Stellenbosch Gazette 18 Dec 2012

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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Tuesday 18 December 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Vullishoop brand

Die Stellenbosch munisipale stortingsterrein het Donderdag rondom 15:30 begin brand, en die brandweer het tot laatnag die vlamme probeer blus. Teen Vrydag het dit nog gesmeul. Volgens werkers by die stortingsterrein is hulle nie seker hoe die brand begin het nie aangesien niemand in die area was toe dit ontstaan het nie. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Disaster plan in action for the fire season The fire season is officially here, but emergency services have made sure that they are ready and on stand by in case of wildfire. The Provincial Government of the Western Cape, through its Chief Directorate, Disaster Management and Fire Brigade Services, has embarked upon a pro-active approach to managing veld fires, which occur in certain parts of the province mainly between the months of December and April each year. “The past year has seen heavy rainfall which has produced prolific growth around the region. Rainfall, temperature and wind will determine how vulnerable the landscape will be to fire this summer,” said Chief Director Colin Deiner. The department’s approach to managing these fires in the province includes the placement of strategically located fire fighting aircraft and helicopters which can be deployed to rapidly respond to veld fires in the early stages. The partnership between the Disaster Management and Fire Brigade Services of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape, and that of the City of Cape Town, Cape Winelands, Overberg, Eden, West Coast District municipalities, and additionally the Table Mountain National Park, Working on Fire, Cape Pine and Cape Nature is working well. “The management of emergencies is a shared responsibility involving many organisations and people in the community.

Although some organisations have specialist roles, veld fire management is not something done by one single organisation,” Deiner said. The various municipal fire services have established standards and protocol for providing their communities with a seamless and effective fire fighting service across jurisdictional boundaries. This integrated approach is an effective way to ensure timely action to veld fires and provides a mechanism for achieving better outcomes by allowing the fire services authorities, fire agencies and landowners to effectively work together before, during and after a fire. The Provincial Government of the Western Cape, Department of Local Government urges citizens to be aware of the fire danger this summer and take cognisance of the following: ) Know what the fire danger rating is for each day of the veld fire season. ) If you receive a Veld Fire Alert, take it seriously and act promptly. ) Listen and look for information on radio and TV, the internet, mobile phones and through speaking with neighbours. ) Watch for signs of fire, especially smoke and flames. ) Have the local fire services emergency contact numbers available to prevent time delays in activating the necessary response. Veld fire prevention is the responsibility of all and can only be achieved through a concert-

The emergency number for reporting of veld fires in the Cape Winelands District 021 887 4446.

Veld fires are common during fire season, from December to April.


Urgent appeal to liquor licensees

Cellphone is also a lifesaver The festive holiday season ranks among the most dangerous times of the year on South Africa’s roads. But savvy travellers can safely find their way through the dangers with these hints and tips from Cellfind, a subsidiary of Blue Label Telecoms ) Always travel with a first aid kit and consider taking a course about the basics of first aid. ) Ensure that your cellphone battery is fully charged when you embark on a trip. ) Have emergency contacts saved on your phone. This will assist paramedics or police, should they need to urgently get hold of your friends and family in the event of an accident. ) Research indicates that using a mobile phone while driving increases the risk of crashing by at least four times, so don’t do

ed effort to reduce the occurrence of and to minimise the effect of unplanned veld fires on life, property and the environment.

it. Rather wait until you have safely stopped or hand the phone to a passenger to take the call or send the text message. ) A cellphone-enabled panic button can be a lifesaver in an emergency. One example of such a service is IDMe from ER24, which connects you to fast medical help via your cellphone in the event of an emergency. The service, which is powered by technology from Cellfind, turns your cellphone into a panic button that immediately links you to ER24’s Contact Centre when you hit a speed dial number. Your location will be traced by means of triangulation using cellular towers. An operator will also phone you immediately to find out what assistance you need so that the authorities and necessary help can be dispatched to your location.

Geseënde Kersfees!

Die Stellenbosch Gazette se kantoor sal van 21 Desember 2012 tot 7 Januarie 2013 gesluit wees. Die eerste uitgawe in 2013 verskyn op Dinsdag 15 Januarie. Stellenbosch Gazette wens al sy lesers ’n Geseënde Kersfees en ’n voorspoedige 2013 toe!

