May 2022 Page 1 For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit © MAY 2022 FREE Copy at Select Location BODY MIND SPIRIT GUIDE ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!© We are born of love: Love is our Mother... Rumi
Michael Abramsky
John Ashbrook
Leslie Blackburn
Susan deCaussin
Amy B. Garber
Penny Golden
Miche Lame’
Aluna Michaels
Laura Moody
Wendy Powers Nugent
Phil Rosenbaum
Barbra White
Eve Wilson
The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. It’s a great place to find humor, inspiration, local news, events, products, services and professionals.
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Local Experts and professionals are featured to guide you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.
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Our Writers are Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!
Our Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”
Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)
We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)!
Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!
~Penny Golden
Copyright 2022 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor.
We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments.
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Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff
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May 2022 Page 3 90 ESSENTIALS PLUS POWERFUL ‘Super Foods’ AMAZING ANTIOXIDANT SCORES AVAILABLE LOCALLY 27850 Gratiot Ave. | Roseville, MI Dr. Jeff Lupo, DC (586) 772-5876 DISTRIBUTORS WANTTED: Email us at or call or text David (734) 216-6677 (Washtenaw County Area) Sherry (248) 217-8009 (Macomb County Area) ULTIMATE Multi-Vitamin Mineral Complex • CertifiedORGANICIngredients • Gluten-Free • All NON-GMO • Fat Free • 18AminoAcids • Organic Stevia • CholesterolFree • Shellfish-Allergen Free • LowGlycemicIndex • Prebiotic-Probiotic Blend • 77OrganicPlantDerivedMineralsTM • Vitamins / Major Minerals • FullSpectrumAntioxidants • Energy Boosting Nutrients • WholeFoodCo-Factors • 8,000 ORAC per serving Complete Nutrition ALL - IN - ONE !!! Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 CITRUS PEACH FUSION If Your GOAL is HEALTH This Can Help!!! 2938 W. Biddle Ave. (W. Jefferson) Wyandotte, MI | (734) 246-1208
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FOR THE GUIDE? Attention Writers: Have something to share? Currently taking new articles, news, tips and bits for the Body MInd Spirit Guide. email to Blue Eyes .......................................................................... 5 Sometimes Bad Experiences Create Great Experiences 7 What Happens When You Get Grounded? 8 Enlightened Soul Center moves to a larger location ....... 10 Your Soul Is Bigger Than the Trauma.............................. 12 Seeking Peace 14 What is the Purpose 16 The Passionate Connection with our Mother................... 18 Are You Getting What You Want Out of Life? 20 Self Esteem and Pece 21 May’s Flower Moon Is a Time For New Beginnings ........ 22 The Silver Thread: Samadhi and Levels of Consciousness 23 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 24 The Link Between Headaches and Backrubs… .............. 25 Spiritual Horoscopes 26 Clearing Clutter as a Path to Better Sex - Part 2 28 Classes and Events ......................................................... 31
Articles this issue... IN
Blue Eyes
Your eyes, blue as the sky, deep as the sea, They melt my heart and make me believe
The world is magical, and love is still alive, Life shines and sparkles in your blues eyes
You take them with you wherever you go And melts the hearts of everyone you know
The world needs more people just like you So be healthy and strong and happy too
Life could never be the same without wonderful YOU!
Written by Penny Golden for my daughter, Misty Lee.
Misty, you are an amazing person, daugher, and the best mom I ever met. Happy Mothers Day Baby Girl!
Love Mom (and yes you’re still my baby)
To all the Mom’s out there...
Happy Mother’s Day
May 2022
Saturday & Sunday May 14th & 15th
Psychic & Holistic Fair
Troy Balkan Center 1451 E. Big Beaver Troy, Michigan 10am - 7pm
Saturday May 21st
Psychic & Holistic Fair
American Legion - Marysville 299 W. Huron Marysville, Michigan 11am - 7pm
Saturday May 28th
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Concourse Hall 4531 Concourse Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 11am - 7pm
Sunday May 29th
Mini Psychic Fair
Rock Your World Crystal Shop Laurel Park Place Mall 37700 6 Mile
Livonia, Michigan 11am - 7pm
313 412-7690
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during Mall hours Tuesday thur Sunday at Mall Center across from Eddie Bauer inside LaureL Park PLace MaLL
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update on classes, discounts and events. Email us at
Sometimes Bad Experiences Create Great Experiences
By Laura Moody
It was the winter of 2007, and I was exhausted. My finances were bleak, my husband was terminally ill, and my stress level hit the roof. I couldn’t cope; I wanted out. I had watched The “secret” about twenty times and still could not get it. How do you think something away by positive thoughts? How do you stay positive during adversity? I cried a lot back then. Life got even more challenging. It felt like I was riding a bike backward! I wish I could tell you suddenly, a lightning bolt struck, and it all got better. It was a slow process. For some reason, I had to experience this. There was something I had to learn. During those rough times, there were many lessons. I needed to learn the lesson of faith. I needed to learn the lesson of surrender, and I needed to learn the lesson of prayer and gratitude. I started saying affirmations and prayers of thanksgiving for the hard times I was experiencing. I found that thanking the universe for the challenges I was going thru was helping me to release my fears and anxiety. Something magical happens when we calm our minds and start to release negativity and fear. I stopped being a victim and became a warrior. I realized that I was a spiritual being and that nothing lasted forever. All things change. It gave me hope.
I started writing. I wrote a letter to my higher power and started asking for help. Things changed; miracles happened. The biggest shift was what happened inside of me. I became a different person; I became grateful. I started laughing even when things did not seem funny, and I changed inwardly. I decided not to be a victim anymore, regardless of the outcome. This life is full of challenges for many of us, and by doing some little shifts, we can create big changes in our lives. The biggest shift starts from within. I encourage you to start a journal, write a letter to a higher power, a loved one crossed over, or just to
Write down your fears, then release them.
Take time to speak positive words to yourself and others. Nothing lasts forever, and this too shall pass. Take time outside in nature, connect with mother earth. Turn off the radio and television and stop talking about your problems. Too much talking keeps the energy of the situation strong. Try listening more. Listen to the birds and the sounds of nature. Just start breathing.
As you read this, take a deep breath and say three words. I am grateful. Affirm that only good is in my future. And take time to laugh even if you feel nothing is funny. This can be magical, and you will experience an upward shift.
It has been fifteen years since 2007, and I wish I could say that I am problem-free. I am not. But I have learned a tremendous secret that a bad experience will often create a great experience in our future.
Laura Moody is a psychic/medium and owner of Rock
Your World Events & Rock Your World Crystal Store. You can learn more about Laura by going to her website: www.
May 2022 Page 7
What Happens When You Get Grounded?
by Eve Wilson
Our Higher Selves have created our bodies with the intention that one day they will ascend into unity with our eternal spirit, and together they can co-create a beautiful life and world.
As eternal spiritual beings, we often find our bodies to be heavy homes to bear or like a poorly fitting shoe that rubs. But the only way to have the experience that we want on earth is to learn to wear our bodies with love and commitment. Through that, we build a relationship that brings fulfillment of our purpose and satisfaction.
