Helderberg Gazette 31 August 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

H’park lifeguards battle ‘red tape’ NICOLE MCCAIN It is uncertain whether Harmony Park Lifesaving Club will be ready for this summer’s beach-goers. After several people drowned at the popular spot last summer, a motion was submitted to the subcouncil last year requesting lifeguards for the beach. Lifeguards were only appointed to Harmony Park, which has several tidal pools, at the beginning of the year, after two people had drowned there. According to the City of Cape Town, the safety of swimmers is the responsibility of the provincial lifesaving body. Ed Schroeder, regional lifesaving coordinator of Lifesaving Western Province, says he has been approached about establishing a club at Harmony Park, but it is “still in its infancy”. According to Councillor Tandeka Gqada, mayoral committee member for community services, the City only appoints lifeguards for municipal pools, and relies on Lifesaving Western Province to man the beaches. Last year, however, Ward 100 councillor Johan Middleton said Harmony Park is not classified as a formal beach because of its tidal pools. Despite this, though, people do swim in the sea beyond the pool area. Gqada says that, because Harmony Park Lifesaving Club is an external club, it would be affiliated to Western Province Lifesaving. “Western Province Lifesaving appoints lifeguards for the beach areas and they apply their own criteria via their affiliated clubs.”

Should the Harmony Park club not be ready for the season, lifeguards will probably be hired from neighbouring clubs such as Strand, Schroeder says. At present the club has five adults and eight pupils as members. However, four certified lifeguards are needed before the club can be approved, and it currently only has two. Schroeder says that, to become a full lifeguard, one must be older than 16, able to do a 400 m swim in under 8 minutes, and complete a 200 m run, 300 m swim and 200 m run in under 10 minutes. Izzie Engelbrecht, chairperson of the neighbouring Macassar Lifesaving Club, says training for his club is under way, and lifeguards will be taking their exams in September. However, the Macassar club’s lifeguards will not be used for Harmony Park, because they patrol the beaches in Macassar, says Engelbrecht. Engelbrecht says that one of the biggest challenges facing any new club is the “red tape” involved in gaining approval from Lifesaving Western Province. He says a club needs to have certified lifeguards, but it’s very difficult to complete the training and examination unless the lifeguards are already part of a club. Schroeder says Lifesaving Western Province is due to meet with the City next month to establish on which beaches in the City’s jurisdiction lifeguards are needed.






Die skare oproeriges het probeer om die draad by die polisiestasie af te rem om toegang tot die vermeende verkragter te verkry. FOTO: IAN BAARD

Inwoners rand verdagte aan ’n Negentienjarige man is onder polisiebewaking in die Helderberg-hospitaal nadat hy verlede Dinsdag in Sir Lowry’s Pass in hegtenis geneem is vir die beweerde verkragting van ’n vierjarige kind. Ontstoke inwoners het op hom toegesak, met klippe bestook en met stokke aangeval nadat hy na bewering in ’n buite-toilet betrap is waar hy vermoedelik die meisie verkrag het. ’n Ambulans wat die verdagte na die hospitaal wou vervoer, is ook deur die oproeriges voorgekeer. Die vermeende verkragter is by die Sir Lowry’s Pass-polisiestasie aangehou waarna die skare ook na die polisiestasie is. Polisie het hul hande vol gehad om die verwoede skare, wat toe

ook by die stasie saamgedrom het, te verhinder om by die slagoffer binne die stasie uit te kom. Waarskuwingskote is deur die polisie afgevuur om die skare tot orde te bring toe hul die draadheining wou afbreek. Die voormalige DistriksPos verslaggewer en vryskutverslaggewer vir Die Son, Ian Baard, is ook aangeval toe hy op die toneel aankom en hy moes inderhaas vlug. “Die mense was soos besetenes. Daai byl het my met sentimeters gemis,” vertel Baard. Die meisie is in die Helderberg-hospitaal opgeneem en is Donderdag ontslaan. Sy is in die sorg van haar ouers. Die vermeende verkragter sal in die hof verskyn sodra sy toestand verbeter het.





