Kleinmond Gazette 31 Augustus 2012

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Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Wildekrans wine claims Terroir Award Those of Wildekrans wine estate near Bot River have reason to raise their wine glasses and celebrate, after Wildekrans won a Terroir Award last week. Terroir has been the buzzword among wine lovers for several years now. The basic concept is to discover wines that best reflect the terroir in which they are produced. Wildekrans won the Novare Trophy for SA Terroir Top Wine Estate. The Wildekrans Chenin Blanc barrel selection 2010 was among the five top-scoring wines of all the wines entered in the competition, as well as winner in the Walker Bay district, while another Wildekrans wine received an above-average rating. Seen here (from left) are William Wilkinson (winemaker), Amanda Harlow (owner) and Braam Gericke (viticulturist and farm manager) with their awards.

Diere­eienaars gaan opdok JANINE VAN DER RIET Verskerpte optrede kan verwag word teen honde-eienaars wat nie hul diere onder beheer het wanneer hul op openbare terrein beweeg nie. Die Overstrand Munisipaliteit se Verordening rakende die aanhou van honde en katte het in 2008 in werking getree en plaas die onus op die eienaars van dié diere om toe te sien dat hulle te alle tye onder beheer is. Munisipale wetstoepassers gaan van 1 Augustus streng optree teen honde-eienaars wat nie hul samewerking wil gee nie. Artikel 6(2) van die verordening bepaal dat


niemand sy of haar hond in ’n openbare gebied mag toelaat sonder dat die dier op ’n leiband en onder die beheer van ’n persoon is nie. Dus, as jy nie die wet gehoorsaam nie, wag groot boetes op jou. Die eerste boete is R500, die tweede boete is R1 000 en as jy ’n derde keer oortree, moet jy in die hof verskyn en jou hond word afgeneem. Om ’n vroulike hond aan te hou, wat ouer is as ses maande en nie gesteriliseer is nie, gaan jou R500 uit die sak jaag. Diere-eienaars wat hou daarvan om hul honde na restaurante te neem, moet ook weer besin. ’n Boete van R300 word gehef indien jy jou hond na ’n plek neem wat kos voorberei


en of verkoop. ’n Openbare gebied is volgens die verordening enige strand, pad, straat, deurgang, brug, oorbrug, deurpad, voetpad, sypaadjie, laan, vierkant, oop spasie, tuin, park, paadjie, bus- of taxistaanplek of enige ander gebied wat onder beheer van die munisipaliteit is en waartoe die publiek toegang het. Die Kleinmond Dierebeskermingsvereniging (KAWS) is nie bewus daarvan dat die boetes hoër en die strawwe strenger is nie. Volgens KAWS het die Overstrand-munisipaliteit nie genoeg fasiliteite om diere wat afgeneem word, te huisves nie tensy die munisipaliteit saam met die verskillende dierebeskermingsverenigings werk.

Established Cleaning Sub - Contractor Needed CALL 087 150 4940 * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * TE HUUR * - R2 500 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer. Water & Ligte uitgesluit. Dadelik Beskibaar - R2 500 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 1 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Water & Ligte ingesluit. Dadelik Beskibaar



- R3 250 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Balkon met braai en berg uitsig. Dadelik Beskibaar - R3 300 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis & Onderdak Parkering Beskikbaar 1 Sep 2012

R 980 000

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Spacious Lounge / Dining & Kitchen Area. Separate Laundry & Scullery. Double Garage. Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334

Give us a call !! Office - 028 271-3945 Office - 087 150 4940



R 900 000

4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Spacious Lounge / Dining & Kitchen Area, Study, Staff Accommodation + Double Garage and Car Port André du Toit - 082 7861 089

Honde- en kateienaars kan hulself op hoogte bring van die inhoud van die verordening. deur die munisipale webwerf www.overstrand.gov.za te besoek, waar dit onder “Bylaws” geplaas is. Dit is ook by die plaaslike biblioteke beskikbaar. ) Taking pets for a walk in the Overstrand without a leash – and without cleaning after them – could cost you dearly. As of 1 August the Overstrand Municipality will be stepping up their enforcement of the bylaws regarding pets. Fines for contravention were recently increased, amended and approved by the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court. For more info, go to www.overstrand.gov.za.

- R4 500 Onderhandelbaar - Huis 3 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis, Omhein. Kleinmond - Dadelik Beskikbaar - R4 500 - Huis - Kleinmond 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers. Met Motorhuis, Beskikbaar 1 Sep 2012 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR STORAGE ??? FOR MORE DETAIL ........... CALL André 082 7861 089


Winkel Perseel 1: 70m² @ R2750 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar

- Winkel Perseel 2: 70m² @ R2500 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Kantoor Spasie 120m² @ R6000 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Winkel Perseel 3: 230m² @ R5000 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar

David Roberts - 082 953 4867 TE KOOP / FOR SALE PLASE EN KLEINHOEWES Grond Eienaars skakel Pierre vir n vertroulike onderhoud, aangesien die eindomsmark lewendig is in die aanvraag na Plotte/ Plase en Kleinhoewes. Dit sluit nie net Vrugte Plase in nie, maar Saai Plase veral !!! Bel nou !!! Moenie wag nie, my Potensiële Koper wag dalk net vir jou eiendom.

082 4444 329 FARMS & SMALL HOLDINGS Potential Sellers call Pierre for a confidential interview as there are such a demand for Plots/ Small Holdings and Farms in the Real Estate Market. That includes Fruit Farms & Sowing Farms. Please call now, do not wait, the Potential Buyer I have might be for your property.

082 4444 329


HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE WITH ACTIVITIES FOR EVERYONE CALL Pierre 0824444329 or CARLENE 087 150 4940 FOR A BOOKING. This can include: Horse Riding trips in the veld or ON THE BEACH (Now it is time for all your lady’s who dreamt about a photo session on horseback at sun set on the beach and this does not exclude the men attacking the dunes or a mountain route), EVERYONE IS WELCOME; “Paintball” make it a life time experience;

What about a “Four Wheeler”, Let’s brake away, make it a family - thing and come and view our beautiful environment. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO CHOOSE FROM, JUST CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION !!! Why sitting at home ??? How Boring !!! EVERYTHING IS HERE AT KLEINMOND AND THE SURROUNDING AREAS. DON’T LET TRANSPORT BE THE PROBLEM FOR NOT CALLING US, WE ORGANISE EVERYTHING FOR YOU !!! YES, CALL 082 4444 329 OR CARLENE 087 150 4940 NOW.

David Roberts - 082 9534 867 André du Toit - 082 7861 089 Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334

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