Stellenbosch Gazette 15 Jan 2013

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 15 January 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Locals tops in Challenge

Stuart Marais from Stellenbosch was crowned the champion in the individual men’s category of the Totalsports Challenge with an impressive finishing time of 5 hours, 13 minutes and 30 seconds for 1,5km swim, 50 km road bike (from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond), 13 km road run, 13 km K1 canoe, 25 km mountain bike and finally a 9 km beach run (the 12 km surfski was cancelled due to strong winds in Gordon’s Bay). PHOTOS: JETLINE ACTION PHOTO

Liezel and Conrad Stoltz also from Stellenbosch successfully defended their mixed team title in the Totalsports Terra Firma Challenge when they crossed the finish line in Kleinmond in a combined time of 4 hours, 14 minutes and 44 seconds. Here Conrad accompanies Liezel across the finish line in Kleinmond. Conrad completed the 50 km road ride and 25 km mountain bike disciplines, while Liezel completed the 13 km road run and 9 km beach run disciplines.


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Bokashi for food waste A project to help curb illegal dumping in Enkanini grew by leaps and bounds in 2012. To celebrate the success, the organisers held an year-end celebration at Kayamandi High School at the end of 2012. “The informal settlement of Enkanini is estimated to house almost 4 500 people and was established about seven years ago. Most people living there do not have electricity, except those that tap it illegally from Kayamandi or Plankenbrug, the neighbouring industrial area,” said project coordinator Vannessa von der Heyde, a masters student at the Sustainability Institute and funded by the National At the year-end function were (from left) Mziwamandla Mthelo Research Foundation. “People make use (Enkanini resident), Vanessa von der Heyde (MPhil student), Cllr of a total of 32 communal taps for their wa- Nokuthula Gugushe, Rupert van der Merwe (Probio), Nontuthuzeter needs and there are a total of 80 commu- lo Sileji (Enkanini resident), Saliem Haider (Solid Waste manager nal flushing toilets in the settlement. Road Stellenbosch Municipality), Alastair Burns(Probio); (front) Yondeaccess to the settlement is very limited.” la Tyawa (Enkanini resident). PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN The municipality performs household waste removal from seven concrete skips once a an extended period time. Once the food waste has week, but at times, food waste remains in the skips fermented sufficiently, it can be added to soil to increase soil quality.” for weeks. The partners in this pilot project are StellenIn June 2012, Stellenbosch Municipality performed a waste characterization study of the bosch Municipality, Probio Advanced Probiotics, greater Stellenbosch area, including Kayamandi and Von der Heyde. “The pilot project is set up and Enkanini. The results of this showed that around 100 households, all residing within the more that 50% (in mass) of waste being produced boundaries of Enkanini. Household members in the informal settlement consisted of organic were requested to attend an information session, matter. “Following the characterization study, a which was held by myself and three Enkanini pilot project focusing solely on food waste was im- community members who have been working plemented, with the objectives of taking food with me right from the start of my research. “Each household was given a Bokashi unit waste out of the general waste stream and processing it in a different manner, with the reasoning whichconsistsoftwo25litrebucketsplacedinside that removing the most hazardous material out one another, with the inside bucket having holes of the skips will help not only minimize the exist- drilled into it to allow for liquid drainage. Each ing problem, but also turn waste into a potential unit has clear instructions in Xhosa written on resource through methods such as composting. its side and it was explained very carefully to all “Bokashi, manufactured by Probio in Devon participants how to use the buckets and the Valley, was chosen as the treatment method for Bokashi EM,” Von der Heyde said. The participants then drop off their Bokashifood waste. Bokashi is a wheat bran material inoculated with efficient micro-organisms (EM). The treated food waste at a designated address in EM kick start a fermentation process, so instead Enkanini Section E. They are hoping to extend of food rotting, it ferments and can be stored for the project further early this year.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Maatreëls om water te spaar Die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit het waterbesparingsmaatreëls ingestel aangesien 45% van munisipale water vanuit hul eie waterbronne voorsien word. Die maatreëls is reeds van 1 Desember in werking. Volgens dié maatreëls word die gebruik van drinkbare water, soos deur die raad versprei, vir die natlei van tuine, grasperke, parke en openbare areas beperk tot tussen 05:00 en 10:00 in die oggend en 16:00 en 22:00 saans. ) Tuine by huise met onewe nommers mag op onewe kalenderdae natgelei word. ) Tuine by huise met ewe straatnommers mag op ewe kalenderdae natgelei word. ) Geen tuin mag op twee agtereenvolgende dae natgelei word nie. Die gebruik van spuitslange wat direk of indirek aan die raad se verspreidingstelsel gekoppel is, is verbode vir die was of afspoel van motorvoertuie, motorfietse of motorbote, los of vaste strukture, sypaadjies en geplaveide areas. Alle urinale wat outomaties spoel, moet toegedraai word in geboue wanneer die publiek en personeel, buiten skoonmaakpersoneel, sodanige geboue ontruim. Die beperkings, soos bo vermeld, sal nie van toepassing wees op die natlei van plante in kwekerye wat as sakeondernemings bedryf word of wat deur die raad of die staat

besit word nie. Verder ook nie op versamelings wat vir navorsingsdoeleindes onderhou word nie. Duinrehabilitasieprojekte, krieketvelde, rolbalvelde, gholfsetperke, kunsgrasvelde asook belangrike sportstadiums word ook vrygeskeld. Verder word die was van sekere geplaveide areas by abattoirs, persele wat vir die verwerking van kos gebruik word en motorskoonmaakdienste toegelaat. Spesiale vrystellings kan skriftelik by die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit aangevra word. Waar boorgatwater of ander ondrinkbare water gebruik word, moet dit duidelik met ’n bord aangedui word.

