Body Mind Spirit Guide 2022 06

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June 2022 Page 1 For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit © FREE Copy at Select Location JUNE 2022
ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!©


John Ashbrook

Sharon Kay Baran

Susan deCaussin

Amy Garber

Penny Golden

Jill Janiec

Howard Todd-Collins

Miche Lame’

Aluna Michaels

Laura Moody

Phil Rosenbaum

Kathleen Skubik

Dave Tuscany

Barbra White

Eve Wilson

The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. It’s a great place to find humor, inspiration, local news, events, products, services and professionals.

Copyright 2022 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments.

We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated.

Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff

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Our Writers are Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have healthy body, an

enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Our Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)!

Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

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Articles this issue...

10 Qualities of a Good Dad

Men are playing a more active role in parenting. They don’t just take the role of provider, protector, and disciplinarian in the family.

Today the role of fatherhood has evolved and along with it men are now embracing a whole load of new skills and values.

How do men influence their kid’s development?

By looking at how our kids see us we learn something about ourselves! Primary school kids in the US were asked to describe what makes a good dad. They came up with the following:

“A good dad makes you feel safe”

“A good dad can protect his children from getting hurt”

“A good dad knows how to keep the bad guys away”

“A good dad always listens to Mum”

I’m not sure about the last comment! However, protection and safety emerge as important for our kids. The research further explored the way children tend to see their dads as follows:

Safe, Strong, Comforting, Protecting, The hero, Teacher, Wise and knowledgeable

The notion that ‘just being there’ may not be enough to influence our kids’ growth and development. Researchers have developed and defined quite specific characteristics or attitudes of fatherhood in relation to the developmental needs of children. Here are 10 qualities that are proving significant, in helping our kids grow to be resilient, healthy individuals.

In no particular order:

1. Dependability

Being there through thick and thin. This is not just being present and correct. It’s about being consistently available for our kids through good times and bad.

2. Involvement

Being personally engaged in our kids’ lives, interests,

hopes and dreams on a daily basis. Being curious and attentive requires us to put our distractions to one side.

3. Compassion

Showing compassion, hope and belief when our child needs it most. Compassion is a state of mind or attitude that really helps us to feel connected and close to the human experience of being a child.

4. Valuing of mother

Showing respect and love of our kids’ mother. This isn’t about just always agreeing with mum! Valuing is similar to validating our partner for who they are with all their imperfections. Showing love and respect requires action, not just thoughts, and teaches our sons and daughters how to be treated.

5. Empathy

Listening empathically in order to be understanding, present and engaged. Putting ourselves into the shoes of others enables them to feel heard, respected and valued. Even if we don’t completely get it, or even like it!

6. Being verbally expressive

To clearly communicate, uphold guidelines, being tough yet fair, without belittling or being controlling.

7. Being human

To own mistakes, be open to feedback, and teach that growth is a lifelong endeavour. So, dad (and mum) get it wrong, sometimes! I reckon teaching our kids to be human means we have to show our own humanity, as often as possible.

8. Honesty

Teach and live by the values of honesty and integrity.

9. Playfulness

Showing delight in our children through fun and play. The benefits of dads playing has been researched, particularly the rough and tumble play. It teaches our kids to regulate their feelings and accept limits and boundaries.

10. Being industrious

Model a healthy work ethic as a source of personal accomplishment and satisfaction. This isn’t necessarily associated only with work; it’s a valuable attitude toward tasks in general.

Find out more about Men and Relationships Counselling at

June 2022 Page 5

7,200 square Feet oF MineraLs, rocks, crystaLs, FossiLs, tarot decks, cLasses and More...


Saturday June 4th

Psychic & Holisic Fair

VFW Bruce Post - 28404 Jefferson Avenue

St. Clair Shores, Michigan 10am - 6pm | $7 General Admission

Saturday June 11th

Psychic & Holistic Fair

Livonia Elks - 31117 Plymouth Road

Livonia, Michigan 10am - 6pm | $7 General Admission

Saturday & Sunday June 18 & 19

Psychic & Holistic 2 Day Festival

Harvey Kern Pavilion - 599 Weiss Street

Frankenmuth, Michigan

10am - 7pm Daily | $10 General Admission

Saturday & Sunday June 25 & 26

Psychic & Holistic 2 Day Festival

Yack Arena - 3131 3rd Street

Wyandotte, Michigan 10am - 7pm Daily | $10 General Admission

313 412-7690 - 37700 6 Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan 48152 Open during Mall hours Tuesday thur Sunday at Mall Center across from Eddie Bauer
inside LaureL Park PLace MaLL
Upcoming Psychic & Holistic Shows Enjoy a day with psychics, mediums, astrology charts, healers, body workers, aura photography, crystals, holistic products, plus fun shopping! Text the word “crystals” to 844-570-1104 for the latest update on classes, discounts and events. Email us at or visit

It’s all Energy

Have you ever walked into a room after two people were arguing? Do you remember a feeling of sadness, anger, or thickness in the air?

Or the feeling at a wedding when two people share vows? A sense of joy and happiness almost comes into your skin. One definition of energy is a variety of forms, such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, and thermal, that can be transformed from one state to another. If it is true that energy can be transformed from one state to another, how can it affect us? From time to time, we have all met a negative person that seems to suck us dry, and occasionally we encounter a “beacon of light” when someone seems to glow with positivity and sunshine. So I don’t know about you, but my goal is to be the” beacon of light” to others. Sometimes I am, but most times I am not. I tend to let circumstances affect me. I have not mastered the art of indifference to the energies around me.

I have found several things I can do that can create higher energy in my little bubble.

Take time for myself. Self-care and self-love are extremely important to create positive energy in our lives. That means getting enough rest, eating healthier, more natural foods, and having fun.

Creating a stable balance. Meditate. Clearing the clutter of my mind. Releasing worry about the future or things I can not control. I can not control all the world’s problems or even mine, but I can control how I feel about them.

Clearing physical space. If energy can be transformed from one thing to another, how does this affect our living situation and environment? Get rid of items that no longer serve you and donate or pitch. As we live in a clearer space with less clutter, we feel less clutter.

Surround myself with positive, upbeat people. Positivity is energy, and it can transmute to us.

Many studies have been done about positive and negative emotions and how they affect us.

Enlighten the mind. I try to read and listen to talks that uplift me and do not create fear or negative energy. Look to expand with information to create joy and happiness.

At the Rock Your World Crystal Store in Laurel Park Place Mall in Livonia, we offer a variety of classes that can assist you in creating better energy in your life. These classes are inexpensive and worth looking at; our schedule for June is as follows:

June 2nd – 2 – 3:30 pm Crystal Jewelry Wrapping Class $30

June 5th – 12– 5 pm Beginners Tarot $99 including deck

June 11th – 11a – 12:30 p Crystal Jewelry Wrapping Class $30

June 12th – 12 – 5pm Reiki Level 1 Certification & Attunement $150

June 22nd – 7 pm – 8:30 pm

Manifesting for Beginners $20

June 30th – 7 pm – 8:30 pm

Meditation to meet your guides $15

We hope you will come to visit us in our store this June. We have over 7200 square feet of crystals and metaphysical items. In the meantime, keep your energy high and stay positive!

Rock Your World Crystal Store is located in Laurel Park Place Mall @ 37700 6 Mile, Livonia, Michigan 48152 (Mall Center –Across from Eddie Bauer) 313-412-7690

Laura Moody is a psychic/medium and owner of Rock Your World Events & Rock Your World Crystal Store. You can learn more about Laura by going to her website:

June 2022 Page 7

♥ Eve is a Bestselling Author on Amazon!

