Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els
Year 2 • Tuesday 19 June 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717
Die saal was stampvol met vriende en familie wat gekom het om dankie te sê vir Sophie Rautenbach se lewe.
Laaste eer HEDDA MITTNER “Sy was miskien nie ’n perfekte mens nie, maar vir ons was sy die perfekte ma,” het Gerard Rautenbach in ’n gebroke stem gesê tydens die gedenkdiens vir die 86-jarige Sophie Rautenbach wat Maandagoggend by die Kogelpark Aftreeoord gehou is. Rautenbach is verlede Woensdag dood gevind in die bystandwoonstel van die Gerimed tengersorgsentrum by die aftreeoord nadat ’n
R 3 800 000
brand in die vroeë oggendure ontstaan het. Agt woonstelle is vernietig voordat die brandweer die vlamme onder beheer kon bring. Daar word vermoed dat die brand in Rautenbach se woonstel ontstaan het en dat sy skuiling gesoek het in die badkamer, waar haar lyk later gevind is. Die gedenkdiens is Maandagoggend in ’n stampvol saal gehou en talle inwoners van die aftreeoord, vriende wat van heinde en verre gekom het, asook lede van Rautenbach se familie was teenwoordig.
Andre du Toit - 082 786 1089
Volgens die oorledene se seun, Allen, is meeste van die familie in Gauteng en is daar ook Saterdag ’n gedenkdiens in Johannesburg gehou. Almal het getuig van die oorledene se skerpsinnigheid en spitsvondige sin vir humor. “Sy was ’n legende in haar tyd,” het haar seun, Gerard, gesê. Rautenbach word oorleef deur drie seuns – Gerard, Willem en Allen, een dogter – Rina, 14 kleinkinders en 16 agterkleinkinders. Lees meer op bl. 3.
Familielede het ver gereis om die gedenkdiens vir Sophie Rautenbach, wat in verlede week se brand omgekom het, by die Kogelpark Aftreeoord in Kleinmond by te woon.Van regs is die oorledene se seun, Allen Rautenbach en sy vrou Robyn, kleindogter Nadet Rautenbach, die oudste seun, Gerard Rautenbach en sy verloofde Lizette Bronkhorst, en nog ’n kleindogter, Sonja Lizelle Chadwick. Foto: HEDDA MITTNER
R 2 500 000 R 1 600 000
R 1 500 000
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ON SHOW : SUN 23 JUNE 2012 11:00 - 16:00
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Kleinmond Gazette
Church service times Seventh Day Adventist Church: Corner of 13th Avenue and Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Saturday service at 09:30. 0 028 271 4173. Pringle Bay United Church: Corner of Crescent and Park Streets. Sunday service at 09:00. 0 028 273 8172. Kleinmond Aanbiddingsentrum : Corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street. Sunday service at 09:45. 0 028 271 5694 or Pastor Gerrit Smit: 083 6336 172. Lakeside Chapel: Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Sunday service at 09:30. 0 028 272 9214. St Nicholas Anglican Church: Heide Street, Proteadorp. Morning prayer on first and third Sunday morning of every month at 10:00. Communion on second and fourth Sunday of every month. 0 028 271 3546. Kleinmond Fellowship Church: 72 Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Sunday service at 09:30; Sunday school for children in Grades R to 3. Catholic Church: Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Saturday mass at 17:30. 0 021 859 5397. St Francis Anglican Church: Services in the Roman Catholic Church, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Sunday Eucharist at 09:00. AGS Kerk Kleinmond: Sunday service at 18:00; Prayer service Tuesday 19:00. VCSV building, 11th Avenue. 0 Pastor Tewis de Jager: 082 771 9365 or 028 713 3988 Email your church service times to Janine van der Riet at
Regstelling Die Gazette het in verlede week se uitgawe verkeerdelik berig dat die uitstappie waaroor Deon Joubert van die Kiekieklub berig het, deur die Kiekieklub gereël is. Die staptog is eintlik deur die bekwame groep van die Kleinmond Stapgroep georganiseer. Joubert het as lid van die stapgroep saamgestap en by die laaste Kiekieklub-vergadering ’n aanbieding oor die staptog gedoen. Ons vra om verskoning vir die verwarring. ) Enigeen wat by die Kleinmond Stapgroep wil aansluit, kan gerus vir Miemie Strydom op 028 271 5926 of Yvonne Olivier op 028 271 5180 bel.
