Drakenstein gazette 13 03 2015

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222


Year 5 • Friday 13 March 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365


In the Paarl Post ) Five killed on pass ) Thieves target schools ) Man sentenced for murder ) Friends robbed in Du Toitskloof

Nuwe bestuur gekies

2 Advice on toddlers

3 NOSS wen krieket


Mayor commends disciplined protest

Several residents of Mbekweni held a protest march on Wednesday (11 March). They marched from Mbekweni to the Drakenstein Municipal building where they handed over a memorandum of grievances, demanding electricity at their homes. According to Mayor Gesie Van Deventer, the Mbekweni residents clearly stated that they do not want free electricity, but prepaid electricity metres, so that they can buy electricity for themselves. “It shows responsible citizenship and I also want to commend the residents for the disciplined way in which they behaved in presenting the memorandum,” said Van Deventer. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

WELLINGTON TAKKE Hoofweg 84, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3007

Kortstraat 4, Wellington Tel: 021 873 5837

WELLINGTON TAKKE Vars Hoenderfillette

SPESIALE AANBIEDINGE Kom loer gerus in vir ons spesiale aanbiedinge! Terwyl vooraad hou!

Vars Hoender Braai Pakke

Frozen Mixed Chicken Braai Portions




Kekkel en Kraai Leg Quarters

Frozen Cater Thighs







Country Crop




Kekkel en Kraai Soup Pack



Frozen Cater Breast


/kg X1PV23V9-GZ130315


News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 13 March 2015

Man arrested for attempted theft

A 32-year-old man from Mbekweni was arrested after allegedly using a ‘jamming’ device to gain entry into a vehicle in the Paarl CBD. Sindile Ndwendwe (32) was apprehended by police after a witness saw him use a ‘jamming’ device to open a Toyota Fortuner after the owner had locked it, and alerted police. Ndwendwe was arrested at the scene and allegedly found in possession of a remote control used for “signal jamming”, said Paarl Police spokes-

person Captain Louise du Plessis. The ‘jamming’ devi- As illustration. ces used are identical to normal remote controls, used for electric gates. Ndwendwe appeared in the Paarl Magistrate’s Court on Monday on a charge of attempted theft out of a motor vehicle. He will remain in custody until his next court appearance on 24 March. Motorists are yet again urged to make sure that their vehicles are locked before walking away from it.

Rioolpuntbevestiging in Wellington Drakenstein-munisipaliteit is besig met ’n proses waartydens die aantal toiletpunte per eiendom in Wellington getel word. “Dit het vir ons nodig geword om die korrekte getal toilette per erf te bepaal ten einde te verseker dat huishoudings korrek aangeslaan word,” het die munisipale bestuurder, Johann Mettler, gesê. Munisipale veldwerkers sal elke perseel besoek en die getalle word dan op die munisipaliteit se finansiële stelsel aangeteken en bevestig.

Thanks to information received from the Fairyland Neighbourhood Watch, the Paarl-East police arrested Andile Magqabi in Fairyland who handed over an illegal firearm to the neighbourhood watch. Magqabi was found with the presumable stolen firearm on Monday at 03:00. He appeared on Tuesday 3 March in the Paarl Magistrate’s Court on a charge of the illegal possession of a firearm. Warrant Officer Alta Booysen shows the firearm, which was found in the suspect’s possession. PHOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Persele wat beskik oor voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitsmeters, se nommer op die meters sal ook bevestig word in hierdie proses. “U word versoek om hierdie veldwerkers toegang te gee tot u perseel sodat die bevestiging gedoen kan word. Elke veldwerker is voorsien van ’n munisipale identiteitskaart en moet dit ten toon stel.” Indien jy enige navrae het oor die egtheid van ’n veldwerker se identiteit, skakel 021 807 6350.

Paarl-Oos-polisie se sektor 2 het op Dinsdag 10 Maart hul verkiesing van ’n nuwe buurtwag-bestuur by Orleansvale Primêre Skool gehou. Hier voor van links is James Pedro (Gemeenskapspolisiëring-voorsitter) saam met die nuwe bestuur: Dina Martin, Lynette Festus, Johan Adams, Rdl. Spasie Kikka en Washielah Adams. Volgens ao. Akram Hammers, sektor 2-bestuurder (tussen die groep) is hy trots op die gemeenskapslede wat die verkiesing bygewoon het om saam te staan en die polisie se hand te help versterk in die stryd teen misdaad. In die afgelope paar maande het misdaad in Chicago ’n stygende tendens getoon, veral wat betref diefstalle, aanrandings en roof. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Paschens P Butchery aschens Butchery A Grade Lamb


per kg

Club Steaks


per kg

Steak Mince


per kg

Stewing Beef


per kg

Beef Patties


per kg

A Grade Beef H/Q


per kg

We also stock clean afval and a range of cold meats. Special prices available for beef forequarters and hind-quarters. Debit and credit cards now accepted. (except Amex and Diners Club)

PRICES VALID UNTIL STOCKS LAST Vosmaar Street, Dal Josaphat • Tel: 021 868 1493

E+O.E. X1PV24F1-GZ130315

The Paarl West Community Policing Forum (CPF) in partnership with the Paarl Police would like to inform the public of crime tendencies as recorded for the period of 1 - 8 March. ) Residential burglaries: Incidents occurred in the farming area in the vicinity of the Keerweerder, Lustigan, Windmeul and north Agter Paarl roads. Two arrests were made for burglaries in this area. In Lemoenkloof, Groenvlei and Northern Paarl, burglaries were reported in Moll, Church, School, Cornelle, Koning and Oranje Streets while in the areas of Courtrai, Vrykyk and De Zoete Inval, incidents occurred in Buitekant, Lorraine Streets and Main Road. ) Business burglaries: Business burglaries occurred in the farming area in the vicinity of the R44, Roggeland, R45 and Swawelstert Roads. Incidents were also reported in Oosterland, Lady Grey, Distillery and Main Road areas.