Ellerines open new shop Ellerines recently expanded to Stellenbosch and opened a new shop in Bird Street. Ellerines specialises in home appliances, beds and bedrooms suites, kitchen accessories and a whole lot more. “Our staff are very friendly and helpful, and will go the extra mile for each client,” said Rita Brink, the manager of the new store. “We plan to build our relationship with Stellenbosch and the rural areas and to keep on providing the excellent services and best prices, for which our brand is known.” Since its humble beginnings in a small furniture store in Germiston over 60 years ago, Ellerines has continued to live up to its promise to its customers, “Making life easier for you”, which sums up the value that the brand places in its loyal customers, who not only

take pride in their homes, but also in the relationship that they have developed with Ellerines over the years. Ellerines has always focused on offering quality merchandise at the lowest price, with the best credit offering and a variety of easy payment options. Ellerines now offer personal loans through African Bank for customers wanting to furnish their homes, but who are strapped for cash. The new store is situated at 63 Bird Street, behind Pick n Pay, and is open from 08:00 to 17:00 every weekday, from 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays and on selected Sundays from 09:00 to 12:00. For more information, call them at 021 883 3536, or speak to Himon (084 965 9852), Nolundi (072 365 6502) or Gilbert (072 362 8948).

Back to work and school wellness for the year ahead

Sleeping in or doing things at your own time, and then the alarm bell announcing that first day of school or work can be a rude awakening. It is time to head back to work or school. Here are a few health and wellness guidelines for the year ahead: ) First day chaos: If you’re heading to a new school, try to arrange a visit before classes begin. Explore any areas that are of particular interest such as the sports facilities, library, or science labs. Your first day is also the time to bring in school supplies and paperwork. It can help to pack your back-pack the night before school starts so you’re not scrambling around at the last minute looking for what you need. In addition to packing basic supplies (such as notebooks, pens, pencils, and a calculator), hunt down any of the school forms that need to be handed in. ) Pre-pack easy on-the-go meals: These could include anything from sandwiches and wraps to whole wheat rolls. Some great combinations are a tuna sandwich with dressing, a sweet-chilli chicken, lettuce and carrot wrap or a ham and fat-free cottage cheese low GI roll. ) Know what is required from you: Set five minutes aside the day before returning to school or work and plan. Your first day is usually made up of the plan for the first quarter or the year ahead. Getting your mind to focus is key. You will know already the results you want to attain and achieving it is a matter of putting a plan together, and then putting the plan into action. Allow for different personalities, different situations, discrepancies – all the things work and school are made of –, but usually a mistake can be put right again. ) Plan ahead: Get a wall calendar or personal planner. Mark projects as they are as-

signed and list any other time commitments you have. If the calendar becomes too full, hold off until things calm down. ) Stay ahead: Try not to fall behind. If you feel yourself falling behind and starting to feel frustrated, slow down and re-group your thoughts, thinking about what your end goal is. It’s better to get help early on than to wait until things fall apart. ) Communication is the key: Keep regular open lines of communication with teachers and professional people who know what they are doing as well as managers and supervisors. ) Important healthy eating habits: The following is a guide on how to make back to school and work a whole lot easier with healthy food choices: 1. A good breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Stick to high-fibre cereals like muesli and add a yoghurt. 2. Packed lunches are just as important – whole wheat sandwiches or rolls with a filling and fruit to accompany and a pure fruit juice add to a healthy lifestyle and great eating habits that can be sustained. Remember your eight glasses of water a day. Cheese portions, flavoured milk, biltong sticks, a fruit, unflavoured pretzels, avocado and peanut butter are all favourite lunch box ingredients. 3. Snacks are endless: Try fruit, crackers, fish and other pastes on crackers, yoghurts, cereal bars, rice cakes and soup. 4. Suppers can be just as easy – make double portions of everything and freeze for another dinner night. Easy meals that can be frozen include spaghetti bolognaise, butterbean and tomato salad, quick and easy chicken-a-laking, baked chicken, fish and roast potatoes and low-fat baked custards. – Information and tips on

Tuesday 15 January 2013

News - Nuus

So sê mens ‘dankie ma’


Social cohesion addressed The Independent Development Trust (IDT), on behalf of the national department of Arts and Culture, and the Western Cape provincial department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, will be hosting a Social Cohesion Conversation at the Protea La Cotte Hotel in Franschhoek on Wednesday 16 January. It will start at 17:30 for 18:00. During the session feedback will be provided on issues relating to the resolutions of the National Social Cohesion Summit held in July 2012 and previous engagements with the community in all districts in the Western Cape during 2011. Representatives of different community structures are invited to attend and participate in these planned sessions. The national department of Arts and Culture, on behalf of the South African government, hosted a National Social Cohesion Summit in July 2012. In the run-up to the summit, community dialogues on social cohesion were held with representatives of different community structures in all the districts in the country. The Western Cape Government’s department of Cultural Affairs and Sport conducted community conversations in the Cape

