Helderberg Gazette 3 July 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Floodline families stand fast

Work on the temporary relocation area, erf ST 1154-31, has come to a standstill. The 52 families to be moved there are said to be unhappy that the City of Cape Town will only be giving them standard emergency kits with which to rebuild.

NICOLE MCCAIN Almost two months after Sir Lowry’s Pass exploded into riot on 9 May over a lack of housing, it is still not clear whether or not families that were worst affected by flooding will move. The City of Cape Town and Mayor Patricia de Lille assured the community that the 52 families living below the floodline in the informal settlement of Rasta Camp would be moved to higher land by the end of June. Although the clearing of the land for the so-called temporary relocation area (TRA) – erf ST 1154-31 –

started in mid-May, no residents have yet been moved there. Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for human settlements, says plans have come to a halt, and no temporary structures will be built. “The Human Settlements Directorate is willing and has already planned to relocate the identified 52 worst-affected families from Rasta Camp to the site, but at present they have indicated that they do not want to relocate.” According to Anwar Louw, chairperson of the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco), residents are reluctant to move be-

cause the city will not supply them with building material. Dolphina Steenkamp, chairperson of the Sir Lowry’s Pass Development Committee, says people are unwilling to break down their homes if they are not going to receive material to build new ones. “Some of those homes have been standing for 20 years. One can just imagine that people will not be able to rebuild with the same material once it has been broken down. People would be willing to move if they were getting building material.” Sonnenberg says the city offered the families the standard emergency kits for rebuilding, “but they have indicated a preference that

enough material be provided for them to completely rebuild their existing structures”. “This is why the families have been unwilling to relocate.” He says the City is unable to do this given the temporary nature of the homes, and the City’s future plans for a low-cost housing project. The TRA land is one of two erven earmarked for the planned low-cost housing project, and will accommodate 72 houses. De Lille said 500 low-cost houses would be built on erf ST 1154-31 and erf 911 in Rasta Camp. In the meantime, the City has begun the public participation process for the move to erf ST 1154-31.

The area, which is just over 1 100 m², is meant to house 174 temporary units with a size of 8 m². However, residents living near the site say they were not consulted about this, and that clearing of the land started before any public participation process had begun. Bruce Oom, spokesperson for Western Cape Human Settlements MEC Bonginkosi Madikizela, estimates it will take another eight weeks before erf 911 in Rasta Camp is signed over to the city. “A submission has been prepared and, assuming the minister agrees with the submission, the process will continue – and may still take another eight weeks.”





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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Monwabisi Rasmeni with two examples of the model ships he builds.


History sets sail NICOLE MCCAIN Christmas lights and bright baubles adorn the Rasemi family’s modern take on a Christmas tree. Decorated all year round, they have a ship as their Christmas tree, handmade by Monwabisi Rasmeni. “It’s much better than a tree,” says Monwabisi. “A tree you throw out after a month. A ship, you keep for years.” It also stands testament to Monwabisi’s love of the ships he so patiently crafts. Monwabisi made his first model ship at 15. He learnt the art from his older brother, Mzukisi, who was 22 at the time. “My brother liked to work with his hands, and I used to help. I took the opportunity to take it further.” And Monwabisi (29) took it far enough to make a living from the model ships. In 2009 he started selling the boats he makes. “I was struggling to get work, so I decided to sell the boats.” He doesn’t make just any boat either – Monwabisi specialises in making replicas of the Dromedaris, the three-mast ship in which Jan van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

“When I started building boats I was studying history at school. I learnt about Jan van Riebeeck, who landed in the Dromedaris in 1652.” He then researched the ship on the Internet, and now produces models of them in various sizes for sale. “I want to show everyone about our history. It gives everyone background about the country.” Monwabisi’s boats are all made by hand. He makes each one using only a hacksaw and glue. “I use a hacksaw because I don’t have a machine. You have to focus. It’s easy to make a mistake, and then you have to start again.” He also has to be precise, because he has to measure all the pieces by hand. A large ship can take up to three days to make, and can range from R150 for a small one to R2 500 for the largest ship. Each ship has three or four masts, with the bigger ships sporting around 50 sails. All the ropes on the ships are threaded by hand using cotton. However, Monwabisi has trouble selling his artworks. “I need help with marketing,” he says. He currently sells his wares on the beachfront in Strand, but is looking for a more permanent place to sell them. To contact Monwabisi, 0 071 751 1143 or email 2 monwarameni@gmail.com.

