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Year 5 • Friday 17 April 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365
In the Paarl Post ) Fury over painted Murray ) One year after police murder ) Driest summer in years and yet no rain ) De Kraal to be developed
Veiligheidsplan vir Paarl-Oos 2 Brain awareness
3 Young Peoples val vas
Paartjie kry troue onder die sterre
Op Donderdag 9 April kon Mickey van Staden en Willem Olivier die knoop deurhak in styl. Dié paartjie wat vir byna 20jaar haweloos is, was verras met ’n pragtige troue nadat hulle sowat drie weke gelede vir Ralph Cupido, eienaar van The Hunting Pot, vertel het dat hulle wil trou. “Mickey en Willem slaap op my winkel se stoep en hulle het vir my vertel dat hulle by Binnelandse sake gaan trou. Ek het gevoel dat hulle ten minste met pitkos gelaat moet word op hul troudag en ek het vir pastoor Gerald Abrahams gevra of hy hulle sal trou,” het Cupido vertel. Cupido het vir die paartjie gesê dat hy R1 000 nodig sal hê om vir hulle ’n troue te kan gee. Min het hy en die paartjie geweet dat hulle soveel ondersteuning van die gemeenskap sal kry. Talking Heads het Mickey se hare en grimering gedoen en sy kon haar ook aantrek in dié salon. Flowers by Lee het die blomme geskenk, Paarl-Oos Super-
spar het kaaskoeke en kolwyntjies geskenk, Karah’s het die klere teen afslagprys verhuur, Benjamin’s Busdienste het koek en koeldrank gegee, Magda se Sopkombuis het bestanddele vir die voorgereg geskenk, Willy’s & Gallico het ’n mat voorsien en Gershwin Balie het die geleentheid op kamera vasgevang. “Dit was goed om te sien hoe die gemeenskap saam kom om vir Mickey en Willem ’n mooi troudag te gee.” Die seremonie en onthaal is gehou op die oop stuk land, ook bekend as De Kraal, oorkant Cupido se besigheid. Die tafels was pragtig gedek en gaste kon ’n drie-gang maaltyd geniet en onder die sterre saam met die paartjie feesvier. Die voorgereg was groentesop en vetkoek, die hoofgereg was groente, kerrie en rys, steak, varktjops, hoender, wors, mielies en patat. Die nagereg was kaaskoek, koek en kolwyntjies. Cupido wil ook sy personeel bedank vir hul hulp met die troue.
Mickey van Staden en Willem Olivier het op 9 April getrou. FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS
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News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Jong man verdink van verkragting ’n Ma lei aan skok ná haar 20-jarige seun sy vier-jarige-suster vermoedelik verkrag het. Volgens ’n polisiewoordvoerder, lt. Diana Linee, het die ma van die slagoffer snuf in die neus gekry toe haar dogtertjie begin kla het oor pyn in haar privaatdele. “Die ma het toe die klein slagoffer na die naaste kliniek geneem waar verdere ondersoek getoon het dat iemand wel na bewering haar betas het,” vertel lt. Linee. Verder vertel sy: “Die slagoffer het toe aan haar ma vertel dat haar “boeta” aan haar gevroetel het toe hulle na ’n winkel in Groenheuwel gestap het.” ’n Volledige mediese ondersoek asook maatskaplike assessering word op Donderdag 16 April gedoen, waarna ’n besluit geneem sal word of die verdagte in hegtenis geneem sal word.
