2023 03 March issue Body Mind Spirit Guide

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For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit
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John Ashbrook

Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Leslie Blackburn

Chrissie Blaze

Susan deCaussin CHt

Heather Danielle

Pauline Dettloff

Jessica Forshee

Penny Golden

Kathy Harwood Long

Alethea Howard

Linda La Croix

Miche Lame’

Ellen Livingston

Aluna Michaels

Laura Moody

Wendy Powers Nugent

Phil Rosenbaum

Barbra White

Eve Wilson

Chef Valerie Wilson

The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. A great place to find humor, inspiration, services, local

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your best life!


“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

~Penny Golden

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this issue...

We Are the Ones!

Michigan State University…another mass shooting. Let us not ignore another at a mall and another...

We listen and watch, but ultimately, there is nothing individually we can do. I was far away, and you probably were too. Still, I watched, praying for a quick response and a quick solution to an awful tragedy.

Prayers may seem hardly enough, yet it’s the best we have in moments of despair to share. A week later and I still find myself praying for balance and good mental health for all those touched by it.

It’s important to remember that while we couldn’t be there, we can still contribute through our thoughts and prayers. However, when we do this, it’s important that we do not include thoughts of lack. Do your best not to think there is an unanswered need before the people can be well or a solution to this type of happening is no more.

In our minds, we must affirm that God has already provided everything we need to do all that needs to be done. The solution is already in us. We simply have to pray for its creation to come into existence. (Don’t tell God what it is; God knows. Just visualize the perfect outcome has happened and let yourself feel how it makes you feel inside.)

When we pray, we pray for the best and highest outcomes for all. We pray for answers that will solve the issues before us. Don’t focus your thoughts on the idea that we have the perfect answer. God has the answer; we are just praying it in.

We pray for what we want to see after the corrections are made. Like the feeling of freedom, the relaxation from watching

where we would run or how fast we could barricade a door. In our prayers, we visualize our society relaxed from this type of concern and see them enjoying their life, feeling free.

As your thoughts move to the injured students, pray for their healing. Let no negative thoughts of doom or gloom stay in your thinking process. Do not entertain the idea that there will be long-term recoveries. Instead, visualize the best care being given to each of them and miraculous responses to their treatments. Visualize yourself happy to hear they have all been released from hospital care and are getting back to the activities they enjoy.

Positive thoughts like these send a higher frequency out into the world. We are energy, and when the positive vibration is sent out, it lifts those being prayed for into that higher vibration.

For all the students who were safely locked in their rooms or running to seek safety, hold a vision in your mind’s eye that they are easily made comfortable. See them feeling secure to re-enter MSU’s campus. See the surrounding communities and our entire state feeling safe as well.

This is a pretty big task! But we can do it! It’s not just a one-day prayer request. This is a request that you continue to listen to your words and thoughts daily. Check yourself to be sure your thoughts are positive. Do they feel good to you? Will they raise up someone’s vibration?

Cross out all thoughts or words that will not lift people to a better reality. You want to be sure all your thoughts are uplifting as they will support your mental health and peace of mind too.

FYI-prayer is never one-sided. It always supports both the giver and the receiver.

This may seem like a big job and maybe one you don’t want to commit your time to, but if we want change, we must be that change. Agreed? Can we all open our minds to prayer thoughts that help our neighbors live better lives? Can we visualize those who would create a mass shooting seeking help instead of taking this type of action? If we want it, we have to visualize it.

Sure, I’ve heard it said that thoughts and prayers are not enough. Agreed! But, the positive action has to begin, and it is created by a thought, which doesn’t get its wings until someone or a whole bunch of people agree to move their consciousness to a positive understanding using thoughts and prayers.

Please note - I am not asking for someone to come and do this for us. I am not asking to be saved from this world. God has sent us! We are the ones to make a difference! Breathe that in - right here, right now, in this time, and for this special moment, we are the ones to be God in action. We ARE what the world needs. We are here at this time to create balance. We are the ones!

Blessings of positive vibrations in your daily thoughts and prayers,

Linda La Croix

Linda La Croix Unity Director & Prayer Chaplain at Unity of Lake Orion. Find positive and uplifting posts on her Facebook Page “A Spiritual Walk,” or aspiritualwalk.com.

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 5


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Be the Thinker

Have you ever found yourself angry about something that to others seemed very little? Or some idea comes into your mind about a place or activity you have yet to experience? Thoughts seem to come and go. But where do they come from? Are they ours, or are we just picking up thoughts like a radio wave? We assume that our thoughts hold truth, but do they?

We all think we started thinking as infants. Some of our thoughts reflect our upbringing. If, when we were little, we were taught that the world is a “scary” place, we tend to hold that thought as an adult. If we are taught that the world is lovely, our thoughts tend to resonate with that idea.

Louise Hay, famous author and former publisher of Hay House, states that our thoughts “create our world .”And if we change our thoughts, we can change our world. So how do we do that? Can we really control what we think? I believe we can with a bit of help from affirmations.

Affirmations are words that we say which may not feel true at that moment. For example, “I have a beautiful body .”I may not feel I have a beautiful body; my thoughts may say I don’t have a beautiful body, I am too fat or thin, or I do not have enough curves. So where does this body critic come from? Is it me? Or just a thought that came in that I held as truth. I, as the thinker, can accept or reject my thoughts. I can have power over them. As I change my thoughts to more positive ones, I can change my life and can heal. Years ago, I held the belief that my life was unlucky. I believed it was karma. I reject that thought today and believe that “life loves me .”That the universe is on my side, I choose to think that thought. I am the thinker of my life and my world.

I encourage you to change your thoughts. Start with affirmations. A good one is “Life Loves Me .”Look in the mirror and say it every chance you get. Do not hold an emotion or resonate with a negative thought that keeps you from moving forward in your life. Be the thinker of your thoughts. Start with daily affirmations, and keep your thoughts high and happy. See how it changes your world; this is a process and takes time. Be patient with yourself. Remember, thoughts are like clouds, they float in and out, and only if we hold importance to them do they become “our truth .”You can heal your world by starting with thoughts.

I like to use pictures to help me stay focused. A vision board allows me to keep my thoughts intact. So be the thinker of your thoughts, and let’s start with this. “Today is a great day”!

Unity of Livonia Community Food Drive

LIVONIA, MI - Unity of Livonia will hold their seventh annual Community Food Drive Wednesday, February 22 through Sunday, April 9, 2023, to help St. Christine Christian Services put an end to hunger. Both monetary and non-perishable canned and dry goods items will be accepted at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154 (east of Middlebelt Road). 100% of the collections will be donated directly to St. Christine Food Pantry. This local non-profit organization works in conjunction with St. Vincent DePaul to serve and distribute over 22,000 hot meals and 6,000 bags of supplementary groceries throughout the year to one of Southeastern Michigan’s most vulnerable and homeless communities.

The food drive raises awareness of our local communities’ hunger and nutrition challenges. Monetary donations may be made by cash, check or charge. Please make checks payable to Unity of Livonia and specify “Food Drive” on the notation line. Food goods may be dropped off Monday through Wednesday (10 AM – 4 PM) or Sunday (9:30 AM – 12). For more information, email unityoflivoniaops@ gmail.com.

Laura Moody is a psychic medium that offers phone readings, classes, and events. For more on Laura, go to: www.readingsbylaura.net

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 7
and Administration, Unity of Livonia unityoflivoniaops@gmail.com (734) 421-1760 (Mon-Wed, 10a - 4p)
of Operations


From the dawn of time, we have been on a journey of soulbuilding – creating vessels with the capabilities our eternal spiritual selves needed to express themselves within the physical world. Now we are on the verge of an entirely new paradigm where we get to merge our created selves with our eternal spirit selves and co-create a better world!

All that has gone before, and all that we do until we achieve that unity, is necessary and right for the purpose it was created. It wasn’t created to be the ultimate in love, joy, and fulfillment. It was a workout machine for growing what I call ‘soul muscles,’ giving these evolving vessels the strength, independence, and potential required by our eternal spirit selves. But within us, there has always been a longing for a better reality, and that has kept us moving forward through lifetime after lifetime of growth.

The suffering and limitation we have known on this journey is the weight on our workout machine that builds our soul’s muscles. We can point the finger at those who have played hateful or hurtful roles in our lives and our world and blame them for it. However, they are merely players on the stage of evolution. They have been scripted and contracted to fulfill

those oppositional roles that force the needed growth. They were incapable of doing otherwise until that role was finished. In truth, someday, we will be grateful for the role they played; and for the gifts we have gained because of them. This experience of gratitude and absolute forgiveness for all that has gone before awaits us as we merge our human and eternal aspects into a state of sovereign self-mastery.

