Drakenstein Gazette 29 Junie 2012

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Year 2 • Vrydag 29 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Distribution area THE Drakenstein Gazette is published every Friday in Paarl and Wellington. A total of 21 000 copies are distributed in Central Paarl, Paarl South, Paarl North, Huguenot, Denneburg, Paarl East, Mbekweni (businesses only), Wellington, Van Wyk’s Vlei and Newton.

Studente skitter

Vakansiepret Holiday 3 vir kinders 2 tournament


Padvaardig SKOENE VIR VOETJIES. Leerders van LK Zeeman Laerskool in Paarl-Oos spog hier met die nuwe skoene wat hulle onlangs ontvang het as ’n skenking van ’n plaaslike gemeente. Hierdie jongspan sal dalk volgende jaar nie meer in dié skool wees nie, aangesien LK Zeeman een van verskeie kleiner skole is wat volgens die Onderwysdepartement aan die einde van die jaar moet sluit weens die afname in leerdergetalle. Die skool onderhandel tans met die Departement en die finale besluit sal eers later vanjaar geneem word. Foto: Ernest Kilowan




E n t e r t a i n m e n t ­ Ve r m a a k



29 Junie 2012

Vakansiepret vir die kleintjies by die teater OP Saterdag om 10:30 en 12:00 is Gouelokkies en die Drie Bere te sien by die Baxter-teater in Kaapstad. Gouelokkies kom op ’n huis in die woud af wat behoort aan drie bere en raak aan die slaap op een van hul bedjies. Kom kyk hoe die drie bere reageer toe hulle Gouelokkies in hul huis ontdek. Kaartjies is R40 en kan bespreek word by Computicket (by Shoprite of Checkers). ) Saterdag om 10:00 is die karakters van die kinderreeks, Tjiff en Tjaff, te sien by die Ou Meul-teater. Die liewe groen outjies is mal oor speletjies en verrassings, waarvan WIE SLAAP OP MY BED? Gouelokkies en die Drie Bere is Saterdaar ’n paar is tydens die vertoning. dag 30 Junie om 10:30 en 12:00 te sien by die Baxter-teater Kom kuier saam met Tjiff en Tjaff in Kaapstad. en hulle maatjie Mimi. Bring ook die kamera saam vir jou eie foto saam met re. In hierdie musiek- en dansproduksie hulle. maak die gehoor kennis met boesemvriende ) Op Woensdag 4 Julie om 10:00 kuier Pop- Poppie, die koei, en Bongo, die hond. pie en Bongo weer by die Ou Meul. Kaartjies vir beide produksies by die Ou Die produksie fokus op die vriendskap tus- Meul-teater is R45 en kan bespreek word by sen Poppie en Bongo en hulle maltrap avontu- 083 564 0056 of Vicky@oumeulteater.co.za.

Comedy with Carl Weber THE next headlining act at the second instalment of John Koopman’s LOL Comedy Night is Carl Weber. You can catch the one and only Carl on Saturday 30 June at 19:00 at the Old Mill Theatre in Paarl. Tickets at R50 per person can be booked with John Koopman on 072 891 0460 or e-mail john.drummerboy@ yahoo.com