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Helderberg Gazette

Eid brunch Many will spend the day of Eid with family and friends, and the Iqra Learning Centre is opening its doors for the community to spend the day together. The centre will be hosting an Eid brunch social on Eidul Fitr, expected to be on Sunday 19 August. The brunch will start at 10:00, and anyone interested in attending is encouraged to bring whatever they are able to for the potluck meal. Anyone who would like to join the brunch should RSVP before 15 August by sending an email to attiyagafieldien@yahoo.com or an sms to 083 442 8711. More details are available at mzk@mweb.co.za.

News - Nuus

Hulp vir depressie ’n Seminaar oor depressie beter word op Woensdag 15 Augustus aangebied. Die geleentheid vind van 18:30 tot 21:00 by die NG-kerk Helderberg, in die Joppelokaal plaas. Gawie Malherbe (psigiater), Elize Morkel (sielkundige) en die klinies pastorale terapeut, Pilot Loots sal as gassprekers optree. Die seminaar is gratis, maar donasies ten bate van die Helderberg Beradingsentrum is welkom. Vir navrae bel Marietjie by 083 356 1404 of stuur ’n e-pos aan wilmas@yebo.co.za.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Lwandle’s dancing queen NICOLE MCCAIN Vuyiseka Bobotyana is bringing the joy of movement to the youth of Lwandle through her ballroom and Latin dancing classes. An accomplished dancer herself, Vuyiseka strives to bring the sport she loves so dearly to her community. The 28-year-old started Opening Rise and Shine Academy in September 2009. The academy falls under Siyabonga, an umbrella arts organisation in Lwandle, and has grown to include traditional and gumboot dancing. Vuyiseka’s love for dancing was born in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape. “We used to pass by a college that gave dance classes on our way home from school. We always stood outside and watched the dancers. That’s where the idea started. “And one day, I decided to go in.” She was accepted into the classes, but didn’t take part in competitions for several years. “My father didn’t approve because of the costume,” she says with a twinkle in her eye. Raised in a conservative Christian home, her father was also worried that the competitions would interfere with her singing in the church choir. When Vuyiseka did start competing, in 2003, she never placed below the top three. “In my first competition, I came third. After that, I came first or second. One competition, my partner tripped and fell on me, and we still came second.” Vuyiseka is striving to make the sport more accessible to her community, and often choreographs dances in which her students dance in traditional African clothing. “We’re introducing an African side by doing ballroom dancing in African costumes. It’s to change the concept and make the dancing more familiar. People understand it better then.”

Vuyiseka Bobotyana is passionate about dance. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

However, passing on her skill has its challenges. The sport can be expensive, says Vuyiseka, who charges her students a joining fee that goes towards costumes. She says parents also don’t attend meetings or support their children. And she often has students drop out because they aren’t committed. For this reason, Vuyiseka only 10 regular students. “I’m a strict person, I won’t lie,” she says. “You need to be committed.” Vuyiseka believes the effort is worth it, for the discipline and self-confidence dancing teaches. “Your life changes. If you dance, the shy side of you disappears.” This change is one she experiences personally every time she dances. “I’m a mother of two – so I’ve got some problems,” she laughs. “But when I’m on the dance floor, it’s just my partner and me. I can express myself. There’s another Vuyiseka that comes out.” And for Vuyiseka, nothing’s as fulfilling as dancing. “I don’t want to do anything else.”

Tuesday 31 July 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Redline works on equity plan

Peuter agtergelaat ná ‘stelery’ ILLANA FRANTZ

JAMEY THOMAS Last Wednesday a crowd of disgruntled applicants protested outside the premises of the Redline factory in Gants Centre, Strand. They claimed the company, which

manufactures disposable alcohol breathalysers, failed to respond to their CVs that were handed in four months ago. The protesters also alleged that those who were employed at the time were appointed on the basis of race. Directors Nicolaas van den Bergh and Robert Schlusche reiterated

Many more CVs were submitted on the day of the protest, adding to the hundreds of CVs that have already been handed in. PHOTO: JAMEY THOMAS

that they had previously appointed people who had no formal skills. However, it now requires people with specific skills, the directors said. “Selection criteria have become stricter to match work responsibilities,” said Van den Bergh. On Wednesday, when the company promised that CVs would be taken into consideration when positions became available, the protesters demanded a response within the next month. “If they fail to respond, they can expect another protest,” says Zolekwa Toni, deputy secretary of the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) in Nomzamo, on behalf of the protesters. Toni says all the protesters want is equality. “We don’t want to fight, and we don’t want to see people lose their jobs, but we have to do something to create a balance,” she says. Redline has within the last four months increased its staff from 35 to 1 043 people due to an increased workload. Redline production manager Stephen Latsky says the company has approached the Department of Labour for assistance in compiling an equity plan.

