Helderberg gazette 21 04 2015

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Read in this week’s DistrictMail ) Historic Paardevlei buildings sold ) Safe haven for crime victims in Strand ) WP club rugby results and predictions

Tiener skitter op loopplank


Slithering friend caught

3 Hanging with heavyweights 12

Pro penguin

Participants in the fifth annual Penguin Promises Waddle for a Week marched through Gordon’s Bay last Friday. Temperance Town Primary School pupils were on the beachfront to welcome the walkers in song. After the welcome, 47 Gypsies provided the walkers with drinks sponsored by Bos iced tea. The waddle started in Gansbaai and made its way to Simon’s Town. The walkers raise much needed awareness on the endangered African penguin. PHOTO: TAMSYN JANTJIES


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Van skoolbanke na die loopplanke TAMSYN JANTJIES

’n Somerset-Wes meisie sal die Helderberg in die semi-finaal van hierdie jaar se Miss Teen Commonwealth SA-kompetisie verteenwoordig. Agttien-jarige Michelle Marais het aan die einde van verlede maand haar aansoekvorm vir die kompetisie ingedien. Sy het onlangs verneem dat sy ’n top-50 finalis is. Met haar besoek aan die Helderberg Gazette se kantoor, vertel die Hoërskool Parel Vallei leerder dat sy nie die kompetisie as ’n skoonheidskompetisie sien nie. “Die kompetisie word wel as ’n skoonheidskompetisie geklassifiseer, maar ek sien dit as ’n geleentheid waar ek mense in my omgewing kan aanraak en inspireer om hul innerlike skoonheid te omhels,” verduidelik sy. As deel van die kompetisie die semi-finaliste geld insamel vir ’n liefdadigheidsorganisasie; Michelle het Patch as haar begunstigde gekies. “Ek het besluit om Patch te ondersteun, want ek het ’n passie vir kinders. Ek glo dat almal geregtig is op ’n regverdige kans om in ’n gelukkige en opbouende huis groot te word,” sê Michelle. Sy beplan ook om rooi strikkies by haar

hannesburg volgende skool te verkoop as deel van maand, sê Michelle: “Al haar Red my lips-veldtog. word ek nie volgende Die nederige jong dame maand as een van die finais tans ’n graad 12-leerder liste gekies nie, weet ek dat en dien ook as onderhoofdit God se plan is vir my. meisie van haar skool. As ek deurdring en dalk Haar sprankelende perwen, sal ek tog so bly wees. soonlikheid word verder Ek wil graag ’n rolmodel vir deur energie en vertroue ’n ander jong mense wees en hupstoot gegee. Sy beskryf hul inspireer om by liefdahaarself as ’n “adrenaliendigheid betrokke te raak.” junkie” wat graag tyd in die “Ek sien uit na hierdie buitelewe deurbring. “Ek avontuur wat ek saam met en my gesin is mal oor die die ander deelnemers aannatuur; naweke doen ons pak.” gereeld bergstap- roetes. Die wenner van die Miss Ek is mal daaroor om in die Teen Commonwealth SAsee te swem,” vertel Mikompetisie, wat in Septemchelle. Sy is ook ’n kranige net- Michelle Marais (18) in aksie op die net- ber aangekondig word, sal balspeler, atleet en landlo- balbaan. FOTO: ELSHA MARAIS in November aan die internasionale kompetisie in per, terwyl sy ook akadeLonden deelneem. mies uitblink. As jy Michelle se projek vir Patch wil onderBo en behalwe haar passie en liefde vir liefdadigheid en die natuur, is sy ook op ’n geson- steun, kan jy haar by 082 875 3372 of chelde leefstyl gestel. “Ek wil graag BSc Sportwe- las.marais@gmail.com kontak. Om haar in die kompetisie te ondersteun, tenskap of BSc Dieetkunde na skool swot,” stuur ’n SMS met haar naam (“Michelle Mavertel sy. Oor die kompetisie se uitklopronde in Jo- rais”) na 35554. SMSe kos R3.