) Theft out of/from motor vehicle: Incidents occurred in New, Dorp, Fabriek, Market, Distillery, Mill, School, Berlyn Streets and Main, Keerweerder, Sonstraal and Paardeberg Roads. Four people were arrested in this regard. In one of the arrests made, the suspect was found in possession of a remote device used to ‘jam’ vehicle alarms. It appears from investigation that Toyota’s are mostly targeted with the ‘jamming’ device. ) Theft of motor vehicle: Theft of motor vehicles is slowly on the increase in the Paarl area. For the above-mentioned period, vehicles were stolen in Cecilia, Jan Van Riebeeck, Faure, Plein and Railway Streets, and Roggeland Road. One vehicle was found abandoned. * The Paarl West CPF also wishes to extend a special thank you to the Drakenstein Farm Watch who is actively involved in assisting the local fire brigade with fires breaking out in the farming areas. These members, mainly farmers within the Drakenstein farming area, utilise their private vehicles and water access points to assist in preventing catastrophic fires in the Paarl Mountain areas.

Friday 13 March 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette


How to deal with toddlers who hit and bite Our little angels are not always the angels we perceive them to be. They can just as quickly turn into little monsters. Here is some advice on how to treat these temper tantrums and more.

) Why does my toddler get aggressive? Shocking as it may be to you (and others), aggressive behaviour is a normal part of your toddler’s development. His still-emerging language skills and a fierce desire to be independent can lead to frustration and anger. Add undeveloped impulse control into the mix and your toddler’s hitting or biting is completely normal. That doesn’t mean you should ignore it, of course. Let your toddler know that aggressive behaviour is unacceptable and help him to develop other ways to express his feelings. ) How can I stop my toddler being aggressive? Reward good behaviour. Rather than giving your child attention only when he’s misbehaving, praise him for being good whenever you can. For example, when he asks to have a turn on the swing instead of simply pushing another child out of the way. Aim to give your toddler the most attention for positive behaviour, and cut the time you spend on negative behaviour.

Heap praise on him when he says what he wants, and be specific and honest with it (”Well done for asking to have a go!”). Remember also to praise his efforts to do something even if he doesn’t manage to pull it off. (“Well done for asking the little girl if you could have a turn. I know she didn’t answer and you got frustrated, didn’t you?”) This helps your toddler to build confidence and feel good about himself. In time, he’ll realise how powerful words can be. Use the following tactics to deal with undesirable behaviour: Follow up aggressive behaviour with logical consequences If your child gets into the ball pit at the indoor play centre and starts throwing balls at the other kids, take him out. Sit down with him and watch the other children play. Explain that he can go back in again when you both feel he’s ready to join the fun without hurting anyone. Try not to reason with your toddler, for example, by asking him, “How would you like it if she threw the ball at you?” Toddlers aren’t yet able to put themselves in another child’s place or to change the way they behave based on reason. This cognitive maturity doesn’t usually happen until children are four or five. But toddlers can understand consequences.

Illustration.PHOTO SOURCE: GOOGLE IMAGES ) Keep your temper Shouting, hitting or telling your child he’s naughty won’t get him to change his behaviour. He’ll just get more riled and learn, from you, new things to try. ) Set clear limits Try to respond immediately whenever your toddler is aggressive. Don’t wait until he hits his brother for the third time. Warn him that if he goes on hitting he won’t be able to play with his brother. If he doesn’t stop, remove him from the situation for a minute or two. Explain to him that what he did was wrong. Then let him let him go back. ) Be consistent Whenever you can, react to each episode the way you did before. Your predictable response (“The rule is gentle hands, remember”)

will set up a pattern that your toddler will recognise and come to expect. Even when you’re out and mortified by your child’s behaviour, don’t lash out at him through embarrassment. Remember, other parents have been there too. If people stare, simply say, “Anyone want a two-year-old?” ) Teach alternatives Wait until your toddler has settled down, then talk calmly about what happened. Help him to name his emotions, listen to what he is telling you and accept his feelings, even if they are angry ones. Ask him if he can explain what made him upset. Stress that it’s natural to have angry feelings but it’s not fine to show them by hitting, kicking or biting ) Ask your toddler what the rule is. Once he’s lashed out he will probably be happy to tell you what the rule is, even if he didn’t follow it. Asking him to remember the rule reinforces the behaviour you expect and, gradually, this will sink in. ) Limit screen time Cartoons and other shows for young children can be filled with shouting, threats, even pushing and hitting. Limit the amount of screen time your toddler has, and monitor what he watches, particularly if he’s prone to aggression. Some guidelines recommend that chil-

dren aged two and under should have no screen time at all. ) Help your toddler to be active Unless your toddler gets a chance to burn off his abundant energy, you may find he’s a terror at home. Give him plenty of unstructured play time, preferably outdoors, whatever the weather, to let off steam. Guidelines recommend that children under five should be active for at least three hours a day, every day. ) Encourage downtime As well as being active it’s also important to encourage your toddler to have down time, playing quietly by himself. Doing so means he learns to stimulate his imagination and to amuse himself without relying on you. ) Don’t be afraid to seek help Sometimes, aggressive behaviour requires more intervention than a parent can provide. If your toddler often behaves aggressively, upsets other children, or if your efforts to curb his behaviour have little effect, talk to your doctor. She may refer you to someone who specialises in child behaviour. Together, you can get to the bottom of the behaviour and help your toddler through it. Remember, he is still very young. If you work with him patiently, the chances are that his violent outbursts will soon be a thing of the past.