’n Gradeplegtigheid is vir die meeste studente die kersie op die koek van hul universiteitsloopbaan. Dit gaan gewoonlik gepaard met vreugde, verligting, groot applous en ’n paar ligte oomblikke. Vir die student Simone Nortmann, ’n studenteraadslid wat in 2012 met die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) HOOP-projek gemoeid was, was dit ook ’n geleentheid om haar ma vir haar studies te bedank. Sy het die gehoor by die US-fakulteit Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe se gradeplegtigheid in Desember 2012 laat regop sit toe sy haar toga laat oopval het om ’n T-hemp met die boodskap “Dankie Mamma” ten toon te stel. Sy het haar graad in Drama (BDram) verwerf. Die boodskap was gerig op haar enkelma, Tinkie Nortmann. Simone beplan om vanjaar verder aan die US te studeer en haar nagraadse onderwyssertifikaat (NOS) te verwerf. ) Sowat 4 500 Maties het van 11 tot 14 Desember 2012 hulle grade in die DF Malan-gedenksentrum ontvang. Vir een ouma, ouma Lettie van Zyl, was dit ’n trotse oomblik toe haar kleindogter, Mariet van Zyl, vanjaar haar BA-graad in visuele kunste ontvang het. Tien van ouma Van Zyl se kleinkinders (waarvan twee aangetroude kleinkinders is) het in 2011 aan die US studeer. Mariet was een van hulle. Twee van haar kleinkinders het in daardie stadium reeds hulle universiteitsopleiding voltooi. “Ek wonder of daar nog ’n familie in SuidAfrika is wat ons dit kan nadoen,” het sy onlangs in ’n brief aan prof, Russel Botman, USrektor en visekanselier, geskryf. “Daar is nog twee kleinkinders op skool en soos dit vir my lyk, wil hulle ook op Stellenbosch gaan studeer. Ek dink dit is regtig ’n pluimpie vir die US dat die kinders so graag

Stellenbosch Gazette

Metro and the five district municipalities of the Western Cape. Representatives of community structures raised pertinent issues during these conversations. Some communities proposed recommendations that government and its social partners needed to take cognizance of in the implementation of its programmes. The planned community feedback conversations are intended to ensure that the outcomes of the national summit are not only part of government programmes but are embraced, supported, and “made alive” by all communities in South Africa. The discussions, therefore, seek to mobilize community structures to work with government and with each other to create cohesive, inclusive communities and promote nation building. The programme for the day will allow the community to engage with the summit resolutions and programme of action by government in addressing some of the key social cohesion issues. It will also provide an opportunity for community representatives to learn from community based initiatives that are promoting social inclusion.

Simone Nortmann het by die US-gradeplegtigheid in Desember 2012 haar ma met ’n spesiale T-hemp bedank. FOTO: JUSTIN ALBERTS daar wil studeer. “Hul oupa, Bertie van Zyl, het self nie ’n universiteitsopleiding gehad nie, maar dit was sy wens dat sy kleinkinders die geleentheid moet kry en daarvoor het hy in sy trust voorsiening gemaak,” het sy verder gesê.


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49.99 per kg


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Jannah’s jazz at Oude Libertas Enjoy the smooth jazz sounds of Denise Jannah at her Oude Libertas sunset concert on 3 February. Sensual, singular and certainly missed by generations of fans the world over, Denise Jannah represents a class of vocal poetry with strong socio-political and spiritual tones. She is a sensational super performer and adds her own musical touches and emotional edge to jazz singing. Her music reflects this emotional edge as she blends French Gypsy jazz, swing, folk, tango

and waltz into her original songs in order to craft a fresh and unique style. The blend of a hot gypsy rhythm section, violin, accordion and soulful, jazzy vocals create a sound that is very difficult not to get up and dance to. The swing revolution is here. Denise Jannah will be performing live at Oude Libertas amphitheatre on 3 February. Tickets cost R120 or R140 per person. The show starts at 18:30. Book now at or at Computicket.

Using your rubbish The Pink Geranium Nursery is hosting a workshop by Cobus Smit on Saturday 26 January. The workshop is called “Let your rubbish flourish”. Those attending will discover a world of EM, bokashi and earthworms. You will also learn how to harvest food

from your own compost heap within six weeks. The workshop will be held from 09:30 to 11:30 and the cost is R60 per person. It includes light refreshments. Book now by calling 021 884 4313 or sending an email to

Kaasfees is net om die draai Peusel, proe en smul aan die grootste verskeidenheid kaas onder een dak by die 2013 SA Kaasfees van 26 tot 28 April by Sandringham buite Stellenbosch. Kaas is meer as ’n heilsame happie. Met ’n smelt-in-die-mond Camembert, ’n sterk bloukaas en ’n ewe geurige bokmelkkaas het jy terstond ’n vrolike fees. ’n Splinternuwe Vrydag laataand-program sal sorg vir ’n uitgebreide feeservaring. Skop jou kantoorskoene uit teen tjaila-tyd en kom Kaasfees toe vir ’n laataand-kuier met musiek deur bekende musikante en ’n volmaan piekniek met jou watertand-aankope. Die Kaasfees bring jaarliks ’n aantal boetiek kaasmakers van regoor die land by Sandringham byeen. Kom ontmoet dié kaasmakers wat daagliks klein hoeveelhede kaas met groot sorg en geduld met die hand maak en proe terselfdertyd die verskeidenheid van ons land se groter kaasmake-

Belangrike datums vir US-eerstejaars ’n Opwindende verwelkomingsprogram wag op nuwelingstudente wat vanjaar by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) kom studeer.

Denise Jannah will be performing at Oude Libertas on 3 February.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Hier volg ’n paar belangrike datums: ) Woensdag, 23 Januarie: Eerstejaarstudente meld by koshuise en PSO-wyke aan. ) Donderdag, 24 Januarie: Amptelike verwelkoming om 10:00 by die Danie Craven-stadion. Die US-rektor, prof. Russel Botman, sal die nuwelingstudente verwelkom. Dit is verpligtend vir alle eerstejaarstudente. Ouers word ook vriendelik genooi om die geleentheid by te woon. Studente en ouers moet vroeg kom om parkering en sitplek te kry. Bring ook sonskerm saam. Mediese studente en hul ouers woon ook die geleentheid by voor hulle na die Tygerberg-kampus vertrek. Ná afloop van die amptelike verwelkoming sal ouers die geleentheid kry om die dekaan van die fakulteit waaraan hul kinders verbonde sal wees, te ontmoet. ) Vrydag, 25 Januarie: Studente kom van 08:00 tot 12:00 in hul klusters bymekaar. Studente sal ook in die namiddag in hul fakulteite bymekaarkom vir ’n verwelkoming deur dekane en ’n bekendstelling van die onderskeie fakulteite. ) Saterdag, 26 Januarie: Alle studente

