Helderberg Gazette 10 Julie 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 10 July 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WALKERS: The subcouncil is investigating the viability of building three pedestrian bridges in the Helderberg, following a meeting on 21 June. One of the proposed bridges would span the N2, linking Chris Nissan Park and Lwandle. Turn to page 3 for the story. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

H’berg needs drug centres NICOLE MCCAIN Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille has announced a new drug abuse awareness campaign – but it remains to be seen whether it will have an impact on the fight against drugs in the Helderberg. The Don’t Start, Be Smart campaign was launched on 26 June, and encourages youths abusing drugs to seek treatment at one of the City’s four rehabilitation clinics. “We envisage that these centres will be on the front line, because the biggest danger for those coming off drugs is falling back into their old habits after treatment,” De Lille said in her announcement. “Aftercare or outpatient care is essential.” However, none of these clinics are in the Helderberg – they’re in Tafelsig, Table View, Delft South and Khayelitsha. Councillor Lungiswa James, the City of

Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for health, says this is because the Helderberg Community Awareness Rehabilitation and Education Services (Cares) Centre provides alcohol and drug treatment in the area. The centre was established in 2011 in a partnership between the City and provincial government. However, it now gets no funding from the City, and relies on funding from the provincial government, says Sarah Fischer, director of Smart, which manages the centre. According to James, “It was agreed upon by all parties from the outset that the City would help in establishing the centre, as well as provide assistance in its first year of operation only”. But some feel the Helderberg needs more help. “There is an absolute need for another rehabilitation clinic in the area,” says Fischer. The Cares centre sees around 500 cases a year, Fischer says, and it provides all its

services free of charge. Shaamiel Davids, director of the Western Cape Therapeutic Community Centre in Strand, says 140 patients were treated at this centre last year. “We are definitely starting to see an increase in enquiries for those who want to access treatment. For the whole of 2011 we had 259 enquiries. This includes telephonic, walk-ins and email enquiries. For this year, we are standing on 192 and expect to overtake the previous year’s number of enquiries. We definitely need more clinics in terms of treatment – but they need to give quality treatment.” The Cares programme, which runs for four months, would cost between R15 000 and R20 000 at a private institution, estimates Fischer. Davids says their treatment programme, which runs for two months, costs around R6 000 – but free treatment is given to people who are not able to afford the fees. The United Nations recently identified

South Africa as one of the largest producers of tik (methamphetamine), and according to David and Fischer, this is the drug most are treated for. “We have seen a drastic increase of younger people who need to access treatment,” says Davids. De Lille also highlighted the effect drugs have on communities. “We should not underestimate the destruction drugs are inflicting in our communities. . . I need not talk of so many young lives destroyed. There is a manmade disaster out there.” The City has a 24-hour crisis line for anyone looking for treatment: call 0800 435 748.







Helderberg Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 10 July 2012

The gift of self­reliance NICOLE MCCAIN

grew rapidly, and after being asked to provide security on local beaches Glen Naidoo from Strand has for a year, the programme spread spent the last 25 years providing across the province and changed its security with a difference. name to the Western Cape Community Task Force Project. With this As well as fighting crime and growth came the idea to be more training neighbourhood watches, than a policing forum. he shows communities how to pro“We’re not crime fighters. We tect and empower themselves. don’t believe in marching and oneNaidoo, who formerly worked for day awareness events, but in susthe police and army, started the tainable projects. Our way of fightStacato Community Upliftment ing crime is to provide the commuProgramme in Strand in the late nity with income,” says Naidoo, ’80s, after he noticed that crime in who hopes to eliminate cases of the area was impacting on the theft where people steal to feed youth. Through the programme a their families. youth centre was established at the The project does it all through Gustrouw community hall, along teaching. Members train around 50 with a music school, to keep youths women at a time with entrepreoff the streets and away from crime. neurship skills, then help them set The community also received up a company that can apply for tentraining in security. ders – for projects such as building Stacato Community Upliftment schools – explains Naidoo. Because these women are often previously disadvantaged, they are more likely to be awarded tenders. They can then contract work out to other community members, and all the profits are divided between the women. The project has indirectly helped around 500 000 people, estimates Naidoo. All the organisation asks in return is that people give back with community service. “South Africa needs The Western Cape Community Task Force Project healing, especially with started as a music school and youth programme. crime, alcohol abuse and

