BodyMind Living Magazine :: Navigating Joy! :: October 2021

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ISSUE N o 1 1 : : Navigating J O Y : : OCTOBER 2021

The self help revolution... Navigated.

THOUGHTS ON NAVIGATING JOY.............................3 LAURA WIECK

UNDEFINED JOY..............................6 LORI HOFFER




F-N JOY!............................................42 HALINKA VAN MINNEN


WHAT IT‘S LIKE TO BECOME A BODYMIND COACH..................59 AMBASSADOR DIRECTORY........60 CERTIFIED COACH DIRECTORY......................................68 CLOSING THOUGHTS..................76 SHANA HARTMAN

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“Joy comes to us in moments — ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” —Brené Brown Brené also says, “Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience.” In this final issue of the Navigating series, we are navigating one of the most potent, yet fleeting human experiences: Joy. Before we go any further, take a moment to remember the times in your life where you allowed yourself to be fully immersed in the energy of joy. Allow those moments to fill every cell of your body and notice what shows up for you.

For me, the energy of joy is like a dance. Sometimes, it’s a light and happy dance. Sometimes, the dance is slow and sultry. But, the energy of joy is deeply connected to the power and presence of life itself. Even as I write these words, I can feel joy percolating around me: my dogs snoring at my feet, my son laughing downstairs, the

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dear reader,



The more I surrender into the moment, the more joy permeates my soul. I know the past few years have been tough on all of us as we have been navigating a global pandemic, a racial reckoning, and a climate crisis. Right now, it might feel reckless, selfish, or even rebellious to feel joy. And yet... Joy reminds us of our interconnectedness. Joy lives in the ordinary moments that connect all of us.

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wind blowing through the leaves outside, the thought of every person who reads these words.

Joy is the underpinning of our humanity. What if JOY is the healing that all of us need right now? As always, BodyMind Living is a place for us to explore together what it means to LIVE LIFE CONNECTED. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and find a place to get cozy. Let’s navigate JOY together. In this together, Laura PS: Please make sure to like and share these articles over at @BodyMindLiving on Instagram!

What would shift if we stop resisting joy and let it in? (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO)



Lori Hoffer :: UNDEFINED JOY

—Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss This article could be a bumpy ride. It may or may not “make sense,” and I’m okay with that. I’ve been dreading this moment since I heard about it. “And finally, we’re going to write about navigating joy!” I’m sorry — WHAT???? Navigating Change? Easy. Navigating Stillness? I crave stillness. Navigating Boundaries? That’s like a love language for me. Navigating Fear and Uncertainty? Hah. So familiar. But Navigating Joy? JOY????? I don’t even know what that is. How that feels.


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“Take it slowly. This book is dangerous.”

How do you navigate something you don’t have context for? So… like any “good student” I looked it up. Joy (noun): a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Well, that doesn’t help. Happiness also eludes me. Pleasure at least feels familiar. So I got curious and dug deeper. “What if I look at joy versus happiness? Surely that will give me some clarity.” Apparently the general consensus is that happiness depends on external factors. It is an emotion that happens to you and you can’t make a decision to consciously feel it. And, joy is a choice you intentionally make and can co-exist with other emotions, whereas happiness can not co-exist. Happiness won’t be around during hard times, while joy never leaves. Happiness needs an external cause while joy is more of an internal sense of peace and connection. Joy is an attitude and happiness is a destination. At least, that’s what I read. In a few places. Notice how it seems to contradict the dictionary definition? Yep. I’m still confused. *Sigh* I imagine I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand what joy means. I can’t be alone, can I?

Here’s something I do know. Authenticity is one of my core values and I don’t feel like I have an authentic relationship with joy or happiness. There is an emotional depth and understanding that feels absent for me. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible for me to build. It’s simply not a relationship I’ve developed (or maybe even opened myself up to) thus far in my life. Yes, I have moments of what I consider joy or happiness. I love to be goofy and silly. I can laugh so hard that I can’t breathe, sometimes at seemingly ridiculous things. I openly smile and love deeply and often engage others in hopes of sharing some of that energy with them. I derive deep satisfaction and feel warm and full when I notice that I’ve contributed to someone else finding their joy, happiness, and pleasure in the world. All of those things feel incredible. And yet none of those really last. They are tiny moments. Ships passing through the night. These feel good moments come in like a tsunami and leave behind a flood of disappointment. Joy feels temporary and unsustainable, like a blip of relief in the

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If I went out and asked 100 people what joy means to them, I’d likely get 100 different answers and some of those would actually fall under “happiness.”

harder realities of everyday life. And, the more vivid the moments are when it does show itself, the more deeply the disappointment hits when it inevitably retreats back to invisibility. There is this sense in the world that joy is something we “should” feel or want to feel. That if it isn’t present, we should chase after it and conquer it. That we are somehow incomplete if joy isn’t present. In fact, when I shared with friends about how challenging I find writing this, I noticed a bit of “fixing” energy and straight up confusion over the idea that I don’t really relate to joy. Questions came up around times when I clearly must have felt joy and how I bring joy to others with things that I do and share. How could joy not feel authentic for me when I bring joy to others? It’s true. I’m quite skilled at supporting others in discovering and honoring both moments and larger undercurrents of joy in their life. In fact, I love it. I love to witness joy in others. It is a time when I feel great satisfaction and even feelings of joy. (Or maybe that’s happiness because it comes from the external? I don’t have the answer to this.) And yet, I refuse to chase joy for myself because chasing something merely because I’ve been told I should want it feels inauthentic.


Lori Hoffer :: UNDEFINED JOY



Lori Hoffer :: UNDEFINED JOY

It feels like happiness is often weaponized in our culture as a way to get people to do things we want them to do. Statements like “Oh look! You’re so good! You did the dishes and I’m so happy!” have the underlying message that you are lovable and “good” when making others happy. And then there’s advertising with the persistent message of “Buy this product/service so you can be happy!” Things like weight loss, plastic surgery, Botox, and dying your hair all fall prey to these messages. And because joy and happiness are so often grouped together, doing these things should lead to joy as well, right? Isn’t that the message? There are so many layers to the pressure.


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It feels like living a lie. I’m not willing to live in an energy of chasing anyone or anything in my life. I want to feel aligned and true to myself. I want to honor myself and my feelings in the moment without trying to label every emotion.

Which leads me right back to… how do I navigate something that feels so foreign to me? Something for which I have minimal points of reference? And, do I really have to navigate it at all? That’s like asking me to go lead a session of Congress! I have no background, experience, or even desire around that and I am highly underqualified. What if this habit of trying to label all these emotions, including joy, is in fact limiting our “feeling spectrum” from what is possible to what feels comfortable? It seems like we are so busy looking for things to feel easy and defined, to avoid tough questions, that we are limiting ourselves to what feels “known” and not honoring what may be possible. We are quick to label things, including emotions, in an effort to understand and make them known. In a way to create connection and also as a way to grasp a sense of control. What if the beauty is in the undefined? In opening ourselves to live within a life spectrum without labels and simply experiencing what we feel, notice, and think for ourselves? Might this start with the emotional spectrum and really BEING with how we are feeling and FEELING it as opposed to

What is possible when we shift and open that space for ourselves to truly EXPERIENCE ourselves and our joy, sadness, fear, uncertainty, stillness, and everything else that is begging to feel seen and heard in the body? Yes, I know that’s a lot of questions. No, I don’t have all the answers. The biggest permission we can give ourselves and others is to feel what we feel, whatever that is, without judgement or labels, and just BE with ourselves. Right there. In the moment. How would it feel to release the pressure that dictates you should want to… need to… live in states of joy and happiness? To give yourself permission to not even know what joy is and to simply feel what you feel when you feel it from a place of openness, love and acceptance for what you are experiencing? For me, that would feel freeing and like I am taking back the power and ownership of my life from societal pressures and expectations.

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slapping a name on it for some sense of understanding and control?

There is

definitely a joy in that.

“Joy is something that is an okay emotion to have. You may have more joy as a child, but remember to continue to seek joy as you are an adult. Find things that bring joy to you, even if it seems child-like, otherwise life is a lot more challenging.” (CLICK THE IMAGE TO PLAY THE AUDIO.)


Lori Hoffer :: UNDEFINED JOY

joy... I can’t figure out

where you hide.