News - Nuus
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Jeug sal SA só regruk Op Saterdag 16 Junie het ons Jeugdag gevier en die Gazette het leerlinge van Overberg Akademie gevra wat hulle sou doen as hulle vir ’n dag president sou wees...
Dylan de Beer (13): As ek die president vir een dag was, sou ek behuising aan almal wat nie huise besit nie, gegee het. Dit sal die gemeenskap opbou en hulle gelukkig maak. Ek sou al die paaie wat onveilig is, veilig en regmaak. Ek sou die polisiediens meer mag gee en gesorg het dat reëls streng nagevolg word sonder enige korrupsie. Ek sal graag van my inkomste met ander mense wou deel wat nie geld het nie.
Stephan Hattingh (12): Daar is dalk een of twee goed wat ek wil verander. As ek president was, sou dit heel eerste op my lys wees om natuurbewaringskampe te bou. Ek sal sorg dat stroping (poaching) gestop word. Die tweede ding sou wees dat almal – wit, swart of bruin – met dieselfde respek behandel sal word. Ons almal is dieselfde, net die velkleur verskil. Dit is wat ek sou verander.
Nicklaas Baartman (17): As ek president vir ’n dag was, dan sal ek eerstens kyk dat onbevoorregte mense soveel as moontlik beter basiese dienste kry soos skoon water, elektrisiteit en kos. Maar ek wil ook nie heeldag dokumente teken en agter ’n lessenaar sit of toesprake lewer vir korrupte maatskappye wat glo wat hulle doen, reg is nie.
Coerine Hattingh (18): It might sound like the words of a dreamer but I honestly wish to help the people of my country to live their lives as happy as possible. The poor, the old, the blind, every child and every soul who has the right to live, should live it with the comfort and joy that those, who rule this nation, can provide. If I was president for a day, I would at least give my people one day out of 365 where they could be free of their sorrows.
Join the drive against crime The Bot River Neighbourhood Watch (BNW) is looking for drivers to patrol at night. Residents in Bot River say they are tired of all the petty crime, particularly in the avenues. After a meeting at the Bot River Hotel on Sunday 3 June, attended by local residents
and members of the neighbourhood watch as well as Warrant Officer Kevin Abrahams from the Bot River Police, it was decided that patrols would commence that same evening. Gerald McCann, chairperson of the Neighbourhood Watch, says that monitors on the BNW represent the residents in a particular
Monique Scheepers (16): If I were president, I would like to help lower the crime rate and would want to help the people to work together to overcome issues in the community. One of the biggest challenges in South Africa is lack of education. If we could work to educate our people, other problems such as HIV/ AIDS would be easier to deal with.
Daniël du Pre (18): If I were president for a day, I would invest all the money into space travel and free energy.
Talitha vd Heever (18): We believe there is equality, but personally I don’t think many people understand the concept. It is time to put the people that have everything in life, in the shoes of the poor. Those that look down upon the poor, can feel how worn down the soles are, and how water drowns the little, cold feet in the winter. Time to step up and realise what equality means.
street or in their immediate area and are issued with a police identity card to provide them with some measure of authority. “We are the eyes and ears of the police in an effort to help them in their work. We report anything suspicious.” Nightly patrols have been conducted but the BNW is in need of more drivers. Bot River residents are urged to assist or join the watch as monitors. For further information, please contact 076 141 5136.
Skenk ’n kombers of kledingstuk teen koue HELP asseblief iemand wat nie ’n kombers het nie. Dít is die Gazette se uitnodiging aan ons lesers noudat die winterreën en koue met volle mag toegeslaan het. Lesers wat ’n ekstra kombers of warm klere in die kas het wat nie meer gebruik word nie, of kans sien om ’n kombers of
Winter market The Fynbos Senior Centre will hold its Winter Market at the DR Church Hall, 36 First Avenue, Kleinmond, from 26 to 30 June. It’ll be open from 09:30 to 16:00 on all days except 30 June, when it’ll be open from 09:30 to 13:00. “Come view and buy the beautiful handmade goods and treats,” the organisers say. “Homemade soup and bread, as well as pancakes, boerewors rolls, and curry and rice will be on sale for the hungry.”
baadjie vir ’n behoeftige te koop, kan dit tydens kantoorure by die Gazette se kantoor kom aflewer. Ons sal dit op ons beurt aan liefdadigheidsorganisasies oorhandig om te versprei. Só wil ons mede-inwoners help wat nie ’n dak oor hul kop het nie en die Kaapse
winter met min warmte moet trotseer. Lewer gerus jou skenkings af by die Gazette kantoor op Kleinmond op Donderdae en Vrydae, of bel Janine by 028 312 3717 as jy meer wil weet. Komberse kan ook by die Hermanus Times-kantoor in Hermanus afgelewer word.
