Gradnja z naravnimi materiali Miro Žitko
Miro Žitko Gradnja z naravnimi materiali Zbirka PermaKultura Izdal in založil: Porezen d. o. o., Cerkno Fotografije: Tomaž Brelih, Aleksandra Erjavec, Anton Golnar, Bojan Marušič, Peter Škrlep, Marko Šušteršič, Bojan Tavčar, Miro Žitko Oblikovanje: Bojan Tavčar Prevod v angleščino: Urška Sešek Jezikovni pregled angleškega in slovenskega besedila: Urška Sešek Uredila: Metka Marušič Žitko Tisk: Premiere 1. izdaja, 2013 1000 izvodov © Porezen d. o. o. in Miro Žitko, 2013. Nobenega dela te knjige, niti fotografij ali ilustracij ni dovoljeno uporabiti v kakršni koli obliki brez pisnega dovoljenja avtorja ali založbe.
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 69-021.54(035) 693.9(035) Žitko, Miro Gradnja z naravnimi materiali = Building with natural materials / Miro Žitko ; [fotografije Tomaž Brelih ... [et al.] ; prevod v angleščino Urška Sešek]. - 1. izd. - Cerkno : Porezen, 2013. - (Zbirka PermaKultura) ISBN 978-961-93113-3-2 268957952
VSEBINA Moje učenje Materiali v naravi Drevesne vrste Trave Priprava slame Skale, pesek, mulj in glina Voda Naravni dejavniki Potresi Vetrovi Padavine Kako gradijo živali Priprava na gradnjo Lokacija Priprava lesa za gradnjo Lastnosti lesa Obdelava lesa Ostali materiali Gradnja Temelji Lesene konstrukcije Streha Stene Izolacija Ilovnati ometi Fasade Strop in tla Dimnik Štedilnik in peč na trda goriva Notranja oprema Ogrevanje sanitarne vode Črpalka za vodo – »oven« Septična jama Cevi iz lesa Orodja Za konec začetka
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My learning Materials in nature Tree species Grasses Preparing the straw Boulders, gravel, silt and clay Water Natural factors Earthquakes Winds Precipitation How animals build their homes Preparations before construction Location Preparing construction timber Properties of timber Wood processing Other materials Construction Foundations Wooden structures The roof Walls Insulation Loam plasters Facades Floor and ceiling Chimney Solid fuel stove and furnace Interior furnishing Sanitary water heater Water ram pump Septic tank Wooden piping Tools Concluding the introduction
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Spoštovani Prijatelji, dolgo časa sem zbiral pogum, predno sem se odločil, da napišem tole knjigo. Ni enostavno pisati o enostavnih stvareh, zato tudi besedila v tej knjigi ni prav veliko. Veliko je fotografij, ki povedo več kot besede. Pozorno si jih oglejte, če vam tekst ne bo razumljiv. Z opazovanjem narave lahko tudi sami najdete še veliko materialov, ki v tej knjigi niso opisani. S svojim znanjem in izkušnjami si lahko zgradite bivališče, ki vam bo všeč in v katerem se boste dobro počutili. Narava nas zasipa z znanjem. Ko ji zaupamo, nam da vse, kar potrebujemo za lepo življenje. Z njeno pomočjo bo tudi vam uspelo najti najlažjo in najlepšo pot v življenju. To si zaslužite, prav tako vaši otroci in prijatelji. Z vami se veselim gradnje vašega novega doma. Pri tem vam želim veliko veselja in lepih trenutkov. Naj vas Bog blagoslovi pri vašem delu in naj Narava čuti vašo ljubezen.