#Joy #Unknown #NavigatingJoy #Questions 12


LORINE HOFFER, LMT Certified BodyMind Coach, Big Change Facilitator A childhood fascination with the body/mind connection led Lorine to a lifelong professional focus on helping clients ditch the stress patterns (and aches and pains!) keeping them stuck. Her skills flow from massage to education to psychology and entrepreneurship. This mighty arsenal uniquely qualifies her to help clients reconnect to themselves, partners and kids so they wake up feeling rested, confident, empowered and ready to own the day. Lorine loves to laugh, curse, explore nature, hang out with her insightful daughter, “get to the good stuff” in connected conversations and notice beauty in every day. Described as having both fierce compassion and fierce independence, she’ll hold space for you and hold you accountable to the big changes you’re ready to claim. IG: @LorineHoffer FB: LorineHoffer / Lori Hoffer FB: Life Connected



What I learned from writing the article for the “Navigating Fear and Uncertainty” issue is that our heart invites us to action steps that allow the building of self-trust and self-certainty. In embarking on a new relationship, which I wrote about last month, it was the small steps my heart invited me to take that allowed joy to emerge. From the inkling to drop a quick text for coffee to gently saying no to an invitation to dinner because of work (and offering alternative dates) to short quick text messages, simple outings with our friends, and sharing deeper parts of myself that allowed me to accept and acknowledge those parts of myself in ways that I had not allowed myself to experience before. What I realized in this new relationship is I finally wasn’t in


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Joy is staying the leader of your life, honoring your heart’s call to action for yourself.

any rush and had no expectations of where all this was going. I was beautifully guided to commit to what is present in the NOW. Without uncertainty there is no magic and there is no joy. It is in the grace and compassion of being present first for myself and then my partner that we can encourage our individual uniqueness and deepen our self-trust and self-certainty and self-love and be able to extend it to each other. Joy was bubbling up with each invitation to follow my heart’s call to action and in taking the risk to honor those offers. As my joy was emerging, I noticed that others were challenged with their own uncertainty/fear. In fact, it triggered a few people closest to me and to my partner. It offered those friends and families to examine their own unresolved feelings. It was a mental battle to hold my head up. As a recovering people pleaser, my former tendency and thoughts would lead me to dim my joy or excitement so that others would not feel bad. Pangs of guilt and shame did show up. I wrestled those parts of me, giving them a moment to be seen, felt and heard. As I was present with those parts of me that felt shame and guilt, and then they gently resolved and dissipated through my body, mind and heart. In the past, the guilt and shame would take over, and I’d hide my joy. It would result in frustration



I gently held boundaries so that I could navigate the discomfort of other people’s challenges — honoring them and allowing myself to feel the joy with no apologies. In the active engagement of my tools and allowing myself to resolve the discomfort, I realized I no longer sacrificed myself or my joy to save, rescue or fix for others. It is ok for me to hold my head up, be in my joy, and allow others to be in their discomfort. I’d like to acknowledge that those who were in discomfort may feel I abandoned them because I’m not agreeing to be in the same state as them. Actually, by holding the boundaries and honoring myself, and honoring where the other person is at the moment, allows them to navigate what’s possible for them. I was able to track that with those individuals and by staying in integrity with myself and allowing them to be


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at myself and, over time, resentment. This is where I use my tools — revisiting my values kept me in check and kept me from sacrificing my sense of JOY in the NOW just so others would feel better. The value of connection, staying in connection to myself, to my heart and being present for myself supported me in this process. The value of courage, courage to honor what is present with my feelings, supported me in this process. The value of integrity, being in integrity with myself, supporting me in this process. I didn’t abandon my feelings to soothe another.

in their discomfort they were able to receive the gift in the pain and emerge with more grace and love for themselves. The small invitations to be present with each call to action that my heart asks of me has allowed me to heal deeper parts that I didn’t know existed and it creates more of myself to feel safe enough to be seen by me first and then those close to me. That deeper level of safety and being available for myself in each of those moments has allowed joy to be present. My heart is more open and able to receive joy or any other emotion in the moment.

Follow your heart’s call to action and joy will emerge! Original song & lyrics to “Journey Back to Love” by William Stiers.\ (CLICK THE IMAGE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)

I allow myself to

feel joy with no apologies.

#Joy#NoApologies #NavigatingJoy #Allow 17


CAROLYN YANIT ULITSKY BodyMind Coach, Muscle Therapist

Carolyn is the owner of SomaWise Muscle Therapy. Her interest in the holistic healing arts spans over 20 years. She is most passionate about assisting her clients in creating connections back into their body, heart and mind so they can live a joyful and full life. She helps her clients relate to their pain and guides them to the deeper meaning so that they can build a better relationship with themselves and their body. Carolyn’s practice is in Pleasanton, California. She has 3 adult daughters and a son in-law. IG: @somawisemt


I was talking to an amazing Massage Therapist recently. She has been practicing for nearly 15 years and has a schedule that is booked solid with amazing clients. By industry standards, she is definitely ‘successful.’

And that’s when she said it: “I feel stuck. I’ve been doing the same thing, day in and day out for years with my clients. And while I love every single one of them, it’s starting to wear on me.” “I mean, I got into this business to help people heal and I’ve taken loads of CE classes to refine my skills. But it just feels like I’ve hit this invisible ceiling in my business where my income is capped, my time is capped, and my clients keep complaining about the same stuff.” This was the kicker…“You know the worst part — even though I know I’m amazing at what I do, I still feel like I have to justify myself and my rates to compete with new therapists and the franchises. I’ve done everything I can to be successful and I feel like I’ve ‘made it.’ But inside, I KNOW there is a better way and I just can’t seem to figure it out for myself.” Can you relate? I know I can — that is exactly where I was just a few years back. Maxed out. On the brink of burn out. And starting to wonder… how I could continue to do the work I love without working myself to the ground?

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An invitation to you...

I knew there was a better way to work, but I had to charter a new path to find it. I made a commitment to myself that I would figure out how to work smarter, not harder (which, as a Massage Therapist, was no small feat!). I consciously structured my business to honor me so that I could bring my BEST self into my work. The results were clear: — Within 6 months, I doubled my income and had my first 6-figure year. — I CUT BACK the number of clients I worked on (from 25 per week to 12 per week). — My clients took empowered action between appointments (i.e. all the advice I had been giving them for years, they finally followed through) and were getting amazing results. — I felt a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in my work that had been missing for years. I believe it is time for a *NEW ERA* of bodyworkers. At BodyMind Living, our mission is to help holistic practitioners own their brilliance, break free from trading time for money, and increase their impact and income because the world needs love and light in powerful, practical application.”. ~




Being an athletic trainer, holding a degree in Sports Medicine, and working in physical therapy and massage therapy,

I used to think that recovery was very straightforward. A patient achieves certain benchmarks and keeps progressing, keeps improving, until there are no more setbacks, and everything is fine again. Almost like the initial injury or incident is forgotten and everything in the body is like new. Of course, this isn’t the case unless a person is either in denial or blissfully and completely unaware. Now that I’m through most of my own personal recovery, I sometimes catch myself in disbelief of my own experiences, wondering if I ever had a bone-breaking accident or survived a cancer 20

diagnosis and treatment. Did these really happen? All I have to do is trace the ridges of scars that speckle my body to know it wasn’t a nightmare, but a reality. I like to think things happen for a reason, and at the same time, I like to think I have some direction in determining what that reason is. One of the best things about injury/illness and recovery is the extra time it gives you. Trust me when I say that I can’t believe I just wrote those words! And, what’s even more impressive is that I never thought I’d actually say it out loud and mean it when I said it! Time is the most valuable currency we have. We can’t get it back and it seems that we always want more of it. I’ve noticed that the things I love the most in life also require a lot of time. It’s the main way I show I care about something or someone: by giving my time. But, let’s talk more about believing that the extra time you get after an injury is a gift and not a curse. I can be a bit too devoted to my schedule and easily get caught up in my to-do list, going through life perpetually busy, and making sure to squeeze in everything I need or want to do each day. Being an entrepreneur, running three businesses, and being a daily exercise enthusiast takes constant planning and scheduling to accomplish my goals and achieve the success I desire. There comes a time when being a business owner becomes stressful, especially from the standpoint 21


In my experience, when you become so devoted to a rigid plan, that’s usually when the unexpected creeps in and slaps you in the face, hits you upside the head with a 4x4, or runs you over with a big ass truck! I’ve experienced all of these. These extreme moments force you to slow down and hit the reset button. I’ve had other injuries and illnesses which were very minor in comparison to what I have experienced in these last two years. They never required huge amounts of downtime, but they were still difficult. I had a hard time accepting that I needed to slow down and thus, I resisted it. I became miserable, obsessing about how much fitness I was losing or how lazy I was, instead of listening to my body, letting it heal, and engaging my time and energy in something else. Usually by the time I had made peace with slowing down and had started to accept and engage with it, that was the time I had recovered enough that I could return to


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of time. It becomes a chore or an obligation. Instead of focusing on the quality or enjoyment of doing what they love, it turns into a numbers game that has them stressing and obsessing about volume, hours, and schedules. I’ve been there before; it was happening more frequently for me before my cancer diagnosis. I felt like my work was becoming a stressor and I was losing sight of why I did it. Instead, I was just focusing on the numbers and “getting it done.”

work. This process kept me afraid of time off, getting sick, injured, and slowing down. It encouraged me to stick to my rigid schedule and believe that doing so was the only way to be successful or feel I was doing enough. That process was robbing my joy! These last two years of recovery from illness and injury have taught me the importance of slowing down and what that really looks like. It didn’t happen overnight, and it took me a while to appreciate the extra time my injuries and illness brought. But, that process was vital in helping me find balance and restoring my joy. My counselor, Janet, kept telling me to “honor my process.” It looks different for everyone, it will be different for everyone, and it’s definitely not all rainbows and unicorns. At first, I think I missed the point. I thought honoring my process meant honoring my immediate process, right now. I needed to be patient with my injuries and recovery because I couldn’t move, walk or do the things that gave me joy in the beginning. I thought this “honoring” would only last a few months until I could start walking, working, moving and playing again, and then I’d be fine to continue pushing forward like I always do. But the more I saw how unpredictable and nonlinear my recovery would be, the more I learned the wisdom in Janet’s words. “Honor your process.”