Have a baroque blast Overstrand Arts/Kunste (Oak) will present an exciting baroque concert in the Hermanus Civic Auditorium at 15:30 this Sunday (24 June). Camerata Tinta Barocca will perform with Quentin Crida as lead violinist and Erik Dippenaar on the harpsichord. The programme will include Concerto for Strings and Continuo in C Major, RV114 by Vivaldi, Concerto in D Major
for Harpsichord and Strings, BWV1054 by JS Bach, Concerto in A Minor for Two Violins, RV522 by Vivaldi, Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins, BWV 1043 by JS Bach, and Concerto Grosso in D Major, Op 6, No 4 by A Corelli. Tickets cost R100, or R50 for students. Book through Bellini on 028 312 4988. If you’d like more information, give René du Plooy a call on 082 940 4238.
Tuesday 19 June 2012
News - Nuus
Die verwoestende brand wat by die aftree-oord uitgebreek het.
Kleinmond Gazette
Die gang in die aftree-oord, vol water na die brandweer die vlamme geblus het. FOTO: PIETA PIETERSE
’n Leeftyd se herinneringe nou ’n hopie as HEDDA MITTNER “Alles wat ek gehad het, is nou as. Al wat ek oorgehou het, is die nagklere wat ek aangehad het.” Só vertel die 76-jarige Marie Neethling, inwoner van die Gerimed tengersorgsentrum van die Kogelpark-aftreeoord in Kleinmond waar ’n brand wat verlede Woensdag in die vroeë oggendure ontstaan het, agt woonstelle vernietig het. “Ek het die mooiste skilderye gehad,” sê Marie hartseer. “En dan praat ek nie eers van al my portretjies, foto-albums en my trouring nie. Ek het nie eers kans gehad om my nuwe bril, wat ek net verlede maand gekry het en wat my baie geld gekos het, te gryp nie. Selfs my tande het op my bedkassie agtergebly.” Marie het gewoon in die woonstel
reg langs dié van die 86-jarige Sophie Rautenbach, wat in die brand omgekom het. Sy vertel dat sy die betrokke nag kort na middernag moes opstaan om badkamer toe te gaan. “Ek het ’n gestamp en geskuifel gehoor in die woonstel langs myne en gewonder wat aangaan,” sê Marie. “Toe ek Sophie se geroep hoor, het ek maar die noodklokkie gedruk.” Eers toe sy in die gang kom, het Marie die rook gesien en besef daar is ’n brand. Die personeel was dadelik op die toneel om haar en die ander inwoners na veiligheid te neem. Die brand het vinnig versprei en agt woonstelle is in puin gelê voordat die brandweer die vlamme onder beheer kon bring. Sophie Rautenbach se lyk is in die badkamer van haar woonstel gevind en ’n gedenkdiens is Maandagoggend by die oord vir haar gehou. Marie en die ander inwoners wie
se woonstelle afgebrand het is tydelik na ander kamers verskuif en die gemeenskap het dadelik tot hul hulp gekom met donasies in die vorm van klere, komberse en ander gebruiksartikels. “Ek kan nie glo hoe bereid mense is om te help nie,” sê Marie. “Selfs mense wat ek glad nie ken nie, dra vir my goed aan.” Marie het ’n paar dae by haar dogter in Bloubergstrand gaan bly sodat sy haar kon help om die nodigste goedjies aan te skaf en ook om aansoek te doen vir ’n nuwe identiteitsdokument. Volgens Carel Pieterse, mede-eienaar van die oord, het meeste van die inwoners wie se woonstelle afgebrand het, die naweek by vriende en familie deurgebring voordat hulle hierdie week terugkeer. “Hulle kom egter nie terug na niks nie,” het hy gesê. “Daar wag geskenkpakkies op elkeen. Die hele gemeenskap het ingespring om te help.”
Asemrowende natuurprag
Beate Hill en ’n paar Kleinmonders het die naweek by Wortelgat gaan kamp. Hulle was baie verras deur die pragtige natuurskoon. Hill, wat ’n passievolle fotograaf is, het die mooiste foto’s geneem terwyl hulle daar was. “Met die sonopkoms het ek daar by die strandmeer gevoel asof ek die enigste mens op aarde was en was so dankbaar vir die stilte. So een vir een het die voëltjies toe ook wakker geword en die oggendlofsang gesing,” het Hill hartroerend vertel.
