Year 2 • Vrydag 15 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Distribution area THE Drakenstein Gazette is published every Friday in Paarl and Wellington. A total of 21 000 copies are distributed in Central Paarl, Paarl South, Paarl North, Huguenot, Denneburg, Paarl East, Mbekweni (businesses only), Wellington, Van Wyk’s Vlei and Newton.
Kies regte beroep
Keep winter Boishaai rol 3 chill away 4 voort 8
Trompoppies wen Boland-kroon
TROMPOPPIES. William Lloyd Primêr se junior en senior trompoppie-spanne het albei eerste plekke behaal by die onlangse Boland Trompoppie-kampioenskappe en is gekroon as die “champs of champs”. Die junior span (hierbo) gaan ook in Orkney aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe deelneem. Die senior span deel die eerste plek met Hoërskool Wellington. Foto: Liezl Davids
E n t e r t a i n m e n t Ve r m a a k
Vrydag 15 Junie
Maandag 18 Junie ) Koekversiering. Die Koekversieringsgilde vergader op 18 Junie by Laerskool Drakenstein se klubhuis in Denneburg, Paarl. Susan Verwey sal nuwe idees demonstreer. Besoekers is welkom. Vir navrae, kontak Belinda by 072 185 8797.
Woensdag 20 Junie ) Vieringe. Drakenstein Laerskool nooi oudleerders vanaf 19 jaar en oud-ouers na hul 50ste bestaansjaarviering op 20 Junie. Verrigtinge vind om 18:30 in die skoolsaal plaas. Kostes beloop R100 en besprekings kan by die skool gedoen word teen 15 Junie om 12:00. Vir navrae, kontak 021 872 4975 of e-pos drakensteinps@telkomsa.net.
Saturdag 23 June ) Comedy. On Saturday 23 June Marc Lottering can be seen at the Old Mill Thea-
tre, in his latest stand-up show “I Don’t work on Sundays”. The show starts at 20:00 and features Lottering’s brand new material. He will express his unique views on a broad range of topics and explain as to why it is that he refuses to work on Sundays. Not suitable for children. Tickets at R120 can be booked with Vicky Stemmet on 083 564 0056. ) Braai. Alle oudstudente van St Albans Primêr word vriendelik uitgenooi na ’n bring en braai op 23 Junie by die skool. Daar sal ’n groot skerm wees om die rugby te kyk. Skakel Danele by 021 873 2441.
Saturday 9 July ) Meeting. The annual general meeting of Radio KC will be held at the station office in the Towers Building, second floor (on the corner of Main Street and Lady Grey Street) on 9 July at 18:30. You are invited to nominate members of the community that reflect the demographics of their broadcast area to voluntarily serve on the board of Radio KC. To receive a copy of the nomination form, contact the station manager Eldoray van der Westhuizen on 021 871 1438 or email admin@radiokc.co .za. Deadline for nominations is 25 June.
Gedigtefees in McGregor DIE eerste Live Poets Society Festival – Wo(o)rd Lekker in McGregor - word van 28 Junie tot 2 Julie daar aangebied en dit beloof om die midwinterkoue te verdryf met ’n fees van Afrikaanse en Engelse gedigte wat aangebied word in knusomgewings soos restaurante, gastehuise, wynplase, kerk- en skoolsaal en biblioteke. Die fees word op Donderdag 28 Junie geopen met ’n spesiale huldiging aan digter en dramaturg Adam Small, ’n boorling van die Vallei. Small is onlangs bekroon met die gesogte Afrikaanse letterkundige Hertzogprys vir sy werk en sal tydens die fees gehuldig word deur voorlesings van sy werk. Verskeie bekende digters, sowel as jong, talentvolle en opkomende digters het reeds die uitnodiging na die fees aanvaar. Daar sal ook kans wees vir amateurdigters en digtersin-wording om van hulle werke tydens ’n “open mike”-byeenkoms voor te dra. Die fees is egter ook gerig op plaaslike digters in die Vallei wat ’n kans gaan kry om hulle werk tydens spesiale sessies voor te dra. Die jeug word ook by die fees betrek en ’n gedigte- en kletsrym (rap)-kompetisie met lekker pryse word ook aangebied. Kontak Billy Kennedy by 023 625 1871, Jenny by 023 625 1908 en Anita by 078 293 9877.