Sovereign means that our eternal spiritual selves are present within the vessel of our human self, and our human self is fully

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partnered to co-create a better experience of life. This is our destiny. Because we are stepping up to this new potential, our old reality is revealing a state of self-destruct.

It is easy to point the finger at those who most publicly behave destructively, but they are playing their scripted role. Their job is to make the old way so impossible that we go within and find the eternal presence of our true selves. From there, we are lifted into a new level of potential and life.

In this process of evolution which leads toward ascension into unity with true self, all of us are innocent. We can’t see ourselves clearly when our script requires us to play an oppositional role in the lives of others or even of ourselves. But when the wake-up alarm goes off because we have fulfilled that role and it is time to change, we awaken and may find ourselves ashamed of the roles we have played.

But think of life in the old world of our past as great theatre. The set, the script, the emotion, and the drama are completely believable, but when the curtain falls, and the lights come up, we realize it is all just a story.

Who we are is eternal, safe, and unbreakable. We are innocent of the harm we have done, and no one is to blame for how we have been hurt.

As we remove the old-world identity, it is like a costume, and we are revealed as an enlightened Being of unconditional love and purity.

This is our journey; it is an amazing time to be alive on planet Earth!

Eve Wilson, Award-Winning Blogger, Best-Selling Author, Master Healer, World Ascension Worker, Creator/Teacher of Healing & Ascension Monthlies Series. www.spiritualhealers.com

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 9
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The Spiritual Energy Crisis – Part 2


NEWS: On the day that the devastating earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, floods of Spiritual energy collected during the weekly sessions of the global healing mission, Operation Prayer Power, held at The Aetherius Temple in Royal Oak, were released to this part of our world. This powerful solution to the Spiritual Energy Crisis was sent to bring healing, aid, and strength to the victims, medics, and rescue workers. Further information about Operation Prayer Power can be found in this article.

Article continued from February issue…

In the 1970s, Dr. King introduced the revolutionary concept that spiritual healing is not a gift for the few, as it had been previously regarded, but a natural ability that is the birthright of everyone.

As an outstanding spiritual healer himself, he trained hundreds of people to become spiritual healers. Through his textbook, You Too Can Heal, he revivified the healing movement in the British Isles and spearheaded mass healing campaigns throughout the world.

As miraculous cures were affected and more people began to utilize the vast storehouse of energy which flows freely through space (prana, chi, and the Energy of Life) for the benefit of others, another wedge of light was pushed more firmly into the dark world.

The spiritual energy that cures a lady of cancer, a gentleman with chronic arthritis, and a child of epilepsy is the same energy that motivates rescue workers’ brave and exhaustive efforts in the horrific devastation of an earthquake. It can be seen that this is indeed a “workable and usable energy which anyone can manipulate.” Just as electricity flows through wires and produces heat and light, so does Spiritual Energy flow through our minds and bodies to produce light in the darkness of our world.

Healing alone, however effective, would not have solved the spiritual energy crisis on Earth. Meditating long and often upon such facts, Dr. King made an outstanding breakthrough in the science of radionics by inventing the mission known as Operation Prayer Power. This was, on January 23, 1972, dedicated by Dr. King—“to all people throughout the world who are unselfishly working for the preservation of the ecological balance of this planet, so senselessly polluted by unthinking man throughout the centuries.” One year later, this world peace and enlightenment mission was inaugurated on a Holy Mountain in England and later in the USA.

This outstanding concept is a breakthrough in metaphysics. It involves

blending humanitarianism and science—the essence of the Age of Aquarius. Through Christian prayers and Buddhist mantras, the participants in Operation Prayer Power invoke and direct spiritual energy into the radionic apparatus used in this mission. This apparatus can store Spiritual Energy indefinitely, and the energy can then be released at a later date through radionic machines called Spiritual Energy Radiators[1] to world catastrophes of any kind.

Dr. King described the modus operandi of this mission as follows:

“The energy is put in the battery through prayer and directed by thought. The whole idea behind it is that if you have a thousand people praying in a thousand different places in a thousand different ways, you have a thousand different radiation points. But if you bring these people together, direct that energy by thought, and store it, you have one major reception point. The first battery charged in Operation Prayer Power took approximately 750 person-hours of prayers to charge. That power can be released in 30 minutes. So you see the tremendous energy concentration in one of these batteries. And that is the whole essence of Operation Prayer Power.

“For instance, if there is an earthquake, rather than suddenly trying to bring a thousand, or even two hundred people together to pray for three or four minutes each, with Operation Prayer Power, you have the energy here instantly. Thirty minutes and it’s away, under a tremendous concentration, because of the design of the equipment. So we have learned to regulate a tremendous power.”

The history of Operation Prayer Power has brought many outstanding results. Floods of spiritual energy have been directed to victims of floods and

10 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

earthquakes; to the peacemakers in the United Nations; to rescue workers, and to thousands of people who are suffering or are helping to relieve suffering as a result of war and natural disasters.

Operation Prayer Power is conducted weekly at five Aetherius Society centers worldwide, including the Michigan Branch and Royal Oak, Michigan, and all are welcome to attend.

Please rest assured that, throughout The Aetherius Society, we are continuing to send floods of Spiritual Energy for the aftermath of the Turkey and Syria earthquakes. If you wish to be a part of this powerful solution, you are warmly welcome to join us at our Wednesday evening or monthly Saturday morning Operation Prayer Power sessions. If you wish to attend, please contact us, and we will first take you through 2-3 short classes to initiate you into the holy mantras we use during these sessions and explain how Operation Prayer Power works.

The solution to the spiritual energy crisis does not, however, lie with one mission or with one man, however great they may be. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us upon this Earth. In the words of Dr. King: “Miracles on Earth are not done by God for man, but by man for God.”

Please join us at The Aetherius Society Temple on Friday, March 3, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. for a talk on The Spiritual Energy Crisis by Gary and Chrissie Blaze. Please see the ad for further information.

The Rev. Chrissie Blaze

Note: Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker, radio show host, and author of twelve books and a long-time direct disciple in London and Los Angeles of the Society’s Founder, Dr. George King. She is a priest at The Aetherius Society, Royal Oak, Michigan. www.aetheriusmi.org. email: michigan@ aetherius.org; tel: (248) 588 0290.

Newly Released and Revised DEEPER INTO LOVE

[1] designed by Dr. George King and constructed by The Aetherius Society

The Rev. Chrissie Blaze

NOTE: Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker, radio show host, author of twelve books, and longtime direct disciple in London and Los Angeles of the Society’s Founder, Dr. George King. She is a priest at the Michigan Branch.

[1] Beyond Science article by Chrissie Blaze, edited by Dr. George King.

7 Keys to a Heart-Based Spirituality by

Chrissie Blaze

“In this beautiful and inspiring book, Chrissie Blaze lights our way toward a new world and a new humanity. Deeper Into Love reveals exactly how Love is the most potent of alchemies, healing and transforming in the process.” - Lynne McTaggart, visionary and bestselling author of The Field. The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

5.0 out of 5 stars Seeing Love in a new way. . . “While I’ve read many wonderful books on spiritual growth and bringing about a better society, I have to say that none have been as simply and beautifully written” Amazon reader

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Book ~ This is an excellent book, if not one of the first you should pick up. I wish I had found it a number of years ago.”. Amazon reader

MARCH 2023


Friday, March 3 – 7:30-9:00 p.m. – $10 ($5 Members)

Are you concerned about the suffering in our world from wars, earthquakes, and extreme weather? In this talk, Gary and Chrissie Blaze will explain The Spiritual Energy Crisis - and offer solutions to help to bring harmony, healing and global transformation. “This energy, if directed in the right way, can...bring about what we commonly term to be miracles.” Dr.


Saturday, April 15 - 2:30-5:00 p.m. - $25 ($15 Members)

In this Class, Gino Scialdone will teach a simple, yet powerful series of six breathing exercises devised by Yoga Master, Dr. George King. Benefits include clarity of mind, improved physical strength, and overall well-being. This Class is for people of all ages and physical health.

Please visit www.aetheriusmi.org for Events and Services.

The Aetherius Temple, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak

E: michigan@aetherius.org

T: (248) 588-0290

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 11

What Can Hypnosis Do For You?

A recent article in the New York Times states that a great number of studies demonstrate the effectiveness of hypnosis or hypnotherapy. The article explains that hypnosis can be beneficial for anxiety and depression, as well as many other issues. These include treatment for sleep problems, pain reduction, and quitting smoking. It can even be helpful with surgery.

