Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 14 • Tuesday 14 August 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840
VVrouedagwedloop rouedagwedloop
Vroue het Donderdag 9 Augustus Nasionale Vrouedag in hul massas opgedaag om aan die Totalsport Ladies Race in Stellenbosch oor 10 km en 5km deel te neem. Sowat 5 000 entoesiastiese vroue - en mans - het die strate van die dorp ingevaar vir die baie gewilde wedloop. Foto: daan williams
Stellenbosch Gazette
News - Nuus
Tuesday 14 August 2012
Raithbyleerlinge reik uit na die gemeenskap WILLIAM LOEDOLFF
DIE kinders en onderwysers van Raithby Primêr het verlede week die strate ingevaar om vir die gemeenskap te wys dat die kinders vir mekaar, die mense van die dorp en die omgewing omgee. Dit volg nadat die skool die Character For Life-program aangeneem het. Raithby is die eerste Kaapse skool wat deel word van ’n strategie om dorpe, stede, streke en provinsies te transformeer deur middel van ‘n “karakterrevolusie”. “Omgee” is die eerste van sewe karakterwaardes wat deur die Character for Life-span (Johnny Louw en Anne-Marie Joubert) aan skole, munisipaliteite, besighede, plase, polisiestasies, ens. aangebied word om morele waardes en spanwerk te vestig. Elke waarde gaan gepaard met ’n kleur en tema en word as ’n filosofie gedryf. Die sewe waardes is: omgee, betroubaarheid, respek, verantwoordelikheid, regverdigheid, burgerskap en geloof. “Ons gee om!” was die slagspreuk op die kinders se lippe terwyl hulle al singende deur die dorp gestap het en daar mildelik drukkies aan omstanders en nuuskieriges uitgedeel is.
Leerlinge van Raithby Primêr gee om vir hul gemeenskap. Attie Olivier (skoolhoof) noem dat kinders nie meer die waardes by hul huise leer soos van ouds nie en hy verwelkom dus die inisiatief. Juffrou Charmain Anthony van die skool het die taak aangeneem om seker te maak dat
al die kinders en onderwysers betrokke bly by die program en dat die skool as ’n eenheid saamwerk. Daar word op die oomblik beplan om ook die jeug van die dorp te betrek deur ’n opwindende karakterprogram op ’n weeklikse ba-
sis aan te bied. Dit is belangrik dat ons kyk na ons kinders, jeug, werknemers en gemeenskap. Mense is al wat ons het en mense kan die verskil maak deur deel van ’n plan te wees wat werk.
Breastfeeding is best for your baby BREAST-FEEDING is the normal way of giving young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. The Western Cape Government Health, in conjunction with the City of Cape Town, hosted a Breast-feeding festival at the Good Hope Centre in an attempt to break the current Guinness World record for the number of mothers breast-feeding at the same time, and also to promote breast-feeding to mothers with infants. Theuns Botha, Western Cape Minister of Health said that the Western Cape’s strategic objective of wellness aims to achieve the best health outcomes for the 5,8 million people in the province who depend on public health services. To achieve the aim of wellness, the province has five priority programmes which include women’s health and the decrease of child mortality.The promotion of breast-feeding is an important element of generating healthy children. Breast-feeding also speaks to the strengthening of babies’ immunity, in order to grow a healthy body. The Western Cape has more than 20 hospitals that have received the WHO/Unicef accreditation for Mother and Baby Friendly Status, indicating that they are
implementing the “10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and 3 Additional Items” appropriately. In South Africa, rates of breast-feeding, especially exclusive breast-feeding, remaining low over time, despite a number of child health programmes and interventions. Data from the 2003 South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS), and other studies show that although breast-feeding is a common practice in South Africa, and initiated early post-delivery, mixed feeding rather than exclusive breast-feeding is the norm. About 70% of children are reported to have received complementary feeds before the age of six months. The SADHS in 2003 found that only 11,9% of children aged 0 to 3 months were exclusively breast-fed, and 20,1% of children age 0 to 3 months were not breastfed at all. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help an infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler. Exclusive breast-feeding is recommended for up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond. The theme for this year’s breastfeeding
week is “Feeding Smart from the Start: Exclusive Breast-feeding”. Breast-feeding offers many benefits to the baby and should be initiated within the first hour after birth. Benefits include: ) protecting your baby from a long list of illnesses; ) protecting your baby from developing allergies; ) may boost your child’s intelligence; ) may protect your child from obesity; ) may lower your baby’s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); ) may reduce the mother’s risk of some types of cancer; ) can also reduce your stress level and your risk of postpartum depression (also called postnatal depression, a form of clinical depression which can affect women, typically after childbirth). The current record for the most number or women breast-feeding at one time stands at 3 541 on the Guinness World Book of Records and the title is held by the Philippines. This event has received the support of various partners such as Unicef, FHI360 the Dietetics Association of South Africa(ADSA) and others, and has received donations and sponsorships from various private companies as well.