skryf die oggend taalplasingstoetse. ’n Verenigingsbekendstelling sal ook van 13:00 tot 19:00 op die Rooiplein en in die Neelsie aangebied word. Die Maties MAD²-program sal van 28 Januarie tot 8 Februarie aangebied word. Die tema vanjaar is HeroToons. Hier volg die onderskeie aktiwiteite: ) 28 Januarie: Bondelsport op Coetzenburg van 18:00 tot 20:00. ) 31 Januarie: Vensters, van 19:00 tot 23:00. ) 1 Februarie: Gemeenskapsinteraksieoggend. ) 2 Februarie: March for MADness (MAD²-pretloop) van 09:00 af. ’n Gemeenskapsfees word ook van 12:00 tot 24:00 op die Van der Stel-sportgronde aangebied. ) 4 Februarie: Opening van die Boekhoek vir tweedehandse boeke. ) 4 tot 8 Februarie: Coca-Cola Big Bleed in die Neelsie. Die Maties se eerste Varsity Cup-wedstryd teen die Universiteit van Johannesburg word op 4 Februarie gehou. Bel Cindy van der Merwe by 021 808 4561 of stuur ’n epos na vir meer inligting. Besoek vir meer inligting oor die verwelkomingsprogram vir eerstejaarstudente.

rye. Verlustig jou in ’n oorvloed van snoeperye en keurprodukte van uitgesoekte produsente. Kaas kry vlerke in die Checkers-teater met Nataniël aan die stuur en in die Kos-teater waar verskeie koskenners jou vermaak met die nuutste kookkunsies. Die kleinspan kan nader staan vir ure se pret en vermaak met springkastele, stokbroodmaak en meer. Die Melkfabriek met sy koeie, bokke en skape sal jonk en oud bekoor. Koop jou R115 kaartjie by jou naaste Computicket of Checkers (geen kaartjies by die hekke). Senior burgers betaal R90 en kinders 13 jaar en jonger verkry gratis toegang. Die hekke is Vrydag oop van 10:00 tot 22:00, Saterdag van 10:00 tot 18:00 en Sondag 10:00 tot 17:00. Glase is teen R15 by die hekke beskikbaar. Vir meer volledige inligting kontak Agri-Expo by tel 021 975 4440 of of besoek

KERSFEES OP RAITHBY: Die Raithby-gemeenskap het gedurende Desember 2012 ’n feestelike kersboom-aand gehou met kore, ’n orkes, sangers en stalletjies. Die geleentheid is by die plaaslike Methodiste kerk gehou. Hier (van links) is wykskomiteelid, Owen Gordon, wat met die opsit van die kersboom gehelp het, wyksraadslid Ansaaf Crombie, wat die liggies aangeskakel het, en die onderburgemeester, Martin Smuts, wat as geleentheidsspreker opgetree het. FOTO: DAWID BOTHA

Blaauwklippen market There is no time like the beginning of the New Year to start clearing out your clutter and maybe earning some extra cash. The Blaauwklippen Antique Fair, on the R44 to Somerset West, will reopen again for the year on Sunday, 20 January in the function room, next to the restaurant. The market will be open from 10:00 tot 15:30 and entrance is free. An abundance of antique and costume jewellery, porcelain, silver, glass, art, linen and lace, collectables and small furnishings will be on sale. Should you have any of these items you would like evaluated to sell, please call the convenor, Barbara Collins at 083 444 0133 to arrange a time.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette


Nice & easy chicken breyani

Easy chicken breyani


It’s back to school and work for most of our readers. Here is an easy chicken breyani recipe for a quick supper. Ingredients 4 chicken breasts – cut in small pieces 250 g rice 1 onion – sliced thinly 1Tbs curry powder 2 tsp turmeric Vegetable oil 1 F chicken stock Salt Pepper 1 can lentils – optional 1 sachet Spice Mecca breyani spice mix Serving suggestions 1 boiled egg

1 tomato – de-seeded and finely chopped Chopped coriander Toasted almond slivers ½ cup sultanas or chopped dried apricots Method 1. Heat the oil in a pot and add onion and all the spices. Stir and brown slightly and allow to soften. 2. Add the chicken or lentils and just stir through. 3. Add the rice and stock and simmer for about 30 minutes until the rice is cooked and has absorbed all the liquid. 4. Taste and adjust seasoning. Dish up and dress with the almonds, chopped tomato, a boiled egg and chopped coriander. - Recipe from

’n Fees van kos en wyn wag met Riesling Rocks Maak ’n draai by Hartenberg Wynlandgoed op Saterdag, 9 Februarie vir die tweede Riesling Rocks-fees en geniet top Riesling wyne van die beste kelders in Suid Afrika met heerlike deli-lekkernye. Carl Schultz, die toegekende wynmaker van Hartenberg, een van Suid-Afrika se voorste Riesling-produsente, het die crème de la crème van wynkelders uitgenooi om hul Rieslings ten toon te stel op hierdie heerlike kos- en wynfees buite Stellenbosch. Riesling is moontlik een van die mees veelsydigste wyne en kan met bykans enige kos geniet word. ’n Droë Riesling verrig wondere met verskeie disse soos soesji, gravadlax, oesters en antipasti, terwyl effe-droë Rieslings uitstekend saam met pikante kosse soos Thai-

garnale, chorizo of selfs haring en rollmops werk. Soeter Rieslings balanseer weer ryk kosse soos patees en terrien, eend en gebraaide varkvleis, maar werk ook pragtig met kerriedisse. Riesling is uitstekende nagereg-wyne veral met vrugte-, pekanneut- of suurlemoentert en kaas, Riesling Rocks vind plaas op 9 Februarie by Hartenberg, van 12:00 tot 17:00. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R180 per persoon, wat ’n wynglas insluit en kan direk van Hartenberg of by verkry word. Vir meer inligting bel gerus 021 865 2541, e-pos of besoek Hartenberg Wynlandgoed is geleë buite Stellenbosch op die Bottelary pad (M23).