Leader - Hoofartikel
Kleinmond Gazette
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Beauty is in the mind of the beholden Staan saam in nood Die verwoestende brand wat een bejaarde vrou dood gelaat het en nog agt woonstelle wat afgebrand is, het die gemeenskap van Kleinmond nader na mekaar gebring en die alledaagse politiek met mekaar is opsy geskuif. Donasies van komberse, vrugteruikers, blomme, kos en klere het dadelik begin instroom. Van die inwoners het letterlik alles verloor. Al hul geliefde herinneringe, foto’s en besittings. Hulle het slegs die klere aan hul lyf oorgehad. Voorwaar ’n hartseer dag in Kleinmond. Tussen al die verwarring en verlies is dit verblydend om te sien hoe ons inwoners na mekaar uitreik in tye van nood.
Recently I have been watching different segments of a lifestyle programme. What is fascinating about these episodes is the obsession people have about their bodies and the way they look. In most cases it is the perception of how we would like to appear to the others and how we think the world sees us. People go to extraordinary lengths to correct their conceptions of their imperfections. Advertising also accounts for much of what we deem to be the embodiment of beauty. I remember when people used skinlightening creams and hair-straighteners with gay abandon, often resulting in severe damage to skin and hair. My son, with his usual brutal honesty, would tell his mother that her bum looked too big in a certain dress, or that his sister should clean her face if she didn’t want to have more spots. I suppose it is a learning curve, and that he will soon realise that diplomacy goes a long way in reassuring people about their insecurities. At one of the dinners I attended, one of the male guests asked a reluctant woman her age. When we are trying to keep the
advancing years at bay with fitness and beauty regimes, the last thing we need reminding of is the visible sight of mortality. A friend and I were standing outside a restaurant in Hermanus when we met another friend who immediately commented on how much weight the other had gained. What I found strange was that it was the most important conversation opener. Why do we not first ask about the health or success of a person – the children, the latest book you have written, or your new musical direction? There are so many important things that make a person besides the kilos they have gained. It reminds me of a social gathering where people were frantically networking. The first question people would ask would deal with what one did for a living. Doctors, lawyers, bankers or generally professionals obviously ranked higher than a hairdresser, carpenter or office assistant. Lord forbid you were unemployed. Your status determined how long they would speak to you, or whether you were worthy of their time and company. It is the value we give to ourselves that defines how the world see us. The pleasing characteristic I have encountered in some
of the people in Betty’s Bay is the selfesteem and confidence exuded by their laid-back and casual nature. They wear their age well, and the lack of cosmetic products or beauty salons in the area does not deter their natural beauty. Personally, I find intelligence and kindness sexy. Westernisation brought notions of beauty to other parts of the globe, and in Africa we have mastered importing the ideal . But big, small, tall, thin, large, dark, fair, straight or kinky, the world appreciates and loves them all.
Our oceans thank you
This Itsy Bitsy spider was not incy winsy in the least as it surveyed visitors at the Napier Patat Festival on Saturday. Villagers displayed scarecrows all along the main road and the winner of the scarecrow competition will be announced later this week. Photo: Annette Theron
One moment it was pouring with rain and the next just a slight drizzle; then the clouds opened up and the rain poured down again, the icy wind seemed to enter through every open space and freeze your exposed skin. This did not stop a few enthusiastic supporters from joining our International World Oceans Day, Friday 8 June. Eco Schools planned a march from Laerskool Kleinmond to the lagoon to raise awareness amongst the people of Kleinmond about the plight of our oceans, such as pollution, over-fishing and global warming. Eco Schools coordinators Estelle Schuurman and Jo Peschen met with children, parents and teachers from Pringle House, Kleinmond Primêr and Betty’s Bay Homeschool, as well as Eunice Jurgens from Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens. The children presented pledges in the form of fantastic little posters. They promised things like: “I will not litter near our Ocean,” and, “I will only eat fish from the Sassi Green List.” It was lovely to see how aware our kids are and help them in their desire to make a difference! Thank you, each and every one who made an effort to support this wonderful day. Special thanks to the Traffic Department and municipality for being there, ready to escort us for the march. Although it disrupted our plans, we are very thankful for the rain. We trust we’ll see you all again next year.