Organisasie benodig tweedehandse boeke ACVV Bright Lights, ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat dienste lewer aan straat- en hoë-risiko kinders in die Helderberg, is op soek na boeke vir ’n boekverkoping ter geldinsameling. Die organisasie het ’n uitnodiging ontvang om in Julie aan So-

merset Mall se boekverkope deel te neem. Donasies van tweedehandse boeke kan by ACVV Bright Lights in Edgarstraat, Somerset-Wes afgelaai word. Reëlings vir die afhaal van boeke kan ook op 021 851 2414 gemaak word.

Raising funds for pets in need Animal Welfare Society (AWS) Helderberg will host a fundraiser on Sunday 26 April. The event will take place at the organisation’s Mansfield Crescent premises in Gordon’s Bay from 09:00 to 14:00.

Boerewors rolls, cupcakes, cold drinks, books and many other goods will be on sale. For further information on the event or the organisation, contact Clare on 083 697 4759 or clarebez@gmail.com.

Michelle Marais neem volgende maand aan die Miss Teen Commonwealth SA-kompetisie se semi-finaal deel. FOTO: MYBOOKER.CO.ZA

LEER BY BLOMMEKUNS GURU: Lorraine Rose, president van die Weskaapse vereniging van blommerangskikkers, sal Dinsdag 28 April die gaskunstenaar by die Helderberg-blommeklub se vergadering wees. Die vergadering begin om 19:00 by die Somerset-Wes biblioteeksaal. Volgens klubvoorsitter, Jannie du Toit, kan die mooiste ontwerp breek indien dit nie reg aanmekaar gesit is nie. Rose sal ’n demonstrasie doen en wenke bied om moeilike ontwerpe aanmekaar te sit. Klublede sal ook “herfs” vir die blomme-kompetisie uitbeeld. Toegang is R20 vir besoekers, en jaarlikse lidmaatskap is R80. Vir navrae bel Du Toit by 072 473 2420.

Fire victims seek goods The Helderberg Stroke Support (HSS) is appealing to the community for help for one of its members. The Macassar resident’s family was left destitute after their home burnt down a few weeks ago. Donations of adult clothing, including women’s clothes (size 38) and size 6 shoes, men’s clothing (size XL) and size 10 shoes, as well as clothing for a 15 year old (size 30) and size 8 shoes and 13 year old teenage girl (size 32/34) and size 6 shoes. If you are able to assist, phone Loma Coleman at the HSS office in Somerset West on 021 852 8233 from 09:00 to 14:00 or 079 612 8903 from 14:00 to 17:00. Donations can be dropped off at the St James Building, 8 St James Street in Somerset West.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette


Lesers moet waarde heg aan hul vryheid

Suid-Afrikaners vier op Maandag 27 April Vryheidsdag. Helderberg Gazette het gaan uitvind wat hierdie dag vir van ons lesers beteken.

ELOUISE TRICHAARDT says Freedom Day allows South Africans to no longer be racially aware of others and ourselves. “There is freedom to do what we want and to be ourselves.”

TOP HONOURS FOR LOCAL ECD: After only two years in the field, Cotlands have been named the first runner-up at this year’s National Development (NDA) Early Childhood Development (ECD) Awards. Children registered in the programme receive a four-hour high-impact programme twice a week. Each session includes two meals, while some children receive health and psychosocial intervention. Here are all the teachers from the three Macassar facilities with some of the children who attend the ECD in Ray Street, Macassar. PHOTO: TAMSYN JANTJIES

NATALIE SIMONS meen Vryheidsdag se betekenis is die afsien van rasbeperkinge. “Ons is wel onlangs met negatiewe dinge getref, maar ons moet die beste maak daarvan.”

DEBORAH MEIRING glo dit is ’n groot dag vir SuidAfrikaners. “Dis ons vryheid en vir ons om te weet waardeur ons gekom het. Dis vir my ’n wonderlike dag.”

MICHAEL TOBIAS is trots op die dag en wat dit vir die nasie beteken. “Ons is vry om te gaan waar ons wil. Dit is belangrik vir ons jeug, sodat hulle beter ingelig kan wees.”

MTOD SHOKO believes we should use the day to appreciate the freedom we have today. “Madiba and other freedom fighters made it possible for us to do what we want and go where we want to.”