An urgent appeal have been issued regarding the renewal fee having been raised to R3 000, the penalties of 50% and 100% for January and the renewal of liquor licences for 2013. The commanding officer for firearms, liquor February respectively mean that renewal will and second hand goods at the Stellenbosch be very expensive if not done by 31 December.” Capt Davids urged all Stellenbosch licence SAPS, Capt Norman Davids said that it is a misholders to pay the fee conception that licensees as soon as possible. have until the end of FebruHe added that payary to renew their licences. ments can only be “Liquor licence holders made by direct deposhave in the past waited until its into the Western February before renewal or Cape Liquor Authoripaying the fee.” ty’s new bank acDavids made the appeals afcount. ter a statement was issued by Payments cannot die Western Cape Liquor be made through the Board regarding the renewal old bank account at process. the South African Philip Prinsloo, spokesperRevenue Service son for the board, said in the (SARS) or at the cashstatement that a liquor liiers at the board’s ofcence lapses if the renewal fee fices any longer. is not paid by 31 December ) The new banking 2012. details are: Western This means that a business Cape Liquor Authoriconcerned is unlicensed until ty, Nedbank Current the renewal fee is paid. He said Capt Norman Davids Account, account that there has for many years been a misconception that a licensee can trade number 145 206 9883 and branch code 198765. until the end of February without paying the Your licence number must be used as reference on the deposit slip. Please fax proof of payment renewal fee. This is, however, incorrect. “Licensees must realise that if the renewal to 021 483 5066. The Stellenbosch Liquor Forum will have fee is not paid by 31 December, their businesses are liable to be closed by SAPS because they their next meeting in February to discuss all the latest developments regarding the liquor will be trading without a licence. “Licensees must also bear in mind that with law.


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Tuesday 18 December 2012

News - Nuus

C’ville rapper maak sy merk ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Marlin Present van Cloetesville het pas sy loopbaan as rapper begin, maar hy het reeds ’n klomp fans wat graag in sy voetspore wil volg. Marlin het onlangs sy eerste paar liedjies as MC Nature opgeneem met die hulp van die plaaslike musikant Elton Lodewyk. Marlin is ’n graad 10-leerling aan die Cloetesville Senior Sekondêre Skool. Hoewel dié talentvolle rapper verskeie stokperdjies het, wou hy verder uitbrei. “Ek dans en teken amper elke dag, maar my ma het my gemotiveer om iets nuut aan te pak. “Ek het toe begin rap.” Sy eerste drie singles is reeds opgeneem. Hulle is “Ek en Os”, “As os Maatz in die straat” en “Vir my Baby”.

Elton het ook gehelp om sy eerste musiekvideo te skiet van die liedjie, As os Maatz. Dié video is te sien by As jy toegang tot die internet deur ’n selfoon het, kan jy die video by kyk. “Ek sing meesal oor dinge wat gebeur, dinge wat mense sê en wat om ons aangaan hier in Cloetesville,” sê Marlin. Hy het ook verskeie van sy jonger broer se maatjies geïnspireer en hulle wil nou ook begin rap. “Daar is baie van die laaties, jonger as ek, wat saam met my wil rap. Hulle is ook te sien in die video wat ons nou gemaak het. “Ek help hulle baie keer om hul lirieke te skryf en wat hulle dan sing.” Marlin se doel is om sy talente ten volle te benut en eendag bekendheid te verwerf vir sy werk. “MC Nature is hier om te bly!” het hy bygevoeg.

Marlin Present, oftewel MC Nature, maak deesdae sy merk as rap-kunstenaar. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Stellenbosch Gazette

Kinderharte verbly Groot opwinding het verlede week by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) departement wingerden wynkunde, asook die Instituut vir Wynbiotegnologie geheers toe personeellede en nagraadse studente saam Kersvader gespeel het. Die personeel en studente het seker gemaak dat 30 kinders van Idasvallei ’n besonderse Kersfees sal hê deur aan elke kind ’n Kersvader-boks te gee. Die onderskeie laboratoriums en navorsingsgroepe was verantwoordelik vir die volmaak en versiering van die bokse. Personeellede en studente het geld geskenk om hierdie projek van stapel te stuur. Die kinders wat die geskenke ontvang het is deur Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie geïdentifiseer. Hierdie organisasie verskaf 3 000 kospakkies aan klinieke en skole in Stellenbosch en ondersteun

verskeie organisasies soos jeugsentrums, nagskuilings, kleuterskole en skole. Volgens Liesel Koen, die bestuurder, sal die diens wat hulle lewer nie moontlik gewees het sonder skenkings soos dié nie. Sy het die departement en instituut bedank vir die gebaar en beklemtoon dat hulle werklik ’n verskil gemaak het. Volgens Marianne McKay (gemeenskapsinteraksie-koördineerder) was die projek ’n reusesukses. Elke kind het ’n partytjiepakkie ontvang en is deur Elizma en Annemarie van JaNeeKykproduksies vermaak. Twee nagraadse studente, Brenton Maarman en Anke von Mollendorf, het die bokse aan die kinders oorhandig. Volgens Maarman was dit wonderlik om die kinders se opgewondenheid en glimlagte te sien.