Toward that goal, grounding is needed. But not at the expense of our spiritual energy and joy. Bringing them together, we need to find a way to lift the body into unity with spirit while holding ourselves strongly within the physical world. A heart open to love overcomes the differences between our spirit and our physical form. It accepts the uniqueness of each and finds the common purpose and complementary ways we fit together. This is not always as simple as it sounds, but it is essential for
8 May 2022
AVAILABLE NOW Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House. Purchase now at
building a rich and wholesome experience of life.
Trees are perfect examples of the union of spirit and form. They embrace wholeness between roots, trunk, branches, and aura and generate the substance that I call the Holy Spirit or the Force of Unity. This raw material of life is how we can co-create our experience under the power and guidance of our Higher Selves and the One.
Imagining yourself like a tree, you can welcome the flow of life force and unconditional love through the earth, up through your body, and out through your branches toward the sun. And through the sun into your body and out your roots into the earth. Holding center within this flow is how that creative substance is generated that allows you to co-create a life worth living.
People are spirit living in form, but most of us prefer one over the other. Many spiritual people love to be out of their body in their unrestricted and vibrantly light spiritual energies. Living this way can help people stay spiritual, happy, and unconditionally loving even in difficult circumstances. It also leaves them vulnerable and overly sensitive.
Some people are mostly focused within their physical experience. Whether physically, socially, or professionally active and too busy for a spiritual life or depressed, they may lack a higher perspective and spiritual sweetness and joy.
Spiritual people will tend to ignore their physical body, and physical people will tend to ignore their spiritual source. When they try to ground themselves, they can get stuck in the opposite experience instead of uniting them and not receiving the benefits they seek.
People often have emotional and mental wounds that make it difficult to hold unity and wholeness—overcoming those; we can bring spirit into our bodies to uplift them into harmony and health.
As we unite spirit and earth, it begins generating the Holy Spirit/ Force of Unity, and healing happens, making it easier to stay grounded. Our spiritual self can begin to act within our human experience, and a higher intelligence begins to guide us, bringing the perspective we need to navigate our choices and opportunities of life.
As we learn to hold unity and receive higher intelligence into our experiences, we begin to trust ourselves. We show up in the right place and time to give and receive with love and satisfaction.
There is nothing like it! But we may also find ourselves encountering feelings, reactions, and memories of the circumstances which caused our mistrust of spirit and or earth. Suppose we stay in our wholeness and meet these old issues while centered in our open hearts and guided by higher intelligence and unconditional love. In that case, we discover necessary gifts we earned during those old hurtful circumstances. It’s amazing how what happened in the past called forth from our choices that ultimately made us strong. Accepting the strength, we gained and releasing the suffering, we are able to hold unity more consistently and gradually become whole in all ways. This is what can happen when we ground! Visit
Eve Wilson
May 2022 Page 9 for tools of self-empowerment healing and ascension.
Eve Wilson, Award-Winning Blogger, Best Selling Author, Master Healer, World Ascension Worker, Trainer of legal UCM Healer Practitioners. www.spiritualhealers. com
Enlightened Soul Center moves to a larger location to serve more people
Have you been seeking guidance, meaning, and purpose in life, perhaps even more so recently? We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic — and corresponding astrological influences — have caused many people to “go within” to re-evaluate their priorities and future direction. These were the perfect conditions under which a metamorphosis of the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop for the Holistic & Intuitive Arts (ESC) has taken place.
The ESC moved in October 2021 to a new location, still in Ann Arbor and around the corner from our former building. The Center has DOUBLED in size, allowing for an expansion of our metaphysical store & gift shop and tripling the number of our treatment rooms! Now there are 11 (sacred spiritual master number!) practitioners at the ESC, offering their expertise in spiritual/ psychic guidance and holistic/energy healing to help others.
ESC took over the building formerly occupied by an acupuncture clinic at 2711 Carpenter Road (north of Packard Road). (In numerology, 2711 also adds up to the spiritual master number 11!). While it was challenging to be an eventhosting venue with classes, events, one-on-one services, and a store during a pandemic — when most people didn’t want to gather in public at all — we were guided by Spirit in finding the perfect location against all odds. One of our colleagues took a photo of an angel cloud formation over our building BEFORE they knew we had visited that building! The signs were all around us
that this was the opportunity we were waiting for and to trust that it would unfold as it should.
People familiar with our old location and how good the energy was there would be glad to know that everyone comments on how wonderful the energy is at our new place! Even people who are finding us for the first time notice it. We are grateful to have inherited a lovely space with peaceful energy and that our guides & caretakers in Spirit, who also helped maintain the vibration, moved with us. We also practice regular sound clearing and other energy maintenance to preserve balance.
ESC practitioners offer commonly sought services and specialize in unique or rare modalities. They are available for dropin sessions or by appointment. Spiritual counselors include those who read tarot cards, multiple oracle decks at once, practice psychometry (reading the energy of an object), perform mediumship by communicating with departed loved ones, and channel your spirit guides, angels, or ascended masters, to give you the messages you seek.
Healers at the ESC include practitioners of Reiki (Usui, Holy Fire, etc.), cranialsacral therapy, past-life healing & regression therapy, sound healing & shamanic techniques, foot reflexology, energetic/psychic surgery, cord removal, crystal healing, and soul retrieval, to name a few.
Most of the ESC practitioners offer a mix of BOTH guidance and healing, such as intuitive energy work, addressing the holistic needs of the whole human: body, mind, and spirit/soul. Find their bios under “Practitioners” on the ESC website to learn more about our staff. To see who is available for walk-in sessions on any given day, including guest practitioners, consult the calendar on the ESC website:
Increasing the size of the ESC allowed for an expansion of the store. Along with standard metaphysical supplies like incense, crystals & stones, and gemstone jewelry, we carry clearing products like sound bowls, aromatic spray, sage, & palo santo, and grounding items like black tourmaline & hematite. We have a varied selection of secondhand metaphysical books and divination tools such as tarot/oracle decks and pendulums. We are proud to feature the handiwork of many local artisans, such as Zen gardens, handmade wands, and Tree of Life wreaths from Mishabella Creations. We buy crystal collections on consignment, which allows us to procure some unique specimens!
The main criterion we were focusing on with our move was visibility! The ESC was founded in 2016, located on the 2nd floor of an office building, hidden in an office park. Now we have our own free-standing building with no neighbors on busy Carpenter Road, just down the street from the US-23 exit on Washtenaw Avenue. In addition, we have our own free parking lot with another one next door.
The visibility piece was funny because the building owner allowed bamboo that he had planted to become overgrown in the front yard, to the extent that the building could not be seen from the front! (Yes, bamboo grows in Michigan and is invasive.) The bamboo was as high as the roof! Visibility of the building was a must, and luckily the owner allowed us to have the bamboo chopped down. People keep commenting on how they never noticed our building before. That’s because they couldn’t, until now!
This move has allowed the Center to be open regular hours for the first time when previously the ESC was only available for events and by appointment. Current
10 May 2022
hours are Wednesday–Saturday, noon to 7:00 pm, with two Saturdays a month devoted to our Psychic Saturday Holistic Fairs and plans to increase summer hours.
