Body Mind Spirit Guide 2018 June

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©



ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally Known!


Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 Connect with us at 734-513-6137 or email: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm :

The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

Our Publication…

Our Staff:

Kathy Henning, Editor Amora Walker, Office Assistant Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Writers are Michigan Leaders, Healers &

Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers: Dr. Michael Abramsky Robert Auerbach Leslie Blackburn Chrissie Blaze Tammy Braswell Faith Brower Gwendolyn Esco Davis Susan deCaussin Pauline Dettloff Sherrie Ellen

Walt Gajewski

William Helton Dr. William Karl, D.C Pat Krajovic Miche Lame’ Mary Light Abby Lippett May McCarthy Aluna Michaels Selene Negrette Wendy Powers Nugent Phil Rosenbaum Tatiana Scavnicky Todd Stockwell Jennifer VanderWal Barbra White Eve Wilson

Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

Our Founding Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

Our Beliefs...

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! ~Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of from our writers, advertisers and us.

Sherry Yale, D.C.

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JUNE 2018

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


Faith and the Power of Affirmation...............................................6

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.

Qualities of a Welltrained Naturopath...........................................7 Our Bodies are Sacred.................................................................8 Balancing the Flow of Masculine and Feminine Energies.......... 11

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

My Dad.......................................................................................13 Men’s Health and Hormones......................................................14

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

Come to Market!.........................................................................16 When is the Right Time to Try Alternative Healing Methods?....18 Childhood Education for Heart, Mind, and Soul.........................20

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

Is Your Life As Successful As You Wish?...................................23 Special Michigan Psychic Fair on Father’s Day, June 17!..........24 Crystals to Strengthen Masculine Energy..................................25 Why Don’t I Get Better?.............................................................26 The Silver Thread - The Spiritual Path of Mussar......................28

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web...

Silence........................................................................................29 The Gratitude Formula...............................................................30 CLASSES & EVENTS................................................................31

734 513-6137 or info@

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY...............................32 Starting Arts and Crafts..............................................................38 Do You Know You Are a Channel?.............................................38

Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Balance......................................................................................39 Natural Remedy: Castor Oil Pack..............................................40 Connect to Archangel Michael: Calling in the Big Warrior..........40

One People, One Life One Love, One World!

HOROSCOPES..........................................................................42 Grieving & Letting Go: The Meaning of Living Fearlessly..........45 Utilize Higher Light to Create Your Dream Life...........................46 The Body is the Messenger........................................................47 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS.....................................................47

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

RADIO LINE-UP........................................................................48

Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide or get a digital copy from our website

Thanks for picking up and reading the Guide each month... 4

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JUNE 2018

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JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m



Great experiences. Beautiful Smiles. | 734.747.6400 Page 5

Faith and the Power of Affirmation Part 2

spiritual. It is the most positive thing you could possibly affirm and will bring you growth, advancement, and expansion.

By Chrissie Blaze

“I am the Divine Presence which is creating perfection throughout my whole life.”

Change yourself, not others It is always better to affirm positive changes within yourself rather than requesting that other people change. The main thing in life is not that we have this relationship or another; it is not that we have this job or that college education. The main thing for each of us is that we unfold our own unique destiny in the way that is right for us. When we achieve this, all the right experiences, all the good things and people that are meant to come into our lives, will come in the way they are meant to come in order to give us the experiences we need. If you only use one affirmation… If you want to select only one affirmation to use in your life, then I would suggest the following. It is totally true and totally

– as given in “Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga” by Dr George King This really is the ultimate affirmation and one of the best times to use it is when you are lying in bed at night, at that point just before you drop off to sleep. Although your conscious mind rests while you sleep, your subconscious mind never rests. This wonderful aspect of mind continues to perform its magic. The power of positive thought The benefits of positive thinking are widely known. Like faith, this brings hope, optimism, confidence, joy, enthusiasm and all those positive, constructive qualities that are indications of our spiritual growth. Why is this so? It is because thought has tremendous power. While light travels at 186,000 miles per second, thought travels virtually instantaneously. A thought is very fine in nature but is extremely powerful. It can transform us or bring us down. Every time we think, our thought impulses are conveyed to the cells of our body and every time we suffer doubt, confusion or negativity our cells become weaker. This is why in eastern philosophy it is said that our physical body is an outer manifestation of our thoughts. Once we understand how deeply our own thought patterns affect us, the next step is to learn to control them. We can clarify and focus them through concentration; give them direction through use of our will; purify them through affirmation; uplift them through noble thinking and the study of truth. Then our thoughts become clear and forceful and our greatest friends; slowly but surely the soul, or higher mind, will gain control of our thoughts and our lives. Then, we will no longer be blown like feathers in the winds of change; we will no longer be distracted by the whims of others; by our own doubts and confusion. Then we will be reborn and the butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis of our former self. It is at the point where our thoughts are noble, born from the higher mind, that character is built. All the people throughout


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JUNE 2018

our past and present history, who have moved and inspired us, had character. It shone through their personality as strength, conviction, honor, and integrity. The character is the determining factor in victory. Once character is born then we can add to our noble thoughts, noble acts of kindness, courtesy and consideration to others. Then charm is added to character and this magical combination will attract to itself all the tools it needs on the journey to our destiny. An exercise you can try! For the next 24 hours, practice having faith in the divinity within. Focus on positive, constructive things about yourself as well as about everything and everyone you meet. Continue this for three days. Watch everything you say and, if you fall into bad habits, write down what you said and its effects. At the end of the three days, return to your former ways and watch the results. After several days of only saying constructive things, you may find the approach you had before now seems negative and destructive. Try it for yourself! Treat this as an exercise of discipline for a few days and you may be surprised at how your perception of “reality” changes. You may also be surprised when you become more selfconscious of how much your words affect yourself and others. Chrissie Blaze Chrissie is an author of twelve books, an ordained priest in The Aetherius Society, a Spiritual teacher and an international speaker, radio host, and was a direct disciple of renowned Spiritual Master and Founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, for over twenty years. Visit: www.aetherius. org; and www. astrologycity.comherius Society, Dr. George King, for over 20 years. www.chrissieblaze. com and

JUNE 2018 EVENTS RADIO: AETHERIUS RADIO LIVE Tuesday, June 19 – 1:00-2:00 PM at with host, Chrissie Blaze and guest, Brian Keneipp ESSENTIAL OILS: A WONDER OF NATURE CLASS ON AROMATHERAPY Fri., June 15 – 7:30-9:00 PM - $10 Jean-Pierre Aubry, a native Frenchman, will draw upon his heritage, knowledge and experience to present this class on essential oils which he uses on a daily basis and in his healing work. CLASS: THE KING YOGA EXPERIENCE - EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF A GREAT SPIRITUAL MASTER Sat., June 23 – 2:00-4:00 PM - $10 Visiting speaker from Los Angeles, Brian Keneipp, will expertly guide you in the first steps to experiencing the inspirational power of this great Spiritual Master and will teach several Spiritual practices designed to help you evolve and protect you from the negative vibrations all around us. SUNDAY SERVICE – 11:00–12 Noon followed by Spiritual healing available to all You’re warmly welcome to attend and find inner peace and to help bring peace to the world through prayer, mantra and mystic visualization. Ask about our One-Day Spiritual Healing ClassesThe King Yoga Technique Please visit for details of Events and Services Join our Meetup & Facebook page!

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Qualities of a Welltrained Naturopath By Mary Light

What can a well-trained traditional naturopath do for you? They can perform a thorough exam, listen to you carefully, and assess and crossvalidate as to the best non-intrusive procedure for your specific situation. They can draw upon their knowledge of healing tools, therapies, and protocols, and design a treatment that aligns with your goals. Naturopaths have methods and healing techniques that can bring you instant comfort and relief. At other times, they recognize that some conditions require more time and effort to heal, and a good naturopath is able to guide you through that process. They can discuss with you various conditions they find in your current health situation as well as in your history that you may or may not be aware of and that ‘conventional’ medical doctors might not be addressing, such as nutrition and ways to achieve better health habits. A well-trained traditional naturopath or clinical herbalist has knowledge and wisdom about herbal and botanical therapies, bodywork, movement, diet, subtle energies, and types of effectively applied therapeutics. This is all done in the service of supporting the natural vitality of any living body so that healing can take place and even accelerate! Mary Light ND, MH, LMT is a traditional, classical naturopath, a licensed massage therapist, master herbalist. She is the founder of ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF MASSAGE, HERBAL & NATURAL MEDICINE, with diploma training, a student and professional clinic, and Apothecary. She has been in practice since 1994, on the east coast and Michigan.

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Our Bodies are Sacred

much later, I’m also a science geek. My background with a BS & MS in Mechanical Engineering and 15 years in corporate engineering is still there. I used to think I was going to shove that part away, as I had a Spiritual Awakening and was reconnecting with so many facets of my Self and art and creative possibilities and stepping into my journey as Sacred Sexual Healer and

By Leslie Blackburn

When we start to recognize and meet the inherent needs of our body, our body meets us back with the greatest gifts.

Transformational Guide.

We are Infinite Beings in Finite form. In other words, an energetic being in a physical body, or some may say a spiritual being having a human experience. I invite, there is a gift in being both: Energetic Being and Physical Body. I call it YES AND! Firstly, in the energetic/etheric realms, we can make life changes in mere seconds of clock time and tap into the wide mystery and open new capacities of our bodies. This is amazing! Secondly, we get to be in a physical body, wow! We get to delight in sensory experiences, connect with energy in our body and delight in relating with other beings: with humans, nature, animals, plants, Earth, Sun and more. Relating to these beings is how we learn and transform. Acknowledging the inherent connection between what is spiritual, sacred and intentional not being separate from what is physical, rooty and sexual - this is the nature of the path of Sacred Sexuality. Indeed from a shamanic perspective, as an energetic being, we only grow when we are incarnate - here in physical form. I believe this growth and transformation is the very reason we are here on this planet. We are shifting our consciousness together! This very nature of our energetic being - our consciousness laying into form, really woke up for me when a few things came together. In addition to this etheric awareness that came to me only

Yet I finally realized that the idea that I was going to shove my science side away was ridiculous, it is a big part of me! That science & engineering geek in me is still really alive. There’s this piece of me that goes “YES!” and soaks in when I can connect with facets where science, in my opinion, has caught up to some of the things I also know through my body and my connection with Spirit and the realm of the other, which is very real! Part of what I teach and offer is that our connection to our bodies, and what our bodies contain as wisdom, is HUGE! We have the wisdom of the universe within us, each one of us. The key is this: can we learn to trust that wisdom? Can we learn to discern our authentic body wisdom from the places where we have wounding or places of resistance that come in as a way to protect ourselves or other ways that we as humans have shaped based on our experiences? Often discerning these difference can be challenging, perhaps even some of the greatest human homework of our lifetimes. AND yes we can absolutely trust and listen and acknowledge the wisdom of our bodies as very real. So when those two things align: what I call the feminine wisdom of deep body awareness and feeling, with the masculine analytic, science, thinking and planning side (note these are not gender references, we all have access to these qualities no matter how we identify in gender), that’s when I really feel aligned with my Truth. When I get a click, when I go “OMG I see how the science aligns with that!” then it tingles even more! I feel a resonance which I know to be clarity and truth, even more strongly when the body wisdom and science come together and make sense. Embryology is also a piece of that for me. In my Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy training, a three year deep dive into the foundations of that practice, I studied both the science and the esoteric nature of our bodies, including embryology. These studies opened my awareness to the foundations of our nature as beings. One of the pieces of that teaching that really resonated with me was the nature of how we develop - that we are consciousness laying into form. There is the physical: cells divide, we unfurl like spirals in the development process of physical form taking shape. Also,


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JUNE 2018

the energetics come in: our soul, our energetic, etheric being lays into that form, we are tethered and connected with the body. The way we proceed to develop and take form gets shaped by our experiences and the fields of awareness that we are held in during that development. As we meet experiences, our physical and energetic bodies take shape in various ways. Sometimes these ways are to protect our little selves from something that doesn’t feel good or to create barriers or distance to help us feel safe. This is not a bad thing, our bodies build up these various layers in a way that best balances our experiences. Think of stuck spots and areas of pain as ways that our vibrancy and life energy are compensating for and centering the impact of experiential forces (traumas, toxins, pathogens, daily stressors) so as to limit their effects on your body. I invite this way of seeing, to encourage us to be gentle with ourselves as we listen to our bodies. Because sometimes I think we give ourselves a really hard time around labeling these layers as “oh I have this block or tension or pain” which then creates a disdain for the body. Often when we begin to judge our body with the intention of “it’s awful I need to get rid of it, cut it off, or I need to fix it”. Instead, I invite, can we shift the way we relate to our bodies from one of disdain, frustration, and anger; to one of curiosity, wonder, play, and love? Can we invite the awareness of “Oh wow body, I hear what you are communicating!”? Then witness that message, without judging it, do our best to hear it, and invite a new way of meeting the experience to be revealed? As we learn and grow and become resourced in new ways, our bodies are now capable to meet and hold information differently. We CAN change how we hold old layers. This change can feel freeing, healing, spacious and transformational! At the core of this shift is the awareness that we really can’t separate bodies and

physicality from the spiritual awareness that we are also Love. The intention, or loving awareness that we can offer our bodies, is the very nature of what supports the unwinding! When we can acknowledge our physical bodies and our energetic bodies coming together, and recreate our relationship with them, our spiritual awareness - that intention and loving care - really supports and shifts how our physical bodies even exist! Shifting our awareness to loving care quite literally heals and changes our body. As our bodies feel us relating in a new way, they relate back in a new way. This creates what I call this beautiful “Bliss-ious” cycle (not a vicious one!) The cycle looks like this: “As I feel better, then I treat my body better, then as my body gets treated better, it starts to treat me back better, and I feel better!” Oh wow what a beautiful cycle that is! How do we begin to relate differently with this gift of a physical body? I used to run my body, push it, drive it and tell it what I think it should do. In the process, I burned out, got injured, hurt and finally crashed in a breakdown. I nearly didn’t make it. As I woke up, I began to listen. Over time, I began listening to what it really wanted and offered that. How can my body and awareness come together to make decisions? Bring the two together! Not shove away rational thought, it’s important too. But our heads run at 99 mph, and our bodies reveal in a slower pace. I invite it starts with slowing way down and listening. Can we bring balance and listen to the innate wisdom of the body along with what our rational minds have to say? Over years, using my body as a spiritual compass, I reclaimed and recreated my relationship with my body and have opened to ecstatic possibilities that I never knew were possible! I have supported changes in my body and my sexuality that I literally wanted to stand on top of the mountain and shout “Everyone deserves to know about