Dear Friends, I was plucking up courage for quite some time before I decided to write this book. It is not easy to write about simple things, and that’s also the reason why there are more photographs than text in this book. A picture is worth a thousand words; examine them carefully if you don’t understand some parts of the text. By observing nature you may yourself find materials not described in this book. With enough knowledge and experience, you can build yourself a home which you will find beautiful and in which you will feel well. Nature offers us an abundance of knowledge. Trust it, and it gives you everything you need for a good life. With the help of Nature, you too will find the best and the easiest way in life. You deserve it, and so do your children and friends. I too am looking forward to your new home, and wish you a lot of enjoyment and precious moments. May God bless you in your work and let Nature feel your love.
Gradnja z naravnimi materiali
Kmetija, kjer sedaj 탑iviva.
The farm where we now live.
Sedaj živim v Gorenji Trebuši v hiški iz naravnih materialov.
I now live in Gorenja Trebuša in a little house made of natural materials.
Najprej se bomo spoznali z naravnimi materiali: drevesnimi vrstami, travami in zemljo. Zelo pomembna so drevesa, saj nam nudijo veliko različnih vrst lesa. Ta starodavni material nam je na razpolago že tisočletja – človeka spremlja od pradavnine pa vse do današnjih dni. V svojem razvoju je človek les vedno znova odkrival in prilagajal njegovo uporabo trenutnim potrebam. Les služi človeku za ogrevanje, za orodje, za gradbeni material… Ena najpomembnejših nalog v današnjem času je, da ohranimo gozdove čimbolj pristne in da vanje posegamo samo toliko, kolikor je res potrebno. Čeprav ima narava veliko moč, bi bilo prav, da za vsako podrto drevo posadimo novo.
We shall first become familiar with natural materials, tree species, grasses and soil. Trees are very important as they provide us with many different types of timber. This ancient material has always been available to humans and has been used continuously since prehistoric times. As human culture developed, wood has been rediscovered and its uses adapted to the needs of the moment: warmth, tools, buildings… One of the key duties of humanity today is to keep the forests of the Earth as intact as possible and only to interfere with them as much as is absolutely necessary. Even though nature is very powerful, a new tree should be planted for every one that is cut down. We will first learn about the tree species whose
Pobliže bomo spoznali drevesne vrste, ki jih najpogosteje uporabljamo v gradnji. Drevesa so slikana pozimi, v času, ko mirujejo. Takrat je tudi pravi čas za podiranje dreves. Lesovi so si med seboj zelo podobni. S pravilnim iz-
timber is used most frequently in construction. The photos of the trees have been taken in winter, the resting period and also the best time for felling timber. The timbers from different types of trees are very similar to each other. By knowing their
borom in pravilno vgradnjo bomo podaljšali življenjsko dobo hiše. Ker ni povsod enakih vrst dreves, se odločimo za najprimernejše,
ki jo imamo na razpolago. Pri gradnji hiše je najobčutljivejši spodnji del, kjer je izpostavljen stalni talni vlagi. Od trav najpogosteje uporabljamo slamo. Tudi ta ima različno življenjsko dobo. Posebej pozorni moramo biti z izbiro pri pokrivanju strehe. Če je le možno, se odločimo za pirino slamo, saj ima ta najdebelejše steblo. Lahko pa jo nadomestimo tudi z rženo in pšenično ali s trstiko. Za izolacijo na suhem lahko uporabimo različne vrste slame, tudi seno. Žita in trave vedno žanjemo, ko popolnoma dozorijo, le za pokrivanje streh jih požanjemo takoj, ko se klas upogne. Zemljo, ki jo lahko imenujemo tudi blato ali peščena ilovica in ilovnati pesek, bomo razdelili po uporabnosti v gradnji, spoznali pa tudi pesek in skelet.
specific characteristics, however, we can choose the type which will ensure the longest possible life of our building, if, of course, built correctly. Since not all tree species grow in all regions, choose the most appropriate types of timber from what is available, and remember that the most problematic part of a building is the bottom part because it is constantly exposed to moisture from the ground. Grasses are used for construction purposes predominantly in the form of straw. There are
different types of grass with different lifespans. Whenever possible, choose spelt straw because spelt has the thickest stem. If spelt straw is not available, use rye straw, wheat straw or reeds. For dry insulation, you can use different types of straw including hay. Grasses should always be harvested when completely ripe except for roof thatching – for this purpose, it should be harvested as soon as the ears begin to bend. We will also discuss soil, mud, clay, sand and gravel as building materials.
