Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els
Year 2 • Tuesday 7 August 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717
Bykans twee maande nadat ’n verwoestende brand in die Gerimed Kogelpark-aftree-oord in Kleinmond uitgebreek het, het bouers Woensdag begin met die sloop en herbou van al die woonstelle wat verwoes is. Sophie Rautenbach (86) is in die brand in Junie vanjaar dood nadat die brand vermoedelik in haar woonstel ontstaan het. Verskeie inwoners het destyds beaam dat die aftree-oord se noodplan sonder twyfel verseker het dat daar nie groter lewensverlies was nie. Agt van die woonstelle word heeltemal herbou, die res kan herstel word. Daar heers groot opgewondenheid onder die inwoners wat daarna uitsien om oor twee
Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334
Give us a call !!
Office - 028 271-3945 Office - 087 150 4940
of drie maande te kan terugtrek na hul nuwe “ou” woonstelle toe. Intussen word hulle gehuisves in ander eenhede in die ouetehuis. Die mede-eienaar van die oord, Carel Pieterse, het sy medelye teenoor Rautenbach se familie uitgespreek. “Dit was ’n baie hartseer dag,” het hy gesê. Pieterse is steeds oorstelp oor inwoners in naburige strate, weldoeners en lede van die gemeenskap wat sedert die brand betrokke is by die oord. “Hulle het ons baie gehelp en komberse, kospakkies en klere het ingestroom om die mense wat alles verloor het, te help. Ons is bewoë oor die goedhartigheid.” Pieterse en die personeel en inwoners van Gerimed is baie dankbaar vir die belangstelling van die burgemeester Nicolette BothaGuthrie en raadslede Liesl Krige en Phillip Appelgryn, asook die pragtige ruiker wat Botha-Guthrie aan Gerimed gestuur het.
R 980 000
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Spacious Lounge / Dining & Kitchen Area. Separate Laundry & Scullery. Double Garage.
Links bo en bo: Werkers werk deur die rommel en bou die nuwe dak; die stootskrapers stoot die rommel bymekaar en ry die romel weg. Onder: Die brand wat in Junie by Gerimed Kogelpark aftree-oord uitgebreek het.
R 750 000
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom Open plan Lounge / Dining Area Kitchen, Covered Patio, Enclosed R 900 000 Garden, Double Garage.
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Spacious Lounge / Dining & Kitchen This Property is ideal for the Area, Study, Staff Accommodation + Investor and the 1st Time Buyer!! Double Garage and Car Port
David Roberts - 082 9534 867
- R3 300 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer. Water & Ligte uitgesluit. Braai area Klein hondjie toegelaat. Dadelik Beskik. - R2 500 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 1 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Water & Ligte ingesluit. Dadelik Beskikbaar - R3 250 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Badkamer. Balkon met braai en berg uitsig. Dadelik Beskikbaar - R3 300 - Woonstel - Kleinmond 2 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis & Onderdak Parkering Beskikbaar 1 Sep 2012 - R4 000 Onderhandelbaar - Huis 3 Slaapkamers, 1 Badkamer, Motorhuis, Omhein. Kleinmond - Dadelik Beskikbaar - R4 500 - Huis - Kleinmond 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers. Met Motorhuis, Beskikbaar 1 Sep 2012 - Winkel Perseel 1: 70m² @ R2750 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Winkel Perseel 2: 70m² @ R2500 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Winkel Perseel 3: 230m² @ R5000 per mnd Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar - Kantoor Spasie 88m² @ R40/m² Kleinmond, Dadelik Beskikbaar
André du Toit - 082 7861 089
Kotie Pieters - 083 277 8334
General - Algemeen
Kleinmond Gazette
Church service times Seventh Day Adventist Church: Corner of 13th Avenue and Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Saturday service at 09:30. 0 028 271 4173. Pringle Bay United Church: Corner of Crescent and Park Streets. Sunday service at 09:00. 0 028 273 8172. Kleinmond Aanbiddingsentrum : Corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street. Sunday service at 09:45. 0 028 271 5694 or Pastor Gerrit Smit: 083 6336 172. Lakeside Chapel: Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Sunday service at 09:30. 0 028 272 9214. St Nicholas Anglican Church: Heide Street, Proteadorp. Morning prayer on first and third Sunday morning of every month at 10:00. Communion on second and fourth Sunday of every month. 0 028 271 3546. Kleinmond Fellowship Church: 72 Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Sunday service at 09:30; Sunday school for children in Grades R to 3. Catholic Church: Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Saturday mass at 17:30. 0 021 859 5397. St Francis Anglican Church: Services in the Roman Catholic Church, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Sunday Eucharist at 09:00.
Tuesday 7 August 2012
Only a few tickets left for event of the year Tickets for the ball of the year are flying out of the organisers’ hands – nobody wants to miss out on the Cape Whale Coast variety show and charity ball, hosted by the mayor of the Overstrand, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie. “I hope everyone takes advantage of this amazing opportunity to make a difference in the Overstrand, and to join me and my husband at this glamorous event where all proceeds go to charity,” said the mayor. This dinner–dance event, featuring a threecourse meal, a music concert with local artists, and an exclusive auction with unique items, will take place at the Arabella Hotel & Spa on 17 August. It promises to be a night filled with entertainment, and all the funds raised will go to charities and people in need throughout the Overstrand. And everyone who buys a ticket stands a chance of winning a night’s stay for two in the Arabella Hotel & Spa’s presidential suite, plus a full spa and golf package. The winner will be announced on the night. Arabella is also inviting guests to stay over for the evening at a special rate of only R900 per person sharing. Furthermore, all guests stand a chance of winning some amazing prizes on the night, including breakfast and dinner vouchers, shark cage dives and wine. Says Dieter Odendaal, organiser of the event: “We would like to thank Arabella Hotel & Spa for their major contribution to the Mayoral Charity Ball – and they have already committed to next year’s event. “Without their support and this state-ofthe-art venue, we would not have been able to put this unique dinner–dance and show together.” Tickets are being sold to people and companies on a first-come, first-served basis, so hur-
Tribal Echo will be among the performing artists at the event. ry – there aren’t many tickets left. Some of the main sponsors for this huge event are Arabella, Hermanus Times, Good Hope FM, Creation Wines, Wildekrans Estate, Okasie, Whale Talk, Fricken Lacker, Sharklady Adventures, Coca-Cola, Music and Light For All Occasions, Die Skuur Teater, High Season Farm and Checkers. Tickets for the black-tie evening cost R500 per person, or R10 000 per table of 10 for businesses who wish to support this charitable event. Tickets are available from all four Overstrand tourism offices, or from Dieter Odendaal on 082 659 2318, Elize or Rene at the mayor’s office at the Overstrand Municipality, or Esmé Bronkhorst on 072 472 4552.
