Theewaterskloof |Bredasdorp | Napier
Year 3 • Tuesday 29 January 2013 | Tel. 028 214 1294
Blue crane group in crisis ANNETTE THERON
Awareness of the vulnerable status of the blue crane bird in the Overberg hangs in the balance after the Overberg Blue Crane Group confirmed that it does not have money to continue with its work. According to Mick D’Alton, chairperson of the Overberg Blue Crane Group and a farmer in the Bredasdorp area, this group was established in 1991 due to large-scale poisoning and losses of cranes in the 1980s. “They were then regarded in agricultural circles as birds that cause damage. Now it is mostly when farm people poison geese and guinea fowl for food that cranes are killed in the process.” The group, which since its establishment has managed a programme to try to prevent the large-scale losses of cranes, appointed a fieldworker to investigate burning issues and give advice to and raise awareness among farmers, thanks to funding from Engen and the Lotto. The fieldworker works closely with the African Crane Conservation Programme and attends national congresses to give input and stay on top of trends. Data is gathered to monitor the population numbers and the changing habitat of cranes. “There is also a programme to ring cranes to monitor the population spread, as well as determine biological information such as longevity and age with the first brood,” D’Alton says. The fieldworker also presents talks at local schools. Raising awareness with Eskom, such as having the power utility make power lines more visible through visual bird deterrents, has been so effective that Eskom began contacting the crane group be-
fore erecting power lines to make sure they would not have impact on the cranes. According to D’Alton, the blue crane numbers, which had been on the decline, have turned and are climbing, thanks to the local campaign. D’Alton regrets the fact that the group could not establish a membership programme. The group currently comprises himself and two members of CapeNature – André Marais and Kevin Shaw – and local residents Wicus Leeuwner and Malcolm Gordon, and Danella Young from the animal demography unit at the University of Cape Town. The group is not oriented towards fundraising and is worried after the corporate contributions have dried up. However, it still works closely with organisations such as Cape Nature, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) and Birdlife South Africa. According to D’Alton, it is difficult to determine what the impact will be if the group no longer operates. “If the awareness ends, the birds will be in danger.” He believes that current farming practices in the area, such as cut wheatlands and grazing areas, are favourable for the birds. If the group continues to exist, it will continuously seek the best options and conduct research on the conservation of the crane population. The biggest worry, though, is that the group will disband and no-one will know of the dwindling blue crane population. . For information on the Overberg Blue Crane Group go to
SPORTIEF: Op Dinsdag 22 Januarie het die Bredasdorpers weer hope gees gewys deur ywerig aan die kleure-atletiekbyeenkoms deel te neem en hul entoesiasme op die paviljoen uit te leef. Die Blou-span, met hul tema “Then and Now”, het die atletiek-trofee verower en die Goud-span se tema, “Step Up”, het aan hulle die geesbeker besorg. Die volgende Bredasdorpers het na afloop van die kleure-byeenkoms toekennings ontvang: Jenna Pratt (Nedbank-wisseltrofee vir die veelsydigste meisie); Chiswinn Ahrends (Nedbank-wisseltrofee vir die veelsydigste seun); Austin Murtz (junior victor ludorum, o.14 en o.15); Sanri Bezuidenhout (junior victrix ludorum, o.14 en o.15); Chiswinn Ahrends (senior victor ludorum, o.17 en o.19); Jenna Pratt en Christi van Lill (gesamentlik senior victrix ludorum o.17 en o.19). Franco Zirkman het ’n toekenning vir spontane deelname ontvang. FOTO: VERSKAF
Did you know? Fast facts on the blue crane ) The most recent blue crane census, com piled in a national project in 2008, indicated that there are between 22 000 and 24 000 blue cranes in South Africa. ) Approximately50%ofSouthAfrica’sblue cranes – or 10 000 – are found in the Over berg. ) It is estimated that there were 50 000 or 60 000 blue cranes in South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s.
) Expertssaythedeclineinbluecranenum bers stems from forestry, the draining of wetlands and changes in grasslands. Power lines also pose a threat. ) Blue cranes are endemic, which means they only occur in South Africa – except for a small group of about 40 in Namibia. ) The blue crane is South Africa’s national bird. Although it is not classified as a threat ened species, it is regarded as “vulnerable”.