Friday 17 April 2015
Veiligheidsplan vir areas in Paarl-Oos Die Departement van Gemeenskapsveiligheid het ’n werksessie geïnisieer om die implementering van die veiligheid en polisiëringsprioriteite in Paarl-Oos te bepaal. Tydens hierdie openbare vergadering is die veiligheid deur die Violence Prevention Through Urban Upgrade (VPTUU) bespreek. Die hoofdoel is om ’n geïntegreerde veiligheidsplan op te stel spesifiek vir Groenheuwelen Chicago-gebiede in Paarl-Oos, waar die misdaad van die hoogste is. Die uitkomste van die vergadering sluit in om die kapasiteit van die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum te ontwikkel om te dien as die implementeringsagent van die veiligheidsplan, met die ondersteuning van die departement gemeenskapsveiligheid in die Wes-Kaap. “Die gebrek aan vertroue van die gemeenskap in die polisie, sigbare polisiëring, dwelmen alkoholmisbruik, gesinsgeweld, veiligheid by skole en in publieke plekke en die behoefte aan ’n geïntegreerde benadering, was van die hoofkwessies wat bespreek is,” vertel Don Sauls van die departement van gemeenskapsveiligheid. Planne om die kwessies aan te spreek sluit in ’n bemarkingstrategie in samewerking met Koinonia en SAPD om meer reserviste en buurtwaglede te werf, die herstel en uitbreiding van die geslotebaantelevisie in Groenheuwel en Chicago. Dit sluit ook in die opstel van ’n kontakpunt (veiligheidskiosk) in die twee sektore, asook die nodige opleiding van 10 vrywilligers by Wolwekloof in Ceres, om te help met jeugprogramme en die bemanning van die kiosk. Die aanstelling van die vrywilligers sal wees
Die departement van gemeenskapsveiligheidsdienste in samewerking met verskeie rolspelers het onlangs ’n veiligheidsplan-vergadering by die Paarl-Oos-polisiekantoor gehou. Hier saam met die rolspelers sit naasregs kol. Mabhuti Stephans (Paarl-Oos-polisiekantoorbevelvoerder) FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES in samewerking met die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit en die GPF. Van die onthullings was dat daar meer beddens by rehabilitasiesentrums beskikbaar is vir dwelmverslaafdes as wat persone vorendag kom vir behandeling, sowel as die onderbenutting van die dienste van die plaaslike maatskaplike werker. Die Wynland Distrik van die departement van onderwys het ’n werksverhouding met die Toevlugsentrum dat 22 beddens elke vyf weke beskikbaar gestel word vir die departement van onderwys. Die departement ontvang egter nie genoeg geskikte kandidate elke vyf weke nie. Kontak vir Alton Koenze by 0233484673 of
stuur ’n e-pos na alton.koenze@westerncape.gov.za. Die werkswinkel is deur verskeie rolspelers bygewoon soos nie-winsgewende regeringsorganisasies; Kiononia, gemeenskapsdiens-leiers, Paarl-Oos-polisiekantoor, departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling, Wes-Kaap onderwysdepartement, nasionale vervolgingsgesag, private veiligheidsmaatskappye, die GPF, buurtwaglede en verskeie plaaslike raadslede. Maatskaplike dienste het hul dienste beskikbaar gemaak by die Paarl-Oos Thusung-sentrum. Kontak Simone Ortell by 021 862 28 41 of 084 300 4078 of stuur ’n epos na simone.ortell@westerncape.gov.za vir nadere navrae.
Verkragting van tienermeisies ondersoek Twee tienermeisies is in afsonderlike voorvalle in die Boland verkrag. ’n Jong meisie (18) is vroeg Saterdagoggend omstreeks 03:30 in Van Wyksvlei, Wellington, deur ’n onbekende man verkrag. Volgens inligting het die meisie in Coodestraat geloop toe die man haar vir ’n sigaret genader het. Toe sy ’n sigaret vir hom wou gee het hy ’n mes uitgehaal en haar gedreig. Hy het haar na die agterkant van die Safmarine-saal (naby die Wellington lesers-biblioteek) geneem, haar op die grond neerge-
Huldeblyk aan
Sampie was vir meer as 18 jaar 'n onlosmaaklike deel van Broadway Hardware. Pligsgetrou, vriendelik, hulpvaardig, innemend en altyd met 'n goeie woord vir almal. Of dit nou kliënte was of mede werknemers, almal het vir Sampie respekteer vir die eienskappe en karaktertrekke soos nounet aan u genoem. Addisioneel hiertoe, was sy grootste gawe die lojaliteit in sy vriendskap en betrokkenheid met sy medemens en uitleef van homself in sy werksomstandighede - kortom gestel - 'n pragtige mens met 'n passie vir die goeie en 'n liefde vir reg en geregtigheid en ook vir sy naaste. Ons sal sy kenmerkende gesegdes van “Kan 'n man dan nie “en “O Kolliehond “altyd koester. Selfs in sy siekte, kon niks hom onderkry nie. Ons sal Sampie onthou vir wat hy was; 'n gesinsman en 'n skitterende werker. Ons dank en waardering gaan aan sy gesin wat hom vir 18 jaar aan ons geleen het. Ons het hom geniet. Dit is ons gebede dat hulle krag en vertroosting sal ontvang in die jare wat voorlê - 'n mens vergeet nie maklik iemand soos Sampie nie!! Namens die Bestuur en al die personeel van Broadway Hardware bid ons dat God se genade sy familie en almal wat na aan hom was, sal omvou en aanvaarding sal gee. Ons is seker dat Sampie in die gees met ons is by hierdie geleentheid - so Sampie, lekker rus ou grote!! Ons is seker jy is 'n beter plek as ons. Ons groet jou tot ons weer sien. X1Q0444D-GZ170415
gooi en haar na bewering herhaaldelik verkrag. Die meisie het glo probeer terugbaklei en gegil, maar dit was tevergeefs. Dit is eers toe ’n taxi verby die saal gery het, dat die verdagte opgespring en weggehardloop het. ’n Klag is by die Wellington-polisie ingedien en word deur die eenheid vir Gesinsgeweld, Kinderbeskerming en Seksuele Misdrywe (GKS) ondersoek. Verlede Woensdag omstreeks 19:30 is ’n 14jarige meisie glo op ’n plaas in die Windmeul-
area verkrag. Die jong slagoffer en twee van haar vriende het saam met die verdagte na ’n drankwinkel gery waar hy vir hulle ’n verskeidenheid drank gekoop het. Op pad terug het hy die meisie se vriende, wat agterop die bakkie gesit het, van die bakkie af gedwing en met die slagoffer na ’n afgeleë deel van die plaas gery. Hier het hy haar beveel om haar klere uit te trek en haar verkrag. Daarna het hy haar uit die bakkie getrek en weggery. ’n Klag is by die Paarl-polisie ingedien en word ook deur GKS ondersoek.
