DrakensteinGazette 20150320

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• Bouers Gereedskap • Elektriese Gereedskap • Tuin Gereedskap • Skoonmaak Masjiene • Sleepwaens • Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service • Draaibank/Milling Werk; TIG/MIG Welding WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST 021 873 2222


Year 5 • Friday 20 March 2015 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365


In the Paarl Post ) Racing claims another victim ) Man charged with murdering daughter ) Cyclist dies after bus tragedy ) All the Epic action

Shopping Centre opens 3 Tips for blood pressure 4 Soccer finals


Karnaval ’n skouspel

St Albans Primêr het onlangs hul 24ste karnaval met onder andere ’n mallemeule op die skoolterrein gehou. Kinders sowel as volwassenes was in verwondering oor die skouspel van die karnaval. FOTO: ROSS DE VRIES/ROSS PHOTOGRAPHY

Tel: 021 872 1617

Fax: 021 872 6558




Valid from Friday 20 March till Sat 21 March 2015. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.

Sweetcorn 2 packets of 4 for


Fuerte' Avos 5 for


Apple 1,5 kg econopack (new season apples) 2 packets for


Mushrooms 250 g 2 packets


Grape Punnets



Open on Human Rights day till 17:00 pm X1PVWWTD-GZ200315


News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette

Man found dead in Van Wyksvlei The Mbekweni Police are investigating a case of murder after the body of a 21year-old man was found in May Avenue, Van Wyksvlei. The man was identified as Wanda Mbambi who resided in September Street, Van Wyksvlei. He was found with a stab wound to the left side of his chest. It is believed that he was stabbed with a sharp object. According to police there are currently no witnesses to the incident. Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect/s involved in this murder, is requested to contact the investigating officer WO Abel Swarts at 021 868 9900 or 076 457 1287.

Friday 20 March 2015

Die Valke in samewerking met die polisie se misdaadintelligensie-eenheid het Dinsdag drie mans in hegtenis geneem vir die besit en handel in dwelms nadat Mandrax- en Ecstasy-tablette met 'n waarde van meer as R5 miljoen in hulle voertuie gevind is. Dié was in deurpanele en kompartemente binne die voertuie weggesteek. Die voertuie is met behulp van die Boland K9 eenheid en forensiese dienste by die Hugenote-tonnel voorgekeer en deursoek. Altesaam 117 000 Mandrax-tablette en 10 000 Ecstasy-tablette is in die voertuie gevind. Die verdagtes het die dwelms van Gauteng na die Wes-Kaap vervoer. FOTO: KAPTEIN PIET SMIT

Bende­groep dreig buurtwag DEVIDEAN MOSES Lede van die buurtwag van Chicago in sektor 2 word na bewering met die dood gedreig deur lede van die CK-bende, glo omdat hulle so hard werk om misdaad in die gebied te bekamp. Volgens Collin Geduld, sub-forum-voorsitter, het hy verlede Vrydag (13 Maart) omstreeks 14:10 vanaf Paarl-Oos-polisie na sy woning in Chicago gestap, toe ’n lid van die bende hom met ’n mes dreig. “Die bendelid het die mes voor my gehou en aan my gesê dat ons die buurtwag in die area moet stop sit. Ek het gevra dat hy die mes moet verwyder. Ek het dit ook aan hom duidelik gemaak dat ons nie sal ophou om misdaad in die gebied te bekamp nie. Hy het my weer gedreig en gesê: “Ons sal maar sien wat gaan gebeur,” vertel Geduld. Geduld het verder gesê dat die gemeenskap keelvol is om deur hierdie bende geïntimideer

Man vermoor sy broer ’n Man (44) van Azaliastraat, Paarl-Oos het gister (19 Maart) in die Paarl-landdroshof verskyn op aanklag van moord nadat hy glo sy broer in ’n stryery met ’n skerp mes doodgesteek het. Die oorledene, Jacquin Pietersen (36), is op pad na die Paarl-hospitaal oorlede. Volgens die Paarl-Oos-polisiewoordvoerder het Cedric Samuels sy broer een keer in die nek met ’n mes gesteek, waarna hy ineengestort het. Die verdagte, Samuels, bly in aanhouding. Teen druktyd is geen hofverskyningsdatum verskaf nie.

te word. Die buurtwag bestaan uit vrywillige inwoners wat misdaad dringend in die gebied wil bekamp. Inwoners word aangemoedig om hande saam met die buurtwag en polisie te neem om misdaad te bekamp. Volgens ao. Akram Hammers, sektor 2-bestuurder, moet die inwoners alle misdaad by die Paarl-Oos-polisie aanmeld en nie die reg in hulle eie hande neem nie. “Alle klagtes moet by die SAPD aangemeld word vir verdere ondersoek,” sê Hammers. Hammers sê dat die polisie dankbaar is vir die lede van die publiek wat hande met hulle asook die buurtwag vat om sodoende die omgewing te beveilig. Die publiek word uitgenooi om Vrydag 20 Maart saam met die buurtwag en polisielede vanaf Orleansvale Primêre Skool deur die omgewing van Chicago te stap in ’n bewusmakingsveldtog teen misdaad. Misdaad kan aangemeld word deur 021 877 5900 te bel.

Ao. Akram Hammers, PaarlOos-polisie se sektor 2-bestuurder, nooi die gemeenskap om op Dinsdag 24 Maart om 19:00 die maandelikse sektor vergadering by Orleansvale Primêre Skool by te woon. “As ons saam staan kan die publiek die polisie se hand help versterk in die stryd teen misdaad,”sê Hammers. Vir nadere vrae, bel hom op 079 894 1411.

