Body Mind Spirit Guide 2022 11

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November 2022 Page 1
A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit © FREE Copy at Select Location NOVEMBER 2022
ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!©


Michael Abramsky

John Ashbrook

Sharon Kay Baran

Dr. Lawrence Bell, D.C.

Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Susan deCaussin

Pauline Dettloff

Amy B. Garber

Penny Golden

Marni Goldman

Alethea Monk Howard

Jill Janiec

Miche Lame’

Linda La Croix

Ellen Livingston

Aluna Michaels

Queen D. Michelle

Laura Moody

Charon Normand-Widmer LMSW

Phil Rosenbaum

Latoya Shea

Barbra White

Eve Wilson

Chef Valerie Wilson

The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. It’s a great place to find humor, inspiration, services, professionals, local news, and events.

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Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff

Our Writers are Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU suffer less, find joy and live your best life!

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“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

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Discerning Your Purpose

Most of us, at one time or another, wonder about life and what brought us into this existence. What is our life purpose? When questioning thoughts about life come into your mind, sink into yourself. Hopefully, you can go deep enough to vaguely feel and identify yourself as a part of the cosmic plan, a piece of a bigger picture, and know that you are a spiritual being living a human experience.

On the other side of that thinking is the physical world. Here we think we are a body wandering throughout our years. As if it’s an experience we were brought into with no choice. Not so.

Many spiritual leaders have said that we choose to come into the world. When we do, we also choose the type of experiences we would like to learn and/or live through. Many believe people decide to come into the world to be a part of something together as a larger group. Like an event so large and noticeable, it impacts the world, leading people to change the way they think or act, and they could be right.

I have accepted into my life that we all decide to come into the world to do good things. As I have said before, “We are God in action,” and since God is energy, “He has no life unless it moves through us.”

I believe we come into the world to create goodness wherever we go, God goodness. It then seems natural to me that we contemplate our purpose to affirm our goodness is functioning at its best.

In Unity World Wide Institute’s pre-ministerial studies, our class had plenty of materials to look over while we discerned our purpose. Yet, as far as a purpose goes, I do not believe we have only one. I feel that our lives and living are much greater than one purpose. But can we see the purpose that lies within ourselves?

Life is a journey in which we will travel many different roads and experience twists and turns to learn from. We may even look, evaluate, and choose to bypass some. Our choices will

determine the events, people, or things that move in and out of our journey. Some we will keep and treasure, while others we bless and separate ourselves from. Remember those thoughts as you begin looking at your life.

Do your best not to get caught up in the stories or drama of life. Just look at your choices and your reactions. Be open to seeing what you came into human form to be.

When you spend time discerning your purpose, you may notice that you have invested yourself in many things. It might be difficult for you to note one specific purpose among all your outstanding achievements and all the good you have done. But I guarantee it’s there!

Look deeply and with great intent. Scan through your life. As all the visions of you unfold, you’ll see something was always there, One thing, one energy, one common thread that runs through your entire being and links all your other purposes together.

Understand that it may not be at the front of your mind because you have always just lived it without thinking about it. When you find it, you will know because it defines you and your purpose. Whatever it is, it makes you happy, fulfilled, and joyous. It’s you; it’s in your being; it’s in all your actions; it is!

Breathe in, and know that you were living your main purpose throughout your lifetime, in every purpose you invested your time and energy into. The one you came into this lifetime to experience, learn lessons from, and give back to the world.

What a proud day it is to admire you for living the goodness within long before you even knew it! Keep up the good work, be God in Action, pursue your purpose with great might, and share it with others.

God bless you today and every day,

November 2022 Page 5




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“Laughing No Matter What”

As we approach the Thanksgiving Season, I find myself thinking about thankfulness. There was a time in my life when circumstances were so hard that I cried daily. I had just turned fifty years old, and my husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness; my business was going bankrupt, my financial situation was rough, and I had cancer. I would often ask, “Why Me?”. It seemed that other people’s lives were so easy, and nothing seemed to be working for me.

I was angry and bitter. I watched the movie “The Secret” about fifty times. I had taken workshops and seminars about manifestation, but it was the same awful circumstances each year. I believed that life was just hard.

Somewhere during this time, I read a book on laughter and thankfulness. In the book, it said to laugh no matter what. I started to vocalize out loud things I was grateful for. The list felt short. I broke it down into small things. I was thankful that I had eyes. I was grateful that I had fingers. I was thankful that I had a mind. I started to list everything that was a blessing to me. I also began to laugh at my troubles. I had a legal situation, and I laughed at it instead of panicking about the possible outcome. Sometimes, my laughter felt fake, but I persisted. It was during this time that something inside me changed.

I felt hope. I felt joy. I am writing this because I know that life often throws us curve balls, and we find ourselves in tough times. I encourage you to focus on thankfulness and laughter. Focus on staying in the moment and laughing. The interesting thing about this world is that things do change. It may not be our outer world immediately, but our inner world can change. By changing my inner world, things slowly started to change in me. My husband did pass away, but instead of focusing on the sadness, I focused on the laughter and joy we experienced. I did lose my business, but today I have another one.

I did have cancer, but today I am cancer free. I am grateful for each day I have and this present moment. I choose laughter over tears, even in the most difficult situations.

For this Thanksgiving, I encourage you to write a list of things you are thankful for and dwell on it. Our time on this earth is short. Whether we are here for 1 or 100 years, spend your time wisely. Choose laughter and joy in your inner world and see how slowly the magic happens in the outer one.

Laura Moody is a psychic/medium who offers private sessions by phone. To schedule an appointment, go to:

Turn, Turn, Turn

Autumn is a wonderful season of turning and transition. The leaves change colors, and the weather shifts. It’s an excellent time to revisit those spiritual practices that help us turn our attention from the noise in our world to that deeper, more peaceful, more authentic place within us all.

Autumn is also a time for gathering and celebrating the harvest, home, and holidays with friends and family. It’s a time to celebrate this life journey.

Life moves in a great cycle of seasons and change. We have the power to choose how we experience this cycle, so choose wisely. Remember that we draw people and experiences into our lives through the energy we hold. Our thoughts, words, and feelings are powerful tools for creating our lives. What we focus our attention and energy on is drawn to us. It’s not magic or a punishment/reward. It is simply the working of Spiritual Law.

If autumn is the time for the ending of one cycle and the beginning of another, then use this time to prepare for a new experience in your life. Take a class or two, read a great book, gather with like-minded people, and celebrate yourself. Establish a new vibration in consciousness and plant seeds for a brand new you.

In the words of Marianne Williamson, “Always be open to new beginnings. To the universe, every moment starts the next big thing in your life.”

In a Spirit of Unity, Ric Beattie

Rev. Ric Beattie is the Spiritual Leader & Pastor of Unity of Royal Oak.

November 2022 Page 7

This Really Works!

I usually write spiritual articles, but this month I was drawn to write an article about diet. This surprised me because I feel that every body is different and people need to figure out what works for them. I’m a Virgo with almost all my major planets in that sign, so diet has always played a big role in my life. At 18, I was sure I wanted to become a breatharian! Toward that goal, I became mostly fruitarian while living in Marin County, California where fruit grew free and fully ignored on every city street! Gradually as I matured, I learned what my body needed and what it really couldn’t handle.

It’s kind of a fussy body and I take pretty good care of it. So, I was very surprised when my genetic makeup threw some bad test results at me a couple of years ago. My cholesterol was high – both

good and bad. And my blood sugar was just creeping over the edge of high – I always tended to be low before! My Holistic MD told me, “You need to eat beans and rice,” and informed me that “Beano works” in response to my complaint that beans give me gas.

I’m going to back up to an earlier year when a person close to me became Type 2 Diabetic and read an article from a guy who got completely off his Diabetes meds by eating Vegan. He tried it, and his numbers stabilized in a good range. For 6 months, he was doing great, but then his Diabetes Doctor didn’t think it was a

good diet for him. When he listened to her and went back to his old American diet, he developed heart disease as a byproduct of Diabetes and his genetic makeup combined. Now he has stints and takes blood sugar shots. I am so sad about that, but it is his choice.

So, I was familiar with the benefits of eating beans and decided to give it a go. Great news – I love beans! Who would have guessed they were so delicious and satisfying? To me, they are the perfect comfort food. I am a “foody” with food sensitivities, so I am used to hunting for recipes that use the ingredients I can use. My internet searches netted me some of the very best recipes I’ve ever tasted! And so inexpensive too. If you’re interested, check out Most of my faves come from there, and I’ve also invented some of my own which I love even more.