Police investigates culpable homicide The Paarl-East police are investigating a case of culpable homicide after a pedestrian was hit by a vehicle and seriously injured. The 90-year-old driver of the vehicle also sustained serious injuries and died shortly after his arrival in the Paarl-hospital. According to a police spokesperson a witness saw how the driver of the vehicle ran down a pedestri-
an, Jerome Love, in Edwina Street, Smartie Town, on Saturday 11 April at 08:30. “Jerome allegedly crossed the road right in front of the driver. The driver tried to brake, but it was to late and he ploughed into Love,” says police spokesperson lt Diana Linee. Both the victim and driver were taken by ambulance to Paarl Hospi-
tal, but the driver, Tununu Nqongwa, died shortly after his arrival due to his injuries. Love is still recovering in hospital. “Pedestrians are asked to wear bright coloured clothing in the evening and to be at all times on the look out for the traffic. Make sure you first look to the left and right sides before crossing a road,” says Linee.
) Polisie soek ooggetuies: Die Paarl-Oos-polisie is dringend op soek na ooggetuies wat hulle kan help met hul ondersoek na die moord op Kevin April (47) wat op 2 November 2014 in Blue Moonstraat, Smartie Town, vermoor is. Enigiemand met inligting kan vir sers. Ernest November by 021 877 5900 bel. ) Be careful at ATMs: Paarl Police urge residents to be aware of their surroundings when
drawing money at ATMs. Information has been received regarding well-dressed males who interrupt members of the public at ATMs, resulting in their cards being stolen or cloned. ATMs targeted are in the CBD, as well as Paarl Mall. Police ask members of the public to be vigilant and immediately alert security, if they spot suspicious persons around ATMs. ) Beveilig waardevolle items: Die polisie maan inwoners om nie items onbeman buite of in oop areas te laat rondlê waar dit gesteel kan word nie. Koperpype, watermeters, waterpompe, fietse, tuingereedskap en
tuinmeubels is al voorheen as gesteel aangemeld. Selfone wat in restaurante gesteel word, wek ook kommer. ) Theft from motor vehicles: About 40 cases of theft from vehicles have been reported to the Police in the first two weeks of April. In most instances, the small windows were broken to gain entry, while in other instances vehicle doors were opened. Valuables such as laptops, cellphones, cash and jewellery are still being left in vehicles. ) Robbed: On Wednesday 8 April a Mbekweni resident was threatened with a knife and robbed of his cellphone after the suspect gained entry to his house by forcing open a door.
Friday 17 April 2015
News - Nuus
Drakenstein Gazette
Webwerf binnekort deel van Netwerk24 ’n Nuwe era breek op 1 Mei vir die Gazette se webwerf aan, want van dié dag af sal dit deel wees van die nou reeds bekende Netwerk24. Netwerk24, wat in Augustus verlede jaar begin is, is die toonaangewende betaalde platform vir Media24 se Afrikaanse dagblaaie en Sondagkoerante. Die webwerf het vinnig veld gewen en sal nou ook heelwat groter word wanneer dit die inhoud van die groep se Afrikaanse plaaslike koerante reg oor die land insluit. Lesers sal steeds die Gazette se inhoud – ook die Engelse nuus – op een plek vind wanneer hulle www.bolandgazette.co.za intik. Dié adres sal hulle neem na ’n seksie van die Netwerk24-webwerf waar die Gazette se
inhoud netjies bymekaar gepubliseer sal word. Die inhoud sal egter nie agter die betaalmuur lê nie, wat beteken lesers het steeds gratis toegang tot ons aanlyn-inhoud. Lesers kan ook steeds ons gewilde Facebook-blad dophou om op hoogte te bly van gebeure deur die loop van die week. “Die lewering van plaaslike of gebiedsgebonde nuus en inligting speel ’n uiters belangrike rol in vandag se veranderende medialandskap,” sê Esmé Smit, hoofbestuurder van Boland Media van wie die Gazette deel is. “Die inhoud van ons plaaslike publikasies dien as plaaslike waghond in areas waar geen nasionale nuusverskaffer of -diens met dieselfde in-
tensiteit inligting aan verbruikers kan lewer nie. Die uniekheid van plaaslike nuus bly ’n hoeksteen in die bestaande en toekomstige mediamengsel en met die voortdurende ontwikkeling van digitale media moet ons as plaaslike media-uitgewers ons oë op die toekoms hou. “Ons glo die Netwerk24-platform wat Drakenstein Gazette voortaan gaan insluit, sal aan ons lesers ’n wêreldklas-platform bied tesame met ons wêreldklas vars plaaslike nuus.”