The Paarl West Community Policing Forum (CPF) in partnership with the Paarl Police would like to inform the public of crime tendencies as recorded for the week of 9 – 15 March. ) Residential burglaries: In the Lemoenkloof, Groenvlei and Northern Paarl areas, incidents occurred in Victoria and School Street, while in the Central Business District, Denneburg and Klein Parys the following streets were targeted: Dorp, Waterkant, and Carolina. Two people were arrested in connection with the burglaries. Residential burglaries also occurred in the Courtrai, Vrykyk, De Zoete Inval areas in Brug Street, 9th Avenue and Main Road. In the farming areas of Windmeul, R45, Malmesbury and Simondium Road, burglaries were also reported. ) Business burglaries: Occurred in Lady Grey, Zuidmeer, Auret, Meul, Sanddrift Streets and Main Road as well as the farming areas of the R45, Malmesbury, Nieuwedrift and Voorpaardeberg Roads. ) Theft out of/from motor vehicle: Incidents were reported in Lady Grey, New, Castle, Moll, Reitz, Du Toit, Carolina and Cecilia Streets as well as Waterval, Swawelstert, Nieuwedrift and Sonstraal Roads. ) Be Alert: Cable, copper, water pump and electrical cable theft is a concern in the rural areas with numerous cases being reported for the past weekend. Members of the public are hereby urged by the police to report suspicious vehicles in the area. ) Liquor complaints: Members of the public are urged to report any liquor-related complaints formally. These complaints can be directed either to the designated liquor officer at your nearest police station or directly to the Western Cape Liquor Board.

Wanted for questioning Mbekweni Police are urgently looking for information regarding the whereabouts of the following men,who are wanted for questioning in connection with armed and business robberies in Mbekweni. Anyone with information is requested to contact WO Abel Swartz at 021 868 9900 or 076 457 1287.

Radio KC , keeping you informed, on 107.7fm

Drakenstein Sakekamer het 'n potjiekos kompetisie @ Le Bac Estate gehou Vrydag 13 Maart. Verskeie besighede het deelgeneem en die dag was gekenmerk deur gees van positiewe samewerking. Radio KC het weggestap met die 2de plek in die vleispot afdeling! KC dankie aan Jacques Williams en die span vir hulle wenresep! T: 021 871 1438 www.radiokc.org.za

Like us on

Radio kc107.7fm X1PMQF1W-GZ200315

This man is wanted for questioning regarding an armed robbery. He is between the ages of 35 and 40, has a heavy build and a dark complexion. He was last seen wearing a floppy hat and driving a white Mercedes Benz Kompressor.

This man is wanted for questioning regarding a business robbery. He is between the ages of 30 and 35, of medium build and has a light complexion. He was last seen driving in a white and blue Toyota Quantum with shiny rims near the Paarl Abattoir.

This man is wanted for questioning regarding a business robbery. He is aged between 30 and 35, of medium build and light in complexion. He was last seen driving in a white and blue Toyota Quantum with shiny rims near the Paarl Abattoir.

This man is wanted for questioning regarding a business robbery. He is between the ages of 35 and 40 and has a slender build. He was last seen near the Paarl Abattoir, wearing a beige and brown check shirt.

Friday 20 March 2015

News - Nuus

Drakenstein Gazette


Nuwe koop­ervaring vir die Paarl by Ou Rembrandt Paarl-verbruikers moet nou maar hul geldjies spaar, want volgende week maak ’n hele nuwe winkelsentrum in die hartjie van die Paarl oop.

’n Splinternuwe winkelsentrum open volgende week in die Ou Rembrandt-gebou.


Die Ou Rembrandt, op die hoek van Lady Grey- en Bergrivierstrate, was eens die tuiste van die tabakreus, British American Tobacco (BAT). Nadat BAT jare gelede uit die Paarl verhuis het, het die perseel dolleeg gestaan, totdat plaaslike sakeman, Dawie Joubert, die eiendom in 2012 op veiling bekom het. Hy het gou werk gemaak daarvan om planne gereed te kry om die gebou as ’n grooten kleinhandel onderneming – als onder een dak – te vestig.

En nou maak hierdie spoggerige winkelsentrum sy deure op 26 Maart aan die publiek oop as ’n splinternuwe kleinhandel-spilpunt in die Paarl. Ou Rembrandt sal ’n kontemporêre, lewendige een-stop kleinhandelervaring wees. Die sentrum sal aan Paarliete 50 nuwe winkels bring wat selfs vir enige fynproewer tevrede sal stel. Afgesien van Pick n Pay en PEP sal daar verskeie klere-, elektronika-, selfoon-, kos- en ander spesialiteitswinkels wees. Daar sal selfs ’n lugverkoelde kos-arena wees waar besoekers aan die sentrum na sport op ’n grootskerm kan kyk. En daar is nog groot verassings wat in die toekoms voorlê.

Shining Stars show how band empowers the youth LIEZL DAVIDS This year the Shining Stars Show Band has opened its doors to school kids in the Wellington area to help empower the youngsters with different musical skills. According to Devina Janse van Rensburg, the project officially started on 30 January and is operating from 10 Pelikaan Street in Hillcrest, Wellington. “We started out with 20 children coming for lessons on musical instruments and now we have 48 kids. The band is more like an organisation where we are teaching life skills through the medium of music (instruments and singing), art and dance and at the same time we are keeping the youth off the streets.” They facilitate music subjects such as music reflection, ear training, conducting, music theory, concert production and teaching skills. Even though the band is only in existence since January, they have already performed at various events.