COMMUNITY CARE WORKERS GRADUATE: :Western Cape Government Health in the Cape Winelands district proudly celebrated the graduation of 131 Community Care Workers and nine Post-Basic Pharmacy Assistants recently. Community Care Workers undergo accredited training that translates into a NQF Level 4, allowing them to further their studies, which will enable them to be absorbed into the formal job sector.The nine Post-Basic Pharmacy Assistants, who were lauded for their contribution to the distribution of medication to the rural districts, are posted in rural areas. The training which both the Community Care Workers and the Post-Basic Pharmacists receive is funded by Western Cape Government Transport and Public Works, as part of the Expanded Public Works Programme. Here are the Post-Basic Pharmacy Assistants (back, from left) Sorina Jaftha (Breede Valley), Carina de Kock (Langeberg), (middle) Charles Williams (deputy director of Pharmacy Services), Tinus Viljoen (Breede Valley), Clyde Nepp (Stellenbosch), Sharlene Jacobs (Drakenstein), Henzaline Frye (Langeberg), Nethaam Toffar (Stellenbosch); (front) Hiltonique Marshall (Stellenbosch), Eric Palele (Drakenstein), Sid Fass, Nimecia Daames (Breede Valley), Abrey van Beulen (Langeberg) and Roshen Ahmed-Meyson.
Tuesday 14 August 2012
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Vote for our firefighters! THE Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department is one of 16 finalists in the Centrum® Guardian Project 2012. The competition recognises the people in the South African Emergency Services such as fire fighters, rescue technicians, paramedics, lifeguards, off-road and sea rescue volunteers that people seldom think about. This year the 16 semi-finalists include men and women in the emergency services who gave 100% to save lives. In every case, they were the only hope and without their daring commitment, all of their stories would
have had very different endings. Community members are invited to vote for the semi-finalists that inspire them to live life to the full. Each semi-finalist’s story entered into the competition is available to read on Public votes will determine who will be awarded the “Centrum® Guardian of the Year 2012” title. The proceeds from SMS votes will be donated to the base station of the “Guardian” voted for. The Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department’s story is called “Endurance” and is about an incident that took place in August last year where fire, medical and res-
cue personnel had to rescue vagrant men trapped under a collapsed building in Ida’s Valley. Each of the semi-finalist’s stories will also appear on Centrum® Guardians 2012 on SABC 3 on Thursdays at 22:10, with repeat broadcasts on Fridays at 10:00. Watch the Stellenbosch Municipal Fire and Rescue Department’s story this week Thursday (16 August) at 22:10. To vote for the Stellenbosch team please SMS ‘endurance’ to 33123 or vote online by visiting the website at A SMS cost R1,50. Voting closes at 24:00 on 30 September 2012.
Stalletjienemers gesoek vir Erfenisfees STELLENBOSSE stalletjienemers word gesoek om by die Erfenisfees op 24 September plaaslik vervaardigde items te verkoop. Terwyl daar kanovaarte, binnebandresies, musiek, braaivleis en jolyt in Die Laan op dié dag sal wees, is daar ’n geleentheid vir gemeenskapslede om stalletjies te bespreek waar allerlei produkte verkoop kan word. Diensorganisasies kan ook stalletjies huur waar hulle meer vir besoekers oor hul werksaamhede kan vertel. Voorkeur sal aan stalletjienemers gegee word wat plaaslik vervaardigde (handgemaakte) artikels wil verkoop. Dit sluit ook kos, lekkergoed, koeldrank en geregte in. Hierdie is ook ’n ideale geleentheid om die beste van Stellenbosch se tradisionele kos-
soorte te verkoop. Nie-winsgewende organisasies wat plaaslike produkte en kos wil verkoop kan ’n stalletjie van 3 x 3 meter teen R40 per stalletjie huur. Mense wat self hul eie produkte teen wins wil verkoop kan ’n stalletjie teen R75 huur. Winsgewende organisasies en publieke sake mag stalletjies teen R150 elk huur. Die mooiste, of interessantste stalletjie sal ’n prys wen. Alle aansoeke sal gekeur word. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 24 Augustus. Bel Debbie Gabriels by 021 887 2937, Elize Fortuin by 021 886 7156 of Martie Meiring by 021 883 3289 vir meer inligting.