AGS Kerk Kleinmond: Sunday service at 18:00; Prayer service Tuesday 19:00. VCSV building, 11th Avenue. 0 Pastor Tewis de Jager: 082 771 9365 or 028 713 3988
Terugvoervergadering oor hawelosekwessie
Email your church service times to Janine van der Riet at
’n Ope forum van verteenwoordigers van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit en die Kleinmond-polisie hou Donderdag 16 Augustus ’n terugvoering-vergadering rakende
die hawelose persone in en om Kleinmond. Die vergadering sal by die Kleinmond-biblioteek se saal gehou word en almal is welkom.
Tickets can be booked by making an EFT to Overstrand Municipality, Absa Bank Hermanus, cheque account number 322 000 003 5, reference number 30201592001 (followed by your name and surname).
Gehoorgestremdes welkom Gehoorgestremdes kan gerus bespreek vir die Kalfiefees-opvoering Onderweg (Jannie du Toit) op Vrydag 10 Augustus om 15:00 en 20:30. Van die sitplekke sal toe-
gerus wees met ’n induksie-lus vir duideliker klank. Dié konserte word aangebied in samewerking met APD (Association for Persons with Disabilities).
Hangklip library dates The following events are set to be hosted by the Friends of Hangklip Library: 8 August: Elnette du Toit of Cansa will present a talk about nutrition. 13 September: Explore the world of travel with Gerard
and Anuta Scholtz, who’ll talk on their trip to Egypt, France and Spain under the theme of Stop, Stand Still and Listen. 11 October: Ria de Klerk will present a talk, with photos, after having travelled to China this month.
Tuinbouvereniging byeen Kleinmond Tuinbouvereniging se volgende vergadering is op 16 Augustus. Die bekende Ernst van Jaarsveld van Kirstenbosch is die spreker op die vergadering om 09:30 in die Kleinmond-biblioteeksaal. Hy sal oor tuinmaak in hierdie
omgewing praat en vrae oor plante en tuinmaak beantwoord. Besoekers is baie welkom. Vir enige verdere navrae oor die vergadering en of dié klub, kan Mary Clennell op 028 271 4189 of Frik Schutte op 084 551 6969 gekontak word.
Serviced land for people
WINELANDS WINTER QUEEN: Chantal Witthuhn from Kleinmond was crowned Winelands Winter Queen in the Lily category on 28 July in Paarl. “I also received awards for Queen of Smile, Ramp and Photogenic.” She is very happy with her new title. Kleinmond is proud of you!
Western Cape Human Settlements Minister Madikizela presented the Access to Basic Services programme and incremental housing approach in Proteadorp, Kleinmond on Friday. He explained to the residents that about 500 000 households require decent housing in the Western Cape but the department has a budget to deliver about 25 000 housing opportunities per year. The first step is to ensure that everyone has access to basic services according to the national
minimum standards, which are 1 toilet for every 5 households, and 1 tap for every 25 households. The next step is the incremental approach which means that people will be given a piece of land, with services installed, on which they can build a house while they wait for their formal house. Houses will still be built; however, the department will use more of its budget to ensure that many people have serviced sites first, rather than only a few having a completed house.
Tuesday 7 August 2012
News - Nuus
Budget approved for rollover projects At a special mayoral committee meeting held on 26 July, council approved an adjustment budget for the 2012–2013 financial year, which means some rollover projects have received the green light. These projects include upgrades of stormwater problem areas, the completion of water and sewage purification works in Hermanus, electrification of informal housing areas in Zwelihle, and the building of a substation in Hermanus. The capital budget is increasing from R169 million to R196,5 million. Other roll-over projects on the green-light list are the provision of bulk services at the Kleinmond Harbour development, planning of the Karwyderskraal cemetery, basic services for informal housing areas, and economic development projects. Council also noted the budget report for the quarter, which ended in June.
Highlighted in the report’s executive summary is that the actual revenue of R630 million collected by the municipality for the year came to 98,7% of the target when compared to the adjustment budget. This was achieved despite a steady decrease in water revenue as a result of water restrictions and savings by consumers. The operating expenditure of R714 million stood at 98,2% of the target compared to the adjustment budget. Actual capital expenditure amounted to R146 million, or 78,5% of the amount provided on the adjustment budget, but with the rollover of R27,5 million worth of projects to the 2012–2013 financial year the actual under-spending will only be at 5,5%. The municipality closed the financial year with a positive cash balance of almost R127 million. Debtors stood at R63,5 million, of which R23,3 million is older than 90 days (compared
to R60,3 million and R22,1 million at the end of 2010–2011). Council also took cognisance of the supply chain management implementation report for the 2011–2012 financial year, as well as the implementation of a contract management system and a demand management plan in that year. According to the report, contract management was identified as a critical weakness in the municipality, and this led to the appointment of a contract manager on 1 June. The manager’s job is to formalise the contract management system, monitor contract management by the relevant project managers, evaluate contracts and maintain the required business processes. ) This report is available to the public at the Overstrand Municipality’s administrative head office and area management offices, as well as public libraries and on the municipal website (
Vat GPF se hand in stryd teen misdaad “Dis nie net die SAPD en die handjievol GPF-ondersteuners se plig om die gemeenskap teen misdaad te beveilig nie, dis ons almal se plig.” So het Robert Crowther, voorsitter van die gemeenskapspolisieforum (GPF), gesê met die aankondiging van die volgende GPF-vergadering wat almal, van die kerk tot die skool moet bywoon, om die Kleinmond-Hangklip-gemeenskap veiliger te maak. Die vergadering vind Donderdag 16 Augustus om 14:00 by die Crassuala-saal in Bettysbaai plaas.