29 Junie 2012

News ­ Nuus

Studente skitter

leiding wat studente by ons ontvang.” Albertus Buckle, stadsraadslid, sê sy wyk is een ALTESAAM vyftig studente het op die jongste diplo- van ’n paar wat gereeld finansieel tot die voortbemaplegtigheid van die Wamakersvallei-opleiding- staan van die sentrum bydra. sentrum sertifikate in onder meer Kookkuns, Tuis“Wamakersvallei-opleidingsentrum verrig leversorging en Kindersorg ontvang. wensnoodsaaklike werk in ons gemeenskap. In hierVolgens die bestuur van die sentrum het Wama- die dae van werkloosheid en lae inkomstevlakke kersvallei-opleidingsentrum oor die afgelope paar moet inisiatiewe soos hierdie deur die hele gemeenmaande weer sterk begin groei. Dit word toegeskryf skap gekoester word. aan die feit dat studente feitlik deur die bank onmid“Studente betaal wel vir die kursusse wat hulle dellik na afloop van hul kursusse in vaste betrek- volg, maar die bedrae wat betaal word, word so laag kings aangestel kon word. as moontlik gehou deurdat die sentrum die koste van “Baie van ons studente is werkloos wanneer hulle die onderrig subsidieer.” vir ’n kursus by die sentrum kom inskryf,” sê Surette Voornemende studente kan vanaf 16 Julie vir die Moggee, hoof van die sentrum. volgende reeks kursusse inskryf (Kookkuns, Kinder“Die kursusse wat hier aangebied word, berei stu- sorg en Tuisversorging). Die nuwe klasse begin ampdente deeglik voor vir ’n verskeidenheid van beroe- telik op 23 Julie. pe. Die prestasies van oud-studente in die beroepsleDie kursus in Kookkuns berei studente veral voor we is ’n positiewe getuigskrif vir die gehalte van op- vir beroepe in die gasvryheidsbedryf, die Kindersorgkursusse berei hulle voor vir beroepe by kleuterskole en in Tuisversorging word studente opgelei om veral bejaardes tuis na behore te versorg. Dit word hoofsaaklik toegeskryf aan die feit dat daar landwyd oor die afgelope bykans 20 jaar geen nuwe bejaardesorgsentrums opgerig is nie PRESTEER. Susna du Toit (regs), raadslid van die Wamakersvallei-opleidingsentrum, saam met die studente en daar ’n toenewat as die toppresteerders in die verskillende afdelings aangewys is dié kwartaal. Van links verskyn Schalk mende behoefte onvan Niekerk, toppresteerder in Tuisversorging, Elizabeth Vaughn, toppresteerder in Kookkuns, Annalien der bejaardes bede Villiers, topstudent in Kindersorg, en Shahida Solomons (Kindersorg), hierdie kwartaal se topstudent. staan om tuis verDie beste student vir 2012 sal aan die einde van die jaar aangewys word. Foto: Johan Nel sorg te word. JOHAN NEL







Lifestyle ­ Leefstyl



29 Junie 2012

Your beautiful winter boots could put you at risk of a car accident WHETHER it’s an ankle boot, biker boot, knee-high riding boot, combat-style laceup or the must-have wedge - your boots could impair your driving capability. Based on studies done overseas, 1st for Women Insurance Brokers advises ladies that wearing restrictive, obstructive or improper footwear could cause them to have an accident. “Wearing tight or high-fitting boots that restrict leg movement or boots with thick soles or high heels can affect your driving ability. Without complete freedom of movement, your reaction time to brake or accelerate could be slowed. “Similarly, obstructive soles and heels could result in you stepping on the accelerator and brake at the same time, or push the wrong pedal entirely. Essentially, your ability to maintain control of your vehicle is compromised,” says Robyn Farrell from 1st for Women. According to Farrell, one of the largest car insurance companies in the United Kingdom conducted a survey

of 1 200 women which showed that about 15% had lost control of their cars due to wearing boots with thick soles. They also warned against heavilypadded jackets, which could hamper movement while driving, as well as hand gloves, which could cause a driver to lose traction on the steering wheel. “We conducted a mini-survey to gauge how South African women feel about driving in boots and high heels and the majority thinks it’s a breeze. “One woman did admit to losing control of her car due to her inappropriate footwear and some said that they usually swop their fashionable footwear for flats when driving,” says Farrell. It’s not only boots with thick soles that female drivers need to be wary of. Farrell says that you shouldn’t drive wearing your winter boots if: ) The soles are more than seven centimeters thick. ) The soles are too wide that you risk applying pressure to more than one pedal at once. ) They do not have sufficient grip on the soles and slip easily off the pedals. ) They restrict the movement of your ankles and the muscles in your legs because they are either too high or tight-fitting. ) They have high heels which hamper your ability to move between or apply pressure to pedals. Farrell concludes: “We all love our winter boots, but be honest with yourself, if they hamper your ability to operate and control your car properly, don’t wear them when you drive. “Instead, keep a pair of less bulky shoes in your car for when you’re driving and simply swap them for your boots when you arrive at your destination.”

