Kleinmond Gazette 5 Junie 2012

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Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Tuesday 5 June 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Karnaval lok oud en jonk AArtikel rtikel en en nog nog foto’s foto’s op op bl. bl. 7. 7.

skool KleinHierdie drie vrolike personeellede van Laer pienk koeklde gewi die by het en mond wat diens gedo rou Ester sjuff 7-kla en-tee/koffietafel was die graad marie du Anna er uurd best siële finan Groenewald, die heerlike die van Preez (wat ook die bobaasbakster o Roos. Pietr u juffro lse Enge 1 d graa koeke was), en die

Barry Anderson, plaasbestuurder van Gabriëlskloof en ’n ouer van die skool, het vuur gemaak in ’n kruiwa vir sy kerrie-lamspotjie. Agter hom is Janali Hartzer, wat ook Saterdag haar verjaarsdag gevier het, en haar dogter Liamari besig om groente vir die potjie te skil.

’n Vrolike atmosfeer het Saterdag by Laer skool Kleinmond se karnaval geheers en veral die kaskarre het vir groot pret – en gesonde oefening – gesorg. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER

United we stand JANINE VAN DER RIET

Some 80 locals have already joined the first ever Palmiet–Kleinmond Neighbourhood Watch – and they’re urging their fellow residents to follow suit. The man behind the plan to set up the local neighbourhood watch, the first set to cover the entire town, is Eldred Smith. He says the “ostrich mentality” residents

have displayed until now has contributed towards crime in the area. “I blame the community,” he says. “If you see a suspicious-looking person walking down the road, watching the houses, you should contact the police immediately. “The police welcome information on people loitering.” Residents from Palmiet met last week at Mandy’s Kitchen to elect a committee; they now plan to extend their chapter of the neigh-

bourhood watch to other suburbs of Kleinmond. Smith was elected as chairperson, with restaurateur James Smith as deputy chair and community leader Susan Swanepoel as secretary. “It will empower the community and other law enforcement bodies to work together to combat crime,” Smith says. “It is high time we took the power away from criminals.” Smith says the committee’s election is a significant step forward in combating crime.

All residents are invited to attend a meeting in the town hall at 18:00 today (Tuesday). Those interested will be registered as neighbourhood watch members. Smith says it is vital that the watch gets as much support as possible from the local community, as this will affect the support the neighbourhood watch in turn gets from provincial and other authorities. If you’d like to find out more, you can give Eldred Smith a call on 072 904 3427.


Kleinmond Gazette

General - Algemeen

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Kalfiefees vir die winter­blues Omkring die datums 8 – 12 Augustus op jou sosiale kalender. Dit is dan weer tyd om Kalfiefees te vier.

Helena Hettema gaan gehore trakteer met onder meer liedjies van Jacques Brel in haar kabaretvertoning Donderdagaand 9 Augustus, in die De Wetsaal.

Kabaretvertonings, Koos Kombuis, boekbesprekings en Liewe Heksie is maar net ’n proesel van die vermaak wat aangebied gaan word tydens vanjaar se Kalfiefees in Onrus. Donderdagaand 9 Augustus gaan Helena Hettema die gehoor trakteer op onder meer liedjies van Jacques Brel. Vrydagaand tree Koos Kombuis op, en Saterdag is Riku Latti aan die beurt in die De Wet-saal, Onrus. Vrydagmiddag en Saterdagoggend is daar drie boekbesprekings. Kerneels Breytenbach en Louise Landsberg sal onderhoude voer met skrywers van verskillende genres; skrywers sal ook eksemplare van hul publikasies uitstal en verkoop.

Verlede jaar was boekbesprekings in ’n aparte tent langs die saal gehou, maar vanjaar is dit binne-in die saal, wat beteken meer plek en die deure kan toegemaak word sodat buite-geraas nie pla nie. Die stoele en tafels gaan ook so gerangskik wees dat dit ’n lekker ontspanne kuieratmosfeer skep. Vrydagmiddag om 16:00 sal Liewe Heksie die kindertjies (en mammas) kom vermaak en Saterdagoggend 10:00 kom Janneman deur Riku Latti. Matte sal voor op die vloer in die De Wetsaal neergesit word waar kinders lekker naby die verhoog kan sit. So, kleintjies, maak julle reg vir heerlike kindervermaak! ) Vir nadere inligting kontak Anna Spaarwater op 082 893 6208 of e-pos: kalfiefees@hermanus.co.za.

Church service times

Con Spirito het bekoor

Seventh Day Adventist Church: Corner of 13th Avenue and Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Saturday service at 09:30. 0 028 271 4173.


Pringle Bay United Church: Corner of Crescent and Park Streets. Sunday service at 09:00. 0 028 273 8172. Kleinmond Aanbiddingsentrum : Corner of Seventh Avenue and Seventh Street. Sunday service at 09:45. 0 028 271 5694 or Pastor Gerrit Smit: 083 6336 172. Lakeside Chapel: Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Sunday service at 09:30. 0 028 272 9214. St Nicholas Anglican Church: Heide Street, Proteadorp. Morning prayer on first and third Sunday morning of every month at 10:00. Communion on second and fourth Sunday of every month. 0 028 271 3546. Kleinmond Fellowship Church: 72 Sixth Street, Kleinmond. Sunday service at 09:30; Sunday school for children in Grades R to 3. Catholic Church: Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Saturday mass at 17:30. 0 021 859 5397. St Francis Anglican Church: Services in the Roman Catholic Church, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay. Sunday Eucharist at 09:00. AGS Kerk Kleinmond: Sunday service at 18:00; Prayer service Tuesday 19:00. VCSV building, 11th Avenue. 0 Pastor Tewis de Jager: 082 771 9365 or 028 713 3988 Email your church service times to Janine van der Riet at janine@hermanustimes.co.za

WORD ’N VRIEND VAN DIE KALFIEFEES (8 - 12 AUG 2012): Jy kry voorkeurbesprekings (een week voor die publiek), afslag op kaartjies en voor-in-die-koor nuus oor spesiale opvoerings – vir net R50 per jaar. Om ’n vriend te word, kontak Anna Spaarwater op 082 893 6208, of epos: kalfiefees@hermanus.co.za of besoek die webwerf www.kalfiefees-hermanus.co.za vir die aansoekvorm.

Chantal Witthühn pulled out all the stops for her opera-themed table at the at the Winelands Winter Queen High Tea. Her confection-laden landscape of all things pink garnered third prize.

Taking tea to new heights – and for a good cause Chantal Witthühn, who was recently crowned first princess in the Mrs Cape Town pageant, will soon hold a decadent tea to raise funds for Cansa. And Chantal is no stranger to presenting a delightful table – she picked up third prize for her table at the Winelands Winter Queen High Tea on Saturday 26 May. The theme was A Night at the Opera, and Chantal elected to decorate her table in shades of pink in support of Cansa, which is the primary focus of the pageant As part of her commitment to the pageant, Chantal will hold her next fundraising tea at Kleinmond’s Art Café from 10:00 to 12:00 on Thursday 21 June. Tickets cost R100 per person, and will include tea and cake, as well as a talk to raise aware-

ness around Cansa’s work. Chantal will also deliver her Picture Perfect workshop, packed with hints and tips on how to look your best in a photograph. Half of the ticket money will be donated to Cansa. Another of Chantal’s Cansa awareness took place on Saturday. “Our local pilates class did their exercise at the botanical gardens in Betty’s Bay, and I asked ladies to wear pink,” she explains. After the exercises, tea was served at the restaurant. “Everybody was welcome to come and join in – as long as they wore pink!” she laughs.

