are still in contact today. “But wait. Hold on. You just know things? Fine. What’s going to happen in my life? What am I thinking right now??” It doesn’t work that way. I don’t ask for guidance or to know things, and I don’t get to choose when these “hits” happen. They are just there. Clear as can be.

My knowing is a tool I use to

navigate change, not a guarantee.

It’s an invitation to a deeper relationship with the universe. When I listen to the language and reactions of my body, my knowing, there is a sense of peace, alignment, and certainty that shows up. My relationship with change is matter of fact. I don’t crave it. I don’t fear it. It’s equanimous.



Change feels inevitable and necessary. It’s exciting, terrifying, dependable, and predictably unpredictable. Sometimes it feels painful, annoying, suffocating, lonely, and outrageously vulnerable. And also invigorating, insightful, freeing, aligned, and full of possibility.

Change is the elixir of growth and expansion — opening doors we never imagined existed. In June 1996, I was doing a 3-day, 250-mile fundraising bike ride supporting people living with HIV and AIDS. There were about 3000 riders, yet somehow on the second day I found myself completely alone in the hills of Pennsylvania. Riding along it hit me: “I have to go to massage school now. And I will work with people dealing with HIV and AIDS.” It was so clear. There was not a question. I’d been interested in massage school for years, yet 22

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My first step in navigating anything is to build a sense of understanding and connection. To open my whole self to what it truly means to me so that there’s a mutual relationship between me and change moving through life. So, I explore, “What does change look and feel like to me?” not on the surface level, but more deeply. As we understand each other’s nuances, we build trust. And with that trust, there is a sense of peace and calm.

hadn’t taken any steps beyond gathering general info. I finished the ride and came home. I promptly requested the brochure from a school 777 miles away I’d heard about that also felt like a “yes,” applied sight unseen, was accepted, drove to the town with a friend and found an amazing place to rent with people who are still like family, and started massage school in September of that year. People around me thought it was ridiculous, irresponsible, and just plain crazy to leave my salaried full-time job and follow this nudge. I never had a doubt. Not for one second. And everything I needed fell right into place to support me. I love to weigh choices and research things. Information feels like power and control. And yet, some of the biggest, most powerful and impactful changes, like my decision to go to massage school, has come from my sense of knowing. From simply trusting the nudge that I get and moving on it — no research, no pondering, no worries about consequences or if it will work. Simply trusting my body, trusting my intuition and taking the step forward. No questions. No doubt. Just grounded certainty that this is what needs to happen. When I welcome change from this embodied place of knowing, from my body leading me to what’s next, there is rarely fear or hesitance. Sure, there’s curiosity about how it might work out and what it may look like.

deep trusting and knowing that it WILL work out. That I will not only survive, I will thrive and grow more fully into my own possibility and truth. I will open myself to give and receive the beauty of the world in all ways, and most importantly, I will open myself to receive the beauty of me. I appreciate change’s invitation to live in this exact moment and to adapt and flow with what’s around us. How often do we hear “Wow, you’ve got a lot going on! It sounds like you’re living one day at a time.” One day at a time? Not a chance. Try one minute at a time. One second at a time. I tend to navigate a moment in split seconds, listening and trusting my deep, innate knowing of the world. These split second awarenesses of “Yes. This. Now.” have shown up over and over. When I honor them, life falls into place with ease. Things align and my needs are met. I’ve felt this when I’ve walked into a house or apartment and said, “Yes, this is right This is where I will live.” And each time, that was where I lived and it was perfect. Or when I pull up to an intersection where I can go either direction and ask my body, “Which way?” and later learn that the way I wasn’t called toward involved delays or an accident.

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At the heart of it, there’s this

A few years ago there was a fire in my office building forcing me to immediately close my massage office. I found out when a friend sent me a text asking, “Are you okay???” with a photo of the fire. My first reaction? “Oh fuck.” I took a few breaths and felt the message from my body, “It’s okay. We’ve got this. It’ll work out.” I put the word out to the community and started looking for a place to practice. A yoga studio reached out. “We may have a space that’ll work for you.” I knew immediately that this was the answer before I even saw the space. I moved in and my business and sense of community nearly doubled. Just earlier this week we went from having dinner planned to going out when someone else’s schedule change meant we needed to be out of the house when we’d usually be cooking and eating. My daughter and I rolled with this plot twist, asked our bodies what we wanted to eat, and both independently came up with the same thing!

When I ignore these nudges for the sake of comfort, responsibility or expectation, it feels misaligned and wrong. I know in my body that change is calling and I’m telling it “no” to honor others before honoring myself. To not cause upset or disturbance. To keep the peace or avoid conflict. The result has been 23





I once spent 18 months dealing with debilitating sciatica that didn’t follow any typical rules and didn’t make sense to anyone. I finally owned that there were deeper, more emotional elements standing in the way of breaking that pain pattern. When I owned that deeper change and awareness needed to happen, I was able to move through that pain back into a place of physical and emotional health and alignment. And there was the time my junior year of college when my sister planned a solo road trip to explore the country. I had this sinking feeling I didn’t really understand and couldn’t put it to words. It has a heaviness. An unsettling nagging. I kept it to myself. Then one day I stopped in my room to change after lunch and my phone rang. It was mom. “Are you sitting down?” “No, I’m changing for my PE class. What’s wrong?” My sister had been shot through her leg in New Orleans. My immediate response, “Well that explains everything…” Thankfully she is fine. Some of my more profound changes have come from that place of total surrender and trust, something I honestly didn’t know I was capable of growing up. Perhaps my inability to trust those around me opened the way for me to deeply trust myself and my intuition. To open all my senses to the language of my body and the world. 26

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illness, malaise, sleepless nights, restlessness, depression, and even body aches and pain.

Change invites creativity and problem solving, acting as a catalyst in exploring new perspectives we’ve previously missed. While it may feel restrictive in the moment, change welcomes the emergence of true self. A self we may have sensed was there or perhaps one we’d never guess was waiting to emerge. For me, that true self is clearly lingering in my knowing, awaiting the chance to feel seen and heard.

What is change inviting you to notice? What may be possible when you learn the language of your body and listen to your nudges? When you release the fallacy of control and open your whole self to trusting that you already have the tools within you to navigate any change that comes your way, life becomes simple. My life has been a parade of huge changes, each opening a door to THIS moment — to THIS version of me — and this version is fucking awesome.