Agter van links is konst. Janine Plaatjies, Marcello Kies, Renaldo Swarts, Sergio Neven, kapt. Kholosa Moshi, Felix Botma, Bradley Williams, Heather Mercuur (gemeenskapsleier), Monica Miles (Gordonsbaai Inwonersvereniging) en konst. Berenice Hendriks. Voor is Novan Maans, Charles Taka, Tempson Murray, sers. John Engelbrecht, Easton Koert, Tyrone Anthony en Isak Conradie. Voor sit Julio Clarke (ACVV Strand). FOTO: VERSKAF

Vakansieprogram vir seuns Glen Naidoo has dedicated the last 25 years to helping communities uplift themselves. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN corruption,” says Naidoo. “We’re trying to be the doctor by giving people alternatives and the necessary skills.” Despite successful projects like this in Mossel Bay and the Southern Cape, Naidoo says the project has little chance of bringing its training home to the Helderberg. “We were born in Strand, but we can’t provide the training because we don’t have the resources to work in the Helderberg.” Naidoo says the project, which is manned solely by volunteers, is in need of funding and manpower. For more information contact the Western Cape Community Task Force Project on 082 748 1471 or at staccato.task.force@gmail.com.

Die ACVV Strand saam met die Gordonsbaai-polisie het eindeJunie ’n vakansieprogram vir tienerseuns aangebied. Tien seuns van die Temperance Town-gemeenskap het aan die program – ’n fokus op misdaadvoorkoming en dwelmbewusmaking – deelgeneem. Die seuns was aangenaam verras toe sers. John Engelbrecht hulle in ’n sektor 2-polisievoertuig na die polisiestasie geneem het waar hy hul meer vertel het van die proses van inhegtenisneming. Die seuns is ook ingelig oor die belangrikheid om doelgerig te wees en drome te hê, asook om nooit’n kriminele rekord te hê nie. Hulle is ook op ’n toer van die polisiestasie geneem wat ’n be-

soek aan die selle ingesluit het. Die gassprekers Julio Clarke en Tyrone Anthony (ACVV) en Monica Miles (Gordonsbaai Inwonersvereniging) het onder meer oor die belangrikheid van die regte lewenskeuses om ’n suksesvolle lewe te lei, gepraat. Die effek van dwelms op individue, hul families en gemeenskappe is ook bespreek. Ter afsluiting van die program het die stasiebevelvoerder, kapt. Kholosa Moshi, met die seuns oor moederliefde gepraat waarna elkeen ’n sertifikaat ontvang het. Die ACVV bedank almal wat ’n bydrae tot die suksesvolle program gelewer het asook die United Church in Gordonsbaai en die inwonersvereniging vir die etes wat hulle verskaf het.

Puppets get the giggles going Ivanka Venster helps the children glue eyes on their puppets – in this case a worm made from an old sock.

Children were kept spellbound at Strand Library on Thursday, when the puppets from Kidz Giggles paid them a visit. Brenda van Greunen put on a puppet show for the children, and went on to teach them how to make their own puppets from socks.

The children are treated to a puppet show by Brenda van Greunen. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

Tuesday 10 July 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Bridging the gap NICOLE MCCAIN From page 1: Pedestrians could be looking at safer road crossings in the future after the viability of three proposed pedestrian bridges has been investigated. A motion was brought before the council on 21 June to request the construction of the three bridges. Ward 100 councillor Johan Middleton proposed on 29 May that a pedestrian bridge be built at Broadlands Park opposite Rusthof Senior Secondary School. Construction of two more bridges along the N2 was also proposed. One, as proposed by Ward 83 councillor Dave Venter, would link Garden Village and Helderzicht; the other, requested by the Ward 86 committee, would link

Chris Nissen Park and Lwandle. The motion was accepted. Officials will now look into the viability of the proposal and report back at the subcouncil meeting in August. “The proposals have been referred to an official in the transport and roads department for the investigation into whether it will be viable and what the costs will be,” says Elrina Versfeld of Subcouncil 8. “If approved, it will depend on the availability of funds.” The N2 at Helderzicht has been the site of a number of pedestrian fatalities and injuries in recent years, especially among pupils of Danie Ackerman Primary and Gordon High schools. Keith Arendse, principal at Danie Ackerman Primary School, reckons that the community asked for a pedestrian bridge to be built over the highway there more than 20 years ago.