HEAD COUNT: Several new faces were seen in the Helderberg last month after 20 new field workers were hired to collect information on people living on the street. Kylie Hatton, media manager for the City of Cape Town, says the field workers were hired for the month of June and tasked with completing a survey to establish how many people are living on the street. The information captured by the field workers will then be used by the Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate to plan more effectively. Among the field workers were (back row, from left) Benita Beukes, Shareen Schroeder, Herbert Matthews, Ashwin Vaaltyn and Carmen de Kock. Front: Elsabe Wyngard, Raymond Keyser, Johenna Spaier, Phumza Ncwaba, Kashiefa Grenose, Una Williams, Zoliswa Mabini, Ntanbo Roji and Grace Samuels.

Majestic movement The Majestic Dance Crew, made up of a troop of local talents, is taking part in the Masters of Rhythm Dance Competition in Johannesburg from 9 to 11 August. The group has been selected to represent Cape Town at the finals of this dance championship, and is currently ranked eighth on the SA Hip Hop International Dance Championship log. The Majestic Dance Crew is made up of 10 young people – aged 15 to 21 – from Casablanca. Like many of their peers, some of the members find it hard to get jobs, and have decided to dance instead of leading dan-

gerous and unhealthy lives on the street. The youngsters give up their time every evening to practise, but at the moment the only venue available to them is a street in their area. They practise there until the light becomes too bad to continue. Heinrich Gabriels, the manager of the Majestic Dance Crew, says the group is very capable of winning the Masters of Rhythm Dance Competition – but they need funding and support. If you’d like to become involved in the Majestic Dance Crew’s success, contact Heinrich Gabriels on 0 073 580 7901.



The Majestic Dance Crew are (from left) Liezel de Jager, Migael Daniels, Charmel Daniels, Jamiel Khabu, Andrew Gabriel, Christiaan Classen and Chandre Daniels. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Tuesday 3 July 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Charged up by power hike Rape on increase The City of Cape Town announced a significant increase in electricity tariffs effective as

of Sunday (1 July).

Moyakzi Ndeleni is a student in Somerset West. “If they put up the electricity, rent will also go up. And then where will we stay? So many graduates are unable to get jobs, and now they will have nowhere to stay too. I really disagree with it. We have to try find ways to save electricity.”

“I own a coffee shop, so I’m going to be seriously affected by the increase,” says Juanita Rademeyer. “We’ll have to increase our prices. It’s not like we can switch off the lights if there are customers here. We’ll have to start offering coffee by candlelight!”

Gazette went out into the Helder-

Jason Neethling of Somerset West says he already forks out a lot of money for electricity. “We’re going to have to move money around and budget carefully. And we are already trying to save as much as possible by turning off the lights and geyser.”

“Elektrisiteit kos baie! Dis nou reeds moeilik sonder die styging,” sê Molly Tromp van Nomzamo. “Ek kook net drie of vier keer ’n week, en verder eet ek dit wat oorbly. Dit spaar ’n paar randjies waarmee krag kan koop.”

200 homes flooded Heavy rains last Tuesday (26 June) left 200 informal homes flooded in Strand, says Mandy Thomas of the City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management. The flooding displaced 360 people in New Village, and another 480 in Solly’s Town. Thomas says warm meals and blankets were handed out to the residents affected by the flooding on Tuesday and Wednesday last week.

berg to ask residents how they felt about the 11% spike in the cost of this essential commodity.

Igshaan Davids, wat in Somerset-Wes werk, sê hy moet vir sy gesin sorg en die styging maak dit moeilik. “Dit jaag baie geld uit die sak uit. Ek moet ook vir kos en klere vir my twee kinders betaal, sowel as vir crèche en skool. Ons sal ’n gasstoof moet kry om dalk minder die krag verbruik te verminder.” Foto’s: Nicole McCain “The increase is not good,” says Braun Mwenda of Zola. “Our salaries are not increasing with this. We will have to ask for a raise, and in the meantime I’m going to have to bath with less hot water.”


Why so high

The Strand police are asking for the public’s help in finding a missing person. The man, believed to be around 35 years old, is thought to have lived in Lwandle, Nomzamo or Asanda Village. He was last seen walking with another man along the railway line in Strand at about 18:30 on Tuesday 26 June. At the time he was wearing black jeans, a brown jersey and a black jacket. If you can help, please phone Warrant Officer Johan Bresler on 0 021 854 9100 or 079 894 0069.

