Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Tuesday 7 April 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Inwoners wag steeds op antwoorde van munisipaliteit oor plakkers RAYMOND WILLEMSE EN DAAN WILLIAMS Daar is steeds talle vrae rondom die skuif van die stortingsterrein se mense by Devonvallei na Longlands naby Vlottenburg. Oudinwoners het al met die munisipaliteit op verskillende tye vergader en hulle met vrae gepeper, maar nie veel van hul vrae is sover beantwoord nie. Van die vrae sluit in: Hoekom is die mense nie geplaas in plekke wat uitgesit is vir noodbehuising nie?; Hoe kan die onwettige strukture sonder planne deur die munisipaliteit geplaas word op grond wat nie geskik is vir behuising nie?;
Tina Anthonie, wat vir meer as 20 jaar op Longlands woon, staan by ’n toilet wat vir jare al stukkend is.
Hoe kan die mense in die strukture gehuisves word so na aan die deurpad tussen Kuilsrivier en Stellenbosch?; Hoe word ons beskerm teen vreemde werkloses wat nou in ons midde geplaas word? en Hoe gaan die toekenning van huise in die omgewing geraak word deur die skepping van behuising vir plakkers in die omgewing waar lae koste behuising geskep gaan word? Die nuwe inwoners van Longlands is op Menseregtedag verskuif en sowat 31 houthuise is vir die gesinne deur die munisipaliteit opgerig. Die munisipaliteit se verduideliking oor die besluit is omdat daar ’n ondergrondse brand by die stortingsterrein is, wat lewensgevaarlik is. Getruida Pojie, ’n gemeenskapswerker en lid van die behuisingsforum van Vlottenburg, het gesê om die mense hier te kom plak het die inwoners se humeure laat opvlam. Sy het gesê by ’n vorige vergadering met die munisipaliteit is aan hulle gesê die mense wat na Longlands verskuif is, is nie ’n bedreiging vir die huise wat gebou gaan word nie.” Tina Anthonie, wat al vir meer as 20 jaar op Longlands woon, het gesê vir die oudinwoners is dit ’n bitter pil om te sluk met die dat die nuwe inwoners beter dienste – water en toiletgeriewe – as hulle het. “Ons het nie toilette nie en moet stap om water te gaan haal. Die nuwe inwoners lewe gerieflik, water word vir hulle aangedra. Dit is nie reg nie.” Anthonie het gesê daar word elke jaar sedert sy op Longlands woon leë beloftes gemaak. “Ons wag nou nog vir huise. Van die mense wat saam met ons gewoon het, is al dood. Dit is hartseer. Die struktuur waarin ek
en my gesin woon is nie naastenby so grand soos die van die nuwe inwoners nie.” Jeremy van Neel, wat van die stortingsterrein na Longlands geskuif is, het gesê hy voel nie gelukkig oor hoe hulle behandel word nie. “Ons is ook mense net soos hulle. Almal kry maar swaar om ’n plekkie van hulself te kry. Hulle baklei oor verkeerde redes.” Hy het genoem dat hul toilette al een keer omgegooi is. Julie-Ann Johannes sê haar groot kopseer is dat daar nie elektrisiteit vir hulle is nie.
Shireen Fourie tap water by ’n waterpunt. Joseph Plaaitjies wag sy beurt af.
Hulett Solomons, ’n nuwe inwoner van Longlands, wys hoe die toilette omgegooi is. FOTO’S: RAYMOND WILLEMSE EN DAAN WILLIAMS
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 7 April 2015
So gaan jy in 2016 meer moet opdok RAYMOND WILLEMSE
Stellenbosch-gebied ekonomies sal vooruitgaan, groei en ontwikkel en so Die konsepbegroting meer ontwikkel.” vir die 2015-’16 finanVolgens hom het siële jaar is op Woensdie ekonomie van dag 25 Maart by ’n die groter Stellenraadsitting van die bosch-gebied van Stellenbosch-munisi2000 tot 2013 met paliteit goedgekeur. 17,1% gegroei, wat Uit die begroting Conrad Sidego die snelgroeiendste blyk die grootste voorgestelde verhogings wat die en grootste ekonomie in die Wesbelastingbetalers regstreeks gaan Kaap is naas dié van die Kaapse meraak, is elektrisiteit (12,6%), water tropool. Sidego het gesê met sy konsepbe(9%), sanitasie (9%), vullisverwydering (9%) en eiendomsbelasting groting poog die munisipaliteit om met ’n prioriteitsbenadering die (6,2%). Die operasionele begroting vir menigte behoeftes en gehalte van die volgende finansiële jaar word lewe te verbeter, om infrastrukgeraam op R1 210 978 457 teen ’n tuur te handhaaf en te verbeter asook om die ongelykhede van die uitgawe van R1 271 892 238. Van die grootste verwagte in- verlede reg te stel. “Met dít in gedagte kan ons konkomste vir die munisipaliteit is elektrisiteit (R457 511 760), eien- sepbegroting as ’n ontwikkelingsdomsbelasting (R270 257 306) en begroting gekenmerk word. Om geoperasionele finansiering regtigheid met so ’n benadering te (R114 614 685). Die grootste uitga- laat geskied, het ons ’n ernstige tewes gaan aan salarisse kort aan finansiering, wat die be(R350 841 519), grootmaataanko- groting ’n maklike teiken vir kripe, wat water en elektrisiteit in- tiek maak.” Hy het gesê die begrosluit (R 327 369 277), en ander uit- ting is een wat moet spreek tot gawes soos herstel en onderhouds- innovasie en nuwe idees en denke, om dienste te lewer en die lewe van kostes (R389 826 815). Vergoeding vir raadslede beloop die inwoners van Stellenbosch te R15 763 032. Van die groot projek- verbeter. “Ek doen ’n beroep op die te waarvoor daar vir die komende inwoners om die konsepbegroting jaar beplan word, is rekonstruksie te bestudeer. “Inwoners moet hulvan paaie, die 5ML-reservoir in self eerstehands vergewis van hoe Kayamandi en die uitbreiding van en waar die geld van die munisipaliteit vir die volgende finansiële Stellenbosch-rioolsuiweringsaanjaar aangewend gaan word en ook leg wat die grootste projek is. Burgemeester Conrad Sidego insette lewer.” Inwoners van die Stellenbosch het gesê die begroting is een wat spreek tot werksgeleenthede, seku- munisipale gebied het kans tot 30 April om insette op die begroting riteit en behuising. “Dit sal verseker dat die groter te lewer.
