Helderberg Gazette 21 August 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 21 August 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Hillcrest Street’s play park will be upgraded with new equipment and furniture with a budget of R20 000.

The play park in Chris Nissen Park is due to get a R30 000 make-over, with the purchase of new play equipment.


Parks to get royal treatment NICOLE MCCAIN

Helderberg play parks will soon be getting facelifts, at a cost of thousands of rands. This year funding has been allocated for three parks in the Somerset West area. The park in Chris Nissen Park will receive new play equipment, while the Hillcrest Road and Dummer Street parks will be fitted with new play equipment and furniture. But the upgrades won’t come cheap, with more than R100 000 budgeted for these three parks. Ward 84’s Councillor Stuart Pringle says the type of play equipment for the parks has not yet been decided on. “The equipment will only be purchased in September, after an assessment of what equipment is already there, what upgrades need to be done, what the community wants, and how we can fit it into the budget.”

According to Councillor Tandeka Gqada, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for community services, park placement is done according to a study commissioned by the City into the planning of social facilities and recreational spaces in Cape Town. The report proposes that 0,4 ha of community parks be provided for every 1 000 residents. Gqada says parks should be within a kilometre, or 20 minutes’ walk, of a given community. She adds that these parks do not necessarily include play equipment. Pringle says that, in the bigger scheme, the money allocated to Chris Nissen park and the Hillcrest Road park is only a small portion of his ward’s R700 000 budget. “So it’s less than 10 percent of the ward allocation. The upgrades will include not only equipment, but greening and making the parks more user friendly. Our community requires more facili-

ties where children in particular can play in safety.” Ward 15’s Councillor Benedicta van Minnen says the R60 000 budget for the park on the corner of Dummer and Aberdeen Streets will be spent on a long-term project involving the creation of a dam to prevent flooding of the Geel Sloot, which runs through the park. She adds that the money has also been allocated for clearing bushes and shrubbery, as well as for establishing a new play park. The Helderberg has more than 60 parks. Last year more than R300 000 was spent on upgrading six parks, in Macassar, Sir Lowry’s Pass and Lwandle. Equipment for two parks in Macassar was installed at a cost of R50 000. A Sir Lowry’s Pass park was fitted with new fencing and play equipment to the tune of R140 000. Lwandle also had R120 000 worth of equipment installed in three of its parks.

A new play park is to be installed on the corner of Dummer and Aberdeen Streets. There is also a long-term plan to build a dam on the Geel Sloot, which runs through the park. Bushes and shrubbery, meanwhile, are set for a trim.


Helderberg Gazette

News - Nuus

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Zandvliet hou Jagger-jol NICOLE MCCAIN

Hierdie musiekblyspel word op 31 Augustus en 1 September by MacasZandvliet Sekondêr-leerlinge het sar Hoërskool opgevoer. Die musiekblyspel is die breinkind hul dansskoene aangetrek vir hul van besigheidstudies-onderwyser eerste musiekproduksie, Moves Trevor Forbes en byna 40 huilike Jagger. dige en oudleerlinge sal daarin optree. “Ons gebruik verskeie musiek-eras om stories uit te beeld, van die sewentigerjare tot die hede.” Moves like Jagger gaan oor die rol wat musiek in ons lewe speel, sê Trevor. Ryan Human, een van die leerlinge wat ’n hoofrol vertolk, sê die drama wys hoe ’n mens musiek kan gebruik om probleme op te los en lewens te verander. “Moves like Jagger wys hoe musiek mense bymekaarbring, maak nie saak wat hul omstandighede is nie,” sê leerling Suretha Kloppers. Die produksie vertel die verhaal van ’n ou getroude paartjie, drie jong vriende en hul gemeenskap, wat deur musiek bymekaar gebring word en besef dat musiek die begin van ’n oplos31 Augustus en 1 Sep- sing vir hul probleme is. Moves like Jagger sal op die ool plaas vind. rsk Trevor het die drama getember by Macassar Hoë FOTO: VERSKAF skryf ná hy die leerlinge se