The problem, they point out, is that hypnosis “can’t seem to shake its reputation as a stage gag.” The article explains that hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focused attention, where the mind is more receptive to changes in feelings and behaviors. The article likens the experience of being in a hypnotic state to that of being absorbed in a good book or movie.

The article goes on to describe specific individuals who have benefitted from hypnosis. One individual had chronic pain, anxiety, and a loss of self-confidence. This person expressed that with hypnosis, she felt much more comfortable. One researcher stated that hypnosis is effective in helping people deal with both acute and chronic pain. Other individuals also noticed it reduced stress and anxiety following their hypnotic sessions.

The article states that most individuals can be hypnotized and that 10% to 15% are “highly hypnotizable.” Another 10% to 15% have more difficulty entering a hypnotic state. However, the author explains that individuals with extreme mental illness, such as schizophrenia or other forms of psychosis, are not good candidates for hypnosis. These individuals have much

greater difficulty going into a hypnotic state.

While the New York Times article was an excellent introduction to hypnosis, there is much more that hypnosis can do for individuals. For example, it can help people, especially young people, do much better in school. It can improve one’s recall of information and help one perform better on exams. Hypnosis is also very effective for improving sports performance. One well-known hypnotist worked with a professional golfer who was constantly hitting the ball into sand traps. After a few visits with the hypnotist, the golfer rarely had that problem again.

Many individuals who fear going to the dentist are greatly helped after just a few hypnosis sessions. It can also help people with a terrible fear of public speaking, which is one of the most common fears people experience. Hypnosis can also help one overcome procrastination and motivate one to complete a challenging task. There are, in fact, so many areas where hypnosis can be valuable that this short article cannot cover them all. Let me name a few more: Developing self-confidence. Eliminating fears and phobias. Increasing sales success. Improving memory. Overcoming addictions. Helping one to achieve one’s goals.

If you want to learn more about hypnosis or experience a session, please call Phillip Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. I am located in Royal Oak, Michigan. Just a few sessions can greatly enhance the quality of your life.

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Hypnosis Q & A with Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Hypnotherapy is the art of using the hypnotic state to elicit positive change and improvement in beliefs, behaviors and physical conditions.

Below are answers that may help you understand hypnosis better and decide if it is right for you!

Q. Do you offer Hypnosis Sessions to access the Akashic Records?

A. A professional hypnotherapist specializing in Spiritual Hypnotherapy can guide you in accessing your Akashic Records. The Akasia is a field of energy that contains vibrational records of everything, including a description of your soul’s journey through its many lifetimes and a history of the cosmos. Many people compare it to a library of many books where each book holds the records of one lifetime, its journey, its purpose, and its learnings. Collectively, these records, when accessed in the right way, can provide us with insight, wisdom, and guidance. Through hypnosis, the information comes directly to you through your Higher Self and/or Spirit Guides. This process takes preparation and is respectfully guided by the hypnotherapist through the individual’s Higher Self.

Looking for a Professional Hypnotherapist?

Go to www.HypnosisPractitionerDirectory.com to find a professionally trained, qualified Hypnotist near you.

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group is a Directory of individuals that have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements specified by the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG). to ensure top-notch services.

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Note: Please raise your hands to about shoulder height, with palms facing outwards, fingers and thumb together, in what is called the prayer mudra. In this way the Love energy you release will flow through you out to your focal point. Take a few deep breaths and say the prayer with all your heart and soul.

Oh Mighty Brahma, Creator of Life

We ask that we may be used as Channels

For Thy vibrant Healing Power to flow through us now

In a living stream of radiant loving energy

To bring healing, strength, help and protection

To all victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Oh Divine Father of all Creation

May thy wondrous power of Love flow through us now

To bring healing to those who have suffered injury and loss. May they be comforted and strengthened by Thy Loving Presence.

May your Divine Light flow now to all the medics, doctors and aid workers

To strengthen, inspire and protect them in their dangerous work.

Oh God, May Thy infinite power flow to all nations and all people

To inspire them to send urgent aid to this region of our world.

May the Love that pours through us now

Bring harmony and light to Turkey and Syria at this time. We thank you. oh God, for this opportunity to be of Service

May Thy Will, oh Wondrous Parabrahma be done.

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 13

Diamond Work Michigan

Presenting the practices of the Diamond Approach® in groups and privately in Ann Arbor. This is an embodied spiritual path which is a journey from ego to being.

For information about events and classes contact Lou Weir, Diamond Approach Teacher diamondworkmichigan@gmail.com

Your Intuitive Majesty Is Real---Receive More Love

Grand Mother tree here at Mother Bear Sanctuary stands three stories high, connected to all the other trees through the mycelium of the Earth. She awakens both stability and flexibility within those humans who connect with her majesty. As all the retreat participants stood in ritual within her pine grove, being washed clean of ancestral trauma and awakening to their innate worth… three people heard the exact same thing from the Grand Mother Tree!! It wasn’t until the next day, did the three participants realize they all heard the One Voice of Spirit. There is a broadcast of love, eternally being sent. The Grand Mother Tree sent her signal. Three people caught it.

Intuition is extending your consciousness into the future. Telepathy is extending consciousness into space. You have an organic capacity to extend out of time and space. It’s already in you.

Everyone is intuitive. Everyone has the capacity to be telepathic. This natural, normal capacity is part of us, like breathing.

However, the industrial growth world (IGS) and hierarchal power model has conditioned us to believe this is “woo woo” or a gift only a few have. Hearing your ancestors, Soul guidance, and inner voice (aka intuition) is as natural as your blood flowing in your body. If your blood doesn’t flow, you will

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die. Similarly, when your intuition and telepathy are not flowing…you will feel lifeless.

ALL of life is speaking to you. Your life is the life of God/Goddess. There is a flow, grace, intrinsic order, or divine intelligence that works in your body, life, and relationships. You have a direct connection to the divine right now (if you stop believing the mind’s ramblings). Your consciousness is the ocean of energy that IS all things. Your capacity to relax, open and awaken your natural ability to hear the voice of Life in all things (trees, animals, people) is a choice you can make and a part of you that can be re-awakened.

Connection to your body, the Earth, and nature reawakens you to the intrinsic web of Life. Disconnected and dissociated from nature (life’s pulse and intuition) are lost in most people, leaving them feeling like the walking dead. Most of the world has become autistic to nature and thus their brilliance. The divine voice is speaking to you in ordinary everyday occurrences. Are you listening? Your guardian angels continuously talk to you through synchronicities and inner gut knowing. Are you paying attention?

The Industrial Growth World has stolen

your joy. There is no return of energy back of energy from consumerism, capitalism, and power over models of connection. Nature works through feedback loops of information, finding balance in this natural give-and-receive. When you re-remember receiving is giving and giving is receiving within your body, relationships, and life, you re-awaken the magic in your being. Your fundamental goodness, your true innocence, is forgotten when you try to “get” your joy from the violent models of achievement.

Surrendering, yielding to your innate holiness, sounds unachievable to most. Yet there is nothing to achieve. It is when you soften back to yourself that you realize you have it all already. When you soften your gaze to the trees, you naturally begin to hear their continual broadcast.

What did the Grand Mother Tree say? She said, “Receive more love. Like the sun, I take in the light fully…… you must learn to receive without shame or apology” One of the most common phrases I have heard in helping hundreds of people to remember the Love they are and align with their purpose is:

“I have trouble receiving love.”

Why? Because the IGS has taught you power over models to the divine, love, and happiness.

Surrendering deep in high receptivity to Love, through nature, a person, and your own Soul indwelling, you don’t truly receive anything “outside” of you. When you receive love, you receive yourself. You are the Love within all things, as all things, and this Love does not know hierarchy, “rising above,” or ascension. Love is already here, in the soil, in your pain, and in your life. As you yield to the love within the ordinary, you discover the extraordinary within.

Private ecological magic healing, selfacceptance, and equine therapy at Mother Bear Sanctuary. (available to all genders) Mountain Womyns Magic retreat in May. Sessions are also available on zoom. If you are ready to fly like a bird and taste Life like a wolf, I am your guide.

Love, Barbra WhiteCrow

Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qigong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings. www.barbrawhite.com

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 15

Loyalty and Growth

Loyalty is one of the most admirable of human traits. There is almost nothing more comforting than the knowledge that you have a faithful friend who will give you genuine understanding and support in your time of need. A loyal friend is someone who you can trust to be honest with you as well as listen to your heartfelt feelings. They are someone who believes in you and accepts you as you are. Loyalty is a trait of strength that is born of love.