To me navigating change is being able to let change flow through you. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE AUDIO.)

LORINE HOFFER, LMT Certified BodyMind Coach, BodyMind Coaching Certification Program–Associate Coach, Big Change Facilitator

A childhood fascination with the body/mind connection led Lorine to a lifelong professional focus on helping clients ditch the stress patterns (and aches and pains!) keeping them stuck. Her skills flow from massage to education to psychology and entrepreneurship. This mighty arsenal uniquely qualifies her to help clients reconnect to themselves, partners and kids so they wake up feeling rested, confident, empowered and ready to own the day. Lorine loves to laugh, curse, explore nature, hang out with her insightful daughter, “get to the good stuff” in connected conversations and notice beauty in every day. Described as having both fierce compassion and fierce independence, she’ll hold space for you and hold you accountable to the big changes you’re ready to claim. IG: @LorineHoffer FB: LorineHoffer / Lori Hoffer FB: Life Connected

change invites creativity and is a catalyst. #knowingchange #intuition #nodoubt



NAVIGATING change for me is really about navigating resistance. Have you ever noticed that oak trees don’t drop their leaves until spring? They hold onto their leaves all winter and eventually let them go as, or just before, the new leaves emerge. I notice it, and I wonder: Is there a reason they hold on so long? What are the benefits the oak trees give themselves by keeping their leaves all winter? Why do they resist the release? When I’m navigating change, especially when the request to change is coming from outside of myself, I see myself in the oak trees. I’m a wait-er. I am resistant. I’ve noticed that when dealing with external changes, changes that 28



Resistance to the newness. Resistance to how the impending change will impact my personal life. Resistance to my “normal.” I get angry, annoyed, irritable. I question why I’m having to do whatever it is I’m having to do. I am stubborn and defiant. I can view my resistance as being whiny, self-victimizing and immature. I’m not recommending resistance as the BEST response one might have to change.

It’s usually not the best response for me to have, yet it is what shows up first when navigating change. With even simple things, resistance is first to show up. Whenever my aerial silks instructor shows me a new skill, I usually end up laughing at her and say, “Ha! You want me to do what??” I can’t fathom that what she demonstrates is possible for me. I’m not the one that jumps up and tries it out. I wait and see. For me to move through my resistance to outer demands, I have to find a piece of the impending change to hook into. I find implementing the change is easier when I have a personal “buy in” to what is being mandated, proposed, or expected. 30

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are being proposed to me, my first reaction is resistance.

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Once I have that, then I’m able to “go along” with it. I can let my metaphorical “leaves” fall and let the new ones grow. So as I sit in my aerial class that I invested in, I’ll watch a few other students try the new skill first. I’m sitting there, encouraging them to go for it, but in my head I’m looking at the other older students to see if “we” can do it. I let my visual learner skills kick in so that through watching, I can learn. Then there’s a moment when I see that it is safe, that there’s really nothing to worry about, and I get off the mat and give it a try. I navigate my resistance by observing and seeing their success, thinking maybe I can succeed too. I experience waiting and resistance differently when the inspiration for change is coming from inside me, from me following my inner guidance. Instead of having to do mental and emotional gymnastics to accept a new idea, I see the resistance of others when I share or act on my idea. Last month I thought for a while about moving the living room furniture around. When I finally acted on it, my desire for change was met with resistance. First, I had resistance in moving the actual furniture. I had to overcome inertia to get the couch and bookshelf to move. Then later, I met resistance from my hubby when he asked me why I was moving it around. “Wasn’t it just fine where it was?” 31


change has a purpose.

Change will always meet with resistance. It has to. If change did not meet with resistance, we’d be making changes for the sake of making changes and there’d be chaos without integration. Just like the oak trees that keep their old leaves through the “false springs” of the rare 60 degree days in January, resistance allows the change to prove itself. If a new idea can withstand the stress of proving its worth, it will persevere. My internal resistance to external change is my way of seeing if an idea is good enough for me to keep or use. The external resistance from internal change shows me what does and doesn’t work. And, it lets me make a new choice to change. As I reflect on what navigating change looks like for me, I want to acknowledge that this article is from the perspective of a white woman with privilege. I recognize that my stubbornness is a privilege not allowed for all. And as we all navigate the resistance that comes with change, may it lead us to greater equality, access, and acceptance.


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Resistance to

With the experience and awareness that I’ve gained through BodyMind coaching and living, the following questions now come to mind for me as a path for doing just that. For internal resistance I ask: —How can I soften my resistance to this change? —What about this change is triggering my resistance? —Where is this resistance rooted? —If the resistance is rooted in a perception of lack, can I give myself right now the thing/emotion/acknowledgment I feel I’m lacking? —As I do that, how can I more easily move forward now? For external resistance: —Will informing others of the change prior to it occurring be helpful? (for all my Human Design readers, this is part of my Manifesting Generator strategy) —Do I have to feel attacked when others share their resistance with me? —What does the resistance of others show me? Is there anything helpful in their feedback? —As I acknowledge their resistance, what does my body say? —Is the change still correct for me through the lens of my body’s wisdom? These are questions I engage with now.

I did not have the tools, language, or self confidence to explore these questions before becoming a BodyMind coach. I invite you to play with them the next time you’re encountering resistance to change.

This issue we’re talking about navigating change, and when I started to think about navigation I thought of all of the language tools and shared concepts that societies have come up with to explain to one another how to get from point A to point B. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)

I invite you to play! #navigatingresistance #intentionalflow #navigatingchange #bodymindliving #groundedchange #embodied #cultivatingembodiedleaders




As the owner of Intentional Flow Mary Pat Curran coaches her clients using her gifts of presence and possibility. Mary Pat (MP) was an educator of adults & youth for 13 years prior to attending massage school. In 2013 she opened her own business and in 2018 began offering BodyMind Coaching as a missing piece for her clients’ transformation. Mary Pat loves helping her clients learn more about themselves so that they can grow into their intentions without having to become someone else to succeed. Through embodying their unique values, goals, and desires. MP’s clients not only reach their goals, they become who they are meant to be. Originally from Chicago, Mary Pat currently resides in Lexington, Kentucky with her hubby, children and dog. FB: Intentional Flow IG: @IntentionalFlow LI: Mary Pat Curran


What is it like to become a BodyMind Coach?