Pulling Together

Humans are complex beings. Within us, we have so many potentials that can pull us in different directions unless we train them to pull together! Our minds have ideas that could be judgments we learned from others or maybe led by our intuition. Our hearts have feelings that can be darkened by hurts or jealousies or may be radiant lights of unconditional love. Our egos may be confident or insecure, or both at once! Our will might be directed by love, sexuality, insecurity, greed or generosity, anger, longing, or compassion. Our physical bodies can be pulled by hunger, strength, raw energy, fear, anxiety, or pleasure. And don’t forget our spirit! It could be our Higher Self or a lower spirit that influences us. So many impulses and so many opportunities for self-mastery!

How can we get all these elements pulling together for the greater good?

Each moment we choose who we will be and what we will do. But often, that choice involves stuffing lower impulses to show up the way we need to for ourselves, jobs, and relationships. When we stuff things, it divides us inside, but just letting it all out can be destructive.

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8 June 2022
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Here is an alternative based on two important potentials we hold:

1 – The first and most essential is an open heart. The heart I refer to is your heart chakra, which unites our spiritual essence with our body. The heart chakra is one of 7 primary chakras within our personal auras. It is an interface between the Higher Self and all the different elements of our human self. You could think of it as a mediator of the differences. It is also a transformer – releasing negativity and attracting unconditional love. Through the open heart, all our ideas, desires, and potential can be integrated to pull together for our greater good.

Following your open heart is the first requirement for experiencing a unified impulse of life. When your heart is open to your Higher Self, following your heart is following your destiny and true purpose. It may surprise you how right that feels, though it may be different than you thought. Sometimes, it may be hard or uncomfortable, though always leading to a greater good. Learn to recognize the impulse that guides your true purpose by practicing living in unity with Higher Self through your open heart. At first, it may seem subtle, but it will grow stronger with consistent attention.

2 – Welcome your Higher Self to work with your human self to co-create your life!

- Centering in your heart chakra in the middle of your chest, let your heart’s core of unconditional love fill your body and aura in every direction to its perimeter, about an arm’s length from your body.

- Welcome your body, emotions, ego, mind, and willpower to all be enfolded in unconditional love.

- Welcome your Higher Self to flow through that open heart to incarnate into your wholeness.

- Ask that it invites all parts of you to be in harmony with higher purpose and greatest good.

- Honor the different gifts that each part of you brings - all are essential.

- Allow higher intelligence and unconditional love of your Higher Self through your open heart to guide all aspects of yourself to fulfill their true purpose.

These are big intentions, but with persistence, a positive light fills and flows into your life, helping you co-create each moment, circumstance, or relationship. Imagine your life as a wheel. The hub is your Higher Self, and each spoke is a different facet of you all pulling that wheel together in a smooth flow of love and true purpose. Around your waist, there is a hub that, when you center there, you can feel the wholeness of all parts of you.

Living within your wholeness requires being in your body, not just in your head; otherwise, it won’t work.

To learn more about this, visit my award-winning blog site and type 3 Most Important Things into a search box.

This will bring up 3 posts and their videos that teach living grounded and centered with an open heart in unity with Higher Self. Here is the address:

Eve Wilson, Award-Winning Blogger, Best-Selling Author, Master Healer, World Ascension Worker, Creator/Teacher of Healing & Ascension Monthlies Series

June 2022 Page 9

Benefits of Massage for PTSD

The benefits of massage on PTSD are not limited to the military. The positive results from massage can be profound for folks suffering from PTSD, no matter the condition’s cause. Living through or witnessing anything extremely upsetting or dangerous can cause PTSD.

Frequently a client with PTSD cannot relax during a massage. In these instances, the therapist needs to proceed slowly with their treatment. Due to heightened emotional arousal that is part of PTSD, sufferers often experience increased body tension. The hyper-vigilant state they experience coupled with traumatic somatic memories can make it difficult for them to receive deep tissue work. The initial sessions might be more productive with the client fully clothed and sitting up. Ideally, the client will become more comfortable and able to relax in subsequent sessions. As the client can relax and begins to feel safe, the benefits from the massage will increase.

Massage won’t cure PTSD, but it effectively alleviates some of the worst manifestations of the syndrome. Studies show massage will improve symptoms such as chronic pain, immune system deficiencies, and stress. People living with PTSD have been found to have elevated cortisol levels, which lead to cognitive impairment, poor glucose management, and lowered immune response. Studies at the Touch Research Institute show that massage helps to reduce blood cortisol levels and

will lessen those damaging effects.

Research published in Military Medicine reports that military veterans indicated significant reductions in anxiety, worry, depression, and physical pain after massage. The analysis also suggests declining levels of tension and irritability following massage.

At Fort Bliss Restoration and Resilience Center, the Holistic Healing approach to PTSD created by clinical psychologist John Fortunato has proven particularly effective. The therapies include several modalities, including reiki, massage, meditation, yoga, and hot stone massage.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is particularly effective in treating PTSD. Studies performed at the Upledger Institute on Vietnam Veterans who have PTSD proved effective in treating five key components of PTSD: insomnia, hyper-vigilance, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and panic attacks.

The stress of war and transitioning often causes a chronic release of the hormone cortisol, which, in the long term, can cause problems. Massage has been shown to reduce cortisol levels while increasing levels of serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. This balancing of hormones aids in relaxation and causes a reduction of stress-related issues.

A soldier’s sleep is often restless and shallow; at times, it is non-existent. Massage helps to restore healthy sleep patterns. Massage is beneficial in reducing insomnia and increasing the deep sleep necessary for a healthy mind and body. Massage offers a multitude of physical and emotional benefits. Those suffering from PTSD can experience relief from the simplest techniques and relaxation. These complementary approaches are far preferable than resorting to medication to cope with life.

Irene’s Myomassology Institute is the oldest and largest massage school in the Midwest. Founded by Irene Gauthier in 1987, the nationally accredited school continues to set high standards for massage education. Students graduate with a Michigan State Massage Therapy License and Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. Alumni are prepared to begin their new careers with a multitude of skills to best help their clients.

10 June 2022


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What is the “Mature Masculine”?

It seems there has been a lot of discussion through the years about the Mature Masculine. Much has been written and spoken, and it can be a bit murky. I’ll attempt to give comparisons that are mine. Here are many of the most important traits I believe that the “Mature Masculine” embodies:

They Believe in Power With” relationships with others. This refers to allowing others to feel and demonstrate their own intrinsic power, regardless of who is in charge of a situation. When I let go of “rightness,” I don’t just listen to the other but really hear them, with an intention to understand their point of view, even if- in the end, they ultimately agree differently. This isn’t abdicating authority; it’s working collaboratively to make sure that the decision is the best one for all, whenever possible.

Mature Masculine’s are in integrity with themselves and accountable to others.

Integrity is when my thoughts, words, and actions are all in alignment with my own code, my mission. Does it feel right in my bones, in my gut? Integrity is that whisper to do what I feel is right when I’m at a choice point. I can tell you that there have been times that EVERYTHING was on the line, and I was forced to make the decision that felt right, no matter what the cost, no matter what the struggle that might follow. It’s my “inner compass .”Leaders who embody the Mature Masculine “Make the Tough call that is the right call.”

Once I’m in alignment, then I can make agreements and keep them. This is Accountability.

Mature Masculine do what they agree to, never less. If I fall short, I make it right as soon as possible, without excuses. I judge myself NOT on my intention but on the impact that my actions have on the other.

If my energy is focused on justifying why I did what I did, it minimizes that I impacted the other…. And because I care for them, I care how my actions land on them. That is being accountable. Geez, what could happen in the world if everyone were simply accountable?

Speak with Vulnerability. I DO and SAY the hard thing with compassion and empathy. Often, when one hides what they are feeling and are reluctant to say the hard thing, relationships dry out and wither. Owning how I feel (yep, real feeling words) with “I Statements”; allows the other to feel me; really feel my heart.