MALVERN VAN NELSON says the day marks an end to suffering. “It is the day that Mandela did what the country needed the most; on that day our future began.”

Call to unite and take to the streets Residents of Strand are invited to an anti-crime march on Monday 27 April. The march will start at 10:00 from Strand Secondary School and will finish at the Casablanca Sports Grounds. Strand police spokesperson Constable Mbulelo Mafuna says the aim of the march is to highlight the need to tackle gangsterism and close down drug houses and illegal shebeens

in the Strand policing precinct. “Drug users resort to stealing, housebreakings and commit violent crimes to support their need for drugs. Unlicensed taverns or shebeens and drug houses need to be closed down,” says Mafuna. The community is invited to bring posters or banners along to the march. A prize will be given to the person with the best poster.

MARCO HILL wants South Africans to be grateful for the sacrifices of freedom fighters. “Because of them, we no longer have boundaries restricting us.”

CLIVE YOUNG: “Ons hoef nie meer bekommerd te wees oor apartheid en daardie tyd se wette nie. Ons kan oor die rasgrens meng.”


Unwanted visitor removed A Somerset West resident summoned her security company, Secure Rite, when she found a snake in her garden on Sunday 19 April. Armed response officers Juan Stoffberg and Gerrit Olivier from Secure Rite rushed over and found a Cape cobra in the irrigation control box. Stoffberg captured the snake and, with Olivier’s help, placed the Cape Cobra in a pillow case. The snake was handed over to Rudolf Hertz, a snake catcher who arrived shortly afterwards.

Gerrit Olivier (left) and snake catcher Rudolf Hertz with the Cape Cobra which was removed from a Somerset West garden.




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Helderberg Gazette

News - Nuus

SUPPORTING YOUTH SPORT: Three hundred children who participated in a recent Sports Against Crime event were happy to receive treats, which were sponsored by local security provider Secure Rite. Herman Ras, armed response and training manager for the company, says that it is important for children to be kept safe and away from crime. Ras says that they will continue supporting the anti-crime youth project. Here are Vincent Daniels, president of Sports Against Crime South Africa and Herman Ras with the goods that were donated to the children.

ILLEGAL SHEBEEN BUSTED: A Gordon’s Bay woman was fined R2 500 for illegally selling alcohol at her Temperance Town home. Constable Vicky Kriel, spokesperson for the Gordon’s Bay police says several shebeens and drughouses were searched in a crime combatting operation between the local police, the K9 Unit and Metro Police on Sunday 12 April. Kriel says ten 5 litre bottles of “Lekkerbek” ale, which is believed to be home-brewed alcohol, were confiscated. Constable Erica Coetzee holds up one of the bottles of “Lekkerbek”.

New strides towards early childhood development The City of Cape Town is investigating the feasibility of alternative building methods for Early Childhood Development (ECD) facilities in informal settlements. A City-commissioned study found that while most children had access to an Early Childhood Development facility, capacity in areas with high densities required attention – especially for children up to the age of four. The Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate is tasked with assisting privately owned crèches and daycare centres to become compliant with legislative requirements. The directorate also has a mandate to construct facilities. Currently, the City owns 26 such premises and several more centres of excellence are in various stages of construction. However, ECD construction in informal settlements has been hamstrung by factors such as access to bulk services (water, sanitation, etc.) and a lack of suitable space for traditional brick and mortar construction. In October 2014, the directorate appointed consultants to investigate alternative building methods in in-

formal settlements. The survey concluded that modular or prefabricated alternatives big enough to cater for 150 children could be constructed in areas with limited bulk services, at an estimated cost of less than R2 million per facility – excluding civil works. “We know that there is a pressing need for quality ECD facilities in our poorer areas, but there are many challenges and we have to find ways to overcome these obstacles and that is why we are looking at ways of providing assistance to privately owned ECDs, but also how we as the City can fast-track our ECD building programme in these areas,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee member for Social Development and Early Childhood Development, Councillor Suzette Little. In October 2013, the directorate agreed to waive zoning restrictions that have made it difficult for crèches and aftercare centres in informal settlements to operate legally. “We are trying our utmost to ensure that children have the best start possible to their early learning and development and that requires out-of-the-box thinking.”