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

this!!” Now over the past 10 years in my practice, I have supported thousands of others in unwinding past experiences & trauma, reclaiming their bodies and feeling really good about themselves. How do I do that? Join me! Put your hands on your lower belly, drop your awareness into your body and speak this out loud: Sacred Body Pledge “Dear Sacred Body, I love you. I promise to do my best to Listen to you and to Honor Your Messages. I will make mistakes, and when I do I will be gentle on myself. Please support me on my journey. I am so grateful to you. Thank you for holding me safely, thank you for your wisdom. I promise to do my best to Listen to you and Honor Your Messages.” As you feel into this, invite this in your own words to become your mantra! There are many ways to support listening to the body. Here are a few possibilities as you navigate your journey. Reach out, I am honored to be of service. • Sacred Sexuality private sessions • Home study practices • Videos, Radio Podcasts, Articles and more • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Leslie Blackburn, MS, RCST®, Sacred Sexuality Educator, Spiritual Coach, Radio Show Host. Shaman, Priestess, Yogini ~ “Our Bodies Are Sacred, Let’s Listen to Them” See more at Leslie is nearing completion of writing her first book. If you liked what you read here and want more, share your support by becoming a patron and receive rewards PLUS access to her patron-only feed and sneak peeks of the book before it comes out: www.patreon. com/leslieblackburn Page 9


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JUNE 2018

Balancing the Flow of Masculine and Feminine Energies By Barbra White

Your entire body is a doorway to the divine when you actually allow yourself to energetically flow to all of what’s available inside of you. Opening to your purpose and real joy is a courageous act of cultivating feminine and masculine polarities within yourself. A sensual zest for life can start with a cultivation of the masculine and feminine polarities inside of your energy body. “Masculine and feminine” does not mean gender, but the nature of the qualities they represent. Feminine energy could be described as flow, emotions, softness, stillness, vulnerability, and receptivity. Masculine energy could be described as an action, conviction, hardness, boundaries, and penetration. A person with an unbalanced masculine core will need to reopen the tenderness in their heart, to move out of a false toxic macho mask. A person with an unbalanced feminine core will need to learn to communicate directly, to move out of being a nag or a bimbo. It has fascinated me in working with men and women over the years how a male-identified person usually needs to develop their feminine to become an empowered man, and a female-identified person usually needs to develop their masculine to become a radiant woman. In many circles of sacred sexuality and intimacy work, it is commonly said that the woman must be a receptive vessel to a man’s penetrating presence to have a fiery sexual dance. However, what is tragically missed is that a woman must learn how to hold boundaries, to say no, to ask for what she needs and desires, and to deeply respect her own sexual feminine gift from within to be able to receive masculine penetration, without losing herself. A man must embrace his vulnerability, to feel his worthiness beyond productivity, and to be aware of his emotional needs to have the best opportunity for intimate and amazing sex and relationship. Masculine energy makes a choice and creates a plan. Having some type of plan or vision for your life is life changing. Even if your plan is “wrong” it can get you moving in an empowering direction. YET, what is crucial to know: the ultimate success of a life plan is fundamentally dependent on the feminine energies of emotional self-awareness. This is because as a person listens to their emotional feedback, they can coursecorrect. This is why if someone is trapped in only masculine energy they will continue to follow a plan or belief system even if it is bringing themselves and others great suffering. Following

your heart or going toward what feels ‘light’ (not heavy) in your body will guide you to your divine design. HOWEVER, your emotional radar system will not work if you repress your feminine, feeling energy. Like a mother holding her child, your emotions are ‘kids’ that just need to be embraced. In their flowing, unpredictable, and illogical nature... emotions are very feminine. Allowing yourself to feel your emotions, you gain access to your greater Self. All of your feelings matter. When you practice holding space for yourself in a non-reactive way (feeling without adding stories of blame), you organically realize... you matter, because you are showing up for your own needs without falling into your feelings. You’re observing from a higher vantage point; “I am not just this emotion, I am everything.” Emotions are a very small but important part of you. Expecting to take a hammer to your toe and not feel pain is the same as expecting to judge your feeling and feel peace. Real self-love is hard work and requires embracing the small part of you (fear, doubt, anger) that you would rather cut away. This is how we learn to embrace the masculine and feminine polarities within – feeling, coupled with awareness work, to design our best lives and keep moving forward. Repressing body sensations and emotions block the flow of Source/God through your system. Metabolize your fear, welcome your anger, and embrace your sadness... and you will continually uncover greater dimensions of your Soul. The feminine polarity provides the creative flow for the masculine polarity to thrive. Once insight is realized through emotional awareness, an action is essential. Consistent steps guided by insight guarantees manifestation and life changes. Masculine energy follows through on a choice, says no to distractions, and protects his/her space. Like a father protecting his house, the masculine energy guards the doors to the sacred and takes a stand for what is right. I hope to meet you at an upcoming talk or retreat. On June 7th I am facilitating a free talk for the Aphrodite Rising Tribe women’s group. The topic will be, “Why Sensuality is Essential to Spirituality: Opening to the Erotic Divine.” From September 20-23 is the Return To Your Animal Nature Retreat, open to men, women, and non-binary folks. The retreat includes inspirational teachings, fire walking, nature meditations, water ceremony, horseback riding, vegetarian meals, and lodging all for $445.00 if you sign up before July 19th!

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Barbra White is a compassionate gifted intuitive, and holistic therapist. Mentoring, healing sessions and training are available. 734-796-6690 P a g e 11


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JUNE 2018

My Dad

problem was, to release it and listen to the solutions or healing that would come in those still moments.

By Wendy Powers Nugent My dad loved going to the lake, especially when he could fish off a pier or wade in the water to cast his fishing line. As often as he could, dad would have mom pack a picnic lunch and gather up all seven children (4 girls and 3 boys.) He loved Kensington Lake which has great fishing, boating and of course, swimming. I remember he tried to teach me how to fish, but I just could not bring myself to hook a worm. When my brother Richard realized I was squeamish and freaked out about the worms, he picked out the biggest wiggling worm he could find from dad’s bait can, then chased me with a slimy worm pinched between his fingers. He laughed while claiming he was going to make me hook the worm. I was running away from him in terror screaming for dad to save me. Finally, dad put a stop to my brother’s teasing and sat me down next to him on the dock, sharing with me the reason he liked to fish. He explained he needed to commune with God’s wisdom. Before all the social media, cell phones, and texting, my parents had to keep seven kids amused with little or no money. Dad always had his fishing pole and blankets in the trunk and at any moment during the weekend he would round us up and head out to the lake. I first learned how to meditate by the water’s edge one summer.

embarrassed, my brothers started taunting me for my mistake. I started to cry almost uncontrollably, while in-between sobs calling out to my dad for them to leave me alone. He quietly came over and sat down next to me on the beach, as I lay sobbing that my brothers were teasing me. And to top it off, I had some bruising on my knee and leg which hurt. Dad carefully inspected my injury then proceeded to give my leg the healing kiss it needed. As we know, our parents’ kisses heal most boo-boo’s. Dad then asked me if I would like to know how he listens to God! Of course, I did not understand what he was saying to me, but I stopped my crying to listen to his wisdom. Dad explained that when he is fishing or taking long walks in the park, he would be still in his mind to let the stillness of that moment be his only thought. He would ask God to give him strength and a clear mind. And then whatever your

On one of our trips to the lake, I hurt myself falling off a tire swing which was right at the water’s edge. When you wanted to, you could thrust yourself off the tire swing and land in the water. While pushing myself off the swing, I miscalculated and fell hard on the beach. As I was sprawled out on the beach assessing my wounds and feeling JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

He had me shut my eyes and then spoke softly, asking me to be still within; to breathe-in deeply and then slowly exhale, while letting my mind become quite so that I could be open to God’s wisdom and strength. I was only eight years old, however, I seemed to understand immediately that my dad had just shared with me the key to opening my spiritual intuitive mind. From that day forward I meditated every day, which helped me immensely with life’s challenges. My dear father moved into spirit in 1995. I miss him. Now I talk with him in spirit by taking a deep breath in and then slowly exhale, opening my connection to God, asking for the portal to spirit to open so I can talk with him once again. My dad was a very religious man and did not always understand my psychic profession. However, he would show up for many of my TV appearances and seminars. I was not sure if he would approve of my psychic readings, so often I did not invite him as I worried he would give me the big, “I am not happy with you” face. But when I shared with him that I always open up my channel to God in order to see the light on people’s life path, he gave me an approving, loving smile. HAPPY FATHERS DAY Wendy Powers Nugent is a Clairvoyant, Spiritual Pastor, and Certified Counselor. She has been on countless radio and TV shows throughout her career as a Professional Psychic, with proven accuracy for more than 35 years. Contact her at: www. or call or text: 248-826-8255 P a g e 13

Men’s Health and Hormones By William H. Karl, D.C.

How many of you guys would swear that leftover pizza is a complete breakfast? Although a meat lover’s pizza with onions and mushrooms covers most food groups, there are better ways to start the day -- at least from a nutritional standpoint. Nutrition should be a high priority for anyone who wishes to age gracefully – or anyone who wants to look good, feel good, and enjoy life. Even if you’re someone who never thought twice about the food you eat, you may decide to change your habits when you understand how foods affect your hormones. Men approaching midlife or those who have started noticing changes in their libido and/or hormones may even start paying attention… Male menopause (andropause) occurs when testosterone production begins decreasing in a man’s life, usually around his fourth decade. Symptoms may include weight gain, fatigue, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, swollen prostates, increased belly fat, muscle loss, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, blood clots, angina pectoris (chronic chest pain), diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and even cancer. If this doesn’t sound fun, stay with me! The decline of testosterone production may be subtle unless accompanied by other hormonal imbalance. Similar to women who periodically experience hormonal imbalances, men with hormone imbalances and/or high estrogen levels experience hot flashes, mood swings, anger, fatigue, and depression. According to nature’s grand design, growing older involves changes in hormone levels but I doubt Mother Nature envisioned this kind of madness! The biggest problem which causes 14

all kinds of drama, and for both men and women, is estrogen dominance. According to Ori Hofmekler (The AntiEstrogenic Diet) both aging and stress contribute to progesterone loss in women and testosterone loss in men which further contributes to estrogen dominance.

digest. Eating well creates good cells, so just imagine what cells do with junk food. Exercise is also important. Daily exercise is best, preferably in the morning so that the greatest physical challenges are done under controlled circumstances. To build strong bone, skeletal muscles must be exercised. A routine that ends in the use of free weights and kettlebells has many proven benefits and doesn’t take a lot of fancy equipment. By doing exercises that engage your muscles, you’ll end up with usable muscle, not just trophy muscle. Since blood is produced in bone, strong healthy bones lead to healthy blood.

One of the biggest contributors to estrogen dominance are hormone (endocrine) disruptors which are in much of our food, water, environment, and most commercial products, including cookware, cosmetics, and personal care items. Every system in the body that is controlled by hormones may be derailed by hormone disruptors because they mimic (or partly mimic) the body’s naturally occurring hormones. Endocrine disruptors are now known to cause adverse neurological, reproductive, and developmental effects. Common endocrine disruptors include PCB’s and dioxins in pesticides, flame retardants, phytoestrogens in soy and other foods, phthalates (plastic softeners), BPA (bisphenol A - food preservative), BHA, BHT, parabens (in lotions/deodorants), perchlorates, triclosan, and dioxins in meat.

Communication between the brain and the body via the nervous system is critically important to have a body and a brain to serve us well throughout our lives. This communication comes through nerves and muscle spindles which inform the brain of what’s happening as far as the positioning of the skeletal structure and its surroundings. 3 trillion signals per second emanate from the brain in response to the signals from the body, allowing it to act in an intelligent and coordinated fashion. Those signals better be showing up as designed or you’ll be in a world of trouble, both health-wise and otherwise. A chiropractic adjustment helps ensure smooth communication.

Industrially produced estrogenic chemicals are called xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens induce aromatase activity. Aromatase is an enzyme that turns male hormones into estrogen. Estrogen is not your best friend; too much estrogen causes a fibrosis that shrinks organs and will eventually kill you. Belly fat also produces aromatase that turns added/injected/pelleted testosterone into estrogen that will turn into more belly fat and make more aromatase.