Personeel bring vreugde aan Hospies-kinders Personeel van die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Informasietegnologie se gebruikersdienste-afdeling het vanjaar besluit om hul eie Kersgeskenke vir ’n glimlag op iemand anders se gesig te verruil. Elke jaar ruil die personeellede van gebruikersdienste geskenke uit om waardering teenoor hulle kollegas te betoon. Vanjaar het die personeel egter saam besluit om die geld wat hulle op geskenke spandeer beter aan te wend en ’n klein verskil in iemand wat minder bevoorreg is se lewe te maak – veral oor Kersfees, wanneer dit die nodigste is. Die keuse van ’n organisasie was nie ’n maklike taak nie, maar op die ou end is daar besluit om deel te neem aan die US werknemers-vrywilligersprogram se Stellenbosch Hospies-projek. Die projek behels om Kerspakkies te maak vir 430 kinders en Kerskospakkies vir sowat 800 pasiënte. Die kinders en pasiënte is almal verbonde aan die Stellenbosch Hospies. Die gebruikersdienste-personeel het egter besluit om speelgoed vir die Hospies-kinders in te samel. Elke personeellid het R50 bygedra en met die somtotaal van R2 200 is geskenke vir kinders van vier tot sestien jaar gekoop. Dit het egter nie net by die koop van geskenke gebly nie. Die personeel het besluit hulle wil ook self die toedraaiwerk doen en op ’n Vrydagmiddag het almal skouer aan die wiel gesit en geknip en plak totdat net ’n berg Kerspakkies oorgebly het. Gebruikersdienste wil ander US-afdelings uitdaag om ook eerder hul geskenk- of funksiegeld vir ’n goeie doel aan te wend. Hulle meen die meeste mense het reeds alles

wat hulle nodig het, terwyl daar ander is wat geen vooruitsig vir Kersfees het nie. ’n Klein geskenkie sal ’n verskil in iemand anders se lewe maak en nie ’n groot gat in jou sak nie, glo al die personeellede.

Personeel van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se gebruikersdienste-afdeling het vanjaar die geld wat hulle gewoonlik gebruik om vir mekaar geskenke te koop aangewend om geskenke vir kinders by die Stellenbosch Hospies te koop. FOTO: VERSKAF

SPESIALE KERSPARTYTJIE VIR KLEUTERS: Lucca Naudé, ’n plaaslike graad 6-leerling, het onlangs ’n spesiale Kerspartytjie vir kleuters van die Abba-crèche in Cloetesville gehou. Lucca het geskenke en eetgoed vir die kinders hier gekoop met geld wat sy in Mostertsdrift ingesamel het. Die Kerspartytjie is ’n gemeenskapsprojek wat Lucca self aangepak het. Elkeen van die kinders het óf ’n beertjie óf ’n bal gekry, asook ’n “Hoop”-armbandjie en ’n mooi geskenk. Die crèche is ’n voedingspunt van Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie wat aan 35 kleuters van ’n behoeftige agtergrond kos gee. Die crèche is onder beskerming van die ATKV. Hier (links) is Lucca saam met die kleuters by die partytjie. Regs is een van die onderwysers, Elaine Anthony, saam met David Jacobs wat as Kersvader opgetree het. FOTO: VERSKAF



News - Nuus

Stellenbosch Gazette

‘Cheesy’ holiday fun at Fairview in winelands It’s school holidays again and keeping children amused for six weeks or more can be a challenging task for any parent. To keep children entertained Fairview recently launched its Junior Cheese Masters. The cheese masters is a fun and educational experience that will teach children how cheese is made, while filling up their bellies as well. Each session will guide the child through the cheesemaking process, from seeing how a goat is milked and tasting the fresh milk, to adding the rennet and cutting the curd. The creative corner will supply endless entertainment, including decorating their own cheese container with paint and glitter. The course also includes a baking area where

children will be given the opportunity to roll out their own pita bread dough and have it baked to enjoy with their cheese. The Junior Cheese Masters will be open until 6 January 2013, on Wednesdays to Sundays. The session times are 10:30, 12:30 and 14:30. Each session will last from a hour to a hour and a half. Please send an email to to make a booking. Bookings can also be made at the farm itsself. It is an outdoor event so please remember to bring along sunscreen, a hat, cooler bag for the cheese and a clean set of clothes (just in case). Whilst the kids are occupied, parents can attend an award-winning Master Tasting or indulge in an artisanal cheeses and wine tasting.