WAY TO GO: After several months of roadworks on Onverwacht Road in Lwandle and Strand, the road is now open to traffic. During the roadworks, traffic to Nomzamo, parts of Lwandle, and Broadway Boulevard had to be diverted. . PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Child neglected

Driven to distraction The City of Cape Town is enforcing a new bylaw that cracks down on drivers who can’t keep their hands off their cellphones. Under the new bylaw, which came into effect this month, drivers caught sending SMSes, or speaking on their phones without a hand-free kit, will be fined R500 and have their cellphones confis-

“Dis ’n goeie ding. Mense se aandag word afgetrek wanneer hulle op hul fone praat,” sê Hein Davids van Grabouw. “’n Dag is ’n lang tyd om sonder jou foon te wees; mense kan nie sonder hulle fone leef nie. Ek dink dís ’n bietjie erg.”

The bylaw has the full support of Morris Tebe, who lives in Macassar. “I stand behind it – I think it’s perfect,” he says. “If someone is found talking on their phone while driving, they shouldn’t even get it back!”

cated for 24 hours. The phones will be sealed in an impact resistant box in the presence of the driver, and a receipt will be issued. Drivers will then have to collect their phones at the Gallows Hill Traffic Department in Green Point. Gazette asked readers what they thought of this new bylaw.

Lindie Odendal of Strand says the bylaw is definitely a good idea, because talking on the phone is distracting. However, she feels the City’s resources could be better spent. “They should spend just as much time on stopping drunken drivers or criminals as on confiscating cellphones.”

“Gelukkig bestuur ek nie” sê Chanel Jacobs van Firgrove. “Ek sal nie vir ’n dag sonder my foon kan gaan nie!” Jacobs sê mense sal nou twee keer dink voor hulle hul selfone antwoord. “Ek sou stop as ek ’n oproep moet antwoord. Daar sal minder ongelukke wees met die nuwe wet.”

The new City of Cape Town bylaw will see traffic officers cracking down on drivers who speak on their cellphones while driving.

Marianne Swart of Gordon’s Bay acknowledges that cellphones are dangerous to use while driving. “You often see people driving recklessly because they’re on their phones. You can see their concentration is not there.” She adds that the fine doesn’t seem unreasonable, but says confiscating the phone would be problematic for people who need them for running their businesses.

Somerset West businessman Mahmood Surtie says the bylaw is excellent. “Talking on your cellphone is a very big distraction, and people who do it are endangering other people’s lives.” And he has no sympathy for people who have their phones confiscated. “That’s their problem. Confiscation is the only way people will adhere to the law.”

A Lwandle woman (30) was arrested on charges of child neglect and abandonment on Monday 2 July. The woman’s 11-year-old daughter had gone missing the day before. Family members informed the police of the missing child, whom police later found playing in the street near a friend’s home in Asanda Village. Lwandle police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama says the child went to play with friends on Sunday, and when she returned home her mother was not there and the door was locked. Police are unsure of where the child was before she was found near her friend’s home. Hilda Lourens of the Somerset West Ukukhanya Centre, which supports victims of domestic violence and child abuse, says there has been a general increase in child neglect. She says alcohol, poverty and ignorance play a big role in these cases. “It’s based on ignorance – simply not knowing how to look after children.” The girl and her nine-month-old sibling have been taken from the mother and placed with a family member temporarily. The accused is due to appear in court today.