We continue our mission to offer holistic & metaphysical EDUCATION, SERVICES, & PRODUCTS to support the community. The ESC rents its event room, classroom, and one treatment room to the public, and there are activities every day of the week, even when the store is closed. We welcome you to come to check out our new home and FIND YOUR TRIBE!
Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Rev. Amy B. Garber, BA, RMT, is an intuitive psychic and conscious channel, a Past-Life Healing Regression practitioner, and performs Remote Reiki Readings. She teaches Intuition Development at the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop, where she is co-founder and owner/director.
May 2022 Page 11 Shop in-store or online at • Organic & Natural Foods • Gluten-Free Foods • Vitamins • Supplements Ann Arbor • Belleville • Beverly Hills • Bloomfield Hills • Dearborn Grosse Pointe • Lansing (Frandor) • Lansing (West Saginaw) • Livonia Novi • Plymouth • Shelby Twp • Southgate • Sterling Heights • Diet & Sports Nutrition • Natural Bath & Body • Allergy Support PICK UP A PRINTED COPY OF THE GUIDE AT BETTER HEALTH MARKET LOCATION IN: Novi, Ann Arbor, Beverly Hills, Bloomfield, Grosse Pointe, Lansing - W. Saginaw Hwy, LansingClippert, Plymouth, Shelby, Sterling Heights, Southgate, Belleville, Dearborn, and Livonia
Your Soul Is Bigger Than the Trauma
by Barbra White
When I was told at the tender age of 23 by my hero and mentor that I was going to hell for being bisexual, I tried desperately to kill my authentic expression. This self-containment led to depression and darkness, ultimately to the life-changing realization that the Divine Loves ALL parts of me. Loving all parts, the guilt, the hate, the fear, I found a me that was beyond yet included. EVERYTHING within me is lovable… and ultimately is Love; I discovered that NO-THING can separate me from God. I realized the most remarkable human arrogance is to think these parts are separate. These inner realizations were the beginning of my service, writing six books and Self Acceptance Process. Twenty-three years after listening deeply to hundreds of people’s journeys, serving, and growing, I am confident that everyone is fundamentally good, worthy, and an expression of Love.
People who love all parts gently and organically surrender to their inherent worth… and love people. We are 100% responsible for healing our stuff… but NOT at fault. Shame only causes people to hurt more, be addicted, and hurt others.
Generational trauma is passed on to us. We have systematic systems of oppression. Hurt people.... hurt people, and this is not the individual’s fault. Our systems are broken…but the Essence of who someone is can NEVER be broken. Looking within is scary for everyone. I think the ego tries to convince you that you will discover something horrible. You WILL NOT. Look within, and you will have to face pain, trauma, and ancestral trauma. This doesn’t sound easy…. I know. It does take effort. AND I have seen with a tiny bit of willingness
to grow, to love all parts… there is a harmony, grace, or divine Presence that helps you. Your Soul knows wholeness…it knows the path. No darkness is bigger than Universal Love or God. If I can heal from childhood incest…you can heal.
Miracles are possible. The darkness SERVES the light. The mud brings louts flowers. Face the pain, and you will realize the Divine Love you Truly Are. Your Soul. The Real You IS bigger than any trauma, pain, or issue. The trauma is the mud to your selfrealization. You are fundamentally good. You were created in God/Divines’ image. No pain, trauma, or someone’s hate can change the core of Who You Are. You Are Love.
Trust is the opposite of shame. Trust Who You Are. Absolute freedom comes in feeling how connected you are. Relaxing into our Essential Self is the opposite of shame. Loving all parts is your doorway to Trust.
Shame is “I am bad” or “I am unworthy,” “I must earn my worth,” or there is “fundamental badness within me” The trauma or pain is not your fault. The Real You…cannot be fought for, earned, or lost. It’s You. It’s Who the Divine made you to be.
You are fundamentally good. When someone says “good girl” to my doggie Masa, I usually playfully say, “Fundamentally good .”I know she doesn’t know the difference; however, the re-languaging of a simple phrase is life-changing for me. This perspective is epically different than most of our upbringings that conditioned us to be a “good boy” or “good girl.” Most care-takers didn’t distinguish between punishing behavior and punishing the person. Possibly they didn’t know the difference-- or were raised the same way.
Also, shame is a very effective control mechanism used by religion, educational systems, parents, etc... And maybe at their core, like all us humans, they didn’t trust their True Self or Essential Nature, or inner light. Why??? Because surrendering the shame means letting go of ALL our survival mechanisms that have become our limited identity, this is the Self-Acceptance Process. You free yourself by going towards pain and compassionately witnessing the parts that attack ourselves or others (shame). Do the inner work. Learn from a traumainformed mentor or therapist who has done their inner work. Your dreams and inner peace are MORE than possible.
12 May 2022
Today, I identify as cis-gender, straight appearing, bisexual, ecologically identified, monogamous, spiritual badass, queen of a woman. ��And--I Am Love May we all celebrate our diverse bodies, sexualities, colors, identities, painful parts, and backgrounds--HELD by the consciousness of Who We Truly Are. Love.
I am living my dream of an animal sanctuary, finishing my next book with my beloved husband and rescued animals. We host day retreats and mini-retreats with chi-gong, self-acceptance, somatic trauma healing, and equine therapy. We’d love to help you.
Love you. Need You. All Beings Are Holy.
Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qigong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings
May 2022 Page 13 It is time to live your Personal Legend • Mentoring • Healer Certification • Holistic Business Consulting Call for a free consult 734-796-6690 | Self-Love inspirational talk WITH Horses, Heart Opening Chi Kong, and gentle Yoga! May 21, 10-12pm Donation Scale $30-55. 734796-6690
Barbra WhiteCrow.
2265 Livernois Rd, #260, Troy, MI (248) 759-6486
Seeking Peace
By Susan deCaussin
“Peace begins with a smile. Smile five times a day at someone you really don’t want to smile at; do it for peace” – Mother Teresa
These days, thanks to communication technology and the many forms of social media, we are continuously bombarded with a landslide of information and images from around the world, every minute of every day. And, since sensationalism grabs our attention, commercial broadcasting and news agencies have a vested interest in amping things up to increase their market share. While this may attract more attention, it’s also overwhelming us with conditions that are ultimately outside of our reach, leaving us feeling helpless. It can sometimes feel like a rock rolling downhill, continuously gaining momentum when you look at the conflict in our world today.
First of all, simply knowing about a situation isn’t affecting any change with IT. However, it’s affecting a change on YOU! And not a good one! Since the beginning of time, there has always been some level of turbulence and unrest on this planet. I once heard Dr. Wayne Dyer say that the human mind is only capable of a village worth of bad news. He spoke about how, before
14 May 2022
Call today to schedule your FREE consultation.