Another chance to win One more night for two is up for grabs in the Gazette’s website kick-off competition series. This week The Caledon Hotel offers one night’s mid-week accommodation for two in one of its deluxe rooms. The prize is valued at R599 and excludes breakfast and full access to the mineral springs. The Caledon Hotel, part of the wellknown The Caledon Casino, Hotel and Spa resort, offers accommodation options ranging from superior and deluxe rooms to luxury suites where modern room amenities ensure a comfortable stay. Most of the rooms command spectacular views of the Klein Swartberg Mountains and are set amidst lush, landscaped gardens. Guests can also treat themselves
to the many luxuries available at the resort, ranging from relaxing in the original Victorian bath house, therapeutic massages or a calming stay in the invigoration pools. State-of-the-art conference facilities, a gym, Wellness Centre and a contemporary casino complex with entertainment areas are also on offer. Visit for more information, or phone 028 214 5100. To enter the online competition, visit
Amazing Race for schools and groups on Papegaaiberg GROOT MAKIETIE: Wilhemina Pienaar van Cloetesville het verlede week 109 jaar oud geword. Om hierdie spesiale dag te vier het wyksraadslid Valerie Fernandez, in samewerking met verskeie ander rolspelers, ’n spesiale partytjie vir haar in die Eikestadsaal gehou. Wilhemina se vriende en familie is genooi om die dag saam met haar te deel. Sy het selfs ’n spesiale verjaardagkoek met ’n foto van haarself op gekry om saam met haar gaste te geniet. Veels geluk Wilhemina! FOTO: SAMANTHA VAN DEN BERG
VUYA Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership on Papegaaiberg invite all schools and community groups to participate in their Amazing Race on Papegaaiberg on 22 September from 08:30 until 11:30. Teams must consist of eight participants, which must include one teacher, one adult sponsor and six pupils. Community groups must also consist of eight participants, with at least two adults. The teams will be given a list of clues which they must use to answer questions on a trail set up on Papegaaiberg. The first team down the mountain with the correct answers will be the winner!
Hotdogs and cooldrinks will be served to all participants at Oude Libertas, after which a prize-giving will be held. The event is sponsored by the Distell Foundation and Oude Libertas. R1 000 will be given to the winning school to kickstart an environmental project. Entrance to the race is a R100 per school. The money raised will be used to fund an ongoing environmental education programme for Vuya Endaweni Environmental Education Centre on Papegaaiberg. RSVP by sending an email to
Stellenbosch Gazette
15 August ) French Market at the Alliance de Stellenbosch. 17:00 – 20:00, Erfurthuis, Ryneveld Street. 16 Augustus ) Vroue Landbou-vereniging (VLV) vergader. 09:30, Stellenbosch Welgelegen Kerk. Erika Lotriet sal ook die onderwerp “Groenbou: Bewaar ons natuurlike hulpbronne” gesels. Almal is welkom. E. Basson: 0 021 883 3854. 19 Augustus
General - Algemeen
) Rynse VGK vroue bied ’n spesiale kerkdiens vir alle vroue in uniform aan. Hermien Swanepoel, van die verkeersdepartement, sal oor die onderwerp “Dankbaarheid – Vroue in die gemeenskap” praat. 09:00, Rynse Kerk op Die Braak. Almal moet in hul uniforms geklee wees. Virginia Jumat: 0 083 704 6872. 21 Augustus ) Kindersorg Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch algemene jaarvergadering. 10:00, Rooikruis/Kindersorg Gemeenskapsaal in Banhoekweg. RSVP by 021 887 2816. 24 August ) Klapmuts Primary School: Emo Adams in concert. 19:00. R80 per person. 0 021 875 5471.