Tuesday 21 April 2015

GESTEEL: Die fiets is een van twee fietse wat onlangs in die Dobson-area in Gordonsbaai gesteel is. Dié fiets en ’n swartkleurige fiets was na bewering op ’n fietsrak van ’n motor wat in ’n oprit parkeer was. Mense met inligting kan ao. Cobus Greeff by 083 234 6354 bel.

Gewapende roof in Macassar Die Macassar-polisie ondersoek ’n gewapende besigheidsroof nadat ’n groothandelaarwinkel naby die Macassar-biblioteek Vrydag beroof is. Volgens ’n polisiewoordvoerder sers. Chrisy Lewaks, het vier netjies-geklede mans die winkel omstreeks 07:15 binne gegaan. Lewaks sê twee van die mans het vuurwa-

pens op die winkeleienaar gerig en hom beveel om kontant en selfoonlugtyd aan hulle te gee. Die mans het ook sigarette gebuit. Volgens Lewaks beloop die geraamde waarde van die gesteelde items en kontant R50 000. Mense met inligting wat die ondersoek kan help kan ao. Carl Rosenberg by 021 857 7108 bel.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

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Helderberg Gazette



News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

QUALIFIED: The Helderberg Training Centre hosted its Enrolled Nursing graduation ceremony on Friday 27 March. A total of 55 graduates achieved their Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary qualification. Here, from left, are some of the top students Sumaya Simons (best internal theory), Shané Garnatt (best internal practical), Mareen Ngubane (honoured for her leadership role) and Zukiswa Dlova (best South African Nursing Council theory).

Maak reg vir winter Met die eerste koue front sopas agter die rug het Helderberg-inwoners ’n voorsmakie gekry van wat voorlê dié winter. Moet nie dat die winter jou onvoorbereid betrap nie en haal nou al jou winterklere en komberse van die hoogste rak van die gangkas. Een van my gunsteling-takies om te doen voor winter is om warmsakkies te maak. Voordat ek dié wonderlike uitvinding ontdek

het, het ek warmwatersakke gebruik om my hande warm te hou. Ek het dit veral gebruik in die oggende wanneer ek werk toe bestuur, totdat een van my warmwatersakke begin lek het en kookwater op my skoot uitgelek het. ’n Warmsakkie het dieselfde doel as ’n warmwatersak, maar daar word geen kookwater gebruik nie. Dit is dus veiliger en kan ook terapeuties wees. Al wat jy nodig het om ’n warmsakkie te maak is ’n kous sonder

’n maat en rys of gort. Maak ’n kous 2/3des vol met rys of gort en seel die kous dan aan die bokant met jou naaldwerkmasjien of met ’n naald en garing. Indien jy ’n naald en garing gebruik, maak seker dat die steke baie styf teen mekaar is sodat die rys of gort nie uitval nie. Sit die sakkie dan in die mikrogolfoond vir ’n minuut en voila! Jy sal verbaas wees oor hoe lank die sakkie warm bly. Die warmsakkies help nie net teen koue nie, maar ook vir seer spiere en krampe. Kies ’n kous wat oor jou nek kan pas vir seer skouers. Vir ’n ekstra hupstoot, kan jy ook essensiële olie in die sakkie gooi. Dit sal vrygelaat word wanneer jy die sakkie warm maak. Ek hou ook daarvan om kleiner warmsakkies te maak met afvallappies wat in my jas se sakke kan pas. Maak ’n warmsakkie in ’n hartjievorm en gee dit as persent vir ’n geliefde.

Unlocking the door to learning Local libraries will celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 23 April. “World Book Day is aimed at raising the literacy levels in our country,” says Belinda Walker, City of Cape Town Mayoral Committee member for Community Services and Special Projects. Storytelling improves the listening ability of children and help in developing their literacy and language

skills, as well as stimulating their imagination. “When you open a book, you are able to enter a whole new world. When we read to our children from a young age, we encourage them to become enthusiastic learners and confident readers, writers and speakers,” Walker says. “Literacy unlocks a door to learning that, once opened, can never be

closed again. Once the basics are mastered – reading, writing and articulation – the literate individual is able to access information and engage with others in a manner that can broaden horizons and present new and different opportunities.” A host of storytelling sessions will be held at libraries across the Helderberg on the day. For more information visit www.capetown.gov.za