The hormonal system is the other part of this communication system. Sexually related hormones are the same for men and women but in different ratios. This is very important as our main sexual organs all have special cells (receptors) on them. Receptors are basically switches that can turn on a specific set of actions within the organ. In childhood, this is called, charging. A baby boy starts this charging cycle when he’s about 6 months old and produces as much testosterone as a young adult male until he’s about 6 years old. This makes sure his male parts and brain are male coded.

To stay at the top of his game, a man in andropause needs to incorporate specific nutrition, eliminate toxins, start a liver detoxification program, and remember the saying, “You are what you eat.” Science shows that cells reproduce at the rate of 250 million cells every minute and are made from what we eat and

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These same receptors continue to respond to testosterone throughout life.

JUNE 2018

Swollen prostates are the result of too much estrogen trying to change the prostate into a uterus. Our specific sexual organs had the amazing ability to become male or female parts based on what hormone levels were being produced, based on our birth gender. As we go through life these hormones continue to have dramatic effects on our life, health, and functionality, both sexual and otherwise. By the way, 80% of the guys will listen with interest to the information I’ve provided here but won’t act on it (other than pondering it over pop tarts eaten as dinner while watching something on TV). The other 20% will act on it and get healthier. They’ll be around to be with the 80% of the women who are following the program to get healthy and stay healthy. This means that my workshop on Men’s Health and Hormones will be attended primarily by women wanting to help their guys take charge of their health. So, c’mon guys, sign up!!! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years experience helping people obtain optimal health. Attend Dr. Karl’s FREE workshop on June 21, at 7 pm “Men’s Health and Hormones.” Visit www. for more information. RSVP workshop: 734-425-8220.

6th Annual G.L.A.C. Conference An Ann Arbor Astrological Experience

July 12 - 16, 2018 Holiday Inn, 3600 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor Empowering the Joyful Path

Main Conference $325 Featuring: Ray Merriman, Glenn Perry, Anne Ortelee, Sandra-Leigh Serio, Monica Dimino, Julene Louis, Gary Caton and More! New this year! Get a free astro/psychic reading with a paid Banquet ticket. Information & registration:, 734-434-0804


ONE FREE COLD LASER SESSION! HAPPY ent FATHER’S DAY! Natural Hormone Balancing & Pain Relief Protocols Men’s Health and Hormones

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) Weight Loss & Detoxification Strategies

June 21 - 7pm

Homeopathic Remedies & Whole Food Supplements Erchonia Cold Laser Therapy (LLLT) & Detox Footbath

Imbalanced hormones can lead to hair loss, heart disease, belly fat, diabetes, cancer, and more! Learn how to rebalance hormones safely and naturally.

Allergy Reduction & Elimination Techniques Nutritional Consultations Karl Wellness Center and Chiropractic Clinic, PC. 30935 Ann Arbor Tr., Westland Dr. William H. Karl, D.C.

Certified Wellness Doctor


Dr. Jacob H. Karl, D.C.

Applied Kinesiologist

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Buy One, Get One


PEMF Session

Follows Medicare Guidelines. Exp. 6/30/18

P a g e 15

Come to Market! By Walt Gajewski

Spirits will be rising in downtown Farmington at the Farmers & Artisans Market as the summer solstice ushers in a growing harvest of the bounty from Michigan fields and farms. From freshly picked summer squash to juicy strawberries, micro greens, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and more, you can count on nutrient density at our market because we truly are ‘market fresh!’ Our produce sources-out from approximately a 65-mile radius to get to market…meaning our farm produce comes from only an hour or so away…Now that’s off the farm fresh! Fresh eggs, golden honey, flavor-packed mushrooms, garden herbs, bedding plants, cut flowers, annuals, and perennials, round out farm goods brought to market. Specialty vendors pridefully bring baked goods, jams, sauces, spices, oils and more to market including fresh-catch Michigan lake fish and locally butchered grass-fed meat. Artisans offer pottery, photography, garden art, wood turning and more to create a city center market that was voted metro Detroit’s favorite in 2017!

On June 8th, Marianne Williamson will make her only Michigan visit For the last 35 years, Marianne Williamson has been one of America’s most well-known public voices, having been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, & Bill Maher. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times Best Sellers and four of these were #1. As national politics further divides our country, Williamson is on a mission to counter this trend on her Love America Tour.

June also brings tradition to the market. Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 16, as the 4th Annual Farmers Market “Fit as a Fiddle Health Awareness Fair” brings free health screenings along with healthful services, products, and good food to market. Join our free 5k Rooster Run through downtown streets and neighborhoods (9:30 am), or stroll the market with a delicious smoothie, learn about the benefits of mindful meditation, gather around our cooktop for a healthy cooking demo (11 am), and be sure to enter our raffle for 6 weeks of free farm fresh produce! (Simply get a free blood pressure screening with Beaumont Health at the market and you’ll be automatically entered!)

We also can help to arrange phone or remote interviews in the next few weeks leading up to Marianne’s one and only Michigan stop.

Live entertainment featuring renowned violinist Anthony Marchese will have you feeling fit as a fiddle as you enjoy a healthy slice of Saturday life in a Michigan small town. This unique, boutique fair amongst our farmers is sponsored by Beaumont Hospital, Farmington Hills.

Ticket information is available in the press release and tickets may be purchased at

June 23 celebrates Michigan strawberries at the market with our 4th annual Strawberry Shortcake Day, sponsored by Kapnick Orchards, Britton,

Marianne has an intense local following, having spent several based in Michigan. We hope you will help get the word out by printing or airing the attached information.


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JUNE 2018

Michigan. The farm fields and bakery ovens at Kapnick Orchards will bring freshly picked strawberries and scratch biscuits topped with whipped cream to this market fundraiser that has been a complete sell-out every year. We will start serving about 10 am until we run out! Proceeds to benefit the Farmers Market which is a non -profit community service! The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market is FREE and open to the public every Saturday, May 19 through October 27, 9am-2pm, and is located at Grand River and Grove Street in the heart of downtown Farmington. For more information about our full season of market happenings, visit www. or find us on Facebook under Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market. FREE convenient parking. Walt

meditate take a break. relax. unwind. release stress.

join us!

Chairs provided

Everyone Welcome

Present Moment Meditation


Saturday, June 23

10-11:30 a.m. $15

treat yourself!

Livonia Senior Center, 15218 Farmington Rd.

Register today at: 734-674-6965 JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 17

HAPPY FATHERS DAY! LOOK IT UP by Saurav Thapa, Bangalore, India I was reading an article in the newspaper when I came across a word I didn’t know. “Dad, what is the meaning of the word ostensibly?” My dad, as he usually did after work, was watching his favorite show. “You have a dictionary, don’t you?” he shot back. He didn’t even look at my face. I went back to my room, and there on my study table was that dictionary. Ten years have passed and I still use that dictionary, along with the lesson I received early in life from my old man: to be self-sufficient.

GOOD VIBRATIONS by Nancy Perkins, St. Johns, Michigan My dad died unexpectedly at age 78, leaving our family heartbroken. During the funeral mass, my sister felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She was a little surprised that someone would be calling her, knowing she was at dad’s funeral mass. Afterward, she found there was a message: “Hi, this is your dad,” said the male voice. “I wanted to let you know I made it home.” The caller obviously had the wrong number, but the message was clear. My dad had completed his journey to heaven and wanted us to know. Thanks, Dad—until we meet again.

LEARNING THE VALUE OF WORK by Rudy Berdine, Irvine, California My dad owned a fruit market on a busy street. The sidewalk in front of his store collected dust and trash, which needed to be swept daily. At age six, I used to hide behind bags of potatoes when my dad asked me to sweep, but while sweeping one day, I began to find dollar bills under the dust and trash. I had no idea where the money came from. My dad had been putting money on the sidewalk—and soon, I was happy to sweep even when no money was found.

When is the Right Time to Try Alternative Methods to Healing? By Robert Auerbach

Everyone has a different journey in the discovery of alternative methods to healing. Some find their path shorter and more direct. With some guidance, they may find it in their teens or twenties, while others may not seek answers on their own until they are in their sixties or beyond. When one is experiencing symptoms of a disease or physical ailment, the first stop is often the family doctor. This is usually a choice based on past upbringing and a belief system that was reinforced over many years. However, as one finds no relief, and hears responses from their doctor such as, “We don’t know what is causing it”, or “There is nothing you can do”, or as my wife was once told, “We don’t know why you are coughing up blood but we could remove a lobe of your lungs and then we can tell you what the problem is.” Being processed through this type of medical mill can become somewhat depressing and seem quite hopeless. If the patient asks their family doctor about alternative holistic approaches, this is usually met a by negative response. The reason this is such a common response is because most medical doctors have not been educated in any alternative forms of healing. Recently I was consulting a cardiologist, and when I informed him I was not going down the path of beta-blockers he recommended and instead would be utilizing acupuncture and herbs, he replied that he could say nothing about my decision since “there was no research” to back up these practices. The cardiologist’s assertion ignored a great deal of modern research and 3000 years and experiential evidence of billions of people. As a result of the narrowness of their “world medical view” these doctors often criticize approaches they do not understand or are unfamiliar with. When it comes to healing a patient’s disease or physical ailment, the western medical model usually seeks to suppress symptoms rather than looking for the underlying imbalance that has led to the problem. It’s like the analogy of hearing your water pipes in your house emitting a banging or knocking sound. You call a professional home repair expert, and he or she recommends you put on a pair of ear plugs. The sound is reduced, but the cause is left untouched. Perhaps even more unforgivable is that allopathic medicine almost never supports the body’s own Self-Regulating mechanism. I will always remember the call I received one day from the


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JUNE 2018

nurse at the Dearborn “retirement campus” where my mom (90 years young at that time) was a healthy “independent living” resident. The nurse asked me if I “knew that my mom was not on any meds.” There was such a tone of genuine horror in her voice that I burst out laughing and all I could say was, “Yes, isn’t that great.” In a recent article in the British Medical Journal, researchers from John Hopkins said that there are over 250,000 deaths a year from doctor error. These medically induced deaths, known as iatrogenic disease, rank as the third cause (just after cancer and heart problems) of death. What ever became of the physicians oath: “first do no harm”. If it is chronic injuries and repetitive stress patterns, so called Western Medicine rarely looks at a person’s posture or alignment, let alone how that person’s body, moves. In the end, the most common approach used by the western medical model in such cases is a prescription to mask the pain, and or limited physical therapy to address a specific condition, as though that condition existed in isolation. This approach commonly will not take into consideration the rest of the patient’s body, or his or her’s muscular skeletal structure. What makes things worse is that it is rare where one medical practitioner consults with other medical or holistic practitioners to find a solution for a patient’s health issue to find a solution that works.

* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

Instead, in this country, we basically have two approaches: prescription drugs or surgery. This can lead to serious addiction as in the current opioid addiction crisis, long term disability, or in some cases, death. Of course, if your appendix is about to rupture or you’re critically injured in a car accident, you wouldn’t want to visit your holistic crystal healer, at least not until you’re out of danger. Many people, after enough time and too much pain, begin to look for practical alternative solutions, and explore outside traditional methods to address underlying causes of their problems. Many people come into contact with alternative healing by talking with friends or family members who have experienced holistic healing in various forms. Other ways often include doing internet searches, reading magazines, like this one, that introduce readers to a whole new world of healing arts. In this process, people looking for answers to their health problems discover alternative solutions that often include massage, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, acupuncture, structural integration (aka: Rolfing), body-mind medicine, cranial sacral or any of the other modalities that identify causes and provide approaches that help the body heal, rather than putting dangerous band-aids over pain while ignoring the cause. How about you? When is the right time for you to use an alternative method to regain your health? It is up to you to decide.