EMO ADAMS IN KLAPMUTS: Die Klapmuts Primêre Skool is die plek om te wees op Vrydag 24 Augustus wanneer die talentvolle Emo Adams by die skool gaan optree. Die vertoning sal om 19:00 in die skoolsaal begin en alle belangstellendes word genooi om ’n prettige aand by te woon van sang en dans deur een van Suid-Afrika se top kunstenaars. Kaartjies vir die vertoning kos R80 per persoon en is by die skool beskikbaar. Bel die skool by 021 875 5471 vir meer inligting of om jou kaartjie te kry. FOTO: VERSKAF
Tuesday 14 August 2012
Constantia market for crafts THE Doilie Market will hold its first market day on 25 November in Constantia. The organisers are, however, calling on Stellenbosch crafters to exhibit their goods. The market will be held at the Little Stream gardens.
Call organisers Natasha on 072 997 7620 or Louise on 082 327 0831 for further information or to apply to become an exhibitor. Those interested can also send an email to to receive an application form.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar visits South Africa ONE of the world’s most influential humanitarian and spiritual leaders, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, will visit South Africa for the first time in six years. He will be in Cape Town from 26 to 28 August to conduct public events and host a meditation course. The visit to Cape Town comes as the Art of Living prepares to open an International Centre for Peace, the first one in Africa. Sri Sri’s vision is that the centre will help promote “a wave of peace that will spread
Culture festival THE second annual Kayamandi Arts and Cultural Festival will be held from 21 to 24 September. The festival celebrates the cultural diversity of this community. Visitors will be able to enjoy world-class entertainment, listen to stories and discover the beauty and pride of Kayamandi neighbours and friends. There will be various music, dance, drama, poetry and theatre items, as well as a Battle of the DJ’s, a Mr and Miss Kayamandi beauty pageant and soccer and netball challenges. For further information or to take part in these events call 082 087 2432 or send an email to
throughout Africa”. The public events will give those interested an opportunity to learn from this profoundly wise soul who shares practical ways to live a content life, being harmonious in diversity and even adversity. The event will be held on 28 August at 19:00 in the CRC Christian Church, Koeberg Road, Montague Gardens. Entrance for the public event in Cape Town is R150. Visit for tickets.
St. Idaskarnaval DIE St.Idas RK Primêre Skool wil inwoners graag solank na hulle jaarlikse karnaval oor die naweek van 19 en 20 Oktober uitnooi. Die karnaval beloof om groot pret vir oud en jonk te wees. Toegang is R15 vir volwassenes en R7 vir kinders. Besoekers kan na stalletjies, speletjies, burgers, worsrolletjies, chiprolls, Halaal-kos, spookasem, springmielies en nog baie meer uitsien. Daar sal ook optredes en ’n biertent wees. Bel die skool by 021 886 6021 vir meer inligting.
Tuesday 14 August 2012
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Kleuterbosch a ‘model site’
Kleuterbosch pre-primary school
Photo: Erin Bates
Kleuterbosch is the oldest pre-primary school in Stellenbosch, founded 40 years ago is set to upgrade their playground, thanks to an award of R5 000 from the Western Cape Education Department
The WCED chose Kleuterbosch as a “model site” where “learning experiences with Grade R practitioners” could be shared with neighbouring schools. According to a letter from the WCED, the
Borgskap vir skryfkursus DIE skrywer Rachelle Greeff bied van 14 tot 15 September ’n skryfkursus by die Afrikaanse Taalmonument aan. Kursusgangers het die keuse om in die maand ná die kursus ook hul eie skryfwerk vir kommentaar voor te lê. Die kursus sluit ook een borgskap in. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 14 Au-
gustus. Die Taalmonument maak voorsiening vir ’n borgskap vir een kursusganger. Die kursus word tot 12 persone beperk en vind daagliks van 09:00 tot 16:00 plaas. Dit kos R2 000 per kursusganger en sluit ’n ligte vingermiddagete en koffie en tee in. Bel Amira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of 2
education department is “committed to improving education in Grade R classes by creating an indoor and outdoor environment that will contribute to the holistic development of all Grade R learners”. The R5 000 award will be used to purchase outdoor learning equipment including balls
and trampolines, said Carine Brown at Kleuterbosch on Tuesday. Brown is the head teacher at Kleuterbosch, where she has been working for 25 years. Brown said Kleuterbosch, which teaches grades 0 and R, has to compete with other schools in the area, many of which have Grade R classes of their own. These days, she said, learners often attend Grade R at primary schools and not pre-primary schools. Brown’s office is filled with children’s books, framed artwork by the learners, educational videos, soccer balls and basket balls. Her office window overlooks the playground now due for an upgrade. “We have a lovely playground,” said Brown proudly. The award will go towards enriching the already lovely playground - the current playground has adequate jungle gyms, with slides and swings, but Kleuterbosch will benefit from additional outdoor play equipment. While the WCED commits itself to improving education in Grade R classes in its letter, only Brown’s teaching post is funded by the department. The remaining teachers are in posts subsidised by school fees and the ACVV (Afrikaanse Christelike Vrouevereniging). Asked for comment, Bronagh Casey, spokesperson for the WCED responds, “Kleuterbosch is an independent pre-primary school. Pre-primary schools do not fall under the ambit of the WCED.” While the WCED only funds one post, the ACVV is very involved in supporting Kleuterbosch and aims to create healthy communities through healthy families. This isn’t always easy, said Brown, because parents work. In the past, parents were more involved in school activities. In spite of this, Brown still feels privileged to be working at Kleuterbosch pre-primary.