Lookout for sea turtles on our beaches Locals have been urged to lookout for loggerhead turtles washing up on beaches. According to a Two Oceans Aquarium statement, sea turtle strandings are a common occurrence between April and June every year. “This year, rough seas and strong winds have been contributing factors in the stranding of these sea turtles. Since mid-March, the aquarium has already received 20 of these small turtles, from as far afield as Knysna and Struisbaai, for rehabilitation,” it states. Residents are urged to be on the

lookout for these turtles and to contact the aquarium when they happen to find one. When finding a turtle on a local beach, you should: ) Remove the turtle from the beach; ) Keep it dry and at room temperature. Do not place the turtle in water; ) Place the turtle in a container that has ample air holes; ) Contact the aquarium on 021 418 3823; and ) Make a note of exactly where the turtle was found. “This advice is only valid for ma-

rine turtle strandings around the Western Cape. Should you come across a turtle elsewhere around the South African coast, please contact the local aquarium or animal rehabilitation centre,” the statement reads. The Two Oceans Aquarium rehabilitates stranded turtles and once they are strong and healthy enough, they are sent to uShaka Sea World in KwaZulu-Natal, where they are released into the warmer waters. For more information, visit www.aquarium.co.za or phone 021 418 3823.

Easter celebration with Joyous Angels Strand Renewal Ministries will host an Easter production with Joyous An-

gels on Saturday 25 April. The gospel concert will start at 18:00 at Rusthof

Secondary School. Admission costs R25.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Other graduates, form left, are Nwabisa Sestile, Khanyisa Mpandana and Sisanda Sondlo.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

News - Nuus

Hier is van die trotse leerders en betrokkenes by die Dr. G.J. Joubert/Badisa tuin – van links is Jayden Haupt, Jean Solomons, Harvey Thomas (tuinkoördineerder), Terence Agulhas (onderwyser), Skholi Tabane (voorsitter, Rudnet), Luciano Puffin, Leslie Fillies, Daniel Diogo, Songezo Mtyeku (Rudnet), Adonis Hendricks, Damian Prins, Shaun Heyns, skoolhoof Martin Leukes en Badisa gemeenskapsontwikkelaar Odette Gordon. FOTO: DELIAH BRINKHUIS

Skooltuin kry hupstoot

Die groentetuin by Dr. G.J. Joubert Primêre Skool in Strand het verlede week ’n welkome hupstoot gekry met die skenking van ’n besproeiingstelsel.

Die skenking van die nieregeringsorganisasie Rural Development Network (Rudnet) in Somerset-Wes, is verlede Vrydag oorhandig en sluit ’n 5 000 F-watertenk, skadunet, tuingereedskap, sade en kompos in. Die tuin is verlede jaar begin as ’n gesamentlike projek tussen die skool en die plaaslike Badisa-welsynsorganisasie. Odette Gordon, gemeenskapsontwikkelaar vir Badisa, het die skenking verwelkom. “Die skenking verseker dat die tuinprojek volhoubaar is en is ook van groot hulp vir die skool se voedingskema. Mense uit die gemeenskap kan ook betrokke raak en dis ook ’n manier van armoede verligting,” sê Gordon. Skoolhoof Martin Leukes, is opgewonde oor die projek wat ook leerders die geleentheid bied om kennis op landbou-gebied op te doen. Leslie Fillis, uitvoerende amptenaar vir Rudnet wat vaardigheidsopleiding en werkskeppinggeleenthede bied, sê dat die skenking is gemaak na aanleiding van ’n artikel in die Helderberg Gazette op 3 Februarie vanjaar. “Ons het finansiering van die Nasionale