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

To your good health, Bob Auerbach Robert Auerbach is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration with over 20 years experience treating patients. You can contact him at: 313-407-6343 or visit his site JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

P a g e 19

Childhood Education for Heart, Mind, and Soul By Eve Wilson

Here is an educational alternative that nurtures and empowers beautifully! Let’s follow-up on last month’s article about balancing nurturing and empowering for children, in a world where the education system pushes so hard on both children and parents. Waldorf Schools, sometimes called, Steiner Schools are exceptional in every way. Although some might think that a school which engages the heart and hands as well as the mind can’t be good academically, I have heard a college professor say that he would take a Waldorf School graduate any day. Below are some of the reasons that Waldorf is the fastest growing private school system in the world! The goal of Waldorf education is twofold: first to teach children to independently think, not just memorize, and second to strengthen the unity of mind, soul, and spirit so they grow up whole. To achieve these goals, Waldorf teachers engage their students in creative activities which help them learn with their whole self. For every teaching unit, a student creates their own textbook, putting down by hand in both words and pictures the lessons they are learning. With math, the early grades go to

the gym and through rhythm, movement, and song they learn the multiplication tables. In this way, the lessons stay with them deeply; the same way we remember advertising jingles or the words to our favorite songs. Algebra is taught by giving them the answer and having them come up with several formulas which would result in that answer! Brilliant! I enrolled my daughter in a Waldorf School after the pressures in public school first grade sent her into a depression. She didn’t have a learning disability, but they insisted she needed the reading recovery program which was oppressive and didn’t work for her. After a week at Waldorf first grade, she joyfully opened her arms and said, “I love this school!” This was an essential investment for my very creative and independent daughter, though circumstances required her to reenter the public school system in middle school. She is an avid and passionate reader and continues to learn faster and be more creative than just about anyone I know, even in her midtwenties. She created the Qabalah art for my book, Riding the Wave of Change, and it was phenomenal, the way she not only grasped the concept of what I wanted but the spirit of it as well. Children emerge from the Waldorf School poised and selfconfident. They can communicate comfortably and brilliantly with people of all ages. They are individual and independent in their expression and attitudes, and extremely intelligent. They

Eve Wilson BRIDGE to Wholeness Healing & Ascenion Treatments, Classes, Blog Since 1986 Healing & Training Healers, UCM Healer Practitioner, Reverend, Reiki Master, Director The Healer Development Program Classes - NCBTMB Approved

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JUNE 2018

love to learn. We are fortunate to have three Waldorf Schools in Southern Michigan. In Ann Arbor, we have the Rudolf Steiner School which goes all the way through high school – a rarity. Founded in 1980, it is well-established with a great reputation. In lovely and elegant Indian Village we have The Detroit Waldorf School, founded in 1966. This is where we attended. The building and environment were beautiful and the well-established program and supportive community a joy! In Oakland County, we have the Oakland Steiner School as well. All three schools offer preschool and kindergarten, I believe. A week in a Waldorf elementary classroom might include mythology, math -- perhaps in the gym! --, readings by students in front of the classroom which they seem to amazingly enjoy, art, music both vocal and instrumental, creative movement and drama, outdoor creative play, gardening and creating their textbooks. Homework is moderate in quantity and interestingly creative, involving independent thought and expression. Teachers in the Waldorf School System begin with a class in first grade and stay with them through middle school. This allows them to understand each student and help nurture them uniquely to develop their whole self in a balanced way. Students have other teachers for special classes such as art, music, and higher-level math. The teachers work together cooperatively to oversee the school and each student’s needs. Classes have yearly campouts, concerts, dramatic presentations and more.

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •



The Waldorf School environment tends to have soft edges, and an artistic, beautiful and comfortable feel. You will have to visit one to see what I mean! Scholarships are available, and some parents work in the school to pay their children’s way through. The Waldorf Institute is a teacher training for Waldorf Teachers. I believe it offers both a traditional Teacher’s Certificate and the Waldorf Teacher’s Certificate. All of these schools can be found by doing an online search for Waldorf Schools. As a parent, I found the Waldorf School Community to be a kind of home for me; both humanly and spiritually lovely and nurturing. I will always be grateful that we had those years both for my daughter and for myself. Eve Wilson, Learn more about ascension and healing at: www. Purchase a copy of Eve’s new book, “Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World”. Discover her #1 internationally voted Healing Blog, “The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog,” plus classes, treatments, and events!

Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House.

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Purchase now at P a g e 21

The Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic

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JUNE 2018

Is Your Life As Successful As You Wish? By Phil Rosenbaum

If you were lying on your death bed, now or 50 years from now, and a friend came up to you and asked you if your life was a complete success, how would you answer that question? If the answer was that it wasn’t as successful as you would have liked it to have been, what do you wish would have been different? This question was posed by Dr. Gay Hendricks in his book Five Wishes. He states that what you need to do is determine what you wish had been different and then set out to accomplish the goals that would make your life a success. The author states that he did this very thing and it transformed his life. One important point he makes is that it is very important to finish what he calls, incompletions. These would be things you started or meant to do but never got around to completing. The author points out that a vital element in accomplishing these goals is the need to love yourself. This was a radical idea for a Ph.D. psychologist, who was both a professor and a therapist. Do you love yourself? Some psychologists maintain that over 90% of people were raised in dysfunctional families. If this is true, there is a good chance that you fall into this category. What this means is that many of the unhealthy behaviors and beliefs that were held by your parent(s) or caregiver(s) were very likely passed down to you. This being the case, it is probable that you have some, if not many, limiting beliefs, such as not being smart enough or good enough or adequate enough in some areas. Having these kinds of beliefs would make it extremely difficult to love and feel good about yourself.

or would there be too many obstacles in the way? If you, like most people, have a great many negative deep-seated beliefs, accomplishing your goals would be very difficult. To complicate matters even more, many of these deep-seated irrational beliefs are buried in the subconscious part of your mind. What this means is that you are not even aware of them. How can you change a negative belief if you are not even aware of having it? Another problem is that many people have what is called, automatic thoughts. For example, say you wanted to go out with someone you found attractive or appealing. Your automatic thoughts might tell you that this person won’t want to go out with you, or that he or she is probably too busy, or that it will be awkward if he or she says ‘no’. These thoughts can stop you from doing the things you want to do. What is required is to become aware of these automatic and irrational thoughts, challenge them, and then replace them with much more rational responses. This is where counseling or hypnosis can be of tremendous benefit. A trained therapist or hypnotherapist can help you see where these unhealthy beliefs are coming from. With this understanding, you will then be in a position to eliminate them and replace them with much healthier beliefs. It is true that willpower is a great thing, but if your subconscious beliefs are opposing you, your willpower will not be able to achieve the changes you wish to make. The subconscious will find a way to sabotage your willpower. That is why it is so important to deal with and change the subconscious beliefs so that they are in alignment with your conscious beliefs and desires. Phillip Rosenbaum If you would like to make some changes in your life but are finding it very difficult to do so, please contact Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. A combination of counseling and hypnosis can help you achieve your most important goals.

If your answer is that your life was not a complete success, what would you need to do to make it a success? Furthermore, would you be able to make the changes that would be required,

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P a g e 23

Special Michigan Psychic Fair on Father’s Day, June 17! By Pauline Dettloff

The word “father” has different meanings for different people. Depending on your background and early beginnings, an image of a father can be joyous or it can be depressing. For most of us, it is somewhere in between. For the purpose of this article, I am going to focus on the positive qualities of a father. Here are twelve attributes of a good father: 1. Unconditional Love. A good father shows love unconditionally and helps support his children to become the best they can be. 2. Protection. A good father will help their children feel safe and secure. 3. Lessons. A good father will help their children learn their lessons so they can grow.

MICHIGAN PSYCHIC FAIR Michigan’s best psychics!

Upcoming Events: Novi - June 3 Holiday Inn, 39675 Twelve Mile Rd

Troy - June 10 Quality Inn, 2537 Rochester Ct.

Chesterfield - June 17 Hampton Inn, 45725 Marketplace

Farmington Hills June 24 Comfort Inn, 30715 W. Twelve Rd.

Hope to see you there! Find a list of our Great Readers and Fair updates at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230


4. He challenges his kids. A good father will help his children to learn about setbacks so they can grow. 5. He is supportive and loyal. A good father will let his children know that he has their back. 6. He leads by example. A good father will be authentic in all he does. 7. He spends time with his kids. A good father will listen and spend time with his kids in their daily life. 8. He allows you to be you. A good father will accept that you are who you are and helps you to be the real you. 9. He helps you appreciate things in life. A good father will teach you to have a thankful heart! 10. He is open-minded. A good father will listen to you and respect you as his child. He will want the best for you. 11. He allows you to make mistakes. A good father will help you learn from your mistakes. 12. He will be a good disciplinarian. He will gently lead you out of trouble, and with love lead you down a straight path.

things we can all strive for. On June 17, Michigan Psychic Fair is having a special psychic fair honoring all fathers and father figures. Our fair is in Chesterfield at the Hampton Inn, located at: 45725 Marketplace Drive. The fair starts at noon. Admission for fathers is free. Please bring that special male in your life, for a channeled message from his angels or an intuitive reading from one of our psychics. If you cannot come to our Father’s Day fair, come to one of the fairs listed on our website: Email: We look forward to seeing you! Pauline With over thirty years as a psychic medium, Pauline offers insight on love, career, finances, family, the future and soul purpose. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship and tarot are all be used in a reading. She offers advice in making changes in your life, with direct information from your angels and spiritual guides that will empower and transform you. Book your reading at 586 9394230 and visit

In history, we have several CLASSIFIED ADShad PLACED..... images of a father. Jesus called God “Abba” the Aramaic word for father. In Christianity, the New Testament teaches us aboutMichigan a loving father. Greek 06/03 PsychicInFair at Novi Holiday Inn 9675 Twelve Mile Rd. (12 mythology “Kronos” is the father of Mile, W of Haggerty) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great ReadZeus, and fathers are always shown as ers, updates and directions at Questions? strong. Paul is depicted as a spiritual Pauline 586-939-4230 father to the Corinthians, and had certain responsibilities towards their 06/10 Michigan Psychic Fair at Troy Quality ♥ Inn Tarot 2537 Rochester development. Cards Ct. (Roch-


ester Rd. & I-75) Michigan’s best psychics, find list of our great Readers, ♥ aMediumship So what about your father? He may updates and directions at Questions? Pauline have had all twelve of these attributes, ♥ Spirit Channeling or586-939-4230 just a few. If you had a good example

♥ Clairvoyant

of a father, you are very blessed. For Clairaudient 06/17ofMichigan Psychic Fair that at Chesterfield♥ Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) those you that did not, I pray you will havebest the opportunity to honor Michigan’s psychics, find a lista of our great Readers, updates and direcfather-type figure in your life. We should Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 tions at Readings by all be reminded that the attributes listed appointment above be in allPsychic of us, male 06/24can Michigan Fairoratfemale. Farmington Hills Comfort Inn (Orchard We all Rd. have&masculine and feminine Lake I-696) Michigan’s best psychics,Call find aPauline list of our great Readers, energy in each one of us! May each updates and directions at Questions? Pauline (586) 939-4230 one of you be protective, loyal, helpful, 586-939-4230 and supportive, and fatherly to those Master Card/Visa - All reading confidential who need guidance. These qualities are w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018

Crystals to Strengthen Masculine Energy By Jennifer VanderWal

Certain crystals can balance our feminine and masculine qualities as well as individually strengthen them. I use these crystals when people are struggling seeing or to be their highest, truest selves. The stones help give us a little nudge or a push in the right direction. Masculine energy is expansive, confident, strong, determined, problem-solving and powerful. It wants to help and not much can get in its way. Our sun generates a lot of masculine energy and the earth is its counterpart in balancing them with her feminine energies. To use these crystals you only need one. The easiest way to enhance your positive masculine traits is by keeping them on you in your aura; this way the energies being transmitted by the crystals will fill your cells, chakras, and auras. Our planet has been out of balance with masculine energies for a long time, but changes are occurring for a better balance between both. Here are some stones you can use to strengthen your positive masculine qualities. Gold and green calcite breaks up and clears blockages in all our chakras; its radiant golden energies are like the light of the sun. It also helps strengthen our confidence, spontaneity, and will. Carnelian anchors us in the present, enhances vitality and motivation in making positive successful life choices, and helps us follow through on projects. Citrine carries the frequency of the sun. It transmutes lower vibrational energies into positive. It regenerates, is protective, enhances creativity and concentration, cleanses all our chakras and balances our solar plexus chakra, enhancing our self-worth. It generates acceptance and confidence, helping us to take our power. Citrine also alleviates depression, negative traits, and fears. Garnet is a stone that has a lot of energy and is excellent when used during times of stress or trauma because it supplies us with the strength we need to get through tough times. It cleanses and re-energizes all of our chakras, helps us remember past lives, releases ingrained patterns and balances the pituitary gland. One of the green tourmaline’s main properties besides healing is to strengthen and enhance our positive masculine qualities. It dispels fears, strengthens openness, compassion, patience, helps us see the infinite number of possibilities life offers and attracts prosperity. Hematite aids in journeying, stimulates yang energy, restores peace and harmony to body, mind, and spirit, clears meridians, and is also protective and grounding. Sunstone’s warming, cheerful energies clears all of our chakras. It enlivens joy of life, allows one to shine one’s own light, enhances confidence,

is protective, brings in light, is an antidepressant and reverses feelings of failure. Tigers eye grounds spiritual energies and stimulates our kundalini. When placed on the third eye chakra it strengthens our psychic abilities and integrates both hemispheres of the brain. Jennifer Vanderwal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor & facilitator since 2004. She is a master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoko system of Reiki. She offers readings, spiritual counseling, EFT, teaches crystal healing classes and offers a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center & Journey to Health Chakra.

Psychic Afternoons

Psychic Readings at Ireland’s Pub

To Schedule Appointment:

(248) 732-7490

Wednesdays from 11:30 to 3:30 Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Advisor

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

248 732-7490 33401 Harper Ave. Clinton, MI 48035

P a g e 25


Every Moment Matters By Miche Lame’

By Sherry Yale, D.C.

Every single moment is an opportunity to turn your life around. It’s just how you choose to experience the moment. Yes, you actually have free will, choice, in how to experience life, see things from a different perspective. I love that Course in Miracles says that every encounter is a holy encounter. That means that every moment is a holy moment. What if you consider every moment as holy, as an opportunity to grow, be the light, and be the ambassador of our Creator? What if you lived in the flow of the Divine, and you were grateful for each and every moment where you get to learn and choose who you want to be, how you choose to experience life?

Everyone is created to heal. However, there are things that can block our healing and these factors need to be handled first before any treatment can be effective. The most common reasons for blocked healing are food sensitivities/allergies. Other common reasons are heavy metal toxicities, chemical toxicities, or various organisms challenging our immune systems such as yeasts, fungi, viruses, bacteria or parasites. Our bodies are meant to handle all of these things, by the way, but with our lifestyles and toxic environments, our bodies often need help to get back into balance. Part of getting the body back into balance is strengthening the elimination channels. These are the pathways by which our bodies eliminate waste and other toxins, including the bowels, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Let’s go over some points on keeping these elimination channels functioning well. Bowels: Everyone knows that constipation is not good; however, very few people know when they are constipated if it isn’t obvious. Every time we eat, our colon is stimulated to eliminate waste; therefore, we should have a bowel movement after each meal. Yes, that is correct. It is not an extreme view; that is what’s normal. We have gone so far away from normal that we no longer recognize or accept normal. I think that is a shame…. so do our bodies think it is a shame, evidenced by rising diseases and health disorders.

