Body Mind Spirit Guide 2022 10

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October 2022 Page 1
A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit © FREE Copy at Select Location OCTOBER 2022
ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!©


John Ashbrook

Sharon Kay Baran

Dr. Lawrence Bell, D.C.

Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Susan deCaussin

Pauline Dettloff

Amy B. Garber

Penny Golden

Marni Goldman

Jill Janiec

Miche Lame’

Ellen Livingston

Aluna Michaels

Laura Moody

Charon Normand-Widmer LMSW

Phil Rosenbaum

Latoya Shea

Barbra White

Eve Wilson

Chef Valerie Wilson

The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. It’s a great place to find humor, inspiration, services, professionals, local news, and events.

Copyright 2022 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments.

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Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff

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Our Writers are Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU suffer less, find joy and live your best life!

Our Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)!

Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

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October 2022 Page 3
One People, One Life One Love, One World! We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER! Please join us in honoring the Mother Earth by sharing or recycling used copies or get a digital copy from our website Articles
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this issue...

Free In-Person and Online for All Ages! You’re Invited!

If you’re ready to become inspired and uplifted by the spirit of possibility, this documentary about a Detroit local philanthropist is for you!

October 18: 7:30 pm Online.

6:00 pm In-Person Red Carpet Affair (space limited)

“Live Rich. Spread Wealth.” is an inspiring documentary that takes us on the journey to defining and refining the true meaning of being “rich,” told through the life of a self-made millionaire, best-selling author, and founder of “Live Rich. Spread Wealth.” Movement, Melissa Hughes.

“Live Rich. Spread Wealth.” tells the story of how the vision and passion of one soul can shape the lives of many and the necessity of fighting to sustain what you believe in - no matter what happens. It is a story for people of all ages that will inspire, educate, and provoke a spirit of possibility.

Melissa, a Detroit philanthropist, born to Jamaican parents who came to America for a better life; she seemingly has it all - the family, the business, and the respect of her peers, but the pathway to what she calls “living rich” has not been an easy one. In fact, it was her upward climb from Corporate America to becoming a millionaire by the age of 31, conquering a failed business, filing bankruptcy, divorce, racism, and disruption that allowed her to ultimately redefine what truly being “rich” is. Benefit: The Benjamin Foundation was founded by Melissa to provide scholarship opportunities for underprivileged students who show outstanding academic promise, display good character, and are passionate about making a difference in the world in which they live.

For more information and to register for your complimentary online ticket:

In-Person Free Red-Carpet Event: Limited 100 Detroit Athletic Club 241 Madison Street, Detroit, 48226



She hurried to the pharmacy to get medication, got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys inside. The woman found an old rusty coat hanger left on the ground. She looked at it and said, "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within 5 minutes a beat-up old motorcycle pulled up, driven by a bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. He got off of his cycle and asked if he could help.

She said: "Yes, my daughter is sick. I've locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"

He said, "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute, the car door was open. She hugged the man and through tears, softly said, "Thank you, God, for sending me such a very nice man." The man heard her little prayer and replied, "lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison yesterday; I was in prison for car theft."

The woman hugged the man again, sobbing, "Oh, thank you, God! You even sent me a professional."


October 2022 Page 5


IN STORE - CLASSES... *************************

Tarot for Beginners!

Oct 1st 1pm - 5pm

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Intermediate Wire Wrap

Oct 1st - 10am $35


Rune Stones for Beginners!

Oct 2nd 2:00pm - 4:00pm $40 includes kit!

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Oct 22nd 10am - 8pm

At Rock Your World Store

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Nov 5th 12pm $35


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FAIRS: Enjoy a day with psychics, mediums, astrology charts, healers, body workers, aura photography, crystals, holistic products, plus fun shopping!

CONTACT: Email us at rockyourworldevents@ or visit www.



Oct 8 & 9th 10am - 7pm

2 Day Psychic/Holistic Expo Horizon Conference Center 6200 State Street Saginaw, Michigan *************************

Oct 15 & 16th 9am - 6pm

2 Day Psychic/Holistic Expo America 1 Event Center 128 W. Ganson Road Jackson, Michigan *************************

Oct 22nd. 10am - 8pm

1 Day Mini Psychic Fair Laurel Park Place Mall (Mall Center - across from Eddie Bauer) 37700 6 Mile

Livonia, Michigan *************************

Oct 23rd 10am - 6pm

1 Day Psychic/Holistic Fair Boulder Pointe Golf Resort 1 Champion Circle Oxford, Michigan *************************

October 26th Wednesday Night Psychic Spooktacular Royal Oak Farmers Market 316 E. 11 Mile

Hours: 4pm - 9pm *************************

November 6th 10am - 6pm

Psychic & Holistic 1 Day Fair VFW New Baltimore 35011 23 Mile, New Baltimore

313 412-7690 - 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan 48152 Open during Mall hours Tuesday thur Sunday at Mall Center across from Eddie Bauer

Dream a little Dream with Me

At a very young age, I started having vivid dreams. They always told a story, and people were involved. It wasn’t till my early twenties that I started paying attention to my dreams.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but my third eye was opening. I started to “see” things ahead. This is also called the gift of “clairvoyance.” For me, dreaming was a safe way to get my messages because it was only a “dream.” As I got older, the synchronicities were hard to deny. Sometimes I would dream of people I had not seen in years, and the next day I would run into them. I would also dream of events to see them played out days, weeks, or months down the road.

It is said when we dream; we leave our bodies and travel to the other side or other dimensions. Many believe that the “dream world” is the real existence and our waking world is an illusion. In the Netflix series “Sandman,” we view the story of the Sandman, Lord of the dream world. To me, dreaming is how we get our messages from angels, loved ones, and higher spiritual beings. The vivid dreams are here to help us. So how do we know when we have a psychic dream? The dream is usually vivid; upon waking, it feels so real, like we experienced it.

I encourage you to keep a journal by your bed and write down your dreams. They have coded messages and are here to direct you. Try to remember your dreams upon waking; notice and write down any colors, animals, scenery, or people in the dream. If you dream of a passed loved one, they often come to visit you in the

“dream” world because you are more receptive to this type of message.

Notice how your “loved one” looked. Usually, they appear very healthy and vibrant. Sometimes we have a feeling from a psychic dream that we can not shake for days. When that happens, make sure you write down all your emotions from the dream. Our dreams can also direct us to help us make shifts. I once had a dream that my house was in a sinkhole. In the dream, I looked down the block, and everyone’s houses were fine; only mine was sinking. Also, in the dream, my children and husband were outside, and we were laughing. Also, my car was sunk as well. Six years later, my marriage was over, and my car had been totaled, but everyone got out fine. The dream was there to help me prepare for an emotional rollercoaster ahead.

I also enjoy “daydreaming,” which helps me create and manifest events I want to experience in my life. Daydreaming is different than psychic or vivid dreaming. In daydreaming, we are the commander of our ship, and we can dream of any ending we choose. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, take time to allow yourself “dream” time. Before you sleep, take a few minutes to meditate and ask for a message in your dreams.

Ask for loving and high-vibrational beings to come and visit you. Ask for those of the “light” to enter your dreams. This is one of the easiest ways to develop your third eye.

Laura Moody is a psychic medium who offers private sessions by phone or live chats. For more on Laura, go to:


Each religion is an example of God’s light; I respect them all. But none can be all of God’s light.

When I entered my heart and began a deeper relationship with the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe, I understood that God’s Will is that we love each other and act lovely to all beings and in all ways.

Sometimes love leads me to great beauty and joy, sometimes to a greater appreciation of suffering and sacrifice. Still, my intention is always to love, appreciate the love I receive, and extend my love to all beings!

Love is my religion!

On Warriorhood

Said the Warrior to the Sun… I’m a Warrior in the Garden… I spend my time in the soil; you know the Mind is ever and eternally fertile, everything grows, and throughout the eons of time, so much has taken root; picking weeds is one thing, but taking down forests and moving mountains takes Warrior-like focus…

it’s ok; like the Sun, my Mind can be directed, and I plant seeds of love, peace, and joy along the way… I protect these seeds at the center of my being; there in my heart of hearts, life is ever flowing, ever renewing the abundant, healthy, and loving visions of my connected Mind!