After a month on this diet, I discovered I was losing weight fast and have dropped

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8 November 2022

nearly 20 lbs. I am back to my favorite size, and my blood tests have all come back within range for both blood sugar and cholesterol! An unexpected bonus is my thyroid which would swing to either extreme, is balanced too. What’s not to like about this? I don’t see a thing.

I am not religious about this diet. I eat fish weekly and don’t worry about eggs or dairy in my very occasional baked goods or small amounts of poultry or cheese when I eat out. But I eat about 90% vegan. What I avoid are sweets. Though I have a pretty strong sweet tooth, I limit sweets to special occasions - or, at most, one moderate treat every other week and don’t keep them in the house. Recently I developed a revulsion for things that are too sweet, which is a relief. Nice to lose the old cravings. It took a couple of years for that part to kick in, but it finally has. While often overlooked, sugar can be a huge contributor to heart disease.

I don’t know if this diet works for everyone with these health issues, but it has worked for me with amazing success. It might be worth a try if you are someone who tends toward either high blood sugar or heart disease or has a family history of either. It’s also light on the planet, which makes me feel good. I couldn’t be more grateful for my doctor’s suggestions and for the gift of Beano – which really does work!

November 2022 Page 9
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Letting Go—

Letting go, you access your True Self, Grace, and Soul Wisdom.

Letting go, self-love and acceptance are not weak… they are the key to happiness and Soul evolution.

My puppy girl is dying. I watched as I obsessively tried to get the perfect care. But then I let go. I accepted “what is” and felt a sweet, deeper connection to myself and her.

I was resisting “what is” - resistance to her dying and the grief. I know that what I try to control controls me.

Many times our mind finds things/people to obsess and worry about as a way to distract us from the present moment. The present moment may feel too painful and too hard. And understandably, life can be hard. However, it’s not our hearts that get broken. It’s our expectations. This is why most healing is grief work of some sort. Life can be hard, yet resistance to “what is” traps us in a paralysis of separation.

In the present moment, we become aware of our feelings and needs (your truth).

In the present moment, inner listening, we become aware of ways we need to show up for ourselves and life. If we haven’t been given the tools for healthy communication or we don’t have the spiritual tools for enthusiastic self-care, the to-do list and worrying are “clever helpers” to keep us from really seeing ourselves and facing our fear.

When we notice the little things, deal with “what is” here presently, and take the next baby step, we align with our divine destiny and soul power.

Obsessing about the future or something out of your control is the mind’s attempt to escape the present moment.

Ego could also be simply described as a resistance to life.

Acceptance of “what is” - what we’re feeling in the present moment or situation that we do not want - is NOT easy.

With the correct spiritual tools and radical self-compassion, the

metamorphosis of “being” happens in simple, presentmoment awareness.

The acceptance of “what is” within and around you opens you to Grace, aligns you with an infinite supply of love and the wisdom to make changes.

When you accept “what is” (moment to moment), real transformation happens.

When you accept what is, you open yourself to live in miracle consciousness and the flow of Grace.

Gain the tools. Schedule a session with me. Learn your soul themes (we all have them).

Clear ancestral trauma that’s not yours to carry. The world’s chaos is calling us to evolve and be a lighthouse.

Love, Barbra WhiteCrow

Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qi-gong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings.

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November 2022 Page 11

Are You Positive?

Do you see yourself as having a positive attitude, or do you tend to have a lot of negative thoughts throughout the day? One of the problems with having a lot of negative thoughts is that we often think we can’t improve our situation. On the other hand, there is an advantage to having a positive outlook on life: we would think differently about ourselves and believe we could make positive changes.

Positive thinking can make the difference between winning and losing. Years ago, some sports psychologists recorded some of the top professional tennis players as they played a match to determine what they were thinking. The players would say whatever they were thinking into the recorder. The psychologists found that these players were incredibly positive. If they made a good shot, they would say things like alright, or good job to themselves. If they messed up the shot, they would say let it go and prepare for the next shot. When the players rested between games, they would visualize making great shots or think about strategies they could use to improve their game. They rarely had negative thoughts.

This same principle can apply to your work or career. If you want to be successful, you need to think positively. With a positive attitude, you can think about your goals and go after them with the confidence that you will succeed. It would be very difficult to achieve your goals if you had a negative attitude. After just a few setbacks, you would likely give up on your pursuits.

Your thoughts, whether positive or negative, also affect your self-esteem. Negative thoughts lower your self-esteem and cause you to feel bad about yourself. Low self-esteem prevents you from enjoying your life and doing the things you want to do.

Where, though, do these negative thoughts come from? Most of these messages were learned when we were young. They may have come from parents, teachers, other children, caregivers, siblings, the media, or from prejudice. The problem is that after hearing them a few times or repeating them, we start to believe them. Some typical messages we may be telling ourselves include: “I am a loser,” or “I never do anything right,” or “No one would ever like me,” or “I’m a klutz,” etc. Unfortunately, we believe messages that are totally untrue, which significantly affect our lives in a negative way. Often we are not even aware that we believe these negative messages because they are buried in our subconscious mind and thus very difficult to change. This is where hypnotherapy can be so helpful. With hypnosis, we can identify where these negative messages are coming from and then eliminate them and replace them with more positive ones.

You can do things to help eliminate these negative messages when you become aware of them. First, ask yourself if this message is true. Second, consider whether you would say this to another person, and if not, why are you saying it to yourself? Finally, ask yourself how you feel about thinking this thought, and if it makes you feel bad about yourself, stop thinking it.

SAMHSA’s pamphlet (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) recommends folding a sheet of paper in half. On one side, write a negative thought you often have, and on the opposite side, write down a positive one that opposes the negative one. When you realize you have a negative thought, replace it with the positive one, you wrote down. Also, using positive affirmations is a powerful way to strengthen your mind and keep it positive.

If you want more help in eliminating negative thoughts, consider hypnotherapy. It works, it is safe, and success can be achieved with relatively few sessions. A great deal of research has demonstrated its effectiveness. 248-688-6469.

12 November 2022

Hypnosis Q & A with Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.

Hypnotherapy is the art of using the hypnotic state to elicit positive change and improvement in beliefs, behaviors and physical conditions.

Below are answers that may help you understand hypnosis better and decide if it is right for you!

Q: Can Regression Therapy help me find my Soul’s Purpose?

A: Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool that serves many purposes. Through Spiritual Hypnotherapy, we can help people tap into a higher level of consciousness where people can gain insight and awareness of their questions, ongoing issues, and their soul’s purpose. As the energy on the planet is speeding up, people have the opportunity to see more clearly and evolve much more quickly. Spiritual Hypnotherapy can help people resolve problems and come to a clear understanding and resolution of issues in their life.

Through Higher Self communication, you are guided to connect with the Masters, Guides, Angels, and/or Light Beings that can give you some insight and understanding as to the issues we are addressing. Because this work incorporates higher aspects of the being, information comes easily. This information is very wise yet short, concise, and easy to understand. It is a much quicker and gentler therapy compared to the more traditional modes of analytical and regression Hypnotherapy. Some clients have reported major problems resolved in very few sessions.

What is Your Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is that part of you that is all-wise and allknowing.

It has been with you since the very beginning of your soul’s existence.

It always has your best interest in mind at heart. Your Higher Self loves you unconditionally, no matter what. In his book, “Vibrational Medicine,” Dr. Richard Gerber refers to the Higher Self as the Super Conscious mind that understands the predicaments of our lives, even when consciously we don’t. According to Gerber, “the Higher Self holds the solutions to many of our problems because it can see from a perspective that goes beyond the mundane day-to-day obstacles that we encounter. The Higher Self is also aware when we’re holding ourselves back from our true potential. “Some conditioning may apply, and a professional hypnotherapist can best assess which program works well for you.

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November 2022 Page 13

The Prosperity Pyramid

All creation is the result of an exact balance between two movements. The masculine principle of creation endeavors to put effort and force into motion to activate manifestation.

This outer force must be balanced with the feminine principle of creation-trust. This is an inner movement of relaxation, a belief in the creative dynamic, and that enough of the right force is being applied to bring about fruition.