Pieter Holtzhausen en sy pa, Koos, wat twee weke gelede saam graad gekry het.
Ingenieur verwerf derde nagraadse kwalifikasie in tale Dr. Koos Holtzhausen het twee weke gelede op die ouderdom van 74 sy derde nagraadse kwalifikasie in tale verwerf by die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Maart-plegtigheid. Dit is bykomend tot sy meestersen doktorsgrade in ingenieurswese. Hy het die graad B.A. Hons. (vertaling) cum laude verwerf. Ná sy aftrede in 2001 is hy ’n tyd lank op deeltydse basis betrokke by die departement ingenieurswese. Iemand het hom aangeraai om ná aftrede “iets heel anders” te studeer. Omdat hy op skool van Duits as vak gehou het, het hy vir Duits I ingeskryf en het hy in 2005 ’n honneursgraad daarin verwerf. Daarna stu-
deer en slaag hy drie jaargange Frans. Dit was nie genoeg nie en hy het daarna joernalistiek gestudeer en die MPhil (joernalistiek) in 2012 behaal. In 2014 het hy vertaling aan die departement Afrikaans-Nederlands studeer. Hy hou daarvan om ook fisiek aktief te bly en is saam met sy vrou, Mientie, lid van die Stellenbosse voetslaanklub. Hy het vanjaar sy 25ste Argus- fietstoer voltooi, luister graag na mooi musiek en woon graag opvoerings en konserte by saam met Mientie. Vir die gesin was dit ’n besonderse dag omdat hul seun Pieter ook op dié dag ’n doktorsgraad in toegepaste wiskunde verwerf het.
MEC for finance in the Western Cape Government Ivan Meyer (middle), unpacks his budget address and its implications for the Cape Winelands District. Left from him is Neels de Bruyn, Executive Mayor of the Cape Winelands District Municipality, and to his right is Mike Mgajo, municipal manager of Cape Winelands.
Meyer allocates R5,3 billion to Cape Winelands The MEC for finance in the Western Cape Government, Ivan Meyer hosted a media conference on 30 March to unpack his budget address and its implications for the Cape Winelands District. Stellenbosch falls under this District. Meyer said R5,3 billion is allocated to the district by the Western Cape Government for the 2015-’16 financial year, which is a response to the calls of our people for jobs and improved service delivery. “Our budget is therefore propeople, pro-investment, pro-poor and pro-delivery.” He said effective and efficient delivery of public infrastructure must create value through the economic and social activities it supports and is critical to: V Promote balanced economic development; V Unlock economic opportunities; V Address socio-economic needs; V Promote job creation; and V Ensure integrated human settlements and economic development. Approximately R1,1 billion will be invested over the following three years in education, health, environment, transport and public works infrastructure projects. V R383 million will be spent on school infrastructure over the 2015 MTEF V Approximately R218 million
over the medium term expenditure framework makes provision for new health facilities and the refurbishment, upgrading and maintenance of existing facilities, including health technology V Transport infrastructure investment (R2,2 billion over the MTEF) aims to preserve surfaced roads, gravel roads and bridges and to prevent the accumulation of backlogs V Public Works infrastructure investment totalling approximately R54 million over the MTEF will provide building infrastructure that promotes integration, accessibility, equity, environmental sensitivity, economic growth and social empowerment. Meyer said a further amount of R630 million over the 2015 MTEF has been allocated towards increasing housing opportunities and improving settlement functionality, efficiencies and resilience. “The overarching goal of government is to achieve public value, which involves greater effectiveness in tackling the problems that are most important to the citizens. Taking this citizen centric approach facilitates citizens’ access to government, improving consultation and providing a people-centred approach to service delivery.” He said innovative Western Cape Government (WCG) initiatives to improve public value and that also have a pro-poor focus, among others, include: V The RSEP/VPUU pilot programme, which aims to partner with active citizens to plan and implement upgrading and safety projects in poor neighbourhoods in the Prov-
ince. V The WCG Broadband Strategy and Implementation Plan, particularly the e-Education stream, which focuses on improving education outcomes in poorer schools, as well as the Rural Library Connectivity Project. V The expansion and strengthening of community-based care models, e.g. community-based health programmes. V The strengthening of NGO funding-transfer models, thereby improving assurance for reporting, governance, administration and financial management. V Key policy interventions aimed at increasing employment and decreasing unemployment with the emphasis on improving skill levels, providing much needed work experience and exposure via the public employment programmes and the provision of support for small and medium and micro-enterprises. V Supporting municipalities to strengthen public participation processes. V Facilitating access to government services through the Community Development Worker Programme, in conjunction with the Thusong Centres Programme and Mobile Thusong Outreach. Meyer concluded that the NDP calls for active citizenry. The 2015-’16 budget allocation of R5,3 billion lays the foundation for citizens to engage and access the opportunities it creates, and in partnership with the Western Cape Government concretise its philosophy of Better Together.
Lees Donderdag in Eikestadnuus V Prof. Wim praat oor sy eerste week as rektor V Raadslid wil straatname verander V Wie het die Blakestoernooi ge wen? V Meer oor die konsepbegroting
Tuesday 7 April 2015
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Anna Foundation’s protégé an asset at after-school Stephanie Jooste lives at Dornier Wines and has been involved with the Dornier/Waterford afterschool since it opened in 2010. In the latter years of Stephanie’s school career, the Anna Foundation noticed her showing a more mature and positive attitude towards her school work. She became involved in extra activities at her school and was made assistant editor of her school newspaper in her matric year. Despite her busy schedule, she continued to attend the after-school every afternoon she could. Stephanie matriculated in 2013 from Stellenzicht High School in Stellenbosch and is currently studying travel and tourism at Boland College. She is in her final year of the twoyear course and is really enjoying her studies thus far. Stephanie’s sub-
Stephanie Jooste is currently studying travel and tourism at Boland College jects include travel services, travel destinations (including how to sell travel packages), travel office procedures and hotel reception. Her course has an 18-month theory
component and 18-months of practical work in the tourism industry. Stephanie has already gained handson experience at Dornier Wines, Kleine Zalze and De Hoek Manor. In order to “pay back” her study costs to the Anna Foundation, Stephanie assists the facilitator at the Dornier/Waterford after-school by helping with the grade R to grade 3 group, two afternoons per week. During the academic hour she works one on one with learners who are behind or battling with their academics. She is required to work out her own lesson plans and set the goals she wants to achieve with each of the children. Stephanie enjoys her time with the little ones, being firm but kind, and they love and respect her as their facilitator. She is truly an asset to the after-school project. “We are pleased to see just how seriously Stephanie has taken on her
Stephanie introducing a lesson to the children at the Dornier/Waterford after-school roles and responsibilities at both the after-school and with her studies, and how her self-confidence has grown. “Stephanie is currently investigat-
ing the possibility of doing the remainder of her practical work for her degree on a cruise ship, so watch this space!” says Carolyn Clarke from the Anna Foundation.