Robinija (»akacija«)
Black locust
Pri nas raste v nižinah. Nekatera drevesa zrastejo v višino celo več kot 30 metrov. Cvetovi so združeni v socvetja grozdaste oblike in so užitni. To vedo tudi čebele, zato poznamo akacijev med. Lastnosti: les je trd in žilav, zelo odporen na vremenske vplive. Uporaba: za pilote, kole v vinogradih, električne drogove.
In Slovenia, black locust (Robinia pseudacacia often mistakenly called acacia) grows in the lowlands. Individual trees can reach a height of over 30 meters. The racemose inflorescences are edible and attract honeybees (acacia or black locust honey). Characteristics: the wood is hard and very durable in different weather conditions. Uses: for piles, vineyard posts and electricity poles.
Bor je iglasto drevo iz družini borovk. Obstaja med 100 in 125 vrst borov. Pri nas poznamo rdeči (navadni) bor (Pinus sylvestris) in črni bor (Pinus nigra). Drevo bora ima debelo deblo in zraste v višino od 30-40 m. Je vednozelena rastlina. Dobro uspeva v peščenih suhih tleh. Črni je redkejši od rdečega. Najlaže ju ločimo po iglicah, barvi lubja in barvi lesa. Lastnosti: zlahka se suši in ni podvržen krivljenju. Je mehak, srednje trden in lahko se obdeluje. Gostota lesa je 480 kg/m³. Črni bor je bolj odporen kot rdeči in se teže cepi. Vsebuje veliko smole. Uporaba: za gradbeni les (konstrukcije, stene), okna, vrata, pohištvo, stropne obloge, ladijski pod, furnir, embalaže, iverne plošče, igrače.
Črni bor / European black pine
Pines are coniferous trees of the genus Pinus in the family Pinaceae. There are between 100 and 125 different types of pines. In Slovenia, the most common are the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and the European black pine (Pinus nigra). A pine tree has a thick trunk and grows up to 30-40 meters in height. It is an evergreen plant that thrives in dry, sandy soil. The European black pine is rarer than the Scots pine. They are easily distinguished by their needles, the color of the bark and the color of the timber.
Characteristics: pine timber dries well and is not prone to warping. With a density of 480 kg per cubic meter, it is soft, medium strong, and easy to work with. Compared to Scots pine, European black pine is more resistant, does not split as easily and has a high resin content. Uses: construction (framing, walls), windows, doors, furniture, ceiling panels and flooring, veneers, crates, chipboards and toys.
Rdeči bor / Scots pine
Brestov je več vrst. Poznamo gorski brest (Ulmus glabra), poljski brest (Ulmus minor) in vez ali dolgopecljati brest (Ulmus laevis). To je drevo, ki zraste od 25 do 30 m višine. Za rastišče si izbere svežo globoko zemljo, zato ga srečamo v glavnem kot posamično drevo. Širša izraba v tehnične namene je omejena prav zaradi njegove redkosti. Lastnosti: brestovina je rumenkastobele barve pa do čokoladnorjave barve, odvisno od vrste. Vsebuje lahko tudi znaten delež beljave. Gostota lesa je 680 kg/m³. Brestovina je srednje trda, a precej žilava. Dobro se obdeluje, le žaga se teže. Suši se hitro, vendar rada poka in se zvija. Črnjava je trajna, še zlasti, če je v stalnem stiku z vodo, ni pa odporna proti vremenskim vplivom. Nekateri imajo brestovino za enega naših najlepših lesov. Uporaba: pohištvo, furnirji, za talne obloge, stopnice, za vodne gradnje (mlinska kolesa... ), za kolesa vozov ter povsod, kjer se zahteva trdnost, trdota in predvsem žilavost.