talent raakgesien het by ’n die skool se talentaand. “Ons skool het baie talent en gemengde kulture, maar kultuur is besig om in die skool en samelewing te verval - daarom my musiekdrama Moves like Jagger,” sê hy. Trevor sê sy groep akteurs oefen baie hard, tot bykans drie ure in die aande. “En hulle kan rêrig sing.” Vir ’n paar van die akteurs het die ervaring nuwe deure oopgemaak. “Ek het definitief ’n paar nuwe talente ontdek,” sê leerling Duncan Masiwa. “Dit is iets wat ek as ’n deeltydse loopbaan wil beoefen.” En ná hulle aan Moves like Jagger gewerk het, wil Suretha en Ryan ook akteurs word. Die leerlinge en Trevor is reeds ses maande besig met die repetisies vir die musiekdrama. Die produksie gaan egter gepaard met groot koste en sal meer as R30 000 kos. “Ons hoop om ’n sukses daarvan te maak en moedig die ouers van Macassar aan om te ondersteun, want dit is hul kinders wat daar optree,” sê Trevor. En die leerlinge glo almal sal Moves like Jagger geniet. “Dis oor die daaglikse lewe in Macassar. Mense kan hulself daarmee vereenselwig.” Kaartjies vir die musiekblyspel kos tussen R30 en R50. Vir meer inligting, bel Trevor Forbes by 072 429 9451 of 021 857 1016.

Die spel, Moves like Jagger, het amper 40 huidige en vorige leerlinge wat optree, dans en sing.


Kirvan Fortuin

Macassar prodigy dances to Netherlands Kirvan Fortuin, a rising ballet star from Macassar, has been accepted to continue dancing at Rotterdam Dance Academy at the Codarts University of the Arts in the Netherlands. The 21-year-old UCT student was selected after attending the International Theatre School Festival in Amsterdam earlier this year. And he is overjoyed at the new opportunity: “It feels amazing. Words can’t describe how I feel.” Kirvan had had no formal dance training before he joined UCT, and only discovered his passion when he joined the Cape Whalers Field Band in Macassar in 2002. He has been choreographing for the band since 2003.

The young dancer has performed in several professional productions locally, including Qaphela Caesar! with Jazzart Dance Theatre and Siwela Sonke Dance Theatre director Jay Pather; and Coppelia with Cape Town City Ballet. Kirvan is due to take up his position at the academy in November, but as yet has no idea how he will pay for fees. “There are international tuition grants, but they only cover half the tuition fees,” he says. “If I don’t raise the money, then I don’t know. “But I will,” vows the young dancer, who dreams of dancing for the Netherlands Dance Theatre. Kirvan Fortuin can be contacted on 072 755 0076.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Flooding fears remain NICOLE MCCAIN

A group of Sir Lowry’s Pass residents are hoping for some relief from flooding after a trench around their homes was widened at the end of last week. Two weeks back heavy rains flooded the homes on their plot – erf ST 1154-31 – sending residents to the street in protest. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, mayoral committee member for human settlements, initially said the flooding had been caused by heavy rainfall and poorly constructed homes, despite the fact that several residents had said the water had surfaced from the ground. Patricia Jansen had water pooling on her floor, and said most of it had welled up from the ground. After an investigation, Sonnenberg said: “The wetness in the informal structures was seepage from underneath, and this was prevalent everywhere, not only on the prepared area.” He said it was apparent that some residents had not

Workmen opened blocked storm water trenches to prevent further flooding.


Four-year-old Eugene Swart sits in his home; a puddle can be seen in the foreground, a day after the heavy rains.

made use of the bags of sand given to them to raise their floors. But the residents say the sand made no difference. Clint Daniels laid a concrete floor in his home, and says the water still seeped up. His house was one of many with water lying stagnant on the floors, even after the storms had passed.

The City committed to opening some of the blocked water trenches on the site to drain the water. But community leader Lionel Benjamin says he has little hope this will help. He says the water doesn’t drain into the trench, and will continue to seep up from the ground due to a lack of drainage.

DEVASTATED: Strong winds destroyed the home of Monica and Gunyazile Kilani in Nomzamo last Tuesday. Ten family members were in the house with them at the time, but fortunately no one was injured. Residents’ committee member Sitmebiso Weduwedu says two fallen trees damaged more homes in the area during the gale. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Loslitdag Loslitdag is dié jaar op 7 September. Die tema is “Kom aan boord”. Die publiek word aangemoedig om gepas aan te trek en plakkers teen R10 by deelnemende organisasies, Absa, Edgars, Jet, Boardmans, CNA, Game of DionWired te koop.