Learn more about traumatic brain injuries to regain function. According to the National Insti) Therapy will also look at tute of Occupational Health, stabrain functioning such as concentistics show that South Africa tration and thinking processes has a very high incidence of that are needed for everyday life, brain injuries with 89 000 new work or school. cases of brain injuries reported ) Social workers will look after each year. Of these cases, 50% are the individual’s emotional needs, due to traffic accidents (bicycle, and the doctors and nurses will vehicle or pedestrian); 25% falls look after the medical needs. and 20% due to violence. ) All members of the rehabiliTraumatic brain injury is indiscriminate of age, medical sta- Following a traumatic brain injury, the person tation team will work together to tus, income level or race. Some- may have cognitive problems (thinking prob- help the patient and their families one you know could be affected lems). The use of educational games as part to help him or her achieve their by a brain injury and you your- of the person’s physical rehabilitation pro- goals. For further information regardself could be needed to help some- gramme, may help to improve these problems. ing rehabilitation and support one get through a difficult time in their lives. The causes of traumat- damage to the brain as the scull can- programmes following a head injunot expand and so the brain is ry, you could make use of the followic brain injury ) Traumatic brain injury can be squashed when the volume increas- ing resources: ) Headway is a welfare organisadivided into two broad categories; it es. ) The swelling will also subside tionthatofferssupportprogrammes can either be classified as a penetratover time but permanent damage for both survivors of traumatic ing or non-penetrating injury. brain injuries and their families. Al) Penetrating injuries are when can be caused. The treatment of traumatic brain though there is not a Headway supa sharp object stabs the brain, such port group local to Paarl, there is valas a knife wound or gunshot and injury: ) The focus of treatment will be uable information and fact sheets on usually results in damage to one spestopping the brain from swelling the Headway UK website on cific area of the brain. ) Non-penetrating brain injuries and also possibly operating to re- www.headway.org.uk. ) Summit Rehabilitation situatare cased by a knock to the head for lieve the pressure on the brain or to ed at 6 Skool Street, Northern Paarl. example a car crash or being hit by drain the bleeding. Call them on 081 722 6110. The role of rehabilitation: a blunt object. These kinds of inju) Public Sector patients can con) Once the brain injury victim is ries can result in damage to one specific area or a large area of the brain. stabilised the patient can begin with tact their local clinic, from where they can be referred by their doctor What happens when you have a rehabilitation. ) Physiotherapists, occupational to a rehabilitation centre. traumatic brain injury? Western Cape Rehabilitation Cen) The immediate results of an in- therapists and speech therapists jury to the brain are swelling and can then begin to work together tre is situated at Lentegeur in Mitchwith the patient to optimise each pa- ell’s Plain. They provide specialised bleeding. rehabilitation services and accept ) Given time, the bleeding is ab- tient’s function. ) Therapy will focus on move- appropriate referrals from all levels sorbed by the body or makes scar tisment, speech and communication, of public and private health servisue. ) The swelling can cause more while trying to help the individual ces.
Twee jongmense het slegs met ligte besering daarvan afgekom ná ’n motorongeluk op Sondag (12 April) kort na 15:00 in Klein Drakensteinweg plaasgevind het. Die bestuurder wat die motor bestuur het, het glo beheer oor die voertuig verloor en ’n boom getref, waarna die motor op sy dak te lande gekom het.Albei die insittendes het ligte beserings opgedoen en is na Paarl-hospitaal vervoer vir mediese behandeling.
Teenage cutting concerns Incidents of teenagers causing self harm to themselves with a blade or a knife is a worrying issue. Henning Jacobs, trauma support coordinator at ER24, said cutting is not a new occurrence. Parents need to be aware that children could possibly be cutting themselves. “Teenagers have been cutting themselves with blades or knives for the past 10 years. After working with many teenagers who had a cutting problem I have come across two conclusions. The one conclusion is that there are some teenagers who cut to get attention and be ‘in with the crowd’. These are insecure teenagers who need some attention and acceptance. “The second group however is what could be described as the real cutters. Cutting is an addiction. Some teenagers become addicted to the feeling of cutting and the sensation of pain. When we speak to these teenagers we find they have some form of trauma or depression in their lives,” said Jacobs. This trauma or depression can be a result of a number of issues such as divorce of parents, not being accepted by parents or the death of a loved one for example. Jacobs said these teenagers cut themselves because they cannot deal with the internal pain and heartache they undergo. “These teenagers will tell you that the physical pain they experience from the cutting helps them forget about the internal pain they feel in their hearts. They say it is much easier to deal with physical pain than emotional pain. “These teenagers normally do not get any support from their parents on how to deal with emotional pain.