Student vertel van haar stryd teen en oorwinning oor TB
The Stellenbosch CAN-project has collected 3 026 cans of food and hopes to collect 10 000 by the end of the month.
Donate a CAN today The Stellenbosch CAN-project has already collected 3 026 cans of food to help feed our town’s hungry residents. They have, however, set themselves the goal of collecting 10 000 cans by the end of April and now they need your help. Stellenbosch CAN is calling on businesses and organisations to make donations or run internal can collection drives in order to help them achieve this goal. The project, driven by Eikestad Mall in partnership with Stellenbosch Feeding in Action,
MFM 92.6 and Eikestadnuus, aims to supply food to the 28% of Stellenbosch’s residents who don’t know where their next meal will come from. Members of the public can also make donations at the special machines in Eikestad Mall. Each can donated also acts as an entry into monthly competition draws for tenant prizes. Stellenbosch CAN runs until the end of May, by which time they hope to have collected 15 000 cans of food. We encourage you to help them make a difference and donate a can today!
Poskantoor sluit sy deure Poskantoorkliënte in Stellenbosch moet asseblief kennis neem dat die Idasvallei-poskantoor sy deure op 30 April 2015 sluit. Die posbusse sal nie verwyder word nie. Nabygeleë poskantore binne ’n vier kilometer radius is
Stellenbosch en Matieland. Die eienaar van die gebou het die Poskantoor gevra om die perseel te ontruim en geen ander bekostigbare eiendom was beskikbaar nie. Die mense wat tans by Idasvallei werk, sal na ander kantore skuif.
Die oomblik toe Sandy van Niekerk hierdie twiet op Wêreld Tuberkulose- dag uitgestuur het, het sy geweet sy is uiteindelik gereed om haar storie te vertel. Die twiet, “I survived #mdr #Tuberculosis and finished my BSc at #Maties #WorldTBDay @scienceSUN” is verskeie kere herhaal en tot dusver het van die terugvoering getoon daar nog studente is wat dieselfde stryd in die gesig staar. Sandy is op 19-jarige ouderdom gediagnoseer met ’n tipe tuberkulose wat reeds weerstandigheid teen sogenaamde eerstelinie-antibiotika toon. Sy was toe ’n tweedejaar BScstudent aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Sedertdien het sy haar MSc en ’n internskap by die Universiteit van Kaapstad voltooi. Nou, op 28, is sy nie net genees van die gevreesde Mtb (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)-infeksie nie, maar ook gretig om haar stem te laat hoor om mense aan te moedig om hulself vir TB te laat toets en gebruik te maak van die beskikbare ondersteuningstrukture. “Vandag besef ek dat ek beter na my liggaam moes geluister het. Asseblief, lig jouself in en gaan toets vir TB,” vra sy. In Sandy se geval het sy glad nie enige van die tipiese simptome wat met die siekte geassosieer word, getoon nie – slegs ’n algemene gevoel van afgematheid: “Ek het gedink om die heeltyd so moeg te voel het te doene gehad met die stres van my studies en klasse.” Dit was eers toe sy haar ouers in Swellendam gedurende ’n vakansie besoek het, dat sy ewe skielik begin bloed hoes het: “Ek was in die inkopiesentrum saam met my ma en my tannie. Ek was verras en het vir hulle die bloed gewys. Hulle het my onmiddellik laat sit en in ’n hoekie gaan gesels. My tannie het my toe met die waarheid gekonfronteer, dat ek moontlik TB onder lede het en dat ek onmiddellik vir toetse moes gaan.” Sandy se tannie is die matrone by die Swellendam-hospitaal en haar ma is ’n biologie-onderwyseres by ’n hoërskool op die dorp. Sy het die volgende dag die toetse by die hospitaal laat doen en, om dubbel seker te maak, die toetse by ’n dokter by ’n privaatpraktyk herhaal. ’n Dag later het die eerste toets negatief teruggekom. Drie dae later het die tweede toets bevestig dat sy positief getoets het vir veelvuldige middelweerstandige TB. Sy onthou die mooi kaart van Swellendam op die kliniek se muur
Sandy van Niekerk het skielik gedurende ’n vakansie begin bloed hoes en is later met veelvuldige middelweerstandige TB gediagnoseer. met al die TB-gevalle in die gebied wat met geel speldekoppe aangedui is. “Vir my het hulle ’n pers speldekop gebruik, want ek was ’n spesiale geval. Ek was doodbang, veral omdat ek gewonder het hoe ander mense op die nuus gaan reageer.” Saam met haar ouers het hulle tot die besluit gekom om nie die stand van sake met enigiemand te deel nie, nie eens haar jonger broer en twee susters nie. “Ek was deeglik bewus van die stigma wat kleef aan mense met TB en ek wou hulle nie daarmee belas nie.” Sy het ook nie die universiteitsowerhede in kennis gestel nie aangesien sy nie as ’n “spesiale geval” behandel wou word nie. Haar lewe is daarna oorgeneem deur ’n daaglikse roetine van ses verskillende pille elke dag vir die eerste sewe maande en daarna vier verskillende pille vir die res van die tyd, sowel as ’n menigte pille om newe-effekte soos die naarheid teen te werk en vitamienaanvullings om haar immuunstelsel gesond te hou. Van die begin af, sê sy, het haar ouers haar gemotiveer om seker te maak dat die siekte haar nie van stryk bring nie. Sy het voortgegaan met haar studies en die front probeer voorhou dat daar niks fout is nie. Maar dit was nie maklik nie. “Dit was ’n spanpoging. My lewensmaat was elke dag by my om my te ondersteun. Ek het soos altyd aan die familie se aktiwiteite, soos om in die berge te gaan stap, deelgeneem. My broer en susters het soms gedink ek is lui of dat ek net nie lekker voel nie. Hulle het eers gehoor ek het TB die dag toe ek my medisy-
Die twiet waarmee Sandy uiteindelik haar storie met die wêreld gedeel het, is verskeie kere herhaal. ne vir die heel laaste keer moes neem. Sandy het net die hoogste lof vir die ondersteuning wat sy ontvang het van die personeel by die Swellendam-kliniek en ander instansies. “Die mense by die kliniek het alles aan my verduidelik, hoe TB werk en waarvoor die verskillende pille is, watter newe-effekte ek gaan ervaar en wat ek daaraan kan doen.”Sy sonder veral die DOTSgroep in Swellendam uit. Dié groep bestaan uit vrywilligers wat TB-pasiënte bystaan om te verseker dat hulle daagliks hul medikasie inneem. DOTS staan vir Directly Observed Therapy Strategy, en word deur die Wêreld Gesondheidsorganisasie (WHO) aanbeveel. En dan, natuurlik, haar ouers, sonder wie sy nie hierdie uitdaging sou kon oorkom nie. Sandy is op die oomblik besig om haar werk by die Universiteit van Kaapstad af te handel en dan sal sy begin rondkyk vir ’n beroep waar sy haar liefde vir die wetenskappe kan kombineer met haar nuutgevonde liefde vir skryf en om die wetenskap te omskryf sodat almal dit kan geniet en verstaan.