There is more to life than work and play, but before illness and injury I thought of life in distinct blocks or chunks of time, little pieces that must fit in exactly the correct space or place in order to feel complete or experience joy. Life started to feel like a trap! A trap that I was unable to escape even though I set restrictions and enforced the rules. My bodywork business and time for exercise, which held such a special place in my life, had started to become this trap. I had to complete a certain number of hours of training, see a certain number of clients, exercise a certain number of miles, and make a certain amount of money in order to feel accomplished. And on top of that was the pressure of comparing those numbers with my peers. I was a highly sought after bodyworker and there was a pressure associated with being that, one that no longer afforded the luxury of rest, easy days, or adventures. I had a purpose to help all the people who wanted on my

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Honoring my process was a way to honor the change that was about to occur within me. It was a way to accept that I wasn’t going to be the same person, and I accepted that this whole process was about to change not only my whole mentality about how I worked, but also how I viewed my relationships, my time, myself, and my life. The honoring was just the beginning.

schedule, and going into the office was no longer providing much enjoyment. I had to go because I was needed. I had to go because I feared what might happen if I did not or what would happen if I worked without this diligent structure I carefully created. This perception of time, and how doing my businesses fit into that puzzle, began to weigh on me. My work and exercise began to lose it’s magic and joy. It became a game and cycle of numbers and time. As a business owner, I was being sucked into this vicious cycle. Thankfully, my path took a different turn, and I had the chance to slow down. Who am I kidding? I was forced to slow down. Receiving a cancer diagnosis and falling off my bike forced me into a recovery period, not only physically, but mentally. My body needed a full hard stop to repair itself, and my mind had to be patient. I had to learn to love my work again, to not take it for granted, to engage with the ups and downs of owning a business and life, and to rediscover the magic of a joyful and balanced life. Those months I spent broken, in treatment, and slowly healing are where I learned the value of the time and the gifts that injury and illness can provide. It was then that I started to honor my process, to engage with the other parts of me that were always there. My injury and cancer gave me the chance to discover these things all over again. The joy of a slow



Time began to take on a different pace. It bore the same weight and importance in my mind, but it slowed. I had to focus on one moment at a time and, in doing so, I discovered the beauty of each endeavor. I had the chance to reprioritize my time and decide on how and what I wanted in my life. Time was my currency, and I got to decide what I wanted to spend it on. I have learned to honor the process of my recovery and not take for granted the time I had. I got to use it as an opportunity for growth and reinvestment in what I valued, instead of spending it on what I thought I should be doing simply out of obligation or compulsion. I also learned this process, my process, is far from perfect. There were, and still are, plenty of times I was impatient, unwilling, and stubborn. I didn’t want to honor the fact that I was injured, which would take time and patience to


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morning sipping an extra cup of tea, the joy of reading with no rush to complete what I was reading. The joy of slow walks, of rich conversations, of connecting with both new and old friends. The joy of relationships and the bonds that are built simply by sharing a cooked meal together. The joy of sitting with the cat and walking through my garden leisurely. I realized there’s so much more to this world than the numbers and hours you can record in your planner and bank account.

recover. I resisted community; I wanted to isolate myself and not burden others for fear of their pity and judgment. But nothing was worse than the judgment I would pass on myself. So in time, I learned to let go. I have realized that time away from something is the best way to know if you truly love it, want it, and need it in your life. In my time away from work and doing the athletic things I love, I discovered that real connections come from raw vlunerability and opening up in the times I want isolation. I experienced the freedom of a day with no schedule at all, the satisfaction of honest conversations discussing whatever came to mind. In this slow period, I got to think about the reasons I love to work, move, and play, and the reasons

I had to learn to offer joy to myself during a time when I wasn’t able to find joy in movement. (CLICK THE IMAGE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)





#HonorYourProcess 26

I had to learn to offer joy to myself



Doing business and movement is mine again, and I am doing it for the joy and the pleasure of it. I am happier. I am fulfilled. This isn’t a comeback. It is something different entirely, something sweeter, more unique and distinctive. I am on a new path able to decipher my own goals and meaning, and my own joy. I am better, improved, and new. I am different. A new kind of business owner — one whose happiness and self-worth don’t require doing business like everyone else, or striving for numbers, one whose self-confidence and joy brings out the best results. I am happy and joyful, and because of that, I am healthy and able to do things in movement, play and business that I had never even considered before. Like work with a personal trainer, hire a business coach, and make more income with less effort by adding and selling fun programs and great products. Honoring my process brought me to this. If I hadn’t been forced to face my injuries, illness, and recovery, I don’t think I would have discovered this.


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why I wanted to return to them again. When I did begin my gradual return, I didn’t rush back, I paced myself. I felt freedom and, for brief instances, I didn’t remember I was injured or “coming back” from something. I was just me, enjoying the movement and being free with my own two feet.

And, it’s never over. I’m still constantly learning, constantly honoring my process. There are many ups and downs, highs and lows, moments when I want to quit and moments when I feel invincible. Each of these is part of the process, and honoring each piece is what makes the whole picture come together. I still struggle. I still have hard days. I still have to acknowledge the fear I have when I see my physician, get a mammogram, or clip my bike shoes into the pedals of my road bike. The fear of not living up to expectations (mostly my own). And that’s ok! It’s ok to have those fears, to recognize them, work through them, and honor them, while not allowing them to take root. To embrace the fear and move through it. I think that’s what my counselor Janet meant when she kept telling me to honor my process. The process looks different for everyone, and each moment is worth honoring and working through. For me, honoring the lows along with the highs is what allowed me to reach a new level of self-appreciation, self-acceptance, freedom, business, movement, play, and authentic joy. “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

DENA HALLE, LMT, ACT/L BodyMind Coach, BA Sports Medicine, Licensed Athletic Trainer

Dena is a cancer survivor that is passionate about closing the gap between surviving vs thriving in life, wellness, and business. She guides clients, cancer survivors, wellness professionals and creative entrepreneurs in navigating and revolutionizing their life and business so that they can stop the overwhelm, create ease and build real tangible health and wealth. Dena is a multi-faceted life coach, business mentor and consultant. She combines her knowledge and certifications to create transformational outcomes for her clients. When not working, she travels the world to assist elite athletes and professionals in performing their best from both body and mind. She loves intentional time for exercise, family, friends, hiking, cycling, paddling and floating in the water at her river home and in Maui. FB: Dena Halle Massage Wenatchee IG: @StopFeelingStuck



seek outward and

search inward...

#HigherPurpose #Connection 30

#NavigatingJoy #BodyMindLivingCoach


BodyMind living means being connected to my higher purpose in life. ... ... ... ... As a recovering, overgiving caregiver, Alina truly enjoys deeper connection, finding stillness in nature, and laughter as a way to decompress and heal. She loves to spend each day creating intentional space to align with and truly honor values of Spiritual Integrity, Collaborative Support, Love, Joy, Humour, Authenticity, Curiosity & Abundance. She brings her intuitive impact, embraced with love and clarity, to nurture and collaboratively support others wherever they may be on their journey in life. Alina McGilloway is Creator & Founder of Core Momentum Coaching of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, with over 15 yrs of collective experience as Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Esthetician, Creative Entrepreneur & Wholistic Biz Owner. From a safe space, she facilitates flow for others to learn how to harness their core energy to begin living abundantly, tethered within spiritual integrity! She truly becomes a part of your team, supporting you in aligning your vision and your purpose with your core momentum. Lastly, Alina is driven by the innate ability to embody the love, space, and hope that surrounds us all and loves to reflect that back to you, so that you may experience the awakening of this energy within, be inspired to strengthen your faith and let it guide you in life!

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BODYMIND LIVING SPOTLIGHT :: ALINA MCGILLOWAY As a Massage Therapist and Esthetician, I’ve helped hundreds of people on their journey to experiencing true relief and learn what they CAN do to boost their joint health and skin health, from the inside out, and be their best advocate for informed choices. What does BodyMind living mean to you? BodyMind living means being connected to my higher purpose in life and living in complete alignment with my Spiritual calling. It is an innate action that allows me to continuously choose to tune into and honor the universal channel of Love and Divine Wisdom. How do you navigate joy? I seek outwardly and search inwardly for any and all the specific reasons to be joyful and also focus on day in and day out, with curiosity, determination, and most importantly with humour! What common advice do you love to share with your clients that you would like to share with our audience? I like to invite others to explore feel-good perspectives and embody what their “Joy Ride” feels like for them. Hold on to that feeling of joy once... and it will embrace you forever!