“Ons doen ’n beroep op almal om die pad saam met ons te loop. Sonder die steun van gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies gaan ons nie ver kom nie,” het Crowther gesê. Plaaslike organisasies soos kerke, skole, klubs, Proteadorp, Poppedorp, Mooi Uitsig, die Rotariërs, welsynsorganisasies en Kleinmond dierebeskermingsvereniging. As een verteenwoordiger van elke organisasie dié belangrike vergadering bywoon, sal dit die hele gemeenskap bevoordeel en meer beveilig.
Die toepassing van wet en orde is so belangrik vir elke mens. Misdaad word herhaaldelik genoem as die rede waarom talentvolle jong mense Suid-Afrika verlaat. “Kom, sluit by ons aan en maak ten minste Hangklip/Kleinmond ’n veiliger plek vir mense om in te bly. “Steun en sterk die hande van die SAPD. Kom meld net aan. Kom sê dat julle belangstel. Laat weet of ons maandeliks of tweemaandeliks bymekaar moet kom. “Laat die polisie weet dat ons bereid is om hulle oë en ore te wees,” moedig Crowther aan.
Red Hats learn the art of striking a pose MARGIE WILSON Last Wednesday the ladies of the Red Hats gathered at The Art Café just outside Kleinmond for a sumptuous breakfast and a “Picture Perfect” workshop with Chantal Witthuhn, newly crowned Winelands Winter Queen and Kleinmond’s latest celebrity The Red Hat ladies gather monthly for coffee, breakfast or lunch. “To be invited, one has to be over the magical age of fifty and wear purple, with a flamboyant red hat,” a spokesperson says. During a member’s birthday month, the colour scheme is reversed to red clothing and a purple hat. “The concept of the Red Hat movement was brought to Kleinmond by Liz Smith who reigned as ‘queen’ for about seven years.” The group strive to work some form of entertainment into their monthly visits to various restaurants and cafés. “We arrived at The Art Café to a beautifully appointed table, adorned with some of our own artefacts and a few finishing touches provided by [co-owner] Sharmain. “It was thus that we got Chantal to present her ‘Picture Perfect’ workshop, to enable us
to never again be afraid of facing the camera, and to present ourselves in the best possible light. Chantal was a delight, presenting her workshop with humour and fun.” Chantal showed the ladies all the little tricks of the trade they needed to avoid the horror of a “lousy photo”. “It’s all in the eyes A table view of the ladies at breakfast at the Art Cafe. and the tilt of the head and the body. And we learned that you don’t tant it was to live in the moment, and to live have to be a beauty queen to have a decent each day as if it was our last day on earth, picture taken of yourself. How had we all and to leave the regrets behind.” As a busy mom and career woman, lived so long without being let in on these Chantal is well versed in working before the secrets? we wondered.” Each face was analysed to find its best side, camera and has much beauty pageant expeeach person was given a confidence boost, rience, having also served as first princess and everybody was reminded to slow down, of Mrs Cape Town. “We had a delightful morning, and are hop“especially when the pace of life seems to be ing to have further workshops with her in hurrying us along”. “Chantal made us realise just how impor- the near future,” the Red Hat ladies say.
Kleinmond Gazette
Kleinmond Gazette
Leader - Hoofartikel
Tuesday 7 August 2012
Enough with the baboons: let’s eat Time for a new beginning It is heartwarming to see that the GeriMed Kogelberg resort is now being fixed up after the terrible fire that broke out there in June this year, claiming the life of an 86-year-old woman. Residents are tremendously excited about the reconstruction of the damaged flats – particularly, of course, those who were forced to move out of their flats after the fire ravaged the complex. They are looking forward to moving in to their new flats very soon. ) For those of you who don’t know what to do this weekend, why not drive to Hermanus for an outing and enjoy the Kalfiefees? A splendid array of productions, music and other entertainment await you.
The baboon saga continues with a flood of rhetoric storming the pages of every publication in the Overstrand and beyond. I believe, however, that people such as Bernard Heydenrych of the Pringle Bay Conservancy have the interests of the region at heart. I am also suspicious of letter writers who do not have the courage to put their names to their posts. Nevertheless, a way forward would be greater vigilance on the part of all in preserving the balance of nature and of those who inhabit her. As Monty Python interjects, “Say no more.” A recent addition to the hospitality industry, Elzeth du Toit, has already made an impact in Betty’s Bay. My yardstick of a good restaurant, an excellent cappuccino, has been realised. It is a brave and laudable initiative to open a coffee shop in these economic times. Her prices accommodate local diners, and I’ve been assured the menu will be exciting. She is also warm, caring, and wants to make a difference in the area. A few Overstranders have formed an informal cooking club; once a week someone cooks a meal for everyone else. The menu is a surprise, and the same meal cannot be cooked twice. It gives everyone an opportu-
nity to play MasterChef and host a group of strangers. Though I am not part of this specific group, I was invited to experience a trial run of the idea. The first sitting comprised the movers and shakers in the area. It is an ideal way to get to know your neighbours and a great opportunity to network. It is the building of a community spirit similar to a stokvel, and it can be utilised in any social stratum; everyone cooks according to their means. We can also be proud of our representatives, Ronel Theron and Billy Stanley, in the Ultimate Braai Master competition. In the larger townships there is normally a huge braai area behind the butchery. You can buy your meat and immediately grill it. It’s been a while since I’ve had an outside braai. My house has a fireplace so I automatically braai indoors. It’s not quite the South African way, but it is convenient. My search for the perfect cheesecake, as mentioned in a previous column, has elicited a string of offers from readers. Unfortunately health considerations don’t permit me the pleasure of tasting each cake. However, I must compliment readers Ruthann Oosthuizen and Lana Miller for the most divine cheesecakes I have ever
eaten. I have suggested they market their cakes. Why deny others the delicious pleasures I experienced? I have been watching a bit of the Olympics on TV and noticed some of the cuisine on offer on some or other channel. I remembered the wide range of international foods I found in the UK. The best bangers and mash I have had were at a place in Portobello Road, also called Bangers and Mash. International chefs who have graced our shores have also been delighted by the quality of our cuisine. Food is truly an international currency, and can bring people together under any circumstance.