Written September 2022

October 2022 Page 7


The change of seasons is mirrored in the changes of our lives. The longer seasons of civilizations are also mirrored there. There is a time and a season for everything.

Here in Northern Michigan, summer turns to fall overnight – swimming gives way to ferns turned golden and patches of color in the trees. There is both comfort and sadness in these changes for me now as the beautiful leaves carpet the ground and the trees enter hibernation. The Eagles have flown south, and the yard is quiet without all the blue jays. It’s getting cold. Soon there will be the first snow with suddenly slippery roads making it safer to stay home. I, too, will enter a mini-hibernation when I surrender the pleasure of another warm season up north to head south to Ann Arbor.

Returning to Ann Arbor, I will surrender my expanded sense of nature and tuck my energy into the smaller environment of my townhome. Sometimes it feels like I’m a bear crawling back into her cave. But here in my winter home, I will spend more time with kids and grandkids

and enjoy having stores a safe and convenient distance away.

Winter puts a large part of nature to sleep here in the North. Earth surrenders her splendid and fruitful summer reality for the stillness and death of winter. But under all that, I know there is a rich inner life of rebirth beginning…preparing for the next period of warmth and splendor. I believe that nothing ever dies that isn’t reborn in its’ next right way. I perceive that we are going through a death of old ways in our world. Death is frightening, often ugly, and painful. It is hard.

As I surrender to the death of the warm season, I believe there is a new birth ahead not only for nature but for each individual, each country, and our world. As I participate in the one constant that is change, it is comforting to meditate and pray for world transitions to unfold in harmony with the higher purpose which I perceive within everything.

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8 October 2022

As a healer, teacher, and world healing and ascension worker, I have a privileged perspective because I partner with the Higher Power to do my work. I have spirit traveled across time from just prior to the dawn of creation to the birth of the new world which is unfolding within us now. To me, the old social, political, and economic systems are like a chrysalis around our butterfly. I wonder if a butterfly has anxiety about its metamorphosis…I doubt it!

We, humans, are rarely gifted with such trust and ease of change. But just because we fear it doesn’t mean it is bad to undergo such changes. I’m not surprised so little is making sense within the chaos of our world lately since what is ahead for us is quite new, and people want to hold onto the familiar which is passing. I choose to focus on the new and surrender the old, just as I surrendered the recent beautiful northern summer on the lake. I know next summer will bring an abundance of new blessings and gifts, as will the new seasons of our world.

I know from many experiences that life goes on beyond individual incarnations, beyond the birth and death of civilizations, and even beyond the life of worlds. To be present during a period of great change is a privilege that requires trust and courage. I choose to trust this metamorphosis! Blessings and gifts are heading our way, and I embrace the journey.

Pumpkin Season!

Pumpkin White Bean and Collard Greens Stew

Did you know pumpkin is technically a fruit? That is why most of the time, pumpkin is used in dessert recipes. However, the history of pumpkin shows that it was eaten more often as a savory dish. It originated in Central America a long time ago, about 7,500 years ago, and it looked and tasted very different. The ancient pumpkin was smaller, harder, and had a bitter taste, unlike the naturally sweet taste of them today. The first published recipe in the 1670s used pumpkin in a savory side dish, similar to a mashed sweet potato recipe. In the 1800s, women started challenging themselves to create unique and innovative ways to serve pumpkins, and that is when the pumpkin pies that we are most familiar with started to make their appearance.

2 T. tamari

1/2 onion (thin half moons)

4 cups pumpkin (cut in cubes)

1 turnip (cut in cubes)

6 medium collard green leaves (cut up)

2 (15 oz.) cans of white beans

1/2 cup water

2 T. brown rice vinegar

1 T. tahini

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1. Drain the cans of white beans and save the liquid. Use that bean liquid as part of the 1/2 cup of water for the recipe.

2. Put the onion, pumpkin, and turnip in a pot, each in its separate compartment.

3. Put the collard greens on top of the vegetables.

4. Add the 1/2 cup water and 2 T. brown rice vinegar to the pot, and bring to a boil. Reduce to low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes until all vegetables are fork tender.

The health benefits of pumpkins are enormous. Very high in fiber to help create healthy digestion, circulatory system, and for your heart. Pumpkin is very high in the antioxidant beta carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A can help strengthen your eyesight and help you see better in low light conditions, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer such as lung and prostate. The abundance of potassium in pumpkin can help maintain healthy blood pressure and lower your risk of strokes, kidney stones, and type 2 diabetes. Pumpkin is also high in vitamin C, E, iron, and folate.

5. Add the 2 T. tamari, 1 T. tahini, sea salt, and white beans to the pot. Continue simmering for a couple of minutes. Turn off heat, mix all together and serve hot.

Chef Valerie Wilson offers virtual and inperson cooking classes. He is an author, personal chef, and counselor, been in business since 1997. or Facebook MacroVal Food.

October 2022 Page 9

Attraction and Harmony

A critical tool in the development of one’s personal spirituality is a working knowledge of the Law of Attraction. This spiritual law basically states that you attract to you whatever you are. At first glance, this seems fairly straightforward and simple, but in reality, it is a little more complex than its surface meaning would indicate. A quick take on the meaning of this law might go like this, “If I give to others, they will give to me, or if I am sensitive to the feelings of others, they will be sensitive to my feelings.”

However, for many people in the course of day-to-day living, this simple reasoning does not seem to hold up. Many people give and give and never seem to get much in return. Many people are careful about not hurting the feelings of others and yet find that others don’t seem to care about their feelings. If the Law of Attraction is right, then how can this be? The answer to this perplexing question lies in this spiritual fact, your inner reality is revealed by the circumstances of your external reality. The way you treat yourself is the way you will ultimately be treated by others. If you give too much, then you are taking from yourself, draining your own energy, taking for granted the fruits of your own labors, and as such, you will attract the same in the outer circumstances of your life. People will take for granted what you have to give just as you do to yourself. It is easy to correct this problem: simply do more for yourself, honor the fruits of your hard work and cultivate a discipline of balance in giving and receiving. As you give more to yourself, you will begin to attract more giving people into your life. The universe itself runs on the perpetual

motion of balanced giving and receiving, and so should your life. This is a key element in consistent, joyful living.

It is a similar situation with sensitivity. If you do not protect your own feelings because you are too concerned about the feelings of others, then you will attract people into your life who don’t seem to care about hurting you. This situation, too, can easily be corrected. Teach yourself to let people know that they are hurting your feelings. Don’t ignore your pain. Protect yourself, and you will find that you will begin to attract more sensitivity from the people in your life. Some people may go out of your life, but new, more caring people will take their place. In some cases this may sadden you, but at the same time, you will be comforted by the fact that you gave an insensitive person a chance to change by gently but firmly stating your own discomfort with their behavior to them. In this case, you did the best that you could to retain them in your life without sacrificing your own peace of mine. Remember, you can always observe the state of your inner reality, the relationship you have with yourself, by consciously and honestly scrutinizing the state of your relationships with others.

It is important to note that whatever someone else is doing if you have an adverse reaction to their behavior, this must mean that either you do the same thing yourself or you have wanted to behave this way even though you know better. Owning up to this truth helps you to dissolve this inner negative intention and fosters harmony within your soul. The Law of Attraction guarantees that harmony will attract harmony. Harmony within is measured by inner cooperation. Do you express your honest feelings? Do you strive to nurture, love, and support yourself in your everyday living? Do you take action on your behalf? Do you listen to your inner voice, or do you ignore it? Paying attention to your inner

state is the way to create harmony within your soul. Working to dissolve fear, misconceptions, and negative emotional patterns gently and patiently always results in increased inner harmony. Areas of inner harmony will be reflected in your external world. In each and every area of your life where you have manifested inner harmony, in that area, you will see outer harmony take shape. Where you are harmonious within, in that area of your psyche, you cannot be disrupted by the disharmony of another. You will note their behavior, but it will not bother you. Where there is conflict between two people, disharmony must exist in both of them. Genuine harmony cannot be disrupted by disharmony, but harmony can quiet disharmony. If a person of great inner harmony enters a room where people of inner disharmony are congregated, that person’s inner harmony will have a calming effect on the others in the room. This will always happen unless the person of higher inner harmony is in a forcing mode. If they are forcing, the others will sense this and resist this quieting effect. Understand that while this inner harmony can calm the disharmony of others, it cannot dissolve it; that is their responsibility. Everyone has a personal responsibility to love and honor themselves as well as others. The spirituality healthy individual strives to create a state of inner harmony because they know that it will automatically shape a more fulfilling and joyful outer reality. Inner harmony is calm, quiet, peaceful, and undisturbed, but it is also, at the same time, alive with the vibrancy of its free-flowing, ever-expanding creative expression.