Do you trust that the universe loves you and has your best interest at heart? If yes, you can be grateful for each moment that you get to live and experience this life, looking for the lessons the Creator wants to give you for your own growth towards self-actualization. You can take each moment to live and experience life to its fullest, to not judge experiences as “good” or “bad”. Having experiences we decide to judge as the “good” and, instead choosing to include the parts we judge as “bad”, changing our perceptions and accepting them with love as well, learning from those “negative” experiences.

Lymph: The lymphatic system is almost like another circulatory system and it is the means to remove waste from our cells. You know of lymph nodes; that is part of the lymph system. One of the very best ways to stimulate lymph is a few minutes every day on a mini-trampoline. You don’t have to jump hard, as even the slightest spring or stepping on a trampoline will stimulate the lymphatic circulation. Skin: We are meant to sweat. Don’t stop sweating with antiperspirants; that will hold toxins in. Don’t wear synthetic clothing if at all possible; wearing natural fibers routinely allows our skin to breathe. Dry Skin Brushing with natural Tampico fibers helps the skin eliminate toxins properly. All of the above elimination channels and the lungs have one thing in common that they need to properly eliminate toxins: the need for water. The rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. (If you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day; a gallon is 128 ounces.)

We mostly learn from the so judged “negative” - our “failures”. Could it be that even the moments we judge as undesirable, are actually there, gifts from the Creator, for our own growth? That the events we judge as “bad” and the feelings we have about them are so that we can resolve past wounds and perceptions and further our growth towards self-actualization and wholeness, the connection with our Creator we so desire. The more we are

If you would like to see if your healing is blocked, call Sherry Yale, D.C. at TLC Holistic Wellness: 734-664-0339, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia. Sherry Yale, D.C. TLC Holistic Wellness, Sherry Yale, D.C., 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. Contact her at: 734-664-0339


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018

like our Creator, love, light, and acceptance, the easier it is to moment by moment be in the Creator’s flow and connect. As we use every moment mindfully for our own self-growth we grow in forgiveness, and in gratitude and love. We tend to be happier and accept our own happiness, letting go of selfjudgment and judgment of others. We become more loving, accepting and grateful, naturally. Others around us develop like vibration, and we attract others on the same path. This higher vibration brings us ever closer to the vibration and flow of the Divine. Every moment we have the option to mindfully choose who we want to be in that moment and how we choose to feel -- love or fear, gratitude or resentment, love or hate. We can accept what is and where we are at in our growth and accept others in theirs. Change and growth is a process, moment by moment, and each of us has our own path to self-actualization.

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As we get more practice choosing moment by moment to be love and acceptance, learning, growing in the image of the Creator, we develop new ways, new habits of being more in the flow with the Divine and responding with love, acceptance, and gratitude rather than reacting from old habits from our past. When we are able to be in the moment, to take a deep, holy breath, pause, and choose who we want to be in that moment, we enrich our lives, and with our choices can literally become closer to the Divine moment by moment. So, every moment matters, as every moment we have free will to make our choices in who we want to be and whether to go with the flow of the Divine. I know what I choose. It’s your choice as to how you use each holy moment. Who do you choose to be and how do you choose to act in the moment, every moment?


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JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 27

The Silver Thread The Spiritual Path of Mussar

Holiness”, Alan Morinis lists those God traits as humility, patience, gratitude, compassion, order, equanimity, honor, simplicity, enthusiasm, silence, generosity, truth, moderation, lovingkindness, responsibility, trust, faith and Yirah (A fear and awe of God).

In the second half of the 19th century, under the leadership of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter, a spiritual movement called Mussar developed. The word Mussar has been translated as “correction” or “instruction”, but as it evolved it began to be referred to as “ethics”.

Mussar then outlines techniques for developing such God traits and incorporating them into one’s daily life. Central to that development is the concept of balance.

By Michael Abramsky

In Judaism, as with all monotheistic religions, the religious adherent’s goal is to move closer to God. Each religion has practices, which enhance and facilitate that movement. In the 19th century Judaism the prevailing method of reaching God was mystical. Eastern Europe Judaism was under the sway of the philosophy of the Baal Shem Tov, a 15th-century spiritual leader who advocated the loss of self as a way to bring God into one’s life. Mystical approaches generally advocate practices, which empty the self or ego, with the empty space being filled-in by God. It is our ego or self-interest, that blocks us from God. The loss of ego is filled with God’s presence. In contrast, Salanter saw the path to God as filled with ethical challenges. The resolution of ethical issues was seen as the path to bring us closer to God. It was more of a rationalist approach than a spiritual one. It elevates the ego processes of goal setting, and developing strategies to meet those goals. Mussar begins with a map of our inner life. Central to that map are “God traits”, or internal qualities that reflect the God within us. These traits are generally associated with the “higher self”, as opposed to the more base traits generally associated with the lower self, such as greed, lust, and hostility. In his contemporary book, “Everyday 28

be aware of when you are too humble, or too self-centered. Awareness is the foundation of all spiritual and psychological practice.

Let’s take humility. Humility, as a Biblical concept, essentially means knowing one’s place in the world. We are in balance when we practice proper humility. We are imbalanced when we have too little or too much humility. Too little humility is characterized by selfinflation or narcissism. We think too much of ourselves. We see ourselves as infallible, faultless, and perfect. Too much humility is characterized by underplaying our good qualities, hiding out, not taking credit for our good works, and underplaying valuable strengths. Morinis also outlines techniques for establishing this balance. 1. Sensitivity: The first step is to be sensitive to how those soul-traits manifest in thinking, motivating, and acting. For example, if humility is a dominant soul-trait for you, you need to

2. Self-Restraint: Judaism places a great emphasis on choice. Traditionally, man is seen as having a dual nature with both good and evil inclinations. A man then chooses which path he follows. God supplies the mental architecture, but we make the choice; once we have awareness we gain the ability to choose. Self-restraint is one such choice. 3. Transformation: We want to change that problematic soul-trait, to uproot it until it no longer is an impediment to holiness (wholeness). Utilizing a focused “soul” diary, a themed meditation, using a daily reminder phrase to begin your day and a bedtime practice where one reflects on how that trait manifested during the day, are all fundamental to Mussar transformation. Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. has aanMA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398

June 21, International Yoga Day The “International Day of Yoga” was proposed by the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, in 2014. He stated: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in well-being. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.” In 2017, over 180 countries and millions of people participated in Yoga Day!

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018


By Susan deCaussin Simply being present, as a spiritual being having a physical experience, isn’t enough when it comes to living a fulfilled life. If you’re wondering why you’re not happy and haven’t figured out your life’s purpose yet, perhaps it’s because you can’t get what you want without knowing what that is. I mean, really knowing what you want. Think about it this way. No matter how hungry a person may be, if they walk into a restaurant and take a seat, but don’t follow through by placing an order, they’ll simply remain sitting there, unsatisfied. The Universe is filled with a limitless amount of abundance, and it’s simply waiting for you to place your order. Many people may anguish over the fact that they don’t have this or don’t have that. But, how many people consciously even know what it is that stirs them at the core of their being? What fills them with the highest sense of joy and accomplishment? And, how can you complain about not having something that you can’t even readily identify? What do YOU want from life? You may think that you know, but do you really? It’s not enough to simply want a happy and fulfilling life. Each person’s definition of a “happy” life is different from the next because we are all here for a distinct purpose. The goal is to go within to connect with the answer. To determine what calls to you. They label it a “calling” for a reason.

In the confusion, a sense of longing sets in, without a clear understanding of why. Like an internal compass, we are naturally drawn to a calling. Unless you set aside time to connect with your Higher Self and shut out the noise around you, the answers will remain out of reach. It all begins with silent reflection -- something that so many people have virtually eliminated from their lives. When we tap into the wisdom of silence, we stop engaging our conscious minds and begin to hear the whispers of guidance that are always present, but rarely heard. So, what do you want from life? What is your true calling? Why not make a decision to regularly escape the noise, enter into silence and ask yourself, “What fills me with joy?” “What am I so passionate about, that the mere thought ignites a fire within me?” Once you’ve uncovered the answer, moving in that direction will be the easiest and most rewarding adventure you’ll ever experience. Susan deCaussin Susan established Healing Methods, located at 2525 Crooks Rd, Troy, MI. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Counselor and Psychic/ Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Her writings are always powerful, healing and thought-provoking. Learn more at 248-759-6486

Sometimes it requires serious reflection to determine whether what you want has a deeper meaning behind it. For example, someone wanting a fancy sports car may end up getting it, only to find that they are still feeling a sense of need. The most appropriate question when wanting something in your life, is asking, “What do I truly believe, having that item (job, relationship, etc.) in my life will do for me?” The person who wanted that fancy car may have actually been looking to satisfy a need for adventure. Or, perhaps they felt a deep desire for the financial security that comes with being able to afford such an item. Maybe they believed that by owning this car, they would attract the right people into their lives. You see, when you take a closer look at the initial desire, you can begin to determine the answer to what you really want from life. But, how, you may ask, can I do this? This noisy world can cause a person to so deeply associate with the physical side of their being that they lose sight of their spiritual side. JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 29

The Gratitude Formula Can you remember the last time that you reached a goal or something turned out the way that you wanted it to? I imagine that you felt happy, grateful, and even powerful. I want everyone to experience that feeling more often with less of the work to get there. I know that we live in an abundant universe and all of us can learn to create the lives that we love by incorporating more gratitude into our lives along with the use of simple spiritual tools. I decided to write my latest book, The Gratitude Formula; A 7-step success system to create the life that you love after spending the last 5 years traveling the world teaching goal attainment systems to corporations and thousands of people. What I learned is that many people feel that big success is unattainable; that there’s a secret others know that they don’t. I want you to know – that’s a lie. Success is a system, not a secret. The same system applies no matter the size of the goal. Anyone can use a simple system for success to achieve whatever they desire in life. If you want harmonious relationships with others or to have that special someone to share your life with – you can have it. If you want terrific health in a pain free energetic body - you can experience that, too. If you want fulfilling and satisfying work or a full bank account and the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want – that can be yours. And, if you desire a deeper 30

spiritual connection with an allknowing power in the universe at the source of your intuition and ultimate advisor - you can enjoy that experience as well.

I affectionately refer to as the Chief Spiritual Officer or CSO. In your daily planning meeting, use powerful word statements that describe your goals as completed with gratitude. Write down, speak out loud, and imagine what you want, not what you don’t want. For example, I know a saleswoman who often says things like, “I really hope that I’m not late for my appointment with ABC Company on Tuesday.” Most likely, she’ll be late for her appointment because that’s what she’s focused on. A better way to phrase that would be, “I’m so grateful that I am always on time or early for my appointments and easily facilitate a fair exchange of value with my customers.” With statements like those, she might feel inspired to check the traffic report or get ready earlier.

You’ve already proved how powerful you are in using systems for success. Remember learning to read, or ride a bike, or drive a car? You used a system for success to master these skills. And, what about typing on that strange keyboard that’s not even in alphabetical order? Maybe your mastery of that skill now allows you to type faster that I can talk. You have already proven that you know how to succeed. The Gratitude Formula shows you how to achieve even larger goals in seemingly miraculous ways. The best part is that it’s really simple and gets easier to do over time – just like reading or driving a car.

Make what you desire familiar and welcome into your life by learning more about other people who have achieved the kind of success you desire. This shifts your beliefs to possibility which is required to achieve any goal. For example, a man named Harold wanted to be a successful real estate agent in Southern California. In the first eight months of his new job, the few clients that he worked with ran him ragged for very little money in commission. Harold couldn’t rationally see how he could ever be a successful, well-paid agent with great clients, and started to consider other lines of work. But before he gave up, he committed to creating new goal statements and using them in the daily practice as part of his system for success. He described his perfect clients and his desired amount of money with gratitude as though he had already achieved his goal. He also took steps to make the success that he wanted welcome by reading about the journeys of successful real estate agents and going to networking events to meet some of them and hear their stories. As he did his daily practice and met other successful agents over several months, his beliefs shifted. Harold started to

I’ve proven that this success system works in growing seven companies to as large as $100 million in annual revenues and being led to great and perfect health after being diagnosed with cancer. Each goal that I created was bigger than the last, and I achieved them. You can too! Success is a system, not a secret. The most important step is to make the commitment to use the daily system. The Gratitude Formula shares the importance in using spiritual and practical tools along with the practice of gratitude to magnetize you to receiving more of what you desire in life. As Oprah Winfrey said, “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” As you use the system outlined in The Gratitude Formula, good things will multiply in your life! There are three important elements of this system for success: Hold a daily goal planning meeting with the source of your intuition, who

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018

believe that it was possible to experience the same kind of success. He didn’t know how it was going to happen; he waited for his CSO to illuminate possibilities through intuitive leads. A short time later, he got a strong thought to call surfing shops and corporations who had surfers as part of their executive teams to see if they’d like him to come in and speak for free about the risk-taking characteristics that surfing and business have in common. Since he had been a competitive surfer, he could discuss that topic. He was invited to several places to speak, met lots of new contacts, and received a substantial increase in business that surpassed his original goal. Make what you want welcome to shift your beliefs to possibility. Watch for intuitive thoughts, gut feelings, and signs throughout the day, and have the courage to take the steps that you are guided to take. This builds confidence so that you can manifest your goals sooner. As Harold got the intuitive thought to call surf shops and corporations, he “had courage to follow his intuition” as Steve Jobs advised. Remember, if you don’t feel comfortable taking the step that your CSO gives you, just ask for another lead. Eventually, when the same intuitive message has repeated itself over and over, you’ll feel more confidence in taking the step. There are dozens of stories in my book that will illustrate how you can recognize your intuition as a spiritual success tool to achieve greater levels of health, happiness, abundance, and freedom. The Gratitude Formula fully explains all of these elements and will show you how to use them to achieve more of your dreams. I’m so excited about the wonderful experiences that will soon be yours as you make a CHOICE to use gratitude as part of your system for success and create the life that you love! I’m grateful for you! For more information about me and my work, please visit www.