12 June 2022

Compassion is so important. I care how you hear me. I care how it lands on you. Empathy: I’m actually putting myself in your shoes, hearing truth. Speaking from the depth of my heart with compassion and empathy hurts like hell sometimes, yet vulnerability is the glue that can hold relationships together. Embodiment and Grounding. I’ve been in men’s work for almost 20 years with an amazing organization called the Mankind Project. More about that in a bit. During that time, we have often talked about being grounded. I have learned to be grounded, and I am most often. I can pull my center down, calm down, feel my heart and my groin, not just my head.

Yep, I thought I Was really good at being grounded. That’s until I met my amazing partner Barbra White who would only receive a partner with full embodiment as well. Three years ago, I had no clue what she meant. And now I do. I know now that being grounded is only the access point for something far deeper- Becoming embodied. Feeling my body from the inside out, feeling my body taking space in the world. Allowing myself to take up the space. It’s about being fully here…. Inhabiting my body, feeling the energy between us; knowing I’m a sacred being, knowing I’m divine- NOT for just what I do in the world but for WHO I am.

The Mature Masculine Holds Space for the feminine; Creates and holds the Container for the relationship to allow the feminine to express their essence. The Mature Masculine is both Fierce and soft; I will rip your heart out if you threaten what is dear to me and will hold others in an embracing hug that allows for the healing of ourselves and our ancestors. There is so much more that the Mature Masculine embodies, and there are many books and organizations that attempt to teach this.

The organization I am proud to represent is the Mankind Project. I am a Certified Co-Leader entrusted to help lead transformational weekends called the New Warrior Training Adventure. There are weekends happening all over the USA and world, and Men’s Circles where Men hold each other with fierce love and heartful compassion to help each other be the Best Man they can be.

Yes, I believe I’m an example of the Mature Masculine. Not perfect, but perfectly imperfect.

If you would like more info on the Mankind Project, an individual Life Coaching session that supports shadow integration, or attend one of our Men’s Circles in the Metro Detroit area, call me. I’m here to serve. Dave Tuscany 586-907-6125

June 2022


2265 Livernois Rd, #260, Troy, MI (248) 759-6486

Offering: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance.


Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Signs along the roadways play an important role in keeping us moving in the right direction and moving safely when we hit the road in our cars. Signs are just as important when it comes to navigating your way through life. As important as they are, they can very easily be overlooked. Spirit wants you to know that while you can often feel alone, confused, and unsure of which path to take, signs are there to help you, whether you consciously see them or not. When Spirit speaks of signs, they are talking about people, situations, things, and events which are purposely placed along your path to cause you to shift the direction you’re taking by shifting your perspective and offering inspiration & support. Call

Signs can come in many different ways. Sometimes a physical object, such as a coin, feather, or even a message on a license plate, will appear to let you know that a higher power is at work, watching over and guiding you. Other times, a complete stranger may say something that will strike a chord with you,

14 June 2022
Susan deCaussin, CHt
today to schedule your FREE consultation.
Mike deCaussin

shifting your focus in a different direction. I love those moments. It can be one simple thought or phrase from someone you only cross paths with once that will tweak the direction you’re traveling in. We all must remember that the One who created us works through the words and actions of others to help us in our moments of need.

All too often, we can get so lost in life experiences that we become blind to the subtle signs placed along our path every step of the way. But, they’re there, nonetheless. When that happens, it can feel like you’ve lost the road map to your journey, and in some respects, you have. Becoming and remaining consciously aware is the key to sensing those signs. Awareness - it’s what you are at a soul level. You are not your body, your personality, the clothes that you wear, or the things that you own. When all is said and done, you are simply the awareness of all of these things. Pure conscious awareness. Yet the distractions of the physical world are so effective at pulling you away from being aware of the signs from Spirit that provide comfort, validation, and, most importantly, the life guidance you so desperately seek. When you understand the importance of being consciously aware, it’s your responsibility to maintain balance in your life, supporting that state of awareness.

Proper balance is attained when you can feel equally grounded in the physical aspect of your existence and the energetic. When you’re overly connected to the physical world and the craziness that comes with this experience, it’s easy to take life too seriously, forgetting that we are eternal beingsforgetting that this is simply a temporary assignment. While it’s not practical to think that the average person can afford to sit in deep meditation for hours every day, a balance can be achieved by intentionally incorporating activities that relieve stress and provide opportunities for the mind to relax and move into a state of pure awareness. When this is done, clarity, inspiration, and comfort begin to flow into your life.

If you find yourself overrun with anxiety and need to learn ways to shift into a better state of balance, there are people who can help. Remember that self-care is not self-ish. Take time to connect with me or someone else who’s trained in this area to help you find and maintain balance in your life so that you won’t miss out on the signs meant for you!


Healing Methods LLC, 248-759-6486, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner/Teacher, Spiritual Advisor,


Conn ect ion

Lori Irvin

Medical Intuitive Healer

Mind & Body Healings, Pain Removal, Inner Child Integration, Holy Fire Reiki, Angel Work

Buy 1 hour get 1/2 hour FREE!

$65.00 Savings call/text Lori to schedule 810.820.0494


Connect ion

Lori Irvin

Medical Intuitive Healer

Mind & Body Healings, Pain Removal, Inner Child Integration, Holy Fire Reiki, Angel Work

Buy 1 hour get 1/2 hour FREE!

$65.00 Savings call/text Lori to schedule 810.820.0494


Conn ect ion

Lori Irvin

Medical Intuitive Healer

Mind & Body Healings, Pain Removal, Inner Child Integration, Holy Fire Reiki, Angel Work

Buy 1 hour get 1/2 hour FREE!

$65.00 Savings call/text Lori to schedule 810.820.0494


Conn ect ion

Lori Irvin

Medical Intuitive Healer

Mind & Body Healings, Pain Removal, Inner Child Integration, Holy Fire Reiki, Angel Work

Buy 1 hour get 1/2 hour FREE!

$65.00 Savings call/text Lori to schedule 810.820.0494

June 2022 Page 15

What is Our Connection to Melchizedek?

Who was Melchizedek?

How it began

In early 1986, Daniel Chesbro received guidance, saying simply, “It is time to call the Priests.” With that statement and through subsequent dreams, Dan was guided to start the Order of Melchizedek.

Dan was already an ordained minister, having completed American Baptist seminary after college. But he knew the messages and synchronicities were too strong to ignore. After receiving guidance regarding the actual ceremony, Rev. Dan ordained the first two priests, a man, and a woman, on Easter Sunday, March 22, 1986.

Rev. Dan started an incorporated, non-denominational church called the Sanctuary of the Beloved Church in Conesus, NY, to follow his mission to ordain people into the Order of Melchizedek. Since then, his work has taken him all over the U.S. and Canada, Europe, India, Tibet, and Egypt. Over 16,000 people from diverse backgrounds have chosen to be ordained by Dan into the Order of Melchizedek. This does not cancel out any other religious affiliation a person may have; it is a compliment to one’s spiritual path that carries no obligations.

Rev. Dan says that of the many incarnations that “The Christ” assumed to serve the human condition, one is Melchizedek, a balanced being— as a Priest and as a King— and spiritually androgynous. Being more “spirit” than “physical,” they appeared on the Earth without a birth experience. Melchizedek is said to have written The Book of Job and the teachings on the principle of “The Law of One.” Upon completing his physical work, he left the earth plane through true spontaneous combustion.

Melchizedek is beloved by many faiths as a great teacher and prophet. The “School of the Prophets” and the Essene Order result from his earthwork.

Some Biblical references to Melchizedek are:

Psalms 110 : 4, Genesis 14 : 18-20, Acts 10 : 35

Ezra 2 : 59-62, Hebrews 5: 7-10, 6 : 19-20, 7 : 1-17

The Order

The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and/or heal the Human Condition as it emerges into the Age of Aquarius. The Order has come into physical form now because of the Earth transformation that is taking place. IT LAST CAME INTO BEING IN PREPARATION FOR THE COMING OF CHRIST!!