Win a stay away
SENIOR BURGERKLUB VERGADER: Ná hul twee maande winterreses, het die Kleinmond Senior Burgerklub weer verlede week ’n baie aangename byeenkoms gehad. Dit was ’n koue middag, maar steeds was daar ’n goeie opkoms en die konsertgangers het die program baie geniet. Die 1000-voetjies kleutergroep het al die oupas en oumas vermaak met hul vrolike sang. Die voorlesing oor voorbodes, was vol humor en ’n hoogtepunt was die trompetspel van prof. Chrisjan Cruywagen van Stellenbosch Universiteit. Sy praatjie oor verskillende trompette en ander blaasinstrumente was besonders interessant en leersaam. Tydens sy uitvoering is hy deur Isabella Wagener van Kleinmond begelei. Hier is Isabella Wagenaar agter die klavier en prof Chrisjan Cruywagen met die trompet. FOTO: PIETA PIETERSE
The competition on this week is for those wanting a getaway. Worcester’s Golden Valley Casino is offering a one-night mid-week stay for two adults, with breakfast, at its Golden Valley Lodge. The casino, in the picturesque Breede Valley, has 220 slot machines and six tables. Its popular Winners Action Bar offers live entertainment, and Kuipers Restaurant serves delicious homestyle meals. The 98-room lodge offers comfortable accommodation in spacious, tastefully decorated rooms, and a breakfast dining area. It also boasts beauty spa Body Divine.;call 023 348 7200. ) Robertson’s Viljoensdrift farm and winery offers one online reader the chance to win a boat trip for two on the Breede River. Visit Viljoensdrift for a taste of its distinctive wines, a relaxed river cruise, a deli taste adventure, a gourmet picnic on the river bank, and a shopping spree with a vintage twist. See; call 023 615 1901.
Watter goeie rede is daar vir ’n dop sonder skop?
ONS weet nou hoe lank ons voormense al wyn drink – argeoloë het onlangs die eerste wynkelder uitgegrawe, iewers in die Midde-Ooste, glo oor die 6 000 jaar oud. (Die Paradys was toe tog in Mesopotamië!) Wat beteken dit vir ons? Nie veel nie, behalwe dat ons Europeërs al 6 000 jaar alkohol drink, terwyl die inheemse bevolkings van Afrika en die Amerikas dit vrygespring het. En ons weet wat die drinkgewoontes van ons Duitse, Hollandse en veral Franse voorouers vir ons inheemse Khoi-Khoi en San beteken het. Seker die aakligste gevolg hiervan was die persepsie wat by ons posgevat het dat ons “soos manne” kon drink, en ons siening van die inheemses se metabolies onvermoë ’n bewys van hulle ingebore minderwaardigheid. Ons witmense se voorsprong van duisende drinkjare het natuurlike seleksie toegelaat om slegs diegene met daardie ensieme
wat alkohol metaboliseer te laat oorleef, vandaar ons Olimpiese drankprestasies en die res se ondergang. In my gapsjaar rondom 1969–’70 het ek op ’n wynplaas naby Champagne as druiweplukker te lande gekom, en ek weet vandag net my Du Toit, Fourie, Cordier, Marais en Le Riche-gene het my lewe aldaar gered. Wingerdwerk het vroegoggend begin met ’n koppie koffie en ’n dop cognac op die nugter maag (klink dit bekend?); ’n halfbottel rooiwyn, salami en kaas vir brekfis, teetyd ditto; middagete ’n glas sjampanje, ’n halwe rooi by die biftek et frites en ’n cognac by die koffie. Teetyd ditto. Aandete het die ernstige drinkery begin: ’n bottel sjampanje per kop, ’n bottel rooi, ’n cognac by die poeding en kaas, nog sjampanje, dan ’n witblits, ad nauseam… Probeer dit vir ses weke en kyk hoe voel jy. Gelukkig was my lewer toe nog in goeie orde terwyl die harde fisiese arbeid die alkohol help opbrand het. Toe ek na ’n week
of wat egter vra vir melk, het die plaaslikes my met ongeloof aangekyk: “Melk? Dis net goed vir babas en kaas!” Onlangs was ek weer in die ooste van Frankryk, vanwaar die Fourie’s hierheen gevlug het. Ek staan eendag daar langs ’n rivier waar ’n manjifieke Romeinse mosaïekvloer opgediep is. Die Romeine het Oos-Frankryk in keiser Julius se tyd gekoloniseer, en die plaaslike “lanie” het glo hier sy villa gebou, op ’n veilige afstand van die destydse inheemse Franke se kleigehuggies sonder vensters of skoorstene. Ek sien hom op sy stoep sit met vroulief en ’n bottel Falerna byderhand, sy voete knus van die ondervloer-vuur en sy Italiaanse sportkoets op stal. “Ja, die b%$%^&*e Franke. Nooit geleer om twee bakstene opmekaar te sit nie. Geen ambisie nie, sit net heeldag rond. En soos hulle Latyn vermink, praat soos babas, en skryf of reken? Aikona! Om hulle te probeer beskaaf is ’n mors van tyd”.