15 Junie 2012
Oe la la, Suid-Afrika
What’s happening... ) Emile Minnie. Nuwe Afrikaanse liedjies en romantiese Franse chansons word aangebied deur Emile Minnie op Vrydag 15 Junie om 20:00 by die Bôrdienghuis-teater in Wellington. Kaartjies teen R70 per persoon is beskikbaar by 082 812 1112 of heinrich@heimat.co.za.
KOUD EN NAT. Inwoners van die Paarlvallei, groot en klein, moes verlede week se swaar reënweer en ysige koue trotseer. Foto: Ernest Kilowan
LOLLOS 4 se “Oe la la, Suid-Afrika” is op Saterdag 23 Junie om 09:30 te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. Lettie kom kuier vir die eerste keer op aarde en Lollos, Minki en Disco vertel vir haar van al die wonderlike plekke en dinge wat hulle al in Suid-Afrika gesien het. Die SAMA-wenners sing liedjies van hul splinternuwe vierde CD en kyk na al die dinge in SuidAfrika waaroor ons gaande is: diere, mense, tale, kos, dorpe en nog vele meer. Musiek waarna uitgesien kan word, is Die Honger Haai, Klim op die Wa, Oe-la-la Lettie, Die Seekoei en dan ook ou gunstelinge soos Bons dat dit Gons en Die Krokodille. Die vertoning bestaan uit vrolike musiek en dansbewegings en daar sal ook iets geleer word. Kaartjies is R55 en kan bespreek word by Vicky Stemmet by 083 564 0056.
Christmas in winter THE Lazy Days Market at Laborie Wine Farm brings a South African winter Christmas market to Paarl on Saturday 28 July, with a multitude of experiences in store. Share in the joy and celebrate the magic of the winter season as visitors sample the many Christmas delicacies on offer – sip and savour a complimentary glass of Glühwein, tuck into delicious mince pies and purchase traditional Christmas fruit cake.
Mario the saxophonist will keep visitors entertained with traditional and modern Christmas carols, and Father Christmas will hand out sweets to the kids. The life-size Christmas tree is bound to attract its fair share of attention. The Christmas-themed market will be open from 09:00 until 14:00 and will also offer an array of exciting and varied lifestyle goods.
CONCERT. The Making More Music School will present a concert on Saturday at Die Bôrdienghuis Theatre in Wellington at 18:00. The concert shows how youngsters can use music as a tool to enjoy themselves and reach out to the community. Different genres of music can be expected and will be performed by students and adults. Tickets at R70 (R30 children) can be booked with Morné Meyer on 072 229 7423.
Get cooking VISITORS to Franschhoek can look forward to an interactive Cook Franschhoek, which takes place on 15, 16 and 17 June. Known as SA’s leading wine destination and gourmet capital, you will have the opportunity to join some of the Valley’s highly acclaimed chefs and winemakers as they present hands-on demonstrations. For more details, visit www.cookfranschhoek.co.za.