’n Prominente Weense koordirigent het eendag gesê dat om in ’n uitmuntende koor te kan sing, moet elke lid daarvan ook in staat wees om as solis te kan optree. Hy sou ongetwyfeld hierdie siening kon bevestig as hy die Con Spirito-sangers se winterkonsert op Donderdag 31 Mei in Kleinmond bygewoon het. Die totaliteit van die stemme van die 36 koorlede het gesorg vir ’n genoeglike aand van sang van hoogstaande gehalte. Die kuns lê daarin om so ’n groot groep soliste as een geheel saam te bind. Hierin is die koorleier, Isabel Wagener, se gelyke nie maklik te vinde nie. Sy beskik oor ’n besonderse vermoë om die koor so te begelei en af te rig dat elke lied wat hulle vertolk het, ’n eie karakter aangeneem het. Die gaskunstenaars, het soos gewoonlik, voortreflike sang gelewer. Sowel Bea Whittaker, as James Munnik en Sandra Odendaal se stemme het oor die jare ryper geword. Die basse, Louis Fourie (A Wand’rin’ Star) en Du Toit van der Merwe, het afsonderlik uitmuntende bydraes gelewer. Die trompetspel van die derde gaskunstenaar, Chrisjan Cruywagen, was ’n baie aangename verrassing. Dit was ’n voorreg om sy meesterlike spel op ’n moeilike instrument te kon geniet. ’n Gesellige aand is verder opgehelder met instrumentale begeleiding deur Flippie Kok op trekklavier, Jan Nel se mondfluitjie en Hanlie Haasbroek met haar baskitaar. Die jaarlikse winterkonsert was ’n aangename belewenis en het warmte verskaf voor die koue weer heeltemal toeslaan.

Isabel Wagener het heelwat van die komposisies self verwerk.

Snoekbederf 5 Junie ) NG-gemeente, Kleinmond hou om 19:00 ’n getuienis-biduur. 7 Junie ) Kleinmond Belastingbetalersvereniging se maandelikse vergadering word by die biblioteeksaal om 18:00 gehou. Almal is welkom. ’n Verteenwoordiger van SAPD kom vertel watter wetstoepassingsfunksies onder hulle, die provinsiale verkeerspolisie en die munisipale wetstoepassers resorteer.

Wat kan dan nou lekkerder wees as ’n lekker vet Weskussnoek op die kole? Die snoek loop al weer. Loe Morkel bring dié blink lywe aan wal sodat die wyke van die bergdeel van Kleinmond se mense op 19 Junie ’n heerlike snoekbraai ten bate van die Fynbos Dienssentrum kan aanbied. Vir hierdie poging het die publiek se ondersteuning nodig. Wegneemetes kan vanaf 17:30 by die NG-kerksaal afgehaal word. Navrae oor kaartjies by Rudolf Visser 028 271 3406, Melinda Hugo 028 271 4351, Christo Kok 083 257 8843, Pieter von Wielligh 028 271 5509, Hanna Louw 028 271 5890 en Fynbos-sentrum 028 271 3602.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette


Budget passed ‘Swak dienslewering rookskerm vir protes’ The Overstrand Municipality’s budget and Integrated Development Plan (IDP) were approved last Wednesday despite the fact that the ANC’s councillors chose to leave the meeting before the documents could be discussed. In her budget speech, Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie identified the main challenges of the 2012–2013 budget as affordability, infrastructure investment and housing. “Our area is a major retirement region, and many of our area’s residents depend on pensions and the returns on their investments to make ends meet. That is why we have kept the increase in the rates and tariffs we control at the lowest level. On the expenditure side [we’ve chosen to] save or work more economically with our resources.” Botha-Guthrie says the 2012–2013 operational revenue budget amounts to R695 million and represents a 9,1% increase. ) The average increase on property rates is set at 6,13% on residential and 7,98% on business properties. ) Electricity consumption costs will rise by 11,05% if approved by the national energy regulator. ) Changes to the refuse removal tariffs became necessary because the Karwyderskraal regional landfill site is going to remain closed for an undetermined period. The additional provision for fuel and overtime over the whole financial year necessitated the increase of 35,8% in tariffs in the areas of Hangklip–Kleinmond, Stanford and Gansbaai. ) Another block was added to the water tariff structure. In the new financial year the blocks will be as follows: 0–6 kL per month (free); 7–20 kL per month – R8,50/kL (currently R8); 21–30 kL per month – R13,68/kL (currently R8); 31–60 kL per month – R21,20/kL (currently R20) and more than 60 kL per month – R28,70/kL (currently R27). ) Sewerage tariffs will rise by 6,73%.

ANNETTE THERON Die burgemeester het gesê “hulle kan Botrivier maar afbrand” en hulle wyksraadslid, Pearl Stanfliedt, het gesê hulle is “’n klomp dom donners”. Dit was die woorde van James Pheiffer, voorsitter van die Botrivier Civic Assosiasie – die spreker tydens ’n publieke vergadering gister by die Botrivier-sportgronde. Die vergadering is deur sowat 300 mense bygewoon. Stanfliedt sê sy is “verstom dat sulke leuens uit die lug gegryp word”. Die burgemeester ontken voorts dat hy gesê het hulle kan Botrivier afbrand. Die burgemeester sê wel daar is nie fondse in die begroting beskikbaar om goed wat afgebreek en beskadig word, te herbou of te herskep nie. Dié vergadering is gehou ná verlede Maandag se protes in Botrivier waartydens skade aan die munisipale gebou, voertuie en smousstaanplekke aangerig is. Straatnaamborde en verkeerstekens is deur betogers afgeruk en een van die rioollyne is vermoedelik met opset verstop. Lt. Cyril Coetzee, media-woordvoerder van die Caledon-polisie, sê die organiseerders van die protes beweer dat ’n persoon drie of vier skote in die lug gevuur het om die protesteerders uitmekaar te jaag. “Daar is geen amptelike klag gelê nie, so daar is nie ’n saak om te ondersoek nie,” sê hy. Die protes in Botrivier was minstens die vyfde een in die laaste drie maande binne die Theewaterskloof-gebied. Hoewel die TWK-munisipaliteit nie wil bespiegel oor gerugte oor die motiewe agter die vlaag protesoptogte wat die gebied sedert Maart teister nie, sê Stiffie Cronjé, mediawoordvoerder, dat “dit onder die naam van ‘swak dienslewering’ gedoen word,

James Pheiffer (46, links) voorsitter van die Botrivier Civic Association, en Lukas Letswela (18, regs), wat vir hom getolk het. Pheiffer het gister die inwoners van Botrivier gevra of hulle weer op Maandag wil betoog en of hulle wil voortgaan met onderhandelinge met die Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit. Daar is besluit dat almal sal gaan werk en dat daar verder onderhandel sou word. Foto: Annette Theron maar dit is nie werklik die geval dat swak dienste gelewer word nie.” Die munisipaliteit kon nog nie die omvang van die skade in al die dorpe bepaal nie, omdat hulle nog wag vir kwotasies. Inwoners van Botrivier was verlede week woedend omdat hulle verhoed is om verlede Maandag te gaan werk en nie in kennis gestel is van die wegbly-aksie wat met die protesaksie gepaard gegaan het nie. Anthony Appel, komiteelid van die Botrivier Civic Association, het egter gesê dat die oorgrote meerderheid van Botrivier se inwoners eenparig besluit het om op Maandag 21 Mei te staak om hulle misnoeë te kenne te gee, omdat dié griewe al vir jare broei.

Oor verdere protesaksie het Appel gesê geen protesaksie is tans in die vooruitsig nie. Inwoners het wel Sondag besluit om nié gister (4 Junie) nog ’n keer te betoog nie, hoewel dié moontlikheid bestaan het. Mpho Mogale van die nasionale departement van samewerkende regering het gister met die uitvoerende burgemeesterskomitee en lede van die Botrivier Civic Association vergader om verder te onderhandel. Cronjé het teen druktyd gister gesê daar sou om 14:00 met beswaarmakers onderhandel word. Hy het gesê van hul eise is onrealisties en onbekostigbaar en dat daar eers ná die onderhandelings bepaal kan word aan watter van die eise voldoen kan word.



