Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 14 • Tuesday 3 July 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Hier is van die deelnemers (van links) Elizabeth Lavember, Elizabeth Adams (tweede prinses), Noleen Adams, Johanna Adams, Katie Daniels, Evelyn Krediet, Scharmin Johannes, Matilda van der Merwe, Janille Martin (wenner) en Pherida Taylor. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Hier is Felicity Robyn (een van die deelnemers), Charlene van Graan wat die juwele vir die aand geborg het en die organiseerder Siena Charles tydens die vertoning.
Kylemorevroue stap uit ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN AS deel van ’n fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die plaaslike sopkombuis, het Kylemore se vroue Vrydagaand ’n modeparade gehou. Dié vroue, almal in die fleur van hul lewe, het verskeie uitrustings ten toon gestel, met die hele gemeenskap om hulle te ondersteun. Siena Charles, die organiseerder van die aand, het jare terug die sopkombuis begin om die mense van haar gemeenskap te ondersteun – veral in die moeilike tye buite parstyd, wanneer baie van die inwoners van die gebied werkloos is. Vakansietye is ook moeilik aangesien die kinders dan nie by die skool iets kry om te eet nie. “Dit gaan veral swaar met die kinders. Ek het ’n paar huise besoek waar die kinders net onder lakens slaap. Ons het ook dringend kinderklere en -skoene nodig. Tydens die wintermaande gaan dit baie swaar. Ons voer elke
Maandag, Woensdag en Donderdag by die 300 mense van die gemeenskap, meeste van hulle kinders.” Die aand het egter goed verloop en hulle het R2 700 ingesamel. “Ek kan nie kop bo water hou nie, maar dié fondse gaan ons nou bietjie help.” Die wenners vir die aand was Elizabeth Adams (tweede prinses), Clarissa September (eerste prinses) en Janille Martin wat as die algehele wenner aangewys is. Siena het ook haar dank uitgespreek teenoor Charlene van Graan, ’n plaaslike juwelier, wat van haar juwele vir die aand se vertoning beskikbaar gestel het. “Ons wil met die geld wat ingesamel is nuwe potte en gereedskap koop vir die sopkombuis. Ons is baie dankbaar aan Grace Sampson wat ook twee potte geskenk het.” Maar hulle het altyd meer nodig. Enigeen wat hulle kan bystaan met kos, klere en skoene en komberse, kan vir Siena Charles kontak by 078 912 9604 of bel die Eikestadnuus by 021 887 2840 of kom lewer dit hier af!
Elizabeth Lavember wys haar klere op die loopplank.
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Dwelmsmouse gefnuik in GrootDrakenstein ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN DIE Groot-Drakenstein SAPD het die laaste maand hard toegeslaan op dwelmhandelaars deur verskeie operasies in dié gebied. Volgens konst. Rionel Uithaler, die polisiewoordvoerder, is daar 20 mense tydens Junie in hegtenis geneem op verskeie dwelmverwante klagte. “Onder die persone wat in hegtenis geneem is, is ten minste drie vermeende dwelmhandelaars wat met groot hoeveelhede Mandrax, Tik en dagga gevang is. Die straatwaarde van die gekonfiskeerde dwelms beloop ongeveer R30 000.” Die eerste verdagte is 12 Junie op ’n plaas in Simondium in hegtenis geneem ná ’n lid van die publiek inligting rakende dwelmaktiwiteite aan die polisie verskaf het. “Sy woning is deursoek en dagga, Tik en Mandrax is gekonfiskeer.” ’n Tweede dwelmsmous is in Lanquedoc aangekeer op 14 Junie tydens ’n spesiale operasie waar ’n polisieman homself voor-
gedoen het as ’n Tik-gebruiker. “Die polisie het toe Tik en Mandax van ongeveer R10 000 in die man se huis gevind. Die man het egter probeer vlug, maar is deur die op-en-wakker polisiespan aangekeer.” In nog ’n voorval, op 15 Junie, het lede van die polisie ’n vermeende dwelmsmous voorgekeer op pad na sy huis in Lanquedoc. “Hy het verdag voorgekom en is deursoek en Tik ter waarde van R11 000 is by hom gevind. “Dit het later aan die lig gekom dat hy op pad huis toe was ná ’n ontmoeting met sy verskaffer in Kaapstad.” Volgens Uithaler is verskeie ander verdagtes in Lanquedoc, Pniel, Kylemore en Simondium in hegtenis geneem. “Die meeste van dié arrestasies was moontlik gemaak deur die goeie verhouding tussen die polisie en die gemeenskap. “Ons as die polisie vra weer dat die gemeenskap die fluitjie blaas aangaande misdaad in hulle areas. Kom ons neem hande en wees dapper vennote in die geveg teen misdaad.”
Crime trend in Kylemore RESIDENTS of the Capolavoro Mountain Estate were recently targeted by petty crime, with three incidents reported in one week. According to the Groot Drakenstein police spokesperson, Const Rionel Uithaler, the first incident was reported in the early hours of Tuesday 19 June. “The residents of one of the homes woke up when their dogs started barking. When they went to investigate, they found one of the windows open and a laptop was stolen. “On 22 June, also in the early hours, a gas
cylinder and bicycle was stolen from another property. It was later found that the electric fence had been cut. “A third incident was reported on Sunday when a resident saw a man jumping the fence. He called out security, but he was spotted and the two young men ran away.” A meeting was held with the police, the neighbourhood watch and residents of Capolavoro last week to discuss crime and to find solutions for the problems, as well as build better relationships between the parties.