8 Junie 2012
News Nuus
Sit koppe bymekaar
TOERISME. Lede van Wellington Toerisme het onlangs hul gereelde kwartaal-byeenkoms op die plaas Kleinbosch in Daljosafat gehou, om meer te leer oor die beoogde Taalroete wat beoog word op historiese plase in die omgewing. Heel voor is Adele Bester en Laetitia Badenhorst (Kleinbosch). Agter hulle staan (middel ry) Hilton Warrington (Fresh Laundry), Blackie Swart (wat ’n dokumentêr oor die Afrikaanse taal vervaardig), Lesley Gruett (Bartholomeus Klip), Coretha Odendal (La Rochelle B&B), Anja Daelman (Onsstee B&B) en Sylvia du Plessis (Oupa Atties B&B). Agter staan Francois du Toit (Kleinbosch), Adriaan Joubert (Olyvenbosch), Peter Woodward (Wellington Toerisme), Pieter Daelman (Onsstee B&B) en Barry du Plessis (Oupa Atties B&B). Foto: Johan Nel
Toerismeroete in die pyplyn DIE bekendstelling van ’n nuwe toeristeroete op die plase wat as bakermat van die Afrikaanse taal beskou kan word en die oopstel vir toeriste van ’n digbegroeide olienhoutbos vol lelies teen die hange van die Hawekwaberg bokant die dorp is maar twee van die nuwe toerisme-projekte wat onlangs op ’n byeenkoms van Wellington Toerisme bespreek is. Die organisasie, wat bestaan uit verteenwoordigers uit die Wellingtonse gasvryheidsbedryf, kom gereeld eenmaal per kwartaal byeen om groter samewerking tussen eienaars van gastehuise en ander organisasies in die Wellingtonse toerisme-bedryf te bevorder . Volgens Peter Woodward van Wellington Toerisme het die organisasie, wat ’n paar jaar gelede gestig is om die vloei van toeriste na Wellington te help bevorder, in die jongste tyd hand oor hand gegroei. Op die byeenkoms is meer vertel van die gastehuis op die plaas Kleinbosch en hulle planne vir ’n splinternuwe Taalroete in die Daljosfat-omgewing bekend gestel. Kleinboschse eerste opstalis reeds in 1687 opgerig.
Die plaas huisves ook die skoolgebou waarin die eerste amptelike Afrikaanse skool in Suid-Afrika begin is. Die Afrikaanse Taalbeweging het hier begin en Kleinbosch se mense het gedurende die negentiende eeu ook ’n leidende rol gespeel in die stigting van die heel eerste Afrikaanse koerant. Die gedagte van ’n Taalroete wat volgens hulle ook onder skoolgroepe baie gewild sal wees, sal in die komende maande verder bekend raak wanneer die beoogde dokumentêr oor die Afrikaanse taal wat deur Blackie Swart van die Paarl vervaardig word, vrygestel word. Adriaan Joubert van die plaas Olyvenbosch teen die hange van die Hawekwa het meer vertel oor die unieke tuin wat in ’n oeroue olienhoutbos op sy plaas ontwikkel is. Hy het oor die afgelope sewe jaar begin om inheemse boslelies onder die wilde olienhoutbome te vestig en het reeds meer as 1000 cliveas, sowel as azaleas, bromelias en varings in die bostuin gevestig. Die tuin op Olyvenbosch sal in September vanjaar vir die eerste keer vir die publiek oopgestel word tydens ’n ope dag.
BOOK DISPLAY. The Oxford University Press held a book display of books and learning material for the new curriculum at Charleston Hill Intermediate School. Many schools attended the workshop and educators received copies of books that they will need for the new school year. From left are Vanessa Bolters (Natural Science & Technology presenter), Raymond Cornelissen (subject advisor), Aaron Esterhuizen (assistant presenter), Lucille van Gensen (Oxford trainer), Pieter Scheepers, Allan Matthee, Manda van Hansen and Wilfred Frolicks.