There are several species of elm; in Slovenia, the main ones are the Wych elm (Ulmus glabra), the Field elm (Ulmus minor) and the European white elm (Ulmus laevis). Elms grow up to 25-30 meters in height. They need deep fresh soil and therefore mostly grow as lone trees. Elm timber is not widely used because of its limited availability. Characteristics: elm has yellowish white to chocolate brown heartwood, depending on the species; the proportion of sapwood can be significant. The density hovers around 680 kg per cubic meter. The timber is medium hard, but quite tough, and generally easy to work with, although it is not easy to saw. It dries well, but tends to crack and warp. It is durable particularly when it is in constant contact with water, but it is not resistant to changing weather conditions. Some people consider elm to be one of Slovenia’s most beautiful types of wood. Uses: furniture, veneers, flooring, stairs, structures exposed to water (e.g. mill wheels), carriage wheels, all products which require hardness, strength and toughness.
Breza spada v družino brezovk, ki je sorodna družini bukve oz. hrasta. Gre za navadno nizka do srednje visoka drevesa ali grmičevje, v glavnem iz podnebij severnega zmernega pasu. Navadno brezo (Betula pendula) poznamo
Trees of the genus Betula in the family Betulaceae, closely related to the beech family. Birches are usually small to medium-size trees or shrubs, mostly of the northern temperate climates. The birch (Betula pendula) is known as an elegant tree that adorns many parks. It grows up to 30 meters in height. In young trees, the crown is conical, but it later becomes round. There is a saying in Slovenia that there is always water under a birch tree.
kot elegantno drevo, ki krasi marsikateri park. Visoka je do 30 m. V mladosti ima koničasto, pozneje pa okroglo krošnjo. Rek pravi, da je pod brezo vedno voda. Lastnosti: mehak, prožen, žilav, malo trajen les. Uporaba: v mizarstvu in gradbeništvu, tudi za sani in oje pri vozovih. Characteristics: soft, flexible, tough, not very durable timber. Uses: in construction and carpentry, for sleighs and carriage tongues.
Teksturni trikotnik
Teksturni razredi so odvisni od deleža peska, melja in gline. Ločimo 12 teksturnih razredov.
Teksturni razredi ameriške teksturne klasifikacije Oznaka P IP PI PGI PG M MI MGI MG I GI G
teksturni razred pesek ilovnat pesek peščena ilovica peščeno glinasta ilovica peščena glina melj meljasta ilovica meljasto-glinasta ilovica meljasta glina ilovica glinasta ilovica glina
Pri poimenovanju teksturnih razredov je poudarek na zadnji črki (PG – peščena glina, torej glina z nekoliko več peska). Za omete je najprimernejši ilovnati pesek (IP), ki vsebuje od 8 do 15 % gline. Mora se topiti v vodi, in ko se posuši, postane trda kot beton. V praksi uporabljamo tudi peščeno ilovico (PI), vendar moramo dodajati pesek, ker ima preveč veziva. Če pa ima premalo gline (je premalo mastna), potem ji dodamo apno. V praksi je najpogosteje uporabljena rumena, ki jo je v Sloveniji največ v Prekmurju. Ilovnati ometi zelo dobro shranjujejo toploto in jo potem s sevanjem tudi oddajo. Imajo dvakrat večjo sevalno vrednost kot klasični ometi in trikrat večjo kot ometi z gipsom. Poleg tega, da so dober akumulator za toploto, tudi uravnavajo mikroklimo v prostoru, saj hitro vežejo odvečno vlago in jo potem, ko se zrak posuši, tudi vrnejo v prostor. Ilovica veže nase strupe, ne povzroča alergij, je požarno obstojna, daje odlično protihrupno izolacijo in jo je možno 100% reciklirati.