When these two movements, activation (force) and relaxation (trust), exist in balance, you will get exactly what you set out to create. If there is an in-balance in the two movements, there will either be no creation, or you will get a partial or distorted manifestation of your desire.


I. Have a clear idea of what you want to create.



Professional Numerologist, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Teacher and Writer for over 30 years

“John’s personal consultations and classes are amazing, he predicts, guides and heals! Thank you, John.”

~Angela Avigne, Owner New Body Therapeutics, Northville

“I lived in Santa Fe, the declared metaphysical mecca of America for many years but when I returned to Michigan I was led to the real deal, John is accurate and caring and his classes are pure enlightenment.”

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To receive your custom class invitation and for more information about private consultations, spiritual development programs, classes and other services please call John at 734 326-3433


2. Take the appropriate amount of action to bring about manifestation - no more, no less.

3. Affirm your desire to the universe through prayer or meditation.

4. Visualize the outcome.

5. Do not dictate how your desire is to be fulfilled.

6. Seek balance in your life.

7. Affirm your trust in the benevolence of the universe by being patient.

8. Create a deserving attitude - treat yourself with respect and love. Cultivate positive thoughts and viewpoints.

9. Let go of your wish and live joyfully. )

10. Show gratitude.

John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, please call John at 734-326-3433

©2022 John Ashbrook. All rights reserved

14 November 2022

Speak the Truth

I used to think that when I spoke my feelings and needs (truth), it had to sound soooo polished professional, and loving.

Later I realized that vulnerability and authenticity are commonly messy, beautiful, loving, and did I say messy? LoL

I am strongly committed to being honest, open, direct, and vulnerable. But I didn’t realize I ALSO had a commitment to the other person’s response!!! I had this tiny thread of codependency, thinking that “if I just said things perfectly, no one would get upset!!”

You ever do this?

It is splendid how my Soul aligned me with a couple of people who, no matter how perfectly I said things, would still react to my feelings and needs. They took my feelings and needs as an attack!!! No matter how vulnerable and owning of my feeling or need I was, they got hurt.

It wasn’t until muchhhhhh self-love, prayer, meditation, and nature support that I finally saw that I had co-created the whole experience to show me to stop gaslighting myself!! To OWN my truth!!!

Singing the unique song that God/Life has put into my heart has been a lifelong journey. I’m never done growing.

Being a healer, Mentor, and psychic for 20 years, I constantly learn from everyone I work with. I’ve also gotten a second master’s, worked with many mentors, and I’m currently in a trauma-sensitive, traumainformed yoga training. I share this to

say that I’m always growing and always learning. This perception is not a curse. When I think I need to have all the answers or be the expert, I feel dead inside.

Starting my days with curiosity and openness of what miracles will be demonstrated through me, what I will learn, and what my growth edge will be, is life-giving! As I ask these questions, new life energy comes into my day. Our ego-mind would rather have “certainty” than freedom. Ego is simply our resistance to life.

“It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we think we know for sure that just ain’t so”. Mark Twain

Miracles are waiting to express through you. However, it does require a crack to come in - the negative mindset about life, of yourself, that you “know for sure” needs to soften just a tiny bit

What you accept transforms. Kindness towards yourself, or limiting thoughts, creates a crack for miracles to happen.

I can see angels and energy and people’s Soul themes. However, my embodiment of love, compassion, and joy continues to deepen and anchor within me —every time I face fear, insecurity, or

cry the river of tears waiting to be felt, I feel more love as me.

It’s a continual process of embracing my humanity to know my divinity. It’s what every book I have ever written has been focused on, yet I continue to rediscover this truth for the first time every day.

I hope you speak your truth today. I hope you say your feelings and needs directly, honestly, and openly. I hope you share your wisdom, joy, and creativity, even if it’s shaky. Your unique song matters in the choir of creation

Write a poem today

Sing out of tune


Pray out loud

Your expressions are holy. Depression is a REPRESSION of what needs to express. Feeling is healing and what you don’t express depresses. Sometimes it is a tear you’re holding back. Sometimes it’s your love that you are holding back (to yourself or others).

You are holy, as you are.

I can visibly see that every person has a team of Angels and earth energies surrounding them and holding them. I hope you let yourself be cradled today.

Love you

I’m here when you are ready to have a teacher/mentor into your True Soul Power and Souls expressions!

Sacred RageActivate Your Voice sold out!! Look for upcoming dates on FB BarbraWhite.1 or Radical Self Love:

Healing trauma to nature and utterly loving oneself.

November 2022 Page 15


For many, thoughts of the approaching holiday season can fall short of conjuring up warm and loving images in our minds. At the holidays, much more than any other time of the year, there’s this unspoken pressure to gather with relatives and create beautiful Hallmark moments. We’ve been spoonfed images of what a perfect family should look like by the media. Each year many people struggle to match that image, and then deal with disappointment and emotional fallout when those expectations don’t mirror reality.

Every year, around the holidays, I see a strong theme at my office - people are overrun with anxiety. They can even feel overwhelmed with a duty to “fix” family issues in order to create those warm and fuzzy gatherings that we’ve come to believe should happen.

Several years ago, I asked Spirit why so many families have such a difficult time getting along with each other. Shouldn’t we feel a deeper love and respect for family over friends and strangers? The explanation I received helped me to understand my own family dynamic and provided me with something to share with my clients who have struggled similarly over the years.

Spirit asked, “If you pulled up to a red light in your car, and another car pulled up next to you that was the exact same make, model, and color as yours, would you automatically assume that you had some profound connection with the driver of that vehicle?” To that, I replied, “But of course not! Why would I?” They went on to say, “Then why is it that you assume that you’ll automatically have a deep connection with the family that you come from? The body is nothing more than a vehicle for your soul during this Earthbound experience. You chose to come into this world through a family that would launch you in the direction of the experiences that would provide the life lessons you wanted to have. Your souls are as different as your thumbprints.”

The belief that family members should have a deeper, more loving, more understanding, and supportive relationship with each other is a myth that’s been pushed on us by society. While we should always be loving in our thoughts, words, and actions towards everyone we interact with - family or otherwise - it’s not our responsibility to force close bonds between individuals with differing ideas and beliefs. Each soul is like an original work of

art - uniquely imprinted by every experience it’s encountered since the moment of its creation. And therefore, as we move through life, we begin to naturally attract other souls into our life who are of a like vibration. These are individuals with similar interests, opinions and values. That’s why so many people lovingly refer to their close friends as their “second family”. I’m not suggesting that holiday gatherings should be marked as obsolete, but I am saying that by understanding and appreciating our differences, we can release the need to “fix” our families in an attempt to emulate the unreachable goal of achieving a picture-perfect holiday. Instead, we can simply respect each other for the unique individuals that we are and let go of the rest. Reminder: perfection doesn’t exist!

If you deal with anxiety, Spiritual Guidance and Hypnotherapy sessions can help to release those negative emotions and create a state of inner peace. Complimentary consultations are just a phone call away. Reach out if I can be of assistance. Have a peaceful holiday season!

Susan deCaussin CHt

Susan deCaussin CHt, Healing Methods LLC, 248-7596486, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner/Teacher, Spiritual Advisor,

16 November 2022 WHAT IN YOUR LIFE NEEDS HEALING? Offering: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance. Susan deCaussin, CHt Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. HEALING METHODS 2265 Livernois Rd, #260, Troy, MI (248) 759-6486 Mike deCaussin Let’s


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What if Every Thought was a Prayer?

What if every thought was a prayer? What are your thoughts saying that you’re praying for? Thoughts create emotions, which create a force of energy toward an action. As we are creators, as Source, our Creator, made us in its image, what we think, we create. Our divine mission is to listen for the voice of Source, willfully change our thoughts to be in agreement with the love we are, and act on that love.

Just take the time to be still, and go within to the part of us that is eternal, the spark of the divine, the Creator. And to grow our connection with our Source. As our relationship with Source grows and becomes stronger, more often, we are more easily able to respond with the Love connection we have. We are becoming a lighthouse of joy and love, shining this joy and love to everyone and everywhere.

What would happen if you committed to see and think of everyone you meet as a divine being, see that divine spark in them - just for one day? Just committing to validate and see the Light, the Love of the divine, in everyone you meet, regardless of whether they are acting nice. Knowing that if they are not, they are acting in defense, out of their ego, and it’s not from their true self, love. Change your negative thoughts to positive ones, no matter who they appear to be or what the situation appears to be. And then, can you do that with yourself? See yourself as divine, letting go of any negative thoughts you have about yourself.

