Theewaterskloof Gazette 27 Nov 2012

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Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier

Year 2 • Tuesday 27 November 2012 | Tel. 028 214 1294

Behuising betoging vreedsaam

’n Protesoptog is Saterdag deur die groep Theewaterskloof Bekommerde Inwoners (TBI) en Zwelitsha-inwonerskomitee gehou. Die betogers het hul ontevredenheid oor probleme met dienslewering te kenne gegee en op hul grondwetlike reg op basiese dienste en behuising aangedring. Hier staan hulle voor die Caledon-munisipaliteit, waar hulle ’n memorandum oorhandig het. Lees meer op bl. 4. FOTO: YVETTE VERMEULEN

Bumper harvest overflows ANNETTE THERON This year’s harvest of oats, barley, wheat and canola has exceeded all expectations. Rainfall at 15% higher than the long-term average – and favourable climate conditions – are the main reasons why farmers are still harvesting, according to Richard Krige, chairperson of region 27 of Grain SA. “There are some problems with grades with some of the grain types, but with regards to yield, it is a bumper harvest,” Krige says. Stiffie Cronjé, media spokesperson for the Theewaterskloof Municipality, says that depending on the rand yield of the crop, it will definitely result in a positive impact on local businesses. Local spending power is usually more if agricultural yields are above average, he says. There is widespread agreement that this year’s harvest is a bumper one. However, bar-

ley was damaged by the heavy rain that fell in October this year – right at the time that the harvest was meant to start. The rainfall was higher than the previous high of 2004 and forced farmers to delay their harvest by about two weeks. Swellendam’s barley is said to have suffered more damage than Caledon’s. A local farmer says that in some places the barley has been downgraded to feed barley. Most of the barley in Caledon is being downgraded, he says, but the malt factory will still try to malt it as there is no other barley available. The farmer says the wheat quality is excellent and the oats quality is also good, although there is currently an oversupply of oats in South Africa. Commenting on the harvest of all crop types in general, Pieter Beukes, chairperson of the Caledon Agricultural Association, says the tonnage per hectare is much higher compared

to last year and he adds that the quality is better. The plantings for the 2011 - 2012 season wheat area was 15% more. Barley was 7% more; lupins 50%; triticale (korog) 11%, and canola 6%. A 9% greater area in total was planted to cash crops. “I do not think there’s a farmer who can complain about this year’s harvest – it’s a blessed harvest,” Beukes says. “The only frustration has been waiting your turn at the silos, but it’s not really something to complain about because we must be grateful for the good returns.” Last year Overberg Agri received 133% of its grain storage capacity. Expectations are that this will possibly be 145% this year. Francois Joubert, managing director of Overberg Agri Bedrywe, confirms that the harvest is more than Overberg Agri Bedrywe’s capacity. As a result, they are creating additional capacity with silo bags, grain dams and grain bunkers. “The staff are working 24/7, but are

all positive about handling the harvest.” Krige adds that Overberg Agri is also moving grain to buyers by truck and rail so that storage space is created. “The facilities are slightly under pressure,” Krige admits, “given the volumes that are being delivered and the additional grades for the barley. The patience and understanding from the farmers and the acceptance that the systems are under pressure, given the volumes, have been commendable.” He says that the number of different grades that need to be accommodated have put further pressure on grain storage. Krige says that the surplus production of barley and oats is expected and hopefully this will result in revised intentions of planting for the coming season. He says that the increased production of canola will help curb the importation of plant protein and result in massive savings of foreign currency, as South Africa is a net importer of vegetable oils and meal.

Market Day Sat: 1 Dec | 10 – 2pm

028 214 5100 |

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