Mary Pat Curran :: FLAVORS OF JOY

My family planned a week-long vacation where we could relax, reconnect, and have fun at a home in southern Pennsylvania. My husband’s side of the family planned a cookout in Wisconsin that also turned into a birthday party for my brother-in-law. One followed the other, so away my hubby and I went. We headed towards Pennsylvania first to hang with my family. We hadn’t seen each other for several months, and Michael, my husband, hadn’t seen them in over a year. The group of us hung out, hiked, and did jigsaw puzzles together. Some went ziplining while others kayaked. Everyone took turns preparing evening meals. And, I had to get working 34

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At the beginning of August I had the opportunity to see both sides of my family.

on this article, so I asked them for their ideas about joy and navigating joy. I’d like to share their responses. Joy is enjoying the moment, seeing beauty in nature, being with others and having fun, and also, for some, being alone and enjoying the peace of their surroundings and what they’re doing. Skiing, running, and walking are some of the ways that joy is experienced as is being with people we love and seeing them succeed or be joyful themselves; sharing in the moment with them. And there is joy in watching others change and grow over time. Joy is feeling relief or comfort, and moments where we’re engaged with our senses and really drinking it all in. Joy can be experienced upon reflection, too, of moments that made us happy or full of life. Joy can be as simple as enjoying an entire Costco chocolate muffin instead of just half. When I asked about navigating joy my family found this question trickier to answer. On one hand, joy is found in the unscripted moments that happen. And on the other hand, we can choose to do things we know will bring us those feelings of joy. Things like purposely having ice cream just because you enjoy it. Or choosing to hang out with people that lift you up and with whom you have fun. We can “navigate to joy” by making decisions that will lead us

I enjoyed having these conversations with (as my family put it) the focus group that met August 8 in Somerset, PA. It gave me a lot to ponder. But really the best part was how they’d call out the joyful moments along the rest of our visit with a, “That is joyful for me” comment. And after our time with my family, my husband and I headed towards Wisconsin. Along the way, we did choose to do some things that would increase our experiences of joy. First we stopped by Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio. Even

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to joyful moments. There was also a feeling among my family members that we couldn’t control joy. That it is untamed and free. And why would we want to “control” it? Wouldn’t we want it to be what it is without our interference?

though the rain denied our idea of riding our bikes around there, we still had a wonderful time being in nature and seeing others having a good time too. We both enjoy hiking and being in nature, so this little pitstop was a highlight for us.

Joy was chosen.

After some heavy rainstorms, Michigan delighted us with a lovely, unexpected sunset.

Joy was


Joy has been both chosen and unexpected. I’d like to share the joy I found along the way…. (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)


Mary Pat Curran :: FLAVORS OF JOY

Another spot we explored on our way to Wisconsin was the shore of Lake Superior. We stopped and collected rocks on the shoreline in Grand Marais, Michigan. I’ve always enjoyed collecting seashells, but collecting rocks was just as fun! We were like kids showing off our rocks to each other and getting that giddy look on our faces when the cold waves crashed up onto our feet.

Joy, chosen

and unscripted. After our visit to the Pictured Rocks National Park ranger station, we were blessed to see a black bear lumber across the road. Too fast for a photo, but a joyful moment of the unexpected awesomeness of nature. In Wisconsin with the other side of my family, I got to ask the same questions. The themes here were about being together, having fun together, seeing others being happy. Music, unhurried


mornings, and moments of synergy were all ways that joy was experienced. Feeling connected to others and God, being fully present in the moment with all the senses engaged, along with taking time to reflect on happy times were ways joy shared its presence. Navigating joy was talked about as putting yourself in situations that you know from past experience brings you joy. We chatted about wanting to stay in the joyful moments as long as we can, AND still feeling the joy and the warmth of joy in our bodies even after the “high” of the joyful moment has passed. My husband even remarked to me how much joy he receives as he watches me peddle and groove listening to Disney songs on the bike ride we shared while there. He knows I’m having fun, and it increases the joy he has too. The rest of our visit passed with laughter, playing outdoor games together, sharing tasty food and deep conversations. Being together.


Mary Pat Curran :: FLAVORS OF JOY

joy is a connecting experience...


#FoundJoy #ChosenJoy #UnscriptedJoy


Mary Pat Curran :: FLAVORS OF JOY

JOY is an experience and a feeling. It has many flavors and many pathways through which it can be experienced. It co-exists with other emotions. JOY is unscripted, yet it can also be chosen. We can be open to receiving it when it is unscripted, or we can choose to be closed to those opportunities. JOY can be chosen, but not controlled. We can choose to do things where our possibility of being joyful is high, but it cannot be expected. It cannot be forced. JOY overall, is a connecting experience. Even if we experience it alone on a foggy golf course at sunrise, on an unmarked ski slope, on our daily run, or even just feeling our toes being cozy in our 40

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So what’s my take away from writing this article?

bed, it connects us to the larger joy of being alive on this planet. I want to leave you with a practical navigation tool for joy. Feel free to take a screenshot for ease of use later: * Start by jotting down all the ways you have experienced joy. You can add more as you live more! * Use this list as a resource for you during the times where maybe you can’t connect with joy as easily. * Reflect on the joyful times to remind you that you can receive joy right now. * Use the list to empower you to recall that joy IS all around.


As the owner of Intentional Flow, Mary Pat Curran coaches her clients using her gifts of presence and possibility. Mary Pat (MP) was an educator of adults & youth for 13 years prior to attending massage school. In 2013 she opened her own business and in 2018 began offering BodyMind Coaching as a missing piece for her clients’ transformation. Mary Pat loves helping her clients learn more about themselves so that they can grow into their intentions without having to become someone else to succeed. Through embodying their unique values, goals, and desires. MP’s clients not only reach their goals, they become who they are meant to be. Originally from Chicago, Mary Pat currently resides in Lexington, Kentucky with her hubby, children and dog. FB: Intentional Flow IG: @IntentionalFlow LI: Mary Pat Curran


Laura Wieck :: SAFE AND FREE

joy lives in the ordinary moments

that connect all of us.


#BreneBrown #OrdinaryMoments #NaavigatingJoy #Joy #BodyMindLiving#BodyMindLivingMagazine


Halinka Van Minnen :: F-N JOY!

I’ve been known for being a very joyous person, even described as overly joyous by some. It’s not unusual to see me dressed colourfully, taking fashion sense from Joseph and the Technicolour DreamCoat, literally stopping to smell the flowers, laughing at a decibel that makes a room quiet. Heck, my business is called The Happy & Healthy Place, where we find the joy in aligning with possibility. Joy is one of my core values. Yet, at the moment I find myself struggling to really feel and be present to joy. I am currently in a transition rooted deep in sadness and remorse. A change marked by a decision I never thought would cross my consciousness — I’ve left my marriage. I started to doubt my ability to feel and experience joy. Life no longer felt lived, but survived. A dark cloud looming over my very existence, not even a 44

shadow of the joyful person I once was to be felt now. Feelings of guilt creep up as I catch myself experiencing moments of joy and I find myself avoiding the things and experiences that typically lift me up. My brain is spinning with thoughts that tell me I’m not allowed to feel anything on the positive side of sadness. That I’m supposed to sit in the grief of heartbreak until…. Until when? Until society tells me there has been enough time. Until I knit all the pieces of my identity back together. Until the chemical makeup of my physiology recalibrates and I no longer have to rely on pharmaceutical help of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. Embodying the joyous person I once was doesn’t feel right at the moment. She’s in there, but it doesn’t feel safe for her to come out. I find myself needing to discover a new way to experience joy. Not just the joy that is loud or obvious, anticipated with a planned event, or the expected joy with a momentous occasion, but the unexpected joy found in the everyday. The joy that is experienced strolling through the grocery store being fully present; navigating a typically (for me) stressful, rigid situation differently. Discovering that no list is required when I’m fully embodied because I can 45

Halinka Van Minnen :: F-N JOY!



Halinka Van Minnen :: F-N JOY! choose items that nourish me on all levels. The joyful discovery of vegan, gluten-free chocolate mint cupcakes. The joy that is felt with gifting myself fresh cut flowers, helping to make a new space feel like home. Discovering a calm, inner sense of joy when I’m simply sitting in silence, realizing that I am no longer holding my breath. The joy that comes with the freedom of buying very colourful artwork, just because it makes me smile. I wasn’t noticing the simplistic, unexpected moments of joy because I was comparing them to what joy used to look like. I was pushing away moments of joy because I didn’t feel like I was allowed to have them. I’m sad, so how can I have or feel any sort of joy? I am learning that we can experience conflicting emotions at the same time. I don’t have to be sad or joyful, but I can be sad and experience joy at the same time. I can feel joy and frustration. Joy in uncertainty. I’m learning it’s ok to feel and embody joy when everything isn’t perfect and life kind of sucks.


It’s ok to put on the music and dance around the kitchen when you feel paralyzed with shame. It’s ok to put on the lipstick even when your eyes are glossed with tears. It’s ok to wear the Fluevog’s even when you have no place to go. I know the big, bold, laugh-untilyou-pee-your-pants kind of joy will be experienced once again, but until then, I’ll navigate this dark situation by being fully present to the light that comes from the unexpected and simple moments of joy.

Sometimes we need to look at joy a different way… (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.) Fluevlog images from company website.


