Helderberg Gazette 5 Junie 2012

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Year 16 • Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Left alone NICOLE MCCAIN Three times a week, the Lwandle police are forced to deal with children who’ve been left without supervision by their parents – and the problem is rife throughout the Helderberg. Melany Kühn, spokesperson for Social Development MEC Albert Fritz, says 25 cases of neglect of this sort were reported in the Helderberg last year. Seventeen cases were in Macassar alone, according to Kühn. Olivia Adams, a social worker for Child Welfare in Macassar, says three cases came through this office in the last year. Kühn says not all cases are reported through Child Welfare; they may come from other NGOs. Constable Mthokozisi Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle police, says numerous cases have been reported to the police over the last few months. The children are usually under the age of six, and are often found wandering the road or between homes. Léanne Keet of Masikhule Childcare says there aren’t enough daycare facilities in Lwandle for the number of children who need to be looked after,

especially those whose parents work. “The need exceeds the facility numbers,” says Keet. It’s a general problem that can be seen in Sir Lowry’s Pass and Macassar too, she says. Esté de Jager, a social worker for Child Welfare in Sir Lowry’s Pass, says there aren’t too many cases of outright child abandonment – defined legally as leaving a child for more than three months. The main issue is parents who leave their children unattended, and it’s usually due to ignorance, she says. Gama says many cases come to the attention of the police when parents are under the influence, or when they’ve left their children in the “care” of other people. Kühn agrees, saying that children are often neglected because their parents are abusing drugs and alcohol, and due to a lack of parenting skills and support. Other factors include financial and emotional instability. Gama says the high number of these cases is a drain on police resources. He explains that, once the child has been taken to the police station, officers will open an investigation to find the parents. Once the parents have been found, and confirmed as family of

Nuwe baadjie

the child, the officers will release the child to them. If the officers are unable to find the parents, they contact Social Welfare and find a safe house for the child to stay in. Adams says this puts a lot of pressure on the social workers. They first attempt to contact the child’s family; if that fails, they have to find a foster parent or place of safety where the child can spend the night. “And everything has to be done that day, before you go home,” she says. Kühn echoes this. “Huge effort goes into finding loving homes for abandoned children,” she says, “including but not limited to man hours, money, equipment, and collaboration with other government departments.” Anyone who finds a missing child should contact the police immediately on 0 10111, or report the matter to their nearest police station. Child abuse can be reported to Childline on 0 0800 055 555.






Constable Mthokozisi Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle police, says parents should do the following when a child goes missing: first, immediately report the child as missing at your nearest police station. There is no waiting period with regards to missing persons. Supply the police with a recent photo and full description of the child. Become involved with the investigation by asking all friends and family to help search and distribute flyers. Stay in contact with the police officers investigating, and report any developments to them.

Morné Mitchell (links) en Davie Classen van die Helderberg-munisipaliteit se parkeraad is gister (Maandag) besig om houtheinings in die Somerset-Wes-middedorp te verf. Dié werk is deel van die Stad Kaapstad se opgradering van verkeerseilande in Hoofweg, Somerset-Wes. Die heinings sal, waar nodig, herstel word, en in die kleure van die Stad Kaapstad geverf word. Waterbesparende plante sal ook as deel van die opgraderingsprojek geplant word. “Hierdie is ’n afskopprojek om die middedorp meer kleurvol te maak,” sê Somerset-Wes-parkeraad se bestuurder, John Jarvis. Kommentaar en voorstelle van die gemeenskap kan aan john.jarvis@capetown.gov.za gerig word. Foto: Nicole Mccain


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Lwandle to enchant with choir champs NICOLE MCCAIN The Abathandi Boxolo choir are warming up their voices in anticipation of the inaugural Lwandle Cultural Youth Festival. The festival, running from 14 to 17 June, will feature a choral and cultural competition for all choirs and singing groups in Lwandle and Nomzamo. Michael Xelelo, who runs the Abathandi Boxolo choir, says he’s very proud to be associated with the festival, which is encouraging transformation. The choir is also dedicated to empowering the community, Xelelo says; he and his fellow singers started the group in 2002 to encourage children to turn away from drugs and crime. Today, the choir of around 50 people is open to all ages. “There are so many people who want to join choirs,” says Xelelo, who estimates that there are half a dozen of these singing groups in the area. The Abathandi Boxolo choir specialises in a cappella music, and also sings gospel

and African songs. Xelelo says the singers often rework kwaito, R&B and house songs as a way to make the music more accessible. “We want everyone to enjoy it,” he explains. Though they haven’t yet chosen a song to perform at the festival, Xelelo says the choristers are practising hard for the upcoming competition, which happens at the Lwandle community hall from 11:00 to 18:00 on 15 June. Awards will be handed to the best choir and cultural group, as well as the runners-up. The festival will also include a youth lecture, netball tournament, seven-a-side soccer tournament, talent competition, and martial arts display. Singing the praises of these vocal groups is Bongani Michael, treasurer of the festival’s organising group. “Choirs are an essential part of our society,” he says on behalf of Lwandle’s facility management committee. “We have seen their presence through schools, social groups and religious structures, and even our state departments have their own choirs. We are guaranteed exceptional participa-

The Abathandi Boxolo choir show off their second-place trophy, claimed at a recent competition. Photo: supplied

tion and healthy competition from the groups that will take part.” All events will be free to the public, and Michael encourages everybody to enjoy

the talent on show. Anyone interested in taking part in the Lwandle Youth Festival can contact Bongani Michael on 084 561 1687.

Strand man brings book to life Kinderdag in Sir Lowry’s NICOLE MCCAIN


Strand-born author Rashaad van Niekerk is planning the release of his first book, Memowars of a Schizophrenic. The novella looks at life through the eyes of someone living with the psychological condition of schizophrenia, examining everyday concepts such as love and sport, and the musing of a person living with several voices in their head. Van Niekerk describes the book as “a mad man putting his struggles on paper”. He starts his book with the story of a young boy whose love for Bible stories sparks a dream of being a prophet. This sets the scene for the moral debate strung throughout the book – on “where we’re going wrong and what we’re doing wrong”. The aim of this, according to Van Niekerk, is to remind us of our principles and purpose. Although Van Niekerk has no training in psychology, he researched the book extensively, devoting two years to understanding the mind of a schizophrenic. He says the book is more than just an exploration of the mind. “The book will take your mind on a journey. It will open up your eyes and ears to things you take for granted.” Van Niekerk freely admits he found the process challenging. “To write a book is not easy. You write two chapters, and then the next day delete it all because it doesn’t make sense to you. And then there’s writer’s block. Every day is a challenge!” Despite this, Van Niekerk says he found the freedom to express himself through writing. “Writing allowed me to be free, to say what I want, to do what I want to do.” He’s strongly motivated to be an example for the children living in his community. Van Niekerk grew up in Strand, where he says many teenagers turn to drugs and end up involved in crime. “Where I come from, prison is your destiny. People don’t see you doing something with your life.”

Sir Lowry’s Pass se kinders het Vrydag 1 Junie Nasionale Kinderdag gevier. Die kinders van verskillende kleuterskole in die gebied het by Sir Lowry’s Pass Primêr aangemeld vir ’n dag vol pret, maar ook ’n ernstige boodskap. Gemeenskapwerker, Claudia Erasmus, het die dag georganiseer omdat sy sê die kinders moet oor veiligheid en mishandeling ingelig word. Sy het dus verteenwoordigers van Kindersorg, Patch en die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling genooi. Die kinders se veiligheidsvaardighede is opgeskerp deur Elroy Blouws van brand-en reddingsdienste, en hulle het ook aan Tai Chi deelgeneem saam met sers. Niklaas Thysen van die Somerset-Wes polisie. Ná al die aktiwiteite, het die kinders ’n warm bord kos geniet, én het ’n lekkergoedpakkie gekry om huis toe te neem.

Sersant Niklaas Thysen gee sy hoed vir een van die kinders om aan te pas tydens die Nasionale Kinderdag fees.

Strand-born author Rashaad van Niekerk will soon be releasing his first book, Memowars of a Schizophrenic. Photo: NICOLE MCCAIN This moved him to give the youths of his community hope. “I’m trying to show kids from a less fortunate area that you don’t have to do drugs… I want to show the youth there is another option.” Van Niekerk hopes to leave a legacy behind him with his work. “Your whole life, you want to make a change. You want to be remembered.” And he is not only doing this through his book. He is currently studying under Imam Nazeem Safodien, coordinator of Project Growth in Strand, with the motivation of becoming a community leader. Van Niekerk is also putting together a clothing line, and will start working on his second book after the release of Memowars of a Schizophrenic at the end of the month. For more information, contact Rashaad van Niekerk on 078 944 4039. Find the book at bookstore.xlibris.com.