HEALTHCARE TRAINING ACADEMY is proud to present the

Home Based Care / Community Health Worker Program in Paarl, Western Cape from February 2015.

We are open for registration! Visit us at 41 Lady Grey Street, Paarl

Die egpaar, Uagasta (derde van links) en Jacobus Johannes (vyfde van links) was oorstelp van vreugde toe hulle die sleutels van hul nuwe huis in Kolbestraat, Paarl-Oos ontvang het. Die paartjie was vir 32 jaar op die behuisingswaglys. Van links saam met hulle is Wendy Philander, burgemeester Gesie van Deventer, minister vir menslike nedersettings in die Wes-Kaap, Bonginkosi Madikizela, onderburgemeester Conrad Poole en raadslid Ester Kearns. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

Could my child’s academic achievements be linked to a hearing loss? With the commencement of the new educational year well underway, many a parent or guardian will have had contact with their child’s teacher(s) during parent evenings and the like. Every parent however dreads being told that their child is not performing as he or she should be. “Before possibly labelling your child incorrectly, it is pertinent to be aware of the fact that children who experience a hearing loss, often present with many of the same signs as children with learning difficulties,” says Tally Sherban, aClientRelationsExecutiveatOticonSouthAfrica,aleading hearing aid manufacturer. “These can range from a lower academic achievement than their age, background or IQ scores would predict, or even inattention that is frequently related to frustration and fatigue,” she adds. Tell-tale signs to look out for in a pupil with a hearing loss: ) Inappropriate responses to questions ) Watching other pupils to see what they are doing ) Articulation problems – speech difficulties ) Fatigue, especially at the end of the day ) Academic failure ) Poor self-concept ) Day-dreaming ) Apparent laziness If your child exhibits any of these signs, it would be wise not to assume that your child has learning or behavioural problems. “The first step to helping your child is to rule out hearing loss by taking your child to an audiologist who will look at any history of hearing loss or ear infections, and perform a hearing test to establish what your child’s hearing ability is,” explains Tally. “If your child has a hearing loss, it is vital to inform your child’s teacher(s) of the situation as they have a tremendous

impact on their pupils’ learning, self-image and social adjustment,” Tally explains. “Working with pupils who have a hearing loss requires a team approach from the parents, classroom teacher, speech and language therapist and audiologist to determine the individual needs of each pupil and to develop an appropriate educational plan,” she adds. Focus on your child’s self-image is crucial throughout the process, as he/she will most likely perceive themselves as being different, especially if they are wearing hearing aids and/or utilising an FM system (wireless communication) in the classroom. “Help your child to accept how their hearing impairment makes them different, while emphasising that hearing loss is not their only descriptive characteristic. Focus on positive aspects and facilitate an understanding of what your child’s hearing loss is and how it affects their everyday lives. Classmates will also benefit greatly from this knowledge,” suggests Tally. The primary function of amplification in the classroom is to provide access to speech information and facilitate learning. In most cases, hearing aids will benefit the child with a hearing loss, but in specific listening situations, such as in very noisy classrooms, hearing aids alone may not be enough. “FM systems such as Oticon’s Amigo range, work with a child’s hearing aids to enhance the speaker’s voice for better speech understanding and immediate relief in the classroom. It typically comprises of a microphone/transmitter worn by the teacher and a receiver that hooks on to the hearing aid worn by the child. If this is an option that you are considering, it would be advisable to discuss the matter with your child’s teacher(s) in order to garner their support,” says Tally.

Tel: 021 871 1046/1048 E-mail: info@medicaemanus.co.za | Website: www.medicaemanus.co.za X1PV3689-GZ130315



Tel: 021 872 1617 Fax: 021 872 6558


1x 7 kg Pocket Gem Squash 1x 7 kg Pocket Butternut 1x 7 kg Medium Potatoes 1x Watermelon

All for R100


Valid until Saturday 14 March 2015 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. X1PV254W-GZ130315


General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN

22 December to 21 January

Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now. You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way.


21 January To 20 February

This is a time for making long-range plans, seeing the big picture, and thinking about what is really important to you in the long run. The trivial details and business of day-to-day living does not dominate your attention now. Reading books or articles of an inspirational nature or on subjects of personal growth and development is very fruitful now.


20 February to 21 March

Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored. You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way.


21 March to 21 April

Today it is easy for you to concentrate on your work, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual. This is a good time to tackle mundane chores and practical business.


21 April to 21 May

You are highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly overconfident and take on more challenges than you can really meet. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds.


21 May to 22 June

Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.


22 June to 23 July

Interactions with children or family members can be a bit frustrating, as if you are repeating the "same old words" and not really getting anywhere. On the other hand, things you may have felt for some time but have not voiced may pop out of you unexpectedly, creating some minor tension or embarrassment.


23 Julie to 24 August

An incident involving miscommunications, missed messages, or missed meetings which causes a change of plans is likely. Coworkers, secretaries, receptionists, and other people you may normally take for granted, but who keep the flow of your life running smoothly, may be unaccountably inconsistent or simply keep you at bay.


24 August to 23 September

Conversations and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful now. You understand what others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. This is a favorable time for getting your message across to others via writing or speaking. A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now.