It requires the courage and the will to honor one’s obligations to others and one’s self. Like love, loyalty is a two-way street. It demands both giving and receiving to be whole.

Just as there is something special in receiving loyalty, there is something just as fulfilling in giving loyalty.

In any relationship where loyalty is not equal, hurt and resentment are bound to come up. Many of us have felt the pain of a relationship where we have maintained sincere faithfulness but did not receive the same from our friend or partner.

It is unhealthy to carry anything to an extreme. Loyalty carried to the extreme can hinder personal growth. This is so because,



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in our desire to please someone else, we set ourselves aside. At some point, too much loyalty becomes sacrificial. While some giving in life is necessary and praiseworthy, prolonged selfsacrifice is ultimately self-destructive and serves no one. If you are in any situation where you have a knowing feeling of being taken for granted and you ignore the feeling, then you are treating yourself exactly as you are being treated. You are not receiving loyalty because you are not being loyal to yourself. If you have a pattern in your life of getting involved in situations where you are getting little in return, it means that you are attracting people to you who mirror your own treatment of yourself. Do not take yourself for granted, and you will not be taken for granted by others. You have a sacred responsibility to honor and be loyal to your own life and not play the victim.

Spiritual loyalty is the effort that you make to be faithful to yourself. Spiritual loyalty is an unshakable belief in one’s undeniable uniqueness. It is a commitment to recognize and explore this uniqueness and its infinite potential.

When you do what you knowingly feel is right for you and you are willing to fulfill your obligation to yourself to live in truth and accept yourself as you are in any given moment, then everything in your life begins to fall into perfect harmony. The people and circumstances of your life became a clear reflection of your own inner harmony. You find yourself giving and receiving love freely and openly.

A person who listens to and supports their inner knowing is unshaken by the opinions of others. They are clear about who they are and don’t need the approval of others.

To the degree that you are loyal to your sacred obligation to love yourself and live in divine truth, you will be empowered to give and receive loyalty, love, and truth from others. The state of spiritual loyalty always creates balance. In a state of balance, all possibilities of growth exist.

The more you recognize your own potential, the more you will begin to recognize the amazing potential in everyone. When you are encouraging your own growth, you will find ways to encourage others to grow.

Everyone wins. Everyone experiences the joy of realizing endless personal growth and creative expression.

John is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, please call John at 734-326-3433

16 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

Use Discernment to Improve Your Life

Do you ever wonder why your life is not the way you’ve dreamt of? That things are hard, not fair, no one cares, and there’s always drama? Ever wonder what your purpose in life is? Why are you here?

That’s because you are unconnected with your inner wisdom, your divine wisdom, and so are unable to actually use your divine connection with all the infinite wisdom of the divine. When we are unconnected with the divine, we cannot discern what next step we can take to improve our life from an inner sense, our Higher Self.

You have the power to create your life. You do it all the time. How can you use discernment to create your life? As mentioned above, strengthening your connection with God or the Divine is the first step. When we make it an intentional habit to check in, this connection can guide us toward our highest good. And that is really what discernment is, taking a breath, stepping back, observing what’s really going on, and intentionally checking in with the divine, your Higher Self, for guidance to what the best thing is to do moving forward. Then, patting that cute little ego on the head, yelling for attention, let it know you heard it, and are doing what the divine is guiding you to do.

As you strengthen this practice more, the answers come quickly, and there is a feeling that settles in your heart center that you start to recognize. For me, this feeling is like a “chunking” or “settling” a “release,” and my heart feels expansive. Often, my heart sings! Practice, see what works for you and how your Higher Self lets you know you are connected, and allow your Higher Self to guide you as to the next action you can take on your path.

So, how does using discernment improve your life? For one, when we are connected with the divine, we are actually connected with our True Self, our Higher Self. We can see situations from a higher or more divine perspective as an impartial observer. Our little self, the ego, and all our preconceived patterns of thought are eliminated, and we experience from our souls with love, acceptance, and empathy. Our lives become more holy and graceful and have a lack of drama.

This shows up with us having healthier relationships and better boundaries, yet also having more compassion and empathy, all demonstrated in healthier ways. We tend to be less empty, jealous, and reactive and lean towards feelings full of love, connection, and expansiveness. Our emotions tend to be more stable as we are less reactive - and eventually, we have an underlying sense of inner joy supporting us.

When we are connected with our Source and responding from that connection, we have more time for inner connection and knowing what our purpose is and what the next step towards fulfilling our life purpose is. Our Higher Self acts like the divine guide to completing our life’s purpose as it was always meant to be. We also have increased insight into ourselves and the ability to “see” into others while keeping their dysfunctional energy separate from us because now we have boundaries. We have more compassion knowing they are lost and are just trying to find their way, like us. We recognize them for the divine sisters and brothers they are. Often, others will notice a change in us and start to ask us what we did to have that easy flow, this connection with joy. And, you’ll be able to be the light that guides them to the light - using discernment.

Love and Light, Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P

Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www. spirituallivingandhealing.com. 248-212-0808, Like me on www.facebook.com/spirituallivingllc

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 17

Welcome to our “BE WISE” Body Mind Spirit Issue!

The Power of Wisdom Is the Spirit of the Knowledge of God! Where there is wisdom, you have access to two sides of knowledge about God – knowledge of who God is and the knowledge of the workings and principles of God.

The 4 classes of wisdom

Are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wisdom.

Given in the holy bible; Earthly wisdom, intellectual wisdom, devilish wisdom and the wisdom from above,” James 3:15-17:

The 5 characteristics of wisdom

Creativity. Curiosity.

Judgment. Love of Learning.


The 6 components of wisdom

Studies have identified six common, measurable components of wisdom:

pro-social behaviors (empathy, compassion, altruism, and a sense of fairness)

emotional regulation

self-reflection or insight

acceptance of divergent perspectives

decisiveness, and social decision-making

The 7 attributes of wisdom

Wisdom’s seven pillars, according to scripture, are: fear of the Law instruction knowledge

understanding discretion counsel and reproof

source: Google

https://pastorblessing.com/the-power-of-wisdom/ https://people-and-society.com/who-is-lady-wisdom/

About Men

Last month, I talked about love and the energy that it promotes, but this month I want to talk about Men! We all want a relationship and always want it to be perfect! (Yes, or No?).

The perfect man, there’s no such thing. We are on two different planets because what we think and what they think are way different. I tell my clients that I do readings because they all want a perfect relationship, and some women have been blessed to be married three to six times. Some of us never get a chance at one.

Still, a lot of it’s got to do with the way we treat people and the way we treat one another. I know for a fact I tell my clients it’s about the way you talk to someone. It includes your children, too; if you’re going to want to say something to a loved one or start a relationship at the beginning, you’re nice to each other because you want to please each other. After you’re with somebody for a while, you want to be right, and of course, you want things to go your way.

Still, the other person has a different opinion, and I firmly believe in your words, how you speak to somebody, and your body language if you have a lover or a significant other. If you were unconditionally in love with someone, whether it is a girl or a guy. and you love that person unconditionally, how would you speak to that person? What would you say to that person? You would never hurt that person’s feelings; women are all about feelings; men could care less. They’re straightforward. They say it the way it is, and we need feelings.

When you started the relationship, there were so many loving gestures. After a while, they go away, and it’s all about your words! in what you say. I am a confirmed believer that if you love someone, you’d never hurt their feelings by being mean with what you’re words would say. If you want to correct

18 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

someone, you start by being nice, not mean, or I believe you build someone’s self-esteem by saying that would be nice, or I like that, or we could do that; once you do that, you have someone’s attention, and then you could put your opinion in and talk about it.

With men, I noticed the way they love us. They only say a few words if they pay attention to or do for us. If you have a man in your house or your life, a lover who calls you, talks to you and wants to be with you, and does something for you if you need something.

When a man shows he cares about you, that shows me he wants your attention. If you chase him and beg him to be in your life, you don’t need him! he doesn’t seem to be interested, so we need to move on, but I know that if I’m nice and sweet to somebody makes me feel better.

Remember, when you love someone, you build their selfesteem! They always stay. So smile

Pauline Dettloff

Krystal Ball online www.Krystal-ball-online.com

Mich Psychic Fairs www.MiPsychicFairs.com


A tree that nourish, and gives strength and hope to the world.

One that moves with the breeze of the wind, Carrying life energy that flows through the Universe. Can stand in the mist of a storm without being harm, Can see all comings and goings. I am a tree that watches over thee, I am open and free to be.