Because the children attend the classes straight after school, they also receive help with their homework. “We also facilitate and interpret entrepreneurial skills to prepare our youth for the business world.” Devina said that there are a lot of youngsters who are bored after school and many times they become involved in criminal activities because of this. “With the band, the children have something positive to keep them busy with in the afternoons.” The children are also educated about social and safety skills they can apply in their communities. “There are much more subjects to be facilitated, but because of instrumental shortages we can only apply the lessons theoretically.” To grow even bigger and better, Shining Stars Show Band needs more musical instruments. If anyone can assist them in this regard, contact Devina on 082 220 0145.

These workers are busy cleaning the area at the back of the local graveyard in Paarl. They are part of the Expanded Public Works Programme.



Silver • Diamonds • Kruger Rands • Even Broken Gold Please bring all your unwanted gold and we'll give you cash for gold

BEST PRICES PAID BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE R1 silver coins (1966 - 1969) - if the magnet does not stick the coins are real

TEL/FAKS 021 872 3947

FRIKKIE: 076 411 1700 | CHARLES: 072 478 6070


Shining Stars Show Band in Wellington.


Cash fo South r Afric silver c an per graoins m 2 shilli

ng, 5 shil li tickey, 6 pence, 2 ng, & a half shilling.

4A Verster St, Paarl (around the corner from Pep Home) • www.mrsgold.amawebs.com • charlie930916@gmail.com

Prices from: R120/gram and up for 9ct gold | R240/gram and up for 18ct gold R300/gram and up for 22ct gold | R320/gram and up for 24ct gold X1PVWWL5-GZ200315



Die Paarl-Oos-polisie vra die publiek se hulp met inligting oor hierdie man. Hy kan die polisie help met hul ondersoek na ’n roof op 12 Augustus by Belrex Liquors in Klein Drakensteinweg. Enigiemand met inligting kan vir ao. Cliffie Walters by 021 877 5900 bel.

Marlize van Schalkwyk RE/MAX Country Living W: 021 873 7242 C: 083 379 4060 www.remaxboland.co.za


Paschens P Butchery aschens Butchery A Grade Lamb


per kg

Club Steaks

Choose your house to suit your income: with or without a garage. Prices of houses without garages: 1) Plan A: 2 bedr/1 bathr - R567 500 for 52 sq m; 2) Plan B: 3 bedr/1 bathr - R628 250 for 69 sq m; 3) Plan C: 3 bedr/2bathr - R687 500 for 79 sq m; 4) Plan D: 4 bedr/2 bathr - R717 500 for 89 sq m; 5) Plan E: 4 bedr/2bathr - R870 500 for 120 sq m Single or double garages are available at extra costs. BONDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR MAJOR BANKS – T & C'S APPLY. A choice of finishes are available to choose from, granite tops, and include some built in cupboards.

Visit our website on www.remaxboland.co.za | Ref number: 300379679

Contact agent: Marlize van Schalkwyk 021 873 7242 / 083 379 4060 X1PVWWP9-GZ200315


per kg

Steak Mince


per kg

Stewing Beef


per kg

Beef Patties


per kg

Half or Whole Sheep


per kg

We also stock clean afval and a range of cold meats. Special prices available for beef forequarters and hind-quarters. Debit and credit cards now accepted. (except Amex and Diners Club)

PRICES VALID UNTIL STOCKS LAST Vosmaar Street, Dal Josaphat • Tel: 021 868 1493

E+O.E. X1PVWXRM-GZ200315


General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette

Star Star Signs Signs CAPRICORN

22 December to 21 January

Both friendship and material benefits may well come to you at this time. You feel very sociable and gregarious and seek conviviality, especially with people who really know how to have a good time. Charitable and philanthropic impulses are stronger now, also, and should be followed with positive action on your part.


21 January To 20 February

A nonstop flow of communication between yourself and the people in your immediate environment is likely today. You may engage in interesting and informative discussions or fritter your time away in inconsequential chatter and gossip. Mental curiosity or restlessness may also impel you to take a short trip or visit.


20 February to 21 March

What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel, and want in your relationships. If you are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You also feel amorous and loving and, if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy it.


21 March to 21 April

This is a good time to travel, especially to places you've never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favored; your ability to understand abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is strong now. Anything that broadens your world appeals to you at this time.


21 April to 21 May

A nonstop flow of communication between yourself and the people in your immediate environment is likely today. You may engage in interesting and informative discussions or fritter your time away in inconsequential chatter and gossip. Mental curiosity or restlessness may also impel you to take a short trip or visit.


21 May to 22 June

A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feel mentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on some issue.


22 June to 23 July

Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other.


23 Julie to 24 August

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.


24 August to 23 September

Your choices and decisions may lack prudence, realism, or sound judgment right now. Be wary of overly optimistic plans which are presented to you, signing contracts without doing thorough background work or reading the fine print, or promising something which will be difficult for you to fulfill. Questions of honor, ethics, law, or morality arise in your mind at this time.


23 September to 23 October

Don't just sit and wait for your ship to come in. You may hear about opportunities and possibilities at this time and wonder whether you should take the time to look into them. Don't overlook any opportunity that comes your way now because at this time it is more likely to prove worthwhile that at most other times.


23 October to 23 November

You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel good.