Waste removal tariffs will increase by 7% – a rise the City of Cape Town says is necessary to fund new landfills and maintenance of the fleet of wasteremoval vehicles. The 11% increase in electricity tariffs, it is said, will cover the costs of the City’s Electricity Services Department, which forms the link between Eskom and the consumer. Maintenance of transformers and public lighting, and the delivery of support services, will be covered. For more information on any of the new tariffs you can contact the City’s call centre on 0 0860 103 089.

The Lwandle police have urged women to be more vigilant, and to avoid walking alone, after a 17-year-old girl was gang raped on Friday 22 June. According to police spokesperson Constable Mthokozisi Gama, rape statistics rose in the area in June. Gama says four more rapes were reported, most of them happening on weekends between 20:00 and 04:00; teenage girls were targeted. According to Helderberg Rape Crisis manager Reinette Evans, 24 new cases were reported during May and June in Grabouw, Strand, Gordon’s Bay, Macassar and Lwandle; 10 to 15 were not reported to police. “The increase in rape is unusual for this time of year, which is normally quieter,” says Evans. She adds that most of the cases were reported to have happened in the last three weeks. Seven youths (aged 16 to 18) were arrested in connection with the gang rape shortly after the incident. According to Gama, the girl who lives in Nomzamo had been on her way home at 13:00 when four persons approached her. They took her to a shack, where three others were waiting. Four of the men then raped

the girl while three others held her down. The suspects appeared in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on 25 June. Gama says the suspects were all released on a warning and will appear in court again soon. The police have issued the following recommendations for people who have been raped: seek medical assistance as soon as possible; tell the first person you encounter; should this person be a stranger, ask for a name and contact number as they may be asked to testify in court; get to a safe place; do not to shower or wash as this will destroy evidence of the crime; if you have washed already, place the clothing you were wearing in a plastic bag as evidence; and do not drink tea or sugar water as DNA samples will need to be taken from your mouth. If you have been raped, you can contact the Thuthuzela, Nyamezela, PATCH or Rape Crisis centres. The victim support room at the Lwandle police station is operational 24 hours a day. Staff will immediately contact the police and a doctor.

N2­booswigte verskyn in hof Die Macassar-polisie het vyf verdagtes wat vermoedelik by die aanvalle op die N2 betrokke was, aangekeer. Konst. Norman Ngonelo het op inligting reageer waarop vier mans, 28, 26, 24, 21 en ’n 15-jarige seun in hegtenis geneem is. Drie skootrekenaars, twee digitale kameras en ’n Black-berry selfoon is gevind.

Die verdagtes word daarvan verdink dat hulle versperrings, in die pad geplaas het om motoriste te forseer om stil te hou en dan beroof word. Die vyf verdagtes het Maandag 25 Junie in die Somerset-Wes landdroshof op aanklag van roof met verswarende omstandighede, verskyn. Die minderjarige is in die sorg van sy ma vrygelaat.

Die saak is weer Maandag 2 Julie verhoor vir hul aansoek om borgtog. Die hofuitslag was teen druktyd nog onbekend. Stasiebevelvoerder by Macassar-polisie lt.kol. Errol Merkeur bedank die gemeenskap vir hul samewerking. Enige persone met nog inligting kan die ondersoekbeampte Norman Ngonelo by 021 857 7122 bel.


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News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Walking with St James NICOLE MCCAIN Two Helderberg friends have just returned from a gruelling 500 km pilgrimage through Spain.

NATURE CALLS: The Ansar al Masakin Foundation recently took 35 pupils of Madrasatur Rajaa Strand high school on a scenic hiking adventure through the Cecilia Forest in Kirstenbosch. The foundation works to provide more outdoor activities to the people among its community, creating “meaningful and sustainable solutions” for children through awareness programmes and skills development, in the end producing effective and balanced members of society. If you’re interested in any hiking excursions, phone foundation chairperson Shabier Chotia on 0 021 845 9062.