Smartie Town is ‘baie gevaarlik’ DIE Cloetesville SAPD het buitestaanders gewaarsku om eerder uit Smartie Town weg te bly ná verskeie kontakmisdade hier
aangemeld is. Daar was verskeie voorvalle die laaste paar weke, het polisiewoordvoerder sers. Zenobia Sedeman ge-
sê. “Dit sluit in diefstal uit motorvoertuie, rowe en aanrandings. Ons wil dus die publiek waarsku om eerder dié area te vermy.”
Motor vehicle theft soars MOTOR vehicle theft have soared in the last few months, with more and more reports flooding in. Since the beginning of May reports have risen from two vehicles per week, to nine vehicles in the last week of May. A total of 20 stolen vehicles were reported in the month of May, according to police reports. In one week in April a total of 11 vehicles were reported stolen. There are no specific vehicles being targeted. Motorcycles, Venter trailers, bakkies and sedans, especially older models, are included in the list. According Lt Natalie Martin, die police spokesperson, there has been an increase in motor vehicle theft the last few months.
“We are busy organising special crime-prevention operations in conjunction with our units. We don’t believe that it is a syndicate working in the area. “Although no arrests have been made in the last month, we have clamped down on a number of suspects earlier this year. Some of the vehicles have also been recovered.” According to Martin they are not sure exactly where the vehicles are taken after they have been stolen. “We do know that certain areas in the town central and around campus have been targeted more.” She asked motorists to be vigilant and keep their vehicles under lock and key. “Make use of a steering lock or gearlock, even if your car is fitted with an alarm.”
Jolene Claassens (agter) en Alice Gordon (voor) voor Japie Claassens se huis wat deur die erge storms groot skade opgedoen het.
Skade verontrief steeds ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN INWONERS van Cloetesville sukkel steeds met skade na ernstige donderstorms ’n paar weke gelede groot verwoesting in Kayamandi en Cloetesville aangerig het. Japie Claassens, ’n inwoner van Cloetesville, se dak is ernstig beskadig en in die reenweer gaan dit baie moeilik. Veral die jong kinders wat saam met hom in die huis woon, sukkel in die huis wat voortdurend nat bly. Volgens die inwoners van die huis betaal hulle maandeliks versekering aan die munisipaliteit, wat dan saam met die betaling vir die huis ingewerk word. Volgens Vernon Bowers, die munisipale woordvoerder, word dié huis wel deur die munisipale versekering gedek en is die probleem aangemeld. Die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit se nooddienste het ’n beroep gedoen op alle inwoners, kerke, organisasies en besighede om dié mense wat deurgeloop het te help deur artikels soos nie-bederfbare kos en komberse te skenk. Volgens Bowers, is verskeie noodaksies uitgevoer vir die families in Cloetesville en Kayamandi wat deur die gure weer getref is. “Mense wat die stormagtige weer beleef het, was deur die munisipaliteit ondersteun met seile, bou materiaal, komberse, klere en nie-bederfbare kosware,” vertel Bowers. “Die blitsvinnige reaksie van die brand-
weer het seker gemaak dat lewensverlies en verdere verlies verhoed is. Ons is ten tye van nood altyd dankbaar dat die brandweer ons behulpsaam is,” het Shezayd Segels, hoof van rampbestuur by die munisipaliteit, gesê. Daar is dringende nood in verskeie woonbuurte dwarsoor Stellenbosch en enige hulp sal met groot dankbaarheid verwelkom word. Donasies kan by Stellenbosch Brandweerstasie afgelewer word of reëlings kan met Shezayd Siegels by 021 808 8888 of 082 050 4834 getref word.
Die gat in Japie Claassens van Cloetesville se dak.
Pasop vir komposswendelaars DIE Stellenbosch SAPD het vandeesweek gewaarsku teen komposverkopers in Onder-Papegaaiberg wat moontlik inwoners swendel. Dít nadat Danie Erasmus se vrou twee sakke kompos teen R80 per sak gekoop het by ’n groep mense in ’n wit Toyota-bakkie. “Hulle het die kompos in die gras ingewerk, maar toe sy haar rug draai het hulle nog ses sakke ook bygewerk en aangedring dat sy vir al agt sakke betaal.
“Toe sy sê dat sy nie genoeg geld by haar het nie, wou hulle haar na die bank neem sodat sy geld kan trek. Sy het geweier en my en die polisie gebel.” Volgens Erasmus was die polisie vinnig op die toneel, maar die bakkie was teen dié tyd reeds vort. Die Stellenbosch SAPD het inwoners gewaarsku om versigtig te wees vir iemand wat sommer aan jou deur kom klop en iets wil verkoop.