’n Tweejarige kleuter is Woensdag in ’n winkel in Somerset-Wes agtergelaat nadat haar oppassers die hasepad gekies het. Die dogtertjie is deur twee 25-jarige mans en ’n tienermeisie by die Ackermans-winkel agtergelaat nadat onbetaalde items in hul besit gevind is. Volgens assistent-bestuurder Vivian Africa het die metaalverklikker by die deur kort voor 17:00 afgegaan toe die persone die winkel wou verlaat. Al drie het weggehardloop en die kind in haar stootwaentjie agtergelaat. Hoewel die sekerheidswag die drie agterna gesit het, kon hy hulle nie vang nie. By nadere ondersoek is verskeie items ter waarde van sowat R1 000 in die stootwaentjie, agter die kleuter se rug, gevind. Dit het babaklere, seuns-slaapklere en ’n paar

kamerjasse ingesluit. Die kind is na die polisiestasie geneem omdat daar geen inligting oor haar beskikbaar was nie. Sy het die aand in ’n plek van bewaring oornag. Konstabel Suzan Jantjies, woordvoerder van die Somerset-Wes polisie, het die voorval bevestig. Sy sê die kind se pa het die polisie telefonies van sy vermiste dogter ingelig. Hy het ’n akkurate beskrywing van die kind gegee en is meegedeel dat die kind by die polisiekantoor is. “Hy is aangesê om die kind se geboortesertifikaat saam te bring om haar te identifiseer. Die kind se ma, wat in Belhar woon, het haar die volgende dag kom haal. Volgens haar het sy haar kind in die sorg van die tienermeisie gelaat.” Volgens Jantjies was die dogtertjie se ouers baie ontsteld oor die voorval, maar verlig dat sy ongedeerd daarvan afgekom het. Geen saak is teen die betrokkenes aanhangig gemaak nie.

NEW SITE FOR HOMES: Just fewer than half of the 52 Sir Lowry’s Pass families worst affected by flooding in informal areas have moved to a temporary site established by the city of Cape Town on Erf ST 1154-31. Families began moving Monday last week, after initially refusing to move because the City was not willing to supply them with new material. They were given a starter kit and transport to assist with the relocation. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, mayoral committee member of human settlements, estimates the incremental development area will be completed by winter next year. Here Dimitri Eksteen and Clinton Douries are building a home on the new site. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Did you know this man? The Strand police are appealing for help in identifying a man who died on 25 May. His body was found in the parking area of the supermarket on the corner of Gordon’s Bay Road and George Street in Strand. The man is said to have been about 40 years old at the time of his death. He was 1,73 metres tall and had a scar from a burn wound on his left thigh.

He was found wearing a red and blue sweater, a grey jacket, blue jeans, blue trousers, black boots and a black cap. “Educol” tablets were found in his possession, the police say. If you can help the police identify the deceased, please get in touch with Warrant Officer Vollenstein of Strand Police Station. Vollenstein can be contacted on 0 021 854 9100.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Talk­time drivers to get cut off NICOLE MCCAIN A new City of Cape Town bylaw, under which traffic officers will be able to confiscate the cellphones of those who use them while driving,will only come into effect in the Helderberg in September. According to Chief Inspector Merle Lourens, spokesperson for the City of Cape Town’s Traffic Services, traffic officers still have to be trained around the new legislation. The new bylaw will allow traffic officers to stop offenders, issue a fine

of R500, and confiscate the driver’s cellphone for a period of 24 hours. The cellphone will be sealed in an impact-resistant box, and a receipt will be issued. Lourens says the City is phasing in the enforcement and logistical processes of the bylaw in various parts of Cape Town. “Traffic Services is in the process of providing a training programme for all of the officers to ensure that there are no hitches when enforcing this bylaw.” A training manual is also being drafted, with the aim of start the pro-

gramme at the end of August, says Lourens. “Enforcement to all areas will commence as soon as all training and logistics have been satisfactorily conducted, or when it is decided that the Ghost Squad is to conduct a scheduled operation in a specific area.” The Ghost Squad, an elite undercover traffic enforcement unit, is currently carrying out operations focusing on freeways in Cape Town. Lourens warns motorist that, in the interim, traffic officers will still enforce the National Road Traffic Act in respect of cellphone usage.