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Leader - Hoofartikel

Kleinmond Gazette

Tuesday 5 June 2012


We’re all in this together Gemeenskap vorm boustene Die gemeenskap van Kleinmond stel sonder twyfel ’n voorbeeld vir ander dorpe as dit by omgee en ondersteuning kom. Die Siyabulela Preprimêr se oulike fototjies van hul Mnr. en Mej. Winter, Reënkabouter en Reënfeetjies getuig daarvan. Dié gemeenskap het die koue trotseer om die kleintjies se konsert by te woon. Die meisies het omtrent opgetof en die seuns was glad nie skaam om hul talente te wys nie. Die wonderlike atmosfeer by laerskool Kleinmond se karnaval was aansteeklik. Die geleentheid is Saterdag bygewoon deur talle inwoners van die Hangklip-Kleinmond omgewing, sowel as besoekers van nabygeleë dorpe soos Villiersdorp en Swellendam, en selfs van die Kaap. Daar was iets vir almal – oud en jonk – om te doen en te eet. Met ’n buurtwag wat lyk asof dit uiteindelik ’n realiteit gaan word, gaan dié se sukses ook deur die gemeenskap se ondersteuning bepaal word. Vat hande en woon die vergadering Dinsdag by. Saam kan die gemeenskap ’n front teen misdaad vorm.

People sometimes ask me to write about certain things, ranging from their social concerns to their business initiatives. In most cases I have had to explain that I am not their publicist, and that anything akin to advertising their wares is a promotion of their private undertakings. I do not usually subscribe to the entrepreneurial intentions of readers, although I am normally hard pressed to ignore the altruistic motives of those wishing to serve the broader community. There are people who deliberately work in areas that address the needs of the marginalised. They work with domestic animals, marine and wildlife, the elderly, youth, unemployed, physically and mentally disabled – generally anywhere that requires redressing of imbalances. Last week I had coffee with Shane Griffith at Marlena’s Place in Betty’s Bay. The café still makes one of the better cappuccinos in the area. Mrs Griffith, a senior citizen, has a personal interest in creating employment for the informal market. She has gone to the trouble of listing the format needed for employees and employers. I have noticed that most of the homes from Rooi Els to Kleinmond use labour from elsewhere. The lack of a public transport system aggravates the problem.

Nowadays the issue of personal safety argues against offering hitch hikers a ride. But consider how and when a domestic worker or gardener will arrive at home. With the onset of winter, standing in the rain will be more commonplace. It has become the norm to give workers rides in the Overstrand. Taxis are fairly irregular, and it is time the authorities instituted a bus service. Maybe statistics could be organised to reveal how often a single bus would run along a specific route for a determined number of people. A common sight in Kleinmond is the many job seekers waiting beside the road at the edge of the township. There is a mix of locals and refugees patiently searching for work. Unfortunately most of the refugee workers fall off the grid because of a lack of proper documentation, and therefore work opportunities decrease. In terms of government regulations, refugees with valid papers are allowed to work. The lack of resources and an inadequate infrastructure ensure fierce competition for the available jobs. This can develop into name-calling and xenophobia. Obviously we have to look after our own, but we are also a signatory to the United Nations’ declaration on refu-

gees, so we need to offer a home to those who are our guests, and include them in our economic framework. Someone started a self-help project called Men on the Side of the Road in some areas of the Western Cape – and it worked. We need similar initiatives here. The entire community eventually benefits; it’s the circular notion of paying it forward. Stability ensures security, and that entails less fearfulness. The feeling of being able to contribute to the household’s income creates a semblance of normality in an otherwise alien locale. Leadership needs to emerge from civil society with the will and vision to take the process forward regarding unemployment in the community. If we wait for jobs from the governing structures, we will be in limbo forever. Help each other, and we end up helping ourselves.

Blanket Drive says thanks

Oorbelas vir dienste

I would like to thank everyone who helped make a success of the Kleinmond Twitter Blanket Drive (TBD) on Saturday 26 May: ) Harbour Road, especially Dieter Odendaal, for sponsoring the venue and their support; ) Dejavu – which sponsored our coffee; ) Imagine Events – for sponsoring the décor; ) Mountain Range Flora – for sponsoring the flowers; ) Gazette – for featuring the blanket drive. The following prize sponsors: ) Europa , Overstrand Equestrian centre, White Shark Projects, Delva Rossouw from Silversands Art Group, Destination Pringle Bay, Montagu Dried Fruits. The following blanket drop-off points (which also supported the drive in other ways): ) Spar, Hangklip Kleinmond tourism, Europa, Ciao Bella, Elephant Rock Guest House, RealNet Betty’s Bay, Datastoor and Bayside Furniture, Overberg Academy, The Bay Christian Family Church Kleinmond, Kleinmond Fellowship Church, CRC, Boland College, White Shark Projects, Rivendell Wines. The following schools: ) Overberg Academy and Hermanus High School, Boland College Kleinmond campus, Kleinmond Primary.

Ons het wel ’n vullisprobleem, ja. Maar soos gewoonlik is die antwoord volgens die munisipaliteit om ons meer te laat opdok. Hier in Kleinmond kry ons maar net ’n weeklikse verwydering van vullis en ons het sakkies vir ons “herwinbare vullis”, wat gevul word. Met soveel mense wat hier op pensioen is, het daar alreeds ’n tyd gekom waar ons oorbelas is en waar afgetredenes hul huise verkoop en na ander plekke toe trek omdat hulle hul maandelikse munisipale rekeninge nie kan betaal nie. Miskien moet ons hele munisipale begroting beter bewerk word en ander oplossings gevind word as om net eenvoudig mense meer te laat betaal – dis net te maklik ’n “oplossing”. Margie Wilson, Kleinmond

The following restaurants for putting a great menu together: ) Europa, Shellfish Bar, Mandy’s Kitchen. I’d also like to thank everybody who donated a blanket, as well as LiG Youth and everyone involved in setting up and helping out. Prize winners for most blankets donated: First prize: Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism – breakfast for two at Europa Restaurant and a shark cage dive for two courtesy of White Shark Projects. Second prize: Hermanus High School – a 2,5-hour horse ride along the beach for two to the value of R1 000 courtesy of the Overstrand Equestrian Centre. Third prize: CRC Church ( Elmie van der Westhuizen) – Trix Pienaar’s Nourishing Face Cream to the value of R120 per 100 ml pot, and a 40-minute Polarity foot massage to the value of R150 at Destination Pringle Bay. Fourth prize: Kleinmond Fellowship Church – a cheese board made by the Perotti family to the value of R190 from Destination Pringle Bay. First prize (business): Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism – oil painting by Delva Rossouw from Silversands Art Group to the value of R1 900. TALITHA RABIE ORGANISER OF THE KLEINMOND TBD


Merkwaardige planeetgenote van die see DAAR word beweer dat dolfyne so slim as honde is. ’n Mens kry natuurlik slimkoppe en domkoppe in elke spesie, so dalk is dit veiliger om te sê die slimste dolfyn is slimmer as die domste hond. Hoe ook al, daar is talle merkwaardige staaltjies en feite oor hierdie gladde, ratse planeetgenote van ons, wat al drieduisend jaar gelede uitgebeeld is waar hulle mense op die rug dra. Hierdie Griekse “mite” is herhaaldelik bevestig deur verhale van drenkelinge wat aan wal gehelp is deur ’n skool dolfyne. In verskeie wêrelddele swem mense deesdae gereeld saam met dolfyne, wat die pret met omsigtigheid teenoor hulle ongewone swemmaats bedryf. Van die jong bulle raak soms ’n bietjie opgewonde oor die vietse bikinilyfies in die water, maar nie een van hulle het al ’n onwelvoeglike beweging ge-