Save on travelling costs WITH petrol prices sky high, most South Africans are feeling the pinch. A novel idea to help save on petrol now makes it easier to get to your destination and save. It was only recently that Liftshare South Africa was launched. This is a free-to join, mission-driven social enterprise, which seeks to make a difference in the way South Africans travel and interact with each other. Liftshare’s main aim is to help people to travel more sustainably by sharing their car journey. Via their online network, they match people with similar journeys, enabling
them to save money, reduce their carbon footprint, make the world a better place, and have fun whilst doing it. Liftshare South Africa is affiliated to, the world’s largest liftsharing network. The benefits of liftsharing include saving money, reducing pollution, reducing local traffic congestion and saving time. Liftshare South Africa is operated by Patrick Hebbard and Thozamile Javu who are passionate about improving social and environmental conditions in South Africa. For information visit
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Mood food to beat the cold
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Seda, DTI grooming grassroots SOYISO MALITI
WHEN the sun sets and the winter chill sets in, it can be tough to hold onto a happy, positive spirit – but Peter Jordaan, principal officer at Fedhealth, says many will be surprised to discover how the food they choose to eat can boost their mood and immunity. “It is important to re-evaluate your diet when your mood and your immune system feel down. Small adjustments to your diet and eating habits will do much to keep you happier and healthier in these winter months.” Cape Town–based nutritionist Chantal Deacon Daniel recommends balancing blood sugar by eliminating refined carbohydrates, eating small, frequent meals, and avoiding preservatives and colourants. “Dark-green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium, an important mineral for mood support, and should be included in your winter diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.” Also try to eat cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids, as are nuts and seeds (specifically walnuts and flax, chia and pumpkin seeds) and free-range organic eggs. Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for mood, and taking a daily supplement should be considered. Daniel also recommends raw cacao. Eating foods rich in nutrients that support your immune system will help give rundown immune systems a much-needed boost. “Vitamin C is great for immune support, and is found in red and green peppers, parsley, guavas and citrus fruit as well as goji berries and camu-camu berries. These berries are also referred to as superfoods as they are whole foods that are not fractionalised with minerals and supplements, and are easily absorbed by the body,” comments Daniel. Zinc is another important mineral for the immune system. It can be found in oysters, pumpkin seeds, oats, eggs, ginger, pecan nuts, and Brazil nuts, the latter also being rich in selenium, another important mineral for immune function. Fresh garlic also has strong immune-supportive properties and can help fight infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Both experts recommend avoiding alcohol and stimulants such as coffee and cigarettes as these tend to weaken the immune system. Rather stick to water, herbal teas and hot water with lemon and honey. A healthy, balanced diet, including food that’s as natural as possible – and shared with friends and family – will leaveyoufeelingcontentandcomforted.
THE Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda), in conjunction with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), has recruited five pupils from Makupula High School for the TechnoGirl job shadowing programme. Prese nted on the second floor of Eikestad Mall, this programme is aimed at giving opportunities and career guidance to high school girls from poorer communities, says Seda branch manager Zaida Jackson. Jackson says the initiative, in line with the DTI’s recognition of the vital importance of women’s economic empowerment, works to uplift women at grassroots level. Seda nominated five pupils from Makupula High School with the aim of taking them through a number of sessions of basic training until 2014. Jackson says Seda decided to choose students from Makupula because of the school’s work ethic. “Academically, the school’s been doing incredibly well recently,” says Jackson, pointing out the school’s record matric pass last year. “If we can make a difference for even five girls, it’s still important to us.” The pupils express delight at being “exposed to the working environment”. “We’ve acquired a lot of skills and knowledge from what we’ve been taught so far,” one of the pupils, Andisiwe Fodo, says.
Seen here, Zaida Jackson (right), the Small Enterprise Development Agency’s Cape Winelands branch manager, stands with the Makupula High School pupils who took part in the job shadowing programme recently. PHOTO: SOYISO MALITI “For example, we had no idea what a data capturer did, nor what it entailed. “I’ve learned about prospective careers. I’ve also learned a lot about Seda and what they offer, their support centre’s values, and, as I said, the skills you can attain here.”
Olwethu Mto, another of the five pupils chosen, says: “They taught us how workers go about their jobs. We job-shadowed a lot of positions, from having to spend a day with the receptionist to being shown how data capturers do their jobs.”
Enter the My River poster competition THE My River poster competition kicked off this school holiday for all Stellenbosch and Franschhoek pupils, Grades 5 to 7. The competition forms part of this year’s Stellenbosch Heritage Festival, which is being organised through the region’s museums. Prizes will be awarded in various categories in the competition, and all entries will be displayed at the Heritage Festival site on 24 September. “The competition aims to create greater awareness of our natural heritage, with the focus on water this year,” says Laurika
Schneeberger, convenor of the competition and member of the Stellenbosch Heritage Committee. “We want the pupils to express their feelings on the meaning of water in their lives, and our responsibilities to preserve it as part of our green heritage.” Participating libraries include Cloetesville, Franschhoek, Groendal, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Plein Street and Pniel, as well as the Sasol Art Museum. Pupils must apply at their nearest library for poster material, and attend any
one of the workshops, which started on 25 June and will continue until 17 July. Only posters created at these workshops are eligible for entry. Individual as well as group entries are accepted. The Stellenbosch Heritage celebrations culminate on 24 September, South Africa’s national Heritage Day. The main festival site will be on the banks of the Eerste River in Noordwal Street. The festival itself will be launched on 25 July. If you’d like to find out more, call Marshia Christians on 0 021 808 3660.
Vakansieprogram vir die jeug by Sasol DIE Sasol-kunsmuseum bied tydens die wintervakansie weer ’n kunsprogram vir die jeug van Stellenbosch aan. Die program word aangebied deur Corli de Cock, elke dag van
2 tot 6 Julie, tussen 11:00 en 13:15. Op Maandag 2 Julie word daar ’n skilder- en tekenklas aangebied. Op 3 Julie kom’n beeldhou- en keramiekklas aan die beurt.