The soil texture triangle
Soil can be described in terms of the proportions of sand, silt and loam. There are 12 soil types, named as shown in the American soil texture classification triangle. All the soil types containing clay except sandy clay loam are heavy soils, the SCL, L, SL and S are medium-heavy soils, while sand, loamy sand and sandy loam are light soils. The name of each soil type tells us which component prevails; e. g. sandy clay means clay containing some sand.
For wall plastering, we mainly use loamy sand, which contains 8-15 % of loam. It has to dissolve in water, and when it dries, it becomes as hard as concrete. In practice we also use sandy loam, but this needs added sand because it contains too much binding material. If, on the other hand, it is not sticky enough (does not contain enough loam), we have to add lime. In practice, the most commonly used type of loam is yellow in color, in Slovenia primarily found in the northeast (Prekmurje, a region which is part of the Pannonian Plain). Loam is excellent wall plastering material because it retains heat and then emits it slowly into the room. Its thermal storage capacity is twice that of classic plastering and three times that of gypsum stucco. Besides excellent heat regulation, loam plastering regulates the microclimate in a room by quickly absorbing excess moisture and emitting it back when the air becomes drier. Loam also has the capacity to absorb toxins, does not cause allergies, is fire resistant, 100% recyclable, and provides excellent sound insulation.
Ko smo se prepričali, da je izbrano mesto pravo za izgradnjo hiše, lahko pričnemo z načrtovanjem hiše ali objekta. Zelo pomembno je, kako se na tem mestu počutimo. Posebej moramo biti pozorni na občutke, ki se pojavijo prvič, ko stopimo na prostor. Ljudje imamo različne potrebe, zato tudi ni vsakemu primeren isti prostor. Na splošno pa velja za bivalni objekt: • priporočam veliko sonca, posebno pozimi, • vetrovi: preverimo, od kod pihajo stalni vetrovi (jugo, burja… ) in od kod pridejo poletne nevihte. Te so včasih lahko na izpostavljenih mestih tudi rušilne, • padavine: podnebje se spreminja in skoraj nemogoče je predvideti, kaj še bo. Priporočam, da si izberete lokacijo, ki ni v nevarnosti, če pride do dolgotrajnejšega deževja (poplave, hudourniki) ali večjih količin snega (plazovi), • dostop: odvisno, kakšne bodo naše potrebe. Dobro je, da imamo cesto, po kateri se lahko pripeljemo čim bliže hiši, • voda: bližina vodovoda ali izvira, • hrup: oddaljenost od ceste, industrije, kamnoloma …, • bližina gradbenega materiala.
When you are sure that you have chosen the right location for your house, you can begin planning the construction. It is very important to pay attention to how you feel at the chosen spot, especially the first time you visit it. Each individual is different, so not all spots will agree with all people.
Lahko bi še naštevali, najbolje pa je, da se pred končno odločitvijo res prepričamo, da je lokacija prava. Pogledamo pluse in minuse. Idealno v vseh pogledih bomo težko našli, zato bo bolje, da se odločamo po sistemu izločanja. Izberemo več lokacij in izločamo tiste, ki nam ne ustrezajo. Kriterije si določimo kar sami. Šele ko vemo, kje bo hiša stala in kakšen material imamo na razpolago, bomo lahko izdelali natančno skico za hišo. Najlaže je, če smo si pred tem ogledali več različnih hiš in v njih
The general recommendations when choosing a house location, however, are: • a lot of sunshine, particularly in winter, • check which winds blow in the area and which direction summer storms come from, because in exposed spots these can be devastating, • precipitation: the climate is changing and it is almost impossible to predict how it will change in the future. I recommend choosing a location which will not be in danger in case of extreme rainfall (floods, torrents) or snowfall (avalanches), • access: depending on your needs. It is good, however, that there is a driveable road leading to as close to the house as possible, • water: the proximity of a water supply system or a natural spring, • noise: distance to roads, industrial areas, stone quarries…, • how far you have to go to get the construction materials. This list could be longer, but it’s best to really make sure that you have the right location before making the final decision. Weigh the pros and the cons. It is not very likely that you will find the ideal spot in all respects, so it is good to use the process of elimination. Choose several locations and eliminate the ones that do not fit the criteria you have drawn up yourself.