23 November to 22 December

You are in a festive, partying mood and just want to play and share a good time with your friends. Community social events and fellowship are very rewarding now. Also, at this time it is hard for you to say no to food, drink, or extravagances in any form. You are also very generous and tolerant toward others. X1PTP3DD-GZ200315

Friday 20 March 2015

Salt: Too much causes high blood pressure We are bringing up our children to become young sufferers of high blood pressure! This is the finding of the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa who say that at least one in 10 children in South Africa are already diagnosed with high blood pressure. This shocking trend is largely as a result of the unhealthy foods we feed our children. An unhealthy lifestyle, which includes a diet high in salt, is the main cause of high blood pressure. Whilst we expect to see high blood pressure in older adults, the phenomenon in children is now much more common and very worrying, especially as these young children will have a much greater risk of developing severe health problems like heart disease, stroke and kidney failure as young adults. It is estimated that high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In South Africa one out of three individuals over the age of 15 suffers from high blood pressure, with the number of people affected steadily increasing year on year. Although the estimates for salt intake of South African children are unknown, salt intake amongst adults is high, leading many experts to believe that the same is true for children, since children follow the habits of their parents and carers. Foods high in salt

such as crisps, fried chips, kotas or pies are often bought at school tuck shops and vendors. Recent research has shown that one out of three adolescents eat fast foods two to three times a week. Fast foods of course typically contain high levels of salt. A favourite daytime meal amongst Sowetan teenagers is the Kota (‘quarter’), typically comprising of a quarter loaf of white bread, chips, fried eggs, cheese and polony or sausage. A kota alone will provide more salt to a child’s diet than the entire recommendation for the day. Dietary habits in childhood and adolescence also influence eating patterns in later life. Liking salt and salty foods is a learned

taste preference and so it is vital that children do not develop a taste for salt in the first place. Further to this, a high salt intake in children can influence blood pressure and may predispose a child to the development of a number of diseases including: high blood pressure, osteoporosis, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, stomach cancer and obesity. This year for World Salt Awareness Week, the HSF wants to ensure everyone understands the importance of a healthy start for children. As part of the week they want to encourage the food industry to act more responsibly by reducing the amount of salt they add to children’s food and to stop advertising high salt food to children. They are thus calling on all tuck shops, food vendors, restaurants, take aways and food companies to help us save our children’s hearts. Public education is another key element in salt reduction efforts amongst children and parents. In 2014 the Salt Watch campaign was launched to create public awareness regarding the health effects of excess salt intake and to encourage South Africans to reduce their salt intake. As part of the campaign, Salt Watch aims to educate people to choose foods lower in salt and use less salt and salty spices at home. Source: The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa

You the entrepreneur: How to be lucky in business

Do you want to be the next Drakenstein Gazette Entrepreneur? Drakenstein Gazette wants to find out more about entrepreneurs who operate their unique businesses from their homes, making interesting products, whether they be place-mats, handbags or fancy cakes or cookies. In today’s tough economy, starting your own business is the solution. Not only do you create work for yourself, but for others as well. Send us a description of your business, or come and tell us about it. Once a month the Gazette Entrepreneur of the Month will be selected. The winner will receive a free promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette and a free advertisement to boost his or her business. To enter or for more information, call 021 870 4614; email drakenstein@media24.com or visit our office at 1a New Street, Paarl.

DAVID MALHERBE Somehow many people have the desire to be lucky some way or another. That is why many people regularly buy Lotto tickets. “If I can only win the Lotto, then all my problems will be solved.” But that does not seem to be true.

AUNT DORA............



le borrie of • 1 bottel Port wyn, 1 groot bott n, 1 bottel mout. 1 bottel Bovril, 1 bottel Fosforie ruik 1 eetlepel Meng alles goed saam en geb 3 maal per dag OF sper, 3kg suiker, • 3 kg rou beet, gewas en gera . Meng die beet ning heu el bott 1 t, Stou els bott 3 in ‘n erdekom. wat klaar gerasper is met die ie per dag Laat 4 dae trek. Drink 1 kelk

Saamgestel deur: Danie Smuts se Boererate

I recently read in the You magazine about a man who won R100 million in the Lotto, spent it all within two years and now says he wishes that he never won it because it brought him no luck, rather the contrary. According to articles in Entrepreneur.com, it seems that the roll-of-the-dice kind of luck does not exactly work in business, rather the make-your-own kind of luck. Much emphasis is placed on the importance of preparation. People say that luck is when opportunity meets preparation. Adam Toren says we need to be prepared in three ways. First, we need to always be ready for an opportunity when it comes our way by having business cards available, to sell ourselves or our business’ products or services and by always looking our best. Secondly, be prepared to ask for an opportunity to present a business proposal where

you can supply a needed product or service. Don’t be afraid to get a “no.” If you do not ask you already have a “no” without any possibility of a “yes.” Thirdly, always show gratitude. Many opportunities and much “luck” will come your way simply by saying thanks. This, unfortunately, is rare. In Luke 17 we read how Jesus healed 10 lepers, yet only one returned to thank Him. Much goodwill will come your way, simply by living a life of gratitude. On the other hand, Steve Tobak reasons that “luck” often happens where opportunity meets desperation. According to him, we are most open to new ideas when our survival is at stake. Often when people feel hopeless they’ll adopt the “I’ll try anything, I’ve got nothing to lose” mind-set. Necessity is the mother of invention. Many successful businesses were born out of necessity and desperation, yet some people deem the owners “lucky.” Perhaps our “luck” is in our own hands. * David Malherbe is a business and career consultant and lives in Wellington. He can be contacted via his website www.jedidiah.org.za or on 021 873 0262 or on Facebook at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”


Tickle your tastebuds


TANDOORI CHICKEN AND CUCUMBER WRAPS Ingredients: WRAPS: • 1 Cup Bread Flour • 1/2 Tsp Salt • 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder • 15 g Butter • 1/4 Cup Warm Water FILLING: • 1/2 Cup Greek Yoghurt • Squeeze of Lemon Juice

• 400 g Skinless Chicken Thighs, Deboned and Thinly Sliced • 2 Tbs Tandoori Paste • Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper • 1 Small Butter Lettuce, Washed and Torn • 15 g Coriander, Stalks Removed • 1 Cucumber, shaven into Ribbons (using A Vegetable Peeler)