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There is usually some form of family dysfunction present. You seldom find teenagers that grow up in a healthy and loving home who would cut themselves intentionally,” said Jacobs. Many troubled teens find their identity and acceptance within relationships. But then when there is a breakup teenagers take it so seriously and personally. “This will in turn cause real emotional pain. They then resort to cutting themselves,” said Jacobs. Even the death of their favourite musician or movie star can cause these emotional “cutting” reactions. Jacobs said parents play a vital role in the lives of children. If a parent discovers their child is cutting themselves it is vital they help the child immediately. It is easy to find out if your child cuts his or her self intentionally. Marks will be left behind. If your child is always wearing long sleeves or long pants, even throughout summer, they might be cutting themselves. “If you find out your child is cutting themselves do not burst out in anger. This will make the situation worse. “Reach out with a helping hand and love. The first step is to determine whether your child is cutting due to group and friendship pressure or if they are addicted to cutting. “If they are simply cutting because of group pressure then parents can help the child through support, love and guidance. “However if the child is a cutter or addicted to cutting due to trauma or depression, parents must seek the help of an educational psychologist,” said Jacobs. ER24’s Emergency contact centre can be reached 24 hours a day on 084 124 for any medical emergency.
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General - Algemeen
Drakenstein Gazette
Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN
22 December to 21 January
Today you feel less competitive and ambitious about practical and mundane matters. The world of imagination, fantasy, art, music, or mysticism is very appealing to you now, and if you have talent in any of these areas, this can be a creative and fruitful time for you. However, the negative possibilities for you now are being undisciplined, slack, indefinite, or wasting time and energy.
21 January To 20 February
A sense of failure, self-doubt, or inability to effectively compete and assert your own will may typify this time period. Stifled anger and resentment over the frustrations and obstacles you confront now may further complicate matters. This is not a good time to begin a new venture, ask for a promotion, or try to expand your activities in any way.
20 February to 21 March
Your thinking is rather gloomy and pessimistic at this time. You see the superficiality, the flaws, and the foolishness or impracticality in others' plans. Also, communicating with others is difficult now, and people resist what you are saying. You feel more inhibited and uncommunicative, and you sense that others are not receptive
21 March to 21 April
At this time you are less willing to compromise or to overlook differences for the sake of harmony in your relationships and less willing to sacrifice your own needs and desires. Any tensions which have been simmering in your marriage or other close associations are likely to boil over now. If you are of an argumentative nature, quarrels and confrontations will be more frequent.
21 April to 21 May
his is a time for you to speak out about your thoughts or concerns regarding your work or professional matters. Communication with your superiors or with people in authority who are in a position to consider and act on your ideas comes to the fore now.
21 May to 22 June
Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in you emerges, and you can be excessively willful, domineering, or compulsive about doing what you want to. You battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious power struggle may ensue.
22 June to 23 July
Getting what you really want and moving toward achieving the things which are important to you may involve surrendering something or eliminating something from your life at this time. Perhaps an attitude, a situation, or an attachment that has been impeding you is now released. You feel free to concentrate on the things that are most important to you now.
23 Julie to 24 August
Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.
24 August to 23 September
Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful.
23 September to 23 October
Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.
23 October to 23 November
Positive connections are made with others, and you may meet a new friend. You may also want to call or write someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them. This is a good time to phone friends or family, write personal letters, or record any thoughts or feelings that you have. Emotions and personal biases are apt to cloud your objectivity.
23 November to 22 December
Financial excesses and spending money you don't have on pleasure or luxury are indicated. Over-eating or partying to excess can also lead to trouble. You may actually get ill from too much rich food, sweets, or alcohol, so exercise caution. Beware, too, of anyone or anything which is presented to you now which looks too good to be true - no doubt it is. X1PX880R-GZ170415
Do you want to be the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur? Drakenstein Gazette wantstofind out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether they be placemats, handbags or fancy cakes or cookies. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a free promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.
Friday 17 April 2015
Joanne Arendse (middel) is die eerste gelukkige wenner van ’n kosmandjie by Neil’s Classic Funerals se gelukkige trekking. Die trekking is oor die lug by Radio KC gedoen. Daar wag nog vele verassings vir kliënte om die onderneming se 5-jarige bestaan te vier. By Joanne is eienaars van Neils Classic Funerals, Neil en Marie-Ann Marquard.