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General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Warding off the winter chill NICOLE MCCAIN

Die kombuis se dak wat afgewaai is het een van die klaskamers beskadig en ook elektriese kabels afgeruk. FOTO’S NICOLE MCCAIN

Storm en diewe tref kleuterskool NICOLE MCCAIN

Happy Kids Crèche in Broadlands Park, Strand, saw 30 children snuggling into new blankets after the Gordon’s Bay Traffic Department made a welcome donation on Thursday. Each child received a blanket, cushion, snack-pack of fruit, and a backpack with a drawing book and crayons. “I’m so privileged and glad,” says Emerencia Visagie, who runs the crèche. “I started this crèche five years ago, and we don’t receive any sponsorship. I’m very grateful to the traffic department. We can’t afford these things.” Chief Inspector Wesley Schuller says the department picked the crèche because of the high level of poverty in the area. “The crèche was chosen because it was the most needy. They aren’t subsidised.” Schuller says the children take their naps on a mat on the floor, which becomes very cold in winter, so the department gave the children blankets and cushions to help them stay warm. The donation was funded by the traffic officers, along with Syntell, a company that provides cameras to the department for traffic management.

Emerencia Visagie, holding Craig Louis (1), with Chief Inspector Wesley Schuller and Assistant Chief John Nkomo.

Winifred Kelembe is verlede Woensdagoggend begroet deur haar kleuterskool minus ’n dak. Die storm van die vorige nag het die dak van die Lukhanyolwethu Educare-sentrum in Sir Lowry’s Pass afgewaai. Die dak van die kombuis en die kantoor is oor die perseel gewaai en het ’n klaskamer beskadig en die elektriese kabels afgeruk. Toerusting in die kantoor is deur reën beskadig na die dak afgewaai is. Om dinge te vererger is al die kos wat vir die 80 kinders van die kleuterskool bedoel is, daarna deur kwaaddoeners uit die kombuis gesteel. Kelembe vra dringend hulp om die skade te herstel en kosskenkingsvir die kinders in haar sorg sal baie welkom wees. As u op enige manier kan help, bel haar asseblief by 0 073 363 4952.

Winifred Kelembe in die kleuterskool se leë kombuis nadat die kos en al die kruideniersware deur kwaaddoeners gesteel is.

The children at Happy Kids Crèche in Broadlands Park received blankets, cushions, snack packs of fruit, and a backpack sponsored by Syntell, with a drawing book and crayons.

Ugan Thomas (4), Amore Visagie (5) and Elmary Minnaar (4) enjoy their fruit packets, donated by the Gordon’s Bay Traffic Department. PHOTOS: NICOLE MCCAIN

A month of spiritual growth Our Muslim readers are preparing for the holy month of Ramadan. Starting on 21 July, Ramadan marks a monthlong period of abstinence. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, and involves going without food, drink, smoking or sexual relations from sunrise to sunset. This period is regarded as a time of discipline that enables the devout to draw closer to their Creator and to humanity by putting themselves in the shoes of those less fortunate.

Muslims gather to pray as part of Ramadan.

During the holy month of Ramadan, people are expected to read the Qur’an from cover to cover. PHOTO: SHARIEF JAFFER/PHOTO24


Tuesday 10 July 2012

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Meet Fiela’s Child From the creators of awardwinning versions of Romeo and Juliet at Lourensford Wine Estate, People Are Living There and the 100-cast musical Le Moulin Rouge comes the timeless South African story of Fiela’s Child. Fiela found Benjamin on her doorstep when he was three. When he was 11, white men found him and took him away. The magistrate awarded him to a woman named Barta, who claimed he was her Lukas. As he enters adulthood, on a quest to discover his true identity,

the child falls in love with his supposed sister Nina, and learns many truths about life. This play will move you to laugh and cry, and it will warm you with the power of the human spirit to seek out truth and love. The play will run from Friday 13 July to Saturday 21 July at the Playhouse Theatre in Somerset West. Tickets are available through Computicket at R60 and R80. Discounts are offered for groups of 10 or more. For block and school bookings call 0 082 497 4584 or send an email to 2 bronwyn@radis.co.za.