John Ashbrook

John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, please call John at 734-326-3433

10 October 2022


Walk-ins & appointments

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Professional Numerologist, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Teacher and Writer for over 30 years

“John’s personal consultations and classes are amazing, he predicts, guides and heals! Thank you, John.”

~Angela Avigne, Owner New Body Therapeutics, Northville

“I lived in Santa Fe, the declared metaphysical mecca of America for many years but when I returned to Michigan I was led to the real deal, John is accurate and caring and his classes are pure enlightenment.”

~Maryann Archer, Jewelry Designer, Harbor Springs


To receive your custom class invitation and for more information about private consultations, spiritual development programs, classes and other services please call John at 734 326-3433


October 2022 Page 11

It’s Their Fault, Isn’t It?

Do you find yourself blaming others for many of the problems in your life? If so, you are not alone. Our culture supports the idea that others are to blame for our problems. Just listen to some of the common complaints we often hear: “you hurt my feelings,” or “he or she makes me sick,” or “you’re embarrassing me,” or “you made a fool out of me in front of others,” etc. All of these statements put the blame outside of you and onto someone else. In other words, how you feel has nothing to do with you but with someone or something outside of yourself.

More accurate beliefs might be “I made myself feel bad,” “I decided to be angry because it gives me a feeling of power over others,” or “I make myself sick.” The point is that we are responsible for how we feel, not some outside force.

The problem with blaming others is that we are giving away our power to change. If someone else is causing us to feel bad, we cannot feel good unless the other person changes. Jack Canfield, author, and psychologist, would often ask the audience when giving a talk, “How many of you, when you first got married, thought you would be able to change your spouse?” Most of the hands went up. He would then ask, “How many of you have successfully changed your spouse?” Practically nobody in the audience raised their hands in response to this question. In other words, if you are waiting for the other person to change, you may be waiting a very long time. In the meantime, you are not going to be very happy.

However, the good news is that you do not need the other

person to change. The person you need to change is yourself. You are not a victim. You have a great deal more power than you realize. If you are blaming others, you are not taking responsibility for yourself.

Although people are responsible for how they feel, many resist accepting this truth. For example, why are so many Americans overweight? As one author stated, it is not “Sara Lee’s” fault we’re overweight. If we actually believed that, we would never lose weight. Obviously, we cannot blame others for our weight problem. The same principle applies to excess drinking. There was a funny line in the Alcoholics Anonymous book. The writer stated, “if you had a wife like mine, you’d drink too.” How can we hope to change if we blame another person for our drinking? Assuming responsibility for our thoughts and behaviors is not easy, but it is essential if we wish to change.

Change requires work and risk-taking, which is often accompanied by an anxiety that the risk will not be successful. If you take a risk and it doesn’t lead to success, the result may not be pleasant, but it is not likely to be fatal. If you are not happy, you owe it to yourself to make some lasting changes.

Hypnotherapy can help you make the change you need to make to have a happier, more fulfilling life. Often the problems lie in our subconscious mind, and hypnotherapy, which deals with the subconscious mind, can help you find out what subconscious beliefs are causing the problems.

If you want to learn more about hypnotherapy, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. As Henry David Thoreau stated in his book Walden, “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Let us not be one of them.

12 October 2022
Old Habits & Negative Thought Patterns Keeping you Stuck? Get Unstuck Now
248-688-6469 Phil Rosenbaum MA, Counselor & Certified Hypnotherapist Royal Oak, MI
This Month’s Special! Save $50.00 4 Session Pkg. just $290.00 (Valued at $340.00 from Oct 1st - Oct 31)

Hypnosis Q & A with Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Hypnotherapy is the art of using the hypnotic state to elicit positive change and improvement in beliefs, behaviors and physical conditions.

Below are answers that may help you understand hypnosis better and decide if it is right for you!

Q. Can hypnosis help insomnia? Sometimes I can fall asleep ok, but I wake up a few hours later and can’t fall back asleep.

A. Hypnosis can be very helpful for all types of insomnia, whether you can’t fall asleep initially or wake up frequently after falling asleep. Learning self-hypnosis can be very helpful in guiding you back to sleep after awakening during the night. Hypnosis is in-between being awake and asleep. When we are awake, the brain wave levels are in Beta at about 15 to 30 cycles per second (cps). Light hypnosis occurs in the Alpha range at about 7 to 15 cps, and deeper hypnosis occurs in the Theta brain wave levels, 3 to 7 cps. When sound asleep, the brain waves are at the Delta range, which is about .5 to 3 cps. Worrisome thoughts of the day, stressors, or concerns can wake people up during the night to get their attention. Once they are back up and awake, it can be very difficult to get back down to the sleep levels of Delta. Here’s where hypnosis comes in. Specifically formulated hypnotic suggestions and/or selfhypnosis can gently ease the person down from Beta to Alpha, Theta, and then to the sleep levels of Delta.

There are Three Types of Insomnia.

Type I - Has difficulty getting to sleep initially

Type II - Awakens frequently during the night

Type III - Awakens frequently at night and can’t get back to sleep.

Usually, we use a three-session format; however, many people feel relief after one session and sleep much better after two sessions. A professional hypnotist can formulate a specific program to help you meet your goals and get a good night’s sleep.

Looking for a Professional Hypnotherapist?

Go to www.HypnosisPractitionerDirectory. com to find a professionally trained, qualified Hypnotist near you.

Hypnosis Classes & Sessions


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October 2022 Page 13
Cheryl Beshada, C.Ht.


Ellen Livingston has relocated from southeast Michigan to southwest Florida, and she has opened up a unique wellness retreat space: Living Heart Sanctuary. Situated on a private, forested acre in the heart of a charming coastal town near lovely Gulf beaches, this retreat center is a real gem!

The main programs Ellen offers are especially customized and intimate, yet priced to be accessible. Ellen’s 20+ years of thriving on a fruit-based raw vegan diet give her extraordinarily uncommon experience and expertise in safe, natural cleansing, detoxification, and holistic healing. In addition to a delicious and colorful raw vegan menu, Ellen’s wise and compassionate mentoring inspires participants to learn and experience important health creation and maintenance principles while building new self-awareness, connection to Self and nature, confidence, and resilience. All is accomplished in a fun and deeply supportive environment.

The challenges and discoveries of Ellen’s healing journey have instilled in her a sincere, heartfelt dedication to helping others on the path. Living Heart Sanctuary in Florida is focused on co-creating with each participant an integrated, individualized retreat program for maximum and lasting positive results. Group size is thus kept small, with a maximum of 4 participants at a time. Retreat stays are usually one week, but other arrangements can be made and include independent room rental with the use of the vegan kitchen and other amenities.

Their next upcoming program is a Women’s Retreat November 12-19, 2022.

For more detailed information, photos, and inquiries, please, or call 734-645-3217.



14 October 2022 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BODY MIND SPIRIT GUIDE OFFERS FREE ANNOUNCEMENTS! Community News for Businesses and Practitioners doing great things in Michigan. Send Announcement worthy news to us at
Mother Bear Sanctuary & Retreat Center Fostering connections between animals, people, and the Earth. • 734-796-6690 Hibernation over? Healer certification programs, mentoring and shamanic healing... starting now 734 796-6690 | | Deep Feminine Wisdom
season introduction begins in January Self-Acceptance-Process Facilitator Traning
Classes Fill Fast RSVP to 734-796-6690 or email to
held co-currently starts in February

Divine Feminine Shamans

Divine-Feminine-Shaman’s is a collection of women’s wisdom dedicated to honoring the horizontal axis of body, sexuality, community, and emotions-- grounded within every person’s innate, intrinsic connection to nature. It’s time to be authentically you. It’s time to be unapologetic about your feelings, needs, and desires. It’s time to stand strongly against misogyny, racism, animal agriculture, and homophobia. We are the voices of the Earth; we are the ones we have been waiting for. It’s time to channel that holy rage into the manifestation of your dreams and stand up for a world that works for all.