Seeing the divine in yourself can be challenging when you are listening to a negative voice inside that’s from your shadow self or ego. Just close your eyes and allow yourself to know the divine being you are. That those negative voices and thoughts are not you, just a script that no longer serves you, it no longer protects you from fear, disappointment, sadness, grief, or emotional or physical harm. The negativity may be drawing those very same experiences to you. Just let them go knowing they are not the true you.

As our relationship with Source grows, our thoughts start transforming. They become more loving and mindful in the present moment. The ego’s negative voice becomes smaller, and the defensiveness lowers, so we stop taking things so personally as confirmation of our shadow self and start attracting more joyful and loving experiences.

We can look at what we’re praying for when we realize that every thought is a prayer. For your mom to stop bugging you? That boss to just go to H*#!? That partner to just leave you alone?

What happens when the energy focused around it brings that thought to fruition? Do you want any of those things to happen?

And what about those negative names? Do we want to label people like “bastard,” “bitch” or one close to my heart, “stupid”? Let’s stop demeaning each other. Those words hurt and help create the person being just that by validating their own neg thoughts of their shadow self, and your thoughts, fueled with your emotions, will create just that in your experience. Those thoughts, words, and energy of your emotions disallow others to be their authentic selves, Love and Light. They, especially with our young, who are like sponges and take on the stories they are told and start to believe they are stupid, horrible, bad, etc. - not the Love they are.

Using negative thoughts and labels, these are prayers that create that negativity in unconscious ways and sometime consciously when the ego is threatened. And, we lose our connection with the divine, with Love, and create fear and

18 November 2022
As our relationship with Source grows, our thoughts start transforming

separation. Divine Love is of free will and won’t go where pushed away. The vibrations are too different.

What if we use our thoughts and our prayers to become Love? Thinking and acting with love as Christ, the Buddha, did. It’s about a process of continuing to take a breath and be mindful in the moment as to where you are at, love or fear. A great practice is to set an alarm hourly and, at that time, to take a breath, see things objectively, look at our thoughts, and connect with Love—the energy of the whole day changes.

What happens when we hold the energy of defense, negative emotions? We get more conflict. What if we had the energy of an open heart connected with Love? Make more connections with Love, be the lighthouse shining Love and Light. We all want the same things - love, connection, and peace. Let’s help each other get that and create heaven on earth with our loving thoughts. As we now know, in the quantum field, we are all connected. In the energy of the divine, we are all connected. So, let’s create positive thoughts because each thought is a prayer and creates.

Love and Light, Miche

Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www. 248-212-0808, Like me on


I’m committed to writing in the magazine each month, but I don’t always know what to write, so below is a page from my morning journal FREE

Your Soul is seeking great love, You don’t have to feel worthy of it, but you have to be willing to receive it

Great love sees past limitations, half-truths, The mask you show the world, And the shields that guard you so well

Great love pierces your heart. Encompasses your being, Shift all your perceptions, Shatters all your illusions. And it leaves you naked before the whole truth

The only comfort and protection you have is The love and compassion you have given yourself

Humbly and gracefully love yourself now and at every turn

Truth reveals YOU as the villain, victim, and hero of every story, not anyone else, When you fully accept this, fully forgive and fully embrace it, you are free, you are reunited with your Soul!

Start now, let everything else go, tend to your own suffering, Seek the truth, Willingly cultivate love for yourself, and gently and joyfully free your Soul!

Thanks for reading this and the Guide, you can reach me at

November 2022 Page 19

Surviving Hurricane Ian: A view from the trenches

I met a real monster, face to face. Hurricane Ian’s north eye-wall raged over my little home for nearly an unbearable seven hours. With sustained wind speeds in our community clocked at 176mph, gusts at 208mph, and multiple tornadoes, this monster was not kidding around. People under Ian’s south eye-wall were deluged with at least a 12-foot high surge of seawater rushing onshore with radically destructive force. And all of us were flooded with unimaginable amounts of torrential rain. A month later, the wake of all this bigger-than-life wind and water power is still incredible, unbelievable, and devastating. Life is different around here now.

After an anxious week of storm preparation and guesswork, deciding whether to stay or when to go turned out to be a really tough process for most of us! Ian’s swath was huge, and its path was unpredictable nearly until landfall. I found out that most humans do not abandon their homes and belongings easily, especially when those very things are being threatened and might need our quick attention. Many who waited to evacuate endured harrowing middle-of-the-night journeys to unknown destinations through quickly worsening conditions. And many could not return easily to mend their homes due to roads rendered impassable by the storm. Those of us who chose to stay (often by default) met the relentless fury of Ian head-on. Early on, hours before the intensity really picked up, a tree fell VERY LOUDLY on the edge of our roof when we were standing right under that section, and as I jumped and ran from

the room I heard myself shout, “This is why I wanted to evacuate!!” My nerves badly jangled by that beginning, I spent most of the storm hunkered down in the ‘safe zone’ in the center of our smallhouse-surrounded-by-very-big-trees.

I could feel the gusts before they hit, and with the horrific rush of each one, I would cross my arms over my head and moan out loud, praying for the trees that were falling all around us not to hit the house, with me inside. At one point, my partner found me rocking rhythmically back and forth with my knees tucked up under my chin, engrossed in sending text communication to frantically worried family members far away and checking in with fellow storm-facers in my community. Then suddenly we lost cell tower connection (electricity and internet were long gone already). That was 3 pm, and we had no further communication with the outer world until the next morning, and some people for much longer. It was still daytime, but you wouldn’t know it, and the next hours were extra edgy, knowing we could no longer reach out. Like all the talking heads, including our good governor, had warned us: “If you choose to stay, you will be on your own.” It was a profound invitation to laser-focus inward and to connect with a higher power.

The day after this monster storm is the other day I will never forget. That morning people everywhere were like zombies crawling out from under rocks, unable to process our exhaustion or the extent of the destruction around us,

but simply giving little nods and grunts of “you okay?” to fellow survivors (ever since Ian, there are no strangers here). Like a miracle, the air was cool, crisp, and so fresh, and the sun emerged slowly as the clouds dissipated and revealed a brilliant clear blue sky. It stayed this way for two blessed weeks, a welcome helping hand from above aiding in the urgent restoration work (and for the fact that no one had power for air conditioning or water to shower with!). Quick smiles and hugs tentatively returned. All available energy was suddenly directed toward the monumental and urgent task at hand: get all people accounted for and safe and all danger zones stabilized. It was good to have a clear purpose with which to mobilize in our daze. I watched this entire community turn into an incredibly busy beehive, bodies running on sheer adrenaline, and acts of compassion and kindness overflowing with a more beautiful power than that cruel monster storm.

I realized with a new layer of urgency that I needed to reach my friend Helen, my one close community member whose home is too far to walk to. We had been cut off from each other shortly after she had texted that a tree had demolished a portion of her house, water was flooding in, and it was too dangerous to run to the neighbor’s house through the storm. She is 76 years old and stayed to face the storm alone in her home. People here are like that. Helen was just a little further south, in an area where we knew the damage would be even worse. My efforts to get an emergency team to check on her all failed, and finally, on day three, with no word from her (all cell towers out in her area), my partner and I decided to take a chance on driving down there ourselves. We were able to get there, and we found her alone in her house, sweeping up the ceilings from the floor into a great pile of rubble, fences, sheds, trees, and roofs scattered all about…and she was very glad to see us!

20 November 2022

Our little town is now plastered with blue roof-tarps and covered in unfathomable heaps of debris of all kinds. Endlessly noisy chainsaws and clean-up trucks are embraced as heroic rescue tools in our recovery process. Even once-annoying generators are readily tolerated out of compassion for those who are still without power. Every day I hear another amazing or miraculous story or see yet another incredible sight. It’s odd to be in conversations where catastrophic damage to homes is almost handily dismissed with comments like, “well, it could have been worse!” Our bar for what matters has at least temporarily made a radical shift.

I know that I have passed a true test of my own courage and resilience, and also gained wisdom from a grand opportunity to face BIG fear and find ways to navigate it. I hope I haven’t scared anyone away from coming down for a warm winter retreat! We lost a lot of beautiful trees, but our Living Heart Sanctuary was protected from any significant damage. I sat up on the roof the day before the great storm and spoke with my friends the tall pine trees surrounding our home, telling them how much I trusted them to do their very best, and humbly asking if they might miss our buildings if they just couldn’t hold on. It must have helped! By December, we’ll be in good shape to welcome guests. There will still be evidence of ongoing restoration efforts in this special little town, but our friendly community and beautiful beaches will welcome you as always. Life goes on.