You the entrepreneur: Good habits for Entrepreneurs DAVID MALHERBE
Some people believe that you are born an entrepreneur, or not. I believe though that many people who never thought of themselves as entrepreneurs, once they started a business, eventually say that they cannot imagine themselves ever again to work for someone else. Some say that entrepreneurs have certain traits or characteristics and that if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. I would rather say that most people can learn the necessary skills and good habits that will enable them to become good entrepreneurs. Steven Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Powerful lessons in personal change) discusses seven habits that can help you become more successful. One of the habits that he emphasises is to
AUNT DORA............
ete Bo Beoreerrearta ASMA:
botteltjie Hoffmansdruppels • 1 Botteltjie borsdruppels, 1 saam en drink 1 teelepel een en skoon heuning. Meng alles keer per dag of ek - steek dit vas teen ‘n • Campher Blokkie in flennie-do ing van die bors open die met frokkie - dit help Of spiritus van kanfer, 100 ml • Neem twee 25 ml botteltjies ien. Meng saam en drink gliser lewertraan en 100 ml 3 maal per dag
Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate
“Put first things first.” He says to be able to accomplish this, we should occupy ourselves with those things that are important but not yet urgent. But often we as business owners tend to procrastinate on doing those important tasks because they are not yet urgent. Yet when they become urgent, you are in a frenzy because all of a sudden you have so much to do that you don’t know which way to turn. Brian Walsh of Entrepreneur.co.za gives some advice on how to keep out of the urgent zone by overcoming procrastination. He says that we should see those important tasks that we do not like and tend to postpone, as a live frog that we have to eat each day. His advice is to eat the live frog first. After that anything else you need to do the
rest of the day will seem much easier because the worst is done. He says that this habit will make you much more productive as well as more successful. This will also keep those important tasks from moving to where they become urgent. One of the other habits that Covey emphasizes is to “be proactive”, which basically means to attend to things before they become problematic. To eat the live frogs first as Walsh recommends, you will certainly be proactive and it will help you to avoid crisis management. * David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his website www.jedidiah.org.za or on 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”
Free ABET training offered Epilepsy South Africa Western Cape Branch is currentlysourcingcandidateswhowishtocomplete their Grade 7 and Grade 9 qualifications. The organisation received an opportunity to provide free Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) training to 100 people. The training will take place twice a week for ninety minutes per day. The training is available in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa. The applicant must be able to read and write. On applica-
tion, the applicant must also bring a certified copy of their identity document. Please note that transport costs will not be provided by the organisation and the applicant must therefore be able to travel to the training at their own expense. All candidates who wish to make an application can contact Zanab Baker on 021 703 9420 or sendanemailtosocdev5.wc@epilepsy.org.zaby 24 April.
Tickle your tastebuds
PEACH COBBLER Ingredients: • 60 gr softened butter • ½ cup brown sugar • 2 eggs • 1 cup flour • 2 teaspoons baking powder • a pinch of salt • a pinch of nutmeg • a pinch of cinnamon
• ¼ cup of milk • 2 large peaches, peeled and segmented • a Tablespoon of sugar with a pinch of cinnamon to sprinkle • 1 tin sweetened condensed milk • 3 tablespoons water • 10 ml vanilla essence
Method: First off, cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and mix until incorporated. Sift the flour and baking powder, add the salt and spices and add the milk as you mix it all through. Transfer the batter to an oven safe dish of about 20 x 30 cm. Add the segmented peaches to the batter, push a few pieces into the batter. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake in the oven, at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. In the meantime, combine the condensed milk, water and vanilla and heat in the microwave until runny. As the cobbler comes out the oven, prick the baked batter and pour the hot syrup over the baked goodness. Serve with whipped cream or homemade custard. Serves 8-10. X1PX87PD-GZ170415
MONDAY 20/04
FRIDAY 17/04
SUNDAY 19/05
SUNDAY 19/05
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Drakenstein Gazette
Friday 17 April 2015
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Monumente en terreine gevier Saterdag 18 April word Internasionale Dag van Monumente en Terreine regoor die wêreld gevier.
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Dié dag word jaarliks wêreldwyd gevier om mense bewus te maak van hul diverse kulturele erfenis, asook die bewaring en beskerming daarvan. By die Afrikaanse Taalmonument (ATM) kan besoekers uitsien na ’n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite. ) Om 11:00 is die opening van die nuwe boekwinkel, Die Boekrak, met goeie tweedehandse boeke, asook 40 uitgesoekte nuwe titels. Melt Myburgh gesels oor die heruitgawe van Boererate, die gewilde gids deur Danie Smuts. Ligte verversings is ingesluit. ’n Beperkte aantal sitplekke is beskikbaar. ) Die eerste fase van die nuwe uitstalling, met die fokus op die bou van die Taalmonument kan ook besigtig word. ) Besoekers kan ook help om 40 plante in die tuin by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument te plant. Jy kan teen R100 ’n boom of plant borg en jou naam en die volksnaam van die plant word daarby aangebring. ) Gratis begeleide toere sal om 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 en 14:00 aangebied word. Toegang is gratis, maar besprekings is noodsaaklik by Amira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of kommunikasie@taalmuseum.co.za. ) Deon Meyer-aanhangers kan die aand om 19:00 ’n spesiale skrywersete en -gesprek, ten bate van die ATM, by Grande Roche Hotel bywoon. Kaartjies kos R495 en moet vooraf bespreek word by 021 863 5100.