How would you feel if you “protected yourself” by living in only one room of your home? Initially, it may be a feeling of safety, but this false safety would eventually lead to feeling trapped, depressed, and confined. What if you believed or were taught that in exploring those other rooms, you would be killed, shamed, or something bad was certainly to happen? This is the problem. Women have been domesticated and declawed into one room of themselves.

You are that home. You are multi-dimensional. You are a queen, divine-feminine shaman, fairy, sacred whore, priestess, and child. There is more to you than the roles you play, the noses you wipe, or the approval you gain. You are more than a wife, daughter, or human being! Your broader ecological identity or True Self is held within the mystery of Earth, animals, plants, and Cosmic Christ.

Reclaiming your embodied presence and true power, you are protected, guided, and guarded by the voice within. Through the Divine-Feminine-Shamans collective wisdom, you learn to be embodied and radically love yourself, allowing you access to your inner voice (intuition or God within). Ancestral trauma, feminine repressions, agricultural warfare, and religious and sexual shaming have convinced us that going small, and hiding makes us safe…alas, it makes us a target.

First, we must know we are trapped--to free ourselves. The systemic depressive rates, unexplained physical pains, and

collective trauma are the sounding alarms of our self-containment.

We shut ourselves down inside, thinking this protects us; we hide our real power, thinking this will make us more acceptable. The time has come to claim your magic, dear one. Your family, community, and Earth beings need you to break the ancestral chains. Let this amazing collection of women and teachings guide you to your inner mansion.

The Divine-Feminine-Shamans collective is the deeply held womb wisdom, ancestral matriarchal line, and intrinsic plant songs held within the cells of our bodies.

It is time for women to rise rooted, together, occupying our full space or ALL the rooms of our indwelling self, in deep remembrance of our wild-queen princess, servant-leader, and fairy selves.

February begins a 3-month season introduction of the deep feminine wisdom.

Self-Acceptance-Process Facilitator Traning-9-month is held co-currently starting in April!, 734-796-6690,

Divine-Feminine-Shamans collective honors the continued struggles for self-determination of the original indigenous peoples of this land. We also acknowledge that this country would not exist if it weren’t for the free, enslaved labor of Black people. Black lives matter. DFS lineage is a living direct collective womb channeling from plants, animals, Cosmic Christ Mystery, and the Earth.

Love, Barbra WhiteCrow

Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qi-gong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings

October 2022 Page 15

Taking My Own Advice

I wrote an article last month, and it was on addictions, and that changed my life, how you ask? I took my own advice!

I was pretty proud of myself because I always looked for that special pill. I was looking for something to help me improve my life, always looking for that magic substitute. Whining and thinking something would work or make it better. Instead of taking charge of what I wanted, I’d whine and ask everybody what they thought. I’m past all that now; I decided to ask my psychics from the Michigan Psychic Fair what their advice would be or what advice they took to live their lives by.

I’ll start with Todd, my energy healer at Michigan Psychic Fair. He said, “to stay in a vibration of love and follow your heart, and higher guidance.” That was awesome advice!

Then I asked Bernice who is the Psychic Medium; she believes in Affirmations and setting a tone for the day. Also, what could make her a better person today? I also believe in doing affirmations daily, and I have my Alexa give me one to start my day.

My Bethany, who is the Psychic Medium and has worked for Michigan Psychic Fair

For as long as I have, said, “believing in yourself and your gifts.” A teacher told her that awhile back,” to abandon the need to know, and believe Spirit has your back.” I just love that, and it is so true.

Jim and Brandy a beautiful couple that are Aura Photographers and psychics & Mediums. Jim said, “Trusting your instincts, believing in your abilities to do whatever you want, and trusting the Universe.” Brandy said, “I am here right now, and I am grateful for this moment that makes up my life.” It is always important to live in the now.

I enjoyed listening to what they had to say about their advice and how happy they are. Happiness is something we need to have in our lives every day, like the Sun on our faces! ●

I’m so grateful that I have great Psychics, Mediums, and Healers working with me at Michigan Psychic Fair, and It’s truly an honor to serve the community in such a soulful way.


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7 Keys to a Heart-Based Spirituality by Chrissie Blaze

“In this beautiful and inspiring book, Chrissie Blaze lights our way toward a new world and a new humanity. Deeper Into Love reveals exactly how Love is the most potent of alchemies, healing and transforming in the process.” - Lynne McTaggart, visionary and bestselling author of The Field. The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

5.0 out of 5 stars Seeing Love in a new way. . . “While I’ve read many, many wonderful books on spiritual growth and bringing about a better society, I have to say that none have been as simply and beautifully written as Chrissie Blaze’s, Deeper into Love. Chrissie did a marvelous job of bringing together seven complex concepts to form an easy to understand future way of being. Her writing technique is efficient and powerful at the same time. No word is wasted -- every sentence is meaningful. And beautiful. I felt like I was reading poetry.” Amazon reader

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Book ~ This is an excellent book, if not one of the first you should pick up. I wish I had found it a number of years ago, after chewing and chomping through very disciplined Buddhist texts and teachers. It’s written in a simple, direct, honest, but yes as the title suggests - very loving manner....the book exudes love.”. Amazon reader

October 2022 Page 17 Shop in-store or online at • Organic & Natural Foods • Gluten-Free Foods • Vitamins • Supplements Ann Arbor • Belleville • Beverly Hills • Bloomfield Hills • Dearborn Grosse Pointe • Lansing (Frandor) • Lansing (West Saginaw) • Livonia Novi • Plymouth • Shelby Twp • Southgate • Sterling Heights • Diet & Sports Nutrition
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Beneath The Sweater And The Skin

How many years of beauty do I have left?

she asks me. How many more do you want? Here. Here is 34. Here is 50. When you are 80 years old and your beauty rises in ways your cells cannot even imagine now and your wild bones grow luminous and ripe, having carried the weight of a passionate life.

When your hair is aflame with winter and you have decades of learning and leaving and loving sewn into the corners of your eyes and your children come home to find their own history in your face.

When you know what it feels like to fail ferociously and have gained the capacity to rise and rise and rise again. When you can make your tea on a quiet and ridiculously lonely afternoon and still have a song in your heart Queen owl wings beating beneath the cotton of your sweater. Because your beauty began there beneath the sweater and the skin, remember?

This is when I will take you into my arms and coo

YOU BRAVE AND GLORIOUS THING you’ve come so far.

I see you.

Your beauty is breathtaking.’

I Knew this would happen AGAIN!

For example, I tend to continue to stay up later than I had intended, even though I know it is a poor habit. Do you ever do that? Keep doing something you know you could do better and drop the ball. Even had this knowing that you would?

That inner knowing, that thought of “I need to get to bed on time (sigh- but I won’t)? It’s that way of talking to yourself that trips you up! The Creator made us creators, just on a smaller level. When we use the word “need,” the universal vibration is “ok, we’ll let you need it.” And there you go! You get to “need” it!

And then, the second, unspoken part is our internal, egoic, limited belief that we aren’t good enough, capable - and we sabotage ourselves to support that. Because, as we head off to sleep later or have difficulty waking up, we get to have thoughts like, “I’m so horrible, I knew I should’ve gone to bed earlier - what’s wrong with me - I’m such a screwup” - you know the negative thoughts you have. And these thoughts create inner hatred and more experiences like that because the universe will grant those too. You’ve just created it - you wonderful Creator you!

Even more than the occasional, low-energy prayer for help, the more energetic self-hatred thoughts and words overpower those weakly energetic prayers/wishes. You can create something different by focusing more on it and the energy (read emotionally loving, divine energy) behind the positive you want in your life. Experiment! It really works! (Especially when we let the Creator guide us!)