As a master coach and Licensed Massage Therapist with over 12 years experience, I know there’s a better way to work. How? Because I transformed my heart-centered, hands-on business myself.

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It’s my mission to give heart-centered therapists like you the tools to serve your clients and help them achieve lasting results, without you burning yourself out in the process.

Not so many years ago, I was where you might be right now: overworked, exhausted and on the brink of burnout.

When clients came in and lay on my table, I found many opened up and shared their stories. They’d talk about their stresses and frustrations, as well as their hopes and desires. Even when they weren’t actually talking, their bodies would also share stories of what they were ready to release and the dreams they were ready to fulfill. And when their hour was up, I’d spent around 30–45 minutes talking

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At the time I was working as a successful massage therapist. I had great retention rates, clients regularly referred their friends, and consequently, I was always booked solid.

through the self-care steps they should take themselves at home before our next session. IS THIS YOU? I knew my clients wouldn’t get lasting results unless I challenged them to address the habits, behavioral patterns, and limiting beliefs that created their stress in the first place and kept them coming back, session after session. The realization that massage could only really treat the symptoms of my clients’ stress and not the cause, led me to incorporate coaching conversations into my sessions. Once my clients realized the connection between their emotional wellbeing and their physical pain, everything changed. Instead of showing up for sessions having ignored all the aftercare advice I gave them the previous week, they actually began to implement it — willingly! I’ve since coached hundreds of clients using BodyMind Coaching, and now my team and I want to show you how you can use this powerful coaching conversation strategy to transform your business and accelerate your clients’ results, too. — Laura Wieck

Interested in becoming a BodyMind Coach? Click here for more information.


Laurie Juszkiewicz :: NOTHING WAS WRONG

wasn’t going right or when you were feeling dissatisfied with an element of your life, when you make an error, or as a course correction. I thought of change as this reactionary state where someone responds to a stimulus. Sometimes that is the case. But, what if there is another possibility?

What if change is actually an invitation and you get to choose if you accept it? What if change is the catalyst that would set you on the road to everything you want? What if in order for your goals and visions to come to you, a change in path needs to happen to allow for that? To make space for that? And, in order for this catalyst of change to occur, nothing was wrong?


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I USED TO THINK that you only made changes when something

Here’s how my experience of change when nothing was wrong came to be… I remember it vividly and I can still sense what it felt like. It was a typical workday for me in my practice as a massage therapist. I was at my massage table working on one of my amazing longtime clients with whom I felt an amazing connection. Her neck and shoulders were really tight that day. As I was noticing where the tightness was in her body, and assessing how I could help her gain more movement, I suddenly felt my massage room getting smaller. It was morphing right in front of my eyes into this tiny speck. The furniture was moving and nothing fit in the room anymore. I could feel the smallness, the tightness of the small space closing in on me as it rode up my back and neck and tipped over, like a heavy weight wrapping and dripping over my shoulders. It was the strangest experience I had ever had up until that moment. I couldn’t explain it. After about a minute of my massage office morphing in front of my eyes, I felt this sensation wash over me like I was too big for my space. I felt like I was a giant in a little toddler’s playset. I knew at that moment I had to move out of my office space. I had never felt this way about my space before. In fact, it was the

I felt my logical brain start to take over as I navigated thoughts of... Wait, nothing is wrong, I can’t make this change. I needed a reason. A reason outside of myself. A reason other than the experience that I had just had where I received my knowing that I was moving. And then I asked myself,

is it “okay “ to make a change

when nothing is wrong?

The whirlwind of thoughts began of Where would I go? How could I move again? I had just picked up and moved my office space 10 months prior. I was afraid people were going to be upset with me. That they would ask me, “Now why are you moving?” I was afraid my clients were going to think I was this flighty massage therapist who just moved from place to place whenever the feeling struck her. What if people asking you why you are making this change and their

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opposite. I loved where I was. My space had always felt cozy and quaint to me, a safe space for my clients to come.

need for a reason is really a sign of their own uncomfortableness with change, AND that energy is not yours? Despite having these thoughts, my brain was already navigating the process and the steps that would happen next to begin the move and ALL of the uncomfortableness of “putting others out” that goes with that. I was worried my office manager was going to have a hard time finding another person to rent the space. I was worried about what an inconvenience that would be to her. And then, as if right on cue, I felt myself navigating feelings of guilt, of feeling selfish, and ungrateful for the amazing office space that I was already in. Nothing was wrong. Everything was fine. Why the hell did I want to make this change? All I kept hearing in my mind was the old adage of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” All of these swirling thoughts were showing up during my client’s massage session. I needed to focus. I took a deep breath, recentered myself, and finished the massage. It was like my client had been in my mind with me because when I got up to leave the room so she could change, she sat up and said, “I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but I’m going to trust my gut and follow this knowing that is coming through. I have someone that you have to meet.” 37

Laurie Juszkiewicz :: NOTHING WAS WRONG

I remember thinking okay, now this is 100% crazy!! My massage room just morphed in front of my eyes, I just had this insane knowing that I have to move, I was just thinking where am I going to go, and now my amazing massage client shares with me about this Naturopath that is possibly looking for a massage therapist in his office? This was a lot of possible change within a 60-minute massage. After my client left, I decided to go over to Dr. Tim’s office and check it out. I was navigating so many emotions and feelings and still there was this part of me that just knew that this change was necessary. I KNEW that this change was calling me forward. I knew that despite the internal tug of war that I was feeling so deeply inside of me that there was something stronger pulling me forward to move.

I had never considered change to be the catalyst for all that you desire to show up and come into your life. 38

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She asked me, “Do you know Dr. Tim? He is a Naturopath who is located less than 1,000 feet from your office.” I said. “No, I have never heard of him.” She gave me his address, which was literally across the street. She said, “He has a beautiful office space that I think you will love.”

I didn’t have anything to go on except for my intuition, and these strong feelings that were guiding me forward. I don’t think I fully believed that I was actually going to make the move. I went to meet Dr. Tim. I felt an instant connection, and he was looking for a massage therapist. Shit, now what? I asked him if he would mind terribly showing me the room that was available; he agreed. I loved the room; it was the exact opposite of everything I had and I loved it! Shit, it’s perfect. Now what? I took the leap. I took a risk. I went ALL in. I moved in 30 days later.

It was scary, and following the feeling, the knowing in my body, making the change without something being wrong was exactly my next step.