News - Nuus
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 7 April 2015
Ondersteun Tekkie Tax Die bekendstelling van die jaarlikse Tekkie Tax-dag is verlede week by Kindersorg gedoen. Jack Parow, die bekende Afrikaanse rymkletser, was een van die gaste wat die geleentheid bygewoon het. Bettie Niewoudt, direkteur van Kindersorg, Parow, en Mishka Patel, Kindersorg se ambassadeur, ondersteun ook die projek. Tekkie Tax-dag is op Vrydag 29 Mei waar mense wat plakkers of gekleurde veters vir hul tekkies kan koop en daarmee gaan werk om Kindersorg te ondersteun. Die plakkers kos R10 en die spesiale veters kos R30. Op 15 en 16 April hou Universiteit Stel-
lenbosch twee dae ter ondersteuning van Kindersorg op die Rooiplein. By die geleentheid sal die eerste 500 studente wat plakkers of veters koop ’n gratis koeldrank by die spesiaal-bemande gazebo op die Rooiplein kan kry. Die kraletjies wat al vroeër vanjaar deur die onderskeie crèches gemaak is, sal ook op die Rooiplein verkoop word. Verskeie maatskappye in Stellenbosch het reeds van die plakkers en veters bestel ter ondersteuning van Tekkie Tax-dag. Plakkers en veters sal deur die publiek gekoop kan word by betaalpunte van die grootste supermarkte in Stellenbosch-omgewing.
VinPro viticulturist, Hanno van Schalkwyk, explains correct pruning methods during one of the regional VinPro training sessions.
Registration for VinPro worker training open
Registration is now open for VinPro’s vineyard worker training series, with the vineyard establishment course kicking off in May.
Bettie Niewoudt van kindersorg, Jack Parow en Mishka Patel, ambassadeur vir Kindersorg Stellenbosch, by die bekendstelling van Tekkie Tax-dag op 29 Mei.
New farming academy offers full bursaries A newly launched Agro-ecology Academy based in Stellenbosch seeks to increase the sustainability of local food systems while addressing the youth unemployment crisis. On offer is a rare opportunity for school-leavers without matric, to gain a nationally-recognised qualification leading to a life-long career with opportunities for growth. Organic farming is a growing field in South Africa, with recent research showing that demand far outstrips supply in South Africa. Eric Swarts, a local organic farmer and land reform beneficiary, who has been farming on the Annandale Road near Stellenbosch for the past 12 years, confirms this: “At the moment I have more people wanting my produce than I can possibly supply.” At the same time, the Winelands region is battling with high levels of youth unemployment, which in turn leads to many other social problems. Luke Metelerkamp, a researcher at the Sustainability Institute says: “Nationally, youth unemployment is at around 60%. But, statistically, a young adult with some form of tertiary qualification is six times less likely to be unemployed than one without matric. This highlights the need to train young people in areas where there is a skills shortage. “Our vision for this programme is to create a supportive environment in which the youth, who would other-
wise battle to find any form of meaningful employment, can embark on a skills development journey. This not only sets them on a meaningful career path, but also helps to make agriculture and the wider food system more sustainable in the long run. It’s about creating livelihoods with real purpose – qualifying people to help solve the problem of providing safe, nutritious food to all South Africans.” This fully-funded, nationally-recognised course will help graduates find a job in farming or start their own business. Courses on offer include mixedfarming systems and a farming management qualification. Over the three-year course, students will learn advanced farming skills and are taught how to combine these with basic business management skills to farm more autonomously. On successful completion, the course can lead to employment with course partners in organic farming, animal breeding, viticulture, dairy or chicken farming. V Applications close on 8 April and spaces are very limited. For applications, visit Terrence Ward in person at the Youth Office, the Sustainability Institute, Lynedoch, email or call 021 881 3196 ext 208, 079 137 6963.
The new farming project offers a multitude of training opportunities in the agricultural sector.
VinPro brings vineyard worker training to the wine producer’s doorstep via a comprehensive series of training courses in the respective regions, which are in line with the progress of the wine grape season. Each course is presented as a one day training session, and can be taken separately. The series comprises six courses, namely: V Vineyard Establishment: 19-28 May 2015 V Pruning: 2 June-14 July 2015 VIrrigation: 18-25 August 2015 V Disease and Pest Control: 1-17 September 2015 V Vine Development: 6-13 October 2015 V Canopy Management: 20 October-12 November 2015.