A heart of grace and colors to relieve the soul of it’s old age troubles.

In a world of all there is I stand firm in the center of it all, My trunk standing tall. Look up and see the beauty, find your calling In the stillness of thy core. Know that all is well and divine on this rooted earth, Where we come to find our purpose That leads us to the Spirit of Divinity. I AM A TREE!

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Alethea Monk Howard

Practice Series for Sacred Sexuality: Listening to Our Bodies

Month #1 - includes “SelfLove and Acceptance Practice.”

Would you like to shift your relationship with your body to allow more love, pleasure, and ease into your life?

This month we embark on a series of practices that offer that and more adapted from my upcoming book, Sacred Sexuality: Listening to Our Bodies. Attention, care, and love are critical ingredients in building a new relationship with our bodies that allows our wisdom to pour forth so we can:

• remember who we are

• trust our power

• claim our sexual Sovereignty.

Each practice is a “recipe” that includes the necessary time and ingredients. But the main thing that needs to be added to these recipes is you.

As you explore these practices, just like when trying a new kitchen recipe, I suggest you start by following the instructions. You can then modify them and experiment as your body wisdom starts to flow.

The key is to keep up with the practice. Set aside a special time each day and allow yourself to engage and feel into what the experience offers. In time, new depths of feeling will emerge. I encourage you to explore each one for at least 21 days before deciding if they are for you and how to flow to make them yours. You will change as you go.

Title: Self-Love and Acceptance Practice

Time to Allow: 3-10 min for this “short, sweet” version.

Description & Benefits: Transmuting self-loathing to selflove, to shift your relationship with your body to allow more love and ease into your life. Essential ingredients: You. Time set aside for the practice.


Introspect. Have you ever hated your body or wanted part of it to look or be different than it is? In what ways do you wish you could change your body? Do you criticize or hold a sense of loathing for any aspect of your physical being? Have you tried to control or force your body to be something different? Do you hurt yourself? You are not alone. I lived my version of this for years. Many people experience their own versions of selfloathing: “I hate my thighs.” “I wish I were more muscular.”…and so on. Be honest. Notice how you feel in your body when you bring that critical awareness to it. Do you feel your body? What sensations do you feel? How does your body respond to your criticism?

Make a new choice. Are you ready to feel better about yourself? Are you ready to feel better about being in your body? Would you like to feel good about feeling good? Your intention and thoughts impact your reality, including the very body you inhabit.

Let’s explore Transmuting Self Loathing to Self Love. It begins with your choice.

1. Pause. Breathe. Rest on a chair or lying down. Turn your awareness to your body.

2. Place your hands gently on places on your body that you have a hard time relating with: belly, thighs, face, genitals, and a scar. You’ll know what this is for you.

3. Set an intention to shift the way you are relating to your body. From one of fear, mistrust, and disdain to one of curiosity, playfulness, and love.

4. Say it out loud: “I am choosing to shift how I see my body and how my body sees me. I send love to my body now.”

5. Next, say out loud whatever has been true for you until now and your willingness to shift it. Here’s an example: “I’ve been hating you in many ways or trying to force you to be something you’re not. I invite you to be who you are and to really let yourself be you.”

6. Now give yourself space and permission in this ritual to love your body just as it is — all the stresses and imperfections still right here, and you in the middle, part of it all. Sit with this. Rest in the love. Feel your body as love flows into all your parts.

What do you notice? Do you feel your body? What sensations do you feel? How does it respond to your love? Let yourself feel a shift to allowing your body to be what it is.

Closing: It’s okay if it seems like you don’t feel anything. Your body is listening. Still, this may take time. I have felt so numb and disconnected that I didn’t have any idea of what it meant to notice sensations in my body. That is okay. It’s also okay if this feels frustrating. Feel it. Be gentle. Release any pressure for this to be anything other than what it is. Take all the time and space you need. When it feels complete, tell your body; thank you and draw your time to a close.

Leslie is a queer, white, omnisexual, polyamorous, ecosexual, kinky, genderqueer supporter of all beings to be authentically who they are, and uses the pronouns they, them. Their work blends Sacred Sexuality, Ancestral Healing, Grief & Emotional release, and Anti-Racism work to support collective liberation, self-awareness, vitality, empowerment, and joy. Leslie stewards the land at One Space, a private sanctuary, home, temple, and community space on four wooded acres in Ann Arbor, Michigan. www. LeslieBlackburn.com

20 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

Our Splendor And The Glory

To experience splendor is to shine, to feel brightness, magnificent richness, or glory. How many of us live in this light today? Or would like to. Our world is what we create from within, manifesting the splendor or the glory we experience. Glory in itself is to praise, rejoice, radiant beauty, or any circle of light. “I am a radiant beauty, and I praise and rejoice in the glory of the divine presence within.” This is our nature and truth when we believe in ourselves. Our thoughts and actions have a great impact, be they positive or negative, to control the direction we choose to live.

When we are at peace with Self and one another, our lives are filled with the glory of (The Spirit of God, the Creator, the Great Spirit). I had a Unity Teacher in the nineteen eighty’s who would say, “Call it what you want; I call it the Big Bam Boom”! The splendor of nature surrounds us, and the tranquility of being who we are gives us true life. We are the vessel that forms and shape our world. As the vessel we decide to stay on the ship, or step off, we rock the boat or sink it.

Some years ago, I took a course in Fashion Design. As I worked at home on a color chart, my partner watched and went about his way peacefully. He did not disturb me, but his presence was known. If there was a need, he was there. I felt a profound sense of creativity flowing through me as I worked, knowing I was being accepted for who I am and whatever it is that I choose to

do. Through his actions of interest and nurturing, I knew I was appreciated for the splendor and glory within.

Another time when I talked, my partner listened in silence. When I finished expressing myself, he reached over and placed his hand on mine; I knew that I was heard. We were touching the spirit within, that caring, nurturing spirit that leads to fulfillment. These are moments of splendor, quality time well spent and accepted as the glory.

This applies not only to relationships; it also works in our everyday surroundings, nature, and experiences with others, with animals, and all creatures of the universe. We are only to be present. Being aware of the Great Spirit within and without, our environment and surroundings all about us. Heaven abounds!

Living in the splendor and glory, we flow through life like a ship on the ocean waves, sailing in the direction of wholeness and freedom; we are genuinely guiding ourselves in the way of God (the divine presence) wants us to be...in the flowing love of Spirit,

We are partners in a relationship, we have the power to make it last, flourish and become whole with patience, kindness, and understanding—the power to move forward, accept change,

and move beyond present circumstances. We are the mover, shaper, and the molder of what the relationship becomes. We, as the young and the elderly, desire to live in hope and joy (contented joy). This is our aliveness, our nature to be and do and have our Being in Love and Light. Being able to love and be loved without pressure and conditions, being able to look at each other and smile, knowing that within us is our destiny.

When we don’t look to change one another or want to have things our own way and let change happen gradually, we then accept and enjoy the essence of our being-this is when we find peace in our relationships. We are here as individuals to live life as we choose and share that life with each other, being there for one another when there is a need—enjoying and rejoicing in the moments we share and learning to relax and let the process of life flow within and around us. We are the Splendor and the Glory through the power invested in us.


Gradually I let go, I step into the flow, Sailing like a ship on the ocean. Letting go, leaving all troubles behind, Stepping into a higher state of mind. Going above and beyond time. Letting go, feeling free, Happy and content deep within me. Forever growing becoming all I can be, Seeing all that I left behind, Bringing forth all which is divine.

Alethea Howard, a writer, and poet, completed NRI Schools Non-fiction Writing Course. Author of poems, Can You See Me, Beyond the Past, Oh Spirit, published in the Vitality Paper. Her seemingly innate ability to articulate feelings and insights with such simplicity leaves the reader with a greater appreciation for life itself. (313)-656-4034

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 21

Angel Numbers gave me more time with my mom before she passed

All of us have looked at the clock and seen the same number over and over again. Most of us believe they are signs from our spirit guides or angels and call them angel numbers.

Often, we look up the meanings in a book or discount them altogether. However, the story I am about to tell you will give you a fresh perspective and will leave you with proof that not only are there messages behind these numbers, but if you pay attention enough- they may change your entire life.

My story is incredible, and it’ll show you that there is, without a doubt, more behind the repeating numbers you’ve been seeing. You just have to talk back to them.

It was a day like any other. I was finding myself driving home from work, noticing my favorite number all around me. My favorite number appeared on license plates and billboards; everywhere I looked on this day, it felt like I could see my favorite number. The thing is, the numbers were scrambled, and this really threw me off.