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Ons Gee Om. DIE Stellenbosch Gazette vra dringend hulp vir dié welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies: ) Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir volwasse persone met gestremdhede: Verf vir gebou; kruideniersware vir driedaagse vaardigheidsontwikkelingkamp wat in Oktober gehou word. 0 021 887 8688. ) Kayamandi Women and Children Project (trauma room): Ketel, mikrogolfoond, stoof, beddens en matrasse, linne, handdoeke, klere vir mans, vroue en kinders, speelgoed en ’n hangkas. Natalie Scheepers: 0 076 753 7766 of Gladys Bakubaku: 0 074 717 9676. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Sopmengsels, pasta, rys, mielierys, boontjies, grondboontjiebotter, blikkiesvis, brood en groente. 0 021 886 8986 / 071 322 0747. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Kryte, werkboeke vir kinders en matte vir leeshoekies in die klaskamers. 0 021 889 8774. ) Stellenbosch Safe House: Vrywilligers om kuns en handwerkvaardighede een keer per week en ook lewensvaardighede aan te bied. 0 021 883 2574.
Tuesday 14 August 2012
) Stellenbosch Hospies: Plakboeke vir ’n dagsorg-projek, winterklere vir volwassenes en kinders vir hospies-winkel, vrywilligers wat een keer ’n week vervoer in Cloetesville, Idasvallei en Lanquedoc kan verskaf. 0 021 886 5994. ) Huis Horison: ’n Yskas vir die een koshuis, toiletware en toiletpapier asook die volgende vir die handwerkafdeling: houthangers, wol, katoenmateriaal en “batting”. 0 021 887 5080. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmere, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. 0 021 889 9555. ) Kindersorg SA, Stellenbosch: Kantoortoerusting asook nie-bederfbare voedsel. 0 021 887 2816. ) Stellenbosch Nagskuiling: Skoonmaakmiddels, badseep en enige smere vir brood. 0 021 886 6173. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm komberse en klere. 0 021 887 6959. ) Jeuguitreik Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere, vars vrugte en groente en blikkieskos. Werkende ketel, winterklere vir meisies en seuns (ouderdomme 8–16 jaar), onderklere, papier en tydskrifte vir aktiwiteite. 0 021 886 6216. Rig navrae en versoeke aan Samantha van den Berg by 021 887 2840 of e-pos
Get on board, with Casual day SOUTH Africa’s biggest fundraising project for persons with disabilities, Casual Day, is around the corner and will this year be celebrated on Friday 7 September. On this day participants must wear the official Casual Day sticker for R10, providing a means for the project to raise funds. Casual Day is an initiative of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA). This year the theme is “Get on board” and all participants are encouraged to wear something different than what they usually do on this day. Whilst the public is encouraged to dress like a captain, sailor or pirate, the implication is that wearing the sticker is the endorsement to show that they did in fact, get on board with Casual Day. Visit for further information. Stickers will be sold at the following Stellenbosch organisations: Huis Horison (021 887 5080), Stellenbosch Work Centre for Adult Persons with Disabilities (021 887 8688) and Dorothea School (021 889 5461/3 ).
Course in electrical skills STELLEMPLOY is presenting a training course in electrical skills for unemployed people from 3 to 21 September. Those attending will be trained in the basic application of soldering techniques, the fundamentals of electricity, design and construction of a single-phase circuit and appliance repair skills.
Candidates must be unemployed, fluent in English, possess a grade 12 certificate and be between 18 and 26 years old. Those interested must register as soon as possible, because only 12 candidates can be accommodated. For more information, please call Gaino or Betta at 021 886 6993.
