Branzas Stejar De esenta tare

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Stejar creating a strong beer brand. strategy and design presentation to Ursus Breweries, Bucharest, 3 August 2007

branzas Š 2007 branzas

content. your brief in short. branzas proposal. brand concepts.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. branzas background project tasks. peste 10and de experienþã în domeniul brandingului

© 2007 branzas

your brief in short. history / future. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar was launched in December 2005 as the first strong beer brand, with 7% alcohol content.

your brief in short. history / future. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Stejar was launched in December 2005 as the first strong beer brand, with 7% alcohol content. Stejar has an 1% market share and is the leader of the Strong Beer niche (2% market share).

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. history / future. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Stejar was launched in December 2005 as the first strong beer brand, with 7% alcohol content. Stejar has an 1% market share and is the leader of the Strong Beer niche (2% market share). The aim is to grow Stejar outside this niche, and get about 4 - 5% volume market share.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. history / future. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Stejar was launched in December 2005 as the first strong beer brand, with 7% alcohol content. Stejar has an 1% market share and is the leader of the Strong Beer niche (2% market share). The aim is to grow Stejar outside this niche, and get about 4 - 5% volume market share.

To go outside the niche, there will be launched a new variant, with 5.8% alcohol.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Launch a new variant of Stejar, with 5.8% alcohol content.

your brief in short. objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Launch a new variant of Stejar, with 5.8% alcohol content. Evolve the current packages.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. why change. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

The strong character of the brand will be used in order to access a bigger volume pool – mainstream beer segment.

your brief in short. positioning changing. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

The desired positioning for Stejar is in

vitality / stimulation

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. positioning changing. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

The desired positioning for Stejar is in

vitality / stimulation

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. positioning changing. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

The key characteristics of vitality / stimulation positioning are: power strength dynamism straightforwardness pure masculinity setting own limits challenging existing rules

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. target groups. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Main target:

Male, 25 – 35 y.o., medium & high income, medium to high education

your brief in short. target groups. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Main target:

Male, 25 – 35 y.o., medium & high income, medium to high education

Broad Target: Male: 25 – 40 y.o., medium & high income, medium to high education

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. target consumer. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar consumer is a young man, aged 29. He is confident, adventurous and he wants to live his life. He is a free spirit and does all things his way, challenging the existing rules.

your brief in short. target consumer. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar consumer is a young man, aged 29. He is confident, adventurous and he wants to live his life. He is a free spirit and does all things his way, challenging the existing rules. He seeks for freedom, and wants to touch the limits. He is a rough man who doesn’t speak too much, reliable, and a bit rebellious. He likes competitions, being modern, going out a lot.

your brief in short. target consumer. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar consumer is a young man, aged 29. He is confident, adventurous and he wants to live his life. He is a free spirit and does all things his way, challenging the existing rules. He seeks for freedom, and wants to touch the limits. He is a rough man who doesn’t speak too much, reliable, and a bit rebellious. He likes competitions, being modern, going out a lot.

your brief in short. current packages. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short.

consumer take-out on current packages. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts


The bottle was seen as drawing down the brand towards a common and regular image. Even obsolete, fusty, since reminding of the old communist packages for beer. A beer for tough moments in life, when one wants just to drink and forget.

A mature and grim brand, severe, for solitary moments.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short.

consumer take-out on current packages. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts


Conveys strength, power, a coarse and savage force, waiting to be explored and discovered. It was seen as challenging towards dynamism and adventure, living intensely. The can’s background colour was seen as unconventional and unique.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short.

consumer take out – wanted results. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

KNOW There is a New Stejar variant available.

your brief in short.

consumer take out – wanted results. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

KNOW There is a New Stejar variant available. BELIEVE Stejar has strength and dynamism and it’s a pure masculine brand.

© 2007 branzas

your brief in short.

consumer take out – wanted results. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

KNOW There is a New Stejar variant available. BELIEVE Stejar has strength and dynamism and it’s a pure masculine brand. FEEL It is more beer in this beer: strong and intense taste, darker colour.

© 2007 branzas

your brief in short.

consumer take out – wanted results. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

KNOW There is a New Stejar variant available. BELIEVE Stejar has strength and dynamism and it’s a pure masculine brand. FEEL Is more beer in this beer: strong and intense taste, darker colour DO Try and drink the New Stejar.