Method: To make the wraps: Place the flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl and mix to combine. Rub in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add warm water and mix to form a soft dough. Knead dough for about 5 minutes and divide into 4 portions. Roll each portion into rounds about 2mm thick. Set aside until needed. To make filling: Place Tandoori paste, yoghurt and lemon juice into a bowl and mix until combined. Season with salt and pepper. Add chicken and allow to marinade for at least 1 hour. Heat a pan with a little oil and fry chicken, together with marinade, for about 10 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from pan and set aside. To assemble: Heat a grill pan until a moderate heat and cook wraps for about 30 seconds on each side. Remove wrap from pan and fill with Tandoori chicken, cucumber shavings, butter lettuce and fresh coriander. Serve warm or cold. X1PTP3KM-GZ200315


MONDAY 23/03





32°C 18°C




25°C 16°C


26°C 16°C





26°C 18°C

FRIDAY 20/03


SUNDAY 22/03



MONDAY 23/03




25°C 12°C

SUNDAY 22/03


27°C 16°C





29°C 11°C


32°C 14°C

26°C 17°C


33°C 11°C



29°C 16°C



29°C 15°C


Friday 20 March 2015

Advertisement - Advertensie

Drakenstein Gazette





Coolwave Air Conditioner 12000BTU


DOORS Aluminium Sliding Door (Natural)

Durum Wall & Ceiling 20 L White

Durum Roofcote 20 L



Mixed Timber Panel Door 8 Panel

Dulux Trade 65 20L White

Selected Colours

Dulux Trade Plaster Primer 20 L

Rockgrip Gloss 5 L White

Rockgrip Plaster Primer 20L

Plascon Wall Seal 20L Pastel

Cedar Hi-Hiding 20 L White







Hardwood Door Frame 90x45 (No Sill)


Hardwood Stable Door (Open Back)


ELECTRICAL Roll-up Garage Door

Readyboard PVC Plus Bulb Head

Downlight + GU10 Bulb

Ceiling Light 300dim.








Rhino Board Ceiling 6.4mm x 1.2m x 3m

Shutterply Board 1.2x2.4mx18mm




P-pan + Elf cistern (excl toilet seat)

Geyser 100 L x 400 KPA








Xtreme Circular Saw 185 mm x 1400 Watt


Laminated Flooring 8 mm selected colour

ROOFING Roof Sheets Corr. 0.3mm (3.9m only)

R79,95 / m²



Natural PT129 1.2MX900MM


Xtreme Impact Drill 550watt

R299 R699

Natural PT1212



Geyser 150 L x 400 KPA





Reinforced Mesch Ref. 100 6m x 2.4m

(10 & more) (Cash & Carry only)


Sink Double Bowl 1.2m

Single Lever Mixers



1.7 Libra Bath + Handles


Alpine Cement 50 kg 42,5N

Glass Bricks 190mm x 190mm (selected patterns)




Wheelbarrow Soft Wheel


Ceiling Light 300dim Alab.glass

Carport Post 64mm x 3m

Wall Tiles From


R59,95 / m² R69,95 / m² Mosaic Tile Available

Xtreme Jigsaw 600watt




/post Per Post

Romatherm 55mm x 1.2m x 10m

R199 From

R19,99 / sheet






Drakenstein Gazette

21 Maart

Dalvale Interkerklike Vroue-gebedsgroep hou ’n dankseggingsdiens ter viering van hul tiende bestaansjaar by die Strauss-saal om 15:00. Bel Barbara Kaaiman by 073 211 8016.

22 Maart

Cape Consort kom lewer om 16:30 ’n Barok-musiekprogram by die Toringkerk met die virtuoso Nederlandse Barokviolis Antoinette Lohmann. Charles Ainslie is die bassolis in werke van Biber, Buxthude, Bruhns en JC Bach. Die Cape Consort sluit in die bekende Suid-Afrikaanse orrelis Erik Dippenaar, en die tjellis Hans Huyssen. Kaartjies is by die deure te koop teen R100 (R50 vir studente/skoliere en pensioenarisse). Klein Nederburg Sekondêr se klas van 1985 hou ’n reünie-kerkdiens om 09:00 by die Nuwe Apostoliese Gemeente in Fieldstraat. Vir navrae, bel Levona April by 084 660 7888.

23 Maart

Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Paarl-tak nooi belangstellendes uit om die plaaslike jaarvergadering om 18:30 by te woon. Die vergadering is by die NG Kerk Paarlberg, Hoofstraat 524, Noorder-Paarl. ’n Nuwe takbestuur sal ook verkies word. Bespreek jou plek by Wena Bartie by 082 480 6905 of 021 872 2851.

27 Maart

New Orleans Sekondêr-oudstudente bied aan ’n piekniekdans by die

skoolsaal vanaf 20:00. Toegang is R50. Kontak Marc Goliath by 084 991 4672 of Kerwin Bowers by 078 684 9321. Die Boeremusiekgilde se Bolandtak hou ’n dans met die orkes van Peter van Niekerk by Noord-Eind Laerskool. Luister Saterdae vanaf 14:00 tot 15:00 Radio KC na die Boeremusiekprogram. Bel 083 346 7083 vir navrae.

28 Maart

Little Mr and Miss Winelands 2015 will be crowned on 28 March at the Paarl Town Hall. Boys and girls aged between 3-14 years can enter before 20 March. Call Marizanne at 072 303 8065 or info@winelandspageants.co.za to enter. Die Saamstaan-opvoering oor die regte van plaaswerkers is te sien by Bergrivier Sekondêre Skool tussen 14:00 en 15:00. Toegang is gratis.