Lotery ontvang om projekte soos hierdie te ondersteun en het onmiddellik die skool en die Badisa-organisasie gekontak, en in ’n vennootskap met die partye gegaan ter ondersteuning van die volhoubaarheid van die projek,” sê Fillis. Volgens Fillis sal die projek ook vir drie maande werk aan drie werklose persone verskaf wat sal help met die oes, verpakking en verkope van die groente produkte. Harvey Thomas, koördineerder van die tuin, is trots op verlede jaar se oes wat spanspek, waatlemoen, mielies en patat ingesluit het. Hy is opgewonde oor die vooruitsig van die uitbreiding van die tuin. “Ek het as kind my kennis en liefde vir tuinmaak van my pa op ons kleinhoewe in die destydse Halfway geleer,” vertel hy trots en sê hy sal dié kennis graag met die graad 7-klas van Dr. G.J. Joubert deel. Almal sien uit na die volgende maande se oes van beet, boontjies, spinasie en kruie wat vir die skool se voedingskema aangebied sal word en ook verkoop sal word om geld vir die skool en tuin te genereer. Rudnet is ook betrokke by ’n ander gemeenskapstuin in die Strand, die Titus gemeenskapstuin in Erijaville, wat tans werk aan sewe vroue verskaf. Mense wat by die tuin betrokke wil raak kan Odette Gordon by 021 853 1888 bel.

Helderberg Gazette



News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Every drop counts

Curried meatballs An easy, yet flavoursome meal to ward off the winter cold. Ingredients: 2 long green chillies, seeded and chopped 2 cm piece fresh ginger, skinned and grated 1 onion, chopped 5 ml whole black peppercorns 15 ml chopped fresh coriander (dhania) – optional 700 g lean beef mince 1 egg salt 15 ml oil 2 onions, thinly sliced 1 cinnamon stick 2 cardamom seeds 3 whole cloves 3 cloves garlic, crushed 15 ml mild curry powder 4 dried or 8 fresh curry leaves 15 ml fresh coriander leaves, chopped 1 large ripe tomato, skinned and chopped, salt and freshly ground

black pepper Method: Preheat the oven to 180 °C and spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray or grease lightly with butter. Finely chop the chillies, ginger, onion, peppercorns and coriander leaves (this may be done in the food processor). Mix the mince, egg and chilli mixture and season to taste with salt. Shape into fairly small meatballs and arrange on the baking sheet.

Chill for about 1 hour until firmer. Bake the meatballs in the oven for about 30-40 minutes or fry in heated oil until golden brown. Heat the oil in a deep pan and stirfry the onion, whole spices, garlic and curry powder over medium heat until the onion is tender, about 10 minutes. Add a little water if the onions start sticking to the bottom of the pan. Add the coriander leaves as well

as tomato and simmer slowly for 1520 minutes. Stir in 625 ml (2½ c) hot water. Add the meatballs and simmer slowly for another 15-20 minutes or until the sauce has thickened slightly, is flavoursome, and the meatballs are heated and cooked through. Remove the whole spices and serve with rice and sambals of your choice. Serves 4-6. Recipe: YOU magazine

When it comes to nutrition for babies, nothing compares to breast milk. While formula milk is at best an adequate replacement for healthy babies born at full term, the range of complications and development challenges faced by premature babies renders formula feeds ineffective. Milk Matters, a community-based milk bank in Cape Town, sources breast milk from healthy and screened donors. From the freezers of donor-mothers’ homes to the 18 depots around the province to the Mowbray Maternity Hospital. If you have any breast milk to donate or would like to contribute in other ways, please contact Milk Matters on 021 659 5599 or info@milkmatters.org.

Appeal to take your unwanted pets to AWS Animal Welfare Society (AWS) Helderberg is encouraging pet owners who are no longer able to care for their pets to not dump them, but rather take animals to their Gordon’s Bay premises to be cared for and rehomed. The organisation’s Clare Bezuidenhout says as a result of unforeseen circumstances and financial constraints, families are no longer able to care for their pets. “Sadly, many of these pets are given to domestic workers or gardeners living in townships. Many pets are also dumped in these areas or simply left along the side of the road to fend for themselves,” she explains. “These pets often end up suffering, not only physically, as a result of lack of proper food, shelter, and medical care, but also emotionally. The animals often end up being the victims of abuse and neglect.” Bezuidenhout adds that many of the pets are often not sterilised and are used for breeding,

which becomes an uncontrollable problem. “AWS Helderberg will never turn a needy animal away. Surrendering an animal to our kennels is a simple and easy process and will cost you nothing,” she says. The animal is taken to the organisation’s premises and the owner will complete a form to provide the AWS with as much information about the animal as possible. “If you are sitting with a litter of puppies at home and can’t find homes for them all, bring them in to our kennels,” Bezuidenhout implores. “When a family is interested in adopting from us, we always do a thorough home inspection to make sure the animal is going to a safe and loving family home.” AWS Helderberg boasts with an excellent adoption rate, while its vets ensure all the animals are healthy, vaccinated and de-wormed. For further details, contact Bezuidenhout on 083 697 4759 or clarebez@gmail.com.