KENNISGEWING VAN ‘N VERGADERING VAN DIE RAAD VAN DIE STAD KAAPSTAD ‘n Vergadering van die Raad van die Stad Kaapstad word op Woensdag 29 Augustus 2012 om 10:00 in die Raadsaal, 6de Verdieping, Podiumblok, Burgersentrum, Hertzog-boulevard 12, Kaapstad gehou. Let asseblief daarop dat daar ‘n beperkte aantal sitplekke in die openbare galery in die Raadsaal beskikbaar is en dat dit dus op ‘n eerste-daar-eerste-gehelp-grondslag toegeken sal word. As u die vergadering wil bywoon, moet u asseblief tussen 09:00 en 16:00 vir Michelle Alberts by 021 400 3708 skakel en ons u van, voorletters en kontaktelefoonnommer voorsien. Alle versoeke om bywoning moet teen nie later nie as een dag voor die vergadering ontvang word. Besoekers word versoek om asseblief hulle sitplekke teen 09:30 in te neem.




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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Colibri on short time again NICOLE MCCAIN Despite several recent orders, Colibri Towels staff have again been put on short time while the factory waits to hear whether it will receive funding for another period of training under the government’s layoff training programme. After completion of the first layoff training programme, the factory was initially expected to open in April. However, when it became evident that there were not enough orders to allow for this, Colibri applied to continue training, funded by the government. With the second round of training just finished, the factory is still awaiting an answer from the Department of Higher Education and the Unemployment Insurance Fund, says Mark Siddons, operations manager of the factory. Siddons says a crew of between

Yulanda Matthys, Lenie Visagie and Lena Fieland were among the team who went through the last round of training. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN 50 and 80 employees will stay on to continue production until Colibri finds out about the training. Around 120 employees were put through the layoff training scheme before this. Siddons says the factory does not have enough orders to take staff on

permanently. Therefore, he says, the company is pushing to extend the training to keep staff on until orders come in. Should the company’s application be successful, the next round of training will last between three and six months.

GOING FOR A JAYWALK: Following an assessment by the City of Cape Town’s Traffic Services on 6 August, it has been decided that a part-time traffic attendant to assist pupils across De Beers Road will not be appointed. The assessment was initiated after two Grade 1 pupils sustained minor injuries when they were run over in front of the school on 1 August. The City of Cape Town’s executive director of safety and security, Richard Bosman, says road safety lectures will be offered to pupils and teachers instead. “Parents and teachers will be reminded to encourage children to adhere to the rules of the road.” Flashing lights in front of the pedestrian crossing have also recently been installed to warn motorists of pupils crossing the road. PHOTO: JAMEY THOMAS

Lesers oor geweld by protesoptogte NICOLE MCCAIN Die land het met skok toegekyk hoe 34, tydens ’n mynwerkersprotes in Rustenburg, verlede week dood is. Onlangse protesaksies op die N2 in Kaapstad het ook die lewe van drie mense geëis. Die Gazette het mense gevra oor polisieteenwoordigheid tydens proteste.

“Daar moet polisie by optogte wees,” sê Andred de Villiers van Macassar, “Om mense se veiligheid te verseker, soos dié wat die N2 moes gebruik tydens die onlangse protes. Hulle moet daar wees, en lewensverlies verhoed.” Brenda Nyangambini of Nomzamo feels protests do not require a police presence. “The police endanger people. The protests should be left to the community to manage.”

Somerset West’s Eric Mokolo Mukenge thinks a police presence is necessary at protests, to keep the peace. “Police must be there to control the protests. That’s what saves lives.”

Crisna Coetzee from Stellenbosch thinks that police are often forced to take action against protesters. “According to our laws, any time a protest gets violent, it becomes illegal. So police have to take action. It’s unfortunate if the action is violent.”

Jesaiah Oersen van Sir Lowry’s Pass sê daar moet polisie by optogte wees. “Daar gebeur baie dinge by ’n optog, en soms word mense aangerand, dan moet die polisie daar wees om dit te hanteer. Maar as die regering mense huise en werk gee, sal daar geen rede wees vir mense om te betoog nie.” Foto’s: Nicole Mccain

Kobus Visser of Stellenbosch says he would rather see the police than the military keep protests under control. “The ideal solution would be mediation, but it’s difficult if both parties aren’t in the same mindset.”