Woensdag 4 Julie fokus hulle op verpakking en versiering, met teken verf en collage op 5 Julie. Vrydag 6 Julie sal die klas fokus op twee-dimensionele ontwerp.
Die klasse kos R60 per deelnemer per dag en sluit alle materiaal in. Om te bespreek bel gerus vir Marcha Christians by 021 808 3660.
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Tuna and noodle bake 2 tot 6 Julie )Vyfdag-vakansieprogram by die Sasol Kunsmuseum. Daagliks van 11:00 tot 13:15. Corli de Cock is die aanbieder. Skilder en teken; beeldhou en keramiek; verpakking en versiering; teken, verf en collage én twee dimensionele ontwerp. R60 per deelnemer per dag, sluit alle materiaal in. Bespreek by Marcha Christians: 0 021 808 3660.
3 July )The Stellenbosch Ladies Luncheon Club will meet at L’Auberge Du Paysan at 10:30. Carina Malan will speak on the topic: The Legacy of the Ancient Olympic Games (Part 2). Reservations: Val Steytler: 0 021 855 2616.
7 Julie )Hannes de Beer, skrywer van die streeksboek ’n Storie van Boesmanland, sal 11:00 in die Protea Boekwinkel met Louis Esterhuizen oor dié besonderse publikasie gesels. 0 021 882 9100 of 2
14 to 15 July )Annual Bastille Festival Franschhoek. Celebration of the valley’s centuries-old French Huguenot heritage. Visitors can meet with ten winemakers from the Rhône-Alpes Region in France. Public tastings of the RhôneAlpes wines and a selection of Vignerons de Franschhoek wines at Grande Provence cost R395. Booking is essential. Access to the Bastille Food and Wine Marquee cost R150 and R395 for the VIP marquee. Call 021 876 2861 or visit
14 Julie )Stellenbosch Voetslaanklub: Orangekloof/Disa Gorge. Sowat 9 km. Brandstofbydrae R65. Vertrek 07:45 voor JS Marais-gebou. Dié permitstap sonder koste. Slegs 12 persone per dag word toegelaat, bespreek dus betyds. Erica Vink: 0 082 319 6197 / 021 788 7977 of 2
Prestige winter school PRESTIGE Academy will host its annual winter classes from 11 to 13 July. These classes attract Grade 12 pupils from across the country. The aim of the winter school is to give pupils a taste of what it is like to study at this popular institution. Lecturers will give brief presentations on the variety of courses offered, but there will also be time for fun. Prestige Academy is known for a wide range of degrees, diplomas and certificates that comply with the requirements of the national qualification framework. The academy is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and offers qualifications in, among others, the arts, design, information technology, business, health and ecology. If you’d like to find out more about the upcoming winter classes, call 021 949 5036 for further information.
THIS easy tuna and noodle bake will warm up the whole family in no time. Ingredients 750 ml shell noodles 1 knob butter 2 onions, chopped 410 g tomato soup 200 ml water 250 g smooth cottage cheese 250 ml fresh cream
400 g tuna in vegetable oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper 125 g cheddar cheese, grated Method ) Place noodles in a large pot of boiling water and cook until half done (about 6 to 8 minutes). Drain and rinse with fresh water. ) Stir in the butter until the noodles are coated. Set aside. ) Gently fry onions until ten-
der. Add canned soup and water. ) Slowly add the cream and cottage cheese; stir until well mixed. Add the tuna and seasoning. ) Simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Place the noodles in a deep ovenproof dish, pour the sauce mixture over the noodles, and top with grated cheese. Place under the grill for 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted. –
Cheesy tuna and noodle bake
Alternatief ná gr.12 by ATKV ATKV-postmatriek is nie maar sommer net nog ’n wegbreekjaar nie – dis ’n jaar met ’n verskil! Navorsing wat die Universiteit van Johannesburg gedoen het toon dat die ATKV-postmatriekjaar op ’n besonderse manier bydra tot die emosionele groei en volwassewording van jongmense. Met vaardighede soos noodhulp, lewensredding, projekbestuur en fasilitering, rus ATKV-postmatriek studente toe om beter voorbereid te wees vir die toekoms. Hierdie vaardighede voeg lewenslange waarde toe tot elke student se lewe. ’n Ander baie belangrike aspek wat nie uit die oog verloor kan word nie is die aandag aan loopbaanbeplanning. Deeglike toetse en individuele onderhoude word gevoer. Op grond van die resultate van die aanleg- en belangstellingstoetse, moet studente dan skaduwerk doen by mense wat in die beroepe staan om sodoende kennis op te bou van wat die beroep in werklikheid behels. ATKV-postmatriek gee jou verder die geleentheid om vele dinge te beleef en te ervaar, onder meer roei op die Sterkfonteindam, stap in die Drakens- en Wolkberge, witwaterroei, duik, ski, oorlewing met die moontlikheid om ’n bok te skiet, asook aktiwiteite wat jou grense toets en jou uitdaag om jouself beter te leer ken. Geleentheid word ook gebied om meer oor voëls, insekte en reptiele, en die omgewing as geheel, te leer. ATKV-postmatriek word in ’n veilige, ontspanne omgewing by die ATKV se eie oorde aangebied. ATKV-Drakensville dien as hoofbasis, terwyl tyd ook by ATKV-Eiland Spa en ATKV-Natalia spandeer word. Die oorde skep beslis ’n plek waar jy jou kan tuismaak vir ’n onvergeetlike ontdekkingsreis. Plaas jouself eerste deur vandag nog jou plek te bespreek vir ATKV-postmatriek deur ’n e-pos aan te stuur.