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The cast of Fiela’s Child are(from left) Cheryl Gordon, Kyra Willis, Robbie Gordon, Blaine Coetzee, Easton Cupido, Natalie Langeveld and Mighaela Alexander. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

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Duine word Johan De Beer se laaste rusplek Gedenkdiens Donderdag 12 Julie om 10:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Eros, Windhoek. Die familie nooi almal wat belangstel om die seremo­ nie die volgende dag 14:30 op die duin by te woon en te sien hoe Kilo Victor Zulu verbyvlieg en finaal van sy baas afskeid neem. Johann se as sal uit die vliegtuig oor die rooi duine gestrooi word, waarvoor hy so lief was. Bring asb stoele en ys en kom kuier saam. ( G e e n bl o m m e a s b ) . Bevestig asb by auob@iway.na / +264 63 250 101 / +264 81 258 6770 Die familie het 'n spesiale epos adres geopen met die versoek dat vriende wat foto's het waarop hulle saam met Johann verskyn, d i t n a jdbfotos@afrideca.com.na kan stuur. Esme Kruger de Beer +27 8 3 6 5 4 6 8 8 0 esme14@mweb.co.za

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Tuesday 10 July 2012

General - Algemeen

’n Bederf

Helderberg Gazette


DIE senior-burgers van Macassar is onlangs met ’n heerlike ete in die Macassar-gemeenskapsaal bederf. Subraad 22-voorsitter John Heuvel het die geleentheid georganiseer.

Lesers sê hul sê

Eskom­verhoging onbillik ) Dit is ’n skande dat kragtariewe styg terwyl Eskom reusagtige winste toon, maar steeds word die publiek gemelk. Eskom het nog die vermetelheid om ekstra bonusse vir sy grootkoppe te gee. Selfs met koopkrag kry jy minder eenhede vir die spesifieke bedrag. Die publiek word lelik ingeloop terwyl Eskom se hoës al vetter word. Rynhardt, S-Wes ) Eskom se gedurige verhogings maak mense arm. Niemand kan meer byhou met alles wat styg nie. Eskom se finansies moet ondersoek word. Die kragvoorsiener hef gedurig kragtariewe en kom met moord weg. Ons moenie verbaas wees as die land in algehele donkerte verval nie. Die resessie gaan nóg groter druk op Jan Publiek plaas. Hoekom bly die DA so tjoepstil oor stygende

kragtariewe? Heers daar ’n verskuilde agenda van die DA agter alles? Smit, SomersetWes ) Eskom direkteur, Brian Dames, het lekker aan Zuma se eettafel gesit terwyl mense bitter swaar kry met gereelde kragstygings – ’n absolute skande. Die land word finansieel deur die ANC en sy boetie, Eskom, geruïneer. R.Nel, Strand

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Johanna May, Rea Jaftha, Elizabeth Fisher en Evelyn Meyer.


Skryf leerlinge in vir 2013! Die vinnige groei in leerlinggetalle in die Wes-Kaap, en veral in die Helderberg, bied besondere uitdagings aan die begroting van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD). Die openbare verteenwoordigers van die Demokratiese Alliansie in die Helderberg is daarvan bewus dat baie ouers sukkel om plek vir hul kinders in bestaande skole te vind. Voornemende ouers wat hul kinders in 2013 by nuwe skole wil inskryf, en wat dit nog nie gedoen het nie, moet asseblief so gou as moontlik die skool van hul keuse kontak. Waar moontlik, bou die WKOD nie nuwe skole nie. Die WKOD volg eerder ’n strategie om addisionele klaskamers by bestaande skole op te rig. Addisionele klaskamers word beplan, of is reeds in aanbou, by minstens ses skole in die Helderberg. Die WKOD is ook besig om tydelike skoolgeboue in Nomzamo met permanente strukture te vervang. Die snelle groei in veral Nomzamo/Lwandle noodsaak egter die op-

rigting van verdere skoolgeboue en die beplanning daarvan is ’n deurlopende proses. Hierdie positiewe aksies is die gevolg van verskeie vergaderings op die inisiatief van raadslede Stuart Pringle, Benedicta van Minnen, Johan Middelton en LP Andricus van der Westhuizen. Hierdie vergaderings is onder meer bygewoon deur amptenare van die WKOD en verteenwoordigers van grondeienaars. Die aankoop van grond, die hersonering en voorsiening van die nodige dienste vir nuwe skole, is egter ’n lang proses. Hierdie proses het versnel nadat die Demokratiese Alliansie in 2009 beheer oor die Wes-Kaap se provinsiale regering verkry het. Persone met navrae in hierdie verband kan gerus vir Andricus van der Westhuizen, DA LP by 082 372 3163 skakel of met die subraadvoorsitter, raadslid Stuart Pringle by 082 446 1520 in verbinding tree.