Another reason why you could be having the same

18 October 2022

experiences over and over? Could it be that God, Source, Creator, would like you to learn a lesson?

Like ending up with the same type of relationships over and over and wondering why? And later realize you ignored your intuition and all the red flags. Could it be that our Creator is speaking to you, and you’re not listening?

What if you make it a practice to check in daily and see what your Higher Self, the part of you that is eternal and connected with our Creator at all times, has to say? It might be a feeling, words, a picture, or even just an inner knowing. We tend to ignore the most important part of us that is eternal, our connection with God.

I wonder how this world would change if we all realized our divinity, connected with our Higher Self, God, and saw the other as divine beings. Because, secret - we are all one! I suspect that that lousy cheater boyfriend wouldn’t have acted so lousy or cheated if he also connected with his divine self. And you, you may have been able to see their divinity and the role they are/were choosing to enact and avoided them with love.

We would all be experiencing Heaven on earth, I think.

Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www. 248-212-0808, Like me on

What Are Five Ways That Forgiveness Can Heal Your Heart & Mind?

Holding a grudge against someone or yourself can profoundly impact your mental health and even cause you to feel out of alignment spiritually. To forgive is to cancel the debit you’ve held onto within. It may not be easy, but it can positively impact all aspects of your life.

Wartime To Peacetime - When there is an unresolved issue within you or between you and another, you’re in a perpetual mindset of war. You may find yourself less trustworthy and more impatient than you can remember. Forgiveness allows you once again to experience the world from a peaceful point of view. Your perceptions in all areas of life can improve because of it.

Spiritual Alignment - Many religions and spiritual customs preach the virtue of forgiveness. In some faiths, forgiveness is crucial to attaining bliss in this life and the afterlife. When a person can take this step, they may feel like they are again in the flow of life and moving towards their highest greater good.

Healing Begins - Being able to forgive yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. An unresolved matter of the mind or heart is an open wound that will never heal on its own. The moment you give this concern your undivided attention and make peace with it, you can finally start to recover from it.

Increased Strength - Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” As you come to terms with longstanding matters within yourself or others, expect to see a growth spurt in your mental and spiritual fortitude.

More Happy Days - When a boulder that has occupied your heart and soul is finally removed, you can anticipate happier days to come. You’ll suddenly have “extra” energy and time that you fill with new friends and positive experiences.

Latoya Shea is a spiritual life coach dedicated to helping people live more fulfilling lives. Being on her own after being homeless at the age of 13, Latoya has experienced and triumphed over many obstacles. Inspired by the many that have influenced her life, she has lived a life dedicated to service and education. This has led her on a deep spiritual journey and intimacy with God. She has been known by many titles, such as health inspector, veteran, nurse, Anesthetist, prophet, and teacher until she finally accepted her calling as God’s vessel to do good and guide many back to Him as a Spiritual Life Coach. Website Link:

October 2022 Page 19

Network Chiropractic

Care: Is there more to life?

Many of us, at some point along the journey, have asked, “is there more to life than this?”. Often, this question may be coming from a sense of feeling stuck or perhaps not getting access to the more “preferable” qualities of the human experience. We are very adaptable creatures. On the one hand, being able to adapt is critical for survival and moving forward in life. On the other hand, there’s this thing called “mal-adaptation,” where we give our internal real estate over to life’s circumstances; that is, we adapt in ways that eventually come with negative consequences. Like an inflating balloon, circumstances internally pile up over time, leading to stress becoming the status quo. We then experience life through the lens of that stress, limiting the quality of our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, relationships, and ability to thrive in life. It may very well feel like, “is this all there is”? Amid all this, however, there’s good news.

Many people who end up finding Network Care will have this question of “is there more?” answered-rather experienced- as they progress through care. Years of stress leaving the body, one session at a time… increased breath, movement, energy, and awareness, one session at a time… ability to make necessary life changes, one session at a time. Session by session, one will start to discover internal resources they thought they never had or perhaps never thought they’d be able to access.

Network Care (the combined use of Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration) is a health and wellness care system. Its roots lie in traditional Chiropractic, yet the work has expanded well beyond its roots. Chiropractic was built upon the principle that interferences within the nervous system negatively impact our ability to feel healthy and well. The Chiropractic adjustment is delivered to correct any misaligned vertebra that puts pressure on a nerve, thereby restoring a person’s health and wellness. There are myriad ways to take pressure off the nervous system and hundreds of techniques that will address this. The goal is the same: to increase communication between the brain and the rest of the body by removing these interferences, so that optimal function occurs.

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is the Chiropractic portion of Network Care. It helps promote a high-functioning nervous system, one of the main ingredients of human resourcefulness. Unlike traditional Chiropractic (where you may be “cracked,” “popped,” or suddenly twisted), NSA is applied through very gentle contacts along specific areas of the spine. In traditional Chiropractic, the focus is generally on the area of dysfunction (i.e., a misaligned vertebra, area of pain, etc.) and correcting that dysfunction. In NSA, the focus is on areas already at ease and helping the brain to discover

(or re-connect to) body parts that have been shut down, alienated, or avoided. The disconnection process results from accumulated stress and the body’s way of maladapting. With NSA, as those disconnected parts begin to rejoin the whole, the spine naturally aligns, breath increases, and one will feel more energized, at ease, flexible, clear-minded, and ready to make any necessary life changes that were perhaps weighing them down before. These are only a few of the many benefits that come with care.

Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) is the Breathing portion of Network Care. Many practitioners use SRI in combination with NSA. SRI is a series of breathing exercises that help us connect to twelve healing rhythms within the body through breath, touch, movement, and awareness. Together with NSA, clients report major improvements in physical and emotional wellbeing, quality of life and lifestyle, better adaptability to stress, and an overall increase in life enjoyment.

Network Care delivers on the many common reasons people go to see Chiropractors (i.e., back/neck/joint pain, muscle tightness/spasms, misalignments, scoliosis, poor posture, arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, emotional/mental stress, digestive disorders, etc.). However, many people enjoy the work for its personal empowerment or transformational benefits, as it can help individuals break through major patterns that are holding them back from living life to the fullest. It teaches the body how to transform tension (stress) into raw fuel for personal growth. People of all ages benefit from this work, from newborns to centenarians. Artists and athletes also find benefits as it tends to

20 October 2022

increase the quality and refinement of performance.

NSA is utilized by thousands of practitioners around the world and has been the subject of academic study, research, and publication for its unprecedented effect on wellness and quality of life, adaptability to stress, enhanced life enjoyment, and facilitation of constructive lifestyle changes. Studies are also being conducted on its influence on the advancement and evolution of the nervous system’s strategies for selforganization.

If you are interested in learning more about Network Care or experiencing the benefits that come with it, please reach out to me, Dr. Lawrence Bell, D.C., at (248) 266-8035. You may also visit for more information. For those who are seriously considering the care and may have questions or concerns about how this work may impact any current health concerns, a 15-minute complimentary consultation is offered.

On a personal note, there are few things in the world that I’d rather be doing than helping people to experience their true life potential. I chose to practice Network Care because it has been such a powerful catalyst in my own life and in the many patients and loved ones that I serve each day. If you’re looking for a breakthrough in your life, please don’t hesitate to contact me to see if this work is a fit for you and your health!


How much pleasure do you allow yourself?

How much pleasure do you allow yourself in a day? A luxurious morning stretch before getting out of bed? Your fave tea or coffee in the am? Long shower? Putting your feet in the grass and looking at the sky before beginning your work day? A walk? Yoga? A workout? Stopping to gaze at a blooming flower or butterfly? Feeling the wind on your face? Beautiful intimacy with a loved one? Deep conversation? Sharing a joke or meme with a friend? Self-pleasure? A delicious meal? A meditation? A song? A daydream? A nap? A sweet treat? A massage? A rest? Is there a limit to how much pleasure we can allow ourselves in a day? A resounding NO. When you care for yourself with love and gratitude, you fill your energetic cup, allowing you to show up for others fully. They deserve the best you available; do them and yourself a service by slowing down and savoring the life that is yours. You only live once.