OUERS en onderwysers van Bergrivier Laer en Blouvlei Primêr het onlangs ’n werkswinkel in die Goodnowsaal op Wellington bygewoon as deel van ’n navorsingsprojek oor ouerbetrokkenheid in WERKSWINKEL. Leerders en ouers van Bergrivier en Blouvlei Primêre Skole die landelike multi- sit koppe bymekaar tydens die werkswinkel. graadskole onder die vaandel van die Sentrum vir Multi- rende strategieë ontwikkel vir ’n skoolgraad-onderrig by CPUT. ouervennootskapprogram wat by hierdie Die doel van die werkswinkel was om twee landelike multi-graadskole geïmplete fokus op die belang van effektiewe ouer- menteer gaan word. betrokkenheid, die belangrikheid van ge’n Samewerkingskomitee is op die been leenthede vir kommunikasie en die be- gebring, wat sal dien as skakel tussen die nutting van familie- en gemeenskaps- ouers, skool en gemeenskap om leerders hulpbronne vir die bevordering van leer. te help om ten volle te ontwikkel. Dit is Die prinsipale, ouers en onderwysers die eerste vennootskapsprogram vir lanhet deur hul aktiewe deelname innove- delike multi-graad skole in Suid-Afrika. SENIORS. Senior citizens from Mbekweni and surrounding areas recently came together on an awareness day for the elderly to listen to various speakers offering information and guidance on matters like the rights of senior citizens. The event was organised by Action on Elder Abuse SA (AEASA) in conjunction with Age-in-Action (formerly the Council for the Aged). Senior citizens who are experiencing abuse can phone the toll free Halt Elder Abuse Line (Heal) 24 hours a day on 0900 00 3081. Pic: Frans le Roux
Lifestyle Leefstyl
15 Junie 2012
Skenk aan behoeftiges dié winter SKENK. Met die koue winterweer hier, is die nood vir warm klere, komberse en kos nog groter in die Drakenstein. Verskeie organisasies het reeds projekte waarmee hulle behoeftiges help. Deur skenkinkgs aan hulle te maak, kan jy ’n verskil in iemand anders se omstandighede maak. ACVV Paarl (Zeederbergstraat 6, 021 872 2738), ACVV Paarlvallei (Langstraat 14, 021 871 1515), ACVV Noorder-Paarl (Gimnasiumstraat 5, 021 872 3487), Badisa Paarl (VGK Zionskerk, 021 862 4606), Monte Christo Miqlat Ministries (Hoofstraat 73, 021 863 4454) en Valcare (Louiestraat 2, 021 872 2365. Foto: Liezl Davids
Oudisies vir dramawerkswinkel OP 25 Junie bied Theadrome Production en Hein Poole oudisies aan vir diegene wat deel wil wees van hul dramawerkswinkel tydens die skoolvakansie. Die oudisies is vir persone tussen die ouderdom van 14 tot 21 jaar oud en sal gehou word by die IOTT-saal in Wellington vanaf 10:00 tot 13:00. Die werkswinkel sal dan ná die vakansie afsluit met ’n toneelstuk. Vir meer inligting, skakel Leandi by 082 778 2224.
Fireside chats QUEEN of thrillers, Margie Orford, will be the guest author at Grande Roche Hotel’s Culinary Innovations – a series of unique wine and food events - on 23 June at 19:00. Tickets cost R365 (food and wine included) and can be booked at 021 863 5100.
Wenk van die week ’n Oormaat kunsmatige lig snags onderdruk die vervaardiging van die slaaphormoon melatonien en kan die risiko van sekere kankersoorte verhoog, veral bors- en moontlik prostaatklierkanker. Nagskofwerk (en jol tot laatnag) moet liefs tot twee aande per week beperk word. Maak dit ’n gewoonte om agt uur lank in natuurlike donker te slaap en saam met die son op te staan. * Sms jou wenk na 32365 vir slegs R1,50 per sms en ons mag dit dalk met jou naam as ons wenk van die week plaas.
15 Junie 2012
Adver tensie
Adver tensie
BRIDGING CASH while waiting for PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out PROPERTY
Smarti Parti We cater for all your kiddies’ party needs! You call us to arrange everything or just hire all your kiddies’ party essentials! Also jumping castles, slippery slides, gazebos.