The Order of Melchizedek does not discriminate; everyone is welcomed. The Order is not a religion but a service order. Each Priest is legally ordained under the “Sanctuary of the Beloved” in New York State and the United States. Ordained priests may start their own church or just practice privately.

Priests are not required to “give up” anything they believe in or resign from any other organizations or religious orders. There is no doctrine they must follow. There is no dogma, no hierarchy. (And no vows of celibacy or poverty!)

Why you may be called to do this

Those who do healing work, energy work, bodywork, or intuitive readings may wish to become ordained as a form of legitimacy and protection. When I started studying Reiki and doing readings in the 1990s, it was recommended to have a ministerial designation as legal protection due to the “laying on of hands” that some religions practice.

Rev. Dan also reminds us that we have signed up for this cosmic event, to be born as a Lightworker at this time, help birth the spiritual evolution of the Human Condition and the life of planet Earth as it moves into the Age of Aquarius. “Every past life you ever created is here with you now, as you endeavor to serve and progress in your growth to your next incarnation, in whichever or whatever domain you choose…So best foot forward, chin up, smile, and give it your all….after all, you promised!”

Getting ordained is also a wonderful statement of commitment

16 June 2022

to your spiritual path. It lets people know you are serious about helping others. Often, soon after people have become ordained in the Order, opportunities come forward for new priests to rise to the occasion! (Kind of like “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”) I had my ordination certificate shrunk down and laminated to carry in my wallet for the times when, for example, I want to visit people in the hospital who are restricted from receiving non-family members.

Also, this Ordination confers a legal title of minister upon participants. As an ordained priest, you will be able to perform legal weddings, baptisms, funerals/memorials, sacred rituals, and ceremonies. I’ve performed one wedding and two funerals. The ordained receive an ordination certificate, but — one of the most special parts — they receive an “energy transfer” during the ordination ceremony, LIKE AN ATTUNEMENT! Some have captured an intense White Light on digital cameras during the proceedings. (See photos on at our website) This is a profoundly moving experience you can’t get from an online ordination!

The event

The next opportunity in Michigan to become ordained into the Order of Melchizedek is Sunday, June 26, 2022, at the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop in Ann Arbor. People from around the country have come to Michigan to be ordained by Rev. Dan. He drives from New York, so he limits where he offers the Ordination, and he doesn’t do them remotely.

During this four-hour event, you will learn the history of the priesthood and the Melchizedek energies and incarnations. Also, Rev. Chesbro will speak on the legal ramifications of becoming a priest allowed to perform weddings, baptisms, sacred rituals, and ceremonies.

To complete the Ordination, you receive an “energy boost.”, a brief and sacred ceremony with a universal yet individual impact. Rev. Dan anoints with silver & water to include the feminine energies and gold & oil to bring in the masculine.

Masks are required, and light snacks will be served. The cost of $199 covers all fees.

To register for the Ordination or to learn more, go to: https://

For more information on Rev. Daniel Chesbro, visit: http://

Rev. Amy B. Garber, BA, RMT, is an intuitive psychic and conscious channel, a Past-Life Healing Regression practitioner, and performs Remote Reiki Readings. She teaches Intuition Development at the Enlightened Soul Center & Shop, where she is co-founder and owner/director.

June 2022 Page 17 Drum Circle Healing & Community Fri., June 17th 6pm to 8+ pm With Lori I. & Amy F. Come, bring drums, bells, or even a rattle made with rice & a plastic Container! Just have fun, drum, connect & heal with like-minded people. Tea & Talk afterwards - $35 at the door, Prepaid discounts at Only $30 or $55 for 2 seats Any Questions please ask Lori at 810-820-0494 (call or text) You are Invited! Feel the Healing Vibration at The Enlightened Soul Center Mention this AD at the door for extra $5 OFF Must be prepaid (link below)

Would You Like to Have the Skills of an Edgar Cayce?

Have you heard of Edgar Cayce? He was called a “Sleeping Prophet” because he would go into a very deep trance and get information that would help heal people with all kinds of ailments. This was known as “doing a reading.” One time Edgar Cayce, who lived from 1877 to 1945, was struck on the spine by a ball at school. When he got home, he was not making any sense, and his father ordered him to go to sleep. When Cayce woke up, he told his parents what he needed, and his grandmother prepared the potion and placed it on the back of his head. He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he was back to normal.

Another time, Cayce lost his voice and was totally unable to speak. A local hypnotist in the area used hypnosis on him and was able to partially restore Cayce’s voice, which allowed him to do readings. However, after the readings were over, he was again unable to speak. The hypnotist suggested Cayce put himself into a trance to see if he could obtain a solution to his problem since Cayce had helped so many people this way. Cayce agreed and got the information he needed. This restored his ability to speak.

When Cayce would do a reading, he would be in such a deep trance that he was not aware of what was going on around him. In fact, some skeptics would pinch him to see if he was faking, but Cayce did not even feel it. Cayce had no idea what he said during the reading and would have to read the notes his secretary wrote while he was in trance. Only then did he learn what had transpired.

Cayce stated that he went to the Akashic Records, which is like a giant library of the universe and contains the records of every thought and action every person has had in their current life and for every life the individual has lived. Cayce claimed we all have the potential to go to the Akashic Records to gain important information about our lives. Would you like to have this ability? The truth is we all can get the same kind of information Edgar Cayce was able to get.

Dolores Cannon was a very successful hypnotherapist and author. She was fascinated by the idea of past-life regressions

and developed a method she called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique or QHHT. Dolores would normally guide individuals into a past life and then have them go to what she called the “Subconscious.” When she said Subconscious, she meant it much differently than Freud or others when they refer to the Subconscious. Some might call it the Higher Self or the Superconscious. At this level, Dolores was able to get answers to all kinds of questions as well as get healings for many individuals.

Dolores would have the clients make a list of questions they wanted answers to, and when Dolores got to the “Subconscious,” she would ask the questions. The questions were about the individual’s life, such as “What is my purpose?” or “What should I be doing with my life?” or “When will I meet Mr. or Mrs. “Right?” or ”Why did I have to go through a certain experience?” and so forth. Normally the “Subconscious” would answer the question as long as the answer was beneficial to the individual. It would never answer a question if the answer would be harmful to the person.

In addition, she frequently was able to get healings for a number of different ailments. This included reconstructing cartilage between joints, eradicating AIDS from the body, healing heart conditions, eliminating migraines, restoring vision to 20/20, curing lung problems and skin problems, and much more. Dolores taught many people how to use her technique, and many of them reported amazing results.

If you would like to experience a “QHHT” session or do past-life regression, please get in touch with Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. I’m located in Royal Oak, Michigan. A session like this could change your life.

Old Habits & Negative Thought Patterns Keeping you Stuck? Get Unstuck Now

This Month’s Special! Save $50.00

4 Session Pkg. just $290.00

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18 June 2022
Counselor & Certified Hypnotherapist
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248-688-6469 Phil

You Deserve MORE Love, Not Less. Self-Love opens us

When we feel connected to Self and Life, we feel loved. When we feel separate, violence towards ourselves, others, animals, and the Earth is an attempt to get the power and dignity back; we perceive we are lacking in the moment. You deserve more love, not less, when triggered.

Humility invites perception shifts or revelation to the inter-web of connection between Self, each other, and more than the human world. When we become little enough, naked and honest with ourselves, we ironically feel big...connected......enough.

An Inward glance of compassion for our pain plugs us back. At its core, the pain is not from the “other,” but rather from our defensive ourselves, than ‘other,’ and to Life.

We resist connection to “prevent” future pain but all the while wilting inside �� Connecting to Self, Nature, and Life isa courageous yield because connection means letting go of the current known reality.