1860 1410
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
Blou plakkers vir outisme
AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse.
Die Boland Skool vir Outisme het ’n Blou Plakkers vir Outisme-projek wat gedurende April aan die gang is. Enige besigheid of skool wat graag die bewusmakingsveldtog wil ondersteun, kan blou outisme-plakkers bestel by die skool teen R10 elk en dan self op ’n dag in April besluit waarop almal hul blou klere of plakkers dra om hul ondersteuning vir die Boland Skool vir Outisme te wys. Vir navrae, bel die skool by 021 870 1430.
Troubled Marriages & relationships Financial problems Quick Money & get loan in 24hrs, clear Debts, Good luck in business. Borrow Magicstick & wallet 4 cash Luck Gambling & Casino. Divorce & Court Cases. Unfinished jobs Quick selling / buying of property
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Bederf die spesiale moeder hierdie Moedersdag
Radio KC is opsoek na omroepers, vervaardigers en klankingenieurs.
Jou pla aslike radios tasie het jou vrywilli ge dien s nodig, sluit a an by on 107.7fm die KC w enspa n! Like us on
Stuur jou CV na marketing@radiokc.org.za of gee af by ons kantore @ 107 Bredastraat Paarl vir aandag: Amanda Mostert
Radio KC , keeping you informed,
T: 021 871 1438 www.radiokc.org.za
Kyk uit vir ons pragtige Moedersdag-bladsye propvol geskenk-idees Indien jy jou spesiale diens/produk wil adverteer, bel Cristal by 021 870 4600 en bereik 17 500 huishoudings.
Radio kc107.7fm
Friday 17 April 2015
General - Algemeen
Skoolhoof Johann Bruwer van Laerskool Hugo Rust het onlangs die Bambi-kleuters met heerlike roomys bederf.
As part of Ebenezer Primary’s 60th anniversary celebrations, they recently held a glamorous High Tea function at Boland Park. During the event the crowd was entertained by the dramatic expertise of Celeste Loriston, performing a one woman show, and the comedy antics of 'Louwtjie' Louw. Much fun was had by all.
Drakenstein Gazette
Karel Dampies (agter derde van links), ’n gemeenskapswerker in Drakenstein en die Kaapse Wynland het speelgoed en paaseiers vir die kinders van Thogomalo-tehuis uitgedeel.
Die gr. 5-leerders van Laerskool Hugo Rust het hul naaldwerk-vaardighede gewys en pragtige sokkie-handpoppe gemaak. Hier van links is Emma Eksteen, Lydia Allen, Jana Laubcher en Anel Truter.
The Student Representative Council (RSC) of Boland College Paarl recently reached out to the citizens of the Rusthof Old Age Home. The students spent two hours with the elderly citizens and spent time singing and praying. The students also handed out Easter eggs. It was moving to see young people sacrificing their time in doing something positive for the community and creating the change they would like to see in society. The residents of the home all agreed that this will be a visit that they will never forget.
Familie-kuier by Ebenezer
Laerskool Slot van die Paarl se gr. 4- en 5-leerders het onlangs ’n baie interessante uitstappie na Elsenburg onderneem. Hier streel die leerders ’n kalfie.
Kay’s Community Outreach het met die hulp van skenkings die inwoners van De Kruisplaas bederf met vis en broodrolletjies. Die kinders het ook lekkergoed en paaseiers ontvang. Saam met die kinders is Kay Farrow (agter middel) en René Zealand (agter, tweede van regs).
Ebenezer Primêr hou Saterdag as deel van sy feesjaarvieringe ’n familiedag van 09:00 af by die skool. Daar sal ’n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite vir die kinders wees, soos ’n glybaan, knormotors en meer. Mnr. Cool en mej. Familiedag sal ook gekroon word. Toegang is R10 vir volwassenes en R5 vir kinders. Vir navrae, bel 021 862 0710.