Halinka Van Minnen :: F-N JOY!

sometimes we need to

look at joy in a different way.

#Fluevog #NavigatingJoy 50

#Joy! #Choose

HALINKA VAN MINNEN Certified BodyMind Coach

Halinka is the creator of The Happy & Healthy Place. With her 14 years as a massage therapist, Halinka learned that just treating physical discomfort only provides a band aid approach. As a BodyMind Coach, Halinka works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them align with possibility so they can live happy and healthy on purpose. Her clients discover they don’t have to live in a constant state of chaos. Instead they learn to treat their bodies as a best friend learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress and decrease pain to allow them to be fully present in their life. Halinka also holds a Health Science degree and is a yoga instructor. Halinka’s faith is her anchor and driving purpose in life. She lives in Ontario, Canada. IG: @HappyHealthyPlace FB: happyandhealthyplace


Laurie Juszkiewicz :: THE JOURNEY TO JOY

Growing up as a kid, I believed I would feel joy when everything was perfect and just right in my life. This belief brought with it this feeling of always chasing joy and that I would never be able to actually reach it because there had never been a time in my life when everything was perfect and just right. If it was ever perfect and just right, it would last only seconds as my mind would immediately generate something to do or worry about or bring my awareness to something that wasn’t just right, and then suddenly, that feeling of joy would vanish. What I have come to learn is that joy is not this place or destination where everything is perfect, amazing, and great. Joy is in the shitshow and swirl of your everyday life. Joy is in those moments when you feel like you just can’t take


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Navigating joy comes down to redefining what joy means to me.

anymore and all that is left is to push your chair back, surrender, and allow that energy to move through you so it can be heard, felt, and seen. The shit-show is actually an invitation to joy! I know it sounds crazy, but stay with me for a moment here. What I know is that oftentimes, when my environment and all that is around me is going to hell in a handbasket, I know that joy IS coming. While it isn’t obvious at the moment, joy is there, waiting for me to feel the full gamut of emotions so I can come out the other side and find it. To get there, to get to that feeling of joy, you must move through how you are feeling and honor that first. Honor your shit-show my friends! “Every feeling fully felt is bliss.” —Joseph Campbell I knew in my mind what this quote was saying. I understood it logically. Yet, due to a recent experience where I had to feel all the feelings, I know what this quote fully means in my body! I received some awful news the other day and I felt rage. Pure rage. At first, I felt like a crazy person.

I felt like I was out of my mind. Then I felt the shame of being a bad person for even feeling rage in the first place. I couldn’t sit still, the energy needed to move, so I got up from my chair. I slammed doors and I yelled and screamed and I ugly cried! I felt so lost and in such disbelief. I took a moment to recognize that these energies were not me but rather energy that was moving through me. I knew I had to turn to my embodiment practice, and my tools to support me even though I didn’t want to. My pool is my most favorite place in the whole world. It calms me and returns me back to me. It’s where I feel joy. At the time though, I didn’t want to get in. I didn’t want to do anything. Then, I realized and remembered that I got to choose how I wanted to feel; and at that moment, I wanted to feel peace. I made myself get in the pool. As soon as I got in, I felt the peace and calm of the water wash over me and take all the anger, frustration, and rage from me, and I literally felt joy.

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I felt like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and I wasn’t sure if it was okay for me to feel like this. I thought if I felt rage that meant that I was capable of hurting people. I know that’s not true, but my mind has some ridiculous stories sometimes.

I felt joy and peace wash over me. Within 30 seconds of getting in my pool, I was crying tears of relief. I realized at that moment that I had let all of my emotions and energies move through me, I allowed them to complete their circuit of being expressed. Then, when that circuit was complete and had been fully felt, I could then move through to joy. Something shifts in your physiology when we don’t process the energy and emotions that we feel when they show up… it stays stuck in your body. And guess what, you stay stuck too. Now, I know that when the anger, rage, frustration shows up, or whatever “negative” emotion is coming up for me in that moment, I can fully feel those feelings and fully let those energies move through because I know joy is coming. It’s just around the bend. Yes, those feelings and emotions, those energies may still be sharp and they might hurt, and I know my work is to feel ALL the emotions, fully. I can’t skip and just go to the ones I want. The only way to true joy is through the nasty ugly stuff that we tend to think of as “negative.” Which then begs the question how are any of these emotions or energies negative when they lead to joy?


Laurie Juszkiewicz :: THE JOURNEY TO JOY They are the pathway to the freedom of feeling joy. It’s not that this work is easy. It’s not. It is a practice. The more you are in tune with your body the more you realize that it is leading you through to exactly what you need! As I was going through this process, I didn’t know what I was going to do next. I let my body lead. I didn’t fight it. I didn’t resist. There were a few moments I thought my hubby was really scared of me... and I just kept going and I let it all out and I got it all out and he understood. Fully. In. That. Moment. He. Understood. Our people, our real and true people, get us and they know what we need and they are there to support us. It’s easy to get caught up in the shit show that we can encounter on a daily basis. And, I feel like this is where, unintentionally, many people stay stuck repeating the pattern, reliving the experience and circumstance over and over again, versus letting these energies and emotions move through them so they can complete the circuit and move into joy. Feeling the big “negative” emotions, that’s the way through to joy. It’s not that my situation is solved or complete. It’s not! AND, I am not going to wait for this situation to be solved and complete before


I feel joy! Now from this empowering and joyful space, I get to continue to make grounded and aligned choices as to what is best as I move forward Joy is waiting for you at the other end of feeling the shitty feelings. How is joy supporting you through those difficult times? What are the tools that you turn to for support in returning you back to you? Mine was the pool. I encourage you to connect with your tools and use them to move through to joy.

What would it look like to allow your feelings to run their full course? (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)


Laurie Juszkiewicz :: THE JOURNEY TO JOY

what would it look like

to allow your feelings to run their full course?


#Feelings #Joy #Peace #NavigatingJoy



Laurie Juszkiewicz :: THE JOURNEY TO JOY

LAURIE JUSZKIEWICZ Bodymind Certified Coach, Manifesting & Money Coach, Bodymind Coaching Lead Associate Coach & Community Manager, Enrollment Team

Laurie owns and operates her own private coaching practice where she is a manifesting and money coach. She combines her magical woo energy with practical and tangible steps as she guides her clients on a journey inward to discover how they can become financially free from the inside out. She uses Bodymind Coaching as a tool to help her clients uncover their internal beliefs and alignment in the relationship that co-exists between them and the energy of money. When not coaching, Laurie is outside in her zen den or floating in her pool with her family relaxing and just BEing. Laurie loves riding her bike, reading, learning everything she can, traveling to Maui, cooking and playing with her dogs Clarke & Phoebe. FB: Laurie Juszkiewicz FB: Being You Financially Free IG: @laurie_juszkiewicz


What is it like to become a BodyMind Coach?

As a master coach and Licensed Massage Therapist with over 12 years experience, I know there’s a better way to work. How? Because I transformed my heart-centered, hands-on business myself.

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It’s my mission to give heart-centered therapists like you the tools to serve your clients and help them achieve lasting results, without you burning yourself out in the process.

Not so many years ago, I was where you might be right now: overworked, exhausted and on the brink of burnout.

When clients came in and lay on my table, I found many opened up and shared their stories. They’d talk about their stresses and frustrations, as well as their hopes and desires. Even when they weren’t actually talking, their bodies would also share stories of what they were ready to release and the dreams they were ready to fulfill. And when their hour was up, I’d spent around 30–45 minutes talking

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At the time I was working as a successful massage therapist. I had great retention rates, clients regularly referred their friends, and consequently, I was always booked solid.

through the self-care steps they should take themselves at home before our next session. IS THIS YOU? I knew my clients wouldn’t get lasting results unless I challenged them to address the habits, behavioral patterns, and limiting beliefs that created their stress in the first place and kept them coming back, session after session. The realization that massage could only really treat the symptoms of my clients’ stress and not the cause, led me to incorporate coaching conversations into my sessions. Once my clients realized the connection between their emotional wellbeing and their physical pain, everything changed. Instead of showing up for sessions having ignored all the aftercare advice I gave them the previous week, they actually began to implement it — willingly! I’ve since coached hundreds of clients using BodyMind Coaching, and now my team and I want to show you how you can use this powerful coaching conversation strategy to transform your business and accelerate your clients’ results, too. — Laura Wieck

Interested in becoming a BodyMind Coach? Click here for more information.