The Path of Consciousness: Spiritual & Writing Conference & Retreat! Acclaimed experts will lead writing workshops, yoga, meditation, and shamanic healing. Includes labyrinth, nature walk, and sacred fire ceremony. affordable visit Guided Meditation Thursday’s 7pm $10 & Yoga Nidra meditation Sundays 4-5pm $10 Mama Tracys Inc. offers a variety of classes please check us out on Facebook Psychic Development Classes taught at Knight Light Candles: Meditation, Numerology, Tarot, and Psychic Explorations. 10332 W 9 Mile Rd in Oak Park. Call 248291-5483 or for time and dates The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – accredited throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet, and ascension work. Eve Wilson. Enrolling for Winter 2018: The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737 Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area), led by Linda Fisher-Piccolo of Inner Light Services, with Retreat Director Betsy Beverlin. $525 all-inclusive (private accommodations, private bathrooms, all meals, etc.). Exceptionally clean & modern facilities. Next Retreat dates: Monday, July 16 (1:00pm) through Thursday, July 19 (1:00pm), also: Tuesday, Oct 2 (1:00pm) through Friday, Oct 5 (1:00pm). Visit for full details and registration.


Mon - Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service and radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 7:45- 8:30pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-588-0290 Mon - Yoga with Jayne: Mondays at 7PM. Jayne Ryan, Unity of Livonia member teaches beginner yoga. Class held on the first Monday of every month will be Reiki infused. Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering Basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, 734- 421-1760

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Mon - Mediation Classes! Every Monday Evening at Knight Light Candle, 10332 W. Nine Mile Rd., Oak park. $10.00 per class. Arrive 6:40-6:45 Begins at 7pm 248-2915483


Tue - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 734-756-6507 Tue - Unity Self-Care Class: 7pm. Instructor: April Ellenburg, LUT. Love Offering. 248-288-3550 or


Wed - A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 248-2883550 or Wed - Psychic Afternoons from 11:30 to 3:30pm. Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Advisor Psychic Readings at Ireland’s Pub land’s Pub 33401 Harper Ave., Clinton, MI 248 732-7490 Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808 Wed - Join us in the mighty Operation Prayer Power. Be a part of the change this world needs at this time. A Great Opportunity to advance through Love and Prayer. 7:30 pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-588-0290


Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. for info call Chuck 734-756-6507 Thu - Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 248-288-3550 Thu - Guided Meditation 7pm $10 See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436 Thu - Thursday Night Thrive: 7-8:30pm. We come together for sacred conversation, mutual support, fun and friendship. Each week is different and powerful. Our intention is authentic and conscious community. A lot like a small group but so much more! Love offering. 248-288-3550 or www. Thu – Every other Thurs Meditation Class 7–8pm. Short lesson, meditation, followed by a discussion with instructor Lori Barresi. Drop in, $10. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor. 734-358-0218.

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We invite you to join us in creating a spiritual community that celebrates the diversity and Divinity in each of us, creating a world that works for everyone. Wherever you are on your journey, know that you are welcome here! ~Rev. Noreen Keller


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

734-645-3217 JUNE 2018

FRIDAY Fri - Meditation, Pranayama and Gong class Friday 12:00 -1:15 by donation, with Luna Calley a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master at Thru Luna’s Eyes Salon & Healing Arts, Ferndale The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Voted One of the Best Healing Blogs in the World - www.spiritualhealers. com/blog


Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808


Sun - Detroit Center for Spiritual Living invites you to join Sunday Services 10:1510:30am Meditation, 10:35am Service Begins. Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers, Detroit (Parking entrance on Curtis St) Fellowship to Follow! Stick around after service for connection, community & coffee! Sun - Sound Healing Concert, 7–9pm. Rare, therapeutic chakra-tuned crystal bowls played with recorded soundscape music while Reiki is sent to the audience. $20 at the door. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor, free parking. 734-358-0218. www. Sun - Sunday Celebration Service: 1011am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 248-288-3550 or Sun - Yoga Nidra Meditation 4-5pm $10. See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436 Sun –Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. 11:00am. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak (248) 588-0290. Sunday Meditation! Susan deCaussin, BMS Staff Writer, leads meditation each week at Renaissance Unity Church in Warren at 9:30am. An inspired message is given followed by silent reflection. More info: DATED EVENTS 06/02 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market, “Art on the Grand Market” featuring local and national artists! Cake decorating demo, hanging baskets, fresh produce. Gia Warner live music. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking!

06/02 Circulation Day: Saturday, June 2, 2018, 10am – 3pm. Free Yard Sale or Circulation Day gives us the opportunity to stimulate the law of giving and receiving. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, 734- 421-1760

06/10 Michigan Psychic Fair at Troy Quality Inn 2537 Rochester Ct. (Rochester Rd. & I-75) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

06/03 Melody Crystal Healing Level 1. 11am-6pm. Learn how to open and balance chakras, our belief systems, how to construct crystal healing arrays, and shamanic journeying techniques. Certification after successfully completing level 1&2. $250 734-416-5200 Bodyworks

06/12 Group Singing Bowl Bath 6-7:30pm. Experience sound and vibrations from 21 bowls to promote health, spiritual well-being and prevent illness. Calm you mind, delight the body and uplift your emotions as you bathe in the rich harmonics of the individual voices of these beautiful bowls. $20 734-416-5200. BodyWorks

06/03 Michigan Psychic Fair at Novi Holiday Inn 9675 Twelve Mile Rd. (12 Mile, W of Haggerty) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers Pauline 586-939-4230 06/05 Metaphysical Bible Interpretation Class Tuesdays, 6:30 pm Five weeks starting June 5, 2018. Registration required: (734) 421-1760. Love offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, 734- 421-1760 06/07 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 06/08 Channeled Event with Tammy & AllThatIs. Ask questions to experience confirmation, clarity and understanding of who you really are and release everything else. Details at www.CreateByVibration. com/events. 734.252.6196 06/08 Marianne Williamson is touring the country and discussing how a revolution in consciousness paves the way to both personal and national renewal. Join her at Detroit Unity Temple, 17505 Second Avenue, Detroit, MI 5:45-9pm. https://tinyurl. com/y7zp2fkc 06/09 Become a Certified Hypnotherapist! Sat & Sun Classes Begin June 9th in Warren. State Licensed School, Personal Enrichment, Help People Reach Their Goals, Supervised Practical Experience, Add a New Modality to Your Existing Practice. 586-899-9009 06/09 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market celebrates National Children’s Day with Peter Schreimer, America’s Nature Guy, “Go Fish” and more! Enjoy fresh Michigan produce, flowers, artisans. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm FREE parking! 06/10 Melody Crystal Healing; Level 1: 11am-6pm. Learn how to open and balance our chakras belief systems, construct crystal healing arrays and shamanic journeying techniques. Certification after successfully completing level 1 & 2. $250. 734-416-5200

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

06/13 Prayer Wheel Meditation Workshop with Patricia Askew: Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 7pm. Learn how to use a Unity influenced prayer wheel for deeper, contemplative prayer and meditation. Love offerings basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, 734- 421-1760 06/14 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 Bodyworks 06/15 Essential Oils A Wonder of Nature, Class on Aromatherapy. $10. Jean-Pierre Aubry, a native Frenchman, will draw upon his heritage, knowledge and experience to present this class on essential oils which he uses on a daily basis and in his healing work. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, 248-588-0290 06/16 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market, “Fit as a Fiddle” Annual Health Awareness Fair! Free screenings, wellness alternatives. Renowned violinist Anthony Marchese. FreshMichigan produce, flowers, artisans. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking! 06/17 Michigan Psychic Fair at Chesterfield Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www. 586-939-4230 06/19 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 06/20 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum QiGong: 6-8pm. Used for millennia to promote radiant health, the 8 Silken Movements are easy to learn. Experience meditation through movement in a mindful and graceful way. Release stress and reenergize. Try it and believe it. $40. Repeat $20. 734-4165200

P a g e 33



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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018

06/20 Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk: Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 7pm. Join us after meditation for a walk around the labyrinth at Unity of Livonia to celebrate the beginning of summer and bless our sacred space. Love offering basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, 734- 421-1760 06/21 Men’s Health & Hormones For Men and the Women Who Love Them! 78:30pm. Imbalanced hormones can lead to hair loss, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, depression, increased belly fat, swollen prostates, mood swings, cancer, and more! Learn how to rebalance hormones safely and naturally. RSVP: 734425-8220. Free! Karl Wellness Center & Chiropractic Clinic, 30935 Ann Arbor Tr., Westland. 06/21 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 06/23 Class The King Yoga Experience! Experience the power of a great spiritual master. 2:00-4:00pm - $10. Visiting speaker from Los Angeles, Brian Keneipp, will expertly guide you in the first steps to experiencing the inspirational power of this great Spiritual Master and will teach several Spiritual practices designed to help you evolve and protect you from the negative vibrations all around us. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, 248-588-0290 06/23 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market, Strawberry Shortcake Day! Fresh Michigan strawberries, baked biscuits and crème fresh! Produce, colorful flowers, specialty vendors. Mark Reitenga live music. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking! 06/23 Present Moment Meditation™. Learn meditation and tools for staying calm, present. Release stress, relax, unwind. Enjoy group meditation. Everyone welcome! Chairs provided. 10-11:30am. $15 Livonia Senior Center, 15218 Farmington Rd. www. 06/24 Happiness Rising! 10-4:30pm. Want more happiness, fun and peace in your day? Experience more joy, health and prosperity and balance in your life. Rise above the limitations of thought and the heavy consciousness. Bring to the obstacle, awareness that prevents you from living an inspired and happy life! $111. 734-4165200

06/24 Happiness Rising! 10am-12:30pm. Happiness is your birthright! Claim it now! Our thoughts, emotions beliefs and attitude can keep us from joy. Learn strategies to rise above limitations. Start your path to happiness now! $111. 734-416-5200 www. 06/24 Healing with Crystals 1: 11am-1pm. Learn about crystals that are beneficial for healing specific ailments. Discuss a variety of techniques on how and where to use them on our bodies and chakras.. $44. 734-416-5200 06/24 Michigan Psychic Fair at Farmington Hills Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 06/28 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 06/28 Monthly Ascension Support Class - Potent/Joyful/Gentle/Empowering Ascension and Healing Meditations. 6 classes meet every 4th Thursday. Phone, Skype or in person in Ann Arbor - Eve Wilson 734-780-7635 06/28 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm, Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Class will break briefly after 30 minutes. $15/session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 06/30 Book Signing with Eve Wilson Author Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World and Kara Bradley the Artist. At Think Outside the Books 2547 Ellsworth Dr, Ypsilanti 734-740-2348 for times. 06/30 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market goes “All American!” Grab a grillin’ dog, enjoy produce from Michigan farms, colorful flowers, specialty vendors. Bob Monteleone live music. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking! 07/08 Usui Tibetan Seiryoku Karuna Reiki Level 1 from 11am-6pm. Learn healing with your hands. You will be initiated with the first symbol in reiki 1 enabling you to do healings on yourself and others. Certification is given after completion. $150. 734-416-5200

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

07/11 A Healing & Ascension Experience with Eve Wilson at Unity of Livonia – Wednesday Service 7–8pm. Transformational and healing; learn about ascension and regain hope for our world. 07/16 Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area), led by Linda Fisher-Piccolo of Inner Light Services, with Retreat Director Betsy Beverlin. $525 all-inclusive (private accommodations, private bathrooms, all meals, etc.). Exceptionally clean & modern facilities. Next Retreat dates: Monday, July 16 (1:00pm) through Thursday, July 19 (1:00pm), also: Tuesday, Oct 2 (1:00pm) through Friday, Oct 5 (1:00pm). Visit for full details and registration. 08/24-26 Retreat at the Inn of the Rustic Gate: Living in Gratitude in the Second Half of Life: 12pm. Two pivotal works by author Angeles Arrien will be the focus of our reflections journaling, and exercises. Blessings, learnings, mercies and protections as the four portals to a grateful heart are keys to personal growth in all stages of life but are most pivotal in the second half of life. Single-$300: Double-$260: Prices includes lodging, meals, resource materials and taxes. It does not include the purchase of Angeles Arrien’s two books: 1. Living in Gratitude 2. The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Initiation. It is recommended that participants bring these works with them for the weekend. 231-796-2328. 08/24-26 Retreat at the Inn of the Rustic Gate: Living in Gratitude in the Second Half of Life: 12pm. Two pivotal works by author Angeles Arrien will be the focus of our reflections journaling, and exercises. Blessings, learnings, mercies and protections as the four portals to a grateful heart are keys to personal growth in all stages of life but are most pivotal in the second half of life. Single-$300: Double-$260: Prices includes lodging, meals, resource materials and taxes. It does not include the purchase of Angeles Arrien’s two books: 1. Living in Gratitude 2. The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Initiation. It is recommended that participants bring these works with them for the weekend. 231-796-2328.