maak nie, hoogstens ’n bietjie gefluit. Die lelike moordwalvisse wat onlangs ’n paar dolfyne in Valsbaai kom vang het, is seker die dolfyne se enigste ware vyande, want daar is nie ’n haai wat ’n skool dolfyne sal aandurf nie; trouens haaie laat vat so vinnig hulle kan as hulle dolfyne raakloop. ’n Hond sal net so onwys wees om drie uitgegroeide bobbejaanmannetjies uit te tart. Ek het self al amper twee dae in “wilde” dolfyne se geselskap deurgebring, op ’n seiljaggie tussen Durban en Kaapstad. Die troppie het hulle een aand kom aansluit by ons, op daardie tydstip nog in die warm Mosambiekstroom waar elke beweging die water laat flonker soos vuurwerk. Hulle het gebaljaar soos kinders, uit die water ontplof in fosforpluime en dan soos koue weerligstrale afgeduik in die donkerte tot hulle

skaars so groot soos vuurhoutjies was. Uur na uur het hulle baljaar tot die volgende oggend. Ons was op pad na Mosselbaai, ver oor die horison, en het ’n elektronies-berekende koers gevolg wat ons daarheen sou voer. Die dolfyne het uur na uur by ons gebly; klaarblyklik op pad na dieselfde bestemming. Dit was groot pret vir hulle om in die boeggolf te “surf” terwyl hulle ons met ’n tipiese dolfynglimlag betrag. Later daardie dag het hulle egter eensklaps effe van rigting verander (sowat een graad kuswaarts) en binne vyf minute was hulle skoonveld. Toe ons baie ure later Mosselbaai se vuurtoring sien, was ons sowat een graad te ver van die land af – die dolfyne se navigasie was absoluut akkuraat oor tweehonderd seemyl. Die verklaring is skynbaar dat hulle oor

miljoene jare die “voetpaadjies” op die seebodem wat hulle lei na waar hulle wil wees, leer ken en onthou het. Wat hulle dan doen is om met hulle natuurlike sonar die profiel van die paadjie te volg soos ons ’n padkaart sou lees. In Langebaan loop ek eenmaal in vlak water ’n troppie dolfyne raak wat besig was om soos skaaphonde ’n skool harders aan te keer. Toe die visse in ’n stywe bol binne die dolfynkring saamgedring was, het die dolfyne een vir een daardeur geduik, bek wyd oop, oë bot toe en gesluk. Lekker, of hoe? fouriejh@mweb.co.za

Tuesday 5 June 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette


Siyabulela­fraaies gekroon Mense het Vrydagaand die koue getrotseer en Siyabulela Preprimêr kom ondersteun met hul fondsinsameling vir die kwartaal. Die aand is begin met ’n konsert deur 12 balletleerlinge wat hul passies uitgevoer het. Die kleintjies se optrede was uitstekend, met slegs drie maande se onderrig. Selfs die ouers kon nie glo dat dit hul kinders is wat so oulik kan dans nie. Siyabulela wil graag vir Juanine Hechter bedank vir haar tyd en opoffering om die konsert moontlik te

maak. Daarna het die modeparade in alle erns begin, en in sommige kategorieë was die kompetisie bra straf. Mej. Reënfeetjie is Lameez Hickley (meisies 3 – 6 jaar), 1ste prinses is Zandile Mlindazwe en 2de prinses is Kristen Fredericks. Mnr. Reënkabouter is Gift Arendse (seuns 3 – 6 jaar), 1ste prins is Siphathise Mrayise en 2de prins is Yibonge Malote. Mej. Junior Winter is Fredelize McKenzie (meisies 7 – 13 jaar) en 1ste prinses is Lucille Jacobs. Mej. Winter 2012 is Volenté Willi-

ams, 1ste prinses is Adriette Coetzee en 2de prinses, Mary-Ann Poultin. Mnr. Winter 2012 is Christiaan Matinka. Die lootjietrekking vir die gebreide kombers wat aan die skool geskenk is, het ook op die aand plaasgevind. Die wenner van die kombers was Joe Roux. Siyabulela wil baie graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om al die vroue wat betrokke was by die maak van die kombers, hartlik te bedank. ’n Bedrag van R6 864 is geïn met die verkoop van die lootjies.

:Mej. Winter 2012 – Volenté Williams, 1ste prinses – Adriette Coetzee, 2de prinses – Mary-Ann Poultin. Mnr. Winter 2012 – Christiaan Matinka.

Mej. Junior Winter – Fredelize McKenzie, meisies 7 – 13 jaar, 1ste Prinses – Lucille Jacobs.

Mnr. Reënkabouter – Gift Arendse, seuns 3 – 6 jaar, 1ste prins – Siphathise Mrayise en 2de prins Yibonge Malote

Mej. Reënfeetjie – Lameez Hickley meisies 3 – 6 jaar, 1ste prinses – Zandile Mlindazwe en 2de prinses – Kristen Fredericks.

Die meisies staan pragtig uitgevat in die mooiste rokkies tydens die beoordeling. Dit was baie moeilik om wenners te kies, want hul almal het so fraai gelyk.

PROTECTING THE FUTURE: A team made up of community worker Theo Krynauw, Hermanus Child Welfare representative Ruth Hibberd and police office Constable Mbongeni Mazuthu spent time at Hawston Primary School last Thursday, amid Child Protection Week, to engage with the youngsters on the topics of drugs, sex, alcohol, gangsterism, domestic violence and assault. The trio challenged the children to answer questions on their rights, and rewarded them with neon pencil cases if they answered correctly. The children were told that social workers and the police were there to help them if they were being treated badly, and urged them to speak up if anybody was causing them harm. And it wasn’t just the primary school pupils who got the benefit of the talk – the police also paid a visit to Hawston Secondary School. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

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General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Meet a local What is your name and where do you live? Alison Coughlan; I live in Kleinmond. What do you love about your town or region? The special people and beauty of the area. I always take a deep breath of fresh air whenever I get back from the city. I can breathe here! The area holds lots of lovely family and holiday memories, especially of my dad, who had a business here for many years. He passed away, but his spirit is here for me. What bothers you the most about your town or region? Ugly developments bother me, and people who thoughtlessly race through the streets, ignoring signs. What’s the hurry? If you didn’t live here, where would you want to live? Probably Struisbaai. It’s has a very similar feel. What do you do for a living, and

Alison Coughlan lives in Kleinmond. why do you like it? I’m the CEO of Cape Agulhas Tourism. We have offices in Bredasdorp, Napier, L’Agulhas and Elim. I move be-

tween these towns, as well as Arniston, Struisbaai and surrounds. One day is never the same as the next. I also work closely with all the tourism offices around the province, so my work is never boring and I’m constantly on the move. What is your passion? My family, my friends, tourism and the people who work in the industry. Tourism is about making dreams come true. The dream vacation, the dream destination. I love to see people smile. My special passion is also Kleinmond Animal Welfare. I don’t think people realise exactly what amazing work is being done there. It’s a happy place with such wellcared-for dogs and cats. Riekie and her team are awesome. Who would you invite for dinner and why? I get to meet and socialise with the most extraordi-

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Email us nary people in my work. It’s difficult to decide and greedy to want more. What is the best advice you have received or handed out? “It’s impossible,” said pride. “It’s risky,” said experience. “It’s pointless,” said reason. “Give it a try,” whispered the heart. I always tell my colleagues to be patient and kind to whomever they deal with in their work and personal lives. You never know that is happening in other people’s lives, or what challenges they may be facing. A little kindness breaks down barriers, it costs you nothing, and the rewards are immeasurable. How does the increased petrol price affect you? Do you have to give something up to afford it? Refer to what do you do for a living. . . No comment!

Do you know some­ one interesting in town? Send their details to us and they could be our next “Meet A Local”. All news, photos, snippets and diary entries can also be sent to us. Email janine@hermanus­ times.co.za or phone Janine on 028 312 3717.