Then, shortly after the move, even more clarity came in as I began to transition from massage therapy to being a BodyMind Coach. Plus, I had so many interests and ideas that I wanted to use to support my amazing clients with and before this new office space, I had no idea how I was going to do it. I wanted to hold vision board and manifesting workshops, so Dr. Tim offered up his space to me free of additional charge. He shared my newsletters for whatever I was working on to his large email list to help spread the word of what I was offering. He helped me write copy for my signs and banners, connected me to his sign rental person, helped me organize my own email list, and even set up my online scheduler. Whatever I needed, Dr. Tim was there with excited support. He even has the most amazing collection of teas! When I would come in to work many mornings, on my little table next to my sheets and supply closet, he would have a cup of hot tea and a cookie and a little note from him waiting for me!!

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It didn’t take long for me to see why I had been led to this new space and to Dr. Tim. He was so kind, caring, and respectful. He would literally tiptoe and whisper around the office when I was with my clients so that we would not be disturbed. (Noise had been an issue for me at every other office space I had rented.)

It was an incredible move and I am so glad that I got out of my own way and allowed myself to receive even more than I already had or could even imagine!! I went from “nothing is wrong” and “everything is fine”, to everything is fabulous, thriving, and expansive! I was able to receive so much more than I already had because I was willing to release it. I wasn’t attached to where I was. I was willing to take a risk which gratefully was softened by my intuition, so that I could have what I truly desired even if I didn’t fully know what that was yet. It was in the invitation to release what I already had that I was able to make space for what I really wanted. Having the invitation to have more space invited me into having more space in my business and allowing more things to come in for both myself and for my clients. The universe knew what was coming, what I was going to be needing, and did her thing of “moving me” and connecting me with an amazing person and space that would help me get going on the path to helping, supporting, and serving others. What might be possible if instead of looking for what’s wrong, or what needs to be corrected, instead, we replaced that with looking for how could this situation be even better?


Laurie Juszkiewicz :: NOTHING WAS WRONG

a time when you have wanted to

make a change,

but nothing was wrong?

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Has there been

Is there something that you’re feeling your intuition is calling you to release so that you can gain what you really want? These questions allow you to shift from everything is fine, which is survival mode, to exploring how a situation could be even better, which shifts the mindset into thriving mode. I want to thrive. How about you?

This is a guided meditation for connecting to your intuition. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE AUDIO.)

what might intuition call you to release 40


LAURIE JUSZKIEWICZ Bodymind Certified Coach, Manifesting & Money Coach, Bodymind Coaching Lead Associate Coach & Community Manager, Enrollment Team

Laurie owns and operates her own private coaching practice where she is a manifesting and money coach. She combines her magical woo energy with practical and tangible steps as she guides her clients on a journey inward to discover how they can become financially free from the inside out. She uses Bodymind Coaching as a tool to help her clients uncover their internal beliefs and alignment in the relationship that co-exists between them and the energy of money. When not coaching, Laurie is outside in her zen den or floating in her pool with her family relaxing and just BEing. Laurie loves riding her bike, reading, learning everything she can, traveling to Maui, cooking and playing with her dogs Clarke & Phoebe. FB: Laurie Juszkiewicz FB: Being You Financially Free IG: @laurie_juszkiewicz

to gain what you really want? #navigatingchange #makespace #feelitall 41


There’s a moment when change shows up and whispers in your ear…

#evolvingtowardslove #dancewithlife #navigatingchange #bodymindliving #groundedchange #embodied





DELAILA SHOWED UP and came in or this issue of Navigating

Change. And what I’m so excited about today is that, Delaila is a natural teacher. You are going to see and hear and feel this beautiful heart who is here to share wisdom with the world that just is, it oozes out of who she is. I’m so excited for us to have a beautiful conversation today around BodyMind Living. Please enjoy both parts of our interview together, and her answers to our questions on the next pages. Delaila N. Aryee, PT, DPT, FMS, RP Co-Founder/Doctor of Physical Therapy Vital Step Physical Therapy & Fitness, P.C. 215-650-7383 phone/text Integrative Wellness & BodyMind Coach @ Anande Wellness, LLC Reiki Attuned Holistic Practitioner APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor/CCCE) WATCH PART 1 BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK WATCH PART 2 BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK 43 43


BodyMind Living means that I am grounding in a place of inner knowing. I am grounding in a space within that I trust. When living this way, I allow the unnecessary layers to fall away, shed the layers of who I thought I was, and allow the true essence of who I am to shine. BodyMind Living means bringing that inner compass and guidance into each moment and being guided by it over and over again. For me, it is like coming home to myself to be with this energy of grounded strength and power, unwavering at the root… allowing the abundance within to bloom. BodyMind living is to live in a way that you were meant to live all along... Truly connected. Truly embodied. BodyMind living means to connect to something bigger and deeper. And then allowing ourselves to embody that energy to share what it is we are meant to bring into this world. To live connected means believing and trusting that I am supported by something bigger than myself. To move with integrity, flow and ease towards your calling. BodyMind living is living in a way that honors who I am. And having the freedom to play and create with the gifts that I have and to be creative in all that I do. 44

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What does BodyMind Living mean for you?

How do you navigate change? Navigating change to me means to acknowledge and really sit with the notion that life is ever changing... and the only constant that one can rely on is just that. Change is inevitable. I’ve learned that change is the only true constant in life. I remember back in 2015 after working for a large corporate healthcare group for 5 years, I stepped out and birthed my own private practice and business. From birthing a business with a business partner and navigating the feelings of excitement, determination and grit, it became clear early on that this business relationship was not in alignment. I just knew from the constant pain on the right side of my neck and shoulder thaT something wasn’t right. With a physical therapy practice that required so much of me, and my energy mainly being misdirected in trying to repair a friendship/business partnership that was not in coherence, I almost could not fully connect with myself let alone be present with the people I love. As our business grew and drudged along in a system of heavy regulation, my soul was yearning for something else. True connection. After much effort for repair over the first few years in business, it hit me that this wasn’t IT for me. I realized that what I was meant to learn in this experience was a sense of individuation and a