Mary Zwaan 083 261 1360 Carl Zwaan 083 598 3366 maryzwaan@yahoo.com or 021 862 1443
LOAN PROVIDERS We provide: • Quick cash loans From R200 - R8 000 • Friendly service with a smile @ 387 Main St, Paarl Opposite Novel Ford 021-872-2114 / 021-871-1812
Your financial heartbeat
1ml SAND, klip, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) in klein areas afgelewer, sowel as bourommel en vullis verwydering. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810. GARAGE Sale @ 10 Berman Street, De Zoete Inval. Saturday, 16 June from 09:00.
PAARL PETS & HENGEL vir hengel- & troeteldierprodukte
INK • INK • INK Ink and laser cartridge refilling + new and reconditioned cartridges at affordable prices. Laser cartridge from R120 Canon Cli with reset chip R40 Quick printer repairs. New express laser delivery 32 MAIN STREET (Behind Oak Tree Lodge opp. KWV) PHONE: 021 863 3951 GERD: 082 774 4098 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00/ Sat 09:00 - 13:00
Jumping Jacks FUN! FUN! FUN! FOR HIRE Slip 'n Slide Jumping Castles Dalmatian Slide at side with pond. Playstation !! For the best party ever CONTACT TANYA
Montego | Rogz Daiwa | Shimano Marltons | Tetra Berkley | Okuma
BESTE KWALITEIT Hoofstraat 397, Paarl Tel: 021 872 6756 | 021 872 9972
DRINGENDE Verkope: Huis te koop in Wellington met groot erf. Baie potensiaal, goed geleë naby skole R450000 (oordrag koste ingesluit). Kontak Cathleen 076 169 3260. PAARL en Wellington: Inkomste tussen R4 500 R20 000 of meer? Finansiering R90 000 R920 000, verskeidenheid munisipale huise. Kontant. Tel: 072 805 3574.
REACH TRUCK DRIVER. Needed in Klein Drakenstein. Fax CV to 021 862 0055.
Be Wise, Advertise
R425 000
Web ref: 264811
2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, sitk, kombuis, motorafdak, omhein.
LISTINGS NEW ORLEANS: R650 000 en R750 000 3 Slaapkamers met dubbelmotorhuis en woonstel. NOORDER-PAARL: R695 000 2 Slpk met ruim sitkamer en aparte kombuis en enkel motorhuis. SPES BONA: R465 000 2 Slpk met aparte sitk en kombuis, badk en gastetoilet. NEWTON: VANAF R419 000 Fynbos Ontwikkeling: 2,3 en 4 slaapkamers
BERENICE 072 423 1455 / 021 872 2223 Seeff_2112_ Gazette | Ads
Your chance to be a winner, don’t delay advertise today!
No one can beat our low rates.
Contact Sharon at 021-870-4600
Phone Sharon at
15 Junie 2012
S c h o o l s S ko l e
15 Junie 2012
WENNERS. Pauw Gedenk Primêr het onlangs ’n lootjiekompetisie van stapel gestuur. Hier voor is die eerste prys wenner Busisipho Mpela (middel), Tiffany Jansen (links) wenner van die tweede prys en regs is die derde prys wenner Hlumelo Tatana. Agter staan die ouers Megan Samuels, Xoliswa Mpelaen Hlumelo Tatana by skoolhoof Julius Williams.
KAMP. Die graad 5-leerders van Noord-Eind Laerskool het onlangs met hul SOS-kamp vir Villiersdorp besoek waar hulle besig gehou was met ’n groot verskeidendheid aktiwiteite. Hier bekyk die leerlinge ’n ystervark.
DANCE. Students of Cathleen’s School of Dance in Klapmuts show off the certificates and cups they won after their first competition at the Joe Slovo Community Centre in Khayelitsha recently. They achieved excellent results bringing home 15 trophies for the day. Their outfits were sponsored by Ballet Box.