Approval day for craft market New crafters are invited to participate in the annual Approval Day market of the Country Craft market, to be held this Saturday25 April and Friday 1 May. The Southey’s Vines Country Craft Market, renowned for genuine handcrafts of a particularly high standard, still has

space for crafters. Crafters with an excellent handmade product and a passion for what they do are invited to the market. No foodstuffs will be considered. The fee is R140. Crafters can book at the market or phone Gill Oliver on 021 852 6608.


Tuesday 21 April 2015

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Helderberg Gazette



General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Hope and Light Christian Primary School

Grown-ups urged to not allow children to swim without adult supervision Learning to swim is an important part of development which may prevent drowning. ER24’s Kim Habib says most people do not know how to swim or swim poorly. However, people should remember that anyone, even those who can swim, are at risk of drowning. Risk-taking and overconfidence in swimming ability may play a significant role in water-related deaths. Children Never allow a child to swim without adult supervision. Also, never leave youngsters unsupervised around water bowls or bathtubs. You can drown in 2cm of water. Ensure children wear a life jacket if they cannot swim. Also keep your pool covered with an approved cover when not in use. Safety tips in open water


Wearing a life jacket is vital. Remember your life jacket when participating in water sports such as boating, tubing or rafting. Do not swim too far out into the ocean. After a while, you may struggle because of fatigue or get swept away deeper due to strong currents. When at sea, swim in designated areas where there are lifeguards. Never swim alone. Swimming in open water is not the same as swimming in a pool. Never dive or jump into unfamiliar or shallow water. Do not drink alcohol when swimming. This impairs your movement and thinking. Also, do not play near swimming pools as you can slip and fall into the water. It is advisable to learn first aid and CPR. Drowning situation If you see someone drowning, alert a lifeguard immediately. If you decide





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to save the person yourself, ensure you wear a floatation device. If you find a person drowning and are able to get them out of the water, initiate CPR if there is no pulse and breathing. Do not stop CPR unless the victim starts to breathe on his/her own. Call for an ambulance as soon as possible and inform them of the situation so the appropriate care can be ensured by them. Do not drive the person to hospital yourself. The victim may suffer brain damage while en route to hospital. In case of a near drowning, seek medical attention as soon as possible and explain clearly to medical staff what happened. Secondary drowning can also occur, which is more common in children than adults, and may be difficult to recognise. The person may seem okay even though they have taken in water that finds its way to the lungs. Source: ER24

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Dinsdag 21 April 2015

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Helderberg Gazette



Year 19 • Dinsdag 21 April 2015 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Helderberger wen SA hoogspringtitel Helderberg-inwoner Breyton Poole het by die onlangse SuidAfrikaanse Junior- en Jeugatletiekkampioenskappe in Bloemfontein die hoogspring-titel vir seuns o. 15 verower. Poole, ’n Paul Roos Gimnasiumatleet, het ’n hoogte van 1,97 m by die byeenkoms behaal. Met hierdie vertoning het hy ’n skitterjaar afgesluit, waartydens hy ’n SA rekord, ’n Boland Skolerekord, ’n WP junior rekord asook drie ander byeenkomsrekords verbeter het. Saammetdierekordswathyverbeter het, het hy ook die volgende

The weightlifters from the Hottentots Holland Weightlifting Club who excelled at the recent WP Champs, from left, are Lamees Daniels (HHWC), Dinesh Pandoo (HHWC), Chelsea Koopman (HHWC), Enrique Christians (EWC) and Reinhardt Bernardo (HHWC).