Visit these places in town For those who are staying home this December, why not explore Stellenbosch and all it has to offer. Here are a few places residents and visitors can visit in December: ) Stellenbosch Museum: 0 021 887 2937 ) Moederkerk: In 1863 this Dutch Reformed Church was enlarged in the NeoGothic architectural style and is an important landmark in the Stellenbosch region. 0 021 883 3458 ) Theatre/Entertainment: – Dorp Street Theatre 0 021 889 9164 – Oude Libertas Amphitheatre 0 021 809 7473 ) Rupert Museum: Filled with local and international arts. 0 021 888 3344 ) Sasol Art Museum and the University of Stellenbosch Art Gallery: 0 021 808 3691 ) US Botanical Gardens 0 021 808 3054

le ’n toegangskaartjie by Fidders in Andringastraat, Oom Samie se Winkel in Dorpstraat of by die nagskuiling self koop. Indien jy nie ’n kaartjie op daardie oomblik kan koop nie,

) Stellenbosch Slow Food Market: Open every Saturday at Oude Libertas Centre from 09:00 till 14:00. ) Nature Reserves: – Bottelary Hills Conservancy 0 021 903 6273 – Greater Simonsberg Conservancy 0 021 884 4352 – Jan Marais Nature Reserve 0 021 808 8160/021 808 8417 – Jonkershoek Nature Reserve 0 021 866 1560 – Heritage Garden 0 021 809 3100 – Mooiplaas Private Nature Reserve 0 021 903 62 73 – Koopmanskloof Private Nature Reserve 0 021 865 2355 ) Stellenbosch American Express Wine Routes: Consists of various subroutes with wonderful wine estates, tasting centres and world-class restaurants. 0 021 886 4310.

SPESIALE KERSETE: ’n Gemeenskapslid Audrey Paulse en haar vriende het onlangs ’n spesiale Kersete vir die inwoners van die Stellenbosch en munisipale nagskuilings gehou. Die inwoners het die ete vreeslik geniet. Hier (agter, van links) is Margie January, Edlyn Williams, Cynthia Jacobs, Vuvu Rhelegushe, Christa Schutte, Audrey Paulse, Anri Kriel, Janelle Cloete, (voor) Lyle Pretorius, Beatrice Ndlangalava, Porchia Combrinck en Sedika Poole.

Koop ’n kaartjie vir die S’bosch-nagskuiling Die Stellenbosch-nagskuiling versoek Stellenbossers om oor die feesseisoen nie vir bedelaars geld te gee om na die skuiling toe te kom nie. Inwoners kan eerder vir hul-

Tuesday 18 December 2012

skryf net die persoon se naam en jou telefoonnommer op ’n stuk papier en versoek dat die skuiling die persoon toelaat. Die skuiling sal jou vir betaling bel. 0 021 886 6173.

Boxing Day jazz concert The N2 Band and Friends will host a Boxing Day party in Stellenbosch on 26 December. It will start at 20:00 in the Rietenbosch School Hall.

Entrance is R50 per person. Guests should bring their own platters and xyz. Please call Kenny Wentzel on 083 480 5596 or 021 857 1765 for further information or tickets to the concert.

Boomliefhebbers byeen Alle boomliefhebbers word genooi na ’n dringende vergadering op Woensdag 19 Desember. Die vergadering word gehou om noodmaatreëls te bedink vir Stellenbosch se bome. Weens die min reën en erge, droë weer

die laaste tyd verkeer die dorp se bome onder ernstige druk. Die vergadering sal 20:00 by Borchardstraat 45 begin. Vir nadere besonderhede bel asseblief vir Annemie Marais by 021 882 8464. Slegs tussen 12:00 en 24:00.

ELVIS BLUE UNPLUGGED IN STELLENBOSCH: The popular South African musician, Elvis Blue, kicked off his country wide tour recently. As part of his tour he will do an unplugged performance in Stellenbosch on Thursday, 20 December. The show will be held at Ella’s Bistro on the R304. For further information please call 021 865 2028 or 082 307 0491.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