Klink dit ook bekend? Ja, liewe leser, die wiel draai stadig dog seker. Daardie Romein, dalk gelukkig vir hom, sou nooit die kuns en kultuur van Frankryk en die wondere van die Franse taal (onegte kind van Latyn) beleef nie. Vrede en voorspoed!
Tuesday 7 August 2012
News - Nuus
Kleinmond Gazette
Invoersuiwelprodukte nie altyd suiwer nie – koop SA Bertus de Jongh, hoof uitvoerende beampte van die Melkprodusente-Organisasie (MPO), doen ’n ernstige beroep op verbruikers om seker te maak hulle koop suiwelprodukte van Suid-Afrikaanse oorsprong. Die MPO het die afgelope paar maande verskeie versoeke by die owerhede ingedien om ondersoek in te stel na ingevoerde suiwelprodukte wat nie aan Suid-Afrikaanse vereistes voldoen het nie. Die owerhede moes optree teen verskeie invoerders nadat bevind is dat die inhoud en/of etikettering van ingevoerde suiwelprodukte nie aan Suid-Afrikaanse vereistes voldoen nie. ’n Voorbeeld hiervan is ’n ingevoerde produk wat plantaardige vette bevat en verkeerdelik as Deense fetakaas geëtiketteer en verkoop is. De Jongh sê dat die MPO die saak in ’n baie ernstige lig beskou aangesien verbruikers mislei word en sulke substandaardprodukte die bedryf skade kan be-
Gaspard Bossut with a selection of his heavenly chocolate creations.
Creating chocolate magic HEDDA MITTNER After attending a function last week where the most delicious chocolate truffles were served for dessert, I learnt that the chocolatier responsible for these decadent creations was a Betty’s Bay resident named Gaspard Bossut. When attempts to reach him by telephone failed (“Our cables were stolen,” he subsequently explained), I tracked him and his wife Violet down to their house, which also serves as the headquarters of GaBoLi Chocolates. The name is a composite of the first two letters of Gaspard, Bossut and Limited. His output is limited, Gaspard said, because he works alone and the emphasis he places on quality means that he can only make so much. Although I’d arrived uninvited and unannounced, I was immediately made to feel welcome – in fact, I was not the only visitor; another group was just leaving. Gaspard’s reputation as a chocolatier has travelled so far that, even without advertising, people seek him out. It was the same when the Bossuts owned the Whaling Station restaurant in Betty’s Bay, where they served authentic Belgian cuisine. Word of mouth ensured that the restaurant did brisk business and even made it to the Top 100 SA Restaurants list. “People used to come from all over the country,” Gaspard said. “They’d reserve a table at the restaurant first, and then ask us to book accommodation for them.” After 10 years, the restaurant was sold, and since then Gaspard has concentrated on his chocolates. Articles about him have appeared in various national publications, one of which dubbed him “the Willy Wonka of Betty’s Bay”. Belgian by birth, Gaspard was an executive at Namibian Breweries for many years before he and his South African wife Violet decided to retire in Betty’s Bay. “A colleague of mine had a holiday house in Kleinmond,” Gaspard said, “and while we were staying there we saw an advertisement for a fisherman’s cottage in Betty’s Bay that
was for sale. We bought it on the spot.” That was almost 20 years ago, and since then the house has been altered considerably, with a large sunny kitchen to accommodate Gaspard’s chocolaterie. He started making chocolates while they had the restaurant. “I saw a recipe for truffles in a magazine once,” Gaspard said, “and I decided to give it a try.” He smiled. “It came out quite nicely.” Over the Christmas season in 2001, some of their customers asked Gaspard if he had any extra truffles they could buy. “I think they needed some last-minute Christmas gifts,” Gaspard laughs. “But I had no packaging. So I took the paper bag from a bottle of wine I’d received as a gift and put the truffles in the bag. That was the start – and after that more and more people wanted to buy my truffles.” Gaspard’s business grew even more after a renowned chocolatier from London visited the restaurant and asked if he could give him some advice. Happy to make the acquaintance of a fellow chocolatier, Gaspard showed him around the kitchen and received a free consultation. “After that they returned to Betty’s Bay every year and I learnt so much from him,” Gaspard said. It was also the beginning of an enduring friendship – Gaspard calls him “my chocolate dad”. Gaspard uses only the best quality imported Belgian couvertures from which he creates his unique truffles, pralines, cornettos, ganaches and bars, infusing them with herbs and spices, orange peel, nuts, berries, spirits and liqueurs. The process is labour intensive and, as Gaspard joked, “I only work on days ending with a ‘y’.” He supplies various shops, such as the Wine Village and Salt of the Earth in Hermanus, the Tokara Deli in the Helderberg, and the Cape Quarter Spar in Cape Town. He is also happy to make his handcrafted chocolates for special occasions such as weddings and other private and corporate functions. Violet is to be found at Miems’ Market in Pringle Bay every Saturday, and visitors are always welcome to visit GaBoLi to talk, taste and buy chocolates. Call 082 394 1016.
rokken.Verbruikers word gemaan om etikette van suiwelprodukte noukeurig na te gaan om te verseker dat dit nie ander bestanddele soos plantaardige vette bevat nie en afkomstig van Suid-Afrikaanse verwerkers is. Ingevolge die nuwe etiketteringsregulasies moet die bestanddele van elke produk en die land van oorsprong in detail op die etiket daarvan verskyn. Die MPO en sy moniteringsmaatskappy, Agri Inspec, monitor alle suiwelinvoere op ’n maandelikse grondslag en identifiseer sodoende verdagte besendings wat aan die owerhede oorhandig word vir verdere ondersoek en optrede. Die MPO sal nie skroom om gebruik te maak van die netwerk van kontakte wat geskep is by die toepaslike owerhede om doeltreffende stappe teen onreëlmatighede te neem nie. Vir navrae, skakel Barbara Bieldt by 083 235 2629.