In the middle of navigating the changes within my practice, I was faced with family turmoil as we witnessed my father move through a chronic illness. At this time, I felt a calling to begin to heal deep generational wounds that were showing up in my awareness. I embarked on a journey to reconnect with parts of me that I had neglected for so long. In January 2019 my life changed forever when my father passed away. I didn't have much to give at that time, I needed to grieve. The slow unravelling of so many aspects of the way I thought my life would be was the universe showing me that there was another way. My business would never be the same, my energy was shifting. I knew I had to connect to what I was moving into as I also worked to dismantle the old. As I let go of each layer, the pain in my right neck/shoulder went away… my body felt lighter. I knew I was moving in the right direction even though it was challenging. I continued to care for patients and grew my personal practice on the side. I had to stay the course and find that inner compass at every turn. I listened to my body for guidance and for every decision. In October of 2019 I walked into work knowing that the decision was made — to set a date for when we would begin the process to eventually close our PT clinic. So, I had to

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re-discovering of who I am. That I was meant for something deeper.

have that difficult conversation with my business partner. We set a date for the end of 2020 to dissolve the business. We found ourselves managing all of these changes in a pandemic, however, the intention remained. We ended up closing our brick and mortar business at the end of 2020. It was a difficult process to physically move all of our equipment into storage, but it was done. The process continues of transitioning out of a formal business partnership, but now I have space and time to continue calling in my truest desire for how I want to work that’s in alignment with my values. As space began to open up in my life, I was in full ‘burn-out recovery’ and shifted more fully into my healing practices and BodyMind coaching practice. With this slower pace, my body was allowed to rest and recover as well as catch up on my health and wellness appointments; this was much needed and the nurturing that I needed after so much transition. On one of my health appointments, we discovered why I had been so chronically exhausted. This is where I learned that I had been experiencing autoimmune symptoms and was diagnosed with Lupus in early March of 2021.

This is the current change I am navigating. CONTINUED ON PAGE 63


Halinka Van Minnen :: IT WAS ALL TOO MUCH

Without you life feels so dull.

I have always run full throttle towards change, sparking excitement and adventure into the mundane of everyday. Sometimes this looked like a change of hair style (every 6 months), drastically changing some aspect of my business (every 2 years) or going big and moving cities. I have never feared change, but rather embraced it wholly and have always been confused as to why others struggled with it. I consider myself good at navigating change and see it as a skill. A skill that can be enhanced with every transformation.


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Change. I love you. I welcome you. I need you.

Yet, as much as I love change, I’ve discovered that I have a tipping point of too much. Too much change. All at once. The tipping point when change is no longer fun or exciting. When I no longer love change. In 2019 everything changed. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, yet this time was different. I got married, moved towns, went from living on my own to living with my husband, moved my clinic, started working from home, changed my last name…

All the change, all at once,

was too much. My body physically fell apart. I felt broken. Everything I knew was lost. Who I thought I was had crumbled. This change was more than revamping or transitioning. I felt like I had lost my identity. I didn’t know who I was. Who I was supposed to be. I was now a wife, tethered to the man who was now my husband where we as two became one. I was now in a role as a Dutch wife approaching this role from my Polish roots. I became a stay at home business woman balancing being an entrepreneur and a homemaker.

Growing up life was never stable, and instead of grasping on to something that didn’t exist, I learned to embrace the instability; I learned to love change, so much that I would force change to occur, creating an opportunity to transform who I was.

Was it that I loved change or that I didn’t love who I was? Navigating change was easy when I could transform who I was. Any time I didn’t fully accept where I was or who I was, I would create external change. Yet, here I was uncertain of my new identity, an identity I wasn’t expecting when I chose to be married. I was caught off guard during this time. It had always been easy to navigate change, when the change was created out of boredom or unhappiness. This change came out of a choice for stability, something I never truly experienced and I wasn’t expecting it to be so jarring. I had always used my pain or sickness as a sign that something needed to change, not as a byproduct of change.

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The skills I had developed for embracing change no longer worked for this uncharted territory. Where I had once thrived on change of this magnitude, I found myself in resistance.

This experience wasn’t fun or as exciting as other major changes had been in my past. And it made me wonder, did I make a mistake? This identity crisis became real when I had to sign my name for the first time. I was changing my drivers license and needed to create my signature within the defined red box. I had never signed Halinka Van Minnen before. I had absolutely no idea how that would look, yet could feel in the depths of my body an uncertainty; who is that person? See, as a woman in my late 30’s I never practiced this new signature. Becoming a wife was a very practical decision, the next stage of life. It was organized, logical and very well thought out, but I never took a moment to really feel it. Feel what it would be to have this new identity. Seeing that I loved change, I jumped into this with both feet never giving it a second, or first, thought. I learned that the change I chose and could anticipate was exciting. It stems from a need of variety and excitement adding some spice to life. However, an unexpected change that is imposed on you can lead to resistance, pushing it away. I can kick and scream, running away, or I can see this as an opportunity.


Halinka Van Minnen :: IT WAS ALL TOO MUCH



Halinka Van Minnen :: IT WAS ALL TOO MUCH

An opportunity to heal; the constant change of life has led to autoimmune issues and has forced me to listen (more details to come in future issues). An opportunity to surrender, releasing the illusion of control. An opportunity to be anchored in the truth; the truth of who I am and where I get my worth. In the end I have learned that who I am is constant no matter what the external change is. Living this truth allows me to navigate any change, no matter what the source; and when I live that truth, there is no mistake.

As you see from my article, I actually love change. People usually laugh when I actually say that. Change to me is exciting. It brings a little bit of spice to life, and the otherwise really mundane things of the every single day. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)


HALINKA VAN MINNEN Certified BodyMind Coach

Halinka is the creator of The Happy & Healthy Place. With her 14 years as a massage therapist, Halinka learned that just treating physical discomfort only provides a band aid approach. As a BodyMind Coach Halinka works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them align with possibility so they can live happy and healthy on purpose. Her clients discover they don’t have to live in a constant state of chaos. Instead they learn to treat their bodies as a best friend learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress and decrease pain to allow them to be fully present in their life. Halinka also holds a Health Science degree and is a yoga instructor. Halinka’s faith is her anchor and driving purpose in life. She lives in Ontario, Canada. IG: @HappyHealthyPlace FB: happyandhealthyplace

without change life

feels so dull.