Elroy Blouws van brand-en reddingsdienste wys hoe kinders moet ‘Stop, val, en rol’ as hul klere aan die brand raak.

Die kinders sing en dans saam met verteenwoordigers van Kindersorg Suid-Afrika.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

News - Nuus

Dié dag is twakvry NICOLE MCCAIN Wêreld Tabakvryedag is op Donderdag 31 Mei gevier. Op dié dag moes daar wêreldwyd vir 24 uur geen vorm van tabak gebruik word nie. Die Gazette het Helderberginwoners op straat gevra hoe hulle hieroor voel.

“An international day against smoking is good, because smoking has negative effects on the people around you,” says Ruth Mnyikizo “If you stand next to someone who smokes, you can smell the smoke on your clothes, and the people who are around smokers can also get sick.”

One day is not enough, says Estelle Martin. “It’s good to have World No Tobacco Day, but we need more awareness. So few people know that it’s World No Tobacco Day – I didn’t even know it was. And it’s especially important to have awareness at schools – kids are smoking from a young age. They need to make more of it, not just name the day.”

Mense moet meer bewus gemaak word van dae soos Wêreldvrye Tabakdag , dink Nico Oelofse. “Ek het nooit voorheen van dié dag gehoor nie. Hulle moet dalk iets meer doen om mense bewus te maak,” sê Oelofse. “Ek is nie ’n roker nie, maar ek dink mense wat rook sal sukkel om vir ’n dag op te hou.”

Wilson Sovendle sê ’n rookvrye gemeenskap sal aangenaam wees. “Rook lei tot siekte, veral vir kinders en nie-rokers. Die wet is goed, maar daar moet meer plekke wees waar rook, tussen sekere ure, verbode is. Die wet is genoeg, maar dit benodig sterker publieke ondersteuning.” Foto’s: Nicole Mccain

Leanne Nel sê dat sy, as ’n roker, dink dis goed om ’n dag te hê om mense aan te moedig om op te hou rook. “Jy gee baie geld uit as jy rook, en dis ongesond. Ek sal vir ’n dag kan ophou rook, maar daar is baie mense wat nie sal kan nie. Dit sal goed wees as hulle net vir een dag sigaretloos kan wees.”

Edwin Smith says it’s good to have a day of awareness. “Smoking has never been good for people’s health, or the environment.” He also thinks laws that prohibit and limit smoking play a big role in reducing the number of people who smoke. “You see fewer people smoking nowadays. People are becoming more reserved about it.”

Ayanda Konjwa says the biggest problem around smoking is the related illnesses. “Smoking gives people diseases. So it’s good to have 24 hours where people do not smoke, but I think it will be difficult for smokers because they are dedicated to smoking.”

Some smokers would find it difficult to hold off even for a day, says Philip Munnik. “While it’s a good idea, I don’t think I’d be able to stop for 24 hours. I smoke two packs a day. I don’t really have a problem with people smoking.”

Helderberg Gazette


Laerskool­kwessie bekyk NICOLE MCCAIN Macassar-inwoners wag om te hoor oor die moontlikheid van ’n nuwe laerskool in die gebied ná ’n betoging oor kinderveiligheid en onderrig aan die begin van dié maand. Volgens Christiaan Steward van Macassar Village het ’n komitee bestaande uit verteenwoordigers van skole, beheerrade, die Macassar Belastingbetalersvereniging, die Macassar-polisieforum en die Macassar Village-gemeenskap op 22 Mei vergader om dié kwessie te bespreek. Dié partye is ingelig dat die onderwysdepartement die moontlikheid van ’n laerskool ondersoek en in die eerste week van Junie sal terugrapporteer, vertel Steward. Hy sê veiligheid is ’n bron van groot kommer, veral vir die jonger kinders wat deur ’n oop stuk veld moet loop om by die skool uit te kom. Bronagh Casey, woordvoerder vir die Weskaapse onderwysminister Donald Grant, sê leerlinge het tans ’n skool binne ’n gemiddelde radius van twee kilometer van hul huise. Volgens Steward sal sowat 1 200 kinders baat vind by ’n skool in Macassar Village. Daar is tans vyf laerskole in die Macassar-omge-

wing wat voorsiening maak vir nagenoeg 6 000 leerlinge. By Oklahoma Primêr woon 400 van die 1 100 leerlinge in Macassar Village. By Firgrove Primêr is 140 van die 830 leerlinge van Macassar Village afkomstig. St Paul’s Primêr in Faure huisves 120 leerlinge waarvan 35 uit Macassar Village kom. Macassar Primêr het sowat 1 100 leerlinge en 300 van hulle woon in Macassar Village. Sowat 180 kinders uit Macassar Village woon Marvin Park Primêr by. Dié skool huisves tans net meer as 1 160 leerlinge. Paddy Attwell, provinsiale woordvoerder vir die departement van onderwys, meen egter daar is geen onmiddellike behoefte aan nog ’n skool in die omgewing nie. Die departement verwag egter dat met voortdurende ontwikkeling in die gebied daar wel in die toekoms ’n toenemende behoefte sal wees. “As ’n mens kyk na die lang afstande wat hierdie kinders elke dag moet stap, dink ek ’n skool in Macassar Village is ’n noodsaaklikheid,” sê Dianne Volmink, St Pauls se skoolhoof. “Daar is altyd ’n behoefte aan nog ’n skool,” aldus Vernon Hendricks, Firgrove se skoolhoof. Hy meen ’n skool met meer as 1 000 leerlinge, is oorvol.


News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

DOWN AND OUT: Joe Maina of Sir Lowry’s Pass stands next to his fridge, his only possession to survive the fire that gutted his home on Sunday 27 May. Maina’s home caught fire at about 22:30 that evening, while he was at work. Neighbours rushed to extinguish the flames, but the fire destroyed all his belongings. Maina, who suspects foul play, says one of his home’s windows was broken, and that it would have been easy to start a fire through it. He says, however, that when he reported this to the police, they said they could not open a case as there were no evidence of arson. Police spokesperson Captain Anneke van der Vyver, on the other hand, says no one attempted to open a criminal case. “The owner needs to come forward with information and lodge a complaint should he feel that it was arson,” she says. Anyone who can assist Maina can phone Randall Hendricks on 082 318 5730. Photo: NICOLE MCCAIN

Cable theft cripples Lwandle Things are finally returning to normal, after cable thieves left the Lwandle police without telephone lines for two weeks. The stolen cable, which plunged the station into communication limbo, was replaced on Thursday 24 May. Constable Mthokosisi Gama, Lwandle police spokesperson, says people were unable to call in to report crimes during the outage. It also meant nobody could make phone calls or send emails from the station. The matter affected the Lwandle police’s ability to fight crime, says Pumla Ngujulwe of the Lwandle Community Policing Forum. The stolen cables took two weeks to be replaced, says Gama. Gama says the police informed the community about the problem during their weekly meetings, and handed out sector cellphone numbers to call until the cable could be repaired. They also informed other police stations in the area. The police station has been battling with cable theft since the beginning of the year. Gama says it’s been hit by cable thieves three times this year. One

of the thefts even left it without electricity. The Western Cape SAPS receives notification whenever lines are down. In this situation neighbouring stations offer assistance, says provincial spokesperson Captain Frederick van Wyk. But this is just one face of a huge problem: Telkom spokesperson Pynee Chetty says the province has around 130 incidents of cable theft per month. A source at Ikwezi Clinic in Lwandle says the clinic too has been affected by the cable theft; staff have had to use cellphones or a wireless phone. “It’s a problem to call the ambulance,” the source says. The power cuts caused by the thefts often mean patients are not able to receive medicine or care. The clinic has to arrange a generator from the City of Cape Town when the electricity goes out. The Lwandle police are now calling on the community to help them catch the thieves. Anyone with information is urged to call the police on 021 845 2060. Report cable theft on 0800 222 771. Those whose information leads to arrest will be rewarded.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Plans in place for winter floods NICOLE MCCAIN The City of Cape Town has released its plan to minimise flooding this winter – and three priority areas fall in Strand. Among the nine high-risk areas to receive special attention this year are Helderberg informal settlements Pholile Park, Masakhane and Solly Town. “These areas are close to canals and detention ponds, and most structures are in trapped lowlying locations, making them vulnerable to flooding and difficult to provide basic services to,” says Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee (mayco) member for human settlements. The City will offer awareness campaigns in these areas, and will clean and unblock canals and detention ponds. The work will in-

Solly’s Town is situated next to a canal, which burst its banks last year and forced 200 people from their homes. clude trimming reeds and replacing damaged drain pipes. Last year saw 180 homes flooded in Solly’s Town, leaving 450 people affected. JP Smith, mayco member for safety and security, says last winter also saw flooding in Sir Lowry’s Pass, Cassablanca, and Nkanti Village, with around 500 homes and over 2 000 people affected. Letitia November of Pholile Park says many households live in fear of the winter rains. “Some

roofs are made of plastic, and when it rains they sag and water leaks into our homes. When it floods the water comes up to our knees and we have to pile stones and bricks just to move around.” Victoria Mlandi says water covers the streets and pavements, and makes it difficult for residents, especially children, to use the outdoor toilets. In case of any emergency situation, call 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 from a cellphone.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette



News - Nuus

Helderberg Gazette

CITY OF CAPE TOWN’S 2012/13 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) AND BUDGET Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000, the Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003 and the Municipal Property Rates Act No.6 of 2004, that the City’s Approved Integrated Development Plan document and Budget for 2012/13 will be available for information at all municipal administrative buildings, subcouncil offices (listed below) and all municipal libraries from 30 May 2012 up to and including 30 June 2012. The documents can also be accessed through our website at the following link: www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget The following table contains a list of venues where the IDP and Budget document will be available for perusal. SUBCOUNCIL ADDRESS


Municipal Offices, Royal Ascot, Peter Deacon Subcouncil 1 Bridle Way, Milnerton 7441 Tel: 021 550 1001 Municipal Offices, Brighton Way, Fred Monk Subcouncil 2 Kraaifontein 7570 Tel: 021 956 8000 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Johannes Brand Subcouncil 3 Road, Goodwood 7460 Tel: 021 703 9513 / 1621 Municipal Offices, cnr Voortrekker Ardela van Niekerk Subcouncil 4 and Tallent Roads, Parow 7500 Tel: 021 938 8050 / 8077 Municipal Offices, cnr Jakkelsvlei Martin Julie Subcouncil 5 Avenue and Kiaat Road, Tel: 021 590 1431 Bonteheuwel 7764 Municipal Offices, Voortrekker Pat Jansen Subcouncil 6 Road, Bellville 7530 Tel: 021 900 1534 Municipal Offices, Oxford Street, Carin Viljoen Subcouncil 7 Durbanville 7551 Tel: 021 970 3002 Municipal Offices, cnr Fagan Street Izak du Toit Subcouncil 8 and Main Road, Strand 7140 Tel: 021 850 4149 / 50 Site B Khayelitsha Shopping Thando Siwisa Subcouncil 9 Centre, Khayelitsha 7784 Tel: 021 360 1350 Stocks & Stocks Complex, A Block Fezekile Cotani Subcouncil 10 Ntlakohlaza and Ntlazane Roads, Tel: 021 360 1267 / 1177 Khayelitsha 7784 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Kayise Nombakuse Subcouncil 11 Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 7750 Tel: 021 360 1268 Parks & Bathing Building, David Cedras Subcouncil 12 Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur 7798 Tel: 021 371 4550 / 1 Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Lunga Bobo Subcouncil 13 Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 7750 Tel: 021 630 1619 Christopher Jako Fezeka Building, cnr NY1 and Subcouncil 14 Tel: 021 633 0449 Lansdowne Road, Gugulethu 7750 Tel: 021 637 1333 Pinelands Training Centre, Mariette Griessel Subcouncil 15 St Stephens Road, Central Square, Tel: 021 590 1434 Pinelands 7405 11th Floor, 44 Wale Street, Cape Marius Coetsee Subcouncil 16 Town 8000 Tel: 021 487 2055 / 2201 Athlone Civic Centre, cnr Protea Edgar Carolissen Subcouncil 17 and Klipfontein Roads, Athlone Tel: 021 633 3955 7764 Tel: 021 637 9757 Okkie Manuel Cnr Buck Road and 6th Avenue, Subcouncil 18 Tel: 021 703 1621 / 9336 Lotus River 7941 / 9136 / 9513 Municipal Offices, Central Circle, Desiree Mentor Subcouncil 19 Off Recreation Road, Fish Hoek Tel: 021 782 1112 7974 Alphen Centre, Constantia Main Brian Ford Subcouncil 20 Road, Constantia 7800 Tel: 021 794 2493 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck Pieter Grobler Subcouncil 21 and Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver Tel: 021 970 3152 7580 Municipal Offices, cnr Van Riebeeck Richard Moi Subcouncil 22 and Carinus Streets, Kuilsriver Tel: 021 400 3007 7580 Parks & Bathing Building, Rapheal Martin Subcouncil 23 Merrydale Avenue, Lentegeur 7798 Tel: 021 371 4550 Cnr Delft and Fort Worth Roads, Anthony Mathe Subcouncil 24 Delft 7100 Tel: 021 956 8000 Click on www.capetown.gov.za/en/Library/Pages/ All Libraries ListofLibraries.aspx for a list of all libraries Cape Town Concourse, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town South Municipal Offices, cnr Main and Victoria Roads, Plumstead Peninsula NB: Information provided is an extract from the Tariff Book. For the full version consult Annexure 6 of the 2012/13 Budget Document.

1. PROPERTY RATE (reflected as Rand-in-the-rand): (Property Rates are zero-rated for VAT) 1.1 Residential Properties - R0.006062 (The City will not levy a rate on the first value up to R200 000 of the market value as per the Valuation Roll) 1.2 Industrial / Commercial Properties – including all Undeveloped Land R0.012124 1.3 Agricultural properties (including farms and small holdings) fall into three categories; (a) those used for residential purposes – R0.006062; (b) those used for bona fide farming purposes – R0.001213; (c) those used for other purposes such as industrial or commercial – R0.012124 1.4 Public Service Infrastructure - R0.002165. 1.5 Amended Municipal Property Rates Regulations on the Rate Ratios between Residential and Non-Residential Properties. Any property that meets the public benefit organisation criteria included in the regulation, yet does not qualify for the 100% rebate in terms of Council’s Draft Rates Policy, shall be rated at 25% of the residential rate - R0.001516. 1.6 The special rebates for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons for the 2012/13 financial year are reflected in the table below: The gross monthly household incomes and rebates for the 2012/2013 financial year are as follows: GROSS MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME R 2011/2012 0 3000 3001 4200 4201 4600 4601 5200 5201 5800

% REBATE 2011/12 100% 95% 90% 80% 70%

GROSS MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME R 2012/13 0 3000 3001 4500 4501 5500 5501 6500 6501 7500

% REBATE 2012/13 100% 95% 90% 80% 70%

5801 6401 7001 7601 8201 9001

6400 7000 7600 8200 9000 10000

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

7501 8001 8501 9001 9501 10001

8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 10500

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

1.7 Special rebates will be considered for certain categories of property upon application before 31 August 2012 as described in Annexure 7 of the Budget Document. Highlights of amendments •

The maximum gross monthly household income limit for Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons to increase from R10 000 to R10 500 and many lower gross monthly household income categories receiving a higher percentage rebate. Gross monthly household income definition amended to exclude donations and some forms of financial support not specified and redefined the income of other occupants on the property to be taken into account.

All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 0 < 4.2 >4.2 < 7.35 >7.35 < 14 >14 < 24.5 >24.5 < 35

R0.00 R5.11 R10.87 R11.88 R13.51

2.2.3 Homeless people shelters – Accredited shelters registered with the City of Cape Town: 0 < 0.525kℓ per month per person = R0.00; >0.525kℓ per month per person = R8.08 per kℓ 2.2.4 Domestic Cluster – Bulk metered flats, cluster developments including sectional and single title units - 90% of water consumption (* see note) up to a maximum of 35kℓ per household. An allowance of 4.2kℓ per unit per month will be made available at zero cost upon acceptance of a sworn affidavit stating the number of units supplied from that metered connection. After considering all comments received, an additional step has been introduced into the tariff structure of this category (refer table below).

0 < 4.2 >4.2 < 14 >14 < 35

VAT at 14% is to be added to the following services: Water, Electricity, Sanitation and Solid Waste Management. 2.1 WATER Three sets of Water tariffs were approved (10% Reduction tariff, 20% Reduction tariff and 30% Reduction tariff). Each tariff is linked to the level of water reduction imposed. Due to the 10% Reduction tariff being incorporated into the Water By-law as the norm it will be the applicable tariff, but may be revisited at a later stage should further restrictions become necessary. 2.1.1 Domestic Full - Water which is used predominantly for domestic purposes and supplied to single residential properties. All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 0<6 Per kℓ R0.00 >6 < 10.5 Per kℓ R5.83 >10.5 < 20 Per kℓ R10.60 >20 < 35 Per kℓ R15.70 >35 < 50 Per kℓ R19.40 >50 Per kℓ R25.58 2.1.2 Commercial - Water supplied to premises predominantly of a commercial nature: R11.42 per kℓ 2.1.3 Industrial - Water which is used in manufacturing, generating electricity, land-based transport, construction or any related purpose: R11.42 per kℓ 2.1.4 Schools / Sport bodies / Churches / Charities - Any educational activity and/or sporting body: R10.09 per kℓ 2.1.5 Domestic Cluster - Bulk metered flats, cluster developments including single title and sectional title units. An allowance of 6kℓ per unit per month at zero cost upon submission of affidavits stating the number of units - refer Annexure 8 of budget document. After considering all comments received, an additional step has been introduced into the tariff structure of this category (refer table below)

Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ

R0.00 R9.05 R15.04

2.2.5 Industrial and Commercial (Standard), Schools, Sport bodies, Churches, Charities, Government: National / Provincial, Hospitals and other - 95% of water consumption (* see note): R8.78 per kℓ 2.2.6 Industrial and Commercial (CoCT Oxidation Dams) - 95% of water consumption (* see note): R8.26 per kℓ 2.2.7 Departmental - 95% of water consumption (*see note) excluding facilities not connected to the sewer system: R8.08 per kℓ 2.2.8 Miscellaneous (Standard) - All consumers who do not fall within the above categories – 95% of water consumption: R8.78 per kℓ 2.2.9 Miscellaneous (CoCT Oxidation Dams) - All consumers who do not fall within the above categories – 95% of water consumption: R8.26 per kℓ 2.2.10 Households residing in Residential units on mixed use property may apply for a free allocation of 4.2kℓ per unit per month. An affidavit will be required and the application will be inspected and considered on the proportion of predominant use. * IMPORTANT NOTE: The Director of Water and Sanitation Services may adjust the percentages as appropriate to the consumer. This is not applicable to the domestic full category. Highlights of amendments •

New tariff incorporated into the Consumptive Tariffs for Backyard Users. All tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ

R0.00 R5.81

2.3 ELECTRICITY The tariffs below are based on an average 11% increase. All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT

All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ

Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ Per kℓ

All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT


0<6 >6 < 20 >20

Tuesday 5 June 2012

R0.00 R9.07 R17.55

2.1.6 Government - National and Provincial Departments: R10.85 per kℓ 2.1.7 Municipal / Departmental use: R10.09 per kℓ 2.1.8 Homeless people shelters – Accredited shelters registered with the City of Cape Town: 0 < 0.75kℓ per month per person = R0.00; >0.75kℓ per month per person = R10.09 per kℓ 2.1.9 Miscellaneous - All consumers who do not fall within the above categories: R10.85 per kℓ 2.1.10 Miscellaneous External - All consumers supplied outside the City of Cape Town: R12.96 per kℓ 2.1.11 Bulk Tariff - Exclusive of the Water Research Commission Levy. Only for Bulk Supply to other Municipalities and for cost recovery from Water Services Reticulation of the City of Cape Town: R3.22 per kℓ 2.1.12 In line with the adoption of the Urban Agriculture Policy a free allocation of 10kℓ per month is in place, exclusively for subsistence farming by defined Vulnerable Groups. 2.1.13 Households residing in Residential units on mixed use property may apply for a free allocation of 6kℓ per unit per month. An affidavit will be required and the application will be inspected and considered on the proportion of predominant use. Highlights of amendments •

New tariff incorporated into the Consumptive Tariffs for Backyard Users All tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 0<6 Per kℓ R0.00 >6 < 10.5 Per kℓ R5.83

Rebates for leaks to be limited to Domestic Customers, schools, churches, charities, homeless shelters and vulnerable groups within the municipal area only.

2.2. SANITATION Three sets of Sanitation tariffs were approved (10% Reduction tariff, 20% Reduction tariff and 30% Reduction tariff). Each tariff is linked to the level of water reductions imposed. Due to the 10% Reduction tariff being incorporated into the Water By-law as the norm it will be the applicable tariff but may be revisited at a later stage should further restrictions become necessary. 2.2.1 Domestic Full (Standard) – Single residential properties: 70% of water consumption to a maximum of 35kℓ of sewerage per month (70% of 50kℓ of water equals 35kℓ of sewerage). All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 0 < 4.2 Per kℓ R0.00 >4.2 < 7.35 Per kℓ R5.81 >7.35 < 14 Per kℓ R12.38 >14 < 24.5 Per kℓ R13.53 >24.5 < 35 Per kℓ R14.21 2.2.2 Domestic Full (CoCT Oxidation Dams) – Single residential properties: 70% of water consumption to a maximum of 35kℓ of sewerage per month (70% of 50kℓ of water equals 35kℓ of sewerage).

DOMESTIC TARIFFS 2011/12 2012/13 %INCR LifeLine Block 1 (for qualifying customers Block 2 receiving 450kWh per Block 3 month on average or Block 4 less)













107.43 118.11


600+ kWh



118.06 140.18

Block 1 0-150kWh Block 2 150-350kWh Domestic Block 3 350-600kWh Block 4 600+ kWh Net Metered Service Domestic Energy COMMERCIAL TARIFFS Service Small Power 1 Energy Small Energy Power 2 Minimum Off Peak Energy Service Large Power Energy LV Demand Service Large Power Energy MV Demand Service High-Peak High-Standard Time of Use High-Off Peak MV Energy Low-Peak Low-Standard Low-Off Peak Demand Service High-Peak High-Standard Time of Use High-Off Peak HV Energy Low-Peak Low-Standard Low-Off Peak Demand OTHER TARIFFS

c/kWh c/kWh c/kWh c/kWh R/day c/kWh

107.43 107.43 107.43 118.06 17.21 93.15

R/day c/kWh

17.21 19.16 93.15 103.40

11.3% 11.0%


144.60 161.68


R/day 53.51 62.55 c/kWh 48.84 57.09 R/day 28.67 31.91 c/kWh 48.84 54.21 R/kVA 145.32 161.31 R/day 28.67 31.91 c/kWh 45.40 50.39 R/kVA 135.16 150.03 R/day 4680.00 5210.00 c/kWh 230.14 255.46 c/kWh 60.86 67.55 c/kWh 33.13 36.77 c/kWh 65.34 72.53 c/kWh 40.54 45.00 c/kWh 28.75 31.91 R/kVA 73.00 81.03 R/day new 5210.00 c/kWh new 247.80 c/kWh new 65.52 c/kWh new 35.67 c/kWh new 70.35 c/kWh new 43.65 c/kWh new 30.95 R/kVA new 81.03

16.9% 16.9% 11.3% 11.0% 11.0% 11.3% 11.0% 11.0% 11.3% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Firm Energy Surcharge Non-Firm LIGHTING TARIFFS Street Lighting & R/100W/burning hour Traffic Signals Private Lights R/100W/burning hour









0.1022 0.1134


0.1115 0.1238


Wheeling Tariff

113.20 5.4% 118.11 9.9% 118.11 9.9% 140.18 18.7% 9.83 -42.9% 91.69 -1.6%

Highlights of amendments • •

LIFELINE TARIFF: Lifeline customers exceeding the average monthly permitted consumption of 450kWh due to bulk purchasing or seasonal variations to be charged at the applicable higher tariff blocks. FREE 50kWh: Lifeline tariff customers receiving less than 450kWh per month will continue receiving the free basic supply of 50kWh.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

• •

News - Nuus

DOMESTIC TARIFF: Structure of the Domestic tariff changes to be the same as the Lifeline tariff, also a lower Block 1 introduced for this tariff NEW TIME OF USE TARIFF: A new High Voltage Time of Use tariff is introduced for supplies of 66kV or 132kV, depending on the available network. This tariff has the same time periods, service fee and demand charge as the renamed MV Time of Use tariff, but the energy charges are subject to a 3% discount because of lower losses at those voltage levels. Small Power User 1 with Off Peak combination will be restricted to existing customers only from 1 July 2012. The Off Peak components also increase by an above average amount as the first step in the phasing out of this tariff.

NOTE: Monthly Service Charges calculated as Daily Service Charge multiplied by number of days in billing period. 2.4. SOLID WASTE All Tariffs reflected below are exclusive of VAT 2011/12 2012/13 INCREASE (excl. vat) (excl. vat) %


RESIDENTIAL COLLECTIONS FORMAL 240l Container including Rand per month R79.59 R85.21 7.06% Lockable Container INDIGENT REBATE - 240L CONTAINER INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER Block 1 (100% rebate) Rebate Rand per – property value up to -R79.59 -R85.21 7.06% month R100 000 Block 2 (75% rebate) Rebate Rand per – property value from -R59.69 -R63.91 7.06% month R100 001 to R150 000 Block 3 (50% rebate) Rebate Rand per – property value from -R39.79 -R42.61 7.06% month R150 001 to R350 000 Block 4 (25% rebate) Rebate Rand per – property value from -R19.90 -R21.30 7.06% month R350 001 to R400 000 As determined by the Credit Control 100% Indigent Relief -R79.59 -R85.21 7.06% & Debt Collection Policy ENHANCED SERVICE LEVEL INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER 240l - Additional Rand per container R79.59 R85.21 7.06% Container per month 240l - 3x per week for Rand per container R238.75 R255.60 7.06% cluster per month INFORMAL Basic Bagged service Rand per month Free Free NON-RESIDENTIAL COLLECTIONS 240 LITRE CONTAINER INCLUDING LOCKABLE CONTAINER Rand per container 1 removal per week R95.11 R101.83 7.06% per month Rand per container 3 removals per week R278.26 R297.91 7.06% per month Rand per container 5 removals per week R451.87 R483.78 7.06% per month REFUSE AVAILABILITY All vacant Erven Rand per month R47.13 R50.46 7.06% DISPOSAL SERVICES General Waste Rand per ton R244.66 R272.98 11.57% Rand per ton or Special Waste R291.90 R361.93 24% part thereof Clean Builders Rubble Rand per ton R50.00 R50.00 0%

SPECIAL RATING AREA Fish Hoek CID -Residential -Commercial Total Green Point CID -Residential -Commercial Total Groote Schuur Maitland CID Muizenberg CID -Residential -Commercial Total Observatory CID -Residential -Commercial Total Oranjekloof CID -Residential -Commercial Total Paarden Eiland CID Parow Industria CID Sea Point CID -Residential -Commercial Total Stikland CID Voortrekker Road corridor CID Vredekloof CID -Residential -Commercial Total Woodstock CID Wynberg CID -Residential -Commercial Total Zeekoevlei Peninsula SRA Zwaanswyk Association of Property Owners TOTAL

Helderberg Gazette


SERVICES RENDERED AND 2011/12 2012/13 UNIT RELATED TRANSPORT PRODUCTS R R MyCiTi 400: Travel package Per product sold 400.00 400.00 MyCiTi 600: Travel package Per product sold 600.00 600.00 MyCiTi 1000: Travel package Per product sold 1000.00 1 000.00 FARE WITH ANY TRAVEL PACKAGE PEAK TRAVEL (06:30 to 08:30 and 16:00 to 18:00 on any weekday) per person per Journeys under 5km N/A 4.80 trip (one way) Journeys of 5km or longer, but less per person per N/A 5.60 than 10km trip (one way) Journeys of 10km or longer, but less per person per N/A 6.80 than 20km trip (one way) Journeys of 20km or longer, but less per person per N/A 9.00 than 30km trip (one way) Journeys of 30km or longer, but less per person per N/A 10.10 than 60km trip (one way) per person per Journeys of 60km or more N/A 15.00 trip (one way) per person per Premium on Airport service N/A 33.10 trip (one way) OFF-PEAK TRAVEL (all periods other than peak) per person per Journeys under 5km N/A 4.00 trip (one way) Journeys of 5km or longer, but less per person per N/A 4.60 than 10km trip (one way) Journeys of 10km or longer, but less per person per N/A 5.60 than 20km trip (one way) Journeys of 20km or longer, but less per person per N/A 7.40 than 30km trip (one way) Journeys of 30km or longer, but less per person per N/A 8.30 than 60km trip (one way) per person per Journeys of 60km or more N/A 13.00 trip (one way) per person per Premium on Airport service N/A 33.10 trip (one way) ONE-TRIP MANUAL TICKET One-trip ticket for non-Premium per person per N/A 22.00 Airport service: peak and off-peak trip (one way) One-trip ticket for the Premium Airport service: peak and off-peak per person per N/A 75.00 (This ticket includes any further trips trip (one way) using closed transfers)

118,199 427,572 545,771

0.000440 0.001390

133,019 467,329 600,348

0.000483 0.001585

643,413 3,128,736 3,772,149 3,703,157 1,516,832

0.000400 0.001982

727,286 3,313,191 4,040,477 4,264,180 1,595,147

0.000425 0.002110

553,154 488,452 1,041,606

0.000704 0.002045

627,261 516,230 1,143,491

0.000760 0.002273

1,806,492 1,205,796 3,012,288

0.001181 0.001544

1,950,663 1,326,803 3,277,466

0.001234 0.001642

671,659 2,536,638 3,208,297

0.000578 0.001720

743,215 2,697,018 3,440,233

0.000578 0.001925









1,316,852 1,877,302 3,194,154 1,448,666

0.001190 0.002142

0.001225 0.002250


1,423,960 2,047,946 3,471,906 1,556,386





2,364,535 60,810 2,425,345 3,028,523

0.002070 0.002225

2,152,216 56,119 2,208,335 3,442,653

0.001862 0.002120

399,842 2,441,395 2,841,237

0.000704 0.002845

399,842 2,441,395 2,841,237

0.000760 0.003187





Tariffs reflected below are inclusive of VAT. VAT is calculated at 14% in terms of the Value Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991.






0.001628 0.001510



0.001663 0.001250



myconnect smartcard Issuing Fee

per smartcard

R20.00, and from 1 Jan 2012, R22.00





Date availability subject to major Event Calendar Subject to General Terms of Usage

5. MyCiTi INTEGRATED RAPID TRANSIT Integrated Rapid Transit is exempt from VAT

2012/13 R INCL. VAT

Highlights of amendments

The 2012/13 MyCiTi fares are as per the approved Tariff Book contained in the 2012/13 Budget Document. By way of explanation:


STADIUM Adults Per Visit 45.00 Children under 12 (discounted tariff) Per Visit 17.00 Pensioners / Disabled (discounted tariff) Per Visit 17.00 School Tour Groups,NGO’s, PBO’s, Educational Groups, Sporting Groups, Per Learner Per Visit 11.00 Youth Clubs Educational / Information Booklets Per booklet 11.00 URBAN PARK Adults Per Visit 35.00 Children under 12 (discounted tariff) Per Visit 11.00 Pensioners / Disabled (discounted tariff) Per Visit 11.00 School Tour Groups,NGO’s, PBO’s, Educational Groups, Sporting Groups, Per Learner Per Visit 11.00 Youth Clubs Educational / Information Booklets Per booklet 11.00 STADIUM AND URBAN PARK Adults Per Visit 70.00 Children under 12 (discounted tariff) Per Visit 22.00 Pensioners / Disabled (discounted tariff) Per Visit 22.00 School Tour Groups,NGO’s, PBO’s, Educational Groups, Sporting Groups, Per Learner Per Visit 17.00 Youth Clubs Educational / Information Booklets Per booklet 11.00 GENERAL REMARKS: THE TARIFFS ABOVE ARE APPLICABLE FOR GUIDED TOURS ONLY. ACCESS TO THE URBAN PARK IS FREE DURING OPERATING HOURS. Cancellation of a tour booking 5 calendar days or less before the tour will result in the City retaining 50% of the invoiced amount Cancellation more than 5 days before the tour will result in the City retaining 25% of the invoiced amount. The City will not withhold any payment when a tour is cancelled as a result of "Force Majeure" (AN ACT OF GOD) Proof of Group classification (NGO, PBO, Clubs) must be provided on request i.e. copy of Club/Group constitution, list of office bearers and supporting certification.

REPLACEMENT OF REFUSE CONTAINERS - The replacement cost of the container will be for the property owner when lost/stolen/damaged intentionally by or as a result of the negligence of the property owner or persons residing at, visiting, or occupying the property - Bins damaged by Council during collection operations will be replaced at no cost. - Containers will be replaced provided that an affidavit from the SAPS is supplied. DISPOSAL CHARGES - General Waste & Builders Rubble to be rounded up to the nearest half ton

3. MISCELLANEOUS TARIFFS AND CHARGES 3.1 A complete copy of all Miscellaneous Tariffs and Charges are available for information at the abovementioned Municipal Offices. 3.2 All Miscellaneous tariffs include VAT. 3.3 Fines, Penalties, Refundable Deposits and Housing are exempt from VAT. 3.4 VAT is calculated at 14% in terms of the Value Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991.

4. SPECIAL RATING AREAS ADDITIONAL RATE SRA Additional Rates are rated at 14% for VAT. Additional Rates reflected below are exclusive of VAT and reflected as a Rand-in-the-rand SPECIAL RATING AREA


Airport CID 1,825,361 Athlone CID 540,000 Blackheath CID 1,232,991 Cape Town 36,597,225 Central CID Claremont CID -Residential 366,976 -Commercial 4,875,466 Total 5,242,442 Claremont Boulevard -Commercial 2,594,258 Epping CID 5,045,230

0.001927 0.002365 0.001151

2,031,031 583,201 1,300,137

0.001927 0.002601 0.001123




0.000423 0.001234

401,333 5,260,570 5,661,903

0.000456 0.001456

0.000657 0.001386

2,710,999 5,824,768

0.000775 0.001497

The MyCiTi fares will use the IRT Interim Fare System from 1 July 2012, followed by the IRT Full Fare System later in the financial year when the IRT Full Fare System becomes available. • The IRT Interim Fare System will make use of the flat fares indicated in Item 1A and 1B or 1C. • The IRT Full Fare System will make use of the distance-based fares indicated in Item 2. The IRT Interim Fare Systems fares that will apply as of 1 July 2012 are those indicated in Item 1C. These fares are summarised below with the IRT Full Fare System fares. SERVICES RENDERED AND 2011/12 2012/13 UNIT RELATED TRANSPORT PRODUCTS R R IRT INTERIM FARE SYSTEM (Continuation of current interim system with fare increase) MANUAL TICKETS : Premium Airport Service fares (using manual tickets) until IRT Full Fare System starts. per person per Premium Airport service 53.00 57.00 trip (one way) Premium Airport concession 1: per child per trip Children 4-11 years old (i.e. 4 and 26.50 28.10 (one way) older, but under 12 years) Premium Airport concession 2: per monthly 424.00 449.50 Monthly ticket ticket SMART CARD: Fares during IRT Interim Fare System (using smart card) until IRT Full Fare System starts. per person per Premium Airport Service 53.00 57.00 trip (one way) Flat fare. Fare Interim Trunk (Basic) Route (Peak for one way trip 10.00 10.60 Period & Off-Peak Period) per person Flat fare. Fare Interim Feeder Route (Peak period & for one way trip 5.00 5.30 Off-Peak periods) per person myconnect smartcard Issuing Fee

per smartcard

IRT FULL FARE SYSTEM MYCITI TRAVEL PACKAGES MyCiTi 50: Travel package MyCiTi 80: Travel package MyCiTi 100: Travel package MyCiTi 150: Travel package MyCiTi 200: Travel package

Per product sold Per product sold Per product sold Per product sold Per product sold

R20.00, and from 1 Jan 2012, R22.00


50.00 N/A 100.00 N/A 200.00

Deleted 80.00 100.00 150.00 200.00






General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Lesers lewer kommentaar Taxi en trok ongeluk ) Dis veiliger om ’n swartmamba met kaal hande te vang as om in ’n taxi te klim. E, Strand ) I think all taxis should be completely removed from all roads. Ninety-nine percent of all accidents on our roads happen because of reckless taxi drivers. The government should improve other transportation, like the buses and trains, with better security and respect. I have never in my life been on a train because of the government neglecting our transportation. South Africa probably has the worst transportation system in the world. The government has let us down. Maybe they should stop paying the government officials such big salaries and use the money better. ) Truck accident: the robot changes in an instant to keep traffic flowing. No truck can stop so fast. The taxi driver should always look left and right before pulling off. Do you

have evidence of the orange change to red? The traffic department is the problem. Joseph, Gordon’s Bay ) Die vragmotor en taxi wat gebots het, wys dat padreëls heeltemal geïgnoreer word. Meeste taxibestuurders ken nie eens hul padreëls nie en stel almal se lewens in gevaar op paaie. Suid-Afrika se paaie het soos die Wilde Weste geword. Niemand is meer veilig met taxi’s op paaie nie. Rynhardt, Somerset-Wes ) Die staat moet die wet so verander dat geen geregistreerde eienaar van taxi’s meer as een mag besit nie, en hy self die bestuurder moet wees. Dan word die Mafia uitgeskakel. Dit is menere wat ’n paar taxi’s besit en die bestuurders wat aangestel word moet ’n sekere bedrag per dag inbring. Nou wat doen hulle? Hul oortree wette en ry soos besetenes om nie hul werk te verloor nie, en die baas lag al die pad na die bank. ’n Voorbeeld is die baas koop ’n voertuig op huurkoop en registreer die taxi op sy naam as ABC Taxi’s, nou


gee hy dit aan X wat die volgende moet doen om ’n bedrag per week by baas in te betaal, brandstof ingooi en die taxi onderhou, dis hoekom daar vandag soveel onpadwaardige en oorlaaide taxi’s op paaie is wat soveel lewens eis. Die taxi-bedryf is niks anders as ’n Mafia-bedryf nie. ES Strand ) Die trokke en taxi’s ry asof net hulle padverbruikers is. Hulle gee nie voorkeur aan ander verbruikers nie en stop voor jou sonder om aan te dui dat hy gaan stop. Op sommige taxi’s staan selfs “hierdie taxi stop enige plek, enige tyd”. Om nie eers van die trokke te praat wat bane op die N2 wissel soos sport motors nie. Waar gaan dit alles eindig? Groot ongelukke moet vasgevat word. ) Ek ry in ’n taxi wat op groot trokke en busse se sterte ry. Ek gil elke dag van skok as hy so moet rem. Die bestuurder het al hoeveel kere byna ongelukke gemaak. Dis die werklikheid. Hierdie mense dobbel met ons lewe. Ek vrees vir my lewe. ) Soos gewoonlik ry taxibestuurders soos

You are now invited to attend an Open House meeting in your region. The purpose of the Open House meeting is to: • Share information regarding the project and process followed to date • List the issues raised through various engagement sessions to date • Provide an opportunity for interested parties to register on the project database and elicit comments from attendees • Provide an opportunity for attendees to engage with members of the project team on a one-on-one basis. Open House Meetings will be held at the following locations:




Time Slot

4 June 2012


Paarl Public Library

15:45 to 18:45

5 June 2012


Louwville Community Hall

16:30 to 19:30

6 June 2012


Caledon Town Hall

16:30 to 19:30

7 June 2012


Pineforest Holiday Resort

16:30 to 19:30

11 June 2012


George Municipality Banqueting Hall

15:30 to 19:30

12 June 2012


Oudtshoorn Public Library

15:30 to 19:30

13 June 2012

Beaufort West

Beaufort West Public Library

16:00 to 19:00

14 June 2012


Nuwehoop Centre

15:30 to 19:30

18 June 2012


Vredendal Public Library

15:30 to 19:30

Further opportunity to participate: The following documents will be made available from 8 June 2012 until 29 June 2012 on the internet and at the provincial libraries throughout the Western Cape as well as at the offices of DJ Environmental Consultants at AECI Office Park, De Beers Road Extension, Office Block 2, Somerset West: • 2010 growth potential discussion document: www.sun.ac.za/cga/downloads/GPS2010_discussion_document.pdf • 2010 growth potential appendixes: www.sun.ac.za/cga/downloads/APPENDIXES_small.pdf


varke. Dan kry die ander betrokke party altyd die skuld. Cindy ) Straf die taxidrywers wat so oor die stopstrate en rooi ligte jaag daar kon net sowel mense in die taxi gewees het! Anoniem

Busse ) Hoekom ontwrig die twee Golden Arrow busse soggens die verkeer met hul impromptu stoppe in Victoriastraat? Hulle trek soggens net na 07:00 teen die sypaadjie, langs W. Miller, op en laai ’n handjievol passasiers af. Laer in die straat af is daar wel ’n inham waar hulle kan stop eerder as om ander motoriste te ontwrig en dan weer hul weg deur die verkeer te forseer tot in die regterbaan om op die N2 in die rigting Kaapstad te kom. Waar is ons verkeersbeamptes?