Heerlike lekkernye om van te kies en te keur.



Only two weeks till feast of food & wine EUNICE VISAGIE With only two weeks till the brand new Stellenbosch Wine Festival kicks off – from 25 January till 3 February – tickets can now be bought at Ticket prices range from R150 for the Stellenbosch Wine Festival Wine Expo that includes a glass and free wine tasting and a park-andride shuttle ticket. The Stellenbosch Wine Festival Lifestyle Experience is R250 and includes a glass, free wine tasting and free food tasting. The Wine Expo is from 1 till 3 February at Die Braak. The American Express Wine and Dine is a ten-day restaurant promotion whereby selected Stellenbosch restaurants (30 outlets) create a food and wine pairing. The other event on the calendar that runs for the whole festival is the American Express Winery Experience where each wine farm will host a special event. These wine estates include Alto, Delheim, Beyerskloof, Jordan, Knorhoek, JC le Roux, Neethlingshof, Simonsig, Uitkyk and Overgaauw. For more details on the festival visit, contact Worldsport 0 021 426 5775 or the Wine Route 0 021 886 8275.



products have been styled for photography.



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pick n pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. please check availability: 0800 11 22 88 (toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply). We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. advertised prices are inclusive of VaT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.

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General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Summer safety tips Summer is here, but with all the fun that comes with the sun, there are also some added danger during the fire season. Volunteer Wildfire Services, which works under the authority of SANParks and CapeNature, would like to offer basic wildfire safety tips for the months ahead. ) If going into the mountains check the Fire Danger Index (FDI) available at ) If hiking or walking always carry water, at least 2 litres. ) If you spot a wildfire, make a plan, don’t panic. ) Phone for help, alert authorities to your presence. ) Never run uphill or up a slope from a wildfire. ) If possible move sideways towards the flatter ground. ) Wildfires move with the wind, so move away and against the wind. ) Look for anything that could help shield yourself from the fire’s heat. ) If caught in a wildfire, look for natural breaks in vegetation such as cleared or rocky areas, depressions or large bodies of water. Clear away any vegetation you can away before the fire arrives. ) Get into those areas, get low to the ground and breath through a natural fabric. ) On a mountainside the back side is safer. Avoid canyons (kloofs), natural “chimneys” and saddles. ) If a road is nearby, lie face down along the road and cover yourself with a shield

that will not melt or burn. ) Discard any non cotton clothing as this could catch fire or melt onto you. ) After the fire passes remember danger is not over. Burned trees fall without warning. ) After a fire, the burnt ground and debris is still hot and can burn you. ) Never leave a campfire unattended, always completely extinguish the fire before sleeping or leaving. ) Make sure camp fires or braai’s are a safe distance from any flammable material. ) Never braai or make camp fires in prohibited areas. ) Never throw cigarettes or matches from a car window. ) Never make bonfires in windy conditions. The Western Cape government provides the following tips for safety in the home: ) Keep a well-maintained fire extinguisher in your house, and know how to use it. ) If you have a garden hose, keep it rolled up and ready in case of a fire. ) Where possible, have more than one exit from your house. ) Have an escape plan, and make sure that the whole family knows the plan. ) Do not park in the way of a fire hydrant (and remind your neighbours and visitors to do the same). Anyone can get involved with the Volunteer Wildfire Services and help curb wildfires. Visit for their next training dates.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Molenhof-inwoners se heerlike Kersbederf Die inwoners van Molenhof is in Desember 2012 heerlik bederf tydens hul jaarlikse Kerspartytjie toe goedhartige individue van die dorp gehelp het om die geleentheid spesiaal te maak.

Die inwoners van dié selfsorgeenhede is almal senior burgers en hulle meen soos die inflasie styg, krimp hul spaargeld ook. Tydens die jaarlikse Kersete het die inwoners hul dank uitgespreek teenoor diegene wat ’n verskil gemaak het in die inwoners se lewens. Dié weldoeners sluit in Elsabé Bezuidenhout van Vredenheim wat die plaas en restaurant beskikbaar gestel het vir ’n funksie om geld in te samel vir Molenhof. Die geld is tydens die Kersete oorhandig. Elkeen van die inwoners het ook ’n klein geldgeskenkie ontvang. Scharalta Bruwer, een van Elsabé se werkne-

mers wat haar in die projek ondersteun het, is ook vir haar bydrae bedank. Danie van den Berg, die sekretaris van die Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds, is ook bedank vir die geld wat hulle beskikbaar gestel het om twee van die woonstelle, wat reeds 60 jaar oud is, op te gradeer. Die direksie poog om genoeg geld te bekom om al 28 woonstelle oor die volgende paar jaar op te knap. Ook Dulcie Walters, wat al jare by Molenhof betrokke is, is bedank vir haar bydrae. Sy gee jaarliks ’n Kerskoevertjie aan elkeen van die inwoners. Willem Lubbe, bekende sakeman van Stellenbosch, is reeds sedert die stigting van Molenhof in 1956 betrokke by die bestuur as direksielid. Die inwoners van Molenhof het by die geleentheid met swaar harte van Willem afskeid geneem wat ná 50 jaar as voorsitter van die direksie die tuig neergelê het.