Many of us resist the idea of regularly checking in with our current level of happiness. Some of this hesitancy results from social conditioning; we may have been taught that it is a selfish conceit to prioritize our happiness over others. Another reason is that our nervous systems are wired for negativity. This is a survival mechanism- where the brain searches for safety cues four times a second!

Because of neuroplasticity, we can buffer the default mode of the brain. How? Through gratitude. Think about the most recent time you felt grateful for a thing: a gift, a phone call, a yummy meal, a good night’s rest. Now, locate that feeling in your body. For starters, it may be a warm glow around your eyes or mouth or a tingly feeling in your chest. Lean into this sensation and let it spread around your

body, breathing deeply. How does this feel?

Simple practices like these calm the nervous system while stretching our capacity to tolerate unpleasant feelings such as fear and anxiety. Such self-soothing techniques bring us back into our window of tolerance, which is the parasympathetic portion of our nervous system, the part that allows us to ‘rest and digest. From here, we are better equipped to be fully present for both ourselves and others.

I challenge you to expand your daily capacity for pleasure. While waking up from a good rest, notice how your body feels rested and feel gratitude for that one moment. Luxuriate in your shower, enjoying the water caressing your body. Be present in intimate moments, setting aside phones and lists, softening into the eyes of a loved one, noticing their breathing and yours. When you play your favorite song, please take a moment to sing or dance to it, being present with the feelings the music evokes in you. Savor that cookie or treat, chewing a little bit slower than usual and noticing the smell of the treat while eating it. Relish the wind on your face and smile with gratitude at this simple pleasure.

Let me know if you think this needs tweaking. Thank you for the opportunity!

Charon Normand-Widmer LMSW

Charon is a functional nutrition coach. Psychotherapist, Somatic Therapist, Sex Therapist, Trauma Specialist. She obtained her master’s in social work from Wayne State and completed a fellowship at the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. She is a member of the American Academy of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) and is certified in child and adolescent psychodynamic therapy and sensorimotor psychotherapy for trauma. You can reach her at 248 955 3108 charon_normandwidmer

October 2022 Page 21

Five Ways How To Clear Out Negative Energy In Your Life

Negative energy, or stagnant energy, comes from people you encounter, your surroundings, and even your mind. When you feel this energy, it provides a negative response to you. It is something that can ruin your day at a moment’s notice.

This bad energy can result from someone’s nasty comments or disapproval of everything around them. You’ll meet people who portray positive vibes, but unfortunately, you’ll also come across those who are negative all around. The latter group doesn’t care how many people are upset with their behavior.

So, how do you prevent bad energy? There are a few different ways to keep these bad vibes from impacting your well-being:

Avoid Negative People

The best way to prevent negative energy in your life is to avoid people spilling their bad vibes onto others. If you know someone is negative, keep your interactions with them as limited as possible.

Strive for a Positive Environment

If the energy is coming from a less than favorable environment, avoid it like you would people. And if you can’t stay out of that negative space, turn it into a positive one.

Improve Your Responses to Negative Energy

If you can’t change the negativity of people and the environment around you, work on how you respond to these negative vibes. Pursue each day with a positive attitude and know that you are responsible for your inner calm and overall happiness.

Repair or Remove Broken Things From Your Home.

Refresh Your Space

Open the windows to create a draft to let fresh air flow throughout the house and break stagnation.

More About Marni Goldman

Marni Goldman is a Spiritual Life Coach and author of “True To Myself: Peace, Love, Marni.” Goldman, the daughter of a drugaddicted mother, has survived a life of depression, ADHD, childhood PTSD, anxiety, and a leukemia diagnosis. Goldman works with people all over the world to help them transcend and heal emotional traumas. Website:

Go Beyond Status Quo

While it’s clear that there’s a need for change in the world, what may need to be clarified is the fact that change requires action, and we all must play a part. Continuing to do things in the same way that you’ve done things in the past will not create different outcomes. You may have heard Albert Einstein’s quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

We’ve all been in situations where there’s been the option of getting involved or stepping back and allowing things to move forward the way they’ve always been. And, as much as we hate to admit it, it’s much easier to avoid making waves. Even if you don’t care for how things are going, at least each day is predictable. But it’s now time to step out of your comfort zone and become a change agent - a catalyst for change in your life and in the world.

Now, I’m not asking you to take responsibility for reversing climate change or becoming a mediator between countries with opposing policies. I’m simply asking you to consider how you can effect positive change from your corner of the world. It

22 October 2022 WHAT IN YOUR LIFE NEEDS HEALING? Offering: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance. Susan deCaussin, CHt Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. HEALING
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begins with awareness. With so much emphasis these days on the subject of awakening and higher levels of consciousness, I’d like to ask, “What does that mean for you”? Why are we all starting to be more sensitive and aware of things that, in the past, flew under our radar? Because with this newfound awareness, we are now provided the opportunity to face those things that need to be addressed in the world and take action.

Personally, it means purposely becoming aware of the subtle energies around me so that I can utilize that information to affect healing. It means paying attention to the people and events around me so deeply that I can recognize when a higher vibration is needed to shift things in a better direction. Opening up and becoming aware of the need is the first step toward becoming that catalyst for change.

Listening to another person - really listening and being completely present - provides an opportunity to step into their energy, feel their emotions and connect in a way that will convey healing through the power of love, understanding, and empathy. But, this “change” in your way of doing things may require an investment of your time. It may cause a delay in your schedule and disrupt your daily routine. Are you willing to exchange the comfort of consistency in your day to offer a change that will create healing? Because this is how it starts. You can never know the amount of impact you have on the world at large when you step out of your predictable life and positively affect someone.

It’s time to stop walking through life like zombiesbeing so self-absorbed that we don’t see and address the energetic inadequacies around us. We are all one … all connected. Start seeing other people and situations as extensions of you. Give healing to them as you would want to heal for yourself, and together we can all collectively contribute and move beyond the status quo. It’s time to put that “awakening” to good use.

Susan deCaussin CHt

Susan deCaussin CHt, Healing Methods LLC, 248-759-6486, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner/ Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, www.

How To Make A Bad Day Good

Do you ever get angry or feel bummed about something – maybe you didn’t do well on a test, your game gets rained out, or you got in trouble with your parents?

Have you ever felt the grungies after that? All yucky and mad? Have you ever carried that angry feeling with you for hours or even days? Did you have trouble NOT thinking about it?

The cool thing is that even though you are upset about something, you don’t have to stay upset about it.

You can use power shifting to help you feel better fast!

You can use the three questions to help you find a new way to think about a situation.

Three Questions for Power Shifting

How can I take responsibility?

How can I learn from this?

Can I ask for something different, or is there a different solution?

Journaling Exercise

Think about something that is currently bothering you. It might be something that happened at school, something that happened with your parents, or something that you are worried about.

Complete the questions below:

What happened?

What impact has that had on you?

How can you look at the event differently so that it supports you?

What are your next steps?

Discuss with a grownup if you’d like to.

Some key points to remember:

Events are neutral – you define them as “good” or “bad.”

When you are experiencing an event as “bad,” you will feel the grungies (mad, sad ..bad feelings).

Grungies are a sign that you can power shift!

Power shifting means changing the way you think about something so you feel better about it.

Power shifting turns grungies (bad feelings) into Power!

Power shifting is one of the most important skills you will learn for building powerful self-confidence and achieving your goals because it allows you to stand in your Power, even when things don’t go your way. We can’t always decide what happens to us, but we can always decide how we want to respond!

For more information about power shifting and so much more, contact Sharon Kay Baran at 734-636-6737 or sharon@ Let’s Power Shift together!

October 2022 Page 23

Mama Tracy Inc.