Youth service THE Paarl Anglican Archdeaconry Praise and Worship Youth Service will take place on 1 July at Old St Stephen’s Anglican Church, 528 Main Street, Paarl at 17:00.



29 Junie 2012

Pe o p l e ­ M e n s e SEMINAR. Paarl Gymnasium High recently hosted a North-South Friendship Seminar which was presented by Norway. At the conference were delegates from Lumumba High (Zanzibar), Cape College, False Bay College, West Coast College, Robinvale High, Crawford College, Pretoria Technical School and Paarl Gymnasium. The theme of the seminar was tolerance and Inclusivity with guest speakers like Seth Mazebuko who inspired everyone with his theme “change begins with me”. Pic: Devidean Moses YOUTH DAY. A large number of young people attended a Youth Day Tournament at Mbekweni Community Sports Centre. Among the subjects addressed by Constable Lungi Mqakelane (foreground) were the effects of drugs and how drugs fuel crime activities. YOUTH. Paarl Community Corrections held a Youth Day project at Bergkroon Christian Centre, Wellington. Partners in rehabilitation from the Andrew Murray Centre, Wellington, took part in the day’s activities, which included team building. Pieter de Beer from the Andrew Murray Centre, Wellington, invited the youth to journey with them. The support program run by the centre includes development and training, to enable participants to be self-employed.

Koopkrag-skok DIE Drakenstein Munisipaliteit se kragtariewe verhoog van 1 Julie met sowat 13,9%. Die afslagtarief vir koopkrag-gebruikers is uitgefaseer en ’n basistarief van sowat R4 per dag word nou gehef op koopkrag. Sien Paarl Post vir meer besonderhede.

Reward for lost keys


A PAARLITE is offering a reward for the keys she lost at Paarl Mall on Saturday 9 June. On the bunch of keys is a thin black Daimler-Chrysler remo-


te and a grey key for a Neon. Then there are three other small keys plus a double-sided key for a security gate. Phone 083 458 3919 or 083 251 2177.




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29 Junie 2012



S c h o o l s ­ S ko l e

29 Junie 2012

ONTBYT. Die baie aktiewe Weltevrede Oudstudentebond het onlangs ’n ontbyt vir Weltevrede se matrieks en hul ouers gereël. Saam met die leerders is ’n trotse ouma, Thelma Marthinus (naaslinks) saam met haar drie kleinkinders, Brent Marthinus (hoofseun), Mari-Lee Marthinus en Joey Valentine. Almal is matrikulante by Weltevrede. Foto: Christine SIebrits

TOURTREK. Die Paarlklub se 600 kg gemengde toutrekspan het tydens die WP en Boland ligakompetisie wat by die Botha Kelder in die Breërivier-omgewing aangebied is, met die derde plek weggestap. Die span, hier in aksie, het bestaan uit Gerdus van Rhyn, Sonica Nel, Ronel Augustein, Anrika Verwey, Stefan Venter, Eljo van den Berg, Quinton van den Berg en Gert Thiart. Hulle aanvoerder is Katte Verwey. Ander Paarl-uitslae is: 700 kg mans derde, 480 kg dames tweede, 520 kg dames o.23 derde, 500 kg Dames tweede en 600 kg jeug tweede.

BRAVE. Tylon Matthee (left) and Wilon Riffel of William Lloyd Primary were among the learners who attended the third annual Cape Winelands Environmental Expo and Youth Conference which was hosted by the District Municipality’s Regional Development and Planning Services at Nelson’s Creek. Here the brave stars pose with a snake. PIc: Ernest Kilowan




VEILIG. Die ABC Dagsorg op Klapmuts het onlangs besoek ontvang van die brandweermanne wat vir die kleintjies meer oor die gevare van vuurhoutjies en vlamme geleer het. Hier maak hulle beurte om die brandslang vas te hou.