23 September to 23 October

A new health regimen, actions taken to advance professionally, or anything you do to move toward achieving a cherished goal or ideal goes well now. Shared enthusiasm for some project or athletic event is accentuated now. This is a good time to coordinate your efforts with others and really get something started.


23 October to 23 November

You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly.


23 November to 22 December

You may aggravate or pick at a friend or loved one in the misguided belief that you can change things. At this point, however, it is unlikely that your words or actions will create happiness or the desired outcome. Try to be good natured about any differences that are apparent to you now, and let it pass. X1PTP3DD-GZ130315

Friday 13 March 2015

Jy die Entrepreneur: Kwalifiseer jy vir die toekoms? DAVID MALHERBE

In die lig van die hoë werkloosheidsyfer word baie aandag deesdae aan die bevordering van entrepreneurskap gegee. Baie organisasies adverteer gereeld opleidings- en hulpprogramme vir voornemende entrepreneurs. Ekself was al van 1990 af betrokke by entrepreneurskap-projekte by ’n hoërskool en sedert 1994 was ek ’n lektor in Entrepreneurskap. Daardie tyd al het ek vir my studente gesê dat daar waarskynlik ’n tyd sal kom dat die beste manier om van ’n werk verseker te wees, sal wees om vir jouself ’n werk te skep. Die afgelope 20+ jaar word hierdie stelling net meer en meer bewaarheid. Selfs om vir die grootste organisasie te werk, is nie meer ’n veilige hawe vir iemand wat werksekuriteit soek

Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether they be placemats, handbags or fancy cakes or cookies and you and your business might be featured in our newspaper as the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will also receive a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4602; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.

AUNT DORA............

ete Bo Beoreerrearta ATJIES:

VR mme drie maal • Smeer die sap van gousblo per dag aan Of van vyeblare of • Smeer kort-kort die witmelk wyn sit naellak aan en dit sal verd Of met • Smeer vratte 'n paar dae lankwyn na 'n verd lewertraanolie. Die vratte sal paar dae.

Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate

nie. Volgens ’n aanhaling wat ek gelees het, is werksekuriteit iets wat nie meer bestaan nie. Daar is egter ’n ander ontwikkeling wat gedurende dieselfde tydperk baie sterk na vore gekom en ontwikkel het, naamlik die internet. Net so belangrik as wat dit is om die entrepreneurskap-opsie as ’n loopbaan te oorweeg, is dit om die rekenaar en internet te kan gebruik. Rekenaars en die internet speel deesdae so ’n groot rol in die ekonomie dat enige entrepreneur of besigheid sonder toegang tot die internet, dit al hoe moeiliker vind om dieselfde vlak van dienslewering as mededingers te bied. Ons ekonomie het ontwikkel in ’n rigting waar inligting en kennis daagliks al hoe belangriker word. Alhoewel ’n besigheid se sukses of

mislukking nie in die eerste plek bepaal word deur die tegnologie tot jou beskikking nie, maak die afwesigheid daarvan tog dat jou onderneming minder mededingend is. Rekenaars en die internet gaan ook nie gedurende die jare wat kom verdwyn nie, inteendeel, dit gaan vir enige werk of besigheid net al hoe belangriker word. Feitlik alle besighede wat deesdae werkgeleenthede adverteer, benodig werknemers wat rekenaarvaardig is. So watter raad gee ek deesdae vir mense? Nog steeds dat ons enigste hoop op werk dalk kan wees om vir jouself te werk, maar óók dat jy so rekenaar- en internet-geletterd as moontlik moet wees. Moenie uitstel om dit te leer nie; die tyd is nou.

Connect at your nearest library next week

From 14 to 21 March South African Library Week (SALW) will be celebrated with the theme “Connect @ your library”. The theme resonates with the belief that libraries connect people to each other, to knowledge and information, to print and electronic resources, to technology and professional support. Libraries are taking the lead in being active community partners towards developing an informed and educated nation. Libraries are fast emerging as technologically enabled environments, which provide individuals the opportunity to connect to the internet, databases, online learning and research tools, employment opportunities and digital libraries, which include institutional repositories. In recent years, the Drakenstein libraries have followed the theme of connecting

through the installation of computers with internet access, and recently the Provincial Library Services added to the infrastructure by installing computers with internet access at the Nieuwe Drift and Bergendal libraries. This is part of the ITC Rural Connectivity programme implemented by the Western Cape Government as part of their e-Government Strategy. Connecting important public spaces in rural areas, like libraries, to the internet, opens up a whole new world of opportunity and education to residents who cannot afford these services. Drakenstein librarians will connect to their respective communities during this week with various programmes and library users will also get a chance to return late and overdue books during the “fine free” period from 14 March to 18 April. Enquiries: 021 807 6260.

Kom geniet die Sterrekyk Sterrekykgeesdriftiges moenie die laaste Sterrekykpiekniek van die seisoen by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument op Paarlberg op Saterdag 21 Maart misloop nie. Tydens dié pieknieks kan besoekers die sterrehemel verken met die hulp van die Orion Observasie-groep (OOG), ’n informele sterrekundeklub van die Boland. Die tema van die aand is “Die Suiderkruis en nege sterre”. Die piekniek begin om 18:00. ’n Begeleide toer vandieMonumentwordom18:30aangebied.Besoekers kan van 20:00 tot 22:30 onder leiding van lede van OOG deur teleskope na die sterre kyk. Besoekers is welkom om hul eie piekniek-

mandjies saam te bring of een by Volksmond Koffiewinkel te bestel (021 863 2800). Volksmond sal tot om 20:00 oop wees vir koffie en ligte verversings. Besoekers word aangemoedig om verkykers en warm klere te bring. Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang word beheer. Toegang by die hek is R30 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders. Bespreek by 021 863 0543/4809 of 072 181 6744 (ookvirweernavrae).Sterrekykpieknieksword gekanselleer indien die weer sleg is. Vir meer inligting, besoek www.taalmonument.co.za.