We know our stories and current perceptions. Opening up to your True Self is a process of letting go.

We fall back into connection with a little faith to let go of our perceived protectors and false padding.

What we perceive as lacking in another is what we are unwilling to give. Express to feel Love as you, not approval or security, and you will experience yourself.

Giving Love ONLY to love as you is a reclamation of Self. Compassion towards yourself and others awakens you to your broader self-identity. Inward permission to express Love- opens us...and to Life.

“We are never upset for the reason we think” ACIM

Healing is a revelation of your essential wholeness and a byproduct of your expanded consciousness. Returning to Love, you return to your True Self. Instead of the mind games of hierocracy, superiority, or inferiority, yield to the connections waiting to be felt.

Let go to the You and the Connections that have always been �� Nature, Life, and your True Brilliant Self wait to hold you, Love You. Need You. All Beings Are Holy.

Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qi-gong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings

It’s time to feel at peace in your own being and open to your divine assignment. 734-796-6690 Pinckney, Michigan

June 2022 Page 19
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Tips for Kids Struggling with Change

These past few years took a toll on all of us, especially the children, having to learn how to do school via zoom, learning the computer for the younger children, staying away from their friends and some family members, teachers, etc. I can’t even imagine how the children felt; alone, scared, anxious, and fearful, to mention a few. We made it through 2020 and 2021, and things have moved in a better direction; there is still some residual left for both children and adults.

I have several tips that have helped my clients and me during this transition.

Gratitude – What is Gratitude? It’s being thankful for what you already have. It can sound like: “I am happy that.…” or “I am thankful for ….” Or “I love that …” and “I am grateful for ….”

How you feel is more important than the words you say— express Gratitude in the present tense. Gratitude is a powerful tool for helping you attract new things into your life.

You must feel good about where you are now to attract more goodness into your life. Some Benefits of Gratitude include 1— calmness 2. Gratitude can help you handle disappointments. 3. Gratitude shifts your mood!

Self-Talk – The Power of your Thoughts and Words

Self-Talk is critical for helping us build positive self-esteem and powerful self-confidence.

I want to go into a little more detail about how to powershift when you experience self-talk and how to create positive selftalk throughout the day.

Shifting negative self-talk!

There are two steps for shifting negative self-talk; first, you must notice it! That means to listen to what you are saying to yourself and to the thoughts that you are thinking – hear yourself.

Listen to what you say to yourself in the mirror. Listen to what you say to yourself when you are about to meet someone new. Listen to what you say to yourself when you are about to do something that makes you nervous, like take a test or stand in front of your class.

Most important is to listen to yourself when you’re feeling the grungies! (The grungies are a sign of negative self-talk!) What

are you thinking about? What makes you feel sad, afraid, angry, depressed, guilty, lonely, etc. The grungies are often a sign of negative self-talk, your feelings.

Second, STOP and SHIFT!

Stop and shift means stopping the grungy talk and Shifting to Power Talk!

When you hear negative self-talk, stop it IMMEDIATELY!

A cool trick is to use a “stopping phrase.” A “stopping phrase” is a flag to let you know to stop your negative thoughts so you can Shift a positive thought.

Managing Change - We learned a thing or two about change these past two years. Life is all about change!

As kids, you change grade levels, teachers, and classmates every year. Some changes are small such as learning a new subject or having a new textbook, while others are huge, such as changing schools or dealing with divorced parents. Did you know that people respond very differently to change? Some kids love change while others not so much.

How you respond is often based on whether you wanted the change or whether you think the change is “good” or “bad.”

Change often pushes you outside of your comfort zone, and the dragons will come when that happens. (The dragons are the negative self-talk, your thoughts). You may feel a little nervous, anxious, or even sad, but the only way to slay the dragons is to face them head-on and step into the change. JUST DO IT!

Every time you slay the dragons, you build self-confidence. You get to choose how you want to respond to change – even if it is something you didn’t want.

How you manage the changes in your life will directly impact your happiness and your ability to achieve your dreams. You see, you cannot create who you want to be by staying where you are. You MUST Change.

Three steps to Managing Change are:

List and manage concerns

List benefits and positive impacts. Visualize embracing the change.

Sharon Kay Baron, Certified Life Coach for Kids

Want to learn more about Gratitude, Self-Talk, and/or Managing Change? Reach out for a thirty-minute free consultation to see how I may best serve you and your child. Sharon Kay Baran, Certified Life Coach for Kids, or 734-636-6737, Empowering Kids 4 Life!

20 June 2022

Creating & Maintaining High Self Esteem

Having high self-esteem may be simple, but it is not always easy. Many people, even mental health professionals, connect self-esteem with outside forces such as race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, popularity, physical dominance, beauty, weight, intellect, and even other people’s opinions.

And it’s often still connected to our sense of self-worth established in childhood before we even start making decisions for ourselves.

Here is a general breakdown of selfworth and self-esteem:

CHILDHOOD- Age 1 to 6, we are emersed in feminine energy, typically thought our mother, and we get our self-worth through our experiences and connections with her mostly.

LATE CHILDHOOD– Age 7 to 12, the masculine energy engulfs us; they call this the age of reasoning because we start to reflect on what is happening and how we feel about it.

INDIVIDUALITY - At age 12 to 18, both the male and female energies are fully embodied, and we no longer just think our way or feel our way through life. We are developing idealistic views.

We will spend the next six years creating ideals by questioning, and challenging ourselves and everything we have learned so far. We naturally compare ourselves to others and evaluate and judge our teachers and parents; we say things like, when I grow up, I will never do this, be this, etc.; we are creating Ideals based on our experiences and our uniqueness.

ADULTHOOD - At age 18, we are adults; by now, our ideals should have taken over all the voices in our heads from our teachers, parents, and the whims of our peers and help us decided for ourselves based on those chosen valued ideals who we are and how we handle things regardless of others.

If we have mastered setting our Ideals, we become our own best friends, and we become parents to ourselves, we encourage ourselves without harming ourselves, we motivate without belittling, correct our own thoughts, feel our own feelings, set our own life goals, and monitor and control our own behavior, we are accountable to and for ourselves.

We can still respect the opinions of others, even our parents, but we don’t look for their approval because they are not living our life; they have no idea what it is like to be us or what we value most... Only we live in our own hearts and mind, even if they pat you on the back, it’s based on their values of right and wrong or good and bad, but it might not be necessarily true for us.

What you deem right and wrong and good and bad should be the main thing you question and consider. The answers to your questions about your thoughts, feelings, and actions create a “reputation of yourself with yourself,” and from that reputation will come your personal self-esteem... how you esteem yourself is what matters!

Sure, we can respect the opinions of others, even our parents, but ultimately positive self-esteem and self-worth are nurtured from within ourselves, not from the approval of others. Each of us are living our own life, and other people may or may not have any idea what it is like to be us or know what we value most. Only we live in our own heart and mind.

If you do things that go against your ideals to please someone, anyone, you have compromised yourself, betrayed yourself, and your reputation with yourself suffers. This can lead to feelings of alienation, loneliness, feeling not good enough, and wanting to ‘escape’, because your personal values have not been trusted and protected. You must come to a place where you can trust yourself to do the right thing for yourself in all circumstances.

If you have not already chosen your own “Highest Ideals,” you can begin now by searching and digging deep into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to develop Ideals that you can work to live up to and be proud of regardless of others.

Self-esteem is only about one thing; it’s about how well do you live up to your own highest ideals. I hope you will get to know yourself, be true to yourself, and replace your inner critic with a loving coach (yourself) that will help you know that your worth it and support you to create an excellent life for YOU!