CARL PUNT, Voorsitter: DA Helderberg Kiesafdeling

Find us on the web! Our brand new website, www.bolandgazette.co.za, went live this morning – and we’re waiting for you to join our online community! Starting today, you can view news from your own community online, with news from neighbouring Boland communities, videos and photo galleries the added bonuses. And you’ll be able to comment on articles, vote in our weekly opinion polls and enter the competitions that will be added regularly. So don’t miss out – visit us weekly. Just remember that you’ll have to register as a user to participate. “What excites me the most about our new website is the fact that we now have even more ways to engage with our readers,” says the Gazette group’s editorial publisher, Annelien Dean. “The media are all about communication and connection, and our website just expands on opportunities to hear more from our readers and connect with them in a very relevant way. “I want our readers to please use the website to share news, photos and videos with us. Some of this will be carried into the newspaper, so that we foster communication between our print and online readers. “I am super excited – and I trust our readers will be, too, when they see our website!” Feel free to contact us with your feedback and contributions by clicking on the appropriate links at the end of the article.

If you register as a user on our website and enter our online competition this week, you will stand the chance of winning two nights’ accommodation for two, valued at R4 150, at the Quarters Hotel in Hermanus. The winner and their partner will not only stay over in a popular holiday destination on the Whale Coast, but will also enjoy a complimentary breakfast and cheese platter and wine on arrival – an ideal whale season breakaway. Quarters Hermanus is located on the historic Hermanus Harbour and features nine tastefully decorated, modern suites, each including a separate lounge and kitchenette, and nine rooms with splendid views of the mountain cliffs or the magnificent ocean below. Balconies are guaranteed for every suite, as well as selected standard rooms, while the many modern room amenities ensure an easy stay. A tasteful pool area, conference facilities for up to 45 delegates, Internet and email services and laundry services add to the comfort guests can enjoy. Guests who’d like to treat themselves to something extra can select luxuries such as in-room spa treatments or dining, or even babysitting services on request. Visit www.quarters.co.za, phone 0 028 313 7700 or send a mail to 2 reservations@quartershermanus.co.za.

Anna Solomons, Frans Solomons, Elizabeth Tandy en Pieter Ontong.

Marie de Lange, Lenie de Lange, Fred Beukes en Dawn Raaff.

AECI Pensioenfonds bespreek ’n Vergadering vir alle voormalige lede van die AECI Pensioenfonds word op Donderdag 12 Julie om 19:00 in die saal

by die St Josephs Anglikaanse kerk gehou. Vir navrae bel Cedric Daniels by 021 857 2182.


Year 16 • Dinsdag 10 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Pillar of the champions NICOLE MCCAIN Local boxing promoter Charles Mjikelo reached new heights when he took pride of place on Heroes of South Africa, a television feature on SABC yesterday (Monday).

KARATE CHAMPS: Students of the Strand branch of Okinawan Goju Ryu made a name for themselves at the recent Western Cape Okinawan Goju Ryu Championships. Sensei Fritz Venzske (first dan, black belt division), Michael-John Alexander (junior, blue belt division) and Jean du Plooy (senior, green belt division) did outstandingly well in the iri kumi division (free fighting followed by the kata). The students who took part in the championships were (back row, from left) Tatiana Smith (silver), William Smith Senior (silver), Jean du Plooy (gold), Michael-John Alexander (silver) and Elané Smith (bronze). Second row: Roy Opperman (gold), Salmay Hindle (gold), Sune du Plooy (gold) and Adriaan Louw (gold). Third row: William Smith Junior (gold), Salmaan Fanie (bronze), Sensei Fritz Venzske (assistant instructor, gold) and Lana du Plooy (silver). Front: Tony Todaro (fourth place), Ethan Happie (gold) and Storm King (fourth place). Anyone interested in learning traditional karate may contact head instructor Eugene Alexander on 083 772 6327 or at emacons1@mweb.co.za.