Tickle your tastebuds


FILLED POTATOES Ingredients: • 4 Large Potatoes, Boiled until soft with skin on • 15 ml Olive Oil • 1 Brown Onion, Sliced • 2 Cup Smoked Ham, Chopped • Chopped Chives To Garnish

• Garlic Salt And Black Pepper to Season • 2 Cup Grated Mature Cheddar • 2 Cups of a Selection of Sweet Bell Peppers - Red, Yellow and Orange

Method: First off, cut the boiled potatoes in half and scoop some of the inside out. Set aside. In a saucepan, heat the olive oil and saute the peppers and onions until soft. Season with garlic salt and black pepper. Remove from heat and add the chopped ham. Mix. Arrange the potato halves in an oven tray and scoop generous amounts of filling into the potato. Top with grated cheddar and grill in the oven until melted. Garnish with chives. X1PTP3KM-GZ130315


MONDAY 16/03





31°C 9°C





36°C 14°C


31°C 10°C





29°C 15°C

30°C 16°C

FRIDAY 13/03


SUNDAY 15/03





21°C 16°C

MONDAY 16/03


23°C 15°C

SUNDAY 15/03


36°C 15°C





26°C 14°C


28°C 16°C


28°C 17°C



25°C 17°C



23°C 16°C


Friday 13 March 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Een gelukkige leser kan vier boeke van die uitgewer Human & Rousseau wen, deur slegs te SMS waaroor die boeke handel. Om ’n kans te staan, SMS die antwoord na 32365. Elke SMS kos R1,50. Sluitingsdatum: Dinsdag 17 Maart om 15:00. Die gelukkige wenners sal gekontak word en die boeke moet by die Drakenstein Gazette-kantore afgehaal word. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

The Cape Town Motorcycle Club, which was established in 1979, celebrated their 35th anniversary by donating teddy bears, ice-cream, donated by Ola, and cooldrinks and chips to 150 children at Huis Andrew Murray orphanage in Wellington. The CTMCC pride themselves by donating to non-profitable organisations and this donation forms part of the club’s regular initiatives to help organisations in need and their ethos of the more you give, the more you get.On the photo in front are (from left): Christa Britz (childcare worker of Huis Andrew Murray), Faffa de Jager (chairman CTMCC) and Bobby McGee (treasurer CTMCC).


Entrepreneurial competition South African entrepreneurs rarely receive the acknowledgement they truly deserve, and should be praised for the role they play in the creation of jobs and economic development in the country. This is according to Nazeem Martin, managing director of Business Partners Limited, who was speaking in light of the recent 2015 Sanlam/Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year competition launch which took place in Johannesburg. Now in its 27th year, the pre-eminent entrepreneurial platform continues to pay tribute to the fearless entrepreneurs who remain dedicated to not only fostering a culture of entrepreneurship in the country, but also to their business and staff. Martin says that, considering South Africa’s unemployment rate is at 25% and that it was recently announced that South Africa will have the 8th highest unemployment rate globally in 2015, the role that entrepreneurs play in aiding job creation is evident. “The six 2014 Entrepreneur of the Year competition winners collectively created over 400 jobs, while our overall 2013 Entrepreneur of the Year winner generated over 800 jobs in the rural area of Qwaqwa. These figures confirm the pivotal role entrepreneurs play in jobcreation,aswellasthemoreprominent role they could play in this space with additional support. “By embracing local entrepreneurship, the competition provides them with an opportunity to showcase their achievements and elevate the business’s profile.” The competition provides entrepreneurs with the chance to win prizes up to the value of R2 million, which includes cash prizes to the value of

R350 000. Competition winners will also receive valuable mentorship support, networking opportunities and national media exposure. Martin says that apart from the prizes offered, a key takeaway for past finalists is the opportunity to take a step back and analyse their business, both by themselves, and along with an independent judging panel. “Often, entrepreneurs don’t fully comprehend how far their business has developed and grown over the years, and the networking opportunities with other entrepreneurs and judges allow these individuals to fully appreciate their achievements and the hard work and dedication that has gone into building their business.” The competition also provides finalists and winners with the opportunity to obtain valuable regional and national publicity. One such example is Dudu and Leema Mofokeng, joint owners of Legaci Dry Cleaners and Laundry Services, and winners of the Judges Prize in the 2014 Sanlam/Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year competition. “The exposure gained from the competition has raised the profile of my company significantly. I have noted a marked increase in business enquiries received from customers, as well as prospective investors wanting to open a franchise,” says Dudu. Entrepreneurs interested in entering the competition can download entry forms online at www.eoy.co.za as well as interact with fellow entrepreneurs and entrants on the Sanlam/ Business Partners Entrepreneur of the Year competition social media platforms www.twitter.com/ @EOY_SA and www.facebook.com/ EOY.SA. The closing date for the competition is 16 June.




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Drakenstein Gazette

Friday 13 March 2015









15 Maart




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Biscuit Sales Agents wanted in factories, farms, schools, offices, prisons, SAP, hospitals etc. Excellent commission. Cell: 082 687 3403.

) Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool, wat vanjaar hul 50ste bestaansjaar vier, hou Sondag om 18:00 ’n kerkdiens by Bethel Congregational Kerk in Evanstraat, Paarl-Oos. Die feeskoor sal ook optree. Almal is welkom.