I wondered what the angels were trying to tell me. When you see your favorite numbers, it could be a sign that you’re on the right path. It could be a sign that tells you to keep on going, but it was totally scrambled on this day. It was making no sense at all.

I ended up asking the angels what their message was. I knew I must be missing something because the numbers weren’t straight; as I said, they were all scrambled up.

I wasn’t sure what this meant and wondered if I may be missing something.

At the next red light, I tuned in, and I got the gut instinct that I believed was from my angels telling me to play the lottery. I thought, “How cliché is that?” I thought about it for a little bit and decided that I’d listen to them; I was going to play the lottery. I literally said out loud to the angels…

“If I win this, it will for sure strengthen our bond, and I will know, without a doubt, that I am talking to you, and I will never doubt what you give me again.”

I went into the store and bought a lottery ticket, but the next day, I checked the numbers and realized I didn’t win.

22 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

I started to cry. Honestly, I was heartbroken that the angels had let me down. When I asked them why they said I did not lose. They said that I needed to look at the numbers that did come up. They said the numbers are related to someone I need to spend more time with, someone who needed me.

When I looked at the numbers that did come up on that day, the numbers that came up were 1,9,5,9. I thought, “Wow, 1959, that could actually be someone’s birthday, but who?”

(This is the actual numbers that came up for Michigan’s Daily 4 numbers 06/26/2019)/

Later on that day, I asked my mom. She was the first person that I thought of. “Mom, what year were you born?” She replied, “1959.” I was flabbergasted.

I was so excited! I could not believe it!

I told her, “The angels want us to spend more time together!

When I asked how she was doing, she replied, “I’m pretty good, but I just broke a rib.” I replied, “How the heck did you do that? Who breaks a rib?” She said, “Oh, it’s a long story; I’ll tell you about it later.”

Below is the actual message I sent to my mom via Facebook. I still think it’s crazy I have PROOF of this. For me, it’s like proving ghosts or Bigfoot is real.

Then we just chatted, and throughout that week, I made sure to contact her every day.

The week after, I received the news that my mom had cancer. I didn’t think anything of it, but soon I realized the message I got through the lottery was the angels telling me that I truly did need to spend time with her. Because...

It wasn’t even three weeks after her diagnosis that she passed away. She went to be with the Angels, which proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were with her and also me. I am so grateful to the Angels for sending me the numbers because I got to spend more time with my mom.

I hope by sharing my story, you can see these signs in your life. Maybe the next time you see repeating numbers, you’ll get an intuitive hit to do something or to reach out to someone. Perhaps, you can start seeing the beautiful messages that may be waiting for you behind the numbers.

I am a certified Psychic Medium and Spiritual Gifts mentor. I am honored to offer readings and mentor incredible souls all over the world! https:// therealheatherdanielle.com/

Penny’s Perspective Wisdom of the Soul

The Eye is the window to the soul

Proverbs 30:17

For years I thought this meant the physical Eye (s), but with a closer look, shows it is singular (one Eye); the proverbial 3rd Eye is the widow to our soul!

IN THE WEST: The Eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. Matthew 6:22

IN THE EAST: The Third Eye is located in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows and it is linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication.

The 3rd Eye accesses the Wisdom of our Soul!

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 23

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There is a Reason You’re He re! Psychic Readings, Home Parties, Events & Classes, Handmade Jewelry, Mojo

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Being Wise is Not Enough

It’s an exciting time to be alive! With all the available books, workshops, and healing tools, it’s easy to pump yourself full of the knowledge needed to live with confidence, strength, and comfort. However, many people get frustrated and mentally beat themselves up when faced with adversity. Despite all the wisdom they’ve accumulated over the years, they can’t seem to move through it. The truth of it is you can’t just know it; you have to live it!

As someone who offers guidance to others as a profession, my biggest challenge comes from working with those who can recite all of the great spiritual teachings but need more motivation or inspiration to walk the talk. When you know but find yourself locked in a negative situation, the pain can be compounded by the guilt of not being able to break the cycle on your own. And this can be especially difficult for healers and spiritual leaders. Many in that community have adopted the thought that, as healers and leaders, they should be able to have all of the answers and avoid every painful circumstance in life. Newsflash - even healers need healers!

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge that we live in a powerfully transformational time for humanity and the planet. Now, take a deep breath! Give yourself credit for simply moving through each day, maintaining some level of sanity and stability. As we move into a higher vibrational way of being, our bodies are struggling to evolve with this change. Deep-seated negative memories and emotions, which are of a low vibration, can no longer reside within us. While we used to be able to push down and ignore the trauma from the past, it’s now bubbling up to the surface. Holding onto that energy causes a disturbance in your physical and mental well-being. Releasing it allows your soul to ascend to a higher level of existence. But, knowing this isn’t enough. Action is required.

When applying the wisdom you’ve gathered over the years to your own life circumstances, don’t shy away from making yourself accountable - every day.

Dust off an inspiring book from your past and dive back into it. You’ll find that as you evolve, your perspective shifts, and you can understand things at a deeper level.

Take charge of your thoughts. Thoughts do become things… so what are you thinking about regularly? Are you steering your mind in the direction of things that you don’t want - living in a fear-based state? Police your thoughts and begin to seek the good in every person and situation that crosses your path.

Set goals for yourself and chart your progress. We often discount the steps we’ve already taken and focus on what still needs to be done. If keeping a journal feels like too much work, get into the habit of mentally patting yourself on the back each

time that you purposely choose to shift your thoughts and life in a positive direction.

Create positive affirmations. Post and repeat them throughout the day. Feel the emotions related to having the desired life and allow yourself to move into receiving mode with the energy of those feelings.

As with everything in life, coping is easier when you have others who can understand and validate what you’re going through. Although the past three years have created isolation scenarios for a large portion of the population, don’t kid yourself into thinking that you’re alone as you struggle to make sense of it all. We’re all in this together. Gathering with like-minded individuals in a judgment-free environment can do wonders for your mental tenacity. Reaching out to speak with a spiritual leader, therapist, or even a support group, can provide the strength you need to avoid moving into a victim mentality.

If you are still feeling blocked, sometimes Hypnotherapy can help to release those blocks which are keeping you from living your best life. Reach out if I can help.

Namaste’ Susan deCaussin CHt

Healing Methods LLC, 248-759-6486, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner/Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, HealingMethods.org

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 25 WHAT IN YOUR LIFE NEEDS HEALING? Offering: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance. Susan deCaussin, CHt www.HealingMethods.org Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. HEALING METHODS 2265 Livernois Rd, #260, Troy, MI (248) 759-6486 Mike deCaussin

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) –Happy birthday Pisces! Saturn enters your sign for the first time in 29 years and stays there for nearly three! It will help you get focused and remain disciplined with meditation and other spiritual practices. You’ll also be well-respected at work. You can meet goals of all sorts since you believe you deserve the results of your efforts! Pluto’s change of sign empowers your intuition, so believe in yourself, even if others don’t understand where you’re coming from.


(March 21 – April 19) —

Saturn’s change of sign brings commitment to your meditation practice and gives patience in developing your intuition. You can also release old resentments that hold you back, whether they are about others or yourself! Mars finally changes signs and helps you make big strides at work. Also, you can have major breakthroughs with childhood issues or traumas that keep you from the personal fulfillment you desire. Powerful friends come into your world who walk their spiritual talk!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — Venus is in your sign and opens doors for relationship harmony, as well as self-love! You value yourself so you can speak up, setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Pluto moving into Aquarius allows you to dare to follow your uniqueness, especially in career. Believe in your awesomeness! Saturn changing signs helps you find friends

Spiritual Horoscopes

who are as loyal as you are. Release codependent connections!

maintain healthy boundaries with any “toxic” people.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Make sure you take care of yourself as well as you take care of others!


(May 21 – June 20) — Pluto’s shift of sign asks you to put more effort toward spirituality. Really commit to yoga, mediation, prayer, or whatever connects you with your deepest soul. Don’t be afraid to uncover issues within yourself. Healing can happen once these things are uncovered! Also, you can have an amazing job offer that’s the culmination of many years of work. Open up to financial abundance!

Saturn and Pluto have major planetary changes that awaken you to the value of your own needs. Meditate on relationships and see if there’s a healthy give and receive, not just all give! Cultivate new friends and activities to reflect you higher level of self-worth. Also begin a self-compassion practice. It’s a vital nutrient your soul craves!