: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance. Susan deCaussin, CHt
Mike deCaussin
worldwide communication was even possible, we were only aware of those things that happened in our own communities. But these days, we are all inundated with news from around the globe, all day, every day. This exposure, when not tempered, can bring about feelings of hopelessness and depression. We can feel like our lives are totally out of control. So, when determining how much information you choose to take in each day, you really have to ask yourself…is feeling bad about any situation going to contribute to making it better?
Knowing that we are empathetic beings, naturally drawn to help and heal, the thought of distancing oneself from the issues in the world can feel irresponsible and selfish. But there are better ways to contribute towards a solution without placing yourself in a danger of becoming overwhelmed and overloaded.
Have you heard the phrase, “Peace begins with me”? Just for a moment, instead of looking at the outside world, I want you to look deep inside of yourself. Every person has someone in their life, present or past, who they hold negative feelings toward. Someone who either said or did something that hurt, upset, or angered them. Perhaps it’s someone who you’ve decided to physically distance yourself from, or maybe it’s someone you still interact with within your life.
While it’s much easier to scrutinize the actions of people in power, such as politicians, for the choices they’ve made and the positions they’ve taken, it can be tough to shine that light inward. Disharmony and discord – anger and unforgiveness –are the same at all levels, whether between people, countries, or different religious groups. This reminds me of when Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Why would we even consider condemning them without holding ourselves to the same level of forgiveness and understanding when it comes to the people in our lives?
If you can’t find forgiveness in your heart and reach peaceful resolutions to the disputes in your life, how can you hold those expectations of others? Long-held disputes between countries and religious groups are no different from those personal disputes you won’t let go of and work to resolve and release. You see, peace does begin with you. When you feel helpless in creating change in the world, realize that energy is cumulative, and every action is a move in one direction or the other –toward further conflict or peaceful resolutions. Namaste’
Susan deCaussin CHt
May 2022 Page 15
Healing Methods LLC, 248-759-6486, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner/Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, location: 27600 Farmington Rd. #100, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248 788-5808
What is the Purpose
by Wendy Powers Nugent
There seems to be no purpose in all the events of the last few years: so much pain and loss - too much to even comprehend. The question to ask is, why? This is in the thoughts of all people of Earth - religious, spiritual, and agnostic alike.
Maybe, even more, the question we should ask is, what is the purpose of all this distress and pain that seems to be happening everywhere on the planet?
My meditations revealed that it is because we are in a crucial moment of the human soul. As life reveals to us every day that nothing comes without lessons to be learned, this is the natural course of the human experience. I call this the evolution of the soul.
We are reaching a critical mass of soul evolution at this time on Earth. In this battle within the Earth plane, all souls present on Earth and all in the higher dimensions come together to help bring growth to humankind.
The real evolution of the soul is the enlightenment of Godconsciousness. To learn in this critical mass of negative vs. positive on this plane of existence, challenges must be met and conquered with awareness of love and prayer. We will all face the negative challenges of loss and basic survival, which has been referred to as the Awakening.
Sometimes I find it exhausting being a high spirit here on Earth, trying to teach and counsel people on how to survive in these critical times by helping people to face their personal karma and purpose of being on Earth.
None of us are without karma and purpose in living through the evolution of consciousness. With great sadness, I lost a dear brother and sister in 2021 as the Covid Virus plagued the Earth, and fears grew with all the confusion and chaos.
This is a challenge to not only our purpose but to the very reason we are on Earth - which is to conquer fears and misconceptions. We must look past our anger, blame, and even our fears of what is to come. This great evolution that is upon us is to strengthen our connection to the Universal Mind
16 May 2022
of God. This is the only way we are going to grow and evolve through this chaos. How do we do this?
Find purpose in helping others, giving, praying, and most of all, meditating to bring in the light, wisdom, and connection to God. We are all one. It does not matter your color, gender, or ethnicity; we are all God’s children and live for the same purpose of evolving our souls to be closer and more aware of who we really are, the perfect divine Children of God.
In these growing pains of becoming aware, some people are creating a greater divide, and fears run rampant. Don’t let it take your peace.
How do we evolve in these troubled times and gain understanding?
First, we must quiet our minds and fears. Open our top Charka to reach the universal mind of God and ask for the wisdom and the strength to see clearly in these difficult times.
Love is the only balancer of fear and hate. I find myself meditating more often to let in the light of God’s wisdom, strength, and protection. During this time, you will receive information from the higher souls, ask for help in understanding how to cope and evolve.
This time of spiritual growth is not impossible to endure and come through to the other side with wisdom with a closer relationship with your higher self and God. You will find your intuitive senses becoming more acute as your soul evolves.
These times were predicted as I saw them back in the 1980s. They knew they were coming to challenge the spiritual souls that may have a fragile relationship with the Universal Mind of God but desire to evolve to a strong higher soul standing in the universe.
Remember who you are, do not let fear or anxiety rob you of your peace on your way to becoming a high soul.
Wendy Powers Nugent is a Clairvoyant, Minister, Writer, and Certified Spiritual Counselor. She has been a professional psychic for more than 45 years with proven accuracy. Readings by appointment only: For more information on readings, visit her website:
May 2022 Page 17
The Flower Shop
A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.
As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.
He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother.
But I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two dollars.”
The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.”
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers.
As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home.
She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.”
She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.
The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his mother’s house.
The Passionate Connection with our Mother
by Miche Lame
Knowing that this is the month of Mother’s Day has got me thinking and asking, “What is it about mothers that make us so passionate?”By passionate, I mean that no one triggers us more positively or negatively than our mothers of all the relationships in the world.
We start life inside our mother, often before she is even aware of our arrival. We depend on her as our incubator and experience everything she does - that means every event, interaction, emotion - every event in her life ties us closer to her. We are immersed in the nutritional (hopefully) chemical soup that feeds us. Some even believe we choose our mother before we are conceived biologically as the teacher we can learn most from and become self-actualized in this lifetime.
Whatever your beliefs, the relationship between mother and child is STRONG - even if they are not present in our lives. Mothers reflect how we perceive ourselves, providing nourishment for body, mind, and soul. A direct energetic, and genetic connection feeds us for good or ill. And science is now proving those connections.
So, is it any wonder that the deep love a mother has from the moment she discovers, and possibly before, that she is pregnant, that all through her life, she creates for her children this strong, energetic, and genetic pattern that can be our greatest safety, calm and peace, and at the same time be a trigger for an explosion?
Some of these explosions occur because moms are human too. They have their issues, fears, resentments, and stressors. They may also find it difficult when devoting their young lives
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to their children, filling a need to be needed and possibly having a loss of self-identity to enter a role of parent, to be able to perceive at all times that their child is now an adult and treat them as such. Thus, the unasked-for advice, opinions, judgments, etc., often trigger when you see yourself as an independent adult. You have a different agenda and path in life - and she may UNCONSCIOUSLY be living vicariously through you. Remember, it’s unconscious, so then she’s bewildered or angry, feels abandoned, rejectedthe list goes on because unless we do the work, we all have wounded inner children within.
Be patient; connect with the compassion and love in your heart. She has issues too. And they often crash with yours. You can work through yours and then the script, the pattern of interaction is different, and she starts changing too. The energy of the relationship also changes; your vibration affects her as much or more than you allow hers to affect you.