The comfort trinity – gum shoes, relationships and crime CILENE BEKKER The authors on my reading list this week are all about comfort-zone reading. Like books by Jodi Picault, I buy everything by John Grisham and Jonathan Kellerman without thinking twice. But let me first mention the James Patterson I’ve just finished, PRIVATE – NO. 1 SUSPECT, the follow-up to PRIVATE. Patterson is churning out books, all with co-authors, on an almost monthly basis. Not all are five-star reads, but his Private series is of his better work. Private is the name of an international investigation firm run by a former Marine named Jack Morgan, and the book has a likable cast of characters. Next on my reading list is Grisham’s latest, CALICO JOE, which takes a look at fathers and sons, forgiveness and redemption, all set in the world of Major League baseball. VICTIMS by Kellerman will follow. Crime scene reader Alex Delaware, the main character in Kellerman’s books, is one of my favourite fictional characters.

KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138! LUTEA PARFUUM146 geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! Skakel 083 655 0445/ madrigrobbelaar@gmail. com/www.luteaperfume. co.za. STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call Servaas 082 439 9704.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Karnaval ’n ‘wen­wen’ insamelingspoging HEDDA MITTNER Die gees by Laerskool Kleinmond se karnaval was só vrolik en opgeruimd dat niemand enige ag geslaan het op die bewolkte weer en die paar druppels misreën wat af en toe uitgesak het nie. Die geleentheid is Saterdag bygewoon deur talle inwoners van die HangklipKleinmond omgewing, sowel as besoekers van nabygeleë dorpe soos Villiersdorp en Swellendam, en selfs van die Kaap. Daar was iets vir almal – oud en jonk – om te doen en te eet. Afgesien van die heerlike gebak, spookasem, vars vrugte en groente, is daar ook worsrolletjies, hamburgers en tjips-

op-’n-stokkie te koop aangebied. Ander items op die dag-lange program was ’n 20 km MTB-fynbosrit, boeresport, moderne danse, marimba-groepe, ’n potjiekoskompetisie en ’n hengelkompetisie. En vir die jongspan was daar kinderaktiwiteite wat ’n springkasteel, kaskarre, toutrek en sakresies ingesluit het. In die woorde van een besoeker, was die geleentheid ’n “wen-wen manier om fondse in te samel vir die skool en in die proses fiks te word”. Die hoop is uitgespreek dat Laerskool Kleinmond elke jaar ’n karnaval sal aanbied. “Dis ’n goeie vastrapplek vir feeste in Kleinmond in die toekoms,” het Jacques Oosthuizen, ’n ouer van die skool en voorsitter van die beheerliggaam, gesê.

Ouers van die skool Janine Stone, Ansu Kaplan en Annaré Prinsloo het diens gedoen by die koekstalletjie en die groentestalletjie.

John Stone van Pringlebaai, en Jacques Oosthuizen en Hennie Kleyn van Kleinmond het deelgeneem aan die potjieskoskompetisie namens die graad 2-klas. “Dis ’n lamspotjie en dis al wat ek gaan sê”, het Hennie geheimsinniglik verklaar. Foto’s: HEDDA MITTNER

Hierdie vyf nefies het hulle gate uit geniet by die karnaval. Theunis en Dale Jones (links) het voorheen in Kleinmond gewoon maar het intussen verhuis na Vishoek met hulle gesin. Regs is Ethan en Dylan Jones van Kleinmond met bababoetie Ronan.

Ina Heydenrych van Kleinmond en haar kinders, Paul en Jana, het heerlik gesmul aan die tjips-op-’n-stokkie.

Kowie Kriel en sy vriendin Kathy Forssman het van die Kaap gekom om aan die MTB-fynbosroete deel te neem en was maar te bly vir ’n bietjie lafenis. “Die roete deur die fynbosplase tot by Rooisand was baie mooi,” het Kowie gesê. “Dit sal lekker wees as meer mense uit die Kaap kom om deel te neem.”

Aan diens om almal se veiligheid te verseker was Nino Williams (inspekteur van Kleinmond), Xen Titus (operasionele superintendent: Overstrand), Franquin Malgas (leerlingverkeersbeampte), Justin de Koker (wetstoepasser van Hermanus) en Aidon Oncker (wetstoepasser van Kleinmond).

Fietsryers Wayne Fick, Conrad Erasmus, en Schalk en Tilla Boonzaaier het die MTB-fynbosroete terdeë geniet. Net jammer Tilla het haar been beseer – nie op die roete nie, maar met haar aankoms by die eindpunt. “Ek is darem al gewoond aan val en blou kolle,” het sy gelag.

Die kinders het verborge talente openbaar toe dit by die sakresies kom en soos wafferse hase oor die veld gebons.

Laerskool Kleinmond se terrein was aantreklik voorberei vir die karnaval – kompleet met kandelare wat van die boomtakke gehang het. Hier kuier Susan en Kokkie de Kock van Villiersdorp saam met hul kleindogter, Mila van Urk, om een van die tafels.

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Kleinmond val vas Keinmond se rugbyspanne het die naweek tuis teen Bella Vista gespeel en lelik klei getrap. Nie een van die spanne kon ’n wedstryd wen nie. Die A-span het met 11–8 verloor. Nolan Plaatjies het die enigste drie vir sy span gedruk en Creswill October het met ’n strafskop geslaag om Kleinmond se punte aan te teken. Die B-span het 16–7 verloor. Alec Arendse het ’n skitterende drieë vir sy span gedruk en verdoel. Die C-span het 27–0 verloor. WENDY TAWSE

Kleinmond-rugbyklub se A-span het Saterdag net-net teen Bella Vista verloor Foto’s: WENDY TAWSE

BERG WINS: A total of 54 bowlers gathered to compete in the annual “Berg vs See” tournament last Tuesday. Despite the miserable weather, the in-house competition was enthusiastically supported. Two games of 10 ends each were played in the drizzle – but then the rain cleared and the rest of the afternoon was chilly but dry. The “Bergies” pulled out all the stops and beat the “See” teams convincingly. The score was 22 plus 24 in favour of the Berg. The See managed 14 minus 24. The bowlers were later treated to soup and bread prepared by Edith van der Westhuizen, Letitia Hoffman and Celeste Price. And for the first time since its inception, the competition could offer prize money to the victors. The prize was made available by an anonymous sponsor, and the bowlers expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the generosity. Here, Berg captain Ockie Marais receives the trophy from See captain Alan Deitchman.

’n Speler van Kleinmond-rugbyklub se B-span het die bal in die hand, maar die span kon nie ’n oorwinning behaal nie.

Bella Vista het Kleinmond-rugbyklub se C-span ore aangesit.

Lady Luck smiles on amateur boat angler IT’S strange to hear fishing tales about novices who’ve had uncanny luck while more experienced anglers have caught nothing.

Local shore angler Johan Jordaan with a magnificent 15 kg white steenbras, which he caught while on a fishing trip between Port Alfred and Kleinemonde. The fish was bitten by a shark during the fight and could unfortunately not be released.

One such incident occurred last week, when a total novice was fishing from a craft during last Saturday’s WP deep-sea boat angling competition, an event used to select the WP team for the forthcoming nationals. This particular novice boated a small longfin tuna of around 14 kg; it also happened to be the only fish caught during the competition. He was awarded 500 points for this single fish, which will stand him in good stead for the future. All members of boat-angling clubs fishing in these competitions have to fish for at least one year before they can be awarded their WP colours. A number of boats that fished Rocky Bank on Saturday recorded water temperatures of 16,5 °C and very blue water – totally unsatisfactory for snoek. Only a few yellowtail were caught here by one or two boats. The yellowtail were generally reluctant to bite on bait or Rapalas trawled behind the boats. Shore anglers had mixed fortunes during the past weekend, with Macassar anglers catching a few decently sized white steenbras near the river mouth and at the yellow box. A few smaller steenbras caught there were released. Anglers are reminded that they are only allowed to keep one steenbras per angler per day, and the minimum size per fish is 60 cm. There were reports of a few galjoen taken from the Kogel Bay area, the swimming pool wall and Rondeklippe. The fish were between 1,5 kg and 2,5 kg (the legal size limit is 35 cm, and anglers are allowed two fish per

day). A report from Dominique Borman at Franskraal has it that, during the early weekend, a number of galjoen were caught there. The biggest fish tipped the scale at 3,8 kg – a magnificent fish. Snoek have been relatively scarce around our Cape Point and in Table Bay, and most of the snoek currently being caught and sold are from high up on the West Coast. The snoek price has also shot up from R80 to R100 per fish. Chris Steyn recently related a successful fishing tale of when he went to Mauritius to rest, and not to fish. He couldn’t help himself, though, and slipped a light collapsable boat rod and a Shimano TRJ 100 level wind reel (loaded with braid) into his luggage, just in case. While there he was fortunate enough to get a trip on a catamaran, and the skipper gave him permission to fish. He first caught a smallish yellowtail and, 20 minutes later, saw a sailfish leap out of the water 300 m away. Chris says that was when he knew he had hooked the sailfish. The skipper told him to wait when suddenly his Shimano screamed.

