Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 3 • Tuesday 26 February 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Greyton fights back ANNETTE THERON
An increase in property-related crime in Greyton has led to residents establishing a neighbourhood watch, the police increasing patrols, and the tourism bureau advising members on improving security. But some residents say the publicity surrounding the increase is blown out of proportion and might be harmful to the town’s image as a quiet country haven. Property-related crime increased by 65% in January this year compared to January last year. This category includes burglaries, theft of motor vehicles, theft out of motor vehicles and stock theft. Arson and malicious damage to property went up by 34%, while general theft, fraud and shoplifting increased by 9%. Drug-related crime, drunken driving and selling liquor without a licence increased by 60%. However, Captain Gustav Tamboer, station commander of the Genadendal/Greyton police, points out that there was a 22% decrease in contact crime like murder, rape, assaults and robberies in January compared to January last year. “The problem in Greyton is housebreaking and theft,” Tamboer says. According to him, laptops, cellphones, i-Pods and jewellery are the most common items stolen. He attributes these crimes to drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment and poverty. In an effort to curb the crime problem, a neighbourhood watch was es-
tablished in November last year, and security companies came on board. According to Tamboer, this proved fruitful. “Community participation is most important. Due to information from the community, we have been able to make several arrests, as well as confiscate some of the stolen property. The high visibility of police vehicles in Greyton is another deterrent.” Tamboer says the success rate of apprehending suspects increased from 50% to 70% since January. The problem of break-ins received prominent attention in a recent report in a Cape Town-based daily newspaper, and some residents feel the publicity has been out of proportion to the problem. A resident whose house was burgled earlier this year says she still thinks Greyton is a wonderful place and that the prevalence of crime has been blown out of proportion. “One expects a small town to become immune to petty theft, but it is an unrealistic expectation because crime happens all over.” Jenny Duncan, chairperson of the Greyton Tourism Bureau, says that Greyton has sadly become the focus of what is actually happening in all towns along the coast. “It is a tragedy that people are beginning to associate Greyton with crime; it is going to have a negative impact on us.” She admits that they have crime in Greyton, but believes there has been an under reporting of crime in the past. “We have a new police captain and we are supporting him fully. What we are doing is encouraging all of our self-catering establishments to
KANSA-AFLOS ’N GROOT SUKSES: Tessa Hanekom en haar skoonsus Thilka het albei aan die pas afgelope Kansa Relay for Life by Overberg Hoërskool se sportgronde deelgeneem en sê dit was ’n groot sukses. “Dit is die eerste keer dat ons deelneem en daar is soveel moeite gedoen met die Luminaria-seremonie toe die kerse aangesteek is. Ons sake-onderneming, Bosman Smit Pretorius, het 14 mense ingeskryf vir ’n span ter ondersteuning van kanker.” Hier sit die span (in pienk) op die pawiljoen tydens die amptelike opening van die aflosren. FOTO: VERSKAF
have burglar bars and alarms put in, just as an extra precaution, as you would, living in the city.” Mary Faure, owner of Francolin Guest Cottage in Greyton, says that she doesn’t believe it is a spike, but rather a long-term trend. “It’s probably spurred on by tik users. I don’t live in Greyton, but the petty and opportunistic thieving has certainly become worse.” She says guests at their cottage imagine that life in the village is safe and secure and tend to leave doors standing open, or unlocked. “The temptation is huge. It seems to me that as people become more vigilant and keep doors secured, the pilferers and tik and alcohol addicts become more desperate and reckless when
they try to gain entry into homes.” She doesn’t think that tourism in Greyton will be affected. “The village crime is nowhere near the level of violence and danger of city crime. And it is such a stunning village.” Alan Armstrong, chairperson of the Greyton Neighbourhood Watch, says the crime in the area is “pretty much” the same as in the crime spike in Napier and Bredasdorp. “There is a big problem in the Western Cape and it seems to have started in the urban areas and moved to the rural areas. Poor communities around the country villages have formed little crime syndicates.” He says country communities are not used to security systems, but a number of residents have upgraded
their security systems to make themselves less vulnerable. Tamboer says the community’s efforts are starting to pay off. “It is clear to me that the community is coming to the fore by reporting criminal activities in our area and therefore I must salute you. “More and more stolen goods are being recovered due to valuable information from you as the community. More and more information regarding illegal liquor and drug outlets suddenly arises. This relates into proper planning from our side to address them harshly. “Liquor and drug outlets are the priorities for this year and this is a friendly warning to those dealing with this root cause of crime.”