#livetruth #resistance #lovechange



body, mind and heart; it requires compassion and support. Are you in the right state of being to navigate through life’s challenges? I have learned that successfully navigating change requires your whole being. As I sit here and really pull the threads to write this article, I’m gripped by fear. My gremlins are screaming in my head. What am I doing? Who do I think I am thinking I can write? SHIT! People are going to see me. During these times of emotional stress, I remind myself of how I help my clients navigate challenges in their lives through their body. So, I do the same as I write this article. Here is what this feels like... 52

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Navigating change is an invitation to know who you are —

I take a moment to feel the knots in my stomach, and in that moment I remember to take a breath. I take notice of my heart, bring my thoughts into my heart, and allow the tears to flow. I’m making it so much harder to allow my words to flow. I realized I had left my heart and gut, and I was sitting in my head with my body all tight. Maybe I start here and sense what’s happening. I realize deciding to step into this process of writing as an Ambassador for the BodyMind Living Magazine is navigating change. It’s the unseen. I think What the hell does that mean? Who am I as I write? Who do I become as I purposefully embrace this part of me? I just discovered this creative piece of me and want to know more. I must be crazy. Then, I drop back in my body. As I become mindful of my breath and my body, it all comes to me: Writing my thoughts, feelings, and expressions really reveals the parts of me that I have conveniently tucked away and only share with those close to me. Navigating change is like a dance between all the parts of you — body, mind and heart. We struggle with change when we forget that we are a whole being and only make decisions from one dimension of ourselves. Change is an invitation to know who you are.



When you learn you start with the mind and observe. Then you become present with the body and mirror the moves the best you can. The mind observes and sees the mistakes you are making. You move back into the body and try again. At first it feels mechanical, trying to mirror and be fluid. Once you start to entrain and groove the movements in muscle memory, you start to feel the movement with your heart. It takes more effort at the beginning — presence and patience — but soon you master the alignment of body, mind and heart dancing together. Navigating change is also living your values. That is listening to your heart and being supported by those you trust. Why values? What I learned is that knowing my values provides me with the internal feelings where I can touch base, ground back to my body and, most importantly, connect to my heart. When I forget to touch base with that part of me, then my body will remind me gently; and, if I continue to ignore it, the signs get louder.


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In pondering this invitation, I’m reminded of my process of learning to dance the hula. It is a dance between mind, body and heart. It starts with the reason for the dance. Your heart beckens to be heard in this creative form. Then, your mind steps in and finds strategies or opportunities to learn.

I value and constantly dance with connection, courage, integrity, curiosity, playfulness and gratitude. In addition to living my values I’ve also learned that I need support to offer a different perspective. The last five years have been a journey of navigating change as I purposefully decided to invest in seven different coaching programs (sequentially) to take a deeper dive into who I was. I wanted to know how I was limiting myself; I wanted to move through the limits and really make the changes to create a different life. LIttle did I realize it was going to break my heart wide open. That opening took a year and a half to crack. It was in participating in the initial BodyMind Coaching and Mastery Programs that offered the tools and safe place to emerge. Before that, I wasn’t really feeling my feelings. I found out I’m really good at compartmentalizing feelings and directing myself with my mind to take action. My trusted inner circle provided the guidance I needed when I was stuck in the darkness of my overwhelm, my confusion, my doubts. I learned powerfully that change and growth can NOT be done alone. While navigating the changes, I needed my team to offer questions, hard loving truths to step out of the stuckness, out

Navigating change is like a dance. It’s an invitation to know who you are, connecting the body, mind, and heart with the change. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO)

I constantly dance with connection, curiosity and gratitude. #dance #connection #courage #integrity #curiosity #playful #gratitude



By being vulnerable and receiving support, my healing could take place. These programs and people gave me tools to lovingly reflect (feel my feelings, not think), reclaim or redefine myself, make a decision from my whole being (all parts of me), and then move forward. Navigating change is a dance. Our body is a beautiful compass when we are aligned with our heart and mind. I love the grace and fluidity of the hula and the story the body tells, aligned with the heart and mind. Like any story, the dance and our lives do shift and change as we move. Nothing stays the same. Even with practice, dancing can be messy, clumsy, and when you get into your head, nothing flows. I learned the more attuned I have become with my own body, mind, heart, the more navigating change is about embracing the imperfection, the messy start up, the misstep. It’s about surrendering the outside influences and allowing my inner wisdom to guide each choice, each movement. It takes courage and


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of my head and back into my body and heart. They provided another perspective so that I was more aware of old pattern(s) and truly choosing a different course with my whole being, not just from my head.

vulnerability to allow things to flow, and it is more painful to hold everything in the mind. Navigating change is about being in the NOW moment and choosing with body, mind, and heart as our whole being, not just one part of us. When we stand in the muck of the what ifs, doubt, worry, etc. we are stuck in our mind and no longer accessing the body, soul, heart. We create suffering in the body as a consequence. Instead of shying away from the pain our body presents us with, step into it and feel it to its depths. There, you’ll find a deeper wisdom of what you truly desire, deserve, and feel worthy of allowing yourself to receive. By allowing myself to be compassionate and connected to my whole being, I allow my truth to flow.

Are you connected to body, mind, and heart as you navigate your own changes? What is your dance to navigate change? Remember music, painting, sailing, walking, hiking....

CAROLYN YANIT ULITSKY BodyMind Coach, Muscle Therapist

Carolyn is the owner of SomaWise Muscle Therapy. Her interest in the holistic healing arts spans over 20 years. She is most passionate about assisting her clients in creating connections back into their body, heart and mind so they can live a joyful and full life. She helps her clients relate to their pain and guides them to the deeper meaning so that they can build a better relationship with themselves and their body. Carolyn’s practice is in Pleasanton, California. She has 3 adult daughters and a son in-law. IG: @somawisemt



As the owner of Intentional Flow Mary Pat Curran coaches her clients using her gifts of presence and possibility. Mary Pat (MP) was an educator of adults & youth for 13 years prior to attending massage school. In 2013 she opened her own business and in 2018 began offering BodyMind Coaching as a missing piece for her clients’ transformation. Mary Pat loves helping her clients learn more about themselves so that they can grow into their intentions without having to become someone else to succeed. Through embodying their unique values, goals, & desires. MP’s clients not only reach their goals, they become who they are meant to be. Originally from Chicago, Mary Pat currently resides in Lexington, Kentucky with her hubby, children and dog. FB: Intentional Flow IG: @IntentionalFlow LI: Mary Pat Curran

DENA HALLE, LMT, ACT/L BodyMind Coach, BA Sports Medicine, Licensed Athletic Trainer