LOUISE FICK, Hangklip–Kleinmond Tourism Bureau
Willem en Wolfgang...toegewy aan ’n taak WILLEM is dood op 36, net so oud as wat Mozart geword het. Eersgenoemde se nalatenskap was beskeie, maar hy en die Salzburger was tog verenig deur hulle toewyding aan hulle onderskeie lewenstake, en deur hul kinderlike vertroue dat dit eendag, op een of ander onpeilbare manier, met hulle beter sou gaan. Willem het sy lewe met ’n agterstand begin – gebore in die klipharde Sederberge, het hy sy “kleur” en sy gene geërf van hulle wat Suider-Afrika voëlvry bewandel het voordat ons kleurlose inkommers dit van hulle ingepalm het. Van vroeg af was hy, soos sy volksgenote, omvattend uitgelewer aan die onpeilbaarheid van die noodlot soos vergestalt in die nukke en grille van die witman. Sy gene het hom sleg toegerus om ons dodelikste geskenke aan sy mense – alkohol en nuwe siektes – te trotseer. Kleintyd in die agterplaas van een of ander boer het hy,
danksy ’n dieet laag in voedingswaarde en vitamiene, longontsteking gekry, merkbaar aan sy oormatig groot vingernaels. (Met klein Wolfgang het dit nie veel beter gegaan nie: as sieklike baba het hy die eerste drie dae van sy lewe net water met buskruit daarin te drinke gekry!). Na vele omswerwinge, waarvan ons die besonderhede liefs nie wil weet nie, was hy gelukkig genoeg om in diens te tree as tuinier by ’n vermoënde gesin. Oor die volgende paar jaar het hy onder die simpatieke leiding van “mevrou” sy talent ontdek as medeskepper van pragtuine. Vir ’n ruk het dit gelyk of Willem se lewe sinvoller begin word: hy het ’n houvrou gekry, uit Namakwaland, en saam met haar ’n stiefkind. Die kleine Franklin was die appel van Willem se oog en hy het “sy” seun met voorbeeldige toewyding grootgemaak nadat ma (soos Konstanze Mozart ook) elders opwinding en sorgeloosheid gaan soek
het. Later het Willem, ondanks struikelblokke ( sy van was eintlik “Banies”, maar danksy pa of ma se gebrekkige skryfvermoëns deur ’n amptenaar is dit as “Barnica” aangeteken) ’n HOP-huis, ’n afgeleefde karretjie en ’n bietjie kapitaal bekom. Die huisie het hy behou, maar die karretjie is gou-gou deur hulpvaardige bure verwoes en sy geldjies netjies vervreem deur die pastoor en ’n “swanger” lidmaat van ’n seksionele kerkgemeente. ’n Chinese spreuk lui: “Soek jy geluk vir ’n uur, raak dronk, soek jy geluk vir ’n jaar, raak getroud; soek jy geluk vir die res van jou lewe, maak tuin.” Willem het al hierdie moontlikhede beproef: sy dranklus het hy, met die sugtiges se fyn skatting van waarde vir geld, gevoed met ’n hoesstroop wat benewens baie alkohol ook kodeïen bevat (’n mengsel wat toe sy behoefte terminaal bevredig het); sy huweliksgeluk het kwalik
ses maande geduur, die bevrediging wat hy uit “sy” tuine geput het was uiteindelik wel lewenslank. Die ateïs Christopher Hitchens het erken dat slegs een verskynsel ooit ’n vermoede aan iets goddeliks in die wêreld by hom uitgelok het: die bestaan van Mozart. Meneer Hitchens, waar jy ook al is, jy kan gerus maar Willem se naam by jou lysie voeg.
Tuesday 19 June 2012
News - Nuus
Father’s Day SMS competition
My dad is the best . . . Kleinmond Gazette, in conjunction with a number of sponsors, invited readers to participate in a fantastic Father’s Day SMS competition. The entries rolled in, and although it was difficult to choose a winner, the first prize – a luxurious weekend stay worth R3 900 for two people, including breakfast, at Hermanus’s exclusive Quarters Hotel in Harbour Road – goes to Reinhardt Meyer. His entry read as follows: “My dad is the best because, although we don’t have extra money, he will always make a plan to provide me and my brother with extra special things for our hobbies. He bought me a golf set and taught my brother how to play guitar. No-one can take my golf and my brother’s guitar knowledge away from us. Poeksie, we salute you!” The second prize, a shark cage diving experience for two people worth R2 700 – an adventure of
a lifetime offered by Sharklady Adventures – goes to Raymond Job. This is what he had to say about his father: “My dad is the best because, for all the years, he has never, ever referred to me or my mother as ‘the child’ or ‘your child’. He is not my biological father. Each Christmas I got my clothing and present, just like my brothers and sister. He regarded me as his own and did not treat me differently. At age 40 I was informed. “I wish all dads would be like him – a father irrespective of whether the child is theirs. He has taught me to be a father to my partners’ children. “I love you Dadda. I am a better person because of you. I think being a responsible father teaches children to be responsible children, and in turn they will become responsible parents.” But that’s not all. The Nail & Body Sanctuary, at 9 Paterson
Street, has given three people a R100 voucher each. These prizes go to: ) Tersia Swart: “My dad is the best because he beats the rest. My dad is the best because he is like Gazette – simply the best. My dad is the best because he is like food – I cannot go without. “My dad is the best because he is a unique being, one of a kind, always willing to help, caring, sharing, loving, yet not neglecting the discipline aspect. “My dad is the best because he is my SOS in life.” ) Lesley-Ann Witbooi: “My dad is the best, most loving person. He works seven days a week, and when he is off he takes us out.” ) Zoliswa Ntantiso: “My dad is best because he brings food home as the head of home.” Thank you to everyone who entered. Winners will be contacted with their prize details soon.