(June 21 – July 22) — Mars finally enters your sign after the long retrograde in Gemini! You’ll feel more physical energy as well as be mentally able to set goals and achieve them. Relationships will also have extra sizzle! Pluto is bringing a healing of any trauma or betrayal that keeps you from intimacy. Saturn’s change of sign renews your faith in the Universe. Remember affirmations and practice feeling them in your heart, not just repeating them in your mind.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — As heavy-hitters Pluto and Saturn change signs, meditate on relationships. Watch out for power imbalances or manipulation. Also meditate on fear of intimacy. You’ll be able to create more safety in partnerships and to be able to explore the depths of connection in a way you never have before! With Mars also shifting into a new sign, you can rid your subconscious of resentments that drain you, while still

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — It’s vital for you to remain true to yourself when in a relationship. You can meet someone with whom there’s a powerful connection, but balance that passion with time for your own goals and self-care. Work can also explode with amazing possibilities now that Mars has finally changed signs! Make sure to set healthy limits here as well. It sounds silly, but a daily practice of deep breathing (focusing on the exhale) will revamp your health on many levels. Try just a few minutes a day!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — As Mars changes signs, you’ll feel re-inspired about spiritual practices. Try a new form of meditation or yoga. You might even travel for fun, but you’ll still have a significant shift that brings more peace and healing to your heart. Make sure you stay true to yourself in relationships, but don’t be so rigid as to shut people out. Many planets are helping you trust more, so watch out for over-scrutinizing people who want to get close.

26 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Saturn and Pluto’s change of sign ask you to deep dive into your childhood issues or traumas. You might start therapy, or find a way to reframe memories so you feel more self-esteem and empowerment. Also, career options can open up. Even if you’ve been waiting a long time, everything is coming together! Take time to praise your body in meditation. You’ll notice your energy level and health improve. Make time for fun activities to lower stress!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — You can start a new relationship, but make sure they respect your work goals. Pluto’s change of signs increases your ambition and you need a partner who honors your internal power! Current connections must also adapt to your increased self-esteem and shift of focus. Meditate on the spirituality of abundance and prosperity. Release any “poverty consciousness” so you can enjoy a life with less financial struggles!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Pluto moves into your sign for the first time in nearly 300 years! It’ll work with you periodically for about 25 years! Find the power in your unique gifts and talents. Don’t make excuses for who you are! You’ll draw relationships that honor your individuality. You can also contact regenerative powers in your body through yoga, qigong or quantum meditations. You can re-make your mind and thoughts more easily to heal from trauma or negative “programs”.

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Zoom. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

Astrology for Your Soul

“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.”

Over 30 years of counseling experience. www.alunamichaels.com

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Mushrooms Help Detoxify the Body

Mushrooms seem like such an unassuming small vegetable that you probably would not realize their tremendous healing properties—packed full of heart-healthy nutrients such as selenium, potassium, phosphorus, and many B vitamins. Mushrooms contain beta-glucans that improve cholesterol levels and riboflavin, which are great for red blood cells. Most people think the only way to get vitamin D is from sunshine (which is a great source); however, you can find it in mushrooms also. Shiitake mushrooms have D2, D3, and D4 in them. If you are fortunate enough to find wild morel mushrooms, they grow in the wild and are one of the most flavorful mushrooms; they are exceptionally high in vitamin D. Mushrooms will help detoxify the body, improve circulation, and help hydrate the body. They also have been used for a long time in the Orient for their anti-cancer properties. Studies show they contain polysaccharides -protein/peptides that have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Certain varieties of mushrooms are more medicinal, and each one has unique properties.

You can use any mushroom or a combination of mushrooms in the following Cream of Mushroom Soup recipe.

Cream of Mushroom Soup

6 cups water

2 cups rice beverage or your favorite non-dairy beverage

2 cups rolled oats

1 onion (diced)

6 cups mushrooms (cut up)

6 garlic cloves (chopped)

1/4 cup light miso

1/4 cup tahini

1 1/2 tsp. sea salt

1. Bring water and rice beverage to a boil in a soup pot.

2. Add the rolled oats, onions, mushrooms, and garlic.

3. Reduce to low temperature and simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Turn off the heat and add the light miso, tahini, and sea salt.

5. Using a hand blender, blend until smooth and creamy. You can use a blender or food processor if you do not have a hand blender.

Chef Valerie Wilson offers virtual and in-person cooking classes. He is an author, personal chef, and counselor, been in business since 1997. www.macroval.com or Facebook MacroVal Food.

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 27

Classes & Events


Wednesdays, Ongoing: Science & Spiritual Open Group; 11a.m. ET, in ZOOM. February study: The Silence. Info: Friendsofunity.org

Fridays Ongoing: International Award-Winning Blog - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension. Learn to live in the new world, ride the waves of change on Earth with skill. www.spiritualhealers. com/blog

03/04-05 2 Day Psychic & Holistic Expo at FMB Event Center – Monroe Fairgrounds, 3775 S. Custer Road, Monroe, MI Hours: 9am – 6pm 50-100 vendors with Psychics, Mediums, Aura Photography, metaphysical items, crystals & more! Enjoy lectures and seminars! www.rywevents.com

03/05 Utica - Holiday Inn Express Utica from 12 pm - 6 pm, Holiday Inn Express, Utica Michigan, Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www.MichiganPsychicFair.org

03/06 Crystal Wire Wrap Jewelry Class $40 11:30am includes all materials! 1pm - 2:30pm at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www.rywevents.com

03/11 Learn How to Read & See Aura’s with Ken Beade $30 includes all materials 1pm - 4pm at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI 313 4127690 www.rywevents.com

03/11-12 2 Day Psychic & Holistic Expo at Okemos Event Center, 2187 University Drive, Okemos,

Mi., Hours: 9am – 6pm Daily 50-100 vendors with Psychics, Mediums, Aura Photography, metaphysical items, crystals & more! Enjoy lectures and seminars! www.rywevents.com

03/12 Crystal Wire Wrap Jewelry Class $40 11:30am includes all materials! 1pm - 2:30pm at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www.rywevents.com

03/12 Michigan Psychic Fair in Lapeer Holiday Inn Express from 12 pm - 6 pm, 927 Demille Road, Lapeer Michigan, Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www.MichiganPsychicFair.org

03/14 UFOs, Ancient Aliens, ESP and more. Join author Tony Sivalelli for an evening journey as he covers these areas: FREE admin / 6-7:30pm / Warren Civic Center Library. Best to call for resv (586) 751-0770.

03/19 Roseville - Holiday Inn Express from 12 pm - 6 pm, Holiday Inn Express, Roseville Michigan, Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www.MichiganPsychicFair.org

03/25 - Palm Reading for Beginners $20 includes handouts 11am - 12:30pm at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www. rywevents.com

03/26 Michigan Psychic Fair from 12 pm - 6 pm, Comfort Inn, Ann Arbor Michigan, Pauline 586-9394230. Michigan’s best psychics,

find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www. MichiganPsychicFair.org

03/30 Thursday Healing & Ascension Monthlies- A potent, joyous ride with Eve Wilson World Ascension Worker, UCM Master Healer! 6 class series starts 3/30/23. www. spiritualhealers.com, evew@spiritualhealers.com


04/01 04/02 2 Day Large Psychic & Holistic Expo, Kalamazoo Expo Center, 2900 Lake Street, Kalamazoo, MI 10am - 7pm Daily, 50-100 vendors with Psychics, Mediums, Aura Photography, metaphysical items, crystals & more! Enjoy lectures and seminars! www.rywevents.com

04/06 Messages from the Other Side $30 7pm. With Mediums Bill Hobart & Laura Berlin, at Rock

Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www.rywevents.com

04/08 Psychic & Holistic Fair –Free Entry, 10am - 8pm at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www.rywevents.com

04/15 Psychic & Holistic Fair VFW - New Baltimore, 35011 23 Mile, New Baltimore, MI. 10am - 6pm, 50-100 vendors with Psychics, Mediums, Aura Photography, metaphysical items, crystals & more! Enjoy lectures and seminars! www.rywevents.com

04/18 Messages from the Furry Side $30 7pm, at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 412-7690 www.rywevents. com

04/22 & 04/23 Huge Psychic & Holistic Expo, America 1 Center,

28 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

128 W. Ganson, Jackson, MI, 9am - 6pm Daily, 50-100 vendors with Psychics, Mediums, Aura Photography, metaphys-ical items, crystals & more! Enjoy lectures and seminars! www.rywevents.com

05/05-07 Solid Mountain Faith Expansive Sky Retreat. $515 pre-session, retreat, food, and integration call included. Anchoring in an unwavering knowing of Love as you, For womyn only, channeling great grandmother, sacred sexuality, womb power, Wood Chi Cong, Horse leadership. www.BarbraWhite.com . Private Couples Healing, and Individual Trauma Healing Retreats with WhiteCrow (Barbra) and Dave Tuscany available www.MotherBearSanctuary. com 734-796-6690

05/13 Henna 101 - Learn How to Create your Own Henna’s $60 at Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. 313 4127690 www.rywevents.com


2024 Coming ...Cruise with UsPsychic Seminar at Sea! Saturday March 16 - 23, 2024 7 Day Cruise on the Norwegian Escape. Package Includes: Balcony Stateroom, 2 Days of Seminars to help lift your frequency, Unlimited Drink package, $50 shipboard credit, Dinner for 2 at 2 specialty restaurants on the ship! $25 discount for sightseeing at each port, Seminar fee (all workshops & a psychic fair!) Find out more at www.rywevents. com

Forging Your Adventure

In 2021, I accepted a job offer in Corporate America. I had outgrown my current environment and was ready for the next adventure. These were the things that everyone talked about. I had finally made it, Success. A roaring career, a nice vehicle, a lovely house; according to most, this was the path to happiness. This would lead me to that “something more” I had been searching for.