“To Thine Own Self Be True,” Shakespeare

June 2022 Page 21

It’s all about Trusting God

Many of us are still thinking that we aren’t good enough. We live every day with this false belief, and this belief controls and colors how we experience life every day. For example, in this dualistic world, we tend to either stop trying to be good enough or overdo things to earn being good enough. We feel like failures either way. So, we stop being true to who we are, trying to be who we think we should be to please others, and our limited beliefs are founded on the idea that we aren’t good enough. We forget the divinity we are. We are always good enough. It’s our divine right.

When we know that we are created in the likeness of God, our Creator, this means energetically, not necessarily physically. Knowing that, can you trust that your Creator already knows that you are good enough? We can only do our best to be our best selves moment by moment. And, we’ve been given guidance when we listen to our Higher Self. Can we listen and trust our inner guidance because we trust God?

When we take the time to pause and listen to the inner voice of God, at first, it may feel scary as our ego screams at us not to. The ego wants to survive, and it can’t if we listen to the divine for guidance and follow through on the guidance, even if it is out of our comfort zone and so feels awkward, and uncomfortable.

God, our Creator, always has our back - we can trust the guidance. If you’d like, experiment with small things at first until you feel more comfortable. Just reinforcing, our Creator always has our back, even when it seems contradictory. Life is easier when we trust God.

Love and Light, Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P

Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www.

22 June 2022

Soul Development and Aging

Over the last several decades, the external approach to maintaining youth has become a billiondollar business. It seems that everyone is looking for that one secret that will keep them looking young and vibrant. We are constantly bombarded by advertising that promises to keep us wrinkle and sag-free. Pills, creams, and plastic surgery are the answer, or so we are told. To some degree, these things combined with a healthy diet and a good exercise regime can retard the aging process, but the real key to youth lies in approaching the problem from within, a serious commitment to the development of one’s soul.

There’s a strong connection between the development of the soul and the aging process. Soul development is the unfolding conscious awareness of unconscious fears that prevent the soul’s natural quest for diverse experience, personal growth, expression, and freedom. When these fears are realized in the light of consciousness, they can be examined, worked through, and released. This work fosters spiritual evolution. When a human embarks on a serious path to self-purification (release of paralyzing fear), the vibrational rate of the soul is raised each time buried fears are recognized and dissolved. Eventually, as purification progresses, this heightened vibrational rate reaches a point where the body itself is refined into spirit. At this point, the individual is no longer prone to disease, injury, aging, or even death. In fact, the individual who has attained this exalted level of spiritual development would not die, as we understand it. Instead, they would materialize or de-materialize at will, traveling from one dimension to another. This refinement of matter into spirit is the grand goal of the force of life.

What is aging? Spiritually speaking, aging is the result of resistance to change. It is the stubborn effort to create a final changeless state, to keep something just the way it is now – forever. Since the universe itself is in a constant state of expansion and change, anyone who strains to remain static is bucking the natural flow of life. Aging or looking old is the result of not being in the flow. The great philosopher Hermann Hesse writes, “He looked lovingly into the flowing water, into the transparent, green, into the crystal lines of its wonderful

design. He saw great pearls rise from the depths, bubbles swimming on the mirror, sky blue reflected on them. The river looked at him with a thousand eyes – green, white, crystal, sky blue. How he loved this river, how it enchanted him, how grateful he was to it. Yes, he wanted to learn from it; he wanted to listen to it. It seemed to him that, whoever understood this river and its secrets, would understand much more, many secrets, all secrets. But today, he only saw one of the river’s secrets, one that gripped his soul. He saw that the water continually flowed and yet it was always there; it was always the same, and yet every moment it was new.”

We all know that when water sits, it becomes stagnant, it will not support life, but when water flows, it remains fresh and is drinkable. If you want to look and feel young, you must endeavor to be more like the river. If you are ever-changing, you will always look the same. Spirituality is not a final state; it cannot be static. Spirituality is a natural continuum and can never be the result of a forced intellectual discipline. There are no set of rigid rules to follow. Each one of us becomes spiritual in our own way; we will all ultimately come to the to the conclusion that spirituality is an ever-unfolding process. There is no final state. The soul is immortal, infinite; therefore, it contains unlimited potential for experience. If we are open to experience, it will flow from the unlimited depths of our soul to the surface of our conscious minds forever, like the fountain of youth. The aspects of who we are has no limitations. If we fear change and define ourselves by one identity, we limit our developing consciousness, we lose our freedom, we become disconnected, we become old.

All pleasures, creativity, abundance, and joy burst forth into reality through the openness of the unencumbered soul. Life is like the river, a river that flows forever, an unlimited journey of experience. If we choose to jump into that river with courage, faith, and patience, our spirituality will soar to unbelievable heights of exuberance, and we shall remain forever young.

John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, please call John at 734-326-3433

June 2022 Page 23
PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY  STORE - SHOP  Mama Tracy Inc. There is a Reason You’re He re! Psychic Readings, Home Parties, Events & Classes, Handmade Jewelry, Mojo Candle Kits, Metaphysical Products & more… 23614 VanBorn, Dearborn Heights 734 626-5436 like us on facebook MamaTracyInc  STORE - SHOP   HEALING   CHURCH  Wendy Powers Nugent Clairvoyant Pastor, Certified Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, and Writer for Body Mind Spirit Guide Wendy connects with spirit and has been a professional psychic for over 35 years with proven accuracy. By appointment only 248-826-8255  RREADINGS 

GOD will turn your Trauma into TRIUMPH!

Start a vision board. Start dreaming of your future and write down how you will use your gifts, talents, and experiences to tell your story of your comeback, bringing HOPE to help others with what you have overcome.

Hi beautiful friends,

We all have experienced some trauma in our past, especially in the last two years; we have seen an increase. Some have lost loved ones; others lost jobs and businesses; some have had to deal with ongoing sickness, separations in relationships, and taking care of our elderly parents, and finances have been a challenge to keep up with all the economic changes. We are wondering, will it ever get better? I want to bring you HOPE today and say. Yes, a future and a new life are waiting for you to overcome trauma and turn it into TRIUMPH! The first step is to realize and admit that you need healing and recovery. The restoration process begins when we turn back to God, knowing that we can’t do it ourselves, and ask his help for divine intervention. You must realize that this is bigger than you, and you need to let go of the control of the past to move forward into your beautiful future. It’s time to rest, reset, refresh, and rebuild your heart, mind, and soul by the still waters. It’s time to recreate your life with your creator’s love and power! Here are some steps that will be strategic in accelerating your trauma into TRIUMPH.

Take one day at a time. Be patient with yourself and others in the process.

Forgive yourself and forgive others that hurt you and you have hurt.

Release and pray and let go of negative emotions attached to that trauma. For example, hurt, pain, shock, bitterness, anger, resentment, and offense. Now replace it and receive and declare joy, acceptance, love, peace, forgiveness, freedom, hope, faith, and a new future with new adventures coming your way.

Get connected and stay in the community with those that will love you and be there for you. You can’t do this alone. Walking together with others will help you accelerate the healing process to the finish line—for example, Small groups, counselors, doctors, church, close friends, and family support. Be grateful to God and be thankful for people. Celebrate the little signs and wonders you see along the way that brings light to your path.

Exercise and get movement daily, get plenty of sleep, get into the sunlight, walk barefoot in the grass, take lots of water and calming teas, and take seven cleansings breathes a day to reset your nervous system.

Here are some foods and supplements that will help your nervous system calm down and heal from trauma bringing balance and homeostasis.

Green leafy vegetables, fish, dark chocolate, broccoli, eggs, salmon, avocados, almonds, walnuts, asparagus, zucchini, sweet potato, quinoa, bananas, oranges, pomegranate, prunes, blueberries, kale, lemons, apples, nuts, fermented foods, healthy fats for the brain, coconut oil, and fish oil. Vitamin A, B-complex, C,D,E, zinc, selenium, Calcium, magnesium, potassium, probiotics.

Learning something new will help stimulate your brainpower and awaken your soul to a new you, you have never discovered.