29 Maart

Hoër Jongenskool Paarl, in samewerking met die Sentrum vir Kerkmusiek, Rodgers Internasionaal en ProStudio Musiek, nooi jou na ’n orreluitvoering deur die internasionaal-beroemde orrelis, Hector Olivera. Kaartjies is R50 by Marissa von Mollendorf by marissa@paarlboyshigh.org.za.

31 March

The next meeting of the University of the Third Age (U3A) Paarl will be held at 10:00 at the Paarl Boys’ High clubhouse in Brug Street, when retired businessman Peter Zillman will talk on his memories of his time

Friday 20 March 2015

in Teheran (1997-2003). Guests are welcome (R20). For enquiries, call 021 872 0484 or 072 374 6272. The Tank Art Gallery at Stellenbosch Hills Wines is currently displaying artworks by Ydi Coetsee, who recently finished her Masters in Visual Arts at US. Her exhibition, Selfportret, is running until 31 March. Gallery hours are MondayFriday from 08:00-17:00 and Saturday from 10:00-15:00. Visit www.stellenbosch-hills.co.za.


LOST KEYS: Mitsubishi ASX. Key holder - beaded letter M and gecko. Contact 083 375 6526. MISSING

3 April

Die produksie Die Klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benade deur Frank Opperman is te sien by De Hollandsche Molen om 20:00. Jy kan jou eie piekniekmandjie en drankies neem om vanaf 19:00 te geniet. Kaartjies is R100. Bespreek by Riana by 078 803 6751 of by ACVV Franschhoek by 021 876 2670.


MIA Cash Reward! Last seen on the 10th of March 2015 in Fairview street, Denneburg. Contact Juanita 082 345 4606.



A FINANCIAL FIXER SANGOMA BOBO *Quick Money *Lost lover & settle marriages *Magic Wallet & Magic Ring *Bad luck & evil spirits *Unfinished jobs by other Healers *Clear debts/ divorce cases court *Money luck *Manhood problems *Money in your Account * Luck in gambling & casino/lotto/ powerball Paarl/Malmesbury/Atlantis/ Bellville: 078 986 4993 / 061 087 8744. LENINGS 1445

4 April

Die Ephraim-familie hou ’n saamtrek by CPUT-rugbystadion in Wellington. Verversings sal te koop aangebied word. Eie braai-hout moet verskaf word. Toegang is R5 per persoon asook R5 per voertuig. Vir navrae, bel Biennie by 083 782 1499 of Jeffrey by 078 920 4343.


HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390. HUISVERBETERINGS BINNE 1835

VERMIS: JOEY 'n Jack Russel/Border Collie kruising, het Maandag 9 Maart 2015 weggeraak van sy huis in Hoog en Droog (naby die Grande Roche Hotel), Paarl. Hy is 'n baie lewendige, vriendelike hond. Hy het 'n mikroskyfie in die oor. As iemand hom gewaar of ingeneem het, kontak asb vir Zannie op 082 808 0963 of Emil op 083 377 4934. 'n Beloning word aangebied vir inligting wat lei tot Joey se veilige terugkeer.







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AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.


AANDAG ALLE KLIENTE Voertuie dringend gesoek. Ek koop enige gebruikte voertuie vir kontant. Skakel 083 464 6960. Doen bank aflosse.



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KREDITEURE KLERK Besigheid in Paarl is opsoek na ‘n krediteure klerk, wat ook Kleinkas, Cashups, Skakelbord, Skryfbehoeftes en ad hoc boekhou take kan verrig. Vereistes: 3-5 Jaar ondervinding in soortgelyke pos en ‘n finansiële diploma. Stuur CV, salaris verwagting en beskikbaarheid na paarl.vacancies@ gmail.com

Friday 20 March 2015

General - Algemeen

Drakenstein Gazette


Plan your future with the Student Expo at the Waterfront Taking place in Cape Town on 17 and 18 April at the Waterfront Clock Tower, the Student Expo is the only exhibition in South Africa that focuses on providing current and future students with all of the tools needed to thrive in their future careers. This event includes four exhibitions that will be held across the country, catering to students, schools and parents. After a hugely successful 2014 event, Student Expo now also offers a brand new series of events aimed at inspiring, educating and empowering tomorrow’s leaders. Grade 11 and 12 students from all over the country are invited to attend what is sure to be the best event to date. A major highlight of this year’s event will be

the High Flyers Power Hour. During this time, speakers from various industries across the country and beyond will have a chance to present their products to attending schools and students, in short 10 minute presentations. The line-up for the 2015 Student Expo talks includes the following study areas: • 09:00 Universities. • 09:30 Agricultural, FMCG and hospitality studies. • 10:00 Décor and design, technical and engineering studies. • 10:30 Bookkeeping, secretarial, accountancy, business, law and economics. • 11:00 Health Science, medical, nursing, sport and fitness studies. • 11:30 Plumbing, welding, carpentry and electrical studies.

• 12:00 Computer and project management studies. • 12:30 Management studies; human resources and childcare studies. • 13:30 Teaching, art, fashion and creative studies. • 14:30 Media, journalism, event management and wedding planning. Attending students will have the opportunity to meet influential leaders across a variety of industries, while viewing presentations from universities and companies throughout the country. This exhibition offers an extremely useful platform for high school learners – especially those wanting to explore the numerous paths offered after school. Presenting students with a full spectrum overview of student life, the Student Expo is designed to offer guidance

and direction as well as inspiration on the vast range of opportunities that lie in wait for South Africa’s youth. In addition to potential fields of study, students will also have the chance to learn more about the specifics of student life, from accommodation to finances, transportation, training, social and sporting opportunities. Soft skills such as interview preparation and job hunting will also be covered, further helping to empower school leavers in their career growth. Older students, school leavers and graduates are also invited to attend these life-shaping events, which are open to anyone seeking to expand their horizons and prepare for student life. For general enquiries and information on the Student Expo 2015, visit www.student-expo.com.