Lastnosti lesa
Lastnosti lesa določajo uporabo lesa in so odvisne od vrste, od rasti in od rastnih razmer. Les je lahko mehak ali pa tudi koščeno trd. Lahko je zelo trajen, lahko pa hitro propade. Lahko je trden in žilav in prenese velike obremenitve, lahko pa je šibak in krhek. Poznamo les, ki se je v dobi rasti sukal, in les, ki raste naravnost.
The use of a timber is determined by its various characteristics, which in turn depend on the tree it was obtained from, its growth and the growth conditions. Timber can be soft or as hard as bone. It can be very durable or it can decay fast. It can be tough and strong, so that it can carry great weights, or it can be weak and brittle. Some timber has grown straight and some comes from trees whose trunks became twisted while growing.
levosučen / left-turning
desnosučen / right-turning
V naravi drevo sledi soncu, zato je na sončnih legah les po navadi zasukan v levo. Med sušenjem se bo ta les še bolj krivil in ni primeren za tramove. Uporabimo ga za deske, ki niso nosilne. Desnosučen les je bolj redek in ga dobimo po navadi v osojni legi. Najboljši je les, ki raste naravnost, saj se ta tudi med sušenjem ne bo bistveno spreminjal.
In nature, the growth of every tree follows the sun, which is why timber from sunny locations is usually left-turning. While drying, such timber becomes even more warped and is not appropriate for beams. It should be used for planks that do not carry weight. Right-turning timber is rarer and comes from trees growing in shady locations. The best timber comes from trees which grew straight because this timber will not change much in the process of drying.
Smreka / Spruce
Jelka / Fir
Bor / Pine
Macesen / Larch
Hrast / Oak
Oreh / Walnut
Bukev / Beech
Češnja / Cherry
Brest / Elm
Javor / Maple
Jesen / Ash
Lipa / Lime
Trdota lesa je lastnost, ki pove, kakšen odpor nudi površina lesa na neko silo, s katero delujemo na to površino. Trde lesove teže obdelujemo in so bolj odporni na površinsko obrabo. Mehke lesove pa laže obdelujemo, se površinsko hitro obrabijo in so praviloma lažji od trdih lesov. Trd les praviloma uporabljamo za talne obloge, stopnice, pohištvo ... Mehak les je bolj za embalažo, gradbeni les, rezbarijo, modelarstvo in podobno.
The hardness of wood refers to its capacity to withstand a force applied to its surface. Hard timbers are more difficult to work and more resistant to surface wear. Soft timbers, on the other hand, are easy to work, but are prone to surface wear. They are usually lighter than hard timbers. Hard timbers are used to manufacture flooring, staircases and furniture, while soft timbers are more appropriate for packaging, construction timber, carving, model making etc.
Stene iz lesa – »spodbijanica«
Timber-filled walls
Če uporabljamo za polnilo lesena debla, gradimo »spodbijanico«. Stene gradimo tako, da postavljamo pokonci okrogla debla, ki ne smejo biti debelejša od lesa, s katerim je zgrajena osnovna konstrukcija. Med njimi pus-
There are two basic types of timber walls using round timber: the timber can be placed horizontally or vertically. To build a vertical log wall, erect logs not thicker than the timber used for the basic structure of the building. The logs
timo 5 cm praznega prostora, ki ga zapolnimo s slamo, namočeno v blatu. Odprtine za okna in vrata pustimo 1 cm večje od zunanje mere podbojev. Nato na steno pribijemo pod kotom 45 stopinj še letvice, ki so med seboj razmaknjene približno 3 cm. Enako naredimo na drugi strani, tako da so letvice kot nekakšni križi, ki zagotavljajo protipotresno trdnost.
should stand 5 cm apart, and this space should be filled with straw steeped in mud. The openings for windows and doors should be 1 cm larger than the outer dimensions of the door- or windowframs. The next phase is to nail onto the logs thin wooden strips at a 45 degree angle and 3 cm apart. Do this on both sides of the log so that the strips cross each other. This improves the earthquake safety of the building.