© 2007 branzas

your brief in short. design objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

© 2007 branzas

The mainstream brands in Romania can be clustered as:  playful/rebellious: Bergenbier, Skol, Ciuc  mature/conformist: Timisoreana, Golden Brau

your brief in short. design objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

The mainstream brands in Romania can be clustered as:  playful/rebellious: Bergenbier, Skol, Ciuc  mature/conformist: Timisoreana, Golden Brau

Stejar will access the playful/rebellious area, rather through the “rebellious” side than through the “playful” side.

© 2007 branzas

your brief in short. design objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

For the new variant pack(5.8% alcohol content): powerful mainstream beer (seen on shelf) more premium than the other mainstream beers bridges the gap between normal and strong beers

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. design objectives. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

For the new variant pack (5.8% alcohol content): powerful mainstream beer (seen on shelf) more premium than the other mainstream beers bridges the gap between normal and strong beers For evolving current pack (7% alcohol content):

solve the problems of current image inside is the same Stejar strong beer

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. design considerations. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts


The Stejar tree can be evolved, his drawback being its lack of dynamism. Colours Dark red – for Stejar 7%. For the new variant consider another colours. Product Stejar is a more concentrated beer than regular beers.

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. deliverables. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

According to brief Packages BOTTLE 0.5 CAN 0.5 Multipack 6 CAN Carton Box 6 Bottles PET 1 L PET 2 L Brand Manual Directions for glassware Direction for furniture (TBD)

Š 2007 branzas

your brief in short. deliverables. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

For pitch Packages

BOTTLE 0.5 CAN 0.5 Brand world

Š 2007 branzas

ourbranzas proposal.

creating a strong beer brand. peste 10 de experienþã în domeniul brandingului

© 2007 branzas


Stejar is perceived as a beer which is good at knocking you out.

Š 2007 branzas


Stejar is for the sad people.

Š 2007 branzas

simple factory workers.

Š 2007 branzas

the ones who only want to get knocked out.

Š 2007 branzas

expecting nothing?

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

escape from routine and grey.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is

outdated, severe, fusty.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is

outdated, severe, fusty. obsolete, grim, mature.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is

outdated, severe, fusty. obsolete, grim, mature. old communist.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is for solitary moments.

Š 2007 branzas

in the future‌

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar will be lively, masculine, strong.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar will be lively, masculine, strong. unique. speaking his mind.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar will be lively, masculine, strong. unique. speaks his mind. brings you to life intensely.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar will be lively, masculine, strong. unique. speaks his mind. brings you to life intensely. unconventional. modern.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is a coarse and savage force.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is a contemporary rebel with a strong essence.

Š 2007 branzas

for the ones who love adventure.

Š 2007 branzas

love the outdoors.

Š 2007 branzas

tough guys. few words. action.

Š 2007 branzas

bikers. free spirits.

Š 2007 branzas

clubbers. underground.

Š 2007 branzas

rockers. rebels.

Š 2007 branzas

become a contemporary rebel with strong essence.

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar can be coded in natural colours.

Š 2007 branzas

bold masculine strong distinctive

Š 2007 branzas

bold masculine strong distinctive

rebel savage powerful adventurous

Š 2007 branzas

bold masculine strong distinctive explorer free spirit outdoors discoverer rebel savage powerful adventurous

Š 2007 branzas

bold masculine strong distinctive explorer free spirit outdoors discoverer rebel savage powerful adventurous modern dynamic vivacious challenger Š 2007 branzas

bold masculine strong distinctive passionate self confident remarkable original

explorer free spirit outdoors discoverer rebel savage powerful adventurous modern dynamic vivacious challenger Š 2007 branzas

Stejar can be coded in simple and natural shapes.

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is straightforward. Its construction is vertical and horizontal.

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is bold and masculine. it makes clear statements.

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts. branzas strategic and routes. peste 10 creative de experienþã în domeniul brandingului

© 2007 branzas

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

A man`s world is dominated by power and competition. Every man wants to be perceived as a powerful individual, who has success when competing with others.

Stejar is not just a strong beer, but is the beer you can trust, a brand for powerful men who like to live memorable moments and celebrate their victories.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar has a strong character and conveys confidence, stability and leadership. Connected with the real values of a man`s world, it conveys competence and authority. Stejar gives the feeling of being a man who knows and obtains what he wants.