The skipper quickly dropped the sails to follow the fish, which then went airborne again. The 25 people aboard the yacht were all cheering him on! Chris says he was lucky the braid did not break, although the tiny reel and small handle were giving him blisters. After avoiding a few other vessels, the skipper grabbed the leader with a towel and pulled the fish aboard. Meanwhile, local shore anglers Alwyn Jordaan, Paul Lombard, Russell Gerber, André Fourie and Johan Jordaan spent seven days on a fishing trip from Port Alfred to Kleinemonde. They fished at a number of areas along the coast, and returned on Saturday after catching 100 fish, 90% of which were returned to the sea. The few fish kept were all over 4 kg. The biggest white steenbras caught was 15 kg, and the best kob 7 kg. Johan says the steenbras was unfortunately bitten in the stomach by a shark and could not be saved. According to Johan, the number of steenbras in that area has definitely increased. He also mentions that, during last year’s fishing trip, they released one steenbras of 17 kg and in good condition. Dave Sandham is offering boat anglers who need a Salt-Away applicator O-ring the opportunity of obtaining the device. This device is attached to the water muffs that go over the outboard motors when flushing them. Dave managed to obtain a number of the O-rings from California, and any reader in need of one can contact him on his cellphone on 083 642 3472. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to bjridgway@telkomsa.net.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

News - Nuus

Kleinmond Gazette

Cheaper, easier and friendlier to the planet NICK YELL It was after four bitterly cold and rainy winters in the Overberg that Margaret and Iain Buchholz decided their Wendy house just wouldn’t cut it anymore. The couple, living on 31 ha of pristine countryside in Tesselaarsdal, set out to expand their cramped living quarters – but not via the traditional route. Money was a little on the tight side, so Iain and Margaret needed to look for a cost-effective way to build. Also being eco-conscious and preferring adobe building methods, they turned to the Zenzele construction

Margaret and Iain Buchholz in front of their Zenzele farmhouse’s back door. Photo’s: Nick Yell

method for the promise of easier work and the availability of clay locally. To build using this method, one simply needs treated poles, galvanised mesh and clay. The mesh, which is fixed between the poles, is filled with gravity-compressed clay, while 30 cm of plaster finishes the wall off on either side. Deciding to start small to see how it suited them, the couple added a Zenzele bedroom to their Wendy house, and tacked on a small Zenzele lean-to at the back – a place for Iain to reestablish his potted sauce business. With the business growing and needing greater production capacity, they added a large pottery studio and kitchen some time later. Then came a double garage and, eventually, their own dream farmhouse. “The Zenzele method really suited our tight budget,” says Iain. “It came in at around a quarter of traditional building costs and, as far as I’m concerned, the insulation is superior to conventional bricks and mortar.” As they’re pioneers in this form of building in the Overberg, a number of locals are now asking them about this method – especially seeing that it requires no foundations, and makes use of available materials. Another major benefit is the fact that it doesn’t require skilled labour – meaning that most farmers can make do with the labour pool already available to them. For more information pay a visit to www.agrement.co.za/certificate.php?cid=140 or contact Iain Buchholz on 028 212 2099 or 083 259 3751,orat 0832593751@mtnloaded.co.za.

“The beginning stages of the eco-friendly building method.

Iain and Margaret Buchholz’s long-awaited Zenzele farmhouse.

Pikkewyntjie parents let their hair down The parents of Pikkewyntjies PrePrimary School in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay, were treated to a lavish three-course meal in the Crassula Hall on Friday. All the teachers and committee members joined forces to decorate the hall, arrange the flowers, set the tables and get the dinner going. The parents were transported to the hall at 17:00. The candles were already aflame, and a delicious aroma filled the room. Things got festive with a welcome drink of wine, and everybody got into the swing of things thanks to the music and sound provided by Kleinmond Rugby Club. The parents were treated to pumpkin soup and freshly baked

bread as starter; an exotic fish dish with a mussel sauce, served alongside rice and vegetables, as the main course; and cooked apples and raisins, folded into a pancake with caramel sauce, to end the meal off on a sweet note. After that, it didn’t take long for the parents to start dancing. The committee and parents of Pikkewyntjies Pre-Primary School want to thank Spar in Kleinmond for the donation of the wine, and the Ratepayers Association of Betty’s Bay for the use of the hall. They also extend their gratitude to Kleinmond Rugby Club for supplying the music. “Kindness is the golden chain by which our world is bound together,” the organises say.

The parents danced the night away.

Meal made with love Last Wednesday the Grade 4 children of Pringle House Eco School shared a special meal with the children of Pikkewyntjie, a school in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay. Since the beginning of this year the children at Pringle House Eco School have been growing their very own organic vegetables with the help of local plant expert Therese Helmbold – and, as it turns out, the school has green fingers: the youngsters brought home a bumper harvest. Head teacher Binki Lees then organised an afternoon of cooking, giving lots of little chefs the chance to prepare the very first “Pringle House Eco Vegetable Soup”. All the ingredients came from the garden – including to-

The pupils show off their big pot of soup, made from the vegetables grown in their very own garden. matoes, spinach, beetroot, broccoli and herbs. When the hearty meal was done simmering, the pupils

paid a visit to their friends at Pikkewyntjie, and they all had a wonderful, unforgettable lunch together.

Focus on Overstrand Hospice The Overstrand Hospice has been providing comfort and relief in times of despair for just over five years now – and they need all the help they can get Doctors refer terminally ill patients to the Overstrand Hospice, whose personnel in turn provide professional palliative nursing care. This care covers the treatment of pain, and other physical, psycho–social and spiritual needs. Since the branch started in January 2007, personnel have cared for 417 patients and made over 6 791 house calls. The Overstrand Hospice also has a daycare facility, where patients who are able can pay a visit for a morning of entertainment, tea and pampering. All these services are offered free of charge, and the hospice does not receive any government funding. More than 95% of the patients are cancer sufferers, and it costs an average of R12 000 to care

for each new patient. Norma Scott-Tomlin, Overstrand Hospice 600 Club administrator, says many people help the Hospice in its work, but the organisation still needs help with funds. “As there is no charge for our services, we are dependent upon donations from individuals, trusts, organisations, local businesses, fundraising events, our Hospice Shop and the 600 Club. “The level of funding varies from year to year, and remains a challenge.” It is only through the loyal support of caring people that the 600 Club continues to be successful in enabling the Hospice to give this specialised care to patients in the Overstrand community. For more information, or to make a donation, please contact the Overstrand Hospice on 0 028 312 4679, 028 312 4537, fax 028 313 1927 or email 2 hospice600@hermanus.co.za.