21 Maart ) Dalvale Interkerklike Vroue Gebedsgroep hou ’n dankseggingsdiens ter viering van hul tiende bestaansjaar by die Strauss-saal om 15:00. Bel Barbara Kaaiman by 073 211 8016.

22 Maart ) Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool se klas van 1985 hou ’n reünie-kerkdiens om 09:00 by die Nuwe Apostoliese Gemeente in Fieldstraat. Vir navrae, bel Levona April by 084 660 7888.




•For all women's problems •Want to buy or sell

23 Maart


property •3 in 1 for men •Cleaning homes •Lost lover •Magic wallet 078 205 4986

AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

) Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Paarl-tak nooi belangstellendes uit om die plaaslike jaarvergadering om 18:30 by te woon. Die vergadering is by die NG Kerk Paarlberg, Hoofstraat 524, Noorder-Paarl. ’n Nuwe takbestuur sal ook verkies word. Bespreek jou plek by Wena Bartie by 082 480 6905 of 021 872 2851.


27 Maart 3680


) New Orleans Sekondêre Skool se oudstudente bied aan ’n pienkdans by die skoolsaal vanaf 20:00. Toegang is R50. Kontak Marc Goliath by 084 991 4672 of Kerwin Bowers by 078 684 9321.

HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390.


) Little Mr and Miss Winelands 2015 will be crowned on 28 March at the Paarl town hall. Boys and girls aged from 3-14 years can enter before 20 March. Call Marizanne at 072 303 8065 or info@winelandspageants.co.za to enter.

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4 April ) Die Ephraim-familie beplan ’n saamtrek by CPUT-rugbystadion in Wellington. Verversings sal te koop aangebied word. eie braai-hout moet verskaf word. Toegang is R5 (ook R5 per voertuig). Vir navrae, bel Biennie by 083 782 1499 of Jeffrey by 078 920 4343.

Pay after results. BELLVILLE / PAARL 071 785 2704


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Ons 3 'performers' vir Februarie is van links: Crescenda Booysen in die 2de plek vir Radio KC se sosiale bladsye, Dawn Noemde in die 1ste plek vir Radio KC Nuus en Shanlynn Schoeman in die 3de plek vir die ontbytprogram en nuuslees.

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Kuier by Talmfees ’n Eg Afrikaanse Talmfees aan die voet van die heuwels van Groenberg vind plaas op 14 Maart in Wellington. Kom talm saam met die wynplase van Groenberg. Nes die Groenbergwyne volryp en vars gepars is, is die vermaak en aktiwiteite op die dag volryp van topmusikante soos Bok van Blerk, Rocking the Vines en ander plaaslike talent. Daar sal stalletjies wees, kosse en goeie wyn. Die rugby sal ook uitgesaai word. Om 10:00 sal Tjiff en Tjaff die kinders vermaak. Op dié roete is ook ’n museumuitstalling. Kaartjies is R120 by 021 864 1593.

Basaar by Rusoord Rusoord tehuis vir bejaardes se jaarlikse basaar vind op 28 Maart by die tehuis in Devinestraat, Paarl, plaas vanaf 08:30. Daar sal heerlike pannekoek wees, ontbyt, koek en ander gebak, handewerk, wit olifante, ’n kindertafel, lekker musiek en vele meer te koop. Bring dus die hele gesin en geniet hierdie heerlike basaar. Persone wat kan help met donasies van produkte, handgemaakte items, gebak, finansieel of met hulp op die betrokke dag kan Almarie du Toit bel by 021 872 1982.

Friday 13 March 2015

General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Paarlstreekspan klop Roses in tawwe Derby Die langverwagte rugbystryd tussen die Paarlstreekspan en die hoogaangeskrewe Roses van Wellington het Saterdag plaasgevind voor ’n groot skare van oral uit die Boland.

Albei spanne, wat bekend is vir hul opwindende hardlooprugby, het dit gestand gedoen met aanvalle uit alle hoeke van die veld. Paarl het eerste punte aangeteken met ’n strafskop deur Ryan Jordaan, en Percival Williams het kort daarna ook ’n strafskop aangeteken vir Roses om die telling 3 elk te maak. Jordaan het nog ’n strafskop oor die pale geskop nadat Roses telkemale gestraf is vir onkantspel by losskrums. Geoffrey Allies het daarna ’n drie gedruk vir Roses, nadat Paarl vir Neville Adams met ’n rooi kaart verloor het vir geniepsige spel. Williams het Allies se drie verdoel. Die Paarl-manne het nie toegelaat dat dit hulle onderkry nie en antwoord met ’n verdoelde drie deur Kempton Kika, maar hulle verloor nog ’n man met ’n geel kaart vir ‘illegal cleaning’. Roses verloor ook hul skrumskakel met ’n geel kaart vir vuilspel. Jordaan het die strafskop oorgesit en met minute speeltyd oor voor rustyd het Jordaan vir Christoper Mouwers binnetoe gestuur vir ’n skitterende drie onder die pale, wat hy ook verdoel het. Met die telbord op 23-10 vir Paarl, het die manne gaan water

Rosline February (head girl) and Keenan Williams (head boy) of Noorder-Paarl High School dressed up for this year’s cross country event.