Kleinmond Gazette
a local What is your name, and where do you live? Renate Berger; Pringle Bay. What makes your town and surroundings special to you? I love the peace and the community. What would you like to change in the area? The number of potholes. If you did not stay here, where else would you like to live? In Hawaii. What do you do for a living, and why do you like it? I am a nursing sister (in private nursing), and have a practice where I do the Bowen Technique and Quantum Touch. Both of them help people with pain, injuries and other ailments. I get lots of joy out of helping people feel better. Who would you like to invite for dinner and why? My old friends from Germany, because I miss them. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given, and what advice can you give others? Fear is your worst enemy. What makes you feel passionate about the Overstrand?
Daantjie Kat kom deel sy wyshede PIA NÄNNY “Die Bokke kon nie sonder Gio (Aplon) nie. Hulle het hom gebel en sê hy moet kom. Jy kan ook so belangrik wees.” Só het wykraadslid Rudolph Smith die leerlinge van Hawston Primêr Saterdag by ’n jeugdagviering aangemoedig om iets van hulself te maak.
Hy het hulle uitgedaag om die volgende skoolhoof, wykraadslid, burgemeester of bankbestuurder te word. Die dag is deur die Hawston Frontliners aangebied en Standard Bank het dit ondersteun. Die hoogtepunt van die dag was ’n besoek van Daantjie Kat, wat die kinders meer vertel het oor padveiligheid. Hy het hulle vertel dat hulle nie op
Al die kinders wat Saterdag se jeugdagvieringe by Hawston Primêr bygewoon, wou graag op die foto saam met Daantjie Kat wees. FOTO: PIA NÄNNY
Hierdie kinders het Saterdag aan die sportdag by Hawston Primêr deelgeneem.
die pad moet speel nie en seker gemaak hulle weet wat die groen, oranje en geel ligte beteken. Brayton Bostander het mooi vertel dat die rooi mannetjie beteken ’n mens mag nie die pad oorsteek nie, en die groen mannetjie beteken ’n mens mag maar loop. Daantjie Kat het ook geskenkies uitgedeel. Die kinders is verder besig gehou met speletjies en sportwedstryde.
Daantjie Kat groep die kinders voor sy vertrek.
Charlmane Henning van die Overstrand se verkeersdepartement, Leeton Katts, hoofseun van Hawston Primêr, Daantjie Kat, Abby Holland, hoofmeisie van Hawston Primêr, raadslid Rudolph Smith, Coselelo Matomela van die WesKaapse departement van gemeenskapsveiligheid en Larenzo Isaacs van die Overstrand se verkeersdepartement, staan gereed vir ’n foto.
Renate Berger from Pringle Bay.
It’s a beautiful area and a lovely community Please share your opinion on the newly announced national rugby team? Don’t know much about rugby, but I wish them well.
If you know of an interesting person in the Overstrand or Overberg regions, send us their details and they could become the next Meet a Local. Send the details to 2
General - Algemeen
Kleinmond Gazette
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Jonges vier met oorgawe
Morgan Windvogel (7), Natania Hendrickse and eightmonth-old Danilo, as well as Berdine Theunissen with her twins Joaden and Jadelynne (also eight months old), enjoyed the Youth Day celebrations held on Saturday at Wildekrans. Natania and Berdine both work on the farm, and were grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time with their little ones.
Jeugdag is Saterdag met oorgawe by Wildekrans in Botrivier gevier. Braam Gericke, wingerdbestuurder, het drie jaar gelede met ’n boeresportdag vir die plaaswerkers se kinders begin.