As the owner of Intentional Flow, Mary Pat Curran coaches her clients using her gifts of presence and possibility. Mary Pat (MP) was an educator of adults & youth for 13 years prior to attending massage school. In 2013 she opened her own business and in 2018 began offering BodyMind Coaching as a missing piece for her clients’ transformation. Mary Pat loves helping her clients learn more about themselves so that they can grow into their intentions without having to become someone else to succeed. Through embodying their unique values, goals, & desires. MP’s clients not only reach their goals, they become who they are meant to be. Mary Pat currently resides in Lexington, Kentucky with her hubby, children and dog. FB: Intentional Flow IG: @IntentionalFlow LI: Mary Pat Curran 60

DENA HALLE, LMT, ACT/L BodyMind Coach, BA Sports Medicine, Licensed Athletic Trainer

Dena is a cancer survivor that is passionate about closing the gap between surviving vs thriving in life, wellness, and business. She guides clients, cancer survivors, wellness professionals and creative entrepreneurs in navigating and revolutionizing their life and business so that they can stop the overwhelm, create ease and build real tangible health and wealth. Dena is a multi-faceted life coach, business mentor and consultant. She combines her knowledge and certifications to create transformational outcomes for her clients. When not working, she travels the world to assist elite athletes and professionals in performing their best from both body and mind. She loves intentional time for exercise, family, friends, hiking, cycling, paddling and floating in the water at her river home and in Maui. FB: Dena Halle Massage Wenatchee IG: @StopFeelingStuck

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BodyMind Coach

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LORINE HOFFER, LMT Certified BodyMind Coach, Big Change Facilitator

A childhood fascination with the body/mind connection led Lorine to a lifelong professional focus on helping clients ditch the stress patterns (and aches and pains!) keeping them stuck. Her skills flow from massage to education to psychology and entrepreneurship. This mighty arsenal uniquely qualifies her to help clients reconnect to themselves, partners and kids so they wake up feeling rested, confident, empowered and ready to own the day. Described as having both fierce compassion and fierce independence, Lorine loves to laugh, curse, explore nature, hang out with her insightful daughter, “get to the good stuff” in connected conversations and notice beauty in every day. IG: @LorineHoffer FB: LorineHoffer / Lori Hoffer FB: Life Connected

Manager, Enrollment Team

Laurie owns and operates her own private coaching practice where she is a manifesting and money coach. She combines her magical woo energy with practical and tangible steps as she guides her clients on a journey inward to discover how they can become financially free from the inside out. When not coaching, Laurie is outside in her zen den or floating in her pool with her family relaxing and just BEing. Laurie loves riding her bike, reading, learning everything she can, traveling to Maui, cooking and playing with her dogs Clarke & Phoebe. FB: Laurie Juszkiewicz FB: Being You Financially Free IG: @laurie_juszkiewicz

CAROLYN YANIT ULITSKY BodyMind Coach Muscle Therapist

Carolyn is the owner of SomaWise Muscle Therapy. Her interest in the holistic healing arts spans over 20 years. She is most passionate about assisting her clients in creating connections back into their body, heart and mind so they can live a joyful and full life. She helps her clients relate to their pain and guides them to the deeper meaning so that they can build a better relationship with themselves and their body. Carolyn’s practice is in Pleasanton, California. She has 3 adult daughters and a son in-law. IG: @somawisemt

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Bodymind Certified Coach, Manifesting & Money Coach, Bodymind Coaching Lead Associate Coach & Community

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HALINKA VAN MINNEN Certified BodyMind Coach

Halinka is the creator of The Happy & Healthy Place. With her 14 years as a massage therapist, Halinka learned that just treating physical discomfort only provides a band aid approach. As a BodyMind Coach, Halinka works with women who experience chronic stress and pain, helping them align with possibility so they can live happy and healthy on purpose. Her clients discover they don’t have to live in a constant state of chaos. Instead they learn to treat their bodies as a best friend learning new behaviour patterns that beat stress and decrease pain to allow them to be fully present in their life. Halinka also holds a Health Science degree and is a yoga instructor. Halinka’s faith is her anchor and driving purpose in life. She lives in Ontario, Canada. IG: @HappyHealthyPlace FB: happyandhealthyplace 61

I come from a family of artists and have always been sparked with joy when creating through art and personal expression. My “art” comes to life in many different forms, whether it’s thoughtfully stringing mala bracelets and necklaces, or designing the perfect calming space for my clients. My passion for massage therapy is also art to me — it’s like intuitively painting on a canvas. One of my favorite childhood memories is collecting stones and agates to polish with my father on summer days in Minnesota. To this day, my father has been a huge influence on my love of crystals and healing stones. Recently we attended our first major Gem and Crystal show together. This shared love of stones extended into my late teens as my father and my step-mother at the time gifted me beautiful stone pendants and jewelry. With these gifts came a budding interest in the stones’ amazing healing properties, which made me appreciate the beauty of these pieces even more. Currently, they both create unique handmade jewelry that has inspired me to start creating my own.


When the pandemic hit, like most business owners, I pivoted my business to offer more online self-care products that could be used while at home and incorporated into daily

routines and rituals. I focused on sourcing high quality products, preferably from local, small businesses whenever possible. However, I also started creating some selfcare products myself. One of these products was gemstone malas. Each mala is intentionally designed and hand knotted using 108 high-quality gemstones, a guru bead, and a tassel. The process of creating each unique, one-of-akind mala is very meditative and therapeutic for me. I draw on my experience as a Certified Reiki Practitioner to intuitively select gemstones, creating malas with specific healing properties: grounding, empowerment, protection, courage, to name a few. These beautifully beaded creations have been worn and used by many different cultures for centuries. There are many reasons that people may wear mala necklaces and bracelets such as personal growth, manifesting intentions, grounding with meditation, healing with gemstone energies and self-awareness. Malas are also historically used as a tool in meditation and prayer. Much like a rosary, the owner of a mala may count prayers or mantras around the necklace, pausing at each bead to quiet the mind and ground the body. For this reason, malas are sometimes referred to as “worry beads.”

I invite you to explore the malas I create to see what new energy they might bring to your life. —Christine, BodyMind Coach

Please visit Honu’s Online Wellness Shop to view the selection of mala necklaces available for purchase. Each mala necklace has a description of the stones used including their healing properties, energies and meanings. VISIT US ONLINE: SHOP / SHOP MALAS / INSTAGRAM PHOTO CREDIT:


Zenspiration Boxes — Your Life Coach in A Box, is a monthly subscription box service that delivers 7–9 carefully curated gifts to you and your loved ones. We don’t give the same old things like socks or chocolate, instead we support themes that empower women in their life design. Each month’s theme supports our four values: Gratitude, Love, Learn and Play. Also available are stand-alone themed boxes that make great gifts for that special someone. Themes include Gratitude, Zen AF, Navigating Grief, Happy Birthday and more. April can customize for you. Our mission is to help people live an inspired life by giving them the tools they need for self-care, mindfulness and more!


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Hi, I’m April Cacciatori. I know what it’s like to wake up one day and think “Is this really what my life is about?” Wake, eat, work, eat, sleep & repeat. That’s why I became a BodyMind Coach and why I guide women through the ever-challenging transitions we face as we navigate this thing called life. I know you secretly dream of being alone on a tropical island for many months with a cabana person delivering all your requests. I’m with you! But we both know that’s not what you’re really searching for. You want that “something more” that fulfills your heart and soul. For that authentic feeling of being one with the world. Introducing the Zenspiration Box, a monthly box of gratitude, love, learning and play that inspires you to get out of your comfort zone and into living life fully. Your Life Coach in a box! Available to coaches as custom introductory gifts to your members. Call or text April at 315-725-1029 for custom quotes. VISIT OUR WEBSITE


A ritual is a ceremony or action that serves as a bridge between our outer and inner worlds. The element of mindfulness, or intention, we bring to ritual is what makes the mundane sacred. In this sacred space, we get to connect deeply with ourselves so that we can live in alignment with our true values and core desired feelings. Much like plants when they are sung to and nurtured, when we are well cared for, we can truly blossom. The simple act of making tea IS good medicine. Imagine feeling calm, peaceful, and grounded as you begin your day with your morning tea ritual. It’s a complete sensory experience. ... .. ... .. ... Seeing the glorious colors of Mother Nature’s bountiful gifts as the dried herbs cascade into your sacred tea mug. Hearing the kettle whistle its triumphant song. Smelling the aromatic bouquet of scents as your tea gently steeps. Tenderly wrapping your hands around the warm mug, soaking in its cozy, comforting energy.

And best of all.. tasting the flavorful herbal tea blend that you know was created with loving kindness and gratitude for all living beings, human and plant alike. All your senses unite each morning to bring you a sense of wholeness and connection, rewire your neural pathways, and train your brain to start the day in a relaxed and easeful state of mind. Rooted in your embodiment. A cup of calm amongst the chaos. Extra digestive support for when you just can’t stomach the news cycle. Help in sleeping through the night so that you wake feeling rested and energized. Focus and concentration for creating amazing content to move your vision for your business forward. Your own personal retreat right in the comfort of your home. Starting the day centered in yourself, grounded in your values, open to possibility as the light of day casts its golden morning glow. Inviting nature INTO your work day with your sacred tea ritual. Knowing that whatever comes your way, you’ve got what it takes to navigate it all when you start your day connected to your body, your energy, and the earth!

TEA OF THE MONTH — RELAX TEA As a badass business owner, you know that your growth mindset is what drives your business forward and helps foster your success. You often stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. And sometimes, it’s just so damn hard. The never ending to do list, managing all the spinning plates, putting yourself out there over and over, getting your mind to shut off at the end of the day. It can be SO overwhelming sometimes! 66

Our Relax Tea is the perfect support for keeping you motivated, but calm. For bringing more ease into creating and launching your next project. For soothing your soul as you give that presentation. For encouraging your mind to slow down and unwind. It’s like drinking a cup of calm! I invite you to visit our online apothecary to order your loose leaf ritual teas and get RELAXED.