Tuesday 21 August 2012

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Helderberg Gazette


Letters - Briewe

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Gazette-lesers gee hul mening Oorstroming van huise ) Dit is ’n jammerte om te lees hoe mense kla oor iets wat hul verniet kry. Aan die eenkant: ’n huis verniet en aan die ander kant betaal jy R500 000. Wees dankbaar mense. ) Mnr. Petersen, Lourensia Park-inwoners het die huise gratis gekry, die estate eienaars het hul huise gekoop en betaal 20 tot 30 jaar aan dit af. Hulle kan niks eis van die government nie! Vloede en wind is oral, kyk maar die nuus. Steek die hande uit en help mekaar. As jy goed doen aan ander laat dit jou ook goed voel. Daphne ) Ek bly in Mina Youdstraat in Lourensia Park en is dankbaar vir my huis, maar om so in die nattigheid te bly is erg. Ek wil hê u moet na die foto’s kyk – dis hoe dit lyk as dit reën en die water staan stil wanneer die reën verby is. My kleinkind het ’n kiem in sy maag van in daai water speel. Mense kan hier kom swem as hulle wil. Ek het al met Asla gepraat maar wag vir ’n antwoord. Ek is moeg van beloftes. ) With regards to the flooding, most of these people flock to Cape Town from the Eastern Cape and then build houses where they should not. When flooding occurs, they are quick to demand help from the council to whom they are

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a burden as they do not contribute but drain the city’s resources. When they don’t get what they want, they are quick to damage property and block off access roads, further disrupting the economy to which they do not contribute. They are also quick to politicise the issue and blame the only DA-run province in the country. ) Jaar in en jaar uit word groot woonareas oorstroom.Wat het politici gedoen om die oorstromings te beperk?Absoluut niks! Vir 18 jaar word miljoene gemors en gesteel en salarisverhogings aangepas. Kon hierdie gelde nie gebruik word om die uitleg en infrastruktuur beter te beplan om oorstromings te beperk nie? Gaan oom Apartheid weer die skuld kry? Nel,Strand

Knap werk ) Wil net baie dankie sê aan die DistriksPos en Gazette-joernalis. Danksy jou is ons situasie uitgesorteer. Hou aan met jul knap werk, ek waardeer dit. Rosslyn

Poor service ) Why are Macassar residents afraid to say that the Macassar housing office has the poorest customer service? Recardo,Macassar

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Informele handel in woonbuurte ) Dis omdat daar ook drank by die huis in Lourensia Park verkoop is dat die eienaar ’n waarskuwing gekry het. Daar is nie huiswinkels nie, mense verkoop net die nodige goed. Ons kan nie duur vir brood by ’n ander winkel gaan betaal nie. Sekere mense in Lourensia Park is baie afgunstig, maar ek waardeer dat iemand aan ons nood dink, want hier is groot nood.

Padveiligheid ) Besef C. Botha nie dat elke motorbestuurder bekwaam genoeg moet wees om enige gebeurlikheid te kan hanteer nie? ’n Mens het nie beheer oor wat die ander man doen nie. Ek bestuur al 76 jaar ’n motor; baie motoriste het al voor my ingery, maar ek het nog niemand raakgery nie. Christie Jooste

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Tuesday 21 August 2012

General - Algemeen

Die Gordonsbaai-polisie se Vroue-netwerk het, ter viering van Nasionale Vrouedag, vroue in hul area spesiaal laat voel. Hulle het die plaaslike Spar, Pick n Pay asook Temperance Town en Gordonsbaai Primêr besoek waar hul elke vrou met ’n boekmerk bederf het. Van links is Hester Cloete, Tania April, Ursula Venter en Felicity Floris by Alida Pietersen van die Gordonsbaai Spar. FOTO: VERSKAF

Helderberg Gazette


Die Vroue Vereniging van die Macassar Metodiste Kerk het op Nasionale Vrouedag (9 Augustus) ’n pretloop deur die dorp gehou. Oud en jonk het deelgeneem en die stappers het ’n welverdiende versnapering na afloop van die geleentheid geniet. FOTO: MELANIE PETERSEN

Follow the footsteps

WOMEN’S DAY IN STRAND: Badisa treated their clients to a Women’s Day celebration of note on 8 August. Aimed at motivating and encouraging the women, some of whom have suffered through domestic abuse, the day featured Rusthof community leader Katie Arendse as guest speaker. The women were also treated to light refreshments. Badisa Strand thanks all the companies that “made such a generous donation to make our event a success”: Appletiser, Lombardi Foods and Shoprite Broadway. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