PAKKIES BY DIE BOER: :Die bekroonde drama, My naam is Ellen Pakkies, met Vinette Ebrahim en Christo Davids (beide bekend vir hul rolle in 7de Laan) is eersdaags te sien by Die Boer Restaurant-teater in Durbanville. Die vertoning sal van 4 tot 10 Julie aangebied word. Kaartjies kos R140 per persoon. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of 083 406 0111 FOTO: VERSKAF
Help people Warm feet, warm overcome abuse hearts, warm soul L’ABRIE de Dieu Safe House Stellenbosch will host a workshop titled “Overcoming Abuse God’s Way” on Monday 13 August. The training aims to “develop a link of significant leaders who will offer help, hope and healing” to people dealing with domestic violence, a spokesperson says. Women who want to assist survivors of domestic violence, by teaching classes, leading support groups and establishing safe houses, are invited to the seminar. Janet Napper, the founder of Global Go Girls and the author of the “Overcoming Abuse God’s Way” curriculum and book, will train attendees to use the curriculum to develop a support network in their communities, all with the aim of offering support to women and children who’ve been trauma-
tised by domestic violence. “This seminar will teach you how to provide restoration for women dealing with abuse; educate women and teen girls about abuse; empower women spiritually to overcome abuse; plant support groups in your church or community; train qualified facilitators; and establish safe houses for women.” Attendees will receive a workbook that contains material specifically designed for those who want to establish a support group or local ministry for people struggling with abuse. The seminar will happen from 08:30 for 09:00 until 14:00 at the Child Welfare hall. The cost is R120, which includes training material, tea and coffee, and a light lunch. If you’d like to take part, register by sending a mail to
SHOPRITE and Checkers have joined forces with SABC2’s Hectic Nine-9 “AWEHness” initiative to help keep feet warm this winter. With many winter charity drives focusing on blanket collections, Hectic Nine-9 and the supermarkets are collecting socks and shoes. Everyone is encouraged to help families in need by donating new socks and shoes of all sizes to this worthy cause. Donations can be placed in the winter collection SOS (“Socks Or Shoes”) trolleys that have been made available at the entrances of Shoprite, Checkers and Checkers Hyper supermarkets. All the new socks and shoes will
be distributed by Shoprite and Checkers to organisations and communities after the campaign ends on Friday 3 August.
Tuesday 3 July 2012
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Stellenbosch Gazette
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2012/06/29 10:00 AM
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 3 July 2012
Ons Gee Om. DIE Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers mooi om die volgende welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te ondersteun. Hulle het u hulp dringend nodig. Hier volg hulle behoeftes: )Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Sopmengsels, geurmiddels, pasta, rys, broodsmere, blikkieskos, olie, brood en groente. 0 021 886 8986 / 071 322 0747. )Jeuguitreik Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum: Brood, suiker, pasta, broodsmere, vars vrugte en groete en blikkieskos. Werkende ketel, winterklere vir meisies en seuns (ouderdomme 8–16 jaar), onderklere, papier en tydskrifte vir aktiwiteite. 0 021 886 6216. )ACVV Stellenbosch: Warm komberse en klere word dringend hier benodig. 0 021 887 6959. )Stellenbosch Safe House: Vrywilligers is nodig wat kuns en handwerkvaardighede een keer per week kan aanbied sowel as lewensvaardighede. Die Safe House het ook iemand nodig wat bereid sal wees om ’n koek te bak wanneer een van die inwoners verjaar. ’n Voëlhok vir voëltjies in die huis. 0 021 883 2574. )Huis Horison: Wol, katoenmateriaal, hout hangers en borduurgare word vir die handwerkafdeling benodig. 0 021 887 5080. )Stellenbosch Nagskuiling: Truie, warm baadjies en broeke in groottes 30–34 vir mans. Skoonmaakmiddels, badseep en enige smere vir brood. 0 021 886 6173. )Stellenbosch Hospies: Die Hospies beplan ’n tuin vir hul winkel in Borchardstraat. Hulle benodig dus: potplante, saad, stiggies, grond, kompos en leë potte. Vrywilligers om sowat twee ure per week in een van die Hospies-winkels te werk. 0 021 886 5994. )Kindersorg SA, Stellenbosch: Enige kantoortoerusting, asook nie-bederfbare voedsel word benodig. 0 021 887 2816. )Kayamandi Traumakamer: Driekwart- en enkelbedmatrasse, waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei en borde, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Mev. Bakubaku: 0 074 717 9676 / 021 889 7686 of Mary: 0 083 945 5811. )Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmere, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. 0 021 889 9555/072 888 7188. )Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir volwasse persone met gestremdhede: Vervoergeleenthede vir twee persone vanaf Koelenhof, verf vir gebou, kruideniersware vir driedaagse vaardigheidontwikkelingskamp wat in Oktober gehou word. 0 021 887 8688. Bel Samantha van den Berg by 021 887 2840 of e-pos vir nadere besonderhede. |
11 Geld & Lenings Money matters 1 2 10 CASH LOANS Lenings tot R200 000. Swartlyn welkom. Goedkeuring in 5 min. 021 762 7079.