HEADSTRONG: Somerset West Night Shelter residents are finding it much easier to keep warm after a donation of beanies on Monday 25 June. Somerset West resident Renée Dearing (76) knitted the 40 beanies by hand over six months. Here, Dearing (in front) is seen with Cheryl Smoth, Rodney Abrahams, Albertina Lugalo, Jlin Joka and Elize Harmse. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN

Have breakfast with Badisa Tickets cost R100 per person. If you’d like to partake, you can give the Badisa office a call on 0 021 853 1888.


Badisa Strand is to hold a fundraising breakfast this Saturday at 10:00 at the Ocean Hotel in Beach Road, Strand.

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El Camino de Santiago was the route taken by a disciple of Jesus, Saint James, as he spread the gospel. It winds its way from France to the town of Santiago in Spain, where Saint James is buried. Marlene Gilbert and Aleta Wege decided to walk El Camino after reading a book by Helderberg local Ermanno Aiello that described the journey. Marlene explains that the book brings across that El Camino is not only a long Aleta Wege and Marlene Gilbert on El Camino de Santiago in Spain. walk, but also a spiritual The two friends recently completed the 500 km pilgrimage. journey. PHOTO: SUPPLIED And the journey started more than a year ago for these friends. Once You have to lift your feet. But the other they had decided to do the pilgrimage, Mar- people carry you spiritually.” lene and Aleta started practising. Aleta says her spiritual journey taught her “The first day I walked for 17 minutes and how it is important, both on the trail and in thought I was going to die,” says Marlene. life, to walk at your own pace. “I walked with However, Aleta says they didn’t nearly a woman who had a longer stride, and I have enough practice. “Due to work commit- matched mine to meet hers. But I paid the ments, we could only walk on weekends.” price the next day!” says Aleta, who suffered They spent weekend mornings walking all shin splints as a result. “I thought: ‘I can’t over Somerset West, and many hours listen- believe I’ve walked all this way and now I ing to advice from other locals who had get shin splints.’ But I just slowed my pace, walked the trail. and forced myself to be patient.” On 26 April they left for Spain, with only Marlene admits there were moments their backpacks, sleeping bags and two when she wanted to turn back, but the camachanges of clothes. raderie kept her going. “One day I had lost “You have to carry everything with you,” two toenails and my feet were bleeding. I explains Marlene, who took only one pair of thought I just couldn’t do it anymore. long pants. She arrived to pouring rain and “But my friend and the other people were a temperature of 10 °C – enough to make so encouraging. And the next day, I woke up many tourists turn back. and carried on.” But the two friends stuck it out, and 22 days Aleta says the most rewarding part was later completed the walk of almost 500 km. reaching places they had read about and Marlene says their journey was truly a looked forward to seeing. And, of course, finspiritual one. Many of the pilgrims on the ishing the pilgrimage. road bonded, even though they didn’t speak Marlene says reaching the Cathedral of the same language. “Everyone shared along Santiago de Compstella was worth it. “You the way. If they saw you needed water . . . or walk through this arch, the Pilgrims’ Port. if you had blisters, someone would give you All the people on the road wait for each other a plaster. and you’re so happy for each other. All the “Physically, you have to do the walk alone. way along, you help each other. You share.”

149 Main Rd, Somerset West

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Tuesday 3 July 2012

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Helderberg Gazette



News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 3 July 2012

US jazz greats to hit Cape Town Cape Town jazz lovers are in for a treat when American musicians David Sanborn and Joe Sample share the stage on Tuesday 10 July at the GrandWest Grand Arena. David Sanborn has been hailed by Rolling Stone Magazine as one of the greatest

saxophonists of the past four decades. Since the late 1960s this multi–award winning musician has performed with musical greats from all genres, including George Benson, Stevie Wonder, Eric Clapton, Cat Stevens, Michael Franks, Al Jarreau and Kenny G.

Sanborn will be joined by pianist and composer Joe Sample, who has toured and performed with many well-known musicians, from Marvin Gaye to Tina Turner. The show starts at 20:00, and tickets are available from Computicket at a cost of between R200 and R450.

David Sanborn


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Tuesday 3 July 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Gazette­lesers praat saam Wetteloosheid in woonbuurte: ) Dis jammer dat mense polisieer moet word om hul bure en inwoners in hul woonbuurte te respekteer. Dankie ao. Isaacs by die Sir Lowry’s Pass-polisiestasie dat jy Sondagoggend om 02:50 op my oproep reageer het en ’n patrollievoertuig gestuur het om die rusversteurders wat disko-musiek vir die hele dorp gespeel het tot orde te roep.