General - Algemeen
Kleinmond Gazette
Blazing the trail
Die Kalfiefees kook Ten spyte van die ysige weer, wind, reënstorms en sneeu is daar gelukkig darem vuurwarm nuus vanuit die Kalfiefees-kontrei. Woensdag 8 Augustus is die gala openingsaand met die warm klanke van Sarah Theron, a force of nature. Kom ry verder die naweek op ons Kunsroete of maak jouself tuis en praat saam by ons Boekmakietie in die De Wetsaal, Onrus. Dit is ook hier waar dit gaan kook saam met die Cordon Broers – Lochner de Kock en Jannie du Toit. Dan is daar ’n besprekingsdebat by The Class Room saam met ’n stomende ontbyt van Warwick’s Chef School. Vanjaar se toneelprogram bied alles van ’n lekkerlag saam met die slim Dowwe Dolla, Holmakiesie, Ou Blare, Pa…vir Dummies, You Can’t Be Serious en stories van Herman Charles Bosman, tot by die diep hartseer van afdanking en oud-word in produksies soos Voor ek Vergeet en Labirint. Dan is daar ook nog die vars N is vir Neurose.
LUTEA PARFUUM146 geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! Skakel 083 655 0445/ madrigrobbelaar@gmail. com/www.luteaperfume.
STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
Die musiekverhoog bied ’n groot verskeidenheid aan: musiek van kabaretkunstenaar Helena Hettema, sang van Drie van die Bestes, die duo Jakkals en Leeu, ’n solo vertoning van Jannie du Toit, musiek van Riku Lätti asook Koos Kombuis – en ja, Rocco de Villiers se klaviervingers en die Klassieke Keur van Kamermusiek. Produksies vir die jonges is Janneman in die Diereryk en Liewe Heksie en die Rolskaatse in die De Wetsaal. Die Kuiertent bied heerlike warm happies en koffie of sjokolade saam met die talent van ’nhele paar plaaslike musiekkunstenaars . Plaaslike produksies bly nie agter nie. Die Kambro Diggers van Oudtshoorn met twee produksies, Journeys van die Hart en Journey to the Cape, sangtalent uit eie omgewing, skole met ’n koorfees en tweetalige bekkighede uit ons kontrei in My Casa vorm verder deel van die naweek se pret en plesier. Na hierdie mondvol verseker ons
Loans up to R100 000 to all government and municipal workers. Blacklisted welcome. Consolidations also available. Please call Shireen on 084 855 2767.
3/08/2012. CHRISTIN MALGAS. Geluk met jou mondigwording. Ons is trots op jou. God's rykste seën. Liefde: Mammie & Daddy.
Tuesday 7 August 2012
The route builders working with Cape Trails, which builds and maintains mountain bike trails, have taken passion to new limits while working on the Contego Wines2Whales (W2W) trails.
jou: die 2012 Hermanus Times Kalfiefees kook soos altyd. Sien jou daar! )Besoek vir meer inligting. Gedrukte programme is beskikbaar by die Hermanus Times-kantoor in Aberdeen str., of by die Kalfiefeeskantoor by die De Wetsaal in Onrus. Besprekings slegs deur Computicket, of skakel 0861 915 8000
These four route builders can be seen cycling to and from work each day of the week, covering a distance of 32 km per day. According to Johan Kriegler, a W2W director, the route builders used to cycle the W2W routes over the weekend on broken bicycles – without brakes – just to be able to cycle some of their own trails. “When Cape Trails started with the Magic Mountain Trail on the Sir Lowry’s Pass–side of the Hottentots Holland Mountains, it wasn’t always possible for me to transport them to and from work. As luck would have it, a close friend at King’s Cycles in Worcester identified a key customer who had four basic aluminium mountain bikes and two helmets that he was willing to trade – for a W2W entry, of course,” laughs Kriegler. “I managed to get two additional helmets from another friend and, as of 1 June, our trail builders have been cycling to work. They started off cycling 10 km from Grabouw to Gantouw Pass; here they had to push their bikes for 1 km as it’s a national heritage site and cycling is forbidden. “They then continued cycling for 5 km at the bottom of the pass via single tracks to the workplace and back again in the afternoons. “We then realised that it took them way too long to walk over Gantouw every day, so they built a single track along the railway line that comes out near the top of Sir Lowry’s Pass. From the top of Sir Lowry’s they go via the old N2 that runs through the Grabouw Forestry to Grabouw.
“In the mornings they climb for 2 km on the old N2 from Grabouw, then the route goes up and down for 5 km, another 2 km up towards Sir Lowry’s Pass, 2 km down on Sir Lowry’s Pass and along the railway line, and finally another 5 km on single tracks. The general consensus is that the guys love it. “On top of this, on Tuesdays and Thursdays after they arrive home from work, all four trail builders do a two-hour training session in a garage they rent and have converted into a gym.” For Aswell Swartz of Cape Trails, cycling to work is very exciting. “We’re really happy to now be able to cycle our routes. The day after we received our mountain bikes we asked Johan to join us on a ride. We learn a lot from him. Even though we mountain bike to work each day, we still try to mountain bike over the weekends. We do get tired, but it’s only when you’re at home that you realise how tired you really are. “We would definitely like to take part in a mountain biking event, but only when we’re fit enough,” says an enthusiastic Swartz. The Contego Wines2Whales Adventure runs from 2 to 4 November. The race will take place from 9 to 11 November. Starting in the Winelands of Somerset West, riders will traverse wineries, 26 private farms, six mountains, historic roads and mountain passes, and nature conservation areas (including the Kogelberg Biosphere) before finishing within sight of the famous whales of Hermanus. The race and adventure both start at Lourensford Estate, Somerset West, with the race village to be set up at Oak Valley Sports Field in Elgin. The cyclists will be given a warm welcome at the Onrus caravan park when they finish.