Te koop: Algemeen For sale: General
Finance available - No Deposit
MOTORING ENTHUSIASTS CARE: Three motoring clubs from Cape Town – the Nissan Owner’s Club, Team Fiesta and Toyota Addicts – took part in a breakfast run from Cape Town to Hermanus on Sunday. They made a stop in Stellenbosch to hand over blankets, food and toys for the children at the Youth Centre. Over 50 cars took part in the run, organised by ManiacWP and Ross Human of the Nissan Owner’s Club. A video clip can be seen at RIGHT: Some of the drivers taking part in Sunday’s breakfast run also took the children from the Youth Centre on a short trip in their fast cars. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Somerset College hosts fundraising dinner SOMERSET College’s first cricket team is embarking on its first overseas cricket tour. A fund-raising event was held at the Lord Charles Hotel to raise the necessary additional funds to ensure the success of this tour. The dinner was attended by 250 people from the community. The coach of the South African team, Gary Kirsten, was the guest speaker and the master of ceremonies was former national player Pat Symcox. The touring side from Somerset College will play at ten schools in the UK, including Eton College in Windsor, St Edward’s College in Oxford and Clayesmore School in Shaftesbury.
Here are (back) John Roelofse, John Nicol, Cameron Arnold, James Freemantle, Niccolo Lami, Chris Goedvis, Johnathan Sloane and Elliot Moses; (middle) Herman Kitshoff (coach), Oliver Nel (captain), Gary Kirsten, Luc Degenaar (vice-captain) and Hilton Toro (team manager); (front) Jet Hardie, Phillip Carstens and Joshua Henderson.
Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840
WOOL AT originals 113 Dorp Street opposite Checkers. Entrance 021 886 5590.
Spesiale dienste
32Sosiaal | Social 12 dienste 13Algemene Erwe te koop | Plots for sale General services 14 Huise te koop | Houses for sale 15FRIDGE Dorpshuise te koop | Townhouses for & FREEZER Dead saleor alive. I buy / repair. Regaste@koop | Flats for sale 16 Woonstelle R250. Piet 17 Plase/ Kleinhoewes | Farms/ 076 552 0272. Smallholdings HERSTEL by die huis ys- en vrieskaste, 18 Besighede te koop | Businesses for stowe, wasmasjiene en sale mikrogolfoonde. Ska19 Sakepersele te koop | Business kel 071 755 3390. Premises for sale 20 Eiendomme te koop gevra | Send E-mail Properties wanted to buy 21 for Huise smalls te huur | Houses to let 22 Dorpshuise te huur | Townhouses to to: let 23 Woonstelle te huur | Flats to let 24 Kamers te huur | Rooms to let smalls@ 25 Kantore te huur | Offices to let eikestadnuus. 26 Winkels te huur | Shops to let com 27 Fabrieke te huur | Factories to let 28 Te huur gevra | Wanted to rent 29 Te koop: Algemeen | For sale: General
NUWE VOERTUIG VIR WAG: Die aksies van Stellenbosch Wag om die Groter Stellenbosch te beveilig het ’n groot stap vorentoe geneem met ’n addisionele voertuig wat vandeesweek in die Onder Papegaaiberg en Devonvallei- omgewing in gebruik geneem is. Stellenbosch Wag uitvoerende hoof, Glenn Schooling (regs), het aangedui dat die droom bewaarheid is deur die energieke dryfkrag van Warnich Rust van die Onder Papegaaiberg-buurtwag en Don Maxwell en Gillian Swart (links en tweede van links) van die Devonvallei-plaaswag. Die voertuig fokus slegs op misdaadvoorkoming patrollies, ontmoet-en-groet-dienste, besoeke en mediese en nie-mediese oproepe. ’n Aan-boord selfoon beteken dat die kliënt die voertuig direk kan kontak en ook kommunikasie met die SAPD vergemaklik. Schooling het verder bygevoeg dat die ontplooiing van die voertuig die voetspoor van Stellenbosch Wag in die Groter Stellenbosch sal vergroot en ’n diens aanbied wat meer in lyn met die behoeftes van die gemeenskap. Foto: verskaf
Wait before you throw away THE Animal Welfare Society is in need of at least 60 empty 500 ml yoghurt containers, as well as plastic spoons to serve soup to the census workers in Kayamandi.
They are also looking for an earn to use for two weeks, to be able to provide the workers with a nice hot cup of coffee during their lunch break.