Idasvalleigesondheidsdag ’n groot sukses ’n BAIE suksesvolle Gemeenskapsgesondheid Bemagtigingsdag is onlangs op 2 Augustus by die Idasvallei-kliniek gehou. Die dag is deur nagraadse Primêre Gesondheidsorg verpleegstudente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), in samewerking met die personeel en gemeenskap betrokke by die kliniek, aangebied. Die doel van die gesondheidsdag was om
mense se kennis oor geestesgesondheid, tuberkulose en MIV/VIGS uit te brei sodat hulle hulself en hul kinders kan bemagtig om ’n gesonde, gelukkige en produktiewe lid van die gemeenskap wees. Die gehoor het entoesiasties vrae beantwoord na elke inligtingsessie en geskenkies is ook uitgedeel. Die geskenke is deur die Stellenbosse sake- |
4 Sterfgevalle Deaths
11 Geld & Lenings Money matters
Te koop: Algemeen For sale: General
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Huise te huur Houses to let
HENDRINA HINE (Rina). Sag heengegaan op 8 Aug 2012. Begrafnis Woensdag 15 Aug 2012. Tuis: 10:00 Kerkdiens: 11:00 Volkskerk van Afrika. Geen blomme, donasies vir Hospice sal waardeer word.
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Finance available - No Deposit
Algemene dienste General services ALLE HERSTEL van yskaste, vrieskaste en alle tipe wasmasjiene en gas hervul vanaf R150. Skakel 076 919 0596.
STELLEMPLOY is facilitating training for people (18 - 35 years) in cooking skills from 28 August to 21 September. Léta du Toit will train 12 unemployed in cooking, knife and baking skills, kitchen hygiene and nutrition. Only people with Gr. 9 qualification. Call Gaino or Betta on 021 886 6993.
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
APPLIANCE REPAIRS - Specialize Speedqueen and Whirlpool repairs. Plus do all other makes of washing machines, fridges, stoves etc. Contact 072 843 2219. DECKSTER'S CATERING. Décor / Hiring. Menu's from R110.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, white tablecloths, white chaircovers, organza backdrop, arch & red carpet. www.decksterscatering ( Ielaahm or Rene 021 371 4507 / 082 324 9486.
sektor bygedra. Ná afloop van die program kon almal teenwoordig sop, broodjies en tee en koffie geniet, terwyl die kinders met spookasem en gesigverf-aktiwiteite bederf is. Die studente van US wil graag al die borge bedank wat daartoe bygedra het om hierdie gesondheidsdag in Idasvallei moontlik gemaak het.
Cooking secrets
HERSTEL by die huis ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene en mikrogolfoonde. Skakel 071 755 3390.
Smalls@ eikestadnuus. com
Betrekkings Vacancies "CATERING COMPANY" met verskillende eenhede in Weskaap benodig 'n dinamiese Bestuurder met ondervinding om 3 besige espresso bars te bestuur in Stellenbosch. Goeie verwysings met sterk bestuurstyl. Stuur volledige CV na wayne@zemonfoods.c
DIT BETAAL om plaaslik te Adverteer (021 887 2870)
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It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure his advert is correct on the first day of publication and placed according to his instructions; and that mistakes are corrected before the next edition. The Eikestadnuus does not accept responsibility for more than one faulty placing. No credits will be allowed for insignificant typographical or typing errors which do not affect the value of the advertisement. NB: ALL CANCELLATIONS MUST BE DONE IN WRITING. NO CREDITS WILL BE PASSED WITHOUT WRITTEN PROOF OF CANCELLATION
Tuesday 14 August 2012
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Easy chocolate bread pudding
The three winners were (from left) Denise Swart from Simonsig (3rd place), Jan van der Merwe from Neethlingshof (1st) and Manuel Williams from Asara (second place). Photo: supplied
Winners of pruning competition announced at Blaauwklippen THE fourth annual Blaauwklippen / FELCO Agrimark Pruning Competition took place on Wednesday 8 August. It was held at Blaauwklippen. The competition was started to give farm workers a platform to show off their pruning skills and to act as an educational experience to explain why and how vines are pruned. Altogether 24 pruners from in and around Stellenbosch participated in the competition. Prizes to the value of R5 000, courtesy of Felco & Agrimark Stellenbosch, were up for grabs. The competition was great and all stops were pulled out in order to get the highest percentage.