Geverfde heinings, Somerset­Wes ) Daar is belangriker dinge om voor op te staan as ’n heining in die nuwe vlag se kleure. Die meeste mense het in elk geval nie eens gestem vir die nuwe vlag nie. As

jy wel iets wil verf, kies ’n kleur wat by die dorp pas en wat uitstaan. Ek wil liewer Somerset-Wes as dorp sien uitbrei met volop parkeerplek waarvoor jy nie hoef te betaal nie. Tans loop die dorp leeg en gaan ’n belaglike geverfde heining nie die dorp se ekonomie laat groei nie. Gee asseblief ook aandag aan werkskepping! Rynhardt, S.-Wes ) Vergeet van die belaglike heining en brei Somerset-Wes uit. Ekskuus! Dan is daar alweer nie ekstra bonusse vir die DA nie. Nel,Strand

) Vir jare word die motoriste op die N2 geteiken deur klipgooiers. Dit is heeltemal onaanvaarbaar en daar word gereeld hieroor gewaarsku. Daar is beslis fout met politici se denkwyse oor hoe dinge gedoen word. Hoekom word daar nie ’n hoë reusagtige muur aan weerskante van die N2 gebou om klipgooiery te bekamp nie? Dan word die publiek wat ’n bydrae tot die ekonomie lewer, beskerm. Maar tans geniet leeglêers wat klipgooi voorkeurbehandeling. R.Smit, S-Wes

Nood vir skole in die Helderberg


) Die nuwe skole wat tans in die Helder-

Warm feet, warm hearts Shoprite and Checkers have joined forces with SABC2’s Hectic Nine-9 “AWEHness” initiative to help keep feet warm this winter. With many winter charity drives focusing on blanket collections, Hectic Nine-9 and the supermarkets have decided to address a different need by collecting as many new pairs of socks and shoes as possible over the next month. Members of the public are encouraged to open their hearts and help families in need by donating new socks and shoes of all sizes to this worthy cause. Donations can be placed in the winter collection SOS (“Socks Or Shoes”) trolleys that have been made available at the entrances of Shoprite, Checkers and Checkers Hyper supermarkets. All the new socks and shoes donated will be distributed by Shoprite and Checkers to less fortunate organisations and communities after the campaign ends on Friday 3 August.

Die kinders is die kans gegun om die honde, Clara en Taylor, te streel onder die wakende oog van seniorsuperintendent Charl Kitchening.

Honde wys hul spesiale snuffelkuns NICOLE MCCAIN Dwelmbewusmaking was die tema vir die kinders van Sir Lowry’s Pass toe die Metropolisie se hondeeenheid hulle verlede Woensdag besoek het. Die kinders is geleer om dwelms te identifiseer en het die geleentheid gehad om te sien hoe honde opgelei is om dwelms, plofstowwe en onwettige vuurwapens uit te snuffel. Die bewusmakingsveldtog was deel van die Sir Lowry’s Pass-biblioteek se vakansie-program.


Seniorsuperintendent Charl Kitchening demonstreer hoe Taylor opgelei is om onwettige middels uit te snuffel.





Living in a mad world Alles wat Mal Is, a comedy drama, will be performed in the Zandvleit Secondary School hall on Friday 13 July. Through the life of a drug dealer and his community, the play tackles the issues of drugs, gangsterism and domestic abuse. “This show is about realities we face every day, and how

not to fall into these traps,” says organiser Clinton Lucas. “It is about challenges in our communities like tik and alcohol abuse, and gangsterism.” The show will start at 19:30, and costs R45. Those interested in seeing the play can phone Clinton Lucas on 0 076 157 8256.






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Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 15:15, 17:50, 20:20, 22:50 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 15:15, 17:50, 20:20





berg gebou word, word opreg waardeer. Strategies gesproke word ’n laerskool in Strand, op die hoek van Broadlands en Broadway dringend benodig, om die onmiddellike omliggende gebied te bedien. Hierdie perseel was alreeds so vroeg as 1990 geïdentifiseer vir ’n laerskool. Donald Grant antwoord asb. Willie.