General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

Meet a local

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? dus ruk jouself reg en doen jou ding. Zaan Cilliers – woon in Bettysbaai. My beste raad is: Deur mekaar lief te he Wat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou en te respekteer kan ons baie probleme en spesiaal? seerkry vermy. Die rustigheid, vrede, die Waaroor voel jy passievol mooiste fynbos, skilpaaie, in die Overstrand? bokkies, tarentale, fisante, Ek en my man het vir tien pikkewyne en die allermooijaar elke jaar in Kleinmond ste voëls in ons omgewing. kom vakansie hou. Een jaar Wat sou jy in die area wou maak ons oë toe en koop ’n verander? erf in Bettysbaai. Na nog 10 Die Tik- en diefstal-projaar besluit ons om van Mpubleem. malanga af te trek BettysAs jy nie hier gebly het baai toe. Nooit het ons genie, waar sou jy wou bly? dink ons trek na die aardse In Engeland, my oudste hemel toe nie. Ons hoef nie seun bly daar en ek en my ure by die poskantoor of man is mal oor Engeland. bank in toue te staan nie. Die Ongelukkig is ons te oud om munisipaliteit lewer wonte emigreer. derlike diens. Almal praat Watter soort werk doen jy ons taal en jy kan gesels met en waarom geniet jy dit? enige persoon sonder om Ek is die hoof, onderwyseaanstoot te gee. Ons almal res, moeder, ouma en busbe- Zaan Cilliers van Bettiesbaai, kry swaar, maar so staan alstuurder van die wonderlik- saam met van die leerders in haar mal saam om die swaarkry ste preprimêre skool in die skool. lekker te maak en daaroor te land, Pikkewyntjies in lag. Hier is jou bure mense Mooiuitsig. waarmee jy gesels en wat na jou huis kyk Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en terwyl jy wegglip vir n naweek. Alle rasse waarom? bly saam in harmonie en kleur is nie n faktor Nataniël, ek geniet sy eerlikheid en hu- nie. Ons is almal mense wat God geskape het. morsin. Hier het ek en my man, Stolz, besluit sal ons Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit ont- maar verhuis na die lang boompies as dit vang of uitgedeel het? ons tyd is, en ons sal dit doen met vreugde Die beste raad was wat my skoonma vir want in die Overstrand het ons al ’n voormy gegee het – die wêreld skuld jou niks, smakie van die hemel gehad.

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? sosiale media. Talitha Rabie. Ek bly in Bettysbaai. Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en waarWat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou om? spesiaal? Ek sou graag vir Helen Zille wou nooi omEk is mal oor die rowwe dat sy ook ’n passie vir ons land skoonheid hier en die vars het soos ek en ek graag meer lug en die see rondom my. Ná sou wou leer oor ons land en baie jare oorsee waardeer ek sy toekoms. dit nog meer. Wat is die beste raad wat jy Wat sou jy in die area wou nog ooit ontvang of uitgeverander?As jy nie hier gedeel het? bly het nie, waar sou jy Ek het nog die beste raad van wou bly? God en in die Bybel gekry. Alle Ek sou dalk net die weer antwoorde vir my lewe is daarbietjie warmer wou hê. Ek in en dit is no. 1 in my lewe. sou in Durbanville naby my Vertel ons meer oor hoe jy susters wou bly of op ons betrokke geraak het by die plaas buite Calitzdorp. Blanket Drive. Watter soort werk doen jy Ek het Melanie Minnaar en waarom geniet jy dit? (stigter) op Twitter ontmoet en Ek het my eie web en gra- Talitha Rabie. Sy is betrokke by besluit ek wou betrokke raak fiese-ontwerp besigheid, die Blanket Drive wat Saterdag, toe hulle begin het in 2010 en Frostedberry Design wat ek 25 Mei in Kleinmond gehou is. dit is nou my derde jaar as host in Londen begin het in 2005. vir dié omgewing. My besigEk geniet dit baie om van niks af iemand eie heid, Frostedberry, is ook die landwye borg handelsmerk te vorm, veral ’n webtuiste. Ek vir ontwerp van bemarkingsmateriaal vir fokus veral deesdae op CMS-webtuistes en Drive. Ons het ook die nuwe logo ontwerp.

KIRBY KUILSRIVIER. Enigste geregistreerde dienssentrum! Vir enige diens, verkope en na verkope diens. Skakel gerus 021-906 1138! LUTEA PARFUUM146 geure om te bemark! Uitstekende kommissie! Skakel 083 655 0445/ madrigrobbelaar@gmail. com/www.luteaperfume. co.za. STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call Servaas 082 439 9704.

Rose Hair & Beauty Hermanus looking for a young and dynamic Qualified Hairdresser with at least 3 years experience Contact Delene 071 173 1201 for an interview and assessment

Tuesday 29 May 2012

What is your name and where do you stay? My name is Tarryn Pedersen and I live in Pringle Bay. What makes your town so special? Pringle Bay is a calm and beautiful place with peaceful people who have a similar outlook on both life and the environment; most importantly, it offers a brilliant environment for kids to grow up in. What would you change in the area? What we do really need in Pringle Bay is a bigger school that can cater to more kids. This would bring more families to the area. Tarryn Pedersen, If you didn’t live here, resident. where would you like to live? If I did not live here it would have to be Scotland; my family and I nearly stayed there for good!

Wat is jou naam, van en waar woon jy? Belinda Joubert – Overstrand, die mooiste plek in die wêreld. Ek bly in Kleinmond. Wat maak die dorp/omgewing vir jou spesiaal? Die natuur, God is deel van alles en ’n mens kan Hom daagliks om ons sien, voel en ervaar. Die wolke hier is die mooiste in die wêreld! Wat sou jy in die area wou verander? Die desperate armoede en werkloosheid in die gemeenskap. Indien elkeen van ons een siel kan help om ’n inkomste te verdien sal ons ’n groot impak maak op die selfwaarde van mense. Ons moet ook meer verdraagsaam met mekaar wees. Naasteliefde, samewerking, dienslewering en verdraagsaamheid is die fundamentele grondslag van die lewe. As jy nie hier gebly het nie, waar sou jy wou bly? Belinda Joubert Ek is presies waar ek graag wil wees. Watter soort werk doen jy en waarom geniet jy dit? Ek is ’n onafhanklike lewensafrigter en skrywer van spirituele boeke en werk van die huis af. Ek doen vrywillig gemeenskapswerk saam met my man en bied loopbaanad-

What kind of work do you do and why do you enjoy it? At the moment I am assisting in running the local school (Pringle House Eco School) – in charge of fundraising and marketing – whilst waiting to start a new career working on offshore oil rigs. Who would you invite to dinner and why? Any dinner spent with friends and family is the best. Being a keen spear fisherman, there is nothing better than shooting a good fish and preparing it for the table. Whatisthebestadviceyou’ve ever given or received? The best advice I have both given and received is always: Pringle Bay find the positive in any situation and make sure to help whenever you can. What do you feel passionate about in the Overstrand? If I were to choose one thing, it would be to keep our beaches clean!

vies aan vir hoërskoolleerlinge in die WesKaap. Ons doen ook prestasie-afrigting vir werkgewers plaaslik en in Gauteng. Wie sou jy graag vir ete wou nooi en waarom? God, ek sal net lekker wil ‘chat’ en al die antwoorde kry. Dit sal ook lekker wees om weer met my ma te praat, sy is oorlede toe ek vier jaar oud was. Wat is die beste raad wat jy nog ooit ontvang of uitgedeel het? Om jouself te wees; doen net jou beste en alles sal in plek val. Dis baie belangrik om integriteit te hê en morele waardes uit te leef. Wees ’n persoon waarop jou kinders en God trots kan wees. Judy Garland het gesê: ‘Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second- rate version of somebody else.’ Waaroor voel jy passievol van Kleinmond. in die Overstrand? Om ’n positiewe verskil te maak. Ek wil graag siele aanraak en mense inspireer wat moeg en uitgebrand voel. Ek wil graag in die land se jeug investeer want hulle is die toekoms. Ek wil jeugleiers, ouers en onderwysers oplei in voortreflikheid en deugsaamheid om sodoende bekwame rolmodelle vir die jeug te skep.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