Kunstekaap beloon met ontwerperstoekennings Kunstekaap, een van Suid-Afrika se voorste uitvoerende kunste skouburge, het pas ’n eerste inisiatief, waar mede-ontwerpers toekennings vir Kaapstadse teater doen met pryse ter waarde van R50 000, bekend gestel. Die wenners van die eerste toekennings sal in Maart 2014 aangekondig word om saam te val met die jaar waarin Kaapstad die Wêreld se Ontwerphoofstad is. “Die Kunstekaap Teater-Ontwerperstoekenning komplementeer die instelling se langtermynvisie om ’n episentrum van kulturele uitmuntendheid te wees deur die uitvoerende kunstebedryf as ’n hoofkatalisator in te span vir ekonomiese groei, menslike ontwikkeling en maatskaplike samebinding,” sê uitvoerende hoof, Michael Maas. Die toekennings sal skeppende uitmuntendheid in vyf dissiplines erken, naamlik stel-, kostuum-, lig-, klankontwerp, en poppespel. “Kaapstad spog met sommige van die voorste ontwerpers in Afrika met bekende name soos Keith Anderson (dekor), Mannie Manim (beligting), Charl-Johan Lingenfelder (klank), Adrian Kohler (marionette) en Birrie Leroux (kostuums) om maar ’n paar te noem. Baie van hulle

het al ontwerpe vir die internasionale verhoë gedoen. “Met dié toekennings, mik Kunstekaap om uitmuntendheid in teaterontwerp te erken en bevorder,” sê Maas. “Die uitvoerende kunste en vermaaklikheidsbedryf het een van die snelgroeiendste sektore van die moderne wêreld geword wat ’n beduidende bydrae tot die ekonomiese groei van stede en streke lewer deur die skepping van meer werksgeleenthede en sodoende die bevordering van welstand.” Die Kunstekaap Skouburg alleen bied jaarliks ongeveer 715 produksies en gebeurtenisse aan wat in totaal meer as 317 000 besoekers per jaar lok. Ontwerpe vir teaterproduksies wat tussen 1 Januarie en 31 Desember open sal in aanmerking geneem word vir die toekennings. Dieselfde datums sal in die daaropvolgende jare van toepassing wees. Elke kategorie sal deur drie beoordelaars beoordeel word, waarvan twee ondervinding van die spesifieke vakgebied het en ’n derde een van ’n ander skeppende of konstruksieveld in die teaterbedryf. Meer besonderhede is op die Kunstekaap webwerf beskikbaar,

DANKIE AAN DIE DANSERS: Dié groep vroue van Cloetesville kom twee keer ’n week bymekaar om saam hip hop en anders dans-oefeninge te doen. Die groepie, onder leiding van Francis Layman, heet Boody Care with Franxie. Francis het haar dank uitgespreek teenoor die vroue wat so hard gewerk het deur die loop van die jaar. Hul volgende byeenkoms is weer op 14 Januarie. Enigeen wat betrokke wil raak, kan vir Francis kontak op Facebook of haar SMS by 083 391 3964.

Rodriguez at GrandWest Legendary hardly begins to describe Sixto Diaz Rodriguez, better known to his legion of fans as simply Rodriguez. By popular demand the unassuming musical legend is putting on a third show at the GrandWest Grand Arena and will now perform on 10, 20 and 21 February. Now in his 70s, the popular singer and songwriter came to epitomise all that was cool about the 70s, becoming an icon and the rallying point of a generation of young South Africans, all despite being totally unknown in his home country of America or anywhere else in the world. No reports, news or interviews were ever published and no music videos ever released but the mystery simply added to the

allure for locals. Then, as the box-office hit documentary film Search for Sugar Man chronicles, they finally got to meet Rodriguez in the late 1990s. Besides Sugar Man, his signature song, fans can also expect to relive other Rodriguez’s hits such as Inner City Blues, I’ll Slip Away and To Whom It May Concern to name but a few. His voice remains exceptional and his lyrics inspiring. This is a concert that both young and old will enjoy. The show starts at 20:00 and tickets are available for the 10 February 2013 show between R310 and R520. Shows on 20 and 21 February are sold out. Tickets are available at Computicket.

CHRISTMAS CAROLS UNDER THE STARS: Come and join in the Christmas spirit at Oude Libertas on 22 and 23 December with their Christmas Carols and Starlight show. The ever popular, traditional get-together of friends and family in true, celebratory festive spirit is a meet-you-there on the calendar. Richard Cock and the Cape Town Festival Orchestra and community choir will rejoice in Christmas carols from all around the world. Bring a donation or a gift and spread the joy of love at Christmas. The chosen charity will be announced on the night. Tickets cost R130 / R150 per person, with seating on the lawn at R50 for adults and R20 for children. The show starts at 19:00. Book at Computicket or call 021 809 7473 / 021 809 7380.

Die dansers in aksie.