Polisievrou van die Jaar ) Ek dink Suzan verdien die award. Sy’s deel van verskillende aktiwiteite in Chris Nissenpark, soms in haar vrye tyd. Dankie vir alles wat jy vir ons doen. Gemeenskapleier, Micheal van Wyk ) If there is one person who deserves this award it is Suzan Jantjies! I’ve seen her work and dedication on different levels and associated with her on different levels! She is always willing; always doing her best and more. She deserves it!Edna

Die Gazette is binnekort aanlyn ’n OPWINDENDE nuwe era wag op die Gazette en sy lesers, want sewe dae van nou af kan julle ons aanlyn besoek – en reuse-pryse wen as julle as lesers registreer. Ja, Boland Media se Gazettegroep, waarvan die Helderberg Gazette ’n lid is, se gesamentlike webwerf word op 10 Julie aangeskakel. Jy sal nie net nuus uit jou eie gemeenskap daar kan lees nie, maar ook sien wat doen die Boland-bure van die Swartland, Breederiviervallei, Stellenbosch, Drakenstein en die Theewaterskloof. Wees op die uitkyk vir video’s en fotogalerye waar jy méér van die gesigte in jou gemeenskap kan

sien, en lees die kommentaar wat jou medegebruikers oor die artikels lewer. En as jy dapper genoeg is, kan jy ook jóú stem laat hoor… Maar vir eers is die groot opwinding die kompetisies waarmee ons afskop. Jy kan oor die volgende paar weke inskryf en die kans staan om enigiets van ’n miniwegbreek (ter waarde van meer as R4 000) tot ’n Sweedse massering by ’n spa te wen. Maar onthou jy moet as gebruiker registreer om deel te neem. Moenie 10 Julie se Gazette misloop nie en registreer sommer dadelik. Ons wag met groot opwinding om jou te bedien!

PICTURE PERFECT: Nomzamo artist Silindile Sihlangu spent an afternoon teaching children the value of art at Lwandle Library. He put on an exhibition of his work and taught the children about the paintings on display. Sihlangu, seen above with the youngsters, has been working as an artist for 10 years. PHOTO: NICOLE MCCAIN


Year 16 • Dinsdag 3 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

SA’s top lifters in Somerset West The West Workout Gym in Somerset West will host a powerlifting competition – in which 26 of South Africa’s top powerlifters will compete – this Saturday. These lifters have all qualified for this 100% RAW competition, and an additional 10 lifters were invited to compete in the event, which will feature powerlifting in the squat, the bench and the deadlift. Weigh-in takes place from 09:00 to 10:00, and the competition will take place from 11:30 to 17:30. Only the powerlifters who qualified in December 2011 or March 2012 for 100% RAW competitions, or those who have been specifically invited to the event, will be lifting. A South African team will be selected after the competition to compete among the best in the world in Las Vegas, USA, at the world champion-

ships later this year. The chairperson of 100% RAW Powerlifting in South Africa, Steven Blake, has requested that families and friends go to the competition to support and help motivate these lifters to achieve their dreams of breaking the world records. The South African team selected to travel to the USA to compete at the world championships will have to do so at their own expense, which will unfortunately mean that some of the lifters will not be able to go. Potential sponsors are therefore also invited to attend the competition in Somerset West to witness the highcalibre lifters in their element – and to consider sponsoring those who make it onto the SA team. To find out more, phone the West Workout Gym on 021 851 2273. A spectator fee of R10 for this competition will be charged.

BLITSBOK’S VISIT: Cecil Afrika (third from left), SA Blitsbok and IRB Sevens rugby player of the year for 2011, visited the players of the Anyone for Tennis development programme at Strand Tennis Club recently. He and Jeff Coetzee (back row, third from right), an SA Davis Cup player who has now returned to live in Strand, spent time with the players during the last Boland Mini Series tournament and gave them inspirational speeches. Five of the Anyone for Tennis players, namely JP Kock, Sinazo Solani, Dylan Wildschut, Dominic Bersma and Gary Josephs, were members of Boland junior teams that won their inter-provincial tournaments this year. The programme is still sponsored by Asla and Lotto, with Dunlop and the Dell Foundation joining this year. Now, in the second half of the year, the tennis and life-skills programme will be supplemented by an academic programme. Seen with the pro tennis players are Lance Pierre du Toit, Christiaan van der Walt, Dylan Wildschut, Charlie Morkel, Gary Josephs, Danie Morkel, Nyanga Ngwana, Hannes Vorster, JP Kock and Justin Piek.

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