Gee sop vir haweloses Stellenbosch-nagskuiling het vrywilligers nodig om sop te kook vir die haweloses wat by die skuiling woon. Stellenbossers en hulle vriende, familie of kollegas kan deel word van ’n span wat |


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Hier is diegene wat ’n verskil gemaak het in die Molenhof-hof inwoners se lewens vanjaar (voor van links): Dulcie Walters, Willem Lubbe, Rikie Bezuidenhout en Danie van den Berg; agter is ’sommige van die inwoners van Molenhof, Charmaine Ulrich, Martha le Roux, Ria de Goede, Dolly van Dyk en Gienie Prins. WELL KNOWN Franchise restaurant is looking for a general Manager. Please forward your CV to mbsomersetwest@ VACANCIES AVAILABLE: 1X Mechanical General Worker. 1X Semi-skilled Mechanic. 1X Semi-skilled Panelbeater. 1X Bodyfiller Assistant. 1X General Worker. 1X Stripper & Assembler. 1X Paintshop Assistant. Please only apply if you have contactable references. Experience essential. Contact 021 887 4217.

Spesiale dienste


Van der Merwes hou makietie op Backsberg Van 1 tot 3 Maart 2013 sal mense van regoor Suid-Afrika byeenkom om hul familienaam en voorouers op die Van der Merwefees te eer. Dit sal dan 352 jaar wees vandat die eerste Van der Merwe in Tafelbaai aangeland het. Die fees het ten doel om mense te kry om in hul verlede te delf en hulle aan hul voorouers te herinner. By die fees sal daar ook hulde gebring word aan die Van der Merwes wat die weg gekerf het tot waar die nageslag vandag staan. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon.

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Daar sal kosstalletjies, kunsuitstallings, toere na die oorspronklike familieplaas, ’n kinderarea, geskiedkundige praatjies, asook musiekoptredes deur onder andere Wicus van der Merwe en die Mej. Van der Merwe-kompetisie aangebied word. Die fees word op die Backsberg-wynlandgoed gehou. Kaartjies is by Computicket beskikbaar. Besoek ook die webwerf by of bel Nicolene by 079 642 2892. E-posse kan ook aan gestuur word.

Agricultural Research Council

Harvest Experience for 2013 ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij in Stellenbosch has positions available for finalyear Cellar Technology students looking for experiential training, or candidates that have cellar or winemaking experience. These positions are available from the end of February until the end of April 2013. If you are interested, kindly send your CV to fax: (021) 809-3002, or e-mail: For enquiries, please phone Craig Paulsen on (021) 809-3091. Human Communications 94370

Tuesday 15 January 2013

General - Algemeen

Begin ’n besigheid tydens gapingsjaar Dit is deesdae die “in ding” vir skoolverlaters, pas gegradueerde studente of studente wat hul studies staak om ’n blaaskans met ’n gapingsjaar te neem. Die veronderstelling is dat dit meer duidelikheid oor ’n loopbaan sal gee of wat in die lewe bereik wil word, maar gebeur dit werklik?

Volgens De Wet Schoeman, direkteur van die sentrum vir toegepaste entrepreneurskap aan USB bestuursontwikkeling (USB-BO), die publieke bestuursontwikkeling en opleidingsmaatskappy van die Universiteit Stellenbosch bestuurskool, is dit nie altyd die geval nie. “Die probleem is dat só ’n gapingsjaar nie gestruktureerd met leiding is nie. Selfs ná so ’n gapingsjaar weet baie steeds nie wat hulle wil doen nie. “Dit is met dit ingedagte dat die sentrum ’n gapingsjaar-sertifikaat in entrepreneurskap en bestuur ontwikkel het ten einde so ’n gapingsjaar so produktief as moontlik te maak. Dit help deelnemers om hulself te ontdek, wat hul doelwitte is en hoe om daarby uit te kom. “Die program help hul om te verstaan dat indien hul nie die inisiatief neem nie, deure nie vanself sal open nie. Die fokus is om entrepreneuriese denke aan te wakker en ’n persoon te


I failed matric – now what?

help om sy voete te vind, om hulself te leer ken en in watter rigting in die lewe te gaan,” sê Schoeman. Die program sal in 2013 vir die derde jaar aangebied word en begin op 4 Februarie. Die eerste ses maande van die program word op Stellenbosch aangebied, waarna deelnemers aangemoedig word om met hul eie entrepreneuriese inisiatiewe te begin. Hul kan na hul eie omgewing terugkeer en steeds gapingsjaarleiding ontvang. Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 21 Januarie 2013. Net ’n beperkte aantal deelnemers word toegelaat. Met die program wat nou vir die derde jaar aangebied word, het vorige programme reeds vrugte afgewerp. Vir meer inligting besoek gap of bel Charmaine Garcia by 021 918 4488 of

Consider debt counselling before you land in trouble If you have emerged from the festive season depressed by your debt situation, make it your 2013’s resolution to take control of your finances again, says Mmadikwa Phoshoko, debt counsellor at Legal & Tax. Phoshoko says that over-indebted consumers have a range of options for finding their way of out of a tight financial corner without having goods repossessed or getting blacklisted by a credit bureau. As a start, you can ask your creditors – the people who loaned you money – to change your repayment terms to ones that you are better able to match each month. But if that option will not work, you could look at entering the debt counselling process, says Phoshoko. This is a legal process where you apply to have your debt restructured so that you can pay household expenses and still be able to pay off debt at a reduced instalment at the end of the month. “Don’t think of debt counselling as an easy way out though – it is a process that demands commitment and sacrifice from you. But it can be the fresh start you need if you have become overburdened by debt.” You can enter the debt counselling process by approaching a counsellor who is registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR). If you are unsure who to use, contact the NCR to check for a debt counsellor in your area. The debt counsellor will take care of your debt restructuring process for you, which

Stellenbosch Gazette

will culminate with seeking a consent order for new payment agreements in court. The consent order insures that your creditors stick to the new repayment arrangement and may not take legal action against you, says Phoshoko. As there is no guarantee that your creditors will agree to the proposals made on your behalf by the counsellor, an application will have to be made to a court to possibly force your creditors to accept less than what they want in line with your financial circumstances. If some of your creditors have taken legal action for late or non-payment of your accounts, those debts cannot be included under the debt counselling processes. “If you are in trouble with debt, you should apply for debt counselling before it is too late.” Phoshoko also says that before you enter the debt counselling process, you should consider the following: ) Debt counselling involves reducing your monthly payments on your debts, therefore it will take longer for you to settle the amount you owe and you will pay more interest. ) Debt counselling has a fee attached to it. ) Under debt counselling, you are unable to get more credit and you cannot make further use of your credit facilities. If there is no other way out of your financial difficulties, consider debt counselling as your road to a better, debt-free life.