If you would like some help resolving your issues and improving your relationship with your mom, please give me a call! In the meantime, have a blessed and wonderful Mother’s Day with possibly the most important person in your life - your mom, who loves you!
Love and Light, Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P
Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www.
May 2022 Page 19
Are You Getting What You Want Out of Life?
by Miche Lame
A critical element in having the life you truly want is having relatively high self-esteem. Self-esteem has been defined as your overall opinion of yourself. In other words, how you feel about your abilities and limitations.
Jack Canfield, psychologist and author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, has what he calls the poker chip theory of self-esteem. If a poker player has a lot of chips, they will be more willing to take chances. If he loses, it is not a big deal. However, a person with only a few chips will be much less likely to take a lot of risks. The same idea holds with self-esteem. If individuals have high self-esteem, they will be willing to take more risks than those with lower self-esteem. For example, if you have high self-esteem and you invite a person out for dinner, and the person says no, you will easily be able to handle it. However, if you have low self-esteem, the “rejection” may really upset you, and you will probably be less likely to do it again. According to Jack Canfield, the more risks you take, the more willing you will be to go after what you want.
One of the reasons people’s self-esteem is not very high is the messages they received growing up. If you received a lot of negative messages, such as “you’ll never amount to anything,” or “you can’t do anything right,” or “you’re not adequate,” etc., and you still believe these messages, your self-esteem will not be very high.
When we are young, we accept these messages, and as adults, they are still present in our subconscious minds. We often are not even aware that we have these beliefs, yet they control our lives. Some people who are aware of them may blame their parents or siblings, or teachers for these messages.
The problem with this is that we cannot make changes if we are blaming others for how we feel. The late Wayne Dyer made a joke about this. He said if you are blaming your parent for the problems in your life, send the parent to him, and as a psychologist, he would cure the parent, and then you would be OK. Obviously, that is not going to solve the problem. As adults, we need to take responsibility for what is going on in our lives and make the necessary changes.
There are many ways one can raise their self-esteem. Dr. Canfield suggests dividing your life into thirds. For example, if you were 45 years old, you would go from age 1 to 15, age 16 to 30, and age 31 to age 45. Then for each of those periods, come up with three accomplishments you feel very good about. At the end of this exercise, you will have nine accomplishments. At a later time, come up with 100 accomplishments. By doing this, you will definitely get a boost in your self-esteem.
While this and other exercises can be very helpful, one really needs to look at the deep-seated beliefs that are causing the individual not to feel very good about him or herself. To accomplish this, psychotherapy or hypnotherapy can be very helpful. Hypnotherapy deals with the subconscious mind and is thus an excellent tool to discover your subconscious beliefs and then help you eliminate negative and self-destructive thinking.
There are thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show hypnosis works. In addition, it does not take a great deal of time to get to the root of the problem. Hypnosis is safe when done by a certified and ethical hypnotherapist.
If you want to learn more about hypnosis or experience a session, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Don’t let low self-esteem prevent you from living the life you deserve.
20 May 2022
Phil Rosenbaum
Self Esteem and Pece
By John Ashbrook
When any person takes full responsibility for their own spiritual development and dedicates themselves to creating a deeply inner connected state of self-awareness, their positive self-esteem will soar. In this state of inner of unity, they cannot help but feel a true reverence for themselves and all who live. This is so because if your inner world is teeming with an abundance of spiritual health, free-flowing ideas, and creative expression, then peace and contentment, love, personal growth, and supreme confidence will follow. This exalted state of oneness within must also exist in the world that surrounds you. The outer conforms to the shape of the inner. It can be no other way. Your elevated state of true happiness and fulfillment is contagious. You are now in the most positive way possible-a super spreader! Here is a supportive prayer that I use and have shared with my clients, students, and friends over the years.
Dear God, in the highest realm of heaven, I’m asking for your guidance and support to aid me in living up to this Holy commitment to myself and all who live. Please send your divine love through my open heart to bring understanding and a healing peace to all that I see, hear and feel. I know that I must as an individual, find your connecting love within me to truly live in peaceful unity with others. I pray that more and more individuals come to this realization-don’t fight against what is wrong, fight for what is right and truly live on earth as you would in heaven. So, I ask for your support and guidance to focus on the positive progress of my life-to bask in the sweetness of my eternal unfolding spiritual journey. Dear Lord, please assist me in my efforts to bring reverence, peace, and harmony into every corner of life-my life and everyone’s life I come in contact with.
Thank you, dear Lord.
John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, please call John at 734326-3433
May 2022 Page 21
Divine Temperance with Courtney Overfield
May’s Flower Moon Is a Time For New Beginnings and Intense Evolution
The full flower moon in May is one beautiful spring event to look forward to. While each month’s full moon may look similar, they all have their own names and origin stories. Gazing at the full moon each month can be an eye-opening experience, especially when you consider how it can affect your life and your future. Find out the origin of the flower moon and what an astrologer says it means for each zodiac.
Why Is It Called the Flower Moon?
May’s flower moon got its name for obvious reasons — the amount of flowers that are present in May, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. The almanac also reads, “’Flower Moon’ has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.”
When Is the Full Flower Moon in 2022?
You’ll find the flower moon at its peak on Monday, May 16, 2022, at 12:14 a.m. ET.
What Sign Is the Flower Moon in May?
May’s flower moon will be in Sagittarius.
What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Flower Moon?
Astrologer Sofia Adler says the flower moon will definitely be intense. “This moon asks us to be vulnerable so we can become more intimate with ourselves and others.” She also shares that this is a time to give up what doesn’t serve you, adding, “This moon is an opportunity to make your way to the other side and continue to expand and evolve. The name of this moon is fitting, because every flower starts out as a seed, buried in the dark, damp soil. Nature knows that darkness has its purpose and will lead you to the light.”
22 May 2022
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The Silver Thread: Samadhi and Levels of Consciousness
by Michael Abramsky
Samadhi refers to a non-dualistic state of consciousness. This contrasts with our ordinary states of mind which are fundamentally dualistic.
Dualism is inherent in ordinary consciousness. Yoga philosophy recognizes three basic states of mind. The “lowest”, most basic is the gross level. This refers to our ordinary state of consciousness. In this state we recognize that we are a subject, and we perceive entities as “objects”. Those entities may be other people, ideas, or even insights about ourselves. Regardless of what we perceive, we recognize a separation between our self and those objects of consciousness. This separation is dualism.
The tools of the gross level of consciousness are our five senses: hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling, plus “mind” which is the consciousness and integration of sense material (thinking).
Dualistic consciousness is necessary for problem solving in the sensual world. Gathering information, manipulating and integrating facts and material, planning, and general problem solving are products of the gross level of mind.
The societal institutions in which we participate are reflections of this state of mind. Science, politics, and social integration are reflections of the gross level of mentation.