Are you trustworthy? How to land a job when you have none IT is the Catch-22 situation that has been frustrating job seekers for ages: positions require experience from applicants, while applicants can’t gain experience without first having had a job. But there are ways to make oneself employable and gain experience without having landed a position in formal employment first, an education expert says. Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of the Inde-
pendent Institute of Education, SA’s leading private education provider which focuses heavily on ensuring the job-readiness of their graduates, says what employers are looking for in many instances is just to be given proof that someone is able to self-manage and that a candidate can be trusted to make a contribution from as early as possible. “The experience requirement is an attempt to ensure new employees are producti-
ve as early as possible. “This makes good sense, and while there are several good reasons to be training new people, it is always helpful to have someone who has done something before,” says Coughlan. “If you are studying and are about to graduate, you need to be looking at all the ways you can fill the experience gap right away.” Coughlan says that students must analyse
the kind of work they intend to do and then look for opportunities to build appropriate experience in that niche. She says the beauty of gaining this kind of ‘involved citizen’ experience while studying, is that everyone wins. “Most people don’t get the opportunity to get a higher education qualification, so as a student you are already part of the privileged few,” notes Coughlan.
Year 2 • Vrydag 15 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600
Paarl hockey teams shine IT was a good weekend for hockey in Paarl. The men’s second team redeemed themselves after their loss against Stellenbosch by beating Durbanville 4–0. Durbanville were simply outplayed by the second team’s attacking fields and with the solid defence at the back. At half-time Paarl led 1–0 and added 3 more goals to their tally, by creating more opportunities. Durbanville managed to take one back, but with solid defence, while the visitors were restricted to one goal. The second team were two goals away from securing a bonus point. Goals were scored by Niel van Kooten (2), Leroux Cloete (1) and Marius Els (1). The men’s first team showed good composure in their game against Durbanville. With solid passing and excellent ball control they beat the visitors 4–0. The first team needed one more goal to secure their bonus point, but could only manage 4 goals, which would have
made a big difference in the M3 log standings with a bigger point difference, since Paarl is the log leader, with Fish Hoek and Somerset West breathing down their neck. Jacque Zaayman on a hat-trick and Ulrich Philander (1) clinched the game for the first team The ladies lost 0-2 against Pinelands B. The visitors were simply the better of the two teams and outplayed the home team with a more solid passing game and ball control. Although both teams created scoring opportunities with 0–0 at half-time, the more experienced visitors capitalised on their opportunities by scoring 2 goals. Next weekend the ladies will lock heads in their local derby against Wellington CPUT at Paarl Gym. The game starts at 14:30. The men’s second team will be visitors to Pinelands and that game starts at 15:30, while the men’s first team will have a bye weekend.
VLIEG. Alvin Farmer, die skrumskakel van Violets, gee ’n duikaangee aan sy losskakel in hul wedstryd teen Blues. Blues het die wedstryd 15-12 gewen. Albei spanne se punte is met strafskoppe aangeteken. Foto: Ernest Kilowan
Pigeons fly
HANDE. Dayne Petersen, losskakel van Vineyards, laat loop die bal na sy senter in hul wedstryd teen Rangers. Vineyards wen die stryd met 25-3..Foto:
AANVAL. Oswald Thomas, Blues agsteman, maak gereed om aan te val.
Ernest Kilowan
Foto: Ernest Kilowan
LOCAL pigeons fared well in the races held last weekend from Laingsburg. At the Wellington racing pigeon club Arendse Lofts got a 1,2,5,6 and 7. H Joseph had a 3rd and 10th position while D Perrins got a fourth an A Moses 8th and 9th position. At Charleston Hill Posduifklub (CHPK) G Cook won places one to four. At Paarl Specialist Pigeon Club C&J Lofts won first place while A Herbert’s pigeons placed second to fifth.
TOURNAMENT. The committee for Ward 22 presented a mini-rugby tournament at New Orleans Primary. The schools that participated were New Orleans, Charleston Hill, Mary Help and Nederburg Primary. In the finals, the u.7 team of New Orleans beat Mary Help 30-20, in the u.8 age group, Charleston Hill beat New Orleans 25-0 and in the u.9 age group, Charleston Hill beat Nederburg 15–5. Here with the players and their parents are Eddie Williams (left) and (centre) Dennis Kearns (Ward 22 committee member for sport and culture), Councillor Lutisia Daries and (far right) Mario Williams and Councillor Aidan Stowman (executive councillor for Sport, Culture, Youth and Student Affairs).