Local lifters set their sights on national championships in PE Weightlifters from the Hottentots Holland Weightlifting Club (HHWC) in Strand set 16 personal best lifts and smashed six national records at the recent Western Province Junior Championships. The event, held at the HHWC Weightlifting Club last month, included an under-14 and youth competition. Western Province Weightlifting Association organised the event, which saw clubs from across the Cape competing for places in the WP teams to compete in the SA under-14, youth and junior championships in Port Elizabeth on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 May. The HHWC lifters won all the categories they participated in, registering a 100% success rate. Joshua Schwartz, competing in the under-14 age group, bettered his personal best overall total with a new total 57kg.

Hendriquo Roux, also in the under-14 age group, improved on his personal best total with a 73kg total. Dinesh Pandoo, competing in the under-14 and youth categories, won two gold medals and set a new personal best total of 140kg in the 62kg weight division. Jon-Antohein, who missed selection to the WP team last year, came back very strongly and won a gold medal in the junior section, with a total of 120kg. Chelsea Koopman also did won a gold medal with a total of 80kg. Lamees Daniels set six new provincial junior records and six new SA junior records with a total of 175kg. Reinhardt Bernardo, the captain of the team, did not disappoint either; her won his division and set a new personal best total of 220kg. The following weightlifters received awards: Chelsea Koopman (best under-14 girl); Dinesh Pandoo

(best under-14 boy); Lamees Daniels (best female youth and best junior woman); and Reinhardt Bernardo (best male youth). Enrique Christiaans of Eerste River Weightlifting Club was also named best male youth. HHWC club coach Jonathan Haman, a former top lifter himself, is satisfied with the performance of his lifters and mentioned that the success of the weightlifters could be attributed to their hard work and dedication at practices. He is expecting even better results when the lifters travel to Port Elizabeth to compete against the rest of the country at the junior nationals next month. The club management and chairperson Leon Sauermann congratulates the lifters and wishes them all of the best for nationals. They encouraged more boys and girls – aged 11 and older – to join the club. Phone Aveenash Pandoo on 072 7828 255.

Breyton Poole op pad na sy eerste plek in die SA Jeug- en Junioratletiekkampioenskappe in Bloemfontein. FOTO: SUPERIMAGE MEDIA

Take a swing with local church Strand Renewal Ministries will host its annual golf day on Sunday 26 April. The event will be held at the Strand Golf Course at 11:30. The cost is R280; there will

155/13 DUNLOP 165/13 DUNLOP 175/70/13 DUNLOP


R 389 R 429 R 439

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550 699 699 650 699

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hoogspringtitels verower: WP o. 15, Boland Skole, Wes-Kaapskole en die SA o. 15-titel. By hierdie titels kan daar ook ’n silwermedalje gevoeg word, wat hy by die SA Hoërskole-byeenkoms verower het. Poole, ’n lid van die Helderberg Harriers Atletiekklub, staan maar net 1,65 m in sy sokkies en spog reeds met ’n beste hoogte van 2 m in hoogspring. Dit is tans die SA-rekord wat hy saam met twee ander atlete deel. Hy word deur die bekende hoogspringafrigter Bennie Schlecter van Stellenbosch afgerig.


550 429 569 649 629 529 629

185/65/15 ROADSTONE 195/60/15 ROADSTONE 195/55/15 ROADSTONE 205/55/16 ROADSTONE 225/70/15 ROADSTONE 195/15


R R R R R1 R

699 649 699 639 100 999

PIRELLI 175/65/14 PIRELLI 185/60/14 PIRELLI

R 539 205/55/16 PIRELLI R 629 225/45/17 PIRELLI

R 899 R 1 299


* BF&W * Pryse geldig vanaf 21 April tot en met 25 April 2015 * Pryse slegs kontant * Geen tjeks aanvaarbaar nie * Pryse van van toepassing wanneer bande op ons perseel aangesit word en solank voorraad hou * Pryse sluit ou bande vanaf voertuig in * Pryse sluit BTW in * Pryse geldig by hierdie tak alleenlik. * Bring hierdie advertensie in om te kwalifiseer * Mastercard en Visa aanvaar * Nominale tarief vir montering en balansering 0000000-HP070415

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