Take some art classes, pottery, dance classes, singing, and play a new instrument.

Before long as you start incorporating these new ways and truths in your life, trauma will be a thing of the past, and you will begin to begin soaring and launching into your unique destiny and purpose, free from the past weights and flying into a future that is bright, bold and beautiful.

Blessings and Peace be yours. -Jill

June 2022 Page 25

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) —

Happy birthday Gemini! As Mercury moves direct, pay attention to your dreams. Also listen to intuitions that arise in meditation or at random times in the day. You’re very tuned! Meditate each day, even for just five minutes of deep breathing. Venus moves into your sign, reconnecting you with self-love and self-appreciation. You can have current relationship breakthroughs, or if single, start a new loving bond! Be clear about your needs and stand by them. Don’t get lost in illusions of love.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — This month’s Full Moon asks you to recommit to your health, especially when it comes to food. Nurture yourself with healthy choices. If emotionally empty, find other ways to fill yourself. Make sure your relationships have healthy boundaries and take your needs into account. Heal negative beliefs around sexuality and your worth. Clear up financial issues that cause anxiety. In general don’t take shortcuts to self esteem!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — As

Saturn moves retrograde, observe relationships carefully. Be sure to not repeat old patterns. You can have lots of insights with the Full Moon, and can even stop those patterns and negative feelings once and for all! You’ll be open for greater intimacy and trust. With career options, take time to ponder if certain offers are actually good for you. Mercury moves direct and reveals more facts.

Spiritual Horoscopes

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — You can be overly hard on ourself regarding dietary rules and exercise regimes. Allow for rest, “slacking off” and slips of “perfection”. The stress of having to stick with rules can undo the health you’re working to create. Incorporate forgiveness and self-compassion meditations into your wellness plan. Have stronger boundaries around relationships. Sometimes you’re hard on yourself when you’re actually angry at being taken advantage of by others.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Mercury moves direct, healing all sorts of issues about intimacy, sexuality and trust. You can have deep insights in meditation that forge a path for new depth in relationships. Venus also helps, even finding a partner who resonates with spirituality, yoga or other topics you love. Or, if bonded, your current partner can join you at this level. Trust your gut on all levels and don’t “poo-poo” your intuition.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — This month’s Full Moon helps you clear up relationship issues as well as financial ones. Meditate on your suspicions. Are they based in current facts? Or reverberations from past trauma? Be certain you’re acting form the present moment before making decisions. You can also heal childhood wounds and even intergenerational trauma. Channels of prosperity open up from your brave internal work, so be ready to receive in abundance!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) —

Mercury direct clears up many worries and concerns. Answers just come to you, or people approach you with solutions. As Saturn shifts direction, return to a daily routine of meditation. Only a few minutes jumps starts your intuitive connection, so don’t make it a big deal. The Full Moon can bring chaos to the surface of relationships if you’ve been suppressing issues. Face them square on. You’ll be relieved and have so much more emotional and physical energy!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) —

Practice stress reduction techniques. It’s not good to just “power through”. Even just breathing readjusts your fight or flight reactions. Saturn retrograde asks you to only take actions that fit your values. Are there certain relationships that make you feel you can’t follow your heart or speak your truth? Trust your inner wisdom! Reconnect to joy through fun hobbies, dance, art, and even time with pets!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) —

Saturn moves retrograde in your sign. Recommit to your identity as a cool, unique person! Part of your life path is to embrace your individuality! Of course you want to be kind and cooperative, but don’t change yourself to make conventional types more comfortable. Meditate on life goals and plan out small, steady steps to achieve them. As Mercury moves direct, clear your house of clutter to make space in your mind for peace and creativity.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) –

This month really tests personal boundaries. It’s not “mean” to have clear limits! Intimacy will actually be enhanced. At work, you’ll have clearer

26 June 2022

guidelines about what’s expected of you. Practice self-compassion, since Saturn retrograde can bring up old dysfunctional patterns. See healing as a spiral. Don’t condemn yourself for going in “hopeless circles”. As you’re kind to yourself, new ideas come into your heart for powerful steps to take on your life journey.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) — This month is about reconnecting to your intuition and meditation practice. Take note of your dreams. Also dedicate a few minutes a day to deep breathing. Your practice needn’t be long, just consistent. As Mercury moves direct, financial issues resolve and you’ll have great innovative ideas about money. You can even collaborate with someone on a powerful and successful work project!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — Mercury moves direct in your sign and takes a load off your mind! You’ll be able to make clear decisions regarding work, as well as relationships. You won’t be feeling overly emotional, but able to ascertain the facts and what move is best åçfor you. Romantic relationships will either take a deeper, more intimate and sensual turn, or you may choose to leave. Claim the sacredness of your sexuality!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Zoom. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit

Astrology for Your Soul

“Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.”

Over 30 years of counseling experience.


June 2022 Page 27
Aluna Michaels, M.A.
Astrologer (248)
Divine Temperance with Courtney Overfield Psychic/Intuitive Readings–Metaphysical ProductsMediumship/Parties–Phone Readings-Events Spiral Crystal HealingsHome PartiesSpell CastingSpiritual CleansingsHome Blessings Based In DEARBORN MI 313-516-8210 www.DivineTemperance.COM Unveiling The Psychic Truth! Schedule Your Appointment Today! In April $5 OFF on SESSION or SERVICE

Dad’s on Value

VALUE: A father said to his son: You graduated with honors, here is a car that I acquired many years ago ... it is several years old.

But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you.

When to See the


Moon in June 2022

In the evening of Tuesday, June 14— just after sunset—look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. There, it will appear large and golden hued.

June’s full Moon will reach peak illumination at 7:52 A.M. Eastern Time on June 14, but will not be visible in North American time zones until later that night, when it drifts above the horizon. Consult our Moonrise and Moonset Calculator to see when it will appear in your area.

The son went to the used car lot, returned to his father, and said, “They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out.”

The father said, “Take him to the pawnshop.”

The son went to the pawnshop, returned to his father, and said, “The pawnshop offered $100 because it was a very old car.”

The father asked his son to go to a car club and show them the car.

The son took the car to the club, returned, and told his father: “Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it, since it is a Nissan Skyline R34, iconic car and sought after by many.

The father said to his son, “I wanted you to know that the right place values you the right way.” ...

If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means that you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you and never stay in a place where no one sees your value

Author Unknown

A Strawberry Supermoon

This full Moon will be the second supermoon of 2022! The full Moon will appear big and bright this month as long as we enjoy dark, clear night skies.

The common definition of a supermoon is any full Moon that is at a distance of at least 90% of perigee (which is the point at which the Moon is closest to Earth). June’s full Moon stands at 222,238.4 miles (357,658 km) away—comfortably within that cut-off point.

Why Is It Called the Strawberry Moon?

The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not solely to the full Moon.

June’s full Moon—typically the last full Moon of spring or the first of summer— has traditionally been called the Strawberry Moon.

This name has been used by Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples, among others, to mark the ripening of ”June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this natural as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.

Alternative June Moon Names

Blooming Moon (Anishinaabe) is indicative of the flowering season, while Green Corn Moon (Cherokee) and Hoer Moon (Western Abenaki) suggest that it’s time to tend to young crops.

Other names highlight that this is a time of new life: The Tlingit have used the term Birth Moon, referring to the time when certain animals are born in their region (the Pacific Northwest). Egg Laying Moon and Hatching Moon are Cree terms that also hint at a time of many animal babies.

Alternative European names for this Moon include the Honey Moon and the Mead Moon. June was traditionally the month of marriages, and is even named after the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno. Following marriage comes the ”honeymoon,” which may be tied to this alternative Moon name!


28 June 2022

Is There Magic in Moon Gazing?

Some say the moon is Magic and they wrap themselves in robes and rituals to make it manifest their desires. The moon may be magical but another way to look at it that is psychologically sound and very effective is that the moon is a way to focus your mind.