Tuesday 7 August 2012
General - Algemeen
Kleinmond Gazette
Saam op die Donkie-roete DEON JOUBERT
Ongelukkig was Michael nie teenwoordig nie, maar die wenners is aangekondig volgens sy beoordeling wat vooraf gedoen is. Wenners vir foto’s wat ingeskryf is vir die tema “Lyne” is: Eervolle vermelding – Alex Boonzaaier, Elzareé Cruywagen, Ronél Geldenhuys, Nico Jacobs en Pieta Pieterse met in die derde plek Eckhard Kalwa, tweede Anita du Toit en in die eerste plek Rina Boonzaaier. Veels geluk aan die wenners. Die wenfoto’s word by Kleinmond Apteek, Spar Supermark, Kleinmond Biblioteek en in die Kerksaal vertoon. Sue Stuckie’s presentation on their experiences on the Donkey Trail into Gamkaskloof from the Calitzdorp side of the mountain followed. They arrived at Living Waters, the starting point, where they attended a briefing at 17:00 with dinner following at 19:00. They left for the Wyenek camp at 07:00 after a substantial breakfast and climbing from an altitude of 350m to reach the highest point at 1523m on a trail rated moderate to strenuous. The camp is a welcome sight with its two-man tents, pitched by the guides, who is also responsible for handling the donkeys and preparing all meals and attending to all the needs of the guests. Sleeping bags, camping mattresses and stretchers are all supplied. It was quite cold and they even had warm water bottles prepared for them to put in their sleeping bags. Each guest is allowed 5 kg to be carried by the donkeys. They are well trained and very eager to do their part in your experience on this unique trail which follows the route used by the inhabitants before the road into the Kloof was built in 1962. The views over the ranges of mountains will always take your breath away and to try and describe it will certainly fall short. The next day a walk of 6 km across the northern slopes of the Swartberg toward Gamkaskloof with spectacular views of the Elandspad into “The Hell”. You have an option to walk down the pass or be transported for the last 9 km for a visit to Annetjie’s shop where you can buy some home
made produce or enjoy a cup of coffee or even a cold beer. The night is spent in Cape Nature’s lovely, restored guest cottages all remains of the houses of the old inhabitants. The following morning after breakfast a visit to Cape Nature’s information center concludes the visit to Gamkaskloof be- Die huis wat oorgedoen is. fore the 4 hour drive back to Living Waters over the Elandspad and Swartbergpass. At the farm of Hans and Erika Calitz the guests tea and sandwiches are served as a final farewell. This hike with the donkeys, the guides, the history of the trail and Gamkaskloof is an experience nowhere else to be repeated. Die begin van Donkey Trail. Thank you Sue. Dankie aan ons borge Kleinmond Superspar, Kleinmond Apteek en ASK Security. ) Ons volgende byeenkoms is 28 Augustus om 19:00 in die kerksaal en die tema “Kinders”. Inskrywings nie later as 12:00 op 24 Augustus 2012 nie. Wicus Leeuwner sal vir ons ’n aanbieding doen wat hy Celebrating Nature “Ons gaan al die pad onder toe.” noem van ’n verDaar sal ook twee werkswinkels skeidenheid van sy foto’s wat insluit, De Hoop, Overberg, Nama- aangebied word met Kamera Tegkwaland, Richtersveld, Sossusvlei nieke in September en Naby foto’s en Dooie-vlei. Verversings sal be- in Oktober. Sien julle daar, maar onthou om skikbaar wees ten bate van die Fynjulle kamera’s te laat werk, werk, bos Senior sentrum. Die reëls vir u inskrywings bly werk, werk. ) Kontak Deon Joubert op 028 dieselfde, met ’n maksimum van twee foto’s per persoon en die foto’s 271 3069 of 082 412 5976 of Yvonne moet asseblief ’n “Jumbo” (15 x 10 Olivier op 028 271 5180 vir enige vermm) grootte wees wat op ’n B4 (die dere inligting. ) Dagboek: helfte van A4) vel ligte wit karton 24 Augustus: Foto’s vir die komgemonteer is. Onthou ook om wondergom te gebruik om die foto’s te petisie met die tema “Kinders” moet nie later as 12:00 ingehandig monteer. ) Ons program vir die res van die word nie. 28 Augustus: Byeenkoms om jaar: Tema’s: Augustus – Kinders. Sep- 19:00 in die Kerksaal. Die inskrytember – Emosies. Oktober – Ope wings vir die tema “Kinders” sal bekategorie en November – Selfone. oordeel word.
Eervolle vermelding: Ronel Geldenhuys
Eervolle vermelding: Pieta Pieterse
Weer eens was dit ’n tipiese wintersaand met koue en reën wat toe gelukkig nie almal by die huis laat bly het nie. Aangesien die Biblioteeksaal nie beskikbaar was nie, het ons in die Stadsaal byeengekom.
Eervolle vermelding: Nico Jacobs
Eerste: Rina Boonzaaier
Tweede: Anita du Toit
Derde: Eckhard Kalwa
Eervolle vermelding: Elzaree Cruywagen
Eervolle vermelding: Alex Boonzaaier
Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els
Year 2 • Dinsdag 7 Augustus 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717
Viva Hawston!