General - Algemeen

Kleinmond Gazette

The giving spirit blankets Kleinmond Kleinmond contributed considerably to the massive success of this year’s Twitter Blanket Drive. For the local leg of the event – stimulated by social media mega-tool Twitter – Kleinmonders descended on the Ou Hawe Skuur on Saturday with 115 blankets, 75 bags of clothing, 90 pairs of shoes, 9 scarves, 3 dolls, 5 pillows, 10 towels, 1 sleeping bag, 8 bedding items, 3 jackets and 3 hoodies. On the whole, the Twitter Blanket Drive South Africa collected around 23 000 m² of blankets – equal to three rugby fields. And, at an average price of R90 per blanket, donors contributed the equivalent of R1 035 000. Lots of prizes, sponsored by Harbour Road businesses,

were up for grabs during the event. Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism snapped up the prize for donating the most blankets. Second prize went to Hermanus High School, while third place was taken by Elmie van der Westhuizen on behalf of the CRC Church. Fourth prize went to the Kleinmond Fellowship Church. Businesses that took part also got to share in the limelight. First prize in this category also went to Hangklip/ Kleinmond Tourism. Talitha Rabie, organiser of the Kleinmond event, thanks everybody who contributed to making the blanket drive so overwhelming a success. All the donations have been delivered to the youth members of the LiG Trust, who were

also highly involved in setting up and helping at the event on Saturday. The trust will now distribute the donated goods, ensuring that all local welfare institutions, especially the crèches in the area, receive a share of the goodwill. The LiG Trust was founded in Kleinmond eight years ago with the main idea of uplifting the area’s youths. It offers a scholarship programme, weekly workshops, holiday clubs, and activity clubs (including surfing, horse riding and scrap-booking). The non-profit organisation works in partnership with Child Welfare, the local soup kitchen, churches and the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society to see to the needs of the area’s poor community.

Children of all ages enjoyed the festive atmosphere at the Twitter Blanket Drive on Saturday evening.

Members of the LiG Trust hold up a few of the blankets handed over. Yolanda Daniels, Iris Maytham and Natasha Solomon were in charge of serving nice, hot cups of coffee.

Carina Botes and Antionette Koekemoe from the LiG Trust.

Guests covered the tables with motivational penmanship.

Ellie Holtzkampf, Wikus Conradie and Grethe Conradie were in charge of the pancake table.

Jean McEuan and Riekie Grové of the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society kept watch over a stall featuring photos of dogs and cats up for adoption. PHOTOS: Janine van der riet

Samantha and her mother Caroline Arendse enjoyed frying fresh chips for visitors to enjoy.


Fisherhaven | Hawston | Kleinmond | Bettysbaai | Pringlebaai | Rooi-Els

Year 2 • Dinsdag 29 Mei 2012 | Tel. 028 312 3717

Record tunny caught THE subject of whether fishing is down to luck or skill arose when Border angler Frank Scholtz, fishing in the South African Deep Sea Angling Association’s (Sadsaa’s) Tuna Nationals, boated the catch of a lifetime. Frank was fishing for longfin tuna during the competition – hosted from the False Bay Marlin and Tuna Club in Simon’s Town last week – using only 10 kg double-X line, a Shimano 30 Diagra reel and light trace. He had just caught a longfin; he baited up again and dropped his bait overboard. He was surprised when his reel almost immediately screamed! He immediately realised that this was no longfin, but something much bigger. After playing the fish very skilfully on this light tackle and small Shimano reel while another crew member expertly handled the boat, Frank finally landed a superb 106 kg yellowfin tuna! He had fought the fish for just over six hours, and the catch was made 60 km off Cape Point. After the hook-up the fight travelled for

just over seven kilometres. Luck? I don’t think so. At one time during the fight the press boat had to get a stern trawler to change course to prevent its net from cutting off the fish. The teams only managed to fish on two days of the week-long competition because of bad weather. Frank Scholtz was representing the Border team, together with Kevin Bourke and Gary Thompson, and the skipper on the day the fish was caught was David Edgar on his

30 ft Arrow Cat, Witch Craft. This tournament has placed itself over the years as the most prestigious game fishing event on the South African calendar. The prize-giving was held on Saturday 19 May, and the top spot went to Border – thanks to this monster fish caught by Frank. Second overall in the competition was Southern Cape, and third Natal. During the early weekend there were a few snoek caught at Rocky Bank, where Gus Ruthman also caught nine yellowtail on Seekat. On Saturday and Sunday the weather was very bad, and no boats ventured out. The shore-angling fraternity, who fished only occasionally during the rough weather, also had little to show for their efforts. Now that the winter period has started, most anglers will concentrate on catching galjoen, dassie, wildeperd and white stumpnose. This time of the year one is only rewarded with one or two large white stumpnose in the cold water. This fish was always regarded as a

Border angler Frank Scholtz (third from left) with the world record–pending yellowfin tuna of 106 kg caught on 10 kg recently. With Frank are fellow Border team members Kevin Bourke, David Edgar (skipper of Witch Craft) and Gary Thompson. “go home” fish in the old days. Prime baits for white stumpnose are fresh white mussel and fresh red bait; I would also never pass up a prawn or a “wonderworm” when targeting these fish. Also, while fishing with the above fresh baits, one is often rewarded with a nicely sized mussel-

Weer steek stokkie voor beplande fietsrit Koue en reën verander toe die beplande Marchant het opgedaag met sy unieke Kleinmond na Pringlebaai-fietsrit in ’n bergfiets met een rat asook Koos Snyman en Stoor2Stoor. ’n vriend van Roger. Almal dukwiel modderSondag 20 Mei het lede van Kleinmond se trappers, behalwe die dun-wiel tandem. fietsklub die koue winter aangedurf. Met die oggendlug wat vars deur hul waai “Ons was nie fiks gehet hulle weer die natuurnoeg vir die Sani2C wat skoon van die omgewing pas die vorige week doer bewonder. ver in Natal plaasgevind By Stoney Point het Roghet nie. Ons besluit toe er sy eie tuisgebakte broodom in plaas van die berolletjies te voorskyn geplande rit na Pringlebring wat ons weer “pebaai liewer ons eie trol” gegee het om die koue Stoor2Stoor – van aan te durf. Kleinmond na BettysDie Kleinmond-fietsrybaai en terug – te doen,” klub akkommodeer alle vertel Marchant van fietsryers. Beginners is Rooyen, een van die welkom om aan te sluit. fietsklublede. U is welkom om die beVroegoggend in bitter drywighede op facebook koue en met die hoop dat (kleinmondfietsklub) dop Whale Coast 96FM se te hou en indien u wil aanweervoorspelling vir ’n sluit, stuur ’n e-pos na sonnige dag in die kol kleinmondfietssou wees, het ’n groep klub@gmail.com of SMS na brawes voor Supa Quick Marchant van Rooyen ry ’n baie interes- 079 314 4368. bymekaar gekom en die sante eenratfiets. ) Die komende naweek, koue aangedurf. 2 Junie, bied die KleinRoger Page het sy “baba”-tamdem vir mondfietsklub, in samewerking met LaerBraam en Carol Mostert geleen en saam gery skool Kleinmond, ’n MTB-fynbosrit aan wat om ’n wakende oog te hou. deel vorm van die laerskool se karnaval. Die

Van die deelnemers, gesien by Stoney Point, sopnat en koud. platterige roete is ongeveer 22 km lank en loop deur privaat grond en ’n bewaringsgebied wat spesiaal oopgestel is vir die rit. Die omgewing bied ongelooflike mooi natuurskoon. Die roete is slegs geskik vir MTB’s. Die rit begin om 09:00 by die Laerskool Kleinmond. Registrasie is reeds oop, daagliks voor 12:00 by die laerskool, en ook op die dag vanaf 07:30 tot 08:45. Slegs 50 inskrywings sal egter toegelaat word. Die koste is R100 per persoon en is ten bate van die laerskool. Kontakpersoon is Rijk Stofberg op 084 805 1301, vir verdere navrae.

cracker off the reefs all along Harmony Park. Remember that good tackle, as well as strong leaders and snoods that are tied well, plus sharp hooks, will always give better results. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 021 854 3831. Send your fishing news and photos to bjridgway@telkomsa.net.

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