John Jantjies van Paarlstreek stamp 'n verdediger van Roses United af. Paarl wen 33-25.


drink om hul kragte op te bou. Ná rustyd het Roses teruggeslaan met ’n drie ná hulle die 14-man verdediging uitgebuit het. Die Bolandse manne kon net nie aanpas by die WPskeidsregter nie en is vir die soveelste keer gestraf vir oortredings by losgemale, terwyl Jordaan weereens daarin kon slaag om die strafskop oor te sit. Paarl gaan druk ook nadat Tabetie mooi gebreek het en die bal aangegee het aan die stut Jeandre Coetzee vir nog ’n verdoelde drie. Die skeidsregter het egter ander planne gehad en wou seker keer dat Paarl nie met Roses weghardloop nie. Nog twee manne is hierna koelkas toe gestuur met

15 minute se speeltyd oor. Roses het die kans gebruik en teken twee drieë aan deur Leon Carstens en Dale Watts, maar dit was steeds nie genoeg om terug te kom in die wedstryd nie. Al die manne het meer as 100% gegee, maar Ryan Jordaan was die man wat uitgestaan het bo almal met slim spel op die aanval, sowel as op verdediging. Paarlstreek het die wedstryd welverdiend met 33-25 gewen. * Eerskomende Saterdag reis die manne na Vredenburg vir hul laaste wedstryd van die kompetisie en moet vyf punte kry om moontlik te kwalifiseer vir die uitspeelrondes.

The Paarl Police recently had a “drilling” session at Noorder Paarl High School during the school’s family day celebrations.

Soetbly-speelgroep dagsorg het verlede Vrydag Wêreld Kaalvoetdag gevier. Hier wys die groep dat hulle hul skoene uitgetrek het om aan minderbevoorregtes te skenk wat nie skoene kan bekostig nie.

Die matrieks van Hoërskool Labori het onlangs hul jaarlikse kamp by Bergkroon gehou. Hulle het die kamp afgeskop deur bymekaar te kom en hul kamermaats te leer ken. Hulle het deur die verloop van die kamp aan spanbou-aktiwiteite deelgeneem en ook aan ’n potjiekos-kompetisie deelgeneem. Daar was ook ’n aand waar hulle ’n lofprysing-kerkdiens gehou het. Hier staan Wilhelm Prins en Andries Carstens by hul potjiekos wat hulle saam gemaak het.

Hoërskool Noorder-Paarl se atlete het aan die onlangse Roland Bastiaan-atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool is as die algehele wenners van die dag aangewys.



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Tiere van Young Peoples steeds aan wenkant Die Tiere van Young Peoples is steeds op koers in die Premier A-liga nadat hy Saterdag op Dal Josafat ook maklik met Worceste United afgereken het. Die span het ook weer ’n bonuspunt ingesamel en is steeds 9 punte voor sy naaste teenstander met net 2 wedstryde oor. Worcester het eerste gekolf en kon slegs 163

lopies aanteken. Kaptein Lorenzo Jacobs het van voor af gelei en 3/24 platgetrek. Hubert Ontong, 2/28 en Lee -John Julies, 2/51, het ook hul deel met die bal bygedra. Die Tiere het Worcester in die 15 de beurt op 46/5 teen die planke gehad, maar die verloor van fokus het die besoekers toegelaat om te herstel. Peoples het soos ’n warrelwind afgesit en ná 10 beurte reeds 101 lopies op die telbord gehad.

Nadat Wade October vroeg uitgehaal is, het Jacobs en Bjorn Hollenbagh ’n vennootskap van 87 in net 54 balle gedeel en die Worcester-boulers na al die uithoeke van Dal Josafat gemoker. Jacobs, 56 en Hollenbagh, 31, het besluit om bonuspunt te jaag, en met die hulp van Brendon Gabriels, 23 en Randall April, 20 die teiken in die 26 ste beurt verbygesteek. Die klub se tweedes was ook in ’n verwoes-

tende bui en het Mbekweni in ’n T20-wedstryd met 10 paaltjies geklop. Mbekweni het eerste gekolf en kon net 69 lopies aanteken, met Jarrier Alexander, 5/12 die Tiere se skerpste angel. Marvin Nicholas, 36* en Leswin Scholtz, 31* het die wenlopies in die 7 de boulbeurt aangeteken. * Saterdag speel die Tiere weg teen Van Der Stel in sy voorlaaste ligawedstryd.

Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY

Sondag was dit weer tyd vir nog vrouesokker-aksie op die Monte Christo-velde in New Orleans. Hier is die spanne van Maties (links) en Paarl United besig om vir mekaar opdraande te gee. She-Earl Kawrevan van Paarl United (middel) hou die bal hier weg van haar opponent. Maties wen die stryd 3-1. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Die jaarlikse krieket-derby tussen New Orleans Sekondêre Skool en Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool is Saterdag op die Parys-velde langs die Bergrivier gespeel. New Orleans het eerste gekolf en teken 148 lopies aan. Klein Nederburg kon net 110 lopies aanteken en verloor die stryd met 38 lopies. Hier kolf New Orleans se Wian Davids met Sinethemba Faleni wat regmaak vir die lopie. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX
