Successful students have various attributes that helps them being the best students they possibly can be. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Every year in South Africa, thousands of candidates sit down to write their final exams. While some pass with flying colours, others will be left feeling frustrated with their grades – faced with even tougher prospects of finding work when one in two young South Africans is already jobless. “Matric is often mistakenly seen as a door-die situation,” says Janine Shamos, resilience therapist and lecturer . “The trick is for matriculants to learn from their mistakes – failing matric or not doing as well as you’d hoped does not have to be the end of the road. From supplementary exams to university programmes, like the Midrand Graduate Institute’s Pre-degree Programme – the trick is to explore all your options.” ) SO, WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? “Candidates may apply for re-marking or re-checking of examination scripts immediately after receiving their results,” says Mr. Panyaza Lesufi, chief director of communications and spokesperson for the Department of Basic Education. “The closing date for application for a re-mark or re-check is 23 January 2012. Application forms for remarking or re-checking of examination answer scripts are available from schools or centres where the candidates sat for the examination.” The cost for a re-check is R12; for a re-mark, R70; and R150 to view your exam script. Learners from no-fee schools are exempt from these fees. ) SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS Matrics who failed less than three exams can apply to write supplementary exams at the start of 2012. They will need to register at their education district office, with their ID, exam results and exam number. Qualifying learners for supplementary should not waste any time registering as there is a cutoff point. The supplementary exams are then written between February and March. For more info, visit No fees will be charged for supplementary exams. ) RE-DO YOUR MATRIC Learners who do not qualify for supplementary exams and are under 21 are encouraged to re-enrol in school as soon as possible to re-do their Matric. For those unable or

unwilling to return to the same school, private colleges such as Abbotts present another option. “If you fail Grade 12, it is possible to move across to an Abbotts college,” says Greg Fillmore, GM of the specialist network of Grade 10, 11 and 12 colleges in South Africa. “We have a 100% pass rate as we’re a purely academic institution, and include supervised homework periods.” ) FET COLLEGES “Candidates can also opt for vocational training,” says Lesufi. “The National Certificate (Vocational) and the N Courses (N3 – N6) accommodate learners who have not achieved a matric certificate and these learners are able to exit the FET College with a vocational qualification. Learners with credits from the National Senior Certificate (matric) will receive recognition for equivalent subjects when enrolling for the NC(V), which can serve as incentive for entry to the Vocational stream.” ) BRIDGE THE GAP For those who do pass matric, but would like to improve their grades for entry into certain courses or universities, a bridging year is a good option. Whilst currently in short supply in South Africa, public benefit organisations such as Equal Education and the South African Education and Environment Project (SAEP) in the Western Cape offer limited places to youth to ensure they are not just academically prepared, but also have the necessary life skills to navigate life at tertiary institutions. ) STUDYING WITHOUT MATRIC or MATRIC EXEMPTION “Even if your matric certificate does not give you university entrance, it’s possible you qualify for an alternative course of study that, though slightly different, may still be in line with your career aspirations,” says Kerry Damons of Boston City Campus and Business College. “An option that’s often disregarded or underestimated is to enrol for shorter courses. For more information on internships, learnerships and careers, go to or or dial *120*1046# on your phone.

Attributes of successful students

In tertiary study, the responsibility for student success moves from the institution to the student, who will need to start cultivating the following characteristics to achieve success in their studies and beyond: ) Attitude An individual’s attitude tends to be a common measure determining whether they will succeed in anything that they do. A student with a positive attitude possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even if some of them are not interesting. They are able to realise the importance of the entirety of the subject towards the overall success in the course and does not give up easily. A student with a positive attitude will also take advantage of all the institutional support provided. A successful student is goal-oriented and believes that he/she can and will succeed. ) Academic skills A student cannot succeed if he does not possess the skills to deal with academic work at university or college level. Studies have shown that acquiring the academic skills needed contributes enormously to success – more so than simple measures of innate ability. At college level, students are expected to study independently most of the time. Without the ability to read comprehensively, write effectively, speak fluently, and to communicate clearly, chances of success are reduced. ) Interpersonal skills Much as college or university studies demand an amount of independent work, a successful student is also a student with positive inter-personal skills. This increases the student’s ability to interact with other students, make friends and be an active member of study groups. It also enables the student to seek out and use help when it is most needed and therefore feeds positive attitude and the develop-

ment of academic skills. ) Self-motivation and self-discipline At university level, students are expected to work more independently and with much less direction from lecturers than at high school. More so if they study online. This requires a lot of self-motivation during those times when the lecturer is not there. Much self-discipline goes into the completion of assignments on time, research and doing other academic activities. A student whose goal is to succeed is able to stick to this kind of discipline. ) Good time-management skills Successful students learn how to manage their time. This goes together with self-discipline. Being able to manage time, the student is able to prepare for various academic activities, including preparation for tests and examinations. The student is able to communicate effectively with lecturers due to the ability to prepare ahead of time and stick to appointments. ) Perceptiveness Student perceptiveness starts with the selection of a career and going to college or university to pursue it. This means that the student is accurately able to interpret her ambition and then seek the right route to achieving it. On a more micro level, a student who can interpret and perceive meanings from the curriculum and general conversations is better able to master material and structure arguments. A good student almost always perceives right meaning from conversations, but an average student often misunderstands the original thoughts, ending up with wrong conclusions. This attribute is perhaps the hardest to develop as it relies on more than acquired habits. One thing that a student could do to build this ability is to deliberately invite feedback from others on meanings and conclusions being reached.