Dena is a cancer survivor that is passionate about closing the gap between surviving vs thriving in life, wellness, and business. She guides clients, cancer survivors, wellness professionals and creative entrepreneurs in navigating and revolutionizing their life and business so that they can stop the overwhelm, create ease and build real tangible health and wealth. Dena is a multi-faceted life coach, business mentor and consultant. She combines her knowledge and certifications to create transformational outcomes for her clients. When not working, she travels the world to assist elite athletes and professionals in performing their best from both body and mind. She loves intentional time for exercise, family, friends, hiking, cycling, paddling and floating in the water at her river home and in Maui. FB: Dena Halle Massage Wenatchee IG: @StopFeelingStuck

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BodyMind Coach

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LORINE HOFFER, LMT Certified BodyMind Coach, BodyMind Coaching Certification Program– Associate Coach, Big Change Facilitator

A childhood fascination with the body/mind connection led Lorine to a lifelong professional focus on helping clients ditch the stress patterns (and aches and pains!) keeping them stuck. Her skills flow from massage to education to psychology and entrepreneurship. This mighty arsenal uniquely qualifies her to help clients reconnect to themselves, partners and kids so they wake up feeling rested, confident, empowered and ready to own the day. Described as having both fierce compassion and fierce independence, Lorine loves to laugh, curse, explore nature, hang out with her insightful daughter, “get to the good stuff” in connected conversations and notice beauty in every day. IG: @LorineHoffer FB: LorineHoffer / Lori Hoffer FB: Life Connected

Manager, Enrollment Team

Laurie owns and operates her own private coaching practice where she is a manifesting and money coach. She combines her magical woo energy with practical and tangible steps as she guides her clients on a journey inward to discover how they can become financially free from the inside out. When not coaching, Laurie is outside in her zen den or floating in her pool with her family relaxing and just BEing. Laurie loves riding her bike, reading, learning everything she can, traveling to Maui, cooking and playing with her dogs Clarke & Phoebe. FB: Laurie Juszkiewicz FB: Being You Financially Free IG: @laurie_juszkiewicz

CAROLYN YANIT ULITSKY BodyMind Coach Muscle Therapist

Carolyn is the owner of SomaWise Muscle Therapy. Her interest in the holistic healing arts spans over 20 years. She is most passionate about assisting her clients in creating connections back into their body, heart and mind so they can live a joyful and full life. She helps her clients relate to their pain and guides them to the deeper meaning so that they can build a better relationship with themselves and their body. Carolyn’s practice is in Pleasanton, California. She has 3 adult daughters and a son in-law. IG: @somawisemt

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Bodymind Certified Coach, Manifesting & Money Coach, Bodymind Coaching Lead Associate Coach & Community

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HALINKA VAN MINNEN Certified BodyMind Coach

Halinka is the creator of The Happy & Healthy Place. With her 14 years as a massage therapist, Halinka learned that just treating physical discomfort only provides a band aid approach. As a BodyMind Coach Halinka works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them align with possibility so they can live happy and healthy on purpose. Her clients discover they don’t have to live in a constant state of chaos. Instead they learn to treat their bodies as a best friend learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress and decrease pain to allow them to be fully present in their life. Halinka also holds a Health Science degree and is a yoga instructor. Halinka’s faith is her anchor and driving purpose in life. She lives in Ontario, Canada. IG: @HappyHealthyPlace FB: happyandhealthyplace 59



If you’re amazing at taking care of everyone else — but are starting to feel over-committed and like something’s just not quite right in your life — you should meet Karyn! Karyn Claflin is a Master BodyMind Coach with a background in massage, meditation, and yoga who helps folks who have big dreams but the stressful demands of daily life keep getting in the way. If that sounds like you, Karyn can help you focus on the right things, so you can free up space and energy to do the work you know you’re here to do! IG: balancechampaign

Kim Fish, LMT Kim Fish is a seasoned massage therapist and bodywork coach. For 15 years she has helped hundreds of people transform their relationship with their body through addressing and managing pain and stress. She inspires others to take control of their health through group and private self care sessions. She is a current student of yoga teacher training through and has shifted her business to support clients in the space between massage appointments. She teaches safe, simple and effective self care bodywork sequences, breath work, mindful movements and meditation so that her clients can feel supported, embody confidence and take inspired action that aligns with how they want to feel and with the life they are wanting to create. IG:Kim_Fish_BodyworkCoach divinealignmentcoach@ 603.969.4815

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Tanya works with soul-searching women that have a stack of self-help books by their bed but feel like they’re living their lives on autopilot. Her clients know they’re here for a greater purpose… but feel like everyone else’s priorities seem to always get in the way of making that dream happen.

Karyn Claflin BodyMind Coach

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If you’ve ever felt like you’re navigating life completely alone and you wish you had a wise, trusted support system to help guide you, advise you, and show you the easiest way forward, Tanya is here to show you how to find that person… within YOURSELF!

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Tanya Bodsford BodyMind Coach

Laurel Goulden-James Osteophathic MT, Massage Therapist, Movement Facilitator As a mom, grandma, and BodyMind Coach, it is her mission to help those she encounters to realize and embrace their power from within so that they can bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. After recovering from a personal injury, Laurel has a special interest in working with those who are at “the next chapter” and moving forward into how life might be and what might be possible. She has a zest for life, laughter, and a strong faith that as humans we are all blessed with our own special gifts. IG: goldentouchhlthwealth

FaceBook @Golden Touch Health & Wealth LI: @ Laurel Goulden-James goldentouchhealthwealth@ Make an appointment

She loves to support strong, independent womxn in becoming better listeners to their internal wisdom to foster a pattern of abundance in their careers and life, leading to uncomplicated, de-stressed, and empowered living. IG: shana_supports_you

Foreshadowed by a poem she wrote in her childhood entitled “Lost Dreams,” Bobbie Jo eventually found herself at a crossroads, looking within to once again find who she really was. BodyMind Coaching guided her back to herself. Now Bobbie Jo uses her gift of writing to share inspirational and transformational books as well as guided meditations. Through BodyMind Coaching, she helps others connect with their body wisdom to discover and live their true purpose. It is her passion and purpose to be a channel of love inspiring others in reclaiming and living those “lost dreams,” and confidently expressing the truth of who they really are. Because, the world needs who YOU are.