For further information and possible assistance please call René de Wet on 0 082 090 8166 or send her an email to
Tuesday 3 July 2012
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Kry kundige hulp met boedelbeplanning DIE gekompliseerde proses van boedelbeplanning lyk dalk vir baie mense vreesaanjaend, maar daar is raad. Berrie Botha, uitvoerende hoof van Sanlam Trust, sê mense moet ten alle tye gebruik maak van ’n bevoegde beplanner. Iemand wat op hoogte is van die nuutste tersaaklike wetswysigings, hofuitsprake en die jongste staatsbegroting. Die beplanner moet ook oor alle relevante en belangrike dokumente en inligting beskik. Eers dán kan met boedelbeplanning voortgegaan word. Die berekeninge wat gedoen moet word, sluit onder meer in die waarde van alle bates, insluitende dié van ’n gemeenskaplike boedel, bates wat buite die boedel regstreeks aan begunstigdes betaalbaar is en laste, wat administrasiekoste, onderhoud, aanwas-eise en boedel- en ander belastings insluit. Dit is ook belangrik om te bepaal of daar voldoende kontant beskikbaar is en indien nie, hoe die probleem te bowe gekom kan word. Mense moet dus hul boedel laat beredder asof hulle vandag te sterwe kom en nie gis oor wat in die toekoms kan gebeur nie. Belastingberekeninge is ’n belangrike deel van die somme. Dit sluit in boedel- en kapitaalwins-belastingberekeninge (KWB) en, indien daar BTW betaalbaar is, moet dit ook bereken word. Inkomstebelasting moet tot op datum van die dood betaal word. Bemakings aan langslewende gades is van KWB vrygestel, maar in ander gevalle kan dit byna ’n groter rol as boedelbelasting speel indien nie behoorlik beplan en ’n korrekte testament opgestel word nie. Daar moet ook sterk op KWB in testamentêre- en inter vivo (familie) gefokus word. Dit is egter individue soos sake-eienaars,
Kry professionele hulp met die opstel van jou testament. boere en persone wat meer as een eiendom besit wat in hul eie naam geregistreer is, asook aandele/effektetrusts, wat voorsiening vir KWB moet maak. Indien getroud (ook geregistreerde saamwoonverhoudings) moet onder meer gefokus word op moontlike aanwas-eise. Indien die langslewende nie voldoende voordele uit en buite die boedel ontvang nie, moet sy/hy moontlik kan kwalifiseer vir ’n eis onder die Wet op Onderhoud van Langslewende Gades. Daar moet ook gekyk word na skenkings in die huweliksvoorwaardekontrak wat
nog nie gefinaliseer is nie. Indien geskei, moet kennis geneem word van onafgehandelde opdragte ingevolge die skikkingsakte en moontlike onderhoudseise teen die boedel. Behoorlike berekening van koste vir die bereddering van die boedel moet ook gedoen word, wat onder meer eksekuteursfooi en ander administrasiekoste insluit. Daar behoort gedurende die leeftyd van die erflater reeds oor afslag op eksekuteursvergoeding skriftelik onderhandel, ooreengekom en in die testament genoteer word. Ongelukkig bestee mense nie genoeg tyd
om te bereken of daar genoeg geld en ander bates beskikbaar gaan wees vir hul afhanklikes se versorging nie, en indien nie, dan daarvoor voorsiening te maak. ’n Ingewikkelde plan is nie altyd nodig nie en dit verskil van persoon tot persoon. In sommige gevalle is dit dalk net nodig om die likwiditeitsituasie in jou boedel te bepaal ten einde seker te maak dat daar genoeg kontant is om jou laste en uitgawes te betaal en uitvoering aan jou wense te gee. In ander gevalle gaan dit nodig wees om onder meer te bepaal wat is die beste struktuur waarin jy jou bates moet hou.
How to write and edit an essay IF you are struggling to write an essay, or you keep losing loads of marks because of spelling and grammar mistakes and weak formulations, these tips will help you improve your essay-writing skills. Plan An essay should discuss one main theme, but it can also have sub-themes – which must contribute to the main theme. When you plan beforehand what you want to discuss in your essay by making a mind map, you prevent yourself from wandering off from the topic. Start at the beginning After you have planned your essay, you should write your introduction first. Remember that the introduction of an essay should lead the reader into the essay and tell him or her what it will be discussing. This will help you to write your essay, since you can go back to the introduction to see what you have to discuss next. Use a dictionary When you are busy writing your essay, you should always have a dictionary next to you. Use it any time you find yourself unsure of how to spell or use a word correctly, or any time you encounter a word you do not fully understand. Wrap things up Before you write the summary for your essay, you should go back and read your introduction again, since a summary should connect with the introduction and give the main
results of your discussion. Put a name to it The title of your essay should not be chosen lightly, because it is the first thing the reader will see – and first impressions can last a lifetime. Your title should be short and snappy to catch your reader’s eye, and should also let him or her know what your essay’s main theme is. You should therefore reread your essay before you decide on a title. Give it another look When you are finished with your essay, you have to reread it because you might have made writing or typing errors, such as spelling mistakes, omitted or repeated words, missing full stops at the end of a sentence, and so on. Finish your essay early Often there are sentences in an essay that are formulated very poorly and that are difficult to understand. You know what you meant to say in your own essay, and so when you read it you often won’t notice when it doesn’t say what you actually meant to say. If you finish your essay early you can put it aside for a while and forget about it. This will help you to notice your mistakes and weak formulations better when you reread your essay for the last time. Another good idea is to ask a friend to read your essay and see whether they understand what you are trying to say – and whether they notice any mistakes.
The New Companies Act affects you THE Cape Chamber of Commerce will on 18 July hold a workshop on the New Companies Act, which came into effect on 1 May last year. Business owners need to have a good understanding of this act. Does your company or close corporation need to be audited? How do you pre-
pare your annual financial statements? What additional obligations does the act have for directors and members? Can your company lend you money? Does the act change obligations to employees? To book contact Lucia Frans on 021 402
delivering freight reliably
rail engineering
Transnet Limited is a focused freight transport company delivering integrated, efficient, safe reliable and cost-effective services to promote economic growth in South Africa. Transnet’s core businesses are: Transnet Freight, Transnet Rail Engineering, Transnet Pipelines, Transnet Port Terminals and Transnet National Ports Authority.