Only 1% separated the top 3 pruners. After a very hard battle the 2012 champion pruner was announced: Jan van der Merwe from Neethlingshof, who earned a total of 97,5%. In a very close second place was Manuel Williams from Asara with a total of 97%. The third spot went to Denise Swart from Simonsig with her total of 96,5%. After the winners were announced all the participants, sponsors and vineyard owners enjoyed lunch at Blaauwklippen. The competition was concluded in a block of eleven-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon vines. Judges Johan Viljoen and Conrad Schutte from Vinpro were impressed with the overall standard of entries.
SUPPORT FOR PINK DRIVE: With the recent Totalsports Ladies Race in Stellenbosch, R2 of every in-store entry was donated to Pink Drive. Both the 2012 Totalsports Ladies Race Johannesburg and Stellenbosch support the Pink Drive campaign which is committed to improving breast cancer awareness, education, and providing and offering services to women across South Africa, particularly to those who do not have access to information on breast health. Here are (from left) Sumayah Solomon, Debbie Goodall (Pink Drive representative) and Robynne Trueman. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
THIS easy chocolate bred pudding is not only very easy to make, but also an inexpensive way to end a meal. Ingredients 500 ml milk 6 slices of bread - cubed 125 ml sugar 85 ml cocoa 2 egg yolks - lightly beaten 30 ml softened butter 5 ml vanilla extract/essence 2 egg whites - beaten to stiff peaks Method Pre-heat your oven to 180°C and grease a 20cm (8 inch) square oven-proof dish. Put the milk into a saucepan, bring to the boil and remove from heat. Add the bread cubes and whisk until quite smooth. Add sugar, cocoa and yolks, mix well. Add butter and vanilla then fold in the egg whites. Pour into the dish and place in a bain-marie. Bake for 30 minutes or
until firm to the touch. Serve with custard, cream or ice cream. -
This delicious chocolate bread pudding can be served with custard, cream or ice cream. . PHOTO: GOOGLE IMAGES
Make your medical savings funds stretch till yearend STATISTICALLY over half of South Africa’s eight million medical aid members would have by now run out of their medical savings funds that cover day-to-day expenses, which may contribute to less effective disease management. Mariska Fouché, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics, one of SA’s leading pharmaceutical companies says medical aid members who are faced with having to pay additional medical costs out of their own pockets, could limit their access to proper health care. “When patients do not take medicines as they should, there is a primary cost to their health of the illness not being properly treated, but there is also a secondary health cost when the original problem worsens and gets more expensive or even impossi-
ble to treat effectively. Therefore it is vital that medical scheme members manage their medical savings funds better,” says Fouché. She offers the following advice: ) Familiarise yourself with your scheme’s rules, in particular which expenses are paid from your benefits and which are paid out of your Medical Savings Account (MSA) to keep expenses in check. ) Family members should know and understand the medical aid rules and annual limits and how much money each person has to spend. ) Be sure to keep track of how much of your medical expenses were paid out of your own pocket during the previous year in order to claim tax benefits. ) Most medical aids require you to register your chronic condition before
payment is made from your “benefits” . If not registered, you will continue to pay from your MSA, so be sure to phone your medical scheme to find out if your chronic illness is a prescribed minimum benefit (PMB) condition. ) Choose generic medicine, which is often half the price of brand name medicines. ) Some doctors charge medical aid rates while others charge a much higher rate. Don’t feel embarrassed to request medical aid rates. ) Avoid extra charges for emergency treatments, unless you have a real crisis on your hands. ) If you have applied all of the above steps and are still not making it on your medical savings, then perhaps look at a different medical aid plan with a threshold benefit built into it.