AMPER. Hoër Jongenskool Paarl het die afgelope naweek teen Boland Landbou op die Plaas gespeel. Die eindtelling was 20-10. Hier is Ryno van der Merwe besig om vir die doellyn te strek. Die drie is nie toegeken nie. Hoër Jongenskool speel Saterdag teen Paul Roos op Stellenbosch en Boland Landbou speel teen Gimnasium. Foto: Sieb Sieberhagen
25 Mei 2012
S c h o o l s S ko l e
KOMPETISIE. Klein Nederburg Sekondêr het tydens hul sewestoernooi ’n potjiekoskompetisie gehou. Hier tussen die matrikulante pronk adjunkhoof Fred Uren.
OPE DAG. Matrikulante van Wellington Hoërskool het die ope dag van die Universiteit Wes-Kaapland bygewoon. Van links is Siphokuhle Dokolwana, Sive Yawa, Keletso Sienolo, Thandile JwaQa en Zintle Mbandezi. KLEIN OGIES. As daar een ding is wat die kinders van Bambi Preprimêr op Wellington doen, dan is dit sing - en met oorgawe. Hier sing en wys Thino Joseph, Brayden Abrahams en Aiden Maré lustig saam. Foto: Engela Duvenage
AVONTUUR. Hierdie groep leerlinge van die Laerskool Slot van die Paarl het ’n Junior Landcare-kamp bygewoon wat aangebied word deur Campadventure en die Departement van Landbou. Die kamp is gehou by die Voortrekkerterrein by Wemmershoek.
VISIT. The Val du Charron Peer Helpers (education students from CPUT) visited Voor Groenberg Primary, where they organised a treasure hunt, handed out lucky packets and read stories.
Adver tensie
25 Mei 2012
Geklassifiseerd Paarl Post 021 870 4600
AFFORDABLE LOANS: Monthly earners only. Up to R15 000 + cell phones. Call/sms 082 437 8679/ 078 851 9923.
BRIDGING CASH while waiting for PENSION/ PACKAGE Payout (lump sum only) Same day pay out PROPERTY
Smarti Parti
LOAN PROVIDERS We provide: • Quick cash loans From R200 - R8 000 • Friendly service with a smile
INK • INK • INK Ink and laser cartridge refilling + new and reconditioned cartridges at affordable prices. Laser cartridge from R120 Canon Cli with reset chip R40 Quick printer repairs. New express laser delivery
@ 387 Main St, Paarl Opposite Novel Ford 021-872-2114 / 021-871-1812
32 MAIN STREET (Behind Oak Tree Lodge opp. KWV) PHONE: 021 863 3951 GERD: 082 774 4098
Your financial heartbeat
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00/ Sat 09:00 - 13:00
No one can beat our low rates. Phone Sharon at
Jumping Jacks FUN! FUN! FUN! FOR HIRE Slip 'n Slide Jumping Castles Dalmatian Slide at side with pond. Playstation !! For the best party ever CONTACT TANYA 082-480-6872
Be Wise, 021-870-4600 Advertise
We cater for all your kiddies’ party needs! You call us to arrange everything or just hire all your kiddies’ party essentials! Also jumping castles, slippery slides, gazebos.
Mary Zwaan 083 261 1360 Carl Zwaan 083 598 3366 maryzwaan@yahoo.com or 021 862 1443
1ml SAND, klip, kompos & bogrond (topsoil) in klein areas afgelewer, sowel as bourommel en vullisverwy dering. Skakel Neels 021 872 9397 of 083 412 8810.