CLASSIFIED ADS: $1.00 per word. Place your “Class or Events” ad by calling 734 513-6137 and emailing to us at:

P a g e 35






Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain. By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain. By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

Lori Irvin

 HEALING HEALINGSessions  MEDICAL INTUITIVE with Lori Irvin Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain. By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494




Also now offering

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Lori Irvin

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By appointment only please 248-505-9227

MEDICAL INTUITIVE HEALING Sessions with Lori Irvin Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras

confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain.


Lori Irvin

attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain.

Lori Irvin MEDICAL INTUITIVE HEALING Sessions with Lori Irvin

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old

to findREADER disruptive patterns, PSYCHIC  energy cords and

By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain.

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain.

Find out more by visiting her Confidential readings in person or website or call to book a private phone, parties, raisers, corporate healingfund session (810) 820-0494 Lori Irvin and school celebrations.

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras



Gifted since birth - World renowned psychic medium andthought clairvoyant. By interrupting patterns and removing negative or old Accurate,energy, honest inspirational. Lori and can help you heal.

to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and INTUITIVE ARTIST  attachments that are causing you discomfort, By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

Sherrie Ellen's Psychic Reading Room

Lori Irvin 734.358.0218


 Lori ASTROLOGY is able to read your  energy fields and chakras

Psychic Channel &

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras Intuitive to find Medical disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are you discomfort, As seen oncausing HGTV’s confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain. “House Hunters” show! By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old energy, Lori can help you heal. Find out more by visiting her website or call to book a private healing session (810) 820-0494

Lori Irvin

Lori is able to read your energy fields and chakras to find disruptive patterns, energy cords and attachments that are causing you discomfort, confusion, depression, anxiety and physical pain.

JUNE 2018

By interrupting thought patterns and removing negative or old




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JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 37

Starting Arts and Crafts

Do You Know You Are a Channel?

By Abby Lippett

By Tammy Braswell

There comes a time when there nothing left to do but to do it. Pre-planning your creative endeavors is very helpful and can save you hours of your time and helps to prevent costly and time-consuming mistakes. So pre-planning is always a wise choice however there comes a time when you have gone as far as you can with pre-preparation work. When you find yourself rechecking yourself and looking for excesses chances, you are no longer researching you are procrastinating.

It is common to feel alone, even in a world filled with billions of people, but know that you are never alone. Tuning-in to your natural ability to receive inner, and higher, guidance is a way of recognizing and knowing that you are not alone. When you allow higher energies, consciousnesses, and spirit to speak to, and even though you, realizing you are not alone becomes much clearer.

At this point, it is essential that you realize you have done all you can do with your pre-work and it time to move forward and begin your project. At first, it may be difficult for you due to the build-up of anticipation you may encounter with delaying your first steps. Is it possible you may second guess your self by asking yourself “am I good enough?” “Can I really do this?”

It is important for everyone to realize that they are a channel. Everyone tunes into vibrational frequencies all the time. It is when they recognize that they are doing it that it starts to shift to what they know they are receiving.

It important that you acknowledge your feelings. Denying them will only cause you more problems and keep you from following your dream and reaching your true potential. Know its ok to feel a little anxious, that it is common for anyone trying something new. It’s also ok to be a beginner and to realize you need to work on your craft before you are happy with your results. Expect to make a lot of mistakes at first, remember once more you have never done this before. Above all know you are doing this because you love it so enjoy it and have fun. Happy creating!

You are like a radio receiver that tunes into the frequencies around you that match where your frequency is at, or “your station” if you will. You don’t have to be aware of this happening, it just does. But as you become aware of it, you can start allowing yourself to be more consciously receptive to what you are tuning into.

Namaste, Abby Abby Lippitt is an Intuitive, TransFormational, Artist with a BFA in the Fine Arts and is a certified Theta Healer. She’s been passionate about art & metaphysics since childhood and now offers digitally hand-rendered psychometric & mediumistic art prints for commission on canvas, to enrich your world. Reach her at 248-655 0464 or visit

As you cultivate and nurture yourself to be receptive and understand how to “listen” to what is going on around you, you tune into the frequencies that allow you to receive clearer messages and guidance. Through these connections, you begin to live more consciously in your purpose; trusting yourself, your decisions and choices with more confidence. I know this because my whole life I have been sensitive to energy and spirits, and have seen things that many don’t see, or at least don’t acknowledge they do. When I was younger, I didn’t understand it, but now I know what I have always experienced. Back in 2011, I began allowing higher collectives of consciousness to


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JUNE 2018


By Gwendolyn Esco Davis “Masculinity and femininity are a state of equilibrium forces; it’s a state of universal distribution of equals.” G. EscoDavis communicate through me after I saw Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. They have evolved into larger collectives as my vibration has raised and is able to accommodate the higher frequencies they are in. It has become easier for me to communicate with them. Now, they are with me all the time, and I realize I have been channeling them in the work I have been doing for years, and to some degree my whole life. They are part of my consciousness and me theirs, so there is no separation and I can access them, and their guidance, any time. I love having such a clear, strong and open connection with them. It makes life less hectic and full of worry, doubt, and fear because I know that when I tune myself into them, all that melts away and life is easy, as it was meant to be. We all have the ability to be a conscious channel and receive the guidance we desire to help us along our journey through life. Pay attention and let yourself tune in. All the answers you will ever need or desire await you there! Tammy Braswell, the channel for AllThatIs, guides and supports you in remembering who you really are and living from that truth in trusting yourself with confidence in your choices and purpose in your life. Connect with Tammy at , for private sessions, in person and online events and more.

The natural balance of this planet is masculinity and femininity; the yin and yang, alpha and omega, night and day, cold and hot, wet and dry, harmony and discord -- opposites complementing the other. Can you have balance when one is absent? Scientific research has proven that in the human experience, the male brain is larger than the female brain. At conception, the male and female brains are different. The small but significant difference is the Y chromosome that plays out early in the brain. Dr. Louann Brizendine’s studies have shown that the Vasopressin is the hormone of gallantry and monogamy, aggressively protecting and defending turf, mate, and children. Along with testosterone, it runs the male brain circuits and enhances masculinity. There was a man, who when he walked into a room, was someone that some would call a “man’s man”. Of average height, broad shoulders, manly hands, and a deep masculine voice, his laugh was like a lion’s roar. He worked in construction and would lift 70 lbs. without a blink. This man was my life lesson of masculinity. I believe that we are the sum-total of our life experience. My experience with my dad is an example of authentic masculinity. Dad worked in construction and mom ran her own business. My dad would arrive home from work before mom. He would start dinner or begin to do laundry. He would read bedtime stories, take me shopping, cut the lawn, fix the leaky roof, protect his family with the might of

JUNE 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

a gentle lion and open the car door for my mom and me. When we had family gatherings at a park, they would play baseball. When dad came up to bat, the outfielders would spread out further. Dad was sure to hit a home run. And, in touch football, they would always have two guys to tackle him. One day my parents received a letter from my school. It noted that they were going to transfer me to a special program. My dad went to speak to the principal and teachers. They were putting me in the program due to my speech impediment; therefore I could not express my thoughts clearly. My dad had the same speech impediment; he informed them that because I could not verbalize as clearly as others, it does not imply that I can’t think clearly. My grades and consistently being on the honor roll should be the deciding factor. Dad is my example that men, even very masculine men, can reveal his softer side -– his femininity (although he would not have called it femininity). He believed that women were not appreciated enough and that women have had to carry more responsibility than men. He would often say that women had the real power. What I learned from my dad, is that masculinity is not defined by how tough you are, but by how you show appreciation of others. Gwendolyn, owner of G. EscoDavis, LLC, is a certified life coach and business mentor. Her practice of four decades focuses on women entrepreneurs, although she also coaches men business owners. She uses a holistic/ organic approach and publishes a monthly newsletter. For more info call: 313-717-8988, email: or visit

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How to Connect to Archangel Michael: Calling in the Big Warrior


By Tatiana Scavnicky

- These are external poultices that are easy to do at home and an almost free way to remedy cramps, muscle restriction, pulled muscles, liver congestion; we even use them for breast congestion as so many breast pain scares are merely congestion . Every home should have the simple and inexpensive supplies for castor oil packs! They are applicable for babies with colic, and people/kids with respiratory congestion, and to relieve constipation.

It’s the season of honoring fathers, so getting into the great and powerful Archangel Michael seemed totally appropriate! You hear me talk a lot about intuition and receiving guidance and the qualities of the Divine Feminine, but Michael’s energy is the perfect expression of the Divine Masculine. He is also St. Michael, leader of God’s great army and of the warrior angels. He was first seen as a healing angel, and his earliest sanctuary, the Michaelion, was built over a pagan temple in the Roman Empire. He soon became known as the protector, waging war over lower energies. His name literally means right hand of God. Rich and vibrant shades of royal purple, cobalt blue, and flashes of gold are his colors.

NSHA and Gaia Center Admin Staff 734-761-1600

Michael is a dragon slayer and his sword is his holy weapon. He’s is the patron saint of policemen, the military, firefighters, and paramedics. Are you feeling the strength and power of this angel yet? Healers, energy workers, mediums, and psychic-intuitives call on Archangel Michael for protection and energetic boundaries during sessions and spiritual work. He is tough and will come in to slay lower energies with his sword.

Please check our website for curriculum, schedule, financial, faculty, and program information- it is designed to answer all important common questions. Ann Arbor Scheool of Massage, Herbal & Natural Medicine at 6276 Jackson Road, Suite B Box 2, Ann Arbor, MI. Gaia Center for Herbal Studies, also on Facebook.

If you need help with something right away, he is the one to call on. His energy is fierce, hot and intense! You might feel the room heat up when you call for him. If you ask him to, he will cut cords for you. What are cords? They are attachments that can sometimes be negative. All that means is, let’s say you

Follow our directions via our PDF at www.naturopathicschoolofannarbor. net/herbal-medicine-education Warmly, Mary Light


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get into a really bad argument with someone you love and you haven’t made up yet. You can call on Michael to cut the negative energetic connection. Maybe you have a friend who you love dearly, but every time you talk to them you feel drained afterward. He will take care of business! Cutting cords never end the love we have for someone, just the funky stuff we want to move on from. Archangel Michael transcends space and time. In my classes I say he’s like Santa Claus, he can be anywhere and everywhere! Not only is he “the” ultimate angel of protection, I think of him as my ally, faithful friend and guide…very fatherly indeed. He helps us to find courage and strength when we need it, slaying cords of fear as well. Making a big life or career change? He will be there for you! He is all about helping lightworkers begin their practice! Michael is with me for all my intuitive readings, classes, and gallery reading events, holding space and keeping the energy a high-vibration. At your request, Michael will clear energy in your house, workplace or wherever you need it. Open the windows! Safely light some incense or sage, and invite him in. Remember, we have to call on our angels. They are not allowed to intervene on our free will. All you have to do is ask for help! Tatiana Scavnicky is a spiritual teacher, psychic-intuitive, intuitive life coach, creator of music and healing meditations, Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Angel Therapy Medium® She’s passionate about helping people move forward and overcome their fears, ditch procrastination and do what they love. She’s released three albums and shares her moon phase oracle card readings @www.

JUNE 2018

Prayer to St.Michael “O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan. “Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. “These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be. “Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and

vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen. V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers. R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered, the root of David. V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord. R. As we have hoped in Thee. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto Thee. Let us pray. O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as supplicants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.” Roman Raccolta, July 23, 1898, supplement July 31, 1902, London: Burnes, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 1935, 12th edition.

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to stress clear up, especially eating or sleeping issues.

Spiritual Horoscopes


corpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Having job struggles? Meditate on family-of-origin issues. Could anything be re-playing with authorities at work? Also ponder inherited beliefs that working is a ball-and-chain. What if you believed it was energizing and fun? Even in personal matters, you might be addicted to the hormones of stress. It can feel strange to have no problems, complaints or worries. What brought you joy as a child? Sports? Art? Dance? Music? Pets? Nourish your inner innocence with childhood “nutrients”. You’ll balance your nervous system and soothe your soul. Solutions to problems can come “out of nowhere”, but actually your “sacred playtime” created an avenue for them to flow in!

By Aluna Michaels, M.A.


emini (May 21 – June 20) — Happy birthday Gemini! Mars and Neptune turn retrograde, creating a wonderful opportunity to connect with your spirituality and intuition the next four months. Meditation may bore you, but give it a try! Rather than getting frustrated about constant thoughts, focus on your heart. Recall feelings of love and appreciation. Let joy wash over and fill you. You’ll notice less struggles in relationships, and better career focus. Seek out a sense of God that feels nurturing and meaningful to you. Your confidence and happiness will rise to an all-time high!


ancer (June 21 – July 22) — Mars retrograde is designed for you to let go of old resentments that simmer in your subconscious and block the flow of love. Meditate on the balance between forgiveness (that frees your emotions and body from self-created poison) and healthy boundaries (which emerge from self-love and self-respect). Releasing the memories of wounds won’t make you a victim in the future. Instead, you’ll be a wise guardian of your open heart. You’ll also have major prosperity breakthroughs. Treat yourself to extra yoga classes, a spiritual retreat, or just more quiet reflective time each day. You’re worth it!