Hi, I’m Lauren! I’m an Herbalist, a Moon Maven, and a Certified BodyMind Coach. Embodiment is my jam, and I love working with folks who are seeking a deeper connection to nature and to themselves! I help women navigate their menstrual cycles and ease the perimenopause transition by tuning into their natural

About Radicle Remedies Radicle Remedies is a modern apothecary founded by Lauren Piro in the heart of Washington, DC. Our mission is to revolutionize healthcare by bringing herbal medicine back into the mainstream. We envision that by making it simple, accessible, and easy to use, more people will benefit from the healing gifts we’ve been gifted to coexist with on planet Earth. Our goal is to educate and empower you to take your health into your own hands. We offer organic, plant based products that are handcrafted in small batches as well as holistic herbal wellness consultations and programs. We invite you to explore the healing power of herbs and let us help you rediscover the roots of health!

rhythms, bringing their hormones into a more balanced state, and embracing the innate strength that comes with being a uterus owner! My mission is to revolutionize women’s healthcare by creating a space where women feel seen and heard, where they are treated as whole and unbroken, are valued as the expert of their own bodies, and where we work in partnership toward your health goals through connection and communication. If you’re ready to redefine your relationship to perimenopause or your menstrual cycle, I invite you to connect with me at: Follow us on FaceBook & Instagram



You have all your answers inside of you. What might be possible as you live BodyMind Connected? Dannielle@Tribody IG: tribody_wellness


If you’ve ever felt like you’re navigating life completely alone and you wish you had a wise, trusted support system to help guide you, advise you, and show you the easiest way forward, Tanya is here to show you how to find that person… within YOURSELF! Tanya works with soul-searching women that have a stack of self-help books by their bed but feel like they’re living their lives on autopilot. Her clients know they’re here for a greater purpose… but feel like everyone else’s priorities seem to always get in the way of making that dream happen. IG: @tanyabodsford

April Cacciatori BodyMind Coach I provide private and group coaching to those seeking to incorporate a deeper awareness of self care, self love and mindfulness. When you can see your truth and accept yourself unapologetically, the doors to personal freedom open wide. As a certified BodyMind Coach, I guide you to listen to the inner works, where all the answers live. FB: Zensations Massage IG: Zenspiration Boxes

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You are invited to set down what’s been swirling around in your head, become present in your body and fully engaged with your natural inner source of wisdom.

Tanya Bodsford BodyMind Coach

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How would it feel to know that no matter what happens you have a place you can always go to get the best guidance? How about having a solid sense of, “Ah yes, THIS is what it feels like to know and deeply trust myself.” I work with ambitious men and women who are ready to discover how embodiment of their true values brings their personal purpose alive in how they live, work and love.

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Dannielle Arceneaux, LMT BodyMind Coach, RYT-200

Victoria Carrier BodyMind Coach I help heart centered, multitasking women, quiet the noise in their busy lives and become more in tune and grounded with their life’s purpose. I enable them to enjoy a life that is fulfilling and rewarding, without the stress, fear or guilt that they are not doing enough. BodyMind Coaching shined a light on habit patterns that no longer served me. I was able to clearly see how I would become challenged. The most amazing part is that I’m no longer taking baby steps, but amazing, giant steps that still honor my values of integrity, freedom, authenticity, connection, abundance and playfulness. Lewiston, NY

If you’re struggling to consistently market your coaching business and working too damn hard to find clients and are BEYOND ready to create ease in your business, Karyn will help you clarify your message and organize your magic into content that connects so you can spend more time in your zone of genius — coaching people. IG: balancechampaign

Carly Clark Zimmer is the Program Coordinator and Business Coach for the BodyMind Coaching program. Carly loves making sure the program is running smoothly while helping our members find alignment in their business systems without compromising their embodiment. When she’s not wearing her coaching hat or binging on the latest business and personal development podcasts, she’s practicing her sailing skills and hiking the hills of Ireland where she currently lives with her husband, Devin. Carly@CarlyClarkZimmer. com IG: @carlyclarkzimmer FB: Carly Clark Zimmer BodyMind Coaching and Consulting

Kim Fish, LMT BodyMind Coach Kim Fish is a seasoned massage therapist and bodywork coach. For 15 years she has helped hundreds of people transform their relationship with their body through addressing and managing pain and stress through group and private self care sessions. She is a current student of yoga teacher training through and has shifted her business to support clients in the space between massage appointments. She teaches safe, simple and effective self care bodywork sequences, breath work, mindful movements and meditation so that her clients can feel supported, embody confidence and take inspired action that aligns with how they want to feel and with the life they are wanting to create. IG: @Kim_Fish_BodyworkCoach DivineAlignmentCoach@ 603-969-4815

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Now Karyn works with coaches who know they’re here to make change in the world, but feel limited by the way they’re currently marketing their offers.

Carly Clark Zimmer, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur

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As a lifelong introvert, when Karyn started her first business (as a massage therapist) in 2013, she became obsessed with creating content that would bring people to her, so she didn’t have to go out and look for them.

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Karyn Claflin BodyMind Coach Copywriter

Fidel Forde BodyMind Coach Motivational Speaker Massage Therapist Yoga Instructor Retreat Leader Fidel is a renaissance man and entrepreneur. He is a proud military spouse to a Navy psychologist and a father of four. He is on a mission to ignite the spark in others — empowering them to live the life they are capable of living and create more time, more impact, more joy, more energy and sustainable success without burnout. Today Fidel teaches heart-centered and impact-driven men, women, entrepreneurs and leaders how to come back home to their bodies, create balance, movement, hustle with grace and tap in to their personal power. IG: @fidelforde



GoldenTouchHealthWealth@ IG: goldentouchhlthwealth FB: Golden Touch Health & Wealth LI: @ Laurel Goulden-James


Melanie lives in Columbus, Ohio, and came to BodyMind Coaching through her 30+ year friendship with Laura. She loves getting to know BodyMind members online, and especially in-person at workshops! Melanie@

Liz Hargreaves BodyMind Coach I work with driven, passionate individuals who are ready to unleash their full potential to calibrate their body and soul to their highest level of living. BodyMind has guided me back to myself and to my authentic life path; it has become my way of living, teaching and coaching. movement@ Victoria, BC, Canada

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After recovering from a personal injury, Laurel has a special interest in working with those who are at “the next chapter” and moving forward into how life might be and what might be possible. She has a zest for life, laughter, and a strong faith that as humans we are all blessed with our own special gifts.

Melanie Grimm Certification Manager & Retreat Coordinator, And affectionately called the CBO, Chief Boundary Officer

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As a mom, grandma, and BodyMind Coach, it is her mission to help those she encounters to realize and embrace their power from within so that they can bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.

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Laurel Goulden-James Osteophathic MT, Massage Therapist, Movement Facilitator

Shana Hartman, LMT Managing Editor, BodyMind Living Magazine Embodied Writing Coach Through her 20+ years of work mastering the power of reflection and intention, she discovered that we are our own experts regarding our body and mind if we just learn to listen. Her favorite way to listen and get embodied is through writing! In her experience as an English professor turned BodyMind coach, Shana knows this listening (and writing) is easier said than done, and we aren’t meant to figure out this amazing life (or body) on our own. It takes practice, specific actions, and support. She loves to support our BodyMind Ambassadors in creating amazing content for Body Mind Living Magazine. IG: Shana Hartman

wMelissa leads our Coaching Corners calls and is one of the most grounded and powerful coaches you will meet.

Julie Kouyate is a certified BodyMind and sacred living coach. Her passion after years of service to women and guiding their return to their sacred nature, is the act of speaking truth. Speaking truth means saying what’s true and on our hearts, but speaking truth also means freedom of expression. To freely express is to live in total truth and Julie guides that process with embodiment tools that connect us to our spirituality and our divinity. Julie runs 1:1 coaching but also runs a women’s retreat business called “Into the Heart Retreats” along with ceremonies to bring a sacred reverence for life’s big moments, and is working on a course on how to build an alter, what it is, why we use it and what to do while we are at our sacred space. FB: Julie Jaffray Kouyate

Araina Linton BodyMind Master Coach Araina helps overwhelmed women entrepreneurs reduce stress and create the perfect balance between work and life. She is known for a simple step-by-step process that guides women back to their passion to avoid burnout, feel better, have more time, and build their businesses with ease. Finding a balance between work and life is tough. Sometimes despite your ambition, your dreams can feel a bit out of reach, and it can start to cause stress, frustration, and pain. It can be enough to make you want to give up your business. There is a better way! If you’re thinking about closing the doors to your business, please reconsider — introduce some healthy habits into your hustle! FB: MassageArtistryNYC IG: arainalinton

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Melissa lives in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of New York State. She loves camping, exploring nature, and spending time with her family.

Julie Kouyate BodyMind Master Coach

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Melissa brings her 20+ years of devotion to the healing arts and study of the BodyMind Connection to support you in learning and implementing embodied coaching skills.