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 14 • Dinsdag 14 Augustus 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Suspi vier mini Olimpiese Spele in Jamestown Terwyl Suid-Afrika se Olimpiese atlete deelneem aan die Olimpiese Spele in Londen, het Stellenbosch sy eerste mini- Olimpiese Spele op 4 Augustus in Jamestown aangebied. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch Sport Prestasie Instituut (Suspi), in samewerking met Weber Gedenk Primêr, het Saterdag gasheer gespeel vir 130 leerlinge van vyf plaaslike laerskole: Weber Gedenk, Groendal, Klapmuts, Raithby en Vlottenburg. David Kappel, projekkoördineerder van Suspi se Jeugsportinisiatief, en sy span van 30 jeugsportleiers van die uitreikprogram het uit hul pad gegaan om die 130 leerlinge soos ware kampioene te laat voel. Onder die toesig van twee fasiliteerders van die Suid-Afrikaanse nie-regeringsorganisasie Altus Sport, is die leerlinge in groepe ingedeel om sewe lande te verteenwoordig: Griekeland, Ghana, Malawi, Namibië, Nigerië, Uganda en Suid-Afrika. Net soos in Londen, het die miniOlimpiese Spele begin met ’n optog waartydens die sewe lande om die gemeenskapsportgronde in Jamestown geloop het. Die kinders het gesing en mekaar ondersteun in die gees van die
Remarco Snyders (Klapmuts) steek die “Olimpiese vlam” in Jamestown aan. Olimpiese Spele. Toe was dit tyd vir die Olimpiese fakkel om in Jamestown aan te kom en Remarco Snyders van Klapmuts het die eer gehad om die Olimpiese vlam aan te steek en so die formele deel van die seremonie af te skop. Gert Potgieter, ’n voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Olimpiese atleet en wêreldrekordhouer, het ’n motiveringstoespraak gelewer. “Hierdie geleentheid is ’n goeie voorbeeld van die passie en die invloed van die Olimpiese beweging, maar vandag gaan nie oor wen nie.
Ringe van HOOP.
Dit gaan oor pret en om nuwe vriende te maak. Vandag is ’n goeie geleentheid om te leer oor belangrike lewensvaardighede wat hand aan hand gaan met die Olimpiese waardes van respek, sportmanskap en vriendskap.” Ná Potgieter se inspirerende toespraak, het die kinders die volkslied gesing en die Olimpiese eed is voorgelees. Terence Moses, adjunkhoof van Weber Gedenk Primêr, het die spele amptelik oop verklaar.
Die kinders is besig gehou met straatsokker, hokkie, krieket, sakresies, limbo-dans, hoogspring, netbal en ’n lewensvaardigheidsessie oor die Olimpiese waardes. Die hoogtepunt van die dag was die aflos. Griekeland het eerste oor die wenstreep genael met SuidAfrika kort op hul hakke. Ná ’n kort afsluitingseremonie, het twee leerlinge van Weber Gedenk Primêr gedigte gelees oor die Olimpiese waardes. Die res van die deelnemers het elk ’n Suspi-medalje en ’n middag-
ete-pakkie, geborg deur Weber Gedenk Primêr, ontvang. “Dit was ’n ongelooflike dag vir die kinders en ons jeugleiers het fantastiese werk gedoen om die byeenkoms te organiseer. “Ons span het bewys dat ons reg is om gasheer te speel vir meer geleenthede van dié kaliber en ons hoop om nog borge te werf wat ons kan help om meer van Stellenbosch se kinders soos klein kampioene te laat voel,” het die organiseerder, David Kappel, gesê. –
Sponsor for Kayamandi’s Barca Juniors KAYAMANDI’S Barca Juniors soccer team has a new sponsor. Cellfind, a provider of GSM locationbased services, has become involved in an effort to give something back to the community. The sponsorship will kit the team out in shirts, socks and shorts for their competitive matches. Barca Juniors was founded by six policemen who wanted to help get young boys off the streets and away from the temptation to turn to petty crime as a means of alleviating boredom and frustration with a lack of opportunities. The police officers , who patrol the townships and suburbs of Stellenbosch, coach some 250 children five days a week ahead of matches every Saturday. The club was founded on the idea that the discipline, focus and commitment of
competitive sport will help the kids to succeed in life as well as on the football pitch. In addition to football coaching, the club offers the boys financial literacy training with a local bank manager, tutoring for their schoolwork, and leadership courses through a start-up company called Future Indefinite. “We are proud to support the hardworking volunteer coaches and the deserving young players of Barca Juniors as a sponsor,” said Jacques Swanepoel, MD of Cellfind, a subsidiary of the JSE-listed Blue Label Telecoms Group. “They have already achieved so much with limited resources. The work that Barca Juniors is doing for disadvantaged kids is inspiring – it is really helping them achieve the focus and confidence that will help them to excel in other areas of their lives.”
The Barca Juniors soccer team from Kayamandi.
ACTION AT DELVERA: Lyanda Thobigunya from Kayamandi High School and Claudia le Roux from Lückhoff High School participated at last weekend’s Spur School Mountain Bike League at Delvera outside Stellenbosch. Thobigunya finshed third in the category for Youth Men, while Le Roux was fourth in the Youth Women category. PHOTO: SUPPLIED