Dié speletjiesdag is deur oud en jonk geniet en Braam sê die werkers het Vrydag net halfdag gewerk sodat hulle hul inkopies kon gaan doen en sodoende Saterdag die dag saam met hul kinders kon geniet.
A fashion show was held during the Youth Day celebrations at Wildekrans and both junior and senior winners were announced. From left is Amanda Harlow, co-owner of Wildekrans with the eight-month-old Jadelynne. Organisors of the event, Janine and Braam Gericke with their two children Mila (2) and Wium (4) and the junior winners (in front) Roslyn Maans (9) and Jamil Matthee (5). Standing next to Braam are the senior winners, Angeline Marais and Clive van Wyk.
Hennie Stellenberg, links, was die man wat die speletjiedag by Wildekrans gekoördineer het. “Dis vir my ’n plesier om by dié dag betrokke te wees, want so leer ek die kinders beter ken.” Langs hom staan Braam Gericke met sy dogtertjie Mila. FOTO’S: ANNETTE THERON
Eldine Theunissen het gesê Jeugdag is haar gunstelingvakansiedag omdat die dag ter ere van kinders gevier word. Sy wil eendag ’n polisievrou word om die land ’n veiliger plek vir almal te maak.
STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call Servaas 082 439 9704. KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138!
Gaishfin Theunissen (15) was ook van mening dat Jeugdag ’n heerlike vakansiedag is en dis sy droom is om as motorwerktuigkundige te kwalifiseer en in Kaapstad te gaan werk.
Jacques Stallenberg (19) is een van die werkers by Wildekrans. Hy het sy Saterdag opgeoffer om te help met die speletjies
Falencia Windvogel (10) het gesê Jeugdag is lekker omdat almal kan saamspeel en saamkuier. Sy wil graag eendag ’n juffrou word, om die kinders te leer. Haar gunsteling vak op skool is wiskunde.
Bradley Louw (12) was bly oor Jeugdag. Hy het veral uitgesien na die sakresies en het gesê dis sy droom om eendag as voorman by Applewaith-plaas in Grabouw te werk, want sy oupa werk daar.
Lesley-Ann Theunissen (8) sê sy geniet Jeugdag oor die speletjies, veral wegkruipertjie. Sy wil ook eendag ’n onderwyseres word omdat sy die kinders wil leer en slim maak. Sy sal graag vir kinders wiskunde en hul huistaal, Afrikaans, wil leer.
Deacon Marais (9) het rondgetrippel van opgewondenheid en kon nie wag vir die sakresies nie. Deacon wil graag eendag ’n dokter word sodat hy die siek mense kan gesond maak.
Tuesday 19 June 2012
General - Algemeen
MAKING FRIENDS: Kleinmond Bowling Club members Celeste Price (with arms folded), Sandra Helmbold and Chris Barnard keep an eye on the bowls while their team mate, Paul Helmbold, plays from the other side during the Boland Classic tournament played at Hermanus Bowling Club on Saturday and Sunday. In this match they took on a team from Helderberg Bowling Club. Celeste said: “We won only one game of the five played – but, as the saying in bowls goes, ‘We made lots of friends.’” Photo: PIA NÄNNY
Kleinmond Gazette
FIGHTING FIT: Kleinmond Primary’s u.13 soccer team participated in a youth sport day at Zwelihle Primary School on Saturday. The team posed for this photo before their match against Masakhane Primary from Gansbaai. Photos: PIA NÄNNY
Keegan Carelse of Kleinmond Primary tries to win control of the ball.
Players from Kleinmond and Masakhane primary schools keep their eye on the prize.
PROTEA-YSTERMANNE: Justin Ontong, HD Ackerman en Faf du Plessis was maar net ’n paar van die huidige en oud-Protea-krieketspelers wat Vrydag aan ’n Castle Lager-gholfdag op Arabella deelgeneem het. Ander bekendes het onder andere Alviro Petersen, Clive Rice en Omar Henry ingesluit. Foto’s: HEDDA MITTNER
Protea-krieketspeler Faf du Plessis speel ’n sethou by Arabella tydens die Castle Lagergholfdag wat Vrydag daar aangebied is. Sive Yamani carried her weight for Kleinmond Primary during her team’s game.