Student Bursaries are being offered in the following trades:
Blacksmith Armature Winder Welder Electrical Fitter Spray Painter
2 2 2 5 2
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Minimum qualifying requirements: l Grade 12 with a pass in Maths and Physical Science / Grade 12 Technical Matric with a pass in Maths and relevant trade subjects and/or N3 with relevant trade subjects l SA citizens studying towards these trades or field without any other bursary obligation and with outstanding achievements are encouraged to apply. NB: r Please send a covering letter accompanied by complete CV and clearly indicating your choice of trade r Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within one month of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful r A certified copy of the required qualification and ID must be submitted with the application r Late applications will not be considered. Written applications must reach the following address not later than 12:00 on 12 JULY 2012: The Recruitment Manager, Transnet Rail Engineering, P.O. Box 43268, Salt River 7925. Tel. 021 507 3780. Fax: 086 242 6683. We urge all our employees, clients, members of the public and our suppliers to report any kind of fraud or corruption at Transnet. Call the hotline toll free number: 0800 003 056 or email
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 14 • Dinsdag 3 Julie 2012 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Jong sportman reik na sterre SPORTMENSE moet mekaar ondersteun, en dit is presies wat Jan la Grange, direkteur van die Van der Stel-sportsentrum, gedoen het toe hy verneem het van ’n talentvolle jong sportman se dilemma. Die 13-jarige Ayabonga Bayibile, ’n graad 8-leerling aan die Hoërskool Kayamandi, is ’n kranige judoka wat die afgelope drie jaar deur Jan Olivier van die Maties-Van der Stel Judoklub afgerig is. Deur harde werk en vasbyt het Ayabonga die kuns onder die knie gekry. Hy is tans die Boland-kampioen in sy ouderdomsgroep (groep 3) en sy gewigsgroep (onder 50 kg). Ayabonga is die eerste leerling wat uit die Van der Stel-ontwikkelingsgroep kom om vir die Boland-span te kwalifiseer. Hy het egter nie die fondse gehad om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskapstoernooi deel te neem wat in Bloemfontein plaasvind nie. Die Van der Stel Judoklub het Ayabonga se verhaal aan die Gazette vertel. Die berig is skaars gepubliseer, of Jan La Grange het laat weet dat die Sportsentrum bereid is om Ayabonga se kostes van sowat R3 000 te dra. Jan Olivier is verheug oor die skenking. “Ayabonga het ’n ongelooflike persoonlikheid. Hy mis nie ’n oefening nie en woon trouens beide die junior en senior oefening een na die ander by om hom voor te berei vir die SA’s.” En Ayabonga? Hy sê nie veel nie, maar sy breë glimlag vertel duidelik hoe hy voel.
Hier is Du Toit Schreve (Van Der Stel-sportsentrum se algemene bestuurder), Ayabonga Bayibile en Jan Olivier (afrigter)
. Foto: verskaf
Have fun and save lives in Pink Drive ON Thursday 9 August the streets of Johannesburg and Stellenbosch will come alive when thousands of women show solidarity by taking part in the highly anticipated Totalsports Ladies’ Race in celebration of National Women’s Day. Both the Johannesburg and Stellenbosch races will support Pink Drive, a campaign committed to raising breast cancer awareness, improving education, and providing services to women across South Africa, particularly to those who do not have ready access to information on breast health. Noelene Kotschan, founder and director of Pink Drive, says the Totalsports Ladies’ Race is an exciting opportunity for Pink Drive to create awareness. “Pink Drive’s main message is that early detection saves lives. It is unforgivable to allow
women to die from preventable ailments. Breast cancer can be treated once detected early. “The Totalsports Ladies Race presents us with the perfect opportunity to promote healthy living in a fun way. What better platform on which to celebrate this but Women’s Day?” Runners and walkers will get to choose between a fun 5 km run and walk, and a 10 km run and walk. Early Totalsports Ladies’ Race entries will receive an official race T-shirt, and medals will be awarded to all finishers. Moms with prams are welcome, while husbands, family and friends are encouraged to join the fun and show support en route. If you’d like more information on the race in August, phone 0 021 511 7130. For race rules or online entries, visit
ON TARGET: The Stellenbosch Local Football Association hosted a promotional tournament recently to give players in the younger age groups a chance to show off their skills on a number of fields across Stellenbosch. Here, Glen Eagles midfielder Darren Present prepares to swing in a corner kick during the tournament at the Kayamandi Stadium. Photo: Soyiso Maliti
Klubrugby naweek weer op dreef DIE afgelope naweek was dit ’n stil naweek vir plaaslike spanne in die Westelike Provinsie se klubrugbyreeks. Net Stellenbosch Coronations was in aksie. Dié klub van Idasvallei het in ’n wegwedstryd met 14–23 teen Eersterivier verloor. Saterdag speel Stellenbosch Coronations weer tuis. Hulle kom teen Silvertree te staan.
Die afskop is om 16:00. Meeste van die plaaslike klubs sal weer die naweek in aksie wees. Die Maties en Victoriane sal egter eers weer speel nadat die Universiteit Stellenbosch se derde kwartaal begin het. Maties speel tans in die USSA-toernooi wat in Johannesburg plaasvind. Die ander spanne wat tuiswedstryde speel, is Franschhoek, Raithby Universals, Cloetesville
en Kayamandi. Franschhoek speel teen Lagunya, terwyl Raithby Universals die Manenberg Rangers die stryd aansê. Cloetesville, wat ná ’n sukkel-begin tot die seisoen die laaste tyd goeie resultate behaal, speel teen Caledonian Roses. Ander: Temperance t Evergreen Stellenbosch; Faure t Lanquedoc; Pumas t Excelsiors; Kayamandi t Soetendal.