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) Die Boland Kavaliers speel Vrydag 13 Maart om 18:00 ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Victo­ riane van die Universiteit Stellenbosch by die Bo­ land­stadion. Dit sal die Kavaliers se laaste vriendskaplike wedstryd wees voor hul Voda­ combekerveldtog teen die Westelike Provinsie te Caledon op Saterdag 21 Maart afskop. Toegang vir eerskomende Vrydag se kragmeting is gratis. ) Villagers Newton hou Saterdag 28 Maart ‘n 5 km pretloop vir die hele familie en gemeenskap. Inskrywingsgeld is R10 per volwassene en R5 per kind. Die vertrek­ asook eindpunt is Villagers Newton­veld. Om 16:00 is daar ’n vriendskapli­ ke wedstryd tussen Villagers Newton en Newton­ rugbyklub. Verskeie kosstalletjies sal eet­ en drinkgoed op die dag verkoop. Kontak die sekre­ taresse Jenita James by 076 054 0616 vir nade­ re inligting. ) Hillcrest­rugbyklub oefen Maandae, Dinsdae en Woensdae vanaf 19:00 op Pelikaanpark. Vriendskaplike wedstryde geskied as volg: Vrydag 13 Maart teen Young Standards tuis. Saterdag 21 Maart teen Riverstones tuis. Saterdag 28 Maart teen Young Peoples weg (Boy Louw­veld). Hillcrest­rugbyklub en Newtons­rugbyklub be­ plan ook wedstryde rondom Paastyd. Spanne wat belangstel om deel te neem aan sulke wed­ stryde kan met die twee klubs se besture in verbin­ ding tree. Gesprekke en beplanning is al in ’n gevorderde stadium ) Lanquedoc All Stars bied sy Paasfees­rugby­ toernooi vanaf 4 – 6 April aan. Die spanne wat deelneem sluit in Lanquedoc All Stars, Dennegeur RVK, La Motte RVK en Paarl United. Wedstryde begin op 4 April om 10:00 by die All Stars­veld en die finale vind op 6 April om 14:00 plaas. Die toernooi is deel van Lanquedoc All Stars se 10­jarige bestaansvieringe. Toegang is R10 vir voertuie en volwassenes en R5 vir kinders. Kontak vir Gregory Viljoen met enige navrae op 071 551 7792. ) Windmeul United oefen Dinsdae en Donder­ dae om 19:00. Bel Abel Mentoor: 083 352 2703. ) Blues se vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg: Blues speel op Saterdag 28 Maart teen De Doorns op New Orleans­sportveld en neem ook deel aan die Gardens sewe­aan­’n­kant­ toernooi op Don­ derdag 2 April op Faure­rugbyveld. Blues se oefendae het verskuif na Dinsdae en Donderdae op New Orleans­veld om 19:00 stip­ telik. ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoenoefenin­ ge is steeds Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe, sowel as oudlede, is welkom. Die klub speel Vrydag 14 Maart teen Evergreens (Paarl) te Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste en op 22 Maart teen Newtons in ‘n weg­ wedstryd. Wedstryde begin om 18:30. Vir enige navrae, kontak die klubsekretaresse by 082 737 8952. ) Albions oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag op die Dal. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg:14 Maart teen Newtons, 21 Maart teen Ha­ miltons en 28 Maart teen Abbotsdale. Albions bring op 28 Maart vir Emo Adams Paarl toe by die Strauss­saal. Kaartjies is by die be­ stuurslede beskikbaar. Vir meer besonderhede, bel die voorsitter Ryan

Dirks by 079 183 6048. ) Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonderhede, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Violets RVK (Paarl) se vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) is gekanselleer. 14 Maart: ’n Vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Franschhoek United te Franschhoek. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Paulus Joubert Sekondêre Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Bel Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timothy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Young Peoples: Kom maak gereed vir die 120 Feesjaar. Ligawed­ stryde sal op 11 April begin. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg: Young Peoples het twee spanne wat Saterdag die streekspan op Vredenburg sal verteenwoordig. Spelers kontak die afrigters vir reëlings. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg, en alle spelers en voornemende spelers meld vir registra­ sies by die oefenveld aan. 21 Maart: Busy Bees (Boy Louw A ) wedstryde begin 13:30; 28 Maart: Hillcrest (Boy Louw) wedstryde begin 13:30. ) Young Gardens RFC se oefendae is Dinsdae en Donderdae op Dal Josafat B­veld vanaf 18:30. Die klub is reeds aan die gang en moedig huidige en voornemende spelers om by die oefeninge aan te sluit. Spelers wat by die klub wil aansluit moet dit so gou moontlik doen sodat registrasieproses­ se afgehandel kan word. Die klub se vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg: 14 Maart teen Blue Stars van Klapmuts in die Paarl, 21 Maart weg teen Evergreens en Vrydag 27 Maart weg teen Kylemore. Aslam Abrahams is aangestel as die nuwe breier van Young Gardens met Elton Jones en Henry Abrahams as 2de en 3de span­breiers onder­ skeidelik. Vir enige navrae kan die voorsitter, Mario Williams, gekontak word by 082 380 2680 of e­pos mwwilliams@telkomsa.net of bel die sekre­ taris Adwall West by 072 428 6778.


) Paarl Hockey Club has started their preseason training at Paarl Gim from 18:30 – 19:30 every Monday and Wednesday. The club will be host­ ing trials on Saturday 14 March from 09:00 – 11:00 at Paarl Gim for those who are interested to join the club. For more information, please con­ tact Earl Ontong at 078 137 0803 or email: paarlhockeyclub@gmail.com.


) Die Boland Sportvereniging vir liggaamlik ge­ stremdes op Worcester het die volgende spanne gekies. Die spelers gaan by die Nedbank SA Kampioenskappe in Johannesburg op 29 Maart deelneem. By die doelbalspan is Michael Diergaart, Luwie Links en Theo Louis (van die Paarl) ingesluit, ter­ wyl Steward Cupido, ook van die Paarl,as span­ bestuurder aangewys is.


) Paarl Soccer Club preseason training every Tuesday and Thursday. Juniors from 17:00 – 19:00 and seniors from 19:00 – 21:00 at the Boy Louw Sport grounds. All former and prospec­ tive members to call Haygon Swiegelaar on 078 788 7239. Contact the chairperson LG Matthee on 072 239 2181, www.PaarlSoccer­ Club.co.za or on Facebook for all club affairs.

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