The series is presented in the Olifants River, Robertson, Worcester/Breedekloof, Paarl, Stellenbosch and Swartland regions. “We encourage all wine producers to register their vineyard workers and team leaders for the respective training sessions in their region. Not only does training improve skills, it enhances productivity and empowers employees,” explains Kachné Ross, VinPro viticulturist and training officer, who coordinates the sessions. The training courses are made possible by a financial contribution from the VinPro Foundation, the funding arm for training initiatives by VinPro, the representative organisation for close to 3 500 South African wine producers and cellars. The cost for each one day session is R200 per person (incl VAT). This includes theory and practical, lunch, an evaluation and attendance certificate. NQF level 1 accreditation is available on request.
Tuesday 7 April 2015
News - Nuus
FNB Maties slyp tande vir harde liga-reeks wat voorlê DORFLING TERBLANCHE
Die FNB Maties maak gereed vir ’n klipharde veldtog in die Westelike Provinsie se Superliga en weet dat daar vanaf die meet groot druk gaan wees. Alhoewel die Maties die liga 13 uit die afgelope 15 jaar gewen het, bly die kompetisie steeds kwaai, veral van die Kaapse spanne soos Hamiltons en die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Verlede seisoen het die Maties eers met die laaste wedstryd teen Hamiltons die liga beklink en kon sy Ikeyaartsvyande met bonuspunte deurgaans druk op die Maties plaas. Eerste aan die beurt is ’n wegwedstryd teen Sir Lowrians in Somerset-
Wes en as een van die nuwe spanne in die liga kan die span ’n potensiële piesangskil wees. D ie Victoriane verwelkom dieselfde dag die einste Hamiltons op die Danie Craven-stadion. Met verskeie langnaweke wat tussen nou middel Mei voorlê speel die Maties en Vics op vier Woensdaeaande asook een Vrydagaand. Die uitmergelende skedule gaan vir afrigters Chris Rossouw en Louis Blom beslis ’n uitdaging wees, veral as daar in ag geneem word die spanne bestaan bykans volkome uit studente. Die ander groot wedstryd wat voor die middeljaar aanbreek plaasvind, is die Intervarsity teen die Ikeys Saterdag 9 Mei op die Groote Schuur-
veld. Maties het in die 2014-wedstryd naelskraaps gewen en het in die jaar se Varsitybeker gelykop gespeel,wat wys dat die Ikeys beslis nie geringskat moet word nie. Wat dinge nog meer interessant maak, is dat die Vics die vorige Woensdag self besoek aflê aan Groote Schuur en vir hul grootboet ’n duidelike prentjie sal kan gee oor die Ikeys se speelstyl en sterkpunte. Die liga is ook waar verskeie jonger spelers grootgemaak word vir 2016 se Varsitybeker en dit is die nuwe manne se kans om te wys hulle kan saam met die ou hande gesels. Daar is dus soveel op die spel vir elke speler dat daar verseker met groot afwagting uitgesien kan word na die komende seisoen.
12 youths can train as chef assistants at Stellemploy in May Stellemploy will train 12 unemployed people in methods of cooking, knife skills and introduction to baking skills, kitchen hygiene and basic nutrition from 4 May to 12 June. Stellemploy facilitates this training opportunity for the youth from developing communities. This training opportunity is
only available to unemployed people with consumer or hospitality studies on at least grade 10 level or experience in the hospitality industry. Only 12 people can be accommodated on a course – it is therefore important to register early. This training opportunity is only available to youths of 18 to 35
years of age in the Greater Stellenbosch area. 23 April is the final date of registration for this City & Guilds accredited Food Preparation course. Stellemploy facilitates this with donor funding received from Distell. For more information, please contact Gaino or Betta from Stellemploy at 0 021 886 6993.
Stellenbosch Gazette
Municipality reduces red tape Stellenbosch Municipality has committed itself to Red Tape Reduction to improve service delivery. The Municipality has recently developed a standard operating procedure (SOP) for event applications in order to reduce the waiting period for events to be processed. Previously, the minimum notice period for events applications for small events accommodating between 50 and 500 people was a minimum of 30 days, required to consider and process such an application. The minimum notice period has now been reduced to 10 working days (2 weeks) to consider and process an event application for between 50 and 500 people.) For an event involving between 501-2 000 people (medium size event) a minimum of 20 working days (4 weeks) will be required. The reason being that the risk factor is higher with the increased number of people attending such an event and the Municipality together with SAPS and other role
players need to make sure that events organisers address all risk factors associated with the event. For events involving more than 2 000 people (large/ major events) a minimum period of 6 months will be required. This requirement is legislated by the Events Act, as with any other event catering for more than 2 000 people. However, most event applications fall in the category that cater for between 50 and 500 people and for that reason the Municipality has reduced the notice period for these types of events to 10 working days. Event organisers can visit the municipality’s website at (direct link: about-us/documents/general/ application-for-an-event) where all the relevant application forms are available for download. For any enquiries regarding events, event organisers can contact: Yvonne Mndabani at 0 021 808 8447 or by mail
Belinda Davids (agter links) Jannie Groenewald, Mary-Anne Matthews met haar kind, Willeen, Maggie Samspon en Desiré Fleurs het die koek en tee geniet. Voor is Petronella Jansen en Stephanie Jansen.
Gemeenskap samel geld in vir Werkersdag
Die organisasie KeepThemActive in Cloetesville het onlangs ’n Saayc Dreamers-toekenning ontvang by ’n geleentheid in Johannesburg . Saayc is ’n nasionale organisasie vir jeugklubs in Suid-Afrika. KeepThemActive het ’n Excellence-toekenning vir sosiaal en entrepreneurskap ontvang. Buti Manamela, adjunkminister in die presidensie, het dit oorhandig. Hier is Josehp Joon, Gregory Alexander, Gavin Conradie, Dylan Jacobs en Wynanda Jacobs van KeepThemActive.
Jerome Williams, ’n gemeenskapswerker in Cloetesville, in samewerking met Elizabeth Windwaai het dit goed gedink om van die gemeenskap bymekaar te bring by Laerskool Cloetesville om geld in te samel vir ’n familiedag in Cloetesville op Werkersdag.
Amber Constable (links) Elizma Januarie en Joline Constable het gesorg dat dinge in die kombuis glad verloop.