Slow-cooked Xmas gammon Not sure what to serve for Christmas dinner? How about this slow-cooked gammon with pineapple chutney. Ingredients 11,6 kg de-boned gammon 3 cups sugar for the chutney: 1 medium pineapple – peeled and chopped ¼ chopped onion 1 cup sugar ¼ cup rum ½ cup apple cider vinegar 2 knobs preserved ginger chopped fine- Slow cooked gammon with ly ½ cup raisins 1 green and 1 red chilli – cut into pieces. Method

) Warm your slow cooker up on the low setting. ) Place 2 cups of sugar in the bottom. ) Put the gammon on top and add the remaining cup of sugar. Put the lid on and leave for four hours, then turn off the cooker and leave the meat to cool. ) Don’t forget to remove the skin before serving. For the chutney: ) Put all the ingredients into a thick bottomed pan and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the pineapple chutney. FOTO: WWW.FOOD24.COM pineapple is tender and the liquid has thickened (about an hour). - Recipe from


General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Beat the festive blues with these tips The festive season should be all about family time, re-connecting with loved ones and generally, producing that warm and fuzzy feeling of joy and wellbeing, right? It is also, however, a season of increased spending, long queues, over-indulgence, bumper-to-bumper traffic and other high stress-inducing factors. According to Peter Jordan, the principal officer for Fedhealth, careful planning, time management and staying mentally and physically fit and following a healthy lifestyle are key ways to combating this kind of seasonal stress. Here are ten stress buster tips: ) Face up to it: The onset of the festive season affects everyone differently. Whatever it is, avoiding the issue will just cause further stress. It’s important to lean on a support system, whether it is a friend, a professional counsellor or a trusted family member. ) Shop online: There are countless websites that offer great holiday season deals and even groceries can be purchased online. ) Volunteer: There are several homeless shelters, children’s homes, senior citizens’ homes and other institutions that need help. Nothing beats stress better than making a difference in someone else’s life. ) Limit your caffeine intake: Caffeine, which

is present in coffee, tea, chocolate and some carbonated drinks increases blood pressure and stops the body’s adrenal glands from functioning at the best. ) Get regular exercise: This assists the body to produce endorphins – a natural anti-depressant, which also helps prevent insomnia, another sign of stress. ) Stick to a healthy diet: Skipping meals and eating high-energy junk food worsens the effect of the fluctuating blood sugar levels a person experiences while stressed. ) Avoid excessive alcohol: While it’s tempting to over-indulge during this period, alcohol is a nervous system depressant and, over the long term, causes depression rather than relieving it. ) Get enough sleep: While adults need eight hours of sleep per day, few get more than seven. Sleep is vital in recharging and aiding the body’s healing process – both physically and mentally. ) Learn relaxation techniques: When the body completely relaxes, it stops producing an excess of cortisol which, in turn, enhances the immune system, effectively lowering the risk of infection. ) Get a massage: An aromatherapy, reflexology or a deep tissue massage goes a long way towards releasing tension in tight muscles and produces a calming effect.

BOEKE AAN CRÈCHE GESKENK: ’n Spesiale Kersgeleentheid is verlede week by die Abba crèche in Cloetesville aangebied. By hierdie geleentheid het adv. Jacques du Preez, van die FW de Klerk-stigting, boeke aan die crèche geskenk. Die boeke het hy deur ’n boekeboksprojek ingesamel. Hier is van die kleuters, aangetrek as engeltjies, wat by die geleentheid opgetree het.

Hier neem Johanna Vermaak (Abba crèche) van die boeke in ontvangs wat (regs) adv. Jacques du Preez deur ’n spesiale boekeboks-projek ingesamel het.

Ons Gee Om. KOSPAKKIES AAN GESINNE IN KLAPMUTS: Gemeenskapslid, Madia Ackermann, in samewerking met Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie, het verlede week 41 behoeftige gesinne van Klapmuts met kospakkies vir die feestyd wat voorlê ondersteun. Die pakkies is by die Grace Community Centre aan die gesinne oorhandig. Hier is (voor) Charmaine Peterson (voedingspunt-koördineerder vir Klapmuts) saam met van die ontvangers van die kospakkies. |



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MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as gardener, house boy. Ref. Mr. Armad on 084 571 0362, Mr. Meredith on 083 457 2339