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Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Happy birthday Libra! Mercury moves direct, clearing your mind and helping you feel optimistic and empowered! You’ll also be able to manifest your dreams as Mercury moves into your own sign. Venus moves into Libra as well, so you can feel unconditional love from within your heart center, as well as receive pure connection from others! Keep working to forgive negative family patterns while retaining healthy boundaries.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — The New Moon Eclipse in your sign brings wonderful healing in terms of old toxic emotions, relationship issues and even financial concerns! Meditate on releasing those old traumas and difficulties. Sending compassion to your body’s imperfections and health patterns can create positive shifts as well! As Pluto moves direct, imagine your brain as a tight fist and see the tension releasing and your mind realizing and opening.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Mercury moves direct, bring clarity in work issues. You can go forward with confidence now! Financial or debt concerns can resolve. It’s a great time to try new hobbies, make friends and even volunteer for a worthwhile cause. The New Moon Eclipse late in the month is a wonderful meditation time. Tap into your deepest passions and make space for them to manifest! You can feel more focused and less

Spiritual Horoscopes

“flaky”. Stay persistent and you’ll get results!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — Pluto moves direct in your sign which reconnects you to personal goals and values. The message is to trust yourself! And Mercury also going direct emphasizes that! Re-commit to daily meditation, even if for only 5 or 10 minutes. There’s great work opportunities available with solid salary offers. This month’s eclipse wants you to make time for meaningful friendships and hobbies and activities that excite your soul!


quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) —

Like Capricorn pals, trust your instincts as Mercury and Pluto move direct. Nurture your intuition with daily meditation and not shrugging off quiet ideas that pop up in your mind. The Solar Eclipse late in the month empowers you to believe your deepest desires, so don’t think they’re impossible! They can be career, relationship, health or spirituality related. Avenues of transformation are open to you!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – The Solar Eclipse makes it easy to meditate and tune into your soul. You can get profound messages and feel very centered and balanced. If you’re confused about either relationships or finances, the Eclipse joined with Mercury direct brings clear answers and precise steps to take. In all areas of life, speak your truth and gently

stand by your convictions. Also, connect with spiritually-minded friends for support.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) — Both the Solar Eclipse and Full Moon deepen relationships and intimacy. Confront internal issues that impede connection. You can heal a current partnership. Or you could attract a new person who really clicks with you and has a wonderfully open heart to receive your love! Pluto moving direct empowers career in ways you’ve been waiting months for! Stay consistent with health and self-care routines, even as things get busier.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — As Mercury moves direct, any nagging health issues could be solved and you’ll feel more rested, nourished and balanced. Work opportunities you’ve been waiting for pop up to allay financial fears as well! The Solar Eclipse can bring a new relationship, or help to illuminate the root of issues in a current one so they can be healed. Re-commit to your yoga or mediation practice for added serenity!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — Meditation really pays off this month. You can have insights into childhood issues that keep you from trusting that the Universe will supply your needs. Focus on abundance and opening your hands, heart and mind to receive all sorts of blessings! As you’re less anxious, you’ll sleep better and maybe even lose weight if you need to. Do fun activities in your relationship that you haven’t done together for awhile to reawaken playfulness and a sense of ease.

26 October 2022

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — Lots of positive changes with relationships are in store! The challenging inner work you’ve been doing pays off as you can see things clearly with less emotion and make better choices. Your boundaries are strong so you can stay in your truth. This also helps with family and at work. Meditate on your breath, seeing yourself balanced and centered! Financial issues can resolve in your favor as well!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Mercury moves direct, helping smooth out money confusion! You’ll also feel more clearly directed in terms of work and even health or selfcare. Relationships will be more secure and you’ll be able to express authentic feelings that re-bond you to each other. The Solar Eclipse late in the month helps you pierce through fears that keep you from living boldly. If people don’t like you as a full shining Leo, you don’t need them!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Don’t give up on meditation, even if it’s challenging. You don’t have to have a perfectly still mind to be a “good” meditator. The Solar Eclipse offers deep insights, regardless of mind chatter. Results can arise anytime of day, not just in quiet time. You can also have great news about money, investments or bonuses! If you struggle with body image, you can also have healing from those ingrained thought habits!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Zoom. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit

Astrology for Your Soul


“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.”

Over 30 years of counseling experience.

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October 2022 Page 27


Classes & Events

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February - 3-month season introduction of the deep feminine wisdom begins in February. 734-796-6690, www.

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Friday mornings Ashtanga Vinyasa Modified Yoga Classes with Julia Taylor. 9:30–10:30am Cost: $15 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

10/01 Intermediate Wire Wrap Class 10am $35 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, email us at or visit www.


April - Self-Acceptance-Process

10/02 Michigan Psychic Fair at Waterford Noon to 6pm Holiday Inn Express, 4350 Pontiac Lake Rd, 586-939-4230.

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Fridays - Ongoing: International Award-Winning Blog - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension. Learn to live in the new world, ride the waves of change on Earth with skill. www.

10/02 Rune Stones for Beginners! 2-4pm $40 includes kit! 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, email us at

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Wednesday mornings Ashtanga Vinyasa Modified Yoga Classes with Julia Taylor. Hour-long class, leave class feeling peaceful, energized, and sweaty! 9:30–10:30am Cost: $15 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI www.

Thursdays - Sound Healing Concerts with Reiki from 7-9 pm Two-hour sound bath of deep meditation. Rare crystal bowls, music from all over the world, and Reiki, orchestrated in peaceful harmony, based on Sustained Sound Therapy. Cost: $20 at the door www.

10/01 1st Tarot for Beginners! 1-5pm. $99 includes Deck. 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, email us at or visit

Be seen in over 1200 stores throughout SE Michigan

10/04 Join Julia Levin, RYT for 60-minute gentle yet challenging Hatha Yoga class Noon to 1pm. Mats provided or bring yours. Cost $15. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

Covering Health, Wellness, Whole Living, Spirituality and more!

10/01 Enlightened Soul Psychic Fair! 11am–6pm Join Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Shopping for fun and insightful intuitive guidance in an intimate setting! Admission $3 and includes Free Gift, parking, and snacks! 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor


Michigan’s spiritual & holistic magazine

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10/04 Learn Photo Readings with Amy “Metafizzy” Garber, 6:30–8:30pm, Images are ripe with information from the psych and Spirit World, learn to read photos, images, and pictures, get psychic answers, and discover their hidden messages. $30/class 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

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Health, Wellness, Whole Living, Spirituality and more!

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28 October 2022

10/05 Spirit Art Class! Awakening Your Inner-Vision with Raphael Zahavah & Kat Similo 3 Weds starting Oct 5, 12, 19, 6:30–8:00pm. Awaken your abilities to co-create art from within and turn your intuition into art. Each week builds on the last, awaken your inner vision, uncover aspects of your spiritual journey, and have some great fun! Cost: $95 ~ All supplies included 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

10/06 Psychic & Holistic 1 Day Fair, VFW New Baltimore, 35011 23 Mile, New Baltimore, Michigan 48047 Hours: 10am - 6pm, email us at or visit

10/07-10/09 Find all of the Healing Crystals, Tiger Eyes, Amethyst Towers, Himalyan Salt Lamps and much more at the Greater Detroit Gem Mineral & Fossil Show at Macomb Community College Expo Center in Warren. Buy direct from dealers who specialize in what you are looking for. Go to www. today!

10/08 & 10/09 - 2 Day Psychic & Holistic Expo (Saginaw) Horizon Event Center, 6200 State Street, Saginaw, Michigan 48603, Hours: 10am - 7pm Daily, email us at or visit

10/09 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Farmington Hills from Noon to 6pm Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Pauline 586-9394230. Michigan’s best psychics, find list of Readers, updates and directions at

10/11 Tea Leaf Reading with Amy “Metafizzy” Garber. 6*–8:30pm Tea leaf readers look for special symbols and shapes in the tea leaves to make predictions. Learn to interpret those symbols, patterns, and shapes to connect with Spirit! Cost: $30/class (Free with 5 Divination Tools classes) 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor www.