When I looked at my external world, it didn’t seem right to me. I always had to put part of myself in a box to fit in. I could never be whole. Yes, I found hidden gems to make things more tolerable, but who wants to live a life one would describe as “tolerable”?

I spent most of 2021 in zombie mode. I was exhausted and had no time to spend doing things that mattered to me. I had no time for joy. This was not the “something more” I had heard about.

Starting a business was my escape plan. I would soon be free from the bleak world of Corporate America, but as I was working my 9-5, building a life I could believe in, and trying to keep my mental health in check, I realized I was fighting a losing battle…. I was done fighting.

I knew that climbing the corporate ladder wouldn’t lead me to success. At least, not my definition of it. I quit my Corporate America career. After that, I sold my house and moved back in with my grandpa. I started focusing on the things that mattered most--my mental health, my family, and my business. I needed to move toward my passions and not at the speed of a brisk walk or light jog but at a full sprint. There was no time to second guess my intuition. I knew that I just had to keep moving forward.

I began this journey bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, felt utterly lost and completely inept in the middle of it, and finally found my light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve found my “something more,” and I’m surrounded by a community of like-minded folks who share my passions. After two years of what feels like running through the dark, I have undergone one hell of a transformation. I have made a place, a life, where I can keep myself whole. I’ve created a life where I make the rules and where I decide what receives my energy. Authenticity is what I require.



Lead with love and have hope. This is where your adventure begins.

Jessica is a Reiki Practitioner and Life Coach based in Fenton, Michigan. They started their healing journey several years ago and have transformed because of it. Visit matterovermindservices.com.

March 2023 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Page 29

Can I change my Life Path?

Are you finding that you are in a loop of redoing the same lesson of life? For example, bringing the same type of person in your life to be your partner only to find out it is just more of the same, only with a different face! The endless loop of failures or disappointment can easily be discouraging and leave you feeling like you are not in control of your own life or destiny. If you are not hearing your own intuitive voice or not trusting it anymore, finding yourself stressed about your life, it may be time to consult an intuitive.

When you are off your life path, an intuitive can share with you how to get back on the path by seeing what it is that is causing you to wander from your destiny. You could continue living your life wandering lost for much longer than necessary and, in turn, change your destiny. This can cause a change that could put you into ill health that you were not supposed to experience or even cause more karma that must be worked through in another life. Now, of course, you can find your way back to your life path on your own. However, if things are too out of control and you are lost as to why things are not working, you should consult a therapist or an intuitive counselor.

Can a psychic/intuitive counselor help you get on track? Well, yes, but you must also help yourself to bring about the changes needed to get back on your life path or even to skip past some difficult lessons that keep repeating. Timing of future predictions can be difficult for the psychic because the client who receives the information is afraid or stubborn and cannot see past the negative thoughts that have held them down. An excellent psychic must point out what is holding you back from continuing down your life path so you don’t continue hitting all the potholes on your road of life.

Yes, your life can go more smoothly, allowing you to experience the destiny you were meant to live; you must start thinking differently. We all have that negative voice living in our minds, filling us with regrets or feeling that we are not worthy or unlucky.

The longer we live in this negative thought process, the more difficult it is to get out of the rut of an unproductive life. Even if you see a psychic who predicts the right life partner coming into your life, a good career opportunity, or discovering your true life purpose. Still, the timing of these being realized can be delayed or only happen if you continue to live in your negative or wishful mindset. This is why it may be important, even after you see a psychic, to follow up with therapy.

Our stress levels and our thoughts control how we react to situations. Why are some people less stressed and believe they will succeed no matter the difficulties? They are looking at the end of the stress believing that there will be a solution to the issue at hand, unlike some who cannot stop worrying about or living in the anxieties of how things are going to be so difficult, if not impossible, to ever work out as they would like.

William James said, “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

The funny thing is many times, people with a negative mindset believe that they need a break or that if they had someone special in their life to help them, all would be well. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It all starts with your own mindset as to how things work out. If you think you can’t, you won’t. If you think you can, you will.

Recommend reading which might help you recreate a better life path for yourself. “Make Your Life Worthwhile” by Emmet Fox. This is a quote from his book to give you an idea that your powerful thoughts can work with or against you.

30 www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com March 2023

“Your experience at any moment is the out-picturing of your mind. What you believe and understand in the inner is what you experience in the outer.

You are being aware of the negative thoughts and rethinking them at the moment by asking yourself if this thought is productive or positive to your wellbeing and goals. Your lifepath is your map, but you can find shortcuts that may help you evolve your soul more quickly with less karma to work through. Take a meditation class to open your mind and realize you have the answers and power within yourself to make the changes and allow your life to work as it is meant to be. You may find you won’t need long-term therapy. With that being said, you can also, once you are in control of your life path, find you may skip past some of the lessons you were to work through in this life because you have insight and can move up to a higher spiritual path in this lifetime. Yes, you can evolve to a higher spiritual path in this life if you learn your lessons quickly through developing your soul awareness. This is why we are going through all of this anyway, to evolve our souls to reach the inner circle of awareness and connect with the center of all love and knowledge, The Universal Mind of God.

Families Healing

Dear friends, I’m living with the unrelenting question: What can I do? What is ours to do? We all want safety for our children and each other, but while life does not always give us what we want, we can bring what we most want to life. Right now, hundreds and thousands are providing the essential healing ingredient to Michigan State University students and their families— kindness, compassion, and community.

A dear friend once said: The antidote to fear is love. The antidote to despair is community.

What can we do to generate healing for ourselves, our children, our families, and our communities? I’m inviting monthly learning about the ways, and the power of love, starting with our family.

Children often lead us, demand of us! to learn more about love. For our own sanity, and when affected by traumas, we learn to: Show up and be more present. Create stability through consistency. Be nurturing by listening and being available to listen. Stop scaring our children with doom and gloom news. Reduce violent films and games while providing calming and creative family activities.

Wendy is a Clairvoyant, Spiritual Minister, Writer, and Certified Counselor. She has been a professional psychic with Proven Accuracy for more than 45 years! Readings by appointment only. For more information on readings, visit the website: WendyPowers-Clairvoyant.com. To make an appointment, please TEXT her at 248-826-8255; text your name and that you would like to make an appointment. Phone calls will not be answered-only texts.

It may seem less obvious how to apply these same actions to our extended family or communities, especially when there is division, anger, blame, estrangement, addictions, and so much more, working in opposition to love and harmony. The great teachers of non-violence, like Gandhi, Jesus, and Antoinette Tuff, knew being more present through prayer (see the Family of Light prayer in the January issue of BMS Guide) is the beginning of loving actions that disarm fear and hatred. Creating consistent comfort by sending encouraging and affirming texts or cards, plus nurturing listening skills instead of the ego-centric “I can fix this” mentality, fosters safety and a reduction of defensiveness. It will be counterculture to consider forgiveness instead of blame and shame, but forgiveness unties the chains that imprison us. Not them. Anonymous forgiveness practices have proven to free up both parties. Ancestral forgiveness unlocks chronic patterns in DNA–and darn narcissistic attitudes!

I, and we, will not be perfect at any of this, but we can make steady progress with the power of love through our families and communities. Let’s do this!

Kathy Harwood Long:

Kathy is a mom, minister & mentor. Senior Minister, FriendsofUnity. org, Youth & Family Ministry Liaison, GreatLakesUnity.org

Legacy Teacher at UplandHillsSchool.org


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