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 15 Januarie 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840


Later die dag was daar ook ’n gelukkige trekking en Lauren STELLENBOSCH & DISTRIKTE TOERNOOI: Die Stellenbosch & Distrikte se krieketklub het einde verlede jaar ’n ses-aan-’n-kant-toernooi aangebied Roberts het een van die pryse gewen. Hier is sy saam ten bate van liefdadigheid. Die Pro-Digy’s het die toernooi gewen. FOTO’S: VERSKAF met Wilfred Adams.

Sportprestasies in 2013 word erken Vanjaar gaan Eikestadnuus nie net erkenning gee aan die plaaslike skole se individuele sportsterre nie, maar ook die spanne wat uitblink. Die maandelikse Let’s Play/Eikestadnuus sportster van die maand begin saam met die aanvang van die skole en nominasies vir Januarie moet voor of op Maandag 28 Januarie ingedien word. In 2013 wil Eikestadnuus egter skole aanmoedig om ook sportspanne te nomineer vir die sportspan van die maand-kompetisie. Alle nominasies moet aan gestuur word. Vir nadere besonderhede bel Eikestadnuus by 021 887 2840.

SLF hou algemene jaarvergadering Die Stellenbosch Local Football-vereniging se algemene jaarvergadering is op Saterdag 26 Januarie te Nietvoorbij-saal. Dit begin om 10:00 en duur tot 12:00. Alle geaffilieerde klubs asook nuwe klubs wat wil aansluit moet die vergadering bywoon. Bel Anthony Bailey 0 083 635 2162.

Coronations oefen Die Stellenbosch Coronations-rugbyklub se voorbereiding vir die nuwe seisoen begin vandag. Belangstellendes moet elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 19:00 by die Idasvalleisportgronde bymekaarkom. Huidige en nuwe spelers is welkom om by die oefening aan te sluit. Vir meer besonderhede bel die afrigter Riaan Pietersen 071 848 7919.

Draf, stap en gholf by wynfees Daar is verskeie sportaktiwiteite wat vanjaar deel van die Stellenbosch-wynfees uitmaak. Op Saterdag 26 Januarie is die eerste Pick n Pay Womens Walk van die jaar. Dit begin en eindig op die rugbyveld langs die Danie Craven-stadion. Donderdag 31 Januarie die Grape Golf Challenge by die De Zalze-gholfbaan. Drawwers kan nader staan vir die veldwedloop deur die wingerde op 3 Februarie. Al die besonderhede vir dié wedloop is nog nie beskikbaar nie. Dit gaan waarskynlik by Blaauwklippen plaasvind. Vir meer besonderhede of om vir die byeenkomste in te skryf, besoek

United and City dominate United sealed a needlessly nervy 2–1 home win over eighth-placed Liverpool to maintain their seven-point lead. In contrast, the game in London was never in doubt with City winning 2–0 for their first league win at Arsenal in 38 years. City was given a helping hand by the tenthminute dismissal of Laurent Koscielny of Arsenal for wrestling Edin Dzeko to the ground before James Milner and Dzeko netted before the break. Liverpool have had to watch with horror over the last two decades as big rivals United undisputedly crowned themselves kings of the English game, trampling over the Anfield side’s legacy after they had shone the brightest in the 1970s and 80s. Robin van Persie and Vidic netted goals for

United, while Daniel Sturridge scored for the Reds. City were hardly ever in danger at sixthplaced Arsenal and despite the angry response from the famously placid home fans, referee Mike Dean had little choice but to dismiss defender Koscielny for the offending bear hug and award a penalty. Dzeko’s spot kick hit keeper Wojciech Szczesny, rebounded off the post and ran along the line into the Pole’s grateful arms. City have usurped Arsenal as continual title challengers and their class against ten men soon told when Milner rifled in a smart effort in the 21st minute after a good Carlos Tevez pass following a quick free kick. Arsenal supporters also outraged by the free kick award sang “1–0 to the referee” but that was disingenuous given the foothold of Roberto Mancini’s side and it was soon 2–0. England midfielder Milner whipped in a cross and though the keeper stopped Tevez’s close range effort, Dzeko could not miss. –

VDS begin oefen vir 2013-seisoen

Metro-netbalunie kom byeen in Strand

Van der Stel-rugbyklub (VDS) se voorbereiding vir die 2013-seisoen begin op Dinsdag 15 Januarie om 18:30 by die Van der Stelsportgronde by Bergzichstraat. Dit sal die eerste amptelike oefening van die nuwe rugbyseisoen wees. Nuwe en oud-spelers is welkom. Die klub het drie senior spanne en daar sal weer ’n o.20-span wees om voort te bou op die sukses van verlede jaar. Kontakpersone: Werner Truter 0 082 563 1210 en Hendré Smit 0 082 874 3995.

Die Metro-netbalunie se bedrywighede vir die nuwe jaar begin amptelik by die bestuursvergadering op Dinsdag 22 Januarie om 19:30. Die algemene jaarvergadering vind Dinsdag 29 Januarie om 19:30 by die Strand se Gustrosportgronde plaas. Die volgende dorpe se netbalklubs is uitgenooi: Stellenbosch, Strand, Firgrove, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Macassar, Faure en Franschhoek. Vir meer besonderhede bel Caroline Scholtz by 073 948 3583, Racheline Thomas by 074 774 8730 of Sanna Booysen by 076 737 0800.

Premier League leaders Manchester United and second-placed champions Manchester City put former English heavyweights Liverpool and Arsenal firmly in their place this past weekend.

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