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663



eo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — June begins a four month transformation in relationships. Meditate on how you behave and react with others. Observe things clearly. Ask for guidance in dreams. Ponder your past situations and even how your parents interacted. If you need to make changes, you’ll know how to handle it in the early autumn. More than likely, there’ll be a re-vitalization in all your bonds as you tap into more selflove. With your heart open to trust and a greater capacity for intimacy, things will shift in positive and exciting ways!


irgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Do you hold yourself or your romantic partner to impossibly high standards? Neptune moving retrograde wants you to meditate on true unconditional love. You’ll be guided on how to make gentle, yet profound improvements in yourself — without self-torment! You’ll also be able to set firm limits with others if need be. You’ll be clear if a relationship has potential and if the energy is there to unfold that potential. Don’t make sudden career changes. Contemplate what type of situation would be better for you. Late summer is a better time to change jobs or speak up to make changes in your existing job.


agittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Words and thoughts are powerful. Mars starts a four month cycle that brings insights about your mind. Observe your beliefs and dare to wonder if they’re actually true. Are they your “personal gospel” because you’ve held them for so long? Or, that your parents believed them? Or, that society believes them? Write things down to examine them clearly. In meditation explore what life would feel like to live from more empowered concepts. Also, forgive and heal relationships that will be “resurrected” by the power of love and new perspectives.



apricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — You have amazing money-making potential! You’ll gain more power by blending your spirit into your business mind. Explore ideas about the spirituality of money and prosperity. Meditation sharpens your intuition about financial issues. Also focus on self-forgiveness. See yourself as an amazing soul who’s bravely advancing through life, learning the whole way. This self-directed kindness opens doors to deep connection in relationships. Relieving yourself of the burden of perfectionism makes you truly present and available for love!

ibra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — You’re so focused on others, so it’s often tough to know what you want. As Mars moves retrograde, bring your real self to relationships. Meditate on your heart, feeling what you love about life and what you have to offer the world. Fall in love with amazing you! You’ll have immediate harmony in your partnerships. If single, you’ll attract a vital person who’s aligned with your values. Stand up for yourself if need be, being gentle yet firm. Instead of fights, there will be peace! Also, connect with old friends and nurture those connections too. Physical concerns due

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quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Mars retrogrades in your sign, starting a four month journey to discover internal power, courage and integrity. One of the biggest areas is fear of intimacy. You might have abandonment anxiety, or fear of engulfment. Meditate on gently retaining individuality while being in a partnership or group. These huge strides improve all relationships incredibly. Also find ways to soothe your nervous system, whether that means overthinking, insomnia or even panic attacks. You could find nutritional supplements that help. You’ll uncover core thoughts and “unwire” them through observation of your patterns. Your brain is sometimes not your friend, so practice delving into the wisdom of your heart.


isces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — With Mars retrograde, meditate to reveal hidden sources of rage or helplessness. It’s a delicate balance between claiming you’ve been hurt by others and being a victim. Practice forgiveness, remembering you’re validating the experience, but eliminating the internal poison that’s hurting you. Heal low energy with massage, yoga or cleaner eating. Anything that reduces stress makes a difference. Focusing on self-care before you feel run-down isn’t selfish, it’s self-loving — and is an example to others in your life. Also, have fun with friends to feel the healing power of playfulness!



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ries (March 21 – April 19) — You can be pulled between your relationship and your friendships or hobbies. It might seem you can’t be happy in the relationship until you give up certain people or fun activities — but then you won’t be happy either! Your partner is just craving quality time with you. Be fully present when you’re together. In general, notice how often you’re in one place doing one thing, but in your head, you’re somewhere else. Your loved one’s desires are pressing you to address this anxiety pattern. If single, meditate to examine the belief that you’ll lose freedom of choice if you’re in love.

DETROIT - Detroit Unity Temple|17505 2nd Blvd. |313-345-4848

aurus (April 20 – May 20) — If you’re having work issues, don’t make sudden changes if you don’t have to. Meditate on career goals as well as the standards you want in a job. Be patient and see what unfolds throughout the summer. An amazing opportunity could come up. In the meantime, practice feeling what it will be like to have peace in this area. This magnetizes new options to you, and you’ll recognize which one feels the most “familiar”. De-clutter your home so you’re comfortable and have pleasant surroundings. Too much junk causes stress. You deserve serenity!

LIVONIA - Unity of Livonia| 28660 Five Mile Rd. |734-421-1760


Aluna Michaels, second-generation astrologer, has a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching/consulting for three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon/Kindle, and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call/ text 248-583-1663 or visit

DETROIT - God Land Unity Church| 22450 Schoolcraft St. |313-794-2800 DETROIT - West Side Unity Church| P.O. Box 04659. |313-895-1520 FARMINGTON HILLS - Unity| 32500 W 13 Mile Rd. | 248-737-9191 FLINT - Unity Church of Flint| 4506 Fenton Road. |810-235-3155 JACKSON - Unity Church of Jackson|3385 Miles Rd. | 517-764-6900 LAKE ORION - Unity Church of Lake Orion|3070 Baldwin Road. |248- 391-9211 LANSING - Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing 230 S Holmes Street. | 517-371-3010

LIVONIA - Unity of Redford| 28660 Five Mile Rd. (Livonia) |313-272-7193 PLYMOUTH - Friends of Unity| 774 N. Sheldon Road. | 734-454-0015 PONTIAC - Unity of Pontiac| 780 W. Huron | 248 335-2773 ROCHESTER - Unity Church of Rochester| 1038 Harding Rd, |248-656-0120 ROYAL OAK- Unity Church of Royal| 2500 Crooks Rd. |248-288-3550 SOUTHGATE - Unity Chapel| 14951 Northline Rd. |734-285-7722 TROY - Spiritual Life Center| Edu. Center, 811 W. Square Lk Rd |248-925-6214 WARREN - Renaissance Unity| 11200 E Eleven Mile Rd. |586-353-2300

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JUNE 2018

GRIEVING & LETTING GO… The Meaning of Living Fearlessly

your life rather than take away fears, this is definitely something to listen to if you are grieving. How can you accomplish this? Well, let me first tell you about your heart. Your heart is the gateway to your intuition. As you do the work to bring up your hurts, your wounds up to your consciousness and take steps to heal them, something wonderful happens. You begin to tune-in to your intuitive abilities. How does that happen? Your third eye energy center which is what I call, the window to your intuition, gets a thick film over it that blocks you from your intuitive abilities.

By Selene Negrette

You may be asking yourself, “Letting go of what?” Letting go of the fears that are holding you back from living your life fully. Fear is an ever-present companion to the human experience but if you have lost a loved one, the fears multiply at least one hundred-fold. You probably have the fear of facing life without your loved one, the fear of not being able to survive your loss, the fear of something bad happening again to your family, the fear of not being understood, or the fear of being alone forever. The list goes on and on… We all have fears and the root of those fears lies in any unkind words, ill-treatment, and untrue comments that you have received throughout your life that have become embedded in your psyche and accepted as true by you. As a result, your selfesteem, confidence, capacity to love yourself and self-image have suffered and a large number of fears have become your everyday companions. Another thing is that some of those hurts or I might even say, most of those hurts were experienced by you when you were too young to discern that they had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person who said or did them, so you simply stashed them inside and have not dealt with them to this day. And if you have experienced the loss of a loved one, you have had a traumatic experience and even more hurts and blows are inflicted on you if you feel misunderstood by others, suffer the loss of people who you thought were your friends, or feel judged by others because you are not grieving in a way that is acceptable to them. It is easy to tell someone, “Just let go of your fears.” It’s easier said than done. To do it, you must get to the root of the fears which is the sum totality of all the hurtful and traumatic experiences you have had. It is hard work to unearth those experiences in order to let go of the fears caused by them, but the work is worthwhile because it will free you, in the end, to live life on your own terms. What does living your life on your own terms mean? It means that you will be able to live your life intuitively instead of fearfully. And since losing a loved one usually adds fears to

That film has been created by all the wounds and hurts you have not dealt with (including the loss of a loved one) and have been carrying; the same wounds that affect your everyday life and fill your mind and heart with fear and anxiety. Therefore, the more you heal those wounds, the thinner the film over the third eye chakra becomes and the more access you have to your intuition until the time comes when the third eye is a shining, crystal clear window and you are able to live intuitively, leaving your fears and your anxiety behind. You’ll now have the deepest knowing in the depths of your soul that all your needs are met, everything is going to be okay and you are not alone. And if you are grieving, living intuitively means that you will not only have a direct line to the divine, but you will also live feeling deeply connected to the loving energy of the person you lost because you will receive his or her messages and feel their presence in your life as well as recognize that your loved one wants you to give yourself permission to be happy and to continue your journey of growth called, life. Living from an intuitive place is magical in that before any decision, you ask for clarity, for the right people, the right circumstances, and the right energy, and they are all given to you. It’s as if you have a direct line to heaven, to the universe, to the life you have always wanted to live. Wouldn’t you want to live fearlessly, intuitively? Selene Negrette is a Life Coach and Certified Angel Intuitive. She teaches others, especially those who are grieving, how to connect with their intuition in order to improve their lives. Learn more at: https://selene-negrette. Private message her on Facebook @ spiritwhispersselene or call: 859-797-3919.

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Utilize Higher Light to Create Your Dream Life

By Master Teacher, Guide, and Healer Todd Stockwell Hello, my friends, Hope everyone is loving and enjoying the exercises we’ve been doing. This month let’s focus on action and creation. Focus on the Sun and utilizing the energy of the Sun and the Central Sun of All to ignite what you choose to create. We will do same exercises as last month with slightly different focus and different chants. We will again work inward so focus inward like we have in earlier exercises on the flame at the base of our heart chakras. As we did in those exercises, let’s begin by expanding that flame outward until it fills the room. Now focus on bringing the Sun to surround you and merge yourself with the Sun and your expanded core. Lean forward slightly with your head, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and take three deep breathes. Now focus on the Central Sun of all and bring that to surround you and merge with it as well. Focus inward now on what it is you choose to create. Don’t worry about a perfect pronunciation just feel the sounds of each letter. Start with this chant, boowahanzaftooooo Now meditate for 11 minutes, set a timer. Begin again with this chant, Krahheenzhawkooooo Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Begin again with this chant, Kraestlazhmoooo Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Switch this up every day, one day do them all together, the next day split each part up at different times of the day. Do the first when you wake in the morning, second midday and third before bedtime. Switch it up as many different ways as you can come up with. Let your self-feel the expansion and connection. Now focus on a very warm powerful energy surrounding you and igniting all you have chosen to create. As always, it is very important to read and share this as much as possible it will help you, your path, your awakening, your enlightenment and your truest service to the Universe. Remember I am here to help support you and your growth so if you have any questions go to I look forward to meeting you 46

and hearing about your progress. or toddstockwell/. You can also reach me on Facebook, via the website, e-mailserendipitylightcente or by phone call: 734-7409110. Remember you can join me this month for life-changing training and empowerment. PowerBeyond Light Warrior Workshop at Yin Yang Pilates in Lake Zurich, IL, events/595881894125872/ The weekend of June 9th and 10th. I also have a booth and will be doing special empowerments and healing sessions this month at the Michigan Psychic Fairs, Sunday, June 3rd in Novi, Sunday, June 17th in Chesterfield and Sunday June 24th in Farmington Hills, MI. Also remember the majority of my work is remote work so you can also contact me by phone and set up work without having to go anywhere. Light, Love, and Service!!! Todd Stockwell

Higher Self Anchoring This healing process “anchors” your Higher Self directly and permanently into your ♥ heart center. Creating a connection that gives you immediate access to bring through clear information and guidance. Find your highest purpose, begin to heal & transform your life in endless ways. Start seeing from a Higher Perspective now! Call Todd Today 734.740.9110 HALF OFF this month with this ad

Todd Stockwell Master Multi-Dimensional Teacher, Healer, and Trainer

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JUNE 2018

The BODY is a Messenger. by Bill Helton

Healing modalities are but 1/10 of the overall equation to become WHOLE again. The majority look for miracles because they want to continue doing what caused their challenge in the first place. If a certain modality does not miraculously cure them some call it bogus. A CHANGE in all aspects of life is crucial in order for a NEW outlook to surface. There have been those who had suffered from breast cancer who can not seem to let go of the hate they have toward past relationship/s. One may have kidney disease and the FEAR from childhood is not letting them heal. Arthritis is crippling their grip on life because of their controlling nature- let go! Every dis-ease in the BODY is created by a belief and then that belief transforms into an emotion that manifests in the physical. Every challenge the BODY creates could be the result of an ongoing thought that has not found freedom. The BODY you call YOU is a LIFE recorder. What have you recorded may need to be deleted to receive NEW data. ONE’s health is in the mind!! Always my Best! William Helton Mind/Body/Nutrition Coach, 734-225-7700 please see his ad in the directory section and join him on facebook at MBNCOACH/


Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area). See listing in the Classes and Events this issue, and visit for full details. Planning an event? Live Music, Guided Meditations, Group Psychic Readings, Moon Gatherings and more. Liven up your events with Tatiana 313-399-0009 or Maitreya Steps Foward read @


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