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Melissa Kelley BodyMind Coach Coaching Curriculum Coordinator

Love, Bobbi Jo BodyMind Coach Author & Speaker Foreshadowed by a poem she wrote in her childhood entitled “Lost Dreams,” Bobbie Jo eventually found herself at a crossroads, looking within to once again find who she really was. BodyMind Coaching guided her back to herself. Now Bobbie Jo uses her gift of writing to share inspirational and transformational books as well as guided meditations. Through BodyMind Coaching, she helps others connect with their body wisdom to discover and live their true purpose. It is her passion and purpose to be a channel of love inspiring others in reclaiming and living those “lost dreams,” and confidently expressing the truth of who they really are. Because, the world needs who YOU are. 71


Learn more about Alina and her simple yet powerful programs. IG:


Heidi Metro is a total hybrid: Obsessed with practical systems and totally woo. You’ll find her creating in her coaching studio, saging her crystals, and designing Systems with Soul for her incredible clients. After 12 years in a successful massage practice, Heidi combines her degrees in philosophy and massage therapy, with BodyMind Coaching training to coach full time within her company, The New Next Level — BodyMind Coaching. The New Next Level is about empowering womxn to Lead From Within by aligning their purpose, values, and boundaries. When women lead, we change the world. Heidi@TheNewNext IG: @heidimetro FB: Heidi Metro FB: The New Next Level

Lauren Piro BodyMind Coach I help badass creative womxn who own their own business go from overwhelmed and trapped in the cycle of meeting everyone else’s needs first (including your business!) to feeling grounded, clear, calm, and spacious. Together we create simple systems for success that tap into the rhythms, energies, and cycles of nature. BodyMind Coaching has completely changed my life! In this community, I felt truly heard, supported, and held for the first time in my life. I’ve learned to deeply listen to myself and as a result, I’ve gained trust and confidence in myself and I’ve learned that doing it scared is the way forward. FB: Lauren Piro Wellness IG: Lauren Piro Wellness IG: Radicle Remedies

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If you are ready to align with the abundant reality that has been lovingly awaiting you — Alina is here to help you explore your intelligent human design, liberate your holistic integrity, and anchor within your Root Chakra!

Heidi Metro BodyMind Coach Massage Therapist

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As the founder of Core Momentum Coaching of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, she creates a safe space for creative, intuitive, highly sensitive individuals to learn how to harness their time, energy, finances, and core momentum to receive abundance, live authentically, and become tethered within spiritual integrity in all areas of their lives.

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Alina McGilloway, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur

Michelle Rockwood BodyMind Enrollment Coach Michelle is a fierce and loving Heart-Centered Sales expert for BodyMind Coaching’s Certification program. She teaches clients the most joyful way to master the sales conversation so they can sell their coaching programs with love, ease and grace. Michelle also runs a program called Sisterhood Rising, it’s designed for badass women ready to reclaim their brilliance. She loves her work and cares deeply for her clients, her family and the world. Michelle is a former yoga teacher with a background in non-profit development and sales. She has lived and worked all over the world and now resides in Denver, Colorado, and loves to ski. When Michelle isn’t working, she’s chasing her three wild boys or playing with her dog Tigo and her new puppy Ruby. Michelle@TwoArrow


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She does this by encouraging clients to honor and love themselves and create a self-care practice that becomes a part of their daily routine. Christine is dedicated to helping womxn discover opportunities to break the patterns and habits around stress to feel best in their body and more present in their lives. Christine and her groundbreaking work is featured here. IG: honucoachingandbodywork


Jenn Taylor, LMT BodyMindCoach, Osteophathic MT, Movement Facilitator Jenn Taylor is a heartcentered entrepreneur and CEO of Sacred Connections Coaching & Energy Work. She uses her 15+ years experience in the holistic community to serve and support her clients’ journeys. As a Reiki Master, Intuitive, and Instinctive Meditation Coach she teaches her clients to reconnect with their body and inner wisdom. Her clients know they’re made for more! They want to make a serious impact on their communities and the world and are empowered to make aligned decisions in their lives and businesses. Jenn is a momma to four amazing kiddos. Jenn thrives when she’s adventuring, relaxing on the beach, reading, educating and inspiring others. IG: Jennifer Lin Taylor

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Christine uses BodyMind Coaching, breathwork, and bodywork, combined with her diverse background in holistic health to best guide her clients to find calm in the chaos.

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Christine Tauer BodyMind Coach

Adriana Morales, LMT BodyMind Coach She started the wellness journey in 2013 by attending massage school and soon found out that helping people connect to their bodies was her passion. She then opened up her own business, Transcend Relaxation, specializing in the emotional aspect of chronic pain. In the pursuit of providing integrative support to her clients, she found the BodyMind Coaching method and now she helps women make positive changes in their lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Adrianamoralescoach@ 909-263-6598

Laura Wieck LLC EDITOR Laura Wieck MANAGING EDITOR Shana Hartman ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Sandy Bassett DISTRIBUTION Subscriptions questions: To renew or change address: To subscribe visit For additional assistance: MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 21712 Columbus, OH 43221-0712 Reproduction of editorial or advertising content without the written permission of the publisher is prohibited. ©2021 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BodyMind Living Magazine, PO Box 21712, Columbus, OH 43221-0712 OCTBER 2021..............Issue No 11 BodyMind Living Magazine is published 10 times/year by Laura Wieck LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio and additional mailing offices.

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IMAGE CREDITS BodyMind Living Magazine would like to honor and thank the photographers below for making their stunning images available freely on Unsplash. Wesley Tingey (page 3) William Farlow (page 10) Nega (page 13) Markus Spiske (page 15) Jakub Kriz (page 18) Nikolina Mikovska (page 38) Jonathan Borba (page 41) Seyi Ariiyo (page 43) Abigail Ducote (page 34) Susan Wilkinson (page 44) Ian Schhneider (page 50) Steve Halama (page 52) Karine Germain (page 54) Jayson Hinrichsen (page 56) Bekir Donmez (page 67) As well, photographs are supplied to us by our team and Ambassadors. Deep gratitude to this amazing cohort of Ambassadors and their courage in being seen and heard here in BodyMind Living Magazine. Mary Pat Curran Dena Halle Lorine Hoffer Laurie Juszkiewicz Carolyn Ulitsky Halinka Van Minnen Laura Wieck


closing thoughts... Here we are, wrapping up another amazing season of BodyMind Living Magazine. “Navigating Joy” seems like a fitting theme to end on, right? But, like many of our Ambassadors shared this month, I have never really called myself “joyful” or a “joyful person.” And yet, I know I experience joy on a profound level. As I read through this month’s magazine, had lots of in-depth discussion with our Ambassadors, and used writing to reflect further and embody all that showed up,

I feel like joy is a constant underpinning in life, rather than a thing that comes and goes or something that must be found. This notion of joy always “being there” is kind of eerie. Like, what, I’m just supposed to be joyful all the time? That doesn’t fit. Expecting this high-vibe, always perky kind of joy to always be what you experience is what I call “putting glitter on shit” (you may have heard of this fun term before). This kind of joy does not feel real or like a reality that serves me. I have done plenty of spiritual and emotional bypassing in my life, so do I really have to do that


in order to experience joy? I think this month’s issue reminds us that NO is the emphatically clear answer to that question. So, how can we experience joy while we are also experiencing other things? One of the most powerful tools I learned in the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program was the concept of “both/and.” You may have heard of this concept before, and I’ve seen it published in various articles and books, like Navigating Polarities: Using Both/And Thinking to Lead Transformation by Brian Emerson and Kelly Lewis. Here are the basics of the concept: * Two (or more) options are presented to you in a moment, in a certain part of life, in relationship with others. * The tendency is to see those options as either/or — either I choose one option or the other option. This limits what is possible in many ways. * A powerful shift is when you can see, find, explore how you might choose both one option and the other.

One of the most helpful ways I use this with clients is to practice this in relation to others. Have you ever had a kickass day only to pick up your kid from school or walk in the door to your family and the energy just drops? They had a notso-great day, and your energy and their energy collides in a potentially uncomfortable way. How do I get to experience joy even while others are not feeling it? This is where the both/and concept comes into play… what if they get to feel what they feel and I get to feel what I feel? What if both of us feeling what is showing up without trying to change the other allows us to connect rather than feel distanced? Powerful, right?

is if you give yourself permission to experience it and all the other parts of life. So, how will you find the permission to be in and experience joy today? Be sure to share with us over on Instagram @BodyMindLiving! Write on, Shana

So, we asked and embodied throughout this issue the question of “How does joy come in?” Is it something you find? Seek? Mindset bully yourself (or glitter yourself) into? Nope. It’s an embodied experience. And, the more we don’t feel, the more we make a circumstance or choice a hard line of either/or, the less joy can come in. It’s not something you psych yourself up for or into. It’s something that just

Can we cultivate, activate and give ourselves permission to experience joy and our feelings without bypassing or ignoring all that happens in the world around us? (CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO PLAY THE VIDEO.)



navigatingJOY! BODYMIND

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