PAARL PETS & HENGEL vir hengel- & troeteldierprodukte Montego | Rogz Daiwa | Shimano Marltons | Tetra Berkley | Okuma
BESTE KWALITEIT Hoofstraat 397, Paarl Tel: 021 872 6756 | 021 872 9972
Wednesday 10:00
www.olx.co.za | www.paarlpost.com
25 Mei 2012
Spor t News Spor tnuus WINNERS. Recently the Delta Trust Golf Day was held at the Paarl Golf Club. The day was held to help raise money for the trust’s projects that include helping children in the Franschhoek Valley through sports, studies and music. From left are Coby Williams, Jason West, Dean Frost and Wian Nieuwoudt.
BOLAND. Leerders van Paarl Primêre Seunskool, Anderson Lombard (links), Handré Coetzee en Igno Ferreira, is opgeneem in die Boland o.13-hokkiestreekspan wat vanaf 9 tot 11 Augustus in Port Elizabeth aan die interprovinsiale toernooi gaan deelneem.
WEN NET-NET. Herman Bailey, stut van Vineyards, bars deur die verdediging in verlede Saterdag se wedstryd teen Albions. Vineyards het die wedstryd in die doodsnikke met 22-19 gewen nadat Dayen Petersen, losskakel van Vineyards, ’n 50 m strafskop oorgeskop het.
Year 2 • Vrydag 25 Mei 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600
TRIALS. Marcelo Ross in the men’s senior division goes through his paces in the Kata at the Karate Boland trials which was held at the Boland Cricket Stadium recently. The Boland squad will be announced shortly. Foto: Achmat Patel
KRY PAK BY BURE. Klein Nederburg se o.19A-rugbyspelers staan bont om die gate toe te stop met Nico van Zyl (flank) van Hugenote Hoërskool op die aanval in verlede week se wedstryd tussen dié twee buurskole. Die Wellingtonners het met 38-3 gewen. Die ander Hugenote-spelers is van links Larnelle Maralack (agsteman), Billy Viljoen (stut), Nelis van Schalkwyk (flank) en Gideon Koegelenberg (slot). Foto: Ernest Kilowan
Junior championship will heat up the Western Cape HEATING up the winter landscape, twelve nations will descend on Cape Town with the hottest, young talent in international rugby from the 4th to the 22nd of June. The goal is to organise this into the best ever tournament as the 2012 IRB Junior World Championship immerses itself in Stellenbosch and Bellville. Regarded as a sneak preview of the 2015 Rugby World Cup, the South African Rugby Union (SARU) recognises the importance of the Under-20 World Champs, not only for South Africa as the host nation and the Baby Boks as the seeds of our country’s future success, but indeed as the very foundation for
senior international rugby. The International Rugby Board (IRB) rates the tournament as its second most important championship after the World Cup and SARU is pulling out all the stops to ensure the event is a giant success. Collaborating with Brand inc creative group, SARU is creating quite a buzz around the host city of Cape Town, determined to excite the general public, youth and student markets and get them to the games. Five days of hair-raising rugby will be played out at two world-class venues in South Africa’s rugby hotbed – the University of Stellenbosch and the University of the Western
Cape (UWC). IRB Junior World Championship 2012 Ambassador, Ashwin Willemse, is a shining example of the transformative potential of sport. Involved in various PR events in the build-up to the championship, Willemse said, “I am looking forward to playing my part, to convince all Capetonians to get behind the tournament. The event will showcase the future stars of rugby, right here in their own backyard.” Kicking off on Monday June 4, it’s five days of the finest rugby with three gripping games per day at each stadium. Day one sees defending champions New
Zealand against Samoa at the Danie Craven Stadium in Stellenbosch, followed by Wales versus Fiji, and finally, our Baby Boks charging against Ireland. That same day, 2010 runners-up Australia battle Scotland at the UWC Stadium in Bellville, before last year’s finalists England take on Italy, and finally, France squares off with Argentina. Truly, this is a championship not to be missed. Witness first-hand the “Rise of Champions” and get an entire day of action with the promise of all three games for only R50 for the grand stand or R25 for unreserved seats at Computicket or at the gate.