The next level of mind is the subtle level. In the subtle level there is a subject-object relationship, but the relationship varies from the consensual reality of the gross level. In this state we recognize us as subject, but the object is drawn from an alternative universe. In this state the subject is the author, and the object is a creation of the subject, Hallucinatory and delusional phenomena are manifestations of the subtle mind. But the most common expression is in our dreams. In dreams we are aware of dreaming, but the objects of the dream do not reflect the mundane reality of the gross consciousness. Subjects fly, change shape, defy gravity, and these reflect imagination not photography.
The institutional refection of the subtle level is in the creative arts, archetypal images like Biblical characters — the Buddha, Moses, Krishna — cartoons, and superheroes. It is a level infused with the supernatural, with us as the dreamer/creator.
The highest level is the causal body. The common experience from this level of consciousness is sleep. In sleep, we are present but lack consciousness or awareness of objects or internal states. We are totally present, and one with the world.
In meditative experience this is Samadhi, a state of mind where there is complete harmony with the universe. This state of mind is sublime, meaning it is the wellspring, the actual source of consciousness. It is like electricity, or the raw power which fuels being and provides the motive power for all other forms of consciousness.
Samadhi is the highest state of consciousness. In Samadhi we are in total harmony with the universe. We access a type of pure consciousness which infuses us with primal energy.
Samadhi is non-dualistic; it is unitary. As the primal source of consciousness, it infuses or generates lower forms which split into dualistic forms found in the gross and subtle bodies.
From the spiritual-psychological perspective, the lower levels of consciousness are infused with this pure harmonic energy. When we open up the channels of pure harmonic consciousness, they infuse the lower levels. When channeled correctly from meditative state to mindfulness, this primal energy infuses the subtle level. It energizes creativity and ultimate purpose in our lives.
When the causal energy is translated into the gross level of consciousness, it creates thinking-feeling that is infused with love and compassion and relationships that are emphatic and non-reactive. Our day to day endeavors become infused with spiritual purpose.
Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. has an MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. Call 248-644-7398
May 2022 Page 23
4/17 Easter Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto
Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia
Contact us at or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel:
PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY COACHING: FITNESS STORE - SHOP Mama Tracy Inc. There is a Reason You’re He re! Psychic Readings, Home Parties, Events & Classes, Handmade Jewelry, Mojo Candle Kits, Metaphysical Products & more… 23614 VanBorn, Dearborn Heights 734 626-5436 like us on facebook MamaTracyInc STORE - SHOP CHURCH HEALING Wendy Powers Nugent Clairvoyant Pastor, Certified Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, and Writer for Body Mind Spirit Guide Wendy connects with spirit and has been a professional psychic for over 35 years with proven accuracy. By appointment only 248-826-8255 CHURCH RREADINGS
The Link Between Headaches and Backrubs…
Ladies, if your man says let’s lay down and visit a bit, if you DON’T see any lotion or massage oil, it’s time to have a headache.
Now, if he got out the lotion, mention your shoulders feel are a little tight; if he DOES NOT offer you a back rub, it’s time to have a headache.
But if he offers a back rub and starts rubbing your shoulders, and it feels so great that you feel compelled to say “Thank you,”.. STOP!
And here is the lesson: The second you say ‘THANK YOU,” he will immediately stop, freakishly fast. That’s it, you said, “thank you,” he’s done.
My questions to the men “how are you able to wax your whole car and not be tired, but two minutes of back rubbing is it?” that’s all you got?
So, Ladies, back to the lesson, if you say, “Thank you,” and he stops, you guessed it, … time to have a headache.
The moral of the story:
Not all headaches are bad, and 2 minutes is not a back rub..
Penny Golden
For entertainment purposes only!
We hope you enjoy this month’s issue, thank you for picking up, reading and sharing the Body Mind Spirit Guide!
May 2022 Page 25
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — Happy birthday Taurus! This month is transformational with the Solar Eclipse in your sign! Change can be scary for you, but you’ll feel excited to adventure into a new way of being you! Jupiter also changes signs, so you’ll find your intuition deepening. Even a little bit of meditation each day links you with inner wisdom you’ll come to rely on! You’ll be open to a new spirituality and abundance. Trust your heart even if it causes conflict with someone else’s wishes.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — Mercury retrograde in your sign is good! It joins forces with the Solar Eclipse to empower your intuition. Jupiter’s change of sign brings new friends and activities. Have fun and explore your talents and creativity! The Full Moon might bring issues with a partner, especially in areas of sexuality. Meditate on releasing shame around sex and bonding. Don’t let another person’s fears (or your own!) keep you from connecting at depth.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — You can have a huge career breakthrough! Be sure to follow your dreams. Give them encouragement during meditation time as if they were little kids. You’ll be blown away at what can manifest! Relationships can be challenging with the Full Moon. Be sure you’re not projecting old family issues onto your partner. These patterns can be deeply unconscious, so take a breath when emotional and get re-centered. Ask for insights from your intuitive self and
Spiritual Horoscopes
By Aluna Michaels, M.A.
they’ll be revealed during this Mercury retrograde.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Reconnect with your spirituality! Try a new form of meditation or yoga. You can re-invent your viewpoints that fit who you are now and also urge you forward for more growth. Respect your body as a temple for your soul. Plan meals and eat well. Exercise. Praise your body. Practice stress reduction techniques. You can also get in touch with peripheral acquaintances who will evolve into wonderful friends!
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — This month’s New Moon Eclipse jumps starts your spirituality! Let go of criticism about how poorly you meditate or practice yoga. Just make efforts with self-compassion and you’ll be amazed at the results. Your intuition will grow and you’ll feel peaceful and optimistic. If you have financial or debt issues, have the courage to face things head on and make a plan to move toward greater solvency. In relationships, stand your ground for the amount of time or intimacy your desire. Don’t be ashamed of your needs!
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — The New Moon Eclipse heals issues regrading sexuality and intimacy. Painful memories of being hurt or betrayed can be soothed. Meditate on the sacredness of bonding. Be willing to open your heart to appropriate people who respect your love! With Mercury retrograde, return to spiritual practices that have worked in the past and explore them again. Also, go back to an eating and exercise plan
that is effective that you can live with. No punitive diets or overly demanding workouts!
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — It’s an amazing relationship month! You can heal troublesome issues in a current partnership. Meditate for guidance on removing challenging snags in your subconscious that interfere with deep connections. If single, you can meet a new love who brings excitement and awakens your heart! Healthwise, be careful about falling into old patterns about poor eating habits. Respect your body with good nutrition, fun exercise and enough rest.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) —
This month’s Mercury retrograde can bring relationship challenges. If someone comes back from the past, think twice about starting up again. What woufld have really changed? Set very strong limits if you do try again. If partnered already, don’t take recurrence of “old stuff” lightly. You can be so mach happier if you confront the tough issues. But it’s hard for you to be “difficult”. Take the risk to “rock the boat” and see how much lighter you feel!
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) —
This month’s eclipses revitalize relationships! Pay attention to your wants and not just needs. Having your desires fulfilled is important. Make sure bonds are playful as well as sensible. Allow your Capricorn inner child to come out! In meditation, focus on loving statements of self-compassion. Your inner critic depletes your energy and leads to lower immunity, less abundance, more stress and drains the enjoyment of life. Pay attention to those negative voices and strop them in their tracks!