Patch needs your help Patch, the Helderberg child abuse centre, is appealing for donations for its charity shop. The charity shop, which was started four years ago, desperately needs stock, according to Patch’s Amanda-Lee Jones. “Anything that can be resold, bring to us,” appeals Jones. All proceeds generated by the charity shop go to Patch’s therapy project, which provides free therapeutic treatment to children who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

Jones asks that Helderberg residents and companies donate secondhand clothing, books, DVDs and CDs for the charity shop to resell. Any stock it cannot sell will be given to other charities in the area. Contact Patch on 0 021 852 6110 or email Amanda-Lee Jones at 2 mandy@preciouspatch.co.za. You can also drop any donations off at the non-governmental organisation’s offices at the Lyndhurst Community Care Centre on the corner of Dummer and Dorhill Streets in Somerset West.

Patch’s fundraiser, Amanda-Lee Jones, says the charity shop’s stock is at an all-time low. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN


Pamper yourself this August Glamorous Feet R250 Delicate Hands R250 Calming Coffee Bath R100



DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Emergency Medical Services; Communication Centre Tygerberg (1 post); Caledon (1 post); Moorreesburg (1 post); Worcester (1 post); George (1 post); Beaufort West (1 post); (Chief Directorate: General Specialist and Emergency Services)

Emergency Call Centre Supervisor (6 posts) Remuneration: R 149 742 per annum (negotiable) Service benefits: 13th cheque, employer’s contribution to the pension fund, housing and medical aid allowance. Requirements: Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate Call Centre Management Certificate (NQF Level 4). Experience: Appropriate experience in a Call Centre environment. Inherent requirement of the job: Ability to work shifts. Competencies (knowledge/skills): • Excellent knowledge of GEMC • Good leadership and supervisory skills • Good communication and interpersonal skills • Computer literacy. Duties (key result areas/outputs): • Supervise inbound and outbound operations • Liaise with public regarding complaints and compliments • Train and supervise staff • Plan a strategic roster for staff • Administrative duties • Handle labour relations (disciplinaries and grievances). Enquiries: Mr D Timm: 021 932-1341 Please submit your application for the attention of Ms A Ruiters to the Director: Emergency Medical Services, Private Bag X24, Bellville 7530. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or www.capegateway.gov.za) must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. Applications without the afore-mentioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are shortlisted and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.

028 214 5100 | www.thecaledon.co.za *Subject to availability. Terms and Conditions Apply.


The Western Cape Government is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard would be appreciated.

Closing Date 24 August 2012 Human Communications C95098E

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Advertisement - Advertensie

Helderberg Gazette



Ricoffy 500g Refill Bag



Freshers Macaroni & Spaghetti


R100 ONE 7kg Pocket of Class 1 Medium Potatoes, ONE 7kg Pocket of Class 1 Medium Onions, ONE Pocket of Oranges, ONE 5kg Box of Sunripe Tomatoes, ONE 5kg Value Pack of Carrots

Freshers 2kg Sugar



La Belinda Chopped & Whole Peeled Tomatoes


SUSHI 12 Piece Salmon Platter: 4 Piece Salmon Roses, 2 Piece Nigiri, 2 Piece Sashimi, 4 Piece Fashion Sandwiches

Cocktail Doughnuts




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Panini Rolls


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Breakfast Bun with FREE Takeaway Coffee

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Pork Braai Chops

250g Bacon (Streaky, Back or Prime Cut)

Seafood Mix 800g

Plain or Salted Cashews

R9.99 per 100g


Pork Leg Roast

Chicken Braai Packs

R34.99 per kg

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Cheese Griller

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Somerset Value Mart • Tel: 851 2824/65 • T/Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8:30 - 6 • Fri: 8:30 - 7 • Sat: 8 - 5 • Sun: 9 - 2 • Valid From: Tuesday 31 July - Sunday 05 August 2012 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY. HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 300712 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE


General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Wat sê mense? Viering van Mandeladag Dit is ’n skande dat daar so ’n verering van Mandeladag gemaak word. ’n Mens moet uit vrye wil vir iemand goed doen; dit moet van die hart kom. Tans bemark die nuwe Wêreldorde Mandela-mania wêreldwyd en word dit in almal se keelgatte gedruk. Dit raak darem net te erg. Ek verkies liewer om die Here te verafgod, die ware oplosser van die mensdom se probleme. R.V.R., Somerset-Wes

Kinders in pleegsorg Dit is skokkend dat meer kinders in pleegsorg geplaas word. Dit






wys dat die regering gefaal het met werkskepping, en terwyl drank en dwelms floreer, dien dit as ’n maklike weg vir ouers om nie verantwoordelikheid vir hul kinders te aanvaar nie. R.SMIT, Somerset-Wes Kindersorg: steriliseer ma en pa as hul die kinders mishandel dan sal daar minder wees wat na kindersorg moet gaan. Dis hul straf. Smith, Gordonsbaai

General Toni Rimell saw hopelessness in Sir Lowry’s Pass and formed the SLP Empowerment Project to uplift the area.

GORDONSBAY FAIR­ VIEW GOLF VILLAGE: 2 Bedroom flat in secure complex.R2900pm 66 on Fairways 2 Bedroom flat in secure complex R3400pm Contact Sandra 082 416 3522

JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083­513­9493.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Onwettige strukture in Macassar Macassar-inwoners is gedagvaar nadat hulle ’n onwettige struktuur opgerig het op die perseel waar verlede jaar se verwoestende brand plaasgevind het. ’n Familie van nege het omgekom in die brand wat by die huis in Dakotastraat uitgebreek het. Bure is nou bekommerd dat nog ’n wendyhuis op dieselfde perseel weer ’n brand kan veroorsaak. Beamptes van die Stad Kaapstad het die betrokke perseel op 12 Julie besoek en ’n kennisge-

G/BAY: Large modern 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 garage, pool, spa. Fully fenced. Safe and secure. R1.25mil. Pvt sale.

wing aan die eienaars van die onwettige struktuur uitgereik. Cheryl Walters, direkteur van beplanning en geboue ontwikkelingbestuur by Stad Kaapstad, het gesê ’n amptelike kennisgewing is per geregistreerde pos gestuur en die inwoners het 60 dae tyd om óf die struktuur te verwyder óf aansoek te doen vir beplanningstoestemming. Die Stad kan besluit om toestemming te gee of te weerhou, maar as die struktuur se eienaars nie aan die beplanningsvereistes voldoen nie, staar hulle

ALL FRIDGE AND DOMESTIC REPAIRS Mobile Workshop WENTZEL 083 897 2928 081 443 3396

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GORDON'S BAY ­ 3 Bed, garage. Mews. R625 000. STRAND ­ Broadlands. 3 Bed, tiled, extra kitchen BIC fully enclosed R340 000. 021­8552369/082­376­1461

GORDON'S BAY ­ 2 Bed, ground floor in upmarket golf security complex. Bath & shower. Parking bay. Safe & secure. R399 000. 0823761461/021­855 2369.

BUILT IN CUPBOARDS & KITCHENS B e d r o o m s , Va n i t i e s , Kitchens, Doors & Skirtings. Contact us for a competitive quote. Quality service guaranteed 079 779 3316 weca@telkomsa.net 0 Alle OPRUIM & VER­ WYDER van tuin­ & bouafval • Saag van bome & tuinwerk • Vervoerwerk • Braaihout te koop! DIRK 082 8484 213 0 ATTENTION 0 Removal of garden refuse, building rubble, household refuse. Treefelling and any small loads. Handyman services ( Danie 082­ 337­9532 HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS Fridges, stoves & w/machines. We also buy & sell secondhand appliances ( Deon 021­8508532 073­575­4400