Breughel-teatersentrum hou algemene jaarvergadering Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Breughel-teatersentrum vind plaas op Saterdag 25 April by North Endstraat 15 in Cloetesville om 14:00. Die voorsitter se verslag sal voorgelees word en ’n nuwe direksie sal ook verkies word. Voorstelle vir nominasies, met sekondante, vir vyf direksieposte moet teen Vrydag 17 April ingedien word by die Breughel-tea-
tersentrum. Die poste is vir voorsitter, ondervoorsitter, kassier, en twee lede. Lede van die publiek is welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Vir meer inligting of om nominasievorms te bekom, kontak Michael Arendse soggens tussen 09:00 en 13:00 by 0 060 750 2339 of 0 078 509 9248, of 2
Getruida Afrika (links) Jerome Williams en Rosaline Afrika het die geldinsameling bygewoon. Voor is Maria Floors en Rynha Floors. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
Tuesday 7 April 2015
Beyers can bring glory to Maties side The FNB Maties might have narrowly missed out on a place in this year’s FNB Varsity Cup presented by Steinhoff International, but hardworking flanker Beyers de Villiers can still bring home an award to Matieland.
De Villiers is one of three players to have been nominated as Forward That Rocks, alongside Jason Klaasen of UCT and CJ Velleman of NMMU. Interestingly, all three are blindside flankers and are among the top try-scorers in the competition. This is the third season for Beyers in the Varsity Cup and since making his debut against UJ in 2013, he has played more than 20 matches for the Maties and scored
an impressive eight tries. He played two seasons of first team rugby at the famous Paarl Boys High and then started studying at Stellenbosch University. In 2011 and 2012 he played age-group rugby for Western Province and in 2013 he donned the famous maroon jersey in the world’s toughest university rugby competition. The soft-spoken Beyers earned his B.Com degree in management science at the end of last year and is currently enrolled for the postgraduate diploma in project management at Stellenbosch University’s business school. When he walked over the stage during his graduation ceremony he joined the ranks of a select few persons to have represented the university in the Varsity Cup, while also
earning a top-class degree. He credits his solid season to having learnt a tremendous amount playing alongside great players such as Helmut Lehman and Louis Jordaan. Though he will not say anything to the effect, it is clear that he has grown into the role of elder statesman and even captained the Maties when regular captain Wilhelm van der Sluys was unable to do so. All Matie fans are urged to go and visit the Varsity Cup Facebook page and go vote for Beyers before voting closes on 13 April.
Beyers de Villiers can still bring some glory to the Maties Varsity Cup rugby side with his nomination as Forward that Rocks. PHOTO: THYS LOMBARD
Spotting business opportunities
Many people say, “I would love to start my own business, but I do not know what kind of business to do”. PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE
WILLISTON DECKSTER'S CATERING, DéCOR / HIRING. SLAGLAMMERS Puik kwaliteit vleis Menu's from R130.00. Includes: crockery, cutlery, verwerk in goedgekeurde slaghuis. R68/kg. white tablecloths, white chair covers, organza back- Afgelewer in Kaap en omgewing. Kontak: Helen drop, arch & red carpet. (Ielaahm or Rene.) 021 371 Bröcker Sel: 082 820 2977 E-mail: 4507 / 082 324 9486. www.decksterscatering. KRUIEKENNER
AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.
Spesiale dienste
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There are different ways to look into the matter, but some guidelines may just help you to move in the right direction. Sometimes it is worthwhile to look for the kind of work that most people are reluctant to do, and you can do business by offering that service. Because people do not like to do it, they are usually willing to pay somebody else to do it for them, for example cleaning services or removing garden refuse. One can also look at the quality of products or services. Say you look at washing pegs and you know that you have the skill to produce better quality pegs than the ones available, it means the possibility for a business exists. Or you are not satisfied with the service you receive from your garden services company and you know you can do a better job. Or be on the lookout for a specific prob-
lem or need for which many people do not really have a solution. Maybe they have a need for transport to the airport or to have electric equipment such as hair dryers, washing machines, etc. repaired. If you have the skills to supply the need, it may become your business One of the most important aspects to consider though, is whether your business will match your personality and if you have adequate skills and experience to supply quality products and/or services in the particular kind of business. It will not work to start a food-related business such as baking or catering if you hate the idea of working in a kitchen. Similarly do not consider building in cupboards if you are not practical at all. Furthermore you have to consider whether there is a market and a need for what you would like to offer or produce. There must be a need for large enough quantities of your product or service at a reasonable profit to make for a viable business. V David Malherbe is a business- and career consultant and lives in Wellington.
State-of-the-art research on gambling disorder HERSTEL BY DIE HUIS Ys- en vrieskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene, tuimeldr. en mikrogolfoonde. 071 755 3390.
I am Chane Jacobs 48 years old, and I want to thank Mama Kim who helped me with my financial, love and business problems. Mama Kim gave me the holy oil and stick which helped me with all my problems. I am no longer in debt, I opened a business and we are one big happy family now. I can't thank Mama enough, call her on 071 165 1897 X1PXJKQD-ES070415
Any person/s with the following may apply to Franschhoek Hospice for an interview. • Drivers licence essential • CV to include certified copy of id and certificates • Minimum grade 12 certificate • S.A.N.C registration • Own cell phone • Must live in Franschhoek area • Able to speak Afrikaans, English Working hours Monday to Friday, 08:00 - 14:00 Contact Franschhoek Hospice on 021 876 3085 or email to X1PXHH65-ES070415
Gambling disorder is The MRC Unit on Anxiety a psychiatric disorder and Stress Disorders at characterised by the the Universities of Steluncontrollable urge to lenbosch and Cape Town gamble despite serious is conducting an innovaconsequences. Individtive research study on uals with gambling disgambling disorder. Prof order may continually Christine Lochner and chase losses, hide their her team are looking for behaviour, tell lies participants. about where they go, For many people, gamhow much they spend bling is harmless recreaor owe, accumulate tional fun. At least 50% of debt or even resort to South Africans gamble in fraud or theft in order to casinos, at slot machines, online, by playing the lot- Prof Christine Lochner who is heading the rese- continue gambling. This condition is setery or by betting on arch project. verely debilitating, dissports. However, it does become a problem for some when they start rupting the gambler’s functioning in the perspending too much time and/or money on gam- sonal, familial and/or occupational sphere. The study covers many aspects of gambling bling. According to the Quarterly Labour Force disorder – symptoms, illness severity and imSurvey of 2012, 4-7% of the adult population in pact on the quality of life, while also looking South Africa are problem gamblers, whereas at genetics and the structure of certain brain approximately 1% of the population suffers regions implicated in this condition. The research team is looking for persons from gambling disorder. Problem gamblers who find it increasingly difficult to resist the with gambling disorder or with problems relaturge to gamble even though they are experienc- ed to their gambling behaviour and for healthy ing negative consequences, such as financial control persons (for comparison) who are inand/or relationship difficulties, might be suf- terested to take part in the study. This is not a treatment study, but referrals fering from gambling disorder (sometimes refor treatment can be made if requested. ferred to as gambling addiction).