The full moon is the perfect time for entering the darkness of the night and allowing the concentrated focus to eliminate what you don’t want and to help you manifest what you want most in your life right now.

Like hypnosis, deep prayer, and meditation, it allows the subconscious mind to release thoughts, feelings, and patterns that you no longer need, and it also allows you to easily to plant new thoughts and excite your feeling for the things you do want in your life.

So maybe there’s no actual magic in the moon but “Moon Gazing” helps you eliminate the old and manifest the new by using the magic inside of you!

Most people already work on thinking better thoughts and releasing old patterns that no longer serve them, but the question is, how well do the new thoughts and patterns stick?

This is where the moon helps, it gives you focus power as you gaze on this one whole, glorious globe of light. You can do rituals too and even dance in the moonlight but to activate the magic in you, all you have to do is sit with the Moon!

Sit with her like she was your great and wise grandmother and just be with her, let the thoughts of the day drift away, just let them go and be with her wholly and completely.

When the thoughts of the day have cleared, allow your mind to being forth anything else that you are ready to let go of, things from the past, or even thoughts about the future, let them go, breathe them away, one by one until your mind is completely calm.

Then place your left hand over your chest where your heart beats and breath a while, here too let your emotions of the day come and gentle let them go, if you have not sat with your heart for a while, this could take a little time and you may

feel the need to rock your body, embrace yourself or even cry, just be loving and patience with yourself … Keep breathing and allow all your emotions to come and when they are ready, simply let them drift away in the night sky…

You will come again to a place of deep calmness in your own being and this time both the mind and the heart are open, clear, and calm... now you can feel the presence of your own soul, strongly and powerfully. Now you can talk to your Soul, tell it want you need, the dreams of your mind and the desires of your heart and you may be called to make a confession, “this is just for me, for my joy, my happiness!” And realize that when something is really good for you, it’s good for everyone around you too, knowing it’s all good, helps the magic happen!

The synapses in your brain will release old connection of harm and hate and hurt and realign and begin to grow new healthy connections throughout your mind and body, your heart will open allowing for more joy and vibrancy as you are being made new.

This magic of creating these new connections in your body, mind and heart will continue over the next two weeks until the new moon, 15 days later, you will think better and feel better having taken this special time for yourself under the full moon.

June 2022 Page 29
Happy Moon Gazing to you!

Classes & Events

06/02 Crystal Jewelry Wrapping Class from 2pm – 3:30pm for $30 at Rock Your World Crystal Store - Laurel Park Place Mall 313-412-7690

06/04 Psychic & Holistic Fair, VFW Bruce Post, 28404 Jefferson Avenue, St. Clair Shores, Michigan, 10am - 6pm, $7 General Admission, 313-412-7690 www.

06/04 Psychic Saturday Holistic Fair! Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Shopping! 12–6pm Cost: $5 Admission includes Free parking, snacks, shopping! Sessions $2/ minute, readings 15-min min, Energy healing min vary! 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/05 Beginners Tarot from 12pm – 5pm for $99 Includes Tarot Deck at Rock Your World Crystal Store - Laurel Park Place Mall 313-4127690

06/05 Michigan Psychic Fair at Waterford Noon to 6pm Holiday Inn Express, 4350 Pontiac Lake Rd, Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

06/05 Self-Care Sunday with Trish, Joy & Amy. Noon to 2pm COST: $45 includes Yin Yoga & Reiki, Chakra Attunement, Quartz Crystal Bowl Sound Healing, and a Guided Heart Meditation. Enlightened Soul Center, 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/11 Ancient Vedic texts state that there are five koshas wrapped around your soul that make you who you are, how you feel, your thought, behavior patterns, health, dreams, and yearnings. Learn to sense, understand, and balance your kosha. 4-6pm Cost: 20$ in advance, 25$ at the door. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/11 Crystal Jewelry Wrapping Class from 11am – 12:30pm for $30 at Rock Your World Crystal Store - Laurel Park Place Mall 313-412-7690

06/11 Psychic & Holistic Fair, Livonia Elks, 31117 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Michigan, 10am - 6pm, $7 General Admission, 313-412-7690

06/12 - 12:30pm Reiki Level 1 Attunement & Certification $150.00 Rock Your World Crystal Store 313-412-7690

30 June 2022

06/12 Bruce’s friends here at the Enlightened Soul Center are going to host a memorial celebration in his honor and everyone who knew him is invited. We were shocked and saddened to learn of his sudden passing in December 2021. Come together to share memories of this gifted healer and celebrate his life! 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/12 Memorial for Shama Bruce L. Fagan, Jr.. 4–6pm, Light refreshments will be served.

06/12 Michigan Psychic Fair at Farmington Hills from Noon to 6pm Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Pauline 586-9394230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www.

06/12 Reiki Level 1 Certification & Attunement from 12pm – 5pm for $150 at Rock Your World Crystal Store - Laurel Park Place Mall 313-412-7690

06/14 Ballroom Dance Class with instructor John Floros, 7-8pm Beginners all the way to experienced dancers. Each 6-week series will focus on one dance: Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Mambo, Cha Cha, Swing, Hustle and more, 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/17 Drum Healing Circle & Community! 6-8pm see ad for pricing. No experience needed! Bring your sound instruments, have fun & connect with a community of like-minded people! Extra instruments onsite. Drumming 1+ hours, then community hang-out after with coffee, tea and talk! 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/18 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Chesterfield

Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

06/18 Psychic Saturday Holistic Fair! Psychics, Tarot & Oracle Cards, Mediums, Energy Healing, Shopping! 12–6pm Cost: $5 Admission includes Free parking, snacks, shopping! Sessions $2/ minute, readings 15-min min, Energy healing min vary! 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/18, 06/19 Psychic & Holistic 2 Day Festival, Harvey Kern Pavilion, 599 Weiss Street, Frankenmuth, Michigan, 10am - 7pm Daily, $10 General Admission, 313-4127690

06/19 Sound Healing Concert

7-9pm Cost: $20 at the door, A two-hour sound bath of deep meditation. Rare crystal bowls, music from all over the world, and Reiki, orchestrated in peaceful harmony. John Steinbauer’s concerts are based on SST (Sustained Sound Therapy). 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/20 Queer Magic Seekers Group, 6:30–8:30pm, $10 suggested donation (or pay what you can), 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/22 Manifesting for Beginners from 7pm – 8:30pm for $20 at Rock Your World Crystal StoreLaurel Park Place Mall 313-4127690

06/25 Turtle Medicine Retreat at Mother Bear Sanctuary. Experience the power and peace of Turtle Medicine. Somatic attachment trauma healing, Chi Cong, Healing Nature Rituals, Equine Energy

Transmissions. It’s time to feel at peace in your own being and open to your divine assignment. 734-796-6690 Pinckney, Michigan

06/25, 06/26 Psychic & Holistic 2 Day Festival, Yack Arena, 3131 3rd Street, Wyandotte, Michigan, 10am - 7pm Daily, $10 General Admission, 313-412-7690 www.

06/26 Michigan Psychic Fair from Noon to 6pm at Prestige Banquet Hall, Allen Park, MI Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at

06/26 Ordination into the Order of Melchizedek 1-5pm, $199 advance only, Mask Required. Get legal protection and become an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek and be legally able to perform weddings, baptisms, funerals/memorials, sacred rituals, and ceremonies. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI

06/30 Meditation to Meet Your Guides from 7pm – 8:30pm for $15 at Rock Your World Crystal Store - Laurel Park Place Mall 313-412-7690

07/10 Intuitive Healing Circle with Shaman Amy Feger. 6-8pm, Cost: $25. This is for the novice to advanced intuitive who wishes to practice how to use their intuitive abilities for healing. 2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI www.


June 2022 Page 31
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