Ellen Livingston now offers customized wellness retreats in SW Florida’s home by the sea. Immerse yourself in her natural lifestyle teachings, and unleash your quantum healing powers.

The Silver Thread: Embodied Cognition

Everyone knows we think with our brains. In my training, the brain was the executive, directing thoughts, solutions, and the body to act. But in the last 20 years, neuroscientists have discovered that we also think with our bodies.

To understand, let’s think about the fear of mice: A group of people is in a room, and a mouse runs in. Many people panic. Some jump up on a chair. Why? When questioned, they know that a mouse can’t hurt you. The brain is baffled.

Let’s look at phobias. Many people are afraid of odd situations like walking under a ladder. They” say it will cause “bad luck, “but the brain knows that’s absurd. There is no causal relationship between walking under a ladder and evil things happening.

A universal example is the queasy feeling we get from being at great heights, even when we are safely ensconced in an elevator.

Anxiety is classified as a pathology. Anxiety occurs when people get nervous thinking of future catastrophic events. Note that nothing has occurred. It’s only the mind imagining what might happen. However, the fantasy of eminent disaster occurs because the body responds with tension.

All these are an example of our second brain. The second brain has no language; it is a brain associated with feelings. In other words, our brain anatomy has certain architecture and functions which facilitate the autobiographical brain, and we have other brain architecture which generates bodily sensations. We call this embodied cognition. Embodied cognition is the “gut” feelings of fear and anger which control us and precede in milli-seconds the brain’s narrative.

The brain’s nitrative makes up a story consonant the feeling state: “I am angry because he ignored me”, “I fear rejection if I apply for that job”. The narrative brain correlates with the embodied brain, creating powerful feeling states.

There is little communication between these two brains. The key to communication, and hence integration, is selfawareness, or mindfulness. The ability to observe, to engage the observational mind, and bodily sensations addresses both brains:

Observing the patterns of the biographical mind is called insight. Insight is the central healing dynamic of Freudian psychology. When we recognize dysfunctional patterns, we

November 2022 Page 21

can change them. For example, when we observe that we reflexively say yes to people’s demands and then feel angry about acquiescence, we can then consciously learn to be reflective of consequences and say no.

The observational mind can also be used to be conscious of our bodily states, its tensions, and the ebb & flow of emotions. And through relaxation and breathing techniques, we can “let go” of dysfunctional tensions.

Feelings are a blend of thoughts and bodily sensations. When we are angry, our mind forms a narrative of hostility, and our bodies join in with feelings of tension. When we relax the body, the narrative of anger dissipates. When we empty the mind, the body relaxes.

Thus, self-observation, through mindfulness and meditation, when developed, becomes the bridge to integrate both body and mind. Mindfulness practices are the key to removing dysfunctional behaviors and emotions.

Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. has an MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. Call 248-644-7398

Vessel Of Love

A vessel is a utensil for holding something, such as a vase, bowl, pot, kettle: a boat or a ship, a tub or duct containing or circulating a body fluid: a person thought of as being the receiver or repository of some spirit or influence. I want to explore the body as a vessel for which we hold a substance to circulate love throughout our inner body to the outer world where we live.

A candle is a vessel for light, as our body is a vessel of the Spirit. We can guide our Spirit into weakness or strength with the thoughts we choose to think. Positive, loving thoughts bring about a loving spirit; weak demeaning thoughts bring about a weak spirit. Our thoughts, word, and actions are all a part of us, which makes us who we are. We make a choice; we choose the consciousness of our vessel.

Thoughts are concepts that develop into experiences. When we get caught up in negative entanglement, we entertain unloving thoughts of self, creating negative experiences in our lives and those around us. The weaker vessel is a wall we build within, limiting us from our own greater good.

Everyone wants to love and be loved, wouldn’t you agree? Whether we agree or not, in the world today, love is much needed in our lives. One must first learn to love oneself before one can express love to others. Love is a process, so it takes time to develop in a truly meaningful way; self-love is a good place to start.

In my own words, self-love is loving oneself unconditionally, accepting, and being gentle with oneself. Learning from our mistakes and being aware that we are not perfect while working on becoming better in everything we do. I’m sure we all want to do and be better in this present moment, and our greatest challenge is that of love.

22 November 2022

It has taken quite some time to appreciate myself for who I am. To become loving and nurturing toward myself and others. And, to be quite frank, I enjoy myself more; life has become more meaningful and joyful. I am sure we all have our challenges with self-love. We can start here and now to expand as time goes on, to be more loving from our hearts; this is what it takes to become real in Spirit.

As a people, self-love begins with our partners, and we teach our children to love. (Train a child while they are young) We must understand ourselves and the love within us before we can willfully give love for the betterment of our children.

When love is reciprocated between man and woman, there’s a glow of light, as of a candle, that can be seen and felt by all. We can lie down in green pastures, we can comfort each other, we can lead ourselves and our children beside the still waters, and we shall restore our souls.

We can become more of a vessel of love when we listen from our hearts, have patience, show mutual respect, and are joyous in our presence with each other. Love takes effort; it is worth a job well done.

With every ounce of love we give, there is another ounce waiting to be given and received. We need not be afraid to love, for love is one of the greatest challenges on earth that we all can conquer. We only need to open our hearts and let love flow through our minds and bodies and out into the universe.

We are a vessel of flowing love and light; we can learn to let love circulate in and around us to make our world a better place to live for ourselves and others. We as a people can do this!

Love one another unconditionally; when love is given freely without conditions, it can only strengthen and give greater purpose to a relationship. Love requires courage, faith, resiliency, and hope. And it doesn’t come to those who give up easily. To have a loving relationship, we must put aside our upbringing and what society rules and start looking at each other as humans, expecting no more of others than we expect of ourselves. Let us love as we wish to be loved in return.

When we understand ourselves, we can see that man and woman are no different except in form. We all have Spirit, emotions, and feelings. We all have experienced hurt and pain sometime in our lives. We all have our trials, tribulations, and different experiences in life. To see each other in this light, we become closer to the vessel of love, where we can reach out to one another in oneness, accepting, and understanding

life and love as it truly is. We may handle our experiences differently than others; this is only because we are unique in our own way. When we truly look within ourselves and see what we think and feel and how we communicate with each other, we can truly see others as ourselves.

I’m speaking to men and women as a whole, as a people. Solely to hold a vision in your mind. That man and woman are the same, no one better or less than the other.

I see man and woman standing side by side in the center of the earth, holding hands, legs stretched apart, with their heads held high to the heavens, light transcending love in all directions of the planet. Letting love flow out into the universe, bringing harmony and order to the world for our children to live constructive, nurturing lives. This is the vessel of love.

Love is not always what we see. It is what we make, what we can create. We create our own inner world. We have the power to create harmony, love, and peace. Keeping ourselves conscious of the vessel within us, we are constantly in the flow of life and love.

We will not understand the vessel of love until we know and understand ourselves. Our weaknesses and strengths are all a part of us, which makes us unique. Our thoughts are our destiny. If we allow ourselves to love, life can be a wondrous and adventurous state of mind.

Alethea Howard, a writer, and poet, completed NRI Schools Nonfiction Writing Course. Author of poems, Can You See Me, Beyond the Past, Oh Spirit!, others published monthly in the Vitality (MediaNews Group) Paper, and published Article: MAN AND WOMAN, in the Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine in October 2020. Her seemingly innate ability to articulate feelings and insights with such simplicity leaves the reader with a greater appreciation for life itself.


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The Season of Thankfulness & Forgiveness

Thanksgiving is upon us, which brings many thoughts to what we are grateful for this year. It is a tradition around our holiday table to have each person give thanks for things that have blessed them over the year. However, sometimes it’s tough to think of thankfulness when much hardship may have run your year, bringing tears, sadness, hopeless thoughts, or hardship. This year has brought much sadness for many, including myself. This month, one year ago, my sister died two days before Thanksgiving of Covid 19. My brother died three months before my sister from undiagnosed health issues. I must say that losing a sibling is a real awaking as you face your own mortality. We all must face the loss of a loved one, but somehow it seems a bit different, at least for me, to lose someone close to your age and who had been so much a part of your life.