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — You deserve the best! This month’s
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Mercury retrograde exposes toxic beliefs from childhood. Once exposed, you can now dispose of them! Meditate on statements that seem “true”. Understand how they are actually random concepts that have been hardwired into your brain. You can program yourself with new truths, based upon the beliefs you do want to have! Seek out new friends, hobbies and if single, romantic partners. Enjoy how your spiritual work has created a different magnetism around you and you’re building a new life!
(Feb. 19 – March 20) – Much like your Aquarius pals, it’s time to break negative beliefs rooted in your subconscious! Make a list of the mean voices in your head. In meditation, see yourself a warrior goddess defeating each and every one of them! With fierce Mars in your sign right now you can claim power over your inner kingdom! You’ll be able to release old resentments at yourself and others. You’ll have a burst of physical energy, as well as a fountain of optimism!
Aries (March 21 – April 19) — Venus and Mars are in your sign, increasing self-love and appreciation. Relationships go smoothly, and if single, you can start a passionate partnership! This month’s eclipses help you clear out financial issues. Facing them head on will be a relief. You can even make travel plans or a major purchase stress free, since you may find you have more than you thought! Re-commit to a few minutes of meditation each day in a quiet section of your home. Quality over quantity!
Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Zoom. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.
Astrology for Your Soul
Aluna Michaels, M.A.
Esoteric Astrologer
“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.”
Over 30 years of counseling experience.
(248) 583-1663
May 2022 Page 27
Clearing Clutter as a Path to Better Sex - Part 2
By: Leslie Blackburn
Last month in Part 1, we explored the value of clearing both space and time clutter to create space in your life and body, with practical steps to start the process. This month we expand on how clearing clutter and breaking the “stuff cycle” leads to better sex and new ways to cultivate your sexual energy and transform your life.
Reduce Clutter by Breaking the Stuff Cycle
First, let’s open deep compassion for ourselves and others in this process: clearing space is not always easy. This doesn’t mean we are lazy or don’t know how to do it. Having gone through this process myself and worked with clients who lived in clutter for years and felt really stuck, let me reassure you: Yes, we can help that energy move. Yes, it is possible to change it.
In addition to the steps for Clearing Clutter we explored in Part 1, we can take steps to minimize creating it, to begin with.
In my journey over decades, I noticed I don’t need as much stuff as I thought I did. Today, I don’t buy as much stuff as I used to buy. I consciously chose to break the STUFF cycle. You can do this, too. Take a moment before a purchase and check in with yourself, asking: “Why am I buying this thing?” Notice where you can break the cycle. When we quit buying stuff, we have less to get rid of.
Here are some ways that grew to be part of my life that may help you on your path:
Drink water from a stainless steel or reusable glass container instead of buying plastic, single-use bottles. Bring an insulated stainless steel thermos(1) to hot bar or restaurant carry out instead of using plastic to-go containers. Use bamboo cutlery for to-go lunch instead of plasticware. Buy beans, grains, herbs, and spices in bulk. Use reusable shopping bags instead of the plastic disposable ones.
In my upcoming book, Sacred Sexuality: Listening to Our Bodies, I share my story of breaking the lawn cycle. For years I paid money to turn on lawn sprinklers in the spring, then paid for the water to run them, for a service to spray chemicals on the grass, another service to cut it, and finally, more money out the door for the sprinklers to be turned off again in the fall. Releasing this cycle of destructive consumption, I began to manage my own lawn organically, with no extra water and a non-motorized mower.
These changes helped the environment while freeing my resources for more creative uses. As my awareness shifted and I continued making changes like this, I also grew in my capacity to keep space available. Becoming more intentional with my resources developed my mindfulness and helped improve my connection to source energy. Fundamentally, no matter where you start, clearing clutter and freeing your energy helps raise your vibration, thus raising your sexual vibration. This, in turn, means you will attract the new people and experiences in your life ready to vibrate there with you.
What other ways can we honor breaking out of the stuff cycle?
Feeling better and creating more space in your life leads to better sex!
What a win-win-win all the way around! As we break these cycles and create more space in our lives, living feels more easeful. The space we create in our homes and schedules gives us the room we need to move, breath, make sound, and delight in our connection with the world around us. We can notice and have playful curiosity to tap into our power, creativity, and sexual energy and give them space to be. We can step into a more vibrant kind of aliveness. And it works on all levels. I’ve had many clients come to me and say: “I have a hard time meditating; my mind is so filled with stuff.” Clearing the mind is part of clearing clutter that drains our energy. We can feel a refreshing breeze begin to blow as we start to remove all these stagnating energies in our lives.
Invite your sexual energy to be cultivated in new ways
Now, as you create space while you clear, what is it like to really invite in what you choose?! To go, “Wow! Ahhh! I have space, and I have choice!” Notice what it feels like to breathe, feel your body, and connect deeply with your body and the earth. As you replace distractions and clutter, you can choose to intentionally work with breath, sound, movement, and touch. You can move energy and support your sexual energy to move through your body. If your sexual energy seems really bound up in the genitals, outcome-oriented and pointy, you can choose to add to your orgasmic repertoire and find new ways of being with your energy. You can love where you are and still be curious about
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what you might become.
It is so amazing to notice there are other ways. Suppose we just go into that pointy place of releasing stress or releasing sexual energy through a quick, genital-led outcome. In that case, we could miss out on entirely new doorways of possibility. Opening one door, we see a whole other hallway with ten other doors, then maybe ten more entirely new levels! Then, WOW! not only those but thousands of other possibilities in the Universe!
All of this is possible if we create space, slow down and open a door. And maybe the first thing that needs to happen to improve your sex life has nothing to do with sex. Maybe it’s new creative outlets, a new focus and direction, new places to be, new activities, and even a new way of living.
All of this was part of my process. It could be part of yours. Opening space instead of filling it with more stuff opens doors of possibilities to bliss, pleasure, sexual joy, power, and creativity. Clearing the space supports our Sacred Sexuality; we can now use that space to work with the energy in our bodies to heal, connect deeply with others, manifest our heart’s desires, and connect with the Divine.
We can heal our bodies
Having cleared a channel for additional energy, even a little bit, we can now work with that energy to strengthen our health. We can heal our own bodies. And sexual energy can be incredible juice and fuel for that.
We can connect deeply with others
We can also explore deep connections. In the space we create, we connect with fellow humans and with the land. We can even choose to invite in new partners.
I hear so many people come to me lamenting, “I can’t explore sacred sexuality or tantra because I don’t have a partner.” This is not true. We can start with ourselves.
This is especially important if it feels like you are repeating old relationship patterns or dating some version of the same person. Clearing clutter and opening space in our lives allows us to step into new and more fully alive and authentic versions of ourselves. As we do, we also create the space to magnetize in new relationships that will meet us in that new space. The
pattern will shift.
We can manifest our hearts’ desires
In addition to magnetizing people into our lives, the powerful energy of sexuality can be cultivated to create. With the power to bring human life into existence, sexuality also has the power to redirect that into our creative endeavors. Art, work projects, writing a book, creating a home, working on the next expression of your own life. All of this becomes more available as we create space to connect with the vital energy of our being.