Dinsdag 7 April 2015
General - Algemeen
Stellenbosch Gazette
St Joseph se basaar was ’n fees vir almal Stellenbosch Gazette vra Stellenbossers om hierdie welsyn- en gemeenskapsorganisasies te help. Hier is ’n lys van hul belangrikste behoeftes: ) Stellenbosch-nagskuiling: Ingemaakte (blikkies-) of vars groente, enige droë sopbestanddele, macaroni, spaghetti, koffie, suiker, poeiermelk, smeergoed vir brood, badseep en handdoeke. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan vrywilligers om daagliks sop te skenk. Dit kan bevrore of vars wees. Skakel 0 021 886 6173. ) Huis Horison: Materiaal, wol, kant en benodigdhede vir handwerkafdeling, waterdigte (enkelbed) oortreksels vir matrasse, inkontinensie-doeke vir volwassenes. Skakel 0 021 887 5080. ) Safe House Stellenbosch: Benodig dringend babaweggooidoeke, babaseep, -sjampoe en -klere, vroue- en kinderklere, pajamas en sokkies. Vir die kombuis: rys, melkpoeier of langlewemelk, kookolie, suiker, pasta, koffie en tee. Algemeen: waspoeier vir outomatiese wasmasjien, Handy Andy, Jik, Domestos en opwasmiddel vir skottelgoed. Vaardigheidsklasse: hekelpenne, hekelgare, asook skryfbehoeftes soos verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte. Vroue van die gemeenskap word versoek om asseblief hul talente, stokperdjies, kennis en vaardighede met die inwoners te kom deel. Skakel 0 021 883 2574. ) Stellenbosch Voedingsaksie: Droë bestanddele soos rys, pasta, mieliemeel, stampmielies en sopmengsel, asook bruikbare produkte vir kospakkies. Skakel 0 021 886 8986 of 0 071 322 0747. ) Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch: Ons soek tweedehandse klere, nie-bederfbare voedsel, meubels, huishoudelike ware en 3 baba karstoeltjies. Skakel 0 021 887 2816. ) Jeuguitreik: kinder- en jeugsorgsentrum: Ons benodig ’n naaldwerk-vrywilliger wat herstelwerk aan kinders se klere kan doen. Goeie tweedehandse klere word benodig vir ’n gemeenskapskleinsake-projek. Nie-bederfbare kruideniersware is baie welkom. Vir navrae: 0 021 886 6216. ) Marcelino Singh-stigting: Brood, broodsmeer, vars groente, tweedehandse klere en meubels. Skakel 0 021 889 9555 of 072 888 7188. ) ACVV Stellenbosch: Nie-bederfbare kos, toiletware, skoolskoene, -hemde en -broeke, weggooidoeke vir babas en volwassenes, rugsakke vir skoolgaande kinders en ou klere vir ons klerewinkel om te gee aan diegene wat kom vra. Skakel 0 021 887 6959. ) Kayamandi-traumakamer: Matrasse (driekwart- en enkelbed-), waaier, verwarmer, beddegoed, gordyne, komberse, eetgerei, tweedehandse klere en onderklere, kos, toiletware en skoonmaakmiddels. Bel me. Bakubaku, 0 074 717 9676 of 0 021 889 7686, of Mary, 0 083 945 5811. ) Stellenbosch-hospies: Koffie, tee en warmsjokoladepoeier (hot chocolate), skryfbehoeftes (verf, skêre, Pritt, gekleurde papier en inkleurpotlode vir kreatiewe projekte), opvoedkundige en ander speletjies soos ’n domino-, dambord- en skaakstel, “stresballe”, rekbande en wolnaalde of breipenne, asook manspajamas en -skoene, kinderklere, komberse en kussings met kussingslope. V Find relevant cheap material in our great selection of books and pictures in our many magazines at the Hospice Shop in Borcherd Street, open weekdays until 16:45 and on Saturdays. Your purchases help fund the caring services Stellenbosch Hospice provides for over 1 000 patients every month. Contact 0 021 886 5994. ) GreenDoorProjek@Jamestown: Babaklere (0-3 jaar) en bababenodigdhede vir 13 tienermammas in hul sorg, asook meisieklere (9-10 jaar). Vir meer inligting: Chanene van As 0 082 890 8616. ) Stellenbosch Werksentrum Die Stellenbosch Werksentrum vir volwasse persone met gestremdhede se jaarlikse basaar word op 28 Maart in die VG se kerksaal in Cloetesville gehou. Die sentrum het behoefte aan koekbestanddele, kruideniersware, groente en vrugte asook enige artikel wat te koop aangebied kan word. Koekbakkers is ook welkom om die sentrum te kontak. Voornemende donateurs kan die sentrum by 0 021 887 8688 bel.
St. Joseph-kleuterskool het Saterdag 28 Maart sy jaarlikse basaar in Idasvallei gehou. Daar was verskillende lekkernye te koop en vir die kleingoed was daar hope pret op dié dag.
Eugene Davidse help vir Igshaan Williams op die glyplank.
Eveline Hendricks (links) gee ’n koppie tee aan Denise Afrikan (regs) terwyl Carmen Jacobusen toekyk. FOTO’S: DAAN WILLIAMS
Curt Jackal (links), Miguel Manuel en Liam Smith vat ’n ruskansie en sit op die springkasteel
Cecil Langeveldt gooi vir Mia Maart op die glybaan. Tezhré Mezichel (links) en Lihle Xaba wag hul beurt af.