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We also stock clean afval and a range of cold meats. Special prices available for beef forequarters and hind-quarters. Debit and credit cards now accepted. (except Amex and Diners Club)
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Young Peoples het Saterdag teen Hands & Hearts op Faure-stadion gespeel. Hier is die tweede span se Carl Truter goed op dreef. Die tweede span speel gelykop met die telbord op 12 elk. Die o. 20’s wen 41-18, terwyl die 3e span ook die knoop kon deurhaak 17-10. Die eerste span val ongelukkig vas en verloor die stryd 23-19. FOTO: FRANS LE ROUX Some exciting soccer action was seen at the Monte Christo fields on Sunday when Paarl United (blue) played against ST United. Perfect weather helped the players as Paarl just managed to edge past ST with a final score of 3-2. PHOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN
Sportdagboek . Sport diary RUGBY
) Albions se eerste span het Saterdag die plaatfi naal gewen deur vir Young Gardens 2412 te klop by die jaarlikse Blakestoernooi. In die finaal moet Enver Wilschutt uitgesonder word vir sy pragtige lopies. Albions se 2de span het ongelukkig in die plaat finaal vasgeval. Albions oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag op die Dal. Hierdie naweek begin die liga en Albions skop sy ligaverpligtinge af teen sy aartsvyand Paarl Ran gers. Daar word ’n beroep gedoen op al die oudspe lers en ondersteuners om die wedstryd by te woon. ) Young Super Starsrugbyklub het Saterdag teen Mbekweni Black Vultures gespeel en sommer ge maklik gewen met 316. Die tweede span het ook ’n bonuspuntoorwinning behaal (243). Oefenin ge vind Dinsdae en Donderdae plaas. Skakel vir Marko by 073 203 6561 of Jose by 072 384 5779. ) Young Peoples speel Saterdag weg teen Milner ton.
Die bus sal van Fairfoods om 10:00 vertrek en daar na by alle punte oplaai.Wees betyds asb. Niespe lers betaal R30 vir die bus. Oefeninge vind plaas op Dinsdae en Donderdae op Dal Josafat om 18:00. Spelers en afrigters kom berei voor vir die 120 Feesjaar. ) Windmeul United oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00. Bel Abel Mentoor: 083 352 2703. ) Paarl Rangers speel eerskomende Saterdag sy laaste vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Hamediehs op die Vygieskraalrugbyveld. Bus vertrek om 12:30 vanaf Groenheuwelgarage en 13:00 vanaf die bi blioteek. Busgeld beloop R30 vir toeskouers en R20 vir spelers. ) Blues se oefendae het verskuif na Dinsdae en Donderdae op New Orleansveld om 18:30 stipte lik.
) A fire and fynbos awareness day will be held on Sunday at Lievland Wine Estate (R44, Klapmuts). There will be lots of fun for the whole family with helicopter and firefighting displays, kiddies activi
WELLINGTON TAKKE Hoofweg 84, Wellington Tel: 021 864 3007
Kortstraat 4, Wellington Tel: 021 873 5837
Frozen Kekkel en Kraai Necks
ties, fire truck rides, tree climbing, exhibitions and lots more. The event takes place from 08:00 until 16:00. There will also be a 14 km trail run at 08:00 and a 5 km fun run at 08:15. The cost for the 14 km trail run is R160 and the 5 km fun walk is R80. Regis ter at www.quicket.co.za or on the day from 06:30
) Paarl soccer club: weekend results – 1st team: Paarl S.C. 3 vs Let’s Play 1. Goalscorers: J. Bekoang (2), Hygon Swiegelaar. Fixtures u. 13: Sat 18 April 09:00, Paarl S.C. vs Downtown Stars u. 15: Sat 18 April 09:50, Paarl S.C. vs Downtown Stars 1st team: Sat 18 April, 15:00, Boy Louw A: Victoria United vs Paarl S.C. * Paarl Soccer Club preseason training every Tues day and Thursday. Juniors from 17:0019:00 and seniors from 19:0021:00 on Boy Louw sports grounds. All former and prospective members to call coach
John on 078 882 4071 or chairperson LG Matthee on 072 239 2181, www.paarlsoccerclub.co.za.
) Karate Boland kies nuwe bestuur. Patrick Ross (president), Dean Sias (visepresident), Monica Sias (sekretaris), Chabre Simons (hulpse kretaris), Errin Willemse (kassier), Graham Scholtz (hoofskeidsregter), Chris Ensil (direkteur van afrig ting). Karate Boland is ’n affiliaat van United World kara teRSA en bied ’n kinders, kadet en vrouetoernooi aan op 9 Mei te Scottsdenesportsentrum. Die kor respondensie sal aan alle style gestuur word.
) Young Peopleskrieketklub, hou twee vergade rings hierdie maand, eerste die Prelim op Donder dag 16 April om 19:30, en daarna die Algemene Jaarvergadering op Vrydag 24 April om 18:30 in die klubhuis. Lede word versoek om by altwee vergaderings teen woordig te wees.
Spesiale aanbiedinge hierdie week
Kom loer gerus in, terwyl voorraad hou!
Frozen Cater Thighs
Vars Hoender Braaipakke
/kg X1Q007P5-GZ170415
During the recent school holidays more than 400 children from Mbekweni took part in a holiday programme hosted at the sport centre. Activities such as netball, soccer, volleyball and handball were taught by various volunteers from the community. Here some boys show off their soccer skills at the indoor arena PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX