Kleinmond Gazette 12 June 2012

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Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Tuesday 12 June 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Gekiek YWERIGE AVONTURIERS: Deon Joubert van die Kleinmond Kiekieklub het ’n groep stappers bymekaar gekry en ‘n 65 kilometer staptog in die Oos-Kaap vanaf Port Alfred tot by die mond van die Groot Visrivier aangedurf. Die groep het bestaan uit nege stappers van Kleinmond en drie van Bettysbaai. Hier staan die groepie by Kleinemonde waar hulle moes roei tot by hul volgende oornagpunt. Lees meer oor die reis, asook die wenners in die maand se kiekieklub-kompetisie op bl. 7.

Sand smothers homes PIA NÄNNY Sand invasion along the coast, especially in the area from Rooi Els to Betty’s Bay, has driven a group of homeowners to seek relief in court. The group will apply to the Cape High Court to force the Overstrand Municipality to keep the road reserve in Nerina Crescent, Betty’s Bay, clear of sand. Municipal spokesperson Fanie Krige has confirmed this, and says a court date has been set for 8 August. Kleinmond Gazette reported on 12 April that the sand had already piled up to a height of five metres. Homeowners – such us Gottlieb van der Merwe, an engineer from Stellenbosch – said they needed 4x4s to reach their properties. Two vacant lots are completely covered, making it almost impossible to build, and impacting on the value of these properties. Pat Parkes, a property consultant at Seeff in Betty’s Bay, says the agency oversees a couple of properties that are in the area

where the sand has invaded. “These properties are most definitely being compromised. In fact, we have not been able to sell any of them due to the sand invasion. As it is our duty as estate agents to forewarn prospective buyers of this, they immediately walk away from the properties – which is totally understandable.” Dune migration (or sand invasion) was one of the issues considered in the demarcation of setback lines – which regulate where one can and cannot build – for the Overberg. More than a year ago, the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) contracted SSI Environmental to develop a set of coastal setback lines as a pilot project in the Overberg District Municipality. In a first for South Africa, two lines were demarcated: a limited development line that serves as the inland boundary of the coastal protection zone; and a “physical processes” line, a scientific line demarcating the area where the ocean’s physical processes are deemed to have an impact on the land, Her-

Think Real Estate ...

manus Times reported in June last year. A series of public meetings about the proposed coastal setback lines was held last year. It was said then that the aim of the setback lines was not to prevent development, but to ensure that the right development takes place. But some property owners remained concerned about their investments. The draft lines will now be reviewed by the various municipal authorities in the Overberg, including the Overstrand Municipality. The municipalities will be able to comment on the issue before the exact boundaries are finalised through a council resolution. However, Krige says the Overstrand Municipality hasn’t received the documents yet. According to Luke Moore, an environmental consultant, it now becomes the responsibility of the DEADP and municipalities to use the setback lines to inform the various spatial planning and regulatory processes. “This will involve further discussion, collaboration and alignment between the different authorities, as well as all the legally required stakeholder participation processes.”

Gordon McIntyre, who owns property in Rooi Els, says the physical processes line (thick coastal line) merely follows undeveloped ground, missing houses on either side of his property (red dot), and he is concerned that his “significant investment” will be rendered valueless. “Should I wish to build on my property, I doubt any bank would finance it. I propose that a thorough investigation be undertaken on an individual property basis.”

Think ...

028 271 3945 - 087 150 4940


General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Church service times Seventh Day Adventist Church: Corner of 13th Avenue and Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Saturday service at 09:30. 0 028 271 4173. Pringle Bay United Church: Corner of Crescent and Park Streets. Sunday service at 09:00. 0 028 273 8172. Kleinmond Aanbiddingsentrum : Corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street. Sunday service at 09:45. 0 028 271 5694 or Pastor Gerrit Smit: 083 6336 172. Lakeside Chapel: Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Sunday service at 09:30. 0 028 272 9214. St Nicholas Anglican Church: Heide Street, Proteadorp. Morning prayer on first and third Sunday morning of every month at 10:00. Communion on second and fourth Sunday of every month. 0 028 271 3546. Kleinmond Fellowship Church: 72 Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Sunday service at 09:30; Sunday school for children in Grades R to 3. Catholic Church: Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Saturday mass at 17:30. 0 021 859 5397. St Francis Anglican Church: Services in the Roman Catholic Church, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Sunday Eucharist at 09:00.

Smullekker snoekbraai in Kleinmond Wat kan dan nou lekkerder wees as ’n lekker vet Weskussnoek op die kole? Weer eens loop die snoek en Loe Morkel bring die blink lywe aan wal sodat die wyke van die bergdeel van Kleinmond se mense ’n heerlike snoekbraai kan aanbied. Hierdie poging is vir liefdadigheid en die organiseerders van die wyk wil daardeur die Fynbos Dienssentrum ondersteun en ook noodsaaklike noodlenigingswerk doen. Hier is baie behoeftiges in die dorp wat so stil-stil baie swaarkry. Sybil Morkel se fyn organisasie en kwaliteitskontrole maak dat die

wykslede lekker kan saamwerk. So deur die gesellige werkery, voel hulle dat hulle iets kan beteken en terugploeg van dit wat so onverdiend aan hulle gegee is. Maar vir hierdie poging is die publiek se ondersteuning nodig. As wegneemete kan dit vanaf 17:30 by die Kerksaal afgehaal word. Navrae oor kaartjies by Rudolf Visser 028 271 3406, Melinda Hugo 028 271 4351, Christo Kok 083 257 8843, Pieter von Wielligh 028 271 5509, Hanna Louw 028 271 5890 en Fynbos Dienssentrum 028 271 3602. Onthou die snoekbraai Dinsdag 19 Junie om 17:30 by die NG-gemeente se kerksaal.

Snoekbraai word weer Dinsdag 19 Junie by die NG-kerksaal in Kleinmond aangebied.

Skenk ’n kombers HELP asseblief iemand wat nie ’n kombers het nie. Dít is die Gazette se uitnodiging aan ons lesers noudat die winterreën en koue met volle mag toegeslaan het. Lesers wat ’n ekstra kombers of warm klere in die kas het wat nie meer gebruik word nie, of kans sien om ’n kombers of baadjie vir ’n behoeftige te koop, kan dit tydens kantoorure by die Gazette se kantoor kom aflewer. Ons sal dit op ons beurt aan liefdadigheidsorganisasies oorhandig om te versprei. Só wil ons mede-inwoners help wat nie ’n dak oor hul kop het nie en die Kaapse winter met min warmte moet trotseer. Lewer gerus jou skenkings af by die Gazette kantoor op Kleinmond op Donderdae en Vrydae, of bel Janine by 028 312 3717 as jy meer wil weet. Komberse kan ook by die Hermanus Times kantoor in Hermanus afgelewer word.

AGS Kerk Kleinmond: Sunday service at 18:00; Prayer service Tuesday 19:00. VCSV building, 11th Avenue. 0 Pastor Tewis de Jager: 082 771 9365 or 028 713 3988

UIL OP ’N KLUIT: Hierdie gevlekte ooruil is deur Kleinmond-inwoner, Maryna Loubser afgeneem. Sy vertel dié uil het hulle al ’n paar keer vereer met ’n besoek aan hul tuin. Foto: MARYNA LOUBSER

ser by 082 921 4971.

27 Junie 19 Junie

Email your church service times to Janine van der Riet at janine@hermanustimes.co.za

Tuesday 12 June 2012

) ’n Heerlike snoekbederf wag vir Kleinmonders ten bate van die Fynbos Dienssentrum. Vir hierdie poging het hulle die publiek se ondersteuning nodig. Wegneemetes kan vanaf 17:30 by die NG-Kerksaal afgehaal word. Navrae oor kaartjies by Rudolf Visser 0 028-271 3406. ) Die bekende Ricus Nel en die groep NRG (Energie) tree op in die skoolsaal van Laerskool Overberg in Caledon. Die fondse is ten bate van die NG-gemeente Caledon se Vrouediens. Die konsert skop om 19:00 af. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Venster Apteek of by die kerkkantoor. Vir navrae, bel Stephanie Vis-

) Bloedskenk by die stadsaal in Kleinmond van 15:00 tot 19:00.

Events ) Kiekieklub 22 Junie: Foto’s vir die Kiekieklub se kompetisie met die tema “Horlosies” moenie later as 12:00 ingehandig word nie. 26 Junie: Die Kiekieklub-byeenkoms word om 19:00 in die biblioteeksaal gehou. Die inskrywings vir die kompetisie sal beoordeel word en Michael Flemming sal ’n aanbieding doen oor “Ons Omgewing”. ) Fynbos Seniorsentrum bied van 26 – 30 Junie weer sy Wintermark in die NG-kerk-

saal, Eerstelaan 36, Kleinmond aan. Die tyse is: 26 – 29 Junie 09:30 tot 16:00. 30 Junie van 09:30 tot 13:00. Kom besigtig en koop die pragtige handgemaakte artikels en lekkergoed. Daar sal ook heerlike tuisgemaakte sop en brood, pannekoek, kerrie en rys en worsbroodjies te koop wees. Sien jou daar! ) Friends of the Hangklip Library Update and changes: 29 June: Book sale and pancakes from 10:30 to 14:30 and not 12:30 as printed. 5 July: Venue: Boat Club at Stoney Point. ) Big Blues Music Festival meetings Dates: Every first Wednesday of the month: 4 July, 1 August, 5 September, 3 October, 7 November and 5 December at 17:00 at the Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Bureau, 14 Harbour Road. Everyone welcome to attend this forum to discuss ideas and planning.

Surrender your hot water The geyser control project run by the Overstrand Municipality and Eskom rolling out through Hermanus, Kleinmond, Gansbaai, Stanford and Hawston. According to a press release, 487 out of 6 400 units have been installed. Franskraal, Sandbaai, Voëlklip and Fernkloof will be visited next.

The device switches off the power supply to geysers during times of peak demand – between 18:00 and 20:00 – to conserve energy. The appliance control device is installed next to the distribution board in the house by a qualified contractor who has an identity card proving his affiliation with the Overstrand

Municipality, Eskom and Powertech IST. The installation takes about 20 minutes, and no money is charged for the work. The power of the house will be switched off before installation, and switched on again after the installation has been completed. Please note that the contractor does not work on the geyser itself, and the installation has no effect on other equipment and appliances. Phone the call centre on 083 228 0268.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette


SMS and win for Father’s Day Schulphoek Guest House.

For a fantastic father It’s time to forget about the socks, jumpers and car polish this Father’s Day and get dad something extraordinary – a Cape Overberg experience he’ll remember for the rest of his life. Win a three-day experience for two in the Overberg – including along the Cape Whale Coast and the Hermanus Wine Route R320 – courtesy of Creation Wines and a number of fellow Overberg establishments. The winners of this competition will get to explore all their senses; not only will they taste and sample some of the best local food and wine – they will also take in some of the most beautiful natural vistas in South Africa (if not the world). To round it off, they’ll get to marvel at the unique and endangered wildlife along the Cape Whale Coast. The Father’s Day Overberg Experience includes the following: ) a two-night stay for two people at De Hoop Nature Reserve (self-catering); ) a shark cage dive for two people

with White Shark Projects; ) a delectable wine- and food-pairing experience and a delicious antipasti platter for two at Creation Wines on the Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge; ) a rare magnum of 2010 Creation Pinot Noir; ) a four-course dinner (matching wines included) for two at La Pentola, one of the top restaurants in Hermanus; ) accommodation for two for one night at the five-star Schulphoek Guest House in Hermanus; and ) breakfast for two at Burgundy Restaurant. The total value of this fantastic prize is R10 000. To enter, follow these easy steps: 1. like each of our sponsors’ Facebook pages; 2. tell us about your dad on any of the sponsors’ Facebook walls using the hashtag #experienceoverberg. If you’d like any further information on this competition, visit Zone Radio on www.zoneradio.co.za.

Burgundy Restaurant.

Kleinmond Gazette, in conjunction with a number of sponsors, is inviting readers to participate in a fantastic Father’s Day competition. The first prize is a luxurious weekend stay for two people, including breakfast, at the exclusive Quarters Hotel in Harbour Road, Hermanus, worth R3 900. The second prize is an adventure of a lifetime: Sharklady Adventures is offering the chance to win a shark cage diving experience for two people worth R2 700. But that’s not all – there are also three consolation prizes up for grabs: three people stand to win a R100 voucher from Nail & Body Sanctuary, situated at 9 Paterson Street. All you have to do to stand a chance to win one of these amazing prizes is send an SMS to Kleinmond Gazette and explain why you think your dad is the best. Start the SMS with your name and surname and then: “My dad is the best because . . .”, and fill in the rest. Send your SMSes to 35988; entries must be in by 11:00 this Friday. Each SMS costs R1.50 – and please note that terms and conditions apply.

These residents braved the cold and wet weather to attend the Palmiet–Kleinmond Neighbourwood Watch’s first public meeting on Tuesday. Photo: STOP CRIME BEFORE IT HAPPENS

Local crime fighters gather La Pentola.

De Hoop Nature Reserve.

Thunder and rain could not prevent the first open meeting of the Palmiet–Kleinmond Neighbourhood Watch from taking place last Tuesday. “It takes dedication and determination to fight crime in your neighbourhood,” says Eldred Smith, chairperson of the newly founded

neighbourhood watch. Captain Jakobus Marthinus of the Kleinmond police thanks Smith for starting the neighbourhood watch, and promises the local station’s full support. Anyone wanting to join the neighbourhood watch can contact Smith on 072 904 3427.


Letters - Briewe

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 12 June 2012


The signs of the social times

Let your father know This week Kleinmond Gazette is proud to host two Father’s Day competitions for our loyal readers. Father’s Day honours a very special someone; if you are lucky enough to still have your father in your life, show him how much you care – not only on Father’s Day, but every day. If your father is not with you any more, hang on to those special memories and surround yourself with loving friends and family on Sunday. To those people whose dads might be in an old age home, a telephone call or a surprise visit with a bag of biltong or a snack can make all the difference. Have a blessed weekend, and enjoy Father’s Day with the ones you love!

Nowadays the social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, are connecting people throughout the world. People are debating issues of national importance, linking up with old friends, advertising their events, and even posting photographs of holidays, births and sitting at airports. The world has become smaller, and the global village formulates our thoughts and opinions. The recent Twitter Blanket Drive in Kleinmond demonstrated the power of technology. The residents of the Overstrand opened up the cupboards and dipped into their pockets, making the event a memorable exhibit of service to the disadvantaged community. Kudos to the organisers, and to all those who committed time and energy in the realisation of the occasion. The recent regime changes in the Middle East were also facilitated by information disseminated via social networks. They comprise a potent medium that provides a forum to dictate the trend of discourse. The past few weeks have seen the controversy surrounding The Spear by Brett Murray leap onto Facebook posts. We are all familiar with what subsequently transpired, and the issue of freedom of expres-

sion. Unfortunately, as the matter has not gone to court, we are faced with the unsatisfied sense of it not being tested. My Facebook wall was inundated with posts in favour of the artist, citing freedom of expression, as well as posts by those who felt that the dignity of the presidential office had been compromised. In these trying times , it is easy to forget the sacrifices that artists made during those dark days. It is not only South Africa that features on my Facebook page, but also what is happening elsewhere on the planet, such as political occurrences in the Middle East, the massacre trial in Scandinavia, deforestation in the Amazon, and the royal jubilee. The list is endless; it is an arena in which to have your say. My contact with friends and family living in foreign countries is strengthened by Facebook. I get thrills when looking at photographs of people I have not been with in years. My feelings of regret at my nonattendance at a wedding are lessened by pictures of the bride and groom. I have friends who are very religious and use Facebook to proselytise. It always seems to upset certain people, who will attempt to involve them in a secular interpretation of

the scriptures. It’s all quite circular; faith transcends reason and, no matter the premise, it all ends up in the same place anyway. What is interesting about using the Internet is discovering friends you never knew you had. My 14-year-old daughter’s friends have approached me to be their friend. Initially I was reluctant, but then I discovered that the more friends they acquired, the more cool they would seem to their peers. Now I automatically add them as friends, but obviously conversation is a factor that I conveniently ignore, unless of course one of them brings up Cinema Paradise, Casablanca or Citizen Kane as examples of cinematic innovations, or Waiting for Godot as a good example of existentialist theatre.

Botrivierprotes laat wrang smaak


Ek verwys na u nuusberig in die Gazette oor die betogings in Botrivier, asook u redaksionele kommentaar in dieselfde uitgawe en ek sal graag ’n paar aspekte wil aanraak. Die betoging was eerstens onwettig. Tweedens het dit gepaard gegaan met intimidasie. Die plaaslike laerskool was gesluit vir die dag. ’n Dag se onderrig dus daarmee heen. Hoërskoolleerlinge kon nie die dorp verlaat nie en ook ’n dag se onderrig verbeur. Mense wat wou gaan werk in dorpe soos Grabouw, Hermanus en Caledon is verhoed om die dorp te verlaat. Veral dagloners het dus ’n dag se geld verloor. Gesondheidswerkers wat in Grabouw en Hermanus om 07:00 moes diens aanvaar, moes inderhaas alternatiewe reëlings tref vir ander personeel om hulle pligte oor te neem. Van die plaaslike winkels was gesluit en kon nie besigheid doen nie. Koerante en tydskrifte kon nie afgelewer word nie. Die munisipale kantore en poskantoor was gesluit vir die dag. Derdens was daar vandalisme en die munisipale kantore en die poskantoor is beskadig. Geld wat beskikbaar was om van die betogers se griewe aan te spreek, moet nou gebruik word om skade te herstel. Wat is die effek van die gebeure op

Hierdie week wil die Pikkewyntjie-kinders baie dankie sê aan Oom Freddie en Tannie Barbara van den Hoorn. Dié wonderlike twee mense kom laai die afgelope tyd elke maand ’n motor vol kruideniersware, groente en vrugte by ons skool af. Tannie Barbara het ewe besluit om haar verjaarsdag tussen ons kindertjies te vier. Hulle het koek, koeldrank, skyfies en lekkers gebring en daar was lekker partytjie gehou. Die personeel ontvang ook elke maand ’n presentjie van Oom Freddie. Die wonderlikste van alles is dat hulle nie eers van die omgewing is nie. Hulle ry elke maand spesiaal deur van die Kaap. Ons waardeer jul onbaatsugtige liefde vir ons en ons kinders. ) Die skooltjie is tans op soek na ’n vrywilliger in Bettysbaai met ’n PDP-lisensie om kleuters Maandae skool toe en terug te vervoer. ’n Quantum-bussie word voorsien. Kontak ons by penguinkidz@hotmail.com.

die ander inwoners? Waarskynlik verdere polarisasie. Daar is ook woede teenoor die betogers as ander mense se vryheid aangetas word. ’n Mens verloor ook simpatie met die betogers al het hulle dalk geldige griewe. Daar is immers ander kanale om jou griewe te lig. Botrivier het ’n belastingbetalersvereniging, maar ek is oortuig nie een van die betogers betaal eiendomsbelasting nie. Daar is ook ’n wykskomitee vir skakeling met die munisipaliteit en ’n klagteboek by die plaaslike munisipale kantoor waarin probleme genoem kan word. Laastens kan enigeen, sover ek weet, ’n afspraak met die dorpsbestuurder reël om probleme te bespreek. Hierdie kanale word wel deur verantwoordelike inwoners gebruik. Ek is byvoorbeeld bewus daarvan dat bitter min geld bewillig is vir kapitale projekte in Botrivier en klagtes hieroor is ingedien. ’n Mens behaal nie altyd sukses nie, maar ten minste is daar wedersydse respek vir mekaar se standpunte. Ek laat my nie vertel daar was nie ’n politieke agenda vir hierdie optrede nie. Dit het in Villiersdorp en Grabouw begin en ander Theewaterskloof-dorpe moes net eenvoudig aan die beurt kom.


Oom Freddie en Tannie Barbara van den Hoorn lewer gereeld kospakkies en bederfies af by die Pikkewyntjie-skool.


Television: feeding the fat of the land Our doctors, hospitals and clinics are thriving, and the statistics reveal why: upwards of 70% of our treatable disorders are related to lifestyle, especially the eating and (non-) moving part of it. All those joint replacements, stents and multiple bypasses, the diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol and cancers, result from the wrong diet, compounded with no exercise and much stress. Would-be dieters often try to reform, but usually neglect the prime component of any diet, which is quantity. Your blood type, birth sign, religion, intolerances or whatever pale into insignificance compared to how much you eat. Simply put, the less you eat, the less it matters what you eat. I saw a little vignette recently that illustrated the complex and contradictory nature of overeating. A young married couple sat down to a special offer of bottomless

spare ribs. When the first (of many) heaped dishes appeared, the two sat there, looked dewy-eyed over their mounds of fat and protein at each other, then took hands across the table and said a prayer. I wonder what they said? Thanks to their God for allowing them to commit dietary suicide, while sparing countless millions through starvation? Somehow I think gratitude for the blessed fortune that brought them to this killing field formed the bulk of it – luckily for them this type of tribute is seldom acknowledged from on high. Of course TV also plays its part in overeating: one recent instance revealed the worst in both pastimes. An already huge US lady living in a dismal caravan park was interviewed on TV for her stated ambition, which was to become the “fattest woman in the world”! Clearly this pitiable creature was thrilled at having gained a

semblance of purpose in her otherwise featureless existence by being videocast worldwide, placing her firmly on the road to unparalleled heights (and breadths). With TV’s imprimatur on her great project, she can now command endless supplies of colas, ice creams, pizzas and all the ghastly goodies the rulers of world feed on and gain supreme glory by doing lots more of what she loves doing anyway. And when she achieves her aim of burdening the world with more kilogrammes per square millimetre than any other shepopotamus and lives to see this on TV, she will die happily, knowing her life has not been lived in vain. Then the workers will come with the jaws of life to open her caravan, scoop up her remains with a forklift and reverently deposit them on a flatbed trailer to be buried in a bunker scooped out of the patient

earth with a backhoe… Wonderful, how TV can inflate the most negligible activity. Take sportsmen: how many times have we marvelled at the comments of some celebrity, the freckled freak, say, who has never (and never had to) read a book, or the gap-toothed smiter and hurler of balls with the squashed squirrel on his head, whose pensive look at the crease is frequently mistaken for thought? 2 fouriejh@mweb.co.za

Tuesday 12 June 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette

St Andrews­basaar was ’n heerlike makietie Dit was ’n oggend van groot jolyt toe die St Andrew’s Kerk Saterdag hul basaar gehou het in die Thusong-sentrum in Hawston. Daar was plaaslike geregte soos smoorsnoek met tuisgebakte brood en appelkooskonfyt, hoenderkerrie en seekospotjie, die heerlikste gebak en soetgoed. Musiek en lyndansers het gesorg vir ’n gemoedelike atmosfeer. Broodnodige fondse is met die basaar vir die kerk ingesamel.

Elke wyk het hulle eie stalletjie gehad by Saterdag se St Andrew’s Kerkbasaar in Hawston. By die poedingtafel was, van links: Angeline Muller, Winnifred Okkers, Christine Henn, Margaret Maree, Christine Gillion en Ursula Gillion. Foto’s: HEDDA MITTNER

Abby Swart, Nakeisha Fredericks en Micyle Fredericks het heerlik gesmul aan die soetgoed by Saterdag se basaar.

Ralph Kleinsmidt skep vir Roberta Marais van sy smullekker smoorsnoek in.

Alicia Dunston staan nader vir ’n bordjie biefbredie by Audrey Marais se stalletjie.

Aan diens by die suikerbekkie-stalletjie was (van links agter): Mary Kennedy, Annie Johnson, Norma Gillion en Roslyn Swarts. Voor: Maria Swart, Acelia Johnson en Sandra Stewart.

Die lyndansers van Hawston Primêr het almal beïndruk met hul vernuftige danspassies.



General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette


a local Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? Margie Wilson, Kleinmond. Wat maak dié dorp/omgewing vir jou spesiaal? Die skooonheid van die natuur en die vriendelike mense. Wat sou jy graag in die omgewing wou verander? Baie dinge – meestal hoe ons munisipaliteit te werk gaan. As jy nie hier gebly het nie, waar sou jy wou bly? Ek het geen idee nie. Watter soort werk doen jy en waarom geniet jy dit? Ek is ’n vryskutskrywer, maar eintlik afgetree. Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en waarom? My familie oorsee want ek sien hulle veels te min. Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit ontvang of uitgedeel het? ‘Luister na ander, want dan leer jy baie – dit is die beste raad wat ek ooit ontvang het. Waaroor voel jy passievol in die Overstrand? Dis ’n stukkie paradys hier op aarde. Hoe voel jy oor die Springbokrugbyspan wat pas aangekondig is? Ek hoop maar net dis ’n wenspan!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

From coast to coast for a cause JANINE VAN DER RIET A couple have just embarked on a journey across the country, and with each step toward Durban they hope to take a step closer to their dream: a safe world for the beleaguered rhinoceros. Pam and Johan Visser set out from the Strand Pavilion on 5 June, and they hope to finish the long walk to Durban before 4 July. All funds they raise will be donated to Helping Rhinos. Pam does the walking, while her husband drives behind her in a sponsored support car. The first stop on their mission was Rooi Els. A spell of bad weather held them back, but they managed to make it to Hermanus to continue the mission the following day. “We started day two in Hermanus, and ended in Gansbaai on Wednesday,” Pam says. They hit another proverbial pothole when they realised the road from Gansbaai to Bredasdorp was too narrow to admit both a car and a walker; Pam was forced to drive to the town with her husband, but set her feet back on the road on Thursday, ending about 36 km outside Swellendam that afternoon. They had to find somewhere to stay the night, and were taken in by Paradise Park, whose staff and managers they thank for their assistance, support and service. The other sponsors who helped this team take on their mission to save the rhino include BUCO, Pick n Pay, Komatipoort and ME Graphics (Hoedspruit); Mica (Phalaborwa); and Oasis (Malelane).

Pam catches her breath for a moment near the couple’s sponsored car. Please contact Pam Visser on 083 788 2496, or Johan Visser on 083 788 2497, if you would like to contribute along the way. You can track the couple’s progress on www.helpingrhinos.org, and you can donate funds via www.virginmoneygiving.com.

An exhausted Pam Visser takes a long-overdue break near Clarence Drive.

Marathon­roete was nat en ’n uitdaging

Margie Wilson

If you know of an interesting person in the Overstrand/Overberg area, please send us their details, and they can become the next Meet A Local. Send details to janine@hermanustimes.co.za.

Twee plaaslike atlete van die Hangklipatletiekklub, Marié Vorster en Jan Theunissen, het die afgelope naweek aan die Miles of Smiles-halfmaraton in Robertson deelgeneem. Volgens Marié loop hierdie wedloop langs ’n baie mooi roete tussen die plase aan die voet van die Langeberge deur. “Ek het dit nogal uitdagend gevind, aangesien die grootste deel van die roete tot by die draaipunt opdraand was op grondpaaie wat baie nat en glad was ná die vorige dae se reëns. Gelukkig het dit glad nie tydens die wedloop gereën nie. “Die algehele wenner van die mans het dit goed tydens die prysoorhandiging opgesom: ‘It was very tough but the Lord helped me’. Ek kan dit beaam. Ek was gelukkig om tweede te kom in die afdeling vir vroue tussen 60 en 69 jaar in ’n tyd van 02:11:14.” Jan het die wedloop in 02:47:00 voltooi.

Marié Vorster

KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette


Kiekieklub stap skeepswrakroete Die Kiekieklub het ouderwoonte weer ’n vol program gehad tydens hul Mei-ontmoeting. Voorsitter Deon Joubert vertel: “Nadat Michael Flemming enkele feite omtrent die gebruik van filters aan ons verduidelik het, het hy die wenners van die kompetisie met die tema “Gras” aangewys. Eervolle vermelding gaan aan Hennie Beukes, Elzaree Cruywagen, Anita du Toit, Juanita Jacobs en Nico Jacobs. Die derde plek gaan aan Juanita Jacobs, tweede plek aan Gerhard van Helsdingen en die eerste plek aan Julie Grové. Die wenfoto’s word by Kleinmond Apteek, Spar Supermark, Kleinmond Biblioteek en in die kerksaal vertoon.” Daarna het Joubert die groep meegevoer op ’n 65 km-staptog in die OosKaap vanaf Port Alfred tot by die mond van die Groot Visrivier. Die groep het bestaan uit nege stappers van Kleinmond en drie van Bettysbaai. “Ons het vanaf die monding van die Kowierivier gestap. Op ’n pragtige onbesoedelde strand het ons ’n stoomketel, die oorblyfsels van een van die skeepswrakke, gesien. Ons eerste oornagstop was in die Rufanehut, wat met afvalmateriaal gebou is. Die geriewe was baie basies, met slegs 50 F water vir 12 stappers se wasen eetbehoeftes. Hier was dit top and tail uit ’n roomysbakkie. “Die volgende môre is ons oor die duine strandlangs tot by die monding van die Rietrivier. Sommige van die vroue het die koue rivierwater getrotseer en geswem. Ons het op die oewer van die rivier deur inheemse woud en oor verskeie heinings na die Tree House-hutte gestap. Wat ’n verrassing! Die groter hut is ongeveer 2 m bo die grond, maar die ander een is sekerlik 6 m hoog in ’n pragtige geelhoutboom. Al jou benodigdhede vir die nag moet met ’n tou en katrol opgehys word. “Die volgende dag het ons na die Three Sisters-hut gestap. Hierdie hut is nie ver van Kleinemonde nie en hier is ook rotse wat in die see inloop wat Three Sisters genoem word, soos ons Drie Susters-pieke in Kleinmond. Honger het die groep die 3 km na Kleinemonde gedryf waar die meeste aan vis en skyfies gesmul het. “Dave Marais het ons het die vol-

gende dag met ses kano’s van Kleinemonde na die volgende oornagpunt geroei. Ná ongeveer vier ure op die water kon ons aanstap na die Lily Pad-hut met ruim slaaplokale, storte wat, nadat die donkie gestook is, heerlike warm water gehad het, netjiese toilette en ’n heerlike braaiplek. Hierdie hut is in ’n wildreservaat geleë en het ons kameelperde, rooibokke en bosbokke gesien. “Die volgende dag het dit heelwat vinniger gegaan met die roeiery en kon ons weer langs die lieflike strand stap. Hier het ons ook die oorblyfsels van ’n skeepswrak in die see gesien met net ’n enkele mas wat bo die water uitsteek. Ons laaste oornaghut was Stone Cottage, ’n gerestoureerde 1820-setlaarshuis. “Ons laaste dag het aangebreek en nadat ons ontbyt genuttig het, het ons die oorgang oor die duine na die strand aangedurf, verby die vuurtoring gestap en ons eindbestemming by die mond van die Groot Visrivier bereik. Van daar is ons terug na die beginpunt vervoer. “Ná aankopies in Port Alfred en ’n besoek aan Bathurst is ons na Mosslands se Two River Trail net suid van Grahamstad. Ons het in die Reed-hutte oornag en die volgende môre die 15 km aangepak met ’n paadjie wat langs die rivier kronkel deur inheemse plantegroei, met lieflike uitsigte. “Ons het tekens gesien van ou krale uit klip gebou, asook oorblyfsels van ’n pad wat deur die setlaars gebou is. Voordat ons by die Medbury

Cottage, ons oornagverblyf gekom het, het ons ente gestap langs die eerste hoofpad wat vanaf Grahamstad na Port Elizabeth gebou is. Dit verbaas steeds om te sien wat ons voorvaders vermag het met ’n koevoet, pik en graaf. “Ons laaste stapdag het aangebreek en na ’n 10 km-stap het ons ’n heerlike maaltyd geniet en afskeid geneem van die pragtige omgewing wat werklik die moeite werd is om te besoek. Dankie aan ons borge: Kleinmond Superspar, Kleinmond Apteek en ASK Security.” Die Kiekieklub se volgende byeenkoms sal op 26 Junie om 19:00 in die biblioteeksaal plaasvind. Die kompetisie se tema is “Horlosies” en inskrywings moenie later as 12:00 op 22 Junie ingehandig word. Die reëls bly dieselfde: ’n maksimum van twee foto’s per persoon en die foto’s moet ’n jumbo (15x10 mm) grootte wees wat op ’n wit A5-karton (die helfte van A4) gemonteer is. Onthou ook om wondergom te gebruik om die foto’s te monteer. Die program vir volgende jaar is soos volg: Tema’s: Junie – Horlosies; Julie Lyne; Augustus – Kinders; September – Emosies; Oktober – Ope kategorie en November – Selfone. ’n Werksessie oor kamerategnieke sal in Augustus en oor nabyfoto’s sal in Oktober aangebied word. ) Kontak Deon Joubert by 028 271 3069 of 082 412 5976 of Yvonne Olivier 028 271 5180 met vrae.

Eerste plek in dié maand se kompetisie, aangebied deur die Kiekieklub, met die onderwerp “Gras”: Julie Grové.

TWEEDE PLEK: Gerhard van Helsdingen.

Die stappers geniet ’n heerlike ete. DERDE PLEK: Juanita Jacobs.

Hierdie stoomketel op die strand is tydens die stap van die Skeepswrakroete afgeneem. Die Skeepswrak-stapgroepie het bestaan uit nege stappers van Kleinmond en drie van Bettysbaai.

’n Klipgebou langs die roete.

’n Boomhuisie, een van die oornaghutte langs die roete.

Afsluiting – tyd om huis toe te gaan.

Die stappers moes groot duine oorwin.

Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Dinsdag 12 Junie 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Stormy winter weather curtails angling THE last few weeks have not been conducive to much angling, thanks to the winter weather and high tides. There will always be a number of “malletjies” and beginners who become total fishing junkies, so hooked on fishing that they will fish in all types of weather. I should know: I’m one of them. I started fishing 70 years ago and I am still hooked! One of the attractions of shore angling is the splendid scenery that is a backdrop to many of the top fishing spots along our area and all around the Cape. Another big draw card is being alone or with a friend with the sound of the waves smashing over the rocks or onto the shore, and where one can forget about pressures of school or work. There is of course always a possibility of catching fish, spending time cutting out red bait that has been washed ashore, digging or pumping for worms and prawns, or searching for octopus in the rocks and pools. Once an angler has really mastered the art of casting without getting overwinds, they start to practise spinning with spoons (spinners) and other artificial lures such as plugs made from various materials or colours. These days there are so many shapes, colours and varieties of lures, and each has

its own specific use depending on the terrain, type of fish the angler is targeting, and the calibre of tackle that is being used. Locally, anglers start spinning for elf and leerfish and then graduate to spinning for yellowtail from the many well-known locations along the mountainside from Gordon’s Bay to Rooi Els. Other good venues to spin for yellowtail are on the other side of False Bay, from Fish Hoek to Cape Point. Spinning for yellowtail is only successfully practised by a special breed of angler.

There are many facets to be considered in this type of angling, such as the type of spinner used, the weight of the spinner, the reel’s speed ratio, and the speed with which the spinner is retrieved. Last weekend there were a few white steenbras taken in the Macassar area, with the biggest fish reported weighing five kilos. Local diehards fishing the reefs off Blake’s Beach, Adderley Street and Verleë bank caught a few dassie and medium-size galjoen. One of the anglers who regularly fishes here lost a good-size musselcracker, which he estimated was around six kilos, right in front of him, at his feet. Weekend and professional boat anglers only caught a few snoek from the Cape Point area. The water is still very cold and green in colour. There were, however, no yellowtail reported. On Saturday the Western Province Deep Sea Offshore Boat Angling League was held, but only five longfin tuna were caught. Of these fish three were caught by the Atlantic Boat Club anglers and the others by Gordon’s Bay Boat Angling Club members. A few boats fishing at Buffel’s Bay managed to catch a few good-size squid (chokka) each. These large breeding chokka come to

spawn in the mud; they lay their eggs here and then guard the eggs for a while, preventing small fish and the larger chokka from getting to them. The WP Inshore Boating League will be held from Kleinbaai this weekend. Shore anglers should remember that, during low tide, this is also a good time of the season to hunt for sinkers and spinners that have been lost in gullies. On Friday evening the False Bay Shore Angling Club held a function to celebrate their 50th anniversary. The very successful function was organised and sponsored by Pierre and Roulien du Preez. Pierre is a very passionate angler, and is very serious about educating young anglers. Veterans like Dave Meneses, Terry Boucher, Willem de Jongh, Richard Watson, Barend Ridgway, Robert Janse, Willie van Heerden, Franco Bornman, Jerome Trubbshaw and Shane Gomes were among the VIP guests who attended the event. Quite a few “do you still remember?” stories were of course shared by the old-timers at the function. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 0 021 854 3831 Don’t forget to send your fishing news and photos to 2 bjridgway@telkomsa.net.

Galjoen Derby The Pennypinchers Galjoen Derby, set to be held this Saturday, is open to everyone, young and old. The fishing takes place “Hangklip se sleephelling” to “Rietfontein se draad”. Sinkers strike water at 07:00, and weigh-in closes at 16:00. The prize-giving will start at 17:00 at the Rock and Surf clubhouse in Hermanus’s Old Harbour. For more information visit www.hermanusshoreangling.co.za, or phone Colin on 0 082 576 0646 or Gert on 082 576 0646.

HAWSTON PRIMÊR GHOLFDAG: Antony Slabbert en Johannes Philander van Gansbaai en Vernon Frans en Jan Laverlot van Hawston was oorgehaal om deel te neem aan Hawston Primêr se gholfdag wat onlangs by Arabella aangebied is. Die formaat was ’n vierbal alliansie (beste twee tellings tel by elke gat) en die wenners was A. Kuiper, E. Theron, S. Smit en D. Calitz. Foto’s: VERSKAF

Daar was ’n paar bekende gesigte in dié vierbal wat bestaan het uit Pieter van der Poel, Stuart Makin, Dawie de Villiers en Mof Terreblanche.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette

Cheaper, easier and friendlier to the planet NICK YELL It was after four bitterly cold and rainy winters in the Overberg that Margaret and Iain Buchholz decided their Wendy house just wouldn’t cut it anymore. The couple, living on 31 ha of pristine countryside in Tesselaarsdal, set out to expand their cramped living quarters – but not via the traditional route. Money was a little on the tight side, so Iain and Margaret needed to look for a cost-effective way to build. Also being eco-conscious and preferring adobe building methods, they turned to the Zenzele construction

Margaret and Iain Buchholz in front of their Zenzele farmhouse’s back door. Photo’s: Nick Yell

method for the promise of easier work and the availability of clay locally. To build using this method, one simply needs treated poles, galvanised mesh and clay. The mesh, which is fixed between the poles, is filled with gravity-compressed clay, while 30 cm of plaster finishes the wall off on either side. Deciding to start small to see how it suited them, the couple added a Zenzele bedroom to their Wendy house, and tacked on a small Zenzele lean-to at the back – a place for Iain to reestablish his potted sauce business. With the business growing and needing greater production capacity, they added a large pottery studio and kitchen some time later. Then came a double garage and, eventually, their own dream farmhouse. “The Zenzele method really suited our tight budget,” says Iain. “It came in at around a quarter of traditional building costs and, as far as I’m concerned, the insulation is superior to conventional bricks and mortar.” As they’re pioneers in this form of building in the Overberg, a number of locals are now asking them about this method – especially seeing that it requires no foundations, and makes use of available materials. Another major benefit is the fact that it doesn’t require skilled labour – meaning that most farmers can make do with the labour pool already available to them. For more information pay a visit to www.agrement.co.za/certificate.php?cid=140 or contact Iain Buchholz on 028 212 2099 or 083 259 3751,orat 0832593751@mtnloaded.co.za.

“The beginning stages of the eco-friendly building method.

Iain and Margaret Buchholz’s long-awaited Zenzele farmhouse.

Pikkewyntjie parents let their hair down The parents of Pikkewyntjies PrePrimary School in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay, were treated to a lavish three-course meal in the Crassula Hall on Friday. All the teachers and committee members joined forces to decorate the hall, arrange the flowers, set the tables and get the dinner going. The parents were transported to the hall at 17:00. The candles were already aflame, and a delicious aroma filled the room. Things got festive with a welcome drink of wine, and everybody got into the swing of things thanks to the music and sound provided by Kleinmond Rugby Club. The parents were treated to pumpkin soup and freshly baked

bread as starter; an exotic fish dish with a mussel sauce, served alongside rice and vegetables, as the main course; and cooked apples and raisins, folded into a pancake with caramel sauce, to end the meal off on a sweet note. After that, it didn’t take long for the parents to start dancing. The committee and parents of Pikkewyntjies Pre-Primary School want to thank Spar in Kleinmond for the donation of the wine, and the Ratepayers Association of Betty’s Bay for the use of the hall. They also extend their gratitude to Kleinmond Rugby Club for supplying the music. “Kindness is the golden chain by which our world is bound together,” the organises say.

The parents danced the night away.

Meal made with love Last Wednesday the Grade 4 children of Pringle House Eco School shared a special meal with the children of Pikkewyntjie, a school in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay. Since the beginning of this year the children at Pringle House Eco School have been growing their very own organic vegetables with the help of local plant expert Therese Helmbold – and, as it turns out, the school has green fingers: the youngsters brought home a bumper harvest. Head teacher Binki Lees then organised an afternoon of cooking, giving lots of little chefs the chance to prepare the very first “Pringle House Eco Vegetable Soup”. All the ingredients came from the garden – including to-

The pupils show off their big pot of soup, made from the vegetables grown in their very own garden. matoes, spinach, beetroot, broccoli and herbs. When the hearty meal was done simmering, the pupils

paid a visit to their friends at Pikkewyntjie, and they all had a wonderful, unforgettable lunch together.

Focus on Overstrand Hospice The Overstrand Hospice has been providing comfort and relief in times of despair for just over five years now – and they need all the help they can get Doctors refer terminally ill patients to the Overstrand Hospice, whose personnel in turn provide professional palliative nursing care. This care covers the treatment of pain, and other physical, psycho–social and spiritual needs. Since the branch started in January 2007, personnel have cared for 417 patients and made over 6 791 house calls. The Overstrand Hospice also has a daycare facility, where patients who are able can pay a visit for a morning of entertainment, tea and pampering. All these services are offered free of charge, and the hospice does not receive any government funding. More than 95% of the patients are cancer sufferers, and it costs an average of R12 000 to care

for each new patient. Norma Scott-Tomlin, Overstrand Hospice 600 Club administrator, says many people help the Hospice in its work, but the organisation still needs help with funds. “As there is no charge for our services, we are dependent upon donations from individuals, trusts, organisations, local businesses, fundraising events, our Hospice Shop and the 600 Club. “The level of funding varies from year to year, and remains a challenge.” It is only through the loyal support of caring people that the 600 Club continues to be successful in enabling the Hospice to give this specialised care to patients in the Overstrand community. For more information, or to make a donation, please contact the Overstrand Hospice on 0 028 312 4679, 028 312 4537, fax 028 313 1927 or email 2 hospice600@hermanus.co.za.



General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Meet a local

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? dus ruk jouself reg en doen jou ding. Zaan Cilliers – woon in Bettysbaai. My beste raad is: Deur mekaar lief te he Wat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou en te respekteer kan ons baie probleme en spesiaal? seerkry vermy. Die rustigheid, vrede, die Waaroor voel jy passievol mooiste fynbos, skilpaaie, in die Overstrand? bokkies, tarentale, fisante, Ek en my man het vir tien pikkewyne en die allermooijaar elke jaar in Kleinmond ste voëls in ons omgewing. kom vakansie hou. Een jaar Wat sou jy in die area wou maak ons oë toe en koop ’n verander? erf in Bettysbaai. Na nog 10 Die Tik- en diefstal-projaar besluit ons om van Mpubleem. malanga af te trek BettysAs jy nie hier gebly het baai toe. Nooit het ons genie, waar sou jy wou bly? dink ons trek na die aardse In Engeland, my oudste hemel toe nie. Ons hoef nie seun bly daar en ek en my ure by die poskantoor of man is mal oor Engeland. bank in toue te staan nie. Die Ongelukkig is ons te oud om munisipaliteit lewer wonte emigreer. derlike diens. Almal praat Watter soort werk doen jy ons taal en jy kan gesels met en waarom geniet jy dit? enige persoon sonder om Ek is die hoof, onderwyseaanstoot te gee. Ons almal res, moeder, ouma en busbe- Zaan Cilliers van Bettiesbaai, kry swaar, maar so staan alstuurder van die wonderlik- saam met van die leerders in haar mal saam om die swaarkry ste preprimêre skool in die skool. lekker te maak en daaroor te land, Pikkewyntjies in lag. Hier is jou bure mense Mooiuitsig. waarmee jy gesels en wat na jou huis kyk Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en terwyl jy wegglip vir n naweek. Alle rasse waarom? bly saam in harmonie en kleur is nie n faktor Nataniël, ek geniet sy eerlikheid en hu- nie. Ons is almal mense wat God geskape het. morsin. Hier het ek en my man, Stolz, besluit sal ons Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit ont- maar verhuis na die lang boompies as dit vang of uitgedeel het? ons tyd is, en ons sal dit doen met vreugde Die beste raad was wat my skoonma vir want in die Overstrand het ons al ’n voormy gegee het – die wêreld skuld jou niks, smakie van die hemel gehad.

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? sosiale media. Talitha Rabie. Ek bly in Bettysbaai. Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en waarWat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou om? spesiaal? Ek sou graag vir Helen Zille wou nooi omEk is mal oor die rowwe dat sy ook ’n passie vir ons land skoonheid hier en die vars het soos ek en ek graag meer lug en die see rondom my. Ná sou wou leer oor ons land en baie jare oorsee waardeer ek sy toekoms. dit nog meer. Wat is die beste raad wat jy Wat sou jy in die area wou nog ooit ontvang of uitgeverander?As jy nie hier gedeel het? bly het nie, waar sou jy Ek het nog die beste raad van wou bly? God en in die Bybel gekry. Alle Ek sou dalk net die weer antwoorde vir my lewe is daarbietjie warmer wou hê. Ek in en dit is no. 1 in my lewe. sou in Durbanville naby my Vertel ons meer oor hoe jy susters wou bly of op ons betrokke geraak het by die plaas buite Calitzdorp. Blanket Drive. Watter soort werk doen jy Ek het Melanie Minnaar en waarom geniet jy dit? (stigter) op Twitter ontmoet en Ek het my eie web en gra- Talitha Rabie. Sy is betrokke by besluit ek wou betrokke raak fiese-ontwerp besigheid, die Blanket Drive wat Saterdag, toe hulle begin het in 2010 en Frostedberry Design wat ek 25 Mei in Kleinmond gehou is. dit is nou my derde jaar as host in Londen begin het in 2005. vir dié omgewing. My besigEk geniet dit baie om van niks af iemand eie heid, Frostedberry, is ook die landwye borg handelsmerk te vorm, veral ’n webtuiste. Ek vir ontwerp van bemarkingsmateriaal vir fokus veral deesdae op CMS-webtuistes en Drive. Ons het ook die nuwe logo ontwerp.

KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138! LUTEA PARFUUM146 geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! Skakel 083 655 0445/ madrigrobbelaar@gmail. com/www.luteaperfume. co.za. STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call Servaas 082 439 9704.

Rose Hair & Beauty Hermanus looking for a young and dynamic Qualified Hairdresser with at least 3 years experience Contact Delene 071 173 1201 for an interview and assessment

Tuesday 29 May 2012

What is your name and where do you stay? My name is Tarryn Pedersen and I live in Pringle Bay. What makes your town so special? Pringle Bay is a calm and beautiful place with peaceful people who have a similar outlook on both life and the environment; most importantly, it offers a brilliant environment for kids to grow up in. What would you change in the area? What we do really need in Pringle Bay is a bigger school that can cater to more kids. This would bring more families to the area. Tarryn Pedersen, If you didn’t live here, resident. where would you like to live? If I did not live here it would have to be Scotland; my family and I nearly stayed there for good!

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? Belinda Joubert – Overstrand, die mooiste plek in die wêreld. Ek bly in Kleinmond. Wat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou spesiaal? Die natuur, God is deel van alles en ’n mens kan Hom daagliks om ons sien, voel en ervaar. Die wolke hier is die mooiste in die wêreld! Wat sou jy in die area wou verander? Die desperate armoede en werkloosheid in die gemeenskap. Indien elkeen van ons een siel kan help om ’n inkomste te verdien sal ons ’n groot impak maak op die selfwaarde van mense. Ons moet ook meer verdraagsaam met mekaar wees. Naasteliefde, samewerking, dienslewering en verdraagsaamheid is die fundamentele grondslag van die lewe. As jy nie hier gebly het nie, waar sou jy wou bly? Belinda Joubert Ek is presies waar ek graag wil wees. Watter soort werk doen jy en waarom geniet jy dit? Ek is ’n onafhanklike lewensafrigter en skrywer van spirituele boeke en werk van die huis af. Ek doen vrywillig gemeenskapswerk saam met my man en bied loopbaanad-

What kind of work do you do and why do you enjoy it? At the moment I am assisting in running the local school (Pringle House Eco School) – in charge of fundraising and marketing – whilst waiting to start a new career working on offshore oil rigs. Who would you invite to dinner and why? Any dinner spent with friends and family is the best. Being a keen spear fisherman, there is nothing better than shooting a good fish and preparing it for the table. Whatisthebestadviceyou’ve ever given or received? The best advice I have both given and received is always: Pringle Bay find the positive in any situation and make sure to help whenever you can. What do you feel passionate about in the Overstrand? If I were to choose one thing, it would be to keep our beaches clean!

vies aan vir hoërskoolleerlinge in die WesKaap. Ons doen ook prestasie-afrigting vir werkgewers plaaslik en in Gauteng. Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en waarom? God, ek sal net lekker wil ‘chat’ en al die antwoorde kry. Dit sal ook lekker wees om weer met my ma te praat, sy is oorlede toe ek vier jaar oud was. Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit ontvang of uitgedeel het? Om jouself te wees; doen net jou beste en alles sal in plek val. Dis baie belangrik om integriteit te hê en morele waardes uit te leef. Wees ’n persoon waarop jou kinders en God trots kan wees. Judy Garland het gesê: ‘Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second- rate version of somebody else.’ Waaroor voel jy passievol van Kleinmond. in die Overstrand? Om ’n positiewe verskil te maak. Ek wil graag siele aanraak en mense inspireer wat moeg en uitgebrand voel. Ek wil graag in die land se jeug investeer want hulle is die toekoms. Ek wil jeugleiers, ouers en onderwysers oplei in voortreflikheid en deugsaamheid om sodoende bekwame rolmodelle vir die jeug te skep.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

The giving spirit blankets Kleinmond Kleinmond contributed considerably to the massive success of this year’s Twitter Blanket Drive. For the local leg of the event – stimulated by social media mega-tool Twitter – Kleinmonders descended on the Ou Hawe Skuur on Saturday with 115 blankets, 75 bags of clothing, 90 pairs of shoes, 9 scarves, 3 dolls, 5 pillows, 10 towels, 1 sleeping bag, 8 bedding items, 3 jackets and 3 hoodies. On the whole, the Twitter Blanket Drive South Africa collected around 23 000 m² of blankets – equal to three rugby fields. And, at an average price of R90 per blanket, donors contributed the equivalent of R1 035 000. Lots of prizes, sponsored by Harbour Road businesses,

were up for grabs during the event. Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism snapped up the prize for donating the most blankets. Second prize went to Hermanus High School, while third place was taken by Elmie van der Westhuizen on behalf of the CRC Church. Fourth prize went to the Kleinmond Fellowship Church. Businesses that took part also got to share in the limelight. First prize in this category also went to Hangklip/ Kleinmond Tourism. Talitha Rabie, organiser of the Kleinmond event, thanks everybody who contributed to making the blanket drive so overwhelming a success. All the donations have been delivered to the youth members of the LiG Trust, who were

also highly involved in setting up and helping at the event on Saturday. The trust will now distribute the donated goods, ensuring that all local welfare institutions, especially the crèches in the area, receive a share of the goodwill. The LiG Trust was founded in Kleinmond eight years ago with the main idea of uplifting the area’s youths. It offers a scholarship programme, weekly workshops, holiday clubs, and activity clubs (including surfing, horse riding and scrap-booking). The non-profit organisation works in partnership with Child Welfare, the local soup kitchen, churches and the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society to see to the needs of the area’s poor community.

Children of all ages enjoyed the festive atmosphere at the Twitter Blanket Drive on Saturday evening.

Members of the LiG Trust hold up a few of the blankets handed over. Yolanda Daniels, Iris Maytham and Natasha Solomon were in charge of serving nice, hot cups of coffee.

Carina Botes and Antionette Koekemoe from the LiG Trust.

Guests covered the tables with motivational penmanship.

Ellie Holtzkampf, Wikus Conradie and Grethe Conradie were in charge of the pancake table.

Jean McEuan and Riekie Grové of the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society kept watch over a stall featuring photos of dogs and cats up for adoption. PHOTOS: Janine van der riet

Samantha and her mother Caroline Arendse enjoyed frying fresh chips for visitors to enjoy.


Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Dinsdag 29 Mei 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Record tunny caught THE subject of whether fishing is down to luck or skill arose when Border angler Frank Scholtz, fishing in the South African Deep Sea Angling Association’s (Sadsaa’s) Tuna Nationals, boated the catch of a lifetime. Frank was fishing for longfin tuna during the competition – hosted from the False Bay Marlin and Tuna Club in Simon’s Town last week – using only 10 kg double-X line, a Shimano 30 Diagra reel and light trace. He had just caught a longfin; he baited up again and dropped his bait overboard. He was surprised when his reel almost immediately screamed! He immediately realised that this was no longfin, but something much bigger. After playing the fish very skilfully on this light tackle and small Shimano reel while another crew member expertly handled the boat, Frank finally landed a superb 106 kg yellowfin tuna! He had fought the fish for just over six hours, and the catch was made 60 km off Cape Point. After the hook-up the fight travelled for

just over seven kilometres. Luck? I don’t think so. At one time during the fight the press boat had to get a stern trawler to change course to prevent its net from cutting off the fish. The teams only managed to fish on two days of the week-long competition because of bad weather. Frank Scholtz was representing the Border team, together with Kevin Bourke and Gary Thompson, and the skipper on the day the fish was caught was David Edgar on his

30 ft Arrow Cat, Witch Craft. This tournament has placed itself over the years as the most prestigious game fishing event on the South African calendar. The prize-giving was held on Saturday 19 May, and the top spot went to Border – thanks to this monster fish caught by Frank. Second overall in the competition was Southern Cape, and third Natal. During the early weekend there were a few snoek caught at Rocky Bank, where Gus Ruthman also caught nine yellowtail on Seekat. On Saturday and Sunday the weather was very bad, and no boats ventured out. The shore-angling fraternity, who fished only occasionally during the rough weather, also had little to show for their efforts. Now that the winter period has started, most anglers will concentrate on catching galjoen, dassie, wildeperd and white stumpnose. This time of the year one is only rewarded with one or two large white stumpnose in the cold water. This fish was always regarded as a

Border angler Frank Scholtz (third from left) with the world record–pending yellowfin tuna of 106 kg caught on 10 kg recently. With Frank are fellow Border team members Kevin Bourke, David Edgar (skipper of Witch Craft) and Gary Thompson. “go home” fish in the old days. Prime baits for white stumpnose are fresh white mussel and fresh red bait; I would also never pass up a prawn or a “wonderworm” when targeting these fish. Also, while fishing with the above fresh baits, one is often rewarded with a nicely sized mussel-

Weer steek stokkie voor beplande fietsrit Koue en reën verander toe die beplande Marchant het opgedaag met sy unieke Kleinmond na Pringlebaai-fietsrit in ’n bergfiets met een rat asook Koos Snyman en Stoor2Stoor. ’n vriend van Roger. Almal dukwiel modderSondag 20 Mei het lede van Kleinmond se trappers, behalwe die dun-wiel tandem. fietsklub die koue winter aangedurf. Met die oggendlug wat vars deur hul waai “Ons was nie fiks gehet hulle weer die natuurnoeg vir die Sani2C wat skoon van die omgewing pas die vorige week doer bewonder. ver in Natal plaasgevind By Stoney Point het Roghet nie. Ons besluit toe er sy eie tuisgebakte broodom in plaas van die berolletjies te voorskyn geplande rit na Pringlebring wat ons weer “pebaai liewer ons eie trol” gegee het om die koue Stoor2Stoor – van aan te durf. Kleinmond na BettysDie Kleinmond-fietsrybaai en terug – te doen,” klub akkommodeer alle vertel Marchant van fietsryers. Beginners is Rooyen, een van die welkom om aan te sluit. fietsklublede. U is welkom om die beVroegoggend in bitter drywighede op facebook koue en met die hoop dat (kleinmondfietsklub) dop Whale Coast 96FM se te hou en indien u wil aanweervoorspelling vir ’n sluit, stuur ’n e-pos na sonnige dag in die kol kleinmondfietssou wees, het ’n groep klub@gmail.com of SMS na brawes voor Supa Quick Marchant van Rooyen ry ’n baie interes- 079 314 4368. bymekaar gekom en die sante eenratfiets. ) Die komende naweek, koue aangedurf. 2 Junie, bied die KleinRoger Page het sy “baba”-tamdem vir mondfietsklub, in samewerking met LaerBraam en Carol Mostert geleen en saam gery skool Kleinmond, ’n MTB-fynbosrit aan wat om ’n wakende oog te hou. deel vorm van die laerskool se karnaval. Die

Van die deelnemers, gesien by Stoney Point, sopnat en koud. platterige roete is ongeveer 22 km lank en loop deur privaat grond en ’n bewaringsgebied wat spesiaal oopgestel is vir die rit. Die omgewing bied ongelooflike mooi natuurskoon. Die roete is slegs geskik vir MTB’s. Die rit begin om 09:00 by die Laerskool Kleinmond. Registrasie is reeds oop, daagliks voor 12:00 by die laerskool, en ook op die dag vanaf 07:30 tot 08:45. Slegs 50 inskrywings sal egter toegelaat word. Die koste is R100 per persoon en is ten bate van die laerskool. Kontakpersoon is Rijk Stofberg op 084 805 1301, vir verdere navrae.

cracker off the reefs all along Harmony Park. Remember that good tackle, as well as strong leaders and snoods that are tied well, plus sharp hooks, will always give better results. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to bjridgway@telkomsa.net.

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