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas



natural power

stejar tree, brand name, claim

stronger taste

dark red and green colours


oval shape


bold, contrast


symmetry, clear cut areas

no compromises

clear arrangement of elements

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. packaging line-up.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. logo extraction.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 1.

Stejar – strength and masculinity. brand world touchpoints.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

A man who likes to explore and discover needs to set his own limits. He evaluates every situation, takes his risks, and enjoys acting for the best results. Stejar is the strong beer for powerful men who like to live their lives intensely, and who are not afraid to challenge the existing rules in his endeavour to touch the limits.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is an open minded explorer and conveys strength, courage and expertise. A self-confident brand, Stejar goes behind the limits. It conveys savage force, energy, dynamism and a strong feeling of independence.

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts



strong, rough

contrast stejar tree, brand name, claim

original, innovative strong colours

Š 2007 branzas

active, dynamic

bold and round elements

self confident

stejar tree on central area

free, independent

opened layout constructions

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit.

packaging line-up.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit.

logo extraction.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 2.

Stejar – the power of a free spirit.

brand world touchpoints.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 3.

Stejar – young and powerful challenger. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

A rough man who likes action and competition will fight to conquest the world. He enjoys living his life totally committed in everything he does. Stejar is the strong beer for powerful and active men, a trustful and reliable brand, who defines its character from the strongest values of masculinity.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 3.

Stejar – young and powerful challenger. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar is young and strong. It conveys freedom, energy and strength. Liking originality and novelty, Stejar is a natural challenger. It conveys force and confidence, and gives the feeling of being free and powerful.

brand concept 3.

Stejar – Young and powerful challenger. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas




distinct colours and high contrast


lively colours, round shape

active, young

red and green

man strength

clear shapes, bold, outlines stejar tree, name, claim

remarkable, full of character

distinctive construction

brand concept 3.

Stejar – Young and powerful challenger.

packaging line-up

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 3.

Stejar – young and powerful challenger.

logo extraction.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 3.

Stejar – young and powerful challenger.

brand world touchpoints.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 4.

Stejar – the essence of natural power. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

A strong man who likes action and competition will fight for conquering the world. He enjoys living his life totally committed in everything he does.

Stejar is the only beer for powerful men, a trustful and reliable brand, who defines its character from the strongest values of masculinity.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 4.

Stejar – the essence of natural power. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Stejar symbolizes the power of nature. Connected with the strong values of action, sport and competition, Stejar is enthusiast and dynamic. It conveys force, and gives the feeling of living his life as a powerful man does.

Brand Concept 4

Stejar – the essence of natural power your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas



natural power

stejar tree, claim, brand name, dark red and green


lively and deep colours

self confident

stejar tree centered, bold


construction, white bold, contrast, outlines

modern, original

unique arrangement of elements

brand concept 4.

Stejar – the essence of natural power. packaging line-up.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 4.

Stejar – the essence of natural power. logo extraction.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 4.

Stejar – the essence of natural power. brand world touchpoints.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

After his fights against the world, a successful man needs the recognition of his facts. He knows he is a powerful man, who stands out from the crowd, and likes to be perceived as well.

Stejar is the strong beer for an elite of powerful men. Strong and refined, Stejar represents a standard for the mainstream beers segment.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts

Š 2007 branzas

Original, strong and competent, Stejar means pride and distinctiveness. Stejar gives the feeling of belonging to an elite of powerful and independent men. It is about expertise, authority and leadership.

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction. your brief in short branzas proposal brand concepts



power and strength bold, claim, stejar tree original, distinctive

special colours, clear arrangement of elements

distinguished taste elegant colours, shapes

Š 2007 branzas

self confident

stejar tree and brand name on central area


exclusive construction

pride and dignity

refined decorations, colours

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction.

packaging line-up.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction.

logo extraction.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concept 5.

Stejar – power and distinction.

brand world touchpoints.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts.

work variations.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts.

work variations.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts.

work variations.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts.

work variations.

Š 2007 branzas

brand concepts.

work variations.

Š 2007 branzas

thank you. branzas

makepeste your choice. 10 de experienþã

în domeniul brandingului

© 2007 branzas

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