10/13 Now Enrolling! Healing & Ascension Monthlies. 6 Thursdays 7:30-9:30

Learn to live in your new world self. Master Healer & World Ascension Worker Eve Wilson

10/15 – 10/16 Enlightened Soul

2-Day Psychic Fair! 11am–6pm Join Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Shopping for fun and insightful intuitive guidance in an intimate setting! Admission $5 and includes FREE GIFT, parking, and snacks! 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

10/15 & 10/16 - 2 Day Psychic & Holistic Expo, America 1 Event Center, 128 W. Ganson Road, Jackson, Michigan 49201, Hours: 9am - 6pm Daily, email us at rockyourworldevents@gmail. com or visit

10/15 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Chesterfield Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Pauline 586-9394230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Updates and directions

10/16 Sound Healing Concert - 3rd Sundays 7–9pm A two-hour sound bath of deep meditation. Rare crystal bowls, music from all over the world, and Reiki, orchestrated in peaceful harmony. Concerts are based on(Sustained Sound Therapy. Cost: $20 at the door 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

10/17 Queer Magic Seekers GroupA spiritual meet-up group offered by Raphael Zahavah and Brit Beverlin for LGBTQ+ folks who want to create community, participate in group ritual, and hold sacred space to explore spirituality, witchcraft, and magic in the context of queer experiences and identities. $10 suggested donation (or pay what you can) 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

10/22 1 Day Mini Psychic Fair 10am8pm., Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall (Mall Center - across from Eddie Bauer) 37700 6 Mile, Livonia, MI 313 412-7690 or visit

10/22 Family Constellation Healing Circle with Patricia You, 2–4:30pm Resolve and make peace with past and present relationships, release unseen blocks and move on with your life. Constellation Healing Circles are known worldwide for magical healing for all type of issue, join this supportive healing circle. Cost: $30 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

10/23 - 1 Day Psychic & Holistic Fair, Boulder Pointe Golf Club & Banquet Center, 1 Champions Circle, Oxford, Michigan 48371, Hours: 10am - 6pm, email us at rockyourworldevents@ or visit

10/23 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Prestige Banquet Hall, Allen Park, MI Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

10/23 Reiki Share with Reiki Master Amy Feger ~ No additional experience needed! 6-8pm This Reiki share is for traditional Usui Reiki; you will partner up with another and do an exchange. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

10/25 Tapping to Heal: Becoming Your Best Self with Sara Herr, RN, BSN, October 25, 2022, 6:00–7:30 pm Cost: FREE Learn how to use EFT tapping in your daily life to reduce stress & process emotions. Tapping reduces stress hormones in the body & allows the body to rest and heal properly. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

10/26 - Wednesday Night Psychic Spooktacular, Royal Oak Farmers Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Royal Oak, Michigan 48067, Hours: 4pm - 9pm, email us at rockyourworldevents@ or visit

10/29 – 10/30 2-Day Halloween Psychic Fair at Enlightened Soul! Sat 11a-5pm, Sun 12-5pm. Prizes if you come in Costume - “Come As You Were” (in a past life). Readings, intuitive tarot & intuitive oracle card readings, psychic readings, clairvoyant medium, & spirit art drawings. Plus, intuitive energy healers. Admission: $5 ~ Includes FREE gift, snacks, shopping, parking 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor MI

11/05 Beginners Bracelet Making Class - 12pm $35 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, email us at or visit

11/06 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm in Wingate by Wyndham, 31900 Little Mack Ave, Roseville- Pauline 586-939-4230. Updates and directions

October 2022 Page 29

Healing Transformation for Your Soul

Subject: Competition and Jealousy

If you view the people in your life as competitors, you will always focus on trying to win. You will only be able to have healthy relationships with people if you think about how to beat them rather than build them. People compete and compare themselves with others because of insecurity because they don’t know their true identity, self-worth, and gifting. This makes them jealous of other people’s accomplishments. Jealousy can be described as “I want what you have.” resentment about someone’s success goes even further. It says I want what you have, and “I don’t want you to have it.” If you feel resentment over someone else’s accomplishments, it’s likely based on irrational thinking and can cause you to begin to act in an illogical, erratic manner and behavior.

Resentment of other people’s success is also a result of deep-rooted insecurities. It’s hard to be happy about a friend’s accomplishments when you feel bad about yourself. When you are insecure, someone else’s success will seem to

magnify your shortcomings. You will damage relationships when you resent someone, and you won’t be able to maintain a healthy relationship with them. Resentment leads to indirect communication, sarcasm, and irritability that is under a fake smile. You won’t be able to have an authentic and genuine relationship with someone when your secretly holding grudges against them. You may even begin tooting your own horn if someone else’s accomplishments overshadow yours. You may resort to boasting about yourself or outright exaggerating and lying. Resentful and insecure people try to outdo or one-up other people; they are desperate to try to prove their self-worth and value. Let’s start the journey of healing peace for your Soul.

Healing Prayer of God’s Light

God, please forgive me for resentment, anger, offense, bitter envy, jealousy, and insecurity. Please forgive me for sarcasm and having a bad attitude about other people’s successes, and not celebrating what you have given them. God help me through your Words of truth about me to encounter your love for me and to help me get my focus off others and on you to see the great things you have planned for my life. Please show me my true identity and Heal all my wounds of Fear, pain, rejection, and control. Please help me to renew my mind daily with your Words of truth and discover who I really am and why I am here. God, help me to know my true gifts and talents that you have given me in my life. Help me to keep focused on you and be grateful at all times. I celebrate other people’s successes while I develop the ones you have given me so I can help others heal and be free! -

Please see her ad on this page.

30 October 2022

14 Part Comprehensive Study Concludes That Life Continues Beyond Death

New York, NY - According to a comprehensive study conducted by The Outer Limits of Inner Truth (www., life continues beyond death. They released an eighteen-hour, fourteen-part program called “The Death Show.” The Show features over sixty-five interviews— indepth conversations with some of the world’s top psychologists, doctors, scientists, grief experts, psychic mediums, spiritual teachers, atheists, and fifteen people who’ve had Near Death Experiences.

Outer Limits of Inner Truth: The Death Show

In addition to presenting a series of scientific and logical explanations for how life exists beyond the physical body, the Show interviewed fifteen individuals who have experienced clinical death firsthand and what they saw in the afterlife. Experts include NDE Researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long, Nanci Danison, Betty Eadie, Peter Bedard, Erica McKenzie, and others.

Not only do the experts reveal why life continues beyond death, but they also cover the existence or non-existence of God, do we get reunited with our lost loved ones in the afterlife, do we get punished or rewarded for our lives here on earth, and more.

In addition, Dr. Allan Botkin, Philip Smith, and Patricia Mischell present techniques and suggestions on how to give and receive communication from beings (loved ones) in non-physical form.

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth also presents eight interviews with mental health professionals, five pet bereavement experts, and even two


“We hope this study brings people some measure of peace and comfort,” said Ryan McCormick, host and executive producer of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth.

About The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth is a program about freedom, deep introspection, selfdiscovery, and spiritual growth. It premiered on February 2014 and, within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Starcom Radio Networks (44 AM Stations), where it remained for four years. In 2018, OLIT was picked up by Mental Health News Radio Network (the world’s largest mental health podcast platform). In 2020, OLIT’s audience increased by a staggering 500%.

Outer Limits has landed several high-profile and exclusive interviews with individuals such as Richard Belzer, George Noory, Dr. Ron Paul, Publishing Legend Judith Regan, Stacy Keach, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Daniel Amen, Award Winning Journalist Jane VelezMitchell, World Renowned Heart Surgeon Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and others. OLIT has also aired acclaimed programs such as The Death Show (a 14-part series), How To Find Your Soul Mate, Surviving The Coming Collapse, Suicide: Healing & Understanding, and The Spiritual Benefits of Laughter.

When You Love An Ancient Soul

"There is a special kind of person in this world who is often misunderstood.

These people tend to be the loners, the free spirits, the innocent lovers.

They see the world for all they can, and should be, although the world rarely sees them.

They are the old souls, the dreamers, the people in tune with life, so intuitive of emotions that they frighten us.

They frighten us not because of who they are, but because of who we are not, what we lack.

Ancient souls reach depths we cannot understand.

They have a connection with God, with the Universe, with Nature, and that's why they are the people who will change the world.

We often feel inferior, as if we have to strive to stay remotely close to their level, to be worthy of their love.

It takes a confident person to love an old soul. But it's worth it. It will change your life.

They are romantic, they are loyal, they help us grow, they are not materialistic, they understand the deep connections in life, they are grateful, they are examples of bravery.

They walk the most painful roads of this life, and yet somehow they find the courage to smile, often selfless. Supporting others.

Loving an old soul and being loved by one is a gift from the Universe."

October 2022 Page 31
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