ELECTRICAL appliances, repairs to fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, etc. Established 30 years in the Helderberg. Qualified trade diploma. Paul Clark (021) 8565132. FRIDGE ­O Refrigeration Repairs to all fridge & freezers ( 24 hrs 082 079 8308 INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083­704­0115. APPLIANCE AT ALL Repairs at your home Fridges & Freezers, Stoves, Washing machines & Microwaves. Call 071­755­3390

regsoptrede in die gesig. ’n Onwettige wateraansluiting is op dieselfde perseel aangebring. Die Stad se burgermeesterskomiteelid vir nutsdienste, Shehaam Simms, sê bestuursmeganismes sou tydens die week van Maandag 23 Julie ingestel word om hierdie onwettige optredes hok te slaan. ) Mense kan onwettige bouwerk rapporteer by 0860 103 089, of die plaaslike beplannings- en bouontwikkelingsbestuur se kantoor besoek.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette





LOOKING GOOD: The top boys of the Care and Share Crèche’s modelling show are (front, from left) Enré Miles (first runner-up), Tyrone Gombe (winner) and Siyavuya Ntozin (second runner-up).

POLISIE STEEL KINDERHARTE: Kolonel Errol Merkeur, stasiebevelvoerder vir die Macassar-polisie, is oorval deur die jongspan by die Sonskyn-kleuterskool op Mandeladag. Die polisie en die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum(GPF) het hande gevat en hul 67 minute gebruik om kospakkies by verskeie kleuterskole in die gemeenskap uit te deel. “Honderde kinderharte is gesteel. Op hul jong ouderdom weet die kleuters reeds wat dié dag beteken,” sê polisiewoordvoerder, konstabel Chrisy Young. FOTO’S: VERSKAF

Stasiebevelvoerder kolonel Errol Merkeur en GPF-voorsitter Anthony Cassiem gesels met die kleuters..

The top senior girls are (from left) Xoliswa Lunguza (first runner-up), Emihle Somdaka (winner) and Mikayla Joseph (second runner-up). MISSING: Vasha, a two-year-old male German Shepherd, went missing on Friday 20 July from his garden in Van der Stel. He may have been stolen. Vasha, who is microchipped, was wearing a brown leather collar at the time of his disappearance. He is described as “very big boned”, and has an unusually long nose and two distinctive black dots on either side of his cheeks. Vasha’s owners are offering a reward – anyone who can help them find him can contact Toyah Lord on 082 340 5588 or 071 904 5242.




Year 16 • Dinsdag 31 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Playing for change NICOLE MCCAIN The members of Helderberg Rugby Club took a day off from the game to give back to the community on Mandela Day. They visited Sir Lowry’s Pass Village to lend a hand to Hope for Change, a non-profit organisation working with abused, abandoned and neglected children. The charity aims to bring a smile to the children’s faces, which is exactly what the rugby club did, says head coach Ricky Petersen. “It’s a wonderful experience, seeing a smile on a kid’s face,” says Petersen. They donated pots of soup, as well as clothing, and spent

some time with the children. Eileen MacDonald, chairperson of Hope for Change, says the club served up four pots of steaming soup, along with bread, for the 50odd hungry mouths. “I’m so happy for what they did. We’re so grateful!” says MacDonald. “Helderberg Rugby Club saw the need and reached out in their purpose to make a difference in the lives of so many less-fortunate children.” And it’s hoped that the interaction will encourage the children to pursue their sporting dreams. “Hopefully one day I’ll be coaching one of those kids,” says Petersen. If you’d like to get in touch with Hope for Change, call 021 858 1950.

Khaya Mayedwa (Saru’s corporate social investment manager) presents Ryan Samsan and Nicole Louw with gifts; each child at the school was given a little something by Saru and “Bokkie”.

67 minutes of healthy fun Helderberg Rugby Club donated four pots of soup to the children supported by Hope for Change. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The SA Rugby Union (Saru), the Tag Rugby Association and the South African Rugby Association gave their 67 minutes for Mandela to Monteith Primary School in Grabouw. The pupils of the small farm school were treated to a wealth of fun and games.

They were divided into groups, and each visited one of seven stations, where they got to have some rugby fun. After the games, the Grade 7 pupils and some staff delivered soup the school had made to Grabouw families who were in need of something warm to eat.

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