Deliah Brinkhuis | dbrinkhu@helderberg.com | 021-853-4292


The consultants have thus far concluded a study which identified the growth potential of towns in 2010 and have subsequently demarcated the province into nine functional regions. They have also concluded a first round of focus engagement with key stakeholders in each of the nine functional regions.


Kontak ons


Project Description: In order to add value to the Growth Potential Study outcomes of 2010, the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning has appointed Stellenbosch University and the CSIR to conduct a complementary study into the identification of critical interventions to unlock the latent economic potential (i.e. economic potential that is present and capable of emerging or developing, but not visible now) for regional development within the province (excluding the City of Cape Town). DJ Environmental Consultants are facilitating the public participation process.




Nicole McCain | nicole.mccain@helderberg.com | 021-841-4265

Advertensie konsultant

Muhammad Brinkhuis | muhammad.brinkhuis@helderberg.com 021-841-4275

APPROVED CITY OF CAPE TOWN FIVE-YEAR INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) 2012/13 – 2016/17 On Monday 28 May 2012 Council approved the City of Cape Town’s five-year IDP for the period 2012 to 2017. This plan guides the City’s strategic planning in terms of the Municipal Systems Act (MSA), Act 32 of 2000. Copies of the approved IDP is available at municipal administrative buildings, subcouncil offices and all municipal libraries or can be accessed through the website on www.capetown.gov.za/en/idp. For more information please contact the IDP office on Tel: 021 400 9808 or E–mail: idp@capetown.gov.za.


BYWERKING VAN REKORDS VAN DIE STAD SE HUUREIENDOM-BEWONERS Die Stad Kaapstad is besig met die bywerking van sy rekords oor almal wat in sy ongeveer 40 000 huureenhede woon. Die Stad het ‘n eksterne diensverskaffer, Silver Solutions, aangestel om die rekords by te werk van diegene wat in die huureiendomme woon, asook diegene wat in die strukture op die eiendomme bly. Dit is om te verseker dat hulle aan die kriteria van die Stad se beleide voldoen. Hierdie inligting sal die Stad help om hierdie mense deur die agterplaasopknappingsprojek van basiese dienste te voorsien. ‘n Inkomste-opname sal ook onder alle volwassenes gedoen word om die bekostigbaarheidsvlakke van die onderskeie huurders en hul huishoudings te bepaal.

• Key stakeholder focus engagement report: www.sun.ac.za/cga/downloads/stakeholder_report.pdf You are hereby invited to register on the project database by submitting your contact details (see below), to attend the Open House meetings in your region and/ or review the reports on the internet (see addresses above) and to forward your comments by 29 June 2012 to DJ Environmental Consultants at the contact details below. For further information please contact: Dudley Janeke, DJ Environmental Consultants, Postnet Suite 66, Private Bag X 15, Somerset West 7130, tel: 021 851-0900, fax: 021 851-0933 or email: dudley@djec.co.za

Die persoon wat jou by jou huis gaan kom besoek, sal identifikasie toon om te bewys dat hy/sy vir Silver Solutions werk. Hierdie besoeke sal gedurende werksure en na ure uitgevoer word tot aan die einde van Junie 2012. Gee hulle asseblief jou ondersteuning en samewerking.


Human Communications C94673

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette

Sh ow Fu r U nis ni h t t ed o V ie w

Tuesday 5 June 2012

2 Bed 1 Bath from

R709 900

2 Bed 2 Bath from

R759 900

3 Bed 2 Bath Opening of Cheetah Enclosure at Paardevlei & De Velde Launch 7th June 2012


R899 900

Luxury Apartments in Somerset West

34º 05’ S, 18º 49’ E

Monique 083 229 1224

ON SHOW 2-5pm - Wed, Sat, Sun & Public Holidays

Cnr De Beers & Broadway Boulevard, Somerset West


10 Helderberg Gazette

General - Algemeen

Tuesday 5 June 2012

DROE/DRY Kameeldoring hout 18kg sakke @ R46 pb Free delivery over 10 bags ( Dirk 072 988 7670 / Marius 084 818 2413

Top TV, HD, Extra View Tune-ins Installations & repairs 24 hrs/7 days Problem solving

We offer: . Fun call centre training and place you . Daily bonuses . Great earning potential

ELECTRICAL appliances, repairs to fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, etc. Established 30 years in the Helderberg. Qualified trade diploma. Paul Clark (021) 8565132.

Candidate must be able to speak English and Afrikaans fluent.

Emergency Plumbers and Electricians

Call Amy: 071 255 9348

For all plumbing and electrical problems! BE YOUR PROBLEM BIG OR SMALL, MAKE IT MINE GIVE ME A CALL! 10% Pensioners discount on labour

HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS Fridges, stoves & w/machines. We also buy & sell secondhand appliances ( Deon 021­8508532 073­575­4400

Security Officers Wanted For New Contract Grade "C" PSIRA Registered, Preferably with retail Experience. All Big Company Benefits Please call Gillian (021­448 9030) Fax No: 021­448 2782

( 082 823 2196 021­8564727 086­075­8595

KUNSKLASSE Jonk en Oud in Strand. Website:www.artmerissasli ngerland.co.za Tel: 084 548 5441

1212 LH 38FC9

JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. Tel: Charmaine by 8533999 of 083­513­9493. TOWNHOUSE TO LET Gordon's Bay, 2 Bedroom, open plan, kitchen, full build in cupboards, secure complex, communal swimming pool. R 3 000.00 p/month. Phone 076 474 4890

1 2 10 CASH LOANS LENINGS TOT R200 000 Swartlys welkom Goedkeuring in 5 minute 021 762 9079

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Tuesday 5 June 2012

General - Algemeen

Helderberg Gazette


Geluk is ’n nuwe wendy­huis Macassar-inwoner Juanita Phillips se droom het waar geword toe sy onlangs ’n wendy-huis gekry het.

TWENTY YEARS AND COUNTING: Patch, a non-profit organisation in the Helderberg working to support children who have been sexually abused, celebrated its 20th birthday on Friday. The organisation has grown from humble beginnings – with just one paid employee – into an organisation with 13 employees and 7 offices throughout the Helderberg and surrounds. In 1992 the organisation helped 35 children, but today that number has increased to more than 500. The Patch team members in the photo are (at the back, from left) Moné Nothnagel (social worker), Sherleen Brink (social auxiliary worker), Elanie Jacobs (counsellor), Antoinette Bennett (bookkeeper), Amanda-Lea Jones (fundraiser) and Zelodia Cousins (social worker). In front is Ada Buys, (Patch unit manager).

From left are Clifford Martinus (coordinator of the Oasis Assessment Centre), Councillor Beverley Cortje-Alcock (mayoral committee member for social and early childhood development) and Francis Lukas (secretary of the Strand CPF and chair of the Helderberg Cares Committee). Photos: NICOLE MCCAIN

Giving the homeless a choice The Oasis Assessment Centre, which works with homeless people in the Helderberg, was officially opened by Councillor Beverley CortjeAlcock, the City of Cape

Town’s mayoral committee member for social and early childhood development, late last month. Gazette was there to snap some of the faces at the event.

From left are Helderberg Cares committee members Harcourt Jooste, Andrew Arnolds, Nicolas Petersen, Gertruida Hendricks, Shaun Phillips, Ruben Dames (vice chairperson), Shareen Schroeder (secretary) and Francis Lukas (chairperson).

Jantjie Booysen (Social Development facilitator) Wayne Spammer, (manager of the Somerset West Night Shelter), Getruida Hendricks (project coordinator at the assessment centre), and Adriana Joubert (secretary of the night shelter).

Dié welkome skenking is moontlik gemaak met die hulp van ’n SomersetWes-egpaar, Christiaan en Ilse van Eeden. Juanita, wat daagliks vir meer as 100 kinders sorg terwyl hul ouers werk, wou graag ’n warm, veilige plek vir die kinders gedurende die winter hê. Ilse, ’n plaaslike Duitse onderwyseres, is die organiseerder van ’n jaarlikse skole-uitruilprogram met die Bernard Strugel-Gimnasium in Memmingen, Duitsland. Kort ná Juanita se storie in die Gazette verskyn het, het sy met Juanita in aanraking gekom omdat sy gemeen het ’n Duitse groep kan help met haar versoek vir ’n wendy-huis. ’n Groep van 21 gr. 10-leerlinge het vanaf 3 tot 21 April in ons land gekuier. Hulle wou nie net deur ons land reis en van ons kultuur leer nie, maar wou ook by ’n gemeenskapsprojek betrokke raak. Die groep het ’n dag in Macassar met Juanita deurgebring om eerstehands haar werk in haar gemeenskap te ervaar. Hulle het ook finansieel bygedra tot die wendy-huis. Juanita was verheug toe die kamer deur JC Wendy Houses, wat ook R2 000 tot die projek bygedra het, opgerig is. “Ek het baie gehuil toe ek hoor dat ek die wendy-huis kry en wil baie dankie sê aan hulle.” Juanita bedank ook die Stad Kaapstad, die Halli Trust, Paul Goddard en sy vrou Petra Vandecasteele vir hul donasies.

Juanita Phillips het ook donasies van kos gekry. Dié gebruik sy om die kinders, wat daagliks meer word, te voed.

Show off your vocals Let your voice be heard at the GrandWest Karaoke Competition, starting today (Tuesday). Entry costs R40 for individuals and R50 for duets. The best male and female vocalists get a night at the Lanzerac; the best duet get a night at the GrandWest City Lodge.They’llalsowinR5 000and a number of other prizes. Run-

ners-up will win hampers and singing tuition. Auditions run until 28 June; the semifinals happen from 5 to 19 July. Both take place at The Sports Bar at 20:00. The finals happen on 23 July. Get an entry form at The Sports Bar. Contact Leonard Timbrell: 0 021 505 7400; 2 leonard.timbrell@za.suninternational.com.

Juanita Phillips by die nuwe wendyhuis wat ’n Somerset-Wes-egpaar aan haar geskenk het. Juanita het heelwat donasies gekry na aanleiding van die Gazette se berig in Maart. Foto’s: Nicole Mccain


Year 16 • Dinsdag 5 Junie 2012 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Macassar se jongspanne bly onoorwonne Macassar Rugbyklub se jong spannetjies – Macassar Youth Rugby Club (M.Y.R.C) – het tot dusver uitstekende rugby dié seisoen gespeel en nie een van hul ligawedstryde verloor nie. Saterdag 2 Junie het die spanne weer so gemaak en al hul wedstryde teen Rocklands van Mitchell’s Plain op die Macassar-velde gewen. Die o.8-spannetjie het hul opponente 25–15 geklop. Driedrukkers was Rolando Dampies en Sherman Manuel, met twee drieë elk. In die o.9-wedstryd het die tuisspan met hul teenstanders weggehardloop en hulle 45–0 geklop. Die driedrukkers was: Jesreal Plaatjies (3), Newton Adeddorf (2), Kariem Booysen, Matthew Louw, James Konstabel en Antonio Mercuur elk een drie. Die o.11’s het hulle wedstryd 17–5 gewen. Gino Jacobs, Dino Jacobs

en Antonio Haas het elk een drie aangeteken. Shaundee Meyer het met een doelskop geslaag. In die o.13-wedstryd het M.Y.R.C 34–5 gewen. Azarudien Niewenhuys, Cameron Hartzenberg, Jaden Pieterse, Brandon Pretorius, Curtly Clayton en Markwin Jacobs het elk een drie gedruk terwyl Darren Hendricks met twee doelskoppe geslaag het. Tydens die wedstryde teen Pniel Villagers wat 26 Mei in Macassar plaasgevind het, het die plaaslike klub weer skoonskip gemaak. Die o.8-span het hul wedstryd 6–1 gewen en Jesreal Plaatjies het al die punte aangeteken. In die o.9-wedstryd het die plaaslike span 35–10 gewen. Drie drukkers was Bradley Damon (3), Shermon Manuel (2), Jesreal Plaatjies (1) en Matthew Joseph (1). Die o.11-spanne het 12-12 gelykop

gespeel. Sherman Manuel en Jeraldo Fredericks het elk ’n drie gedruk terwyl Shaundee Meyer met een doelskop geslaag het. Macassar se o.13-span was te sterk vir hul opponente en het die wedstryd maklik met 51–0 gewen. Die driedrukkers was Vantonio Johnson, Jeffrey Jantjies en Brendon Pretorius met twee drieë elk, terwyl Dominic le Roux, Markwin Jacobs en Devan Gordon elk een drie gedruk het. Darren Hendriks het met vier doelskoppe geslaag. Die bestuur en afrigters van die M.Y.R.C. wil al die ouers wat hul kinders na oefening en wedstryde toe bring en hulle ondersteun bedank vir hulle bydraes. Hierdie Saterdag speel al die klub se spannetjies weg teen Schotzekloof. Vir meer besonderhede oor die klub skakel Joseph Noble op 083 5052 854.

Van die lede wat vir die Macassar Youth Rugby Club se o.11 span speel.

St Peter’s pupils splash out at gala The pupils of St Peter’s Academy in Strand made waves when they raced through the Strand indoor pool amid the school’s first ever gala. The school, which at the moment sees to the educational needs of 70 pupils, had identified swimming as the ideal way to further develop its pupils, reasoning that the sport was one most could participate in. With the assistance of the lifeguards at the indoor pool, the school set up a swimming programme, and the youngsters got training with zeal. A spokesperson says the programme has been a huge success, and several pupils have been identified to attend advanced swimming coaching with Mark Dixon, a registered sport science facilitator and a Learn to Swim assessor with Swimming South Africa. Get in touch with St Peter’s Academy on 021 853 4717 or at st.ptrs.acad@gmail.com. The school can be found at 12 John Walls Street, Strand.

ARGENTINIAN WAVE: Two-year-old Luke Constance from Sir Lowry’s Pass (middle) with a member of the CRAI Rugby Club from Argentina on the evening of their match against Sir Lowrians, played at Sir Lowry Park last month. The night match was the first ever evening game played at the local sports grounds. The capacity crowd was entertained by some seriously exciting running rugby by the home team and solid scrumming by the visiting Argentinians. Although the home team won the match 31–19, rugby was the real winner of this historic encounter.

The stars of the night were (back row) teachers N Suleiman and H Bennie.In front of them are teachers L Brent, M Martin and N Liebenberg. The swimmers are (from left) Toni Davids, Alicia Zerf, Cumisa Gungutha, Robyn Voskuil, Peter-John Saal, Jarred Bosman, Lisa Nqabini, Nashe Fredericks, Brandon Huni and Singatha Nyongwana.




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The Argentinian Crai Rugby Club players pose for a photo at Sir Lowry Park before their match against Sir Lowrians.






Fri, Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:25, 19:50, 22:15 Sun: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:25, 19:50 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:25, 19:50 Tue: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:25, 19:50, 22:15



Fri-Sun: 14:00, 17:45, 20:45 Mon-Thu: 11:00, 14:00, 17:45, 20:45



THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS 3D ˛◊ß Fri-Sun: 9:15, 11:30





Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00 Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 ——————————————————————————————————


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Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 ——————————————————————————————————



Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:35, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:35, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:35, 20:15 Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:35, 20:15, 22:45 ——————————————————————————————————


Daily: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30





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EIKESTAD MALL - STELLENBOSCH SNOW WHITE & THE HUNTSMAN ¸ ˛◊ Fri: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sat, Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45

Preserving rugby history The Western Province Rugby Football Union will soon give recognition to the many talented rugby players who would have graced international rugby fields if not for the country’s previous discriminatory laws. Recognition will also be given to the great clubs, as well as the club and provincial rugby players and administrators, of yesteryear. The zones to be covered by this initiative include the Helderberg, Somerset West and District, Somerset Board and former Federation. Clubs, players and administrators from this era include Macassar (Riversides, Vinyards, Fauradians, Kramat and Raithby

Universals), Hotspurs, Thistles, All-Saints, Somerset RFC, Sir Lowrians (St Matthews and Rangers), Strand United, St Georges, Vergelegen (Lilies), Marines RFC, Ex-Scholars, Auroras RFC, Strand Pioneers, Wesley RFC, Strand Wesley RFC, Strand RFC, the Gordon’s Bay clubs of Temperance Town and Flying Eagles, and Grabouw club Perseverance. Send through your club histories, player information, and photos, stories and anecdotes from the old days as soon as possible. Get in touch with Fazil Gabier on 0 076 809 4539, R Hassiem on 072 856 4640 or Ruben Riffel on 072 469 5562.

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