WPRI well represented in SA under 20 trial squad The Western Province Rugby Institute (WPRI) is well represented in the South African under 20 squad currently having trials at the Stellenbosch Academy of Sport. It is the third consecutive year that the Junior Springboks are based at SAS for their pre-tournament preparations. A large squad players assembled at SAS for the 2015 Junior Springbok trials. Coach Dawie Theron and members of the SARU Mobi Unit will conduct several training sessions. A trial match was played last week before the players broke for the Easter holidays. A reduced training squad got together
yesterday to start with earnest preparations for the planned tour of Argentina in midApril. Current and former WPRI players in the squad this past week at the trials were Ruan Brits (hooker), Dan du Plessis (hooker), Daniel du Plessis (centre), Jaco Coetzee (number eight), Grant Hermanus (fullback), Michael Kumbirai (prop), Daniël Maree (flanker), Ryan Oosthuizen (centre), Khanyo Ngcukana (wing), Justin Phillips (scrum-half), Ernst Stapelberg (fly-half), Brandon Thomson (flyhalf), Christo van der Merwe (Maties, flanker), Francois van der Merwe (prop), Frans van Wyk (prop), Jacques Vermeulen (flanker), EW Viljoen (fullback), Eduard Zand-
bergh (lock) and Leolin Zas (wing). “Our decision last year to keep the players together in camp for an extended time rather than having several shorter camps proved very successful, so we will do so again this year,” said Theron, who led the Junior Boks to their first JWC title in 2012, a third place finish in France in 2013 and losing the final last year with one point. “We were able to work with the players daily and monitor their rehabilitation in instances of injuries.” A training match against the Western Province Rugby Institute will be hosted at the Paul Roos Markötter Stadium on 16 April 15:30, while a match against a Varsity Cup XV is also on the cards.
SPORT BROKKIES | SPORT SNIPPETS EVERGREENS Evergreens Vlottenburg-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae van 18:00 tot 19:30 by die Vlottenburg Primêre Skool. Kontak Leon Krediet 0 060 774 9429. VAN DER STEL Die Van der Stel-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae by die klub se rugbyvelde om 18:30. Bel Adam Wagner by 0 073 851 3477. CORONATIONS Coronations-rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae om 19:00 by Idasvallei-sportgron-
de. Bel Jerado Hendricks by 0 078 597 6156. BRAMPTON Die Brampton-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:30 by Lückhoff se skoolterrein. Bel vir Jakob Klaaste 0 082 496 9991. BLAKES Blakes-rugbyklub oefen elke Dinsdag en Donderdag van 19:00 op Cloetesville se sportgronde. Bel Christie Noble 0 073 272 7103. PNIEL VILLAGERS Die Pniel Villagers-rugbyklub oefen Dins-
dae en Donderdae van 19:00 tot 21:00 by die Pniel-sportgronde. Bel Winston Stubbs by 0 071 567 1273. EXCELSIORS Excelsiors RFC oefen Maandae en Woensdae om 18:45 by Cloetesville-sportgronde. Vir verdere besonderhede skakel Roy Davidse 0 078 657 4305 of W. Hendrickse 0 0736881502. V Vir enige sportnuus of uitlsae e-pos Raymond Willemse by of bel 0 021 887 2840
Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore
Year 17 • Dinsdag 7 April 2015 | Tel. 021 887 2840
Is jy dalk April se Let’s Play sportster?
Stephan Hunduza of the Zimbabwean sevens team with the ball.
Zim Sevens hone skills in Stellenbosch The Zimbabwean sevens team, or “The Cheetahs” as they are affectionately known among their supporters, did their preparations for the international sevens circuit at Stellenbosch. The Zim team participated in Pool F in the Hong Kong Sevens last weekend. They are currently in 19th place on the international log. Seventeen players formed part of the squad that honed their skills at the world-class facilities of the Stellenbosch Academy of Sport (SAS), where they rubbed shoulders with the Blitzbokke, who call Stellenbosch their home. Travelling with the squad, Zimbabwean director of rugby, Bright Chivandire, was full of praise for the South African Rugby Union (Saru) who invited the squad to prepare here in South Africa. He noted that sevens is still a young sport in Zimbabwe, so being able to train with the best in the world, can only improve the skills and mind-set of the players.
He said that the South African players and coaches embraced the opportunities to share with the Zimbabwean players and they were “humbled by the fact that they were happy to work with us and help Zimbabwe to prepare for this qualification tournament”. Twenty-year-old Riaan O’Neill said it was a great experience to train against the Blitzbokke and the SA Academy side. Fortunate Chipendu, who have been playing for the Cheetahs for 12 years, said that they have been trying for three years to qualify for the world circuit and said the confidence is high after the camp. He is hopeful that the short visit to Stellenbosch may just be the missing ingredient they needed for a major breakthrough. In Hong Kong, the Cheetahs played in the twelve-team second-tier competition where Russia and Spain are the representatives from Europe, Papua New Guinea and Tonga from Oceania, Zimbabwe and Tunisia from Africa, Mexico and Guyana from North America and the Caribbean, Uruguay and Brazil from South America and hosts Hong Kong and Korea from
Asia. Zimbabwe were drawn in Pool F where they took on Spain, Tonga and Georgia in the core membership qualification first stage. “This was a great chance for the boys to acquire and share skills with the South African team,” Cheetahs coach Daniel Hondo said. Neil Powell, head coach of the Blitzbokke, was full of praise for the great work ethic under the players and coaches, and said that they also enjoyed having our African neighbours here in Stellenbosch. “It was an honour for my team to share our knowledge and skills with the Cheetahs, and we wish them well in their bid to qualify for the world series,” said Powell. The Blitzbokke were in action at the Sevens tournament in Tokyo over the past weekend, after finishing third in Hong Kong the week before. With the South African leg being played in the Cape Town stadium in December, Powell is confident that his team will do their utmost to emulate their performance last year when they won the Cup in Port Elizabeth.
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Die maandelikse Let’s Play-kompetisie is weer volstoom aan die gang en nominasies vir Maart word nou ingewag. Hierdie kompetisie word in samewerking met Super Sport aangebied. Al wat jy moet doen is om ’n sportster van jou klub of skool te nomineer vir besonderse prestasies wat hulle onlangs behaal het. Daar sal elke maand ’n wenner aangewys word. Al die maandwenners kom in November in aanmerking vir die groot jaarprys en die titel van Let’s Play-sportster van die jaar. Al die jaarwenners kwalifiseer dan vir die nasionale Let’s Play-sportster van die jaar. Groot pryse is op die spel. Die Maart-wenner word Donderdag in Eikestadnuus bekend gemaak. Stuur die nominasie en ’n hoë resolusie foto, na raymond.willemse@