Spesiale dienste

Die Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om die volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies in hul dringende behoeftes te ondersteun: ) Stellenbosch Hospies: Geskenkpapier vir Kersgeskenke, geskenke vir pasiënte (mans, vroue en kinders), vrywilligers om in die Hospies-winkel te werk én vrywilligers wat handwerkklasse kan aanbied word benodig. Die Hospies wil die gemeenskap ook bedank vir hul ondersteuning deur die jaar. 0 021 886 5994. ) Kayamandi Women and Children Project (trauma room): Kaste vir klere en linne; liasseerkabinet, toiletware soos seep, haarwasmiddel en tandeborsels en tandepasta vir mishandelde vroue; babadoeke; klere, linne en handdoeke vir vroue en kinders; breekgoed en kombuis-toerusting en potplante. Laai skenkings af by Baruch Guesthouse, Rhodes-Noordstraat 35, Die Boord of bel Natalie Scheepers 0 076 753 7766 of Gladys Bakubaku 0 074 717 9676. ) Huis Horison: Toiletware en materiaal vir handwerk. 0 021 887 5080. ) Stellenbosch-werksentrum vir volwasse persone met gestremdhede: Daar is ’n behoefte aan verf om hul gebou op te knap

asook artikels wat as Kersgeskenke vir volwassenes gegee kan word. 0 021 887 8688 ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Slaapklere vir vroue, handdoeke, doeke vir babas, seep, deodorant en klere vir seuns tussen vier en sewe jaar word dringend benodig. 0 021 883 2574. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmere, vars groente en pasta. Frank Rhode: 0 021 889 9555/072 888 7188. ) Kindersorg SA, Stellenbosch: Kantoorstoele, nie-bederfbare voedsel en klere is nodig. 0 021 887 2816. ) Stellenbosch-voedingsaksie: Sopmengsels, pasta, rys, mielierys, boontjies, grondboontjiebotter, blikkies vis, brood en groente. 0 021 886 8986 / 071 322 0747. ) Ikhaya Trust Centre: Kryte, werkboeke vir kinders en matte vir leeshoekies in die klaskamers. 0 021 889 8774. ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Tandeborsels, badseep en toiletware vir mans en vroue word dringend benodig. 0 021 886 6173. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm komberse en klere. 0 021 887 6959. ) Jeuguitreik kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere, vars vrugte en groente en blikkieskos. Werkende ketel, winterklere vir meisies en seuns (8–16 jaar), onderklere, papier en tydskrifte vir aktiwiteite. 0 021 886 6216. Rig navrae en versoeke aan Samantha van den Berg by 021 887 2840 of e-pos haar by

Tuesday 18 December 2012

General - Algemeen

Stellenbosch Gazette


BAT shows support for Aids Day World Aids Day held on 1 December every year was launched in 1988 and was the first ever globally recognised health day. It is acknowledged in aid of showing support for those living with the virus and to commemorate those that have suffered and died at the hands of HIV/Aids. World Aids Day is an opportunity for people across the globe to unite in the fight against Aids and to continue to drive awareness of the disease. British American Tobacco (BAT) SA this year showed their support by acknowledging World Aids Day at their corporate head office in Stellenbosch on 30 November. The company partnered with Wola Nani, a non-profit organisation that offers support to those affected by HIV Aids and operates in the impoverished communities of the Western Cape. A surprise donation of R20 000 was made to Wola Nani on the day. According to a 2011 report compiled by Statistics South Africa, it is estimated that approximately 10,6% of our population has HIV/Aids, this equates to 5,38 million people across all ages. There were 316 900 new infections in 2011, proving just how much work there is still to be done around HIV/Aids awareness and education. Even more staggering is that there are approximately 33,3 million people living with Aids globally. “HIV/Aids is a key focus area for BAT South Africa’s Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programme. Every year we commemorate World Aids Day. This year we invited Wola Nani to be part of our event,” comments Lanaine Abrahams, corporate social responsibility manager at BAT South Africa. Wola Nani was established in 1994 and

translated from Xhosa means “we embrace and develop one another”. The organisation runs a number of programmes centred around counselling, support groups and income generation opportunities for the unemployed that are living with HIV and Aids. The programmes are focused on women and children as it has been established that is where the greatest need for their services lie. However, their support is available to all that are suffering from HIV/Aids. Continues Abrahams: “We also wanted to support Wola Nani to showcase the great work they are doing with those affected by HIV and Aids. They are equipping people to help themselves and sustain their families economically. This is exactly in line with the kind of CSI initia-

tives that BAT South Africa aligns with.” The tobacco company invited Moira Jones, Wola Nani’s Executive Director, to address their staff on the significance of World Aids Day. Jones was joined by one of their crafters who shared her inspirational story of “living positively with HIV”. BAT South Africa further supported the NGO by sourcing and distributing beaded ribbons that were hand crafted by the women of Wola Nani to their staff on the day. World Aids Day serves as an important reminder to the public and equally to government that HIV has not gone away. There is still a critical need to increase awareness, improve education, fight prejudice and to raise money, both locally and globally.