Araina Linton BodyMind Master Coach Araina helps overwhelmed women entrepreneurs reduce stress and create the perfect balance between work and life. She is known for a simple step-by-step process that guides women back to their passion to avoid burnout, feel better, have more time, and build their businesses with ease. Finding a balance between work and life is tough. Sometimes despite your ambition, your dreams can feel a bit out of reach, and it can start to cause stress, frustration, and pain. It can be enough to make you want to give up your business. There is a better way! If you’re thinking about closing the doors to your business, please reconsider — introduce some healthy habits into your hustle! FB: MassageArtistryNYC IG: arainalinton

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In her experience as owner and operator of Synergy Wellness Group LLC, Shana knows this listening is easier said than done, and we aren’t meant to figure out this amazing life (or body) on our own. It takes practice, specific actions, and support.

Love, Bobbi Jo BodyMind Coach Author & Speaker

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Through her 20+ years of work mastering the power of reflection and intention, she discovered that we are our own experts regarding our body and mind if we just learn to listen.

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Shana Hartman, LMT BodyMind Master Coach Ph.D., Educator



Learn more about Alina and her simple yet powerful programs. IG: 62

She started the wellness journey in 2013 by attending massage school and soon found out that helping people connect to their bodies was her passion. She then opened up her own business, Transcend Relaxation, specializing in the emotional aspect of chronic pain. In the pursuit of providing integrative support to her clients, she found the BodyMind Coaching method and now she helps women make positive changes in their lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Adrianamoralescoach@ 909-263-6598

Christina Tauer BodyMind Coach Christine uses BodyMind Coaching, breathwork, and bodywork, combined with her diverse background in holistic health to best guide her clients to find calm in the chaos. She does this by encouraging clients to honor and love themselves and create a self-care practice that becomes a part of their daily routine. Christine is dedicated to helping womxn discover opportunities to break the patterns and habits around stress to feel best in their body and more present in their lives. Christina and her groundbreaking work is featured here. IG: Christine Hinkley

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If you are ready to align with the abundant reality that has been lovingly awaiting you — Alina is here to help you explore your intelligent human design, liberate your holistic integrity, and anchor within your Root Chakra!

Adriana Morales, LMT BodyMind Coach

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As the founder of Core Momentum Coaching of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, she creates a safe space for creative, intuitive, highly sensitive individuals to learn how to harness their time, energy, finances, and core momentum to receive abundance, live authentically, and become tethered within spiritual integrity in all areas of their lives.

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Alina McGilloway, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur


Navigating the big changes in my experience so far has bred a level of uncertainty and a feeling of instability. A desire for a sustainable place to land. So I’ve learned that navigatingchange for me has been one of connecting to something greater, a divine plan and re-creating a flexible structure in my life and business. And that healing and releasing what no longer belonged to me, and what no longer served me in any particular season of my life, is what allows me to move forward with grace. Re-creating a structure for my life that allows space to heal and feel it all. Moving through the grieving process to find meaning along my journey. I get to slow down and build my life and business from a place of deeper truth, integrity, clarity and sustainability. There’s no going back to how things were. Resiliency and discernment for me is required along this journey of rebuilding a meaningful life. It’s the realization that I am sourced by something much bigger than myself and anchoring into that. What common advice do you love to share with your clients that you would like to share with our audience? The clients that I tend to attract are usually highly creative beings, artists, musicians, martial artists and healers across all genres. I

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usually engage with clients, who are seeking to create change in the world through their art and have the freedom to live their work. In my work as a BodyMind Coach and therapist, my clients usually feel like they are living in between worlds and have trouble anchoring into that grounded space within themselves. My advice to my clients is to feel and understand their energy with deep awareness and embodiment in order to understand their physical pains, discomforts and restrictions. We look closely at the energy of what’s showing up as well as the physiology within. In order to find the freedom that is desired we must slow down to let Source in. Rest and connect. Find self-care tools that really resonate with who you are as an individual. Connect with that deeper sense of self and then to move forward with intention and freedom in your body and spirit. Slow down to let guidance in... slow down to connect.


Laura Wieck LLC EDITOR Laura Wieck MANAGING EDITOR Shana Hartman ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Sandy Bassett DISTRIBUTION Subscriptions questions: To renew or change address: To subscribe visit For additional assistance: MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 21712 Columbus, OH 43221-0712 Reproduction of editorial or advertising content without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. ©2021 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BodyMind Living Magazine, PO Box 21712, Columbus, OH 43221-0712 JUNE 2021..............Issue No 7 BodyMind Living Magazine is published 10 times/year by Laura Wieck LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio and additional mailing offices.


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IMAGE CREDITS BodyMind Living Magazine would like to honor and thank the photographers below for making their stunning images available freely on Unsplash. Klara Kulikova (page 6) Pat Whelen (page 11) Aubree Herrick (page 18) Lee Yan (page19) Benjamin Combs (pps 22) Megan Savoie (page 29) Fotografierende (page 34) Jonathan Borba (page 38) William Farlow Leva (page 41) Debra O. Photography (page 50) Lily Saffu (back cover) Laurie J spread: in front of bldg: Photo credit Dr. Tim MIller ND, MAc, LAc ,RA

As well, photographs are supplied to us by our team and Ambassadors. Deep gratitude to this amazing cohort of Ambassadors and their courage in being seen and heard here in BodyMind Living Magazine. Mary Pat Curran Dena Halle Lorine Hoffer Laurie Juszkiewicz Carolyn Ulitsky Halinka Van Minnen Laura Wieck

So, what’s shifted? Are these ambassadors amazing or what? As I sit here navigating a big change in my life as a BodyMind coach, doing this work living this way, I have been able to step away from a 20 year career as a university English professor to step fully into I believe is my calling and my purpose as a BodyMind coach, as a Body Mind liver and now, as Managing Editor for Body Mind Living Magazine. How amazing. So how are you navigating change? How have these ambassadors called you up and in to really exploring what this might look like for you in your every day life? Maybe it’s something big that’s showing up. How are you stepping into it? How are you going through it even with all the fears? How are you trusting the knowing place? How are you dancing? How are you becoming a partner? I’m thinking of all the things hat our ambassadors have invited us to explore. Maybe it’s something small and subtle and seemingly simple. But it’s still change and there’s a lot that shows up. We are here to continue the conversation and support you. So join us over in the BodyMind Living community where can do just that. We look forward to seeing you there.








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