We can connect with divine guidance and transcendence
One tenet of sacred sexuality is that by deepening our connection with our authentic sexuality, we can deepen our connection with the Divine, with source — and vice versa! As we explore our connection with all that is and remember who we are, we open a channel to receive the authentic messages of our path. What is it like to slow down so that the messages from the Universe get through? They are there all the time. Can we notice?
At one time in my life, I was zooming around so fast, my life so filled with physical stuff and time commitments, that I had no space to let any of that guidance in, no space to allow the messages of the Divine that were knocking at my door. So they knocked louder. And sometimes that hurts. I found if I waited too long and continually pushed the messages away, the way the guidance came through became a little more painful.
To change that pattern, I found that if I could open the space and not beat myself up about not getting the message the first time (which was hard for me at first), I could open and receive the gifts of that guidance in a more pleasurable and easeful way.
Space allows for cultivating our life force and our sexual energy in new ways. Sacred Sexuality is a path of healing, connection, manifesting, and connection with Divine. We can access this through our bodies and beings.
The foundation to allow all of these things to happen is to clear the space.
Releasing needless things and other forms of clutter opens space to move energy through your body, helping you open up to receive and share your vital life force for better sex, more vibrancy, and more clarity. It also creates room for the relationships or opportunities you seek.
Plus, it just feels so refreshing! For me, donating goods, recycling what I can, putting things in the trash when necessary,
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and lighting a powerful fire in a cauldron have been some of my tools for inviting things to move on. We can also let go of long-standing mental and physical habits, relationships, preoccupations, and other things no longer serving our bodies, minds, and spirits.
And the beautiful thing is, we can start anywhere. What are you willing to let go of to open space in your life?
Footnote 1: See the website for more ideas.
Leslie is a queer, white, omnisexual, polyamorous, ecosexual, kinky, genderqueer supporter of all beings to be authentically who they are and uses the pronouns they, them. Their work blends Sacred Sexuality, Ancestral Healing, Grief & Emotional release, Anti-Racism work to support collective liberation, self-awareness, vitality, empowerment, and joy. Leslie stewards the land at One Space: a private sanctuary, home, Temple, and community space on four wooded acres in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
30 May 2022
Leslie Blackburn
Classes & Events
Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Visit us at Contact us at or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel: com/user/UnityofLivonia
Weekday Evenings, 5PM, “Live at Five” with Rev Cindy Yamamoto from Unity of Livonia. Join us on Facebook Live for 5 minutes every weekday evening to connect, pray and reflect. This month’s theme is “Courage to Imagine”. Join the Unity of Livonia Facebook group.
Weekday Mornings, 10AM, “Morning Reflections” with Rev Cindy Yamamoto from Unity of Livonia. Join us via Zoom for 30 minutes to connect, pray and reflect. Discussion will follow. This month’s theme is “Courage to Imagine”. meeting ID: 850 1683 5315, passcode: reflection. Love offering basis. Brought to you by Unity of Livonia, (734) 421-1760.
Thursdays: Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification - enrolling now for Dec. or Jan. Start - Eve Wilson UCM Master Healer offers The Healer & Ascension Certification Course www.
05/01 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Roseville, MI, ROSEVILLE Wingate by Wyndham, Roseville MI,
05/01 Psychic Fair- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Wingate by Wyndham, Roseville MI,
05/07 - 12pm Crystals for Beginners
Class, $15 includes kit. Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/07 - 3:30pm Learn How to Make a Crystal Grid $25. Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/07 - 7pm Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Concer $15 . Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/07 Drum Circle. 7PM at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Love offering basis. Open to the public. All ages welcome. (734) 421-1760.
05/08 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Plymouth, MI, PLYMOUTH Comfort Inn, Plymouth MI, https://
05/08 Psychic Fair- - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Comfort Inn, Plymouth MI, www.
05/13 CommUnity Spiritual Center. 7PM. This is a recurring meeting the second and fourth Fridays of the month. We gather together as Truth students, in CommUnity to deepen our awareness of our Oneness with God, with each other and all life: to have a successful, meaningful and joy-filled life. Love offering basis. To join the Zoom meeting, visit www.zoom. us Meeting ID: 835 1058 8580 Passcode: 530556 Phone only: (312) 626-6799
05/14 - 05/15 Saturday & Sunday May 14th & 15th, Psychic & Holistic Fair, Troy Balkan Center, 1451 E. Big Beaver, Troy, Michigan, $8 Advance Tickets, $10 at the Door, 10am - 7pm, 313 412-7690, www.
05/14 & 15 Psychic & Holistic Fair, Troy Balkan Center, 1451 E. Big Beaver, Troy, Michigan, 10am - 7pm 313-412-7690
05/15 Psychic Fair - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, TROY Quality Inn, Rochester MI, , www.
05/19 - 7pm Basic Psychic Development Class with Kathy Garbe $30. Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/21 - 11am or 3:30pm Make Your Own Crystal Pendant Wire Wrapping Class $30. Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/21 “Healing Our Losses” Workshop. 12PM – 4PM with Dr Jack Miller. Learn to manage grief and difficult transitions. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd, Livonia, MI 48154. Free workshop.Open to public. (734) 421-1760.
05/21 Drum Circle. 7PM at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Love offering basis. Open to the public. All ages welcome. (734) 421-1760.
05/21 Psychic & Holistic Fair, American Legion - Marysville, 299 W. Huron,
Marysville, Michigan, 11am - 7pm, 313412-7690
05/21 Saturday May 21st, Psychic & Holistic Fair, American Legion - Marysville, 299 W. Huron, Marysville, Michigan, $5 Advance Tickets, $7 at the Door, 11am7pm, 313 412-7690,
05/22 - 12:30pm or 3:30pm Learn How to Use a Pendulum. It is more than Yes or No Class. $15 . Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
05/22 Psychic Fair - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, NOVI Holiday Inn, Novi MI, www.
05/27 CommUnity Spiritual Center. 7PM. This is a recurring meeting the second and fourth Fridays of the month. We gather together as Truth students, in CommUnity to deepen our awareness of our Oneness with God, with each other and all life: to have a successful, meaningful and joy-filled life. Love offering basis. To join the Zoom meeting, visit www.zoom. us Meeting ID: 835 1058 8580 Passcode: 530556 Phone only: (312) 626-6799
05/28 Mini Psychic Fair, Rock Your World Crystal Shop, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile, Livonia, Michigan, 11am7pm, 13-412-7690
06/05 - 12pm Learn How to Read Tarot in Just 1 Day $99.00. Rock Your World Crystal Store. Call 313-412-7690
06/05 Psychic Fair - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, WATERFORD – Holiday Inn Express, Waterford MI, www.michiganpsychicfair. org
06/12 - 12:30pm Reiki Level 1 Attunement & Certification $150.00 Rock Your World Crystal Store 313-412-7690
06/12 Psychic Fair - 12:00 am - 6:00 pm, FARMINGTON HILLS Comfort Inn, Farmington Hills,
May 2022 Page 31
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