Also, this has been a year of many changes for me. As I approach my seventh decade on this planet, I sold my home to downsize my life. I have been looking at things from a different perspective. All those small things that irritated me, disappointments, or even expectations seem to take a different light. What seems more important is to work on my physical health and clear my mind of unnecessary anxiety. When I was in my early twenties, an older and wiser person shared with me; there is no tomorrow or yesterday, just this moment

you have to live in. Make this the most important moment in your life. Be sure to live before you are close to the end. Instead, live like you were dying! Enjoy life. Live in your moments!

Suggestion, listen to the song: “Live Like you were dying” by Tim McGraw. You will find that all those things you had to own, or relationships you thought were the only reason for you to go on, or hoping, wishing, and dreaming your life away, will waste so much of your living years. I tell you, losing a loved one, aging, or facing an illness puts things into perspective quickly! If you carry anger in your heart about anything, you must forgive yourself for wasting energy and time on anger or disappointment. You don’t have the time for it. Your life purpose is not about being right, needing to control another’s life or being frustrated that things don’t go as you intended for yourself or others. Forgive yourself for wasting time swimming in your anguish and disappointments, which steal your moments away from your joy. Instead, clear yourself of mental clutter, which will bring things into clarity. Meditation or just even a few deep breaths can bring you to a center of calm.

Find your purpose for your living. When we become overwhelmed with life, we often become sick, go into a depression, or even try to escape by using alcohol or drugs. This can only temporarily delay facing your true destiny. Even if you stay in this cloud for a long time, eventually, you will have a soulful awaking that will bring you to your senses and get you back on your path.

One thing is important to understand when you are facing serious setbacks or life-changing events. Life is not supposed to be happy all the time. We are here to evolve and strengthen our soul’s connection with the Universal Mind of God.

How can you evolve your soul’s

connection with God if you are in anger, disappointment, or sadness? Your mind will only be occupied with negative emotions, which won’t allow for good decision-making. Things don’t always go your way, nor are they meant to. We often learn more through adversity.

Fear feeds negative thoughts. Let go of your anxiety and be still within your mind. Meditation is a wonderful way to gain control of your emotions. Even if you only have time to take a deep breath in and then let it out slowly, you will find you come back to calm quickly. You can then use your clear mind, allowing for a better approach to whatever is upon you.

When I am overwhelmed with lessons, I go within myself to reach a place within the spiritual mind, and I step back from whatever chaos is surrounding me. We all need to take a break, from time to time, from the anxiety and pressures of living on this planet. Once I have gotten back to my center of clarity, I emerge stronger and wiser.

So, I suggest you be grateful at the table this Thanksgiving so that miracles can happen in your life. Be thankful for the difficult lessons and the clarity to have a resolution to the situation. And don’t forget to forgive yourself for wasting time on negative, unproductive thoughts and actions. Live from this moment forward with the intentions of purpose and focused moments of your spiritual mind. Remember, you are here for a reason. Maybe you need to remember or know how to move into your purposeful life. All your answers are within you; be calm, and you will know your next step. May you have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

Wendy Powers is a Clairvoyant, Minister, Writer, and Certified Counselor. She has been a professional psychic for more than 45 years with Proven Accuracy! Readings by appointment only. For more info visit

November 2022 Page 25

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) —

Happy birthday Scorpio! Jupiter direct expands relationships! Longterm issues can heal, even if it’s childhood traumas that affect present-day bonding. You can also have the courage to leave situations where you’re drained by giving far more than you’re receiving. Don’t be afraid to examine your subconscious in therapy or meditation. It’s time to throw off toxic beliefs that limit your joy and fulfillment in life! Also, you can see what impedes financial abundance.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) —

The Full Moon dives deep into your subconscious. Observe your internal reactions to information and events. Practice deep breathing before you blurt things out, or take instant action. Since Mars is retrograde, relationship issues can make you feel defensive. So the whole key is practicing inner poise, so you’re prepared when you need that emotional steadiness. Life is much smother with the New Moon late in the month, so hang in there!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) —

Trust your gut! You’re not paranoid. If you feel it in your viscera, it is actually happening, even if others deny it! But the concern is how you present that information to people; It’s quite a reactive month, so just remain centered in the fact that something’s “off.” If possible, wait until next month to confront or take action. Meditation, affirmations, and positive visualizations soothe in a powerful way. You’re

Spiritual Horoscopes

not avoiding; you are calming your nervous system.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Finances are going quite well! You have more than you thought! You can correct old relationship issues or even reconnect with a partner in a healed way (with healthy boundaries in place). Work can present challenges since you are so fixated on integrity, as you should be! This is a theme through January, with the Mars retrograde. You don’t always have to take action or blow the whistle. Remain steady in your beliefs and choices, and let time reveal the “icky” stuff within others.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) –Jupiter moves direct in your sign, bringing abundance and fun! You can also reconnect with your spirituality. It will seem easier to meditate and to get “in the flow” of life! Amazing career options can open up. Be sure to stand up for what’s best for you. It’s ok to be “selfish” since you’re naturally aligned with what will also benefit the whole group. And yes, you deserve all that money! You can even handle health issues, especially if you’re overindulging in food or drink.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) — Meditate on abundance as Jupiter and the Full Moon bring amazing insights into money and clear whatever blocks the flow. You can meet powerful people who help with financial backing or deep insights. In relationships, you’ll be able to dislodge energy that clogs your ability to love fully. You can feel

soothed by intimacy rather than be unsettled by it. Also, Mars retrograde asks you to think carefully before blurting!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) —

Jupiter opens the door to connections with friends and fun activities! Follow your bliss and pursue fulfilling hobbies that give your life meaning. The Full Moon can bring sizzle to a current partnership or take a new one to an exciting level of passion! The New Moon later this month brings even more depth. Hold your boundaries at work, and you can be rewarded with respect and even a promotion or bonus.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — Mars moves retrograde in your sign until January. You can realign your goals with your values. You can learn to manage anxiety, worry, and overthinking. Trust your inner voice and separate it out from fears on one side and wishful thinking on the other. Having resilience in your nervous system brings amazing peace, poise, and success! Jupiter moves direct and blesses you with cool job offers or a bonus!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — Mars is retrograde for a number of months, helping you dig into your subconscious. You can unearth, confront and release old traumas, fears and limitations. You’ll emerge empowered and energized! Keep track of things that trigger you, no matter how small. Meditate on the roots of your reactions for amazing insights. Relationships transform. Emotional and physical health improves. Finances start to flow. So don’t be afraid of the “inner gunk”!

26 November 2022

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — The Full Moon clarifies issues in relationships. You can heal long-term issues in a current partnership. You can also let go of things that haunt you from past connections. Jupiter moving direct helps you trust intimacy again! You can even have breakthroughs with finances. Open to abundance and prosperity! Reconnect with friends and activities that make your soul sing!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Focus your meditations on creating resilience in your nervous system. It’s never too late to start building a sense of safety within! Make an effort to have a sacred space in your home as a mini sanctuary. If you persist, you’ll even find nagging health issues resolving in almost magical ways. As Jupiter moves direct, relationship problems resolve. Communication improves. If single, you can start a fulfilling new partnership!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Mars retrograde wants you to reconnect with your spiritual practices. That might mean meditation, prayer, inspirational reading, yoga, or walks in nature. Staying grounded and centered helps you make decisions in relationships and to set/maintain healthy boundaries. You can also rediscover strengths and talents you’ve neglected. Positive affirmations and imagery also work wonders.

Aluna Michaels

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters’s in Spiritual Counseling and has taught and consulted for over three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon on Kindle and an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone, or via Zoom. Call or text (248) 5831663 or visit

Astrology for Your Soul

“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.”

Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663

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5.0 out of 5 stars Seeing Love in a new way. . . “While I’ve read many, many wonderful books on spiritual growth and bringing about a better society, I have to say that none have been as simply and beautifully written as Chrissie Blaze’s, Deeper into Love. Chrissie did a marvelous job of bringing together seven complex concepts to form an easy to understand future way of being. Her writing technique is efficient and powerful at the same time. No word is wasted -- every sentence is meaningful. And beautiful. I felt like I was reading poetry.” Amazon reader

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Book ~ This is an excellent book, if not one of the first you should pick up. I wish I had found it a number of years ago, after chewing and chomping through very disciplined Buddhist texts and teachers. It’s written in a simple, direct, honest, but yes as the title suggests - very loving manner....the book exudes love.”.