ROLBAL-KLUB VIER 70 JAAR: Stellenbosch en Van der Stel se rolbalklub het die afgelope Woensdag hul 70ste verjaardag gevier. Hier is die klub se Marlene Lambrechts saam met die eregas van die dag Conrad Sidego, Stellenbosch se uitvoerende burgemeester. FOTO: EUNICE VISAGIE

Heste Stipp Internal Communications Manager at BAT South Africa hands over a surprise donation to Moira Jones Executive Director of Wola Nani with Ruth Zondi Wola. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

BARCA JUNIORS PRIZE-GIVING: The Kayamandi soccer club Barca Juniors FC recently held its first prize-giving .Here are (from left) the u.12 players with their certificates: T. Mgwetana (guest), Uviwe Ngele, Mivuyo Adam, Azaxole Minana, Nkosozuko Gege, Yolo Ndamase, S. Muwetana (coach) and D. Murasiranwa.



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Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 14 • Dinsdag 18 Desember 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Junior 6-’n-kant-toernooi Ses jong krieketspanne het verlede Saterdag mekaar die stryd aangesê in ’n ontwikkelingstoernooi onder die vaandel van die Masikhulisane-projek in Idasvallei. Volgens die organiseerder, Shirle Cornelissen, is die Masikhulisane-projek gebore uit die behoefte onder die plaaslike jeug dat sport op ’n meer gereelde grondslag binne die gemeenskappe plaasvind. “Die projek se hoofdoel is om die jeug in die breër Stellenbosch-gemeenskap meer blootstelling te gee aan sport en sodoende verborge talent na vore te bring. Tans word daar op krieket gekonsentreer, maar die beplanning is dat die projek later sal uitbrei om ander sportsoorte ook te betrek. “ ’n Suksesvolle o.13 Ses-aan-’n-kant-toernooi is op 10 November gehou. Dit is opgevolg met ’n o.15 Ses-aan-’n-kant-toernooi op 8 Desember.” Die spanne wat verlede Saterdag meegeding het in die o.15-toernooi was Hoërskool Lückhoff, Hoërskool Cloetesville, Nelson’s, Coronations, AF Louw Old Boys en Excelsiors. Coronations en AF Louw Old Boys het deurgedring tot die eindstryd, en Coronations het as oorwinnaars van die veld gestap.

Daar is ook pryse uitgedeel aan individuele spelers wat uitgeblink het in die toernooi. Hulle was Kieron October van Nelson’s (beste kolwer), Giandro Willemse van Coronations (beste bouler), John Jefthas van AF Louw Old Boys (beste veldwerker) en Zemile Adams van Coronations (speler van die toernooi). Die projek-organiseerders het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die borge wat die dag moontlik gemaak het. Dit sluit in Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit, Moore Stephens Rekenmeesters, Eikestad Bolt and Nuts, mnr. Timothy Cornelissen, Stellenbosch en Distrikte-krieketklub, Boland Krieket, Nesa Framers, Jacks Paints & Hardware Stellenbosch, ARES Cricket en Charl Langeveldt. “Die meeste van die spelers kom uit histories agtergeblewe gemeenskappe en baie van die kinders het geen toerusting of selfs die basiese klere vir krieket nie. “Ons doen dus ’n vriendelike, dog ernstige beroep, op besighede en individue op die dorp wat wil help om hierdie kinders ’n hupstoot in die lewe te gee om die projek te ondersteun,” vra Cornelissen. Bel vir Shirle Cornelissen by 083 412 3670 of Ashley Dhelminie by 072 434 1858.

John Jefthas van AF Louw Old Boys boul teen Excelsior.


Vakansiekamp by Stellies Daar is van 17 tot 21 Desember ’n fietsrykamp vir kinders by die Laerskool Stellenbosch. Elke dag het twee sessies, oggend van 09:00 – 11:00 en dan weer 16:00 – 18:00. Die oggendsessies is ’n herhaling van die middagsessies.

BARCA JUNIORS PRIZE GIVING: The Kayamandi soccer club Barca Juniors FC recently held its first prize giving. Here are the players from the u.14 team that got certificates: S. Mdunyelwa (coach), M. Nkoane, S. Nzwana, S. Ndamase, S. Hawule, Y. Mangcunyana, A. Mavanda, L. Shinta and guest T. Mgwetana.

Dan Hugo saam met die kinders.

Van die onderwerpe wat aangespreek word, sluit in padveiligheid, fietsversorging, afrigting en meer oor wedrenne. Koste per dag R60 of R300 vir die reeks van vyf sessies. Bespreek op


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