Now’s the best time to collect red bait MOST boating activities were curtailed by the inclement weather experienced during the past weekend. The South League boat competition held from Kleinbaai was also called off due to the weather. The few catches reported by shore anglers were dismal, with only a few dassie and galjoen reported from the Betty’s Bay area. Now that the cold weather has really set in, most shore anglers will all be targeting winter fish like galjoen, dassie and white steenbras. One blessing from the rough seas is the plentiful supply of red bait pods lying on the beaches, washed ashore after being broken off the rocks in the stormy weather. There were many anglers – rock, surf and boat alike – combing the beaches during the weekend and replenishing their red bait stocks for winter fishing.
Some anglers collect the bait in the pods, while others cut the pods open and store the bait in buckets. With the slight pushing tide, many clusters of red bait pods can be retrieved in the shallows. The most-sought after red bait is the sand red bait, which is often pushed ashore with coarse pods of rock red bait at Strandfontein beach and Macassar. This sand red bait is a lightercoloured red bait; it has an orange–yellowish colour. It is also softer than the other red bait, and is easier to tie onto smaller hooks, such as the 1/0s used for galjoen. The same bait matures sooner than rock or mountain red bait. Galjoen are partial to the red, soft and stringy bait when it’s smelly
and mature. While dassie, wildeperd and musselcracker also like rotten bait, they prefer firmer, fresh bait. This is also the time of the season to fish with fresh white mussel, if it is available. When fishing in the Betty’s Bay and Kleinmond area, as well as all along the Hermanus coastline, pudding or shale worm also gives better results, but it is very difficult to obtain this so called “wonder-worm” when the tides are quite low at spring tide. One often receives requests from new anglers in the area for a detailed map showing all the well-known fishing spots. I always try to help by explaining a few spots, but land up explaining that there is on-
ly one way to get to know the area – and that is by experience. The best way to obtain experience of these areas is by joining a club. I incidentally asked my son Barend how he would reply to a new fisherman in the area wanting to know the ins and outs of fishing around these areas. He said he should first get the correct tackle, and then pay school fees like everybody else! A newcomer to our angling shores mentioned that he found the local anglers were reluctant to give away their secrets and hot spots. My advice is to keep on fishing, and try stealing ideas, techniques and what baits to use – fish with your eyes without annoying the anglers. For all your reel repairs and services, contact Art on 021 854 3831 Remember to send your fishing news and photos to
Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els
Year 2 • Dinsdag 19 Junie 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717
Kleinmond maak skoonskip WENDY TAWSE Kleinmond-rugbyklub het Saterdag gasheer gespeel vir hul tweede derbystryd teen Atlantic en al drie wedstryde gewen. Die A-span se telling was 19–14. Altwee spanne het vir opwindende rugby gesorg en die Kleinmonders het in die tweede helfte naels gekou, maar hul span het uiteindelik geseëvier. Gerrit October het vir al sy span se punte gesorg. Die B-span het 13–0 gewen en het deurentyd goeie rugby gespeel. Ethan May en Grant Swarts het elk ’n drie gedruk en Barrion Barry het met ’n strafskop geslaag. Die C-span het 17–10 gewen. Jaden Wentzel, Marvin Cedras and Gerado Jonkers het elk een keer agter die doellyn gaan kuier, terwyl Siquille Cedras geslaag het met ’n doelskop. Daar is nie net rugby op die dag gespeel nie, maar ook netbal. Die Mt Pleasant-netbalspan het teen die Hangklip-netbal met 22–14 gewen.
’n Speler van Kleinmond se B-span probeer om van die Atlantic-spelers weg te kom. Foto: PIA NÄNNY
Kleinmond-rugbyklub se A-span het rede om te geglimlag nadat hulle weer met Atlantic afgereken het. Foto’s: WENDY TAWSE
Kleinmond-rugbyklub se B-span het geen punte afgestaan in sy wedstryd teen Atlantic nie en het 13–0 gewen.
Kleinmond C-span se spelers probeer alles in hul vermoë om oor Atlantic se doellyn te beur. Foto: WENDY TAWSE
’n Speler van Kleinmond soek ondersteuning terwyl hy sy Atlantic-opponent probeer afskud. Foto’s: PIA NÄNNY
Kleinmond-rugbyklub se C-span staan reg vir ’n foto nadat hulle met 17–10 gewen het.
Vat hom vas. Die twee A-spanne se spelers veg om die bal. Foto: PIA NÄNNY
Hangklip-netbalklub se verdedigers (blou) probeer verhoed dat Mt Pleasant se hulpdoel (groen) nog ’n doel aanteken.
Korrel vir doel. Hangklip-netbalklub (blou) het met 22–14 teen Mt Pleasant-netbalklub verloor.