November 2022 Page 27

Classes & Events

February - 3-month season introduction of the deep feminine wisdom begins in February. 734-796-6690, www.

April - Self-Acceptance-Process

Facilitator Traning-9-month is held co-currently starting in April!, 734-7966690,

.11/01 Tuesday Night Prayer Circle: 7-8 pm. Held every first and third Tuesday on Zoom. Bring your prayer requests or a favorite reading. Hosted by our Prayer Partners. All are welcome. For Zoom access call 248-288-3550 or visit us at

11/02 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. IN PERSON or on ZOOM. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or

11/02 Wed Night Meditation: 7-8 pm

Watch our livestream each Wednesday night @ 7 PM via YouTube or Facebook. We focus on Deep Spiritual Questions, Affirmative Prayer, Unity Principles and Guided Meditation. Join us online and reset your week! 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248288-3550 or

11/05 Art From Our Heart: 6-7:30 PM. Join us for a fun filled silent auction of fantastic art pieces. Funds raised will help the Outreach Team to provide Thanksgiving meals for families in Royal Oak schools and Clay Apartments in Detroit. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or

11/05 Connect with the Departed

7–8:30pm, Modern day Shaman teaches you to connect with loved ones, handle grief, heal yourself and your soul group, and learn spiritual protection. $20 Live & Zoom. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/05 Make Your Own Crystal Bracelet (includes supplies) 12pm $35 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, email us at rockyourworldevents@ or visit

11/05 Witches Brew and Intention Jar Class (includes supplies) 3pm $30 12pm 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia. 313 412-7690, rockyourworldevents@ or

11/06 1 Day Psychic & Holistic Fair, VFW New Baltimore, 35011 23 Mile, New Baltimore, Michigan 48047 Hours: 10am - 6pm, email us at

11/06 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm in Wingate by Wyndham, 31900 Little Mack Ave, Roseville, MI - Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

11/06 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Join our weekly Sunday worship service In Person, on Facebook or Youtube. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or

11/09 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. IN Person on ZoomRSON or on ZOOM. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www.unityofroyaloak. org

11/09 Wednesday Night Meditation: 7-8 pm Watch our livestream each Wednesday night @ 7 PM via YouTube or Facebook. We focus on Deep Spiritual Questions, Affirmative Prayer, Unity Principles and Guided Meditation. Join us online and reset your week! 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www.

11/1 Hatha Yoga Noon-1pm $15/class (1st Tue Monthly is Free) Gentle yet challenging class to reboot your day and bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. Mats available.

2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor www.

11/12 – 11/19 FLORIDA Women’s Health Retreat November 12-19, 2022, with Ellen Livingston. Raw Vegan Detox Menu, Expert Life Coaching, and so much more! Englewood, FL, near the beach. / 734-645-3217.

11/12 & 11/13 1 Day Psychic & Holistic Fair, Daily American Legion

Conn-Weisenberger 2020 W. Alexis Road Toledo, Ohio Hours: 10am - 6pm, email us at rockyourworldevents@ or visit

11/12 Women Of Spirit: 10 am - 12 pm. Join the Women of Spirit on the second Saturday each month. Share in a light meal while listening to this month’s guest speaker or participating in a lively group discussion of this month’s topic. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550

11/12-11/13 Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II

Class 9am–4pm daily. Two-day Certification - includes traditional Usui Reiki training with Holy Fire Reiki, and many other special techniques with lots of practice. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor,

11/13 Michigan Psychic Fair in Plymouth, at the Comfort Inn from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

11/13 Sunday Celebration Service:

10-11 am. Join our weekly Sunday worship service In person on Facebook or Youtube.2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www.

11/13 Weekly Tarot Club 6:30-8pm. minimum $5 donation. Tarot enthusiasts are invited to connect, grow and build a community to share Discussion on Tarot Meditations, Theory and Theosophy, Readings, History, Symbolism, and more. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/14 Demystifying Dreams Class 6:30–8:30pm, $33. Find the Hidden Messages in your dreams. Covers: sleep patterns, dreams, symbols, archetypes, how to find hidden meanings, with tips for improving sleep and remembering your dreams. www.

11/14 Grief and Loss Support Group: 7-8:30 pm. Held every second and fourth Monday on Zoom. Help with grief, loss or dealing with significant change in a supportive environment. As we support each other, we will explore tools that can lead to accep-

28 November 2022

tance and peace. Facilitators: Karen Ulatowski & Mary Wackrow, LUT. For Zoom access call 248-288-3550 or visit us at

11/15 Hatha Yoga Noon-1pm $15/ class (1st Tue Monthly is Free) Gentle yet challenging class to reboot your day and bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. Mats available. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/15 Tuesday Night Prayer Circle: 7-8 pm. Held every first and third Tuesday on Zoom. Bring your prayer requests or a favorite reading. Hosted by our Prayer Partners. All are welcome. For Zoom access call 248-288-3550 or visit us at

11/16 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. IN PERSON or on ZOOM. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or

11/16 Wednesday Night Meditation: 7-8 pm Watch our livestream each Wednesday night @ 7 PM via YouTube or Facebook. We focus on Deep Spiritual Questions, Affirmative Prayer, Unity Principles and Guided Meditation. Join us online and reset your week! 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www.

11/17 Third Thursday Open Mic & Acoustic Jam: 7-9 pm. Bring your instrument, your singing voice and your originals or favorite cover songs. $5 Cover. Perform or just enjoy the music. Each performer gets 10 minutes. No Death Metal or Polka Music. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248288-3550 or

11/19 1 Day Mini Psychic Fair 10am8pm., Rock Your World Crystal Store, Laurel Park Place Mall (Mall Center - across from Eddie Bauer) 37700 6 Mile, Livonia, MI 313 412-7690 or visit

11/19-11/20 Enlightened Soul 2-day Psychic Fair! Sat 11am–6pm $5, Sun Noon-5pm $3. Includes Free gift, parking, snacks, shopping! Meet Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Crystals & Stones, Great Vendors! 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor,

11/20 Michigan Psychic Fair at Troy Quality Inn, Rochester MI 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

11/20 Sound Healing Concert 3rd Sun

7-9pm. $20. Experience a sound bath of deep meditation from rare crystal bowls, music from all over the world, with Reiki, orchestrated in peaceful harmony. Based on Sustained Sound Therapy. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/20 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Join our weekly Sunday worship service In person, on Facebook, or Youtube. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or

11/20 Weekly Tarot Club 6:30-8pm. $5 min donation. Tarot enthusiasts are invited to connect, grow and build a community to share Discussion on Tarot Meditations, Theory and Theosophy, Readings, History, Symbolism, and more. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/21 Queer Magic Group 6:30–8:30 pm, $10 or pay what you can. For LGBTQ+ folks to create community, group ritual, hold sacred space, explore spirituality, witchcraft, and magic in the queer experiences.2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor,

11/22 Hatha Yoga Noon-1pm $15/ class (1st Tue Monthly is Free) Gentle yet challenging class to reboot your day and bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. Mats available. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/23 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. IN PERSON or on ZOOM. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or

11/23 Wednesday Night Meditation: 7-8 pm Watch our livestream @ 7 PM via YouTube or Facebook. We focus on Deep Spiritual Questions, Affirmative Prayer, Unity Principles and Guided Meditation. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www.