Kleuters van Little Stars-kleuterskool het onlangs deelgeneem aan hul jaarlikse kleure-sportdag. Hier staan die wenner, KurtLee Minnaar (Rooihuis) saam met die naaswenners (regs) Raidan Michiel (tweede plek) van Groenhuis en Odwa Mfazwe (derde plek) van Geelhuis.

Die jaarlikse kleuter-atletiek is Vrydag 13 Maart gehou en Pietie se Dagskool het die trofee gewen vir die beste dagsorgsentrum met tussen 40 en 60 kinders.

Apply for Allan Gray fellowship The deadline to apply for the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation Fellowship is looming and closes on 30 April for Grade 12 learners. By applying for the Fellowship, the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation offers applicants that show potential in entrepreneurial talent an opportunity to develop as responsible entrepreneurs. Applicants who pass the initial screening phase of selection are required to write the National Benchmark Test. All applicants who meet the Foundation’s requirements in the application phase will be invited for an interview and



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if successful thereafter invited to attend a selection camp. Candidate Allan Gray Fellows are announced after the selection camps. The Fellowship distinguishes itself from other bursary and scholarship programmes with its holistic and individual investment approach. The Fellowship also offers the opportunity to engage in a personal and entrepreneurial development programme alongside access to university education. Visit www.allangrayorbis.org for more information and application forms.


Rusoord-tehuis vir bejaardes se “Vergeet-my-nietjies”-organisasie het op 10 Maart op ’n uitstappie gegaan na die pragtige tuinrestaurant van Debbie Redelinghuys, “Under the trees” in Noorder-Paarl.

Auto Pro -BODY WORKSIndustrial Park Unit: 1, Eiland St, Paarl, 7646

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Panelbeating spraypainting


MAATSKAPLIKE HULPWERKER Die vereistes is: • Gekwalifiseerde en Geregistreerde Maatskaplike Hulpwerker • Vroulik • Ten minste twee jaar ervaring by NGO/NPO • Fasiliterings vaardighede • Kennis van Mishande Vroue en Kinders sal voordelig wees Werksure sal 08:00 - 16:00 wees Voltyds maar op 3 maande proeftyd Begin datum 13 April 2015 om 14:00 Sluitings datum vir aansoeke 27 Maart 2015

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) Die Boland Kavaliers se laaste vriendskaplike wedstryd vind hierdie naweek plaas teen die WP op Caledon. Die span sal kragte meet hierdie Saterdag 21 Maart. Toegang is gratis. ) Villagers Newton hou op Saterdag 28 Maart ‘n 5 km pretloop vir die hele familie en gemeenskap. Inskrywingsgeld is R10 per volwassene en R5 per kind. Die vertrek­ asook eindpunt is Villagers Newton­veld. Die middag om 16:00 is daar ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd tussen Villagers Newton en Newton­rugbyklub. Verskeie kosstalletjies is beskikbaar deur die dag. Bel die sekretaresse Jenita James by 076 054 0616 vir verdere navrae. Verder hou Villagers ook op Saterdag 4 April ’n Paastoer­ nooi. Alle belangstellende spanne kan ook die sekretaresse by bogenoemde nommer skakel of die voorsitter Jafta by 078 147 3082. Lekker prysgeld op die spel. ) Hillcrest­rugbyklub oefen Maandae, Dinsdae en Woensdae vanaf 19:00 op Pelikaanpark. Vriendskaplike wedstryde geskied as volg: Saterdag 21 Maart teen Riverstones tuis. Saterdag 28 Maart teen Young Peoples weg (Boy Louw­veld). ) Lanquedoc All Stars bied sy Paasfees­rugbytoernooi van 4­6 April aan. Die spanne wat deelneem sluit in Lan­ quedoc All Stars, Dennegeur RVK, La Motte RVK en Paarl United. Wedstryde begin op 4 April om 10:00 by die All Stars­veld en die finaal vind op 6 April om 14:00 plaas. Die toernooi is deel van Lanquedoc All Stars se 10­jarige bestaansvieringe. Toegang is R10 vir voertuie en volwas­ senes en R5 vir kinders. Bel vir Gregory Viljoen met enige navrae by 071 551 7792. ) Windmeul United oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00. Bel Abel Mentoor: 083 352 2703. ) Die Paarl­rugbyklub se jaarlikse finansiële vergadering vind op 31 Maart om 18:00 by die klub plaas. Hul speel vriendskaplike wedstryde op die 28ste Maart teen Ever­ greens­rugbyklub op hulle velde – geleë agter Boland Kel­ ders, Paarl. Die 1ste/2de asook 3de span sal meeding en wedstryde begin om 13:00. ) Blues se vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg: Blues speel op Saterdag 28 Maart teen De Doorns op New Orleans­sportveld en neem ook deel aan die Gar­ dens sewe­aan­’n­kant­toernooi op Donderdag 2 April op Faure­rugbyveld. Blues se oefendae het verskuif na Dinsdae en Donderdae op New Orleans­veld om 19:00 stiptelik. ) Allandale­rugbyklub se voorseisoen­oefeninge is steeds Maandae en Woensdae om 18:30 by Drakenstein Korrektiewe Dienste. Alle nuwe, sowel as oudlede, is wel­ kom. Op 22 Maart speel hul teen Newtons in ‘n wegwedstryd.