Charles (35), who has been running Amandla Boxing Promotions and its associated club in Lwandle for the last 16 years, was nominated as the most promising boxing promoter by Boxing SA in 2008. Indeed, he’s had several success stories. He trained top-ranking boxer Sandlie Ngwenze, for starters. “I took him from no one, to make him number one,” says Charles with pride. He also trained other names, including Malibongwe Thoba and Lazola Njonono, both top-spot fighters. As a child, Charles began boxing at Fight Forever Boxing Club in Alice in the Eastern Cape. He started at 11 years old, and after several years’

fighting as an amateur he went professional at the age of 23. However, he only fought one match at professional level before tragedy struck – he was involved in a car accident that broke his leg and made it impossible for him to continue his boxing career. This didn’t stop him from staying involved in the sport, though. He began training people, and 16 years ago he took over a boxing club from Wilfred Stefanie in Somerset West. He moved it closer to his home in Nomzamo, and began training children. Charles opened his boxing club to youths in an attempt to keep children off the streets. “I found there was a lot of crime in the community, so I took the kids from school to keep them out of trouble.” It’s this dream, to make his community better, that was highlighted in the television feature about Charles. “I like boxing a lot, and to work with kids,” he says. “I like my township, so I try to fight crime and plough back into the community.”

Local boxing promoter Charles Mjikelo, PHOTO: SUPPLIED




Girlfriends’ Getaway screening on 11 July BOOKINGS NOW OPEN Wed: 20:00


ICE AGE 4: CONTINENTAL DRIFT 3D ˛ ◊ ß Mon-Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:20, 19:30, 21:40 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:20, 19:30


MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED 3D ˛ ◊ ß Daily: 10:00, 12:10, 15:15, 17:30


PROMETHEUS 3D Mon-Sat: 19:50, 22:35 Sun: 19:50

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Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00


FRIENDS WITH KIDS ¸ ◊ ¡ Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:10, 22:40 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:10


LEON SCHUSTER’S MAD BUDDIES Daily: 9:15, 14:15, 20:10

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Fri, Sat: 9:45, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40, 22:45 Sun: 9:45, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40 Mon: 9:45, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40, 22:45 Tue, Thu: 9:45, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 19:40, 22:45 Wed: 9:45, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 22:45 —————————————————————————————————— Mon-Sat: 11:30, 17:00, 22:20 Sun: 11:30, 17:00


WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING ˛ Ç Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:20, 15:15, 17:45, 20:20, 22:50 Sun: 9:45, 12:20, 15:15, 17:45, 20:20



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Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00

EIKESTAD MALL - STELLENBOSCH ROCK OF AGES ¸ ˛ ◊ … Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00


ICE AGE 4: CONTINENTAL DRIFT ˛ ◊ ß Mon-Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:10, 19:30, 21:45 Sun: 12:30, 15:00, 17:10, 19:30



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Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:45, 17:30, 19:50, 22:00 Sun: 11:30, 14:45, 17:30, 19:50


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Fri: 12:15, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:30 Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:30 Sun: 12:15, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15 Mon-Thu: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:30


MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED ˛ Ç ß Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 14:15, 17:00, 19:40, 22:00 Sun: 12:00, 14:15, 17:00, 19:40



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Mon-Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00



RISING STAR: Browin Manus was selected to play for the DHL WP u.13 XV rugby team that took on the Nashua XV tournament for u.13s in Sasolburg from 2 to 5 July. Before this, he took part in a tournament in Riversdale, where the WP B-team claimed victory over Boland and lost to SWD A-team.

SAKKE GEBORG: Waterstone apteek in Somerset-Wes het vanjaar die Boland-hokkiespanne se sakke geborg. Heelwat van die spelers in hierdie spanne kom uit skole in die Helderberg. Die meisies het hul provinsiale toernooi in Stellenbosch gehad en die seuns in Kaapstad.

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