11/25 & 11/26 Huge Event - Psychic, Holistic & Shopping Expo. Fri 11/25

11AM - 7PM & Sat 11/26 9AM - 6PM, Meridian Event Center, 26750 Haggerty Road, Farmington Hills, MI 13 412-7690, visit

11/27 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm in Novi Holiday Inn 9675

Twelve Mile Rd. (12 Mile, W of Haggerty) Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

11/27 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Join our weekly Sunday worship service IN PERSON, on FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248288-3550 or

11/28 Grief and Loss Support Group:

7-8:30 pm. Held every 2nd & 4th Monday. Help with grief, loss or dealing with significant change in a supportive environment. As we support each other, we will explore tools that can lead to acceptance and peace. Facilitators: Karen Ulatowski & Mary Wackrow, LUT. For Zoom access call 248-2883550 or

11/29 Hatha Yoga Noon-1pm $15/ class (1st Tue Monthly is Free) Gentle yet challenging class to reboot your day and bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. Mats available. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/30 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. IN PERSON or on ZOOM. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or

11/30 Wednesday Night Meditation: 7-8 pm Watch our livestream each Wednesday night @ 7 PM via YouTube or Facebook. We focus on Deep Spiritual Questions, Affirmative Prayer, Unity Principles and Guided Meditation. Reset your week! 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak, 248-288-3550

11/5–11/6 Enlightened Soul 2-day Psychic Fair! Sat 11am–6pm $5, Sun Noon-5pm $3. Includes Free gift, parking, snacks, shopping! Meet Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Crystals & Stones, Great Vendors! 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor,

November 2022 Page 29

11/6 Weekly Tarot Club 6:30-8pm. minimum $5 donation. Tarot enthusiasts are invited to connect, grow and build a community to share Discussion on Tarot Meditations, Theory and Theosophy, Readings, History, Symbolism, and more. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor

11/7 In-Depth Cannabis Class for Professionals 9am–5pm, $125 in advance. Topics: Standards, history & culture, plant anatomy, effects of cannabinoids & terpenes, methods of consumption, product matching, appropriate dosing, successful demeanor, & clean selling.

2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor www.

11/8 Ballroom Dancing ~ 6 Weeks Starts Nov 8th, 7-8pm. Brush up on your sills or try ballroom dancing for the 1st time, great for weddings, parties, nightclubs or for exercise! Singles and Couples welcome. See site for pricing.

2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor, www.

11/8 Hatha Yoga Noon-1pm $15/class (1st Tue Monthly is Free) Gentle yet challenging class to reboot your day and bring yourself back into physical and mental balance. Mats available. 2711 Carpenter Rd, Ann Arbor www.

12/04 Michigan Psychic Fair at Waterford Noon to 6pm Holiday Inn Express, 4350 Pontiac Lake Rd, Pauline 586939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

12/11 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Farmington Hills from Noon to 6pm Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

Fridays - Ongoing: International Award-Winning Blog - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension. Learn to live in the new world, ride the waves of change on Earth with skill. www.

Call us at 734 513-6137 to have your events and classes posted here...

Holiday Side Dish

When we sit down to our holiday dinner, most of the time, it is the main course that gets all the attention; however, it is the side dishes that are the ones with the most eye appeal and unique flavors. The side dish is the unsung hero of many holiday dinners. They are like the supporting actor who can make the main actor’s performance looks so much better. When it comes to side dishes, make them very colorful, not as heavy as the main course, and very flavorful.

The following recipe contains delicious, colorful vegetables with many health benefits. Parsnips are one of my favorite vegetables for a holiday side dish. They have a natural sweetness to them and a unique appearance and color. They are high in vitamins C and K, folate, manganese, lots of B vitamins, and fiber; they help support bone and heart health. Carrots are similar in shape to parsnips and have similar nutritional value. And both are root vegetables that give you strength and energy.

Delicata squash is the sweetest of the winter squashes and my favorite. They are oblong, yellow with green stripes, and inside they are a beautiful yellowish, orange color. Known for helping boost your immune system, it is also high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the body. Squash can help improve eyesight, improve circulation, stabilize blood sugar levels, and be good for your digestion.

The flavor profile of this dish comes from the sweet, salty, pungent, and sour seasonings. Tamari is your salty flavor which complements the sweet brown rice syrup. Brown rice vinegar is also sweet,

sour, and pungent. Ume vinegar, which you may not have heard of before, has a wonderful salty, sour, pungent flavor. When you put these ingredients together, the dish has a robust flavor to complement any main course dish you will serve for your holiday dinner.

Squash Parsnips and Kale in Sweet Sauce

3 cups delicata squash (cut into cubes)

3 cups parsnips (cut in diagonals)

2 cups carrots (cut in diagonals)

2 cups chopped kale

2 T. olive oil

3 T. tamari

3 T. ume vinegar

3 T. brown rice vinegar

3 T. brown rice syrup

1/2 cup water

1/2 tsp. sea salt

1 T. arrowroot (dissolved in 1/4 cup water)

1. In a large pot, place the vegetables (except kale, to be added later) in their own compartments, each vegetable separate.

2. Whisk together the olive oil, tamari, ume vinegar, brown rice vinegar, brown rice syrup, water, and sea salt. Pour over the vegetables.

3. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, and simmer for 15 minutes.

4. Add the kale on top, continue simmering, and cover for five more minutes.

5. Add the arrowroot and 1/4 cup water mixture to the pot and stir together. The sauce in the pot will thicken as the arrowroot heats up, and the sauce will cover the vegetables. Turn off the heat and serve hot.

Chef Valerie Wilson offers virtual and inperson cooking classes. He is an author, personal chef, and counselor, been in business since 1997. or Facebook MacroVal Food.

30 November 2022

Create A New Story

You had no control over the family you were born/adopted into or the programming and conditioning and possible trauma that took place during your formative years. During those years, you had no choice but to attach to and identify with the stories you were being told about yourself. Those attachments became your belief systems which determined how you perceived yourself and the world around you. How does one de-program, unlearn the conditioning, stop feeling separate from All That Is and know who you really are? In other words, awakened?

The stages on the spectrum of awakening are vast; many won’t awaken this go around either of their incarnations. There are lessons and human experiences to be had in this realm. You are a spiritual BEing having a human experience here, and there is not always an easy way through a lesson. Nevertheless, one of the most valuable lessons any Soul can learn here is that one doesn’t have to remain attached to the stories once told due to their programming and conditioning. There is a gentler, loving, carefree, softer, smoother, blissful, joyful, and peaceful way of having a human experience here. To detach from the Old Earth (3D) stories, programming, and conditioning, one must be willing to do the inner work to create new stories…thus new realities, and be committed to the consistency of said inner work.

I love stories, especially the ones with happy endings. I grew up listening to all kinds of Bible stories, fairy tales, Aesop’s Fables, and my family’s stories. I have many stories that I created myself as well. I’ve played numerous characters in my own life stories; in some, I was the hero; in others, the villain, and oh

so many where I played the victim. My Ego recorded every story and would loop them in my mind continuously. I’d focus all my energy on attaching and identifying with them, which kept me asleep/unconscious, and my Ego in the front seat driving. I would get tired of repeatedly seeing the same old story played out with me being a victim. I would protest, saying, “I’m not that character anymore.” My Ego would then flood my mind with story after story saying, “yes, you are; remember when that happened? And this happened? And you did that?” Eventually, I would give in to the argument and become that character in that ancient story. Every time I accepted those stories, I invited all the pain, stress, feelings of unworthiness, and lack that came with them. It was a very vicious cycle I was in…when my Ego was driving.

My willingness to delve deeper INward (through meditation) began pushing my Ego towards the backseat and brought my Soul/Self forward to take over driving. While meditating one day, I was led to implementing a counter system to the old stories, programming, and conditioning that my Ego consistently looped in my mind. As I let go of and released the old, my Ego launched severe attacks on my thought life. However, I was led INwardly to counter each assault that entered my awareness with a simple yet powerful mantra that I still use today. As my Ego

attacks continued to test the waters of my resolve (always through my thoughts), I’d say, “that’s not my (meaning Soul/ Self) thought; I don’t receive that.” As a result of those counters, I began detaching from old stories, programs, and conditioning, and my paradigm slowly and steadily shifted. With every story I countered came the opportunity to create a new one of my choosing. I made Self-Discovery (through meditation) my number one priority. As a result, SelfCare practices became embedded in my daily activities. Through those practices, a Self-Love developed that I had never known before.

When I began consistently meditating, exercising, practicing yoga, and watching what I listened to, read, and the people I hung around, I shed layers upon layers of the old…EVERYTHING. What a welcome home party my Soul/Self and body threw when I shifted/awakened/ released the old! My Ego moved to the back seat, and my Soul/Self took the wheel. I now co-create with the Universe (with the assistance of my Soul/Selfdriving) the realities I want to see and experience in this incarnation/lifetime. You are a creator; you can create the life you want to experience. You do not have to accept the old stories, programming, and conditioning handed down to you. Knowing this… in truly knowing this… what are you creating?

Queen, Author, Blogger, Light Worker, Wayshower, and New Earth Representative. She gives her readers considerations and insights to ponder that are designed to assist them on their journey home. www.

November 2022 Page 31
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