Vir enige navrae, bel die klubsekretaresse by 082 737 8952. ) Albions oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag op die Dal. Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is soos volg: 21 Maart teen Hamiltons en 28 Maart teen Abbotsdale. Albions bring op 28 Maart vir Emo Adams Paarl toe by die Strauss­saal. Kaartjies is by die bestuurslede beskikbaar. Vir meer be­ sonderhede, bel die voorsitter Ryan Dirks by 079 183 6048. ) Young Standards se eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd is teen Retreat op 28 Maart in Retreat. Vir verdere besonder­ hede, bel die sekretaris by 082 731 4879. ) Violets RVK (Paarl) se vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Blue Stars (Klapmuts) is gekanselleer. Oefentye is Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae by Pau­ lus Joubert Sekondêre Skool se rugbyveld vanaf 18:30. Bel Stephen Japhta 078 648 9437 of Timothy Dennis 083 461 9770. ) Young Peoples: Die vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg, en alle spelers en voornemende spelers meld vir regi­ strasies by die oefenveld aan. 21 Maart: Busy Bees (Boy Louw A) wedstryde begin 13:30 28 Maart: Hillcrest (Boy Louw A) wedstryde begin 13:30 Toegang: motors en volwassenes R10, kinders R5. ) Riverstones­oefeninge geskied te New Orleans­rugby­ veld Dinsdae tot Donderdae vanaf 18:00. ) Young Gardens RVK se oefendae is Dinsdae en Don­ derdae op Dal Josafat B­veld vanaf 18:30. Die klub is reeds aan die gang en moedig huidige en voornemende spelers aan om by die oefeninge aan te sluit. Spelers wat by die klub wil aansluit moet dit so gou moontlik doen sodat registrasieprosesse afgehandel kan word. Die klub se vriendskaplike wedstryde is as volg: 21 Maart weg teen Evergreens en Vrydag 27 Maart weg teen Kyle­ more. Virenige navrae kan die voorsitter, Mario Williams, gebel word by 082 380 2680 of e­pos mwwilliams@tel­ komsa.net.


) Paarl Hockey Club have started their pre­season train­ ing at Paarl Gim from 18:30 – 19:30 every Monday and Wednesday. For more information, please contact Earl Ontong at 078 137 0803 or email: paarlhockey­ club@gmail.com.


) Die Boland Sportvereniging vir liggaamlik gestremdes op Worcester het die volgende spanne gekies. Die spelers gaan by die Nedbank SA Kampioenskappe in Johannes­ burg op 29 Maart deelneem. By die doelbalspan is Michael Diergaart, Luwie Links en Theo Louis (van die Paarl) ingesluit, terwyl Steward Cupi­ do, ook van die Paarl,as spanbestuurder aangewys is.


) Paarl Soccer Club pre­season training every Tuesday and Thursday. Juniors from 17:00­19:00 and seniors from 19:00­21:00 on Boy Louw sport grounds. All former and prospective members to call Haygon Swiegelaar on 078 788 7239 for junior affairs, Charlon Kerspuy on 083 940 3797 and Coach John on 078 882 4071 for senior affairs, Tyrone Cavernelis on 083 294 8775 for over 35 affairs. Contact the chairperson LG Matthee on 072 239 2181, www.paarlsoccerclub.co.za or on Facebook for all club affairs.

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Die langverwagte finaal van die MCM Community Cup is Sondag beslis. Athletico FC moes kragte meet teen ’n vasberade Victoria United-span op die Monte Christo-velde. Athletico was net te sterk en wen die stryd 2-1. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

Onoorwonne Tiere terug in die top­liga

Young Peoples-krieketklub het Saterdag met ’n vasberade poging seker gemaak dat hy volgende seisoen in die Premier A-kompetisie gaan speel toe hy Van Der Stel op Stellenbosch met ’n bonuspunt gaan pakgee het. Die tuisspan het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. Die Tiere se boulers het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt en Van Der Stel tot 3 lopies per beurt beperk, en hulle is vir 171 uitgeboul. Brendon Gabriels, 2/12, Lorenzo Jacobs, 2/32 en Hubert Ontong, 2/39 was Peoples se uitblinkers. Ook Clint Brockman, 1/10 in 6 beurte en Jade Adams, 10 beurte vir net 29 lopies was puik, terwyl Lee-John Julies sy 10 beurte agtereenvolgens afgestuur en 1/35 ingeoes het. Die Tiere se veldwerk was ook puik en twee kolwers is uitgehardloop. Peoples se beurt het goed begin, en Jacobs en Wade October het teen 8 lopies per beurt afgesit

The annual Drakenstein Correctional Centre night run took place in Paarl recently. Pictured here are the women’s winners. From the left is Jeremy Matheyse (District Commissioner Drakenstein), Mariette Strauss (2nd), Pamela Meyikwa (1st) and Paola Vignani (3rd).

vir hul openingsvennootskap van 68 lopies in net 8 beurte. Die Tiere het egter tussen die 9de en 20ste beurt ’n wind gesluk en 4 paaltjies vir net 30 lopies verloor. Dit het hulle egter nie afgeskrik om die bonuspunt te jaag nie en die invorm October het die Stellenbossers moedeloos getimmer. Hy was ongelukkig om nie sy honderdtal te kry nie, en is op 92 uitgehaal. October het 10 viere in sy beurt geslaan en veral sy dryfhoue was ’n lus om te aanskou. Hy het ’n gewillige kolfvennoot in Riaan Damonse gevind, en die Tiere het die bonuspunt in die 39 ste beurt verseker. Daarmee is die Tiere as Premier B-kampioen gekroon. Die span is steeds onoorwonne ná 13 wedstryde en nou 14 punte voor sy naaste teenstander met net 1 wedstryd oor. * Saterdag speel die Tiere tuis teen Paarl-Oos in sy laaste ligawedstryd. Wedstryd begin om 10:00.

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