Free fun at July winter school THE Prestige Academy in Bellville will be hosting their annual Winter School from 11 to 13 July. This event attracts many Grade 12 learners from across the country. The aim of the Winter School is to give the learners a taste of what it is like to study at this institution. Lecturers will give brief presentations on the variety

of courses offered, but there will also be time for fun. They are registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training and offer qualifications in the Arts, Design and IT Faculty, Business Faculty, and Health and Ecology Faculty respectively. For more information on this free event in Bellville, contact 021 949 5036.


Year 2 • Vrydag 29 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Clinics for schoolgirl netball SCORES of schoolgirls from schools in and around Cape Town will benefit from the World University Netball Championships (WUNC) Legacy programme next month when the competing teams conduct coaching clinics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) on Sunday 1 July. Primary school players will attend the coaching clinics from 09:00 to 11:00 in the morning and the high schools from 11:00 to 13:00. The participating schools were nominated by the Western Province Schools Netball Union as being particularly worthy of extra attention. The WUNC mascot, Pukki, will distribute T-shirts and snack packs to all those attending the coaching clinics. “The Legacy programme is a very important part of the WUNC,” said tournament direc-

tor Helene Botha. “Players at that level are very focussed on high performance, and coaching players at grass roots level reminds them of why they love to play the game,” she said. “They are reminded of their passion for netball, and the clinics give them the opportunity to give something back to the game.” Botha said much of the Legacy programme would be devoted to skills training, with emphasis on defence and attack. She said meeting players who have reached a high level of performance would inspire the youngsters attending the clinics. The organisers are encouraging as many schools and clubs in and around Cape Town to come to watch the tournament, and ticket prices have been kept low. Adults pay R20 and children younger than 12 pay R10. The tournament will be played at the Good Hope Centre from 2-7 July.

HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT. Several teams took part in a holiday friendship tournament in Paarl on Monday on the Boy Louw fields. Here u.13 players of the Mighty Stellies (Stellenbosch), left, and the Galacticos Club (Paarl) battle for the ball. The Stellenbosch team won this game 3-0. Local team Spoilers came out tops of the tournament. Pic: Sieb Sieberhagen

Duiwe vlieg van Laingsburg Die uitslae van Wellington Resiesduifklub se wedvlugte van 23 Junie (Laingsburg) is soos volg: 1 and 9 H Joseph, 2 Jasper & Kobus 3, 6 and 10 Arendse Lofts 4 A Moses 5 D Perrins, 7 I Laubscher en 8 G Ockhuis. Charleston Hill Posduifklub se Laings-

burg-wedvluguitslae vir 23 Junie, is: 1 en 2 J Sass en 3 en 4 R September. Wellington-duiweklub se uitslae is: 1 en 4 Danie van der Westhuizen 2 en 3 Wiggens de Vries 5 H Lochner 6,11 en 12 Chris du Toit 7 Retief Joubert en 8 Jasper Kobus.

Amateur boxing in Kuils River AMATEUR boxers across the country will be geared up and ready for the 2012 South African National Boxing Organisation (SANABO) Elite Boxing Championships, to take place at the Western Cape Sports School in Nooiensfontein, Kuils River in Cape Town. This championship will run from 4 July to 7 July from 12:00 to 19:00. SANABO, in conjunction with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the City of Cape Town will host this year’s event. The championship has already produced many boxers who competed in major boxing events in Africa and Europe. The outcome of this year’s tournament will again see a national team being selected to participate in major events, and these boxers will indeed have their sights on future international games such as the 2014 Commonwealth and 2016 Olympics finals.

BEMEESTER TEGNIEKE. Noor Rhode, afrigter van die SA Vrouekrieketspan, het onlangs by Bolandpark op uitnodiging van die Mbekweni-krieketklub gehelp met afrigting. Dié afrigtingskliniek is aangebied om afrigters, skeidsregters en tellinghouers te werf en touwys te maak. Foto: Ernest Kilowan

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