Položimo elektroinštalacijo in cevi za vodovod, nato jih omečemo z ilovnatim ometom. Ko se ta res dobro posuši – kar lahko pospešimo, če hišo dodatno ogrevamo –, stene obdelamo z mivko in apnom ter jih pobelimo z apnenim beležem.
Install electrical cables and water pipes, and cover them with a mud plaster. When this plaster has dried thoroughly (this can be sped up if the house is heated), finish the walls with fine sand and lime and paint with lime paint.
Na stene pribijemo letvice in jih omeÄ?emo z ilovnatim ometom ... Nail the wood strips and apply loam plaster ...
Najprej izdelamo natančno skico ali kar načrt, po katerem izdelujemo sestavne elemente. Nato dokončamo stene in naredimo tla, napeljemo vodo, elektriko in kanalizacijo. Nato izberemo les, primeren za izdelavo kuhinjskih elementov. Dobro je, da ga pred pričetkom del še dodatno posušimo.
First, draw as detailed as possible a sketch, or even prepare a blueprint for the individual parts. Finish the walls, lay the floor and install the water and power supply and sewage system. Afterwards, select a suitable timber for the kitchen furnishing. It is recommended to dry the wood additionally before starting work.
Lahko so zelo enostavne, visoke naj bodo med 15,5 cm in 18 cm. Pred gradnjo dobro premislimo, saj bomo po njih hodili tudi veÄ?krat na dan.
It can be made very simply. Individual steps should be 15.5 to 18 cm high. Give it a good thought before you build a staircase, however, since there is a good chance it will be used several times a day.
Stranski vhod v dnevno sobo in mini rastlinjak Side entrance into the living room and a micro-greenhouse
Spoštovani Prijatelji,
Dear friends,
dolgo časa sem zbiral pogum, predno sem se odločil, da napišem tole knjigo. Ni enostavno pisati o enostavnih stvareh, zato tudi besedila v tej knjigi ni prav veliko. Veliko je fotografij, ki povedo več kot besede. Pozorno si jih oglejte, če vam tekst ne bo razumljiv.
I was plucking up courage for quite some time before I decided to write this book. It is not easy to write about simple things, and that’s also the reason why there are more photographs than text in this book. A picture is worth a thousand words; examine them carefully if you don’t understand some parts of the text.
Z opazovanjem narave lahko tudi sami najdete še veliko materialov, ki v tej knjigi niso opisani. S svojim znanjem in izkušnjami si lahko zgradite bivališče, ki vam bo všeč in v katerem se boste dobro počutili. Narava nas zasipa z znanjem. Ko ji zaupamo, nam da vse, kar potrebujemo za lepo življenje. Z njeno pomočjo bo tudi vam uspelo najti najlažjo in najlepšo pot v življenju. To si zaslužite, prav tako vaši otroci in prijatelji. Z vami se veselim gradnje vašega novega doma. Pri tem vam želim veliko veselja in lepih trenutkov.
By observing nature you may yourself find materials not described in this book. With enough knowledge and experience, you can build yourself a home which you will find beautiful and in which you will feel well. Nature offers us an abundance of knowledge. Trust it, and it gives you everything you need for a good life. With the help of Nature, you too will find the best and the easiest way in life. You deserve it, and so do your children and friends. I too am looking forward to your new home, and wish you a lot of enjoyment and precious moments. May God bless you in your work and let Nature feel your love.
ISBN 978-961-93113-3-2
Cena: 25,00€
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