If you have always wanted to learn the Latin and ballroom dances, now is your chance. John Murray of the Star Network, a new talent network, is inviting the public to join a month of free dance classes. Successful candidates will receive certificates. Beginners of all ages are welcome. Classes kick off this Thursday, from 19:00 to 20:00, at the Boat Angling Club at Harbour Island in Gordon’s Bay. “Everyone is welcome to learn these dances,” says Murray. “It will help you keep fit, meet new people and have fun while learning.” Murray, who has been dancing in Johannesburg for several years, says he is very happy to be back in the Helderberg. He’s offering this special to old students, and to welcome new members to the fold too. For more information, or to book your free classes, phone him on 084 434 5490 or send an email to him at info@starnetwork.co.za.

Bring out the beauty Macassar High School will host the Miss Macassar High beauty pageant on Friday 24 August. The show kicks off at 19:00 in the school hall. A whole range of entertainment, including performances by singers and dance groups, can be expected. The entrance fee is R20 for adults and R15 for pupils. Refreshments will be on sale. If you’d like to find out more about the competition, phone the school on 021 857 1090.

Winterbal by Somchem Die St. Joseph The Worker Anglikaanse kerk in Macassar bied Vrydag 31 Augustus ’n winterbal aan. Die welbekende orkes, Montreal Sounds, sal gaste vanaf 20:00 tot laat op hul voete hou. Die funksie word in die Somchem-saal gehou en kaartjies is R100. Drag is semi-formeel en gaste kan hul eie eetgoed bring. Vir besprekings bel Shaun Vries by 078 582 8355 of Malcolm Koopman by 083 520 7847.


Year 16 • Dinsdag 21 Augustus 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

HS Gordon kuier in Argentinië The gloves are on The World Boxing Federation All-Africa title fight has been postponed to this Sunday. Dalisizwe Matlala Komani of Langa, ranked sixth in SA, will take on Mzuvukile Magwaca of Khayelitsha, ranked

Hoërskool Gordon se rugbyspelers het die eer te beurt geval om Argentinië gedurende die Junie-skoolvakansie te besoek.


Hulle het hul eerste wedstryd teen St. Andrews verloor, ten spyte van goeie werk deur die agterlynspelers. Hulle het ook die wedstryd teen Los Cruevos verloor, maar het goed in die koue en nat toestande gespeel. “Albei spanne het gesukkel, maar ons teenstanders was bietjie beter as ons voorberei,” sê Bernard Simons, Hoërskool Gordon skoolhoof. Hoërskool Gordon het egter hul laaste wedstryd teen Club Union del Sur gewen. “In die eerste helfte het ons teen die een span gespeel en voorgeloop. Met die aanvang van die tweede helfte het ons gaste ’n totaal nuwe span op die veld gestuur. Teen die einde van die wedstryd het ons nog steeds voorgeloop en die wedstryd gewen,” sê Simons. Die span het ook ons ambassadeur in Beunos Aires, Tony Leon ontmoet. “Die hele toer was een groot belewenis vir ons, van een hoogtepunt na ’n volgende. Die herinneringe sal nog lank by ons bly. Vir baie van die seuns was dit heel moontlik ’n eenmalige gebeurtenis in hul lewe, wat hom nie maklik sal herhaal nie,” sê Simons.

Die span saam met ambassadeur Tony Leon in Argentinië. Van links, agter is Bradley Richter, Keanon Manus, Kiron Mitchel, Bronwyn Fortuin, Eric Laka, Emilio Williams en Bradley Damons; (middel) Mazinho Kermis, Keenan Visser, Juãrno Augustus, Jean Sawal, Bethuel Ubisse, Dulin Lindoor, Shane van Wyk; (voor) Keanu Klink, Mustafa Fredericks, Reagen Arendse, Bevan Booysen, Don Cloete en Justin Toerien. FOTO: VERSKAF

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10th, for 10 rounds. The match will take place at Khaylowethu High School in Lwandle at 13:00. Tickets cost R20. Phone Charles Mjikelo on 082 422 5458 to find out more.

Watch Dalisizwe Matlala Komani, ranked sixth in South Africa, box during a tournament in Lwandle this Sunday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

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