Al het Hoërskool Hermanus se rugby- en netbalspanne redelik skoonskip gemaak teen Hawston Sekondêr se spanne by die jaarlikse FNB Classic Clash tussen dié twee skole, was dit Hawston wat in die finale en groot-clash rugbystryd van die dag koning gekraai het met 19–16.
Teen rustyd was Hoërskool Hermanus se o.19A-rugbyspan ’n kortkop
voor met 10 –9, maar benewens ’n drie deur plaasvervanger Jason Griffiths, het vier suksesvolle strafskoppe en ’n doelskop deur kaptein Roland Swarts Hawston die puntetelling die nodige hupstoot gegee. Die clash is vir die eerste keer op Hawston se tuisvelde gehou en skares het die pawiljoene vol gesit en hul sportsterre luidkeels aangemoedig. Die volledige uitslae vir die dag het so gelyk:
Die o.19B-wedstryd was ook teen ’n vinnige pas gespeel.
RUGBY: 0.14: Gelykop 5–5. 0.15: Hermanus 0 – Hawston 10. 0.16: Hermanus 23 – Hawston 0. 0.19B: Hermanus 15 – Hawston 0. 0.19A: Hermanus 16 – Hawston 19
NETBAL 0.14: Hermanus 23 – Hawston 2. 0.15: Hermanus 25 – Hawston 5. 0.16: Hermanus 27 – Hawston 10. 0.18A: Hermanus 32 – Hawston 13.
Hermanus se o.18A-doel lê aan.
Die groot clash van die dag: Die o.19 A’s het hoog gemik.
Die stryd tussen die voorspelers was fel.
False Bay inundated with greedy snoek LAST weekend boat anglers reported excellent catches of snoek from Cape Point up to Gansbaai.
Many skippers who had good catches remarked about the abundance of bait fish in False Bay. One skipper said the snoek were so plentiful that anyone who tried to jig for chokka at Buffel’s Bay and Cape Point had their jigs bitten off by the snoek. Further out at Rocky Bank, most boats that went out farther to catch yellowtail were disappointed as the snoek kept taking their lures and spinners. Boats that fished the “ou snoek gronde” for snoek were plagued by seals, and also had to keep a lookout for whales, which are also present in the area. The presence of shoals of sardine,
anchovy and smallish maasbanker could be an omen for a good kob, geelbek and yellowtail season. The local rock and surf fraternity, as well as the kayakers, had little joy during this past week. A few smallish kob and dassie, and the
odd white steenbras, were reported. The well-attended Galjoen Derby held between Swartklip and Gansbaai last Saturday yielded poor catches. The galjoen were few and far between, and only averaged around 1,1 kg. Jurie van Niekerk, who took part in the competition, mentioned that his friend Johan caught four galjoen that were undersize, and could only keep one of just over one kilogramme. He mentioned that one competitor weighed in a massive 3.9 kg dassie (blacktail). These exceptionally large dassie are occasionally caught this time of the year. Jurie said that, while fishing just behind Blake’s Island last Sunday, he bagged three dassie and a large white stump using red bait. An angler from Macassar phoned
me last Saturday, complaining about the large variety of small and large fish trekked among the harders on Macassar beach. He said that he and other anglers have noticed that the treks are never checked by sea fisheries inspectors, and they feel that although trekking is legal and the trekking licence was reissued under subsistence fishing, they believe very few people actually benefit from this manner of fishing. How many of the older readers remember the articles that appeared in fishing magazines about Hymish Tate who, while camping on the beach while on a fishing trip near Langebaan, woke up early one morning and saw an ostrich walking out of the surf? When he related the story to other anglers they ridiculed him, saying the story had to be “Bells” relat-
ed. I told Jannie van der Westhuizen, a nature conservation officer and also an angler, about the report of the two ostriches that were found swimming four kilometres offshore near Yzerfontein recently. The skipper of the fishing vessel who saw the ostriches in the water said he was very surprised to see the two birds swimming in the direction of Dassen Island. He managed to guide them back towards the shore. Jannie said that ostriches are good swimmers and have been seen swimming in fresh water at Langebaan and elsewhere, but not that deep out at sea. For all your reel repairs and services, contact Art on 0 021 854 3831. Please send your fishing news and photos to 2
Te voet in Visriviercanyon DOUGIE ENGELKE Wel, ek is terug en lewendig. Ek kan nie heeltemal my ervaring in woorde uitdruk nie. Om in daai canyon (100 km Visrivier-canyon) vir 17 uur 24 min te hardloop/struikel was awesome. Toe die Here daai canyon gemaak het, het Hy hom pragtig gemaak, maar Hy het hom nie gemaak sodat mense in hom te voet moet resies jaag nie. Die terrein is verskriklik: rof – dik sand, boulders en river crossings – dit hou net nie op nie en mens vorder regtig baie stadig. Ek het 05:30 die oggend begin en elfuur die aand klaargemaak (alleen in die donker, met kopflits). Ek was angsbevange en ek het vir 1 uur 15 minute verdwaal voor ek weer die rivier kon kry. Meer as die helfte van die 24 deelnemers het eers ná middernag ingekom.
Net twee persone het nie klaargemaak nie. My kits opleiding het goed gewerk tot ek verdwaal het, en ek het nogal lekker ouens verbygesteek soos die dag langer geraak het. Het van sewende na tiende plek teruggesak toe ek verdwaal het, maar dit het eintlik die ondervinding nog interessanter gemaak. Ná die tyd het ons onder mekaar gepraat. Hoewel die organiseerders ’n helikopter op bystand het, dink die meeste van ons hul toelatingsvereistes en kontrole is nie goed genoeg nie en dat dit die wedloop te gevaarlik maak. Tog het niemand ernstige probleme opgetel nie en het alles goed afgeloop. ) Saturday 8 September: The Tru-Cape Kogelberg Challenge. Get your entries in now for 21, 10 and 5 km or do all three. Enter online or email or call Sandy on 079 413 6610.
Dougie Engelke